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Controversial Questions and Official Retractions of Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (MH Podcast #4) (2020-06-21) ​

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We talk about a variety of issues ranging from Speakers corner, previous approaches, Ust Adnan Rashid, Ust Yasir Qadhi and Ust Haitham issues etc.

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Summary of Controversial Questions and Official Retractions of Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (MH Podcast #4) ​

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00 ​

, Michael discusses how Ustad Abu Taymiyyah was not actually angry during his discussion with Muhammad Rasheed, and that he was instead trying too hard. Rasheed then appears to be wrong in his assessment, and it is up to him to provide a rebuttal on a higher level than his own.

00:00:00 Abu Taymiyah discusses the importance of seeking knowledge, advises patience, and warns of the dangers of becoming too hasty in seeking knowledge.

  • 00:05:00 Ust. Abu Taymiyyah discusses the controversial video "Haddad and the Shia" and how it affected his relationship with adnan oshid. He clarifies that he was not involved in the making of the video and had no knowledge of it beforehand.
  • 00:10:00 recalls two incidents in which he was accused of wrongdoing by relatives. He reflects on how the internet has made these issues more visible and how serious he took them after two years of contemplation. He talks about how his relatives brought up the topic of blood money and wealth in the context of honor, and how he realized the power of YouTube in making these arguments more widely known.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses some of the controversial topics Abu Taymiyyah has been known to speak on, such as the need to kill oppressive individuals, and the importance of understanding emotions and their proper use. He also takes responsibility for being hasty and cites a hadith to back up his argument. He urges listeners to consider all of the information before making a judgement, and to do so in a way that is befitting of the time and situation.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses how unfair it is when people criticize others without first trying to understand their viewpoints. He asks allah azzawajal to help him deal with the issue in the best way.
  • 00:25:00 Ust. Abu Taymiyyah discusses controversial questions and official retractions of his statements. He clarifies that declaring someone an innovator does not mean they are automatically misguided, and that this is an issue for the scholars to discuss.
  • 00:30:00 explains that they are in a difficult position because they made a public apology for something that they think was not the right thing to do. They go onto say that they watched a video the night it was posted that made them feel uncomfortable, and that is when they realized that they needed to make a public apology.
  • 00:35:00 recounts a controversial discussion with an acquaintance, in which the acquaintance quoted a verse from the Quran to argue that Islam is not barbaric. says that he has only ever known the acquaintance in a respectful manner, and that he does not understand why the acquaintance is upset. The acquaintance then calls the speaker to the park, where he is angry and appears to be screwing with the speaker. asks the acquaintance what he wants, and the acquaintance says he wants to start a discussion.
  • 00:40:00 The main point of this YouTube video is that Ustad Abu Taymiyyah was not actually angry during his discussion with Muhammad Rasheed, and that he was instead trying too hard. Rasheed then appears to be wrong in his assessment, and it is up to him to provide a rebuttal on a higher level than his own.
  • *00:45:00 Discusses how taking down videos of Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (a prominent Muslim scholar) or other Muslim personalities can damage their respective reputations. He also mentions that a brother he knows is involved in the Islamic State, though he does not mention the brother's name. He says that if everyone focuses on their own strengths and weaknesses, rather than trying to take down others, it will work better as a team.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses some controversial topics, including speaking ill of others without knowing them, and regretting having anything to do with a video that leaked emails from a religious scholar. He says that, even if he did have something to say about the video, he is all in his twenties at the time and is on the same age as Imran. He goes on to say that if there is an issue that only young people are pushing through, then there is a deficiency in that issue.
  • 00:55:00 Michael discusses how some scholars may have been consulted before a video was released which discussed the idea of doubt in relation to the preservation of the Quran. He also touches on the issue of whether or not it is justified to spread sensitive information in private if it will lead to less good being done.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00 ​

discusses the controversy surrounding Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, a renowned Islamic scholar, in which some Muslims accuse him of compromising Islam by cooperating with non-Muslims. points out that some of the answers found in his books were the result of him giving answers after questions were asked, and that he does not know Arabic himself. It goes on to say that, because of this, many of his teachings are now being translated and communicated to a larger audience, which can make it difficult to understand them. concludes by saying that it is unjust to paint all salafis with the same brush, and that there are many different types of salafis out there.

*01:00:00 Discusses the controversy surrounding Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, pointing out that it is important for opposing views to be stated publicly and that it is dangerous for people to challenge private views without the consent of the elders. He also discusses an incident in which Ebeneutemia defended one of his enemies, and how the speaker wishes he could treat his friends the same way ibrutimya does.

  • *01:05:00 Discusses how asking a controversial questions of a religious figure can be a bad idea because the religious figure may not be able to properly articulate their thoughts. also discusses how asking a religious figure about specific theological opinions can be misconstrued by the lay audience.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses the consequences of asking a controversial question of a scholar who has not yet published anything on the topic. He regrets asking the question, as it could have been avoided if he had been more aware of the scholar's reputation. also points out that a scholar's influence is based on their quality, not their quantity of work.
  • 01:15:00 is a podcast featuring Shaykh Muhammad ibn Saalih al-Ustaymeen, discussing controversial questions and official retractions. In 2015, Shaykh Muhammad wrote an article defending the permissibility of going to the message of the people of innovation, as there was a group of people who were blasting individuals who are trying to quote the Sunnah simply because he went to a masjid. He also discusses higher doing good in places which are not especially or specifically selfie spaces, or if there is a more sophisticated approach. The question of whether or not someone can be a Muslim and go to a church for example, can be answered in two parts. The first part is that if a brother goes there, PDFs are being put together putting his picture and then someone else's picture, a previous speaker came there, and then this message what they've done or whatever have you, it was kind of becoming a bit of a pandemic. The second part is that if a brother goes through that message, he's being labeled straight away and there is an article he wrote with other scholars defending brothers who were being ripped apart even scholars were being ripped apart.
  • 01:20:00 This 1-paragraph summary highlights the controversy surrounding Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, a renowned Islamic scholar, in which some Muslims accuse him of compromising Islam by cooperating with non-Muslims.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses a controversial situation where a muslim student claimed to be a muslim, had an appearance, and was in a mixed class of muslims and non-muslims. argues that it is always contextual and the brotherhood might believe in this, but when you say muhammad is not always what you call it, many of the big scholars of islam become guilty of neglecting their role in spreading misinformation. also mentions a progressive muslim who left the paradigm and argues that this is a space where traditionalists and progressives are in a battle for control of the religion.
  • *01:30:00 Discusses how dawah needs to be specific in order to avoid causing confusion and division among Muslims. He specifically mentions the issue of ta'awwuf (Islamic mysticism) and how it can be harmful if left unchecked. He also mentions the example of a teacher teaching a student a book that contains statements that can be taken out of context.
  • *01:35:00 Discusses Ust. Abu Taymiyyah, a well-known scholar of Islamic jurisprudence who has been the subject of some controversy in the recent past. points out that some of the answers found in his books were the result of him giving answers after questions were asked, and that he does not know Arabic himself. It goes on to say that, because of this, many of his teachings are now being translated and communicated to a larger audience, which can make it difficult to understand them. concludes by saying that it is unjust to paint all salafis with the same brush, and that there are many different types of salafis out there.
  • *01:40:00 Discusses how some people in the UK use the field of hadith to criticize and insult each other, and warns the listeners of the dangers of innovation. He mentions a course that he took on this topic, and how it opened his eyes up to the books of Himitamia.
  • 01:45:00 Omar discusses his personal experiences with Ust. Abu Taymiyyah and how he came to the conclusion that some of the stunts he took were not productive. He also mentions how Aziz sometimes needs to put his emotions aside and think about what is best for the Muslims as a whole.
  • 01:50:00 recounts a number of occasions where a scholar they knew retracted a statement they had made. They encourage Muslims to be humble and admit mistakes when they make them.
  • 01:55:00 Ust. Abu Taymiyyah discusses a case of unintentional misquoting of an ayah in a class, and how it can be difficult for those who are not as knowledgeable as he is. He concludes by retracting some of the statements he made about the Islamic prophet Muhammad.

discusses a case of unintentional misquoting of an ayah by Ust. Abu Taymiyyah in a class. He discusses how it can be difficult for those who are not as knowledgeable as he is, and how by retracting his statements he makes it easier for himself and others.

02:00:00 - 02:00:00 ​

of this YouTube video speaks about how he has seen some elders say that Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (a scholar who advocated for the wearing of hijabs) is "yeah see what i'm saying yeah," and how this attitude can lead to conflict. He goes on to say that he has always been like this with his brother, Imran Abdulrahman, and that he advises people based on his own thoughts, not those of his teacher. He also discusses the importance of having discussions with different viewpoints and how this is important in the Muslim community.

02:00:00 of this YouTube video speaks about how he has seen some elders say that Ust. Abu Taymiyyah (a scholar who advocated for the wearing of hijabs) is "yeah see what i'm saying yeah," and how this attitude can lead to conflict. He goes on to say that he has always been like this with his brother, Imran Abdulrahman, and that he advises people based on his own thoughts, not those of his teacher. He also discusses the importance of having discussions with different viewpoints and how this is important in the Muslim community.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:10 episode
0:00:11 uh the mh podcast mohammed hijab
0:00:14 podcast today we're joined with none
0:00:17 other than abu taymiyah
0:00:18 or abu taymiyah someone who's been
0:00:20 spending how many years it now in
0:00:22 medina in the last four years yeah last
0:00:24 four years madina masha'allah doing
0:00:26 islamic studies
0:00:27 and he has got many duros and uh online
0:00:30 many of the
0:00:31 uh halaqat lectures online
0:00:34 and today we want to get into some
0:00:35 controversial questions as we do in this
0:00:37 very controversial podcast uh with uh
0:00:42 mia but before we do so um i wanted to
0:00:45 ask
0:00:45 uh just a general question maybe
0:00:48 starting off
0:00:49 about your experiences in medina and um
0:00:52 i mean how have you found the journey of
0:00:54 seeking knowledge
0:00:56 and what advice would you give to
0:00:57 someone generally about seeking
0:00:58 knowledge
0:01:10 is
0:01:12 um we have to understand that seeking
0:01:14 knowledge is not like
0:01:16 studying physics okay
0:01:19 or like accounting science whatever it
0:01:22 might be that we study in the
0:01:23 universities right
0:01:24 engineering these studies
0:01:28 this is your path to allah subhanahu wa
0:01:30 okay
0:01:35 from the cradle to the grave right so
0:01:37 it's not just like a profession
0:01:39 that we spend a couple of years with but
0:01:41 rather
0:01:42 it's a journey the moment you go with it
0:01:47 it's going to follow you follow you up
0:01:48 all the way up to your grave right
0:01:50 and this is why even some of the
0:01:51 scholars subhanallah before they passed
0:01:54 away
0:01:55 they would be carrying like papers of
0:01:59 the hadith
0:02:00 that they were written that they were
0:02:02 writing down
0:02:04 and uh and some of them like even on
0:02:06 their deathbed
0:02:07 a hadith would come to their minds and
0:02:09 they would want to write it down you see
0:02:11 so it's something that continues from
0:02:14 the moment
0:02:15 that you start that journey all the way
0:02:16 up to your death
0:02:18 and it requires a lot of patience it
0:02:21 really really does
0:02:22 okay i know it's a wonderful thing to be
0:02:25 known as the day
0:02:26 to be giving down to the people and it
0:02:28 comes with a lot of rewards as well
0:02:30 as the messenger sallallahu alaihi with
0:02:31 some said men died
0:02:34 canada
0:02:37 okay whoever calls the guidance for him
0:02:39 is the reward of everyone that follows
0:02:41 him up on that guidance
0:02:42 and he won't take anything away from him
0:02:44 and then look what he also said
0:02:46 women died in the
0:02:54 guidance for him is the sin of everyone
0:02:57 that followed him up on that misguidance
0:03:00 okay so it can work both ways
0:03:03 you can maybe even call it a
0:03:04 double-edged sword right so he requires
0:03:07 time it requires patience
0:03:15 we shouldn't try to be kind of like
0:03:16 hasty and wanting to be out
0:03:19 i remember also the shaykh of
0:03:22 he would say if i had the ability to
0:03:25 take the knowledge
0:03:26 and to pour it into your mouth the same
0:03:29 way
0:03:30 water and milk would be poured uh in
0:03:33 your throats
0:03:35 then i would have done that but the only
0:03:37 way you're going to attain knowledge is
0:03:39 by the scraping of the knees and the
0:03:40 scraping of
0:03:42 your toes right scraping of the knee is
0:03:44 the scraping of the toes and the
0:03:46 scraping of the elbows
0:03:47 so it takes time you know it takes a lot
0:03:50 of effort i remember when he was in
0:03:51 damage
0:03:52 the four years that i spent in yemen
0:03:54 before that it wasn't easy
0:03:57 i remember subhanallah we would only get
0:03:59 water once every two days
0:04:01 and sometimes the water wouldn't come
0:04:03 through our taps like for days on end
0:04:05 electricity would come for a couple of
0:04:07 hours every two to three days
0:04:10 and sometimes it wouldn't even happen
0:04:13 okay
0:04:14 and we would have to like go out and you
0:04:16 know take the water and
0:04:18 just so we can fill up our bucket so uh
0:04:24 mentioned you're not gonna attain
0:04:26 knowledge of just the relaxation of the
0:04:28 body it requires effort
0:04:30 it requires you know time it also
0:04:33 reminds me of something that imam shafi
0:04:34 rahim allah
0:04:41 in mentions to how much effort you put
0:04:43 in okay
0:04:45 this is how you're going to attain
0:04:54 loftiness
0:04:56 and whoever doesn't put that effort in
0:04:58 he's going to be wasting his time he's
0:05:00 going to be chasing the impossible
0:05:06 okay you want to become honored you want
0:05:10 a high position
0:05:12 why do you sleep at night and then he
0:05:14 gives the example of somebody who's
0:05:16 ready to risk his life
0:05:18 he dives into the sea to get the pearls
0:05:20 from under the sea right
0:05:22 what kind of risk would we be willing to
0:05:24 take to do something like that
0:05:26 so uh it's my yemen like
0:05:29 i remember when i first got to medina uh
0:05:33 a brother called sheikh abdul razakh who
0:05:36 i benefited from
0:05:38 in the hambury he took me into the dorms
0:05:42 and he said to me about him you're going
0:05:44 to struggle with these dorms
0:05:46 huh and i said to him we got running
0:05:49 water
0:05:51 we got running electricity we didn't
0:05:52 even have that here man
0:05:54 okay so sometimes you know going out
0:05:57 being in places like egypt mauritania
0:06:00 but yemen obviously now there's a lot of
0:06:01 issues in yemen
0:06:03 you're gonna have to put a lot of effort
0:06:04 in okay
0:06:06 and that which we come out with is
0:06:08 absolutely nothing
0:06:10 to uh what the self came out with
0:06:13 having gone through all of the
0:06:15 difficulties but anyways this is a
0:06:18 i don't want to prolong it but i've got
0:06:20 a video on my youtube channel it's
0:06:21 called he drank his urine
0:06:23 six times this was the case of some of
0:06:26 the people of the past they would drink
0:06:27 their urine because they would
0:06:29 out of what you call it uh necessity
0:06:32 because they're walking in the desert
0:06:34 they don't have no water they don't have
0:06:35 anything
0:06:39 so that's that's very subhanallah
0:06:41 motivating i think a lot of people will
0:06:42 take a lot of benefit in gems from that
0:06:45 especially those who live in you know
0:06:47 modern day
0:06:48 societies where everything is fast
0:06:50 everything is quick everything is
0:06:51 accessible
0:06:53 um and so for that that's very
0:06:55 insightful i want to move on to now is
0:06:58 perhaps on a lot of people's mind in
0:07:00 many ways
0:07:01 could be since the elephant in the room
0:07:02 which is
0:07:04 there's a lot of kind of um refutations
0:07:08 you want to call it that you're involved
0:07:10 in or that you are associated with
0:07:12 maybe not directly involved in yourself
0:07:15 um
0:07:16 some time ago you came speaks corner
0:07:18 there was some kind of drama between you
0:07:20 and
0:07:20 oshid and um it was surrounding the case
0:07:23 of
0:07:25 haddad and a particular video
0:07:28 that came out basically the shiite he
0:07:31 went to a
0:07:32 that that man put out which is that he
0:07:34 went to a place where he was discussing
0:07:36 with the shia and stuff like that and
0:07:37 then
0:07:38 you know from that there was all kinds
0:07:40 of conclusions that were made on his
0:07:41 character
0:07:42 do i just want to ask you a direct
0:07:44 question do were you involved in that
0:07:45 were you part of the
0:07:47 um the backing that dalman had for that
0:07:50 video do you agree with that do you
0:07:51 endorse that
0:07:52 do you think that that was something
0:07:54 which is uh fair
0:07:56 that was said about or do you think that
0:07:59 that's something that maybe shouldn't
0:08:01 have been done
0:08:03 so there's a number of things that we
0:08:04 can actually mention with regards to
0:08:06 that right
0:08:07 um because you asked a couple of
0:08:09 questions as well
0:08:10 did they or did he have the backing of
0:08:12 myself before he made the video
0:08:14 okay or was it just after and so on and
0:08:17 so forth right
0:08:19 um firstly um
0:08:22 i personally didn't know about the video
0:08:24 till after it came up
0:08:26 i was hearing about a video that's going
0:08:27 to be released
0:08:29 okay did i know about it beforehand and
0:08:32 that is
0:08:32 that's not correct and i know now
0:08:34 obviously um
0:08:36 because of a video that went out between
0:08:38 him and sajid i didn't even know they
0:08:40 were making that video
0:08:41 but it comes across there that the team
0:08:44 was this
0:08:45 was it was consulted and um
0:08:48 and also my name was mentioned uh in
0:08:50 good light by both of the brothers
0:08:52 so one could easily think that i kind of
0:08:56 authorized it
0:08:57 which i didn't okay um
0:09:01 but there is mistakes that i did and i'm
0:09:03 not just gonna like throw somebody under
0:09:05 the bus and kind of free myself and just
0:09:07 you know run away from the situation
0:09:10 uh there is mistakes that i did
0:09:14 that i really really really regret and i
0:09:18 began to think more about it
0:09:20 when i got to medina because when there
0:09:22 is
0:09:23 um a lot of battles taking place and
0:09:25 you're on the ground
0:09:26 it's like a war zone right and sometimes
0:09:28 it doesn't really allow you to
0:09:30 just think outside of the box but when
0:09:33 you kind of like
0:09:34 just step out it allows you to look at
0:09:36 things in a better perspective
0:09:38 okay so um and of course that incident
0:09:42 with adnan oshida happened just before
0:09:44 i went to medina like i wasn't planning
0:09:46 to go to hyde park
0:09:49 me my cousin siraj i think you know him
0:09:51 right
0:09:52 we happen to be eating in edgeway road i
0:09:54 was you know going to be leaving very
0:09:56 soon so i want to spend my
0:09:57 some good time with one of my favorite
0:10:00 cousins right
0:10:01 so um he follows uh alidah on snapchat
0:10:05 so he saw adidas he goes oh let's just
0:10:07 go and i've never been there before i've
0:10:08 never ever been there before
0:10:10 so we're going to come on to that later
0:10:12 anyways inshaallah to add exactly what
0:10:13 happened
0:10:15 okay just reminded me just in case i
0:10:18 forget
0:10:19 so when i got to medina um
0:10:22 i just really just started thinking
0:10:23 about this issue more some brothers
0:10:26 did come up to me in a very nice way and
0:10:28 they said you know
0:10:30 i just want you to you know maybe just
0:10:32 think about everything that you did
0:10:34 you know was a good thing was it not so
0:10:36 that got my thinking
0:10:38 going you know uh until one day i think
0:10:41 this was like two three weeks in
0:10:43 my brother called uma is the son of law
0:10:46 the son-in-law of
0:10:47 dr haytham right came up to me
0:10:50 i was saying in the haram i was reading
0:10:52 a hadith
0:10:55 and and i didn't know who he was i
0:10:58 didn't know who he was
0:11:00 and uh and uh he basically pointed out
0:11:04 that incident right and and he mentioned
0:11:07 the other incident as well about the
0:11:09 student loans that when we went to
0:11:12 kuwait so
0:11:14 we had discussions on a number of things
0:11:16 and there's no need for me to mention
0:11:17 now because and my journey is
0:11:19 but i'm going to mention this issue this
0:11:21 one issue
0:11:23 the moment he brought up dr hayton i
0:11:25 said to him look
0:11:26 we
0:11:35 when they asked him that uh to put down
0:11:38 the prices after everything started
0:11:39 becoming inflated right
0:11:42 so he said this to him i want to meet
0:11:44 allah azzawajal
0:11:45 this is what the mistletoe i'm saying
0:11:47 right and none of you guys
0:11:49 are asking me as none of you guys are
0:11:53 making a complaint
0:11:54 against me with regards to blood money
0:11:56 with regards to the wealth of the people
0:11:57 and so on and so forth
0:12:00 the people's honors come under this as
0:12:01 well right
0:12:04 and uh and ever since then
0:12:08 i just started thinking about i promised
0:12:09 him that i'm going to look into the
0:12:10 issue
0:12:11 this is right at the beginning exactly
0:12:13 like four years ago
0:12:15 that i'm going to look into it i'm going
0:12:16 to research the issue
0:12:19 and uh and to be very honest with you i
0:12:22 kind of just got very occupied
0:12:25 and but the thing just started
0:12:28 you know every now and again it would
0:12:30 just come back to life again
0:12:32 like in the haram being in the haram
0:12:35 and just seeing the different zoar like
0:12:37 the different tourists those who come
0:12:39 from
0:12:39 hajj subhanallah i actually began to
0:12:42 realize
0:12:43 how powerful youtube is i don't think i
0:12:47 realized that till
0:12:48 after i actually got to medina because
0:12:49 medina is like a central point for
0:12:51 muslims to come right
0:12:52 and people watch you online and the
0:12:55 repercussions i didn't see how bad it
0:12:56 was that actually got there
0:12:58 with certain things not just necessarily
0:13:00 my issue but
0:13:02 other things that happen and and
0:13:03 whatever have you right
0:13:05 so of course from allah azzawajal you
0:13:07 know videos going out and getting views
0:13:10 and
0:13:10 reaching different parts of the world so
0:13:13 every now and again i would
0:13:15 see people from around the world coming
0:13:16 up to me stopping me
0:13:19 many of them really just appreciating
0:13:21 but some people they would
0:13:23 just point this issue out so it's like
0:13:26 allah azza
0:13:27 was keeping this issue fresh in my mind
0:13:30 and to not just sleep on it
0:13:34 and um so two years in
0:13:37 it kind of like just went like that once
0:13:39 the two-year
0:13:40 mark went by i started taking this issue
0:13:45 much
0:13:45 much more seriously like brothers are
0:13:48 bringing their arguments
0:13:49 about that specific incident i'm not
0:13:51 speaking about
0:13:52 that dr haddad having gone to
0:13:56 shia for the purpose of uniting with
0:13:58 them
0:14:00 okay and was that the case was that not
0:14:03 the case
0:14:05 and everybody brings me the arguments
0:14:06 you have those who are pro and those who
0:14:08 are against it right
0:14:10 and um i really just started taking this
0:14:13 issue much more seriously
0:14:15 i think about it for a moment i don't
0:14:18 think any of us
0:14:19 want to have um
0:14:23 you know the oppression on our backs
0:14:25 something very powerful that um
0:14:39 send me all of knowledge it's a big
0:14:42 it's a big question right
0:14:46 responded back and he said
0:14:49 knowledge is too vast
0:14:52 but in terms of
0:15:05 and you're not carrying the burden of
0:15:06 having taken lives
0:15:09 okay khameer salvation
0:15:12 and your stomach is void from the wealth
0:15:14 of the people
0:15:18 and you've managed to refrain your
0:15:20 tongue from the
0:15:22 you know the uh the honor of people
0:15:23 right lazy
0:15:27 and you're sticking to the jamaa the
0:15:29 congregation of the muslims
0:15:31 then do so he could have told talk to
0:15:34 him about anything
0:15:36 look what he's actually advising him
0:15:38 about okay
0:15:41 and that's not a lie man it really
0:15:43 really isn't a light matter
0:15:45 and so you're studying at the same time
0:15:49 you know the evidence is about
0:15:50 volume about oppression having said
0:15:53 something that you shouldn't have said
0:15:55 because just because somebody is wrong
0:15:58 in something
0:15:59 it doesn't justify you now to start
0:16:01 pinning up against him everything else
0:16:04 okay refutations are part of our
0:16:06 religion okay
0:16:08 it's something that the sharia uh
0:16:11 calls to is something that is mentioned
0:16:13 in a hadith there's something that the
0:16:14 messenger
0:16:15 wasn't done the companion has done it
0:16:16 those who came after them they ordered
0:16:18 it
0:16:18 okay and even ibrutinib
0:16:22 he mentions some very very very powerful
0:16:24 statements he says
0:16:31 the coolest innovation their scholars
0:16:35 are more dangerous upon the ummah than
0:16:38 the people of the
0:16:38 noob the people who sin then he then
0:16:41 says
0:16:48 this is the messenger commanded to kill
0:16:51 the khawaris the kharagis that's how
0:16:52 they translate right
0:16:54 or is there any other word that you guys
0:16:56 use
0:16:58 uh he commanded that they are killed but
0:17:00 he said not to kill
0:17:02 the oppressive
0:17:16 is calling the people to innovation
0:17:19 okay
0:17:23 it is a must that his situation is
0:17:26 clarified to the people
0:17:27 okay and then he goes on to say well
0:17:33 removing his harms is more
0:17:37 better more greater okay
0:17:40 then removing the harm of a highway
0:17:43 bandit
0:17:45 okay like for example muhammad let's be
0:17:48 honest here if you see a pedophile
0:17:51 who's going to do something to our kids
0:17:53 right
0:17:54 you're going to want the people from him
0:17:56 right am i wrong saying that
0:17:59 and this is something related to
0:18:02 um the integrity of our loved ones and
0:18:05 whatever have you and likewise if
0:18:07 someone's going to steal something from
0:18:08 you you're going to warn that person
0:18:10 and adeen the religion of allah is far
0:18:13 greater than this
0:18:14 having said that having said that
0:18:18 when rebuking it requires a lot of
0:18:20 hikmah okay
0:18:22 and this is exactly what i'm allowed to
0:18:24 mention it goes
0:18:32 it is to do that which is appropriate
0:18:34 befitting okay
0:18:36 in a manner that is befitting and also
0:18:38 that time has to be befitting us all
0:18:40 and they mention three pillars first
0:18:43 pillar that he mentions
0:18:45 he has to be done with knowledge and
0:18:47 then he also mentions
0:18:50 and then he mentions the three opposites
0:18:52 and i'm going to comment to that
0:18:54 okay it has to be done with knowledge
0:18:56 you can't just basically say something
0:18:57 about someone
0:18:58 that is not true are you connecting this
0:19:00 with um
0:19:01 doctor yeah i'm gonna comment okay i'm
0:19:03 gonna come into that right
0:19:05 it's important that we mention this
0:19:06 because it's a taboo topic
0:19:08 and i believe sometimes there's two
0:19:10 extremes on this matter right
0:19:13 so it has to be done with knowledge then
0:19:14 you have also
0:19:17 which basically means not acting on
0:19:19 emotions
0:19:20 someone's upset you and he's angered you
0:19:25 i mean they usually translate as
0:19:27 forbearance okay forbearance
0:19:33 okay like somebody's angry you don't
0:19:35 rush to kind of like
0:19:36 punishing him and holding him into
0:19:38 account and then and that is
0:19:40 to just think about things like slowly
0:19:43 not to be hasty and rushing into it and
0:19:46 i believe that
0:19:46 i actually was very hasty just listening
0:19:50 to one side and seeing some parts of
0:19:52 some videos cut up
0:19:54 and i take the full blame for them
0:20:00 and we'll you know uh speak more about
0:20:02 it in a bit insha'allah
0:20:04 okay
0:20:14 announcing things right okay and
0:20:17 uh unveiling the secrets and of the
0:20:20 discussions that happen and so on and so
0:20:22 forth
0:20:22 so just rushing into things you're in
0:20:25 need of and
0:20:26 and this is something that messenger
0:20:28 sallallahu alaihi wasallam said that
0:20:29 allah really loves when he was speaking
0:20:30 to
0:20:31 the place right in your
0:20:36 and he mentioned the three opposite
0:20:37 things of that he said ignorance
0:20:41 unthoughtfulness i think that's how they
0:20:43 translate right
0:20:44 and uh hastiness
0:20:48 so going back to what i was saying even
0:20:50 if the guy is a kafir
0:20:52 like you're a few atheists all the time
0:20:54 right and you speak about
0:20:55 the christians and i'm just bringing the
0:20:57 worst example here
0:20:59 if that christian
0:21:02 believes that jesus is the son of god
0:21:04 you are not allowed to say about him
0:21:05 islamically speaking and this is the
0:21:07 fairness that our religion came with
0:21:09 that jose is the son of god
0:21:12 you can't say about the individual what
0:21:15 which has no
0:21:16 reality whatsoever okay
0:21:19 he says
0:21:23 it's not lawful for you to oppress
0:21:27 any individual even if the guy's a cafe
0:21:30 and then he
0:21:31 mentioned the statement of allah
0:21:32 azzawajal
0:21:37 be fair don't let the hate that you have
0:21:39 for people entice you
0:21:40 to being unjust even if the guy is a
0:21:42 shia
0:21:44 shiite right he's cursing
0:21:48 and i know what you call it some of them
0:21:50 might have tokyo whatever have you right
0:21:53 but because he's now cursing morale you
0:21:55 can't just pin against that individual
0:22:00 let alone anyone else who is less in
0:22:02 danger
0:22:03 than the shiites and the christians like
0:22:05 the huani's even if the guy is in the
0:22:06 hawaii
0:22:08 the guy is the sufi diobandi wherever
0:22:10 brelvi sometimes you find that your
0:22:12 bandits are refuting the braves
0:22:14 and the other way around and this group
0:22:16 is refuting that group salafi might be
0:22:17 refuting that
0:22:18 you cannot say about that individual
0:22:21 which he hasn't done
0:22:22 if you're going to rebuke him rebuking
0:22:24 for what he said what he's done
0:22:26 okay and um
0:22:29 so i just feel like um
0:22:32 that issue about the shiite um
0:22:36 was a bit of that kind so let me just
0:22:38 quickly mention exactly of what kind
0:22:40 um it was it wasn't it wasn't it was it
0:22:42 wasn't fair at all
0:22:43 it was it was it was totally unjust so
0:22:47 as i'm coming up to the two years it's
0:22:48 really bothering me now right
0:22:50 why did you before you continue with
0:22:51 that sorry what made you come to that
0:22:53 conclusion now
0:22:54 i mean what was the thing because
0:22:58 so from what i understand so far in the
0:23:00 picture you
0:23:01 didn't endorse it in the today beginning
0:23:03 but then you
0:23:04 kind of looked into it and thought
0:23:06 actually this seems like a cut and paste
0:23:08 job maybe or it's being meshed together
0:23:10 in a way which is not
0:23:11 favorable makes it look uh something
0:23:15 that it's not so um
0:23:19 what exactly about it do you think is
0:23:21 unfair about it
0:23:22 okay i'm gonna come on to that so so now
0:23:24 the last two years
0:23:25 every now and again i think about it i
0:23:27 ask allah azzawajal to help me deal with
0:23:29 this issue
0:23:30 in the best and most correct way right
0:23:35 praying is tahara i've even went to the
0:23:37 kaaba okay
0:23:39 and then one year before that i dropped
0:23:41 a message to dr haytham
0:23:43 on his whatsapp i got the number and i
0:23:45 dropped a message to him
0:23:47 about the issue of tibet
0:23:52 right i never did that just because
0:23:56 a friend of mine okay
0:23:59 if your associates they do something
0:24:01 it's not fair again
0:24:02 for you to be painted with the same
0:24:04 brush i just wanted to claim myself with
0:24:06 him
0:24:06 and i clearly and explicitly said to the
0:24:09 i do not agree
0:24:10 with the stances that you take and the
0:24:12 views that you have and i'm not going to
0:24:13 go into the other things that
0:24:15 we discussed then because it's not right
0:24:18 um i discussed this right now right
0:24:21 um i said i had no i do not agree with
0:24:25 you but i did not say that
0:24:27 okay if abdulrahman's done today on you
0:24:29 i've got nothing to do with that
0:24:31 you see what i'm saying do you know
0:24:33 anyone else other than
0:24:34 in the in the group of the rahman hassan
0:24:37 that
0:24:37 did that pronounce that ruling on him
0:24:40 that called him an innovation uh let's
0:24:43 be more specific maybe calling the
0:24:45 khawani
0:24:45 right so you have to understand that but
0:24:48 is it it's anonymous for them for
0:24:50 like for example and he considers that
0:24:54 deviant sect and so therefore so this is
0:24:57 synonymous
0:24:58 the same thing yeah and i mean like just
0:25:00 so we're clear exactly what we're saying
0:25:02 in it you know
0:25:03 but uh if you call somebody that's
0:25:06 you've declared that individual to be an
0:25:07 innovator if you depend
0:25:08 if you think that yeah
0:25:26 many people say that you know
0:25:30 they're not they're not really a sect in
0:25:31 that sense the islamic
0:25:33 definition of a sect the thing is if
0:25:35 we're going to say ich ma
0:25:36 i would have to know what every single
0:25:38 scholar said no i don't think i've done
0:25:40 it
0:25:40 like i haven't collected every single
0:25:42 scholar because
0:25:43 means that every scholar in that time
0:25:47 he has to agree and take a position of a
0:25:48 certain yeah even even
0:25:50 even more problematic i was reading
0:25:52 sorry to cut you off
0:25:53 this might be a tangent but i was
0:25:55 reading sunnah okay and
0:25:56 uh i was talking about who's included in
0:25:59 ishmael
0:26:00 and what makes it more difficult is that
0:26:02 he actually includes the martezi lander
0:26:05 you know it's gonna be difficult to get
0:26:06 his mouth okay it's not a condition in
0:26:08 order for
0:26:09 a group to be misguided you don't always
0:26:11 what you call an identity for everything
0:26:14 in order for help them to take place
0:26:15 right like nothing but the force we move
0:26:17 them for
0:26:19 not even muslims i'm just speaking about
0:26:20 if we clearly established that
0:26:22 this sect sector's totally misguided do
0:26:25 i really need an ijmat before and hukum
0:26:27 can be made by a scholar
0:26:29 possibly not really okay before it
0:26:31 removes them
0:26:32 now i'm not talking about i'm going to
0:26:33 impose this on you and you have to take
0:26:35 this
0:26:36 i'm not basically saying that you have
0:26:37 to take my view or that yeah that's the
0:26:39 view
0:26:39 if the sheikh says and there's even
0:26:41 maybe even if there's one person with
0:26:43 him or even it is
0:26:44 no one ever to be a delete you know what
0:26:47 really matters is
0:26:48 the evidences that are being brought
0:26:49 forward right but i can't enforce
0:26:52 it upon you to say yeah you have to take
0:26:53 this and if you don't take that
0:26:55 you're an innovator agreed well yeah
0:26:59 yeah yeah this is uh it's unacceptable
0:27:03 yeah
0:27:04 what i was gonna say was that at this
0:27:05 point of going back to it's clear like
0:27:07 let's be honest that they considered him
0:27:09 an innovator someone who's not sunny
0:27:11 he said that in the park yeah about that
0:27:12 one he came in they said that yeah i
0:27:13 don't believe
0:27:15 blah blah blah he made that kind of
0:27:17 articulation so
0:27:19 you're saying you don't have anything to
0:27:20 do with that
0:27:23 there is a difference between declaring
0:27:25 somebody an innovator right
0:27:26 and one having fallen into innovation
0:27:28 that's why he says
0:27:41 yeah and uh and not everybody that falls
0:27:43 into a bidder can you call him a move
0:27:45 teddy
0:27:45 okay that's we need to really just
0:27:47 differentiate between the two
0:27:49 okay i might say okay this person has
0:27:53 these uh bid acts with him these
0:27:55 innovations with him
0:27:56 that doesn't mean that i'm calling him
0:27:58 an innovator tadia is something huge
0:28:00 right okay um uh
0:28:04 this is not a light matter so you're
0:28:06 saying
0:28:14 so for you now you have to understand
0:28:16 like these kind of things are normally
0:28:18 done in a court case yeah
0:28:20 and you get how to account for you know
0:28:22 compensations go out because of what you
0:28:24 say actually about a person
0:28:26 when it comes to taking him out keeping
0:28:28 him in right do you think that
0:28:30 so therefore do you think do you think
0:28:32 that that that was a mistake
0:28:34 well then we have to make that kind of
0:28:35 this no i'm saying this is an issue that
0:28:39 none of us should be speaking about okay
0:28:40 it's an issue that needs to be taken to
0:28:42 the scholars
0:28:51 these are big affairs that doesn't go
0:28:52 back to myself
0:28:54 yourself these students of knowledge who
0:28:57 are in the uk
0:28:58 even in the west this is an issue leave
0:29:00 it to the scholars this is their job
0:29:02 okay you see what i'm saying yeah so um
0:29:05 that's what
0:29:05 that's what should have happened that's
0:29:07 what should have happened and i said it
0:29:08 to both of them as well right
0:29:09 and even if let's be fair just to if
0:29:12 they took it to the scholars
0:29:14 and the school is pronounced
0:29:17 it's not we have to follow that scholar
0:29:19 they they have a right to say that
0:29:21 but that they have a right to do knuckle
0:29:22 of it like we need to say
0:29:25 do you mean by okay he's an innovator
0:29:27 now right
0:29:28 and because he's an innovator all of you
0:29:30 guys have to follow me on this and if
0:29:32 you don't follow me on this then you
0:29:34 you guys have got issues
0:29:37 yeah because sometimes a person it might
0:29:39 not necessarily become clear to him
0:29:41 yeah you see what i'm saying so there's
0:29:43 a lot of like things
0:29:44 attached a lot of strings attached and i
0:29:47 don't think we can go through an hour
0:29:48 just discussing yeah of course
0:29:49 a tab dear and take fear books have been
0:29:52 written on it yeah
0:29:53 the scholars have spoken about it
0:29:54 extensively yeah and uh
0:29:56 it's an academic discussion that you
0:29:58 need to go back to his books like i'm
0:29:59 talking about the viewer not necessarily
0:30:01 yourself
0:30:02 okay yeah yeah yeah so um
0:30:06 but yeah so your your position now is
0:30:08 clear i i feel like you're saying that
0:30:10 that was something that you think was
0:30:12 not the right thing to have done so let
0:30:13 me actually explain now how i actually
0:30:15 came to this point okay um
0:30:19 so there's like one year left now right
0:30:21 till this very moment right
0:30:23 i dropped him a message and i said okay
0:30:24 i don't make tabby
0:30:26 right but he said look i disagree with
0:30:30 dr haysom's positions but what you guys
0:30:33 done yeah
0:30:33 that was oppression wow
0:30:37 i remember he said some he said the eye
0:30:38 to me
0:30:46 and do not do they not think that
0:30:48 they're gonna stand in front of their
0:30:49 laws
0:30:50 that they're going to be resurrected on
0:30:51 your marquis my phone
0:30:53 leo may not have them to a great day the
0:30:56 day when the people are going to be
0:30:57 standing in front of their laws right
0:30:59 at that moment he put shivers down my
0:31:01 back of me
0:31:04 and um and he basically said to me
0:31:07 go check the video there was i wasn't
0:31:10 aware of this video
0:31:11 yeah i i i i i i don't know they put a
0:31:13 video on your video
0:31:14 huh the actual the whole uh
0:31:18 i think it was like a 40 minute yeah
0:31:19 when he was going to debate this yeah
0:31:21 and then they said that he was going to
0:31:22 unite with them
0:31:22 yeah that one so yeah that one is i
0:31:25 think the after that they put it out as
0:31:26 the counter
0:31:28 part two oh is it how did i see yeah
0:31:30 it's like a 40 minute one
0:31:31 they put english subtitles and
0:31:32 everything as well and they put out
0:31:37 if i'm not wrong i don't think i've ever
0:31:38 seen that video before
0:31:40 okay that night i watched it eight times
0:31:43 and i mentioned it with john as all
0:32:00 the sixth or seventh time i burst down
0:32:02 into tears
0:32:03 i broke down into tears and i even went
0:32:05 to the cab after that
0:32:07 um just ask allah so because now
0:32:10 okay i'm in a situation now because i
0:32:13 said something publicly
0:32:14 in the adnan rashid debate which we're
0:32:15 going to comment to in a minute yeah and
0:32:17 i defended that stance
0:32:19 right okay and i also spread it and
0:32:22 there was many times that i justified it
0:32:24 now right
0:32:25 and so many how many people watched that
0:32:27 video
0:32:29 it's it's a good quarter of a million
0:32:30 really both of them yeah emerald's video
0:32:32 and another shit's video as well
0:32:35 yeah that video gave me a lot of
0:32:36 publicity as well so uh
0:32:38 no but but now you're saying that that
0:32:40 was right practically
0:32:42 but he he dis we're going to come into
0:32:44 that promise we're going to come and do
0:32:46 that
0:32:47 okay so um i'm in a position now i have
0:32:51 to clarify this publicly
0:32:52 yeah because even azimuth
0:32:56 mentions that whatever is done privately
0:32:59 you deal with it privately
0:33:00 and whatever is done publicly you have
0:33:03 to you have to you have to deal with it
0:33:04 publicly right as allah mentions
0:33:07 right because i did it publicly now i
0:33:10 have to at least make sure that to the
0:33:11 best of my ability i can get that
0:33:12 message across to all these people
0:33:14 who may have taken out from that video
0:33:17 that what i was saying was correct
0:33:19 if i come to the conclusion of this so
0:33:21 are you saying because you've quoted the
0:33:22 verse
0:33:28 are you are you making are making
0:33:29 repentance publicly on this map yeah of
0:33:31 course
0:33:32 what am i making this video for the
0:33:33 reason i'm making this video is
0:33:35 i have to like clarify this you see what
0:33:37 i'm saying
0:33:38 and um so uh
0:33:42 so yeah so when he said that to me and i
0:33:44 watched that video that very night and
0:33:45 this is in front of the camera right
0:33:50 something has to be done right and uh
0:33:54 and obviously at that time all these
0:33:56 ayats are going through your head
0:33:57 you know your friends yo me affirmative
0:34:00 because at the end
0:34:01 even though they might i'm close to them
0:34:03 okay he's not gonna come and stand in
0:34:05 front of allah
0:34:06 azza will defend my cause you see what
0:34:07 i'm saying as allah mentions
0:34:11 every person is going to come by himself
0:34:13 and the day when the brother is going to
0:34:15 run away from his brother and
0:34:16 mother and so on and so forth right and
0:34:21 and just as i defended my brothers in
0:34:22 the past and they loved for me to defend
0:34:25 them
0:34:27 um it's important that someone else
0:34:30 should get that as all you see what i'm
0:34:32 saying just like as you love to be
0:34:33 defended
0:34:34 i'm sure you'll accept as though that
0:34:37 the defense is against you know
0:34:40 so aki for the last month or like the
0:34:42 last month
0:34:43 because i have a little studio in my
0:34:44 flat and i was like i just i've been
0:34:46 thinking about how can i would you call
0:34:48 it
0:34:49 um really just get this out how can i
0:34:51 deal with it
0:34:53 and uh and then that these two videos
0:34:55 came out
0:34:57 and it's just subhanallah and it just
0:35:00 happened to happen you know
0:35:03 um so yeah so where are we at the moment
0:35:06 so yes
0:35:07 so you're at the point where i was
0:35:08 talking about you watched the video
0:35:10 seven eight times
0:35:11 and you came to a conclusion that you
0:35:13 that was
0:35:14 to be associated with that and to defend
0:35:16 that position yeah
0:35:18 um because like i said you know with
0:35:19 adam rashid yeah that discussion with
0:35:21 him that discussion that
0:35:23 uh i had with adnan rashid i stood by
0:35:26 that position and i even said that this
0:35:28 has caused confusion and everything of
0:35:29 what he was doing
0:35:31 and i've heard some of the arguments as
0:35:32 well that the brothers bring that he
0:35:34 woke up that day
0:35:35 to go and unite with the shia okay this
0:35:38 is what the whole
0:35:40 the whole conversation was about when i
0:35:43 went back to the video
0:35:44 the fact that as soon as they let him
0:35:47 speak
0:35:48 his blasting what's in their books and
0:35:50 everything and
0:35:51 and he keeps on repeating in kunda
0:35:53 nuridu
0:35:55 we're gonna unite
0:36:00 we have to we have to what treat and
0:36:04 cure the
0:36:05 because everything runs on it goes dual
0:36:08 you know countries are built on
0:36:11 and um and i heard some of the arguments
0:36:14 that the brothers mentioned as all that
0:36:16 um okay babe what are they gonna leave
0:36:18 like are they gonna leave just
0:36:20 huh uh cursing the companions and
0:36:22 everything else
0:36:24 um so even if they leave off some of
0:36:27 these points they're still shiites right
0:36:29 they're still shias
0:36:30 so he's gonna unite with them even
0:36:32 though the shia eyes
0:36:34 having left off some of these points
0:36:36 that are quite major
0:36:39 but at the end of the day i i kind of
0:36:41 think that's
0:36:42 how can i put this i mean the quran says
0:36:47 doesn't mention all the things that you
0:36:49 know of course even when you go into a
0:36:51 debate now right when you go into debate
0:36:56 okay get rid of this then we'll have
0:36:58 another discussion you see what i'm
0:36:59 saying yeah
0:37:00 and um at that time mentioned to me that
0:37:02 this is something that shitholi
0:37:04 mentioned right i tried to find it until
0:37:06 now i haven't found it and i'm still
0:37:07 looking
0:37:08 for it um but this is what he quoted to
0:37:10 me at the time
0:37:12 okay so i believe he was it was kind of
0:37:15 like just
0:37:16 really being fair you know he was when
0:37:18 he said that to me it was just
0:37:19 really being fair and uh so yeah when i
0:37:23 was in hyde park
0:37:25 i didn't even go there to debate anymore
0:37:26 that's the first time i've ever been to
0:37:28 hyde park
0:37:28 i live in leicester like i mentioned i
0:37:30 went there to
0:37:33 have lunch with my cousin because he
0:37:35 follows alidawah
0:37:36 yeah because let's go to the park as
0:37:38 well now let's go to hyde park
0:37:40 so i go there
0:37:41 [Music]
0:37:44 me and the funny thing is alidawah was
0:37:47 actually
0:37:48 debating with um with one of these uh
0:37:53 one of these one of these kafir guys who
0:37:56 maybe you know him he's a black african
0:37:58 guy
0:37:59 who's trying to make the religion of
0:38:00 islam look very barbaric
0:38:02 okay and the message in somalia is
0:38:04 really bloodthirsty
0:38:06 to take lives and whatever have you so
0:38:08 ali dawa
0:38:09 is debating him so when i get there um
0:38:13 i'm listening right and i'm just like
0:38:15 really wanting to just you know say
0:38:16 something to this guy so ali dawa goes
0:38:18 you know what i don't know the verse
0:38:20 speak to him
0:38:22 so i'm basically throwing ayat at this
0:38:24 guy versus this guy right
0:38:26 and the guy is basically getting to the
0:38:28 point he can't answer to some of the
0:38:30 ayah the verses you're saying that the
0:38:31 religion is barbaric and
0:38:32 it forces people so i just gave you all
0:38:34 the ayat
0:38:36 it's not happening right while this is
0:38:38 happening
0:38:39 adnan rasheed calls me because i want to
0:38:41 speak to you
0:38:43 and me at that point like i've heard
0:38:45 good things about nanoshit i don't know
0:38:47 him like that john fontaine said some
0:38:48 good things about him that they've
0:38:49 traveled together
0:38:51 and um i the only time that i know i've
0:38:54 done rasheed is
0:38:55 from the debate from the debate that
0:38:59 abdullah hassan when he was debating on
0:39:00 sarasota i was sitting there right
0:39:03 adnan rasheed is messaging me in a very
0:39:06 very respectful way okay
0:39:09 i know that i'm not his sheikh no i know
0:39:14 so but the point is he's being very
0:39:15 respectful yeah that's yeah that's how
0:39:17 he is
0:39:17 yeah so uh that's the only thing that
0:39:20 i've ever known of him
0:39:21 so he's saying make sure you say this
0:39:23 make sure this gets to him
0:39:25 i've never seen him from then so all my
0:39:27 relationship with him is a very
0:39:28 respectful relationship
0:39:29 he does he does that with with people
0:39:34 yeah and that's a very respectful way to
0:39:36 speak to someone even
0:39:38 yeah of course i've never told him
0:39:39 anything like he's older than me and
0:39:41 everything right so the point in all of
0:39:42 this is
0:39:43 you're speaking in a very respectful way
0:39:45 that's all i've ever known of you
0:39:47 you call me to the park like and i can
0:39:50 see him he's very
0:39:51 very angry very upset
0:39:55 and uh i don't understand why he's upset
0:39:57 why he's screwing
0:39:58 until we actually start the discussion
0:40:00 be honest i don't watch the whole
0:40:01 discussion
0:40:02 so i thought i watched bits of it like
0:40:05 highlights and stuff
0:40:06 but the gist of it from what i
0:40:08 understand is that basically
0:40:10 like you said you were you were
0:40:11 defending that position and he was not
0:40:13 he was saying
0:40:14 he was upset he was he was he was angry
0:40:16 and yeah
0:40:18 yeah no he wasn't even he was basically
0:40:20 saying uh
0:40:21 we we went from one topic to another
0:40:23 topic and no
0:40:24 no topics it wasn't like a healthy way
0:40:26 of having a discussion
0:40:28 okay that's why that's why even clearing
0:40:29 the video i keep saying okay let's go
0:40:31 sit there
0:40:32 let's go outside see the guys angry and
0:40:33 i miss a lot and what did he say
0:40:35 if you're standing up and you're angry
0:40:36 go and sit down if you're sitting down
0:40:38 and go lie down right
0:40:40 so um and okay i wasn't trying to
0:40:44 disrespect him
0:40:45 i wasn't being horrible towards him i
0:40:47 can see why he's upset
0:40:49 because how about this how about that
0:40:50 we'll put all of that behind us yeah
0:40:53 seriously muhammad i i i don't
0:40:57 mean rasheed until that debate which was
0:41:00 i think maybe like two weeks before
0:41:03 or maybe like three weeks before our
0:41:05 discussion in hyde park right i wouldn't
0:41:07 even call it even
0:41:07 never huh it was just i wasn't that
0:41:09 wasn't that was an argument
0:41:11 it was just an argument and and um
0:41:14 yeah and you know like what i would put
0:41:16 to you now on this on this issue around
0:41:18 the russians
0:41:19 it seems like you and him are on the
0:41:20 same page in a sense that you don't you
0:41:21 both believe in the same
0:41:23 things and like you're agreeing that
0:41:26 you know that [ __ ] that video shouldn't
0:41:27 be put out which i think was the main
0:41:30 point though let me make this very
0:41:31 crystally clear right i'm speaking about
0:41:33 that point
0:41:34 yeah of doctor hathan yeah yeah
0:41:37 um i think he was basically just trying
0:41:40 too hard
0:41:42 yeah yeah and what what said about him
0:41:44 like there's other things that if you
0:41:46 wanted to refume that you could refute
0:41:47 him on
0:41:48 but at that point i believe he was wrong
0:41:50 and you'd have to get someone on his
0:41:51 level to be fair yeah
0:41:53 that's yeah yeah otherwise it would just
0:41:55 i mean from an end user perspective
0:41:57 people would just
0:41:58 like i mean i'm happy somewhere i want
0:42:00 to see i want to hear i personally want
0:42:01 to hear
0:42:02 a second opinion on the student loan
0:42:03 issue or no no
0:42:05 no no the student loan yeah or the
0:42:08 voting issue whatever
0:42:09 whatever it is that positions
0:42:10 controversial yeah but it's got to be
0:42:12 someone
0:42:12 you know because even if say for example
0:42:14 let's let's let's say that people have
0:42:16 the knowledge
0:42:17 and they're younger than him yeah let's
0:42:18 just agree it's just not going to be
0:42:20 taken seriously from the end user
0:42:22 so if someone's on his level right and
0:42:24 comes out and
0:42:25 his age and his experience or whatever
0:42:28 and has the
0:42:29 tools that he has and provides an
0:42:31 academic
0:42:32 refutational response i'll listen to it
0:42:35 you know what i mean
0:42:36 but don't you think that's a problem
0:42:37 with the listener himself like in the
0:42:39 sense where
0:42:41 and of course this is what academia does
0:42:43 to the people right phd phd
0:42:45 masters masters bacclaurius i'm not even
0:42:48 mentioning like i'm not talking about as
0:42:49 qualifications i'm just i'm thinking
0:42:51 more about
0:42:52 um in the years in industry
0:42:56 like how long have you studied for do
0:42:58 you know what i mean if you're a person
0:42:59 i'm not
0:43:00 trying to take a digger anyway i'm not
0:43:01 obviously talking about you in
0:43:02 particular but
0:43:03 if you're a person that has barely uh
0:43:06 grappled with the arabic language
0:43:07 and doesn't know how to string a
0:43:08 sentence or don't know how to speak
0:43:10 in the arabic language and has a member
0:43:12 of the quran
0:43:13 and yeah and so on and so they don't
0:43:15 have animal they don't have it
0:43:17 or they have it on a very superficial
0:43:18 level and then you go out and attack
0:43:20 that or something
0:43:24 yeah or he's got much more controversial
0:43:25 opinions or
0:43:27 hamsa youssef who's got some
0:43:29 controversial opinions especially
0:43:30 you're not gonna be um accepted
0:43:34 and the reason why is just because the
0:43:36 guy's age the guy's credentials the guys
0:43:38 uh he's been in the game longer than you
0:43:40 have and it's just
0:43:42 it's not like for like if that makes
0:43:44 sense it's not like for like
0:43:45 so um that's what we especially on
0:43:49 matters where
0:43:49 you need you need more than more than
0:43:52 superficial knowledge
0:43:53 i i think that's my just my view on it i
0:43:56 might be wrong
0:43:57 but i think a lot of people from from
0:43:59 the feedback i've been getting is
0:44:00 they would kind of look in that
0:44:02 direction you know i mean someone who's
0:44:04 a bit older someone is
0:44:05 and is not personally or emotionally
0:44:06 invested in the issue but look
0:44:08 let's focus on the positives here i
0:44:10 think that there's the positives in this
0:44:11 situation is that
0:44:13 that people are coming towards the same
0:44:14 kind of understanding look
0:44:16 when it comes to subjective fear let's
0:44:18 have a more nuanced approach
0:44:19 otherwise i believe it's going to be
0:44:20 chaos there will be chaos there it's
0:44:22 going to just
0:44:22 the issue is just you're going to find a
0:44:25 bunch of individuals
0:44:26 here yeah just coming out and speaking
0:44:28 about these very big issues okay
0:44:30 i can just leave it for whatever
0:44:32 scholarship just let them do their thing
0:44:34 yeah that kind of responsibility
0:44:38 yeah yeah and alhamdulillah he hasn't
0:44:41 because if he has then we would be in
0:44:42 big trouble if we get things wrong
0:44:43 yeah you know and so that's one thing so
0:44:46 now you would say that
0:44:55 yeah i don't think i've had anything in
0:44:56 my heart towards him i just think the
0:44:58 way
0:44:58 you think about him shake his head yeah
0:45:01 yeah absolutely
0:45:12 he's a monster in his field the thing is
0:45:14 i just haven't even like
0:45:16 i don't personally watch videos that's
0:45:18 just me
0:45:19 the other one that i get sent i might
0:45:20 click on it but i'm just so
0:45:22 kind of like on this point i don't know
0:45:24 what she is
0:45:26 one of the top debaters in the muslim
0:45:29 world right now yeah
0:45:30 and he's got he's got stuff that you
0:45:31 would benefit from i'm sure he you've
0:45:33 got stuff he'd been
0:45:33 from and that's one of the biggest
0:45:35 tragedies in these things
0:45:36 both of you are working on different
0:45:37 lines of knowledge like you know
0:45:40 many people have been listening to you
0:45:41 now i'm thinking allah has memorized
0:45:42 many
0:45:43 you know aquael hadith you know
0:45:46 beautiful that's
0:45:47 that's that's something we're missing
0:45:48 because we don't necessarily focus on
0:45:50 these issues
0:45:51 but someone like on the other hand if
0:45:53 you want to hear about early christian
0:45:54 history if you want to hear about
0:45:56 indian history if you want to hear about
0:45:58 you know comparative religion if you
0:46:00 want to hear about you know all these
0:46:01 things
0:46:01 i mean and that's these are really like
0:46:05 important things i've heard he's got a
0:46:07 masters in
0:46:08 history oh yeah he's got a masters in
0:46:09 history degree a
0:46:11 master green history and it's not just
0:46:13 that he's been in the field for very
0:46:14 long he's got big collections
0:46:15 okay so i feel like that connection
0:46:18 between you and him
0:46:19 i'm just giving you an example
0:46:26 it would produce a lot more benefit for
0:46:28 thomas
0:46:29 like the fact that now you're not seeing
0:46:30 face to face in this
0:46:32 let me make this clear yeah not face to
0:46:34 face i actually dropped him
0:46:36 a number of messages if i'm not mistaken
0:46:39 on whatsapp i can't remember exactly
0:46:40 what it was
0:46:41 right but um i have nothing against him
0:46:44 i really don't
0:46:44 good i did try to come to a solution yes
0:46:47 with both parties yeah
0:46:49 okay about taking down the videos
0:46:52 because we've had this discussion before
0:46:53 right
0:46:54 that it doesn't look good it really
0:46:56 doesn't look good and
0:46:57 it didn't look like it was going to
0:46:59 materialize so i if anything
0:47:01 i try to arbitrate between both parties
0:47:03 to take some of these videos down
0:47:05 and um yeah beautiful i think you could
0:47:08 be
0:47:08 but uh but i can't remember the
0:47:11 exactness of it i really can't remember
0:47:12 the exactness of it
0:47:15 he's going to love you after this huh
0:47:18 no no i'll say good things about
0:47:20 everyone like you know i had rahman
0:47:21 hasan before you in this podcast right
0:47:22 so and
0:47:23 everyone who's look at the comments on
0:47:25 that video and people loved his
0:47:27 his his stuff likewise tower man you
0:47:29 know he's trying to stay
0:47:31 i'm trying to keep everyone happy you
0:47:32 know likewise you know a lot of his
0:47:34 videos before because he wasn't he was
0:47:35 in the tower
0:47:36 before i was and i saw some of his
0:47:38 videos you know some you know he's in
0:47:40 the street talking to the people and
0:47:41 you know in aid and all of these things
0:47:44 let us all be very fair here of what
0:47:46 imran is doing it's very very for the
0:47:48 youth today
0:47:50 i don't know anybody who's doing that
0:47:51 i'm telling you okay i've had brothers
0:47:54 i learned from his uh videos here you
0:47:55 know before i came in i saw some of his
0:47:57 videos
0:47:58 videos and masha allah some nice
0:47:59 techniques here some nice videos and the
0:48:01 way he talked to the youth and whatever
0:48:02 we all learn from each other i've had
0:48:04 brothers
0:48:04 who are on target this is when the penny
0:48:08 dropped to me
0:48:09 a brother on tag he's sitting on the
0:48:11 front row in my borough
0:48:12 class yes and he comes up to and he goes
0:48:15 is that
0:48:16 i need to leave it's like why because
0:48:18 i'm on tag i have to be honest
0:48:20 you see what i'm saying he's getting
0:48:21 through to people so he he's he's
0:48:23 getting like
0:48:24 a lot of these brothers into the masjid
0:48:25 some are becoming pull up they're going
0:48:27 out
0:48:28 seeking knowledge abroad and everything
0:48:30 yeah
0:48:31 it's very impressive it's fantastic if
0:48:32 like you know
0:48:34 if everyone just focuses on what they're
0:48:36 really like
0:48:37 for if you're a manager of a football
0:48:39 team and someone's a really great
0:48:41 striker i remember you used this example
0:48:42 in saudi arabia
0:48:43 yeah i thought it was someone's a really
0:48:45 good striker
0:48:46 i mean someone says okay you're a great
0:48:48 striker come here and be
0:48:49 a defender do you know what i mean it's
0:48:52 gonna
0:48:53 it's the comparative balance is the team
0:48:54 yeah yeah the competitive advantage is
0:48:56 lost in a sense right
0:48:58 so we know what amron is good at we know
0:49:00 what number she is good at
0:49:01 we know what you're good at we know what
0:49:02 i'm good at we know what everyone has
0:49:04 advantages at everyone knows why i'm
0:49:06 good at magic
0:49:16 so so you know if we're all working like
0:49:19 you know
0:49:19 that then it works beautifully it works
0:49:21 in a fantastic way and no one's trying
0:49:22 to take away from anyone else right
0:49:24 no one's and you know like like
0:49:28 i'm gonna maybe look into this right
0:49:29 right now i know he has a youtube
0:49:31 channel and everything
0:49:32 yes i've kind of haven't followed him on
0:49:34 what he knows
0:49:37 i don't know much about it like i can't
0:49:39 you know say anything bad about him yes
0:49:41 with regards to that like the only uh
0:49:44 one that i've kind of like really just
0:49:46 spoken about to was john fontaine
0:49:48 yes when we did the podcast and uh
0:49:51 you know what john fontaine is good at
0:49:53 right yeah
0:49:54 let's not leave anyone else yeah and he
0:49:58 said some good things about him i can't
0:50:00 speak bad about a person if i don't know
0:50:01 him no no i've been trying to see what
0:50:03 i'm saying i know him
0:50:03 yeah so i don't know much about him
0:50:08 right yeah yeah
0:50:14 when speaking about others it has to be
0:50:16 of justice and knowledge not with
0:50:18 ignorance
0:50:18 and unfairness and injustice right right
0:50:21 as this is the situation
0:50:22 he says that the people of innovation
0:50:23 speak like that exactly man exactly
0:50:26 so now let's move on to another
0:50:27 controversy which i've been involved in
0:50:29 unfortunately and put my hand in and
0:50:32 created my own sense of controversy is
0:50:34 um you also
0:50:35 had nothing to do as far as i know with
0:50:38 the the leaking
0:50:39 or of the emails and you want to make
0:50:42 that clear as well don't you
0:50:45 again first uh like i said earlier i'm
0:50:47 putting making that video or you didn't
0:50:48 endorse that did you
0:50:50 look again i was not consulted
0:50:53 beforehand
0:50:54 right as i mentioned before as well i'll
0:50:56 say explicitly now right
0:50:59 i only knew about a video just maybe
0:51:01 like a day or two before it was going
0:51:03 out that a video was coming up
0:51:06 i only ended up seeing the video after
0:51:08 it was released just like everybody else
0:51:10 right and i watched the video twice okay
0:51:13 and at the time things are happening
0:51:15 very very quickly very quickly right
0:51:18 and uh with regards to leaking of the
0:51:20 emails yes okay i
0:51:22 had i didn't even know that was
0:51:24 happening so another question i have
0:51:26 here is
0:51:27 did you have anything to do with leaking
0:51:29 emails or publicizing the lead material
0:51:31 okay like like i said before um i was
0:51:34 not consulted beforehand
0:51:35 i didn't even know what the content of
0:51:38 that video was
0:51:39 till it was actually released once it
0:51:42 was released
0:51:43 i saw it and uh i watched the video
0:51:46 okay uh thinking back on it now
0:51:50 was it a smart thing to do because i
0:51:52 heard imran's explanation now when he
0:51:54 was doing that video with sergey lip
0:51:56 was it a smart thing to do okay was it a
0:51:58 wise thing to do
0:51:59 because we know that a lot of doubt
0:52:03 uh has now hit the people's hearts right
0:52:06 and the general principle with regards
0:52:09 to um
0:52:10 spreading doubts and telling your
0:52:12 friends about it is
0:52:14 what suffered allah mentioned right
0:52:25 then let him not relate it to those who
0:52:26 sit around him
0:52:28 okay and let him not hit
0:52:40 the majority of the scholars of the self
0:52:43 and when we use the word salaf okay uh
0:52:46 what we're intending by the three golden
0:52:47 generations not people who are breathing
0:52:49 here today
0:52:50 the word has been tarnished the moment
0:52:52 you will use the word seller people
0:52:54 begin to think that it's referring to a
0:52:56 group of people okay
0:52:58 um we're speaking about the sahaba the
0:53:00 tabi in the table
0:53:01 i know the prophet saws
0:53:05 the best of his my generation those who
0:53:06 came out those who came after them right
0:53:08 so he says the majority of the salaf are
0:53:11 upon this tadeer
0:53:20 because the hearts are what weak and
0:53:23 that the
0:53:24 the doubt it really snatches a person it
0:53:27 can make you go haywire
0:53:29 because of that dao it could you see
0:53:30 what i'm saying
0:53:32 so now releasing emails and i've heard
0:53:35 what
0:53:35 imran's justification is i'm really just
0:53:37 still trying to
0:53:38 it's muslim it says
0:53:44 again like like i said here do you agree
0:53:46 with this kind of
0:53:47 though oh and do you think that the the
0:53:50 ones who came to this conclusion
0:53:55 what i can say is this is one of my
0:53:57 regrets right this is one of the regrets
0:53:58 that i have
0:53:59 sometimes men being involved in very
0:54:01 controversial issues
0:54:03 and things related to public safety and
0:54:05 public fear
0:54:08 uh
0:54:11 that i may have just like saw advice
0:54:14 from the elderly
0:54:16 okay you have to understand when this
0:54:18 video was going even if
0:54:19 i did have something to say about this
0:54:22 video being released
0:54:24 we're all in our twenties at that time i
0:54:27 think was like 27
0:54:28 imran really yeah mid-twenties
0:54:32 um myself are on the same age so
0:54:36 we're all in our 20s the poet he says
0:54:39 and you're going to like this line of
0:54:40 poetry
0:54:48 if there is an issue that only
0:54:49 youngsters are
0:54:51 pushing through or that they are
0:54:52 carrying
0:54:54 okay uh you're going to find a
0:54:57 deficiency in
0:54:59 that uh issue that they took onto
0:55:02 themselves right
0:55:04 so this issue now of making this video
0:55:06 that has some very great repercussions
0:55:08 right
0:55:09 which could put the people's hearts into
0:55:12 doubt
0:55:13 and again i'm not saying that his
0:55:14 justification is wrong or
0:55:16 the uh person which they had abdul
0:55:19 rahman made with regards to releasing
0:55:20 this video
0:55:22 i'm not even going into that at the
0:55:23 moment just thinking about it now
0:55:25 the least we can all agree on that
0:55:28 many scholars should have been you know
0:55:30 consulted
0:55:31 by leaking some of these emails where he
0:55:34 explicitly states that
0:55:35 having doubts about the preservation of
0:55:37 the quran or whatever have you
0:55:38 okay and maybe some of the elders maybe
0:55:40 and maybe a lot of that stuff
0:55:42 yeah i mean from michael with subsequent
0:55:44 conversations
0:55:45 uh i'm not gonna say they can have
0:55:46 context but i'm a more nuanced than that
0:55:49 and
0:55:50 and this is why it's very important
0:55:51 because it can be taken out of context
0:55:53 as well
0:55:54 it's more important that for someone and
0:55:56 this is very like you mentioned you
0:55:57 alluded to it is like hell magenta
0:56:00 um and this is the right so this is the
0:56:02 nas
0:56:04 and so even for me i was thinking uh i
0:56:06 you know i had discussion with you about
0:56:07 this before if this is the justification
0:56:09 you have muslim or let's say even in
0:56:12 this case
0:56:14 versus the
0:56:20 and so on that you have to keep private
0:56:22 information private
0:56:24 if you think that the muslim is is is
0:56:27 is there but then you have an us so
0:56:30 which which goes before i think i think
0:56:32 the discussion that he was bringing was
0:56:33 revolving around
0:56:35 him
0:56:39 now spreading some of this information
0:56:41 is email is something that is bad
0:56:44 right okay and the problem is
0:56:47 yeah later on bring this out subtly
0:56:51 to the people in his lectures again it's
0:56:53 something that is problematic
0:56:55 so he was coming from the angle of the
0:56:57 lesser retrieval the issue is we don't
0:56:58 know what he's going to come up with
0:56:59 and and still it could be in development
0:57:01 yeah i i fully understand
0:57:02 i fully understand but then they use as
0:57:04 a justification what he did with
0:57:06 juju yeah about the whole zombie thing
0:57:09 again it's not something as you just
0:57:11 mentioned now it's not qatari that he's
0:57:13 going to do this
0:57:14 it's not even that it's not that your
0:57:16 understanding of what he thinks is what
0:57:18 it was what the understanding is
0:57:20 you could definitely say that you could
0:57:21 definitely say that but as you mentioned
0:57:23 there is no source which speak about
0:57:25 what you call it
0:57:26 preserving the the the secrets of the
0:57:29 people even that narration i mentioned
0:57:30 earlier
0:57:36 what does it mean like secrets being
0:57:38 revealed to the people right
0:57:40 one thing that really touched me is this
0:57:42 narration i'm going to mention in a
0:57:43 moment but before that the messiah
0:57:45 says
0:57:50 if somebody you know tells you something
0:57:52 and then he begins to look
0:57:54 you get indications that this is a
0:57:56 secret yeah of course this isn't a man
0:57:58 it's a trust but look at this narration
0:58:01 right
0:58:04 he said um
0:58:16 and he sent me to go and do something
0:58:20 and i ended up becoming late my mom was
0:58:23 waiting for me and i was late right
0:58:25 so when i came home he she asked him
0:58:29 why was you late he said
0:58:32 he was in some
0:58:40 what did he ask you to do ana malek
0:58:44 responded back and he said
0:58:46 this is a secret look at her response
0:58:50 and allah i think every single one of us
0:58:52 can take really just
0:58:54 um inspiration and a lesson from this
0:58:57 right
0:59:09 now comes in a negative context in
0:59:10 arabic language indicates
0:59:12 generality what do we do as muslims
0:59:15 someone told us something the first
0:59:17 people that we tell is what the wives
0:59:20 my wife is not with an s but
0:59:23 we tell the wife okay here it's i said
0:59:25 nobody
0:59:27 we might tell our close ones every
0:59:29 friend has a friend right and
0:59:32 um every friend has a friend
0:59:35 and you know what tends to happen say
0:59:36 well you're not gonna tell anyone
0:59:38 and he goes to someone else say well
0:59:40 he's not gonna tell anyone and he goes
0:59:41 to someone else
0:59:42 i can before you know where that secret
0:59:44 is turned into chinese whispers while
0:59:46 the name of allah is being used in vain
0:59:48 so this is the assal okay this is the
0:59:51 assad with regards to discussions that
0:59:52 happen in privately
0:59:54 in private but that particular issue as
0:59:56 to whether this is something that is
0:59:57 justified because the lesser of the two
0:59:59 evils
1:00:02 on this scale thinking about it in
1:00:05 hindsight
1:00:07 which involves the religion of people to
1:00:10 be doubted
1:00:13 because at that time i was told that a
1:00:15 series of refutations or clarifications
1:00:17 are going to be made with regards to
1:00:19 the leaking of the emails which i didn't
1:00:21 which
1:00:22 didn't happen but now um
1:00:25 when you did that video with uh startup
1:00:28 i don't know whether he clarified
1:00:29 everything or he's planning to clarify i
1:00:31 still haven't watched it i mean the
1:00:32 thing is like i said
1:00:33 before i'm i've i've spoken to you
1:00:35 myself
1:00:36 and and the stuff is that he is
1:00:39 constantly reviewing
1:00:40 and reading and changing and
1:00:44 you know what i mean so that's why i
1:00:45 think this is very important
1:00:47 if something is to be refuted publicly
1:00:49 it has to be said publicly
1:00:51 and and that's why it's very dangerous
1:00:53 for someone
1:00:54 to to challenge that which is private
1:00:58 privately uh publicly and vice versa
1:01:02 but i think we agree on this point yeah
1:01:03 and i think at the end of the day again
1:01:05 it goes back to that same point i
1:01:06 mentioned earlier
1:01:08 that sometimes it's best to take
1:01:10 sensitive issues back to the elders
1:01:12 scholars exactly every scholar has
1:01:14 somebody that he goes back to
1:01:16 okay so do you think there was too much
1:01:19 kind of issue had been done
1:01:20 by the group members yeah maybe so okay
1:01:22 something very powerful that i want to
1:01:23 mention with regards to what even hasn't
1:01:24 mentioned
1:01:25 right and i really just wish that in the
1:01:27 past that i acted upon it
1:01:29 he said
1:01:33 how beautiful is silence in very
1:01:35 sensitive issues
1:01:44 how often have we seen people who are
1:01:46 destroyed because of what they say with
1:01:47 their tongues
1:01:48 but we've never seen anybody who who's
1:01:51 destroyed himself because he was silent
1:01:55 so these issues i just kind of sometimes
1:01:58 wish that
1:02:00 um i may not have what you call it
1:02:04 partake or partook
1:02:07 in any of them and um even now
1:02:10 subhanallah this video that i was making
1:02:13 i consulted a lot of the elders uh
1:02:16 there's a number of them they they don't
1:02:18 agree like they're not with they clearly
1:02:20 explicitly like
1:02:21 osama uh stevenson who runs medina
1:02:24 college i think you've met him before
1:02:26 right
1:02:27 and other brothers as well but i thought
1:02:28 their permission to maybe mention their
1:02:30 names and they said
1:02:31 just leave out like even they clearly
1:02:34 stated that they don't have anything to
1:02:37 do with the dawah of
1:02:38 dr haytham they don't agree with his
1:02:40 views and the stances that he's taken
1:02:42 while at the same time they said to me
1:02:44 that was oppression man
1:02:47 that thing that was said about dr
1:02:48 haytham and the way he was made to look
1:02:50 out
1:02:51 it wasn't it wasn't you know with
1:02:53 himself really wasn't with fairness
1:02:56 you know so um even though they've got
1:02:59 nothing to do they don't have
1:03:00 cooperation with dr haitham and they're
1:03:02 still saying
1:03:03 this particular thing and this goes back
1:03:05 to what i mentioned earlier
1:03:06 if you're a real sunni a person who's
1:03:08 following the truth and
1:03:10 upon the guidance of the seraph if
1:03:12 you're going to refuse somebody has to
1:03:13 be with ill
1:03:14 and he
1:03:22 justice is that you weigh your opponents
1:03:25 huh with the same bold that you weigh
1:03:28 yourself with
1:03:28 meaning you treat the people the same
1:03:30 way you like to be treated
1:03:33 i mean there is even more isn't it
1:03:40 even if it is against yourselves and
1:03:42 your parents and um
1:03:44 well you know what something that really
1:03:45 touched me was um
1:03:48 the way ebeneutemia was with his enemies
1:03:53 his student he mentioned his madaja
1:03:55 salikin right
1:04:10 some of his own friends mentioned i wish
1:04:13 i could treat my friends
1:04:15 the same way that ibrutimya can treat
1:04:17 his enemies
1:04:19 or the same way entertainment treats his
1:04:20 enemies and his opponents
1:04:23 right i mean i thought we had a
1:04:24 different approach to me remember that
1:04:26 me
1:04:26 yeah why i i i i i read something in
1:04:29 this
1:04:29 um you're saying
1:04:32 i wish you being tamiya was a little bit
1:04:34 more uh
1:04:36 yeah yeah yeah a little bit more calm
1:04:39 with his enemies or something like that
1:04:40 yeah
1:04:40 i don't want to rescue him yeah but even
1:04:43 subhan look at this other incident right
1:04:45 and we're just defending him in the team
1:04:47 you're here um
1:05:04 i came to give him the good news that
1:05:06 one of his greatest
1:05:08 enemies had just passed away look what
1:05:11 his response was
1:05:17 he told me off he showed his unhappiness
1:05:20 to
1:05:20 me giving him this good news and he said
1:05:26 look what he did he ran to his house
1:05:30 and he said to his family today
1:05:34 i'm going to take the same place that
1:05:36 your father had
1:05:37 anything that you guys need from me that
1:05:39 today is like
1:05:40 yeah man what is that with us
1:05:45 so this guy let's get straight he goes
1:05:50 i'm going to take his place anything you
1:05:51 guys um
1:05:55 see that can be taken another way i
1:05:57 guess
1:06:01 treat your enemies a bit you know yes
1:06:03 yes treat them a bit nicely
1:06:04 so a question i want to personally ask
1:06:06 you know because you've brought that up
1:06:07 and we had to be fair right
1:06:09 um do you think it was a good idea to
1:06:12 bring
1:06:12 dr yasser like with a lot of these
1:06:15 doubts that are surrounding him and some
1:06:17 of these issues that he's having
1:06:19 okay and ask him some of these questions
1:06:22 i think so because
1:06:23 because now the christians are partying
1:06:25 what i've seen in my own eyes
1:06:27 they're commenting on different videos
1:06:28 i've been sent screenshots do you think
1:06:30 it was a good idea i think to be honest
1:06:31 the idea for me to ask him those very
1:06:33 specific questions
1:06:35 were was a bad idea and because i'll
1:06:37 tell you why it's a bad idea not because
1:06:39 there should be any reason why
1:06:40 christians missionaries or
1:06:42 evangelists should be it's a bad idea
1:06:44 because we were talking about complex
1:06:45 issues
1:06:46 and this suffer had no idea what we
1:06:49 were even trying to communicate and they
1:06:51 did distort what he was saying and he
1:06:53 put out a public statement saying i
1:06:54 don't agree with what you're saying it's
1:06:55 very important by the way
1:06:57 he did this to me i don't think i saw it
1:06:58 no no he put it on facebook he said
1:07:00 whatever you're saying i believe the
1:07:01 quran is preserved a hundred percent and
1:07:03 you know well he he refuted that but
1:07:05 me asking him very specific questions
1:07:08 like if i give you a mushaf and
1:07:09 uh would it be exactly what the prophet
1:07:13 now
1:07:14 i know he has a view which is that's not
1:07:16 the case that's
1:07:17 traditional view and it would be a mix
1:07:19 of the like he said on the podcast it
1:07:20 would be a mix of
1:07:22 which really to us is not problematic
1:07:23 view right if it's a if he's
1:07:25 if we extend obviously if he's if you're
1:07:28 saying there's more
1:07:29 things that he's saying that could be
1:07:30 problematic we have to see that publicly
1:07:32 right because it hasn't come with that
1:07:33 publicly yet
1:07:34 but that what he said in the podcast
1:07:37 yeah
1:07:37 was not anything near kufr what he said
1:07:40 in the
1:07:40 in the podcast was nothing free or or
1:07:44 it was just something which was you know
1:07:46 how he was being
1:07:47 he was being charitable right and
1:07:49 because he
1:07:50 like he like he said the thing he's got
1:07:52 this kind of academic hat that he puts
1:07:53 on right
1:07:54 so he put the academic hat on and he's
1:07:56 speaking charitably right and speaking
1:07:58 honestly
1:07:59 and that honesty and that charitable
1:08:02 speech
1:08:02 which is actually i've been looking at
1:08:04 these messiah illinois
1:08:05 it's been misconstrued by them and has
1:08:08 been taken out of context by them and
1:08:09 they see as a reason to celebrate like
1:08:11 you said
1:08:11 which is totally bartender false and so
1:08:14 i think from that angle asking them
1:08:16 those very technical specific questions
1:08:18 was totally for me the wrong thing to do
1:08:21 especially knowing that there could be a
1:08:22 potential he could answer in that
1:08:24 controversial way because he started to
1:08:26 cut you but
1:08:27 remember when i mentioned earlier um
1:08:29 what suffered he says
1:08:32 whoever he is in innovation i think you
1:08:35 know these doubts and these
1:08:36 the way he's kind of putting it for me
1:08:40 right i don't hear anything for me do
1:08:42 you see what i'm saying so
1:08:43 i was asking him and obviously what he
1:08:46 came with was something
1:08:47 which the the articulation was
1:08:49 misconstrued by these people because he
1:08:50 was speaking charitably speaking in an
1:08:52 academic way i mean and and i think he
1:08:54 needs to kind of think about
1:08:56 the way he puts things across 100 that's
1:08:59 something he'll look at i'm
1:09:00 100 sure we'll all look at the thing is
1:09:03 my
1:09:03 my platform that we're speaking from now
1:09:05 everything has to be watertight because
1:09:08 who is going to be the first person
1:09:09 that's watching i know people are
1:09:10 watching it now that are going to be
1:09:11 non-muslims not only that by enemies of
1:09:12 islam
1:09:13 now he's if you're speaking in the
1:09:14 university right which is used to do it
1:09:16 as a professor you're not going to speak
1:09:18 in the same way in a political
1:09:20 water type way where you're going to
1:09:21 speak in a little bit more relaxed way
1:09:22 you're going to have a more
1:09:23 more nuanced approach
1:09:26 let's say for this because these people
1:09:30 are ready to take anything out of your
1:09:32 so i get this point yeah and i think
1:09:33 he's everyone's learning from this but
1:09:36 i remember for me i have to take
1:09:37 responsibility for my own my what my own
1:09:39 actions are
1:09:40 i shouldn't have asked the doctor
1:09:43 i should have asked him a question
1:09:45 specifically about
1:09:47 something very technical to a lay
1:09:48 audience which i know he has
1:09:51 opinions which which i'm not going to
1:09:54 say are controversial
1:09:55 i'm going to say are anti-normative in
1:09:58 many aspects or some things which are
1:10:00 not
1:10:01 completely in line with the traditional
1:10:02 view you see what i mean
1:10:04 so i should not ask him that question
1:10:06 especially before he hasn't even
1:10:07 published anything about it
1:10:09 the the classical view let's call it the
1:10:11 view of the quran let's say
1:10:13 so so that's it uh and and um
1:10:16 the fact that you're i think that's
1:10:18 jason i think that that i really regret
1:10:19 that actually yeah
1:10:20 asking him because not only regret on
1:10:22 the on on on the front that
1:10:24 um i asked him that question he answered
1:10:26 in the way that he did yeah which was
1:10:27 charitable and all that
1:10:29 but also because of the the the way in
1:10:31 which
1:10:32 it's been manipulated and distorted
1:10:35 the consequences of it i personally feel
1:10:38 like
1:10:39 that could have been avoided if i had
1:10:40 not asked that question and i'll take
1:10:41 responsibility for that hmm
1:10:44 yeah yeah so on these
1:10:48 like i i always tell brothers this right
1:10:50 and i'm the first person to advise
1:10:52 myself
1:10:53 something like mentioned right so
1:11:07 indeed just speaking in a very general
1:11:09 way sometimes
1:11:10 what does it cause without clarification
1:11:12 what does it cause it causes
1:11:14 the minds of the people to become very
1:11:15 messed up yeah
1:11:17 and also i mean some people can take
1:11:20 what you say
1:11:21 and distort it but once again of course
1:11:23 you can't just always shut up every type
1:11:25 of
1:11:26 enemy that comes at you but the most you
1:11:28 can do is just kind of like
1:11:30 but what i want the muslims to realize
1:11:31 about this right
1:11:33 is that causing this is very important
1:11:37 attacking yes on this point
1:11:41 is not a good idea okay attacking him
1:11:45 is is a fitna attacking his view that he
1:11:48 hasn't even publicized is a fitna
1:11:50 because it will make them reaffirm
1:11:53 their narratives or he's talking about
1:11:55 preservation not once that he mentioned
1:11:57 present by the way the word preservation
1:11:59 i don't think once he mentioned he was
1:12:00 talking about that's what he was talking
1:12:02 about
1:12:02 so and they they've marketed it as
1:12:04 preservation of quran which is different
1:12:07 and what i want the muslims to realize
1:12:08 is that okay if he comes out with a bath
1:12:10 with a research which is against the
1:12:11 quran whatever there will be majel there
1:12:14 will be a space
1:12:15 for refutation of that bath in an
1:12:16 academic way
1:12:18 if there's something that people
1:12:19 disagree with but attacking
1:12:21 only affirms the distorted narratives of
1:12:24 the
1:12:25 these christians and yeah and the quran
1:12:26 says
1:12:29 you know this is very important when
1:12:30 harun came back uh samus came back
1:12:33 and harun was there
1:12:35 [Music]
1:12:40 do not make me uh do not make the enemy
1:12:43 open for me right in a sense
1:12:44 because you think about it the way he's
1:12:46 looked at in the west
1:12:48 the way he's looked at in the west the
1:12:50 guy with the academics the guy who's
1:12:51 seen as the
1:12:52 one of the leading figures in the west
1:12:54 right if you make him look like
1:12:56 that he has got doubts about the quran
1:12:59 yeah why would you okay
1:13:00 yeah is going to just come down like
1:13:08 is strongly connected to right in many
1:13:10 different parts of the world right
1:13:12 right if tomorrow and may allah is
1:13:15 saving from this
1:13:16 starts having doubts somehow imagine the
1:13:18 repercussion he would have
1:13:19 yeah i'm not saying he's on the same
1:13:20 level or even he has that kind of impact
1:13:23 that he has in the west but imagine that
1:13:26 repercussion that will happen
1:13:27 exactly yeah you see what i'm saying so
1:13:28 i think that we have to be very careful
1:13:30 with these missiles
1:13:31 and i think that people from all sides
1:13:33 the quran is something which unifies
1:13:34 jamie sorry
1:13:40 right here and they take the ayah i'm
1:13:43 talking about the fork of islam
1:13:44 not the ones
1:13:59 this is the quran that we are much more
1:14:00 ali we have
1:14:02 ishmael so this if we if we're talking
1:14:05 about something which everybody
1:14:07 all of the people ashari athari um
1:14:12 all of them all of these have agreed
1:14:13 upon what the quran is
1:14:16 from the beginning to the end of the
1:14:17 book so
1:14:19 now these individuals want to make this
1:14:21 very important they want to make it seem
1:14:22 as if there's
1:14:25 a quran what is the quran we can't allow
1:14:28 them
1:14:28 because for a thousand foundries there's
1:14:29 no khilafana we know what the
1:14:32 yeah we know what the we know what the
1:14:35 we don't know exactly what a specific
1:14:36 notion
1:14:36 but we know what the the idea is
1:14:38 variation yeah
1:14:40 we know all of these things and so to
1:14:42 for them to to to
1:14:43 to come in and and speak in that manner
1:14:45 we cannot allow that
1:14:47 uh and then using one of the dua to
1:14:49 whatever we say
1:14:51 yes his status in the west
1:14:54 especially on academic level is is very
1:14:57 high
1:14:58 so so in terms of influence whatever
1:14:59 your view on quality is or
1:15:01 or yes whatever your view on him is
1:15:04 he's still listed in if you like the 500
1:15:07 most influential muslims in the world
1:15:08 he's still got he's done what he's done
1:15:10 so it doesn't make sense to have a harsh
1:15:12 approach with him and to count a
1:15:14 cancelling approach to him and
1:15:15 it doesn't work like this we have to
1:15:16 have a nuanced approach and wait for the
1:15:18 publications
1:15:19 and and then deal with accordingly i
1:15:21 think this is what we need to do
1:15:22 would you agree with this yeah of course
1:15:24 yeah so if he basically came out like
1:15:26 i'm just asking you this right if he
1:15:28 came out and
1:15:29 some of the things had you know uh
1:15:31 problematic things inside of it
1:15:33 yeah um you wouldn't have a problem just
1:15:35 coming out just literally
1:15:37 i would have i would have a problem
1:15:39 refuting what that is that he's saying
1:15:41 you know what i'm saying i'm not me
1:15:42 personally do a knuckle of those who
1:15:44 have said like if i if i disagree with
1:15:46 dr i'll tell him directly i'll say
1:15:47 listen this this doesn't make sense what
1:15:49 you're saying oh this doesn't make sense
1:15:50 what you're saying
1:15:51 i have no problem with that another
1:15:52 question i want to ask you is about
1:15:54 this kind of cancer culture people
1:15:57 cancelling people out because of
1:15:58 association guilty by association
1:16:01 so they do a tab dia maybe from their
1:16:03 own volition without the consultation of
1:16:05 the scholar
1:16:05 and then they'll say whoever's
1:16:07 associated with this person who's
1:16:09 themselves as an innovator and this just
1:16:12 causes division like unnecessary
1:16:14 division
1:16:14 and it's untenable in the ummah having
1:16:17 said this now
1:16:18 what is your stance on this if for
1:16:20 example i would if you were to see
1:16:22 uh if i were to see you could i see you
1:16:23 in in a mosque which is potentially like
1:16:26 a diobandy mosque
1:16:27 or even uh brelvi mosque or something
1:16:31 do you see an issue with
1:16:34 um doing higher doing good in places
1:16:37 spaces which are not especially or
1:16:39 specifically selfie spaces
1:16:41 or do you think that there's a more
1:16:42 sophisticated approach to this i think
1:16:44 this question can be
1:16:45 maybe uh answered in two parts right the
1:16:48 first part is
1:16:50 um going to the masajid
1:16:54 of those individuals who might not
1:16:56 supposedly be upon the sunnah right
1:16:59 i wrote an article in 2015
1:17:03 okay and i gave you the worst title
1:17:06 possible
1:17:07 the permissibility of going to the
1:17:09 message of the
1:17:11 the people of innovation right because
1:17:13 what was happening at the time was
1:17:16 there was this group of people who were
1:17:19 blasting individuals who are trying to
1:17:20 quote the sunnah simply because he went
1:17:22 to this masjid
1:17:24 and that message isn't necessarily even
1:17:26 seen as
1:17:27 a messy that propagates innovation they
1:17:29 might just have tendencies because of
1:17:32 culture and where they came back where
1:17:34 they came from back home right
1:17:37 so the moment a brother goes there pdfs
1:17:40 are being put together
1:17:41 putting his picture and then someone
1:17:43 else's picture a previous speaker came
1:17:44 there
1:17:45 and then this message what they've done
1:17:46 or whatever have you
1:17:48 it was kind of becoming a bit of a
1:17:49 pandemic right okay
1:17:52 the moment a brother goes through that
1:17:54 message he's being labeled straight away
1:17:56 and um i put this article together like
1:18:01 as a as a defense for some of our
1:18:03 brothers who were being ripped apart
1:18:05 even scholars were being ripped apart
1:18:07 because of this particular issue
1:18:08 he went to this message that that means
1:18:10 that he's associated with them he's with
1:18:12 them
1:18:14 this article that uh also my brother
1:18:16 said
1:18:18 we put it together and we translated
1:18:22 some of the
1:18:22 aqua of the scholars and in this
1:18:26 pdf we had the likes of uh
1:18:30 saying that's even permissible to go
1:18:32 into a church and give the hour there
1:18:34 and you also had uh uh
1:18:37 right yeah who went to the tijani and he
1:18:42 gave dawa in their masjid and
1:18:43 whatever have you who was there yeah
1:18:47 yeah so you have him doing that you have
1:18:49 i remember i also
1:18:50 saw affect
1:18:56 he had a similar effect with this and so
1:18:58 many other scholars i try to keep it as
1:19:00 neutral as possible by bringing
1:19:02 you know the statements of the scholars
1:19:04 right uh from both sides
1:19:07 yeah you had even
1:19:11 if you just think about it for a moment
1:19:14 northern yemen was all shiites
1:19:18 right he was by himself he was like his
1:19:20 80 right
1:19:21 who left to saudi arabia studying
1:19:23 university took a masters from there
1:19:26 and and he came back to give da'wah
1:19:28 subhan allah
1:19:29 like we can actually say that
1:19:32 uh jamaica islamia the university of
1:19:34 medina
1:19:35 they have a big father over the people
1:19:37 of yemen because they taught him
1:19:39 he came back he took on the methodology
1:19:42 of the
1:19:43 sunnah right and he started giving
1:19:45 da'wah and that whole province is shiite
1:19:49 subhanallah i even had stories from some
1:19:50 of my masha's saying that
1:19:52 shaykh mobile used to be in the masjid
1:19:55 and he would say oh you believe
1:19:59 and there would only be one person there
1:20:02 and then
1:20:02 one time that individual came up to the
1:20:05 sheikh and he said to him
1:20:06 why do you keep saying because this is
1:20:10 what plural right
1:20:11 i'm only one person maybe the angels are
1:20:13 there
1:20:14 because i'm only by myself so the sheikh
1:20:17 would go
1:20:18 out to their marketplaces he would be
1:20:19 giving dawa to them
1:20:21 so much so that what happened many
1:20:23 people started becoming sunnis
1:20:26 and the congregation started increasing
1:20:28 but the share would be going out to them
1:20:31 even my own shaykh abdul hamid he used
1:20:34 to specifically this is like
1:20:36 maybe in the last 20 years he used to go
1:20:39 out to the masajid of the shia and he
1:20:42 would speak about the virtues of alibaba
1:20:46 he's got nothing to do with shiaism
1:20:48 right he would grab the mic and as soon
1:20:51 as he grabs the mic you can see the
1:20:52 congregation getting worked out they
1:20:53 want to do something to him
1:20:55 he will say the reminder inshallah will
1:20:57 be after the sunnah prayer
1:20:59 on the virtues of every time they would
1:21:00 cool down a bit i heard this in my own
1:21:02 ears
1:21:05 and he would then start speaking about
1:21:06 the virtues
1:21:12 whoever
1:21:24 so he's propagating the sunnah while at
1:21:28 the same time he's using ali namit
1:21:30 to speak about the issue they are
1:21:31 involved in you see what i'm saying
1:21:34 so so much hair came out of it they they
1:21:36 even said if this is a
1:21:37 sunnah then anytime come you know
1:21:42 so um like ahi this is i don't want to
1:21:44 say unanimous agreement from the
1:21:46 scholars
1:21:47 um but there is so many statements so
1:21:50 many statements
1:21:51 from the scholars saying so the idea
1:21:53 that we can even put the
1:21:54 article under the video right yeah i
1:21:57 wrote this you're saying
1:21:58 you're saying that you're talking about
1:22:01 um
1:22:02 people being associated with people of
1:22:05 different
1:22:06 understandings him going there giving a
1:22:08 lecture
1:22:09 propagating whatever he needs to
1:22:10 propagate and i'm not talking about
1:22:11 compromising
1:22:12 you know sometimes what happens the
1:22:13 person comes and he's compromising the
1:22:16 innovation he might even go as far as
1:22:18 like acting like it's perfectly fine so
1:22:20 it's like talent
1:22:22 okay when
1:22:37 uh and i always mention this right that
1:22:40 cooperation can be in a
1:22:43 way where sometimes the government
1:22:47 they need everybody to come over from
1:22:48 different groups
1:22:50 they've got issues related to the
1:22:52 massage they need signatures
1:22:54 okay this is now a form of cooperation
1:22:56 of course
1:22:58 you're not compromising you're not
1:22:59 compromising your religion you're going
1:23:00 because
1:23:01 that person you're not mixing exactly
1:23:04 right
1:23:04 that person who works in the government
1:23:07 he looks at all of you guys and you guys
1:23:09 are the same he don't care
1:23:11 huh and um all you guys are coming
1:23:14 together
1:23:15 you guys need to attend that meeting you
1:23:17 need to sign
1:23:18 whatever paper you guys need to sign and
1:23:20 you have to show a united front
1:23:22 on that issue so that's one form of
1:23:26 tower
1:23:27 and there is nothing wrong with that
1:23:28 because there is a bigger
1:23:30 facet at stake here of course imagine
1:23:32 all the massages if you don't come to
1:23:34 this meaning all the messiah gonna be
1:23:35 closed down
1:23:36 or there's issues related to hijab or
1:23:38 whatever have you
1:23:39 and what's being taught in the schools
1:23:40 to our youngsters you're gonna attend
1:23:42 right i've attended that in the past as
1:23:44 well yeah but then you have
1:23:46 cooperation on a dower level is this
1:23:48 possible muhammad
1:23:50 let's be fair here right i'm calling to
1:23:52 talk i'm calling to the sunnah
1:23:54 and you've got a guy next to me sitting
1:23:56 on the same panel he's calling to bid
1:23:58 and he's calling to it's okay for you
1:24:00 not to call on to the messenger
1:24:02 when you visit his grave when you go to
1:24:03 medina
1:24:06 these are two opposites that um they
1:24:09 just don't come together right
1:24:11 and this kind of cooperation of course
1:24:13 is battle this is now
1:24:15 look next thing with i'll tell you a
1:24:17 story okay
1:24:18 of my own self um when i was doing
1:24:22 some postgraduate research in uh
1:24:25 so as university okay and there was one
1:24:29 lecturer that i had who was who was
1:24:32 lecturing you yeah he's appear he's a
1:24:33 phd holder and
1:24:34 i'm not going to mention his name well
1:24:36 he's basically
1:24:38 in my opinion as in dick okay i know
1:24:40 that's a very harsh statement to make
1:24:41 but he's basically
1:24:44 any no explain to people he's a heretic
1:24:47 yeah yeah it's something that takes you
1:24:50 out of the face
1:24:51 of islam okay so he was spouting that on
1:24:53 a daily basis okay
1:24:55 and he was just disguising him in
1:24:58 islamic jogging and stuff like that
1:24:59 was he like a non-muslim or was he like
1:25:01 a muslim he was a muslim name
1:25:02 he claimed to islam he has an appearance
1:25:06 okay now remember the cluster we were in
1:25:09 was can was a mix of muslims and
1:25:12 non-muslims
1:25:13 so there's this is a dao thing right in
1:25:15 a sense because when he's now making
1:25:18 that all the muslims agree upon okay
1:25:21 it's upon us the people in the class who
1:25:24 were a mix they were selfies in the
1:25:26 class there were dear band in their
1:25:27 class and they were braves in the class
1:25:29 yeah all three were in that class it's
1:25:31 upon us
1:25:32 to show united front so that the
1:25:34 non-muslims can see this is something
1:25:36 outside of anything that any muslim has
1:25:37 ever said does that make sense
1:25:39 so clearly um in that situation it's a
1:25:43 kind of town
1:25:44 it was mutual it wasn't even something
1:25:46 which we all came together and said
1:25:48 let's sign a document of town or
1:25:49 something like that but it was just that
1:25:51 yeah i agree with what he's saying here
1:25:53 yeah i agree with
1:25:54 and this is a kind of town okay in a
1:25:56 sense and
1:25:58 what i'm trying to say is that it's
1:25:59 always contextual that the person who is
1:26:01 brotherhood might believe in this
1:26:03 yeah he might believe in this it's just
1:26:04 like a sultan and many of the big
1:26:06 scholars did right and they had to
1:26:07 will for us
1:26:15 and no one's kicking them but when you
1:26:16 say muhammad is not always what you call
1:26:18 it
1:26:38 many of the big scholars of islam
1:26:39 because no one's taking the sukky of
1:26:41 the fault of islam he's written big
1:26:44 uh usually attracts and so on well i'm
1:26:47 saying well i'm not trying to say that
1:26:48 let's
1:26:49 let's mix that right yeah but what i'm
1:26:50 saying is that that's yak there
1:26:52 it was mutually understood by almost
1:26:54 everybody in that class
1:26:56 just just unfortunately
1:26:59 that we need to back each other on these
1:27:01 because this huju mat
1:27:03 are bigger than this it's actually
1:27:06 bigger because
1:27:06 you're putting it into the quran and to
1:27:08 complete this repeat you put in the
1:27:09 the prophet was being in question all of
1:27:13 these things
1:27:14 this is it's a battle between a man and
1:27:16 kufr like in the clearest and
1:27:18 non wheelie sense the people the
1:27:20 brothers and uh
1:27:22 and sisters because they are muslims
1:27:23 that they argue for is from the
1:27:25 background or for whatever polemically
1:27:27 they do so within the paradigm and this
1:27:29 is very important
1:27:31 i'm not saying it's justified well we
1:27:32 agree of course
1:27:34 but what i'm saying is that they still
1:27:36 cling to hadith and they still work
1:27:37 there
1:27:38 they still took quran sunnah you get it
1:27:39 they still they have the paradigm
1:27:41 these people yeah the same right in a
1:27:46 sense
1:27:46 you could argue that before i think
1:27:48 people might not understand that word
1:27:50 you know maybe a reference
1:27:51 so so we take our religion from the
1:27:52 sexual references all the same
1:27:54 whereas the progressives and this also
1:27:57 progressive muslims as a whole
1:27:59 like i can even mention them by name and
1:28:01 naimy i think his name is
1:28:02 um amino dude and these individuals
1:28:05 they've left the paradigm
1:28:06 okay and this is in these spaces and
1:28:09 this is a space that i think many people
1:28:10 endow i'm not
1:28:11 not aware of the academic space this is
1:28:13 the battle the battle is between the
1:28:14 progressives and the traditionalists
1:28:16 and they put traditionalists all in one
1:28:18 box like for us the salafis and the
1:28:19 braves and the abandons they don't care
1:28:21 about that
1:28:22 because they're tackling the core of
1:28:25 religion because the thing is what they
1:28:26 want to change
1:28:28 they want to change our morals do you
1:28:30 see the point and
1:28:31 by and large that the brelvin and the
1:28:34 obama and the salafi all three of them
1:28:36 have this very similar um
1:28:40 practices they'll pray five times a day
1:28:42 they'll wear their cab there
1:28:43 make sure you're a bit specific because
1:28:44 you could talk not talking about i'm not
1:28:46 talking about stephan here but i'm
1:28:47 talking about
1:28:48 visible practices like a salazar
1:28:52 yeah i've got hajj and so on yeah and
1:28:54 even haram take this masala away of
1:28:57 of uh which this clear disagreement no
1:29:00 one's going to
1:29:00 no one's going to lie about that any
1:29:01 things that are basically above the
1:29:03 surface that yeah
1:29:04 like for example exactly yeah yeah so
1:29:07 visible practices
1:29:08 so for them i mean do you think that
1:29:10 yani this progressive muslims or those
1:29:12 who put them in their place who the
1:29:13 i would call them the colonial masters
1:29:15 they don't they don't care
1:29:17 if you believe in this to be honest
1:29:20 they all they want to do is they change
1:29:23 now i'm not suggesting this is not an
1:29:24 important topic
1:29:25 okay i really am not suggesting i want
1:29:27 to make this very clear i'm not
1:29:28 suggesting that there should not be
1:29:29 those debates and those
1:29:31 uh refutations because we're talking
1:29:32 about islam
1:29:34 yeah yeah yeah someone believes so
1:29:38 this is something which we're not
1:29:39 compromising one at all yeah very clear
1:29:41 yeah
1:29:41 however we need to know which yani where
1:29:44 to where where to position the
1:29:46 the gun in the sense that in in in the
1:29:49 different cases and in situations you
1:29:51 find yourself in so
1:29:52 in this in this case i'm talking about
1:29:53 my specific experience here in
1:29:55 in the universities like when they when
1:29:58 you're
1:29:58 questioning the existence of prophet
1:30:00 muhammad the existence or
1:30:02 they even existed the the quran is
1:30:06 there and this is a combination of this
1:30:07 and now we have to
1:30:10 sorry but that is actually that's more
1:30:12 of an issue we have to tackle this
1:30:13 first because the kafir who's listening
1:30:15 to or the muslims listening to it
1:30:17 is going to think well why do i need to
1:30:20 join this religion in the first place
1:30:21 they won't even get into the discussion
1:30:23 phase two of okay
1:30:24 what's the hadith say about them
1:30:28 and so on you know what i mean they
1:30:30 don't care about that and they don't
1:30:31 know about that because their master
1:30:32 is completely different so we have to
1:30:33 bring them into the fold first then have
1:30:34 the discussions
1:30:36 so that's why i feel like when we when
1:30:38 we say dawah we have to be specific
1:30:39 because
1:30:40 it's there are forms of dawah where even
1:30:43 like you just said like for example
1:30:46 or um sex education in the schools do
1:30:50 you think they'll say salafi
1:30:51 let's come in uh something that is uh
1:30:54 attacking the united front it does
1:30:56 require united front and so long as
1:30:58 someone
1:30:59 someone who is claiming to be a muslim
1:31:01 they can they can work together
1:31:02 other muslims on it even shia and sunni
1:31:05 even sunni
1:31:06 there's some issues that that the it is
1:31:09 for both
1:31:10 halal me for example right in a school
1:31:12 you work in the school for example
1:31:14 this guy i'm not going to cooperate with
1:31:15 him because he's a shiite and that would
1:31:17 be
1:31:18 foolish especially if you're a majority
1:31:20 population and you're sunni
1:31:21 so you're not going to join the effort
1:31:23 of the shiite for example who wants to
1:31:24 promote halal and me
1:31:25 so all of this town right and what i'm
1:31:27 trying to say but i think we we
1:31:28 we have common grounds in what we're
1:31:30 discussing yes that ta'awein is of
1:31:32 different
1:31:32 cooperating yeah and cooperation is of
1:31:35 different levels
1:31:36 right okay so i think one thing we need
1:31:38 to be very careful here is
1:31:40 uh a way which uh some of this
1:31:43 cooperation can be done
1:31:44 without acquiring the beliefs you know
1:31:47 becoming mixed with one another right
1:31:49 and then
1:31:49 falsehood and also that which is correct
1:31:51 becoming mixed with one another
1:31:52 okay and also there being a level of
1:31:54 distinction right
1:31:56 because so you're saying there's a
1:31:57 difference between unity in a sense
1:31:59 and uniformity in the sense that we're
1:32:01 not coming all together and saying okay
1:32:03 we want to
1:32:03 we want to basically unite we want to
1:32:04 put akai to the south side yeah
1:32:07 see what i'm saying that has to be used
1:32:08 there has to be of course that's what it
1:32:09 means how can i be calling to the son of
1:32:11 the messiah
1:32:12 i'm telling the people the messenger
1:32:14 said to abdullah ibn abbas
1:32:17 when you ask ask allah and then the guy
1:32:19 next to me it's like a conference we're
1:32:21 going to talk about
1:32:22 akida i'm coming yeah
1:32:27 yeah but of course there has to be a
1:32:28 level of yeah we have to come together
1:32:30 right this is happening now in the
1:32:32 schools related to sex education what
1:32:34 the
1:32:34 kids are being taught and the kophara
1:32:37 saying okay bring your issues forward
1:32:38 this and now right and then
1:32:40 people from different walks of life they
1:32:41 all have to come together right and
1:32:43 they're disgusted
1:32:46 you see what i'm saying yeah and um
1:32:49 yeah of course so what do you think of
1:32:52 this
1:32:53 this whole like you were calling it kind
1:32:54 of this um
1:32:56 phenomena of um
1:32:59 okay that's the second scenario or the
1:33:01 second part of the question right
1:33:03 uh of guilty by association right okay
1:33:06 and what tends to be thrown around
1:33:08 is that statement that is used by the
1:33:09 salaf
1:33:15 whoever's bidder is hidden from us then
1:33:18 his companionship is not hidden do you
1:33:19 know who said this
1:33:20 i can't remember now from the top of my
1:33:22 mind but what i can say to you is
1:33:24 that a lot of these statements from
1:33:28 books like
1:33:31 right uh i actually have somebody who
1:33:33 preceded me in saying what i'm going to
1:33:35 say right now
1:33:38 came to birmingham and
1:33:42 he was asked this question about
1:33:44 teaching the books like
1:33:48 because in this book you're going to
1:33:50 find some very unrestricted statements
1:33:52 that can be
1:33:53 totally taken out of context if this is
1:33:56 now being taught to a revert
1:33:57 which we've seen happening right and
1:34:00 you've got same as like if you see
1:34:02 somebody with an innovator
1:34:05 then associate with him every type of
1:34:07 evil
1:34:08 okay do not sit with the people of
1:34:10 innovation
1:34:12 indeed what this is gonna cause is gonna
1:34:14 cause sickness to your heart whatever
1:34:15 have you
1:34:15 okay yes there are right statements they
1:34:18 are statements that
1:34:19 were mentioned by the self we don't deny
1:34:20 them but what we need to basically agree
1:34:23 with is who's an innovator
1:34:26 when you paint a picture to the people
1:34:28 like we are the safe sect right
1:34:30 and you have this kind of syndrome of i
1:34:32 have a green card i'm going to al-jannah
1:34:34 which we can maybe even touch on in a
1:34:35 moment
1:34:36 uh okay and a person begins to think
1:34:39 halas
1:34:40 i'm so it and he begins to forget about
1:34:42 allah doing righteous actions
1:34:45 just because you've called yourself a
1:34:46 selfie or you've adopted that type of
1:34:49 way of thinking that doesn't give you a
1:34:50 green
1:34:52 card to enter into agenda okay and these
1:34:55 statements to be clear they're not
1:34:56 judging the religion they're not
1:34:57 exactly even we were discussing earlier
1:34:59 when we were discussing
1:35:01 uh this issue that is discussing
1:35:04 right is the same of the sahabi in
1:35:07 within yourself
1:35:12 it's weak honey for those who actually
1:35:14 say we don't
1:35:16 this issue that is discussed in books
1:35:17 like rhodoton nader and
1:35:19 other books of the sulfur it's not
1:35:22 discussion
1:35:22 by the way um no i mean
1:35:26 the whole of for
1:35:42 so his his cold is not huge in that
1:35:43 sense here something very interested in
1:35:45 team you mentioned i think it's
1:35:46 important that i mention this here
1:35:48 and he's going to brought perspective on
1:35:50 his book right look what
1:35:51 uh humilitamia mentioned right and
1:35:54 hypnotamia
1:35:56 don't put him in the same bracket as any
1:35:58 other scholar who came after him
1:36:00 and i'm talking about those who are
1:36:02 breathing here today
1:36:04 okay um ibn as imam and habibi said
1:36:07 about him
1:36:14 he has in-depth understanding when it
1:36:16 comes to knowing the positions
1:36:18 of the companions and also the targeting
1:36:21 they have been saying this right
1:36:36 many of the answers that imam rahim
1:36:39 allah gave
1:36:40 and those that are like him with regards
1:36:43 to these issues that we're speaking
1:36:44 about right
1:36:46 it came as an answer while
1:36:49 the questioner when he was asked in this
1:36:51 question the one being asked the
1:36:53 question like for example
1:36:54 muhammad he already knew who was talking
1:36:56 about for example
1:36:58 in layman's terms right so the viewer
1:37:00 understands like when i was in eleanor
1:37:02 in damage
1:37:05 everybody was on the same page there
1:37:06 everybody was
1:37:08 selfie everybody was upon you know that
1:37:10 way of thinking right
1:37:13 it's like a whole village imagine like a
1:37:14 whole village nobody has a different
1:37:17 uh creed of view than yourself
1:37:21 so you have a teacher that's sitting on
1:37:23 the chair everybody's attending the
1:37:24 class you sometimes used to have like
1:37:26 five thousand six thousand people
1:37:28 attending one class after asset and then
1:37:30 after marketing saying because all the
1:37:31 um the uh the the
1:37:34 the the kaki and the shops have to close
1:37:36 down at the time of the lesson
1:37:39 so he's asked a question okay
1:37:42 and what has he been asked about an
1:37:44 innovator now that has walked into the
1:37:47 everybody knows that this person is a
1:37:49 innovator the shaykh is being asked a
1:37:51 very general question
1:37:53 what do you say about an individual who
1:37:56 sits with
1:37:57 the innovator everybody knows what the
1:38:01 shaykh
1:38:02 is speaking about or what the question
1:38:03 is speaking about
1:38:05 so a lot of these answers that are found
1:38:08 in books like
1:38:12 it was the result of an answer being
1:38:15 given
1:38:16 after a question like this was asked so
1:38:19 one wants to now read this book
1:38:21 it's translated to him even the person
1:38:23 who might be teaching he doesn't know
1:38:24 arabic himself
1:38:26 so he's now translating it
1:38:29 communicating this to all of these
1:38:31 attendees some of them are reversed they
1:38:33 walk out of the masjid
1:38:35 on the streets of the uk oh you're an
1:38:37 innovator i can't sit with you
1:38:39 he was giving him salams before when in
1:38:41 fact that person he's just like a
1:38:43 general person he stays away from it
1:38:45 his own family members he stays away
1:38:47 from him mom and dad mom and dad
1:38:49 husband told these stories when he came
1:38:53 to
1:38:54 uh when he came to luton how a wife
1:38:57 boycotted a husband
1:38:59 because of some of these internal selfie
1:39:02 type issues
1:39:04 or that which is ascribed back to you
1:39:06 see what i'm saying
1:39:07 which is of course it's insane it's
1:39:10 absolutely insane
1:39:11 and i believe this kind of way has
1:39:13 really tarnished
1:39:15 the tao of silvia in general okay
1:39:18 we know when we say salafi it means
1:39:21 quran sunnah upon the understanding
1:39:23 of the early generations collectively
1:39:26 not ahad
1:39:26 right because the messenger says
1:39:31 the best of these who came out and those
1:39:33 who came after them
1:39:35 so to look at salafia today okay
1:39:40 and basically paint it with one brush
1:39:42 because you've run
1:39:43 into a certain group of brothers well i
1:39:46 again it's totally unjust
1:39:49 am i wrong for saying that right you've
1:39:51 run into a bunch of brothers
1:39:52 who were rough and tough and all you
1:39:55 ever heard from them was
1:39:56 them ripping into the people okay even
1:39:59 ripping into their own brothers who
1:40:01 might be calling to the same thing
1:40:02 just because they're not calling to
1:40:04 allah under your banner you've started
1:40:05 having a go at them
1:40:06 you know it's like ibra josie is sitting
1:40:10 with us right now right and seeing
1:40:13 what's happening around
1:40:14 us in the uk he mentioned something very
1:40:16 powerful he said
1:40:20 hadith
1:40:27 upon the people of hadith
1:40:30 is them insulting and criticizing one
1:40:33 another
1:40:34 and what are they trying to do here
1:40:35 they're trying to
1:40:37 uh what's the best way to put this
1:40:40 they rejoice over the downfall of others
1:40:44 and this is all under the banner he says
1:40:52 yeah and they do this under the banner
1:40:54 of
1:40:56 and we hear about this all the time
1:40:57 right this is a science that is studied
1:40:59 in
1:40:59 hadith where uh the scholars of the past
1:41:02 like imam bukhari
1:41:04 they would criticize the narrators in
1:41:06 order to protect the sharia
1:41:07 so the same thing with the uh yeah so he
1:41:16 says
1:41:18 what the scholars of the past they use
1:41:20 this field that they use in order to
1:41:21 protect the sharia
1:41:23 you see what i'm saying so he's like i
1:41:26 heard something
1:41:27 actually he was saying that people that
1:41:29 do this that these are two separate
1:41:31 fields that you shouldn't
1:41:32 you shouldn't impose
1:41:36 a field yeah for that again warning the
1:41:39 people
1:41:40 from innovation again is something that
1:41:42 the religion caused right
1:41:44 but you go to certain gatherings
1:41:47 it's as if they have their own exactly
1:41:52 it has all the names in there 50 guys
1:41:54 are here being thrown onto the floor
1:41:56 they're being you know thrown under the
1:41:57 rug this person's offered this person's
1:41:59 offer this person's office and this is
1:42:00 okay again let me
1:42:01 cancel straight let me let me make this
1:42:03 very clear
1:42:05 warning is bidder and it's people i
1:42:06 mentioned all the courses
1:42:08 is part of our religion yes you do it
1:42:10 with the atheist you do it with others
1:42:12 as well
1:42:12 we do it as what is part of our religion
1:42:15 right but
1:42:16 he has to be done in a fair way it has
1:42:18 to be it has to be done by the right
1:42:19 people not someone else
1:42:20 arabic language and doesn't know how to
1:42:23 communicate or read or
1:42:24 right when he when he said they they do
1:42:27 it under the banner
1:42:28 of al-jar i didn't ask myself the
1:42:29 question is you're looking at what's
1:42:31 happening in the uk
1:42:33 see what i'm saying he's passed away how
1:42:34 many hundred years ago
1:42:36 but too many of these brothers maybe
1:42:37 even jealousy be of the manager huh
1:42:40 i mean
1:42:54 one thing that um
1:42:57 he opened my eyes up to is the books of
1:43:00 umitamia
1:43:01 because when i first came back from
1:43:02 damage i was given a very hard time
1:43:05 very hard time so much so
1:43:08 and in fact i can actually relate to
1:43:10 what yasser is saying at the beginning
1:43:11 of your podcast when
1:43:12 he talks about some of the difficulties
1:43:15 and issues that he went through right
1:43:16 i can fully relate to that i've seen it
1:43:18 medina maybe this is something we're
1:43:19 going to discuss
1:43:20 the amount of trouble i've been given in
1:43:22 the last four years just being in medina
1:43:23 so when i left after spending time in in
1:43:25 aliyaman and i came back
1:43:26 i was given a very hard time so much so
1:43:30 that i began to think is this what dean
1:43:33 of allah azzawajal is
1:43:35 when i ran into some of these brothers
1:43:36 the way they were treating me
1:43:38 and this was being used under the banner
1:43:40 of as salivir
1:43:41 this is the way of the self as salafi is
1:43:44 this
1:43:46 is a noble thing it's not what i think
1:43:48 or what you think muhammad or what my
1:43:50 sheikh thinks or your
1:43:52 it is the way of the three golden
1:43:53 generations
1:43:55 you see what i'm saying they're
1:43:56 understanding collectively
1:43:58 until actually they met the likes of
1:43:59 shahrukh bhusam
1:44:02 and also abraham's naveed and later on i
1:44:04 ended up meeting
1:44:07 and the common feature amongst us all is
1:44:08 that we were oppressed by the same group
1:44:10 of people
1:44:11 and we were made to look that
1:44:15 this what we're doing is against the way
1:44:16 of the self even if you
1:44:18 repent or retract yes it's not all of
1:44:20 that stuff you're not good enough
1:44:24 what happened was the man hasn't said to
1:44:26 me
1:44:27 open your eyes up to the books of him
1:44:31 so one thing he said to me was he was in
1:44:34 the house of one of these mashach
1:44:38 i mentioned just maybe i shouldn't
1:44:42 yeah huh you don't have to yeah just
1:44:43 let's just leave inshallah it's one of
1:44:44 the prominent
1:44:46 of them right and he said to him sheikh
1:44:48 look
1:44:49 i have these statements of humanitamia
1:44:52 like where am i going wrong ibn
1:44:54 is saying this about boycotting
1:44:58 the exact wording that he uses right
1:44:59 that it depends you can't just boycott
1:45:01 everybody
1:45:03 and all the other statements that he
1:45:04 collected
1:45:11 has gone against the unanimous agreement
1:45:16 and i i found that shocking i struggled
1:45:19 to really believe that
1:45:20 i later on had discussions with some of
1:45:22 our mashaykh in damage
1:45:24 i've went to shariat okay one of the
1:45:26 things that i get criticized for being
1:45:28 with shariah
1:45:32 i spent four years in yemen right and i
1:45:34 took to him i was like
1:45:37 i don't need to discuss now on camera
1:45:39 what exactly i discussed this is
1:45:40 a timid a student going up to
1:45:44 saying what about this and what about
1:45:45 this what about that how do we deal with
1:45:48 these issues of pictures and whatnot
1:45:49 that
1:45:50 and these you know and then
1:45:55 yeah i i just never after i left and i
1:45:59 started opening my eyes up to him
1:46:02 [Music]
1:46:04 i just i just like this doesn't make
1:46:05 sense
1:46:07 this is not a productive way of dealing
1:46:11 with problems of the people
1:46:15 and of course it's more safer to take
1:46:19 the position of the scholars of the past
1:46:24 the one who's living he's not free from
1:46:26 any fitness so we have the classical
1:46:28 scholars all saying this
1:46:30 it's like they're living amongst us
1:46:34 today they've dealt with our problems
1:46:36 with how to deal with these issues right
1:46:38 and i think that's more than sufficient
1:46:41 yeah how what would you say now probably
1:46:43 as a final statement to
1:46:46 about all of the things obviously you're
1:46:49 one of the people
1:46:50 who you're very close to although very
1:46:52 close to
1:46:55 and you're very close to some of these
1:46:56 brothers um
1:46:58 uh and i think they respect and love you
1:46:59 and i think you feel the same way
1:47:01 yeah with them as well yeah and uh more
1:47:03 so i still work with
1:47:04 knowledge colleges of course i just
1:47:06 literally finished now what kind of
1:47:08 uh what collectively you've come to the
1:47:11 conclude first of all individually you
1:47:12 came to the conclusion that you know the
1:47:14 the kind of stunts you took with that
1:47:16 shiite incident with
1:47:18 uh it was an oppressive one and the tip
1:47:20 of the hour was not a good
1:47:21 idea and but maybe we should calm down a
1:47:23 bit with tempting out what
1:47:24 would you think that um would sway
1:47:28 the other brothers to come to a similar
1:47:30 conclusion to you
1:47:32 okay like i mentioned aziz
1:47:36 sometimes you gotta put your emotions to
1:47:38 the side past incidents to the side
1:47:41 and just think about your let me mention
1:47:43 this narration
1:47:48 of course he was the hadith of the
1:47:49 muslims right a man came up to him yes
1:47:57 he came to complain about somebody
1:47:58 oppressed him you know
1:48:01 he said to him
1:48:14 himself when he's free but you come to
1:48:17 him when he becomes busy with the
1:48:18 affairs of the muslims
1:48:21 he took a whip
1:48:25 it's like you know one thing that you
1:48:27 lash people with right
1:48:31 the man ended up leaving the place while
1:48:33 he was upset
1:48:37 you know the type of individual he was
1:48:40 who would always you know hold himself
1:48:41 to account he's the one that said
1:48:45 hold yourself to account before that day
1:48:46 comes your health to account
1:48:48 he contemplated upon what he done and he
1:48:51 asked
1:48:53 somebody to bring that man again when he
1:48:55 was brought
1:48:56 he gave him the whip goes with me
1:49:02 and the man said no
1:49:08 i've left my right with allah
1:49:11 and i've left it with you um i said no
1:49:14 choose one of the two
1:49:16 because okay no worries i'm going to
1:49:17 leave with allah
1:49:20 and then the man left omar was so upset
1:49:23 was so down he walked into his house
1:49:27 prayed to raqqa't and then he just burst
1:49:29 into tears
1:49:31 and he said these very beautiful
1:49:32 statements about himself he said
1:49:38 he was very low and allah
1:50:04 a man came to you in order to seek your
1:50:06 assistance right
1:50:07 instead of helping him you end up
1:50:10 oppressing him
1:50:16 what are you going to say to your lord
1:50:17 when you come to him tomorrow
1:50:19 yeah so i think
1:50:23 we as muslims forget about the dua just
1:50:25 as muslims
1:50:26 we need to have this constant habit of
1:50:28 before we go to sleep
1:50:30 we just think about everything that we
1:50:31 said okay we forget what we said
1:50:34 tomorrow what we said yesterday
1:50:37 like this constant habit of before i go
1:50:39 to sleep i just think about i take a
1:50:41 moment or two out close my eyes
1:50:43 everything that we that i said right
1:50:45 that which i said about so and so that
1:50:47 which i said about
1:50:48 this individual because he's all gonna
1:50:52 uh come you know something also that i
1:50:53 read in sierra leone
1:50:55 al-asma i mentioned is that also sophia
1:50:58 and authority and tooth
1:51:02 he wrote in his will that his books are
1:51:04 to be buried
1:51:12 omin he regretted some of the things
1:51:15 that he said about
1:51:16 others inside of this book he wrote
1:51:23 what he said about this person what he
1:51:24 said about that person but
1:51:26 look at his humility he was
1:51:30 um down to earth and humble enough to
1:51:33 just admit a mistake
1:51:35 okay i remember what you call it john
1:51:38 asked me this question
1:51:38 do you believe that you have changed
1:51:40 when you went to medina
1:51:42 i don't necessarily think i could call
1:51:43 it change it's just maybe more so
1:51:45 when you sit around the scholars
1:51:49 and you see the way they
1:51:53 just how can i put this in a very nice
1:51:54 way where
1:51:56 they just really just lighten down
1:51:58 something that is very
1:52:00 huge upon the next the soul of a person
1:52:03 for example now
1:52:04 retracting is not an easy thing right
1:52:07 this thing that i'm doing i've been
1:52:09 thinking about it for so long
1:52:13 for the last four years it was brought
1:52:14 to my attention i've been thinking about
1:52:15 even more so in the last two years
1:52:17 and even more so in the last month
1:52:20 yeah it's not an easy thing these
1:52:23 brothers are very beloved to you and
1:52:24 sometimes to say
1:52:25 something that might be a negative light
1:52:28 it can be very difficult
1:52:30 and i really really really hope that
1:52:33 whatever mentioned doesn't happen to us
1:52:36 when he said
1:52:42 when the people they start cooperating
1:52:44 in sin and evil they will begin to hate
1:52:45 one another
1:52:48 okay and like when you see some of these
1:52:51 like let me give you guys an example of
1:52:56 a medina
1:53:00 the six books of hadith in like 28 years
1:53:02 if i'm not mistaken but don't quote me
1:53:03 on the years
1:53:05 and he's then when started teaching the
1:53:07 books again
1:53:08 he's maybe in his early 90s or late 80s
1:53:11 you can just quickly do a google check
1:53:12 and you'll find this right
1:53:15 how many times have i heard him say this
1:53:18 the hectic
1:53:20 he is like the scholar of the scholars
1:53:22 in the haram
1:53:25 how many times have i heard him say
1:53:27 allah
1:53:30 and i don't even study with him the only
1:53:32 time i've studied with him was
1:53:33 like i finished the book with him
1:53:37 this was recently when he taught it
1:53:39 before he started teaching the
1:53:41 malik how do i know this sometimes when
1:53:44 i leave my halakhah i just basically
1:53:46 stand there
1:53:47 and i'm listening to the q and a's he
1:53:50 says
1:53:53 and sometimes he would even give a fatwa
1:53:55 and he retracted later on
1:53:57 like one of the towers that he recently
1:53:58 gave regards to the coronavirus
1:54:00 about you know how you pray in the haram
1:54:02 they praying well there's a distance
1:54:03 between each masali
1:54:05 huh he gave the fat when he said this is
1:54:07 no that you can't do this
1:54:10 and then later on when the legend spoke
1:54:11 about it he retracted his statement
1:54:16 somebody was very dear to my heart right
1:54:19 and i'm just giving you guys a couple of
1:54:20 examples of some of these mountains
1:54:22 today who are teaching in the most
1:54:24 honorable place in the world obviously
1:54:26 you have the cabin you have the medina
1:54:27 as all
1:54:28 huh there was a class
1:54:32 where he was teaching us uh just after
1:54:35 maghrib
1:54:36 he was quoting the verses and he was
1:54:38 trying to make a point about toheidan
1:54:47 he mentioned that right then he
1:54:49 mentioned the other ayah that's just on
1:54:51 the next page
1:54:52 when allah said
1:54:57 that's basically the ayah right
1:55:02 when he mentioned the ayah i've never
1:55:06 had the ayah before
1:55:08 he mentioned it in a way that is not in
1:55:10 the quran
1:55:23 it was very unintentional it happens to
1:55:25 us sometimes we might misquote an ayah
1:55:27 right
1:55:28 i'm sitting in the class i'm actually
1:55:30 like suspecting myself did you remember
1:55:32 did you even remember
1:55:34 i'm asking myself
1:55:38 next lesson after obviously saying
1:55:43 because yesterday i made a mistake i was
1:55:44 trying to quote an eye but i completely
1:55:46 misquoted it
1:55:49 when you think about it is this actually
1:55:52 really difficult for them i don't
1:55:53 believe it's difficult for them
1:55:55 when you come to realization that those
1:55:57 who are far greater than you
1:55:59 from the look look at the look
1:56:04 was not like any other companion i'm
1:56:05 going to conclude with this right
1:56:10 he was the top when it comes to the
1:56:11 hadith he memorized even have
1:56:28 doesn't ring a bell to most people but
1:56:30 you say
1:56:32 everybody knows him the sunnis know him
1:56:34 the shiites know him as all
1:56:35 and they've got their observations on
1:56:37 this great wonderful companion right
1:56:40 even harry one of them companions that
1:56:42 didn't memorize
1:56:44 anywhere near what they did he came up
1:56:47 to him and he said to him
1:56:48 oh you made a mistake used to give
1:56:52 the fats with that if the adana fajr
1:56:56 goes off
1:56:57 right and you're in the state of janaba
1:56:59 whether it was because of relations or
1:57:00 whether you were
1:57:02 you had the wet dream you can't fast
1:57:03 that day and he gave the sweater for a
1:57:05 very long time
1:57:07 until abdu's came
1:57:12 both of them saying that
1:57:16 what you're saying is incorrect they're
1:57:18 basically saying the opposite
1:57:20 look at his response he didn't turn
1:57:22 around and say
1:57:24 like i am i am i've memorized x amount
1:57:27 of a hadith
1:57:30 did they really say this
1:57:35 if that is the case they are more
1:57:36 knowledgeable than me forgot this issue
1:57:38 and he retracted his statement even
1:57:41 faith suggests and recently retracted
1:57:43 some things that he mentioned with
1:57:44 regards to this whole corona virus
1:57:50 so um it's important you know we
1:57:55 just kind of like accept it we swallow
1:57:58 the ego
1:57:58 and we bite our tongues and just you
1:58:01 know
1:58:02 and and what you did basically in the
1:58:05 video is always it's very highly
1:58:06 respectable
1:58:08 you know and uh
1:58:11 when you basically said that you said he
1:58:13 was mistaken
1:58:14 it takes a man to do that right i've
1:58:17 done that i've
1:58:18 i've had so many retractions brother you
1:58:20 know
1:58:22 that's yeah that's because it's like and
1:58:24 and the other thing is and i think it's
1:58:25 important that we discuss this is
1:58:27 by the way it disarms people as well
1:58:28 like when you
1:58:30 when you've made a mistake and it's
1:58:31 clear for the majority to see at least
1:58:33 yeah
1:58:34 and it's a mistake you know i've made
1:58:37 many of them
1:58:38 as you as people know like uh i've made
1:58:41 videos about my mistakes
1:58:42 muhammad hijab exposed i made a couple
1:58:44 of videos okay i've never watched them
1:58:51 so but i was going to say is that yeah
1:58:55 it's just to sums people because
1:58:57 you want your record to be clean as
1:58:59 possible and you know you're going to be
1:59:00 making mistakes especially at a young
1:59:02 age you know you're going to be making
1:59:03 mistakes so
1:59:03 what's the what's the fuss about you can
1:59:06 just get out of the way and
1:59:07 kind of move on yeah it's it's something
1:59:10 that universally happens with everybody
1:59:25 you you seek more knowledge even if you
1:59:27 tell me he said
1:59:31 the more you increase knowledge you
1:59:32 become more merciful right that's
1:59:34 beautiful
1:59:34 yeah and um you really tend to think
1:59:38 about things more and
1:59:40 and and there's no harm you make
1:59:42 mistakes even
1:59:43 says to me all the time that he made you
1:59:46 know he used to say things like
1:59:48 telling everybody that you have to all
1:59:50 make hijra jiben
1:59:51 as soon as they came back and all of
1:59:53 them they were on it
1:59:54 but then you kind of like the more you
1:59:56 give the hour you kind of mature
1:59:58 through it and yeah and when you when
2:00:00 you see some of your elders saying this
2:00:02 is yeah see what i'm saying yeah and
2:00:05 things also very very important that we
2:00:06 touch on this is
2:00:08 just because i take a view it's not fair
2:00:11 that my brother who i may have been
2:00:14 seen with yeah okay is painted with the
2:00:17 same brush
2:00:18 and vice versa and vice versa uh and
2:00:21 obviously this is exactly what's
2:00:22 happened now i never meet him there
2:00:25 and now i've been seeing and i totally
2:00:27 understand why person would think that
2:00:30 and uh and even now just right after
2:00:32 this video people gonna be what
2:00:34 yeah me and you don't agree with
2:00:35 everything so any uh okay just
2:00:37 and this is how i've always been with uh
2:00:41 my brother imran abdulrahman likewise
2:00:44 and even yourself when we met up in hajj
2:00:47 i'm not your teacher we've had
2:00:48 discussions right have i ever have you
2:00:51 ever felt like i'm enforcing my view
2:00:52 and if i don't if you don't take my view
2:00:54 ahead i'm gonna declare to be an
2:00:56 innovator or anything like that i've
2:00:57 always seen i've seen that
2:00:58 we sat for how many years what two
2:01:00 hedges we jumped into and we sat down
2:01:02 and we talked and
2:01:03 we exchanged what you call it advices
2:01:06 and you told me some things that i did
2:01:07 and
2:01:08 i took it with a pinch of salt and i
2:01:09 thought about it and it was one of the
2:01:11 things that
2:01:12 we discussed as well right and i told
2:01:14 you stuff is all
2:01:15 and uh even with imran like
2:01:18 i'm not his teacher okay even with some
2:01:22 of the brothers that i teach
2:01:23 i don't think i'm the type of person who
2:01:24 enforces his views
2:01:26 i have this rough and tough what you
2:01:28 call it mentality if you don't take my
2:01:30 view
2:01:30 i'm gonna throw you off or i'm gonna
2:01:32 boycott you or whatever have you right
2:01:34 it's been done to me before somebody
2:01:35 said to me bro if you don't leave this
2:01:37 i'm gonna boycott you
2:01:39 okay go do whatever you wanna he like i
2:01:41 never started doing that
2:01:42 with you and at the end of the day you
2:01:45 know it's uh
2:01:47 it's been said to me so i know how he
2:01:48 feels and i've seen people's
2:01:50 relationships like a teacher student
2:01:52 relation get a bit frosty as all because
2:01:54 of the pushy roughy type of
2:01:58 way that one was trying to get maybe his
2:02:01 message across and i seen it doesn't go
2:02:04 down nicely
2:02:05 so my position with everybody is bro
2:02:07 this is my view
2:02:10 if you want to take is entirely up to
2:02:11 you okay
2:02:14 and um and i'll just advise a person
2:02:17 and because i've advised him now does
2:02:19 that mean i'm going to boycott i'm going
2:02:20 to stop work doing that with him
2:02:23 yeah and some people want that you see
2:02:25 what i'm saying
2:02:26 just because you've differed with so and
2:02:28 so they want you to differ okay i've
2:02:29 differed with him halas boycotting i
2:02:32 don't think that's a productive way to
2:02:33 kind of like
2:02:34 really go forward as well some people
2:02:37 have like ultra motives as well and
2:02:39 everything yeah and i think
2:02:40 that that attitude is um especially i'm
2:02:42 going to say especially in in the
2:02:44 muslim community those who attribute
2:02:47 themselves to salafia if they if
2:02:50 everyone attributed themselves salafiyah
2:02:52 had this kind of attitude you know well
2:02:55 i think we'd have
2:02:56 more productive uh and more
2:03:00 you know effective tower uh as as a
2:03:03 muslim community as a whole
2:03:05 and so i wanted to thank you for coming
2:03:07 on to this podcast i think it's been
2:03:09 extremely productive and um again let me
2:03:12 just point out before this gets
2:03:13 misconstrued as all right
2:03:15 there is issues that go back to a
2:03:18 person's hd head
2:03:19 yeah okay and there's some issues here
2:03:21 that is
2:03:22 credo type matters right and we're not
2:03:24 discussing this at the moment we're
2:03:25 speaking about
2:03:26 other personalities he had the issues
2:03:28 yeah uh
2:03:29 a person like wants to maybe do
2:03:31 something i might disagree with him of
2:03:33 how he goes to do
2:03:34 a particular thing just because i don't
2:03:37 agree with him that's why i'm gonna
2:03:38 boycott him or throw him off you see
2:03:40 what i'm saying
2:03:40 and a lot of the time you see that it
2:03:42 goes back to these issues
2:03:44 now you find people calling this an
2:03:46 individual innovator or
2:03:48 this and that tends to come back to
2:03:50 these kind of things isn't it
2:03:51 and i think you're a living example of
2:03:53 someone who starts off
2:03:55 with um with a certain kind of approach
2:03:58 and then
2:03:58 what the more reading the more knowledge
2:04:00 the more nuanced the more
2:04:02 sophisticated you become for sharing
2:04:05 your thoughts i think
2:04:06 many of the things you've said people
2:04:08 would resonate with and find really
2:04:10 productive soldiers
2:04:13 and uh for those watching insha allah
2:04:15 you can uh
2:04:16 we're going to try and put the these
2:04:17 podcasts on uh
2:04:19 one of the streams like itunes or
2:04:22 something like that we'll see how it
2:04:23 goes it's the fourth podcast
2:04:25 hijab podcast um maybe comment on who
2:04:28 you would like to see
2:04:30 on on a future podcast we're trying to
2:04:32 bring
2:04:33 people from different backgrounds
2:04:35 different specialities different
2:04:36 experiences so just let us know
2:04:40 inshallah