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Excellent Evolution Debate (Theist vs Atheist) - Aaron Ra vs Saboor Ahmed (2017-08-12)


This debate between Saboor Ahmed and Aaron Ra is perhaps the most informative debate of its kind on the internet. It explores key epistemological questions surrounding neo-Darwinian evolution.

Summary of Excellent Evolution Debate (Theist vs Atheist) - Aaron Ra vs Saboor Ahmed

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

Aaron Ra and Saboor Ahmed debate the validity of evolution. Ahmed concedes that evolution is based on observable phenomena and testable hypotheses, while Ra argues that it is based on assumptions. Ultimately, the debate shows that both sides have valid points, and that evolution is a reality based on what is known.

*00:00:00 Discusses a debate between two atheists, Aaron Ra (from Dallas) and Saboor Ahmed (from the UK). Ra is the proponent of Darwinian evolution being not a fact, and Ahmed is the proponent of Darwinian evolution being a fact. The event will be moderated by Sarah Stone, a Christian who has experience in counseling and family therapy.

  • 00:05:00 Saboor Ahmed, a former of mission and instructor for the Islamic education and research Academy, is a student of Islamic thought and studies the philosophy of biology. He has produced several videos promoting Islam on the YouTube channel of the London Dawa Movement. He has also produced videos critical of evolution at the Darwinian delusions YouTube channel.

Aaron Ra, a member of the humanist Society, is facilitating this discussion. He defines theory as the highest level of confidence science can achieve, and says that Darwinian evolution is a scientific theory, but not a fact. He also argues that Darwinian evolution is based on assumptions, and that it is impossible to determine between two polar views on the matter.

  • 00:10:00 The philosopher of science Larry Loudoun has written a paper in which he argues that multiple theories can be based on the same observations, and that Darwinian evolution is not an absolute fact. Aaron Ra believes that the philosophy of science teaches that conclusions can be wrong, and that Darwinian evolution is absurd.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the difference between Darwinian and Lamarckian evolution and points out that it is difficult to reconstruct the evolutionary history of life on Earth due to lack of data. It also argues that Darwinian evolution is speculative because it is based on assumptions about how evolution works.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses various challenges to the theory of Evolution, and argues that these challenges disprove the theory. It then discusses alternative theories of evolution, and argues that these theories are more accurate than the theory of Evolution. Finally, it argues that if Evolution is an absolute fact, then these alternative theories would be true.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the different meanings of the word "Darwinism," and the different contexts in which it is used. then presents the arguments of a atheistic activist against theistic activist Aaron Ra.
  • 00:30:00 Aaron Ra and Saboor Ahmed debate theism vs atheism, with Ahmed conceding that Darwinism is not controversial. Ra points out that Darwinism is a history of biodiversity, taking millions or billions of years to unfold. Ahmed argues that Darwinism is limited to observable changes within a single species that could be seen in one lifetime, while Creationism accepts small-scale evolution because it's too obvious to be questioned. However, Ra points out that Ahmed is using the wrong definitions for the wrong terms, and once these terms are corrected, his arguments fall flat.
  • 00:35:00 Aaron Ra, a theist, debates Saboor Ahmed, an atheist, regarding the definition of "fact." Ahmed argues that a fact is something that can be confirmed, while Ra maintains that a fact is something that can be observed and proven to be true. Ahmed also contends that some scientific theories, such as evolution, have been refuted, while Ra argues that these theories have been tested and are proven. The two come to an agreement that a fact is something that can be confirmed or verified, but that the definition of "fact" can be subjective.
  • 00:40:00 In this debate, Aaron Ra argues that evolution is a scientific fact, while Saboor Ahmed claims that it is not. Ra cites a number of scientific facts to support his argument, while Ahmed cites a few counter-arguments. Ultimately, Ra's arguments are more convincing, and he effectively argues that evolution is a fact.
  • 00:45:00 In this debate, Aaron Ra and Saboor Ahmed discuss the validity of evolution. Ahmed admits that evolution is based on observable phenomena and testable hypotheses, while Ra argues that it is based on assumptions. Ultimately, the debate shows that both sides have valid points, and that evolution is a reality based on what is known.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses the different meanings of the term "fact." It notes that there is not just one meaning, and that this can lead to confusion in a rational argument. offers two examples of ideas that can be incorporated into Darwinism, and points out that one of the authors of the book Darwinism as Religion is an atheist.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses the theory of universal common ancestry, which has assumptions that are difficult to verify. Saboor Ahmed argues that the theory is not based on evidence, and that there is no certainty about it.

Aaron Ra reconfirmed that the theory is an "absolute fact," but Saboor Ahmed points out that there is little evidence to support it. He also argues that the theory is based on a probabilistic framework that has assumptions that are difficult to evaluate.

Saboor Ahmed also points out that the theory is based on a fundamental postulate that is widely accepted in evolutionary theory, but there is little evidence to support it. He argues that the theory is based on a questionable assumption about homology, and that it is also based on ad hoc hypotheses that can't be eliminated.

Both Aaron Ra and Saboor Ahmed make interesting arguments. However, Saboor Ahmed's argument seems more convincing.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

discusses the debate between theist and atheist over the theory of evolution. Ra argues that the evidence suggests that humans and chimps share a common ancestor, but the evidence is not conclusive. Ahmed argues that the genetic similarity between humans and chimps is compelling evidence that they have a common ancestor.

01:00:00 Aaron Ra argues against the idea that humans and chimps share a common ancestor, saying that there is no must in either case. He also points out that there are many different definitions of fact, and that scientists can change their conclusions as new evidence arises.

  • 01:05:00 Aaron Ra, an atheist, and Saboor Ahmed, a Muslim, debate the idea of a common ancestor. Ahmed argues that the idea is not supported by evidence, while Ra maintains that it is. Ahmed cites transitional species such as Australopithecus as evidence against a common ancestor, while Ra argues that they were predicted and fulfilled the predictions of science.
  • 01:10:00 In this debate, Aaron Ra argues that humans and chimps must share a common ancestor because they are so similar. Saboor Ahmed, an atheist, disagrees and cites a number of sources to support his argument. Ra says that the similarity is due to common descent and not to genetics, but Ahmed says that the genetic similarity is compelling evidence that humans and chimps have a common ancestor.
  • *01:15:00 Discusses the ancestry of humans and chimpanzees, and Aaron Ra points out that the evidence suggests that humans and chimps share a common ancestor, but the evidence is not conclusive. Ra argues that the evidence is probabilistic and does not support the claim that humans and chimps are completely unrelated.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses the debate between two atheists, Aaron Ra and Saboor Ahmed, over the existence of transitional species. Ra argues that transitional species are a fact, while Ahmed argues that they are not. Ahmed points to a consensus deposition on the board of a scientific journal which he claims supports his position. Ra points out that the definition of a fact is not absolute and that there are concepts within the definition of a fact which Ahmed did not mention.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses the definition of "fact" and highlights that there is no consensus among experts on the definition. The presenter then offers a few different definitions of "fact" that all agree on the main point that facts are information that can be verified.
  • 01:30:00 The debate between theist and atheist revolves around the idea of evolution being a theory rather than a fact, with the theist asserting that it is still a working model while the atheist argues that it is not valid. The theist also argues that Islam is a better candidate for creator than other gods, despite the fact that evolution is still false.
  • 01:35:00 <>
  • *01:40:00 Discusses how evolution is accepted by mainstream scientists, and how there are no new mechanisms proposed that disprove or replace natural selection. Theist Aaron Ra argues that the scientists are pushing a fringe theory, while atheist Saboor Ahmed points out that the scientists are simply doing their job.
  • *01:45:00 Discusses the third way of evolution, which is different from the two main ways of evolution. The third way of evolution is based on the idea that evolution can occur in more than one way. This includes the possibility that evolution can occur through multiple episodes of creation. also discusses the Hindu belief that the creation story is like a tree of life, which is identical in its details.
  • *01:50:00 Discusses the debate between theist and atheist, and argues that the history of life is not easily disproved by criticism of the mechanism of evolution. points out that there are many observed speciation events, and that Darwinian evolution is true, though we have never observed a transition from one species to another.
  • 01:55:00 Aaron Ra and Saboor Ahmed discuss the theory of evolution. Ahmed argues that, because evolution is a scientific theory, it should be treated as a religion and not as a scientific proposition. Ra points out that the history of science shows that major paradigm shifts happen frequently and that, even if evolution is accepted as a scientific theory for the next thousand years, there is no reason for any person to attach it to their religious beliefs.

02:00:00 - 02:00:00

The two debaters in this video take opposing views on the relationship between evolution and atheism. Ahmed argues that evolution necessarily leads to atheism, while Ra argues that the two are not necessarily linked. The debate between the two is respectful and engaging, providing food for thought for viewers on both sides of the issue.

02:00:00 features a debate between atheist Aaron Ra and theist Saboor Ahmed. Ahmed argues that evolution equals atheism, while Ra maintains that evolution does not equal a person.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 all right welcome everybody thanks to
0:00:02 everybody for coming out tonight good to
0:00:05 see all here just a little bit try to
0:00:07 keep the opening announcements brief so
0:00:09 we get to the date as quickly as
0:00:10 possible but just a little bit about our
0:00:13 organization my name is Vic Hwang and I
0:00:15 am the president of humanistic Houston
0:00:17 and we are a 501 C 3 non-profit
0:00:19 organization dedicated to promoting
0:00:22 principles of secular humanism
0:00:23 throughout Houston and so we do all
0:00:27 kinds of events we do guest speakers
0:00:28 debates such as we have discussion
0:00:31 groups we do volunteer outings at
0:00:34 various charities and we do activism and
0:00:37 we also just do social events as well so
0:00:39 if you're not on Meetup please join the
0:00:43 HOH meetup group which is actually we're
0:00:48 actually the largest meetup group or the
0:00:51 largest chapter of the American Humanist
0:00:53 Association in the country and the
0:00:55 largest humanist meetup group in the
0:00:58 world and actually in fact we just
0:01:00 surpassed today we're actually now the
0:01:03 largest out of any humanist atheist or
0:01:06 skeptic meetup group in the world we're
0:01:08 actually now number one we just took
0:01:09 that over today so how many members oh
0:01:13 3106 left I month so so yeah please join
0:01:18 us up there and meet up and then you can
0:01:20 see a full calendar of events RSVP for
0:01:22 events and get reminders and whatnot for
0:01:25 all the different activities we have
0:01:27 going on which is typically about we
0:01:28 average about 20 points events per month
0:01:31 so on and yeah as far as today so very
0:01:38 proud to host this debate which has been
0:01:41 kind of a long time in the making it's a
0:01:43 fortuitous that they were able to meet
0:01:48 here in Houston to hold this debate
0:01:51 since neither neither of them lives in
0:01:53 Houston Arne is in Dallas
0:01:54 well mr. a Lada is in the UK so just so
0:01:59 happened we could get both of them here
0:02:01 today to hold this event which is going
0:02:05 to be a debate on evolution
0:02:08 specifically a
0:02:10 is Darwinian evolution the fact so mr.
0:02:16 Awad will actually be taking the
0:02:17 position the affirmative position that
0:02:20 it is not a fact and this will be going
0:02:22 first I just a reminder also that we
0:02:26 have questions a well knuckler we have
0:02:29 this card's index cards I should say in
0:02:31 each chair as well as pens if you don't
0:02:34 have one just raise your hand and
0:02:35 someone can bring you one those will be
0:02:37 for the questions we're going to do all
0:02:39 the questions in written form today so
0:02:42 feel free to submit your question at any
0:02:46 time just rearrange our hand and then
0:02:50 somebody will come and pick it up either
0:02:52 a Robert over here or Kathy over here
0:02:56 will come pick it up and then we will
0:02:58 make select questions probably want time
0:03:01 for all but if not we'll our moderator
0:03:06 will be introducing shortly we'll make
0:03:07 the selections on which questions to
0:03:11 select we do ask everybody of course to
0:03:14 remain quiet and civil throughout the
0:03:18 debate please be respectful of both of
0:03:20 the debaters in moderator and please no
0:03:26 outbursts oh and also again there are
0:03:30 snacks in the back feel free to help
0:03:31 yourselves because some cookies and
0:03:32 candy back there and restrooms and water
0:03:36 fountain are out in the hallway back
0:03:39 there so yeah one thing we wanted to
0:03:44 really try to do is make this debate as
0:03:47 neutral as possible and as fair as
0:03:49 possible so hence we're holding it at a
0:03:52 neutral venue and we went out of our way
0:03:53 to try to find things to interfaith
0:03:56 ministries of Greater Houston they we
0:04:01 were able to UM find our moderator for
0:04:04 this event who is a Christian so we did
0:04:07 want to make sure we did not have our
0:04:09 moderator was neither an atheist nor
0:04:12 Muslim to try to keep things things fair
0:04:15 so I'll go ahead and introduce our
0:04:18 moderator for this evening who is Sarah
0:04:21 stone and Sarah is the director of
0:04:24 singles and young adults at Memorial
0:04:26 Drive Presbyterian Church and a single
0:04:29 mother of two she completed the master's
0:04:31 in counseling psychology at Trinity
0:04:33 Evangelical Divinity School in Chicago
0:04:35 and practice family in couple of their
0:04:38 couples therapy before moving to Texas
0:04:40 as an energetic extrovert with a passion
0:04:43 for singles and young adults she gets
0:04:45 excited about building community and
0:04:47 event planning counseling and
0:04:49 discipleship in her free time you'll
0:04:51 find Sarah exploring Houston's newest
0:04:53 foodie spots playing the guitar or
0:04:55 dancing the night away
0:04:56 so I please welcome our moderator to the
0:04:59 stage Sarah stop well thank you so much
0:05:08 for having me oopss Hall make it a
0:05:10 little shorter thank you so much for
0:05:13 having me my first time doing anything
0:05:15 with the humanistic euston I'm excited
0:05:16 when he asked me for my bio I sent him
0:05:19 what's on our church website and it has
0:05:21 all the stuff at the end about what I do
0:05:22 in my free time and then I read their
0:05:24 BIOS and they were very scholarly and
0:05:26 serious so I think when you guys get up
0:05:29 you should tell us what you do when
0:05:30 you're not debating you're like I'm
0:05:31 sincere enjoy long walks on the beach or
0:05:34 you know make it your own because we're
0:05:36 going to be having 20 minutes dedicated
0:05:38 to each of our speakers and we'll get up
0:05:41 and begin and then we're going to give
0:05:44 them each 10 minutes for rebuttal and
0:05:46 then we're going to spend another 20
0:05:47 minutes letting them just kind of have a
0:05:48 one-on-one discussion and I think my job
0:05:51 in the middle is just to make sure to
0:05:52 the compasses or get crazy after that
0:05:56 we'll take a short break and all that
0:05:58 time hopefully you're writing questions
0:05:59 we'll take a look at those questions and
0:06:01 come back to do a QA time which I'm
0:06:03 really excited about I'm excited about
0:06:05 the whole thing I'm looking forward to
0:06:07 learning and but let me introduce our
0:06:09 first guest
0:06:10 sabore Ahmad he's the former head of
0:06:13 mission Abdullah and an instructor and
0:06:15 lecturer for the Islamic education and
0:06:17 research Academy which is an Islamic
0:06:19 missionary group he is a student of
0:06:21 Islamic thought and studies the
0:06:22 philosophy of biology
0:06:24 previously studied engineering at City
0:06:26 University of London sabores produced
0:06:29 several videos promoting Islam on the
0:06:31 YouTube channel of the London Dawa
0:06:32 movement so she has a head up as well as
0:06:35 videos critical of evolution at the
0:06:37 Darwinian delusions YouTube channel so
0:06:39 please welcome mr. moe he's just it yeah
0:06:52 yeah
0:07:04 casual from here okay welcome so I'm
0:07:10 going to begin as Muslims do in the name
0:07:12 of god the lord of mercy giver of mercy
0:07:15 now the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon
0:07:18 him said I think something we can all
0:07:19 pretty much agree with if we believe in
0:07:21 God day is that if you're not grateful
0:07:23 to people you're not grateful to God the
0:07:26 first thing I'd like to do is to thank
0:07:27 Aaron and the humanist Society for
0:07:30 facilitating this discussion and as a
0:07:33 gift as a gesture of my gratefulness I
0:07:35 bought fossilized a family of fossilized
0:07:38 baby trilobite from Wales as a gift to
0:07:40 you guys and because there's one thing
0:07:43 we can all agree about as christians
0:07:45 muslims jews humanists and nonhumans
0:07:48 amongst us if any it's not nature is for
0:07:52 the wonders i'm sure i'm sure we can all
0:07:54 agree with that so question tonight is
0:07:56 Darwinian evolution a fact now it's very
0:07:59 important before you get into a
0:08:00 discussion you define what you mean so
0:08:02 what I mean by a fact is something which
0:08:04 is certain something which is absolute
0:08:06 something that does not change now I
0:08:09 don't have any issue and no one should
0:08:11 have an issue calling Darwinian
0:08:13 evolution a working model a working
0:08:16 paradigm and a working theory but not a
0:08:19 fact now it's also important to find
0:08:22 what a theory is and this is what Aaron
0:08:23 says and I'm just going to play this
0:08:24 book here foundational falsehoods of
0:08:27 creationism he says theory is the
0:08:29 highest level of confidence science can
0:08:31 get a theories the field of study and
0:08:34 the body of knowledge enveloping a
0:08:36 collection of facts hypotheses and
0:08:38 natural laws now I generally think that
0:08:40 said that's okay to use as a definition
0:08:43 and the reason why I believe Darwinian
0:08:45 evolution is not a fact is because
0:08:47 scientific theories are not absolute
0:08:49 Darwinian evolution is a scientific
0:08:51 theory therefore Darwinian evolution is
0:08:53 not there for Darwinian evolution is not
0:08:56 absolute and the only people um can be
0:08:58 referring to today are mainstream
0:09:00 secular academics mainstream
0:09:02 philosophers of science and mainstream
0:09:03 evolutionary biologists I'm also going
0:09:06 to be making the case that
0:09:07 Darwinian evolution is not a fact but
0:09:10 also that it is Spex
0:09:12 it is based on assumptions and these
0:09:14 disputes about most fundamental ideas
0:09:17 and I think one of the reasons why some
0:09:19 people they think Darwinian evolution is
0:09:22 a fact is because of their
0:09:24 misunderstanding of what science can
0:09:27 achieve and I believe Aaron has that
0:09:29 misunderstanding he says in one of his
0:09:31 videos I understand that all of Sciences
0:09:33 revisable doesn't mean conclusions can
0:09:36 change just that they can be revised and
0:09:39 this is the polar opposite of what
0:09:41 evolutionary biologist Henrique II who
0:09:43 is also the senior editor of the most
0:09:45 prestigious journal in the world Nature
0:09:47 has to say about science he says
0:09:49 conclusions can change conclusions can
0:09:52 be wrong and science can only ever give
0:09:55 you provisional conclusions so how do we
0:09:57 decide between two polar views here what
0:10:00 we have to do is we have to look at the
0:10:01 philosophy of science
0:10:03 now the philosophy of science teaches us
0:10:04 that based upon a limited set of
0:10:06 observations scientists make a general
0:10:09 conclusion a general inference a general
0:10:12 theory now there's two particular issues
0:10:14 here
0:10:14 firstly you can always get novel
0:10:16 observations meaning observations which
0:10:18 challenge your previous theories
0:10:20 secondly the same observations can be
0:10:23 used to come up with multiple theories
0:10:26 so because of these two reasons in the
0:10:28 philosophy of science conclusions can
0:10:31 change and theories are not absolute so
0:10:35 Aaron I believe is out of line when it
0:10:37 comes to mainstream philosophers of
0:10:38 science and this is what it says in
0:10:40 philosophy of science a new introduction
0:10:41 by Oxford University to OCO scientific
0:10:44 proof is dangerous because the term
0:10:47 Foster's the idea of conclusions that
0:10:49 are graven in stone so Henry II is
0:10:52 correct and he is in line with
0:10:54 philosophers of science when he says
0:10:55 conclusions can be wrong conclusions can
0:10:58 change computers are always provisional
0:11:00 now some people come along and say wait
0:11:02 Darwinian evolution has been so
0:11:05 successful it's given us so many
0:11:06 predictions which have been confirmed
0:11:09 it's it's got to be true well just here
0:11:13 at the University of Texas we have the
0:11:14 philosopher of science
0:11:16 Larry Loudoun and he's put together a
0:11:18 philosophical paper where he puts
0:11:20 together 30 scientific theories which we
0:11:22 empirical
0:11:23 quite successful but we turned out to be
0:11:25 false and this is a well-known
0:11:27 understood thing in the philosophy of
0:11:29 science no matter how successful a
0:11:31 theory is it doesn't mean it won't
0:11:33 change it doesn't mean it is a fact in
0:11:36 the absolute sense but this what it says
0:11:38 in the philosophy of science a very
0:11:40 short instruction again by Oxford
0:11:41 University historically there are many
0:11:43 cases of theories that we now believe to
0:11:45 be false that will empirically by
0:11:47 successful also clearly no matter how
0:11:50 successful a theory is it doesn't mean
0:11:52 you can call it an absolute also some
0:11:55 you can say there is no alternative when
0:11:57 it comes to the history of evolution
0:11:58 other than the Darwinian paradigm well
0:12:02 let's just take that base value let's
0:12:04 say there is no alternatives when it
0:12:07 comes to the Darwinian picture of life
0:12:09 it still doesn't mean that it is
0:12:11 absolute this is what the philosopher of
0:12:13 science called Stanford explains there
0:12:15 are alternatives to our best theories
0:12:18 equally well confirmed by the evidence
0:12:20 even when we are even when we are unable
0:12:22 to conceive of them at the time and
0:12:25 somebody else can also make a claim
0:12:27 there is a complete consensus amongst
0:12:29 all evolutionary biologists that
0:12:31 Darwinian evolution is largely correct
0:12:35 now again I'm going to take this at face
0:12:36 value let's just assume every single
0:12:38 evolutionary biologist from the time of
0:12:40 Darwin till today believes Darwinian
0:12:42 evolution is correct it still doesn't
0:12:45 mean it is an absolute because we can
0:12:48 have paradigm shifts in science so a
0:12:51 complete consensus is still based on a
0:12:53 conclusion which is provisional this is
0:12:55 what it says in evidence and evolution
0:12:57 published by Cambridge University the
0:12:59 best that scientists can do at any time
0:13:01 this is the absolute best they can do is
0:13:04 to render comparative judgments between
0:13:07 theories but there is something Aaron is
0:13:09 correct upon he says a hundred years ago
0:13:12 we had the theories of evolution gravity
0:13:15 atomic theory cell theory and germ
0:13:16 theory of disease all these theories all
0:13:19 these fields have improved since then
0:13:21 but we still focused on the fact of
0:13:23 evolution gravity cells and germs so I
0:13:26 totally agree there there always will be
0:13:28 a theory of evolution and I'm going to
0:13:31 be explaining why I mean by evolution
0:13:33 we need to define those terms as well so
0:13:35 just to summarize observations are facts
0:13:37 theories are not facts although they're
0:13:39 based on observations as rm3 vyas
0:13:42 definition in this book which I agree
0:13:44 with because of two particular issues
0:13:46 multiple theories based upon the same
0:13:48 observations and secondly novel
0:13:51 observations that can challenge your
0:13:52 previous conclusions so philosophy of
0:13:55 science philosophy of science teaches
0:13:58 theories are not absolute Darwinian
0:14:00 evolution is a scientific theory
0:14:02 therefore Darwin eNOS evolution is not
0:14:06 absurd and it's also very important at
0:14:08 this moment to define the difference
0:14:10 between Darwinian evolution and
0:14:12 evolution evolution simply is an
0:14:15 observation of biological change from
0:14:18 that perspective it is an absolute fact
0:14:20 but it doesn't mean the Tree of Life or
0:14:23 natural selection being the cause behind
0:14:26 the Tree of Life is an absolute fact
0:14:28 Darwinian evolution is different
0:14:31 evolution in zunami a' which was written
0:14:34 by erasmus darwin Darwin's grandfather
0:14:36 he uses evolution in that particular
0:14:39 sense in fact in one sentence of that
0:14:41 book he uses evolution in a sense which
0:14:43 is non Darwinian
0:14:45 rapid alteration or evolution secondly
0:14:47 in zoological philosophy by John Bob Bob
0:14:50 steely moth who came up with his
0:14:52 LaMacchia devolution decades before
0:14:54 Darwin he also uses evolution in that
0:14:57 general sense of biological change so
0:15:00 from that perspective it is an
0:15:01 observation
0:15:02 now Lamarckian evolution existed some
0:15:05 decades before Darwin and there was two
0:15:07 particular parts to Lamarckian evolution
0:15:09 number one there was a history of
0:15:13 evolution which was represented by the
0:15:16 bush of life a number of multiple number
0:15:19 of origins parallel lines of evolution
0:15:22 organisms going from simple to more
0:15:25 complex it was like written within them
0:15:27 to get more and more complex
0:15:29 secondly the mechanism by which that
0:15:31 happened was the inheritance of acquired
0:15:33 characteristics Darwinism likewise
0:15:36 Darwinian evolution Darwin came along
0:15:38 about 50 years after the mark and he put
0:15:41 together his own theory of evolution
0:15:43 which also had two parts
0:15:44 one was a history of evolution
0:15:47 represented by the Tree of Life and
0:15:48 secondly was natural selection working
0:15:51 on variations later on they call their
0:15:53 mutations but the same thing this or the
0:15:55 philosophy of science Jerry Fodor
0:15:56 explains Darwin's theory of evolution
0:15:58 has two parts one is it's familiar
0:16:01 historical account of our phylogeny the
0:16:03 universal common ancestry tree of life
0:16:05 the other is the theory of natural
0:16:07 selection so I hope that is clear
0:16:10 evolution Darwinian evolution and
0:16:12 Lamarckian evolution to the view if you
0:16:15 actually complete them it can create
0:16:17 multiple levels of confusion now in one
0:16:20 of his comments Aaron said why are we
0:16:23 even bothering with the superfluous
0:16:24 labels of Darwinian natural and sexual
0:16:27 selection versus neo-darwinian selection
0:16:30 plus genetics just call it evolution
0:16:32 that's what it is I'm going to make the
0:16:35 case that we shouldn't call Darwinian
0:16:38 evolution or Neil Darwinian evolution
0:16:40 just called evolution because it creates
0:16:42 confusion for example we know that
0:16:44 bacteria mutates this is a clear-cut
0:16:47 evolution observation we have observed
0:16:50 this in the lab now because that is true
0:16:52 does that mean the Tree of Life is true
0:16:54 does that mean
0:16:55 natural selection virtual variations is
0:16:57 the cruelty I know that and if we were
0:16:59 to equate evolution with Lamarckian
0:17:01 evolution does that mean the bush of
0:17:03 life is true does that mean in the
0:17:04 inheritance of acquired characteristics
0:17:06 is true of course not so we need to use
0:17:08 our terms carefully so when you are
0:17:10 referring to the history of life just
0:17:13 call it the tree of life or universal
0:17:15 common ancestry when you're referring to
0:17:17 the mechanism of evolution just call it
0:17:19 natural selection evolution simply means
0:17:22 biological change over time and it is a
0:17:26 observation and it is absolutely true
0:17:30 okay I'm also going to be making the
0:17:32 case that dominant evolution is
0:17:34 speculative based on assumption then
0:17:37 there's disputes of our most fundamental
0:17:38 ideas now why is Darwinian evolution
0:17:41 speculative for two reasons number one
0:17:44 is reconstructing the evolutionary
0:17:47 history of life on Earth is very
0:17:49 difficult number one we're speaking
0:17:52 about something that has taken place
0:17:54 over an incredibly long period of
0:17:56 time something like 4 million years now
0:18:00 it's very difficult to try and
0:18:02 reconstruct something that happened that
0:18:05 long ago and in the Journal of
0:18:07 theoretical biology there's a paper
0:18:09 called testing the hypothesis of common
0:18:12 ancestry there's actually a section
0:18:15 dedicated to why it's difficult to work
0:18:18 out what happened in the past and that's
0:18:20 actually what they concluded secondly
0:18:22 we're talking about my incredibly large
0:18:25 data set according to a National Science
0:18:27 Foundation 99.999% of species are
0:18:32 unobserved not organisms species are
0:18:35 unobserved so whatever you try and make
0:18:38 up it is bound to be speculative and
0:18:42 this was a study that was just published
0:18:43 in May this year so whether you try and
0:18:46 come up with the universal common
0:18:47 ancestry tree of life or you try and
0:18:49 come up with like a Lamarckian multiple
0:18:51 origins bush of life or you try and come
0:18:54 up with what some evolutionary
0:18:56 biologists are referring to as the web
0:18:57 of life or the name of life or you
0:19:00 believe in gradual evolution which is
0:19:02 you know neo-darwinism or you believe in
0:19:05 rapid occasional processes or you
0:19:08 believe in progression or non
0:19:10 progression either way it's an open
0:19:12 season on the historical record of life
0:19:15 on Earth simply because so much of the
0:19:17 data is missing and also because this
0:19:19 meeting about something that happened a
0:19:21 long time ago now in science it gives
0:19:23 the analogy or working out the history
0:19:24 of evolution in the following way it is
0:19:26 like trying to work out and I want to
0:19:28 use an example where I should bring it
0:19:30 up ok it's like trying to work out the
0:19:33 plot of Leo Tolstoy's war and bees
0:19:35 whether this is not yet by the way with
0:19:38 13 randomly selected pages right now
0:19:41 imagine if you had that book how many
0:19:43 different plots theories ideas could you
0:19:45 put together if you only had 13 randomly
0:19:47 selected pages and all the rest of the
0:19:48 pages are missing multiple so why is it
0:19:50 that we sometimes fooled by people who
0:19:53 should know better that the Darwinian
0:19:54 pigeon only inference possible and in
0:19:59 his book foundational forces of creation
0:20:01 I am really promoting a book it is a
0:20:04 fact
0:20:05 this iron says it is
0:20:06 but that everything on earth has
0:20:08 definitive relatives either living
0:20:10 nearby or evident in the fossil record
0:20:12 and in a video he goes further it would
0:20:15 be perverse to say taxonomical
0:20:17 classification are a fantastically
0:20:20 improbable accident of coincidence that
0:20:22 would be a statistical impossibility
0:20:24 which reaches into the wrong or reality
0:20:26 denial it is an absolute fact
0:20:30 now he's clearly out of line with
0:20:33 mainstream evolutionary biology just to
0:20:38 give you an example of where he has
0:20:40 continued to long term motivators
0:20:42 there's a people called a formal test of
0:20:45 the theory of universal common ancestry
0:20:47 published in Nature and this is what it
0:20:49 says in the abstract and I want you to
0:20:51 put the words absolute fact in reality
0:20:53 denying denial here which is what Aaron
0:20:55 said and put the words that they are
0:20:58 saying on the other side
0:20:59 although Universal common ancestry is
0:21:01 widely assumed power there
0:21:03 it has rarely been subjected to formal
0:21:06 quantitative testing and this has led to
0:21:08 critical commentary emphasizing the
0:21:11 intrinsic technical difficulties in
0:21:14 empirically involved evaluating a theory
0:21:16 of such a broad scope and clearly no
0:21:20 words like absolute fact no words like
0:21:22 reality denial secondly though any
0:21:24 evolution is based upon assumptions and
0:21:26 some of these assumptions are being
0:21:28 challenged by evolutionary biologists
0:21:30 for example genes transpire are
0:21:32 transmitted vertically we've discovered
0:21:35 the process of horizontal gene transfer
0:21:37 recently the idea of gradualism some
0:21:40 evolutionary biologists believed in
0:21:42 rapid occasional processes the tree of
0:21:44 life some biologists are speaking about
0:21:46 the web of life you'll find this all
0:21:48 over the place now inheritance of
0:21:50 acquired characteristics are impossible
0:21:52 just read The Selfish Gene you know
0:21:55 1980s edition it clearly mentions it is
0:21:59 impossible to inherit acquired
0:22:00 characteristics this is classical
0:22:02 neo-darwinism and now we have actually
0:22:05 observed this and this is published in
0:22:06 mainstream journals mutations are random
0:22:08 other biologists disagree they believe
0:22:11 mutations are directed I'm going to
0:22:13 explain what that means in a minute
0:22:15 according to Oxford University
0:22:17 biologists a national
0:22:19 all of the central assumptions of
0:22:21 neo-darwinism have been disproven now by
0:22:24 the way just a small caveat I don't
0:22:27 agree with anything that you guys are
0:22:29 saying I'm not taking a position I'm not
0:22:31 saying what Dennis Noble said is right
0:22:32 and I'm not saying the evolutionary
0:22:34 biologists that have the different views
0:22:35 are right now I subscribe to those
0:22:37 leaves I'm just showing you a difference
0:22:38 of Anna pinnacle of opinion lastly there
0:22:41 are disputes
0:22:42 now if the Linnaean evolution was
0:22:45 absolutely true
0:22:47 these books would not exist now I'm just
0:22:49 going to explain each one of them right
0:22:51 so evolution my natural genetic
0:22:53 engineering is a total alternative to
0:22:55 the Darwinian mechanism it proposes
0:22:57 external factors activate genome change
0:23:00 operators in English that basically
0:23:02 means mutations are not random they are
0:23:04 directed and in evolution I view from
0:23:07 the 21st century it mentions a whole new
0:23:10 alternative to meal Domon ISM and just
0:23:14 one of the one of the people who
0:23:15 actually support just to give you an
0:23:17 idea of the source scientists who are
0:23:19 behind this is Carlos the guy who
0:23:21 discovered the third domain of life
0:23:23 right that evolutionary biologists are
0:23:25 the important are looking into
0:23:27 alternatives secondly neo launched in
0:23:30 evolution our proponents argue
0:23:32 inheritance of acquired characteristics
0:23:33 drive rapid evolutionary change in
0:23:36 English that basically means you know
0:23:38 that giraffes with his long necks you
0:23:39 know develop characteristics can be
0:23:42 inherited and changes are fast right and
0:23:45 they again challenge the idea of
0:23:46 gradualism now this is a book written by
0:23:49 Roger Blanca Ellucian gorgeous
0:23:51 transformations Lamarckism and it's a
0:23:53 complete alternative on me on the
0:23:57 neo-darwinian mechanism this is
0:23:59 published by MIT University so clearly
0:24:01 you know it Aran's correct then reality
0:24:04 denial an absolute fact these guys don't
0:24:06 seem to be agreeing with him there now
0:24:08 the last one and I think there's quite
0:24:09 an interesting one this is actually
0:24:10 referred to as the Forgotten synthesis
0:24:13 Mendelian mutation ISM right so this
0:24:16 challenges the idea of gradualism
0:24:18 it argues evolution takes bless a place
0:24:20 in rapid steps by large mutations right
0:24:24 now this is a book published by
0:24:26 Masatoshi night I always gets me
0:24:28 all saturated from here mutation driven
0:24:31 evolution published by Oxford University
0:24:32 gives a complete alternative to the
0:24:35 Darwinian mechanism now they're not
0:24:37 challenging the Darwinian history of
0:24:38 life they charge they're challenging the
0:24:39 Darwinian mechanism although some are
0:24:43 challenging it by proposing the web of
0:24:45 life okay now if Darwinian evolution was
0:24:48 a was an absolute fact
0:24:50 then these books would not exist the
0:24:53 journals that they refer to that they've
0:24:55 published in the peer-reviewed journals
0:24:57 would not exist and the universities
0:24:59 that published them like MIT and Oxford
0:25:01 would not exist but they clearly do so
0:25:04 if it was an absolute fact scientists
0:25:07 wouldn't be proposing alternative and I
0:25:09 just want to highlight a project for an
0:25:11 affiant it's called the third way of
0:25:14 evolution and this project has
0:25:16 scientists from China and you know only
0:25:18 evolutionary secular mainstream
0:25:19 biologists right it has scientists from
0:25:23 China Europe America Oxford Cambridge
0:25:27 MIT Princeton Harvard and all of these
0:25:30 secular biologists they do not believe
0:25:33 in the Darwinian mechanism and they are
0:25:36 proposing alternatives and they believe
0:25:38 is for an above now again I do not
0:25:40 endorse any of their views all I am
0:25:42 doing is I'm sharing their extreme their
0:25:44 project to show that there is difference
0:25:47 of opinion and the reason why it's
0:25:50 called a third way is because they don't
0:25:51 believe in intelligent design they don't
0:25:53 believe in creation science and they
0:25:55 don't believe in neo-darwinism so
0:25:56 they're trying to find a third way so
0:25:59 just to summarize scientific theories
0:26:02 are not absolute Darwinian evolution is
0:26:05 a scientific theory therefore Darwinian
0:26:09 evolution is not absolute and I defined
0:26:13 fact in the beginning because there's
0:26:14 multiple meanings of fact absolute
0:26:17 doesn't have multiple meanings absolute
0:26:19 means it cannot be open to other
0:26:21 interpretations cannot be undermined by
0:26:23 new evidence is it it is an objective
0:26:26 power reality I just wanted to highlight
0:26:28 that friend now even Richard Dawkins in
0:26:31 his book a devil's chaplain
0:26:32 he agrees that a Darwinian met
0:26:36 is another history of life he believes
0:26:38 that that can actually change he says we
0:26:41 must acknowledge the possibility that
0:26:43 new facts may come to light
0:26:45 we shall force our successors with train
0:26:47 for a century to abandon Darwinism or
0:26:49 modify beyond recognition now I want you
0:26:54 guys to make sure you understand this it
0:26:56 is a very beauty of science that
0:26:58 conclusions can change that's the beauty
0:27:00 of science it's not actually a weakness
0:27:02 because if it is a change we'd still be
0:27:04 living in a clockwork mechanical
0:27:05 universe so the very fact that
0:27:07 conclusions can change is a good thing
0:27:09 Darwinian evolution is the current
0:27:12 working model is the current working
0:27:14 paradigm is the current working theory
0:27:17 and I have no problem with accepting it
0:27:20 as a working hypothesis working theory
0:27:23 working paradigm working model but it is
0:27:26 not an absolute fact for the same reason
0:27:29 that no other scientific theory can be
0:27:32 an absolute fact so just to summarize it
0:27:36 is speculative it is based on
0:27:38 assumptions and they are disputes about
0:27:40 small fundamental ideas I thank you very
0:27:42 much for listening
0:27:49 time's up perfectly my goodness I was a
0:27:53 little afraid of what alarm my children
0:27:55 who recently I found but we didn't get
0:27:57 Disney song or something but you forgot
0:28:00 to tell us what you do in the free time
0:28:01 when you're not debating I don't let it
0:28:03 fly it for now but later when we you
0:28:05 know be thinking I'm going all up next
0:28:09 the competitor are in Ross he's an
0:28:11 atheist activist a video blogger a
0:28:14 former Texas state director of the
0:28:16 American atheist former host of the dog
0:28:18 resonate host of the raw men that makes
0:28:21 me hungry podcast Thank You current
0:28:24 president of a Viet the lions of America
0:28:26 and blogger for reason advocates on the
0:28:29 piteous network he's also heading the
0:28:31 phylogeny Explorer project and effort to
0:28:34 render the entire evolutionary tree of
0:28:36 life as a navigable online encyclopedia
0:28:38 Erin Roberts became known for his
0:28:40 YouTube video series and foundational
0:28:42 falsehoods of creationism which is
0:28:44 attracted over 20 million views and 142
0:28:47 thousand subscribers to his YouTube
0:28:49 channel and resulted in his recently
0:28:51 published books of the same name which
0:28:53 we've heard so much about thank you
0:29:02 thank you very much I don't do anything
0:29:04 in my off time I just work I'm
0:29:07 determined to be like the
0:29:08 hardest-working activist in any ism and
0:29:11 I'm well on my way so have a slight
0:29:14 PowerPoint here and I apologize that so
0:29:17 much of this presentation is going to
0:29:20 have to be on semantics it seems because
0:29:23 is my opinion that my opponent is at a
0:29:25 disadvantage in that he doesn't really
0:29:27 understand the words that he's using his
0:29:30 argument depends on erroneously
0:29:32 redefining terms and also quote mining
0:29:35 academics out of context not so much in
0:29:38 what they're taking the sentence out of
0:29:39 a paragraph but in not understanding of
0:29:42 meaning surrounding what they're saying
0:29:43 so as this work tonight okay good I
0:29:46 never trusting SIG's right the term
0:29:48 Darwinism means something different here
0:29:51 in the US than it means of the UK
0:29:53 American scientists wouldn't use the
0:29:55 word Darwinism at all American
0:29:58 historians might but only if they're
0:30:00 talking about Darwin's own postulations
0:30:02 natural selection sexual selection our
0:30:05 the Darwinian mechanisms because it was
0:30:07 Darwin who first proposed but if you
0:30:09 look at these last three lines you'll
0:30:11 see that among senior British scientists
0:30:14 the word Darwinism is just a synonym for
0:30:17 biological evolution meaning that the
0:30:19 two words mean exactly the same thing in
0:30:22 the UK as anyone can see if you just
0:30:24 look it up professor Richard Dawkins
0:30:26 gives an example of where British and
0:30:28 American scientists agree that Darwinian
0:30:31 evolution is contrasted against
0:30:32 Lamarckian evolution based on the
0:30:35 mechanisms that Darwin first proposed in
0:30:36 which sense in confirmed and sabor has
0:30:40 already conceded that these are a matter
0:30:42 of actual fact in the American
0:30:44 understanding of that word Lamarck's
0:30:46 theory couldn't pass the test but Darwin
0:30:48 did and was replaced by Darwinian theory
0:30:52 which was then synthesized with genetic
0:30:54 theory to become the modern synthesis
0:30:57 the Mondello Darwinian synthesis is also
0:30:59 called neo-darwinism and is
0:31:01 distinguished from Darwinism being
0:31:03 limited to Darwin's own 19th century
0:31:05 understanding so when he says the word
0:31:07 Darwinism to me I'm hearing what they
0:31:09 knew in the 1800s and nothing more than
0:31:13 so sabor does not want to accept that
0:31:16 additional mechanisms have been
0:31:18 discovered and integrated he talks about
0:31:20 there being completely new theories that
0:31:21 are supposed to challenge the original
0:31:23 theory now these are new theories are
0:31:25 being integrated with the original
0:31:27 mechanisms they started with genetic
0:31:29 drift and moved into endosymbiosis and
0:31:31 epigenetics and a number of others these
0:31:34 and other discoveries in cell theory
0:31:35 have contributed to an even more robust
0:31:37 version of evolution which was recently
0:31:39 announced a very recently announced yet
0:31:42 by the Royal Society in London in which
0:31:44 they had an argument very much like why
0:31:46 he's talking about where you had
0:31:47 scientists fighting with each other over
0:31:49 whether they're going to accept
0:31:51 neo-darwinism they were hating on
0:31:53 neo-darwinism they want to come up with
0:31:54 this whole new theory and other
0:31:56 scientists are arguing but there's no
0:31:57 substance to what you're talking about
0:31:58 is not worth a whole bin theory it's
0:32:01 just an extension and I haven't read up
0:32:03 on much of it as I could I tried to
0:32:05 advise some of these people for a
0:32:06 podcast but I haven't been able to get
0:32:08 anybody who will be willing to talk to
0:32:10 me about it they closed the hearing for
0:32:11 the public but I did read some of the
0:32:14 things that they're they're proposing
0:32:15 not worth a whole nother theory but okay
0:32:18 they want to integrate some other things
0:32:19 which is fine and they call as the
0:32:22 extended evolution earing synthesis
0:32:25 being an extension of neo-darwinism
0:32:27 which was itself an extension of
0:32:29 Darwinism and noted that when Darwin is
0:32:32 a one neo-darwinism is criticized
0:32:34 Darwinism remains intact there are some
0:32:37 people at this conference who are
0:32:39 proposing or from proponents of
0:32:41 intelligent design who said that
0:32:44 Darwinism they thought Darwinism was
0:32:46 more accurate back in Darwin's day now
0:32:49 their opinion is irrelevant I just show
0:32:51 it to you to illustrate that they're
0:32:53 making a distinction between Darwinism
0:32:54 and neo-darwinism and thence again we
0:32:57 don't use those words here and so anyone
0:33:00 who has taught Darwinism in American
0:33:02 high school is probably too old still be
0:33:04 alive what you learn in high school was
0:33:08 not Darwinism but Neil Darwinism in
0:33:11 working and unless your professor was a
0:33:13 silver haired Englishman in which case
0:33:16 all coastal marking and concepts and
0:33:18 mechanisms might have been called
0:33:20 Darwinian and
0:33:25 where was I oh yeah
0:33:28 okay anger kids what we taught the
0:33:31 evolute lead would be extended
0:33:34 evolutionary synthesis I think is okay
0:33:37 so sabor says that evolution it was
0:33:40 breaking went into detail in a video and
0:33:43 this is what I'm responding to you said
0:33:45 that evolution is something that is not
0:33:46 controversial because it is limited to
0:33:48 observable changes within a single
0:33:50 species that could be seen in one
0:33:51 lifetime but he says that Darwinism is a
0:33:55 history of biodiversity from a Universal
0:33:57 common ancestor that takes millions or
0:33:59 billions of years so when he's done well
0:34:01 he doesn't seem to realize it yet as he
0:34:04 has complained evolution with
0:34:06 microevolution and Darwinism with macro
0:34:10 evolution they didn't call it Mac
0:34:12 revolution which would have been easy to
0:34:14 disprove just pull up a documented
0:34:16 speciation but since he's using the
0:34:18 wrong definitions for the wrong terms it
0:34:20 gets big and hard to identify exactly
0:34:22 what he thinks he's talking about
0:34:24 once we correct those terms those of you
0:34:28 have read my book will recognize this as
0:34:30 the eleventh foundational falsehood of
0:34:31 creationism where creationists will
0:34:33 accept small-scale evolution because
0:34:34 it's too obvious to tonight but they'll
0:34:37 say that large-scale evolution is
0:34:39 unobservable and therefore merely a
0:34:41 belief and cigars use of deceptive
0:34:45 deceptive leave a big Lluis language is
0:34:48 equivocation which amusingly is what he
0:34:50 accused me of at this very point but
0:34:54 he's the one who's using the words
0:34:55 incorrectly okay
0:34:58 these words never Darwinism never meant
0:35:03 what you thought it doesn't if you're
0:35:05 talking to scientist of yesteryear why
0:35:08 he got these two confused so if you're
0:35:09 talking science of yesteryear they would
0:35:11 have said that Darwinism in third all by
0:35:12 Darwin doesn't they would have talked
0:35:13 about the first one not the same and if
0:35:15 you talk about reductive modern science
0:35:17 when they say evolution they mean both
0:35:19 of these right with natural selection
0:35:21 and all of the other identified
0:35:24 mechanisms combined now when the
0:35:28 National Academy of Science made their
0:35:31 official announcement that evolution was
0:35:33 both a theory
0:35:34 and of fact they specified that they
0:35:37 meant both present and past and they
0:35:40 were talking about among other things
0:35:41 what goes on now and also transitional
0:35:44 species that existed hundreds of
0:35:45 millions of years ago so they're talking
0:35:47 about both micro and macro and this is
0:35:51 what subordinate when when he misused
0:35:54 the word Darwinian or Darwinism so more
0:35:58 said that science should be revisable
0:35:59 which it is and what he calls Darwinian
0:36:02 evolution is no exception in it too can
0:36:05 be and has been revised altered
0:36:07 corrected improved and updated but he
0:36:10 thinks that provides well means it can
0:36:12 be completely overturned refuted it
0:36:13 seems to be the words that he's looking
0:36:15 for and that's just not the case and if
0:36:18 reading the definition isn't enough to
0:36:20 prove that which is look at the article
0:36:21 here we see that the formal scientific
0:36:25 definition of theory refers to a
0:36:26 comprehensive explanation of some aspect
0:36:28 of nature that is supported by a vast
0:36:31 body of evidence and that many
0:36:33 scientific theories are so well
0:36:35 established that no new evidence is
0:36:38 likely to alter them substantially now
0:36:40 he mentioned some that have been refuted
0:36:43 we're talking about well establishments
0:36:45 now we're not talking about phlogiston
0:36:47 we're not talking about vitalism there
0:36:49 are a whole bunch of theories that have
0:36:51 failed over time we talked about the
0:36:53 ones that have withstood more than a
0:36:55 century of hard testing by the smartest
0:36:57 people in the planet now
0:37:00 these if I may quote they say no new
0:37:04 evidence will demonstrate that the earth
0:37:06 does not orbit around the Sun that's
0:37:09 heliocentric theory or that living
0:37:11 things are not made of cells cell theory
0:37:13 or that matter is not composed with
0:37:15 atoms which is atomic theory or that the
0:37:17 surface of the earth is not divided into
0:37:19 solid plates that have moved over
0:37:20 geologic time scales which is of course
0:37:22 the theory of plate tectonics like these
0:37:25 and other foundational scientific
0:37:27 theories the theory of evolution is
0:37:29 supported by soul
0:37:37 I'm the only one that doesn't turn off
0:37:39 my phones I think people know better
0:37:41 alright alright so where was I reading
0:37:46 this uh assumptions honestly that's
0:37:51 right like these other foundational
0:37:54 scientific theories the theory of
0:37:56 evolution is supported by so many
0:37:57 observations and confirming experiments
0:38:00 rather than speculative assumptions that
0:38:03 scientists are confident that the basic
0:38:05 components of the theory will not be
0:38:07 overturned by new evidence end quote and
0:38:11 you see if I deliver that's nice one and
0:38:14 this is where we have to explain what a
0:38:15 fact is your definitions for
0:38:18 merriam-webster one from Wikipedia and
0:38:19 one from the National Center for Science
0:38:21 education now support is not like the
0:38:24 caveat that the NCSA tacked on the end
0:38:26 of there's that's fine I don't like it
0:38:28 either but it just proves his point that
0:38:31 facts are supposed to be absolute but
0:38:34 they're not but if you remove the word
0:38:37 episode of them I'd remove the word
0:38:40 absolutely then he and I may agree that
0:38:43 the truth is what the facts are because
0:38:45 the truth is dr. Dennis identify defined
0:38:49 as what can be shown to be true working
0:38:51 courting with reality and in fact as a
0:38:53 point of data which is either not in
0:38:54 dispute or is indisputable ended it is
0:38:56 objectively verifiable whichever way we
0:38:59 like it whatever wording you prefer a
0:39:01 fact is information that can be
0:39:03 confirmed correct now referring to the
0:39:08 National Academy of Science again we
0:39:10 read that in science a fact typically
0:39:12 refers to an observation measurement or
0:39:14 other form of evidence that can be
0:39:16 expected to occur the same way under
0:39:17 similar circumstances however and this
0:39:20 is important because along in the video
0:39:22 they was talking about before he
0:39:24 distinguished the mechanisms of
0:39:26 evolution from the explanation of
0:39:29 evolution only is the explanation that
0:39:31 he called Darwinism right and he said
0:39:34 that this is not a fact because it has
0:39:35 to be absolute which of course it
0:39:36 doesn't have to be absolute and he says
0:39:38 you can have view it as a mechanism
0:39:40 effect but the theory cannot be effect
0:39:42 but your the turn fact also refers to a
0:39:46 scientific explanation that has been
0:39:50 tested and confirmed so many times that
0:39:55 there's no longer a compelling reason to
0:39:57 keep testing or looking for additional
0:39:59 examples meaning that it has been
0:40:00 sufficiently proven in the colloquial
0:40:03 sense and it it's important to
0:40:06 understand what we're talking about you
0:40:08 know when you use the word proof you
0:40:09 have to specify what you mean because we
0:40:11 all know that science doesn't prove
0:40:13 anything except in mathematics right so
0:40:16 if we use the word proof we have to
0:40:17 understand we're using a legal term
0:40:18 we're at an overwhelming preponderance
0:40:20 of evidence to establish a case or so
0:40:22 forth so in that respect the past and
0:40:28 continuing occurrence referring to both
0:40:29 micro and macro here of evolution is a
0:40:33 scientific fact because the evidence
0:40:36 supporting it is so strong so I us no
0:40:39 longer question whether biological
0:40:41 evolution has occurred and is continuing
0:40:43 to occur so not only study how it
0:40:45 happened and not so much giving it out
0:40:48 because that question has already been
0:40:50 answered and I could rest my case right
0:40:53 here but I wouldn't just use an argument
0:40:56 or Authority and I did write a book on
0:40:58 this I'm going to have some idea about
0:41:00 how to explain this is by citing
0:41:01 explaining data so like Keith's
0:41:04 mentioned before it took part of a quote
0:41:06 it is a fact that evolution happens that
0:41:09 biodiversity and complexity to increase
0:41:11 and that both occur naturally only by
0:41:13 evolutionary means it is the fact that
0:41:16 alleles vary with increasing distinction
0:41:17 and reproductive populations and that
0:41:20 these are accelerated in genetically
0:41:21 isolated groups it is a fact that
0:41:24 natural selection sexual selection and
0:41:26 genetic drift have all been proven to
0:41:28 have predictable effect in guiding this
0:41:29 variance if you accept micro evolution
0:41:32 you have no excuse to reject macro
0:41:35 evolution visits continuation of the
0:41:37 same process if you can walk 20 feet
0:41:40 they give it more time and provisions
0:41:42 you can walk 20 miles it is a fact that
0:41:46 significant beneficial mutations do
0:41:47 occur and are inherited by the Senate
0:41:49 groups and the multiple independent sets
0:41:51 of biological markers
0:41:52 to trace these lineages backwards over
0:41:54 many generations and this is one of the
0:41:57 many facts establishing the back of
0:41:58 human evolutionary ancestry it is a fact
0:42:01 that the collected genome of all animals
0:42:03 has been traced to its most basal form
0:42:05 through reverse sequencing and that
0:42:07 those forms are indicated by comparative
0:42:09 morphology and physiology and
0:42:10 embryological development in addition to
0:42:13 chronologically correct placement in the
0:42:15 g11 call in successive stages is also
0:42:18 fact that every animal on earth as he
0:42:20 mentioned before has definite relatives
0:42:22 either living nearby or in fossil record
0:42:24 he's away there are ways of establishing
0:42:26 this hierarchy of arrangement and it was
0:42:28 done 300 years ago so it doesn't take a
0:42:31 whole lot of technology to figure this
0:42:32 out there's simple aim of Sesame Street
0:42:34 one of these things is not like the
0:42:36 other that's all of the unique really to
0:42:38 establish this kind of a hierarchy and
0:42:41 importantly it is also a fact that both
0:42:44 microevolution and macro-evolution have
0:42:46 been observed and documented dozens of
0:42:49 times both in the lab and in naturally
0:42:51 controlled conditions in the field and
0:42:53 that all of these have listed critical
0:42:55 analysis in peer review and I have
0:42:57 citations for some of these in my book
0:42:59 we don't know everything but we know a
0:43:01 lot about this and what we know we
0:43:05 actually know and can show that we got
0:43:07 it right which brings me to an update I
0:43:10 need to bring up saguaros a YouTube
0:43:12 channel called Darwinian delusions and
0:43:17 the idea that he calls us Darwinists
0:43:20 delusional may seem like an empty insult
0:43:24 but it is also a logical fallacy of
0:43:27 psychological projection he is
0:43:28 projecting his own faults onto those who
0:43:30 will not share them the psychiatric
0:43:33 definition of a delusion is a persistent
0:43:35 false belief that is maintained despite
0:43:36 indisputable evidence to the contrary to
0:43:38 falsely claim something when there is
0:43:40 evidence otherwise and it is a delusion
0:43:43 because the beliefs remain fixed even
0:43:47 when the facts are against them there is
0:43:49 no actual fact that contradicts
0:43:53 evolution but if there was we would
0:43:55 simply have to consider it and change
0:43:57 our minds were adjust our perception
0:43:59 accordingly because we just want to
0:44:01 understand the way things really are and
0:44:03 improve on
0:44:04 understanding we don't have a commitment
0:44:06 to preserve or defend the belief whether
0:44:08 it's true or not which Civil War does
0:44:11 and this is why you will continue to
0:44:14 believe what he believes even when all
0:44:17 the facts are against it because
0:44:19 creationist organisations post
0:44:21 statements of faith as if this were
0:44:24 something to be proud of wherein they
0:44:26 admit that they will never acknowledge
0:44:29 any evidence against them these are
0:44:33 confessions that they have already
0:44:35 rejected into notice these are all from
0:44:37 leading creationist organizations these
0:44:40 are confessions that they have already
0:44:41 rejected all the evidence there could
0:44:43 ever be such that no matter how long
0:44:46 they are no amount of proof will ever
0:44:50 change their lives their beliefs are
0:44:53 assumed without reason and defended
0:44:54 against all reason not one scientific
0:44:58 organization or institution would agree
0:45:00 to anything so intellectually dishonest
0:45:03 as this because it's not the Darwinists
0:45:06 who are delusional yet this is a typical
0:45:12 even common admission among creationists
0:45:16 because creationism literally is a
0:45:20 delusion by definition because it is a
0:45:23 persistent false belief that will not
0:45:24 change despite evidence to the contrary
0:45:26 as you can see here they even admit that
0:45:29 and sabores admitted it too in a video
0:45:35 that I responded to he said that he
0:45:38 thinks there's nothing wrong with
0:45:41 ignoring evidence in order to preserve a
0:45:44 preferred assumption but there is
0:45:47 something wrong with that
0:45:48 it is dishonest to assert as fact that
0:45:51 which is not evidently true yet that's
0:45:52 what all religions did but it's even
0:45:55 worse is that that that wouldn't bet
0:45:58 enough it's even worse to then also say
0:46:02 that you will never admit when you're
0:46:03 wrong it ruins your reputation counts
0:46:07 against your honor and your credibility
0:46:09 and nullifies your work because it shows
0:46:11 that you don't care what the truth is
0:46:13 even in an avenue or
0:46:15 accuracy and accountability are
0:46:17 paramount sommore wants to believe that
0:46:21 what he calls Darwinism is based on
0:46:23 assumptions and he imagines that its
0:46:25 most fundamental ideas have been
0:46:26 disputed but of course
0:46:28 Darwin based his theory not on
0:46:30 assumptions but on observations by
0:46:32 biologists and geologists who came
0:46:33 before him and on his own extensive
0:46:36 observations around the world comparing
0:46:38 variations within species to variations
0:46:40 between species and the reproductive
0:46:42 variables and studying geology and
0:46:44 studying wasn't paleontology and so
0:46:48 forth and of course phylogeny and his
0:46:51 theory was tested and researched for
0:46:54 decades before it was published and it
0:46:57 provided the only explanation ever for
0:47:00 the gutter sets descending from a
0:47:03 branching hierarchy of ancestral period
0:47:06 plates was discovered by carolus
0:47:08 linnaeus a century before him when he
0:47:10 tried his classification of life-forms
0:47:12 sabor says it's not necessary that we
0:47:14 have an explanation for some things and
0:47:16 maybe he's technically correct on some
0:47:18 matters but we do have what does one
0:47:19 mystery the carolus linnaeus could never
0:47:21 answer and that no one could answer
0:47:23 until Darwin
0:47:25 he had the one thing that made
0:47:27 everything make sense
0:47:28 and while he says that the big tree of
0:47:31 life has never been verified where is
0:47:33 now in dispute as director of the
0:47:35 phylogeny Explorer project I find that
0:47:37 quite a surprise because I have this
0:47:40 huge database it's going to be worked on
0:47:42 by scientists around the world and I
0:47:43 don't think I'm going to hear that you
0:47:44 know this isn't real right I'm getting
0:47:46 concrete confirmation from everywhere
0:47:48 about this so no evolution is definitely
0:47:54 not based on assumptions like every
0:47:58 other scientific theory evolution is
0:48:00 based on observable phenomena and
0:48:03 testable hypotheses natural selection
0:48:06 has since been demonstrated each of the
0:48:09 transitional species Darwin predicted
0:48:11 has been found and his idea of an
0:48:15 interrelated Tree of Life has been
0:48:16 verified again and again by many
0:48:18 different ways these are the most
0:48:21 fundamental ideas of Darwinian theory
0:48:23 and there is a consensus confirming each
0:48:26 of them there's some question as to how
0:48:28 it
0:48:28 some of these men can be but there is no
0:48:31 question and absolutely no dispute of
0:48:35 the factual reality of any of them so
0:48:41 more wants to make believe that
0:48:44 evolution is speculative meaning that
0:48:46 it's based on conjecture rather than
0:48:48 actual knowledge but know this too is
0:48:53 demonstrably verifiably obviously
0:48:56 absolutely wrong evolution is and always
0:49:00 was based on what we know and can show
0:49:03 and can prove even to suborn
0:49:05 satisfaction what creationists call
0:49:10 Darwinism and scientists call evolution
0:49:13 is a verifiable inescapable fact of
0:49:17 population genetics and a
0:49:20 paleontological and phylogenetic
0:49:24 certainty that is consistently
0:49:27 continuously conclusively confirmed for
0:49:30 a fast
0:49:39 [Applause]
0:49:42 great job so far guys I talked about
0:49:44 taking a poll to see how we think
0:49:46 they're doing but I thought we'd wait at
0:49:48 least until after the rebuttal so and
0:49:50 the rebuttals are 10 minutes apiece are
0:49:53 you ready
0:49:54 you'll meet a vamp a little bit and even
0:49:55 more time so I can I stories I can tell
0:49:58 jokes song Kansas all right sabore
0:50:01 welcome back up do you want a two-minute
0:50:03 warning before you're done yeah yeah
0:50:15 okay in the name of god the lord of
0:50:18 mercy
0:50:18 the giver of mercy now I knew we were
0:50:21 going to get into technicalities so
0:50:23 that's why I defined what a fact meant
0:50:26 now Aaron said this is what a fact is
0:50:29 and he just explained what it was
0:50:30 there's a big problem with that
0:50:32 if that's a misunderstanding of
0:50:35 basically basic philosophy because fact
0:50:38 has multiple meanings now right the
0:50:41 beginning he said no this is what a fact
0:50:42 means and this is what it this is what I
0:50:44 mean you blow over because then when
0:50:46 going into a discussion we call us you
0:50:49 have to define a term before you
0:50:51 actually use it and they are multiple
0:50:54 meanings of it there's not just one
0:50:56 meaning and I mean we're going to get
0:50:58 into this so I got this from the
0:50:59 Cambridge website this is a philosophy
0:51:02 paper on is the definition of fact the
0:51:04 first problem of philosophy and yes it
0:51:06 is and what it does is it makes the
0:51:08 recommendation a word of universal use
0:51:11 carrying such different meanings cannot
0:51:13 be used in a rational thinking and
0:51:16 argument without causing immense
0:51:18 confusion that is why all who hope to
0:51:21 use reason thoughtfully must make it a
0:51:23 first duty to agree upon a clear
0:51:26 definition of the word but so first
0:51:30 falsehood because us is favorite word is
0:51:33 there are multiple meanings there's not
0:51:35 just one meaning and my original video
0:51:38 is are responded to this is the same way
0:51:40 I defined fact in the video which you
0:51:44 responded to and I came here to again
0:51:46 and I again I used those definitions now
0:51:50 if you don't want to agree to those
0:51:52 definitions and that definition rules it
0:51:54 doesn't change it is certain it is
0:51:57 absolute so if you challenge that
0:51:59 definition it shows you believe it can
0:52:02 change it is not absolute and it is not
0:52:06 certain one thing I just want to get a
0:52:08 good salary whenever I quoted you I
0:52:10 always wanted you were to work but you
0:52:14 made a claim which I don't believe I
0:52:15 said that about the assumption I won't
0:52:17 change my belief if something or
0:52:19 whatever so you need to actually tell me
0:52:20 I said there just to clarify okay you
0:52:23 spoke about the extended synthesis right
0:52:25 so I'm very surprised you said they
0:52:30 incorporating these ideas I have the
0:52:32 extended synthesis I have I'm aware of
0:52:35 all these topics and I'm very surprised
0:52:37 you actually made that claim because
0:52:39 Masatoshi nine Masatoshi nye is an
0:52:47 ardent anti Darwinist in the sense of
0:52:51 the mechanism and he says you know
0:52:54 Darwin's become a god right because he's
0:52:57 angry at that and it's it says it's a
0:53:02 it's a basically like a belief system
0:53:05 writes a dogma and that needs to be
0:53:08 challenged so I'm very surprised you
0:53:09 said that that's in the extended
0:53:11 synthesis I'd like to you to show me how
0:53:13 it is I mean massive fashion I wouldn't
0:53:16 really agree with that
0:53:16 why would oxygen averse you have a book
0:53:18 money if it was just like pseudoscience
0:53:21 okay secondly you spoke about yeah you
0:53:24 spoke about all these ideas they can be
0:53:29 incorporated they can be incorporated
0:53:31 within Darwinism now clearly musashi's
0:53:34 my ideas Khan and if they could why
0:53:37 would they have such a thing as the
0:53:39 third way of evolution James Shapiro he
0:53:41 believes and the evolution biologist who
0:53:43 came up with evolution by natural
0:53:44 genetic engineering he clearly said
0:53:48 Darwinism is a philosophical belief
0:53:50 right more than science he doesn't
0:53:53 believe in God he doesn't believe in
0:53:54 creationist or anything like that and he
0:53:56 challenges it so I'm very very surprised
0:53:58 you believe that these ideas can be
0:53:59 brought back into Darwinism now you want
0:54:03 a Wikipedia and you said the definition
0:54:05 of Darwinism in the US and the UK is
0:54:08 different sorry we just not gonna accept
0:54:10 that that's just the silliest thing I've
0:54:12 heard in the last 10 minutes all right
0:54:16 it is is the duty upon you to do your
0:54:20 research properly so let me just give
0:54:23 you one example which is just off the
0:54:24 top of my head I can give you many other
0:54:26 examples one example so no one uses
0:54:29 about Darwin is a name okay oxygen rest
0:54:31 is just published a book last month
0:54:33 called Darwinism as religion right okay
0:54:37 there's also that's why the atheist
0:54:39 closed for a science Michael ruse
0:54:40 there's many books on this ok I agree
0:54:43 the word is old Alfred Russel Wallace is
0:54:45 the first guy to use the word Darwinism
0:54:48 is not a derogatory term it is not a in
0:54:51 fact Michael ruse but you wrote that
0:54:54 book he called himself a Darwinist see
0:54:57 that she proud yes she believes in the
0:54:59 dahle mechanism so the whole idea of
0:55:02 bringing up Wikipedia and bringing up
0:55:05 and also in your book National Science
0:55:07 Foundation and you said some interesting
0:55:08 things right so National Science
0:55:11 Foundation they are not a published
0:55:14 peer-reviewed philosophical paper
0:55:15 Authority like the general theoretical
0:55:18 biology or other ones how can you use
0:55:20 them as an authority and basically you
0:55:22 quoted off their website and they said
0:55:24 new fad so no new facts can come to
0:55:28 light that will challenge I'm assuming
0:55:30 you affirm to universal common ancestry
0:55:32 ok so that's really quite interesting
0:55:34 and I'm going to get into that because
0:55:36 Jude and I don't want to miss call you
0:55:38 here you said it was an absolute fact
0:55:41 you reconfirmed that the universal
0:55:42 common ancestry is an absolute fact do
0:55:44 you assert that in the article they
0:55:48 wrote no what do you believe what would
0:55:50 you believe Universal common ancestry in
0:55:52 the Tree of Life is a fact it can be pre
0:55:54 pervious ok and you said it was as easy
0:55:56 a Sesame Street except I don't like to
0:55:58 use the word absolute sure
0:56:00 none of us find us fine that's fine okay
0:56:03 so let's let's get into that right
0:56:05 because I thought that was really
0:56:06 interesting okay
0:56:08 universal common ancestry I don't use
0:56:10 the example of Sesame Street
0:56:12 I love Sesame Street are born in the 80s
0:56:15 right I have nothing against 30 right
0:56:18 now it's a horrible haircut the fact of
0:56:21 the matter is you can't use a very
0:56:24 simple trivial thing like look at them
0:56:26 they look similar so they must have a
0:56:28 corn ancestor and I knew this was going
0:56:30 to come up this is why I bought some
0:56:32 books with me right okay
0:56:34 universal common ancestry is based upon
0:56:37 a probabilistic framework which has
0:56:39 assumptions and they are conceptual
0:56:42 problems Aaron called it an absolute
0:56:45 fact okay now I bought the full paper
0:56:48 just in case Aaron thinks I'm misquoting
0:56:50 because I thought he was going to make
0:56:51 that claim this is a formal test of the
0:56:54 theory of universal common ancestry
0:56:56 right and it clearly said is hardly but
0:56:59 it's rarely been subjected to form a
0:57:02 quantity of testing and it's difficult a
0:57:05 technically difficult to impurity
0:57:07 evaluating a theory of such a broad
0:57:10 scope so it's not an absolute fact it is
0:57:12 a theory if it was then why would people
0:57:15 be writing papers about it and saying
0:57:17 these particular things certainty this
0:57:21 is a the Journal of theoretical biology
0:57:25 testing the test testing the hypothesis
0:57:27 of common ancestry this is what it says
0:57:29 the hypothesis that all of life on earth
0:57:31 and remember him and him in his book
0:57:33 this book right here which I'm promoting
0:57:35 hadisha give me some sunlight is a lie
0:57:38 right the hypothesis that all life on
0:57:41 Earth traces back to a single common
0:57:42 ancestor which you called an absolute
0:57:44 fact and equivalent to reality denied
0:57:46 neighbors okay
0:57:47 the hypotheses are all of life traces
0:57:49 back to a single common ancestor is a
0:57:51 fundamental postulate in evolutionary
0:57:54 theory yet despite its widespread
0:57:56 acceptance in biology there has been
0:57:59 comparatively little evidence to
0:58:01 formally testing this hypothesis of
0:58:04 common ancestry and it goes on and I
0:58:06 mentioned the same thing the nature
0:58:07 article does which is that there is
0:58:09 intrinsic difficult
0:58:10 and I highlighted this for you right in
0:58:13 the beginning so I thought you're going
0:58:14 to make this mistake there is actually a
0:58:16 section on this which is about why a
0:58:19 pause may be unknowable which is what I
0:58:22 was referring to and I said speculative
0:58:24 so when it comes to oh my gosh okay when
0:58:28 it comes to Universal common ancestry
0:58:29 right arrow made some very interesting
0:58:31 claims okay
0:58:34 Sesame Street that's ridiculous
0:58:37 try and find a evolutionary biologist
0:58:39 that's going to agree with our
0:58:40 philosopher of science that's going
0:58:41 agree with that I'm just going to
0:58:42 highlight two books here this is
0:58:44 evidence in evolution by community
0:58:46 University and this is parsimony
0:58:49 phylogeny and genomics by Oxford
0:58:51 University this is what the books agree
0:58:52 over universal common ancestry is based
0:58:57 on a probabilistic framework which has
0:58:59 assumptions and these conceptual
0:59:01 problems so let's look at Aaron's Sesame
0:59:03 Street example and let's look at what
0:59:05 they say Universal common ancestry and
0:59:07 separate ancestry are testable
0:59:09 hypotheses nothing about semistate
0:59:11 Sesame Street so far claiming homology
0:59:13 which is similarity due to comment
0:59:15 descent your your Sesame Street example
0:59:17 claiming homology is a fact and then
0:59:19 testing it using and then testing it and
0:59:23 then trusting Universal common ancestry
0:59:25 versus separate ancestry is circular
0:59:28 reasoning
0:59:28 another thing the agreeable homology is
0:59:31 a fundamental assumption of universal
0:59:34 common ancestry similarities and
0:59:36 dissimilarities should be put within a
0:59:38 probabilistic framework home obviously
0:59:40 which of similarity is not due to common
0:59:41 descent is an is also an assumption and
0:59:45 is assumed to exist and complicates the
0:59:47 assumption of homology the Sesame Street
0:59:49 example ad hoc hypotheses can't be
0:59:52 eliminated in the universal common
0:59:54 ancestry hypothesis but have to be
0:59:56 minimized but here's something they do
0:59:58 agree about both the following thoughts
1:00:00 are naive and I'm quoting word-to-word
1:00:02 just in case you say our views quoted
1:00:03 them humans and chimps must share a
1:00:05 common ancestor because they are so
1:00:07 similar and humans and mushrooms must
1:00:09 have arisen independently because they
1:00:11 are so different within a probabilistic
1:00:14 framework there is no must in either
1:00:16 case you're not going to find words
1:00:17 absolute factorial to Don one last thing
1:00:20 if I'm allowed to say you are upset
1:00:22 about the phylogeny
1:00:23 The Tree of Life keep you to your life
1:00:24 no problem but the issue is I am not
1:00:28 challenging you and saying oh I don't
1:00:31 like to treat therefore challengingly
1:00:33 Princeton University or a philosopher of
1:00:35 science Peter Godfrey Smith he's
1:00:37 speaking website colleges are moving
1:00:39 away from the tree of life can the web
1:00:41 online so if you've got you know
1:00:42 something to say you know you should go
1:00:45 speak to those people and remember every
1:00:47 single person I'm referring to our
1:00:49 mainstream evolutionary biologists and
1:00:51 philosophers of science
1:00:54 I'm not going to Bertie I was going to
1:00:59 have to get my hook out all right that's
1:01:03 pretty good are you ready or do you need
1:01:05 me to vamp alright come on up
1:01:07 ten minutes do I'm going to give you a
1:01:09 two-minute warning yeah okay well okay
1:01:12 let me know when to shut up all right
1:01:17 when I give the definition of effect I
1:01:20 how many definitions did I put up on the
1:01:22 board at least a half a dozen was a more
1:01:24 I verified all the definitive sources I
1:01:26 could find right scientific sources
1:01:28 mainstream colloquial sources whatever
1:01:30 and I showed that all of these
1:01:32 definitions agree right we have that on
1:01:34 the wall I know what's behind his head I
1:01:35 should have should have told him to turn
1:01:36 around look because he said I didn't
1:01:37 verify my definitions what he said since
1:01:42 he wanted clarification of this in his
1:01:45 video that I was responding to he said
1:01:47 something about the scientist that we're
1:01:49 comparing the human genome of the
1:01:50 chimpanzee team out and they found very
1:01:52 few letters as he put him that matched
1:01:54 and that he found they've got billions
1:01:56 of letters it didn't match so they just
1:01:58 ignored him and he said there's nothing
1:02:00 wrong with that because they assumed
1:02:03 that their perspective is okay whether
1:02:05 they're professor if their perspective
1:02:07 is true and so anything that doesn't
1:02:10 match that they can have confirmation
1:02:11 bias he didn't use the word confirmation
1:02:13 bias but he explained confirmation bias
1:02:15 you can just ignore all that that
1:02:17 doesn't match and when I made the video
1:02:19 to address that I put text above his
1:02:21 head to say and probably he should have
1:02:24 watched the whole video before making a
1:02:25 public debate about it where it said you
1:02:28 think it's okay to ignore evidence for a
1:02:32 preferred assumption because I thought
1:02:33 that was quite an admission to make
1:02:35 and of course scientists wouldn't do
1:02:37 that conclusions can change as we've
1:02:40 established and in the definitions from
1:02:41 the scientific sites that I showed they
1:02:44 say can but there are some that are so
1:02:46 well established that they are
1:02:48 considered fact that these things are
1:02:50 not going to change and in the video
1:02:51 that originally addressed he gave two
1:02:53 different definitions for fact one of
1:02:55 them he said being absolute right which
1:02:59 we know the definition of absolute is
1:03:01 not in there but the earth going around
1:03:02 the side was one of his facts that it
1:03:05 would be absolute that evolution is not
1:03:07 going to be that like one of the things
1:03:09 that I brought up is whether we're ever
1:03:11 going to find out if that earth doesn't
1:03:13 go around the Sun can't we be absolutely
1:03:15 certain about that nobody can be
1:03:18 absolutely certain about anything but if
1:03:20 we understand the laws of nature would
1:03:21 understand the laws of physics within
1:03:23 this reality unless this is a matrix
1:03:24 illusion if we all agree that reality is
1:03:26 real by definition there are some things
1:03:28 we can be absolutely certain about right
1:03:30 some things I try to be very hesitant
1:03:33 when I use that word and I'm not going
1:03:35 to use it perfect because we know what
1:03:36 the definition is and it's whether
1:03:38 something can be verified and everything
1:03:39 I've been talking about so far tonight
1:03:41 are things that we could definitely
1:03:42 verify thank you for proving my point
1:03:45 when you mentioned that nobody uses
1:03:47 where Darwinism anymore I did say nobody
1:03:48 in America but that they still do in
1:03:51 England so he uses the example yeah
1:03:53 there so it doesn't subscribe from
1:03:54 Oxford what country is that thank you
1:03:57 very much and Bosnia is Remington tested
1:04:01 no by allows me is constantly tested
1:04:03 they're doing whole genome searches
1:04:05 every day now it took years to do the
1:04:07 first one it took another year or more
1:04:09 to do the second one and then they
1:04:10 started picking up this peak and they've
1:04:12 got computers that will now do this
1:04:13 constantly we have a lot of Corrections
1:04:15 in philosophies now which would we
1:04:18 aren't expecting with what where they
1:04:19 used to do things by morphology so how
1:04:20 do I use Sesame Street promo quality
1:04:22 because you can't use a you know the
1:04:25 simple analysis of difficult or from
1:04:27 morphological traits to come up with a
1:04:28 common ancestor I didn't say that I said
1:04:31 you can figure out the hierarchy
1:04:32 carolus linnaeus figured out this huge
1:04:35 quandary because he was expecting that
1:04:37 he was going to show created kinds when
1:04:39 he started classifying life-forms but he
1:04:41 bound this like set of matroyshka trolls
1:04:44 near the russian dolls when one doll
1:04:46 inside the other except that each doll
1:04:47 has four dolls inside
1:04:49 something like that on average so @y or
1:04:52 at least hit let's go with 8 now to the
1:04:53 2 every doll has two dolls in it and
1:04:55 then every oath adult Hadley branch why
1:04:57 that doesn't make any sense that doesn't
1:04:58 fit with creation he never thought about
1:05:02 the idea of a common ancestor because he
1:05:06 thought they were created but he used
1:05:09 the Sesame Street method to build this
1:05:11 tree of life and then was had a quandary
1:05:13 to try to figure out how could this
1:05:15 think any challenge the scientific
1:05:16 community to explaining him how we are
1:05:18 not apes or the names are not people
1:05:20 because he classified up in spoke and
1:05:22 the scientific community also unable to
1:05:25 explain that at the time decided to make
1:05:28 an arbitrary contrived classification
1:05:31 called
1:05:32 genus Pongo which they put all of the
1:05:35 nonhuman a system but if you have to say
1:05:38 you know that all of them except us
1:05:39 that's kind of a perennial invention
1:05:42 that you already realize me on should be
1:05:44 in that set and it wasn't until about 20
1:05:46 years ago the genetics finally confirmed
1:05:50 conclusively and if I may say so
1:05:53 absolutely the humans are infecting that
1:05:58 we are Apes both by definition and
1:05:59 derivation genetically and
1:06:01 morphologically it's a twin nested
1:06:03 hierarchy we can now check the
1:06:04 morphology and sometimes we get it right
1:06:06 most the time I get it right just
1:06:08 looking at the traits there sometimes we
1:06:10 didn't get it right and the genes showed
1:06:13 no it's on this bridge nutless lee so
1:06:15 there are corrections that we've
1:06:17 discovered from this because we now have
1:06:18 a way of doing a paternity test on all
1:06:21 of our distant ancestors and these are
1:06:25 all things that he doesn't want to
1:06:26 accept and I'm sorry sabor but you've
1:06:27 given all these citations of things that
1:06:29 you don't understand like the bush of
1:06:32 like the web of life the bush of life
1:06:34 that's my argument I said that the tree
1:06:37 of life is really a total weed and
1:06:40 because of course one can transfer
1:06:41 they're not trying to replace the tree
1:06:43 of life with the web of life the tree of
1:06:45 life applies only to eukaryotes and it
1:06:48 may be deeply divided between plants and
1:06:50 animals but the tree of life if it's one
1:06:53 tree or two trees we're not entirely
1:06:54 certain I think it's one tree but it
1:06:57 starts with an F we're going to get into
1:06:59 that but anyway just let's just say one
1:07:01 tree that
1:07:02 it's early on it rises out of a web I
1:07:05 don't believe in a single Universal
1:07:08 common ancestor
1:07:09 I don't yet for all animals yes that we
1:07:16 have a common ancestor with aims
1:07:18 absolutely but not for all life all life
1:07:22 emerged separately in pieces and
1:07:24 incrementally and started gathering
1:07:26 together this is one of the things that
1:07:27 endosymbiosis has shown us yours
1:07:30 yourselves most of your body is actually
1:07:32 bacterial most of your cells are not
1:07:34 your cells and all of your cells are
1:07:37 powered by bacteria there's a Rickettsia
1:07:41 bacteria which is so normally parasitic
1:07:43 normally cause rates but there's a type
1:07:46 of bacteria that you know it better is
1:07:48 mitochondria that was apparently trapped
1:07:51 disabled it Rickettsia invades itself
1:07:54 does damage to the cell takes off but if
1:07:57 it's disabled where it can't take off
1:07:58 again then the cell takes it over and
1:08:00 starts using it ability to generate
1:08:02 energy
1:08:03 so it starts generating ATP and then
1:08:06 when they put cell splits the Rickettsia
1:08:09 splits separately and plants also they
1:08:12 have core of the pair what they call the
1:08:14 chlorophyll is actually cyanobacteria
1:08:18 again this is bacteria inside eukaryote
1:08:21 cells so we don't come from one source
1:08:24 we come from multiple sources at the
1:08:25 beginning of the tree but then from then
1:08:27 on we can chart a full tree of life and
1:08:31 I think I'm done well two minutes left
1:08:34 if you want to yeah obviously oh yeah
1:08:37 yeah sabor has this position that he is
1:08:41 aware of things like transitional
1:08:43 species like the Australopithecus for
1:08:45 example this can't be explained and were
1:08:48 predicted and fulfilled the predictions
1:08:50 of science but he chooses to ignore them
1:08:52 you'll make the statement he'll turn
1:08:53 he'll try to discredit it and he'll say
1:08:55 there is no missing link I'm sorry there
1:08:57 was a prediction made in the 1800's that
1:09:00 prediction was satisfied in 1974 you
1:09:02 should at least acknowledge that hey it
1:09:04 was predicted and found don't just
1:09:06 ignore it don't say it never existed
1:09:08 that's not honest evolution is not based
1:09:11 on assumptions there is no
1:09:13 view that the fundamental ideas of
1:09:14 Darwinian theory and it damn sure is not
1:09:18 speculative this is based on we know
1:09:24 I'll go ahead and just stay here because
1:09:26 the next portion of our evening is the
1:09:28 one on one which I'm a little afraid to
1:09:30 do between you guys but we have a point
1:09:33 so we're going to take 20 minutes and
1:09:35 just let you guys kind of go any kind of
1:09:36 but if I notice either Jews being a hog
1:09:39 with the time and I reserve the right to
1:09:42 shush you and let the other one go but I
1:09:44 think we're all ready to go
1:09:46 that's obscene gloves as it were and I'm
1:09:48 going to start the timer and let you
1:09:50 guys talk okay
1:09:53 so thanks for your I think your the
1:09:56 rebuttal so you said that you know
1:10:02 humans and chimps like it's an absolute
1:10:05 fact that we have a common ancestor okay
1:10:08 so I don't even read our head from here
1:10:10 really out directly
1:10:12 I'm not going to paraphrase it and I
1:10:13 want you to tell me with other in line
1:10:15 with what you just said the following
1:10:18 thoughts are naive humans and chimps
1:10:21 must share a common ancestor because
1:10:23 they are so similar
1:10:24 33 and humans and mushrooms must have
1:10:27 arisen independently because they are so
1:10:29 different within a probabilistic
1:10:31 framework there is no must in either
1:10:34 case now I'm very surprised that even
1:10:37 though I bought two books here and I
1:10:39 mentioned to you there saying is based
1:10:41 on a probabilistic framework based upon
1:10:42 assumptions and this conceptual problems
1:10:44 such as homology being a fundamental
1:10:47 assumption not in a non-circular way and
1:10:49 the problem hole clearly none of which
1:10:51 is mentioned in your book which what is
1:10:52 mentioned is the Sesame Street type
1:10:54 thinking how can you continue to say
1:10:56 humans and chimps must have a common
1:10:59 answer sense absolute when people like
1:11:01 Cambridge University Oxford University
1:11:03 disagree with you
1:11:04 they don't disagree with me that's the
1:11:06 things you keep citing to experts that
1:11:08 you think disagree with me and they
1:11:10 don't I can show you that they don't you
1:11:13 cited craig Venter as supposedly
1:11:15 disagreed with me no I do mind animation
1:11:16 craig Venter to here in another video
1:11:19 that I've that everybody were paying
1:11:20 attention to you cited craig Venter has
1:11:22 disagreed with me
1:11:23 explained their no this is what grant
1:11:25 Venter was talking about you didn't
1:11:27 understand it you don't understand any
1:11:28 of the experts you're talking about I
1:11:30 don't say that it must be because of
1:11:32 this one reason no why does Shem pansies
1:11:35 and humans have a common ancestor
1:11:36 because we have a genetic conformation
1:11:38 for it we have the genetic code to prove
1:11:40 it it's not just a morphology it's also
1:11:43 on genetics okay this book when it's
1:11:46 actually referring to this thing that
1:11:48 within a populist ik framework there is
1:11:50 no must he refers to the physiology
1:11:52 morphology and genetic scheme so you ask
1:11:57 me a question that the way the question
1:11:59 is phrased is noses I corrected the
1:12:02 question and gave the correct answer so
1:12:04 when you said previously before you came
1:12:08 down was it's an absolute fact that they
1:12:10 have a common ancestor yes okay this
1:12:13 book doesn't say that no it doesn't say
1:12:15 that it's just another thing that you
1:12:17 gauge that it must be because they're so
1:12:19 similar that would be ridiculous honor
1:12:22 let's extend that it's not because
1:12:23 they're so simple it's because we have
1:12:26 the genetic confirmation of it and I'm I
1:12:29 don't know whether you're not listening
1:12:30 to this so you don't want to listen to
1:12:32 this it literally says to say they have
1:12:36 a common ancestor II is all explained
1:12:41 once again story in a java-based
1:12:42 agreement one second sighs Fernan quoted
1:12:44 directly within a probabilistic
1:12:46 framework there is no must in either
1:12:48 case for both these books they treat
1:12:50 common ancestry and separate ancestry
1:12:52 has testable hypotheses they treat
1:12:55 homology similarities due to similar
1:12:58 common descent recipes for example as a
1:13:02 probabilistic framework which has
1:13:04 assumptions which has problems
1:13:06 okay for it I'm assuming you haven't
1:13:07 read these two books because they
1:13:08 weren't none of this was in your book
1:13:10 all right and you now I'm reading direct
1:13:12 quote to you which doesn't really think
1:13:15 you'd say managing it I can't because
1:13:18 what you read doesn't help your case and
1:13:20 you don't understand that my fantasies
1:13:23 and humans have to it must have a common
1:13:25 ancestor it would be ridiculous to say
1:13:27 that you as a chimpanzees must have a
1:13:28 common ancestor because they're so
1:13:30 similar yes that sentence is correct and
1:13:32 that's not why I say they have a common
1:13:34 ancestor I said
1:13:36 but within the last 20 years or so we
1:13:38 finally got the genetic confirmation to
1:13:39 prove it
1:13:40 and it had nothing to do with that
1:13:42 sentence this book is referring to
1:13:44 genetics morphology and physiology but
1:13:47 that's not I notice you got is it it is
1:13:50 the sentence you got says nothing have
1:13:54 you know about nope
1:13:55 did you know Els pulsing it I read the
1:13:57 whole thing did you read that book if
1:13:59 you read that sentence tell me where the
1:14:01 word genetics or anything a blind
1:14:03 genetics shows up in that sentence
1:14:04 perfect okay
1:14:06 can we if it does would you admit your
1:14:10 honor if the word genetics or something
1:14:12 implying genetics shows up in the book
1:14:14 yep yeah reading the same sentence again
1:14:16 will skip any new words pop up okay I
1:14:18 didn't read the whole sentence because
1:14:21 of the size of it I don't they are
1:14:22 highlighted here right let me know when
1:14:25 it does mention genetics much in the
1:14:28 things you read to me did not have
1:14:32 genetic skillet you said that you can't
1:14:35 say that they have whether you should
1:14:36 you there's no must now changing the
1:14:38 goalposts can I read art and I'm not I
1:14:40 said it I read it read and I read if I
1:14:42 said the sentence you read did not Lydia
1:14:45 was correct that it didn't make sense
1:14:47 there is no must that it there's not
1:14:48 because they have determinable again now
1:14:50 can I read it
1:14:51 whether much of made in popular press or
1:14:54 the fact that DNA sequences of humans
1:14:56 and chimps are about 90% similar if this
1:14:59 similarity compelling evidence that
1:15:00 really and should share a common
1:15:02 ancestor since since each site in the
1:15:05 sequence is character capitalized by
1:15:07 four nuclear sites we have here a set of
1:15:10 four state naught D comesss characters
1:15:13 but the point about the process of
1:15:14 generating the data is the same the
1:15:17 expected percentage similarity of humans
1:15:19 and chimps according to the separate
1:15:20 ancestry hypothesis would be 25% if each
1:15:24 site involves independent evolved
1:15:26 independently by the process of random
1:15:28 genetic drift and the lineages have been
1:15:32 involving for a long time in this case
1:15:34 the observed similarity of 98% was
1:15:37 strongly favored from an ancestry over
1:15:39 supper ancestry however if there was a
1:15:42 strong selection in each lineage for the
1:15:44 traits that one observes the expected
1:15:45 degree of similarity would be about the
1:15:48 same regardless of whether
1:15:49 the common ancestry all the separate
1:15:52 ancestry hypothesis is true and then I
1:15:55 mentioned the sentence I mentioned so
1:15:56 it's within the context of genetics
1:15:58 physiology and morphology and it doesn't
1:16:01 mention anything that was discovered
1:16:03 since 1974 we already knew that and you
1:16:05 go off tonight and you know what tune
1:16:07 Junt you going off you're talking about
1:16:09 something else now no one you said
1:16:11 disorder Franco genetic where you're
1:16:13 trying to genetics right you you're
1:16:15 interrupting before I'm excited what I
1:16:17 just not attended it's all the same
1:16:18 thing
1:16:18 okay I did tell you there was just in
1:16:20 the last twenty years we had
1:16:21 confirmation of us we did know in 1974
1:16:25 that we have this one or six percent
1:16:27 similarity depending on how you measure
1:16:29 it but that wasn't the conclusive factor
1:16:32 it was the human human chimp genome
1:16:34 number two it was the conclusive factor
1:16:37 they all saying is a conclusive factor
1:16:39 they say I know that now fine we agree
1:16:42 that we agree in on what we really
1:16:46 desire that argument doesn't help you
1:16:49 know you said as an absolute fact and
1:16:51 according to mainstream academic it is
1:16:52 based on a probabilistic framework which
1:16:55 has assumptions and conceptually oblems
1:16:57 like homology homo lazy exercise that it
1:17:01 didn't bring up the conclusive factor
1:17:02 that I just mentioned I'll get right of
1:17:05 what many is never seen important it
1:17:07 brought up with the new in 1974 but
1:17:10 didn't bring up what they knew in 1994
1:17:13 okay it's interesting this book was
1:17:19 published in 2008 so English
1:17:20 universities and up to date it's not my
1:17:22 so my father they don't include the
1:17:24 conclusive factor you said it you said
1:17:26 it was a bias work already you said it
1:17:28 was already somebody that doesn't agree
1:17:29 with us of course he's not going to
1:17:31 explain how a human chimp when you do
1:17:34 that
1:17:34 I know one second one second any a sober
1:17:36 believes in human ancestry right it does
1:17:40 he does okay we you said I thought you
1:17:42 said he didn't not as we know as yes
1:17:45 okay well what else do you have to say
1:17:49 because you're saying it's an absolute
1:17:50 fact and it's not why I leave my
1:17:52 department so you and Tim Tino number
1:17:54 two doesn't exist because it didn't show
1:17:56 up that very well I might hang on a
1:17:59 fattie the conclusive factor I not
1:18:02 mentioned there doesn't exist because
1:18:04 it's not mentioned mo you are saying it
1:18:06 really nice expertise is in question
1:18:08 because you free filter bids on that
1:18:10 let's just assume okay let's say this in
1:18:12 Cambridge University doin what they're
1:18:13 talking about right yes I want to bring
1:18:16 up something you're on take on second
1:18:17 you're still referring to homology are
1:18:20 you not no I wasn't at all so this has
1:18:24 me it's wrong Sesame Street now so so
1:18:26 history was homology yes and that's not
1:18:29 the reason that's why your sentence
1:18:30 didn't make any sense so that's why I
1:18:32 had to correct it because it wasn't
1:18:34 about monkey
1:18:35 your book goes and mentioned some ology
1:18:38 many many many many times right
1:18:40 throughout the book
1:18:41 well I found surprising no homo lazy no
1:18:44 no discussion of the fact that it is
1:18:46 probabilistic framework based on some
1:18:49 assumptions and they are conceptual
1:18:51 problems and no words and this is why I
1:18:53 found really shocking not once did you
1:18:56 actually explain that you assume
1:18:58 homology and then say the two things are
1:19:03 similar therefore they must have a
1:19:04 common ancestor this is such in a
1:19:06 reasoning I never said anything like
1:19:08 that
1:19:09 no one thing is why didn't you say why
1:19:10 didn't I use a circular argument because
1:19:12 I'm wise you know we never hang on one
1:19:15 second
1:19:15 you never said assume homology where
1:19:17 they hang on do you ignore honor
1:19:20 you used homology right by a 2-lane
1:19:25 homology I didn't say anybody should
1:19:27 assume it I never said it would each
1:19:29 other submitting you did the same
1:19:31 paragraph actually and he's going out
1:19:33 there's some paragraph where you said
1:19:35 it's are so similar to us that you know
1:19:39 if some of those ancient ape human
1:19:41 ancestors were alive you know we
1:19:44 couldn't we want to be able to classify
1:19:45 them separately
1:19:46 right the script if that managing yes if
1:19:50 you can't understand if I can't
1:19:51 distinguished a a transitional
1:19:54 transitional person between the between
1:19:57 the divergence human versions from
1:19:59 chimps to modern men if you can look at
1:20:02 one of these people in this in germanium
1:20:03 and you can't tell if they're a poor if
1:20:06 they're human that's kind of the
1:20:07 definitive characteristic of being
1:20:09 transitioning and that you want as this
1:20:10 person and you can't de su are they a /
1:20:13 are they human this is why I brought up
1:20:15 in that book that creationists were
1:20:16 given a set of skulls to examine it's
1:20:19 actually one still Duane Gish identified
1:20:22 this one skullcap as being a hundred
1:20:24 percent eight or I think it 100 percent
1:20:26 human the first time then they gave it
1:20:27 somebody else that's a I can't remember
1:20:30 what P 2000 and then they give it to
1:20:32 another creation as the third creation
1:20:34 Bluebell I think and he said it was a
1:20:36 hundred percent human so we've got two
1:20:37 oldest discrepancy let me give it back
1:20:39 to guess again like six years later and
1:20:41 now what he said was 100% human he now
1:20:43 says designer percent hey it's the same
1:20:45 sculpt he's just looking at the same
1:20:48 skull again so he puts it a hundred
1:20:50 percent on both sides of any category
1:20:52 and they the other two guys didn't agree
1:20:55 with each other either so he can't
1:20:56 decide even what it is
1:20:58 then isn't that exactly what a
1:21:00 transitional species is okay so you
1:21:04 mentioned quantity vaccinated me and
1:21:07 that was used as proof of common descent
1:21:09 no because you'll see me those Apes our
1:21:13 ancestors quite know what you can say if
1:21:18 you I was explaining the transitional
1:21:20 species
1:21:21 if you encounter what what people were
1:21:24 asking for an ape-man right and then
1:21:26 they were given an eighth and they were
1:21:27 given bull erectus clearly what they
1:21:29 understood to be ape with the cording
1:21:31 that contrived artificially constructed
1:21:33 genus pongo
1:21:34 right if you have to put a saloon
1:21:36 category humans in another well then
1:21:37 this is this one is one is an eight man
1:21:39 and then they picked up thousands of
1:21:41 other ones thousands of individuals a
1:21:43 couple dozen species perhaps of what
1:21:46 they think both ape and man you can't
1:21:48 tell them apart this is before they get
1:21:50 to tchen etics we've already got where
1:21:52 we have Homo habilis and Homo
1:21:54 rudolfensis in early
1:21:57 Rekha's was all over the place they're
1:21:58 all different sizes and shapes there
1:22:00 were way more colors than what our
1:22:02 people are mechanizing today I've read
1:22:03 the book so I don't need to explain
1:22:05 again you're using homology my question
1:22:07 is very particularly let me ask the
1:22:09 question you can answer it you mentioned
1:22:11 homology right and you at the end of the
1:22:14 book you had loads of facts in there
1:22:15 it's a fact that we have a common
1:22:16 ancestor the fact is definitive you can
1:22:18 take the genomes and you can get basal
1:22:20 form you said it's a fact fact yet and I
1:22:22 find this very strange you didn't
1:22:24 mention the fact that homology and to
1:22:28 use homology is we just use it within a
1:22:32 probabilistic framework which has
1:22:34 assumptions and they are conceptual
1:22:35 problems not once did you mention that
1:22:38 there is such a thing as home plating
1:22:40 and not once did you actually mention
1:22:43 that they are conceptual problems within
1:22:45 this and this is based upon Bayesian
1:22:49 decomposition with nine mathematical
1:22:51 assumptions and then you get a
1:22:53 probabilistic framework and somebody
1:22:56 could be justified and actually saying
1:22:58 Universal common ancestry is probable
1:23:01 yet are there other conditions as
1:23:03 mentioned in this book and he's an
1:23:05 atheist mother he didn't believe in God
1:23:06 under other assumptions separate
1:23:09 ancestry favors universal common
1:23:11 ancestry right now if you mentioned that
1:23:14 your book I would have no problem and I
1:23:16 did I did explain probabilistic yes why
1:23:20 do you worry a factor because of fact
1:23:23 it's not absolute okay that's good
1:23:27 you said that now I don't I might go
1:23:29 with the definition that I provided in
1:23:30 the book I don't and I showed a
1:23:32 consensus deposition on the board it's a
1:23:35 point of data that can be objectively
1:23:36 verified and bear in mind the book is
1:23:42 dealing with creationist arguments yes
1:23:44 oh I learnt attacking specific ones I
1:23:46 did explain how science works not with
1:23:50 the type of certainty or assertion that
1:23:52 religious beliefs have but rather that
1:23:55 you use you can speculate you can make
1:23:59 an assumption but you have to
1:24:00 by testing it okay it has to be based on
1:24:03 evidence and then it has be testable and
1:24:05 potentially falsifiable and that you
1:24:07 cannot make an unsupported assertion
1:24:10 like you do it religion okay here you're
1:24:12 worth exactly and if I may quote you I'm
1:24:15 going to give you this we're recording
1:24:16 everything so somebody can go online and
1:24:18 find out right it would be perverse to
1:24:21 say taxonomical classification are
1:24:23 fantasticly probable extra job
1:24:25 coincidence that would be a statistical
1:24:28 impossibility which reaches into the
1:24:30 realm of reality denial here it is an
1:24:33 absolute fact really said yeah you have
1:24:37 a qualifier that this fact is absolute
1:24:40 little work fact is not absolute the
1:24:43 definition of fact is not a violence but
1:24:45 some facts are absolutely and I just
1:24:47 explained that five minutes ago taking
1:24:50 your five minutes that's how much you
1:24:51 have left I so how would you explain
1:24:56 that you know you make these predictions
1:24:58 or they are nobody predicted
1:24:59 homo-erectus that was a bit of a
1:25:01 surprise right and people found a
1:25:03 neanderthalensis that was a bit
1:25:05 confusing but then you get into Homo
1:25:07 erectus and now you can find Homo
1:25:09 erectus all over the place you have the
1:25:10 jutting bro way up they give up the
1:25:12 400cc with a little bit bigger than that
1:25:14 maybe up to 1300 but is a wide range
1:25:16 wide wide range of heights and
1:25:19 everything's displaced all over Asia and
1:25:21 Africa and parts of Europe how do you
1:25:25 account for Homo habilis over defenses
1:25:27 Homo floresiensis coming to dodging yeah
1:25:29 I mean what do you mean by that
1:25:32 like how do i account for as a nesting
1:25:33 how do you account for it you you're
1:25:37 asking as a Muslim alright so I'm I'm
1:25:39 asking you yeah okay we high lonesome
1:25:42 sahaja I really think this mom and I'm
1:25:44 not going to say well you as a Libra if
1:25:46 did this matter yeah ask me the question
1:25:48 and I'll answer there's no answer but
1:25:51 what are you get the answer because
1:25:52 you're asking a question without
1:25:55 actually putting an actual question in
1:25:57 there it sounds like a question but it's
1:25:59 like how do you calculate how do you
1:26:00 account for it in what terms because the
1:26:03 look okay let me let me answer it - is
1:26:05 kamala as a Muslim Mazda liberal and low
1:26:08 founder answering your context to this
1:26:09 debate right number one anything that
1:26:13 they find home on the large a homo
1:26:14 erectus you know whatever they find to
1:26:18 to take those skulls and to take a line
1:26:21 of fossils and to claim that this is the
1:26:24 descendant of this according to Henry II
1:26:25 and you can do shreya biologists just
1:26:27 like all the rest of them and an atheist
1:26:30 he says that it is not a scientific
1:26:33 hypotheses that can be tested but a
1:26:36 bedtime story you can't prove it with a
1:26:39 fact is what Henry G says in his book
1:26:42 misunderstandings of human evolution
1:26:44 right give you the example a also that
1:26:47 question right so if you're going to use
1:26:50 similarities and say therefore common
1:26:51 descent then I'm just going to repeat
1:26:53 the same thing like I did previously
1:26:54 like a parrot that is based upon a
1:26:56 probabilistic framework which has
1:26:58 assumptions and this conceptual problems
1:27:00 such as hormone Flavie similarities
1:27:03 which are not due to cover design so if
1:27:05 you're going to maintain the line of
1:27:06 Sesame Street similarity that you to
1:27:08 come descent except when they're not in
1:27:10 the list you just support or exploit
1:27:12 materialism to or limit the mediator
1:27:14 miss Lance right secondly and this is a
1:27:16 Muslim right okay these things existed I
1:27:20 mean it's not a theological problem for
1:27:23 us
1:27:23 I mean theological look if we're going
1:27:25 to get again to this theological II it's
1:27:27 not even a problem if you know somebody
1:27:30 says okay you know the whale evolved
1:27:34 from some sort of landmark I mean look
1:27:36 these things are relevant right when it
1:27:39 comes to Islam it's a religion in which
1:27:40 you worship the one creator believe God
1:27:43 is the cause behind all things but when
1:27:46 he gives in to particular things about
1:27:47 this might be an ancestor of this so
1:27:49 this might be this particular thing let
1:27:51 us not the way I think about it let the
1:27:53 scientists do they work right that's why
1:27:55 I accept it as a paradigm I accept it as
1:27:57 a model I accept it as a theory but the
1:27:59 same reason I believe that it is not an
1:28:03 absolute fact is the same reason why you
1:28:04 believe string theory is not an absolute
1:28:07 fact because they're both scientific
1:28:09 theories
1:28:11 but these theory of evolution meets the
1:28:13 definition of a fact we're a stirring
1:28:16 very definitely I the way I define
1:28:18 factor the beginning oh no not the way
1:28:19 the world defines fact the way the half
1:28:22 a dozen different definitive definitions
1:28:24 that I gave up there or what if that is
1:28:27 David I'm going to give this to the
1:28:29 present for you to read right there is
1:28:31 no consensus on it this is why it gives
1:28:34 you the piece of advice until I knew
1:28:36 where get this isn't on top it gives you
1:28:39 a piece of advice and I don't know
1:28:40 really address so very one second he
1:28:43 actually said you're also saying there's
1:28:46 15 definitions whatever I do so there's
1:28:48 no way to prove okay one automatically a
1:28:50 word of universal use carrying such
1:28:53 different meanings cannot be used in a
1:28:54 rational way and argument without
1:28:56 causing immense confusion that is why
1:28:59 all you hope to use reason fruitfully
1:29:01 must make it their first duty to agree
1:29:04 upon a clear definition of fact now my
1:29:06 original video which you responded to by
1:29:09 defined fact in the exact same way that
1:29:12 I defined fact today and there are
1:29:15 multiple ways you can actually define it
1:29:17 until today philosophers of science
1:29:20 philosophers of language they disagree
1:29:22 on a definition so you're saying the 16
1:29:25 definition and generally they would say
1:29:27 these things is not that simple
1:29:28 no it is that simple I showed a half a
1:29:30 dozen definitions that all agree on the
1:29:32 primary point that it's information that
1:29:34 can be verified when you define fact in
1:29:36 your video you in two different
1:29:37 definitions one of them contradicted the
1:29:39 other one you said was that effect is
1:29:41 something that is absolute like the
1:29:43 earthquake which by the way is a theory
1:29:46 and you said a theory can't be effect
1:29:47 and then you said that if there that you
1:29:49 define fact as a working model or the
1:29:52 best the best hypothesis we have
1:29:54 currently for the data which also
1:29:56 doesn't make City sense and doesn't
1:29:58 define fact and you can't find any
1:30:00 definitive source to support you on
1:30:01 either one okay so today I'm going to
1:30:04 have you there and I just say one thing
1:30:05 I have antenna gate won't be just one
1:30:07 thing we'll see I'll get you one more if
1:30:09 I get one right okay this is we can
1:30:14 observe the earth going around the Sun I
1:30:17 don't know why you're putting in theory
1:30:19 okay because you don't know what Theory
1:30:21 means I just read the definition my body
1:30:24 of knowledge in the field of study it
1:30:26 encompasses facts and laws and testable
1:30:29 hypotheses and indirect observation yes
1:30:33 like evolution is even macro evolution
1:30:37 and you're using you again conflating
1:30:40 evolution with Darwinian evolution if I
1:30:42 asked you to know do you never like you
1:30:43 into the or misinterpret if you believe
1:30:45 in the monkey evolution no all right I
1:30:48 never drop you guys now we went for
1:30:50 going somewhere else and you'll get a
1:30:52 lot more chances to talk in a few
1:30:54 minutes we're going to take a five-ish
1:30:56 let's see what time is it on my
1:30:59 smartphone is 807 so let's meet back
1:31:02 here at 8:15 and we're going to give you
1:31:04 guys a voice by reading some of your
1:31:05 questions and letting them for fun thank
1:31:07 you I need to find a coconut oil hi I
1:31:14 might PhD a discontented might be
1:31:18 related and what's really interesting
1:31:22 are he was talking about Mary and Mavis
1:31:25 advisor for a professor in my department
1:31:27 and the thing that he says about
1:31:29 Darwinian evolution is that he thinks
1:31:32 that natural selection exists to
1:31:35 eliminate deleterious genotype that's
1:31:38 what he's actually saying are you saying
1:31:39 that my opponent is quoting from
1:31:41 scientism when he doesn't understand
1:31:44 what they're saying
1:31:45 I'm afraid could you tell him that
1:31:48 please I would appreciate it if you
1:31:55 would pour flavors it's very much a
1:31:59 matter of authority so and if he's going
1:32:02 to be citing people you need to know
1:32:03 what they're saying
1:32:05 alright guys I'm going to go ahead and
1:32:07 get us started again even though I still
1:32:09 have it read through all of these
1:32:10 because I'm sure well these guys debate
1:32:12 I can read I'm sure I'll be able to
1:32:14 concentrate on what's in front of me so
1:32:16 let's go ahead and wind down
1:32:18 conversation and we'll get started again
1:32:20 this is where the teacher in the rear
1:32:22 would say claps once if you can hear
1:32:24 this out of my voice
1:32:28 we've got a lot of questions here that
1:32:30 are most of these are directed at one of
1:32:32 the two of these I'm going to try to go
1:32:33 back and forth and I will honor your
1:32:35 time and defend pi9 and several of the
1:32:39 questions are similar so I may lump them
1:32:42 together but we will start with this one
1:32:43 is for the board and the question is and
1:32:47 if I say this incorrectly it's on you
1:32:50 for nothing written clearly since the
1:32:52 best I can do even if we grant your
1:32:54 assertion that Darwinian evolution is
1:32:56 not valid and all life is the result of
1:32:58 a creator what is the basis for assuming
1:33:00 that Allah is this creator instead of
1:33:03 some other God it seems like even if you
1:33:05 could prove evolution with false but
1:33:07 still does not follow the Islam is true
1:33:09 does it okay you're getting I know I'll
1:33:13 try and remember okay so I just wanna
1:33:17 clarify my position I'm not here to show
1:33:20 evolution is wrong evolution as an
1:33:22 observation we can actually see it just
1:33:25 to give you a small beautiful example of
1:33:27 what might be considered a micro
1:33:28 evolution or micro evolution I don't
1:33:31 like using the terms microphone my
1:33:32 protocol discussion about whether we
1:33:33 should use them or not so it's better
1:33:35 just to use evolution simply means
1:33:36 biological change Tree of Life and
1:33:38 natural selection so I have no problem
1:33:42 with evolution I have absolutely no
1:33:44 problem with Darwinian evolution either
1:33:47 it's a working model is working paradigm
1:33:49 is a working theory nobody should ever
1:33:51 get in the way of scientists doing their
1:33:53 work now in regards to an alternative
1:33:56 I'm not here to preach and explained
1:33:59 that since Darwinian evolution is wrong
1:34:02 therefore you know you guys should
1:34:05 basically become Muslim I'm not here to
1:34:08 do that what why I'm here to do is to
1:34:11 say that Darwinian evolution just like
1:34:13 any
1:34:14 other variants science is not absolute
1:34:17 and Darwinian evolution I believe has
1:34:22 been hijacked by some people who want to
1:34:25 turn it into a religion which is the
1:34:26 same simple cause referring to Darwinism
1:34:29 as religion written by Michael ruse use
1:34:31 an atheist and he was also a Darwinist
1:34:33 so it's not a derogatory term I don't
1:34:35 need to insult anyone
1:34:36 and I don't believe it should be turned
1:34:38 into a religion like for example I'm
1:34:40 sure Aaron's aware of Julian Huxley his
1:34:43 book religion without revelation which
1:34:45 was Darwinism right okay that's a good
1:34:49 better that's a really good picture so
1:34:52 I'm not here to do any of those things
1:34:54 I'm simply here to show it is just like
1:34:57 any other theory in science it is not
1:34:59 absolute
1:35:00 that's what if I may address that he
1:35:02 keeps trying to distinguish evolution
1:35:04 and Darwinian evolution as if they're
1:35:05 different but he's accepting the natural
1:35:08 selection which is the Darwinian part
1:35:11 and that's the micro evolution part he
1:35:13 does not know he hasn't recognized still
1:35:15 that he's talking about micro and macro
1:35:17 I don't know why he hasn't piece that
1:35:18 together but we are not talking there's
1:35:20 not a distinction between evolution on
1:35:21 one side and Darwinism on the other
1:35:23 they're winning evolution is the natural
1:35:25 selection thing that's the micro part
1:35:26 you've got it backwards just call it
1:35:28 evolution just notice I just wanted to
1:35:31 clarify that like I mentioned in my talk
1:35:33 previously Vernonia and philosophy or
1:35:37 physiological philosophy decades before
1:35:40 Darwin rather Stalin and John batsey
1:35:42 democ they use evolution in the sense of
1:35:45 biological change over time Darwin came
1:35:48 later so when I am referring to
1:35:50 evolution I'm not referring to natural
1:35:53 selection working at the micro scale I'm
1:35:55 not just referring to that you know Kat
1:35:58 wells must experiment and anything like
1:36:01 that
1:36:01 I'm simply referring to the way was used
1:36:04 previously and still today is still a
1:36:06 valid way of defining it for example the
1:36:11 Athena flea whenever whenever recognizes
1:36:14 a
1:36:15 in the water it grows at helmet and a
1:36:17 tail spike that's evolution there's
1:36:20 nothing wrong with generally believing
1:36:22 in biological change of time now as a
1:36:24 theory I don't use the terms micro and
1:36:27 macro and I believe I am it's not my
1:36:31 territory to decide whether they are
1:36:32 valid terms or not for example that's
1:36:34 where you're describing
1:36:35 for it well for example there's a whole
1:36:38 discussion amongst evolutionary
1:36:39 biologists about whether those terms
1:36:41 should be used or not right
1:36:43 I just keep away cuz it's a bit of a
1:36:45 contentious issue right I do believe in
1:36:48 evolution as an observation as it was
1:36:51 defined before Darwin until today it is
1:36:54 valid what I do not believe is an
1:36:57 observation is the tree of life or the
1:36:59 web of life of the heads of life of the
1:37:01 bush of life and nor do I believe
1:37:02 natural selection working on mutations
1:37:04 being the cause behind all of this is
1:37:07 epistemically the same way as an
1:37:09 observation of the Tofino I just wanted
1:37:12 to clarify go ahead electron to that but
1:37:14 then we're going to get to more tighter
1:37:15 so for the last 20 years I've been
1:37:17 making a challenge that I can prove
1:37:18 evolution to your satisfaction and I've
1:37:21 made this challenge to dozens of people
1:37:24 and to date only one person has actually
1:37:28 taken the challenge and gone to fruition
1:37:30 and the conversation guys though because
1:37:32 there's going to be a series of
1:37:33 questions you have to answer the
1:37:35 questions if you ignore if you
1:37:36 repeatedly ignore I need to read
1:37:37 questions it's default that I'm under no
1:37:39 obligation to proceed any further
1:37:41 there's only been one time that anybody
1:37:43 took that challenge and actually went
1:37:45 through all the questions that person
1:37:47 not only accepted evolution but she
1:37:49 later married me
1:37:53 I was just like I would I would like to
1:37:56 donate if you were wondering so I would
1:38:00 like to wonder and what would it take to
1:38:02 change your mind because it is a fact
1:38:05 and I can prove it but y'all are going
1:38:07 to take that argument till afterwards
1:38:08 but now when I get to everybody's
1:38:10 questions and if we run out I'll let you
1:38:13 spar some more it's on juicy and I think
1:38:16 this is mostly directed to you but I'll
1:38:17 let you take a stab at it how does
1:38:19 evolution reconcile such a useless
1:38:22 genetic mutation such as homosexuality
1:38:25 since that contradicts the quote
1:38:27 survival of the fittest principle
1:38:31 homosexuality might be a reaction to
1:38:34 overpopulation that if there's one of
1:38:36 the mathematical equations on how
1:38:39 homosexuality occurs in any breeding
1:38:41 population of the percentage and
1:38:43 mathematically it works out that if
1:38:45 occur if an organism or fate not was a
1:38:47 collective becomes - volume is for one
1:38:51 group that percentage that are
1:38:53 homosexual will help restrict that
1:38:57 growth alright there's a philosopher of
1:39:04 science called David Steve he's written
1:39:07 a book about it even though he's an
1:39:09 atheist and you know he doesn't believe
1:39:10 in creationism anything like that he
1:39:13 speaks about assumptions or predictions
1:39:16 if the Darwinian paradigm was true
1:39:18 whether those actually confirmed and his
1:39:21 book is called Darwin fairytale and what
1:39:23 he goes through is homosexuality and
1:39:25 other things which for him don't make
1:39:29 sense under his particular worldview now
1:39:33 I'm not here to make any comments
1:39:34 homosexuality at all but what I will say
1:39:36 is I agree with David stove's conclusion
1:39:40 which is the conclusion is I think you
1:39:42 know any rational person can accept
1:39:44 which is Darwin's theory of evolution
1:39:46 even though it's the best thing we
1:39:48 currently have as a paradigm is not true
1:39:50 in an absolute sense that's all I'm
1:39:52 actually here to do now and my position
1:39:54 is echoed by other you know secular
1:39:57 academics it's not some new where you
1:39:59 say you keep saying that but the
1:40:00 citations you bring up don't agree with
1:40:02 you
1:40:03 okay so we don't mean it you think right
1:40:05 now you question all right
1:40:07 that's on you guys this question goes to
1:40:11 support yeah it says at how can you
1:40:14 claim I'm sorry the sentence is funny to
1:40:17 me how can you claim that humans and
1:40:18 mushrooms are so different as to refute
1:40:21 evolution their genetic code is the same
1:40:23 many of their enzymes and structural
1:40:25 proteins or functional substitutes their
1:40:27 organelles are the same their means of
1:40:30 replicating are mechanically related
1:40:32 that sounds interesting
1:40:34 I'll take my so yeah just to go back
1:40:45 nothing I said today about you know the
1:40:48 people are referring to as my
1:40:49 interpretation of what they think the
1:40:52 the question is referring to something
1:40:54 which I mentioned from evolution and
1:40:58 evidence the logic behind the science
1:41:00 and what he basically says there is to
1:41:03 use homology and to say that because
1:41:06 these two things are similar therefore
1:41:08 they must have a common ancestor and
1:41:09 these two things are different so
1:41:11 therefore they do you don't have a
1:41:12 command sister the recall was basically
1:41:15 in the context of you can't say a must
1:41:18 within a probabilistic framework the
1:41:20 probabilistic framework is based upon
1:41:22 assumptions bathing's decomposition with
1:41:24 nine mathematical assumptions plus they
1:41:28 are conceptual problems such as defining
1:41:31 homology in a non-circular way and also
1:41:33 the existence of homo lazy so much
1:41:38 mushrooms are tasty bar I don't I don't
1:41:41 really disagree with and being tasty you
1:41:44 didn't comment on the sex life of
1:41:45 mushrooms but we'll save that for
1:41:47 another night this question forearm it
1:41:49 says what degree of influence by the way
1:41:52 whoever read this question excellent
1:41:54 penmanship what degree of influence to
1:41:57 the alternative to Darwinian evolution
1:41:59 ie the third way hold in the scientific
1:42:02 community are they being seriously
1:42:03 considered by mainstream scientists or
1:42:05 are they quote fringe any really good
1:42:08 and the problem with some of the claims
1:42:10 that the scientists are making us
1:42:12 although there are other there are
1:42:15 are there mechanisms they don't have the
1:42:16 same weight as natural selection does I
1:42:19 mean there's like a niche generation for
1:42:22 example in construction these
1:42:24 construction thank you these are well
1:42:27 that while they are factors in you know
1:42:29 the development of life or the evolution
1:42:30 of life they're not necessarily the type
1:42:32 of mechanism that they're playing them
1:42:34 out to be they certainly aren't a
1:42:36 challenge so there's nothing that
1:42:38 anybody is bringing up as far as the new
1:42:40 mechanisms as they want to purport that
1:42:41 actually displaces of natural selection
1:42:45 certainly nothing that that disproves
1:42:47 natural selection everything they
1:42:49 suggest is actually concordant with what
1:42:50 we already know this is just additional
1:42:52 information at best nobody's come up
1:42:56 with a third way that disproves or
1:42:58 discards the prager ways and I don't
1:43:01 know what they mean by the third way and
1:43:03 the reason I have to question what he's
1:43:04 saying when he brings up these things
1:43:06 and I don't know it because he mentioned
1:43:07 something in his video about the people
1:43:09 comparing the genome in human DNA and
1:43:12 all that I had to get a geneticist
1:43:15 friend of mine to find out what paper he
1:43:16 was citing right and then look it up so
1:43:18 I've got a professional geneticist who's
1:43:20 reading this who says I don't know what
1:43:21 this guy is talking about what at one
1:43:23 point three billion letters they ignored
1:43:24 it where does it say that so we're both
1:43:26 reading through it and neither one of us
1:43:28 could glean from it what you did so this
1:43:31 is why I'm convinced that you simply
1:43:32 don't understand the arguments that
1:43:34 you're reading okay to to quickening
1:43:37 within one I'm going to go see
1:43:39 alternatives and this or that so number
1:43:42 one in regards to that paper itself is
1:43:44 on the video which is this - there's two
1:43:49 particular papers I cited one was that
1:43:52 paper from nature which title I don't
1:43:53 remember but in their YouTube videos
1:43:55 embedded in there the second ones the
1:43:57 relative difference is a little 1% and
1:43:59 John Calvin and other evolutionary
1:44:03 biologists they're speaking about the 1%
1:44:05 is a gross oversimplification and they
1:44:11 currently don't know enough to work out
1:44:13 percentages now that's their view
1:44:14 marketers also trying to do two things
1:44:16 now in regards to niche construction
1:44:19 it's not an alternative right I believe
1:44:23 it can
1:44:24 the book that was just recently
1:44:26 published by Princeton and what they
1:44:27 said is these are the people who are
1:44:30 putting forth these construction as a as
1:44:34 a theory and they have found a way of
1:44:36 incorporating it within Darwinism I de
1:44:40 niro Darwin as a mechanism so that's not
1:44:42 a problem but the other the Third Way of
1:44:45 evolution guys like okay the question is
1:44:48 are they fringe okay two things here
1:44:51 number one if they are fringe Darwin at
1:44:53 one point was fringe I you became
1:44:55 mainstream to one of the people that's
1:44:58 on here is Carlos who's published papers
1:45:02 you can find on the third way of
1:45:03 evolution Oakland and he discovered the
1:45:05 third domain of life archaea so even if
1:45:09 they were French and they're not frankly
1:45:11 it would be irrelevant because let us
1:45:13 assume there was no alternative let's
1:45:15 just this is golda let's assume there
1:45:17 was no alternative and you know these
1:45:19 guys from Oxford MIT Princeton Harvard
1:45:21 and Oxford in whatever right they were
1:45:24 there even in that case according to
1:45:27 philosophers of science there are
1:45:28 alternatives to our best theories
1:45:31 equally well confirmed by the evidence
1:45:33 even when we even if we are unable to
1:45:36 conceive of them at the time it is what
1:45:37 Kyle Stanford has lost well science says
1:45:39 and he's an atheist and you know doesn't
1:45:42 have any sort of religious bias so this
1:45:44 is main stream understanding of
1:45:47 philosophy of science yes the views of
1:45:49 evolutionary biology that I was
1:45:50 referring to or number one I don't
1:45:53 endorse them to I do agree they're not
1:45:54 means they're not like there may be main
1:45:56 screen bondage is pushing it as in terms
1:45:58 of sexual apologists but they haven't
1:46:01 become guarantee and a foothold in the
1:46:03 scientific community the reason why I
1:46:04 raised them is not I endorsed them is to
1:46:07 show there is a discussion going on you
1:46:10 call the discussion exists because they
1:46:12 obviously understand it's not absolute
1:46:14 then help when there's no other site
1:46:16 there's not even their understanding so
1:46:18 on the concept of niche construction
1:46:22 how would that impugn or how with that
1:46:26 challenge
1:46:27 natural selection it doesn't thank you
1:46:30 no no not anything again when it does
1:46:33 well that's the whole problem with
1:46:35 this Third Way is every one of these
1:46:37 American iron isn't really agenda in
1:46:39 general just a second that I mentioned
1:46:42 at the beginning that's what the book
1:46:43 says you when you mention these
1:46:45 constructions niche consumption is not
1:46:47 an alternative but they found a way of
1:46:49 incorporating it within the current
1:46:51 matter is discussed our paradigm the
1:46:54 other mechanisms they haven't and the
1:46:56 people proposing the mechanisms such as
1:46:59 James Shapiro they do not believe that
1:47:02 Darwinism has any hope in terms of its
1:47:04 mechanism you have to be really specific
1:47:06 about that because I've heard these
1:47:07 arguments and have read these arguments
1:47:09 that these people are making and a lot
1:47:11 of I just don't have the substance for
1:47:12 the very reason you've just Illustrated
1:47:14 yourself that means construction has
1:47:16 nothing to say against natural selection
1:47:19 why don't you saw an alternative I never
1:47:21 mentioned as an alternative Island chose
1:47:22 that I know what you're not saying yeah
1:47:24 okay but it is giving a case of any of
1:47:28 these other mechanisms as they want to
1:47:30 bring up there's nothing that actually
1:47:31 challenges or replaces what we already
1:47:33 know it just adds to it that's it so why
1:47:35 would you come up with a third way
1:47:37 that's just it you wouldn't okay no has
1:47:40 you already accepted natural selection
1:47:41 exam you graduated just answer the
1:47:44 question that came in that was a bit of
1:47:46 question just to be fair there but again
1:47:49 barring later let's the after party and
1:47:52 this question is for sabor it says do
1:47:54 you believe in multiple episodes of
1:47:56 creation if not how do you account for
1:47:59 only primitive organisms in the earliest
1:48:01 fossils people screams do you believe in
1:48:04 multiple episodes of creation if not how
1:48:07 do you account for only primitive
1:48:08 organisms in the earliest fossils okay
1:48:12 take a look at I'm guessing it it's
1:48:14 referring to multiple origins here they
1:48:18 are loads of possible creation scenarios
1:48:22 right and I'm not endorsing one
1:48:25 particular one
1:48:26 okay cuz as a Muslim when it comes to
1:48:29 the creation story we don't have a mean
1:48:35 we don't have this belief which is in
1:48:37 the Bible that they are separate kinds
1:48:39 and you know these kinds are
1:48:41 unchangeable it's actually like their
1:48:43 silence and even when I try to look up
1:48:45 what was the date
1:48:48 you know when do we as Muslims believed
1:48:50 there was the first atom basically the
1:48:54 first human what I got was there is no
1:48:57 dead end okay what about Homo erectus
1:48:59 Homo Naledi and these things and the
1:49:02 answer I got was okay
1:49:04 other things existed and then the other
1:49:07 was created separately now just two on
1:49:10 this issue of creation there's a book
1:49:12 called the Padma Purana which is a 3,000
1:49:17 year old Hindu text right and in this
1:49:21 book it gives a very clear picture of
1:49:26 the creation of life being like a tree
1:49:29 of life identical in not it's details by
1:49:34 its structure of Darwin's Tree of Life
1:49:39 and I'll basically professor of Sanskrit
1:49:42 Oxford University Manya Williams he
1:49:47 basically explains that the Hindus were
1:49:49 Darwinists centuries before Darwin in
1:49:51 regards to their sort of thing
1:49:54 so who whoever comes up with a creation
1:49:58 story of some kind
1:50:00 and what I'm using creation very vaguely
1:50:02 here right cuz even if you don't believe
1:50:04 in God he still believe that things
1:50:06 existed in creation right it doesn't
1:50:08 matter where it came from because just
1:50:11 to disprove from where it came from
1:50:13 would be the genetic fallacy we have a
1:50:15 very clear description of the tree of
1:50:17 life in the bottom-up knowledge of 3,000
1:50:19 years old but it would be ridiculous to
1:50:21 need to sit here and say because it's in
1:50:24 that ancient book and then Darwin later
1:50:28 adopted a and his grandfather Erasmus
1:50:31 Darwin wrote about practice or gradual
1:50:34 beginning in zou Narnia it you can't
1:50:37 shoot idea down where because of where
1:50:39 it comes from
1:50:40 if you see my point you have to look at
1:50:43 the validity of the idea itself and the
1:50:45 reason why I speak about the mechanism
1:50:47 is if the mechanism fails then the
1:50:50 history of life too fails because the
1:50:52 Tree of Life idea existed prior to
1:50:55 Darwin and it came down to the Greek
1:50:57 philosophers and
1:50:58 they came down to the enlightenment and
1:51:00 he was well-known as an idea before
1:51:04 Darwin Darwin came along and he filled
1:51:06 the gap which was a mechanism by which
1:51:07 it happened natural selection works in
1:51:09 all variations hence why there's so much
1:51:11 controversy when you bring up problems
1:51:14 with the mechanism but I just want to
1:51:15 reiterate this one last point again and
1:51:16 again
1:51:17 I don't endorse any of those
1:51:19 alternatives I was just showing them as
1:51:21 the fact that there exists a
1:51:24 disagreement about some of the core
1:51:27 ideas of dominance
1:51:28 I just wanna mention yes it's a piranha
1:51:31 I'm pretty sure that's the right one I
1:51:34 don't like I don't have batteries on
1:51:35 here to check it but pretty sure the
1:51:37 Piranha was contextually dated into
1:51:39 about 2600 years or so it can't be 3000
1:51:42 years because it mentions Buddha and it
1:51:44 says that Buddha was an incarnation of
1:51:47 Vishnu and that he appeared in his guise
1:51:50 to delude the atheists but
1:51:53 simultaneously it also contextually
1:51:56 dated to Rome 2600 years ago as the
1:51:58 Bhagavad Gita which in which Krishna
1:52:01 complains about demonic people who
1:52:05 believe that the biodiversity comes only
1:52:07 from cohabitation and lust no more than
1:52:10 this different species breed themselves
1:52:13 we're supposed to read it I don't
1:52:14 remember the exact quote that's
1:52:16 basically what says I wish I could think
1:52:18 of a clever segue from that and this
1:52:21 question it doesn't say good for but I'm
1:52:23 gathering it for you and that is what it
1:52:25 says changes in organisms are apparent
1:52:27 even interest species mutations can be
1:52:30 observed over time but we've never seen
1:52:32 a transition from one species to another
1:52:34 and then in parentheses fish to cow
1:52:36 let's say doesn't it take half doesn't
1:52:39 it take space to accept that Darwinian
1:52:41 evolution something we've never observed
1:52:43 is true my book lists dozens of observed
1:52:50 speciation events we have seen the
1:52:54 emergence of new species how is not a
1:52:57 species just to give you a Takei
1:53:03 Lobos what was the example given here a
1:53:05 fish to cow we actually have for
1:53:08 paleontology we actually show this one
1:53:10 because we do have quite a fluid
1:53:12 transition into tetrapods and we go a
1:53:14 long way before we get into cattle and
1:53:16 then cows and things like that but yes
1:53:18 we have observed the origin of new
1:53:20 species or divergence of new species
1:53:24 basically doesn't it takes faith to be a
1:53:27 Darwinian ya know any belief that we I'm
1:53:31 an eminent scientist I'm also in a
1:53:33 pissed abyss and at this service is
1:53:34 somebody rejects faith as being the most
1:53:36 dishonest opposition it is possible to
1:53:38 have any any belief that requires faith
1:53:40 should be rejected for that reason okay
1:53:43 just want to make a quick point about
1:53:46 changes in the species that is a few
1:53:50 missus species that secure answering
1:53:51 this question that the current fish I
1:53:55 would say I'm guessing you're a
1:53:58 Christian have asked this question I
1:54:00 would say look scientists they have this
1:54:04 working paradigm right dot the Darwinian
1:54:07 evolution right leave you alone as a
1:54:09 paradigm leave you alone as a theory
1:54:10 let them do their work there's no reason
1:54:12 to bring your theology or even me as
1:54:14 Muslim my theology and try and challenge
1:54:16 scientists but just on this particular
1:54:17 question there's 26 different
1:54:20 definitions of species right and it's
1:54:24 not as simple as oh you know yeah you
1:54:27 work with this species you know we
1:54:30 worked out this is related to that even
1:54:33 though there's a mechanism and there's
1:54:34 an exploit true power behind the
1:54:36 mechanism theoretically something could
1:54:39 be but it doesn't mean it was there's a
1:54:42 difference theoretically it could be so
1:54:44 for example how did this thing go oh it
1:54:47 could have been it doesn't mean it
1:54:48 actually that's actually the way it
1:54:50 happened so I think it's very important
1:54:53 to solve make a distinction in those
1:54:56 things and lastly I'd like to ask this
1:54:57 question say the fish did lead to the
1:55:00 cow how on earth would that change your
1:55:02 belief or your faith on a nail okay is
1:55:06 there a link between the fish and the
1:55:07 country you shouldn't I mean I'm a
1:55:10 strong believer like professor
1:55:12 Alister McGrath the Oxford University
1:55:15 who's a Christian theologian former
1:55:16 atheist and he basically says look let
1:55:19 the scientist do their work okay I don't
1:55:21 believe in it and I you know it things
1:55:23 can change but let them do the work
1:55:24 don't get involved in these you know
1:55:26 crazy creation science type things which
1:55:29 actually hinder the progress of science
1:55:31 let it be as a paradigm let it be as a
1:55:33 model let it be as a theory let them do
1:55:35 their work because IBM Thursday what
1:55:37 they're doing is saving lives something
1:55:40 that for example in the Quran it says
1:55:41 whoever they say saves the life of one
1:55:43 human being saves the lives of all which
1:55:45 is also in the Torah the Old Testament
1:55:47 so let the scientists do their work
1:55:49 don't bring theology into I'm a strong
1:55:53 believer in them so since we have the
1:55:54 creation is defending evolution let the
1:55:56 atheists also defend Christianity for a
1:55:59 moment just in music I'll allow it
1:56:03 it is possible to interpret the Bible
1:56:06 when it says that God said let the earth
1:56:08 bring forth read it literally alright I
1:56:15 was trying to think if we could squeeze
1:56:17 two questions in but I think you guys
1:56:20 approve we cannot I'm going to do one
1:56:22 more question because I've been told
1:56:24 that we actually need to end by 8:45 so
1:56:27 you guys can actually be gone by 9:00
1:56:29 and so this question just says what is
1:56:32 the most important point you want to
1:56:34 make so this is a freebie you can each
1:56:36 end on one point that you most want to
1:56:39 have the audience here before we leave
1:56:41 and I didn't make this up this is a real
1:56:43 card there's the one point the most
1:56:45 important point you want to make well if
1:56:49 you're going to me first it is you know
1:56:51 the fact the data that can be confirmed
1:56:54 that there's something that we can show
1:56:55 to be true it's not assumption so
1:56:56 certainly damn sure isn't speculation we
1:56:59 have ways we can show this and we can
1:57:00 prove it we can verify it and I'd be
1:57:02 happy to do that for you but of course
1:57:04 it's going to take some time to work it
1:57:05 out and I would rather do that in a
1:57:07 written format because then we can
1:57:09 compare data and you know show links and
1:57:11 so forth but it would it would be just
1:57:13 that this is not faith this is not a
1:57:16 religious position this is something we
1:57:18 know and can show any right
1:57:24 the most important thing I'd like to say
1:57:26 is that whenever there is a paradigm
1:57:30 that exists in science it doesn't mean
1:57:35 that that paradigm is absolutely is true
1:57:36 enough in an absolute sense the
1:57:39 philosopher of science and
1:57:40 astrophysicists Thomas Cooney wrote the
1:57:43 structure of scientific revolutions and
1:57:45 he speaks about how there was major
1:57:47 paradigm shifts and the history of
1:57:49 science science shows the major paradigm
1:57:52 shifts for example from the classical
1:57:54 Newtonian worldview to the quantum and
1:57:58 the relativistic worldview in which what
1:58:01 happened and I want you guys to be like
1:58:02 this what happened 200 years we had
1:58:05 Newtonian predictions precisely this
1:58:08 planning is going to be in this place at
1:58:10 this particular motion on this day and
1:58:12 it was there but the fundamental
1:58:14 assumptions of that world of that
1:58:17 paradigm turned out to be false
1:58:19 according to today's paradigm
1:58:21 relativistic paradigm which is time and
1:58:23 space are fixed now there seem to be
1:58:26 dynamic there is the definition of mass
1:58:30 itself changed gravity is no longer a
1:58:34 pulling force is actually space-time
1:58:36 curvature and it's a pushing force look
1:58:39 at those conceptual changes and
1:58:41 according to some evolutionary
1:58:44 biologists like James Shapiro biology is
1:58:48 going through a similar conceptual
1:58:50 revolution so just because and even if
1:58:54 it was even if it wasn't a few Darwinian
1:58:56 evolution as a paradigm is going to
1:58:59 exist for the next thousand years
1:59:00 there's no reason for any person Muslim
1:59:03 Christian atheist to attach it as a
1:59:06 scientific theory let the scientists do
1:59:08 their work just don't turn it into a
1:59:10 religion which is something I believe
1:59:11 has happened to Darwinism it has been
1:59:16 hijacked the theory itself has been
1:59:17 hijacked by some people like Richard
1:59:20 Dawkins who says Darwin allowed him to
1:59:22 be an intellectually satisfied agency
1:59:23 says this in the blind watchmaker I
1:59:25 don't think he should use his position
1:59:28 in science you propagate his belief
1:59:30 which by the way that bore no
1:59:32 resemblance to of a good
1:59:35 what way you just described with
1:59:37 audience that born of being
1:59:40 intellectually satisfied just means you
1:59:42 know that you're justified whatever you
1:59:43 believe you believe for reasons right
1:59:46 not faith reasons that mean it not
1:59:48 religion okay Darwinism as religion the
1:59:51 book I was referring to it speaks about
1:59:54 yes it gives them that intellectual
1:59:57 transaction Darwinism but should it lead
2:00:01 them to be convinced of atheism and as
2:00:04 you in your book the first foundational
2:00:06 falsehood which I agree with you Pacific
2:00:09 and also I read the part France your
2:00:11 neighbor couldn't get that right by
2:00:13 inning the first foundational falsehood
2:00:15 I agree with you why wait evolution with
2:00:17 atheism so that's why we can agree about
2:00:21 it shouldn't be turned into a button to
2:00:23 bash the religious people evolution
2:00:26 equals evolution it doesn't equal a
2:00:28 person all right I'm gonna wrap it up on
2:00:31 that note and thank you guys both for
2:00:33 coming and for being gracious courts and
2:00:35 I didn't have to break any to this site
2:00:37 okay so thank you all for coming to do
2:00:39 any closing remarks six
2:00:44 yeah just thanks to everybody for coming
2:00:46 thank you very much the birth of our
2:00:48 debate participants and those laws