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Debunking COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories and Constructing Political Analysis (2021-02-25)


Discussion on the recent outbreak of COVID-19 misconceptions, conspiracies, how to navigate/debunk conspiracy theories, how to construct correct political analysis.

Summary of Debunking COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories and Constructing Political Analysis

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


"Debunking COVID-19 Conspiracy Theories and Constructing Political Analysis" discusses how many of the conspiracy theories surrounding the coronavirus are baseless. It argues that the virus is natural, and that the global economy would be affected if it were to collapse.

00:00:00 Discusses conspiracy theories surrounding the coronavirus, and discusses how to decipher which parts are true and which parts are false. It discusses how many people have died from the virus, and how the virus could be either natural or man-made.

  • 00:05:00 According to the video, COVID-19 conspiracy theories are baseless, and instead are based on historical facts and relationships between different governments. China and America are not controlled by the same entity, and while China has been infested by zionism, this has not caused a rift between the two countries. The zionist oligarchy has been involved in both COVID-19 and the establishment of Israel, but the majority of the work was done by British people.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses the possibility that COVID-19 is a false flag pandemic designed to benefit shadowy forces in world politics. It points out that the virus is causing enormous damage to Europe, and argues that it is better that the virus breaks America's back.
  • 00:15:00 discusses the COVID-19 conspiracy theory and argues that it is not feasible or likely to lead to a global collapse. He suggests that people should focus on practical concerns instead, such as how to survive a global crash.
  • 00:20:00 debunks COVID-19 conspiracy theories, discussing how some factions in Iran are likely American agents working against the Iranian people. Furthermore, the video discusses how the Iranian regime's support for Bashar al-Assad has led to increased hostility from the Shia population towards Iran.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the COVID-19 conspiracy theory, which suggests that the Turkish government is responsible for the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. The presenter argues that these theories are unfounded and that Turkey is actually in the middle of a complicated conflict with Armenia over the disputed territory of Karabakh. He also notes that the Turkish leadership is increasingly disillusioned with the European Union and is seeking to establish an Islamic state.
  • 00:30:00 Discusses the idea that Britain has a strong influence in the U.S. and around the world, and that the American oligarchy is made up of a few thousand billionaires. It argues that this idea is not well-known or well-understood by the general public, and that it will take time for the average person to accept this analysis.
  • 00:35:00 debunks conspiracy theories about the COVID-19 pandemic and discusses how the global economy would be affected if it were to collapse. argues that the collapse would be brought about by the economic elites themselves, not by the virus itself.
  • 00:40:00 The narrator discusses some of the conspiracy theories surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, including the idea that it is a plot by the oligarchy or the Chinese government. He points out that there is no evidence to support these theories, and that, in fact, the pandemic may be a blessing in disguise, giving people an opportunity to rise up and take control.
  • 00:45:00 debunks COVID-19 conspiracy theories and constructs political analysis. It argues that, if the pandemic is real, it would make sense for countries to try to gain control over it by using vaccines. However, some people may view this as a way to breed humans into a new "superior" species, and may try to use it for other nefarious purposes.
  • 00:50:00 debunks COVID-19 conspiracy theories, explaining that the theories are not grounded in reality. It states that there is still a long way to go before such technology is possible, and that any potential backlash would be manageable.
  • 00:55:00 A conspiracy theory is that the government is hiding evidence of an alien invasion, and that the pandemic is a cover-up. However, even if this were true, it would still be difficult to accept. The conspiracy theorist also suggests that the government is using the pandemic to control the population. However, this is not supported by evidence.


discusses COVID-19 conspiracy theories and how they are based on false information. argues that people can be fooled by these theories and that a lack of spirituality can lead to events like the Sandy Hook shootings.

01:00:00 debunks COVID-19 conspiracy theories and constructs political analysis by discussing how science would support or disprove these theories. It is likely that the nanoparticle level chip will have basic functions, and that it will be triggered by something else than 5g. It is possible that the chip will be used to regulate who gets pregnant or not, and that this is likely in the coming few decades.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses how COVID-19 conspiracy theories are inaccurate and based on falsehoods. also discusses how people can be fooled by conspiracy theories and how a lack of spirituality can lead to events like the Sandy Hook shootings.
  • 01:10:00 Discusses conspiracy theories surrounding the COVID-19 virus and the supposed connection between it and the illuminati. It argues that these theories are based on false information and that, while they may be widespread, they do not represent reliable information.
  • 01:15:00 Discusses COVID-19 theories, which are claims that a plane or other object fell from the sky and killed a high-ranking official. The narrator notes that such theories are impossible to verify, as communication would have to travel faster than the speed of light for news to reach everyone in the same day. also argues that fabricators are common, and that one such person may have killed the high-ranking official.
  • 01:20:00 debunks COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and explains that the conspiracy theories are based off of clips from movies or other sources. also explains that the first wave of Turkic people, the Mughals, the Chinese, and the Koreans all originated from the same group of people. also explains that the second wave of Turkic people, which includes the alleged Antichrist, will come in revenge for the death of the Dajjal.
  • 01:25:00 debunks COVID-19 conspiracy theories and explains that only through an unknown person can the hadith be verified as correct. Additionally, the video points out that Muhammad is a messenger of Allah and that he could not have lived past year 111 according to current scientific knowledge.
  • 01:30:00 discusses some of the conspiracy theories surrounding COVID-19, including the theory that the virus was created by the government as a means of controlling the population. argues that these theories are baseless and do not make sense. He also points out that many of these same theories were previously debunked by other scholars.
  • 01:35:00 The narrator explains that the protection of the sunnah is that nothing can be lost or stolen, and that the only way to know whether a hadith is authentic is to have multiple sahabas narrate it. The narrator goes on to say that Hussein ibn Ali's lack of hard work and qualifications make his predictions and statements wrong.
  • 01:40:00 discusses some of the criticisms of COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and argues that a more rational critical point of view is necessary in order to properly analyze the theories.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:17 uh
0:00:18 q will be a q a and it will be around uh
0:00:20 the subject of
0:00:22 current events conspiracy theories
0:00:24 related to covid
0:00:25 how to decipher all the various theories
0:00:28 that we see
0:00:29 um how we can make sense of it what's
0:00:31 the correct conclusion and maybe
0:00:32 something around the contention between
0:00:35 biden and trump and what's the context
0:00:37 of that
0:00:38 so i suppose if we start off with um
0:00:41 what's your
0:00:42 analysis around the corona virus what's
0:00:44 your impressions what's the kind of
0:00:45 things that
0:00:46 are currently held among people's
0:00:48 perceptions of it
0:00:49 uh how much of it is conspiracy how much
0:00:51 of it is fabricated
0:00:52 um how do we decipher the current events
0:00:56 i i think we could cover that last time
0:00:57 but let me just summarize it's uh
0:00:59 the only point which may be a matter of
0:01:01 discussion is that
0:01:02 is the virus really coming from some lab
0:01:05 uh
0:01:06 lab experiments which we were watched
0:01:08 under the on some kind of
0:01:10 of maybe uh uh about flew away from the
0:01:14 chinese center of radications on
0:01:17 uninfected or it is natural the
0:01:20 the balance obviously is more stronger
0:01:22 today that is natural because
0:01:23 corona viruses infest are well known
0:01:27 to be infesting bats with various types
0:01:30 and it's very well possible that such a
0:01:32 virus may jump to
0:01:33 other other animals and
0:01:38 it's rare but it can and uh
0:01:41 we have also during this year we have
0:01:43 the coronavirus
0:01:44 jumping from humans into animals we have
0:01:46 seen that now the
0:01:48 the minks the the mink industry and
0:01:51 what's his name in um uh what's the name
0:01:53 of the country which produced mink
0:01:58 not north don not northwest of germany
0:02:00 what's the name of north of holland
0:02:01 what's the name of the country
0:02:04 what it might be i think it's sweden not
0:02:07 sweden no no the country and
0:02:09 adjacent to germany and holland norway
0:02:11 denmark
0:02:13 no no go down a little bit
0:02:18 down from which yeah it
0:02:28 denmark denmark so denmark
0:02:32 uh that came from humans and then
0:02:35 it it possibly have mutated in the
0:02:37 animals so they are afraid it will come
0:02:39 back to humans in rotated version
0:02:40 and the vaccine will not be working so
0:02:42 they're exterminating the whole bunch or
0:02:44 all
0:02:44 all minks or planning to estimate at
0:02:46 least a good portion of them
0:02:48 so that's that's proven that so i think
0:02:51 it it
0:02:51 it's most likely natural because also
0:02:54 there are many testimonies where people
0:02:55 have revisited that
0:02:56 that center there uh in
0:03:00 in in china in gohan itself which is not
0:03:04 far away by the way from the
0:03:05 from the from the wet market or uh
0:03:08 wild animal market is uh and
0:03:12 they praised really that the precautions
0:03:14 and the technology used there and the
0:03:15 protection and so on but
0:03:17 even the it can be watched and the
0:03:19 chinese came back against that
0:03:20 accusation that they
0:03:22 uh started the virus uh experimentally
0:03:24 and it leaked out
0:03:26 uh claiming that the americans who there
0:03:28 was an american delegation there for
0:03:29 some kind of conference
0:03:31 that the american have gotten from their
0:03:32 own weapons labs and
0:03:34 planted them in china accusation account
0:03:36 acquisition which
0:03:37 did not help obviously but if the
0:03:39 americans are attacking them and
0:03:41 claiming they are the cause of the
0:03:42 disease
0:03:43 then obviously they had they will feel
0:03:45 uh obviously liberty to attack the
0:03:47 americans that's concerning the source
0:03:49 but definitely it's a virus definitely
0:03:51 and the number of dead and so on you
0:03:53 just need to
0:03:53 check in in your street how many people
0:03:56 have been
0:03:56 being killed by by by by a confidence on
0:04:00 and also these multiple corroborating
0:04:02 reports from
0:04:03 from all the uh various countries and so
0:04:06 on
0:04:07 cannot be it cannot be all denied and as
0:04:10 a conspiracies sometimes
0:04:11 yearly phases someone go to a hospital
0:04:15 in a backyard or about the back part of
0:04:16 the hospital which is empty which is
0:04:18 understandable because all the
0:04:20 hospital facility has been transferred
0:04:22 to the emergency section and the covet
0:04:24 section
0:04:25 so it's understandable that you find
0:04:27 section of the hospitals empty
0:04:29 because there's nobody there and they're
0:04:30 not receiving any patient because
0:04:32 everyone is concentrating on that
0:04:34 and and obviously they cannot use every
0:04:36 room in the hospital they have to use
0:04:37 special rooms with isolation
0:04:39 so all the staff is somewhere in the
0:04:41 corner of the hospital
0:04:42 and this section of the hospital is
0:04:43 essentially the same look hospital is
0:04:45 empty
0:04:45 nobody's here there's no no no no covet
0:04:48 and so on i have seen some of these
0:04:50 videos
0:04:51 and things like that and there's some
0:04:53 people yeah and some people have
0:04:54 obviously the
0:04:55 the the the hobby to to fabricate and
0:04:58 make fantastic things
0:04:59 that's true so in this kind of scenario
0:05:01 you you have um
0:05:03 so for example you have all these
0:05:04 various government uh entities so you
0:05:06 have china you have america
0:05:08 and they're at odds with each other
0:05:11 now the narrative is people say it's a
0:05:13 plandemic it's a scam dominic it's kind
0:05:15 of like
0:05:16 a coordination it's very similar to if
0:05:18 you remember
0:05:20 this is quite remote what what for every
0:05:22 crime you have to find the motivation as
0:05:24 is
0:05:24 they say this time unless someone is
0:05:26 completely mentally deranged and the
0:05:27 mentally deranged who is in the street
0:05:29 and suddenly have the desire to kill
0:05:30 someone will kill spontaneous and muslim
0:05:32 will be apprehended
0:05:33 he will not be planning and so on
0:05:35 because anything planned
0:05:36 indicates a rational mind a rational
0:05:38 mind is usually having an intention that
0:05:40 purpose
0:05:41 what what what is the reason for china
0:05:44 and uh or let's say
0:05:45 they make they make a projection they
0:05:48 say okay this is part of a new world
0:05:49 order
0:05:51 yeah i know any name you want but okay
0:05:54 fine new way other why why
0:05:57 should china and america cooperate in
0:05:59 that they're all controlled by the same
0:06:01 entity
0:06:02 some guy james bond villain yes i say no
0:06:04 no
0:06:05 we know that the chinese leadership has
0:06:07 been infested by zionist and its
0:06:08 pro-zionist
0:06:09 and have been moved against the gear
0:06:11 claiming that they are a danger for that
0:06:13 that's the zionist claim
0:06:14 and they were able to brainwash the
0:06:16 leadership there
0:06:17 in return for that because the israeli
0:06:19 especially and the zionist
0:06:21 oligarchy in the world they have
0:06:24 they have been uh massively helping
0:06:27 china in getting all american secrets
0:06:29 military seekers
0:06:41 the people do not follow all the events
0:06:42 and they don't put to put up with the
0:06:44 puzzle together
0:06:45 they have pieces of weather and they
0:06:47 filled the rest with their imagination
0:06:48 so the israeli are definitely having
0:06:50 having a uh
0:06:51 having a as a say in their chinese
0:06:54 leadership in this is that we are your
0:06:55 friends and muslims are a danger for you
0:06:57 look at this or here there are muslims
0:06:59 and suppress them etc in return
0:07:03 of uh partly not only that but others of
0:07:06 you know return of supplying military
0:07:08 security for some almost every military
0:07:10 year they get
0:07:11 their israeli from america they they
0:07:14 send a copy
0:07:16 whatever protects to china either
0:07:17 claiming it has crashed like a plane
0:07:19 or something like that and reality will
0:07:21 find it the universe is engineered in
0:07:23 china
0:07:23 so the zionists are definitely having an
0:07:25 effect in the chinese leadership
0:07:28 but by presenting them as we are helpful
0:07:30 for you and we are recognizing that
0:07:33 uh the same the same argument uh i was
0:07:36 saying
0:07:36 rosenberg said in the 50s when he leaked
0:07:40 the the technologies and the secrets of
0:07:41 the of the hydrogen bomb to the russian
0:07:44 he said it must be done otherwise this
0:07:48 this enormous weapon would be used by
0:07:50 only one country and is dangerous for
0:07:51 well peace there must be some balance
0:07:53 and he regarded as a moral motivation
0:07:56 and this was
0:08:00 israeli could pretend to be morally
0:08:02 motivated that we would like to have a
0:08:03 strong china to balance the wealth
0:08:05 and then improve wealth stability
0:08:09 that's one aspect besides obviously the
0:08:11 exchange within benefits and
0:08:12 and and military secrets and many other
0:08:14 things
0:08:16 that's one aspect at the aspect russia
0:08:18 is controlled by putin who is really
0:08:20 a man dependent upon the zionist
0:08:22 oligarchy which they have taken all the
0:08:24 economy of russia
0:08:25 when the soviet union collapsed and they
0:08:27 started privatization
0:08:28 the jews were there ready to take over
0:08:32 partly with western help and we started
0:08:33 there with their brethren those but
0:08:35 partly by their own deep deep state
0:08:38 involvement in the time of communism and
0:08:40 they just jumped on all four possible
0:08:42 assets so the major oligarchy there is
0:08:44 zionist oriented
0:08:45 and putin is working that although he
0:08:47 pretended publicly to be not
0:08:48 politician for iran and so on and he was
0:08:51 able i think to fool the iranian i think
0:08:53 the iranian
0:08:53 fault they are simple-minded they do not
0:08:56 know how to analyze things properly
0:08:57 they go by how things how they appear
0:08:59 rather going a little bit deeper
0:09:01 again thus the you need to have the
0:09:04 mindset of
0:09:05 not to be conspiracy minded in absorbed
0:09:07 way but also not to go by
0:09:09 by by by by uh public exposure
0:09:12 or public information all you have to
0:09:14 mix both and also historic facts
0:09:17 so what what is the benefit now
0:09:23 definitely but these are not controlling
0:09:25 the oligarchy of the is not controlling
0:09:26 in america they did not
0:09:28 they were not able to to really to split
0:09:30 from the rest of the western oligarchy
0:09:32 which is the old immigrants britain and
0:09:34 so on because they are a british
0:09:35 construct
0:09:36 zionism in the wealth scale is a british
0:09:38 construct it is have been started really
0:09:40 by the
0:09:41 by the evangelical in in america as a
0:09:43 religious movement
0:09:44 but translating into politics and
0:09:47 establishing israel and so on is
0:09:49 mostly a british work later on america
0:09:52 inherited israel and adopted it for
0:09:54 various other purposes but leave that as
0:09:55 right
0:09:56 so they have influence and when they
0:09:59 succeeded in
0:10:00 in recognizing that there is a really
0:10:04 uh considerable
0:10:08 doubt and considerable grievance with
0:10:10 the general public
0:10:11 against against the establishment in
0:10:13 america they
0:10:14 their man trump who appear to be a
0:10:16 published and willing to
0:10:18 complete the zionist agenda and
0:10:20 president which is
0:10:21 all what he what they wanted from trump
0:10:23 is abolish the so-called
0:10:24 two-state solution uh recognize uh uh
0:10:28 as a state as a as a capital of israel
0:10:31 and force the vassal countries in the
0:10:33 arab world
0:10:34 for for a peace which is uh completely
0:10:36 uh according to the zionist design
0:10:39 at the first stage now establishing big
0:10:40 great israel that's because they
0:10:43 was they were able to get trump using
0:10:45 the popular
0:10:47 disgust into power
0:10:50 the same in russia because they got
0:10:52 putin but the military is not with them
0:10:54 the deep state of russia is not with
0:10:55 them with this
0:10:57 but putin is way too intelligent and
0:10:59 being an intelligence officer
0:11:01 to appear as a zionist in front of his
0:11:03 own people
0:11:04 it's not like that he he plays the game
0:11:06 well not like the
0:11:08 the the foolish trump which is publicly
0:11:11 to to or to zeroistic and publicly
0:11:13 anti-establishment
0:11:15 putin does not do that he doesn't if
0:11:17 everything is done for the benefit of
0:11:19 mother russia and he goes very
0:11:21 cautiously step by step
0:11:22 so so that there's a there is influence
0:11:26 what the people call that the child and
0:11:28 the jail conspiracy the zeiss influence
0:11:30 is based on these persons and based on
0:11:32 american power
0:11:33 that they were able to split some part
0:11:35 of the american public a considerable
0:11:36 part
0:11:37 and win an election for their mind it's
0:11:38 only one man obviously there's a
0:11:40 there's a considerable section in the in
0:11:42 the in the republican party which
0:11:45 believes in the zionist agenda in the
0:11:46 sense that bring christ back there but
0:11:49 they don't say it clearly
0:11:50 there is but it's not enough to control
0:11:53 power they relied on one man in russia
0:11:55 also they are relying on the oligarchy
0:11:57 which is much more reliable really
0:11:58 because russia is
0:11:59 the leader the leadership of the of the
0:12:02 international zionism is not with russia
0:12:04 but expressing it internationally is
0:12:07 putin
0:12:08 but this is not an enforcer which will
0:12:10 manufacture a pandemic
0:12:12 and why manifest what the benefit for
0:12:14 them from actually the pandemic
0:12:16 obviously damaged their trump which they
0:12:19 would have loved to have him
0:12:20 for more years so settle things in the
0:12:22 middle east completely
0:12:23 the bandicam yasi caused some problem to
0:12:25 china but
0:12:26 under pressure and also got trump
0:12:30 who was who was more concerned about his
0:12:32 own re-election and his publicity
0:12:34 to be hostile to china he was in good
0:12:36 relation with china
0:12:37 and moved certain factions who are
0:12:40 anti-chinese for various reasons
0:12:42 religious reasons imperial reasons to uh
0:12:45 get the gear problem and then the
0:12:47 surface and the star style action and
0:12:49 also tariff action
0:12:50 so it doesn't seem that spreading the
0:12:52 pandemic
0:12:53 is benefiting really the zionist agenda
0:12:57 it doesn't seem so so
0:13:00 the the the the secret hand behind the
0:13:02 pandemic and spreading under
0:13:04 what it's causing to europe when america
0:13:06 is causing it is causing enormous damage
0:13:07 it will break their back
0:13:08 you didn't see it yet because they are
0:13:10 fighting they are printing money they
0:13:11 are doing all these tricks
0:13:13 which will ultimately bring the debt
0:13:15 load to a level that has to collapse
0:13:17 their own weight
0:13:18 which is coming in the coming few weeks
0:13:20 and months now now that remember so far
0:13:22 crash is on the way
0:13:25 the super crash by the way it cannot be
0:13:26 prevented anymore because simply
0:13:29 printing money is not going to do
0:13:30 anything anymore the central banks are
0:13:32 not able to do anything because all
0:13:34 these
0:13:35 interest rate incentives are not working
0:13:36 because interest rates are almost zero
0:13:38 there's no incentives for for the for
0:13:40 the banks to to
0:13:42 uh to to give people money
0:13:45 because there's no interest except the
0:13:47 poor consumer with their credit cards
0:13:49 which have
0:13:50 25 30 percent less actually the ranks
0:13:52 are living from that's in the first
0:13:54 the first leg of the crash in 2008. all
0:13:57 the income of the bank essentially is
0:13:58 from that there is no real investment in
0:14:00 any other area
0:14:01 because the real investment of the area
0:14:02 will go according to market interest
0:14:04 rates
0:14:05 and they are too low for the banks to be
0:14:06 attractive so it better they print money
0:14:08 and give it to the
0:14:09 consumer public but this is a loop-sided
0:14:13 economy just consumer having money to
0:14:15 consume
0:14:16 but but manufacturer and and producer
0:14:18 and service provider
0:14:20 do not have enough money to invest or
0:14:22 achieve money to invest
0:14:24 will not will not sustain an economy for
0:14:25 a long time it works it works for some
0:14:27 time
0:14:27 things will go uh
0:14:30 debts will be reworked and refinanced
0:14:33 and so on and shifted in the
0:14:34 future like they have been shifted for
0:14:35 centuries like for example the debt of
0:14:37 the british government
0:14:38 is essentially the one they took from
0:14:40 the staff in the establishment
0:14:42 the first loan that from the bank of
0:14:44 england uh three or three or three and a
0:14:46 half centuries ago it's still the same
0:14:47 one it's just being rolled
0:14:49 rolled forward rolled forward forever
0:14:51 it's not paid it's not paid
0:14:53 because they pay the interest and then
0:14:55 what is not paid is added to the
0:14:57 principal and we enrolled
0:14:58 the british government is indebted to
0:15:00 the book of england since more than
0:15:01 three centuries
0:15:04 so they were rolling it but now it is
0:15:06 not it is not it is not
0:15:07 is not feasible so it will lead to that
0:15:10 collapse
0:15:12 so clearly the secret hand
0:15:15 in the world is not having this effect
0:15:17 like the gel or the zionists
0:15:19 do not have interest to bring all these
0:15:20 to collapse for at least not for the
0:15:22 time being now
0:15:23 they still did not complete the agenda
0:15:25 in the middle east they did not control
0:15:27 the middle east completely
0:15:28 and smash any opposition and establish
0:15:30 great israel they did not even if this
0:15:32 claim this is the main agenda
0:15:34 or that the jail is heading somewhere
0:15:36 really the people
0:15:37 the problem the people is that they try
0:15:39 to
0:15:40 analyze something which is really
0:15:42 there's a secret hand behind it
0:15:44 that's the secret it's a divine hand
0:15:46 behind that it is not
0:15:48 it is not a zionist ant nor a western
0:15:51 hand nor
0:15:51 even islamic are much more
0:15:55 incapacitated and poor but this is
0:15:59 sent by allah for them is an opportunity
0:16:02 for them to assert themselves and
0:16:03 benefit from it
0:16:04 and and and pick pick the banner and go
0:16:07 forward quickly
0:16:08 if they have any any rationality in
0:16:10 their mind so instead of going
0:16:12 saying okay this is it seems to be the
0:16:14 handle allah is behind that
0:16:16 they are unable to get out of it the
0:16:18 second leg will force them to borrow at
0:16:20 least in america
0:16:21 individual bus biden comes or or trump
0:16:24 stays
0:16:25 there's still a small prohibited that
0:16:27 stays by instigating a war on delaying
0:16:29 the tactic
0:16:30 but this is very unlikely
0:16:34 the just assure that the the trillions
0:16:38 more which will be printed
0:16:39 will will bring the that bubble to
0:16:41 collapse that
0:16:42 that pub just needs just the nail which
0:16:45 breaks it
0:16:46 for it to explode it has become known
0:16:49 that the the number over the the size of
0:16:52 derivatives
0:16:53 there are different estimates from 150
0:16:55 trillion
0:16:56 which is the lowest one but the most
0:16:58 reasonable economist and
0:17:00 people who know the insider banks and so
0:17:02 on is a half quadrillion
0:17:04 500 trillion to one point something
0:17:07 trillions okay quite a quadrillion
0:17:09 i mean it's not sustainable it's not
0:17:12 it's impossible you cannot push it in in
0:17:14 the future
0:17:15 you can't push your future oh yes you
0:17:17 need is a brick
0:17:19 one one major world bank or one major
0:17:21 major insurance in the world collapses
0:17:24 or one major country collapses cannot
0:17:26 pay its debt for example
0:17:27 then this debt will be called and
0:17:29 accounting must be closed books must be
0:17:31 closed
0:17:32 another this the one who has to pay the
0:17:34 part of the debt has to call some of the
0:17:35 derivatives uh these derivatives will
0:17:37 call another derivatives because
0:17:38 they are like they are like that
0:17:41 instruments based on another
0:17:43 based on the third one several layers of
0:17:44 death instruments and then
0:17:47 you have then like the dominion effect
0:17:48 everything collapsing now this is
0:17:50 quite imminent so it's better for people
0:17:52 instead of consider theory to think
0:17:54 seriously
0:17:54 how can i survive the crash the camera
0:17:56 crash
0:17:58 that's that's much better would be much
0:18:00 further independent who is behind the
0:18:01 crash is
0:18:02 that or is allah anyways
0:18:06 nothing happens permission we know allah
0:18:08 permitted to happen
0:18:09 for certain purpose i i believe it's
0:18:12 what it was for the
0:18:13 muslim ummah to get an opportunity to to
0:18:15 jump and and
0:18:16 jump start especially since it is
0:18:20 look it is interesting look for example
0:18:22 in the year 23
0:18:23 i think it's 23 or 22 the luzon
0:18:26 agreement runs out 99 years
0:18:30 which settled this course after the
0:18:32 first world war the discourse and the
0:18:34 borders of the
0:18:35 first world war they were settled only
0:18:36 for 99 years
0:18:38 the treaties and so on still turkey
0:18:41 officially has has
0:18:42 rights in these muslim and arab
0:18:44 countries and so on
0:18:45 which are postponed for 99 years
0:18:48 obviously the impetus of the time
0:18:49 thought in 99 years the world will
0:18:51 change
0:18:52 and we can't continue the same like they
0:18:54 thought within
0:18:55 hong kong until china changed
0:18:57 biologically and forced them
0:18:59 to give up hong kong originally they
0:19:01 rented it for 99 years that's all
0:19:03 they got but here here it failed because
0:19:05 there's a powerful entity which insisted
0:19:07 on having hong kong back
0:19:09 and but they were able to negotiate the
0:19:11 two
0:19:12 uh two system one governor one country
0:19:14 solution and so on but this will be also
0:19:16 abolished
0:19:17 it's known since the 90s that it's going
0:19:20 to come in that direction there's no way
0:19:21 they have to system in one country
0:19:23 it doesn't work it's just only a
0:19:24 temporary solution and the british
0:19:26 wanted to save their face
0:19:28 that they wouldn't they do not let the
0:19:30 people down and so on and they don't not
0:19:31 betray democracy but they knew from that
0:19:33 day that's going to happen
0:19:35 and they can scream as much as they like
0:19:37 so
0:19:39 so that uh so that's coming there was an
0:19:41 agreement is ending and the settlement
0:19:42 of the first world war and all the
0:19:44 peace treaties and so on are running out
0:19:46 and the question what will be after that
0:19:48 what will be which new treaties which
0:19:50 new arrangement will be there
0:19:52 so for the muslim countries specifically
0:19:53 for turkey there is an opportunity to
0:19:55 to to and also for iran but i i have the
0:19:59 feeling
0:20:00 openly speaking and frankly is that iran
0:20:03 after the death of humanity it's not the
0:20:06 revolutionary entity which it was
0:20:09 it seems to be some some internal
0:20:10 factions which are american
0:20:12 agents i think i would say like sanjani
0:20:15 how come that sanjani is every close
0:20:17 personal friend of king fahad and by
0:20:20 said by the
0:20:21 maybe because he's a big capitalist uh
0:20:23 he's a billionaire or millionaire and
0:20:24 they have
0:20:25 one of the largest uh uh pistachio
0:20:29 farms there and so on but this being a
0:20:32 millionaire a billionaire itself is not
0:20:33 bad but this makes you susceptible to
0:20:36 financial pressures and thinking about
0:20:38 markets more than
0:20:39 about ideology and principles so in his
0:20:41 time and after his time at hatami there
0:20:44 was some
0:20:44 approach and and approaching saudi
0:20:48 arabia
0:20:51 uh against my own advice to ayatollah
0:20:54 these will betray you and stab you in
0:20:56 the back but it seems to me
0:20:57 there are factions in iran which are
0:20:59 what they call them in the moderate
0:21:01 i think they are american agents and
0:21:03 they are not working for the benefit of
0:21:04 the iranian people not for the
0:21:06 iranian revolution they are definitely
0:21:08 not revolutionary
0:21:09 maybe they think so sometimes you become
0:21:11 an agent because i think this moderate
0:21:12 way is the way which will get you out of
0:21:14 trouble and so on some people think this
0:21:16 way
0:21:16 it's not necessary i'm an agent is the
0:21:18 one who is being paid for for
0:21:20 for teacher you know he can be very well
0:21:23 thinking this is the quick way
0:21:24 of going forward and with the result
0:21:27 that they
0:21:28 they made their major blunder well
0:21:30 several major blunders the one
0:21:32 the biggest major blunder was obviously
0:21:34 the first one was
0:21:35 there were many small blunders but the
0:21:37 biggest
0:21:40 most massive one is definitely the
0:21:43 the uh acceptance of the government
0:21:47 which
0:21:47 uh which had been installed by the
0:21:48 american in iraq that's with the
0:21:51 illustrious legitimacy and the meaning
0:21:52 of allah allegiance and so on in in
0:21:55 in contradiction to a considerable
0:21:57 number although a minority of these
0:21:59 scholars who have warned of that
0:22:02 then their involvement in syria the side
0:22:04 of assad under the claim that the assad
0:22:06 regime is
0:22:07 is a is a bulwark against israel i think
0:22:09 that this is all nonsense
0:22:10 you don't as a revolutionary regime
0:22:12 islamic regime supports someone who
0:22:13 kills
0:22:14 wrong people they will work against
0:22:15 israel or against china or i guess the
0:22:17 devil is irrelevant
0:22:18 these are the principles has to be made
0:22:20 one by one
0:22:21 one after one and unfortunately possibly
0:22:24 motivated by sectarianism which they
0:22:26 don't say publicly we don't know all of
0:22:28 this is not really but relevant is that
0:22:30 the action standing by is a blunder on
0:22:32 the blunder they paid the
0:22:33 under the price for the blunder loss of
0:22:35 almost 30 billions
0:22:37 dollars invested in syria in vain
0:22:39 because this will all elaborate sooner
0:22:41 or later
0:22:42 uh over extending beyond earlier
0:22:44 capability at this at this stage of
0:22:46 history
0:22:47 um exciting opposition even inside iraq
0:22:52 because in that time if they are focused
0:22:53 on iraq at least and tried to
0:22:55 tune that government to be really
0:22:57 serving their own people at least
0:22:59 in the basic services but that did not
0:23:01 happen they were busy in other
0:23:03 aspects and this government is is a
0:23:05 disgrace for the people and for for the
0:23:07 services with the result that the people
0:23:09 are starting to rebuild
0:23:10 and and obviously even uh
0:23:13 hostility to iran is increasing even
0:23:15 especially between not even especially
0:23:18 inside the shia camp so they did not
0:23:21 gain the shia and the shia in iraq
0:23:23 regarding iran as
0:23:24 trying to take leadership which they
0:23:25 didn't deserve that leadership should be
0:23:27 in najaf not
0:23:28 income for example and things like that
0:23:31 so now they are they are in a squeeze i
0:23:33 don't think if they will be able to
0:23:35 benefit one and then
0:23:36 recently they got stuck in a very
0:23:39 problematic situation
0:23:40 they were not with adam because adam
0:23:45 because previously they have they have
0:23:47 issues with other vision related to uh
0:23:51 they don't know how to treat their
0:23:53 minorities properly i think
0:23:55 and other reasons following the collapse
0:23:57 of the soviet union and all of these
0:23:59 things
0:24:00 and this this
0:24:03 made adorable a good base for israel for
0:24:05 a possible attack against iran
0:24:06 that make iran more hostile to other
0:24:08 bijan and then in the war with between
0:24:10 other bhijan and
0:24:11 and instead of being the side of the
0:24:13 muslims despite of these muslims being
0:24:15 bad
0:24:15 and having relation with israel they
0:24:17 they sided
0:24:19 half-hearted with armenia but couldn't
0:24:21 do anything to armenia
0:24:22 neither they were clear nor there were
0:24:25 even some supplies coming to armenia
0:24:27 through iran
0:24:28 with reserve at the border because that
0:24:31 area is all other
0:24:32 not only other but also outside they
0:24:34 block that supply
0:24:35 and cause some problems there so they
0:24:38 are sitting between the chairs
0:24:41 with the result they did not benefit
0:24:43 from their anything strategically or or
0:24:45 symbolically at least while turkey
0:24:47 obviously
0:24:48 benefited considerably obviously
0:24:51 turkey was forced to pay a price because
0:24:55 armenia is hostile to israel and
0:25:00 and turkey is internally in the heart of
0:25:02 the leadership hostile to israel
0:25:04 but publicly they still have relation
0:25:05 with israel and they're still in the
0:25:07 nato
0:25:08 so they have to play the game so they
0:25:10 could not prevent for
0:25:11 israeli contingency and people coming
0:25:13 there are celebrating with them
0:25:15 see a turkish flag and israeli flag next
0:25:17 to a very
0:25:18 very very troublesome situation but
0:25:21 still they can't argue themselves out of
0:25:24 that
0:25:25 for the moment israel is not fighting
0:25:26 here there what's fighting here is
0:25:28 the armenian they have expelled the
0:25:30 people of karabakh out of karabakh
0:25:32 and we are returning the people to their
0:25:33 own their own place
0:25:36 it's a very involved very messy
0:25:38 situation because
0:25:40 the turkish leadership since the
0:25:42 boisterous was obviously anti-islamic
0:25:45 and the arab and pro-western and
0:25:46 pro-europe and tried to become
0:25:49 to join the european union for so many
0:25:51 times until they have now become really
0:25:52 disillusioned and completely alienated
0:25:55 and mostly they will they will they will
0:25:56 withdraw that i think it's gone
0:25:58 i think the attempts of turkey to to
0:26:01 join europe is gone it's finished
0:26:02 and even the turkish people have
0:26:04 recognized that the european are not
0:26:05 accepting you as long as you are muslim
0:26:07 and the turkish are definitely muslim
0:26:08 they are
0:26:17 did not appear to be anti-muslim well if
0:26:18 they said we have to save islam from bad
0:26:20 government
0:26:21 the last sultan and laskal they made
0:26:24 islam a bad name by their bad governance
0:26:26 and so on
0:26:26 so we separated religion will stay pure
0:26:29 in the masjids and the
0:26:30 muslim and the government which may be
0:26:32 messy is away from islam so islam can't
0:26:34 be blamed for that
0:26:35 this is their usual secular argument and
0:26:38 it worked for many people
0:26:39 many people even many muslim and many
0:26:41 people were irregular in salah
0:26:43 took the bet so
0:26:47 the turkish talks took security identity
0:26:49 is based on islam there's no way
0:26:51 that's right obviously it's singular to
0:26:52 to make it like a nationalistic ideal
0:26:54 uh identity uh change even the language
0:26:58 many words which have arabic origin
0:27:00 their their
0:27:01 their academy their academy of the
0:27:03 language is trying to substitute
0:27:04 european words and so on
0:27:06 until someone say some people who say
0:27:08 that with money turkish
0:27:10 even if it's written with with euro with
0:27:12 western letter is difficult to
0:27:13 understand now
0:27:14 half of the words have been changed and
0:27:16 things like that
0:27:18 they did that they said that's that's
0:27:20 their program they they are they are
0:27:22 catholic they are not muslims they are
0:27:23 the young turks and majority of them are
0:27:26 and secret jews and so on
0:27:27 but they did it very slowly and
0:27:29 intelligently
0:27:30 so turkey has has to deal with that but
0:27:33 i think with
0:27:34 with more success like karabakh and also
0:27:36 successful possibly future success to
0:27:38 become
0:27:39 in syria the islamic country will become
0:27:41 so overwhelming that these
0:27:43 this young turk action will be just
0:27:46 swept away
0:27:47 would be completely removed from from
0:27:49 history allah
0:27:50 but we don't know we have to wait and
0:27:52 see when you say
0:27:53 about syria coming success what do you
0:27:55 mean in terms of um
0:27:57 that that turkey asset itself support
0:27:59 the free syrian army say this is
0:28:01 finished
0:28:02 as it has to go under the future the
0:28:04 syrian people have to do their own
0:28:05 election and they would
0:28:06 and wouldn't that be having the
0:28:07 americans it's because this is another
0:28:08 thing because you mentioned about
0:28:10 no no i could not say it will not serve
0:28:11 it will serve the ummah in the final
0:28:13 calculation
0:28:14 why should be serving the americans
0:28:16 because even this for example if
0:28:17 if you talk to some people some jamaat i
0:28:20 know i know i know
0:28:21 especially they say because this is
0:28:24 america
0:28:25 okay i'm talking about ideological
0:28:26 islamic groups they put people into
0:28:29 rigid camps so turkey is an american cap
0:28:31 iran is the american camp
0:28:33 uh you know you you know what i'm no no
0:28:36 i know you know no this is all nonsense
0:28:38 this is not how history works what has
0:28:40 been turkey is an american cup turkey is
0:28:42 an independent country and even
0:28:44 used to say in the future when you said
0:28:47 abu nazar is an american agent he said
0:28:48 but turkey is an independent country
0:28:50 which is which is negotiating and
0:28:52 playing
0:28:53 the games of benefits and exchange of
0:28:55 benefits and so on the leadership they
0:28:57 are not agents
0:28:59 they may be satellites but not agents by
0:29:01 choice because they they think that
0:29:03 would give them better protection and
0:29:04 better outlook of over asserting
0:29:06 themselves
0:29:07 they never became like luxurious agents
0:29:08 so claiming this in the american camp in
0:29:10 that sense is is
0:29:12 is an excessive claim besides that
0:29:16 that that all these analysis of the
0:29:17 shaykh was in the time
0:29:19 when turkey was completely controlled by
0:29:21 the by the seculars
0:29:22 and by the kemalists but this is
0:29:24 disappearing now
0:29:26 both the majority of the people and also
0:29:28 the leadership is clearly
0:29:29 uh islamically oriented so this is this
0:29:32 is part of a wider question then so
0:29:34 humans is at least feeling wise and
0:29:36 intention-wise
0:29:37 so you mentioned about analysis and
0:29:39 looking at the history of
0:29:41 events and then trying deciphering uh
0:29:44 various channels what kind of channel
0:29:46 channels can we use because
0:29:47 you we're talking about okay let's ask
0:29:50 these people let's ask the people okay
0:29:52 okay then
0:29:59 well obviously i mean people people will
0:30:01 um no no let's ask him a question and
0:30:03 which camp is asset
0:30:04 is that they'll say he's an american
0:30:06 campus of if for example
0:30:08 another faction in america yeah i mean
0:30:11 they'll say that
0:30:12 america will play multiple no america
0:30:14 has factions now we see america really
0:30:16 have internal conflicts and factions
0:30:19 that has become now apparent it was in
0:30:21 time passed it was not clear
0:30:23 and the has did not make it clear in the
0:30:25 70s when said about the
0:30:26 the cooperation of america against
0:30:28 britain and so on
0:30:30 et cetera while america publicly
0:30:32 appeared with britain in an alliance and
0:30:34 the nato and things that
0:30:35 because i i don't know if the shaykh
0:30:37 they did not recognize at the time or
0:30:39 whatever situation in the world
0:30:41 he still looked at britain as as as
0:30:44 uh as a state as entity actually britain
0:30:48 has become like a virus britain meaning
0:30:51 the oligarchy of europe
0:30:52 the royal family the british imperialist
0:30:55 and the british aristocracy
0:30:59 morphing into capitalists and these have
0:31:02 substantial ownership and position all
0:31:04 over the world and they help us
0:31:06 substantial control of the of the
0:31:08 multinational companies
0:31:10 you see what i mean so that that
0:31:13 one is have also deep penetration in
0:31:15 america and that's what people
0:31:17 misunderstood in time past when laroche
0:31:20 this famous intelligent executive
0:31:22 intelligence review
0:31:23 was talking about the british and the
0:31:24 british influence in washington people
0:31:26 did not understand because
0:31:27 he did not articulate it properly with
0:31:29 the british he means this faction which
0:31:31 is
0:31:32 essentially the international
0:31:35 imperialist oligarchy
0:31:36 himself being a catholic believes that
0:31:38 america is the who should be the beacon
0:31:40 of freedom
0:31:41 and the human rights and so on and
0:31:42 should develop the world and the same
0:31:44 what they say is ideology he believed in
0:31:45 that for example he was arguing
0:31:47 for example that on the along the
0:31:51 seaside of saudi arabia
0:31:53 as a chain of nuclear reactors to to
0:31:56 to to kickstart an industrial revolution
0:31:59 by desalination
0:32:00 producing energy
0:32:06 mineralization and developing further
0:32:08 this is not an idea of an imperialist
0:32:09 idea of an idealist
0:32:11 of a catholic believer so so
0:32:14 but he could not articulate himself such
0:32:16 a way that the common anyway the common
0:32:18 american people are very simple-minded
0:32:19 but the rest in the world
0:32:20 did not understand this analysis but
0:32:23 independent of that his analysis more
0:32:25 correct than the sheikhs anas at the
0:32:26 time all that has some idealistic
0:32:28 aspects
0:32:29 because he thought the deep state or the
0:32:31 american capitalist
0:32:32 can be or basically believer in the
0:32:35 constitution and the human rights
0:32:37 they are not they are not some of them
0:32:39 but the majority of them are not at this
0:32:42 time
0:32:42 in the 60s and 70s yes many of them
0:32:46 for example many many many big
0:32:48 capitalists for example were approached
0:32:49 by
0:32:50 by by advertisement companies and they
0:32:53 part of that mother showing showing
0:32:55 woman with my bikinis or not he refused
0:32:57 to say no i'm not going to use
0:32:58 human woman body cell woman body for for
0:33:01 but this this
0:33:02 generation is extinct barely you have
0:33:05 anyone of this type anymore
0:33:07 so the world is going advanced
0:33:09 advancement toward complete
0:33:11 monetization and money worship believing
0:33:14 only in money and nothing else
0:33:15 and all these values and so on have
0:33:17 evaporated and gone
0:33:19 under the pressure of international
0:33:21 international uh
0:33:23 monetization of deaths and all of these
0:33:25 things and also the the weakness of the
0:33:27 church and the weakness of religion and
0:33:29 complete areas of religion from from
0:33:31 public life
0:33:32 and religious value and morality they're
0:33:35 still hanging on some blubbering about
0:33:37 democracy and the human rights and so on
0:33:39 but this is all just
0:33:40 it has it is clearly fake it doesn't
0:33:43 show any clear conviction
0:33:45 a deep conviction in the heart it's very
0:33:47 clear this is nothing is there
0:33:49 it's just used to to fight other
0:33:51 entities who do not have the same rights
0:33:53 that we have
0:33:55 what we claim to be having just just to
0:33:57 to have an argument in internationally
0:33:59 to give something for the common people
0:34:01 something which look like as a moral
0:34:02 justification
0:34:03 because it's still until now the mass is
0:34:06 very difficult to tell the american
0:34:07 muscle
0:34:07 listen we went in iraq actually we want
0:34:09 to control the withdrawal we don't care
0:34:11 about anything
0:34:11 no saddam no all this is nonsense don't
0:34:13 believe it they cannot say that to the
0:34:15 american public
0:34:15 maybe down the road maybe a few few
0:34:18 decades from now the people will be
0:34:19 ready for this you know
0:34:20 we have nothing and no interest to the
0:34:21 hell with them and with with human
0:34:23 rights
0:34:24 if we cannot get the oil for cheap and
0:34:26 we cannot get it by force then we forget
0:34:27 about it that's it
0:34:29 so go back back to the so that's the
0:34:31 analysis
0:34:34 this is the meaning of britain and the
0:34:35 oligarchy though britain is still there
0:34:37 but the british establishment the
0:34:39 british oligarchy is really the one who
0:34:41 she's investing in america
0:34:42 and fisting everywhere in the world and
0:34:45 they were controlling the transnational
0:34:47 companies these
0:34:48 their their principle is that there is
0:34:49 an elite hundreds or
0:34:51 hundreds or several thousand billions of
0:34:53 the world they are from such an
0:34:55 aristocratic and
0:34:56 superior stock an intelligent stock
0:34:59 and they need like a billion of people
0:35:02 working for them
0:35:03 all over the world and the whole world
0:35:05 should become one one country
0:35:06 that's no sense of nationalism because
0:35:09 it is the world and humanity should be
0:35:11 led by this elite
0:35:12 and this elite should be the one ruling
0:35:14 because it controls the money
0:35:15 and it keeps controlling the money with
0:35:17 iron fist for those child for example
0:35:19 they have control of money since now
0:35:21 almost 200 years and others they keep it
0:35:23 exactly like a restaurant become the
0:35:25 monetary aristocracy this should be
0:35:27 leading the world
0:35:29 and what is more economical to invest in
0:35:31 china then we transfer the
0:35:33 the the product the machines and
0:35:35 equipment to china
0:35:36 if it's in india to india it's
0:35:38 irrelevant don't worry about the english
0:35:39 let them die
0:35:40 excuse me excuse me i think you answered
0:35:44 your own question because
0:35:45 uh earlier you were saying who who's
0:35:48 going to be benefiting of the
0:35:49 of the corona and the lockdown yeah and
0:35:52 the demolishing of the economy
0:35:54 because the reason obviously everything
0:35:57 starts in britain because this
0:35:58 yeah this is the place of the jail
0:36:01 in universe no it's not ablation
0:36:06 this is my this is my opinion
0:36:09 it is not in their interest it's not in
0:36:12 their interest that the economy of the
0:36:13 world collapses like this will bring
0:36:16 i think i understand what you want to
0:36:18 say these people are the one interested
0:36:20 in
0:36:20 corona and it will serve the agenda the
0:36:23 universal credit is going to be
0:36:25 universally controlling little people
0:36:28 who are going to have no businesses left
0:36:31 they're going to be
0:36:32 totally destroyed and they will be
0:36:35 forced to to get their vaccinations
0:36:37 they'd be total control over these uh 5g
0:36:40 towels so we're going to be so if you
0:36:43 don't listen to me
0:36:44 then we're just going to press the
0:36:46 button and you're going to get no food
0:36:48 you're going to get no exit to medicine
0:36:51 nothing
0:36:52 so the total control is the
0:36:55 the the the the the desire to destroy
0:36:58 everyone is
0:36:59 to gain the total control and that's
0:37:01 that's the part of
0:37:03 globalization and and and what you're
0:37:06 talking about the
0:37:06 the the the control over the all people
0:37:11 in the world that's not but but
0:37:14 the problem is that the corona virus the
0:37:17 virus itself
0:37:18 is not a good tool to do there that this
0:37:21 it is done by other because this one
0:37:24 will because such a pandemic
0:37:27 deserves the worker in the tens of
0:37:30 millions and hundreds of millions in the
0:37:32 more important was
0:37:33 important countries have to be paid by
0:37:35 by printing money
0:37:36 printing money will demolish their their
0:37:38 dominance of of the control of finance
0:37:40 they have to control the finance
0:37:42 but money has to have a value the moment
0:37:44 money collapses and the debts because
0:37:46 they are
0:37:46 how did they increase all these empires
0:37:48 by by borrowing taking for people's
0:37:50 money
0:37:51 sucking the other people's blood by by
0:37:54 by the false lawyer a dollar and so on
0:37:56 but do it gradually in a measured way so
0:37:58 it can be sustainable and can be rolled
0:38:00 down
0:38:01 the moment is accelerated and you have a
0:38:02 crash then the whole world changes
0:38:04 the whole equation of power change
0:38:12 check your microphone stop working
0:38:16 they see the danger for example in in in
0:38:19 two thousand two two three uh after the
0:38:20 uh the the dot-com bubble crashed
0:38:24 they needed to do some some uh some
0:38:26 arrangement of financial but it is less
0:38:28 severe than
0:38:29 2008 and will and the coming one will be
0:38:31 even the sweetest one which they cannot
0:38:33 fix
0:38:33 and they asked was the name of the
0:38:37 uh chancellor of the treasury at that
0:38:39 time uh which became prime minister
0:38:41 after
0:38:42 after blair was his name um they asked
0:38:46 him
0:38:47 you could have done this and this and
0:38:49 this and so on because they sold gold
0:38:51 and so in the open market and
0:38:53 they did certain action say yeah we said
0:38:56 we could not do otherwise we were we
0:38:57 walked until the border of the abyss we
0:39:00 looked on the abyss we have no choice
0:39:01 either we jump in the abyss or stay back
0:39:03 the stepping back forced us to sell gold
0:39:06 and do these and these things there was
0:39:07 no other way
0:39:08 at least in his world of understanding
0:39:11 so
0:39:12 it is not in the interest of the legacy
0:39:14 to bring situation which can bring the
0:39:16 whole system to collapse yes
0:39:18 slowly control and so on someone could
0:39:21 argue after that happened with the
0:39:22 divine hand
0:39:23 you see it is just just irrational to
0:39:26 believe that some people will start up
0:39:27 and they because one
0:39:28 if a pandemic happened then they would
0:39:30 try to benefit from soldiers in their
0:39:31 control yes
0:39:32 they will try and this clearly you see
0:39:35 for example why
0:39:36 for example the republic in america are
0:39:38 objecting to another uh
0:39:39 another uh
0:39:42 another big uh uh
0:39:46 bill over two and a half or three
0:39:47 trillions because they're afraid this
0:39:50 will bring the collapse quickly and then
0:39:52 because they are the
0:39:53 representative of the cream and the
0:39:54 oligarchy and
0:39:56 then the the control of the state and
0:39:58 the lagasse will be gone
0:40:00 it will destroy it completely so it is
0:40:03 i think besides also because these
0:40:05 stories that britain is the country of
0:40:07 the digital is not true that the jail
0:40:08 will not come from britain
0:40:10 will be coming from middle asia they
0:40:12 said kazakhstan may be the country of
0:40:14 the digital
0:40:14 and he's developing there slowly
0:40:18 people talk about the system of the the
0:40:20 system within is the coffer system the
0:40:22 capitalist system that's what will
0:40:23 produce
0:40:24 ultimately it will be the job would be
0:40:25 the peak of that it's not a digital
0:40:27 somewhere
0:40:27 and then i know that some people claim
0:40:29 that the jar is the
0:40:30 same which must say go your all your
0:40:33 life will be don't touch me
0:40:34 and some people claim is still alive
0:40:36 until now some people maybe al-qaeda is
0:40:37 still alive
0:40:38 or if this is we should know we should
0:40:40 discount all these stories these stories
0:40:42 are only irrational they have no
0:40:43 rational ground
0:40:44 they rely on one word in the quran or
0:40:46 some statement in that
0:40:48 in the old testament which are
0:40:50 questionable even in
0:40:51 in in in the translation and
0:40:53 questionable in their expansion and so
0:40:54 on
0:40:55 in going to in the imaginary world
0:40:58 besides
0:40:59 if you go into the same as this one
0:41:00 problem with us assuming such a theory
0:41:02 as a good explanation
0:41:04 is that it will handicap you from doing
0:41:06 the correct action
0:41:09 because what if let's assume it is
0:41:11 conspiracy of the oligarchy and zone
0:41:13 so what will be the action refusing
0:41:16 masks diffusing the vaccine
0:41:18 it will make things even worse because
0:41:20 this the
0:41:21 pandemic is here definitely the claim
0:41:24 that a vaccine is having his microchips
0:41:26 is is outlandish
0:41:27 even these nanoparticles or nano are not
0:41:29 so sophisticated enough that they can't
0:41:31 control humans
0:41:32 maybe as i said last time maybe down the
0:41:34 road maybe decades or centuries down
0:41:37 they will be like the work in in star
0:41:39 trek yeah
0:41:40 which are connected by by micro
0:41:42 particles and so on
0:41:43 and assimilate other cultures and so on
0:41:46 and take the best out of this culture
0:41:47 and incorporate it themselves
0:41:49 maybe something like that will emerge
0:41:50 but it's all imagine it's not it's not
0:41:52 it's not currently now and there's also
0:41:54 no no i said last time there's no
0:41:56 really really reliable and good evidence
0:41:59 for
0:41:59 for that 5g is is really able to switch
0:42:02 anything or do the damage that we will
0:42:04 claim
0:42:05 yes i blame the authorities under that
0:42:07 they disrespect the public they don't do
0:42:09 their systemic
0:42:10 experimentation animal experiments
0:42:12 supervised by
0:42:13 independent institutions possibly from
0:42:15 various countries
0:42:16 to refuse these ideas some of that has
0:42:18 been done but
0:42:19 done in academically esoteric corner and
0:42:22 the
0:42:22 uh scientific elite and the technology
0:42:24 elite tend to look
0:42:26 down on the common public as the idiots
0:42:28 they don't know anything that's a
0:42:29 mistake
0:42:29 should not look the common public has
0:42:31 proper concern
0:42:32 proper concern and they should be
0:42:34 addressed but
0:42:36 the reaction will be they are going to
0:42:38 control us with with the
0:42:40 with the vaccine okay so
0:42:43 we abstain from the vaccine the the the
0:42:46 epidemic will continue
0:42:47 killing more people and more people and
0:42:49 possibly giving an opportunity because
0:42:50 if it continues for some time the
0:42:52 probability of a
0:42:54 substantial mutation is there
0:42:58 there is a set of frequency mutation
0:43:00 known for viruses and so on
0:43:02 if it stay longer then there's very
0:43:04 little possibility that will rotate into
0:43:06 a vicious one which another vaccine is
0:43:08 not possible so we've been in every
0:43:10 never ending cycle and then you have
0:43:13 done a
0:43:13 complete collapse where they even
0:43:15 printing money will not be enough the
0:43:16 people will be dying of
0:43:17 then starvation and fighting each other
0:43:19 in the streets
0:43:20 you will have some of these american
0:43:22 movies will show you the world after a
0:43:24 world war
0:43:24 where people are becoming like living
0:43:27 like almost in a
0:43:28 according to the law of the jungle and
0:43:31 uh
0:43:31 killing each other and fighting each
0:43:33 other and so on for for crumbs of bread
0:43:35 and things like that
0:43:36 but now it is not by a world war it is
0:43:38 done by by
0:43:39 by by the virus
0:43:43 it's just just it's just not i think
0:43:46 it's it's going overboard it's not
0:43:48 taking all evidences and all aspects and
0:43:50 all historic aspects
0:43:51 and all other aspects in the world and
0:43:53 also it it
0:43:55 it seems to be having some kind of a
0:43:57 strange taste of
0:43:58 a little bit of atheism in this is that
0:44:01 everything is the weather controlled by
0:44:02 america and by the oligarchs and by
0:44:04 money and so no
0:44:06 the world is still controlled by allah
0:44:08 still definitely
0:44:10 and just a pandemic like that could
0:44:12 handicap a major power like america and
0:44:13 cut its leg
0:44:14 and put it in its side and weaken it in
0:44:16 such a way that we can jump in that
0:44:19 giving us an opportunity why not
0:44:22 interpret it this way
0:44:23 it's the action of allah to give us an
0:44:24 opportunity to move forward strongly and
0:44:26 strongly
0:44:27 and benefit from that there's an
0:44:29 interview there's also a possibility
0:44:31 and this is founded probably on on the
0:44:34 fact that independent who instigated it
0:44:36 miscalculated and who did bad
0:44:38 experimentation
0:44:39 individual or it is just a bat which was
0:44:41 sold
0:44:43 to for the chinese to make soup and and
0:44:46 turned out to be having a mutation which
0:44:48 infected humans and started a smashing
0:44:50 funding whatever it is
0:44:52 it's it can't have couldn't have
0:44:53 happened without allah's permission
0:44:55 and allah permitted to happen in this
0:44:57 situation for satan purposes
0:45:00 someone who believes that for example
0:45:02 these prophecies uh this numeric one
0:45:03 which
0:45:04 we find not very persuasive that
0:45:05 israel's be to be to be terminated in a
0:45:07 couple of years
0:45:08 or the beginning of the fall or be in a
0:45:10 couple of years or something like that
0:45:12 70 years after the establishment or
0:45:13 something as i said
0:45:15 i don't believe this numerics is very
0:45:16 persuasive it's not a
0:45:18 it's not a compelling numeric it's a
0:45:20 possible numeric
0:45:22 then this needs some preparation without
0:45:25 this pandemic it's not feasible how in
0:45:27 two years the solution could change that
0:45:28 that
0:45:29 could could be it could be a destroyed
0:45:32 but now it's very feasible
0:45:33 very very feasible massively feasible
0:45:39 how because of economic collapse
0:45:42 economic collapse and also
0:45:43 also military involvement and issues
0:45:45 like that
0:45:46 if if if america is an economical labs
0:45:48 for example
0:45:49 and their military is mostly invested in
0:45:52 the aircraft carrier has to be grounded
0:45:54 then they will not be thinking about
0:45:56 going into a local war or a limited war
0:45:59 and the nuclear war is out of question
0:46:01 why are nuclear for what which purpose
0:46:03 against china china california enough to
0:46:06 let america make it
0:46:10 kick it back into into the stone age
0:46:13 so it doesn't make any sense so it will
0:46:14 be only proxy wars between
0:46:16 what proxy war can be initiated now when
0:46:18 everyone is busy with the pandemic
0:46:19 and economic collapse
0:46:24 so take all of these things don't just
0:46:26 look from from one angle
0:46:28 that's a possible angle i must say it's
0:46:29 not impossible but it is it is a remote
0:46:31 possibility we have to go with the most
0:46:33 reasonable possibilities and the most
0:46:35 reasonable explanation one after one
0:46:37 so would you say so so to kind of uh
0:46:39 navigate this stuff is start from
0:46:41 a conceptual basis uh rather than going
0:46:44 in with a predisposition because what
0:46:45 what happens is it's like making
0:46:47 a soup they take five ten different
0:46:51 cons conflicting points of view stuff
0:46:54 that
0:46:55 actually negates the laws of physics
0:46:57 yeah negates laws of ration
0:46:59 in fact if we apply those same
0:47:01 principles to our own belief
0:47:02 you have to by necessity throw away
0:47:04 quran and accept that mohammed salam
0:47:06 could have been a fake
0:47:07 you have to if you really think about it
0:47:09 conceptually if an entire society can
0:47:11 collaborate on
0:47:12 lies and can bamboozle us to that extent
0:47:15 how do we know that no
0:47:16 no this is that i think i think that
0:47:17 people claim there's no pandemic at all
0:47:19 is fabricated are these these are
0:47:21 these are mentally deranged they should
0:47:23 be locked in a mental institution until
0:47:25 the pandemic is over
0:47:26 and given vaccine by forcing if there's
0:47:29 a vaccine for
0:47:30 no no i mean but the
0:47:33 the conclusion that the pandemic has
0:47:35 started now we are shocked and the
0:47:37 oligarch is trying to benefit from it by
0:47:39 by
0:47:39 gaining controls then that may have some
0:47:41 merit but this question
0:47:43 why gain control this way why
0:47:47 why actually is really a vaccine a way
0:47:50 to distribute these micro particles
0:47:52 anyway
0:47:53 if there's any macro particles which
0:47:55 could be initiated or
0:47:56 in or or kicked started by by
0:47:59 5g is available or something like that
0:48:02 we would have known scientifically the
0:48:04 preparation we know there are ships
0:48:06 they put ships in your leg for example
0:48:07 if you are accused of terrorism so they
0:48:09 can
0:48:09 trace where are you etcetera sometimes
0:48:12 they're planted in the body and
0:48:13 sometimes they put it like
0:48:14 like like a watch which is which is
0:48:16 locked and you cannot take it or
0:48:17 something or if you take it
0:48:18 or immediately the police will come to
0:48:20 you or something like that
0:48:22 that's way that but this is the last
0:48:23 ship this is not this is not something
0:48:25 which can be
0:48:26 put in an injection not yet i'm not
0:48:29 saying this
0:48:29 will not be possible in the remote
0:48:30 future not yet the same one if we have
0:48:33 some i religious recently
0:48:35 some disturbing experience they call it
0:48:37 disturbing i don't see it this table
0:48:39 they were able to edit the the
0:48:42 the genes of a baby monkey
0:48:46 which is still in the in the egg level
0:48:49 uh such that the certain genes which are
0:48:52 uh
0:48:52 controlling the mental capability has
0:48:54 been as has
0:48:55 done doubled or i don't know how they
0:48:57 did it exactly so that the
0:48:59 new new monkey will be uh obviously in
0:49:02 vitro
0:49:03 in glass the new monkey will be more
0:49:05 intelligent than
0:49:06 than than the average monkey and the
0:49:08 injected back into
0:49:10 into to the mother and that monkey is
0:49:12 born and they are not doing tests on it
0:49:15 frozen this
0:49:18 this people say regardless chilling
0:49:20 because they think this will be
0:49:22 an open door to do eugenics and and
0:49:24 breeding of humans and things like that
0:49:27 it could if it's used if there's a
0:49:29 political will
0:49:30 and by abrasive regime they may try to
0:49:32 use it but
0:49:34 some people regard the chilling for some
0:49:35 other reason that maybe
0:49:37 man is becoming like god it's not true
0:49:39 this is just breeding
0:49:41 you did not create the dna it is done
0:49:43 four billion years ago and started
0:49:45 creating the trade by alliance
0:49:47 and kick started the evolution that's
0:49:48 gone unforgotten you are not able
0:49:50 understand there's no danger for any
0:49:52 belief can you create completely out of
0:49:55 nothing uh
0:49:56 out of a raw material and
0:50:00 a fly like the quran says they cannot
0:50:03 create a fly
0:50:04 even if they are coming together no they
0:50:05 can't create a fly all the stuff like
0:50:07 they can't edit the fly and modify
0:50:09 we do all the time modifications we are
0:50:10 breeding animals yes we use classical
0:50:13 wet
0:50:13 methods we bring a bull a new bull which
0:50:16 certain features and let it intimidate
0:50:18 as many cows as possible
0:50:19 under cross breed and so on and over
0:50:20 generations nowadays we can do it by
0:50:23 genetic modification faster that's it
0:50:25 so what's chilling there but
0:50:29 there will be people saying oh no they
0:50:31 would be able to
0:50:32 to produce what is name
0:50:35 that beast frankenstein strange stan is
0:50:38 at the door but frankish time is still
0:50:39 far away
0:50:41 it may come down the door in a butcher's
0:50:43 experiment yeah this is not
0:50:45 completely impossible it's not
0:50:47 complicated
0:50:48 if these experiments are done and
0:50:49 without control in the proper way etc
0:50:53 but it's not now so this is the same
0:50:56 with with with the with with
0:50:57 nanoparticles as well nanoparticles are
0:50:59 now
0:51:00 used we have nanoparticles used to
0:51:02 encapsulate medicine and so on
0:51:04 to make it solvable and can be given as
0:51:06 injection or
0:51:07 intervenors that's very good and it has
0:51:09 helped to
0:51:10 many way to realize many
0:51:13 medical breakthroughs with with those
0:51:15 substances who are very effective
0:51:17 but they are badly soluble to make them
0:51:20 soluble these are
0:51:21 nanoparticles but this is a far cry from
0:51:24 a nanoparticle which will make you
0:51:26 move like a clone like in star wars
0:51:28 attack of the clones
0:51:30 far away from that far far away this
0:51:33 needs
0:51:34 further developments which may take
0:51:36 decades or centuries
0:51:37 or it may be faster but it's still we
0:51:39 are not at that stage yet
0:51:42 but that that level of control and that
0:51:44 have a sophisticated nanoparticles
0:51:46 if ever because to have
0:51:50 a nanoparticle which has a receptor for
0:51:53 for uh 5g or whatever g's
0:51:56 to come later and uh to
0:51:59 to to have sufficient many many
0:52:03 many micro cells which can make a
0:52:06 decision
0:52:07 and they send the necessary current to
0:52:08 the brain to affect your behavior
0:52:10 this is a very tall order this is far
0:52:12 away i don't think it's even feasible
0:52:15 it's not even feasible and even that
0:52:18 what will be the control
0:52:19 to make you like a zombie so that your
0:52:21 worker doesn't complain that's a very
0:52:23 complex behavior this is not easy with
0:52:24 nanoparticle
0:52:26 that may be doing by genetic editing in
0:52:28 the bath phase
0:52:29 or by by injecting certain like
0:52:33 this dissolved nano nano substances like
0:52:37 like giving you frontal time and
0:52:39 injection of
0:52:40 a material which makes you all the time
0:52:42 high and happy and work like a zombie
0:52:44 and high and hobby and and that it will
0:52:47 be released slowly in the bloodstream so
0:52:49 all the time have been like an idiot and
0:52:51 working with that complaint maybe
0:52:53 something like that
0:52:54 that just appears to be reasonably
0:52:56 feasible around the corner
0:53:00 this will be they have to be given
0:53:01 continuously and injection after
0:53:03 injection it can like
0:53:04 one month every two months and so on
0:53:06 like i like contraceptives that have to
0:53:07 be taken monthly or every few months as
0:53:09 an injection something that continuously
0:53:11 after some time it it it goes away
0:53:14 and there will be people in the society
0:53:16 refusing that and there will be
0:53:17 rebellion
0:53:18 and killing in the streets and shooting
0:53:20 and so on it would have backlash
0:53:22 to get it going let me go in one country
0:53:25 other countries will
0:53:26 it is it's not very irrational but you
0:53:28 could imagine that
0:53:31 every generation you have this kind of
0:53:33 thing it's kind of like this called
0:53:34 mechanic conspiracy theories people
0:53:36 um try to navigate having a lot of
0:53:40 uncertainty in the future it kind of
0:53:41 spawns these kind of things
0:53:43 the most important thing for us i think
0:53:44 is really to navigate this
0:53:47 interestingly there are claims that
0:53:49 artificial intelligence
0:53:51 has come now or is so sophisticated that
0:53:54 big computer zone with artificial
0:53:55 intelligence
0:53:56 programs they seems to be someone
0:53:58 claimed to be i am not sure about that
0:54:00 that they notice that the computer is
0:54:02 talking to each other
0:54:04 and developing in another language so
0:54:06 that nobody can listen to them
0:54:07 i am doubting about this report but
0:54:08 let's assume this report is true
0:54:10 then we have should be more worried
0:54:12 about intelligence intelligence
0:54:14 and it is even claimed that the the
0:54:16 recession were forced to unplug
0:54:18 this round sound if you if any one of
0:54:20 you
0:54:22 none of the view is old enough to be but
0:54:24 maybe he has seen
0:54:25 a replay of that there was a movie in
0:54:28 the 70 called
0:54:29 or the odyssey 2000 or something like
0:54:31 that some people were lost in space and
0:54:33 then
0:54:34 the computer in the in the ship became
0:54:37 became conscious and developed
0:54:40 your intelligence to the tune that even
0:54:42 the wires if you want to go to
0:54:44 under black the way that he can move the
0:54:45 world and strangle you and things like
0:54:48 that
0:54:50 i think it's obviously two thousand it's
0:54:52 called that was in the seventies i
0:54:53 showed so
0:54:54 it's a shilling perspective and they
0:54:56 said obviously two thousand you could
0:54:57 expected that to be in the year two
0:54:58 thousand
0:54:59 well now two thousand twenty we are not
0:55:00 even close to that but if these stories
0:55:02 that i hear from some people
0:55:04 that it happened is not fabrication
0:55:05 because it may be also fabrication the
0:55:07 underground is
0:55:08 and they claim the governments are
0:55:09 covering that up and so on um
0:55:13 this is like the same story with the
0:55:16 ufos that the government is covering up
0:55:17 etc and so on
0:55:19 and still now with this really not very
0:55:21 much persuasive there that is
0:55:24 there may be some phenomena which are
0:55:25 disturbing which is not understood
0:55:26 properly
0:55:27 i'll govern to ibaka again to prevent
0:55:29 public panic that's possible
0:55:31 there may be secretive military
0:55:32 experiments which people perceive as a
0:55:35 ufo and the government's covering up
0:55:36 because the secret
0:55:37 but really extraterrestrial coming from
0:55:39 outside and the government has have have
0:55:41 their bodies and made
0:55:43 some some dna testing and some covering
0:55:45 up this is
0:55:46 just just a bit a bit of a tall order
0:55:49 it's a bit of a tall order i'm not
0:55:51 saying it's
0:55:51 probably impossible it could be it could
0:55:53 be in certain countries but
0:55:54 especially in countries that most
0:55:56 acclaims are in america
0:55:58 a country like america there will be
0:56:00 some whistleblower there will be someone
0:56:01 this is about
0:56:02 this people these people are cowboys
0:56:04 they are libertarian
0:56:05 in the sometimes in a rough way it's not
0:56:08 unconceivable that over the 50-60 year
0:56:10 nobody came forward and
0:56:11 exposed something like that even things
0:56:14 like
0:56:14 like that was what people were doubting
0:56:16 at that time that it's
0:56:18 a government man that like like the
0:56:20 suicidal death of marine mother intended
0:56:22 out that's all not suicide
0:56:24 because the man who who killed her on
0:56:27 order or cia because she was i think
0:56:29 having a relation to kennedy and they
0:56:30 wanted they were afraid that
0:56:32 that the state's secret may may leak and
0:56:34 so on whatever the reason
0:56:35 they killed here the man on his deathbed
0:56:37 admitted that he is the one who killed
0:56:39 him and he admitted doing the same
0:56:40 in 48 cases 49 cases so at least on the
0:56:44 death bed someone
0:56:45 missed something and he said clear that
0:56:47 he doesn't regret he said in the united
0:56:48 states of america
0:56:50 even face of death he is not regretting
0:56:52 but that's not our maybe he's he's
0:56:53 believing that state of america is
0:56:55 is god's own land or the promised land
0:56:58 whatever he believes
0:57:00 but there would be something there would
0:57:01 be some leaking there will be something
0:57:03 like that would be
0:57:04 like snowden so it can't be over
0:57:08 uh even in the soviet union there's
0:57:11 whistleblower and people bailing out
0:57:12 and exposing certain things they would
0:57:14 even that
0:57:16 it does it contradicts human nature that
0:57:18 everyone to the last one will keep the
0:57:20 secret and so on especially in
0:57:21 additively
0:57:22 almost like america but but still
0:57:25 there may be something there maybe some
0:57:26 something came from space there will be
0:57:28 something strange
0:57:29 some strange construction which may be
0:57:31 of human origin
0:57:32 but it is it's difficult really to
0:57:36 to to to accept these things
0:57:40 it's really difficult but let's go to
0:57:42 the pandemic so
0:57:44 the maximum is there that they ah that's
0:57:47 an opportunity opportunity for what
0:57:49 for control with masks and so on with
0:57:54 with immunization i don't think
0:57:55 immunization is a control unless this
0:57:57 g5 g and so on theory is there this is
0:58:01 there's no other physicist i'll tell you
0:58:03 there's no in addition
0:58:04 to make things worse 5g being very
0:58:07 short-waved
0:58:08 is very difficult penetrating through a
0:58:10 skin to the depth of the human body
0:58:13 it does penetrate a bit but because the
0:58:14 shorter the wave the more difficult
0:58:16 that's the reason that we are not
0:58:18 transparent because the light waves are
0:58:19 very short
0:58:20 so they cannot go through our body or
0:58:22 they go through glass because the glass
0:58:24 structure premises but in our body
0:58:25 doesn't go it reflects under you see
0:58:27 only the skin
0:58:28 and it maybe go only a few micrometers
0:58:30 that's the reason
0:58:31 uv radiation uvb uh produces vitamin d
0:58:35 under the skin
0:58:36 from from uh from a cholesterol
0:58:39 derivative
0:58:40 when one of the cholesterols can can be
0:58:41 converted in the colic
0:58:45 consumer school several law or
0:58:47 california
0:58:48 cholesterol which is d3 just few but the
0:58:51 gold doesn't go deeper
0:58:52 long waves go go go through but g
0:58:56 5g is specifically very short to carry
0:58:59 the one who know about that to carry
0:59:02 plenty of information
0:59:03 you need that's the reason for external
0:59:05 fiber optics that
0:59:07 carry more information than than than
0:59:10 waves which are not enough
0:59:11 and but but but because it's because
0:59:14 it's laser waves either blue or red and
0:59:16 so on
0:59:16 and this very short wave plenty of
0:59:18 frequency and this allows you to do
0:59:20 plenty of cutting down and carrying
0:59:22 plenty of information
0:59:24 digitalization and but light cannot be
0:59:27 carried yes
0:59:28 lose so it has to go through fiber
0:59:30 optics otherwise it will
0:59:32 strike against the walls and disappear
0:59:33 so there's absorbed by there
0:59:35 it doesn't work so they use something
0:59:36 which doesn't absorb by the air
0:59:38 but sufficiently short frequency
0:59:42 a short short short wavelength and high
0:59:46 frequency so that it can carry plenty of
0:59:48 information and still penetrate and go
0:59:49 around
0:59:50 and they have a problem with 5g that it
0:59:52 is they
0:59:54 still thinking how to deal with the
0:59:56 problem that inside buildings you the
0:59:57 reception will be miserable much more
0:59:59 miserable than 3g
1:00:01 so it's not very likely that it will be
1:00:03 deep enough to
1:00:05 affect any in any any
1:00:08 shape unless there's a big chip buried
1:00:10 under the skin or something
1:00:11 for following someone or something like
1:00:13 that
1:00:14 that could be like for example they put
1:00:16 a ship for when a terrorist or a
1:00:18 criminal in some place
1:00:19 and if you try to run away or go out of
1:00:21 the prescribed area they send the signal
1:00:24 and this chip will start shaking them
1:00:26 electrically and painfully get back to
1:00:28 your area something like that that could
1:00:30 be
1:00:31 envisaged envisaged but but not that one
1:00:34 with with the
1:00:35 with the nanoparticle ships chip level
1:00:38 in a nanoparticle level this will be
1:00:41 having very basic functions
1:00:44 so you have also to get a bit of science
1:00:47 that
1:00:48 not excluding that down the road maybe
1:00:50 you something but it will no it will be
1:00:51 triggered by something else than
1:00:53 5g something else it has to be something
1:00:55 else
1:00:57 it may be triggered by like for example
1:00:59 magnetic fields you are passing in the
1:01:00 airport or a certain magnetic field and
1:01:02 so on
1:01:03 that may be but not 5g
1:01:06 it has to be something else most likely
1:01:09 that's the reason some movies you see
1:01:10 that for example there's an oppressive
1:01:12 regime which
1:01:13 dictates you should not become pregnant
1:01:14 and so on and
1:01:16 everywhere you go everywhere there is
1:01:17 like like like
1:01:19 like a a detector you can't go through
1:01:22 the detector uniform a woman is pregnant
1:01:24 without permission they have everything
1:01:26 on record and then
1:01:29 that's when pregnant they try to obtain
1:01:30 her and then you see in the movie she's
1:01:32 running away and for fight and so on
1:01:34 making very nice story it's a nice movie
1:01:37 that's that's that's conceivable that's
1:01:39 possible that that's that's well
1:01:40 possible
1:01:41 going through such a gate with the
1:01:43 device which can ah there's a pregnancy
1:01:45 check quickly with the database that
1:01:46 woman according to her id
1:01:48 everyone's id that that time and so on
1:01:50 okay she's not supposed to be pregnant
1:01:52 she's
1:01:52 she's become pregnant out of the
1:01:54 permission of the state which
1:01:56 regulate who gets pregnant or not et
1:01:58 cetera and at which time so
1:02:00 she will be prosecuted that could be
1:02:03 that's that's not far away
1:02:04 that's feasible in the coming few
1:02:07 decades
1:02:08 isn't the case that people tend to make
1:02:11 a conclusion
1:02:12 and then they try to look for anything
1:02:15 that fits that
1:02:16 and it's yeah yeah the thing is part of
1:02:19 deciphering this is to have
1:02:21 the relevant tools and to be critically
1:02:23 analytical
1:02:24 enough of this you mentioned about
1:02:27 sciences
1:02:27 part of science i think it's a very
1:02:29 important part in fact fundamental
1:02:31 because when they start talking about
1:02:33 waves and 5g
1:02:35 they're almost thinking like this are
1:02:36 brand new it's like
1:02:38 like shooting laser into someone's face
1:02:40 it's something brand new
1:02:41 but it's this is within the laws of
1:02:43 physics yeah this is physics
1:02:45 as well and we know we know they're
1:02:46 going to laws of physics and we know
1:02:48 the difference between long waves and
1:02:51 short waves and carrying
1:02:52 in in carrying for example if you want
1:02:55 to communicate with
1:02:56 with uh with the submarines you have to
1:02:58 use very long waves
1:03:00 why because the sea sea water is salty
1:03:03 and have ions
1:03:04 so short waves will not penetrate except
1:03:06 like this so to penetrate most
1:03:08 submarines now can go
1:03:10 conveniently up to maybe 600 meters
1:03:13 so for the wave to penetrate it
1:03:15 penetrates usually up to half wavelength
1:03:17 so you have to
1:03:18 you use a wave of like like one half
1:03:20 kilometer
1:03:22 but these were very very messy and very
1:03:24 difficult to deal with and they have to
1:03:25 have
1:03:26 certain antennas and the land and so on
1:03:28 and also the amount of information is
1:03:30 very miserable so you have to wait like
1:03:32 half an hour or one hour
1:03:33 to get the code for launching the nokia
1:03:35 attacks
1:03:36 just to get the code
1:03:40 something like that but it's the only
1:03:41 way because you are deep in the sea
1:03:43 and this is it it is not an option that
1:03:45 you go above
1:03:46 the moment you go where you want to be
1:03:47 detected by the enemy and then the whole
1:03:49 base
1:03:50 was supposed to launch up to 16 nuclear
1:03:52 missiles against the enemy is gone it's
1:03:54 finished
1:03:55 so it has to be down so they use that
1:03:57 there's no way there's no way to
1:03:58 overcome
1:03:59 physics only allah can communicate
1:04:01 immediately without these waves
1:04:03 everybody else has to use waves
1:04:07 because of the wavelength but with this
1:04:09 long wavelength you can communicate
1:04:11 and you may have seen this crimson
1:04:13 crimson uh
1:04:14 this this movie where um denzel
1:04:18 denzel um what's the name of the elder
1:04:23 what's the name of the washington
1:04:27 or something like that when they have a
1:04:29 dispute where they are under
1:04:30 under the sea level they got an
1:04:32 information that a nuclear war started
1:04:34 and
1:04:34 and the commander wanted to launch and
1:04:36 then they objected say we have to
1:04:37 wait for confirmation and then you show
1:04:40 you i think this is a
1:04:42 correct way how it works really in some
1:04:43 ways but americans are very liberal to
1:04:45 show that
1:04:46 to the public and they were waiting ages
1:04:48 for the
1:04:49 tick check line by line takes minutes to
1:04:52 come out
1:04:52 because simply the the way i've used is
1:04:55 just
1:04:56 simply uh uh having little information
1:05:00 because of its enormous length
1:05:01 and also in addition it is most likely
1:05:04 more complicated because is being
1:05:06 encrypted
1:05:07 and that makes even worse so you have to
1:05:09 wait more like half an hour
1:05:10 or a half a day to get the information
1:05:13 anyway
1:05:13 that movie ended nicely there was no war
1:05:16 and alhamdulillah
1:05:17 and no no launch and no catastrophe has
1:05:19 happened
1:05:21 but only by people there in the
1:05:22 submarine really fighting against the
1:05:24 commander and
1:05:25 creating each other so on like a civil
1:05:27 war in the somebody
1:05:30 it's a nice one you should if you could
1:05:32 get an opportunity take a look to it
1:05:33 but it gives you some chili could it's
1:05:35 something like that happen
1:05:37 or at the end they say disclaimer from
1:05:39 the american navy there are other
1:05:40 safeguards
1:05:41 which definitely will prevent something
1:05:42 like that happening to pacify the people
1:05:45 but at least such a mistake or mishap
1:05:48 can happen that
1:05:49 but in any case they have to wait for
1:05:51 the confirmation and
1:05:52 for that because of the long wave and
1:05:54 also the high encryption
1:05:56 making it even messier it takes
1:06:00 hours until a small message they said
1:06:01 confirmed or not confirmed just come out
1:06:04 well obviously with the telephone in in
1:06:05 hours we could have even
1:06:07 downloaded the uh downloaded a gigabyte
1:06:10 of information or a complete movie
1:06:12 with a with a 5g or 3g and so on
1:06:15 yeah so all of these things people don't
1:06:18 take into consideration
1:06:20 most common people and there are some
1:06:22 people have the hobby to to create such
1:06:25 fake stories and nonsensical things and
1:06:27 fool the people
1:06:28 then some people have a happy either
1:06:32 to to satisfy some kind of a feeling
1:06:34 that i am superior to the others i can't
1:06:36 take them for a ride or to test the
1:06:38 intelligence of the people like hakkar
1:06:40 like many hackers they just
1:06:41 want to show that the systems are weak
1:06:43 and they are kept with this purpose
1:06:45 they call them like like uh detective
1:06:47 hackers
1:06:48 who show you your system is weak we
1:06:50 hacked it and they offer their service
1:06:52 force of that that's the reason
1:06:53 many of these hackers have been employed
1:06:55 by major corporation uh to
1:06:57 to protect their system and improve it
1:06:59 as your system is faulty is bad
1:07:01 and we can't hack it and there are other
1:07:03 hackers which really have this this
1:07:05 twisted mentality or this psychological
1:07:07 disease like a lack of like
1:07:09 which is which is a fraction of human
1:07:12 being will have
1:07:13 evil and miser either because they have
1:07:15 been brought up
1:07:16 in a wrong way or they have some bad
1:07:18 experience that they
1:07:19 hate humanity or hate something like
1:07:21 that and they want to take revenge all
1:07:22 these kind of motivations
1:07:24 and also the general lack of
1:07:26 spirituality and and piety
1:07:28 increases the the incidence of that in
1:07:31 time past this
1:07:32 the the such event were much less
1:07:34 because
1:07:35 most people were pious and religious
1:07:37 unbeliever and everyone have a barrier
1:07:40 lying and so on is not good it's nice to
1:07:42 be the liar
1:07:43 in a village you may find one liar and
1:07:44 it's famous to be a liar but it's not
1:07:46 very common now there is almost
1:07:48 every second person you meet doesn't
1:07:51 hesitate to make some lies
1:07:53 unfortunately because morality
1:08:09 or in the quran then most people will
1:08:11 travel nowadays you can't tell me
1:08:13 that he will put his under the quran he
1:08:14 doesn't care who doesn't believe in
1:08:16 anything
1:08:17 so this is one problem also it's a
1:08:19 sickness of the society
1:08:21 so we have some people who manufacture
1:08:23 this i mentioned last time
1:08:25 the story about that someone said that
1:08:28 trying to to prove the hadith of the
1:08:30 false hadith in bukhari that adam was 60
1:08:32 feet in in the sky this is obviously
1:08:34 just like that story we'll discuss that
1:08:36 one day when we come to the creation of
1:08:37 adam shawwal
1:08:38 that have seen and then some russian
1:08:41 atheists i think manufactured some
1:08:43 photoshop and so on and a skeleton and
1:08:46 someone measuring a man standing there
1:08:48 obviously projected the picture
1:08:49 you know how to do that in photoshop
1:08:51 various layers and projecting
1:08:52 and measuring at a destination 60
1:08:54 minutes 65 defeated
1:08:58 and our my friend medical doctor
1:09:00 believed that
1:09:01 still come on just wake up this is
1:09:03 manufactured so he checked in the dark
1:09:05 web of the russian
1:09:06 he was in in ukraine he speaks russian
1:09:08 and he found that this russian invention
1:09:10 some atheists were making mockery of of
1:09:13 some old testament
1:09:14 or maybe muslim and many atheists now
1:09:17 make such make up such story that
1:09:22 but it's obviously motivated by by
1:09:24 ideology because they won't show that
1:09:26 the quran is faulty or that the muslim
1:09:28 muslims are idiots
1:09:29 and they invent something and then some
1:09:31 muslims adopted that broadcast
1:09:32 and you find it you receive tons of
1:09:35 messages also all kinds of things
1:09:37 of these things we should be a little
1:09:39 bit more critical in that
1:09:41 it's okay sometimes you will fall for
1:09:43 some some things may
1:09:45 may like someone told me recently just i
1:09:48 think a couple of days ago
1:09:50 that uh because it's a lady actually
1:09:53 uh uh she hates the lockdown because she
1:09:56 want to because she has overweight and
1:09:58 she want to go for exercising
1:10:00 and then she received mystery saying
1:10:02 just now boris johnson
1:10:04 boris johnson decided to
1:10:08 uh decided to extend the lock down until
1:10:10 uh christmas
1:10:12 day see the link so she was so upset
1:10:16 she clicked on the link and the link was
1:10:19 having just a picture of someone making
1:10:20 uh an indecent sign with the finger or
1:10:23 something
1:10:26 you could say that's more more like a
1:10:28 joke you you're pulling the leg of a
1:10:30 friend or something like that but
1:10:31 sometimes it's more serious than that
1:10:32 it guides you to to a site and the site
1:10:35 is there maybe an attack site or
1:10:37 or a site which will take uh take over
1:10:39 your computer or something like that
1:10:42 or if we give you give you like like a
1:10:44 statement of
1:10:46 a a fantastic statement about about
1:10:49 making money a certain opportunity or a
1:10:51 government program and so on
1:10:52 you just send this amount of money and
1:10:54 then you send a lot of money and
1:10:56 they take the and they run away and
1:10:58 people some people will get fooled by
1:11:00 that
1:11:02 which is natural
1:11:06 it can happen
1:11:09 so we have to be critical but it does
1:11:11 not mean that we are say
1:11:13 that we are completely uh but what what
1:11:16 what the most interesting thing that
1:11:18 that these these
1:11:19 these conspiracy theories and this
1:11:21 statement and these lies and so on
1:11:23 can spread all over the world within
1:11:26 within
1:11:26 uh within uh a very short time actually
1:11:30 it is
1:11:30 the process there is a prophet says i
1:11:32 will shake exactly the wording
1:11:35 if you are in in the end of the times
1:11:49 this is a clear prophecy of fast
1:11:50 communication which at the time of it
1:11:52 was impossible that the traverse
1:11:53 going from the far east to the far west
1:11:55 will take on
1:11:56 at best on horseback or or
1:12:01 a postal system of the empires at the
1:12:02 time empires with the established
1:12:04 process system
1:12:05 it takes at least two months
1:12:08 and bye bye just by camels and so only
1:12:10 to take six months
1:12:12 so something spreading from far east to
1:12:14 the west in time past the scholarship is
1:12:17 metaphorical that is very very widely
1:12:18 and
1:12:19 very fast but we know it's not
1:12:20 metaphorical it's literally
1:12:23 someone fabricates a story in one for
1:12:25 example and then the rest of the world
1:12:27 knows about it by them by the evening
1:12:31 but also news rule true news and that
1:12:33 but also
1:12:35 says that lies will be there's very
1:12:37 there's a double
1:12:38 reality double evidence for the
1:12:39 prophethood that there will be lies and
1:12:41 uninvented stories and claims which are
1:12:43 not true invented
1:12:44 but also truth will spread the same
1:12:46 speed because the speed of information
1:12:48 is fiercely
1:12:49 it doesn't the speed of the information
1:12:50 has nothing to do with the content of
1:12:51 the information
1:12:52 it is just a mechanism which will become
1:12:55 available in the in the far future
1:12:57 and uh but what he says is that lying
1:13:00 and so on
1:13:02 and spreading lies will become more
1:13:03 prevalent people piety and people who
1:13:05 honesty and truthfulness will sink
1:13:07 in addition that information speed will
1:13:09 be massive
1:13:11 oh this is one one of the evidences of
1:13:13 prophethood
1:13:15 at that time nobody could imagine that
1:13:17 something called from here was spread
1:13:19 from east to west
1:13:20 at that time when the when the uh
1:13:24 i think we should conclude soon
1:13:26 inshallah when um
1:13:28 when the people of uh when krista was
1:13:30 angry when he received a little loft and
1:13:32 tore it away then he sent to his
1:13:33 commander in yemen
1:13:35 this man who claims to be a prophet sent
1:13:37 two strong men
1:13:39 to obtain him he thinks he's living in
1:13:42 an imperial world
1:13:43 abraham and take him and ask him to
1:13:47 seize and desist
1:13:49 and give up with this nonsense otherwise
1:13:51 send him to me here
1:13:52 in peril or if he sees a desist with you
1:13:54 in yemen that's why
1:13:55 no need to send him so he sent two
1:13:58 obviously with the delegation and so on
1:14:00 and they went and up to thrive
1:14:02 and tried to ask about the professor no
1:14:04 no he's in medina it's nothing and the
1:14:05 people of taif at that time they were
1:14:07 idol worshiper they were jubilancy
1:14:09 the king of kings uh that was the third
1:14:12 time uh
1:14:14 pharaohs i think again the king of kings
1:14:16 is is going against muhammad now we will
1:14:18 get rid of him
1:14:19 now we can stay worshiping the lord
1:14:21 forever so they went to medina
1:14:23 and they came to salam and then he
1:14:26 received them nicely
1:14:28 and commented about their beers and
1:14:29 there's small comments and so on and
1:14:31 they said
1:14:31 okay that's that's what you say we are
1:14:33 supposed to the king of kings orders to
1:14:35 come with us to the king of yemen
1:14:37 and prepare your answer in a nice answer
1:14:39 to the king of yemen we don't need to
1:14:41 send you to persia
1:14:42 and we settle there
1:14:45 so i said okay i will give you an answer
1:14:47 tomorrow morning obviously by why
1:14:49 did you breathe for him wait until
1:14:50 tomorrow morning at that night
1:14:55 uh the orchestra was uh
1:14:58 was assassinated by their own son
1:15:01 who was killed by his own son
1:15:04 and in the morning he called them and
1:15:06 then told them
1:15:08 uh or us asking to be brought so they
1:15:11 brought to him
1:15:12 in a little bit stiff way so they were
1:15:15 coming shivering what's happening
1:15:16 the man is going to kill us to do
1:15:18 something
1:15:20 who knows what was which principle of
1:15:22 international he respects others
1:15:24 and then and they were fresh told them
1:15:27 you're
1:15:27 my lord because he said my lord
1:15:29 commanded to leave the beards and
1:15:31 because they said our lord has commanded
1:15:32 us to shave our lord meaning
1:15:34 say my lord come my lord killed your
1:15:36 lord yesterday
1:15:38 and one of them say wash your mouth
1:15:41 what you are saying is very grave said
1:15:44 his own son killed him even
1:15:46 so what you're saying is very creep if
1:15:48 that's
1:15:49 is reported to the the deputy king in
1:15:52 yemen
1:15:53 then maybe an army will be coming with
1:15:55 them saying okay no problem and he gave
1:15:56 them gifts and so on
1:15:58 and send them back to yemen so they
1:16:00 arrived in yemen
1:16:02 told by uh
1:16:12 but if it is true if we get that news
1:16:16 that he was his son has killed him
1:16:18 then this can be only been known by by a
1:16:20 prophet because no way information can
1:16:22 be
1:16:22 go that fast whatsoever because even
1:16:25 even magician and so on and so they have
1:16:27 never claimed they get information that
1:16:28 fast anyway
1:16:29 so it's impossible except and then just
1:16:31 one or two days later the news came from
1:16:33 the son of the
1:16:34 cobat that i have killed kestrel because
1:16:38 he
1:16:38 he mistreated the armies he did this did
1:16:40 this and did it for the benefit of
1:16:42 persia like any any new king or
1:16:44 any observer and concerning because he
1:16:48 knew about the story of the prophet
1:16:49 concerning the man which my father told
1:16:51 you to
1:16:52 to catch him and so on leave him don't
1:16:54 touch him leave him alone
1:16:55 he was afraid leave him alone because
1:16:57 this one was christian and he has some
1:16:59 maybe stories about apostle prophet and
1:17:01 so on
1:17:03 so at the time so until they go back to
1:17:06 yemen
1:17:07 that's about usual travel on camelback
1:17:09 that will be something like 20 days to
1:17:11 one month
1:17:13 and the news from persia until it comes
1:17:16 the same thing so they arrived ahead the
1:17:17 news
1:17:18 so the news from persia couldn't have
1:17:20 come to medina
1:17:21 in less than 15 days but knew the same
1:17:24 day and they recorded he said
1:17:26 watch the day write it in your dairy
1:17:27 none of them is a writer is a recorder
1:17:29 they recorded it
1:17:30 and they checked the day of the exam of
1:17:33 the the execution of orchestra that
1:17:35 tears out
1:17:37 so at the time the communication was
1:17:38 just just this infeasible impossible
1:17:42 for the people of that but it's
1:17:43 impossible to imagine a communication
1:17:45 coming
1:17:45 that fast just just beyond there
1:17:48 except it's miraculous we
1:17:52 anyway i think we conclude so that's
1:17:55 that's so at least we benefited uh some
1:17:57 other evidence of the prophet that at
1:17:59 the end of time
1:18:01 lies thick lies which really are worth
1:18:05 propagating all over the world
1:18:07 will would become prevalent that a man
1:18:09 would fabricate something in the east
1:18:11 and it will be by the evening with the
1:18:13 same day in the far west so across the
1:18:15 whole earth
1:18:16 and communication will be at that fast
1:18:17 actually it's faster than that but until
1:18:19 it spread
1:18:19 and goes to use organization and they
1:18:21 sorted it and double check it
1:18:23 and possibly he has made it so nice and
1:18:25 so sophisticated
1:18:27 that the check will pass the take and
1:18:29 then
1:18:30 even the news agents will be fooled by
1:18:31 the story and so on and they broadcasted
1:18:33 that it takes it takes something like
1:18:35 between
1:18:36 12 to 24 hours usually with all the
1:18:39 shakes and so on especially if the story
1:18:40 is very fantastic
1:18:42 and and that's what we have now so
1:18:45 beware
1:18:46 there are fabricators all over the world
1:18:48 who invent stories and
1:18:50 imagine things deliberately just to to
1:18:52 have a big laugh about humanity or
1:18:56 to prove some of their beliefs or
1:18:58 project something in their imagination
1:18:59 the realities all kind of motivation of
1:19:01 lies are there
1:19:03 some of this just to have a mockery and
1:19:04 story and we see that continuously in
1:19:07 the internet and things like that
1:19:10 and it can some of it can can can fool
1:19:12 everyone
1:19:17 tash may remember there was someone
1:19:18 claiming that this
1:19:20 i remember 10 years ago when i sent a
1:19:22 picture which which uh
1:19:24 someone claimed that this is that that
1:19:26 plane which fell in the mountains of
1:19:27 bolivia or somewhere
1:19:29 that someone had a camera and the camera
1:19:30 took a quick picture
1:19:32 and was found they turned out that
1:19:35 and the people always scattered in the
1:19:36 air it turns out it was was
1:19:38 was a shot from because rush notes it
1:19:40 was a shot from one of the movies
1:19:42 like island or something like that
1:19:45 because he recognized some of the faces
1:19:46 but it looks genuine
1:19:48 a plane is going down and someone
1:19:50 someone
1:19:51 uh camera just came loose hit the wall
1:19:55 and started taking
1:19:56 shot one or two pictures and the camera
1:19:58 survived the crash which is very
1:19:59 reasonable seems evident
1:20:01 and they thought this is really what has
1:20:03 happened that is really a genuine
1:20:04 picture
1:20:05 but rash noticed that it is a clip from
1:20:07 it is a picture from a clip from a movie
1:20:10 so so this is ongoing
1:20:14 never ending but it's very difficult to
1:20:18 become a moon because saying that this
1:20:20 just that the gel will be the peak of a
1:20:22 development
1:20:24 the decline in in spirit of usury
1:20:28 uh jews becoming dominant force for
1:20:30 example
1:20:31 because the jail will come from
1:20:33 according to the correct hadith of
1:20:36 abu bakr and also he comes in leading
1:20:39 people
1:20:39 who are having the same description like
1:20:41 the mongols
1:20:44 glad knows small eyes and their faces
1:20:47 around
1:20:48 like hammered shield this description is
1:20:50 given to
1:20:51 the first wave of of turk in arabic the
1:20:54 mughals and
1:20:55 all that the chinese are all called turk
1:20:57 all they called the sons of kantor i
1:20:59 son of karkara this is all genealogy
1:21:02 these are called torques
1:21:04 and the the first wave is that what what
1:21:06 terrified
1:21:07 the islamic well that top of the
1:21:08 khilafah that one husband has come
1:21:11 and it fulfilled the promise of the
1:21:13 prophecy as the
1:21:14 in the book of tahit in the second part
1:21:15 it will come insha'allah the second wave
1:21:17 is the one coming with the dajjal
1:21:19 the time between them is not given the
1:21:21 hadith but this is
1:21:23 so this most his army is like that
1:21:24 although he has plenty of jews with him
1:21:26 who are behaving obviously leadership
1:21:28 and commanding position and we know that
1:21:30 the jews are being settled
1:21:31 and having dominance economically in
1:21:33 kazakhstan behind
1:21:35 anything behind the two rivers always
1:21:38 pakistan
1:21:40 tajikistan all of this area all the way
1:21:41 going to mongolia and then alexander
1:21:43 this is all that area
1:21:46 and then the third wave which is in the
1:21:48 hill of the second wave is
1:21:51 they are also turk and most likely they
1:21:53 are the chinese japanese korean
1:21:55 rule this may be they will have an
1:21:56 alliance in the future they will come
1:21:59 most likely in revenge for the demise of
1:22:01 the dajjal because he seemed to be their
1:22:03 ally and associated them very deeply
1:22:05 somehow
1:22:06 so that's where they will come
1:22:08 preparation yes preparation it will be
1:22:10 economic situation development and so on
1:22:12 and and then he will emerge
1:22:16 in a very complex way start starting his
1:22:18 emergency as a muslim who is
1:22:19 defending the prophet al-salam and the
1:22:21 religion and the slowly
1:22:22 getting more extreme some extremists of
1:22:24 muslims join him
1:22:26 and stick with his side even if he
1:22:27 claims about sovereignty and
1:22:29 he said that he's a prophet then he's a
1:22:31 divine being claimed and ultimately
1:22:33 there's some kind of divinity
1:22:36 if all these hadith had taken and i did
1:22:38 not school
1:22:40 all of them i did not describe the judge
1:22:42 story but seems to be very well and very
1:22:44 firmly well established
1:22:46 so this will be the peak of a
1:22:47 development
1:22:50 he's not there and the the and
1:22:53 amazingly that the claim that it's still
1:22:55 alive as a summary or that
1:22:58 i've always refuted there's one hadith
1:22:59 of which is amazing actually
1:23:01 which settled these issues the person
1:23:03 before he died
1:23:04 same night or few nights before
1:23:06 according to jabber and other narration
1:23:08 he said look at you this night you see
1:23:10 this night of yours
1:23:11 they say no no soul which has been
1:23:16 uh which has which has become alive or
1:23:18 has been
1:23:19 taken back enough small force i mean
1:23:21 human souls
1:23:22 it doesn't mean animals most likely but
1:23:24 he wants a mom and nephew
1:23:26 fosa will be a hundred years from now
1:23:30 still alive so for that specific date
1:23:33 with specifically
1:23:34 anyone born at that day or before that
1:23:36 day
1:23:37 he was born at that day at the moment
1:23:40 the president made that one station
1:23:41 which we don't know but cautiously he
1:23:43 will say it is the night of his death
1:23:47 go 100 years forward and the people said
1:23:50 we take the years in the islamic
1:23:51 calendars usually lunar years
1:23:53 100 lunar years all who has been born
1:23:56 before
1:23:58 would have died exactly 100 years or
1:24:00 before
1:24:01 nobody will survive that what's wrong
1:24:03 some people misunderstood that that
1:24:04 qiyama would be there
1:24:05 and that refuted them for them
1:24:09 to understand all the so we have why did
1:24:12 the first time say that
1:24:14 did he has any special attention did he
1:24:16 have any information given so
1:24:18 specifically about issue maybe he has
1:24:19 been given information that there will
1:24:21 be people claiming the future that some
1:24:22 people have survived for thousands of
1:24:24 years
1:24:25 this cut is short anyone born after that
1:24:28 can't survive 120 years no problem but
1:24:30 anyone before that including samuri the
1:24:33 alleged
1:24:34 antichrist including the alleged one
1:24:38 with whom musa have the famous story all
1:24:40 of them even if they were alive until
1:24:42 until at that time 100 years later and
1:24:45 as a matter of fact
1:24:46 nobody is known in history the the
1:24:49 longest
1:24:50 have been known to have survived died
1:24:52 actually in the 10th year of
1:24:54 110 niger that's the last one to be
1:24:57 known
1:24:58 and one in the in the countryside the
1:25:00 bedouin died in the
1:25:01 100 303 110 these are last two
1:25:05 which have uh recorded a sahaba and were
1:25:08 known to be available
1:25:10 at the death of salam or born before
1:25:12 that
1:25:14 that's only through unknown person and
1:25:16 no other and we conclude by by
1:25:18 by by conclusion that hadith is correct
1:25:20 and established and non-isn't refuted
1:25:23 and that muhammad is a messenger of
1:25:24 allah that nowhere in the world
1:25:26 not in china not in india not in in the
1:25:29 two americas nowhere
1:25:31 no one was born that day or before
1:25:34 could have stayed until uh a hundred
1:25:37 lunar year after so all the story of
1:25:41 samurai and the jalan and
1:25:43 being being the one alive or the one
1:25:45 being cursed by lisa
1:25:46 and going roaming around until this is
1:25:49 this is very widespread by christian and
1:25:50 so on
1:25:51 all of these are cannot be true no one
1:25:54 has survived no one born before
1:25:56 the death of allah assuming that day we
1:25:59 say that is the
1:26:00 night of his death let's assume that
1:26:02 that's what just to be the cautious
1:26:04 could not have been none could have been
1:26:07 at
1:26:07 at the year 111 in the
1:26:12 world twelve years the last the last day
1:26:15 he could survive too
1:26:17 so elizabeth anyone who was born before
1:26:19 must have died before
1:26:20 that day or before hundred years exactly
1:26:23 according to this health that's human
1:26:25 forcer
1:26:28 so this refused many things another
1:26:29 hadith anything so it's good for these
1:26:31 things
1:26:32 since these considerable theories and
1:26:33 these theories are spreading all over
1:26:35 the letters
1:26:35 a speculative theory is abused because
1:26:38 who is the islamist don't touch me
1:26:40 the one the summary or by punishment
1:26:42 that he has a skin disease now if
1:26:44 anybody touches him he feels the pain so
1:26:46 he said they don't touch you don't come
1:26:47 close to me
1:26:48 and so on that he is running all and
1:26:50 some stories claim that he was alive at
1:26:52 the time of
1:26:52 isa and he continued alive until now and
1:26:54 there's even a movie
1:26:56 that he is alive now as a priest and
1:26:57 things like that all of this is
1:27:00 can't be it's impossible it's all
1:27:02 imagination
1:27:04 it's a very nice speculation you can let
1:27:07 your fantasy run and maybe
1:27:08 create a nice movie around it but it has
1:27:11 nothing to do with the reality
1:27:12 nobody born before the death of the
1:27:14 prophet could have survived 100 years
1:27:17 with certitude
1:27:20 so that's one aspect of the the child
1:27:23 the child is still down the road
1:27:25 maybe israel is starting to develop in
1:27:28 in kazakhstan because the development is
1:27:30 good
1:27:30 most economic under jewish control and
1:27:32 the people there are turks
1:27:33 no small eyes and so on so
1:27:37 the stage is being prepared
1:27:42 but that's it so that's i think it's i
1:27:45 know it's it's very difficult but uh
1:27:48 this always the question say
1:27:51 what is the benefit of the guys in in
1:27:54 in yeah they may say oh this is good
1:27:57 occasion to
1:27:58 control the people to to subdue them to
1:28:01 enact new laws that we can pursue the
1:28:03 people we can't jump at their house to
1:28:04 reject
1:28:05 who is with you why you are more than
1:28:07 three person things that yeah that's
1:28:08 that's
1:28:09 they will benefit from it in that and
1:28:10 they will try to enact that
1:28:12 under the pretext and that's very
1:28:14 difficult too but it's unlikely that
1:28:16 these laws will remain after the
1:28:17 pandemic
1:28:18 and then if that's their benefit then
1:28:22 the economic collapse is not in their
1:28:24 benefit we will drain all the financial
1:28:26 resources and destroy them as a problem
1:28:28 and also the vaccine is countering that
1:28:30 so
1:28:32 this is this is all i think this is all
1:28:36 but definitely regimes and and media and
1:28:38 so on in the west especially
1:28:40 to blame because they have been they
1:28:42 have been generally
1:28:44 quite dishonest and covering up for many
1:28:46 things and fooling the general public
1:28:48 and any anyone uh
1:28:52 rebelling against that or moving against
1:28:53 that or they try to take
1:28:55 to make him a convinced conspiracy
1:28:57 theorist or a terrorist
1:29:00 or mentally deranged whatever they
1:29:02 declare him although
1:29:03 many of these people who are rebelling
1:29:05 or objecting
1:29:06 have a valid reason and they need really
1:29:08 a valid uh
1:29:10 display of evidences in a honest and
1:29:13 clear way it's not done
1:29:16 and that's it that's it that's increases
1:29:18 and inflames the conspiracy theories
1:29:20 so these mean mr media and all these
1:29:22 governments they are covering something
1:29:24 up
1:29:25 definitely and that's what make the
1:29:27 people and they are not honest and they
1:29:29 are lying to the people
1:29:30 anyway it's well known now that
1:29:32 politicians are a liars is
1:29:34 is it has become like a public knowledge
1:29:36 and this is not good
1:29:38 and this is one well this is what that
1:29:40 is said that
1:29:42 the the three where allah will not look
1:29:44 at the day of judgment and will not
1:29:48 purify them and they will he will punish
1:29:50 the most severely malikun keddab
1:29:52 a lying king malik meaning the one who
1:29:54 has authority and power and ownership
1:29:56 and he lies because there is no reason
1:29:58 if you have authority ownership
1:29:59 you should have all the reason to be
1:30:01 honest unfortunate but the one who dies
1:30:03 is definitely the most despicable
1:30:07 an old man who commits dinner young man
1:30:09 okay we understand that the
1:30:11 sexual drive is very strong that the
1:30:12 blood is hot but a man who's
1:30:14 who has whose hairs have become great
1:30:17 what's the motivation for zina
1:30:19 that says this is very despicable
1:30:23 one who is dependent upon others and
1:30:25 he's still arrogant
1:30:27 i'm blown up you are dependent on your
1:30:30 we are poor they are dependent upon
1:30:31 others support another
1:30:32 and then you still show arrogance
1:30:36 does not mean you should be submissive
1:30:37 and law but i should i should at least
1:30:39 show humility
1:30:40 and and reasonability not being arrogant
1:30:42 and blown up as if you're
1:30:44 as if you have power and authority which
1:30:46 you don't have
1:30:47 so these three types now this this is
1:30:49 the time of these types of prevalent
1:30:51 everywhere
1:30:52 nowadays unfortunately especially the
1:30:54 malik the rulers who are liars these are
1:30:56 the molecules
1:30:58 and they miss the best is the public
1:31:00 life that's the worst one it's for
1:31:02 mission number one that's the worst one
1:31:04 will not be looked at by allah will be
1:31:07 punished more severely
1:31:08 because they must that by mr public life
1:31:11 mr people might misterly
1:31:12 people livelihood make the society
1:31:17 at least asynchronous and and uh and
1:31:20 confrontation society very prevalent
1:31:22 leading to upheavals and problems
1:31:25 but this is also good and also
1:31:29 another reason is that because they rule
1:31:30 with not with what allah has revealed
1:31:33 any people who do not rule without what
1:31:35 allah has revealed
1:31:36 they will be conflict and bloodshed
1:31:39 because the only thing which makes
1:31:40 people satisfied and accept is therefore
1:31:43 they ruled without allah
1:31:44 that would include justice and could
1:31:46 also they they know that's what allah
1:31:48 has revealed
1:31:49 and that's what we are ruled and they
1:31:50 are satisfied they will submit to it
1:31:52 anything else will lead to rebellion
1:31:54 conflict bloodshed
1:31:56 and descent and
1:31:59 violent descent even so that's that's
1:32:03 that's that's
1:32:03 i think that's the source of the problem
1:32:05 the deep sort of problem
1:32:07 the prevalent ideologies over and
1:32:10 statecraft is
1:32:10 is not is not the one which will give
1:32:13 deep satisfaction and conviction to
1:32:14 human beings
1:32:16 and there is no alternative with eulogy
1:32:18 in the the field active one
1:32:20 there's theoretically in deep in the
1:32:22 books but nothing in the reality
1:32:25 unfortunately maybe we'll be will be
1:32:27 working to get some of that in somewhere
1:32:29 in some reality
1:32:30 okay i think it's a way we we did i
1:32:33 think
1:32:34 a little bit more excessive than usual
1:32:36 but i hope that we
1:32:38 try to give yourself a still still is a
1:32:41 major order to
1:32:43 to go through conspiracy theories and
1:32:46 analyze them and
1:32:47 and not discount every conspiracy theory
1:32:51 and not acceptably consider where to
1:32:53 find the middle ground
1:32:55 only very rational discourse and taking
1:32:57 all evidences on board and concerning
1:32:59 the issues of the future and his
1:33:00 cathology and so on
1:33:02 is the best is to go to the hadith and
1:33:03 scrutinize them like
1:33:07 many of his things has turned out to be
1:33:09 wrong because he does not scrutinize the
1:33:11 hadith properly
1:33:12 and he is very selective doesn't work
1:33:14 this way you have to be comprehensive
1:33:15 you have to take all evidences
1:33:17 try to recognize them find the proper
1:33:19 wedding what has been
1:33:21 and what is this reliable whatever etc
1:33:24 what can be regarded as reliable and
1:33:27 what cannot be
1:33:28 and also concerning forces the future
1:33:30 and so on you have to be very worried
1:33:32 about many variations
1:33:33 which seems to be just copying uh parts
1:33:36 of daniel or something like that
1:33:38 now danielle may have been also
1:33:41 prophesied things for the later
1:33:42 generation but most his prophecies
1:33:44 are going actually for bani israel until
1:33:46 the time of the coming of their messiah
1:33:48 not to our time most likely maybe
1:33:50 something until the coming
1:33:52 maybe but it doesn't go up up to the end
1:33:54 of time
1:33:55 most likely and some some muslims in in
1:33:58 the first
1:33:59 century and second may have read them
1:34:01 and translated them and
1:34:02 reworked islamic context which is
1:34:05 which is not correct because this is not
1:34:07 what the prophecy was about
1:34:09 it's at it's an easter egg as best and
1:34:12 this is not binding
1:34:13 so many of these also eschatological
1:34:15 issues are relatively dangerous
1:34:18 that's the reason i i don't like to
1:34:20 enter in them because
1:34:22 without really doing this substantive
1:34:24 research which i don't have the time and
1:34:26 the energy to do
1:34:28 also you also mentioned uh the narration
1:34:30 about
1:34:31 uh abu hurairah having two bags one of
1:34:34 them
1:34:34 you would strike where you would uh say
1:34:38 but he said something it says if i tell
1:34:40 you that you will kill the grandson of
1:34:42 your prophet
1:34:43 and you will do this and this would you
1:34:45 have believed me
1:34:47 so it's one of them that he has a
1:34:48 prophecy about and that's the reason he
1:34:50 was always sublicating
1:34:51 allah asking allah to let him die before
1:34:54 the before sixty the year sixty
1:34:57 knowing after sixty major catastrophes
1:34:59 calamity will happen
1:35:03 the point is that even in taking some of
1:35:05 these narrations
1:35:07 which talk about the prophecy as
1:35:09 something to build something and even
1:35:11 build an entire strategy around is
1:35:12 inherently flawed if
1:35:14 that is not part of the protected zika
1:35:16 yeah
1:35:17 exactly but that narration for example
1:35:19 about um
1:35:21 if you want to you know if you want to
1:35:22 end on that just just to sort of preempt
1:35:23 some of these kind of questions
1:35:25 the narration around what constitutes
1:35:27 protected zika and what isn't
1:35:32 if you like so you you know in previous
1:35:35 you've mentioned about yeah the
1:35:36 protagonist is the quran and the sunnah
1:35:39 in itself now the question the
1:35:41 protection of the sunnah is that
1:35:43 the all what is called sunnah the
1:35:45 reports are narration and so on
1:35:47 uh uh nothing fabricated can sneak there
1:35:50 without being detected forever
1:35:53 and nothing can be lost so that will not
1:35:54 be found forever
1:35:56 that's the only protection but what we
1:35:59 have is a bag called sunnah
1:36:01 that contains the fabricated contains
1:36:02 the weak contains the
1:36:04 reformulation which is not uh not
1:36:07 protected
1:36:08 not not infallible wording of the
1:36:10 process
1:36:11 so we have to check all the weldings and
1:36:14 see which wedding is the original one if
1:36:16 any
1:36:16 or which one is closed as close as the
1:36:18 original one
1:36:20 so that's that's it so so that's the
1:36:23 meaning of the protection of the sunnah
1:36:24 while the twentieth of the lake of the
1:36:26 quran the part of the recruits in the
1:36:27 quran there's a protection where it will
1:36:29 read later for later
1:36:32 but not really not like that also it's
1:36:34 in its own totality that nothing can be
1:36:36 lost forever
1:36:37 and nothing can sneak and regarded as
1:36:39 sunnah which is fabricated forever
1:36:41 someone if someone is fooled by a hadith
1:36:44 and think it's correct
1:36:46 like for example hadith about the size
1:36:47 of adam being 60 feet and then they said
1:36:58 but he did not envisage that i may have
1:37:01 heard it from there from kabbalah or
1:37:03 some people of the book
1:37:04 and it interfered in his mind with the
1:37:07 statement of the prophet
1:37:09 and he thought it's abroad thought
1:37:10 genuinely honestly that it's a prophetic
1:37:13 statement
1:37:13 but we know from other prostitution it
1:37:15 cannot be a prophetic statement
1:37:17 but we come to the creation of adam and
1:37:19 some issues related to that and things
1:37:21 like that
1:37:23 and one one way to avoid that is to have
1:37:26 a generation from another sahabi
1:37:28 and we prove the independence because we
1:37:30 should we should be sure that the sahaba
1:37:32 did not take from
1:37:33 or from the other side because sahabah
1:37:35 narrates from each other
1:37:36 like for example once a habinar is
1:37:38 historical
1:37:39 that he was present that something
1:37:41 happened another hobby that he was
1:37:42 present and the same thing happened
1:37:44 maybe slightly modified shows the
1:37:46 various points of view
1:37:47 but the core is the same that's a very
1:37:49 strong evidence
1:37:50 corroboration one single sahabi there's
1:37:53 no guarantee that it didn't interfere
1:37:54 with his mind
1:37:55 with some kind of israelite story or
1:37:58 some other story
1:37:59 or that he took it from another sahabi
1:38:01 who himself took it from his right story
1:38:04 he said but even in the extreme case
1:38:07 that
1:38:08 the wording indicate that he had the
1:38:10 election like hadith
1:38:11 in muslim which was scholars in time
1:38:13 past already argued against
1:38:15 is that i was almost standing and he
1:38:16 took my hand and said
1:38:18 allah created the earth from the day of
1:38:20 sabbath it is this i had
1:38:21 a mission the day in the day names and
1:38:23 then the only way they
1:38:24 they refuted that is that it means the
1:38:27 creation in seven days
1:38:28 while the quran says six days there must
1:38:30 be some error there
1:38:32 it can't be from that it it it's somehow
1:38:34 in
1:38:35 some something israel israelite
1:38:38 narration
1:38:39 and it interfered in the mind with some
1:38:41 other hadith of the prophet when he
1:38:43 counted his finger something else
1:38:45 or something similar but not this one
1:38:48 they detected that because the number
1:38:49 seven and six
1:38:50 do not much luckily
1:38:54 for example so it needs it is hard work
1:38:57 so what
1:38:58 hussein is doing is not really
1:39:00 sufficiently hard work he is completely
1:39:02 not either not qualified or not willing
1:39:05 to really scrutinize the sunnah
1:39:07 and uh and sort the weed from the shaft
1:39:10 it's not it doesn't seem to be but
1:39:12 that's the reason some of his
1:39:13 predictions some of his
1:39:14 statements are just simply wrong
1:39:21 blatantly wrong
1:39:25 anyway ahead there will be many issues
1:39:27 uh coming along the
1:39:29 when in the taser and also in the events
1:39:31 also on which we
1:39:32 uh but i see that's uh unfortunately
1:39:35 nobody
1:39:35 the people tend to resemble you find the
1:39:38 video about the
1:39:39 summary and so on relying on the in the
1:39:41 quran the salamis
1:39:42 would not mention that he died or not
1:39:45 and then
1:39:46 relying on some maybe israelite story
1:39:48 and the story the one that would have
1:39:49 cares that he will wait until he comes
1:39:51 back and all of these things that say
1:39:53 this is like the job and mix all the
1:39:54 stories without scrutinizing all the
1:39:56 stories of the
1:39:57 john nobody is sitting in and some of
1:39:59 the older
1:40:01 when katie did some work in the vida and
1:40:03 then
1:40:04 he discussed these uh that's why maybe
1:40:06 the best discussion we have in in this
1:40:08 history maybe i should go through that
1:40:10 and try to improve on it and make make
1:40:13 more comprehensive analysis and look it
1:40:15 from a more than more
1:40:16 rational critical point of view because
1:40:18 we can hear although he's trying to be
1:40:20 as russian as he can but he cannot
1:40:22 he is a son of his own time and the time
1:40:24 the people were
1:40:25 assuming that he is almost
1:40:30 perfect and nobody should criticize
1:40:32 anything and so on
1:40:33 or we need to go to the higher for him
1:40:36 and do another review
1:40:37 and clean some of the mystere but he did
1:40:40 some good
1:40:41 the he did a considerable ground work
1:40:44 we need to build up one of that and
1:40:46 expand
1:40:48 and uh scrutinized rationally and so on
1:40:53 and see what what where we get with this
1:40:55 inshallah
1:40:57 when we get some time shallow for that
1:40:59 anyway i think we
1:41:01 we did exceed i think the usual time
1:41:03 considerably just barely catch ourselves
1:41:05 so
1:41:06 we still we stop here inshallah
1:41:22 Music
1:41:37 Music
1:41:44 m
1:41:50 Music
1:41:58 foreign
1:42:04 Music
1:42:12 foreign
1:42:26 my
1:42:27 Music
1:42:40 foreign
1:42:43 Music
1:42:51 Music
1:43:08 so
1:43:12 you