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How to DISPROVE the BIBLE with ONE ARGUMENT|| Br. Mohammed Hijab (2016-07-18)

## Description

This video explains why 'if you are a fan of science' that the most coherent religious narrative to subscribe to is the Islamic one. This is not to say that science is perfect, as there are what Thomas Kuhn calls 'paradigm shifts' which means that even established scientific facts/ the framework in which science operates can change from time to time.

Islamic References:-

Ahmed Ibn Hanbal - as is narrated by his students. Abu Muhammad al Juwani (438 HD) Al istawaai al fawqiyah Ibn Taymiyyah - Kitab al Arsh (Fatwa)(728 AH)

For those who say that the earth is depicted as flat in the Quran as a desperate attempt to disprove it, they ought to refer to the oldest dictionaries of Arabic (like mufradaat al Quran) which refer to the word urd as meaning that which is below your feet as well as the whole planet. So when Allah refers to 'spreading the earth' as he does in many places in the Quran using different arabic words like maddadnah, farashna and 'wal urd kayo suthiat' this is clearly referring to the crust of the earth which is below our feet, and had this not been the case the scholars above would have said the earth was flat based on these verses.

Christian sources:-

Acts 10 v 11

Matthew 4:8 says, “Once again, the devil took him to a very high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world [cosmos] in their glory.”

In Job 9:6 it says, "Who shakes the earth out of its place, and its pillars (ydwmu) tremble." The LXX says, "Who shakes the earth under heaven from its foundations and its pillars (stuloi) totter." In Psalm 75:3 it says, "The earth and all its inhabitants are melting away; I set firm its pillars (ydwmu)." The LXX says, "I have strengthened its pillars (stuloi)." In I Samuel 2:8 it says, "For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s and he had set the world upon them." The Hebrew word for pillar is yqxm. The root is qx meaning "to melt" (BDB 1980, 848). Therefore, yqxm means, "a molten like pillar." The only other place it occurs is in I Samuel 14:5 referring to a mountain. Probably the pillars of the earth are the same thing as the foundations of the earth which were mountains.

Summary of How to DISPROVE the BIBLE with ONE ARGUMENT|| Br. Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

Br. Mohammed Hijab discusses how to disprove the Bible with one argument. He points out that early Islamic scholars believed in the flat earth, and that if the Bible is all from God, then God must know what he's talking about when he speaks about natural things. He then goes on to discuss the parable of the talents in chapter 9 of Job, and how it can be interpreted to show that the earth is not round. He concludes by asking the audience whether they are able to see the truth in what he has said.

*00:00:00 Discusses how the Bible can be interpreted in different ways, and how one can believe in the Bible without believing in science. He goes on to say that the Quran also supports the theory that the earth is round.

  • 00:05:00 Br. Mohammed Hijab discusses how to disprove the Bible with one argument. He points out that early Islamic scholars believed in the flat earth, and that if the Bible is all from God, then God must know what he's talking about when he speaks about natural things. He then goes on to discuss the parable of the talents in chapter 9 of Job, and how it can be interpreted to show that the earth is not round. He concludes by asking the audience whether they are able to see the truth in what he has said.
  • 00:10:00 explains how to disprove the Bible using one argument. states that the depiction of the biblical earth in is flat, and it could be because it says the circle of the earth in the Bible. also states that the Bible has a verse which can be interpreted in a way to suggest that the earth is round. argues that this is not a superimposing of a scientific narrative on top of religious beliefs, but the truth which people of that time had identified.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 and adidas fee so he also daddy what do
0:00:06 I either would you me I thought that's
0:00:12 just I'd you know I was just saying to
0:00:13 you what should ever get more time
0:00:15 Jackie Chan just your first episode new
0:00:21 car basically was that well will sent
0:00:23 you as I do respect I do respect for you
0:00:26 guys a colorful your Christians and your
0:00:28 literalists and you believe in the Bible
0:00:29 as is and you know why I respect that I
0:00:31 do really respect that because in the
0:00:35 West that we've had this kind of
0:00:36 revolution Enlightenment period and
0:00:37 scientific revolution dust relation all
0:00:39 these different things have led people
0:00:42 to insert interpreting the Bible which
0:00:43 in a way which doesn't fit the classic
0:00:45 works of Jesus which is actually for it
0:00:47 is not in line with you know the the
0:00:51 actual way that people we should
0:00:52 interpret in a pot and the truth can't
0:00:54 change can it so if you believe in the
0:00:56 Bible you believe in the Bible
0:00:58 yeah yeah you believe in it the Bible in
0:01:00 a way which is straightforward the text
0:01:04 speaks for itself
0:01:04 is from God right yeah alright so while
0:01:08 we're speaking Jim about and I hopefully
0:01:10 get you involved I know you're
0:01:11 interesting person to speak to and you
0:01:14 gonna bid like mine a general I like to
0:01:15 bid thank you Sheikh how do you shave me
0:01:18 like this quite nice
0:01:22 seriously we have a lot of the vapors
0:01:24 I'm a discussion person I'm taking one
0:01:26 too I mean Jesus so what we're saying
0:01:28 was really the point I was going to make
0:01:31 was just one way I'm not saying that
0:01:33 science just as a disclaimer as a caveat
0:01:35 I'm not saying that science is the
0:01:38 measuring stick by which influent off' i
0:01:41 whether religion is true or not true it
0:01:44 in an in a complete sense i think that
0:01:46 would be an extreme case and the reason
0:01:48 why that is is because i believe that
0:01:50 science goes true can come here this
0:01:52 guy's my man and i believe that science
0:01:57 can have way what thomas kuhn called you
0:01:59 know Thomas Kuhn is the philosopher of
0:02:01 science he said science can have like
0:02:03 paradigm shifts I've said that I think
0:02:06 that there are some rudimentary facts of
0:02:08 science that we can all agree to and one
0:02:11 of the things that I think is quite
0:02:12 rudimentary is the shape of die would
0:02:16 you agree with me that the shape of the
0:02:18 earth is round
0:02:20 you said to be a drunk are you sad about
0:02:23 yes that's fine because I was asking
0:02:28 this money because I was actually in 2%
0:02:32 air and asked them how old is the
0:02:35 universe they replied by saying six
0:02:38 thousand years old is that correct yeah
0:02:40 you believe the successor I'm not
0:02:42 entirely 100% asylum I will research
0:02:45 everything oh yeah I lost my current
0:02:48 stance which is a bactrim other way
0:02:49 would you do anyone sense like you do
0:02:51 what she goes to school like you need
0:02:53 something yeah I go second I don't go
0:02:58 second to school unless you see that
0:03:00 young yeah yeah asking this ahead kind
0:03:04 of me has for yourself you said that
0:03:08 would you say that be the university
0:03:10 colleges oh maybe I don't know
0:03:13 constantly make this money so that this
0:03:16 wrong person on the Bible that indicates
0:03:20 the fact that the earth is flat if you
0:03:25 look at the book of Job chapter number
0:03:27 nine verse number six it says the
0:03:30 answers only flap way can be shaken out
0:03:33 of this pillage so the earth has pillars
0:03:34 the depiction of the public worth is
0:03:36 that it's flat and it has penis like a
0:03:38 table all right in the book of Matthew
0:03:42 chapter number 8 that's number 4 as you
0:03:43 very well know Jesus was taken to the
0:03:46 higher the top of a very high mountain
0:03:48 and I said that he saw all the kingdoms
0:03:50 of yes
0:03:50 that must be the earth is flat
0:03:54 is there anything yeah because surely on
0:03:57 the other side if you look at for
0:03:59 example at the Book of Psalms chapter on
0:04:01 with a 73 sorry chaps from 75 bus number
0:04:05 three once again talks about the earth
0:04:08 being flat and having pillars well you
0:04:10 look at the book of Acts chapter number
0:04:12 10 verse number 11 he talks about a big
0:04:14 shoot comin appeal was talking it in a
0:04:16 big sheet comes from the sky and it
0:04:18 covers all four corners of the earth so
0:04:20 it's very clear here that the biblical
0:04:21 depiction of the earth is a flower now
0:04:23 in the Quran it says in Chapter number
0:04:25 39 verse number five you cope with
0:04:28 Leyland's enough we called on the hala
0:04:30 Lane what's up her Shamsul tamo-guna
0:04:32 edge it in the edge any Muslim map so
0:04:35 the scholars of exegesis of the past
0:04:38 scholars I interpret the pride of the
0:04:40 past they said that this verse makes it
0:04:43 very clear that the earth is going round
0:04:45 is must be round because this was tack
0:04:49 we go will in this verse and therefore a
0:04:55 middle hammer is one of the few died in
0:04:57 2.1 haben team here's another one who's
0:04:59 accorded mount issue even has it was the
0:05:01 third one adjoining enforcement is
0:05:04 welcome other scholars second that said
0:05:05 before time what a full time that the
0:05:08 earth is round
0:05:09 now I'm not saying that Islamic
0:05:11 literature there's not a scroll out
0:05:12 there that says that the earth is flat
0:05:13 the interpreter on to say that but what
0:05:15 I'm saying is we have in our literature
0:05:17 those early scholars will seem to help
0:05:19 those around and every choice run is
0:05:20 over in the Bible do I have them
0:05:23 so just if you are because you started
0:05:26 off by saying that the office round if
0:05:29 you truly believe that the earth is
0:05:31 round after the Muslim but if you are
0:05:35 sticking to the fact that the earth is
0:05:37 round
0:05:37 yep believe in the scripture that tells
0:05:39 you clearly that the earth is flat and
0:05:41 has pillars and there's no other way of
0:05:43 interpreting this then that will do a
0:05:46 contradiction in the way you apply your
0:05:48 standards that's how you sit how do you
0:05:53 roll this round if you want to read
0:05:56 something out in the scriptures to pipe
0:05:58 in is etc this is a mystery where you
0:06:02 believe in the Bible
0:06:03 I do but the Bible must be all from God
0:06:05 absolutely now but I would have minded
0:06:08 if the Bible is all from God God must
0:06:09 know what he's talking about so if God
0:06:12 knows what he's talking about
0:06:13 then he must when he refers to natural
0:06:15 things he must refer to them in a way
0:06:17 which is accurate if I'm really because
0:06:20 I think the Bible you should know you
0:06:22 saw us in parables so no but so you're
0:06:25 your baby you don't believe the nation
0:06:26 in s and s in there so you don't believe
0:06:28 in literature Sigma so one God talks
0:06:30 about things you're talking about
0:06:31 everything is about it says it's very
0:06:35 common which good just are in peril can
0:06:37 you prove to me that job chapter number
0:06:39 number six
0:06:40 because job
0:06:43 can you get me a buddy please come from
0:06:47 our and without no you are a very high
0:06:58 profile ship interesting person you'll
0:07:04 be able to do this with ease with
0:07:05 consider wheeze 9 chapter 9 verse 6 this
0:07:11 treatment might be going from 9 to 6
0:07:13 then we've got - I'm verse 6 and we went
0:07:15 from one so you can read it something
0:07:17 drawn we go from get it I can't sing
0:07:21 sorry read it from one
0:07:27 without thinking of face I'm sorry
0:07:33 it shakes the earth from its place and
0:07:37 makes its pillars kill me
0:07:41 and see what's sf6 yeah yeah
0:07:44 you may read restaurant okay he speaks
0:07:52 to the song and and it does not show
0:07:57 issues ensues the light of the stars he
0:08:02 alone searches out in heaven and treads
0:08:07 on the waters to see so that their
0:08:13 education the whole world is flat the
0:08:15 first part was it is that bit so you
0:08:17 just took one bit yeah so tell me what
0:08:20 what how will you see that as not the
0:08:21 earth hasn't got Phyllis learning that's
0:08:23 a pollution got it in reading scripture
0:08:26 so chapter 9 verse six off job I'm not
0:08:28 trying to look honestly I like you're a
0:08:30 nice guy I'm not trying to hurt your
0:08:32 feelings
0:08:32 okay not good at working either please
0:08:34 we're seeking the truth the truth sorry
0:08:37 alright it's a parable so I see as you
0:08:39 see the power so you all right then
0:08:41 bring a few donor partners lie on my
0:08:42 mind assembly you're here to help me
0:08:43 understand I don't that's fine you don't
0:08:46 Sunday nine one so your boy do you
0:08:48 understand it enough to say the parable
0:08:50 but go ahead and look at if you want to
0:08:52 look at psalms chapter number
0:08:54 seventy-five Muslim three but now please
0:08:56 Konami movie about is our a professor
0:08:58 yeah and I think dark tell such a sci-fi
0:09:03 plus three which is fine okay yes please
0:09:07 your we're aware of your Bible what do
0:09:09 you want seven five three
0:09:14 by the way guys I just want to say this
0:09:16 that the Quran from the very beginning
0:09:20 when we talk about there being marina
0:09:22 joinery defensible marine 75357 t5 35
0:09:32 will you mean that you eat is just one
0:09:34 word you read over getting from we're
0:09:42 talking sir your swear I'm sorry
0:09:44 and here's a microscope your cow let's
0:09:51 find them very easily when of an older
0:09:54 people quake it is I who spills burn so
0:10:01 and so God holds the pillars of the
0:10:03 earth its pillars Gareth has pillars in
0:10:06 the Bible the earth has pillars in the
0:10:09 Bible Phyllis me you know about you know
0:10:10 a pillar is my friend yes that's right
0:10:15 because the depiction of the biblical
0:10:17 earth is flat it could be because it
0:10:21 says the circle of the earth in the
0:10:22 Bible
0:10:23 it could be a disk but also has pillars
0:10:26 tell me is that correct you think the
0:10:30 Bible flat and has penis is there as
0:10:33 flat as police is that surrounded do you
0:10:45 agree with the Bible would you agree
0:10:46 with the fact that the earth is round
0:10:47 after B which is wrong you're going
0:10:50 about a spill ISM what pillars means
0:10:52 like a table you know a table you've
0:10:54 seen a table before yeah a table is
0:10:57 something which is like this and it has
0:11:00 legs
0:11:00 so villas act as stabilizers right they
0:11:05 work only with flowers it's not powerful
0:11:09 this is more than one verse if it was
0:11:11 one verse we could say it's a parable
0:11:12 but what you tell me what you do the
0:11:15 opposite gives a feeling in the Bible
0:11:17 yeah that's what you believe so Mars is
0:11:19 a pillar nice support buttons if that's
0:11:21 what you look at you believe do you
0:11:23 believe in them I said it opens doors
0:11:25 right so you believe in the climb there
0:11:27 because the for the Quranic scripture of
0:11:29 the three Abrahamic religions are the
0:11:31 only ones as only scripture that has a
0:11:34 verse in the Quran well verse in the
0:11:36 Quran that can be interpreted in a way
0:11:37 to suggest that the earth is round and
0:11:39 the only scripture which has scholars
0:11:41 predating a thousand years ago saying
0:11:44 that the earth is round so it's not as
0:11:46 in superimposing this narrative
0:11:48 scientific narrative
0:11:50 it's the truth which people of that time
0:11:52 had identified the elephant leaders fear
0:12:00 someo so dirty
0:12:04 would you me