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Quilliam's Adam Deen Debates Mohammed Hijab (2018-05-14)

## Description

An interesting discussion on whether or not the Quilliam Foundation's aims are being met and whether they are effective in counter-extremism.

Summary of Quilliam's Adam Deen Debates Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

Adam Deen of Quilliam debates Mohammed Hijab on the implementation of Sharia law in Britain. Deen argues that it is necessary to implement Sharia law to prevent being absorbed by more powerful empires, and that the Islamic concept of jihad justifies violence against those who oppress Muslims.

00:00:00 Quilliam's Adam Deen argues that Mohammed Hijab does not have a place working together with traditionalists because they will not be convinced by post-enlightenment liberal views. He suggests that Muslims break their faster and ask Allah for guidance in order to divert themselves from extremism. Deen also argues that traditionalists have to work within the mainstream to be effective in countering extremism.

  • 00:05:00 Quilliam's Adam Deen argues that Mohammed Hijab is a danger to society, and that the best way to deal with him is to engage with him and show him that our way of life works. He argues that it is permissible to kill a cat in Dar al-Harb, and that it is important to be aware of the context in which a hadith is said to be applicable.
  • 00:10:00 Quilliam's Adam Deen argues that Islam was revealed and that there is no problem with it, but he disagrees with Mohammed Hijab's belief that Sharia law should be applied to non-Muslims in Britain. Deen believes that the Quran allows for a peaceful form of jihad, which is defensive, and that the life of this world is "occur to the a hair of texture for a little garnish is minor."
  • 00:15:00 Quilliam's Adam Deen debates Mohammed Hijab, in which Deen argues that implementing Sharia law in the context of pre-World War One Muslim empires was necessary to prevent being absorbed by more powerful empires. Deen also argues that the Islamic concept of jihad justifies violence against those who oppress Muslims.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 you're in my opinion in my humble
0:00:02 opinion yeah I've been I've seen a
0:00:04 couple of things and heard a couple of
0:00:05 things of imagine ours yeah I've seen
0:00:07 and heard it and I've seen what you have
0:00:08 to say and I heard what you have to say
0:00:10 in my humble opinion it makes no sense
0:00:12 for you to be working together
0:00:15 you're more you're more online or you're
0:00:19 more Center ground in the sense of
0:00:21 Islamic traditionalism in fact I
0:00:23 genuinely do believe that if you
0:00:26 actually voiced your opinion in a public
0:00:28 platform yeah maybe you maybe you
0:00:30 reprimand you say this is wrong okay in
0:00:33 that case you need to make very clear
0:00:35 because the fingers look my opinion on
0:00:38 Quilliam is that it doesn't it doesn't
0:00:40 help counter extremism this is working
0:00:42 the wrong strategies well I reckon let
0:00:44 me tell you something I reckon we do the
0:00:46 best counter extremist work and that's
0:00:47 know when I say we I'm not talking about
0:00:49 me I'm talking about people that are
0:00:51 traditionalists I'm not talking about me
0:00:52 well I'll tell you why I tell you why
0:00:54 but the problem is do traditional ideas
0:00:56 a lot of you believe it anyways we've
0:00:59 come to that conclusion I was going to
0:01:00 say she was this Adam listen yeah look
0:01:03 this is the way to deal with extremism
0:01:07 in my opinion you could take it policy
0:01:09 or recommendation throw it in the bin
0:01:11 use it do whatever you wanna do if
0:01:13 you're serious about it okay do not work
0:01:16 with people who are to the Muslim
0:01:19 community seen as not helping or not
0:01:23 helpful people like Majid know us
0:01:24 because he's not like you he's very much
0:01:27 against Islam in many aspects of Muslims
0:01:29 and in our opinion and our penis our
0:01:31 subjective opinion no problem that's
0:01:33 number one free yourself from Rosana
0:01:34 videos number two what you've got to do
0:01:36 is you've gotta work within the
0:01:39 framework Muslims that let me tell you
0:01:40 this candidly and clearly for you to
0:01:42 hear please if you're serious about
0:01:44 countering extremism listen to I'm
0:01:46 saying Muslims are have decided or are
0:01:49 about to decide to blow themselves up
0:01:51 yeah on a train or on a plane or an
0:01:56 automobile whoever may be those
0:01:59 individuals will not be convinced by the
0:02:03 rhetoric of post-enlightenment they will
0:02:06 not be
0:02:07 let me tell you why because they will
0:02:11 not be convinced by post-enlightenment
0:02:14 liberal istic the Democratic reasoning
0:02:17 they can only be convinced they can only
0:02:21 and will only be convinced those
0:02:24 individuals are discredited by the
0:02:28 Muslim community yes yes they're
0:02:30 discredited but opposed I'm not saying
0:02:31 that they have no knowledge I'm not
0:02:33 saying this but thank you within the
0:02:34 tradition no they don't really because
0:02:36 they're saying things which are let me
0:02:37 tell you what let me never say so how to
0:02:38 please do that no I do them say that you
0:02:41 can break your faster ask of time
0:02:42 according to yes yeah I'm sorry opinion
0:02:46 could be of the many others are the
0:02:48 opinions are very much isolated yeah but
0:02:50 it's very opinion no but it's not
0:02:52 mainstream second you have to work
0:02:55 within the mainstream news mainstream no
0:02:59 mainstream no no no there is a
0:03:01 mainstream traditional there's a
0:03:02 Scholastic for this university it's not
0:03:06 it's a one-person no it's not it's what
0:03:09 tell me where it says they don't do the
0:03:11 reflection like that it is a but were
0:03:13 supported by us no no I have not my
0:03:16 district 12 medium for me I know trust
0:03:18 me they don't have a legend like that
0:03:19 yeah they don't have a legend they have
0:03:20 to have some power we they have to work
0:03:21 these guys tomorrow and these guys who
0:03:24 are just credited in their own right
0:03:25 trust me who's the leader of us are now
0:03:30 is completely discredited in the Muslim
0:03:32 world you should know this yeah okay now
0:03:34 I'm not saying he doesn't have any
0:03:35 knowledge but it is no problem listen to
0:03:38 me what I'm saying to you candidly and
0:03:41 clearly yeah is that if you're serious
0:03:43 about seriously you want to stop people
0:03:46 blowing themselves up full stop yeah you
0:03:48 want to stop here killing and this and
0:03:50 that I want to do the same thing maybe
0:03:51 we have different reasons for the minute
0:03:52 maybe you mean imagine have different
0:03:54 reasons for doing it maybe me and the
0:03:56 government of Britain have the reason
0:03:57 for doing it
0:03:58 we have different reasons for doing it
0:03:59 we actually do have different I'm the
0:04:01 reason why I'm doing it is to protect my
0:04:03 own community I'll tell you straight
0:04:04 forward yeah because the first
0:04:06 corruption is a deviant ideology that
0:04:08 they're gonna be following which could
0:04:09 take them out of the slammer together my
0:04:10 opinion yeah that's the first corruption
0:04:12 I want to protect them from that before
0:04:15 anything else that's not war
0:04:17 so here what I'm saying is if you're
0:04:19 really serious about that you need to
0:04:21 join you need to free yourselves from
0:04:24 those individuals who are completely
0:04:25 discredited for in the Muslim community
0:04:26 and then you need to equip yourself with
0:04:29 the traditional knowledge that I'm sure
0:04:30 you have some basis on that and then you
0:04:32 have to join those traditionalists who
0:04:35 work within the tradition the mainstream
0:04:37 tradition well talk about a form of that
0:04:39 head etc in order to try and divert
0:04:42 those people away using that rhetoric
0:04:44 the post-enlightenment rhetoric works
0:04:46 with the British public
0:04:48 you know non-muslims really well I'm
0:04:50 telling you but it does not work with
0:04:52 someone who's about to kill some some
0:04:54 people during the sanest point someone
0:04:57 who's gonna blow themselves up if
0:04:58 someone says look it's not very
0:04:59 democratic what you're doing yeah
0:05:00 freedom of speech and exertion listen
0:05:02 man I'm proposing freedom of speech
0:05:04 exactly that's exactly right he's gonna
0:05:06 give him fuel and energy and yeah what
0:05:09 he needs is someone to come to him and
0:05:11 say listen okay let me trace ensuring I
0:05:13 know I'm not saying it's you I'm saying
0:05:15 that what he this guy needs what this
0:05:17 guy needs is that he's about to blow
0:05:18 himself up I'm not taking the credit for
0:05:20 myself Allah yeah a lot of people win
0:05:22 the dollars in a lot of the Messiah the
0:05:27 mâche particularly yeah those who are
0:05:29 very engrossed in the traditional works
0:05:31 yeah they are in my opinion the
0:05:34 frontline of the radical izing people in
0:05:35 that same way that we talked about when
0:05:37 we say D radical I think we're talking
0:05:38 about stopping them from blowing
0:05:39 themselves up you know why because they
0:05:41 bring those guys to the corner and they
0:05:43 say you know what you know what you're
0:05:44 doing here it goes against this Quranic
0:05:46 verse and that's gonna do yeah for the
0:05:48 concept
0:05:51 the harp looks what you say to a second
0:05:56 harm done Islam not harm the harp is
0:06:03 where wars happening yeah no problem
0:06:05 you someone comes to you and says I
0:06:07 believe our internal heart say no
0:06:09 problem so you say to Adam say Donnell
0:06:11 hug for those who believe in it means
0:06:13 the place of war say I agree no problem
0:06:15 we believe we're in that were happy yeah
0:06:16 no problem yeah how would you deal with
0:06:18 that individual I'm asking you
0:06:20 I mean I'm this is a bit of a training
0:06:21 now I'm not saying that you need it but
0:06:22 a bit of a training I'm saying I'm a
0:06:24 radical I'm coming to you nam say look
0:06:25 we're in dar al-harb
0:06:27 we're in the place of war how we're
0:06:28 going to how would you come to this I
0:06:32 someone come to you are you gonna say it
0:06:34 was very undemocratic is irrational he's
0:06:36 gonna say you know I don't care about
0:06:37 democracy and I've got my own
0:06:38 rationality I'm gonna kill the guy
0:06:41 how would you do with it would instruct
0:06:44 identification okay he sees he's going
0:06:50 to say look we've got Adam Dean versus
0:06:52 in mocha Dhamma I'm gonna take no Kodama
0:06:54 because Adam Dean is not trained
0:06:55 Islamically it doesn't have the Arabic
0:06:57 language etc ethnic Adama is that a
0:06:59 mountain I'm going to take him over the
0:07:00 new because he knows more about them
0:07:02 than you . case closed do you know how
0:07:04 to do with it someone comes to you says
0:07:06 Darryl harp I believe I'm in Dar harpeia
0:07:08 say ok no problem let's take for the
0:07:10 sake of argument $1 have we're a place
0:07:11 of war you know he says to them first
0:07:13 question
0:07:15 is it okay to kill a cat in Darla harp
0:07:18 first question this is a training now
0:07:21 hope the quillion
0:07:22 who guys there they're listening you
0:07:24 said - is it okay to kill a cat in
0:07:26 Darryl hunt it's okay
0:07:28 what is he gonna say he's gonna say no
0:07:32 it's not okay if he knows anything you
0:07:33 say no i don't know actually i don't
0:07:35 know i say what the hadith of the woman
0:07:37 that killed at the torture the catch to
0:07:38 go to hell yeah okay fine
0:07:40 it's killing a cat Haram yes is it Haram
0:07:44 in Donnell harm and Donnell Islam yes
0:07:47 how do we know is how I'm in both places
0:07:49 because there's no reason for us to
0:07:51 believe that this general rule is not
0:07:54 applicable at dar al-harb be fine
0:07:57 let's take you to the next step is it
0:07:59 Haram to kill a child a baby in Donnell
0:08:01 harm of course why because you know it's
0:08:04 Haram to kill and a burrito member hala
0:08:06 hala who call it the Prophet told us
0:08:08 straightforwardly that McKenna Ali her
0:08:11 and took Kyle when the woman was killed
0:08:12 in the battlefield he said it wasn't for
0:08:14 her to be killed fine so he huh yes
0:08:17 What did he say say fine so killing
0:08:23 civilians whether it be in double its
0:08:25 level then he's going to say okay well
0:08:27 you know you make a point this hadith
0:08:29 Makenna Makenna and yeah when they
0:08:34 killed children accidentally and they
0:08:37 said don't worry there they all said
0:08:45 excellent put in context and what is it
0:08:51 Saudis all these oh no it doesn't
0:08:59 because one lie it works because he will
0:09:02 I can give you the testimonials brother
0:09:04 you know we might do we might get you
0:09:06 alive because I the beginning of this
0:09:08 discussion I said you look what measure
0:09:10 what way of measuring yeah your success
0:09:13 in terms of counter extremism as Lackey
0:09:15 cooler yeah and you said really we have
0:09:17 some things here and there we know it's
0:09:18 trivial or whatever I'm saying should we
0:09:20 have a neutral exactly but on the ground
0:09:23 people that are actually in prison yes
0:09:25 that we engage with I'm telling you our
0:09:28 way actually today they disavow their
0:09:31 extreme no problems while they're like
0:09:32 that consider we've got people that
0:09:34 we've actually gone live like well like
0:09:37 well like well like well like our way
0:09:42 works Doodle white because do you know
0:09:45 why are we that's nice saying al Qaeda
0:09:48 takes people away from Isis
0:09:51 yeah and they join outside and they say
0:09:53 well lucky it works no no well it
0:09:57 depends you're taking them away from
0:09:59 being jihadist yeah it's God's what's
0:10:03 wrong yeah but good is just as well no
0:10:06 problem it's an idea no sir
0:10:09 Islam was revealed there was a
0:10:10 historical come no problem but he's
0:10:12 saying the hand stupid to listen to
0:10:15 who's the person who says I'm gonna cut
0:10:17 the handle I'm not saying that we should
0:10:22 cut the handle treat the thief that's
0:10:23 what I'm saying yeah already I will do
0:10:28 it anyway I'm saying you know what
0:10:33 affects the British public
0:10:35 Cyril hokum is what the Quran says what
0:10:38 the hadith says 1001 is implemented
0:10:40 let's talk what affects the British
0:10:44 public not Cyril hokum I can walk around
0:10:46 in my heart and my brain now listen to
0:10:49 me and believe in my heart in my brain
0:10:51 that actually if all the conditions are
0:10:54 met and this and that no preventers are
0:10:55 in place and we lived in a Muslim
0:10:58 country that you know the penis of love
0:11:00 car in the hand off is the most
0:11:01 beneficial one whoever does that my
0:11:04 belief will ever manifest itself in a
0:11:06 sociological environment it will never
0:11:09 ever mean please wait it will never
0:11:13 manifest itself for the social it has no
0:11:15 implications on the British public
0:11:17 because I don't believe any of the
0:11:19 Sharia law is applicable to non-muslims
0:11:21 any of it and you're not praying not
0:11:23 fasting not hai jab none of it is
0:11:25 applicable to the British non-muslim
0:11:27 public stealing yes not apostasy all of
0:11:30 that is not applicable in Britain
0:11:32 so here Ceylon as a hokum I believe is
0:11:36 all true but 10 Zeeland implementation I
0:11:40 don't say it's applicable so me and you
0:11:42 have the same our position has the same
0:11:45 effect sociologically if I bring someone
0:11:48 out of blowing themselves up now blowing
0:11:50 someone up does have an effect on the
0:11:52 British public
0:11:52 now British public don't give a damn if
0:11:54 I if I think in my heart that you know
0:11:56 if I lived in an all the Muslim country
0:11:58 and this and that the hand comes off
0:11:59 they don't give a damn fighting back
0:12:01 it's not gonna affect their daily life
0:12:02 but what is gonna affect their daily
0:12:04 life if I blow myself up what they need
0:12:06 but the problem was they need at the
0:12:08 problem with the guy that you're talking
0:12:10 to you
0:12:10 right he's been inducted with these
0:12:12 ideas he would consider you in a
0:12:14 hypocrite because he would say you're
0:12:16 being selected with the hats why because
0:12:32 here you have to understand the
0:12:34 difference the Quran says were Malik ami
0:12:37 de la cultura in true circle to be loved
0:12:40 our humble haya to dunya Roman higher to
0:12:44 dunya fill affinity luckily what is it
0:12:46 true this one of the things that the
0:12:48 general is they say a lot of the time
0:12:49 one of the main verses that they use is
0:12:51 the Taliban through the Toba why don't
0:12:54 you go out and fight when I said when I
0:12:57 said to you fight in the way of Allah
0:13:00 why is it why is it a circle to allowed
0:13:03 that you come that you cling on to the
0:13:05 earth one of the tomb fill higher table
0:13:07 higher to dunya are you happy with this
0:13:09 world well hiya dunya Phil Ashkenazi
0:13:11 luckily why is the life of this world
0:13:13 occur to the a hair of texture for a
0:13:15 little garnish is minor now having said
0:13:18 that now the first thing I'll say is
0:13:20 them okay the Quran says melaku either
0:13:24 peel alaikum when it said to you
0:13:28 fight in the way of our who's speaking
0:13:29 no a la piel alaikum
0:13:34 all of the festoon of this verse 8 when
0:13:36 the Amir marks a demon makes a really
0:13:39 interesting book and I'm hearing the
0:13:40 leader mark sage what makes a really
0:13:42 interesting book could lead the last
0:13:43 jihad
0:13:44 one of the main books he even realize he
0:13:48 said not Muslim he realizes that
0:13:49 actually this whole physical jihad
0:13:52 what's required for it to be effective
0:13:54 or to actually work is a leader in the
0:13:57 country in these things just like any
0:13:58 country has its leaders and soldiers
0:13:59 whoever yeah same thing now that we have
0:14:02 a fragmented Ouma there is no jihad like
0:14:05 that except for the defensive one the
0:14:07 defensive wondering if someone comes and
0:14:09 kills you and tries to your town and
0:14:11 these things so you have to find
0:14:12 offensive jihad today we don't have a
0:14:14 first block in this world
0:14:15 toxiel and yes toxiel and if you had you
0:14:19 don't believe in no wait sorry yes to
0:14:26 implement the Sharia Ceylon but this is
0:14:29 what you have to differentiate don't see
0:14:31 that awesome
0:14:31 as an [ __ ] you have two kinds of
0:14:33 jihad Luke Adama says you have jihad
0:14:35 differ and you have the pull up the fire
0:14:39 is when you're defending yourself you
0:14:41 had a polyp is when you're pre-empting
0:14:43 jihad you're physically doing these
0:14:44 things yeah so if there was a Muslim
0:14:48 country they have two options jail
0:14:50 defies is fault you have to everybody
0:14:53 have to fight even the woman and I think
0:14:54 in a country they have to fight for to
0:14:56 defend themselves jazakallah now the
0:14:58 scholars talk about how that should be
0:15:00 implemented etc and usually it's
0:15:01 implemented in the context of empires
0:15:03 and really and truly I believe in my
0:15:05 opinion in ask ourselves controversial
0:15:07 but in the framework of the medieval
0:15:09 period it was to prevent
0:15:10 yeah being engulfed and absorbed into
0:15:13 other empires and to preempt that by
0:15:15 absorbing other umpires into its own
0:15:17 empire that's what we had in place these
0:15:19 things are tethered qualified by lots of
0:15:23 other laws for example the doctor and
0:15:26 the me sack that some Muslim countries
0:15:28 can have with other Muslim countries you
0:15:30 could argue the UN you could argue the
0:15:32 UN because the person you have to
0:15:34 understand something I'm sure your
0:15:35 cover-ups understanding the the
0:15:37 pre-world War one
0:15:39 it's completely different to the
0:15:40 post-world War One world completely
0:15:43 different and what lie it's like two O's
0:15:45 three World War one before 1914 everyone
0:15:50 was on expansion all the empires you had
0:15:54 the austro-hungarian Empire you had the
0:15:55 German Empire you had the Prussian
0:15:57 Empire you had the Russian Empire
0:15:59 Ottoman Empire all of these empires were
0:16:02 unashamedly expansionist and imperialist
0:16:05 and it was the menu of the day to be
0:16:07 imperialist in that context Islam says
0:16:10 expand because if you don't expand
0:16:12 you're gonna be expanded upon or whoa
0:16:15 and this is the second option you have
0:16:17 you have none I'm talking about I'm
0:16:19 talking about the proactive oh so you
0:16:22 have you have you can expand or two you
0:16:25 can decide to make agreements with those
0:16:27 other empires such that you both don't
0:16:30 expand both of those things are those
0:16:32 things are reasonable recourses in that
0:16:34 environment yes
0:16:35 post-world War one sorry - it's okay
0:16:39 post-world War post-world War two
0:16:42 you had the League of Nations which
0:16:43 fails then you have the UN the UN is an
0:16:45 American thing yeah it's really is
0:16:47 dominated by America but I'm not talking
0:16:49 about you and now but the idea of
0:16:50 countries coming together deciding not
0:16:52 to expand is supported by the Islamic
0:16:55 texts so the key point that I was trying
0:16:57 to make myself you don't fight so here
0:16:59 what I believe wait wait wait we are
0:17:00 forcing fight because of their disbelief
0:17:02 yes of course not yes because the Koran
0:17:05 says very clearly in chapter 22 of the
0:17:07 Quran it says it says very very clearly
0:17:12 it says chapter 22 verse 69 yeah it says
0:17:22 it says that it's written upon ya those
0:17:28 Muslims to fight beyond the home volume
0:17:31 or because they have been oppressed yeah
0:17:33 so the oppression is the reason island
0:17:35 so here the point is this jihad has
0:17:38 always got is couched in that language
0:17:39 is a language of justification now what
0:17:43 I say in a nutshell bro
0:17:44 what we're doing I personally believe
0:17:46 just watching closely more than what
0:17:49 you're doing
0:18:00 Majid I completely associate from the
0:18:03 sky to be honest I believe this guy
0:18:05 matches now was okay I genuine the
0:18:09 Muslims we have to understand this now
0:18:11 it's not productive having someone who's
0:18:13 so hated in the Muslim community seen as
0:18:15 a sellout that's familiar excommunicated
0:18:17 by the majority of people he's not going
0:18:19 to do any good in counterterrorism it's
0:18:22 only for the Muslims our tradition is
0:18:23 that delve into revelation we're going
0:18:25 to do the best in this regard we should
0:18:27 learn from each other from a perspective
0:18:29 yeah