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Jihad | Mohammed Hijab (2022-12-12)


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Summary of Jihad | Mohammed Hijab

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:45:00

covers the basics of jihad, including the definition, purposes, and participants. It also briefly covers the interrogation process and the age of Aisha.

*00:00:00 Discusses Jihad and different types of jihad. The linguistic definition of Jihad is "striving into struggle." The terminological definition of Jihad is "a holy struggle waged by Muslims against evil." discusses three types of jihad: jihadun nefs, jihad of the heart, and jihad of striving.

  • 00:05:00 A YouTube video d "Jihad | Mohammed Hijab" discusses PTSD and post-traumatic growth, two phenomena which are often overlooked but are very real. points out that, while PTSD is a formal diagnosis, post-traumatic growth is something which can occur after any type of trauma, positive or negative.
  • 00:10:00 explains that there are different types of jihad, including defensive and proactive, as well as the importance of maintaining treaties and agreements. She also points out that Muslims are still Muslims even if they are living in a modern society.
  • 00:15:00 In Islam, there are certain situations where you should not fulfill a contract because it could lead to conflict. One example is if the other side has already broken the contract. Another example is if the person is not a Muslim.
  • 00:20:00 a Muslim man explains how jihad is related to Mercy. He states that Allah is not forbidden you in relation to those who don't fight you in your religion or kick you out of your homes, but those who do those things are transgressors. He also explains that if jihad happens it happens as a result of either defending the territory or freeing up new land.
  • 00:25:00 The presenter discusses how various civilizations have killed large numbers of people, with Christianity coming in third place. He goes on to say that it is insulting that people from these civilizations speak to us as if they have all the answers. Jordan Peterson has spoken about this topic before.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses a Hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad was commanded to kill the non-combatant people until they said "No, we do not submit to Islam." This indicates that Islam is intolerant, and contradicts the idea that Islam is a religion of peace. suggests that the scholars who came to this consensus knew this, and that the concern is that Islam will continue to kill innocent civilians if it is not corrected.
  • 00:35:00 The professor argues that the Hadith, or sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, can contradict the Quran. He goes on to say that, despite this, the Hadith should still be taken into account because it is a source of guidance specific to a certain time and place. He also points out that there are consequences for refusing to pay the tax, which forces the non-Muslim to submit to Islam.
  • 00:40:00 The narrator discusses the controversial topic of jihad, asking what would happen if Mohammed was a peaceful man. He points out that there was a treaty between the Muslims and the Jews, and that the punishment for breaking the treaty was not decided by the prophet but by some 'unnatural' person. He goes on to say that this is why jihad is controversial, as it is a battle between two groups already fighting each other.
  • 00:45:00 covers the basics of jihad, including the definition of jihad, its purposes, and who is eligible to participate. It also covers the kinds of interrogations that may be faced after jihadis answer questions correctly. Finally, the video provides a brief overview of the age of Aisha (the Prophet Muhammad's wife) and the marriage of Prophet Muhammad.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 oh
0:00:05 assalamualaikum
0:00:07 how are you guys doing in the sessions
0:00:11 that we have just completed we did a
0:00:13 mini series about some of the modern
0:00:15 Trends in Islam we started actually with
0:00:18 some Kalam type topics we spoke about
0:00:20 and these kind of things and then we
0:00:23 moved to some of the modern trends
0:00:25 now we're going to be talking about now
0:00:29 this is the final thing we're going to
0:00:30 be doing right before we start the
0:00:33 intellectual serum on the uh on General
0:00:35 inshallah so this is going to be about
0:00:37 six lessons all together
0:00:39 and we're going to cover some things
0:00:41 which we've already covered before but
0:00:42 because of the importance of these
0:00:43 topics and the uh the repetitive nature
0:00:47 of us either hearing these topics or
0:00:50 dealing with them
0:00:51 we're going to be covering some of them
0:00:53 again
0:00:54 and some other topics in some greater
0:00:56 detail that we haven't before the first
0:00:59 thing we're going to be looking at today
0:01:00 is Jihad
0:01:02 which of course is something I think
0:01:05 we've covered before
0:01:07 but this time we have to cover it uh
0:01:09 with a bit more participation because
0:01:10 I've spoken a lot you know in the in the
0:01:13 past so the first question I want to ask
0:01:16 is what is Jihad and what are the
0:01:19 different types of jihad
0:01:23 is it to um to strive and struggle great
0:01:26 so there's a linguistic definition
0:01:29 and then there is you call a
0:01:30 terminological definition okay and this
0:01:33 subdivision of linguistic and
0:01:36 terminological definition is something
0:01:38 we need to get used to they say
0:01:40 the terminology and English so what
0:01:43 you've mentioned is correct is the
0:01:44 linguistic definition
0:01:47 and this linguistic definition
0:01:50 is in the Quran for example in the end
0:01:52 of the
0:01:53 end part of the 29th chapter
0:01:58 foreign
0:02:17 so this takes more of the uh linguistic
0:02:21 you know because Fina
0:02:24 so they have strived in our way this is
0:02:26 the kind of translation you're going to
0:02:27 find for this particular verse in the
0:02:29 Quran so certainly it's not a wrong
0:02:33 thing to say because many people think
0:02:34 this is us being apologetic by saying
0:02:36 that Jihad means to strive into struggle
0:02:39 it's not actually it's the linguistic
0:02:40 term
0:02:41 you know is uh what it means and there
0:02:43 is different types of jihad and one of
0:02:45 the jihads is in fact jihadun nefts so
0:02:48 what is Jihad of neff's
0:02:52 um they had the one
0:02:56 so basically
0:02:57 I would describe me trying to improve
0:03:00 become better Muslim but um
0:03:04 praying on time so something that you
0:03:08 fight with your own enough to become
0:03:10 yeah so the Neffs absolutely is a good
0:03:13 answer is enough is the self or the soul
0:03:16 or the self whatever how you want to
0:03:17 translate it
0:03:18 and jihadon nafs is basically you kind
0:03:21 of fighting against yourself for lack of
0:03:24 a better term
0:03:25 about doing so in the spirit of self
0:03:28 spiritual self-improvement
0:03:30 and what other ways you can do jihadana
0:03:43 so by becoming more spiritual also uh
0:03:51 praying for instance okay brilliant
0:03:53 that's uh an excellent way of putting it
0:03:57 said
0:04:01 and I think this is
0:04:04 which basically and I was looking into
0:04:06 this had these very beautiful and
0:04:07 interesting Hadith
0:04:10 that learning
0:04:12 you know it comes from you exerting
0:04:14 yourself to extract knowledge yeah
0:04:17 or
0:04:19 acquiring knowledges from from doing for
0:04:21 the process of actually extracting the
0:04:23 knowledge and Helm is forbearance
0:04:25 This Is How They translate hello Right
0:04:27 But it includes
0:04:30 it includes having self-control
0:04:34 in situations where it's difficult to do
0:04:36 so it also includes
0:04:38 being kind and so on for your you know
0:04:41 people that you uh that you might not
0:04:43 find it easy to do so because
0:04:47 so you need to be a practitioner of helm
0:04:50 in other words the best way to improve
0:04:53 yourself is by doing the activity
0:04:57 that to be patient you have to put
0:04:59 yourself in situation
0:05:02 Where You Are
0:05:05 afflicted by something and then you
0:05:07 overcome it
0:05:09 but you know and this is a beautiful
0:05:12 thing I'll tell you something I was
0:05:13 looking at actually
0:05:16 in Psychology and many of you have heard
0:05:18 the PTSD
0:05:20 post-traumatic stress disorder
0:05:23 and actually I was reading a book some
0:05:24 time ago by some guy called van der kolk
0:05:28 and the book was called the body keep
0:05:29 score
0:05:30 and he was an individual who actually
0:05:32 pioneered the diagnosis of PTSD
0:05:36 and was people that came after War I
0:05:38 think it was the Vietnam War the Second
0:05:39 World War
0:05:40 where they came to a center and he was
0:05:42 explaining in the book like how you know
0:05:44 he he put together these kinds of
0:05:47 general diagnoses which then he could
0:05:50 identify people had PTSD
0:05:52 and PTSD is where a trauma in your life
0:05:55 has caused you to
0:05:57 kind of revisit that trauma and he gave
0:06:00 very interesting uh kind of you know
0:06:03 examples he was saying like when he
0:06:05 gives participants their chance
0:06:08 to recall an event if it's an event
0:06:11 which is traumatic they are more likely
0:06:12 to remember and recall all the
0:06:15 particulars of that event
0:06:16 whereas if it's an event which is not so
0:06:19 then the memory of it is less Vivid and
0:06:22 so these are some of the things of PTSD
0:06:24 obviously nightmare scares panic attack
0:06:25 all that stuff it's become a formal
0:06:27 diagnosis
0:06:29 but there's another thing which is very
0:06:31 interesting Which is less spoken about
0:06:34 which is called ptg
0:06:36 which is referred to as post-traumatic
0:06:38 growth
0:06:39 which in many ways the crudely put it is
0:06:42 the opposite of PTSD
0:06:43 is where calamity
0:06:45 of in Life or in such as you know has
0:06:50 put you in a position which is improved
0:06:52 you look in the world in a different way
0:06:54 now because of the calamity
0:06:56 and I was speaking with my uncle when I
0:06:59 went to Egypt in Alexandria
0:07:01 I think I told some of you guys this and
0:07:03 he he had this very my maternal Uncle he
0:07:05 had a very traumatic experience where he
0:07:08 was living in a in an apartment flat and
0:07:11 his wife was there the kids were there
0:07:12 at the kids
0:07:13 and then the the building fell and they
0:07:16 all died his wife and kids died and then
0:07:18 he had another child uh oh she's my
0:07:20 cousins a long time ago
0:07:22 they had another child living in another
0:07:24 country and she died from natural causes
0:07:26 and then some time after that his mom
0:07:28 died
0:07:29 you know so I was speaking to him and
0:07:31 the way he speaks
0:07:33 it is absolutely uh renewed he goes I
0:07:38 don't look at the world in a different
0:07:39 way I completely look at the world in a
0:07:40 different way now because these cars
0:07:42 moving here completely I said how so I
0:07:45 said
0:07:45 every second I consider it to be extra
0:07:48 time a bonus time
0:07:50 like it's different when you live
0:07:52 through a situation like that but when
0:07:54 you come out with this stomach or this
0:07:55 fruit of post-traumatic growth these are
0:07:57 the kinds of things which uh which
0:08:01 has a spiritual and psychological
0:08:03 lasting impact
0:08:05 there's a beautiful verse
0:08:08 what Allah says and guys can correct me
0:08:11 um
0:08:21 there are some people who worship around
0:08:24 the edge
0:08:25 literally on the edge if something
0:08:28 happens to him which is like good he's
0:08:30 happy with it my nebby
0:08:31 when I saw a better Fitness
0:08:33 and if Fitness or a trump trauma
0:08:36 afflicts him he falls on his face he
0:08:40 loses the world and the era hereafter
0:08:43 so I'm not saying you can't have
0:08:44 prostraumatic stress as well as a Muslim
0:08:45 I'm saying if it reaches the level of
0:08:47 yes
0:08:48 and if which is hopelessness this is
0:08:54 actually because
0:08:59 Quran says that whoever who will be the
0:09:02 one who has hopelessness of the mercy of
0:09:04 God except for the disbelievers
0:09:07 interestingly it's not something that is
0:09:08 mentioned in the market is
0:09:10 that you know the turn is I don't know
0:09:12 why he put that he should have put this
0:09:13 you know if you lose hope
0:09:16 of the mercy of Allah then uh then you
0:09:20 can become a disbeliever actually okay
0:09:22 it's what yakub was saying and he was
0:09:24 the figurehead of patience to his son
0:09:29 or generally about the situation that he
0:09:32 was in the point is I'm making is
0:09:34 should not be underestimated I think we
0:09:37 know that I think that was reading he
0:09:40 was talking about that's quite a length
0:09:41 actually it's not something which we're
0:09:43 retreating when we talk about Jihad and
0:09:45 Neffs or self Jihad whatever it's not
0:09:49 something which
0:09:51 is fake or something which is PC or
0:09:54 politically correct or something it's
0:09:56 something we should actually focus on
0:09:57 the spiritual side of our religion
0:10:01 so because we talk about Jihad and if we
0:10:03 speak about fighting for this whole
0:10:04 session
0:10:05 it may give the wrong impression which
0:10:07 is that the only fighting that has to be
0:10:09 done is against people not against
0:10:11 ourselves
0:10:12 and there is Jihad against itself and
0:10:14 there's a Jihad against the devil
0:10:15 shaytan
0:10:17 there's Jihad against all of these
0:10:18 forces which we believe metaphysical
0:10:19 force and spiritual forces as well
0:10:22 now that we've put that on the table
0:10:23 what other types of jihad is there what
0:10:26 are the taxi met the heart put
0:10:27 forward
0:10:30 what other categorizations are there
0:10:33 there's obvious on the physical one
0:10:35 within the physical one what what are
0:10:38 the um
0:10:40 categories a defensive and proactive
0:10:42 beautiful okay so can you give us some
0:10:45 understanding of that
0:10:48 well defensive would be uh defending
0:10:51 yourself and your community from
0:10:52 Outsiders or
0:10:54 antagonists and then proactive would be
0:10:57 proactively uh attacking somebody for a
0:11:01 legitimate reason sorry reason and give
0:11:04 us some examples in history where both
0:11:06 of those things happened
0:11:08 right uh the Battle of Buddhism industry
0:11:10 for example sorry in Islamic history
0:11:12 yeah the Battle of Badr would be a case
0:11:14 for a defensive one um
0:11:16 with the Battle of motor right which was
0:11:18 a defensive uh it was more of a raid
0:11:21 right
0:11:22 yeah I mean you can make the argument
0:11:24 that because you know if you look at the
0:11:25 the reasons why the Mott happened like
0:11:28 the Emissary was sent and then it was
0:11:30 killed and these kind of things there
0:11:31 was kind of it was responsive
0:11:33 but certainly like fat Mecca was
0:11:35 expansive and all those you know these
0:11:38 things that came after
0:11:40 like honey
0:11:42 was it was proactive right so you know
0:11:45 is
0:11:46 you know when you were a lot of people
0:11:49 uh well
0:11:51 you know and the Earth swallowed you
0:11:53 because of ways so this was a time when
0:11:55 the Muslims were a lot you know and this
0:11:57 expanding now and it happened at that
0:11:59 time of the prophet
0:12:00 and the majority of the prophet's
0:12:01 conflicts though were defensible
0:12:03 proactive in his time the majority were
0:12:06 defensive though that's not to say there
0:12:08 was no proactive ones we're saying the
0:12:10 vast majority were defensive yeah
0:12:12 now um let's move on to the next uh to
0:12:17 the next slide
0:12:24 now if someone says well if your
0:12:26 religion has to have an expansionist
0:12:29 element
0:12:31 uh so then therefore there is no
0:12:34 situation or conceivability of Peace
0:12:37 being made between Muslims and
0:12:38 non-muslims how would you respond Maddie
0:12:39 to that yeah so like people who are
0:12:43 confused or Christians maybe even of
0:12:44 other religions that could live within
0:12:46 the Islamic State so okay so that's
0:12:48 within the Islamic State you're right so
0:12:49 now you've got the Islamic State inside
0:12:51 of it and then you've got elizuma the
0:12:53 more I heard the Muslim all these people
0:12:55 like where they have a contract it
0:12:57 doesn't We're Not Gonna is it I mean
0:12:59 false conversion or do we believe in
0:13:00 force conversion or no
0:13:03 um
0:13:05 so there's no compulsion of religion so
0:13:07 it's not possible to compel other people
0:13:10 or force them to join Islam okay now so
0:13:13 what about
0:13:14 uh if we're living in a modern age
0:13:18 if we look at the books of now they
0:13:21 still speak about Jihad or talab some of
0:13:23 them say it has to be done every year
0:13:26 like each other has to be done every
0:13:28 year
0:13:30 so in the modern world how do we
0:13:32 navigate this reality if it has to be
0:13:34 another year then as someone brings it
0:13:37 to you says look it says in your book of
0:13:38 that has to be done has to be done every
0:13:41 year
0:13:41 or every other year or every whatever
0:13:43 yeah so how would you respond to that in
0:13:46 the light of the qurans on that and
0:13:48 the fact that you've gone through before
0:13:50 uh I said there's like certain
0:13:52 stipulations to do you have to turn up
0:13:54 so you have to realize certain criteria
0:13:56 to be able to do that and the current
0:13:58 Muslim uh situation doesn't matter
0:14:01 excellent so that's one way of looking
0:14:04 at it but even if we had the fully
0:14:06 fledged Islamic governance which was
0:14:08 fully legitimate
0:14:09 is it within its power Checker to uh
0:14:13 uh on on other grounds and what kinds of
0:14:16 grounds would there be to create some
0:14:17 kind of treaty
0:14:19 yeah so um if you have uh treaties in
0:14:22 place or agreements with other states or
0:14:24 other polities then it wouldn't be
0:14:26 allowed for you to be treacherous
0:14:30 were made that you have to maintain your
0:14:32 your treaties your covenants with other
0:14:33 peoples and uh it would actually be and
0:14:36 you could actually argue that in many
0:14:38 situations it could be in the interest
0:14:39 of the Muslims to have those treaties or
0:14:41 covenants in places did at certain times
0:14:44 for strategic reasons so it's very
0:14:46 feasible beautiful and so means what how
0:14:50 do you translate that I had to be
0:14:51 faithful to your contracts or your
0:14:53 agreements is that general rule
0:14:57 Muslims are Muslims okay so now I've got
0:15:01 a question and this may be a bit of a
0:15:03 for you a shocker in the Quran what is
0:15:06 the only exception that maybe I'm saying
0:15:09 the only but one of the only I should
0:15:10 say or give me an example of a chronic
0:15:12 exception of where you shouldn't
0:15:14 fulfill your contract this might be a
0:15:16 difficult question
0:15:21 but you shouldn't before your contract
0:15:23 yeah
0:15:27 I'm gonna give you any uh you okay
0:15:29 everyone can get involved but I'm not
0:15:31 gonna give you any
0:15:32 are we considering situations where the
0:15:34 other side has already broken the
0:15:35 contract first okay what's the area
0:15:37 the first episode October
0:15:40 okay that could be but there's something
0:15:42 more clear I'm thinking about
0:15:50 if they if they started
0:15:51 there's something more clear than this
0:15:54 about breaking the contract about what
0:15:56 you're where you shouldn't for filter
0:15:58 contracts
0:16:05 what I'm thinking about is
0:16:13 this is a situation where you shouldn't
0:16:15 fulfill the contract
0:16:17 because it says if they if they break
0:16:20 their contract
0:16:23 after they have made a contract with you
0:16:27 and they've attacked your religion now
0:16:32 then fight the leaders of this belief
0:16:34 so contracts are two-way situations
0:16:38 you know they it's not just one way it's
0:16:40 two ways
0:16:42 I mean if they break it there's no
0:16:44 contract anymore
0:16:45 if there's if any you can't make a
0:16:47 contract so they break it and they say
0:16:49 well why are you doing X which we've
0:16:52 agreed to because you've already broken
0:16:53 the contract there is no contract no
0:16:54 more
0:16:58 when the the people left the battlefield
0:17:03 and they had a contract to
0:17:06 um you know when they were when they
0:17:08 actually left the battlefield High Court
0:17:10 the quarter of the army left and they
0:17:12 broke the contract there and then which
0:17:15 one I was talking about
0:17:16 um I think it's the the first one
0:17:19 brother yeah were they literally left
0:17:22 the battlefield because the prophet
0:17:24 didn't listen to their Council one of
0:17:26 them
0:17:27 yes sorry yes uh I wouldn't say that's a
0:17:31 contract issue I think that's more of a
0:17:33 bar issue like an obedience issue okay
0:17:36 because you know uh
0:17:40 Allah says he gives uh the prophet
0:17:42 sallam advice on how to do them for you
0:17:46 know proposing them forgive them and
0:17:48 seek their counsel in the affair
0:17:51 you know
0:17:53 Allah and when you have made up your
0:17:56 mind on the issue then have Reliance on
0:17:58 God and so on
0:18:01 um so this is how contracts work in
0:18:03 Islam and this is I've mentioned this
0:18:04 before I feel this is a very good point
0:18:07 of commonality between liberal Theory
0:18:09 and Islam
0:18:11 because consent and contract work in
0:18:13 both
0:18:14 uh
0:18:15 kind of World Views
0:18:17 consent and contracts
0:18:19 are very important to wealth so it makes
0:18:23 it possible for there to be business and
0:18:24 so on
0:18:26 there's three is which uh I think
0:18:29 everyone should know and I've mentioned
0:18:31 this I think to you guys before but I
0:18:32 this is important for us to because this
0:18:34 comes up all the time
0:18:36 what areas would you bring to the table
0:18:38 if I were to say listen Islam is a
0:18:40 religion which cannot get along with
0:18:41 other people of other faiths
0:18:43 what areas would you bring uh uh let's
0:18:47 say would you say
0:18:51 um
0:18:52 well um I know that if if we're living
0:18:56 in a we have to obey the rulers
0:18:59 even if they're non-muslim
0:19:02 as I don't know if that's relevant at
0:19:05 all so we can we can
0:19:08 yeah
0:19:11 I'm sorry I I don't know no worries
0:19:14 think about the Ayers in the Quran which
0:19:17 which one can think about to exhibit
0:19:20 coexistence that we don't want to combat
0:19:23 the
0:19:24 or that like any for example a
0:19:27 non-muslim person that we don't have to
0:19:29 have an adversary relationship with them
0:19:37 that you can uh
0:19:40 that you can uh marry there
0:19:43 the junior Christian
0:19:44 and what would you be trying to prove of
0:19:46 that well you know it's a bit I guess
0:19:49 impractical with
0:19:51 on one hand I guess someone says you're
0:19:53 supposed to kill non-muslim is that
0:19:54 right but then on the other hand you're
0:19:55 marrying them
0:19:56 it's like they'll say that's the
0:19:58 exception to the rule
0:20:02 I'm just like you know
0:20:04 so you have to kill all of them except
0:20:06 the ones that you marry yeah and don't
0:20:07 tell once you take the slaves as well
0:20:09 I'm just playing those Advocates yeah so
0:20:11 how would you respond to this
0:20:13 okay now you go to the these are the
0:20:16 ones this is these are the ones right so
0:20:18 this is chapter 60 verse eight all right
0:20:21 this is the one that you lay in hakima I
0:20:23 didn't like what
0:20:27 this is the one bring it because this is
0:20:29 a good air like for this kind of purpose
0:20:31 chapter 60 verse
0:20:33 it
0:20:34 that Allah doesn't how would you
0:20:36 translate this
0:20:37 uh Allah is not forbidden you in
0:20:39 relation to those who don't uh those who
0:20:43 don't fight you in your religion or kick
0:20:44 you out of your homes
0:20:45 from being
0:20:47 um kind and cordial or unjust with them
0:20:51 okay who does Allah
0:20:55 those who do do those things so those
0:20:57 who fight you in religion they kick you
0:21:00 off your homes
0:21:02 and they uh like come together aiding
0:21:05 and assisting each other in
0:21:07 um expelling you from your homes
0:21:10 is that what you do that once it
0:21:12 continue that how's it going
0:21:13 to move
0:21:16 right
0:21:18 that you cannot be allies with that yeah
0:21:21 you can't be a lot of those individuals
0:21:22 here and whoever does so is
0:21:25 I think is
0:21:27 you know transgressors or all the evil
0:21:30 the the oppressors or the unjust ones
0:21:34 so
0:21:37 Allah is telling us two things who we
0:21:39 should have called your relationships
0:21:42 with and who we shouldn't
0:21:45 I was speaking to one guy before who
0:21:49 told me about his situation
0:21:51 with some tech feed groups
0:21:56 some some like you know
0:21:58 extremist groups or something like
0:22:00 radical
0:22:01 and he was saying
0:22:03 that he was saying to them you know this
0:22:05 Hadith
0:22:07 where
0:22:08 the woman gets punished because she's
0:22:11 torturing the cat
0:22:14 and he said to him like what do you
0:22:15 think of this Hadith he said yeah it
0:22:17 shows you Haram to torture a cat
0:22:20 he goes what do you think of torturing
0:22:21 the disbelievers
0:22:23 he said that you know it's different
0:22:26 so this guy he was responding apparently
0:22:28 like this is a chain of he was like
0:22:30 if Islam is a religion which doesn't
0:22:33 even allow you
0:22:34 to harm an animal
0:22:36 how could it be a religion which allows
0:22:38 you to harm human beings
0:22:40 and animals and children and these kinds
0:22:43 of things
0:22:46 and this is goes back to the Hadith
0:22:48 which many of you should know
0:22:50 the first Hadith they teach you and kind
0:22:52 of Hadith studies and
0:22:54 they says
0:22:56 it's like
0:23:00 this is a different one
0:23:02 is
0:23:05 have mercy to those who are on the earth
0:23:07 and the one who's in the heaven will
0:23:09 have mercy on you
0:23:12 and man is
0:23:13 one of the general terms so the general
0:23:16 rule is actually to have mercy to people
0:23:19 and so for example Allah
0:23:23 and say good things to people
0:23:26 you know and so this idea that there's
0:23:29 an initial adversariality or there's an
0:23:32 initial enmity
0:23:34 or there's an initial antagonism or
0:23:36 initial whatever
0:23:37 this is not really the spirit or the
0:23:39 letter of Islamic law
0:23:41 because there's islamically there's
0:23:43 initial Mercy
0:23:45 you know there's initial safety and
0:23:47 mercy and and then after that whatever
0:23:49 happens happens through uh
0:23:52 instrumentality or exception
0:23:55 but it's not the initial state of it's
0:23:57 not what we want in in the in the
0:23:59 situation best case of the situation
0:24:01 so if Jihad happens it happens as a
0:24:03 result of either defending the territory
0:24:05 or freeing up new land that's basically
0:24:08 it
0:24:10 what other examples would you give
0:24:16 chapter 4 89
0:24:19 okay and uh remember you know the
0:24:22 contents of that
0:24:23 um
0:24:25 yeah please
0:24:27 [Music]
0:24:32 yeah but there's a bit in the middle of
0:24:34 it
0:24:46 is
0:24:54 490. is that right yeah yeah
0:25:01 so from what
0:25:03 I was playing
0:25:10 yeah so if they immigrate and become
0:25:13 a
0:25:22 except for the ones who are Illinois
0:25:42 um keep going
0:25:44 I think it's the highest punishment
0:25:45 interested oh okay yeah
0:25:51 no problemo
0:25:52 post-traumatical
0:26:11 maybe uh Mars yeah what is there
0:26:16 uh 498
0:26:18 um
0:26:20 first uh talks about who we can fight
0:26:23 and then we've talked about the
0:26:24 exception and mentions that the
0:26:26 exceptions are those who are allies
0:26:27 allies of a people you are bound within
0:26:30 a treaty of those uh wholeheartedly
0:26:32 opposed fighting either you or their own
0:26:33 people okay and what is this
0:26:37 the ones who came to you are
0:26:39 sorry it continues as a continuation
0:26:43 if Allah will he would have empowered
0:26:46 him to fight you so if they refrain from
0:26:48 fighting you and offer you peace then
0:26:49 Allah does not permit you to harm them
0:26:50 yeah so it's very clear isn't it yeah
0:26:52 this is not Aggregates from my
0:26:54 understanding
0:26:55 you know so these are good uh areas to
0:26:59 just bring because this idea of an
0:27:01 impossible coexistence is is defined by
0:27:04 these kinds of hadiths and ayas
0:27:10 okay so we need to make sure that we uh
0:27:15 we bring that I think another line of
0:27:17 argumentation is to show how many people
0:27:19 have been killed by each Civilization
0:27:21 now there is a book which I have here
0:27:23 I'm just going to stand up and get it
0:27:24 actually
0:27:25 I mentioned this I think before and but
0:27:28 I want you guys to this is an
0:27:30 interesting way of making an argument
0:27:32 and I know we've covered this before but
0:27:34 repetition sometimes is important
0:27:36 this is a book of War and Peace in Islam
0:27:39 yeah
0:27:40 and this guy
0:27:45 he he has these findings
0:27:50 which um
0:27:53 he he goes through like definitions what
0:27:56 he defines as well civilization so he
0:27:57 puts all these different
0:27:59 civilizations he does you know and this
0:28:02 is what he's got here
0:28:04 this is the ranking yeah he's got number
0:28:07 one he's got the anti-theists the
0:28:08 Buddhists the Christian the indic and
0:28:11 the Islamic yeah
0:28:12 and what he's showing is that the
0:28:14 minimum death toll maximum death toll
0:28:16 and median death toll for example the
0:28:18 antitheists they've got the highest if
0:28:20 they're considered a civilization
0:28:22 he puts a 95 million minimum to 152
0:28:26 maximum right he's got his own
0:28:28 methodology you can read it in your own
0:28:29 time but I'm just giving you an example
0:28:31 then you've got the Buddhist now people
0:28:33 don't associate war and death with
0:28:35 Buddhism for some reason even though we
0:28:37 have what we have with the above what's
0:28:39 going on Burma and the ringas
0:28:41 in recent in in contemporary times
0:28:44 for some reason Buddhism was seen as a
0:28:46 religion of the true religion of peace
0:28:48 or something even though the death tolls
0:28:50 and the wars
0:28:52 uh indicate to us
0:28:54 that's not the case
0:28:56 and here Christian or Christian
0:28:59 civilization well at least in practice
0:29:00 there has been war or from them
0:29:03 Christian civilizations in third place
0:29:05 119 million
0:29:07 to 236 million
0:29:10 this is the range
0:29:12 then you have the indic you know and
0:29:14 then you have the Islamic
0:29:16 so even if you look at it from a
0:29:18 perspective
0:29:19 of uh death toll numbers and we just
0:29:23 take a look at the 20th century it's
0:29:24 it's by far all you have to remember is
0:29:26 the 20th century is by far the most
0:29:29 uh many people have been killed in any
0:29:32 wars I've ever taken place the 20th
0:29:34 century World War One World War II you
0:29:35 have to remember that it's not these are
0:29:36 not Islamic
0:29:39 if you just remember this fact
0:29:42 it's it's
0:29:43 almost insulting
0:29:46 that people who come from civilizations
0:29:48 like these speak to us as if they have
0:29:51 the keys and we have you know they can
0:29:54 give us a lesson about this kind of
0:29:55 thing
0:29:56 obviously you saw me speak about this
0:29:58 with Jordan Peterson
0:30:00 and as you can see like he had to admit
0:30:02 you know his positioning and so like
0:30:05 it's not
0:30:06 it's indisputable you can't actually
0:30:09 dispute these evidences in these points
0:30:11 so just remember that
0:30:14 how else would you argue your point
0:30:15 let's see let's open up to the floor
0:30:17 Maggie how would you so what else now
0:30:18 let's imagine I am I'm gonna play those
0:30:20 advocate for a little bit uh you know an
0:30:22 atheist saying look your religion is a
0:30:24 religion of hate and uh it does not
0:30:26 encourage coexistence and solution of
0:30:29 Bloodshed and uh
0:30:31 you guys need to modernize
0:30:37 from Quran yeah now how would you now
0:30:41 I'm putting this to you how would you
0:30:42 respond to this
0:30:44 uh
0:30:45 now let him finish first let me we'll
0:30:47 come to you in a second here
0:30:48 this is my tree got there for 490
0:30:51 memorize yeah
0:30:57 beautiful okay so this is chapter five
0:30:59 verse 34. yeah yeah so if you're saying
0:31:03 how would you translate this first uh
0:31:06 whoever kill someone
0:31:08 without Yani the the right uh
0:31:14 to do so so they haven't killed the
0:31:17 person to kill somebody yeah so like a
0:31:19 non-combatant yeah
0:31:27 the entirety of mankind so I think it's
0:31:31 just like an evidence to show that Islam
0:31:34 isn't what they're saying
0:31:36 okay beautiful
0:31:37 um now what would you say for Khan tell
0:31:39 me so I'm coming with the same
0:31:40 interrogation how would you respond to
0:31:42 see so you say you said the
0:31:47 we Muslims
0:31:48 are here to kill everybody that's what
0:31:51 our religion teaches us so I would say
0:31:54 if that's the case
0:31:55 then we're doing a very poor job
0:31:58 and not only not only in recent years
0:32:02 but throughout history like we've been
0:32:05 then we've been very soft
0:32:08 with the rest of
0:32:11 the rest of the humanity
0:32:13 currently we're talking about don't deny
0:32:15 the fact that your religion was there to
0:32:17 initially instruct you to kill the
0:32:20 people there
0:32:21 initially
0:32:22 initially so now so there was that at
0:32:24 least at one point
0:32:26 and what happened after
0:32:28 I don't know you tell me I mean so you
0:32:30 don't deny this yeah
0:32:31 uh yeah then I but my point is
0:32:36 implausible deniability so you're
0:32:38 basically saying that
0:32:41 we used to be Muslims and then we
0:32:43 stopped with Muslims is that what you're
0:32:45 saying oh absolutely
0:32:47 I'm saying you I'm saying that you know
0:32:49 your religion instructs people to kill
0:32:51 innocent bystanders
0:32:53 but what
0:32:55 let me understand this so my experience
0:32:58 instructed me to kill and then he stops
0:33:00 instructing me to kill people is always
0:33:02 yeah I'm saying that's why my client I
0:33:04 don't I don't believe that I think it
0:33:06 was my religion was quite uh
0:33:09 uh
0:33:11 consistent on the on in there
0:33:18 the whole Crown okay well you have to be
0:33:20 more specific okay so next time be more
0:33:23 specific
0:33:24 uh sorry
0:33:27 foreign
0:33:32 so I say look
0:33:35 you have a Hadith that says
0:33:38 I've come to you with Slaughter and you
0:33:40 have another Hadith that says that you
0:33:42 know um I've been commanded to kill the
0:33:45 people
0:33:46 until they say
0:33:48 doesn't this indicate
0:33:51 that your religion is uh clearly
0:33:55 intolerant and is trying to kill people
0:33:58 that are non-combatants
0:34:00 yeah I would say if you take individual
0:34:03 pieces of evidence like this out of
0:34:05 context especially uh we could construct
0:34:08 any narrative that we want to so the the
0:34:10 wise thing to do or the academic thing
0:34:13 to do would be to take the evidence as a
0:34:15 whole uh which our Scholars have done
0:34:18 and see what the original uh and what
0:34:21 see what the religion says when you take
0:34:23 a holistic so what does your Prophet
0:34:25 mean by I've been commanded to kill the
0:34:27 people until I said is
0:34:30 no no he's not going to help you uh I
0:34:33 forgot the context of it so if you go
0:34:35 okay
0:34:37 exactly hold on a second hold on a
0:34:39 second but but unanimous consensus uh
0:34:42 that we don't we're not allowed to kill
0:34:44 innocent civilians regardless of so your
0:34:46 consensus goes overrides the Hadith
0:34:49 there must be in a different context
0:34:51 then uh so what is that context I'm not
0:34:53 sure
0:34:54 but I'm pretty sure the scholars who
0:34:57 came to the consensus knew it so imagine
0:34:59 what do you think the concern what do
0:35:00 you think you have to take the Hadith in
0:35:03 context of the Quran so the Ayah that I
0:35:06 mentioned so if you have the Hadith and
0:35:08 the Isle the Ayah has a higher weight of
0:35:11 epistemic weight than the Hadith so here
0:35:13 doesn't mean just to kill no no except
0:35:16 the Hadith we accept both how do you say
0:35:20 this one is specific
0:35:22 and the other one is that's it which
0:35:25 one's General diet
0:35:27 yes
0:35:37 and
0:35:41 we take in contact with the aisle and
0:35:44 the Hadith will never contradict what
0:35:46 the Ayah well here's you've got a
0:35:47 general decent a general eye and they
0:35:49 seem to be contradiction
0:35:54 what should we do with it how do we how
0:35:57 do we deal with this
0:35:59 the Hadith uh
0:36:04 like
0:36:05 you're saying that it means every single
0:36:07 human being
0:36:08 I'm saying yes this is including is that
0:36:11 including this issue yeah how is that
0:36:13 including Muslims I see that's that's
0:36:15 good now there you have it right yes you
0:36:17 know who argued on this basis because I
0:36:19 heard it from airports
0:36:22 he actually was doing shot of this
0:36:23 Hadith yeah he's a scholar of Hadith in
0:36:26 Egypt
0:36:27 and he says if we took the Hadith to be
0:36:29 I'm in a very clear way he goes I have
0:36:32 been commanded to kill the people that
0:36:33 would include Muslims as well so it
0:36:34 couldn't be accepted like this
0:36:37 that's what he was saying and he said
0:36:39 that so therefore it's a general is
0:36:44 which is like you know and what what
0:36:47 does that mean
0:36:48 so especially with a nurse like you can
0:36:51 have um there's generally speak anyways
0:36:53 if you have general terms like you can
0:36:55 use a general term in Arabic but intend
0:36:57 by something specific give me an example
0:36:59 that's indicated by it so even with the
0:37:00 word anas for example they say in Surah
0:37:02 Nisa uh
0:37:06 some of them say that that refers to the
0:37:08 prophet there's another area
0:37:14 I can see on the page what's up
0:37:21 not this one could you use that no
0:37:26 other people have come against you this
0:37:29 is the one yeah yeah so what is there
0:37:33 yeah
0:37:35 okay so here's the next what's the what
0:37:38 are you saying to uh that that if I
0:37:40 remember correctly I think it was
0:37:41 referring to
0:37:42 was it two people from um
0:37:52 since the Confederates are coming it's
0:37:55 not one it's not all the people it's
0:37:56 just a group of people yeah so it's this
0:37:58 is an example of a specific group of
0:38:00 people yeah so it's an example of
0:38:01 General's wording intended for specific
0:38:03 meaning but I put that out there because
0:38:05 it was a difficult one I want to see how
0:38:07 you guys are going to deal with it yeah
0:38:09 sorry
0:38:10 for Muslims
0:38:12 Professor didn't kill
0:38:14 everybody every non-muslim a good point
0:38:16 excellent so yeah good point he didn't
0:38:19 practice this one yeah brilliant that's
0:38:21 a good that's a good piece of evidence
0:38:23 so it couldn't mean that could it what
0:38:25 if I say now uh for Khan you know this
0:38:29 is a very
0:38:31 common interrogation chapter 929
0:38:36 .
0:38:39 you know that fight the ones who do not
0:38:42 believe in Allah in the last day
0:38:44 from the people who have been given the
0:38:46 kitab from the people who have been
0:38:49 given the the old you know the people of
0:38:50 the book
0:38:52 you know until they give the jizya in a
0:38:56 subordinate fashion
0:38:58 and they are subservient or
0:39:01 how it's clear here isn't it they're
0:39:05 saying you have to keep fighting
0:39:06 fighting the Christians and Jews until
0:39:09 they give jizya so it's compelling them
0:39:11 to give Jessica this shows you clearly
0:39:13 that it's about uh quote forcing people
0:39:16 to become Muslim
0:39:18 what would you say to something like
0:39:19 that isn't it easier for
0:39:22 for none so for Christians Jews living
0:39:25 in a Muslim land yes so I'm guessing if
0:39:30 the compulsory
0:39:32 uh power of
0:39:36 the Muslim country so if you want to
0:39:38 live in this country you need to pay
0:39:39 this
0:39:40 tax well this year okay and someone
0:39:43 refuses to do so
0:39:46 um I guess these consequences for that
0:39:49 yes but why'd you have to fight them to
0:39:51 get them to pay that so what are you
0:39:53 doing what are you expelling then
0:39:55 yeah I think you're on to something but
0:39:57 you can refine this okay because you're
0:40:00 a bit too non-apologetic here I think
0:40:02 you have to give them some level of
0:40:04 Justice
0:40:07 okay uh this is I think I'm asking you
0:40:11 like if they
0:40:15 if they don't pay
0:40:17 then
0:40:19 I mean this this needs to be a way
0:40:21 yeah nobody is saying you have to fight
0:40:23 them first then get them to pay after
0:40:25 what's going on here
0:40:26 taxes until they until they get the jizz
0:40:28 yeah so clearly they haven't not given
0:40:30 the Jersey enough so they haven't fight
0:40:31 them until they do it so I'm guessing
0:40:34 the context is when Muslims were still
0:40:36 fighting with the with the with the
0:40:39 numbers of questions I'm guessing you
0:40:41 know I'm meant to be the one asking you
0:40:42 so who's are you interested do you know
0:40:44 this or do you not know this you're
0:40:46 asking a late person for
0:40:48 [Laughter]
0:40:54 okay okay no but you're on the right
0:40:56 tracks I mean especially with this thing
0:40:59 of uh jizier being like a compulsory
0:41:01 taxes Jersey has not what I don't see I
0:41:03 actually don't I actually don't see the
0:41:05 controversy in Jersey at all I failed to
0:41:07 see the controversy in it they call it a
0:41:09 sec I remember in
0:41:10 um in University when the one person was
0:41:14 saying you have a discriminatory tax
0:41:16 called the jizier I said what is
0:41:18 discriminatory about it exactly what's
0:41:20 the problem with it what's your issue
0:41:21 with the jizier
0:41:22 says why is it that the Muslims get to
0:41:24 pay as a cat and the cat is more
0:41:27 actually you pay more in some cases
0:41:29 Muslim has to pay much more than I was
0:41:31 reading in this
0:41:32 or something the amount of money if you
0:41:36 have the cattle male and to get this one
0:41:39 and the Zara and this and the
0:41:41 plantations and
0:41:42 you might be paying a lot more
0:41:43 accounting than anyone will be paying
0:41:44 jizzier so it's not even about more it's
0:41:46 not more money necessarily that's not
0:41:48 what it's about so what is the issue
0:41:50 here
0:41:51 so that's I like that line of
0:41:53 augmentation it's just the name name
0:41:54 difference zakar is like has
0:41:57 purification connotations
0:41:59 they're also accepted from a lot of
0:42:02 things they don't have to fight do they
0:42:04 yeah there's a ward the uh the people
0:42:07 who play Jizzy they don't have to fight
0:42:08 is that right
0:42:09 yeah you don't have to fight yeah
0:42:11 basically you see it's subhanallah you
0:42:13 know just don't betray the Muslim
0:42:15 Community and stuff like that but as as
0:42:18 we've said this it's not really that
0:42:20 problematic I like that part of it it's
0:42:22 like hearing this but this how would you
0:42:25 uh assess the first part of 929
0:42:27 uh mahendi as in we're not going out to
0:42:31 enforce this on people
0:42:32 this is just like if we have a battle
0:42:34 between each other right who's talking
0:42:37 about who like if they're coming and
0:42:39 they're attacking us and we're defending
0:42:42 ourselves so if there's a war it's a
0:42:43 time of War it's not like we're going
0:42:45 out in this context right okay so how do
0:42:47 we know this is not talk about civilians
0:42:51 okay go tell me more about that so it's
0:42:54 just like Danny like
0:42:57 I just press it and it's just with
0:43:01 another person so it's reciprocal yeah
0:43:02 reciprocal that's it yeah how do we know
0:43:04 it's reciprocal because it's with that
0:43:06 alif from the beautiful yeah so far it's
0:43:09 like I can say it's like for both of
0:43:12 them are doing the same thing so this is
0:43:14 fight not kills
0:43:16 it's not kill them it's fine yeah
0:43:19 yeah so it must be fine you cannot fight
0:43:20 people that are not fighting you back so
0:43:23 it must be combatant so even in the term
0:43:25 cartilu there is an implied
0:43:29 uh imputation which is that actually
0:43:31 this is uh already reciprocal battle
0:43:34 going on yeah
0:43:36 okay well these are some of the things
0:43:38 I'm going to bring two more uh things
0:43:40 just to
0:43:41 come back for Khan
0:43:44 but we showed this one though you don't
0:43:45 say anything ridiculous because it's a
0:43:47 very controversial topic
0:43:49 um
0:43:50 what if I say well if if your Prophet
0:43:53 saws was so peaceful and so merciful
0:43:56 then what about the Jewish tribes of
0:43:58 Benoit Cordova that who he oversaw the
0:44:03 slaughter of 600 Jewish people in the
0:44:05 tribe uh and he in fact encouraged or
0:44:09 legitimized it or mandated it if this
0:44:12 was a man of Mercy then how could he do
0:44:14 such a thing
0:44:15 so first of all I would say
0:44:17 uh there was a treaty between
0:44:21 the two yeah who's two two between the
0:44:24 Muslims and the Jews okay two Jewish
0:44:27 tribes the Jewish tribes yeah to protect
0:44:28 the Muslims in case of
0:44:31 uh Outsiders yeah in this case may
0:44:34 consultation uh the Jews not only break
0:44:38 the treaty treaty but they align with
0:44:41 the mechans yeah
0:44:43 um and then when it comes to the
0:44:45 punishment
0:44:46 it was not the prophet deciding the
0:44:48 punishment it was actually uh some
0:44:51 unnatural that decided that doesn't
0:44:54 remember who it was
0:44:55 yes I might yeah so that that was
0:44:59 supposed to be the point that was the
0:45:01 Fair punishment so and who was being
0:45:04 punished only the men and the Jews so
0:45:07 those were capable of War fighting yeah
0:45:10 beautiful excellent excellent answer
0:45:11 well done that was really good
0:45:13 so these are the what I'm giving you
0:45:16 here is the interrogations you're most
0:45:17 likely to face
0:45:19 after you've answered them
0:45:21 remember the framework is the alpaca
0:45:23 framework who remembers the alpaca
0:45:24 framework
0:45:27 yeah a stands for assumption P stands
0:45:30 for Point e stands for example C stands
0:45:33 for counter counter attack or counter
0:45:35 example and an a is analysis so always
0:45:38 have that as a blueprint so any
0:45:39 Shovelhead that you're given the apeka
0:45:42 framework a-p-e-c-a you start with the
0:45:44 Assumption then the point then the
0:45:45 example then the counter example and
0:45:48 then the analysis because if you don't
0:45:49 offer a counter you're taking a punch
0:45:51 without giving one back
0:45:52 so whenever you've it's you know you
0:45:55 have to defend yourself then you have to
0:45:56 attack
0:45:58 and with that guys we will conclude uh
0:46:01 hopefully uh this is more entrenched
0:46:04 into your minds this is something we've
0:46:05 covered before but repetition on key
0:46:07 issues is actually an important part of
0:46:09 any spiral curriculum it's an important
0:46:11 part of any kind of learning and so next
0:46:14 week we're going to be talking about the
0:46:15 age of Aisha and we've got some more
0:46:17 information which we haven't covered in
0:46:19 previous sessions uh which we're going
0:46:21 to talk about the age of action the
0:46:23 marriage in the union Prophet Muhammad
0:46:25 which is one of the keys
0:46:29 um and so one which for you it's a
0:46:30 classic sugar basically it's one of the
0:46:32 classic schwart
0:46:33 so everyone here needs to be completely
0:46:35 like strong with that one and it will be
0:46:38 more like this session where we're going
0:46:40 to be doing a lot more interactive stuff
0:46:42 and hopefully you guys have enjoyed that
0:46:45 as much as I have here