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Discussion on Zakat (2021-04-16) ​

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حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

Discussion on Zakat: When it is due? On what items? How it is calculated? Dispelling Misconceptions?

Summary of Discussion on Zakat ​

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *

00:00:00-00:35:00 ​

in this video discusses the Islamic concept of zakat, which is a mandatory charity tax. He explains that, although the tax is based on an individual's ability to pay, it is still a reasonable measure to take into account when making economic decisions. He also discusses the concept of umra, which is a pilgrimage to Mecca. He advises those who make the pilgrimage to take care of their financial affairs while they are away, in case they are unable to return home due to economic difficulties. He concludes the talk by discussing how zakat can be used to help developing regions.

00:00:00 discusses zakat, a religious obligation to give 2% of one's income to charity. He also talks about kamehameha and how properties and income can be calculated. He suggests that the lunar year be used as the basis for calculating zakat, rather than the solar year.

  • 00:05:00 discusses the abrogation of the Zakat obligation, which over the centuries has led to different interpretations of the obligation. He also discusses the possible use of other years as the basis for calculating Zakat, and the question of whether someone who has received an increase in wealth during the year is still liable for Zakat. concludes that, while the theory behind the obligation is sound, there is no evidence to support the idea that someone who has received an increase in wealth is still liable for Zakat.
  • 00:10:00 Zakat is a religious obligation that Muslims are required to pay once a year. The exact amount of zakat to be paid is determined by a fixed cut day, which is determined by the imam. Wealth that is above one's self is subject to zakat, and the payment is calculated as a percentage of the total value of the wealth. Zakat is also payable on bank accounts, investments, and other assets.
  • 00:15:00 Zakat is an important part of Islam that is required to be paid on one's accumulated wealth at a set time, depending on the value of that wealth. The importance of Zakat is emphasized by clarifying that it is one capital that must be used, and that it will help avoid a long time of war. Additionally, it is important to pay Zakat as soon as possible in order to maximize its impact.
  • 00:20:00 Zakat is an obligatory charity given by Muslims in order to help the poor. The Zakat rate is predetermined by Qur'anic guidelines and can be calculated based on a person's wealth and income. Zakat is not applicable on a person's horse or slave, nor is it applicable on a person's car.
  • 00:25:00 This discussion covers the Islamic principle of Zakat, and how it applies to modern day life. explains that in Islam, zakat is a tax that is paid on "wealth" (assets, such as property, money, or stocks). Wealth includes anything that is owned, including items that are used solely for personal consumption. It is important to note that only married couples are considered "liable" for zakat, and that it is not necessary for either spouse to have any direct connection to the wealth being taxed. also explains that zakat is collected at different times of the year, based on the harvest season. Finally, the speaker discusses a hadith which states that zakat should be collected even if the assets being taxed are not yet ripe for harvest.
  • 00:30:00 discusses the Islamic concept of zakat, which is a mandatory charity tax. He explains that, although the tax is based on an individual's ability to pay, it is still a reasonable measure to take into account when making economic decisions. He also discusses the concept of umra, which is a pilgrimage to Mecca. He advises those who make the pilgrimage to take care of their financial affairs while they are away, in case they are unable to return home due to economic difficulties. He concludes the talk by discussing how zakat can be used to help developing regions.
  • 00:35:00 Zakat is a tax that Muslims are required to pay, it is meant to help the poor, and it is a way to motivate people to help the needy. Zakat is also meant to help separate the wealthy from the poor, and it is not meant to be a means of accumulating wealth.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 Music
0:00:19 okay
0:00:20 okay just everyone inshallah we'll be
0:00:21 starting the stuff here very shortly
0:00:23 uh i have a question from my brother
0:00:25 who's uh a follower of sheikh alias and
0:00:28 sheikh yas has a slightly different take
0:00:30 on when it comes to zakat compared to
0:00:31 yourself um uh
0:00:35 starts on zakai's as you receive it the
0:00:38 zakat
0:00:39 is due so if you got a sum
0:00:42 you risk you pay the amount and
0:00:45 then from then on in perpetuity you
0:00:47 don't need to pay any more zakat on that
0:00:48 amount so say i received 50 grand
0:00:51 i paid the car on it that's it i don't
0:00:53 ever have to pay the card it's like
0:00:55 he likens it to a tax that's this
0:00:57 brother's understanding anyway
0:00:58 i don't know i haven't heard from
0:01:00 checklist myself um
0:01:02 your understanding as far as i i've
0:01:04 understood was that
0:01:05 it's that's that's this understanding
0:01:07 obviously we know by
0:01:11 zakat taraw although they were doing the
0:01:13 the main
0:01:14 the the main wealth of the house or the
0:01:16 time cameras et cetera
0:01:17 but they would do it so let's separate
0:01:19 from the the
0:01:21 the produce or the the things which can
0:01:23 be harvested
0:01:25 yeah that's that's uh plant plants and
0:01:27 so on
0:01:28 the zakah is according to quran the
0:01:29 third is clear
0:01:32 the day you harvest give its new the day
0:01:35 of harvest
0:01:36 meaning upon harvest does not mean
0:01:38 exactly the same day but upon harvesting
0:01:41 yeah
0:01:41 because the harvest could could extend
0:01:43 several days does not mean that you have
0:01:45 uh you harvest over seven days that will
0:01:47 be fair give me the first
0:01:48 first day the the this far the second
0:01:50 day and so on but the total harvest
0:01:52 so it has to be understood a little bit
0:01:54 more flexible so when it's
0:01:56 when it's harvested that's for
0:01:58 agriculture products
0:01:59 some could make us on things which man
0:02:01 uh which one
0:02:02 uh we should which you may harvest or
0:02:05 taken as an
0:02:06 income recurring income weekly or
0:02:08 monthly so but this is a very
0:02:09 very conditional contentious area the
0:02:11 shia i have the point of view that the
0:02:13 fifth of your income
0:02:14 from like from rental and things like
0:02:16 that also the liable of the cargo ships
0:02:18 go to imam
0:02:20 and they argue with the
0:02:35 in the battlefield whatever you gain
0:02:37 from an
0:02:38 operation which can bring something if
0:02:40 it is repeated
0:02:42 because if you if you do a battle you
0:02:43 have a haribo
0:02:46 let's say if you do a rent that's their
0:02:48 fias fiasco
0:02:49 view which someone may agree or disagree
0:02:52 maybe
0:02:52 we leave that for the future to
0:02:55 study that law and enact it yeah so
0:02:58 that's it but
0:02:59 that's definitely the case for the
0:03:01 beauty of the war
0:03:02 good the
0:03:17 now let us go to the issue of kamehameha
0:03:20 et cetera and other
0:03:21 properties and also by by
0:03:25 uh action
0:03:27 Music
0:03:30 which is working in commerce and so on
0:03:33 and
0:03:33 uh the question would be what
0:03:37 how how is that the car calculated what
0:03:39 is this
0:03:40 the fact that also descending yearly in
0:03:42 a year in a year cycle
0:03:43 to collect as a car on a daily basis
0:03:45 meaning there's a certain tricks today
0:03:47 to be fixed by imam it doesn't need to
0:03:49 be
0:03:50 yearly meaning essentially the the lunar
0:03:52 year is not the solar yes that's the new
0:03:54 year but there's a difference of eleven
0:03:55 day
0:03:56 maybe in the future it could be a
0:03:58 starting way that we forgive this
0:04:00 difference for eleven days
0:04:01 and and uh make this they can go like
0:04:04 like
0:04:05 more with the solar months which are
0:04:07 related to summer and winter
0:04:08 maybe maybe more better for the economy
0:04:11 that's that's i think is the secondary
0:04:12 point like this
0:04:13 let us stick to the lunar month and the
0:04:16 lunar year
0:04:17 uh the solar year uh which is uh
0:04:20 12 months uh
0:04:24 which is uh odd because actually 12
0:04:26 months is not a
0:04:41 and the year is also lunar it is 12
0:04:42 months
0:04:47 united
0:04:55 it's established states is the lunar
0:04:56 system so the luna
0:04:58 is a lunar solar system the jews have
0:05:00 been abrogated although it was valid
0:05:02 over the centuries and it is used even
0:05:05 possibly for ashura but there's another
0:05:07 issue
0:05:08 and we have uh
0:05:11 we have other like pure solar years
0:05:13 that's also is not considerable so let
0:05:15 us stick to
0:05:16 say that imam or if there's no imam like
0:05:19 nowadays
0:05:20 you fix for yourself like say i'm going
0:05:22 to bring my zakat on the 20th of ramadan
0:05:24 for example you choose a day and you
0:05:26 stick to it
0:05:27 now the question which is scholars in
0:05:29 time we're struggling with is that
0:05:31 what to do with this good increase like
0:05:32 for example during the year if you have
0:05:34 a
0:05:35 head of camels for example it may
0:05:38 increase there might be
0:05:39 offspring etcetera clearly from the
0:05:41 instructions
0:05:45 is that from five camels one sheep for
0:05:48 this one sheep so they go there and
0:05:50 count
0:05:51 the comments they don't ask how which
0:05:54 one was born
0:05:55 between the beginning without the into
0:05:57 the last year today they don't have the
0:05:59 count existing now
0:06:00 at the zakat game so they they check
0:06:03 what is there
0:06:05 so the issue with some focus was
0:06:06 struggling how to deal with the growth
0:06:08 and the increase of the number of she
0:06:09 because
0:06:10 they said that the cat is only once in a
0:06:11 house one in a year a year
0:06:13 they mistook that that is the money must
0:06:15 be the the money who's liable zakat is
0:06:17 that one which persists
0:06:18 from the beginning from the last day
0:06:21 after the casualty had taken he said
0:06:22 that the qatar last year were taken on
0:06:24 20th
0:06:25 so from the 21st of ramadan beginning
0:06:27 with zakat here
0:06:28 until the 20th of the next ramadan
0:06:30 that's the cut here so they were
0:06:31 struggling what to do with the increase
0:06:33 which haven't had decreased
0:06:34 this is all no need for it really if the
0:06:37 mother was understood correctly
0:06:39 is that what you have in account at the
0:06:41 zakat they
0:06:42 give the zakat accordingly
0:06:46 really about what has come and what has
0:06:48 gone during the year what is there
0:06:50 so for example maybe you're getting the
0:06:52 uh during the years you're getting
0:06:54 tons of money never ending actually
0:06:58 yes you'll get 150 000 which according
0:07:00 to the theory should
0:07:14 he
0:07:22 a huge amount but it was never reported
0:07:25 that they were liable
0:07:26 why because they receive everything they
0:07:28 give it they spend the talking with in
0:07:29 sharing
0:07:32 so that's that's refused i think by
0:07:34 necessity i'll
0:07:35 check the girl's point of view it's not
0:07:37 founded there is no record
0:07:40 for if the person ever was liable
0:07:43 because he there was nothing remaining
0:07:45 the moment something when it's out
0:07:46 immediately
0:07:47 something is immediately out so the
0:07:50 moment there's a cut moment comes
0:07:52 there's nothing there to you so the
0:07:54 theory that is on the reception
0:07:56 i think it's wrong manifesting all the
0:07:59 history without islam and the sahaba
0:08:00 shows clearly this is if you collect all
0:08:02 the information it's a bit silly
0:08:04 it's not in one habit or nourishes the
0:08:06 problem i think she'll yes
0:08:09 you have to have a narration it does not
0:08:11 take all the
0:08:12 other evidences from sierra and sunnah
0:08:14 and don't take them and
0:08:15 you see the general picture is clear the
0:08:18 process
0:08:19 and most of the sahaba who are really
0:08:20 spending whatever they receive
0:08:22 immediately is wrote like that
0:08:39 it's not level of the foreign although
0:08:40 he received some comments on the enemy
0:08:42 that he gave them as gifts
0:08:44 he bought the couple of of uh jeremiah
0:08:47 just to to give to give him to give him
0:08:50 some money
0:08:51 indirectly and then he reached medina
0:08:53 and it was due that
0:08:55 that that jabber would bring the money
0:08:57 and and
0:08:58 and would give him the comment or that
0:09:01 he'd take the camera for java
0:09:02 and give him the money he gave the money
0:09:04 and then took the camera and said take
0:09:05 the camera as a gift from me
0:09:07 so he wanted to give him money but
0:09:08 covered as a as i said
0:09:10 so he never had my many comments to
0:09:12 please like i think about the shout out
0:09:14 there's
0:09:14 a couple or five comments he had he
0:09:16 never had five games
0:09:19 so the the claim on one reception i
0:09:22 would say
0:09:24 control next water the sense of the car
0:09:27 contracts all
0:09:28 uh relevant mutually corroborating
0:09:31 toronto information that the
0:09:33 the mosaic that the car collection was
0:09:36 going on a yearly basis
0:09:38 to every people now maybe the
0:09:41 the year would differ from people to
0:09:42 people to make a job easier because the
0:09:44 scout police will be working all year so
0:09:46 he goes with these people
0:09:47 it doesn't need to be a ramadan like we
0:09:52 but because we don't have an imam or
0:09:53 someone giving instruction at that time
0:09:55 it seemed to me
0:09:56 come to you how many companies are today
0:09:59 then this tribe or this area
0:10:01 he takes the day this is called
0:10:06 then he goes the next tribe it will be
0:10:07 third in the chamber the next tribe may
0:10:09 be fifth of their circle
0:10:11 and every people will remember exactly
0:10:13 roughly what is the day of the zakah
0:10:14 and they are in the next day and also
0:10:16 they're supported by hadith
0:10:18 said that there's a car on on a joint
0:10:21 uh money or common money if you are a
0:10:23 charitable in a company if you have a
0:10:25 company
0:10:26 there are some prohibited of splitting
0:10:29 the company before the zakat time
0:10:31 to escape the car or notice or joining
0:10:34 money to make a company
0:10:36 to run away from this account because
0:10:38 sometimes you can't join money and then
0:10:41 there's a car will be reduced for
0:10:42 example give you example you may have
0:10:45 um like five
0:10:48 someone have uh six camels uh and uh
0:10:51 five five cameras are five cameras which
0:10:53 means that will work correctly yeah
0:10:54 so each one is like one sheep one sheep
0:10:56 if they put it together
0:10:58 it may become then i think the next step
0:11:00 of the car
0:11:01 is like on more than three times so this
0:11:04 way will be you as a company they arrive
0:11:06 with only one
0:11:06 one sheep if i'm correct in calculation
0:11:09 i have to
0:11:10 divest example and assume that the exam
0:11:11 is correct so in that case it's in their
0:11:13 interest
0:11:14 to it to reduce ezekiel is to join
0:11:16 together establish a company
0:11:18 that's haram that's kabira running away
0:11:20 from the heart
0:11:21 as prohibited meaning there's a due in
0:11:24 the due date
0:11:25 not a reception
0:11:29 that's that's number one or hurry up and
0:11:31 the two
0:11:32 partners they may split the splitting
0:11:34 may be more beneficial for them for
0:11:36 zakah because
0:11:36 together they like for example
0:11:41 two guys having a company this company
0:11:42 is having uh seven camels
0:11:44 and they are or eight cameras and they
0:11:46 are 50 50.
0:11:47 and before they come to this aspect in
0:11:50 the company now
0:11:51 this one takes four companies this one
0:11:52 takes four coming osaka
0:11:54 while as a company they were liable of
0:11:56 one sheep
0:11:58 definitely that so splitting is the most
0:12:00 likely way to escape
0:12:02 but it could be you could consult cases
0:12:04 where joining will make you
0:12:06 less liable or this amount of zika
0:12:09 most of that it will not in most cases
0:12:11 but splitting can very well help
0:12:13 that you go below the example
0:12:16 or does not reach the other stage of
0:12:17 this up
0:12:19 so this is indication that this is you
0:12:21 can join and split
0:12:23 before a certain date to escape the car
0:12:26 and there's a major sense that
0:12:27 obviously running away from zakah has
0:12:29 prohibited that
0:12:31 so i think all evidence is taken
0:12:33 together say one reception is a mistake
0:12:36 for reception is only for harvest that's
0:12:39 when you harvest actually and you weigh
0:12:41 it and get ready packaged
0:12:44 ready for this patch and
0:12:47 uh similar things like what you want to
0:12:50 take
0:12:59 you have a rental property and you gain
0:13:01 a grant then once you receive the rent
0:13:03 that's like the harvest
0:13:04 you have harvested you pay them the
0:13:06 homes to the imam according to their
0:13:08 theory which someone could adopt
0:13:11 that comes to the state obviously only
0:13:13 to the legislative state
0:13:15 Music
0:13:16 that's the reason they be only to the
0:13:17 messiah now as a representative of the
0:13:19 hidden imam or something like that
0:13:21 they don't pay for the state because
0:13:22 they don't regard this data
0:13:24 and the legitimacy that's according to
0:13:27 the theory but
0:13:28 the basic point is that in that case is
0:13:33 like harvest that's one exception
0:13:35 because it comes like a harvest like
0:13:36 when something
0:13:37 harvested monthly weekly uh once a year
0:13:40 twice a year harvest gun
0:13:41 most harvests are twice a year we've got
0:13:43 a few houses only once a year many
0:13:44 harvests that's why
0:13:46 even some fertile countries you have to
0:13:47 have this thing so i think we have as
0:13:49 you have this
0:13:50 everything so let's continue the timing
0:13:52 so i think the correct theory
0:13:55 and i think it's almost copper if
0:13:56 someone take all of this comprehensively
0:13:59 is that for things like harvest
0:14:02 or like when we want to receive that's
0:14:04 our
0:14:05 glasses like that other things which
0:14:07 level of zakat like or she cannot deny
0:14:09 on camera et cetera et cetera that's
0:14:11 known by the water
0:14:13 this is upon a fixed cut day
0:14:16 as described by the imam the amount
0:14:19 which is there
0:14:20 you disregarding what has happened
0:14:22 during the year up and down
0:14:23 and this applies for example bank
0:14:25 account you have a bank account
0:14:27 you have some money there during the
0:14:28 year it goes up and down
0:14:30 up and down don't bother about that at
0:14:32 the end of the year
0:14:34 how much is it two and a half percent if
0:14:36 it's above uh
0:14:38 and the service for for individual for
0:14:40 example this bank account may not have
0:14:42 the result which is very unlikely okay
0:14:43 so but it doesn't have that stuff but
0:14:45 you have other words so the total of
0:14:46 your wealth is above yourself
0:14:48 then it is it was a cut liability and
0:14:50 then you take 200
0:14:51 of that let's say you have you have a
0:14:53 bitcoin account
0:14:54 in the day of the zakat you check what
0:14:56 is the price of bitcoin or the average
0:14:58 price of the day order closer throughout
0:14:59 the day something must be admittable
0:15:01 something
0:15:02 because there may be variation in the
0:15:04 day
0:15:05 but let's say some supplies which can be
0:15:09 allocated that day
0:15:10 the average price of the day for example
0:15:11 and exchange i'll calculating that for
0:15:13 you if you want
0:15:14 and then you say aha i had i
0:15:17 mean because you are going to give this
0:15:19 a cut in in
0:15:20 in in dollars for example then the price
0:15:23 is this how many bitcoins
0:15:24 two and a half percent free to rebuild
0:15:27 or
0:15:28 you can create exactly what the bitcoins
0:15:30 are there at that day exactly
0:15:31 and they could have a center they might
0:15:33 pay them as bitcoin if
0:15:35 if if if the receiver of the card are
0:15:38 capable of receiving that if it's a
0:15:39 state for example accepting bitcoin
0:15:41 uh legitimate state obviously or if it
0:15:43 is for example people who
0:15:45 uh uh have received charity from
0:15:48 you which is very poor etcetera etcetera
0:15:52 and they they have a ballot and so on
0:15:54 you can simply
0:15:56 perfectly fine but it is on that day
0:15:59 Music
0:16:00 clearly you don't escape in the case of
0:16:03 bitcoin others you cannot escape how
0:16:05 you're going to escape
0:16:06 change it in
0:16:12 so it's very difficult to escape the
0:16:14 only way to escape is to
0:16:15 to gift to someone and therefore this
0:16:17 most people would not be that stupid to
0:16:19 escape the cat by giving the whole money
0:16:21 to someone else
0:16:22 that does not sound very but it could
0:16:24 happen if someone does it to the
0:16:25 intention
0:16:25 to skip the card it's simple he's
0:16:27 committing
0:16:31 so you don't give to your children
0:16:32 before there's a cut time some of that
0:16:34 so that you escape the car
0:16:36 but they will be liable of zakat
0:16:37 obviously even if they are under age
0:16:39 with because it's on the money
0:16:40 not on the uh not on the uh on your own
0:16:44 age
0:16:44 it's not like salah so that is obligated
0:16:46 only when you come out of the page but
0:16:49 oh there is many evidences for that just
0:16:50 give me shall one examine
0:16:52 this that said whoever is a guardian or
0:16:55 a
0:16:55 manager of the wealth of
0:16:59 a team or an orphan should invest in it
0:17:02 wisely
0:17:03 according to uh so-called in the west
0:17:05 they called the prudent power
0:17:06 invested like the provided man who is so
0:17:09 cautious and so
0:17:11 meticulous investing as if it's your
0:17:13 money the opposite
0:17:14 but no more allah will not require you
0:17:16 more than that your best are your best
0:17:18 judgment as a product
0:17:21 why otherwise
0:17:24 the cat may eat it away because if you
0:17:26 have an old friend like of too many
0:17:27 years
0:17:28 and you inherited some amount of money
0:17:30 he will come out of age by
0:17:31 16 17 18 so he can give his money for
0:17:34 their own management
0:17:34 that's 15 years if 15 years every year
0:17:37 two and a half years at one hour to go
0:17:38 on a person
0:17:39 imagine how much were they made fair
0:17:41 though the money is gone
0:17:42 so invest it so that's the other will
0:17:44 not eat it away
0:17:50 what are some questions related to this
0:17:52 um there's a couple of questions related
0:17:53 to this so my understanding previously
0:17:55 was that it's unused wealth
0:17:56 everyone in classical figures no there's
0:17:59 no there's that's
0:18:00 not true it says unused or used this is
0:18:02 one one one reason for the zakah because
0:18:04 it's one capital
0:18:05 that you have to use the wealth
0:18:06 otherwise will be evaporated
0:18:08 with time it will avoid a long time 40
0:18:10 years but it will be gone
0:18:12 so if you do can't spot the golds having
0:18:14 and some and some in some cave or some
0:18:16 place
0:18:18 expecting that the coming to end ten
0:18:20 twenty years will be international
0:18:21 conflict and china will have problems
0:18:23 with russia and russia
0:18:24 probably with america and so on we'll
0:18:25 have 20 years maybe of war
0:18:27 and and you are afraid you are a
0:18:29 billionaire they want to keep that full
0:18:30 of austerity
0:18:31 then you lock that gold in some place
0:18:33 for 20 years
0:18:35 half of it will become better it must be
0:18:38 even is unused besides kansas it said
0:18:42 but even if you say that if you give
0:18:44 this a cut it's not fantastic
0:18:47 what means for example say for example
0:18:49 someone was unemployed and they had
0:18:51 50 quid at the beginning of the year
0:18:55 we finished that topic not beginning at
0:18:57 the day of zakah
0:18:58 okay okay so it doesn't matter whatever
0:19:00 say you have 50 at the beginning
0:19:02 as i said maybe during the year you
0:19:03 received one billion and you decided to
0:19:05 figure it away and share it
0:19:06 at the end of the year you are not
0:19:08 liable okay so it's just whatever date
0:19:10 you fix
0:19:11 at the desert day and how long do you
0:19:13 have to pay it so for example in this
0:19:15 instance for example
0:19:16 with bitcoin and removing from it is
0:19:19 immediately on your
0:19:20 limb in your obligation at the day that
0:19:22 was the price
0:19:23 you recall that and then you pay it as
0:19:25 soon as you can okay
0:19:28 if it is for example if you decide that
0:19:29 i am going two and a half percent of my
0:19:31 bitcoin as bitcoin
0:19:33 holla says bitcoin if you delay and
0:19:35 bitcoin goes in the
0:19:37 that's that's that's it that's it
0:19:38 bitcoin has gone up it's not your action
0:19:40 it's allah's actually in the market it
0:19:42 has gone down bad luck
0:19:44 or should derive the poor so you should
0:19:46 not delay so that prices may be
0:19:48 go up and down you should pay it
0:19:52 there's an issue here with exchange as
0:19:53 well isn't it so if bitcoin has its own
0:19:56 intrinsic value
0:19:57 then things will go up and down
0:19:58 according to it so are you are you are
0:20:01 you
0:20:01 what do you have
0:20:08 yeah okay let us have the price of
0:20:10 victoria
0:20:11 the price goes around during the day we
0:20:13 have to define a reasonable price for
0:20:15 that day
0:20:16 one person will definitely say okay i
0:20:18 will take 12 noon
0:20:20 universal time that's a reasonable case
0:20:22 but
0:20:23 no no i don't think you understand the
0:20:25 point i'm trying to make the point that
0:20:26 i'm trying to make is that
0:20:28 at the moment when we talk about the
0:20:29 value of bitcoin normally it's measured
0:20:31 against the us dollar isn't it
0:20:34 it's really about one immediate output
0:20:35 yeah yes okay
0:20:37 so it's basically just you have to have
0:20:38 a consistent thing so if you do two
0:20:39 dollars
0:20:42 you do it in bitcoin you give it out as
0:20:43 bitcoin
0:20:45 authority give me your wallet yeah of
0:20:48 course
0:20:49 the only thing is if you're doing it as
0:20:50 bitcoin this is interesting then because
0:20:53 does the value of bitcoin itself
0:20:55 intrinsically go up and down
0:20:57 you don't know that's the thing it means
0:21:02 there's some open questions it doesn't
0:21:03 it doesn't matter the same the same with
0:21:05 gold and silver when you give it a gold
0:21:06 does gold going up and down
0:21:08 you would say yes dividing up on mining
0:21:10 and rarity and things like that yeah
0:21:12 that's true but then you
0:21:13 just have to give the percentage isn't
0:21:14 it okay
0:21:28 i take the money fixed as double they
0:21:31 yeah
0:21:32 what i'm saying is the better the better
0:21:33 thing to do is as a percentage let's
0:21:35 just say
0:21:35 you have 100 grams of gold right and
0:21:37 then it's two and you're above the nuts
0:21:39 if you pay
0:21:40 uh two and a half grams it's the same
0:21:43 with bitcoins you have a hundred
0:21:44 bitcoins you pay two points
0:21:45 because it doesn't become practical then
0:21:48 you pay the equivalent of two and a half
0:21:50 at the moment of payment because you're
0:21:53 handing it for example
0:21:54 you say i send you two and up two half a
0:21:56 gram of gold this grams your two i have
0:21:58 tons of gold here
0:22:00 it's clumsy i cannot have a tractor and
0:22:01 they can't get it et cetera
0:22:03 i will give you the equivalent today
0:22:09 just quickly check is this is this an
0:22:11 aside on zakat or is this related to the
0:22:12 theory of the ayah
0:22:16 okay i was thinking are we giving to
0:22:17 zero okay it's question hey i just
0:22:20 needed to know
0:22:21 thank you so that's for the correct
0:22:23 point
0:22:24 is the day now what is exempt say use
0:22:27 the unused this is nonsense even a
0:22:28 question of jewelry unknown jewellery
0:22:30 these are gold also have value in every
0:22:32 position you are
0:22:33 the exception is the following said
0:22:36 there is no no no zakah on the muslim
0:22:40 muslim on his horse and his slave
0:22:43 so it's he accept one horse and one
0:22:45 slave
0:22:47 from that we can deduce now there's no
0:22:49 zakat on your one car
0:22:51 but you have 10 cars you pay on the nine
0:22:55 this is the wealth
0:22:59 only that one car exam and the one car
0:23:02 who should you would really like a horse
0:23:03 for boiling back
0:23:04 and things like that and avid is a slave
0:23:06 servant and you will have no slaves now
0:23:09 maybe you could say
0:23:10 we could also by by
0:23:13 talking at the logic and maybe assuming
0:23:15 that at the time of
0:23:16 nobody had really everyone has his own
0:23:19 house on him
0:23:20 lives by his own family also in his
0:23:22 house there's no evidence that they
0:23:24 people were were asked to evaluate their
0:23:26 houses and pay
0:23:28 or one piece of land we should intend to
0:23:30 build the house in the future while you
0:23:31 are not paying red
0:23:32 that that's maybe except so the
0:23:34 exception is very little only
0:23:36 let's go live in this recipe come and
0:23:38 show the comments you could say also the
0:23:40 house
0:23:41 definitely they basically in the tenses
0:23:42 of the household exam we are not going
0:23:44 to evaluate
0:23:45 television we are going to live evaluate
0:23:48 a french article but this is also most
0:23:50 circular laws
0:23:51 do such an exemption even in the case of
0:23:53 bankruptcy for example in britain
0:23:55 if the bankruptcy manager comes to your
0:23:57 house knock at the door
0:23:59 he comes if he finds second immediately
0:24:00 takes the secret television
0:24:02 he leaves one for you two three fridges
0:24:04 he take
0:24:05 leaves one and take two you have in the
0:24:08 house maybe several computers for every
0:24:10 kid and so on when there's one extra
0:24:11 computer sitting there
0:24:12 humming they don't know it's too much i
0:24:14 will take that to to pay the debt
0:24:18 that this will go with pennies or
0:24:19 nothing but that's what that's the way
0:24:21 it works
0:24:21 which is very easy what's the rational
0:24:23 way of evaluating the
0:24:25 like for example when morale was
0:24:27 bankrupt it was a very generous man he
0:24:28 was giving all that he getting in
0:24:30 and then the letters sued him he's not
0:24:33 playing us
0:24:34 and asked why to bring everything and
0:24:36 they wanted over to take his results and
0:24:38 leave him something to cover himself
0:24:40 you cannot make them naked
0:24:44 meaning they are basic think basically
0:24:45 neutrinos you could say also these are
0:24:47 reasonably
0:24:47 except from zakah in that sense
0:24:51 that's it the personal system is the
0:24:53 exception the exception is very minimal
0:24:56 if you see you can't you can't even
0:24:58 analyze it's logically an exception in
0:25:00 case of god the silver
0:25:01 belongs and what is not saved and islam
0:25:03 nowadays
0:25:04 how much was it it was 20 mythical i
0:25:06 think about 80 grand
0:25:08 do you remember the number
0:25:13 is that the muscle with us
0:25:17 i think he's on me
0:25:21 he may have just walked away okay uh
0:25:24 okay
0:25:25 if you see that maybe like 400 500
0:25:28 pounds a bigger club it's a very small
0:25:30 amount
0:25:32 almost nobody is capable that's for
0:25:34 available cash
0:25:37 so you could say the exception would be
0:25:38 very very much one car
0:25:40 obviously in the case there were but
0:25:42 someone could say we have to cast one
0:25:44 for
0:25:44 for the family for the wife and father
0:25:47 but this is
0:25:47 this does not come as an issue with the
0:25:49 islamic law because the car which is
0:25:51 owned by the wife
0:25:51 or given to the wife for the household
0:25:54 as part of the household supporters on
0:25:56 even barcoding here name is haircut and
0:25:59 she has her own zakat and his own
0:26:00 ability she has nothing to do with the
0:26:01 husband
0:26:02 anyway well we're talking about islamic
0:26:04 law not western where husband and wife
0:26:06 are
0:26:06 like having a mixed poverty that's not
0:26:08 the way islamical works
0:26:10 so each one is liable if the catholicism
0:26:12 there's no way they can merge and
0:26:14 understand and destroy unless they do a
0:26:16 specific combative specific way
0:26:18 then they have the injunction they
0:26:19 should not split or join to escape
0:26:22 that's all like you could do a company
0:26:25 with your neighbor or someone even
0:26:26 overseas
0:26:28 then you are not you have no right to
0:26:29 split that they have to run away from
0:26:31 zakat
0:26:31 then the company is having its own
0:26:35 his own personal entity this personality
0:26:38 is liable of zakat also
0:26:39 the sharika is liable on its wealth
0:26:42 according to
0:26:43 the third entity
0:26:47 then you calculate all things you can
0:26:50 also
0:26:51 with charity for example the one car
0:26:53 exclude maybe the
0:26:54 the residency building or the share of
0:26:56 the company things like that
0:26:57 that's obvious in the future because
0:27:00 life in our economy have become more
0:27:01 complicated there are
0:27:03 there are residency or addresses of the
0:27:05 company some of them are owned and not
0:27:07 owned all these things
0:27:08 but that can be worked out the future
0:27:10 will be able to work the money the
0:27:11 principle is clear
0:27:12 i think that will clarify everything all
0:27:14 the issue entire past were discussing
0:27:16 about
0:27:16 what to do with the growth you may start
0:27:19 they understood that when a year passed
0:27:23 they thought like they thought here
0:27:24 passed is in the same amount
0:27:28 next year at the zakat day you check
0:27:30 what's how many
0:27:31 how many sheep you have you may have
0:27:33 started a hundred
0:27:35 it might be a very blessed year with
0:27:37 rains
0:27:38 and many bears and so on and you end
0:27:40 with 130.
0:27:41 in between it was a hundred hundred five
0:27:43 hundred ten you don't bother about that
0:27:46 day it is period
0:27:49 that's it and all of them including the
0:27:51 the born ones
0:27:53 the one who's not born at that day or
0:27:55 before they are not counted
0:27:57 and the belly is not limited of course
0:28:02 except in the caterpillar which is
0:28:03 something different even for pregnant
0:28:06 women who brings the cattle
0:28:07 for the further for the for the what
0:28:10 they have in their
0:28:10 in anything that's this is something
0:28:27 so i think that's it was all the
0:28:28 question the more details and
0:28:30 how to make it fine and streamlined i
0:28:32 think that the statue
0:28:34 should do that the probable islamic
0:28:35 state should do that then also
0:28:38 for example ordered when it was in the
0:28:41 way of taboo it was the time of
0:28:44 near nearly the time of uh harif
0:28:47 they called the harvest of dates
0:28:50 and from the name that name came the
0:28:52 name the name of the
0:28:54 of the autumn autumn is also because in
0:28:56 the hadith time you start
0:28:58 essentially clicking taking the the
0:29:02 or completing the taking of the day
0:29:04 thing so they passed on up
0:29:06 on a plantation and they looked around
0:29:09 the employer
0:29:11 make your estimation how much is this
0:29:14 yeah how much it will be harvested from
0:29:16 that in in september
0:29:18 and everyone and they wrote it i
0:29:21 estimate this and this i'm told that
0:29:23 the owner of corner without telling him
0:29:26 obviously the estimation
0:29:28 record everything exactly when they came
0:29:31 back because they rely on estimation
0:29:35 when they came back they asked him all
0:29:38 estimation of except estimation of water
0:29:40 was exact but by revelation but
0:29:43 independent of that
0:29:44 and another hadith he said when you
0:29:47 when when you go in a house because
0:29:49 sometimes they go and do
0:29:50 to estimation before it is almost mature
0:29:54 but not really so they make house
0:29:55 and based on that horse he accounts the
0:29:58 man
0:30:00 the cat collector with his own
0:30:01 estimation he doesn't try to rely on the
0:30:03 bank account because you cannot stand
0:30:05 there and check everyone for
0:30:07 weighing us on that you can at least
0:30:08 estimate understand for example
0:30:10 agricultural america would say this year
0:30:12 we expect so many tons of wheat
0:30:14 because of the area and satellite
0:30:15 observation that's that's a bad
0:30:17 estimation
0:30:18 can do economical decision here
0:30:21 said if you if you go to these these
0:30:24 these
0:30:25 these or casualties the country uh farms
0:30:29 and so on
0:30:30 uh make your cars and then take a
0:30:32 quarter
0:30:33 reduce it by quarter or even by a third
0:30:36 so that leave them
0:30:37 leave that for them for eating and leave
0:30:39 for their guests because in the halftime
0:30:41 many friends and family come put their
0:30:43 tents in there
0:30:44 and enjoy immediately take from the tree
0:30:46 water even without washing
0:30:48 directly so leave something with that
0:30:50 and then account him for that what is
0:30:51 with the reduction so there is a
0:30:53 possibility of deduction out of mercy
0:30:55 out of conservation
0:30:56 and the islamic state will be able to
0:30:58 put that in informal
0:30:59 and in a proper way for various areas
0:31:04 like for example accepting uh like your
0:31:07 own house we are living in
0:31:09 there there would be a discount that
0:31:10 this cup will not be arbitrary and
0:31:12 you'll buy
0:31:12 a balance of 1 billion dollars and say i
0:31:16 am accepting that no no
0:31:18 most muslim they get exception of one
0:31:21 million maybe a very pound or a hundred
0:31:23 thousand
0:31:23 that's a plus of luxurious good enough
0:31:25 house for you size your family
0:31:27 the rest is liable come on it doesn't
0:31:29 work like that
0:31:30 say it's my house it's like my slave i
0:31:32 like my car or you
0:31:33 you have a ferrari and you want five
0:31:35 half a million exceptions come on most
0:31:37 people are like separately
0:31:38 they have twenty five twenty five thirty
0:31:41 and give
0:31:41 up to four fifty forty thousand mercedes
0:31:44 things like that but they don't come
0:31:45 with a ferrari
0:31:46 or or or rolls-royce and ask for
0:31:49 exemption things like that you have to
0:31:50 evaluate it and just deduct some of it
0:31:52 evaluate that market and deduct a
0:31:55 reasonable deduction
0:31:56 up to 50 for example or something like
0:31:58 that giving you some reasonable way for
0:32:01 people to you
0:32:02 know people will be developed not
0:32:03 everyone have a car of 8 000 some most
0:32:05 people will have about 15 20
0:32:06 25 000 things like that that's the only
0:32:09 card always you write down there's a cut
0:32:11 or you can't
0:32:11 go the installment and not things like
0:32:14 that all that can be worked out these
0:32:15 fine points
0:32:17 these are fine the same way that he
0:32:19 wrote the legislation and then there
0:32:21 will be always
0:32:22 some in this technicality some loopholes
0:32:24 and some people who are not really
0:32:26 happy to pay zakat or when obsidian was
0:32:28 there to look for all the goods would
0:32:30 happen
0:32:30 that's natural that doesn't refute that
0:32:32 the basic prison is correct
0:32:35 good but that's i think the theory that
0:32:38 is on reception is all
0:32:39 it's only for harvest or baganima or
0:32:42 similar things but animal is actually
0:32:44 something else but but
0:32:48 if you if you regard the homosexuals of
0:32:50 this type as because they're
0:32:51 meant to make a fierce i love yourself
0:32:54 also
0:32:55 possibly reasonable considerations uh it
0:32:57 will
0:32:59 look look at an example uh people from
0:33:02 yemen
0:33:03 the writers and past we would pass them
0:33:04 in medina while they're going for
0:33:06 jihadis
0:33:07 and they told medicine
0:33:10 we our most livelihood is from
0:33:13 harvesting
0:33:14 um uh honey
0:33:17 from the mountains and so on they know
0:33:19 whether the bees and so on
0:33:20 that area is progressive with the best
0:33:22 honey in the world there for the
0:33:24 sake of the and so on their tree and all
0:33:26 these things
0:33:27 and this is our livelihood take out the
0:33:30 castle didn't hear anything
0:33:33 but this is our livelihood we must have
0:33:36 he says well we must pay for it and they
0:33:38 decided we pay attention
0:33:40 because they are not they compared to
0:33:42 harvesting
0:33:44 uh well because the harvest the
0:33:46 indication of agricultural product the
0:33:48 harvest if it is
0:33:49 irrigated by the by the heaven without
0:33:51 any effort on your side
0:33:52 it is ten percent tenth if it's
0:33:55 dedicated fully with with the effort and
0:33:57 and the buckets and so on and machine
0:33:59 and bombs and so on nowadays etc it is
0:34:02 five percent
0:34:03 and in between as as proportionally
0:34:05 reasonable
0:34:06 so they say we don't do anything except
0:34:08 if you have the effort going up or down
0:34:10 similar to the
0:34:10 farmer plowing and doing the work but
0:34:14 the the bees are grazing by themselves
0:34:16 they're going through the forest
0:34:17 so we are not we are not delegating or
0:34:19 doing anything else ten percent is good
0:34:21 and they insist that they give a trauma
0:34:22 tomorrow accept it see if this is from
0:34:25 you by your own free world he could not
0:34:26 possibly analytically understand that
0:34:29 but the people was
0:34:30 in this point they were better than
0:34:31 normal this is like like how
0:34:34 we we go regularly and harvest like that
0:34:36 twice a year
0:34:37 any time we get it we pay 10 percent
0:34:40 otherwise we feel we are guilty we are
0:34:41 not giving
0:34:42 giving giving there's a cardio in our
0:34:45 habits also it's not agriculture product
0:34:47 so that i think that comparison their
0:34:49 understanding is is better than almost
0:34:51 and accept and accept it and they
0:34:53 present that region
0:34:54 and it became like a habit to establish
0:34:56 after that so i think
0:34:58 in fact the proportion of zakat on the
0:35:00 topics
0:35:03 Music
0:35:13 Music
0:35:15 in matters of cameras and so on we see
0:35:16 the main wealth of ali
0:35:18 but didn't specify other things because
0:35:19 it was not and most people were just
0:35:22 harvesting or were
0:35:23 having shiva's owners barely anyone was
0:35:25 commercial people
0:35:27 and the time omar escaly that he
0:35:29 established that for the commercial
0:35:31 people
0:35:31 on on that but they're not part of their
0:35:34 direct possession
0:35:36 all you have to do is i think this is
0:35:38 for the future statement
0:35:40 but i'm certain that they show that on
0:35:42 or reception for money and from good is
0:35:44 by the mistake
0:35:46 that you'll see 50 000 and then you pay
0:35:48 that one half percent and then the rest
0:35:49 is
0:35:50 perfectly that's not true and you could
0:35:53 also refuse some sense of the zakah one
0:35:54 of them
0:35:59 is to force you to invest to prevent
0:36:01 hoarding money should not sit either
0:36:03 should work
0:36:04 it should go and work islam prohibits
0:36:07 that work by itself
0:36:08 imaginary and collecting interest
0:36:11 becoming a debt
0:36:12 with a debt liability and secured by
0:36:14 mortgages that's prohibited
0:36:15 so it will work well to do business to
0:36:18 that good students
0:36:19 or eight one hundred percent two hundred
0:36:21 percent until it
0:36:22 evaporates in forty years the other
0:36:24 guilty one
0:36:26 this will run you is forced to work
0:36:29 reasonable force not an excessive force
0:36:31 200 is not very forceful
0:36:34 it will not force you to work with your
0:36:35 friction if you have a piece of land
0:36:36 which is what you are waiting for
0:36:38 to appreciate you may endure five years
0:36:39 but you have to market to the market
0:36:41 what's the market value now take three
0:36:44 three year quotations from expats
0:36:46 and pay the cut every year and you can
0:36:49 tolerate that if you think this area is
0:36:50 prospering in the future you can hold
0:36:52 back
0:36:52 and it may appreciate but you can't hold
0:36:55 at the infinitive
0:36:56 and keep it like that no
0:36:59 because we'll evaporate ultimately or it
0:37:02 will eat some
0:37:02 other income okay i think i think we
0:37:05 will cover the
0:37:06 general principle and also what is the
0:37:08 philosophy one of the
0:37:10 more important history of zakat and so
0:37:12 on and the inheritance that
0:37:13 the division inheritance is to speak
0:37:15 well and spread it and force it to
0:37:17 separate
0:37:18 in a gentle and reasonable force not
0:37:21 excessive
0:37:22 like confiscation there are the
0:37:23 commonest way nor it is the capitalist
0:37:26 way you can hold things that keep it for
0:37:27 all eternities
0:37:28 that's that's not that's not going to
0:37:30 work in the islamic system
0:37:32 so at least over a generation wealth
0:37:34 will
0:37:36 it doesn't stick in one place and
0:37:39 definitely the inheritance through
0:37:41 the spirit according to the inheritance
0:37:48 thank you
0:37:56 Music
0:38:16 so
0:38:18 you