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Umm Khalid: "Women have been lied to" (2021-12-16)



Summary of Umm Khalid: "Women have been lied to"

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


The video discusses how women have been lied to for years, and how this has led to various negative consequences in society. It points to examples of how Muslim women have followed in the footsteps of non-Muslim women by engaging in practices such as sleeping around and getting abortions. It suggests that the way to overcome these issues is to start from a place of truth, Islam, and to respect and cherish wifehood and motherhood.

00:00:00 contends that the lie told to women in the West for the past several decades has been that they can have it all--a successful career, a fulfilling sex life, and a family later on. Candice Bushnell, the creator of the Sex and the City show, admits that she was misled by the show into thinking that having a successful career and a fulfilling sex life were enough. She writes that this has resulted in a generation of women who are unhappy and alone.

  • 00:05:00 The author, a woman named sue ellen browder, worked as a longtime freelance writer for Cosmopolitan magazine. She wrote articles meant to market contraception and abortion as the single woman's path to personal fulfillment, but realized later that propagandists higher and cleverer than herself were influencing her thinking and her personal choices. She came out openly, came out and said that the writers at Cosmopolitan magazine, including herself, lied to women, and sold them a complete and total lie. The aim of the writers was to entice women away from their families, homes, productive lives, and protective male kin and into the big cities, into their own apartments, and with the freedom to engage in promiscuous behavior with strange men. Women didn't respond to this implicit messaging and cultural brainwashing at first, but gradually they moved out, got their own place, got highly educated, and started having casual sex in lieu of marriage. If they somehow got pregnant, they got abortions. Women were now independent earners in the capitalist machine and earners could be converted into consumers. Women read Cosmopolitan magazine and learned to live and think this way. Every girl wanted to be a Cosmo girl, but sue ellen browder, the writer who wrote those Cosmo articles
  • 00:10:00 The video discusses how women have been lied to, and how this has led to various negative consequences in society. It points to examples of how muslim women have followed in the footsteps of non-muslim women by engaging in practices such as sleeping around and getting abortions. It suggests that the way to overcome these issues is to start from a place of truth, Islam, and to respect and cherish wifehood and motherhood.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 sometimes i come across an article
0:00:04 online that is so powerful that i just
0:00:07 want to share it with you
0:00:10 it's written by a woman um khalid
0:00:14 it's freely available on her facebook
0:00:16 site which i'll link to below and it's i
0:00:20 found it in various places online as i
0:00:22 go around it's quite a popular article
0:00:25 it's powerful punchy knowledgeable
0:00:28 very very articulate and she she thinks
0:00:32 outside of the box she's thinking beyond
0:00:35 the pre-fab confines of how we're
0:00:38 supposed to think about life in the west
0:00:41 whether or not you agree with it it's an
0:00:43 amazing piece of writing and it should
0:00:45 really be read by a woman preferably by
0:00:48 um khalid but in the absence of that i'm
0:00:50 just going to give voice to the words
0:00:52 that she wrote
0:00:54 and it's about women in the west
0:00:57 very hard-hitting and i think she makes
0:01:00 some profound points profound
0:01:03 observations
0:01:05 it begins like this um khalid writes
0:01:09 women have been lied to
0:01:12 continuously for a long time
0:01:15 by a lot of people working together for
0:01:18 their own interest to deceive women and
0:01:21 take advantage of them no i'm not
0:01:24 talking about the patriarchy or muslim
0:01:27 men
0:01:28 i'm talking about certain nihilistic
0:01:30 western atheist elites who have
0:01:33 engineered certain social norms and
0:01:36 programmed people to operate in a very
0:01:39 particular way
0:01:41 for their own agenda and at the expense
0:01:44 of women
0:01:46 this lie was broadcast everywhere all
0:01:49 over the media in hollywood on tv shows
0:01:52 and movies in books and novels in
0:01:54 popular magazines in song lyrics in the
0:01:58 hallowed halls of ivy league academia it
0:02:01 was a concerted
0:02:03 targeted marketing campaign
0:02:07 what was the lie that was told to women
0:02:10 on mass since the 1960s and up until
0:02:14 today
0:02:16 women were told
0:02:17 you can have it all
0:02:20 you can have it all
0:02:22 you the average woman can be everything
0:02:26 and have everything all at once listen
0:02:29 to us and your life will work out
0:02:32 one of the most popular tv shows on
0:02:35 american television was a six season hit
0:02:37 show called sex and the city
0:02:40 and its basic premise is that the modern
0:02:43 woman can have it all
0:02:45 she can be forever young sexy
0:02:48 independent fun-loving and successful
0:02:51 all on her own
0:02:53 she can live a fun fulfilling life in
0:02:56 the big city working a full-time job and
0:02:59 going out with her friends and having
0:03:01 casual sex with random men
0:03:04 there's no need for a marriage no need
0:03:06 for a woman to burden herself with the
0:03:09 heavy weight of marriage a husband or
0:03:12 motherhood just yet all that can wait
0:03:17 but
0:03:18 decades after the show was blasted all
0:03:21 across the u.s and the world
0:03:24 affecting generations of women something
0:03:27 happened
0:03:28 candice bushnell at the age of 60 who
0:03:32 wrote the original 1997 novel which
0:03:35 spawned the successful tv series for hbo
0:03:39 open up to sunday times magazine about
0:03:42 her 2012 divorce
0:03:45 she admitted that it made her realize
0:03:48 how not starting a family made her feel
0:03:51 truly alone
0:03:54 candice said quote
0:03:56 when i was in my 30s and 40s i didn't
0:03:59 think about it
0:04:01 then when i got divorced and i was in my
0:04:04 50s i started to see the impact of not
0:04:07 having children and of truly being alone
0:04:12 i do see now that people with children
0:04:15 have an anchor in a way that people who
0:04:17 have no kids
0:04:19 don't
0:04:20 end quote
0:04:22 but what will all the women do
0:04:25 who were misguided by the show candice
0:04:28 made
0:04:29 this mistake of a show led women
0:04:32 young women astray into lives of empty
0:04:36 consumerism and corporate climbing
0:04:39 what will the show's creator belated
0:04:42 regret do for all these women who got
0:04:45 duped
0:04:46 can it turn
0:04:48 back time
0:04:49 can these women go back and get their
0:04:51 youth back and get married and have a
0:04:53 family earlier
0:04:55 no
0:04:58 there is a book entitled subverted how i
0:05:02 help the sexual revolution hijack the
0:05:05 women's movement
0:05:07 the author is a woman named sue ellen
0:05:10 browder who worked as a longtime
0:05:12 freelance writer for cosmopolitan
0:05:14 magazine one of the most popular women's
0:05:16 magazines that is poured over
0:05:18 religiously by western women
0:05:22 she wrote articles meant to market
0:05:24 unmarried sex contraception and abortion
0:05:28 as the single woman's path to personal
0:05:30 fulfillment
0:05:33 she did not realize until much later
0:05:36 that propagandists higher and cleverer
0:05:39 than herself were influencing her
0:05:41 thinking and her personal choices as
0:05:44 they subverted the women's movement for
0:05:46 their own gain
0:05:50 sue opened openly came out and said that
0:05:53 the writers at cosmopolitan magazine
0:05:56 including herself
0:05:57 lied to women
0:06:00 they sold them a complete and total lie
0:06:04 the aim of the writers was to entice
0:06:06 women away from their families away from
0:06:09 home away from their productive away
0:06:12 from their protective male kin
0:06:15 and into the big cities into their own
0:06:18 apartment and with the freedom to engage
0:06:22 in promiscuous behavior with strange men
0:06:26 no one could have gotten women to act
0:06:28 this way at that time with direct
0:06:31 instructions like abandon your
0:06:33 traditional mindset leave your family
0:06:36 values behind sidestep your male
0:06:38 protection and go sleep around with many
0:06:41 with random men
0:06:43 don't worry about getting married young
0:06:45 or having kids just get your higher
0:06:48 education and form your identity and
0:06:50 your life around your career
0:06:53 who needs men
0:06:56 no you can't say that straight up to
0:06:59 women and expect them to follow these
0:07:01 vile instructions
0:07:04 you have to soft pedal the idea
0:07:07 you have to make it seem exciting and
0:07:11 freeing
0:07:12 you have to carefully manufacture the
0:07:14 desire within women
0:07:17 so that they feel that it's a desire
0:07:19 they naturally have
0:07:22 and
0:07:23 and this is crucial you have to make it
0:07:26 seem necessary by creating worry anxiety
0:07:29 and fear within women around marriage
0:07:32 relationships and men
0:07:34 the fear-mongering goes something like
0:07:37 this
0:07:38 men are abusive men are toxic men will
0:07:42 screw you over and leave you with the
0:07:44 kids and run off with another woman
0:07:47 you better protect yourself you better
0:07:49 learn how to stand on your own two feet
0:07:52 and get your own finances and never
0:07:55 trust a man
0:07:57 get ready to take to make it on your own
0:08:00 after your inevitable divorce
0:08:06 and gradually women slowly started to
0:08:08 respond to this implicit messaging and
0:08:12 cultural brainwashing
0:08:14 they moved out got their own place away
0:08:17 from home got highly educated got on
0:08:20 birth control started working full time
0:08:23 and started having casual sex in lieu of
0:08:27 marriage
0:08:28 if they somehow got pregnant they got
0:08:31 abortions
0:08:32 kids didn't figure into this glamorous
0:08:34 fast-paced independent lifestyle
0:08:38 and these women were turned into
0:08:41 consumers
0:08:43 women were now independent earners in
0:08:45 the capitalist machine
0:08:48 and earners can be converted into
0:08:51 consumers
0:08:53 women read them the women's magazines
0:08:56 and learn to live and think this way
0:08:59 every girl wants to be a cosmo girl
0:09:03 but sue ellen browder the writer who
0:09:06 wrote those cosmo articles herself
0:09:10 converted to catholicism
0:09:13 to the roman catholic church and
0:09:15 repented
0:09:16 feeling guilty over what she did and how
0:09:20 she blatantly lied to millions of women
0:09:24 and so she wrote her book
0:09:27 here are some interesting words
0:09:30 some female readers of the book
0:09:32 subverted had to
0:09:34 say
0:09:36 i am almost three-quarters of a century
0:09:39 old i lived these lies i was taken in by
0:09:43 the cool aid of these lies i am grateful
0:09:46 for the platform for which browder
0:09:48 exposes these lies the whole house of
0:09:51 cards needs to fall down the american
0:09:53 family has almost been devastated by
0:09:56 these lies
0:09:57 any civilization that kills its young in
0:10:00 the womb
0:10:01 and rips the mother out of the family
0:10:03 unit
0:10:04 will fall
0:10:07 another person wrote about the book
0:10:09 this book blows the whistle on the
0:10:11 events which led to the hijacking of the
0:10:14 women's liberation movement by cynical
0:10:17 exploitative nihilistic individuals
0:10:21 shows the resulting societal maladies
0:10:24 widespread divorce sex without love
0:10:27 feminization of poverty
0:10:29 pervasive fear and angst and i would add
0:10:33 deepening confusion about personal
0:10:35 identity for both men and women
0:10:40 another commentator wrote the
0:10:43 unattainable cosmo girl is a fabrication
0:10:46 and a harmful one at that a total lie
0:10:50 another wrote this book helps us see
0:10:54 that she was too glib with the new party
0:10:57 line that said it sought to free women
0:11:00 from men and from offspring and how it
0:11:03 bravely invented false stats to get its
0:11:06 own way a way no longer recommended by
0:11:09 sue who used to preach it
0:11:12 stats incidentally still cited today as
0:11:15 if
0:11:16 gospel truth by those who wish to
0:11:19 believe them and maintain the bondage
0:11:23 two to see how in all the ups and downs
0:11:26 of marriage and motherhood
0:11:28 it is still the way to go
0:11:31 end quote
0:11:32 this is the background to which the
0:11:34 modern world we live in today
0:11:38 these are some of the factors that have
0:11:40 shaped the society many muslims have
0:11:42 immigrated to over the past several
0:11:45 decades
0:11:46 we muslims send our kids to these
0:11:49 schools and our kids watch these movies
0:11:52 and tv shows and our daughters read
0:11:56 these popular magazines
0:11:59 add to these western cultural influences
0:12:02 the baggage we bring with us from some
0:12:04 of our own muslim countries
0:12:07 an obsession with prestigious degrees
0:12:09 and higher education a desire for status
0:12:12 for the family
0:12:14 greed
0:12:15 and a deep inferiority complex around
0:12:18 the west and a sycophantic wish to
0:12:21 assimilate
0:12:24 and then our daughters grow up to be
0:12:27 young women who suddenly and seemingly
0:12:31 inexplicably
0:12:32 want to make sure they are financially
0:12:35 stable and independent because you never
0:12:39 know and just in case because many men
0:12:42 are abusive and lots of toxic
0:12:45 masculinity exists and maybe divorce
0:12:47 will happen and what if the husband dies
0:12:51 or cheats
0:12:53 this angst suspicion and worry can be
0:12:57 traced back to the old social messaging
0:13:00 and deliberate engineering
0:13:05 most muslim women don't obey the
0:13:08 societal dictates fully
0:13:10 to the extent of sleeping around and
0:13:12 getting multiple abortions
0:13:14 though unfortunately some muslim women
0:13:17 do
0:13:18 this is not how we're followed that this
0:13:22 is not how we followed the non-muslims
0:13:24 into the lizard hole
0:13:26 which is alluding to a hadith there i
0:13:28 think
0:13:30 how we have followed them is
0:13:33 having contempt for our men
0:13:35 looking at marriage with suspicion and
0:13:38 fear
0:13:39 expecting the worst in marriage in the
0:13:42 name of protecting ourselves
0:13:44 delaying marriage in favor of education
0:13:48 and or career
0:13:50 denigrating motherhood denigrating
0:13:53 wifehood having mistrust with the
0:13:55 husband
0:13:57 and rising divorce rates in the muslim
0:14:00 community
0:14:02 we are operating from a place of fear
0:14:06 manufactured fear to turn us from wives
0:14:11 and mothers
0:14:12 into earners who can be turned into
0:14:16 consumers
0:14:18 our aspirations are based on lies
0:14:22 islam
0:14:24 is the truth
0:14:27 um
0:14:28 khalid
0:14:31 wow
0:14:33 and as i say i will leave a link to the
0:14:36 article below
0:14:37 uh powerful stuff agree or disagree i
0:14:40 think it has much to tell us about our
0:14:43 situation in the west at the moment till
0:14:45 next time