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Muslim 'Bullies' Israel Advocacy Leader (2018-04-17)


This is one part of a 4 part video which tracks the history of Zionist terrorism. Note how the leader makes no clear condemnation of a group that were labelled as a terrorist organisation by almost all world governments as well as the Haganah - a main Jewish movement at the time.

Summary of Muslim 'Bullies' Israel Advocacy Leader

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:25:00

discusses the massacre of 92 people at the King David Hotel in 1946, which was carried out by the same group that orchestrated 9/11. argues that the comparison of these events is valid because the goals of the groups are strikingly similar. The Muslim "bullies" Israel advocacy leader argues that the death of other Jews elsewhere justifies Muslims' actions against British soldiers during World War II, and also compares South Africa to Israel, where the white minority regime was justified in its actions against the black majority.

*00:00:00 Discusses massacre of 92 people at the King David Hotel in 1946, which was carried out by the same group that orchestrated 9/11. argues that the comparison of these events is valid because the goals of the groups are strikingly similar.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses difference between a terrorist attack and an act of revenge, and argues that the King David Hotel attack was justified as a result of the Jewish community's persecution in Arab countries. He also points out that the attack took place during the British Colonial period, and that the British government was aware of the risk of genocide and did nothing to help the Jews.
  • 00:10:00 The Muslim "bullies" Israel advocacy leader argues that the death of other Jews elsewhere justifies Muslims' actions against British soldiers during World War II, and also compares South Africa to Israel, where the white minority regime was justified in its actions against the black majority. He asks the audience to consider whether there is an equivalent to be made between these situations.
  • 00:15:00 argues that the Israel-Palestine conflict is over 80 years old, and that Muslims should not be so concerned with it because other conflicts are more important. He also argues that Muslims are interested in the conflict because they are Muslim, and that it is not relevant to the demographics of Trey.
  • 00:20:00 The Muslim "bullies" Israel advocacy leader argues that the Jews were terrorist because they fought for their lives during the Holocaust, while comparing the Muslim Brotherhood to al-Qaeda, which had a religiously motivated goal. He also argues that given the right context, any civilian death would be terrorism.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses issue of discrimination against Arabs in Israeli society, and points to the lack of a single law that discriminates against Arabs. He argues that this is because Arabs are not considered equal to Jews, and cites examples of how this discrimination is enforced in daily life.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 I pity we couldn't attack forget about
0:00:01 the word terrorist we're not going to
0:00:02 use that way in 1946 right before the
0:00:06 the mandate was referred to the UN yeah
0:00:10 for the British Mandate sorry that the
0:00:13 resolution issue okay he went in to King
0:00:16 King David hotel they went into the
0:00:19 basement of the hotel ferg a bar they
0:00:22 called them the little cool that he did
0:00:23 called well no problem they called them
0:00:24 little called them the Jewish library
0:00:26 says they called him yeah I already
0:00:27 I read the Jewish library the virtual
0:00:30 deduced virtual library sir I saw their
0:00:31 account begin says they called them
0:00:34 whatever no problem they called them in
0:00:35 didn't call them in whatever case they
0:00:38 went into the hotel and ninety-two
0:00:39 people died because of the barrel bombs
0:00:42 at the important place in the shootings
0:00:43 that happened okay so who were killed
0:00:46 some twenty seven Palestinians were
0:00:48 killed and the rest were British people
0:00:50 yeah working in that hotel
0:00:52 it wasn't it wasn't okay some Jewish
0:00:54 people were killed as well now see so I
0:00:56 just want I don't understand cuz this is
0:00:58 the thing so I've come to you I feel
0:01:00 like sometimes you do have a bias I come
0:01:03 to you and say to you do you consider
0:01:04 that this was a terrorist attack you're
0:01:06 saying that this they're not terrorists
0:01:07 why I did not tell you because you know
0:01:09 what the interesting thing is sorry just
0:01:10 to add to it that this same begin in
0:01:14 1946 who orchestrated this terrorist
0:01:16 attack and who allowed 92 people to be
0:01:19 killed
0:01:20 it was the same begin that became the
0:01:22 prime minister I so I became the
0:01:24 president how many stuff Prime Minister
0:01:26 of Israel in 1948
0:01:30 well sorry begin was a nice here but
0:01:32 just so begin yeah became prime minister
0:01:37 okay now it's as if it's as if it's as
0:01:40 if you have a summer bin Laden and the
0:01:42 9/11 attacks exact comparison or it's
0:01:46 exactly the same comparison why
0:01:49 in 1946 all my beloved and becomes a in
0:01:52 nineteen the puppet king on one of the
0:01:54 in 1946
0:01:56 yes what had just finished
0:01:59 in June Europe Oh talk about door - I'm
0:02:02 talking about the Holocaust 6 million
0:02:04 she was war ii and Holocaust well
0:02:07 Holocaust happened yeah yeah six million
0:02:11 Jews six million Jews have just been
0:02:13 slaughtered during that period so you
0:02:15 can kill other it says listen please
0:02:17 please listen the British and other gun
0:02:19 by the way listen I just make my point I
0:02:21 let you speak and I didn't interrupt you
0:02:23 yes six million Jews were slaughtered
0:02:25 during that period the British closed
0:02:27 the doors of mandatory Palestine to
0:02:30 Jewish immigration they limited to ten
0:02:32 thousand Jews coming in and increased
0:02:34 immigration of Arabs the Israeli so so
0:02:37 so that pogrom so Arabs migrated on mass
0:02:40 from Lebanon Syria the surrounding
0:02:42 states in the mandatory Palestine
0:02:43 attracted by the affluence that the
0:02:45 British and the other no eyes on over
0:02:48 okay is fine as a fact you can google my
0:02:51 this is my perspective this is my okay
0:02:53 Irish narrative in response to locking
0:02:55 the door during the Holocaust
0:02:57 the gun inside aided pushing hard back
0:03:01 against the British who were pushing
0:03:03 hard against the air gun and the Earl
0:03:05 gun hit the headquarters of the British
0:03:08 military which was at that time auto in
0:03:11 the King David hotel it was the military
0:03:13 hate Jerusalem yet in Jerusalem I've
0:03:15 been there is a beautiful hotel now
0:03:16 inside the robert levin here and it's so
0:03:20 clear and in response they hit the no
0:03:23 doubt they warned them they rang up in
0:03:25 advance and say we're gonna hit sorry
0:03:27 isis ones are but no are you incident so
0:03:30 intolerable you compared the sama bin
0:03:34 Laden yes I am planes in two thousand
0:03:39 civilian yes yes as an equivalency of
0:03:44 course
0:03:44 mm the Jews were 3,000 sorry to the
0:03:48 Holocaust 77 you've got 50 people there
0:03:50 by responding to the Holocaust
0:03:52 seven they're trying to increase Jewish
0:03:53 immigration into a land so you're saying
0:03:55 that's you're saying just because
0:03:56 they're response to the holiday to do
0:03:57 that no I'm saying and by the way for
0:03:59 your information information military
0:04:02 forces are recognized not to military
0:04:04 forces as a hotel which means people
0:04:06 tell those notes
0:04:07 King David hotel Hotel the British took
0:04:10 over it and made it a military base I
0:04:12 said were civilians killed no no only
0:04:14 people that were working for the British
0:04:15 government
0:04:16 so you'd call the hospital servants nah
0:04:18 yeah so a civil servant can be killed at
0:04:20 all this is ridiculous okay you have to
0:04:26 you have to governments I apologize it
0:04:31 your face no it was funny okay if you
0:04:41 have two military forces the Eirik on
0:04:42 the israeli military force and the
0:04:45 british who are fighting each other and
0:04:47 they're hitting the british are killing
0:04:48 israel good fighters and the air gun are
0:04:51 responding by killing British fighters
0:04:52 that is not a territory that is two
0:04:54 military military forces not even
0:04:56 recognized by the Haganah the Hagana
0:04:59 condemned the attacks so I don't know
0:05:02 why you can't do the same thing they
0:05:03 said the her gun had been okay so you
0:05:05 have to understand Jewish politics is it
0:05:07 I'm telling you the Hagana it should be
0:05:08 clearly yes the Hagana were
0:05:11 differentiated from the organ yeah the
0:05:13 Hagana they condemned the attacks I want
0:05:16 to say one thing really really clear I
0:05:17 don't support any violence where you'll
0:05:19 ask me if they're terrorists and I said
0:05:21 no okay no real problem but you accepted
0:05:23 that that was a you justified the attack
0:05:25 no no I gave the context of the attack
0:05:27 and said it's no call to 911
0:05:29 well Isaiah 5 7 7 no it's completely in
0:05:33 compare so I because it was a hotel no
0:05:35 because you've got two military forces
0:05:36 fighting ok millets are no favors I've
0:05:39 got a concussion freedom I've got a
0:05:40 perfect perfect I'm going where I want
0:05:42 this is what I wanted you ok that guy
0:05:45 that killed her hold on no problem there
0:05:48 wasn't a guy bullet bullet
0:05:51 lirik baby ok no no that's it done
0:05:53 chuckle happy
0:05:54 lyric V ok he was killed by I forget the
0:05:59 guys name yeah that guy was
0:06:04 but everyone else is difficult okay so
0:06:07 audible Oh Joe he killed
0:06:09 he killed Lee Rigby yeah yeah okay Lee
0:06:12 Rigby was a member of the British
0:06:14 military yo your premise was that okay
0:06:19 is a justified that the Ergun attacked
0:06:22 the King David hotel because it was one
0:06:24 military force against another
0:06:25 Elgon was not a recognized military
0:06:29 force within the Jewish community it was
0:06:30 a splinter group that even the Hagana
0:06:32 they'd condemned the Hagana was more
0:06:34 mainstream yeah yeah no by the way and
0:06:37 this is in the Jewish library the Jewish
0:06:40 virtual library no it's a web site but
0:06:46 it's actually it's respected by a lot of
0:06:48 people you know
0:06:48 anyways having said that having said
0:06:51 that so the Hagana sorry so so the Elgon
0:06:56 haven't finished my statement so here
0:06:58 what you've said is that you consider
0:07:00 that not a terrorist attack so do you
0:07:02 consider Lee Rigby occasionally yes Lee
0:07:06 Rigby being killed by that man at the
0:07:09 Bellagio terrorism yes so he was
0:07:11 different between Lee Rigby being killed
0:07:13 actually and this guy is being killed
0:07:15 are two of them in the in dojo was
0:07:17 Michaels I'm not going to try to
0:07:18 pronounce a surname yes motivation
0:07:20 political in nature never what was his
0:07:22 motivation he wanted to kill the guy
0:07:24 because he said it afterwards he had the
0:07:26 blood of his hands and he had the knife
0:07:27 he said that because you guys are my
0:07:28 country the same kind of logic you've
0:07:30 just used actually so what was my energy
0:07:32 he said because we've been killed in the
0:07:34 Holocaust
0:07:35 1946 yeah then it justifies that's why
0:07:38 said he says logic was to revenge though
0:07:43 he isn't about revenge
0:07:44 okay so what was it about so as I said
0:07:47 before Jewish images have been massively
0:07:49 persecuted his point there be persecuted
0:07:51 in the Arab world they've been
0:07:52 persecuted so those that allow and I
0:07:54 said listen listen at that point
0:07:56 British locked the doors and if they
0:07:58 hadn't locked the doors millions of Jews
0:08:00 could have been saved we can agree with
0:08:02 that yeah yeah the Holocaust Lorena
0:08:04 verse you talk about like that if young
0:08:05 conference and these things out I'm
0:08:06 saying there was no was it
0:08:09 lock the door their own doors Alice tine
0:08:11 their own doors so britain was awarded
0:08:13 the mandate on the condition they
0:08:15 created jewish national home there yet
0:08:16 we agreed that that was a month I think
0:08:18 ok that's why the lady by the way they
0:08:19 weren't in a position to survive in my
0:08:21 opinion they weren't in a position like
0:08:23 the colonial masses are at that time
0:08:25 with them in front yeah they work what
0:08:27 do you not believe that they were
0:08:28 colonial colonial masters it's just the
0:08:30 languages say what do you not believe
0:08:32 that little colonists or not so what
0:08:34 they call this or not did they not have
0:08:35 an empire was there not a British Empire
0:08:37 at that time what time we talking you
0:08:39 said 1917 yeah so I said in 1970 was a
0:08:43 colonial office when the mandate was
0:08:46 granted wasn't 1917 mr. Balfour
0:08:48 Declaration no no the man that was
0:08:49 Britta was granted 1940 through 24 yeah
0:08:52 whatever could be 90 24 at any rate
0:08:55 Britain had the Colonial Office until
0:09:00 the 40s or 50s yes Jordan created it was
0:09:02 the year after 1990 anyway any rate the
0:09:13 point I'm asking is very simple
0:09:15 straightforward question but this is why
0:09:17 I think sometimes you do have a bias
0:09:18 sorry I started by it
0:09:20 okay no problem we all have a bias
0:09:21 biases and unfair by so you have a
0:09:23 double standard I do believe you do
0:09:25 because this is the thing
0:09:26 the justification advice is this my
0:09:29 people have been slaughtered okay almost
0:09:31 every land we live okay my only bias is
0:09:33 Jewish survival that's my bias okay as
0:09:36 nice people so by even it's verified
0:09:38 that's why I believe it at the expense
0:09:40 of other people not the expense of
0:09:41 anyone I hope you've just said no I'm
0:09:45 asking you us I never said I support the
0:09:47 King David the one is no support I don't
0:09:50 say it again
0:09:50 I said it's not an act of terror
0:09:52 Department they said it's not a towaway
0:09:55 what why is it not and why is it not
0:09:57 actually it'll just going round in not
0:09:59 as I it's just that you're cornered it's
0:10:02 just a difficult question for you to
0:10:03 answer
0:10:06 lirik beast iraq because they killed the
0:10:09 play that they killed someone from the
0:10:10 military but then when jewish people
0:10:12 killed british military soldiers the
0:10:14 same exact scenario it's british
0:10:17 military soldiers who are acting in
0:10:19 they're putting in a colonial way so
0:10:22 that's the thing Joseph Joseph Joseph
0:10:26 sorry this is an important question for
0:10:28 all of you in 1946 there was a there was
0:10:32 a terrorist attack
0:10:33 King David drew Eastern Jerusalem
0:10:35 wherever it may have been yeah and 92
0:10:37 people displaced Jerusalem so West
0:10:39 Jerusalem no problem and yeah British
0:10:45 people in the in the now away from this
0:11:21 no Sedley big he wasn't just being
0:11:35 killed in a holocaust and Britain had a
0:11:37 lock the doors today's Muslim sought to
0:11:39 prevent them from getting in so okay so
0:11:40 hold on you're saying the justification
0:11:42 is the death of other Jews elsewhere no
0:11:44 no no I'm saying and so it's very very
0:11:47 black-and-white just like those in my
0:11:49 Josie's you see how that doesn't make
0:11:51 any sense because that's exactly that
0:11:52 hold on why was Mandela not a terrorist
0:11:54 don't forget that's a different question
0:11:55 I later you can I ask a question you
0:11:59 don't assign yourself you're leaving me
0:12:05 and so I'm bringing in something else
0:12:06 which is
0:12:06 and I'm asking you so why do you run
0:12:09 away from the question oh hi water you
0:12:11 know please okay I'll say two hits here
0:12:15 here and now yeah if you're saying that
0:12:18 what differentiates because I'm just
0:12:28 trying to answer the question because I
0:13:24 have enough knowledge of research what
0:13:52 apartheid is so then you understand what
0:13:56 the conflict wasn't that you yeah you
0:13:58 must understand that one's arms against
0:14:00 ya understand what was it most people
0:14:04 say why do most people say he's not why
0:14:08 are we talking about Mandel good why we
0:14:10 talking about Martin is why are we
0:14:12 talking about levy let's talk about my
0:14:13 why are we talking about leaving
0:14:16 and another example if you turn bullying
0:14:22 this is actually bullying you leaving be
0:14:33 and I bring apartheid yes no problem -
0:14:37 Joseph say what using individualist when
0:14:42 you're outnumbered and out the door just
0:14:44 ready me give this one number you give
0:14:46 up one minute to say whatever is ready
0:14:48 to give up one minute
0:14:50 okay so you got leaving me to try
0:14:53 provide context at comparisons yeah to
0:14:55 say is there an equivalent so then I did
0:14:58 the exact same with South Africa yeah
0:14:59 and you said no no no I don't want to
0:15:01 talk about soil saga by I said my
0:15:03 knowledge of it is not good enough for
0:15:05 me to make a judgment call on it on that
0:15:07 particular topic of whether Mandela was
0:15:10 a terrorist or not I thought why do you
0:15:12 and so many other Muslims concern
0:15:13 yourself so much with the
0:15:14 israel-palestine conflict that you know
0:15:16 dates and fatalities of something that
0:15:17 happened it's over 80 years ago years
0:15:20 ago why not it makes absolute sense I'm
0:15:37 well aware of English history as well I
0:15:39 can give you the names of all the kings
0:15:41 that existed from William the Conqueror
0:15:44 until the present day if you want every
0:15:51 single Muslim in this part has an
0:15:53 opinion on Israel Palestine
0:15:54 oh maybe if you have an opinion over
0:15:56 TRAI if you have an opinion on Sudan
0:16:00 it's because it's choose involved you're
0:16:05 shaking your head but what's the
0:16:07 difference between this closure you're
0:16:08 serious Pluto I've canceled India
0:16:10 Iraq's Georgia yes nice nice you're
0:16:12 right maybe we should I spent some time
0:16:14 talking about her India I saw myself
0:16:17 which is the border of Burma yeah
0:16:20 I tried to understand that conflict more
0:16:22 Central African Republic you're right
0:16:24 there's a lot of things going on there
0:16:25 Rwanda it's not a Muslim country per se
0:16:27 by 94 the crisis in Rwanda is very much
0:16:31 not in the minds of many people
0:16:32 including yourself you have never
0:16:33 mentioned Rwanda you talk about genocide
0:16:35 but when was the last time you mentioned
0:16:36 Rwanda so I don't talk about genocide I
0:16:39 talk about the Holocaust because I
0:16:40 picked a fine but see here Holocaust
0:16:44 affected your people you've just given
0:16:45 the answer that you're criticizing
0:16:46 listen know what I'm saying my bias and
0:16:49 I said it consistently okay I'm Jewish
0:16:51 and I care about Jewish survival the
0:16:53 why're you asking me why I was listening
0:16:55 okay so you're saying basically your
0:16:57 interest in Palestine or the West Bank
0:17:00 or Israel call it what you want is
0:17:01 because you're Muslim yeah that's part
0:17:03 of the reason but also it's quite
0:17:04 interesting why is that it's so many I
0:17:06 don't know why you asking me about is
0:17:08 there's so many Muslims because there
0:17:10 are so many Muslims Lansdale those
0:17:11 Muslims don't give a damn about my
0:17:12 Palestinians get so much now if I asked
0:17:14 most Palestine most Muslims today to
0:17:17 explain the aerotrain conflict on rates
0:17:19 right away Eritrea is not a Muslim
0:17:20 majority country it's got a large Muslim
0:17:22 and maybe about 70% Christian it's 950
0:17:30 now it's about 30 percent I've got it's
0:17:31 an official sex is it is it mess up
0:17:35 sexier okay maybe zero train seized
0:17:37 corrected me on that one well according
0:17:39 to the official stats it's like 70% says
0:17:40 it's wrong yeah okay he's right you know
0:17:43 maybe you're right point you can tell me
0:17:46 probably how many Palestinians live in
0:17:49 the West Bank you can probably tell me
0:17:50 so much about the Palestinians you don't
0:17:52 even know that ever Trey's a Muslim
0:17:54 majority country this guy's uh would you
0:17:57 call it who's is there a train yeah
0:17:58 that's what I'm saying according to the
0:18:00 official stats his thought was the
0:18:02 majority that's what I'm saying who
0:18:04 cares anyways this is the point my point
0:18:06 is if this proportionate amount of his
0:18:08 interest in the Israel Paula I would
0:18:10 argue that from the Bible
0:18:12 yeah I must have aid flows I'll do that
0:18:15 I agree I might this is the problem Gary
0:18:19 yes
0:18:21 there's only one Jewish country in the
0:18:23 world a tiny speck of land Muslims
0:18:27 Joseph on that point I would like to
0:18:29 declare that I agree with you on that
0:18:31 point
0:18:31 okay thank you now let's move on to what
0:18:33 I was talking about before before you
0:18:35 segwayed into all these kinds of issues
0:18:41 and I was a song wise if you can't keep
0:18:44 the logic
0:18:45 no problem okay here's the statement I
0:18:49 made which you took a particular offense
0:18:51 to and I want to reiterate it not just
0:18:52 to cause offense to you but to cause it
0:18:59 not to cause offense to you but I just
0:19:01 want to sometimes you know you gotta
0:19:02 front of cats in with the pigeon you
0:19:04 gotta for the cat's in with the pigeon
0:19:05 all right listen
0:19:07 my point is this we're talking about the
0:19:09 inception of Israel in 1948 I'm saying
0:19:13 to you and I've presented this
0:19:14 counterfactual history of imagine in a
0:19:16 hundred years time someone from is the
0:19:18 safe for instance the Islamic state
0:19:20 survived and you know someone the great
0:19:22 grandchild of the Islamic state came
0:19:23 here and he's justifying the existence
0:19:25 of the Islamic state and versa from the
0:19:27 IDF she said you know she didn't really
0:19:29 have a reservation with it I was going
0:19:31 to say to you as follows if I say this
0:19:35 to you
0:19:37 the statement I made was that in 1946
0:19:40 1946 there was a terrorist attack in
0:19:43 fact that had been campaigns throughout
0:19:44 the forest by this group called the
0:19:46 organ which was a terrorist organization
0:19:48 and then it became absorbed into there
0:19:52 is the the country became absorbed into
0:19:55 the IDF and the bigger the government
0:19:56 actually the gay the Israeli government
0:19:58 I said this was tantamount to let's say
0:20:01 for instance Osama bin Laden blowing up
0:20:03 the night sorry I shouldn't say this
0:20:09 maybe the numbers are a bit disparate so
0:20:11 I'll say look 7/7 millions which is
0:20:13 slaughtered no problems that's a
0:20:15 comparison between listen listen I'm
0:20:17 saying to you
0:20:18 Jews were fighting for their life and so
0:20:20 are concentrating there in the issues of
0:20:23 Palestine with the issues of Germany no
0:20:25 I absolutely know why I knows much over
0:20:29 my grave not talking about Germany I was
0:20:31 new on this issue there was much Arab
0:20:34 migration into mandatory Palestine at a
0:20:36 time when Britain locked the doors and
0:20:38 Jews were slaughtered in the Holocaust
0:20:40 this nugget is very very clear it was
0:20:43 not God to do a Palestine because the
0:20:45 Arabs were allowed to flow in and the
0:20:47 Jews were locked out who's why Helen the
0:20:50 Palestinians and the jews were fighting
0:20:52 the brittany the arid gun were fighting
0:20:54 the british so did you accept that would
0:20:56 you believe that there are freedom
0:20:57 fighters so I believe the Irgun were
0:21:00 fighting for I don't like the term
0:21:02 freedom fighter why they have terrorists
0:21:04 or freedom fighters I wouldn't use
0:21:05 either term I say they were a
0:21:06 paramilitary force and what were they
0:21:08 doing good or bad I think they were
0:21:10 doing a mixture thing there are even
0:21:11 people that did bad things but you see
0:21:13 here if I said the same kind of thing
0:21:15 about al-qaeda because there's no
0:21:17 comparison there is an air gun and
0:21:18 al-qaeda leader
0:21:19 very good we're on the but most of the
0:21:22 earth gunfire why is Italy Herb Caen
0:21:24 fighters would just escape the death
0:21:26 camps of Germany they just escaped after
0:21:28 al-qaeda a lot of us are either
0:21:31 Islamists that want to conquer the world
0:21:32 there's no there's no difference
0:21:42 [Laughter]
0:21:45 he said no comparison you're saying is
0:21:48 no comparison if you think operating for
0:21:52 their survival and this just the
0:21:53 perversion why if you have your Hagana
0:21:56 believe the same thing regarded horses
0:21:58 are they provided the Hagana considered
0:22:02 the Ergun a terrorist organization or
0:22:05 they provide the Hagana in the Ergun
0:22:07 were in a power struggle an internal
0:22:09 power struggles no but hey look my
0:22:11 position is that the old gun is which
0:22:15 has become really the Israeli government
0:22:16 and again I didn't well it did but I'm
0:22:19 not in the same way Celine I'm not a gun
0:22:23 and we just talking about here was a one
0:22:29 leader for the whole time but here the
0:22:37 point I'm making to you is as follows
0:22:38 yeah if you're finding it so hard to
0:22:43 call this this organization to Oregon a
0:22:46 terrorist organization because they
0:22:48 fought for Jews basically when you find
0:22:51 it so easy for the Jews they were Jewish
0:22:53 terrorists more at Goldstein is a Jewish
0:22:55 terrorist bourret Olsteen went in the
0:22:57 cave the cave of the patriarchs in
0:22:58 hebron and gunned down muslims at prayer
0:23:00 that is an act of terror
0:23:02 there is a huge show of what going into
0:23:03 our hotel is not an act of time blowing
0:23:06 people up it was a military base whose
0:23:08 their headquarters of a military forces
0:23:10 audience OHS okay then they were two
0:23:11 military forces like the sailors that
0:23:13 died then got shot down that's alright
0:23:14 any civilian death is tragic is that
0:23:17 terrorism or not i'm explicit because
0:23:19 they had guns and they were shooting
0:23:20 them again okay so is that rail wrong is
0:23:23 there's or not even palestinians they
0:23:24 just literally going around in circles
0:23:33 and again it comes down to motivation
0:23:34 leap Michael of Michael wasn't escaping
0:23:41 a Holocaust Michael wasn't fighting for
0:23:43 the survival of an entire group oh he
0:23:46 was fighting for the Islamic state but
0:23:48 it didn't exist until you sight very
0:23:50 slim ISM he was by a Japanese fan even
0:23:54 when it religiously motivated
0:23:59 religiously motivated sakimori
0:24:01 Quinton was polluting morning Kmart he
0:24:03 said had a knife in his hands the
0:24:05 problem he had his hands bloodied and he
0:24:07 said the reason why I've done this is
0:24:08 because Britain is do it is in these
0:24:10 countries in that country Iraq and
0:24:12 listen down so you see I believe given
0:24:15 in the right context re Joseph well
0:24:17 given the right context you yourself
0:24:19 might be tempted or swayed to do the
0:24:22 kind of things that Edgar will do it you
0:24:26 might because you're to I devote all of
0:24:36 my time trying to build peace and
0:24:37 bridges that's like my entire stick so I
0:24:39 have a new pacifist that believes that
0:24:41 there's no borders of Israel I'm saying
0:24:44 the borders have never been agreed by
0:24:46 either side so it's okay war the spoils
0:24:48 of war either so whenever I said that
0:24:50 see you said that the borders are
0:24:54 defined by the wars are won so I'm
0:24:56 saying in the context of how
0:24:57 nation-states are born that is the
0:24:59 history of the nation socialism so here
0:25:01 this is the problem I want to say to you
0:25:03 listen I'm not going to accuse you of
0:25:05 being like you know a Jewish superior
0:25:08 supremacist because well he's I've
0:25:10 steered and I said I'm not going to yeah
0:25:12 okay fine
0:25:13 I'm not going to because some some some
0:25:16 of the Jewish community just like we
0:25:17 have some people of other communities
0:25:19 they say look they say actually the
0:25:23 Gentiles they are not the chose to be
0:25:24 there the second-rate and these things
0:25:25 that we are though says the chosen
0:25:26 people says that in the Jewish community
0:25:28 no no I'm asking you who say name one
0:25:31 name on jus that says done what what you
0:25:33 just said that the Gentiles are a
0:25:35 second-rate yeah actually it's in this
0:25:36 part of the law which was the Israeli
0:25:38 were looking at is really so for most
0:25:42 Israeli not is not Judaism not make the
0:25:45 difference nobody so first point they're
0:25:48 not the same thing
0:25:50 yeah I didn't say Judaism that's a
0:25:53 Jewish community okay okay okay fine you
0:25:55 did which Israeli law says there's not
0:26:07 equality between Gentiles what does it
0:26:11 say you telling me hold on wait a minute
0:26:14 you don't want to go this are you
0:26:20 telling me right now in your opinion
0:26:21 from 1948 up until 2018 which is what 60
0:26:26 years it's exactly six sorry 70 years in
0:26:28 seven years seven years in this 70 years
0:26:31 are you telling me that entrenched into
0:26:34 the Israeli law I have we given time and
0:26:37 practice by the Israeli governments was
0:26:40 an equality between Jews and non-jews is
0:26:42 that your opinion I'll ask you to give
0:26:44 an example where it is that is my
0:26:46 opinion
0:26:46 I'll ask you to give me an example
0:27:03 so instead of just sitting ok I am gonna
0:27:07 give you an example paste example
0:27:09 example one
0:27:11 according to almost all mainstream
0:27:14 left-wing use outlets like Harrods and
0:27:18 I've made this point T before it's not
0:27:20 the case that there's not been an
0:27:22 inequality between Jews and non-jews
0:27:24 there's not even been and I'm asking for
0:27:27 a state law luminate let against let me
0:27:31 finish one not what a columnist and for
0:27:33 all it says I haven't finished my point
0:27:37 all right that's by the way my premise
0:27:39 wasn't the laws I said the laws and the
0:27:42 government's actions that's why I said
0:27:44 okay give me an example I'm giving you
0:27:46 an example right now first the law okay
0:27:51 easy law yeah no no problem
0:27:53 immigration immigration a law was put
0:27:57 down and I don't know what it was put
0:27:59 down that any Jew in any part of the
0:28:01 world has the right to settlement in the
0:28:04 in Israel and how does that actually the
0:28:06 Israeli Arabs that live there today
0:28:08 because that gives an enhanced
0:28:11 immigration status to Jews Orville
0:28:14 Andrews little again yeah okay so ladies
0:28:20 you said Israeli Arabs yeah they're not
0:28:24 called Israeli Arabs they don't think so
0:28:25 they do call himself is really who calls
0:28:27 themselves a real card your personal
0:28:28 friend of mine who serves in the Israeli
0:28:29 government okay
0:28:31 Edwin muscle if they could himself
0:28:33 Palestinians for the most part really
0:28:34 for the most part I've spoken to them
0:28:42 myself
0:28:42 my personal I've spoken to many many
0:28:44 midoryama nowadays really Aaron okay no
0:28:47 problem I'm asking you you give me one
0:28:50 law the right source of calls back to
0:28:52 might return back to return explicitly
0:28:56 emphasizes that Jewish people have a
0:28:59 right to return to so they have a right
0:29:02 to be in Israel
0:29:03 wherever they are in the world over and
0:29:06 above the right that would otherwise be
0:29:07 given to a Muslim for example again so
0:29:10 you have to toast religious
0:29:11 discrimination it's not religious
0:29:12 discrimination for most you can be
0:29:14 secular non-religious do and still
0:29:16 discrimination yeah
0:29:17 dog us and I think discrimination I
0:29:19 personally don't like there because it's
0:29:20 based on urine third which was I was
0:29:23 definitely sure you agree that this is a
0:29:24 discriminatory law notes again within
0:29:27 Israeli society any last move to provide
0:29:29 one law and I'm giving it to you
0:29:31 training why are you gonna save others
0:29:32 I'm trying to be super funny yes I heard
0:29:34 this so within Israeli society there is
0:29:37 not one law that discriminated against
0:29:39 Arabs I've just told you I need anymore
0:29:42 they don't any Jew who lives outside of
0:29:45 Israel it's not a citizen of Israel we
0:29:47 can agree that yeah any Jew that lives
0:29:50 like there's an arbitration so no
0:29:54 religious discrimination based on ethnic
0:29:56 religious groupings