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Seminar: God is Not Dead — Islam's Response to Nihilism (2021-10-24)


Seminar: God is Not Dead - Islam's Response to Nihilism with Imran Hussein

Summary of Seminar: God is Not Dead — Islam's Response to Nihilism

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses how Islam is the solution to nihilism, and how it provides meaning and purpose to life. It highlights the dangers of addiction to video games and other forms of escapism, and the need for Muslims to find meaning in their lives through their faith.

00:00:00 the presenter covers the topic of how Islam is a solution to nihilism, specifically because without a belief in God, humans cannot make sense of their existence or the world around them. Abu Jackson is correct in that the statement "god is dead" was made by Niche, and it is important to remember that Nietzsche was an intelligent atheist who considered the question of God thoroughly.

  • 00:05:00 Nietzsche discusses the idea of nihilism and how it affects humans. He discusses the idea of death of God and how it effects humans. He also discusses the need for lanterns to be lit at night to avoid darkness creeping in and loss of direction.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the consequences of turning away from God, and discusses how Nietzsche saw this as an inevitable consequence of man's shift towards materialism. The Ayah, "Allah says, 'Do not be like those who forgot Allah, so He made them forget themselves,'" is discussed, and the scholars who commented on it emphasize the importance of knowing who God is if one is to avoid becoming rebellious.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the concept of fitra, or the innate belief in a creator, and how it can be lost due to turning away from God. He also discusses how an atheist would view accidents, and how a Muslim would view them. He goes on to say that accidents don't have a purpose in the atheist's perspective, and that this is why Muslims believe in a purpose to accidents.
  • 00:20:00 Seminar participants discuss the implications of nihilism and the lack of meaning in life. If there is no meaning or purpose behind the universe, then life has no ultimate purpose. This can lead to existential angst and anxiety.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses how, in a world without any ultimate meaning or purpose, people can turn to hedonism or nihilism. Existential philosophers in the 19th century tried to address this issue, but ultimately failed. Modern attempts, such as hedonism and consumerism, are similarly doomed to failure.
  • 00:30:00 This seminar discusses the problems of meaninglessness and consumerism in the modern world, and how Islam is the solution. It highlights the dangers of addiction to video games and other forms of escapism, and the need for Muslims to find meaning in their lives through their faith.
  • 00:35:00 Islam's response to nihilism is clear and comprehensive. Allah informs us that he created us for a specific purpose and that our lives on earth are a test, which will lead to paradise. In contrast to Christianity, where one's fate is predestined, in Islam each person's fate is in their hands.
  • 00:40:00 The presenter explains how Islam clarifies the link between this world and the hereafter, and how this understanding is essential to understanding the modern world. He also points out that Islam never had an issue with free thinkers, and that the decline of morals in society is due to the lack of a grounding in ethics and morals.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses the various problems that exist in the world, including the problem of nihilism. Islam has a solution – the understanding of good and bad that Allah inspires in the soul. Atheists, who have no hope or meaning in life, are living in contradiction to this.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses how some people within the spiritual community, specifically those who practice "idolism," often link spirituality with meditation and other practices. argues that this is a form of self-creation, where people create their own meaning and purpose in life, instead of relying on external sources.
  • 00:55:00 Muslims have a problem with nihilism and need to figure out ways to internalize Islam's teachings in order to combat the existential angst and anxiety it causes. Ahmed discusses how fear of hellfire is only one of many methods Allah uses to encourage Muslims to follow him.

01:00:00 - 01:10:00

Jordan Peterson discusses how Islam addresses the problem of nihilism and how it breaks down Nietzsche's critique of the true world. He argues that Islam provides a more satisfying response to the challenges of modernity than atheism does.

*01:00:00 Discusses how various aspects of modern technology, such as the gaming industry, television, and the internet, have a negative effect on religion, specifically God. He also mentions how some people may consider science to be a religion, although this is not necessarily the case.

  • *01:05:00 Discusses how traditional conceptions of spirituality are being redefined by atheists, who are seeking pleasure in this world.
  • 01:10:00 Jordan Peterson discusses the similarities between Nietzsche's concept of the "ubermensch" and Iqbal's concept of the "perfect believer." He goes on to discuss how Islam addresses the problem of nihilism and how it breaks down Nietzsche's critique of the true world.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 brothers and sisters i hope everyone is
0:00:04 well inshaallah
0:00:06 so in today's
0:00:09 seminar session we're going to be
0:00:11 looking at
0:00:12 or we're going to be covering
0:00:14 the topic god is not dead
0:00:17 islam's response to nihilism and more
0:00:18 than a response guys i want us to see it
0:00:21 today
0:00:22 as
0:00:23 islam's solution
0:00:25 to nihilism
0:00:28 because islam absolutely is a solution
0:00:30 to this problem
0:00:32 that we're facing today and that many
0:00:33 people are experiencing and
0:00:35 unfortunately many muslims are
0:00:37 experiencing too
0:00:38 um a type of nihilism although they're
0:00:40 muslim and we'll probably touch upon
0:00:42 this at some point
0:00:43 during this live session inshaallah
0:00:46 so that's the topic today and let me
0:00:48 start off
0:00:50 welcome salaam to be high patton let me
0:00:52 start off by
0:00:56 making a
0:00:58 another proclamation because we're going
0:01:00 to be looking at a specific proclamation
0:01:01 by a specific philosopher
0:01:04 um
0:01:05 in a little while but
0:01:06 let me start off with a proclamation and
0:01:08 that is that god is not dead
0:01:10 god can never die
0:01:12 and one of the reasons at least for this
0:01:15 is because we as human beings are in
0:01:17 need of god
0:01:18 we can't function without god society
0:01:21 cannot function without god the world
0:01:22 cannot function without god
0:01:25 the idea of god has been central to
0:01:27 humanity throughout history without god
0:01:30 there has never been a civilization
0:01:32 and there never will be a civilization a
0:01:34 godless a purely godless civilization
0:01:39 and the reasons are simple i mean i've
0:01:40 covered this many times in in many other
0:01:42 lives and we don't need to get technical
0:01:44 with this the reasons are simple without
0:01:45 god we can't make sense of the most
0:01:48 fundamental things
0:01:50 that we require as human beings to make
0:01:52 sense of us and the world around us we
0:01:54 can't make sense of ultimate meaning we
0:01:57 can't make sense of objective morality
0:02:00 we can't make sense of the world around
0:02:02 us
0:02:03 the purpose of our life and our life
0:02:06 within this world we can't make sense of
0:02:08 any of these things and without these
0:02:09 fundamental things
0:02:11 you can't have civilizations you can't
0:02:13 have
0:02:14 flourishing societies you can't even
0:02:16 have an individual that grows and
0:02:18 flourishes
0:02:20 you have nothing
0:02:21 and we're going to explore this a bit
0:02:22 further inshallah
0:02:24 but let me just shift the screen so you
0:02:27 guys can see the slides as well
0:02:28 inshallah and what we'll do guys once
0:02:30 we've gone through this it's about half
0:02:31 an hour of the presentation then we'll
0:02:33 do an extensive q a challah because the
0:02:35 whole idea of these
0:02:37 live seminars is to make this as
0:02:38 interactive as possible insha'allah and
0:02:40 to get
0:02:41 your questions and engage with them we
0:02:43 by the way we've done a recorded
0:02:46 series
0:02:47 on this very topic inshallah which will
0:02:48 be coming out over the next couple of
0:02:50 weeks so keep an eye on that on the
0:02:51 sapience
0:02:52 institute youtube channel
0:02:54 uh and before i continue welcome slam to
0:02:56 everyone that's joining us now so let's
0:02:58 start with
0:03:00 this particular statement
0:03:02 god is dead who knows where this is from
0:03:05 or who said this
0:03:09 who can tell me let's see in the
0:03:10 question in the comment section
0:03:12 who made this specific statement
0:03:16 i'm sure all of us have heard it
0:03:18 many atheists
0:03:20 refer to this
0:03:25 anyone
0:03:32 so
0:03:33 abu
0:03:34 jackson
0:03:36 is correct
0:03:38 niche made this specific statement
0:03:42 and said much more
0:03:44 but we normally focus in on this
0:03:46 specific statement in the gay science in
0:03:48 his parable
0:03:50 of the madman he made
0:03:52 or we recall this statement where he
0:03:54 said god is dead and normally what ends
0:03:56 up happening is atheists
0:03:59 many atheists take this statement
0:04:02 and they
0:04:03 are very proud
0:04:05 uh get very excited
0:04:07 and
0:04:08 you know
0:04:09 highlight this as if look niche is
0:04:11 stating god is dead nietzsche was an
0:04:13 atheist
0:04:14 okay that's there's no doubt in that he
0:04:16 was an atheist and he died that way
0:04:19 however nietzsche was i would say an
0:04:22 intelligent atheist right he was someone
0:04:24 that actually thought about the question
0:04:25 of god and thought about the
0:04:27 significance of believing in god or
0:04:29 denying the existence of god
0:04:31 and the impact that would have on
0:04:33 humanity he actually gave these things a
0:04:34 lot of consideration and we're going to
0:04:36 look at this in a in some somewhat you
0:04:38 know some detail in a few moments
0:04:40 but when he made this specific statement
0:04:45 he was not making an atheist
0:04:48 proclamation you know as as an as a
0:04:50 proud atheist today for example richard
0:04:52 dawkins or sam harris would turn around
0:04:53 and say god is dead you know it wasn't
0:04:55 he wasn't making this statement in this
0:04:57 particular way if we
0:04:59 look at that specific passage and spend
0:05:01 some time a few few moments of really
0:05:03 going over this
0:05:05 and this is a section of the particular
0:05:08 parable of the batman from the gay
0:05:09 science
0:05:10 there are some very interesting things
0:05:12 in this passage now
0:05:14 as a preface to this consider and keep
0:05:16 in mind guys that
0:05:18 nietzsche was someone that who was an
0:05:20 existential philosopher existentialist
0:05:22 philosopher he was someone
0:05:24 who really focused in on the meaning of
0:05:27 life
0:05:28 nihilism
0:05:29 you know how there is no meaning to life
0:05:31 if you acknowledge his position which he
0:05:33 maintained as an atheist that he didn't
0:05:35 acknowledge that there was a god or a
0:05:36 creator behind all of this so he was
0:05:38 someone that thought about these things
0:05:40 he really thought deeply about the
0:05:42 implications of not believing in god and
0:05:44 this was evident throughout his works
0:05:45 now considering all of this
0:05:47 when we read this passage something very
0:05:50 interesting comes across
0:05:52 and let's just go through it now so in
0:05:54 this passage he starts by saying where
0:05:56 has god gone he cried
0:05:58 i shall tell you we have we have killed
0:06:00 him
0:06:01 you and i
0:06:02 we are his murderers but how have we
0:06:05 done this
0:06:06 now here's i want you to pay attention
0:06:08 specifically to this sort of bolded text
0:06:10 here
0:06:11 how were we able to drink up the sea
0:06:13 who gave us the sponge to wipe away the
0:06:16 entire horizon now straight away we can
0:06:18 see
0:06:19 that there is an element of removal here
0:06:21 which has been emphasized
0:06:23 you know removing removing something god
0:06:26 is dead we have killed god but this is
0:06:28 also leading to us removing something
0:06:30 it's removing something from us and then
0:06:32 it continues what did we do
0:06:34 when we unchained the earth from the its
0:06:36 sun now this is a very interesting
0:06:40 statement or question
0:06:43 what do we do when we unchain the earth
0:06:45 from its sun so it's almost because if
0:06:47 you think about the idea the planets in
0:06:49 our solar system are held within or
0:06:51 maintain their position because the
0:06:53 gravitational
0:06:54 pull of the sun itself so the sun is
0:06:56 that center the gravitational center
0:06:58 and it keeps the planets within the
0:07:00 orbits now here is an idea of the the
0:07:03 earth being unchained separated from the
0:07:06 sun
0:07:07 now obviously the passages to do with
0:07:08 god and i i believe that this son he's
0:07:10 referring to he's he's it's almost
0:07:12 representing god here
0:07:14 and the earth may be representing human
0:07:16 beings
0:07:18 now the idea that's coming across and
0:07:20 think about it what would happen if you
0:07:22 were to
0:07:23 if the earth was to leave its orbit and
0:07:26 fall out of the gravitational
0:07:28 sphere or or area of of influence of the
0:07:32 sun itself what would happen the earth
0:07:33 would
0:07:34 flow around in in space in empty in in
0:07:37 space you know in any direction without
0:07:39 any
0:07:39 you know uh
0:07:41 control it would just be it'll just
0:07:43 float around in empty space literally
0:07:45 without up you know without any specific
0:07:46 direction and this then he elaborates
0:07:48 further
0:07:49 so he says
0:07:52 how were we able to drink so how are we
0:07:54 able to drink up the sea who gave us the
0:07:56 sponge to wipe away the entire horizon
0:07:58 what did we do
0:08:00 when we unchained the earth from its sun
0:08:03 whether is it moving now whether are we
0:08:06 moving now
0:08:07 away from all suns
0:08:10 away from all sons are we not
0:08:12 perpetually falling backward sideward
0:08:15 forward in all directions and he's
0:08:17 asking these questions and again when
0:08:20 you read these points away from all sons
0:08:22 are we not perpetually falling backwards
0:08:24 sideways forward this is emphasizing a
0:08:26 loss of direction this is emphasizing a
0:08:29 loss of control
0:08:31 losing your bearings as we would say
0:08:32 this is what he's emphasizing here and
0:08:34 this is linked to the idea of the death
0:08:36 of god the the idea of the death of the
0:08:38 idea of god itself
0:08:41 and then he says is there any up or down
0:08:44 left
0:08:45 has it not become colder
0:08:47 is it not more and more
0:08:49 is it not more and more night coming oh
0:08:52 sorry i think there may be a uh
0:08:53 something missing is it all isn't there
0:08:56 isn't there not more and more night
0:08:58 coming
0:08:58 on all the time
0:09:00 must not lanterns be lit in the morning
0:09:03 now
0:09:04 i've specifically highlighted this
0:09:07 particular
0:09:08 part of the passage must not lanterns be
0:09:10 lit in the morning
0:09:11 so the idea of darkness is
0:09:14 this darkness is creeping in you know
0:09:16 the way it's getting cold it's empty
0:09:18 it's
0:09:19 that without direction you know we're
0:09:21 losing our bearings this is the ideas
0:09:23 that you know this is the idea that
0:09:24 comes across from this partic particular
0:09:25 passage and then he says must not
0:09:27 lanterns be lit in the morning
0:09:29 almost as if suggesting
0:09:32 should don't we need to replace
0:09:35 space of the sun now
0:09:37 don't we need to replace that with la
0:09:39 and what's the best we could do lanterns
0:09:40 these little devices that give us
0:09:42 temporary light for for a little bit and
0:09:44 then they go out and if they're old
0:09:46 lanterns as soon as the oil runs out the
0:09:48 lantern goes out these temporary little
0:09:50 lights
0:09:51 that yeah if you think about lanterns if
0:09:52 you go back in olden days you know you'd
0:09:54 use lanterns they're people use lanterns
0:09:56 to you know navigate their way at night
0:09:58 when there were no obviously no street
0:09:59 lamps at the time
0:10:01 and it was very
0:10:02 small amount of light which will come
0:10:04 from these lanterns they will go out so
0:10:05 what are these lanterns i want you to
0:10:06 keep this in mind for a second we'll
0:10:08 discuss these lanterns why i believe
0:10:09 it's being referred to as lanterns
0:10:11 alternatives
0:10:12 to god
0:10:14 so
0:10:15 and obviously then you see in blue god
0:10:17 is dead that is what we normally hear
0:10:18 about that's what we normally focus on
0:10:20 so essentially if you really take the
0:10:21 time to study this passage
0:10:24 what comes across is that nietzsche
0:10:25 wasn't really making this sort of proud
0:10:27 boastful atheist proclamation that god
0:10:29 is dead he was actually warning people
0:10:32 this this madman in this parable is
0:10:34 actually warning people
0:10:37 of this
0:10:40 really
0:10:42 difficult situation that we're about to
0:10:44 face
0:10:46 because we've killed god we've in other
0:10:48 words we've turned away from god because
0:10:50 we've rejected god and we've turned away
0:10:52 from god our faces away from god
0:10:54 we are heading towards some really
0:10:56 difficult times times we will have no
0:10:58 clue as to what's going on we would lose
0:11:00 our bearings we'll look for alternatives
0:11:02 small lanterns anything that will give
0:11:04 us some light some direction
0:11:06 this is what he was highlighting and he
0:11:08 was essentially
0:11:10 pointing people or reminding or telling
0:11:12 people warning people that there is
0:11:13 because we've turned away from god and
0:11:15 this whole turning away from god without
0:11:17 getting into too much detail this is
0:11:19 something we cover in the recorded
0:11:20 course
0:11:21 you can say really
0:11:24 began to be put into practice at the
0:11:26 time of the enlightenment where there
0:11:28 was a shift
0:11:29 in the thinking of people the thinkers
0:11:32 of the time what they wanted people do
0:11:34 to do was to focus
0:11:36 on the material world as opposed to the
0:11:38 hereafter
0:11:39 uh professor leo damorosh for example in
0:11:41 his one of his courses on the
0:11:43 enlightenment he highlights that this
0:11:45 was where people were
0:11:46 shifted you know they
0:11:49 they
0:11:49 focus was shifted
0:11:51 from the vertical plane to the
0:11:53 horizontal plane
0:11:54 so people were turning made to turn away
0:11:56 from the idea over hereafter and working
0:11:58 for a hereafter and attaining paradise
0:12:01 and were made to now focus on the here
0:12:03 and now
0:12:04 and they were given a new objective a
0:12:05 new purpose which was to you know create
0:12:07 paradise on earth
0:12:09 you know have this type of worldly
0:12:11 utopia
0:12:12 so people were given a new objective in
0:12:14 the enlightenment and although as you
0:12:16 know many of the academics of the
0:12:17 knowledge if you were to go to the
0:12:18 enlightenment philosophers and thinkers
0:12:20 and ask them are you an atheist do you
0:12:21 not believe in god most of them wouldn't
0:12:23 say this most of them would acknowledge
0:12:24 god and we're talking about the 18th
0:12:26 century here they would acknowledge god
0:12:28 but they were shifting away from the
0:12:29 sort of traditional concept of god and
0:12:32 you know religion as in particular
0:12:34 christianity and we're moving towards
0:12:35 what they refer to as natural theology
0:12:38 so they and hence they were you know the
0:12:39 scientific revolution took place at the
0:12:41 same time and the early scientists
0:12:43 those behind the scientific revolution
0:12:45 were also people that believed in god
0:12:47 however they didn't again believe in a
0:12:50 traditional concept of god they believed
0:12:52 god has created everything
0:12:53 and god has created everything with
0:12:55 order and we are simply simply our job
0:12:58 is to study this order that's the right
0:13:00 so initially there wasn't a complete
0:13:03 rejection of god but it laid the
0:13:04 foundations for what we now see as new
0:13:07 atheism naturalism materialism etc now
0:13:10 at the time of nietzsche by the time he
0:13:12 comes around obviously atheism and you
0:13:15 know godlessness and naturalism and all
0:13:17 of these philosophies were more rampant
0:13:20 so
0:13:21 he was someone that studied this and
0:13:22 understood this and he saw the adverse
0:13:24 effects of this the consequences of
0:13:26 people turning away from god and focus
0:13:28 and becoming more materialistic
0:13:30 and nihilism was an inevitable
0:13:32 consequence
0:13:33 of this reality and we're going to go
0:13:34 into nihilism and discuss nightism a bit
0:13:36 more but if you before we do that
0:13:38 i want to draw our attention to a very
0:13:40 powerful ayah of the quran
0:13:42 this is found in the 59th chapter verse
0:13:45 19 where allah says
0:13:50 allah says and do not be like those who
0:13:52 forgot allah so he made them forget
0:13:55 themselves it is they who are the truly
0:13:58 rebellious
0:14:04 this is a very powerful brothers and
0:14:06 sisters allah subhanahu wa is telling us
0:14:08 here
0:14:09 don't be like remember this is over 1400
0:14:11 years ago right this is not 18th century
0:14:14 17th century 16th century 14 over 1400
0:14:16 years ago allah is informing us and
0:14:18 telling us
0:14:19 don't be like those people who forgot
0:14:21 allah
0:14:22 and because of them turning them they
0:14:25 turning away from allah allah made them
0:14:27 forget themselves they lost their own
0:14:29 sense of awareness who they are what
0:14:31 they are
0:14:32 and they are the ones who are truly
0:14:33 rebellious now this ayah can be there
0:14:36 are many things we can take from this
0:14:37 the scholars the mufasirin when they
0:14:39 have comment into this ayah something
0:14:41 predominantly they mention is well
0:14:43 what's obvious well if you don't know
0:14:44 who allah is if you don't know who your
0:14:46 creator is and you turn away from god
0:14:48 well then you don't really know who you
0:14:49 are what your purpose is why you're here
0:14:52 what the objective is there's no way of
0:14:54 understanding what the human is
0:14:56 you'll just end up concluding well
0:14:57 you're just a more
0:14:59 highly evolved animal but regardless an
0:15:02 animal
0:15:02 and you know you would not know who you
0:15:04 are what the objective of this life is
0:15:06 what we're doing here in this 18 90
0:15:08 years that we have on this earth we
0:15:09 won't know so you won't know and
0:15:11 therefore you won't fulfill the purpose
0:15:12 of your life and you will be you you'll
0:15:14 lose yourself completely
0:15:16 um but what's really interesting here
0:15:18 another point which i found which was
0:15:19 very interesting is that the word nasir
0:15:21 itself that's used here in this
0:15:22 particular ayah
0:15:24 the word nasir nun seen yao nun sin wow
0:15:27 it's a very interesting
0:15:29 forgetting you know it's it's the type
0:15:32 of forgetting
0:15:34 which is deliberate
0:15:36 that's what it signifies it's it's
0:15:38 almost it's the type of forgetting with
0:15:39 someone one is deliberately consciously
0:15:42 turning themselves away from the truth
0:15:45 or something trying to forget something
0:15:47 that they that they know is there it's
0:15:49 not the sort of innocent type of
0:15:51 uh you know you know you just forgot
0:15:53 something we're forgetful as human
0:15:54 beings it's not that type of a game
0:15:55 where you just you know had to remember
0:15:56 something forgot it and that was that
0:15:59 this is a deliberate type of forgetting
0:16:02 and even if you look at for example
0:16:03 lane's lexicon
0:16:05 and even in the mufrada uh the sheikh
0:16:08 mentions this too but this is a very
0:16:10 interesting point he's in in the lexicon
0:16:11 we find that it's a type of pretending
0:16:13 that you know he had forgotten it or he
0:16:18 constrained himself to dismiss it from
0:16:20 his mind so it's it's a deliberate
0:16:22 intentional
0:16:24 turning away and this is very
0:16:26 interesting considering the fact that we
0:16:27 know and you guys have probably covered
0:16:29 this in many other seminars
0:16:31 considering the concept of the fitra
0:16:33 that the belief in god is natural it's
0:16:35 innate it's there
0:16:37 now if the fitra is there and we have
0:16:39 this innate recognition of the creator
0:16:41 which is acknowledged by many
0:16:43 psychologists today justin obaro oliver
0:16:45 petrovich that you know we have this
0:16:47 innate almost wiring to believe in god
0:16:49 in a creator or cause
0:16:51 then obviously when we try when we turn
0:16:53 away from god we have to make some
0:16:55 effort it's not going to be easy it's
0:16:56 not natural so i thought it's very
0:16:58 interesting this very precise use of
0:17:00 words here that allah uses it's a
0:17:02 deliberate forgetting it's a it's a
0:17:04 conscious forgetting it's so it's almost
0:17:06 like you know it's
0:17:07 if you had a toothache
0:17:09 and you wanted to forget it because you
0:17:10 can get on with your day that's the type
0:17:12 of getting it's inside your mouth you
0:17:13 can't get out get rid of it it's there
0:17:15 it's inside you so that would be that
0:17:17 would be nasir where you're trying to
0:17:18 turn away from that toothache and trying
0:17:20 to deliberately forget about it so it
0:17:21 doesn't ruin your day
0:17:22 as opposed to say you you know you had a
0:17:25 uh you had to make a call and you forgot
0:17:26 it's something external other things
0:17:28 happen you've got but the toothache is
0:17:30 within you it's inside so that would be
0:17:32 nasiya so it's a deliberate turning away
0:17:36 and dr assara ahmed made a very
0:17:37 interesting point in his death of this
0:17:39 particular ayah as well he said
0:17:41 what is what is meant by someone
0:17:42 forgetting themselves
0:17:44 it's not
0:17:45 that they're forgetting to take care of
0:17:47 themselves i mean because even atheists
0:17:49 know this he mentioned that you know
0:17:50 non-believers would know that they have
0:17:52 to feed themselves and they have to you
0:17:54 know wash themselves and they have to
0:17:55 take care of the physical bodies and
0:17:57 exercise so when allah is speaking about
0:18:00 that they were made to forget themselves
0:18:02 it's not that they were made to forget
0:18:03 their physical selves and their physical
0:18:05 needs it's that they were made to forget
0:18:07 their essence
0:18:09 they their true selves their inner souls
0:18:11 the love of the human being the essence
0:18:13 of the human being which is the soul
0:18:14 the
0:18:15 the the inner source
0:18:17 you know what really matters so there's
0:18:18 many ways we can look at this but i
0:18:20 think what's very interesting from
0:18:21 today's perspective
0:18:23 considering what we just spoke about you
0:18:25 know nietzsche and his perspective on
0:18:27 you know how turning away from god or
0:18:29 the idea of killing god leads to
0:18:31 confusion and leads to one losing their
0:18:33 bearings and not knowing understanding
0:18:35 anything
0:18:37 this is very interesting
0:18:39 you know allah is is
0:18:42 reminding us of this reality as well
0:18:44 that if you turn away from god if you
0:18:45 forget your creator you will forget
0:18:47 yourself and one way of looking at this
0:18:49 is that you won't know who you are what
0:18:50 is the ultimate thing and let's think
0:18:52 about this now let's do this experiment
0:18:53 now imagine for a second that you know
0:18:56 there is an atheist present amongst us
0:18:58 and he says that there is no god there
0:19:00 is no creator
0:19:02 and that's what i believe that's what he
0:19:03 says
0:19:04 now imagine asking him the question say
0:19:06 you asked him the question what is the
0:19:08 ultimate meaning of your life what is
0:19:09 the ultimate purpose of your life think
0:19:11 about this can he give you an answer to
0:19:13 that question
0:19:14 is there an answer to that question
0:19:16 the answer is no
0:19:18 because and here's why because when you
0:19:20 say there is no creator there is no
0:19:22 cause
0:19:23 what you're saying in other words is
0:19:25 that the entire universe and everything
0:19:27 that exists is one
0:19:29 big
0:19:30 accident
0:19:31 it's just it's a random
0:19:34 phenomenon it's a random occurrence
0:19:35 there's nothing behind there is no order
0:19:38 behind it there's no intentionality
0:19:39 behind it there is no reason for it to
0:19:41 exist it just happened like spilt milk
0:19:44 it just happened
0:19:46 now
0:19:47 accidents don't have a purpose at least
0:19:49 according to their perspective of things
0:19:51 as muslims obviously we believe
0:19:53 everything has a purpose everything has
0:19:54 a reason but according to them
0:19:56 specifically accidents don't have a
0:19:58 purpose if it's one big accident there
0:20:00 is no meaning or purpose behind it now
0:20:01 if there's no meaning and purpose behind
0:20:03 the universe
0:20:04 then that also means that there is no
0:20:06 ultimate meaning or purpose behind the
0:20:07 things within the universe and that
0:20:09 includes you and me and everyone human
0:20:11 beings that means our lives are
0:20:13 ultimately meaningless and have no
0:20:15 purpose
0:20:16 this is an inevitable
0:20:19 an inevitable consequence of denying a
0:20:22 creator god if you are someone that says
0:20:24 there is no god you can never
0:20:27 account for the ultimate meaning and
0:20:29 purpose of life okay now we're going to
0:20:31 explore this a bit further
0:20:33 and really sort of get to the bottom of
0:20:34 this so what is nihilism if i was to
0:20:37 give you a general if you look at the
0:20:38 dictionaries and if you go through the
0:20:39 sort of definitions of nihilism one
0:20:40 thing that emerges from all of these
0:20:42 definitions is nihilism is the idea of
0:20:45 there being no meaning okay there being
0:20:48 no meaning no reason
0:20:51 behind a particular thing
0:20:53 now there are many there's many ways
0:20:55 academics have categorized nihilism so
0:20:58 for example donald a crosby in his book
0:21:01 spectre of the absurd he's categorized
0:21:03 he's given five categories of nihilism
0:21:05 moralism epistemological nihilism cosmic
0:21:07 nihilism existential nihilism political
0:21:09 nihilism but
0:21:12 one thing that comes across is all of
0:21:14 these types of nihilism are interlinked
0:21:17 they're linked with each other and some
0:21:18 of you even said that
0:21:20 moral nihilism political epistemological
0:21:22 nihilism and cosmic nihilism all come
0:21:24 under the umbrella of existential
0:21:25 nihilism they're all linked together so
0:21:27 for example you know some of the links
0:21:29 we can appreciate moral nihilism is the
0:21:30 idea that there is no objective reality
0:21:33 behind morals right there's no objective
0:21:34 truth behind morals epistemological
0:21:37 nihilism sort of suggests the idea that
0:21:38 there is no truth or fact uh you know
0:21:41 so you know there is no you would say a
0:21:44 fact or a truth it's what it's
0:21:46 subjective it's whatever you want to
0:21:47 make it right now you can see the link
0:21:49 between epistemological nihilism and
0:21:51 moral nihilism this crossover
0:21:53 because if there are no truths
0:21:55 or facts well what does that mean for
0:21:58 morals and there's others that link
0:22:00 together as well but the existential
0:22:01 nihilism is is of most important
0:22:03 significance to us because i would it's
0:22:05 to do with the self
0:22:07 you know what is the meaning and purpose
0:22:09 of my existence my life and this is what
0:22:11 the existentialist philosophers really
0:22:13 focused in on
0:22:15 now
0:22:18 here's here's the issue
0:22:21 we live in times
0:22:24 of where people generally deny god and
0:22:28 even if they don't deny god they don't
0:22:29 talk about god god is not a part of you
0:22:31 know public discourse it's not something
0:22:34 you talk to friends about normally or
0:22:35 colleagues about it's not within our
0:22:38 social sphere anymore right we live in a
0:22:40 highly secularized world we we don't
0:22:42 think about the idea of god we don't
0:22:44 most people don't even believe in god
0:22:45 most people recognize themselves as
0:22:47 atheists and agnostics especially in the
0:22:48 west now if this is the case guys
0:22:51 as we've seen godlessness leads to
0:22:54 nihilism this is an inevitable outcome
0:22:56 there is no ultimate meaning to life now
0:22:58 why is this a problem this is one of the
0:23:00 things i want to tackle because someone
0:23:01 may turn around and say well fine there
0:23:03 is no ultimate
0:23:04 you know there is no purpose to my life
0:23:06 there is no meaning to my life
0:23:08 that's it why is it a problem
0:23:12 now here's why i believe it's a problem
0:23:13 because as human beings
0:23:16 we cannot help but see everything
0:23:18 through the lens of meaning
0:23:20 think about your life everything you do
0:23:23 in a day from waking up in the morning
0:23:25 to going to sleep at night we do it with
0:23:27 an objective with meaning with a purpose
0:23:29 waking up in the morning getting out of
0:23:31 bed at 9am as opposed to 10 a.m having
0:23:33 your breakfast brushing your teeth you
0:23:35 know going walking to work or getting on
0:23:37 the bus doing your work coming home
0:23:39 having dinner
0:23:40 whatever you do in your daily life
0:23:41 everything we do we do for a meal with
0:23:44 meaning with a purpose there is always a
0:23:47 reason behind it when we look at the
0:23:49 things in the world around us
0:23:50 we look at things through the lens of
0:23:52 meaning we see we try to understand and
0:23:55 decipher the meaning behind the world
0:23:56 around us and things around us when we
0:23:59 make things as human beings we make
0:24:00 things with meaning with purpose
0:24:02 we can't help but do this this is a part
0:24:05 of our nature as human beings then it's
0:24:07 natural then to ask the question what is
0:24:09 the meaning of my existence why do i
0:24:11 exist
0:24:12 what is the ultimate meaning of my
0:24:14 existence my my life
0:24:16 this is a natural question and what's
0:24:18 even more interesting is that when one
0:24:21 gets to grappling with this question
0:24:22 whatever time that happens in their life
0:24:24 whether it's early or late when someone
0:24:26 gets to that point and they can't find
0:24:28 the answer
0:24:30 it doesn't just mean nothing happens
0:24:31 they just can't find the answer it
0:24:32 doesn't stop there
0:24:34 it leads to a lot of anxiety
0:24:36 what was what's referred to by the
0:24:38 philosophers especially the
0:24:39 existentialist philosophers as
0:24:40 existential angst this type of deep
0:24:42 existential anxiety this deep internal
0:24:46 pain
0:24:47 and this it's very interesting if you
0:24:49 think about it what we i don't i don't
0:24:51 know exactly why this is the case maybe
0:24:52 because it's linked to what i've just
0:24:53 said in regards to the fact that we we
0:24:56 we perceive and
0:24:57 and understand the world and everything
0:24:59 around us including ourselves through
0:25:00 the lens of meaning maybe this has
0:25:01 something to do with it but
0:25:03 it
0:25:04 when you come to the conclusion that
0:25:06 there is no meaning behind my existence
0:25:08 there's no ultimate meaning to my life
0:25:10 that
0:25:12 inevitably leads to a lot of existential
0:25:14 anxiety and pain
0:25:15 and fear
0:25:16 right anyone that's experienced it you
0:25:18 know how difficult that it is
0:25:21 camus spoke speaks about this you know
0:25:23 about the this fixation that one once
0:25:26 they get to this question there's this
0:25:28 there's this deep fixation when one
0:25:31 starts to engage with the question of
0:25:32 meaning and purpose into their own lives
0:25:35 everything else becomes trivial
0:25:37 everything else loses meaning everything
0:25:39 else just almost
0:25:41 dims down and loses color the world
0:25:43 around you becomes trivial life and life
0:25:46 situations become true you go inward and
0:25:48 you can't help it but do this
0:25:50 you that question becomes the most
0:25:52 important thing and not finding an
0:25:54 answer leads to a lot of pain and
0:25:55 anxiety so it's something that needs to
0:25:58 be tackled and addressed
0:25:59 and the reality is because we live in a
0:26:02 world which is generally as a whole
0:26:04 turned away from god and the mood of the
0:26:06 world is godless like not interested in
0:26:08 the question i'm interested in the
0:26:10 material i'm interested in making my
0:26:12 life and making as much as i can of this
0:26:13 world
0:26:14 because we have turned away from god
0:26:17 a lot of people today experience
0:26:19 nihilism on some level
0:26:21 but there are lots of patches you know
0:26:23 that that have been uh put in place
0:26:26 or try to people have tried to put in
0:26:28 place you know things to do with this
0:26:30 what we can refer to as the lanterns
0:26:32 going back to nietzsche was saying you
0:26:34 know don't we need to light lanterns now
0:26:36 right so this this is the lanterns i
0:26:38 believe that they that that people have
0:26:40 tried to put into place realizing and
0:26:42 understanding that we live in a godless
0:26:44 world and turning away from god in a way
0:26:47 is good for material progress and that's
0:26:48 a whole other topic we won't get into
0:26:50 now but the video course if you watch it
0:26:52 we'll get into detail on that there
0:26:54 but they realize that okay nihilism is
0:26:56 going to be a problem we can't escape
0:26:57 this nietzsche predicted this
0:26:59 you know we could see we can understand
0:27:01 the logic of why this is going to happen
0:27:03 let's try to patch this and people have
0:27:04 tried to patch this over the past over
0:27:06 the decades and centuries so start with
0:27:08 the 19th century existentialists the
0:27:10 existential philosophers they tried to
0:27:12 deal with this this meaninglessness
0:27:14 emptiness how do we deal with this many
0:27:16 attempts you know jean-paul sartre for
0:27:18 example spoke about taking
0:27:20 responsibility being under once you come
0:27:23 to the realization that life is
0:27:24 ultimately meaningless take
0:27:27 responsibility be a responsible
0:27:29 human being
0:27:30 and he just tried to justify this in his
0:27:33 own way but again it didn't deal with
0:27:34 the fundamental issue which was that
0:27:36 ultimately at bottom there is no
0:27:38 ultimate meaning to your life what he
0:27:39 was suggesting you do and what most many
0:27:41 of the other
0:27:43 existentialist philosophers suggested
0:27:44 you do was
0:27:46 acknowledge and realize and come to
0:27:48 terms with the fact that there is no
0:27:49 ultimate meaning and purpose to life but
0:27:51 then at that point start making up
0:27:52 meaning for yourself that's what you
0:27:54 have to do you have to give yourself
0:27:55 meaning you have to make it up for
0:27:57 yourself
0:27:58 right so this was a lantern they tried
0:28:00 to light at that point and it was an
0:28:02 interesting one because it caught fire
0:28:04 the lantern right it lit up and it lit
0:28:06 up things around them and it was the
0:28:07 best that they had but i think soon
0:28:09 people started to realize well one it's
0:28:11 very difficult
0:28:12 to
0:28:14 you know develop a a upright moral
0:28:18 character
0:28:20 in a world which at bottom is
0:28:22 meaningless and in a world where not
0:28:24 everyone else around you is not doing
0:28:25 that and in a world where you don't have
0:28:27 any intrinsic motivational drive or
0:28:30 underlying motivational drive for you to
0:28:32 do this because you live in a world
0:28:33 which is without god and without any
0:28:35 ultimate meaning so it was something
0:28:36 very difficult and i think people also
0:28:39 realize that this is making things up as
0:28:40 amazon says lying to yourself playing
0:28:42 games essentially you know why why live
0:28:45 responsibly okay it sounds good
0:28:48 why not live
0:28:49 recklessly
0:28:51 instead you know and that is how we we
0:28:54 escape this nihilism and that is what
0:28:56 people have started to do especially
0:28:57 over the past couple of uh especially
0:28:59 the past century hedonism you know this
0:29:01 idea of
0:29:03 do whatever you want go enjoy yourself
0:29:05 have fun fulfill your desires
0:29:07 you know this is what life is all about
0:29:09 this yolo mentality only live once go
0:29:11 and have fun
0:29:12 you know explore
0:29:14 um fulfill your desires whether they're
0:29:16 sexual whatever they are just go and do
0:29:18 whatever you want you know and that's
0:29:20 and and that worked again that was
0:29:21 another lantern that was lit yeah it
0:29:24 helped people in the short term led to a
0:29:26 lot of pleasure happiness you know
0:29:28 people we live most people around us
0:29:30 engaging in some you know a type of
0:29:31 hedonism today you know do whatever you
0:29:34 want and it leads to this short-term
0:29:37 spike in pleasure you may get a dopamine
0:29:39 kick but then afterwards you're left
0:29:40 feeling empty again you know you and and
0:29:43 you know this again now
0:29:45 some of it links to consumerism
0:29:47 consumerism ties in with hedonism here
0:29:48 as well because consumerism
0:29:50 is
0:29:51 very interesting from a few different
0:29:52 perspectives
0:29:54 but this is another way that human
0:29:56 beings especially in this secular world
0:29:58 today are encouraged to overcome
0:30:01 meaninglessness
0:30:02 is they're told and we're taught that
0:30:05 you are to find meaning in the world
0:30:08 around you the acquisition of the world
0:30:10 around you go and buy whatever you want
0:30:12 to buy go and amass as much as you you
0:30:14 can amass and try to outdo your neighbor
0:30:16 you know try to outdo your friends you
0:30:18 know try to have a little bit more
0:30:21 you know this is this is the world that
0:30:22 we live in and it's interesting because
0:30:24 you know i mean this will suit the
0:30:26 agenda if you like or some people some
0:30:28 people because
0:30:30 consumerism
0:30:31 you know is is one of the biggest
0:30:32 drivers of the economy it's one of the
0:30:35 biggest driving factors of the economy
0:30:37 you have you know the consumer society
0:30:40 because the more you buy you know the
0:30:42 the more that means that there is demand
0:30:44 the more products that are produced by
0:30:45 businesses businesses grow
0:30:47 businesses grow more employment
0:30:49 employment grows more people get jobs
0:30:51 and this inevitably increases the
0:30:53 economy right so there's another link
0:30:56 here as well but consumerism is another
0:30:58 way and it's it's a way that's
0:30:59 encouraged because of this very reason
0:31:01 you know this is where to find meaning
0:31:03 and happiness and again consumerism
0:31:04 doesn't work brothers and sisters
0:31:06 because
0:31:06 there's a lot of research on this now as
0:31:08 well tim casa in his book the high price
0:31:10 of materialism highlights well there is
0:31:12 no you know there is no uh
0:31:15 uh how do you how would you say it
0:31:18 there is no link between
0:31:20 material possessions and wealth and
0:31:23 well-being to a certain degree a level
0:31:26 if you have you know you may increase in
0:31:28 your material
0:31:29 items and possessions and and your you
0:31:32 know the amount of money you have
0:31:33 or how financially secure you are and
0:31:35 that would lead to
0:31:37 well-being to a certain degree but at a
0:31:38 certain point
0:31:40 that stops happening you know well-being
0:31:42 would level out and and no matter how
0:31:44 much more if you keep getting more and
0:31:45 more and more fixating more and more and
0:31:47 becoming more materialistic your
0:31:49 well-being is not going to increase with
0:31:50 this if anything it starts to dip that's
0:31:52 what they've noticed it starts to dip
0:31:53 off because the more materialistic you
0:31:55 become the more depressed you become and
0:31:57 the more anxious you become and it
0:31:59 affects
0:32:00 you know your family relationships and
0:32:02 ties you know it affects your psychology
0:32:04 affects your self-esteem because now you
0:32:06 start defining yourself through your
0:32:08 material possessions you know and if you
0:32:10 don't have something well then you feel
0:32:11 really depressed and sad
0:32:13 so it's it's it's a really sort of uh
0:32:17 you know it's it's it's a very dangerous
0:32:19 thing to engage in and it's not solving
0:32:21 the problem because it's a temporary
0:32:23 patch you get this momentaris you know
0:32:26 state of happiness
0:32:28 um and you may
0:32:30 become a materialist as you know adopt
0:32:33 materialism as a way of life not
0:32:35 materialism as the philosophy which is
0:32:36 that you start believing that you know
0:32:39 the the purpose of your life and meaning
0:32:41 comes to your life through the
0:32:42 acquisition of certain things within
0:32:44 this world
0:32:45 right but when you don't get them when
0:32:47 you can't get them what's going to
0:32:48 happen then and realizing that when you
0:32:50 die you're not going to take any of you
0:32:51 with you well what does it then mean in
0:32:53 the grand scheme of things right and who
0:32:55 told you that that is the ultimate
0:32:56 meaning of your life was that always the
0:32:58 ultimate meaning of everyone's life
0:32:59 throughout history because if you go
0:33:01 back 100 200 years you know the things
0:33:03 that we have today most of us have today
0:33:05 were only accessible to the rich and the
0:33:07 elite they weren't accessible to the
0:33:09 majority of the world so what was their
0:33:10 meaning of their life then
0:33:12 so they i mean it's it's just that it's
0:33:13 again it's a fix
0:33:15 temporary solution which doesn't work
0:33:17 causes more damage
0:33:19 and then there's different types of
0:33:20 escapism you know
0:33:22 drugs alcohol especially amongst the
0:33:24 youth the younger people you know
0:33:26 partying drugs alcohol they're trying to
0:33:28 escape reality and gaming is another
0:33:29 thing today
0:33:30 you know people especially youngsters
0:33:32 they're losing themselves they rather
0:33:34 live on a virtu in a virtual world right
0:33:37 this virtual sphere
0:33:39 as opposed to living in the real world
0:33:40 and it's if you look at games they're
0:33:42 designed in a very interesting way
0:33:44 because most games all games have levels
0:33:47 you have an objective you have a purpose
0:33:49 within the game and you have to overcome
0:33:52 each level and grow
0:33:53 through the game right so it's it's
0:33:55 almost like it's a fix it gives you a
0:33:57 dopamine kick because it appeals to your
0:34:00 nature as a human being to you know but
0:34:02 but it's a game it's not reality
0:34:04 you know so and we're trying to run away
0:34:06 from reality and just live in these
0:34:08 games and we've seen how attached people
0:34:10 become to these games you know i've
0:34:12 heard some there was this crazy uh story
0:34:14 in one of these uh i think indian
0:34:16 newspapers where apparently a and this
0:34:18 is not an isolated case where
0:34:21 uh a boy killed his father because he's
0:34:23 prevented him from playing the game one
0:34:24 of these games pubg i think it was this
0:34:26 this shooting game he literally killed
0:34:28 his father and and these crazy stories
0:34:30 like this right because it shows it's
0:34:32 almost like we're we're we're we're
0:34:34 vampires but
0:34:37 that are trying to suck meaning from
0:34:38 wherever we can get it right but we
0:34:40 can't find it and then we're trying to
0:34:41 find it in all of these things but
0:34:43 they're not satisfying us so these are
0:34:45 huge problems and these are these are
0:34:46 the type of solutions that people have
0:34:49 tried to propose these lanterns they've
0:34:50 tried to light but they've gone out you
0:34:52 know as a lantern is supposed to go out
0:34:54 it's gonna go out inevitably so how is
0:34:56 islam the solution
0:34:57 and i believe islam is the solution
0:35:00 fundamentally because islam makes clear
0:35:03 to us that there is a creator
0:35:05 you know you have a creator allah allah
0:35:08 created you he is one he created you but
0:35:10 he didn't create you for no reason
0:35:11 because he created you for a purpose
0:35:14 so even there fundamentally
0:35:17 nihilism disappears because as we've
0:35:19 seen it's the removal of god as a
0:35:22 conception which leads to nihilism as
0:35:23 soon as you you bring god back into the
0:35:25 picture nihilism disappears but what's
0:35:28 really interesting is that islam
0:35:31 really fills out you know the the gaps
0:35:34 it it leaves no stone unturned as far as
0:35:37 addressing nihilism conclusively and and
0:35:40 and once and for all
0:35:42 not only does islam tell us that there
0:35:44 we have a creator but allah informs us
0:35:46 that he created us for a very specific
0:35:49 purpose
0:35:50 as allah outlines in the quran that he
0:35:51 did not create us in the 51st chapter
0:35:54 verse 56
0:35:58 they did not create us for any other
0:36:00 reason except to know him and to worship
0:36:02 him
0:36:03 this is the purpose of our existence our
0:36:06 lives this is why we were created
0:36:09 right
0:36:10 so it's clarity now we know what our
0:36:12 purpose is not only this
0:36:14 god further outlines in the quran for
0:36:16 example in surah mulk chapter 67 verse 2
0:36:19 where god says and now he specifically
0:36:20 is highlighting
0:36:22 our
0:36:22 existence within this material world
0:36:25 right allah says and he created he is
0:36:28 the one who created death and life
0:36:30 in order to test which of us is best in
0:36:32 deeds
0:36:33 right so we're here in this world we're
0:36:35 going to worship our creator that is
0:36:37 that is the objective and but this world
0:36:40 is going to present us with challenges
0:36:41 we're going to face hardships we're
0:36:43 going to face trials we're going to face
0:36:45 you know difficulties we're going we're
0:36:47 going to be tested we're going to be
0:36:49 tested
0:36:50 right we're going to may have to make
0:36:51 choices
0:36:53 and i mean even ace even if you've
0:36:55 asked an atheist i mean think about life
0:36:57 right
0:36:58 what we're doing every moment of our
0:37:00 life every moment's a choice
0:37:01 if you think about it it's a choice that
0:37:03 we have to make so in another in in one
0:37:05 way it's a test every moment is a test
0:37:07 we're being tested you know what's
0:37:09 another thing that's going to be tested
0:37:10 is which of us are truthful in the claim
0:37:12 that we worship god
0:37:14 you know
0:37:15 i mean allah says the quran just because
0:37:17 you say you believe you think you're
0:37:18 going to be left alone no you're going
0:37:20 to be tested that claim is going to be
0:37:21 tested
0:37:22 do you truly believe you know it's easy
0:37:24 to say when things are comfortable but
0:37:25 when things get tough what are you going
0:37:27 to do then
0:37:28 are you going to you know come through
0:37:30 why are you going to turn away at the
0:37:32 first sign of a hurdle you know so we're
0:37:33 going to be tested this life is a test
0:37:36 now further in the quran
0:37:38 and this is something i'm going to go
0:37:39 into a lot more detail in the next
0:37:41 session next week on saturday where we
0:37:42 really sort of explore further
0:37:44 um you know uh
0:37:46 niches nietzsche in particular in his
0:37:48 contention to the religious solution if
0:37:51 you like to nihilism it's going to be
0:37:53 it's going to be a very interesting
0:37:54 session because we look as the idea of
0:37:55 true worlds and you know why he believed
0:37:58 that they weren't
0:37:59 an adequate response to nihilism etc but
0:38:01 we'll cover that then but then allah
0:38:02 here i'm going to mention here as well
0:38:04 what's important to realize is that not
0:38:05 only does allah tell us what our purpose
0:38:07 is and what our objective is within this
0:38:08 world allah outlines the link between
0:38:13 our existence in this world
0:38:15 and the hereafter right and this is a
0:38:18 very important lick brothers and sisters
0:38:20 i want you to keep this in mind because
0:38:21 what this when we go over next week's
0:38:23 session and we see nietzsche's
0:38:24 fundamental problem with you know uh the
0:38:27 the true world solution of religions to
0:38:30 nihilism you will see how
0:38:32 islam
0:38:33 his contention
0:38:35 does not apply to islam if anything
0:38:37 islam does away with his his issue with
0:38:39 with the idea of true wills
0:38:41 but here allah outlines in the quran for
0:38:43 us very specifically
0:38:44 that it's what we do in this world the
0:38:47 actions we do the choices we make which
0:38:49 have a direct bearing on where we end up
0:38:51 in the hereafter
0:38:53 so this life it's not the it's not the
0:38:55 case as in for example christianity
0:38:57 where you believe in in in the in the in
0:39:00 you know in the crucifixion of jesus
0:39:02 that he died for your sins and you're
0:39:03 just now waiting you know for your time
0:39:05 to come so that you can cross over and
0:39:07 go to heaven forever
0:39:08 it's not like that from our perspective
0:39:11 every moment in this world is going to
0:39:13 be accounted for that we live
0:39:15 every action that we take every choice
0:39:17 that we make we're going to be accounted
0:39:19 for it
0:39:20 you know so if we do good we'll be
0:39:21 rewarded for that good if we do bad
0:39:23 we'll be punished for that bad so
0:39:24 essentially what we're doing in this
0:39:26 world is like a springboard to the
0:39:27 hereafter you know we're working here to
0:39:30 build what we're going to get there
0:39:32 so it's there's a very clear and concise
0:39:35 link between this life and the hereafter
0:39:38 so this life is extremely meaningful and
0:39:40 like i said we're going to a lot more
0:39:41 detail in this uh in regards to this in
0:39:43 the next session and as for example as
0:39:45 an example allah says in the fourth
0:39:46 chapter of the quran verse 124 and
0:39:48 whoever does righteous deeds whether
0:39:50 male or female while being a believer
0:39:52 those will enter paradise and will not
0:39:54 be wronged even as much as even as much
0:39:56 as this the spec of a date seed so again
0:40:00 clearly outlining the link between this
0:40:02 world and the hereafter so islam
0:40:04 clarifies
0:40:05 you know
0:40:06 what our purpose is what we're doing in
0:40:08 this world and how
0:40:10 what we do in this world and our time in
0:40:12 this world links to where we end up in
0:40:14 the hereafter very clear right
0:40:17 so
0:40:18 to conclude
0:40:21 and here's something i want us to see
0:40:22 today you know mashallah if you guys
0:40:24 have read the divine reality and if you
0:40:26 haven't i encourage you to read the
0:40:27 divine reality
0:40:28 you know it it clearly outlines the
0:40:30 strength the intellectual strength of
0:40:32 our deen our tradition you know
0:40:35 it's we don't just say it's you know
0:40:37 iman is not just blind faith right it's
0:40:39 based on something solid it's something
0:40:41 that gives you stability and if you look
0:40:43 at it from intellectual perspective we
0:40:45 have
0:40:46 amazing powerful arguments you know
0:40:48 which
0:40:49 can which can lead to the intellectual
0:40:51 conviction of a person that islam is the
0:40:53 truth right
0:40:54 we have we have the understanding of the
0:40:56 fitra that the belief in allah is
0:40:57 natural it's there you can't run away
0:40:59 from it we've also touched upon this
0:41:00 earlier today
0:41:02 but what i want you to do is i want you
0:41:03 to look at the strength of it islam from
0:41:06 the perspective of utility how useful it
0:41:08 is for human beings not only is god not
0:41:10 dead and this is what i want us to
0:41:12 understand
0:41:13 but we need to realize that we are dead
0:41:15 without god
0:41:16 you know we we can't we can't function
0:41:18 you know we can't function if we really
0:41:20 understand the predicament of secular
0:41:22 modernity we would realize that we are
0:41:24 in desperate need of god and islam in
0:41:27 particular right it's the achilles heel
0:41:30 nihilism is the achilles heel
0:41:32 of the 21st century of this modern
0:41:34 western civilization you know and there
0:41:36 is a lot of work patchwork being done to
0:41:39 sort of prevent people from completely
0:41:41 losing themselves you know because it's
0:41:43 almost like keep it brushed under the
0:41:44 carpet your life is ultimately
0:41:46 meaningless keep it under the carpet
0:41:48 don't worry about this you just focus on
0:41:50 this life in this world and and making
0:41:53 you know the most of it
0:41:55 but every so often people over and over
0:41:57 again and especially after covid a lot
0:41:59 more people have been thinking about the
0:42:00 meaning and purpose of their life and
0:42:02 when you when you engage these questions
0:42:04 brothers and sisters you will very
0:42:06 quickly the non-muslim the one that
0:42:08 doesn't believe in god would very
0:42:10 quickly come to the realization that
0:42:11 their life is ultimately meaningless and
0:42:14 that's where that black hole opens up
0:42:15 and they start falling through that and
0:42:16 there is no end to this pit you know and
0:42:19 until they find answers
0:42:20 you just can't escape that you can't run
0:42:22 away from that
0:42:24 so people today the world today is in
0:42:26 need of god you know and and and we
0:42:28 let's be a bit nuanced
0:42:30 and it's important to clarify this as
0:42:31 well
0:42:33 what pushed people what really pushed
0:42:36 one of the things that pushed people
0:42:37 away from the idea of god especially in
0:42:39 the 16th and 17th and 18th centuries was
0:42:42 just the way the church
0:42:45 implemented itself at the time and the
0:42:47 way it oppressed people oppressed free
0:42:49 thinking
0:42:50 and so on and so forth right
0:42:52 islam never had this issue
0:42:54 islam encouraged people to engage in the
0:42:57 study of this world allah throughout the
0:42:59 quran read the quran you see god says
0:43:01 have you not seen the camel and how it's
0:43:02 created indeed in the creation of the
0:43:04 heavens and the earth
0:43:09 indeed in the creation of the heavens
0:43:11 and the earth and the alternation of the
0:43:12 night and they are signs
0:43:14 you know there are signs within the
0:43:15 physical world god is encouraging us to
0:43:17 study the physical world what you could
0:43:19 what we call today science essentially
0:43:21 the study of the physical world right
0:43:23 muslims never had this issue and that's
0:43:25 why we saw the amazing development in
0:43:27 the sciences biology chemistry medicine
0:43:30 mathematics within the muslim world you
0:43:33 know
0:43:34 when at the same time in the west it was
0:43:36 in the dark ages and christianity was
0:43:39 you know ensuring that no one got got
0:43:41 away from this no free thinkers got away
0:43:43 and and explored and understood the
0:43:45 world how did how did
0:43:47 how did the christian the the european
0:43:49 world rediscover
0:43:51 the classical tradition
0:43:54 a lot of they came through the muslims
0:43:55 because they preserved or preserved the
0:43:56 writings of the greeks
0:43:58 you know so if islam has a lot to do
0:44:00 with the enlightenment that the west
0:44:01 experienced and experienced in the 18th
0:44:03 century but is the issue was what
0:44:05 happened was because they had
0:44:07 they saw it was almost like a reaction
0:44:08 an adverse reaction the church was
0:44:10 oppressive therefore god is oppressive
0:44:12 therefore religion as a whole put it all
0:44:14 in the same basket is oppressive so
0:44:15 let's completely turn away from religion
0:44:17 but was interesting they didn't just
0:44:18 turn away from religion completely they
0:44:19 took some of the good bits you know the
0:44:22 ethical and moral foundations they tried
0:44:23 to keep hold of them although they
0:44:25 couldn't account for them anymore but
0:44:26 they try to keep because they're
0:44:27 necessary to build a civilization you
0:44:30 know those ethic that ethical and moral
0:44:31 framework is necessary to build a
0:44:33 civilization however if you really
0:44:35 question it there is no grounding there
0:44:37 is no objective grounding to ethics and
0:44:39 morals you know what's right what's
0:44:41 wrong etc and we're seeing the
0:44:42 degradation of morals within society
0:44:44 today why because well fundamentally we
0:44:46 live in a society a world that doesn't
0:44:48 acknowledge god and therefore there's no
0:44:50 anchor
0:44:51 so islam never had this issue and what
0:44:54 people need to start discovering islam
0:44:55 today because it has utility for human
0:44:58 beings it provides you with answers to
0:45:00 those fundamental questions that you
0:45:02 have and not only this it allows you and
0:45:03 encourages you to continue to discover
0:45:05 to
0:45:06 engage with the physical world to have
0:45:08 your share of the physical world but
0:45:10 within limits within boundaries to not
0:45:12 lose yourself at the same time you know
0:45:14 reminds you you you define yourself
0:45:16 through your relationship with your
0:45:17 creator not through your material
0:45:19 possessions although you can have them
0:45:20 but use them as a means to allow you to
0:45:22 be grateful to your creator you know so
0:45:24 there's a beautiful balance here islam
0:45:26 has a lot to offer
0:45:28 the west and and you know
0:45:31 just the world as a whole subhanallah
0:45:32 and this is something we should think
0:45:34 about especially from our prospective
0:45:35 brothers and sisters
0:45:37 realize the world that we live in
0:45:39 realize the problems of the world that
0:45:40 we live in and then provide the antidote
0:45:43 the islamic antidote you know to these
0:45:44 problems and issues and nihilism is one
0:45:46 of the biggest issues that we're that
0:45:47 we're facing today you know so
0:45:50 i'm going to stop there inshallah we go
0:45:51 to q a
0:45:53 let's open up to
0:45:54 question and answers inshallah
0:45:57 let's keep that on the screen
0:45:59 okay
0:46:01 so i'm gonna what i'm gonna do if you
0:46:02 guys have any questions now put them in
0:46:04 the chat section
0:46:06 um
0:46:07 i'm gonna flick through
0:46:11 i'm gonna flick through the questions
0:46:14 that you guys have probably sent in
0:46:15 while i was presenting
0:46:18 and see if there's anything there that
0:46:19 we could start with
0:46:29 okay
0:46:36 so i'm looking to everyone that's joined
0:46:37 us and is on this live
0:46:45 from existential nihilism to islamic
0:46:48 theism yeah i mean that is the solution
0:46:50 if only people start to
0:46:52 you know
0:46:53 put down decide to put away the baggage
0:46:55 and start to look into islam
0:47:08 okay
0:47:13 some of you guys have summarized what we
0:47:15 were discussing in in really nice chunks
0:47:17 mashallah
0:47:36 yes i think hello is what you're getting
0:47:38 at
0:47:40 is if for atheists there is no meaning
0:47:41 to life this is the only life to you
0:47:43 know that they live then why
0:47:45 do they live it or why do they you know
0:47:47 promote and and become proponents of
0:47:50 certain ideologies and you know
0:47:52 uh groups like humanism for example
0:47:55 right there's a clear contradiction here
0:47:58 um that's something we should ask them
0:47:59 you know because i think it's because
0:48:01 it's to do with human nature
0:48:03 you know it
0:48:05 deep down inside we realize
0:48:08 that there is good and bad you know
0:48:10 allah mentions this in surah shams in
0:48:12 the quran that he inspired
0:48:14 the soul with an understanding of its of
0:48:16 good and bad so there is a baseline
0:48:18 understanding we we know there are
0:48:20 certain things that are wrong and
0:48:21 certain things that are right
0:48:24 and they recognize this because they're
0:48:25 human as well just because they deny
0:48:26 allah it doesn't mean they're not
0:48:28 created by allah anymore right that
0:48:30 allah didn't create them
0:48:31 with the nature and they don't have the
0:48:32 fitra but they can't account for it so
0:48:34 they're literally expressing a
0:48:35 contradiction when they do these things
0:48:43 okay
0:48:59 okay see
0:49:16 so hello is mentioning again mashallah
0:49:17 there's a survey continuous battle that
0:49:19 seems to be going on within people
0:49:21 between the fitra and
0:49:25 their ideologies and worldviews that
0:49:27 they hold
0:49:37 many of them just blame god and say why
0:49:42 i think yeah the problem with evil it's
0:49:44 it's you know it's an interesting topic
0:49:46 but obviously i think there's a really
0:49:47 there's this there's definitely some
0:49:49 really good uh sessions on that on this
0:49:51 channel
0:49:52 um and maybe even
0:49:54 there's
0:49:56 definitely something written on this on
0:49:57 sapiens
0:50:00 so you can check that out there in
0:50:01 charlottesville
0:50:09 okay
0:50:25 okay i'm sure there's some good
0:50:26 discussions that have been going on
0:50:29 hamdulillah
0:50:38 okay let's go right down to the poem
0:50:40 what do you say when someone says
0:50:44 okay this is a good question
0:50:46 so
0:50:49 this
0:50:49 what do you say when someone says i am i
0:50:52 am spiritual but why would i need
0:50:54 religion
0:50:55 i have
0:50:56 an answer but really want to hear what
0:50:58 you with the device yeah you know what
0:51:00 you guys this is another thing so this
0:51:02 is another lantern that they're trying
0:51:05 to light today which is
0:51:07 of uh
0:51:08 this new age spiritualism there's loads
0:51:10 of people that would say they're
0:51:11 spiritual you know that they practice
0:51:13 some sort of spirituality
0:51:14 uh it's i think it's referred to as
0:51:16 idolism
0:51:18 uh because a lot of people they they
0:51:19 link this with the idea of
0:51:22 that consciousness is everything
0:51:24 you know
0:51:25 and so so they as opposed to the
0:51:28 materialist that says look
0:51:30 there's the physical brain that produces
0:51:32 consciousness
0:51:34 which is an illusion essentially and we
0:51:36 perceive the world around us the
0:51:38 the idolist returns turns around what
0:51:40 they say is well this consciousness at
0:51:42 base bottom is consciousness and
0:51:44 everything emerges through this
0:51:45 consciousness and some of them even
0:51:47 appeal to a the you know a core
0:51:49 consciousness right that everything else
0:51:51 is linked to um and they're so based and
0:51:53 then they bring in some other spiritual
0:51:55 ideas and link it to this i've come
0:51:57 across many people like this as well
0:51:58 they believe in soul consciousness
0:51:59 spirituality you know and they say well
0:52:01 what's the need for
0:52:02 religion that's a good point but again
0:52:05 it's
0:52:06 if you just claim to be spiritual
0:52:08 and say you're firstly what does that
0:52:10 mean how do you know in most cases these
0:52:12 people are redefining what they mean by
0:52:13 spirituality right uh they have their
0:52:15 own conception of spirituality maybe
0:52:17 it's a good feeling
0:52:19 or
0:52:20 you know when they're meditating they
0:52:21 consider this to be is spiritual
0:52:24 what do you mean by spirituality that's
0:52:26 one thing right and second the second
0:52:27 thing is well where did you get these
0:52:29 ideas from
0:52:30 you know in most cases it's it stems
0:52:32 from one's own understanding or way
0:52:35 something that they want to practice and
0:52:36 do a lot of people link spirituality to
0:52:38 meditation these days a lot of people
0:52:40 are trying to meditate
0:52:41 you know um and and engage in meditation
0:52:44 that's what people like the guru for
0:52:45 example
0:52:46 you know they're very clever they uh
0:52:49 they realize the
0:52:51 needs
0:52:52 or the demand
0:52:54 of the world today
0:52:56 which is spirituality without
0:52:59 baggage that's what they want they want
0:53:00 spirituality without god they want
0:53:02 spirituality without submission to a
0:53:04 higher being they want spirituality
0:53:06 without
0:53:07 order
0:53:08 you know without dictates without you
0:53:11 know to do certain you know a way of
0:53:13 living they want to they want to con and
0:53:15 and you can see where this is stemming
0:53:17 from because this whole you know
0:53:19 society liberal society it's all based
0:53:21 on you know individual liberty you do
0:53:23 what you want to do you choose to live
0:53:24 the way you want to live as long as you
0:53:25 don't harm the you know anyone else in
0:53:27 the process you you you be your own god
0:53:29 basically you know you are your own god
0:53:31 you do what you want to do and you
0:53:33 create your own reality
0:53:35 okay and people have become accustomed
0:53:37 to this and they've got a taste for this
0:53:39 now so it's very hard for someone like
0:53:41 that and that type of psychology to
0:53:43 submit to another being
0:53:45 you know
0:53:46 so
0:53:47 but at the same time they realize they
0:53:48 need spirituality
0:53:50 so
0:53:51 what's the best thing to do let's make
0:53:53 up our own type of spirituality which
0:53:54 doesn't come with god or religion you
0:53:56 know let's just as long as i can get a
0:53:58 bit of a dopamine fix and be a part of a
0:54:01 community as long as but at the same
0:54:03 time i have to submit to god so it's a
0:54:05 natural you can see the natural
0:54:06 progression there
0:54:07 so i would just engage with them and say
0:54:09 well how did you come up with this idea
0:54:11 you know and
0:54:13 what are the basis for this because a
0:54:14 lot of these new age spiritual movements
0:54:16 are based on
0:54:17 you know
0:54:18 the sort of uh a clustering of loads of
0:54:20 different traditions and some a bit of
0:54:22 hinduism a bit of buddhism a bit of this
0:54:24 a bit of that so they normally make it
0:54:26 up themselves so if it's if it's
0:54:27 something you've concocted well if
0:54:29 you've then given yourself a meaning and
0:54:31 told yourself what the meaning of your
0:54:33 existence is well again it's what we
0:54:35 discussed no different from the approach
0:54:36 of the existentialists just to slightly
0:54:38 package it differently you know
0:54:39 different packaging they're making you
0:54:41 up for themselves you know so how is
0:54:43 that your ultimate
0:54:44 purpose how is it the ultimate meaning
0:54:46 of your life it's just something you've
0:54:47 made up
0:54:48 you know so that's how i would address
0:54:50 them
0:54:53 a lot of muslims are
0:54:55 fascinated horoscopes yes i mean it's
0:54:57 again
0:54:59 this i mentioned this earlier a lot of
0:55:01 muslims we have issues man
0:55:04 especially the youth and we need to
0:55:05 really sort of
0:55:07 figure things out because a lot of times
0:55:09 we're number one living no different to
0:55:11 the way atheists and you know people
0:55:13 that don't believe in god are living
0:55:15 um
0:55:16 number two we
0:55:18 may claim alhamdulillah we do to be
0:55:21 muslim but at the same time we haven't
0:55:23 internalized what islam is teaching us
0:55:25 and therefore we end up
0:55:27 experiencing nihilism
0:55:29 you know i mean we
0:55:31 i've see i've i've i know people like
0:55:33 i've experienced i've spoken to people
0:55:34 like this they are muslim but at the
0:55:36 same time they're experiencing
0:55:38 existential angst anxiety existential
0:55:40 anxiety
0:55:42 and well it's a simple
0:55:44 connection there where you haven't
0:55:45 understood
0:55:46 what the purpose of life is as allah has
0:55:48 told us you know look you if you're what
0:55:50 does it mean to adopt a worldview a way
0:55:52 of life it means to adhere to that way
0:55:54 of life and internalize what it's
0:55:56 telling you and it's it's tenants
0:55:58 now if you don't do this or don't make
0:56:00 the effort to do this what benefit is it
0:56:02 to just have a label label means nothing
0:56:05 you know it's it's have you internalized
0:56:07 okay you we've we're muslim but have we
0:56:10 really tried to internalize the reality
0:56:12 that allah created us to worship him
0:56:14 and have we really allowed this to get
0:56:16 into our sink into our belief systems
0:56:18 into our psychology to the point where
0:56:20 it's yes it's true for us
0:56:22 because if we have well then you won't
0:56:23 have the existential anxiety but if we
0:56:26 haven't then you will have the
0:56:27 existential anxiety so we have to really
0:56:29 look inwards and work from these things
0:56:31 and most of us don't and that's why you
0:56:32 have muslim
0:56:33 nihilists you know
0:56:35 um
0:56:36 it's it's a problem and and this is why
0:56:38 we have muslims that are trying to run
0:56:39 away from the world in reality and life
0:56:42 as are non-muslims
0:56:43 but we have the solution it's just a
0:56:45 case of internalizing making the effort
0:56:46 to internalize that that reality
0:56:51 assalamu alaikum
0:56:53 salaam
0:57:04 so
0:57:06 ahmed says why allah in the quran
0:57:08 threatens us with hell fire
0:57:10 to become muslim god knows millions
0:57:12 methods
0:57:13 other than fear of hell to increase
0:57:16 followers
0:57:17 of muhammad could you use fear
0:57:20 well
0:57:22 i don't firstly i think you're
0:57:23 understanding the word choice of words
0:57:25 is it highlights that you i think you're
0:57:27 understanding this in the wrong way
0:57:29 um you look
0:57:32 first think about our own psychology
0:57:34 carrot and stick this is how we work
0:57:36 this is what your boss will do at work
0:57:38 right if you're not performing
0:57:40 you will get a threat
0:57:42 you know but in the case of your boss
0:57:44 it's he's probably looking out for his
0:57:45 own interests right he's thinking about
0:57:47 if this guy doesn't perform i'm losing
0:57:49 out
0:57:50 he will threaten you so you start
0:57:52 working you know so there will be a
0:57:54 selfish motive there but in the case of
0:57:55 allah there's no comparison allah
0:57:57 doesn't need anything
0:57:58 you know he's free of need but he
0:58:00 created us to worship him
0:58:02 right so he wants us to worship him
0:58:04 because he this is how he created us and
0:58:06 he knows our success lies in worshiping
0:58:08 him in this life and in the hereafter
0:58:10 so
0:58:11 our psychology is you know there's allah
0:58:13 encourages us in some ways imposes in in
0:58:16 in what you not threats for example in
0:58:18 positive ways to do good things so we
0:58:20 can attain paradise allah describes
0:58:22 jannah for us so it creates this desire
0:58:24 within us to want to attain it but at
0:58:26 the same time then with some people they
0:58:28 work with stick they need a bit of a
0:58:29 stick sometimes right so allah then
0:58:31 gives you that stick
0:58:32 yeah and again it's what is the
0:58:34 objective
0:58:35 is so that you wake up and don't land
0:58:38 yourself in hell fire essentially right
0:58:40 it's for your good you know this is you
0:58:42 our psychology so it and it and allah
0:58:45 does use many different methods in the
0:58:47 quran to encourage us to to accept islam
0:58:50 and to follow islam and to adhere to the
0:58:52 truth and to do the best we can allah
0:58:54 tells us the quran what is he going to
0:58:56 get from from punishing us sending us to
0:58:57 the fire nothing allah is not going to
0:58:59 benefit from us
0:59:00 you know
0:59:02 this this ratio of the process
0:59:04 where he said that he when he mentions
0:59:06 that if all of humanity from the
0:59:08 beginning to the end were to gather
0:59:10 together and to i think and i'm
0:59:12 paraphrasing i may or may not be getting
0:59:14 this fully right and was to worship
0:59:16 allah in the most perfect manner
0:59:17 possible it won't increase allah's
0:59:18 majesty in the slightest and if all of
0:59:20 humanity was to turn away from this
0:59:23 it wouldn't decrease allah in any way
0:59:24 shape or form
0:59:26 allah is free of need allah he's free
0:59:28 he's the rich he doesn't need us but he
0:59:31 created us to worship his us him worship
0:59:33 him he wants us to worship him and he
0:59:36 and and therefore the quran is mercy
0:59:38 from allah
0:59:39 it's it's guidance for us
0:59:41 you know to to show us the way make
0:59:44 things easy for us there's encouragement
0:59:46 in there and that encouragement comes in
0:59:47 many different ways
0:59:49 and sometimes it comes in the way of
0:59:50 warning us of the hellfire so we don't
0:59:52 end up there you know it's it's for and
0:59:54 that there is a mercy in that brothers
0:59:56 and sisters
0:59:58 you know something i was thinking about
0:59:59 the other day
1:00:01 barring one surah of the quran every
1:00:03 single surah starts with bismillah
1:00:06 bismuth
1:00:08 right that allah is
1:00:10 the most the excessively merciful the
1:00:12 intensely merciful and
1:00:14 rahim have been understood and be
1:00:16 detailed by the scholars in many
1:00:18 different ways the understanding of
1:00:19 these
1:00:20 names of allah
1:00:22 but allah in every single chapter
1:00:24 borrowing one is reminding us right in
1:00:26 the beginning of his mercy
1:00:29 right in the beginning of his mercy his
1:00:30 loving mercy
1:00:32 you know his unconditional loving mercy
1:00:35 and then everything else comes that you
1:00:37 know we continue to read on
1:00:39 even where the chapters were allah
1:00:41 reminds us of the hellfire
1:00:44 rahman rahimah mentioned
1:00:46 in the beginning it's almost like
1:00:49 the beginning
1:00:51 it contextualizes everything else
1:00:54 it's almost like we should read
1:00:55 therefore everything that follows
1:00:56 through the lens of mercy that this is
1:00:58 from the mercy of allah this is from the
1:01:00 love of allah whatever follows after
1:01:02 bismillah
1:01:03 is from the love of allah and his mercy
1:01:05 even the warnings even the threats
1:01:07 because they benefit us so we should
1:01:09 start seeing this in in the right way
1:01:10 always think good of allah you know we
1:01:12 we just our estimations of allah always
1:01:14 always uh
1:01:17 terrible
1:01:20 so how can we respond to atheists when
1:01:22 they say
1:01:24 they can make their own meaning just say
1:01:26 go ahead go carry on you know
1:01:29 one thing i would highlight to them is
1:01:31 or ask them
1:01:32 okay you want to make up meaning i can
1:01:35 do that you can do that but what does
1:01:37 making up meaning mean
1:01:39 what does making up meaning mean ask
1:01:42 them this question
1:01:44 you're making something up you're you're
1:01:47 lying to yourself
1:01:49 there is no
1:01:50 whatever you make up because
1:01:52 atheist a and atheist b
1:01:54 may both make up their own meaning but
1:01:56 both of them will make up different
1:01:58 meanings
1:02:00 you know one is not necessarily better
1:02:01 than the other in any way shape or form
1:02:03 because they're not objective it's just
1:02:04 something they've subjectively come up
1:02:06 with
1:02:07 it's their idea
1:02:08 therefore intrinsically it's meaningless
1:02:12 because ultimately on atheism everything
1:02:14 is meaningless it has no ultimate
1:02:16 meaning
1:02:17 so the ideas their brains and
1:02:19 meaningless minds come up with are
1:02:20 ultimately meaningless
1:02:22 so it's pointless really i mean if you
1:02:24 want to do it and
1:02:25 you know it helps you carry on you know
1:02:28 go ahead
1:02:36 okay let's see
1:02:37 um
1:02:48 game. says do you know modern if modern
1:02:51 technology has an effect on god being
1:02:53 out of the picture
1:02:55 i there's definitely a link because if
1:02:57 we talk about technology we're talking
1:02:58 about the gaming industry we're talking
1:03:00 about
1:03:02 you know television we're talking about
1:03:04 the internet we're talking about uh you
1:03:06 know all of the things now that we have
1:03:08 digital access to social media
1:03:10 right so all of these things ultimately
1:03:13 are
1:03:14 are a form of destruction
1:03:17 you know are a form of us escaping
1:03:21 reality
1:03:22 temporarily right so ultimately they are
1:03:25 having an effect
1:03:26 you know because we're being occupied by
1:03:28 all of these other things and different
1:03:30 things continuously
1:03:32 so you know
1:03:33 they like patches in a way
1:03:35 so yeah i think it does
1:03:50 do you think science in this day and age
1:03:52 is being used as a religion if they are
1:03:54 ready to bow before science which has
1:03:57 limitations why don't they acknowledge
1:03:59 god who is transcendent
1:04:02 president
1:04:03 yes
1:04:04 well
1:04:05 your point is right uh
1:04:08 science some people some
1:04:10 atheists may knowingly or unknowingly
1:04:12 adopted as a way of life scientism
1:04:15 um
1:04:16 empiricism you know the the the
1:04:20 they
1:04:21 make science out to be more than science
1:04:24 actually is you know i don't think they
1:04:26 take it as
1:04:28 i don't know if you can call it a
1:04:29 religion
1:04:31 um
1:04:32 but in what from one perspective you can
1:04:34 i guess you know they
1:04:36 you could do i think i put it you know
1:04:39 science is their religion
1:04:41 um
1:04:43 and dawkins harry's hitchins all of
1:04:46 these guys are the prophets and uh
1:04:48 darwin is the god in a way i think
1:04:51 that's one of the ways you can look at
1:04:52 this you know it's it's for some people
1:04:55 because but i don't think it's
1:04:57 necessarily a religion but they do make
1:04:58 science out to be more than it is
1:05:00 you know scientism for example this idea
1:05:03 which
1:05:04 originated
1:05:05 uh amongst the
1:05:07 logical positivists in the 1920s
1:05:10 in vienna
1:05:11 they proposed this this idea that look
1:05:14 you know this method that we refer to as
1:05:17 science is the is the only way to truth
1:05:19 any other
1:05:21 quote-unquote truth which may have come
1:05:24 via other means or other roots of
1:05:26 knowledge isn't we don't consider it
1:05:28 it's either false or it's insignificant
1:05:29 it's not to be paid attention to what
1:05:31 comes from the scientific method is what
1:05:34 is true
1:05:35 so you know that is in a way
1:05:38 elevating science
1:05:40 and presenting it something more than it
1:05:42 actually is
1:05:50 dangerous quran stated
1:05:58 okay
1:06:07 and some questions that we should not
1:06:08 relate so i'm not going to
1:06:10 answer those
1:06:17 okay let's see
1:06:26 okay so behind her
1:07:00 so many people don't actually know what
1:07:01 really science really is and how it has
1:07:04 limitations
1:07:05 they just like using
1:07:09 yep
1:07:25 this is interesting the boss says they
1:07:28 use science to find out how they can
1:07:29 overcome nihilistic anxiety mindfulness
1:07:33 and they are able to keep god out of the
1:07:35 pictures yeah this is the new so this is
1:07:36 a new trend especially that's emerging
1:07:38 and i think haris sam harris was one of
1:07:40 its first
1:07:42 proponents he he actually
1:07:45 wrote a book on spirituality without god
1:07:48 i think it's called waking up
1:07:51 and
1:07:51 see he's clever from the he's sharp he
1:07:54 knows that there is a spiritual void
1:07:58 by a very nature as human beings we are
1:08:00 spiritual there's an element of us which
1:08:01 which requires spirituality
1:08:04 now he's trying to fill that gap
1:08:07 something people like dawkins who are
1:08:08 more old school aren't really doing or
1:08:10 aren't interested and there's a very
1:08:11 interesting there's a very interesting
1:08:13 uh podcast between richard dawkins and
1:08:15 sam harris and samaras tries to walk him
1:08:18 through one of these mindful exercises
1:08:20 and dukkin dawkins really doesn't like
1:08:22 it
1:08:23 so he's more old-school
1:08:25 naturalist type tokens but sam harris
1:08:27 he's he's more in you know he's got his
1:08:28 finger on the pulse a bit more with you
1:08:30 know the requirements of the atheist
1:08:32 community
1:08:33 and
1:08:34 a lot of atheists there's many books now
1:08:36 that have come out on this uh are
1:08:38 wanting to are moving towards this sort
1:08:40 of type of spiritualism you know
1:08:42 atheistic spiritualism i don't know and
1:08:44 again i don't know how they make sense
1:08:46 of this
1:08:47 you know i was thinking about this the
1:08:48 other day well one of the things they're
1:08:49 probably having to do is obviously
1:08:52 redefining what they mean by
1:08:53 spirituality
1:08:54 because their conception of spirituality
1:08:56 has to be
1:08:57 one which could be
1:09:01 materialistically accounted for so it
1:09:03 has to be within that framework now they
1:09:06 may see it like for them it may be okay
1:09:08 if we can get to get into a certain
1:09:10 physical state which releases certain
1:09:14 chemicals in our brain dopamine
1:09:16 serotonin you know all of these sort of
1:09:18 happy
1:09:19 endorphins etc then
1:09:22 and that leads to this feeling of
1:09:24 fulfillment and love and happiness what
1:09:27 that spirituality so they may maybe
1:09:30 redefining it like this there's a
1:09:32 totally different conception of of of
1:09:34 what we would what would spirituality
1:09:36 would be how it would be understood uh
1:09:38 traditionally but
1:09:39 so so they've redefined it and again
1:09:41 it's all about pleasure you know in a
1:09:43 way it's just pleasure in this world
1:09:45 okay spiritual word let's try to do some
1:09:47 meditation
1:09:48 you know and and get that fulfillment so
1:09:50 they're moving towards this you know
1:09:53 uh there's there's another trend an
1:09:55 interesting trend which is what you're
1:09:57 seeing there's a shift from you know
1:09:58 there's a lot of interest in people like
1:10:00 jordan peterson
1:10:02 recently especially over the past uh
1:10:05 you know couple of years
1:10:06 and a lot of the atheist community that
1:10:09 was predominantly following dawkins and
1:10:11 these guys the horsemen are now shifting
1:10:14 over slowly to jordan peterson
1:10:16 why and if you look at peterson's
1:10:19 content
1:10:20 what he's focusing on
1:10:21 is essentially
1:10:23 existentialism
1:10:25 you know the the question of meaning the
1:10:27 question of responsibility having a
1:10:29 purpose having an objective all of these
1:10:31 things you know these are some of the
1:10:33 fundamental things he talks about
1:10:34 you know so people are getting from him
1:10:36 what they couldn't get from these
1:10:38 naturalist atheists right
1:10:40 so i mean there's there's different ways
1:10:43 people and people will continue like i
1:10:44 said to light lanterns as we said
1:10:46 earlier you know these
1:10:47 temporary lights which would try to help
1:10:50 them deal with these issues and they'll
1:10:51 keep going out and they'll have to light
1:10:53 other ones
1:10:54 and the solution some people you know
1:10:56 may allah guide them you know some
1:10:57 people will find the ultimate light
1:10:59 you know as allah says the light
1:11:01 he's the light of the heavens and the
1:11:02 earth you know and and through allah
1:11:05 they will understand through islam in
1:11:06 particular they would understand reality
1:11:09 and i mean you know we should be
1:11:11 grateful to allah that he's you know
1:11:13 that he's given us a way of life
1:11:16 you know not only a way of life which
1:11:18 tells us to do certain things which are
1:11:20 good for us but a way of life a
1:11:22 revelation which explains
1:11:24 and answers questions for us fundamental
1:11:27 questions that we have as human beings
1:11:29 that is so powerful brothers and sisters
1:11:32 you know there are people out there that
1:11:33 desperate for these answers
1:11:35 desperate for these answers
1:11:37 and they don't some of these people
1:11:38 never come across these answers in the
1:11:40 entire lifetime but every you know many
1:11:42 of you here right now have got these
1:11:44 answers you found these answers you know
1:11:46 so be grateful and one of the ways of
1:11:48 really showing gratitude is now share
1:11:49 these with other people share the
1:11:51 answers share how is the solutions islam
1:11:53 has to the problems that we face today
1:11:55 with other people that need these
1:11:57 answers inshallah so i guess we'll wrap
1:11:59 up on there brothers and sisters may
1:12:00 allah bless you
1:12:01 all
1:12:02 um inshallah what we'll do is next week
1:12:04 week we have another session
1:12:06 it a part two of this
1:12:09 discussion where we're really gonna go
1:12:11 into
1:12:12 uh the you know um you know the sort of
1:12:15 fodder if you like those that's been
1:12:17 thrown from the other side from the
1:12:18 existentialist atheist side
1:12:20 uh towards the theistic side as you know
1:12:23 when theists provide a answer to
1:12:25 nihilism um we're going to look at
1:12:28 how christianity
1:12:30 try to or and other traditions try to
1:12:32 address the problem of nihilism
1:12:35 referring or appealing to true worlds as
1:12:38 nietzsche called them true worlds
1:12:40 and we're going to look at his
1:12:42 critique of the true world in particular
1:12:44 the christian conception of the true
1:12:46 world
1:12:47 and then we're going to see how islam
1:12:51 breaks down that
1:12:53 critique and how islam's conception if
1:12:55 you want to call it of the true world
1:12:58 is
1:13:00 is
1:13:00 so profound you know and so complete um
1:13:04 that it it you know
1:13:06 that if you know nietzsche understood it
1:13:09 and had studied it i believe he may have
1:13:10 become a muslim you know i really
1:13:12 believe he may have become because he
1:13:13 was he had some favorable favorable
1:13:15 views in regards to islam i don't think
1:13:17 he looked into islam's true world
1:13:19 conception because he wrote a lot on
1:13:20 true worlds and he would have said
1:13:22 something if he had but i don't think he
1:13:23 had he did
1:13:25 and you know even iqbal muhammad iqbal
1:13:28 in in his java dharma he and he was
1:13:30 someone that really studied nietzsche to
1:13:32 uh you know
1:13:34 in depth you know to the i mean there's
1:13:36 a lot of similarity between the
1:13:38 conceptions between nietzsche's
1:13:39 ubermensch and uh iqbal's concept of the
1:13:42 of of the
1:13:43 murder movement this this uh
1:13:47 the the perfect believer the perfect man
1:13:50 um
1:13:51 so this uh he and he said he you know he
1:13:53 he mentioned that you know if nietzsche
1:13:56 uh you know something along the lines of
1:13:58 nietzsche had lived at the time
1:14:00 of the prophet peace be upon him he
1:14:01 would have become muslim you know and if
1:14:03 he had lived at the time of iqbal would
1:14:05 have shown him the glory of god um so
1:14:08 yeah and we'll discuss this next week
1:14:09 inshallah it's going to be an
1:14:10 interesting topic so join us next
1:14:12 saturday insha allah same time 6 pm may
1:14:14 allah bless you guys and i will speak to
1:14:16 you guys soon