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Response to Telegraph (Mohammed Hijab Bursts into Song) (2022-10-01)


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Summary of Response to Telegraph (Mohammed Hijab Bursts into Song)

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

"Response to Telegraph (Mohammed Hijab Bursts into Song)" is a response to an article published in the Telegraph about Mohammed Hijab, a Muslim teenager who burst into song. criticizes the Telegraph for its poor journalism and for including a section about the teenager's father without properly sourcing it. also criticizes Catherine Lau, the author of the Telegraph article, for not doing her own research.

00:00:00 The journalist Patrick Sawyer produced a libelous article about Mohammed Hijab, alleging that he has never attended anti-Jewish protests and is instead a supporter of pro-Palestine causes. Hijab responds by suing Sawyer for defamation, and the video ends with a preview of his upcoming court case.

  • 00:05:00 is a response to an article published in the Telegraph about a Muslim teenager who burst into song. The teenager's father is interviewed and it is revealed that the father does not approve of his son's singing. criticizes the Telegraph for its poor journalism and for including a section about the teenager's father without properly sourcing it. also criticizes Catherine Lau, the author of the Telegraph article, for not doing her own research.
  • 00:10:00 thanks the crowd for their support, and tells them that they are now the "resistance." He goes on to say that because of this, he is worried about Italy, but that the Muslim people are creating a positive image for themselves. Finally, the speaker tells the crowd that they should enjoy themselves and put their worries aside.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Martina
0:00:13 Patrick Sawyer
0:00:15 a senior journalist at the telegraph who
0:00:18 produced a piece about me
0:00:20 some time ago
0:00:23 a completely libelous piece where he
0:00:27 misrepresents me
0:00:29 completely in fact forget about just
0:00:31 misrepresenting me he misrepresents the
0:00:34 entire situation
0:00:35 in Leicester between the hindutva and
0:00:38 the Muslim people let's take a look at
0:00:40 what he looks like
0:00:42 because it's already on the public
0:00:44 record he's got a an open Twitter
0:00:46 account there's no problems here in fact
0:00:48 he was showing pictures of me as well in
0:00:50 fact mentioning where I live
0:00:53 I think he lives in Middlesex London
0:00:55 just to return the favor to him since he
0:00:58 has tried to expose where I live no
0:01:00 problem you live in Middlesex London I
0:01:03 think it is anyway
0:01:05 no matter this individual will now have
0:01:08 to present himself
0:01:10 in a court of law
0:01:12 because he is officially being sued now
0:01:15 whether or not he wins the case
0:01:17 is aside the point the fact that you
0:01:20 decided to misrepresent me in the ways
0:01:22 that you have
0:01:24 means now that you will be
0:01:25 inconvenienced with a court case
0:01:29 but what wouldn't be known is that I
0:01:32 actually gave you an opportunity to make
0:01:34 reasonable retractions I recorded the
0:01:38 conversation that I had with you in kind
0:01:39 and in that conversation I went through
0:01:42 piece by piece
0:01:45 what exactly was misrepresentative about
0:01:49 that article
0:01:50 the first thing I said to you as you can
0:01:53 hear
0:01:54 will you be able to hear is that I have
0:01:57 never
0:01:58 and will never
0:02:00 or don't have the time or any kind of
0:02:02 inclination
0:02:04 to attend supposed
0:02:06 anti-jewish protests
0:02:09 the only ever protests I've attended
0:02:12 or spearheaded or been a party to
0:02:16 are pro-palissinian protests and unless
0:02:19 in your mind
0:02:21 the two Notions are equivalent
0:02:24 then this is nothing but pure
0:02:27 misrepresentation and in fact not just
0:02:30 that it's a clear attempt by the media
0:02:34 to employ
0:02:36 this kind of
0:02:39 censoriousness
0:02:41 or to create a culture of sensoriousness
0:02:45 for individuals who are activists for
0:02:47 the Palestinian cause by labeling them
0:02:50 with the worst kind of labels I have to
0:02:53 break it to you not only is this unfair
0:02:58 is it illegal in this country for you to
0:03:01 say something like that but also
0:03:04 it is something which now demonstrates
0:03:07 your desperation and the fact that
0:03:10 you've lost the argument
0:03:12 the fact is this
0:03:15 I have had conversations with Jewish
0:03:17 people debates with Jewish people
0:03:20 debates with Zionist people countless
0:03:22 debates
0:03:24 countless debates
0:03:26 and all of them were favorable to me as
0:03:29 you can see with the hundred actually
0:03:31 not hundreds of thousands I would say
0:03:33 tens of millions of people who have
0:03:35 viewed such debates I've even produced a
0:03:37 book on the matter of Zionist terrorism
0:03:44 and so after the public
0:03:47 have seen this and millions of people
0:03:49 have been affected
0:03:51 and that the white top the intellectual
0:03:54 white towel has been thrown in
0:03:57 this is what you have to resort to Now
0:03:59 isn't it you now have to resort instead
0:04:02 of trying to defeat me with facts
0:04:05 and scholarly references and citations
0:04:08 now it's anti-jewish okay
0:04:12 even though there are unequivocal
0:04:14 statements on this very channel of me
0:04:17 speaking against anti-Semitism but let's
0:04:19 disregard that not even mention that and
0:04:22 refer to me as answer Jewish does that
0:04:24 you do you think you have
0:04:26 proven yourself to be victorious
0:04:28 in so doing or is this a great defeat
0:04:31 for you
0:04:32 and for for all I know you're you are an
0:04:35 Italian man
0:04:37 you're an Italian man you've got you've
0:04:39 got no dog in the fight anyway but of
0:04:41 course you're working for the telegraph
0:04:44 and the telegraph has its own history
0:04:47 secondly
0:04:49 you mentioned other things in the
0:04:50 article which I explained to you I've
0:04:51 never said you say he's a
0:04:54 self-described scholar
0:04:57 or self-proclaimed scholar
0:04:59 I've never made such Proclamation
0:05:03 and I explicitly told you on the phone
0:05:05 that that was the case you lied again
0:05:07 and said yes I found it on your website
0:05:09 you will not find any such statement on
0:05:11 my website now you may see this is a
0:05:13 point of triviality
0:05:15 but it's not trivial for me because if
0:05:16 you're a journalist who's Integris the
0:05:20 point is you're meant to be able to
0:05:22 quote things properly
0:05:23 and if you're incompetent negligent
0:05:26 foolish
0:05:27 low IQ to the point where you can't even
0:05:30 copy and paste things properly something
0:05:33 at year 10 can do a competent year 10
0:05:35 can do forget about that even a year
0:05:37 eight or nine can do
0:05:38 in this country then what are you doing
0:05:41 as a senior journalist in something like
0:05:43 the telegraph
0:05:45 thirdly
0:05:46 he actually starts speaking about my
0:05:48 relationship with my father
0:05:50 I want to know why and he says I spoke
0:05:53 to a close relative
0:05:55 by the way you couldn't have spoken to a
0:05:58 close relative because I don't have many
0:06:00 close relatives in this country
0:06:03 and in fact the ones that I do have in
0:06:06 this country were broad for the most
0:06:08 part and it's impossible for you to have
0:06:11 such information in fact if you had
0:06:14 spoken to a close relative can you
0:06:16 please reveal the source because I'm
0:06:18 telling you that it is practically
0:06:21 operationally impossible but for you to
0:06:24 include a section on an article related
0:06:27 to Hindu hindutva Muslim tensions about
0:06:30 my relationship with my father not only
0:06:33 demonstrates the height the epitome of
0:06:36 desperation shows the public the extent
0:06:40 to which you
0:06:42 are trying to spin smear or you're
0:06:45 involved in the smear campaign against
0:06:47 me
0:06:49 but now you've become famous
0:06:52 yes not only inconvenienced
0:06:54 you thought you could put up this
0:06:55 article you and Catherine Lau let's take
0:06:57 a picture of C Catherine Lau for some
0:06:59 reason she is someone who's on this
0:07:01 article she hasn't contacted me at all
0:07:04 she didn't do any of her own checks
0:07:07 checks at all so she puts her name on an
0:07:10 article like this I know that she is a
0:07:13 feminist maybe she's agitated by my
0:07:15 anti-feminist views maybe she is
0:07:17 agitated by me somehow or some reason
0:07:19 maybe she wants to maybe maybe maybe
0:07:21 she's just trying to get climbed you
0:07:23 know the career ladder
0:07:25 what people will do nowadays to climb a
0:07:28 karelada what's next we're going to do
0:07:30 next for climbing career ladder transmit
0:07:31 somebody a community not mention the
0:07:34 fact that there's a hindutva problem in
0:07:36 Leicester which is a far right
0:07:39 radical
0:07:40 organization that if anybody knew
0:07:43 yes if anybody knew if its roots
0:07:47 connected to the RSS
0:07:50 the second Chief of which actually
0:07:51 praised the Holocaust and called for one
0:07:55 all of that has been is conspicuously
0:07:58 absent in your article but you want to
0:08:01 focus on Muhammad hijab and his
0:08:02 relationship with his father
0:08:07 do you think this is good reporting and
0:08:08 good journalism is this in the public
0:08:09 interest
0:08:11 I don't think this is in the public
0:08:12 interest but both of you collaborated on
0:08:14 this point so I'm wondering why
0:08:16 Catherine Lau
0:08:18 why you put your name to such a thing
0:08:22 didn't you think it would drag you down
0:08:23 as well did you think there would be no
0:08:25 consequence to such
0:08:28 a written piece did you think there'll
0:08:30 be no legal consequence no PR
0:08:33 consequence you're dealing with a public
0:08:35 figure
0:08:36 who has a viewership
0:08:39 which is comparable to the telegraph
0:08:41 itself
0:08:44 are you mad
0:08:45 did you think there was not going to be
0:08:47 a response
0:08:50 how can you throw stones when you live
0:08:52 in a glass house
0:08:54 your viewership is restricted to the
0:08:55 United Kingdom
0:08:57 our viewership is not restricted to the
0:08:59 United Kingdom now you've become famous
0:09:01 in all kinds of countries
0:09:04 you go to Malaysia somehow isn't that
0:09:06 Patrick Sauer isn't that the liar
0:09:09 you go to uh any Arab country oh it's
0:09:12 not the liar
0:09:13 that tried to defame
0:09:15 one of our guys
0:09:17 well
0:09:19 even if you go to Italy you're ashamed
0:09:22 to journalism you are a disgrace the
0:09:25 journalism you're a disgrace to the
0:09:27 Italian people the Italian people the
0:09:29 good Italian people in fact you've put
0:09:32 us in a position
0:09:33 where you have made the people see the
0:09:36 extent to which the new Mavericks
0:09:39 the new outcasts are in fact this Muslim
0:09:42 population in Britain
0:09:44 why are you so desperate to paint them
0:09:46 out in a bad way
0:09:48 because you know
0:09:50 you know that Islam and Islamic
0:09:53 civilization
0:09:55 is something which you're trying to put
0:09:57 your foot on it's the sleeping giant
0:09:59 which if it wakes up
0:10:02 all kinds of things will take place
0:10:03 you're trying your best
0:10:06 but we are now the resistance the legal
0:10:09 resistance
0:10:10 and I say this from a
0:10:12 movement perspective
0:10:14 we are now
0:10:16 like the farmers in Italy so now we you
0:10:20 put us on a bad mood Patrick's hour
0:10:23 and now I'm sorry to say I'm worried for
0:10:26 Italy maybe it's going in a fascistic
0:10:28 direction hopefully it's not
0:10:30 but uh
0:10:32 we have become the Mavericks now the
0:10:34 anti-established Mavericks the Muslim
0:10:36 people and you're helping us
0:10:39 create this image
0:10:41 so what I have to say to put us in a
0:10:43 good mood
0:10:44 is
0:11:13 foreign
0:11:20 [Applause]
0:11:21 [Laughter]
0:11:25 [Applause]