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00:00:00 - 00:40:00

two Muslims debate the issue of Israel and Palestine. The first Muslim argues that, because of the recent violence in Gaza and East Jerusalem, the Israeli government is "catastrophic" for the people there. The second Muslim argues that condemnation of violence and death is important, and that the two sides should be able to live together in peace.

00:00:00 The Muslim debate on Israel is intense and engaging. The participants discuss the Quran's teachings on relationships between Muslims and Jews, and how to give victory to the Muslim brother who is the oppressor. They also talk about how to deal with hostile individuals in the Muslim community.

  • 00:05:00 , two Muslims debate the issue of Israel and Palestine. The first Muslim argues that, because of the recent violence in Gaza and East Jerusalem, the Israeli government is "catastrophic" for the people there. The second Muslim argues that condemnation of violence and death is important, and that the two sides should be able to live together in peace.
  • 00:10:00 The Muslim Jewish debate on Israel 2021 centers around the issue of settlements in East Jerusalem and the West Bank. points out that, while some people may view the Israeli children as victims, the reality is that all people, regardless of their ethnicity or religion, suffer when conflict occurs.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses issue of Israel and its relation to the Palestinians. The presenter points out that, historically, Britain had no mandate in Palestine, and that the British were essentially colonizing the area. They then discuss the Balfour Declaration, in which Britain pledged to create a Jewish homeland in Palestine. This led to the creation of Israel, which many Palestinians view as an example of imperialist colonialism.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses historical origins of Israel, and the perceived morality of their establishment. argues that, while Israel may have been founded in an oppressive way, it is still a legitimate state, and that anyone who opposes its existence is an anti-semite.
  • 00:25:00 Brother discusses his intense Muslim Jewish debate on Israel 2021, in which he argues that jews have been persecuted and oppressed throughout history, and that the current situation is the worst in history. He declares his intention to run for Prime Minister of Israel in 2021.
  • 00:30:00 A Muslim Jewish debate over Israel 2021 focuses on the history of the British Empire and the terrorist actions of Jewish organizations against British colonists. Muhammad argues that these organizations are equivalent to, and therefore justification for, the British attacking and ultimately kicking out the colonists. His opponent contends that Islam does not condone violence, and that the British actions were unjustified and ultimately harmful to the Palestinians.
  • 00:35:00 In this intense Muslim Jewish debate, one participant argues that Judaism and Islam have many similarities, but one major difference is that Judaism is not a race or religion, while Islam is. Jews and Muslims can both serve God in their own way, but there is a theological difference between them in that Muslims believe that accepting Islam is the only way to go to paradise.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses debate between Muslims and Jews over Israel. Muslims condemn Israel for its involvement in terrorism, while Jews maintain that the two groups have different beliefs and that the Jews are superior to the Gentiles. points out that while Hamas is condemned by the international community, Israel has been funded by the United States, which raises questions about Hamas' motives.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 don't worry i'll keep you secure yeah
0:00:01 well if he's gonna say one of my
0:00:02 brothers are trying to attack you
0:00:04 oh no no no no okay no look the thing is
0:00:07 very casual yesterday we want to go this
0:00:09 way they know about it yeah yes okay the
0:00:10 video's not even out yeah look we went
0:00:12 there to have a discussion
0:00:13 yeah but the point is this year we need
0:00:15 to understand brothers and sisters here
0:00:17 this that is anti-semitic future that
0:00:18 nobody can come and see because we know
0:00:20 they're using the whole narrative of if
0:00:21 you talk against israel and symmetra i
0:00:23 don't buy that
0:00:23 i don't think you guys will buy it
0:00:25 because it's good it's as good as and
0:00:26 you might disagree with me
0:00:27 it's as good as isis coming and seeing
0:00:29 your islamic folk for talking against us
0:00:31 that's why i believe
0:00:32 so the first thing is this yeah any
0:00:34 thunks i'm telling you well now don't
0:00:35 give you're a muslim i don't give a damn
0:00:37 if you think you're brave enough to come
0:00:39 and two people who come to the park
0:00:41 regularly where we have nice discussions
0:00:42 i don't even let me tell you even if the
0:00:44 pro is is ready we will have an
0:00:46 intellectual discussion so i want to
0:00:48 make that very categorically clear
0:00:50 anyone that gets resourced to violence
0:00:52 against anybody
0:00:53 you're a weak individual and this is
0:00:55 what you have to do can i add to that as
0:00:56 well
0:00:56 can i add to that this is very important
0:00:58 okay this is extremely important
0:01:00 the the way you need to deal with people
0:01:03 in life
0:01:04 okay the quran says
0:01:09 whoever tries to seek retribution for
0:01:12 after they have been oppressed
0:01:13 there's no there's no there's no blame
0:01:16 on them okay
0:01:17 but what i want to say is that means to
0:01:19 say that if anyone
0:01:22 guys please please if listen if someone
0:01:25 is coming to you with positive
0:01:27 and energy right and they are
0:01:30 not trying to do anything to you by
0:01:33 virtue of the fact that they're jewish
0:01:35 now you will start to be aggressive
0:01:37 towards them then what's the difference
0:01:38 between
0:01:39 what we are condemning and what you are
0:01:40 becoming
0:01:42 this is my question what is the
0:01:43 difference between what we are
0:01:44 condemning and what you are becoming
0:01:46 because most of the time we become what
0:01:48 we condemn
0:01:50 you know and this is a psychoanalytic
0:01:52 situation you know someone gets bullied
0:01:53 they become
0:01:54 the bully we can't afford to be like
0:01:57 that
0:01:58 with jewish people and muslim people we
0:02:01 have had
0:02:02 a beautiful history i don't know what
0:02:03 your views are on the history of isla of
0:02:05 judaism and islam
0:02:06 but sir michael gilbert and others even
0:02:09 bernard lewis who is an audiences
0:02:10 has has rated the jewish experience
0:02:14 in muslim lands the point being is this
0:02:17 the conflation
0:02:18 that is being made between zionism
0:02:22 and judaism is a dangerous conflation
0:02:25 and if the muslim community make that
0:02:28 conflation
0:02:29 and as a result of it start to baja
0:02:33 and to attack and to try and cause
0:02:35 intolerance to the jewish community
0:02:37 believe you me you have not only
0:02:39 betrayed yourselves
0:02:40 but you have betrayed the prophet
0:02:41 muhammad and you have betrayed islam
0:02:45 because this is not the way he used to
0:02:46 act at all even and you know let me tell
0:02:49 you something else you know that most of
0:02:50 your brothers are like that most of the
0:02:52 brothers come to the park yeah
0:02:53 we talk and we converse normally no but
0:02:55 i want to say this even if one of them
0:02:58 if i get news or if ali gets news
0:03:01 or if hersham gets news on one sword any
0:03:03 of us get news
0:03:04 that there are muslims in this park that
0:03:07 are causing
0:03:07 people like aaron rabbi aaron and rabbi
0:03:10 yoel no
0:03:11 rabbi okay no problem he's being humble
0:03:14 he's being humble
0:03:16 it's pleasure no no i'm telling you this
0:03:18 these police these useless
0:03:20 officers here that come into the car
0:03:21 that come into the park at 40 miles an
0:03:23 hour and run over children
0:03:24 almost honestly he ran it almost run
0:03:26 over a child this fools
0:03:29 they are not going to be the ones who
0:03:30 are going to have words with you let's
0:03:32 say
0:03:32 it's going to be us that have words with
0:03:34 you as the muslim community
0:03:36 we will have words with you and we will
0:03:38 boycott you and we will embarrass you
0:03:40 and we will not honestly because you
0:03:41 just want them to just if any of you
0:03:43 guys are here
0:03:44 and you see hostility is upon you to
0:03:46 defend them yeah okay it's up on you
0:03:48 because i would feel the same but if i'm
0:03:49 in a jewish community like we went to
0:03:50 golden screen yesterday okay
0:03:51 it got a little bit hostile some remarks
0:03:53 were made okay i would expect
0:03:55 and i'm sure if you guys were there
0:03:57 thank you if you was there you would
0:03:58 have said
0:03:59 hold on a second here even whatever it
0:04:00 may be so brother and sister is very
0:04:02 important since you got out of the way
0:04:03 are you satisfied
0:04:04 solely
0:04:08 let me tell you something i could make a
0:04:09 few new jokes and stuff like that but i
0:04:11 promise do you want to i promise you
0:04:12 i am not saying these words because of
0:04:14 cameras here and to make it so
0:04:16 i swear to god i am saying this because
0:04:17 i genuinely believe and if i was here
0:04:19 i would be on your side i'll make it
0:04:20 very clear now coming and
0:04:22 and on that sorry yeah just to add it no
0:04:24 you never interrupt me okay
0:04:26 the prophet muhammad
0:04:34 give victory to your brother meaning the
0:04:36 muslim brother whether they are the
0:04:38 oppressive
0:04:39 or the oppressor and they said how would
0:04:40 you how would you um
0:04:43 how would you uh give victory to someone
0:04:45 who's the oppressor he said that by
0:04:46 stopping the oppression
0:04:48 so listen the prophet sallallahu alaihi
0:04:51 wasallam had very
0:04:52 very cordial relationships with jewish
0:04:54 people well
0:04:55 even after wars took place even when the
0:04:57 jewish man died even after
0:04:59 wars took place and whilst wars were
0:05:01 taking place
0:05:02 he would have cordial relationships with
0:05:05 them
0:05:05 never and i'm saying this now confused
0:05:10 or a combatant and you know advocate for
0:05:13 the
0:05:14 science movement some hostile person
0:05:16 with
0:05:17 a jewish if we see that you do that and
0:05:18 i'm saying this again we will be the
0:05:20 first ones to be against you
0:05:22 no young person here can ever look at a
0:05:25 jewish person say this
0:05:26 let's go get what do you mean you
0:05:28 wouldn't be doing that if you knew that
0:05:29 he would
0:05:29 if they had something on them if they're
0:05:31 if they were not outnumbered
0:05:32 don't act cowardly this is cowardice
0:05:36 yeah where do you think this all this
0:05:38 hatred is coming from obviously there's
0:05:40 a source to it
0:05:41 all around the world yeah where do you
0:05:42 think this um we'll come to this one
0:05:44 but i wanted to engage with them yeah
0:05:46 exactly yes exactly
0:05:48 yeah we're gonna answer your question
0:05:49 we'll have questions what we want to do
0:05:50 with
0:05:51 the interview so the question on the
0:05:52 matter of israel and palestine yes
0:05:54 because look even if you're pro
0:05:55 we want to have a discussion so hijab
0:05:57 because this is
0:05:58 let's start with the job i want to ask
0:06:00 you just what discussion with your with
0:06:02 your
0:06:02 we're going to make it fast because the
0:06:04 simple thing is
0:06:06 i spoke to the chef before i said the
0:06:08 main point is we have to speak to each
0:06:09 other
0:06:10 and not about each other and not focus
0:06:12 on the media and focus as i said
0:06:14 to youtube all our followers because
0:06:15 then you have the full comments and
0:06:17 everyone
0:06:17 badging their own side or on twitter you
0:06:19 just talk about yourself
0:06:20 as long as we speak to each other we
0:06:23 talk to each other when you hear the
0:06:24 other side
0:06:25 then we agree far more than we do oh we
0:06:27 can do this here
0:06:28 they will not do it they will not be
0:06:30 doing it over there right now okay for
0:06:32 obvious reasons
0:06:33 this this is our you know what we're
0:06:35 looking at here
0:06:36 could be something which changes
0:06:38 societal momentum
0:06:40 across the world because we have to
0:06:42 bring back a state of normality
0:06:44 and peace honestly i'm not just saying
0:06:46 that fall as lip service i mean this
0:06:48 because
0:06:48 based on how this conversation goes
0:06:50 honestly it can make a difference
0:06:51 between life and death
0:06:53 someone some zionist or some terrorist
0:06:55 or whatever maybe
0:06:56 might get angered and aroused and then
0:06:58 start doing something which in the name
0:07:00 of judaism or zionism or islam whatever
0:07:02 it is that will will take us 10 years
0:07:03 back so what i'm saying is i just want
0:07:05 to ask you now
0:07:06 what is your view on the issues
0:07:09 uh just generally oh open question open
0:07:12 question is simple
0:07:13 condemn violence condemn death and it
0:07:16 should hurt
0:07:17 me and you for every innocent person or
0:07:20 even a combatant
0:07:22 because they only combatant because they
0:07:24 see no future they don't understand the
0:07:26 other side they don't understand each
0:07:28 other
0:07:28 and if they would only talk and find a
0:07:30 way to work each other's problems out
0:07:32 and understand each other's aspirations
0:07:34 then as we have spoken many times in the
0:07:36 past we understand each other and see
0:07:37 how much we would really agree
0:07:38 and i'll take it a step further i think
0:07:41 that the fact that
0:07:42 there is this belief in the world that
0:07:44 jews and muslims can't get along
0:07:46 is an imperialistic thing from
0:07:48 colonialist power like britain
0:07:50 who brought it to us to believe that
0:07:52 dividing and conquering people
0:07:54 is the way forward do you believe do you
0:07:56 agree then that
0:07:58 as the u.n uh says and human rights
0:08:01 watch and all of these organizations
0:08:03 that
0:08:03 the actions of the israeli government
0:08:05 have not only been disproportionate
0:08:07 but they have been catastrophic for the
0:08:10 people of gaza and they have been
0:08:11 unwarranted
0:08:12 in the sense that the damage that has
0:08:14 been done
0:08:15 has has been something which really
0:08:17 can't be undone
0:08:18 and unfortunately has caused more
0:08:20 problems in the middle east
0:08:21 in that area to what extent would you
0:08:24 agree with there's a lot of questions in
0:08:26 this one
0:08:26 there's a lot of questions to to get to
0:08:29 put together
0:08:29 right the simple concept is if we're
0:08:32 going to talk about
0:08:33 the what's happening now without going
0:08:36 into the reason course behind it
0:08:38 then it is yes to look at the current
0:08:40 form if you're going to look simply at
0:08:42 numbers are you going to look at the
0:08:43 reason
0:08:43 then yes it is something that is bad we
0:08:46 know it wants a house blown up no one
0:08:47 wants even a dog hurt in the side not in
0:08:49 gaza not in jerusalem not in alcott
0:08:52 no way definitely everyone would agree
0:08:54 with that so
0:08:55 but if you're going to go back and we're
0:08:56 going to take it a step backwards and
0:08:58 we're going to just go
0:08:59 first take facts and let's work with
0:09:00 that and work your way forward
0:09:02 and then work on our aspirations to
0:09:04 understand the two aspirations of two
0:09:06 people
0:09:07 right so i believe that these two people
0:09:08 could live together maybe in two states
0:09:11 or even one state
0:09:12 okay let's get let's talk about facts
0:09:14 right because the facts
0:09:15 are that 25 days before hamas even
0:09:18 launched a rocket
0:09:19 25 days before that happened al-aqsa
0:09:21 compound was
0:09:22 stormed and vice news has done a very
0:09:24 good piece on this you can watch it's a
0:09:25 20 minute piece
0:09:27 and in that they show that actually
0:09:28 al-aqsa was stormed
0:09:30 there was bullets being fired tear gas
0:09:32 being shot
0:09:33 people were being dispersing you see
0:09:34 women bleeding okay
0:09:36 and of course you have shaykh as well is
0:09:40 and this is very important to understand
0:09:42 according to the un
0:09:43 this whole east jerusalem area is not
0:09:46 under israeli uh it's not part of israel
0:09:49 for all intents and purposes
0:09:50 now my point is this is why is it that
0:09:53 you talk about reasons
0:09:54 for me the reasons are very clear is
0:09:55 provocation just like you know there's
0:09:57 the wailing wall and
0:09:58 other sacred sites and stuff like that
0:10:00 for jews
0:10:01 there also is and so on in east
0:10:04 jerusalem
0:10:05 i agree so would you not agree here that
0:10:08 the continued the continued situation
0:10:12 yeah perpetuation of problems in that
0:10:14 area with the cells
0:10:15 in the holy month but not only that it's
0:10:17 the settlements issue this is the issue
0:10:19 the settlements issue
0:10:20 you know it's you're not i'm not you of
0:10:22 course but israel so-called israel
0:10:24 because i don't agree with what they
0:10:25 consider themselves as to be honest with
0:10:26 you
0:10:27 they consider themselves as something
0:10:28 that we as the international community
0:10:30 completely they have all their own
0:10:31 definition what the country is which no
0:10:33 one else agrees with quite quite frankly
0:10:35 that israel have been doing in terms of
0:10:38 settlements in the area
0:10:40 not just in chicago in all of the areas
0:10:42 which they are not entitled to put
0:10:44 settlements in
0:10:44 okay in the west bank all of that area
0:10:47 that is
0:10:48 the heart of the problem if that did not
0:10:50 exist okay
0:10:51 then there could have been a discussion
0:10:53 about potentially two-state solutions
0:10:54 but like
0:10:55 yeah it always depends at which point we
0:10:58 roll back and circle back
0:11:00 to yes yes you can circle back to point
0:11:02 a
0:11:03 and then you can set it back to point b
0:11:04 point c a and depends how far you circle
0:11:06 back
0:11:07 to what you're going to see on the full
0:11:08 picture on the full image right
0:11:10 so what do you have to remember
0:11:11 something as follows right designs
0:11:13 in israel yes they don't see themselves
0:11:16 as oppressors i'm talking from their
0:11:18 perspective if you're going to meet the
0:11:19 zionists they're not going to see
0:11:20 themselves as oppressors
0:11:21 you can see yourself as violence i don't
0:11:22 see myself as a zionism
0:11:24 it depends it depends again what the
0:11:25 definition of zionism is right and
0:11:27 somebody else before before
0:11:28 his brother what what do i believe in
0:11:30 you say free palestine what the word
0:11:32 free palestine mean
0:11:33 is it is it an anti-semitic inverse so
0:11:36 it's term or not
0:11:37 so explaining it depends as well what
0:11:39 the term
0:11:40 means to entitle which part of it so it
0:11:43 always depends how far you're going to
0:11:44 circle okay
0:11:45 that means is the fact is with the
0:11:48 united nations
0:11:50 with britain with the baffler
0:11:51 declaration with all of it they've put
0:11:53 two people against each other
0:11:54 that's the simple fact then there you
0:11:57 have the ngos
0:11:58 the non-profit organizations that come
0:12:00 to serve at calls and the end the course
0:12:02 comes to serve themselves
0:12:04 and the one who gained the most are the
0:12:06 politicians
0:12:07 the ngos the media they're the one who
0:12:10 gained the most
0:12:11 who loses the most are the simple
0:12:13 brothers and sisters on both sides okay
0:12:15 children and yeah and and women and
0:12:18 never mind your children
0:12:19 simple adults are the ones who suffer
0:12:21 but you know i'm so sorry you know what
0:12:22 it is yesterday when we went to go to
0:12:23 screen here
0:12:24 and we had a van we hired a van and we
0:12:26 were just showing images of what's
0:12:27 happening here
0:12:27 um and to me look it's it's it be
0:12:30 israeli kids or not
0:12:31 but we came across a very disturbing
0:12:33 comment which was like
0:12:34 one of the the people that said that
0:12:36 they bought it on themselves
0:12:37 yeah so one of one guy said that today i
0:12:39 think sorry but you see you're seeing
0:12:40 something over here
0:12:41 and we went there we didn't go there to
0:12:43 be hostile police came in like
0:12:45 it's like it's like they were there but
0:12:46 they just vanished and
0:12:48 appeared in two seconds and they came
0:12:50 and the thing is
0:12:51 brother you know that it's a charge time
0:12:53 yes so yeah
0:12:54 people who don't know you and don't know
0:12:56 muhammad yeah and he looks
0:12:58 quite intimidating even if we know that
0:12:59 he's a cuddly babe
0:13:01 but they then people people always go on
0:13:03 their fences that's
0:13:04 that's the nature
0:13:09 the automatic charge that you have in
0:13:10 society today is the fact it's been
0:13:12 after
0:13:13 the car that that that drove past the
0:13:16 car and they drove past
0:13:17 and started what they sheltered at that
0:13:21 i always say is it's not easy even
0:13:23 without all these people
0:13:24 and show those pictures in this
0:13:26 particular location
0:13:28 we did a public one and then we did it i
0:13:30 agree and we did one with the jewish
0:13:31 people and that's why i would condemn
0:13:33 anyone on any side but they didn't just
0:13:35 says you know you know i know and that's
0:13:36 one thing i condem
0:13:37 anyone on any side who makes
0:13:40 who makes who makes you trivial or or
0:13:44 anything about you know about children
0:13:46 women anyone at all
0:13:48 and that i would agree one hundred
0:13:49 dollars this is what i'm saying we went
0:13:51 there too because i want to be back i'll
0:13:52 tell you why i have this tone because
0:13:54 we haven't met each other and we know
0:13:56 that okay we come and feed
0:13:57 but we want to get back to the point
0:14:00 because otherwise we're going to do
0:14:14 he was probably pointing out the fact
0:14:15 that a lot of times there are pictures
0:14:17 of circulation
0:14:18 yeah there are pictures from many years
0:14:19 ago or from different locations that are
0:14:21 being circulated on social media
0:14:23 or even by prominent people but he's
0:14:25 these children
0:14:26 which are just he knows
0:14:38 and are there to intentionally create
0:14:39 misinformation okay but if people
0:14:41 had certainly if you had a van where if
0:14:43 if it is
0:14:44 excuse me because it's important
0:14:48 for the interview
0:14:52 this way all those people i can't say
0:14:56 all of them
0:15:21 uh sorry aaron look let's not be around
0:15:24 the bush there's clearly
0:15:26 there is clearly an anti-arab sentiment
0:15:29 in israel
0:15:31 as there may be a very clear
0:15:33 anti-semitic
0:15:35 sentiment in the arab world right now
0:16:04 do you agree with a two-state solution
0:16:19 you think that palestinians would want
0:16:22 and accept an israeli state their belief
0:16:26 i don't think it's true their belief
0:16:27 would be
0:16:28 no they don't and they would back it up
0:16:29 with simple arguments as follows
0:16:31 they would say is that that from the
0:16:34 creation of the state of israel for
0:16:35 example
0:16:36 in 1948
0:16:39 in 1948 from the creation of the state
0:16:41 of israel
0:16:42 when the west bank was under the judean
0:16:44 control and when they
0:16:46 were and when gaza was on the egyptian
0:16:49 control
0:16:50 the palestinians never claimed being a
0:16:52 press under the rule of those two
0:16:54 countries
0:16:56 these are assertions though no i'm just
0:16:58 saying what
0:16:59 yeah i'm just giving you the concept
0:17:01 where they come from i'm not saying it's
0:17:02 true
0:17:02 and just giving you the background from
0:17:04 the way they see it the next thing they
0:17:06 see is
0:17:06 that when you go when the palestinians
0:17:08 start shouting they see something said
0:17:09 from the river to the sea
0:17:10 palestine will be free so the way they
0:17:12 view it and they back it up
0:17:15 with the chapter for example from hamas
0:17:17 that the palestinians
0:17:18 do not want a jewish state in any shape
0:17:20 or form
0:17:22 now so when they asked me it's free
0:17:23 palestine yeah a palestinian calls an
0:17:26 anti-semitic call when you ask me before
0:17:28 one of your brothers
0:17:29 i told them it depends what it means
0:17:31 okay it means a palestinian state
0:17:33 then sure there should be a palestinian
0:17:35 okay oh
0:17:36 guys i want to say free palestine guys
0:17:38 guys we have we're having a discussion
0:17:42 all right cool okay and then if you're
0:17:43 gonna ask me nothing
0:17:48 okay and i have given you the chance to
0:17:49 do that okay listen
0:17:51 you've you've said you've talked about
0:17:52 the balfour declaration then you talk
0:17:54 about you've alluded to the 48 war and
0:17:56 the 67
0:17:57 borders all right you've alluded to
0:17:58 those things let me be very
0:17:59 straightforward here
0:18:00 let's talk about the facts first and
0:18:02 foremost when the balfour declaration
0:18:03 took place
0:18:04 it was one country promising to a second
0:18:06 country the land of a third country
0:18:09 now under any world view i'm sure in
0:18:11 judaism
0:18:12 or in um islam or liberalism no no no
0:18:16 let me finish let me finish because i've
0:18:17 let you speak for five minutes
0:18:19 look the fact is chain wiseman and other
0:18:22 members of the
0:18:23 uh zionist move yeah sorry chaim wiseman
0:18:26 and other members of the
0:18:27 zionist group we're saying in english
0:18:29 right
0:18:30 okay listen please i've let you i've let
0:18:32 you spoke to speak so
0:18:33 just try and listen to me for a bit yeah
0:18:36 crime wiseman
0:18:37 and other members of the zionist
0:18:38 movement in this country when they sent
0:18:41 letters
0:18:41 all right to british authorities and
0:18:44 then there was the balfour declaration
0:18:45 917
0:18:46 it was just that one country
0:18:50 promising a second people the land of
0:18:53 the third people
0:18:53 and what's important at this point is to
0:18:55 realize that british
0:18:57 the the british did not have a mandate
0:18:59 in palestine at this time
0:19:00 the mandate the mandate in palestine
0:19:02 started two years afterwards okay
0:19:05 so this was the ottoman empire so it's
0:19:07 now britain talking about how
0:19:08 they're going to manage parts of the
0:19:10 ottoman empire this isn't
0:19:12 by all intents and purposes not even
0:19:13 colonial this is this is hyper
0:19:15 colonialism you're talking about a
0:19:17 country you don't even have under your
0:19:18 colonial control
0:19:19 and yours promising that country which
0:19:21 you don't even have in your colonial
0:19:23 control the
0:19:24 to another people you see i don't see
0:19:26 how in any way shape or form anyone can
0:19:28 justify
0:19:29 well this is somewhat legitimizes the
0:19:31 state of israel
0:19:32 and if you look at a book for example
0:19:35 the struggle for
0:19:36 palestine written by a jew herod's hurts
0:19:39 it's a classic book on this topic
0:19:41 you'll see in the 30s what happened okay
0:19:44 in the 30s what happened is that there
0:19:46 was a
0:19:48 immigration of the jewish population
0:19:51 into what is
0:19:52 what is called israel today uh and
0:19:55 obviously
0:19:55 it was a palestine area this was uh
0:19:59 from people in russia people in jews in
0:20:01 russia 40 000 people
0:20:04 went into palestine okay now you imagine
0:20:07 this mass population
0:20:08 of a country uh which can't actually
0:20:11 cope with that
0:20:12 which start which sparked something
0:20:13 called in 1936 the arab
0:20:16 revolt 1939 you had the white paper okay
0:20:19 and then you had terrorist activity we
0:20:21 talked about hamas
0:20:22 but let's not forget that you had
0:20:23 terrorist activity by the urgon
0:20:25 and by the hagen and by levi and that
0:20:27 terrorist activity
0:20:29 was rewarded by the british empire which
0:20:31 in 1946 culminated of course in the king
0:20:34 david hotel bombing
0:20:35 which was the targeting of civilians
0:20:38 1948
0:20:39 after the after the resolution in 1947
0:20:42 by the un
0:20:43 1948 may the 13th i think it was
0:20:47 israel became what it is today now i
0:20:49 don't know why it would be
0:20:50 against morality or against liberalism
0:20:53 or against your worldview or my
0:20:55 worldview to say actually
0:20:57 the way in which your state came into
0:21:00 being
0:21:00 was established was completely immoral
0:21:03 in every single way
0:21:05 shape or form the only thing you guys
0:21:08 really have to say about that
0:21:10 is that well we have a we were there in
0:21:12 70 a.d
0:21:13 no you weren't they weren't there okay
0:21:15 just calm down for a second please
0:21:16 please
0:21:16 please bro please if okay you were there
0:21:19 70 a.d there was a siege
0:21:20 of jerusalem very well known hebron the
0:21:23 king and so on now we talk about ancient
0:21:25 history
0:21:26 here the normans were you know we always
0:21:28 talk about hastings let's talk about the
0:21:30 fact that the romans were here
0:21:31 okay there was the gaelic what they call
0:21:33 it the gaelic wars whatever
0:21:34 in before christ so some italian guy
0:21:38 comes and says we're roman we have
0:21:39 rights to britain this is the ridiculous
0:21:41 nature of the claim no one makes these
0:21:43 you have to understand guys
0:21:44 no one makes these claims except for
0:21:47 zionists understand that no one
0:21:50 legitimizes okay
0:21:52 the the the status of a state based on
0:21:55 the fact that there's archaeological
0:21:57 evidence from a thousand four hundred
0:21:58 five six thousand years ago whatever it
0:21:59 was
0:21:59 three thousand years ago two thousand
0:22:00 whatever it was yeah no one does that
0:22:03 now you guys are doing that that's very
0:22:04 well good
0:22:06 but the point is you have to understand
0:22:08 this is for all intents and purposes
0:22:10 it's a catastrophic yes oppressive way
0:22:14 in which estate has been established
0:22:16 i've made this example before i'll say
0:22:17 again
0:22:18 if isis and i'm going to make an even
0:22:20 more inflammatory comment today
0:22:22 i'm going to make a very inflammatory
0:22:23 controversial i want you to react to it
0:22:26 the way that isis conquered land which
0:22:27 is monstrous and condemnable
0:22:30 and diabolical and megalomaniacal and
0:22:32 unacceptable
0:22:34 like the adjectives yes no just so that
0:22:36 there's no it's
0:22:37 no complication i'm saying what i'm
0:22:38 saying right the way that they
0:22:40 established land in the times that they
0:22:42 did
0:22:43 was more noble even though it's
0:22:45 ridiculous than the way you did it
0:22:47 do you know why not you but the way
0:22:48 designers did you know why because at
0:22:50 least they fought for it themselves
0:22:52 the the zionists relied on the fighting
0:22:55 of
0:22:55 of the british empire with all due
0:22:57 respect you needed
0:22:59 american backing the u.n backing you
0:23:01 needed
0:23:03 i i think that sorry israel is a bastard
0:23:05 state
0:23:06 and what i mean by that it doesn't have
0:23:08 a father in fact it's a product of one
0:23:10 night stand of the un
0:23:11 and the british empire the israel does
0:23:15 not happen
0:23:17 no please let me finish please please
0:23:18 please bro please let me
0:23:20 let me let me just let me finish let me
0:23:22 finish the po
0:23:23 is a bastard state okay i'm being very
0:23:26 straightforward i don't want to give you
0:23:26 two faces and lie to you
0:23:28 why on earth should we we should appease
0:23:31 this oh
0:23:32 you should have the 1967 borders who
0:23:34 said after the second world war
0:23:36 that you're allowed to conquer
0:23:38 territories who said that you guys are
0:23:40 part of the un
0:23:41 yes israel is part of the u.n who said
0:23:44 who
0:23:44 on earth said you're now allowed to
0:23:46 conquer territories so
0:23:48 the fact that the 1967 borders of what
0:23:51 is being referred to
0:23:52 implies that the new world order
0:23:54 including america is willing to
0:23:56 acquiesce
0:23:57 to states and territories being
0:24:00 conquered conquered which is the same as
0:24:03 what isis have done
0:24:04 sorry to say but like i say it's less
0:24:05 noble it's less it's more ignorable you
0:24:07 know why
0:24:07 because isis with all their monstrous
0:24:09 and diabolical uh
0:24:10 actions they fought themselves whereas
0:24:12 you well not you but
0:24:14 the israelis had they needed the uan and
0:24:16 the uni
0:24:17 the u.s cowards i'm sorry the way that
0:24:20 they established themselves is
0:24:21 completely cowardly i'm not going to be
0:24:23 around the bush and pretend to be civil
0:24:24 here we don't need to we don't need to
0:24:26 pretend oh two-state solution
0:24:28 do you think for me to say i actually
0:24:30 believe that
0:24:31 the the the uh the way in which israel
0:24:34 established itself
0:24:35 in the first place is completely
0:24:36 oppressive and illegitimate you think
0:24:38 that makes me an anti-semite
0:24:40 if that makes me an anti-semite i'm
0:24:42 happy to be labeled as such
0:24:44 exactly good point but if this is your
0:24:46 definition of anthemicism
0:24:47 if the definition of anti-semitism has
0:24:50 become that i can't even condemn
0:24:52 the the way a conquering state yeah
0:24:55 becomes a country that i'm ready to be
0:24:57 called an anti-semite but the truth is i
0:24:58 am a sea mate myself
0:25:00 brother how are you going to be brother
0:25:01 please make me please please people
0:25:02 ain't i
0:25:03 i know i know i must seem like myself
0:25:04 right and even by the way i've done the
0:25:06 ancestry test
0:25:07 and i had some jewish in me it's my to
0:25:09 my surprise
0:25:12 and by the way when i went to gold is
0:25:13 green and i told them that they started
0:25:15 uh having a different uh attitude to be
0:25:17 all together
0:25:18 i was talking about these things bro you
0:25:19 know and then afterwards i said you know
0:25:21 i had
0:25:21 done an ancestry test and i had some
0:25:23 jewish in me they're like oh
0:25:25 i saw the smiles on their faces and
0:25:27 honestly this is the thing before you go
0:25:28 i know i spoke for a long time i'm going
0:25:29 to let you be back but please bro
0:25:31 i'm just saying this this this um this
0:25:34 pathetic
0:25:35 use of the word anti-semitism as a
0:25:37 deflection mechanism
0:25:38 of the covert narcissistic state which
0:25:41 uses a scapegoat
0:25:43 these these labels and these terms oh
0:25:46 it's anti-semitic if you talk about
0:25:47 israel it's ant symmetric if you talk
0:25:49 about the history of israel
0:25:50 if you don't agree with the two-state
0:25:51 solution the way we like it this 1967
0:25:53 borders who told you that
0:25:54 if that's what anti-semitism is then
0:25:56 everyone is an anti-semite and we don't
0:25:58 mind being labeled as such but that's
0:25:59 not what anti-muslim
0:26:01 semitism is but what anti-semitism is is
0:26:04 when you discriminate against someone
0:26:06 hatred of jews because of their
0:26:07 jewishness
0:26:08 that's what if you look at the
0:26:09 dictionary that's what it says no one is
0:26:11 saying that jews shouldn't have a
0:26:12 homeland
0:26:14 we're just saying don't make your
0:26:16 homeland
0:26:18 on the expense of someone else's
0:26:19 homeland don't what we're saying
0:26:21 just jacob this pathetic that fat slob
0:26:25 you know in in in in in saying if you if
0:26:28 i don't steal it someone else is going
0:26:29 to steal it
0:26:31 i put the middle finger up to him and to
0:26:32 his state i put the middle finger up to
0:26:34 him into his state and say you know what
0:26:36 if you're talking about stealing like
0:26:37 that
0:26:38 you know i to be honest with you we
0:26:40 don't give a damn about
0:26:42 if being labeled as anti-semitic
0:26:45 we don't give a damn about we have to
0:26:46 understand aaron wallahi
0:26:49 the only way you understand how we feel
0:26:51 if you
0:26:52 go back down memory lane you realize
0:26:55 everything was oppressive
0:26:56 everything was oppressive from 1917
0:26:58 onwards every single thing
0:26:59 you have no right to speak about
0:27:01 anything honestly everything was
0:27:03 bad then everything was bad from from
0:27:06 balfour declaration
0:27:07 all those things are not points for you
0:27:08 they're against you so how much did they
0:27:10 want to see the
0:27:10 examination of jews or that they want to
0:27:12 see all muslims in an area
0:27:13 who said that we agree with hamas on
0:27:16 every point of the
0:27:17 the charter of hamas has become the
0:27:18 quran who said that
0:27:20 i tell you something under the ottoman
0:27:22 empire jewish people
0:27:25 and you know this you will agree with
0:27:27 this
0:27:28 yeah they have been they were actually
0:27:30 fleeing from the from the christian west
0:27:32 after the inquisition in 1492 they were
0:27:34 fleeing running away
0:27:36 to the muslims where they had their
0:27:38 golden error we say this we say we
0:27:40 believe in coexistence
0:27:42 but we believe in coexistence not at our
0:27:45 expense
0:27:46 never at our expense coexistence doesn't
0:27:49 mean you come into my house
0:27:50 and say that if i don't steal it someone
0:27:52 else is going to steal it we put the
0:27:53 middle finger up
0:27:54 to people that say that or in in the way
0:27:56 that you do it sorry this is very rude
0:27:57 the way you do it in your country we do
0:27:59 this as well yeah we do that to them you
0:28:01 know that
0:28:02 if we do this one we do that one and
0:28:04 that one
0:28:05 well i we don't agree with any of this
0:28:07 bull bs
0:28:08 we don't accept it we cannot accept it
0:28:10 and this discourse is a
0:28:11 is a sham it's a sham it is a sham
0:28:15 it's not a level playing field like two
0:28:17 sizes as there's a clear oppressor
0:28:19 and oppressed as normal fingersteen says
0:28:21 there's a raper and the rapist
0:28:24 if the rapist after getting what he
0:28:26 wants he's starting the rape
0:28:28 the raped one gets up and spits he said
0:28:30 this i spoke to him
0:28:31 he said this is online he said if he
0:28:33 spits at the rapper and says you know
0:28:36 he deserves to be spat don't tell him oh
0:28:39 you why did you spit at him we need to
0:28:40 go back and circle back in history
0:28:42 come on let's be honest the truth of the
0:28:44 matter is this
0:28:45 this has been the only time for a very
0:28:48 long time
0:28:50 since i don't know 280 or something
0:28:52 where the jews have actually have a
0:28:53 chance
0:28:54 and the zionists just say to show us how
0:28:57 it would look like if you had a state
0:28:59 where they were in control and
0:29:01 unfortunately
0:29:02 they're not doing a good job of it at
0:29:03 all what they're showing us is that it's
0:29:05 the worst
0:29:06 time in history okay probably
0:29:10 with the exception of the crusades in
0:29:12 the last 2000 years
0:29:14 that there's been such oppression
0:29:15 bombing children let's not pretend i'll
0:29:17 be you know
0:29:18 yeah of course i can't outdo you i think
0:29:21 it's around for prime minister in this
0:29:22 place
0:29:23 i'm gonna run for prime minister i'll
0:29:25 vote for you i'm going to run for prime
0:29:26 minister
0:29:27 in israel i'm going to be there am i
0:29:30 with you
0:29:30 as well
0:29:34 listen to me i'm going to do it fast and
0:29:36 i'm going to go into detail i'm just
0:29:37 going to answer a few of your points
0:29:38 that you made
0:29:39 you mentioned that the british but above
0:29:41 the declaration weren't on the british
0:29:42 mandate in palestine it was still the
0:29:44 ottoman empire
0:29:44 yes that's correct that's the point i
0:29:46 always say the british the colonies
0:29:49 free the state of israel before they
0:29:50 even control the area
0:29:52 yes already was interested in splitting
0:29:53 two people apart yes
0:29:55 that's number one so the colonialists
0:29:57 who had this vision of breaking two
0:29:59 people's
0:30:00 a bond that we've had for thousands of
0:30:01 years we're the colonies british
0:30:04 that's fact number one fact number two
0:30:06 is when we talk about the colonial
0:30:09 bricks
0:30:10 occupied the area of palestine
0:30:14 and those times which people kicked the
0:30:16 colonists
0:30:17 out were the terrorist jewish
0:30:20 organizations that's the
0:30:21 that's the fact as you mentioned before
0:30:23 i cannot excellently these three
0:30:25 organizations
0:30:26 kick the colonial british out of the
0:30:28 area
0:30:29 that is called palestine what you mean
0:30:31 to say is that they committed terrorist
0:30:32 attacks
0:30:33 against the colonial power no no they
0:30:35 killed civilians all right so let's be
0:30:36 honest
0:30:37 nineteen fourteen i'm not justifying it
0:30:38 good good no way at all i'm just right
0:30:40 in the fact of
0:30:41 who can take the colonists out of that
0:30:43 area no no let's let's
0:30:45 let's be honest okay let me let me
0:30:46 challenge you before please don't run
0:30:48 please are we hiding uh we've had enough
0:30:50 of people running away from conversation
0:30:52 i know i know i don't know why you keep
0:30:54 saying you know it right no because he
0:30:55 has to go through
0:30:56 i'm not using the word run okay let me
0:30:57 tell you this very carefully
0:31:00 let me let me say something listen
0:31:02 carefully
0:31:05 no no no but let's just finish the
0:31:06 conversation listen bro okay listen
0:31:08 begin okay who was part of it
0:31:13 thank you okay who is part of the ergon
0:31:17 okay he became the president of the
0:31:21 country the premier sorry the prime
0:31:22 minister from
0:31:23 from years 1977 to 1981 correct i've
0:31:26 done it exactly yes
0:31:27 okay look he became the prime the
0:31:29 president of the prime minister of the
0:31:30 country my country don't forget all
0:31:32 right
0:31:32 he became the prime minister of the
0:31:34 listen i want i want people to really
0:31:36 think about this for a second okay
0:31:37 he became the prime minister of the
0:31:39 country okay from 1977 to 1981
0:31:43 and he was one of the perpetrators of
0:31:46 the bombing on civilians in a hotel
0:31:48 now i want to put this king david hotel
0:31:50 1946 right now i want to say i want to
0:31:52 put you this way
0:31:52 you have someone who's a terrorist from
0:31:55 the muslim community
0:31:56 he leads a group of terrorists and he
0:31:58 goes to a hotel let's say the hilton
0:31:59 hotel
0:32:00 blows himself up shoots some some people
0:32:03 some
0:32:03 people are going up to the hotels maybe
0:32:05 they're getting a robe they go
0:32:06 downstairs to get the buffet you know
0:32:07 what i'm trying to say you want to get a
0:32:09 breakfast and then you know what you get
0:32:10 some guy terrorists shoot you in the
0:32:12 head
0:32:13 okay how can they move of course you can
0:32:15 do that
0:32:16 good but but i'm just telling you the
0:32:18 point of trying to bring a different
0:32:19 point completely
0:32:20 not about the terror attacks where we
0:32:22 condemn it and as we've said before even
0:32:24 is evil no matter who perpetrates it now
0:32:26 what i'm saying is
0:32:31 kicking them out this is not kicking
0:32:32 them out this is the british empire
0:32:35 and the un rewarding a terrorist
0:32:38 organization for their terrorism that's
0:32:39 what it is
0:32:40 that's why it's happening yes i'll take
0:32:42 it to the next step yeah yeah there are
0:32:44 many people who say that the
0:32:45 that the muslim calls the way to fight
0:32:47 for palestine is
0:32:49 are you comparing someone trying to
0:32:51 bring your point is to do
0:32:53 the same thing that the that hagan did
0:32:56 against the british to do that against
0:32:58 the it's really the same
0:33:00 and then they will just do what the
0:33:01 british did they made a calculated
0:33:04 a calculated um what's called the
0:33:06 equation the price of colonialism is
0:33:08 this
0:33:09 and it's not worth it anymore so if so
0:33:11 many people in the palestinian community
0:33:12 say
0:33:13 you know what we'll use the the the the
0:33:16 forces and the idea the same means as i
0:33:17 cannot excellently work
0:33:19 and with that we will kick the israelis
0:33:21 out the only problem what i would say is
0:33:23 that could work against a colonious
0:33:25 power like the british
0:33:27 with a native land is where we are all
0:33:29 standing beautifully here
0:33:31 the problem is when it talks about in
0:33:33 the state of israel
0:33:34 they aren't colonists
0:33:57 the british could go back to britain the
0:33:59 zionist when what they call home
0:34:01 is sion is what every jew has prayed for
0:34:04 for the two last
0:34:18 let me put it to you a different way
0:34:20 everyone justifies their colonism in a
0:34:22 different way
0:34:23 sorry america they have a concept called
0:34:25 manifest destiny and by the way almost
0:34:27 every president has believed in manifest
0:34:28 destiny and westwood expansion
0:34:30 go and research it if you don't believe
0:34:31 me the point of the matter is this the
0:34:33 british empire
0:34:34 did have their own set of justifications
0:34:36 for going into lands and colonizing them
0:34:38 and this i'm saying just because you
0:34:40 have a different set of justifications
0:34:42 it does not mean
0:34:44 that it's not what it is and it's called
0:34:46 colonialism
0:34:47 the point is this and let's put it this
0:34:49 way on this point muhammad no
0:34:50 no no no no you're going to agree that
0:34:52 100 to disagree
0:34:54 okay i'll tell you why we're going to do
0:34:55 that fine because we are conflating now
0:34:58 something called zionism and judaism as
0:35:00 well
0:35:01 and judaism i can't agree that you
0:35:03 should ever be able to touch for a
0:35:04 simple reason
0:35:05 because you say this seeing the hope for
0:35:08 zion
0:35:09 not just i pray for it every day i pray
0:35:11 for it in a peaceful way and an utopia
0:35:13 where we'll be able to live together and
0:35:15 the temple will be built where it was
0:35:17 built before
0:35:18 al-aqsa will be built there
0:35:21 but it will be a place of prayer so you
0:35:23 have to destroy that no
0:35:25 no no no no destroying episodes of
0:35:27 praise
0:35:28 it will work in a way that i'm i'm not
0:35:30 god i've never done anything i haven't
0:35:31 created the world
0:35:32 i just about know when i get up in the
0:35:34 morning what time i'm going to go to bed
0:35:35 i've got no idea how it's going to
0:35:36 happen maybe if we talk we might come to
0:35:38 some idea
0:35:39 but there's going to be a place for all
0:35:40 mankind muslim brothers and jewish
0:35:43 brothers and christian brothers
0:35:44 hindus and sikhs will be able to pray
0:35:46 all will be able to pray
0:35:48 in that place now and disagree we don't
0:35:51 want to pray
0:35:53 but i said i'll tell you putting it from
0:35:55 my i tell you why from a jewish
0:35:56 perspective i'll put the full stop
0:35:58 at that point because for me that is
0:36:01 when you are crossing into my religion
0:36:03 where you have yes oh yes let me
0:36:05 question you don't mind if let me
0:36:06 just let me cross more about that i got
0:36:08 the right let's say no no sorry let me
0:36:10 let me cross more let me cross more into
0:36:11 your religion the problem is always has
0:36:13 been religion actually do you always
0:36:14 agree let me tell you why
0:36:16 i disagree because let me let me tell
0:36:17 you how there's a lot of similarities
0:36:19 between us but one of them is not
0:36:21 our conception of race there's not one
0:36:24 verse in the old testament that even
0:36:26 condemns racism
0:36:27 in fact let me tell you something with
0:36:28 all due respect the old testament the
0:36:30 hebrew bible
0:36:32 is for all intents and purposes i would
0:36:34 argue
0:36:35 you can derive from it an inference of
0:36:37 racism
0:36:38 when you're talking about god repenting
0:36:40 now please let me finish let me finish
0:36:42 let me let me finish let me finish when
0:36:44 you talk about god repenting to israel
0:36:46 when you talk about the distinction
0:36:48 between gentiles and jews we cannot
0:36:50 pretend
0:36:50 to avoid this theological set of
0:36:53 justifications
0:36:54 you do believe that you are in a
0:36:57 hierarchy with other races and you do
0:36:59 believe
0:37:00 that you are at the top of the hierarchy
0:37:02 this is a difference between us
0:37:04 yeah you have spoken and we're going to
0:37:07 defend it yeah go ahead tell you all
0:37:08 right
0:37:09 sorry to tell you you are wrong okay but
0:37:11 the simple fact is as follows go ahead
0:37:13 that means is
0:37:14 judaism is not a race it's not a
0:37:16 religion i was mentioned to you in the
0:37:17 past
0:37:18 there are many contexts what makes what
0:37:20 makes the jewish people
0:37:22 as a jewish community point number two
0:37:24 so it's not just the race because you
0:37:25 couldn't
0:37:25 you could convert into judaism even if i
0:37:28 spoke to many muslim brothers you've
0:37:29 never heard of it but you convert into
0:37:31 judaism i wouldn't advise it to anyone
0:37:33 but it's a fact so it can't be erased
0:37:38 yeah number one because it's tough and
0:37:40 number two is that's where we
0:37:41 theologically differ
0:37:42 because muslims believe i'll tell you
0:37:43 why yeah that the only way
0:37:46 to serve god the only way to go into
0:37:49 paradise whatever it is
0:37:51 is to accept islam and that's the way
0:37:54 forward
0:37:55 because god in your perspective as you
0:37:57 would call it allah
0:37:58 came for all the people of the world yes
0:38:00 to accept it through
0:38:02 the quran and that's the way into
0:38:04 paradise now the jewish perspective
0:38:07 just finished my sentence of course that
0:38:09 means this from the jewish perspective
0:38:11 is
0:38:12 it's not it's not it's not that
0:38:15 the jewish on a hierarchy and the rest
0:38:17 of the world is here
0:38:18 it is we all serve god just in a
0:38:22 different way okay that means
0:38:23 you don't have to become jewish let me
0:38:26 ask you a question
0:38:27 you're more knowledgeable than me and
0:38:28 hebrew now before you leave no no you
0:38:30 can't just do this every time you say
0:38:31 let's go go
0:38:32 calm down this is this is this is
0:38:33 transformative stuff please
0:38:35 yeah this is whatever you've got to do
0:38:37 this is more important okay
0:38:39 okay let me tell you no no no please
0:38:41 let's not dictate things to each other
0:38:42 look here's the point is this guys
0:38:46 i listen listen uh aaron
0:38:51 do you believe that there is a
0:38:53 theological difference
0:38:55 in you and me because of the fact that
0:38:59 you're jewish and what is that
0:39:00 theological difference if there is one
0:39:02 because of the ethnicity i believe there
0:39:04 is no theological difference
0:39:06 in the way what we believe in god no no
0:39:08 difference
0:39:09 between people is that i believe that
0:39:11 all people can serve god
0:39:12 in their own way okay and i don't
0:39:14 believe like muslims that you have to
0:39:15 convert to judy that you save god
0:39:17 yes now and the end result is do muslims
0:39:19 and jews you reach paradise
0:39:21 the answer simple question is yes it's
0:39:23 not creed
0:39:24 fight fights i accept that from you
0:39:26 you're basically opening
0:39:28 uh and kind of open to your open theism
0:39:31 obviously is it no it's okay
0:39:34 as long as you yeah there are battles
0:39:38 that's basically absolutely not true
0:39:40 what i'm gonna do to you right now is
0:39:41 accept what you've just said
0:39:43 okay if you listen to what i said is
0:39:46 that it can be inferred in that way i
0:39:48 didn't say that it
0:39:49 is the only interference that is the
0:39:50 misconception
0:39:53 that's you know you
0:39:57 here's what i'm trying to say look you
0:39:59 would agree with me that
0:40:00 first i totally accept your uh i'm not
0:40:03 going to force my
0:40:04 ex to jesus on you you have your own
0:40:05 ability and your father major scholar
0:40:12 by being muslims i respect that so
0:40:14 there's no reason to be a jew whatever
0:40:15 no problem
0:40:16 i'm saying that despite that being the
0:40:18 case the fact that there have been
0:40:20 theological
0:40:21 uh justifications using ethnicity is
0:40:25 still
0:40:25 current okay so for example if you said
0:40:28 to me look
0:40:29 i and the majority of muslims don't
0:40:30 believe in terrorism we look at the
0:40:32 quran and we
0:40:33 accept that however there are some group
0:40:35 of people that look at the quran
0:40:36 and justify terrorism from it we have to
0:40:38 accept that that exists so that we can
0:40:40 deal with that
0:40:41 you must accept the fact that there are
0:40:43 a lot of people in israel
0:40:45 who are hurried jews orthodox jews who
0:40:48 use
0:40:49 the bible or the hebrew old testament in
0:40:52 order to make a case
0:40:53 for a racial case for the superiority of
0:40:55 the jewish people you might not be one
0:40:57 of them what do you mean as the state of
0:40:58 israel no no as the superiors of the
0:41:00 jews people in general that
0:41:02 the jews and the gentiles are separate
0:41:04 and that the jews the jewish class is
0:41:06 higher than the gentiles there are some
0:41:07 people who say that you're not one of
0:41:08 those
0:41:09 i will know about that i i say it's a
0:41:10 misconception of understanding the
0:41:12 language and the way it's spoken and i
0:41:13 agree
0:41:13 with your jobs thanks brother but let me
0:41:15 just keep it give me two minutes two
0:41:17 minutes
0:41:18 condemn
0:41:22 is this the reason why i mentioned by
0:41:24 the way urgent and the fact that they
0:41:25 became part of the lucid party and
0:41:27 it's because we want to we want to show
0:41:29 you talk about how how much you circle
0:41:31 backwards
0:41:31 we circle backwards to the inception of
0:41:34 the state of israel and we realize
0:41:36 that you have literal terrorist
0:41:37 organizations accepted as such by the
0:41:39 way
0:41:40 by the british by the americans by the
0:41:42 u.n by everyone the international
0:41:43 community like urgon
0:41:44 being absorbed into what is now the
0:41:46 liquid luca party
0:41:48 who of course netanyahu leads which
0:41:52 leads the point being is this when when
0:41:55 israel points to finger hamas they have
0:41:56 to look at their own beginnings
0:42:02 hamas had no has no different
0:42:05 they both believe in a one state
0:42:06 solution let's be honest both of them
0:42:08 believe
0:42:08 that it might work listen together the
0:42:12 the difference between the two is just
0:42:14 tactics and
0:42:15 capabilities that's what you need to
0:42:16 understand but the difference is one is
0:42:18 a group
0:42:19 which is being condemned uh
0:42:20 internationally and the other one is a
0:42:22 state which is being funded by the
0:42:23 americans so we talk later on
0:42:25 yeah all right thank you thank you