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Christchurch: Ending the Muslim Terrorist Narrative (2019-03-21)

## Description

This video exposes the humiliating double standards of right wing propagators. This is an open invitation to right wing influencers on key issues we believe they misrepresent including Islam's supposed indispensable link with terrorism or Islam and Human Rights.

Summary of Christchurch: Ending the Muslim Terrorist Narrative

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

discusses how the Christchurch terrorist attack was motivated by both ideology and emotion, and argues that the right wing needs to change its discourse on immigration and Islam in order to prevent future terrorist attacks. wants to end the Muslim terrorist narrative by having discussions and debates about points of tension in controlled settings.

00:00:00 the speaker discusses how right wing extremism and islamophobia have been instrumental in promoting terrorism, and how this narrative has been disrupted by the attacks in Christchurch. Several well-known figures from the right are mentioned, and they all condemn the attack in similar terms.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses how the Christchurch terrorist attack was not solely motivated by ideology, but was also fueled by an emotive need for revenge and a desire to fulfill a "school of duty" role. It argues that the right wing needs to re-evaluate its discourse on immigration and whiten its ideological motives in order to prevent future terrorist attacks.
  • 00:10:00 wants to end the Muslim terrorist narrative by having discussions and debates about points of tension in controlled settings. They believe this is necessary to fix misconceptions about Islam.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:07 [Music]
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0:01:10 um
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0:01:19 he says that we will certainly try you
0:01:23 with something of fear
0:01:27 and hunger and loss of life
0:01:31 and loss of wealth and life human life
0:01:36 and investment so give glad tidings to
0:01:40 those who have
0:01:41 patience the ones who when calamity
0:01:45 befalls them
0:01:46 they say to allah we belong
0:01:49 and to him we shall return those are the
0:01:52 ones
0:01:53 who allah will shower with his blessings
0:01:56 and mercy
0:01:57 and those are the ones who are truly
0:01:59 guided you see
0:02:00 from an islamic perspective death is
0:02:03 where life begins
0:02:05 and from this perspective you could say
0:02:09 that we're an impossible enemy because
0:02:11 the worst thing you can do to a muslim
0:02:13 is kill them but for us
0:02:17 death is the beginning so when it comes
0:02:20 to
0:02:21 those white supremacists who have
0:02:26 taken the lives of those
0:02:29 49 50 people in christchurch
0:02:32 thinking that they are reading the world
0:02:35 of the invading enemy
0:02:37 to put it in tarrant the the killers the
0:02:40 terrorists words
0:02:44 of the invading enemy what he's actually
0:02:45 doing
0:02:47 is he's hardening the efforts and he's
0:02:50 strengthening the spirit
0:02:52 of muslims all around the world
0:02:56 and here's what you need to understand
0:02:58 that this narrative which has been
0:03:00 promulgated
0:03:01 by right wing extremists who have been
0:03:05 frankly the knowledge
0:03:08 producers for the islamophobic
0:03:13 atmosphere through which and by which
0:03:17 such terroristic minds can develop
0:03:22 those people who've had this discourse
0:03:24 of the peculiar muslim
0:03:26 other abject other that is
0:03:31 distinctively known by his violence
0:03:35 and uniquely understood by his terrorism
0:03:38 that discourse has been destabilized
0:03:43 and it's not just on this occasion we
0:03:45 have to be clear
0:03:46 there was the chapel hill shooting there
0:03:48 was brelvik killing 77 innocents
0:03:50 and now you have this man brendan
0:03:54 tarrant or whatever his name is
0:03:56 killing 50 individuals many of which are
0:03:58 children and he wanted the world to know
0:04:00 about it and he filmed it on social
0:04:02 media
0:04:02 and he called himself a terrorist in his
0:04:04 manifesto there's no running away from
0:04:06 it
0:04:07 he was inspired yes
0:04:10 by his own ideological justification
0:04:14 and there is a continuity here between
0:04:17 right-wing rhetoric
0:04:19 especially ultra-right and alternative
0:04:22 right-wing rhetoric
0:04:23 and his own understanding of the world
0:04:25 especially in relation to
0:04:26 immigration which is why we find a lot
0:04:29 of people
0:04:30 from the right now coming out and
0:04:32 condemning the attack
0:04:34 in reminiscent terms because this of
0:04:37 course reminds us of how muslims
0:04:39 muslim leaders usually come and you know
0:04:41 condemn attacks
0:04:43 and for once in their life they have
0:04:45 been able to introduce nuance
0:04:47 to the discussion i i watched stephen
0:04:50 crowler i watched
0:04:52 um ben shapiro
0:04:55 i watched even katie hopkins and their
0:04:58 responses
0:05:00 seem to indicate that look there's
0:05:02 entanglement of different contributing
0:05:04 factors
0:05:05 all of which shaped this individual one
0:05:07 of which was ideology a lot of them
0:05:09 admit
0:05:10 but it wasn't the only thing the daily
0:05:12 mail goes much further than that
0:05:13 putting a picture of this man calling
0:05:15 the angelic boy
0:05:16 that his father had cancer and so on as
0:05:19 if
0:05:20 look we have to look at this thing from
0:05:23 different angles
0:05:24 but that nuance that they now introduced
0:05:26 in a terroristic discussion
0:05:28 was never introduced from their own
0:05:31 knowledge producers and contributors
0:05:34 when muslim terrorists commit
0:05:36 acts it has to be reduced to a low and
0:05:39 lowest common multiple and many times if
0:05:42 not always has to be islam itself
0:05:45 so why is it the case that it's
0:05:47 inconceivable for the right wing mind
0:05:52 that there's a potentiality within their
0:05:54 own ideological systems
0:05:56 for people to churn out a net
0:06:00 terrorism which emerges on our streets
0:06:02 in our mosques
0:06:04 why is it inconceivable for you to
0:06:05 realize that terrorism can be committed
0:06:07 by secular whites
0:06:09 it's that thesis that you've tried to
0:06:12 superimpose upon the sociological
0:06:14 reality
0:06:14 which has now become untenable
0:06:18 it's that discourse that you have tried
0:06:20 to iterate and reiterate
0:06:22 into public spheres and through your
0:06:24 platforms which has been totally
0:06:27 destabilized now there's no more media
0:06:30 com
0:06:30 covering up the man himself wanted to be
0:06:33 known
0:06:34 and now they're trying to censor his
0:06:37 name
0:06:38 and censor his material with the
0:06:40 pretense by the way this is a pretense
0:06:42 of yes we don't want to give him
0:06:45 notoriety
0:06:47 no that's a pretense the reason why you
0:06:48 want to censor his name and you want to
0:06:50 censor his actions
0:06:51 is because you don't want us to
0:06:52 reference him that you know this is an
0:06:54 entry point for academics
0:06:56 you know there's an entry point for
0:06:57 people to criticize and reference this
0:07:00 as a white supremacist which was
0:07:03 inspired by a right-wing terrorist as a
0:07:05 terrorist
0:07:07 and now the body of work of right-wing
0:07:09 terrorists is starting to become
0:07:10 self-evident so much so
0:07:12 that it's become impossible for
0:07:14 politicians and
0:07:16 other elites to ignore it and at this
0:07:19 point it's important for us to say
0:07:21 we do actually we actually do appreciate
0:07:23 all the support
0:07:25 with all the anger that we have
0:07:29 that there has been community
0:07:31 togetherness
0:07:32 and support from all different aspects
0:07:35 uh all different parts of society
0:07:37 and we thank non-muslim society
0:07:39 communities
0:07:40 for showing us your support
0:07:43 we also would like to show you our
0:07:46 gratitude for that
0:07:48 this is exactly what we need to do we
0:07:50 need to realize that they
0:07:52 there are people of different
0:07:54 dispositions ideological religious or
0:07:56 otherwise
0:07:57 that are capable of these monstrous
0:08:00 terroristic acts
0:08:03 and that the mo the main motivating
0:08:07 factor
0:08:08 for those individuals is usually the
0:08:10 same it's an emotive one rather than an
0:08:13 intellectual one
0:08:14 where they they see themselves living in
0:08:18 a state of perpetual war and conflict
0:08:20 and they want to enact their school of
0:08:22 duty style
0:08:24 role where they themselves are becoming
0:08:28 the main protagonist
0:08:31 and getting rid of the enemies
0:08:35 and of course one thing runs almost
0:08:38 consistently throughout all of these
0:08:40 themes
0:08:41 which is that there is an element of
0:08:43 ideological justification
0:08:45 whether it be from those terrorists from
0:08:48 our side
0:08:49 or those from from the right-wing side
0:08:54 and that justification and knows what
0:08:56 otherwise nullifies
0:08:58 the the principle of non-combatant
0:09:02 immunity
0:09:05 it nullifies the principle of
0:09:07 non-combatant immunity but that is not
0:09:09 particular to islam
0:09:11 and it's not particular to muslims so
0:09:13 the narrative
0:09:15 is now being forcibly changed by virtue
0:09:18 of the fact
0:09:19 that we live in a hyper globalized world
0:09:21 and events cannot be
0:09:24 disguised or otherwise camouflaged
0:09:27 anymore
0:09:29 social media is overtaking the media
0:09:32 this man himself
0:09:33 wanted people to know he was a terrorist
0:09:36 no matter what the media says
0:09:38 this information is freely available to
0:09:40 us and it can never be reversed
0:09:43 so the right wing needs to come to terms
0:09:45 with itself
0:09:47 it's immigration rhetoric kicking these
0:09:50 people out and
0:09:51 re-whitening the discourse that all
0:09:53 needs to be reassessed
0:09:54 because it it provides fertile grounds
0:09:59 for the kind of terroristic actions that
0:10:02 we see
0:10:03 or have seen in christ's church
0:10:07 i want to end this this
0:10:11 video by saying something very important
0:10:14 which is the following
0:10:18 it's high time that we have discussions
0:10:21 and debates
0:10:23 that the muslim traditionalist muslim
0:10:25 community especially
0:10:26 those who adhere to classical jews
0:10:29 prudential understanding of islam and
0:10:32 right-wing advocates
0:10:36 that we have discussions and debates on
0:10:38 points of tension
0:10:39 in controlled settings such that
0:10:43 misconceptions can be corrected why is
0:10:45 it the case that i always find myself
0:10:47 telling people that look islam doesn't
0:10:49 tell people to go and kill
0:10:51 innocents now in chapter 60 verse 8
0:10:53 chapter 5 verse 32
0:10:55 and the prophet you know killing one
0:10:57 person is like killing the whole of
0:10:58 humanity the prophet told us not to kill
0:11:00 women and children so on why do i always
0:11:02 have to repeat myself and then be told
0:11:04 that i'm lying
0:11:05 that actually this is not what you
0:11:06 believe or that it is not
0:11:09 what you ought to believe if you're a
0:11:10 classical traditionalist muslim don't
0:11:12 tell me what
0:11:13 i should believe i know my scripture is
0:11:15 more than the right wing
0:11:17 english speaking and no other language
0:11:22 person who's telling me why i should
0:11:23 read i should believe
0:11:25 don't tell me what i should believe i
0:11:26 know what we should believe so let's
0:11:28 have these discussions we need to fix
0:11:30 these misconceptions
0:11:31 someone like ben shapiro someone like
0:11:34 milo
0:11:36 someone like jordan peterson this is an
0:11:39 open
0:11:40 invitation i'm not going to call it an
0:11:41 open challenge this is an open
0:11:43 invitation
0:11:44 for a dialogue and discussion
0:11:49 where we have equal time to talk and ask
0:11:51 questions from each other
0:11:52 and where we can probe each other
0:11:56 i think this is necessary and i think it
0:11:58 will solve a lot of societal problems
0:12:01 but in regards to what we should do for
0:12:03 the people of christchurch
0:12:05 we should make dua for them as the
0:12:06 muslims we have to mix application for
0:12:08 them
0:12:09 and realize that the prophet muhammad
0:12:12 i'm going to end with this the prophet
0:12:13 says something beautiful and this is in
0:12:15 hadith
0:12:17 he says whoever is killed
0:12:20 protecting their wealth he is a shaheed
0:12:25 whoever is killed protecting their blood
0:12:28 i.e themselves
0:12:29 then he's a shaheed do not leave
0:12:31 protecting their families
0:12:33 he's a martyr he's a mata he's a mata
0:12:36 so we believe that these individuals are
0:12:38 martyrs there's no doubt about that
0:12:42 and even we should ask allah subhanahu
0:12:44 wa ta'ala to give them the high stations
0:12:46 of jannah
0:12:47 and to make us with them and i'll leave
0:12:49 with that salaam alaikum
0:12:51 s