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113 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-10-16)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

113 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI



المائدة ة

Summary of 113 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the different ways that Prophet Muhammad has been portrayed throughout history. It argues that Muhammad was not the kind of person who would bring changes to Sharia, as some classical scholars have suggested.

00:00:00 Discusses various examples of historical fabrication in the Bible, and suggests that these may be evidence that the Bible was not written by God. It also discusses a miracle attributed to Jesus in the Apocrypha, and argues that this too is evidence that the Bible was not written by God.

  • 00:05:00 Discusses the differences between the Bible and the Quran regarding the story of Jesus. The Bible presents a fabricated version of events, while the Quran present a more accurate account.
  • 00:10:00 This professor discusses the inconsistencies between the Quran and other scriptures, emphasizing that there is a time gap between the Quran and other scriptures. He argues that this time gap could be "enormous" and points out that the prophet Muhammad knew about this gap and addressed it in different ways.
  • 00:15:00
  • 00:20:00 discusses the difference between a Divine and a human being, and points out that Mohammed did not say that his mother was a Divine. He goes on to say that if anything, it is possible that one or more of his offspring may be Divine. He finishes by giving a summary of the history of the Nestorian church, which grew out of the Zoroastrian faith.
  • 00:25:00 The professor discusses the concept of divinity in ancient times, focusing on the belief of some people that a woman named Maryam was the mother of God. He points out that this belief is based on primitive concepts and is contradicted by more sophisticated philosophies.
  • 00:30:00 explains that, according to reason, there can only be one Divine Being, and that this Divine Being has a mother who is also Divine. goes on to say that these claims have been affirmed by history, as there is no evidence that Jesus or his mother claimed to be Divine.
  • 00:35:00 Discusses the theory that the Holy Spirit did not write the Bible, but rather different disciples over time. The Holy Spirit is not an engine that can protect someone from making errors, and contradictions in the Bible are evidence of this.
  • 00:40:00 discusses the belief that Isa (Jesus) was a prophet and that his mother, Theresa, was also a prophet. It goes on to say that those who claim Isa was divine will not be part of the discussion and that Isa himself said that he did not deserve to say anything that was not true.
  • 00:45:00 a Roman soldier asks a gospel writer about the crucifixion of an innocent man, to which the gospel writer replies that it wasn't the Divine's will to crucify him. The soldier then asks the gospel writer about the Divine's will in relation to death, to which the gospel writer responds that death receiving is one of the Divine's fundamental principles. Allah, which in Quran means "to receive," refers to the process of death receiving in this context.
  • 00:50:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the three possible outcomes of the return of Prophet Isa (peace be upon him). He notes that the first outcome is that Isa will come back as a just ruler, and the second outcome is that he will come back as a guide and guidance leader. The third outcome is that Isa's prophethood will be sealed and he will no longer be a prophet.
  • 00:55:00 This 1-paragraph summary of the video discusses how certain classical scholars thought that Muhammad might bring changes to Sharia, but this is not actually the case.


Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the various objections to the belief that someone who has died can be brought back to life. He explains that the main objection is based on incorrect assumptions about the nature of death, and that other objections can be dismissed based on sound reasoning.

01:00:00 Discusses the objections to the belief that someone who has died can be brought back to life. The main objection is that it is impossible, and this is based on incorrect assumptions about the nature of death. Other objections are dismissed based on sound reasoning.

  • 01:05:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the evidence for Muhammad's prophethood. He points out that there is no evidence that Muhammad was influenced by Christianity or that he received any reports from Christians. He also mentions that some people argue that Muhammad's coming back would be a miracle, but that this is not necessarily the case. He concludes the video by stating that America is founded on the principle of Prophethood, and that Muhammad is not only a prophet but also a leader.
  • 01:10:00 is a lecture by a professor who discusses how prophethood must be proven by miracles or evidence. He also discusses how reports of Prophet Muhammad's return are impossible to fabricate, and how all media from around the world are rushing to the mountain where he is reportedly digging.
  • 01:15:00 Discusses a variety of proofs for the existence of Allah, including a discussion of the miracle of the Quran being preserved intact over centuries. The professor explains that if Muslims believe in Allah, then all of the other religions in the world would have disappeared by now. Skeptics believe that this is impossible, but the professor argues that it is possible because Allah is powerful and can do whatever he wants. He also discusses the possibility of reviving someone who has died, and how this could be done even if they are in a grave. Finally, the professor discusses how many media outlets are covering the event.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses some of the historical origins of miracles, and how some people may view them today as miracles due to technology being more sophisticated. concludes by saying that miracles can still happen, even with the use of technology.
  • 01:25:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the meaning of the Arabic word "sadiq," which is translated as "truthful." He notes that this title is higher than the word "holy men" and has a deeper meaning because a person cannot be truly holy and purified without being truthful. He goes on to say that this is the Supreme Triumph, or the day where the truthfulness and sincerity of statements and actions are in full synchronization.
  • 01:30:00 a professor discusses Surat Al Ma'idah, which discusses Allah's dominion over the heavens and the Earth. He notes that this dominion is a promise that Allah will never fail to keep, and that it is impossible for reality to be undone. He goes on to say that some of the truthful people will be rewarded with heaven, while others will be punished in hell.
  • 01:35:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the Qur'an's concepts of Creation, Providence, and Necessity. He explains that everything in the universe belongs to God, and that everything is within his control and power. Furthermore, he explains that the Impossible is not doable by God, and that there is no question that God can create a stone so heavy that he cannot lift it. Finally, he discusses the ethical implications of living on Earth, and how Earth is just one atom in the universe.
  • 01:40:00 Nestorianism is a branch of Christianity that believes that Mary is only the mother of the human Christ, not the Divine Christ. Today, Nestorian Christians are split into three churches, the Catholic Church in Iraq, the Assyrian Church of the East, and the Kaldan Church.
  • 01:45:00 discusses the difference between historians who are monophysic, and historians who are not. He says that monophysic historians are not necessarily wrong, but that they do not follow the Creed of Nestorius. also discusses the difference between arianism and Nestorianism, and how arianism believes that Christ has a supernatural power, but is not Divine.
  • 01:50:00 Discusses the legality of promissory notes, and explains that while they may be based on cheating, once they are used for exchange, they are considered currencies with an intrinsic value.
  • 01:55:00 Discusses the concept of exchange and how it works between different types of goods. It also explains how an evaluator can be used to measure the quality of different goods without cheating.


Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the differences between currencies and how to deal with contracts in a Muslim context. He stresses the importance of treating currencies as valuable metals, and goes on to say that Muslims should avoid contracts that devalue the currency. He also explains that, even though currency is based on trust, it is still possible to earn haram money by engaging in illegitimate activities.

02:00:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the differences between currencies and how to deal with contracts in a Muslim context. He stresses the importance of treating currencies as valuable metals, and goes on to say that Muslims should avoid contracts that devalue the currency.

  • 02:05:00 explains that, although the American government has recently cleared the way for contracts in gold, this is not because the government is now in favor of gold, but because the government is tyrannical and prefers to control the currency through manipulation. He goes on to explain that, even though currency is based on trust, it is still possible to earn haram money by engaging in illegitimate activities.
  • 02:10:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the differences between currency and other forms of exchange. He states that currencies have a physical value, but they are not necessarily accepted by the people as legal tender. He also points out that certain currencies can be used for different purposes, such as buying and selling bonds.
  • 02:15:00 features a lecture by Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI on the surah, "Al Ma'idah." The professor discusses the various themes and topics covered in this surah, including the revelation of the Quran to Muhammad, the believers' response to the revelation, and the overall message of the surah.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:12 Music
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0:01:18 the chat box you find by the broadcast
0:01:20 link next to the video also do not
0:01:22 forget to support our activities by
0:01:24 donating when asking questions in the
0:01:25 conversation or through the thank you
0:01:27 button under our video
0:01:28 today is Sunday the 16th of October Dr
0:01:31 Muhammad almasri continues with the fear
0:01:34 of Surat al-baida we are now on Ayah
0:01:37 116.
0:01:50 requested to be sent down from heaven
0:01:52 and it was as I said yes I will send it
0:01:56 down but with a considerable threat that
0:01:58 anyone that was deciding after that
0:02:00 would be punished punishment with nobody
0:02:01 in the universe will otherwise suffer
0:02:03 and then the various point of view about
0:02:06 uh
0:02:07 how come that it's not in the gospel of
0:02:10 such a more important event which should
0:02:13 be a celebrating moment is not in in the
0:02:17 current gospels in our hands and there
0:02:19 seems to be it's nowhere in any of the
0:02:21 Apocrypha and we discuss various options
0:02:23 for the solution this is called
0:02:25 so-called problem but I I would say the
0:02:27 best resolution is to say that the
0:02:30 evidently in the current gospels even
0:02:33 the four books which are selected to be
0:02:36 the best available at that time and this
0:02:38 is the fact it is it is because there
0:02:40 are many others going on the in the
0:02:43 people's hands in the 4th Century that's
0:02:46 the show is very of these four and other
0:02:48 the Epistles of Paul and so on and few
0:02:50 other things was
0:02:51 done in in the in the nikian World
0:02:54 Conference
0:02:56 essentially and was kept along that and
0:02:59 the most other books have been declared
0:03:00 to be uh to be a physiographical as a
0:03:04 false or have to be hidden because they
0:03:06 are not authentic or something like that
0:03:08 or contain the stabbing facts you don't
0:03:10 know why they are having them most
0:03:11 likely they thought it's not good to
0:03:13 have in the hand of the public either
0:03:14 because they are false or because they
0:03:17 contain things they would like not the
0:03:18 public to uh to know about it but that's
0:03:21 that's the choice anyway
0:03:23 they have in in various places blatant
0:03:27 Fabrications there's not I gave one
0:03:29 example is the so-called Christmas Story
0:03:31 and the travel tour uh to battle Amazon
0:03:34 is just an attempt to make to enforce
0:03:38 the fact that the Asia is of somehow
0:03:40 some kind of genealogy although he's
0:03:42 supposed to be the son of a God or
0:03:43 without a father but serious through his
0:03:45 adopted father he's from the descendant
0:03:48 of David and what that's what that would
0:03:50 be the fever filling some of the Jewish
0:03:52 prophecies about the Messiah being a
0:03:54 fighting Messiah a king Messiah from the
0:03:56 seed of David
0:03:58 so that was one and all analysis of
0:04:02 historical facts and Junior and the
0:04:04 issues of uh sensors and these Roman
0:04:08 sensors shows that it's impossible that
0:04:10 it could have been like that so this is
0:04:11 a fabricated one another also the
0:04:13 fabrication Matthew about after the
0:04:15 classification that there was a massive
0:04:17 earthquake at the grave split and
0:04:19 hundreds of people came out of the
0:04:21 graves and the shrouds and walk in
0:04:22 Jerusalem and nobody in the world not
0:04:25 even the other gospels or anyone in the
0:04:26 world record this event not Paul nobody
0:04:29 whatsoever this is just manifesty absurd
0:04:31 can't have happened like that
0:04:33 so that's that's one secondly there are
0:04:35 events like for example the the blowing
0:04:39 in on on a on a mud shape which is
0:04:42 shaped like a bed and it flies away like
0:04:44 a bird it's in one of the Apocrypha
0:04:48 and it is attributed to Jesus and his
0:04:50 youth while the Quran make it one of the
0:04:52 major Miracles obviously after he
0:04:55 announced himself to be a messenger that
0:04:57 he was a prophet is from big bad we know
0:04:59 that from the Quran uh the the current
0:05:01 gospels in the hand of the uh the
0:05:03 Christian does not seem to be clarifying
0:05:06 what happens for since birth until he
0:05:09 started his message it's like a dark
0:05:10 history there the Quran
0:05:14 interestingly so the existing books the
0:05:17 Earth comprehensive they missed many
0:05:19 important events especially the The
0:05:23 Christmas Story the one presented is a
0:05:26 definitely fabricated one on the on the
0:05:29 through one nowhere no one knows unless
0:05:30 you go look to the quranic one which
0:05:32 fits really in the historic reality
0:05:34 another aspects and we have discussed
0:05:36 that uh sometimes in a in a Discord or
0:05:39 some group of people that the
0:05:43 presentation of the Christmas story in
0:05:45 the Quran is very compelling and fits
0:05:47 from the historicality the there's no
0:05:48 trouble to Egypt nothing like that all
0:05:50 of this is is nonsensical it's not it's
0:05:52 not true
0:05:53 so we should not give much value that
0:05:56 this has not been reported but another
0:05:58 possibility is that it has not been sent
0:06:01 down because this threat was sufficient
0:06:03 without saying no no we believe we don't
0:06:06 want to to go this through this massive
0:06:08 risk that that will be if we become
0:06:12 disbelievable so on and there are hints
0:06:14 also obviously in the last night the
0:06:17 last meal that ASA told them that most
0:06:21 of you will deny me before they don't
0:06:22 drink especially Peter three times and
0:06:24 this so that was a warning enough that
0:06:27 they said no no we don't know that that
0:06:29 seems to be a good solution anyway
0:06:32 and the kind of gospels there's no no
0:06:35 tables for it has been sent down
0:06:37 and in in the Quran says I will send it
0:06:39 down but with the condition that I will
0:06:41 punish sounds on and doesn't say is it
0:06:43 was sent down or not so I I don't say
0:06:45 this is a major problem
0:06:47 um and the Quran does not go in these
0:06:48 stories into a great details like for
0:06:50 example a master example is the example
0:06:52 of the argument about appointing a king
0:06:55 foreign when they went to the prophet
0:06:57 Samuel the Quran mentioned only the
0:06:59 issue that they claim they want to fight
0:07:01 in the cause of Allah and they ask him
0:07:02 for King it doesn't mention any part of
0:07:04 the long discussion which is the book of
0:07:06 Samuel in our hands nowaday and uh and
0:07:09 the warning given to them what Kings
0:07:11 will be doing and King of the Calamity
0:07:13 of having a kingship instead of uh sure
0:07:16 and democracy all of these things
0:07:18 that they claim and then when the jihadu
0:07:21 conveyor obligatory they fail to comply
0:07:24 that's all the Quran was concerned about
0:07:25 and did not the Quran says many places
0:07:28 clearly that our message has come to
0:07:31 show you some of that what you have been
0:07:33 hiding for in the books and he forgive
0:07:35 aplenty he's not going to expose all
0:07:37 foreign
0:07:44 that's not the job and it's not intended
0:07:47 there's no need for that it's enough to
0:07:48 expose some failure and some issues of
0:07:50 relevance for the future and forgive the
0:07:53 other things that forget about them
0:07:56 in
0:07:58 a way so that the stories are sometimes
0:08:01 not detained as some details are missed
0:08:03 and uh and the uh things are presented
0:08:07 such a way that someone who is reading
0:08:09 shallow without deep thinking may think
0:08:11 they have happened like in this sequence
0:08:13 in immediately like for example when
0:08:15 Allah says to ISA I will purify you from
0:08:17 the disbeliever so they will not be able
0:08:19 to put your hand on you and they will
0:08:21 leave you to me some many of Muslim
0:08:23 readers they didn't say that the
0:08:25 verification password by lifting him up
0:08:27 immediately before they apprehended him
0:08:29 in Gethsemane in the garden will
0:08:31 Gethsemane but that's not necessary I
0:08:33 left you does not doesn't mean I left
0:08:35 you now I'll purify you I protect you
0:08:36 from there laying the hand on you
0:08:38 possibly as we discussed quite
0:08:42 extensively one time but not extensive
0:08:44 enough I have a writing in that in
0:08:45 English
0:08:47 if Allah gives us enough life to do that
0:08:51 is that they apprehended the false Guy
0:08:54 the one who took the appearance of Isa
0:08:56 which is
0:08:57 and this one all events from the
0:09:01 apprehension and telecross fiction shows
0:09:03 that it could not be Lisa the one who
0:09:05 has been apprehended but this will be
0:09:06 discussed thoroughly in this piece of
0:09:08 research and then the lifting up or the
0:09:11 lifting to the heaven happened much
0:09:12 later 50 60 days later so that's gonna
0:09:14 say I will verify you and lift you to me
0:09:16 does not mean I prepare and lift you the
0:09:18 same second it could be a long distance
0:09:21 the same same example is that in the
0:09:25 Adam's story I'm creating a man for
0:09:27 mother of the earth and so on and when I
0:09:29 blow my spirit in him then proceed to
0:09:32 him some idiots think that it is uh he
0:09:36 has been fashioned like a statue and
0:09:37 then blown the spirit him within a few
0:09:39 days or hours it's not true it's not
0:09:42 true it took billions of years between
0:09:43 starting fashioning from the mud or from
0:09:46 the stinking clay or whatever material
0:09:48 it was to to blowing the spirit and
0:09:51 becoming a conscious being which is
0:09:53 worthy of addressing billions of years
0:09:55 and this is indicating when Hadith when
0:09:57 have you said that when Adam was was
0:09:59 fermenting in his mud Iblis was going
0:10:03 back and forth and she called the
0:10:04 screenshot and saying this creature this
0:10:06 long fermentation this long process and
0:10:08 it said had he said 40 years again 40
0:10:10 years we don't know how many how much is
0:10:12 this 40 years in our count 40 years
0:10:14 Allah knows what these 40 years maybe
0:10:16 it's four billions
0:10:18 this creature is being developed in a in
0:10:21 a meticulous long-winded way it seemed
0:10:23 to be there is an intention with it with
0:10:25 this one but it is hollow it has gaps if
0:10:29 it comes to a conflict I will be able to
0:10:31 defeat him that's what the Hadith says
0:10:34 so so it was 40 years what do you know
0:10:38 what these 40 has been for every day of
0:10:40 these years is a thousand years or fifty
0:10:42 thousand years that you multiply and you
0:10:43 may get in hundreds of millions or
0:10:45 billions anyway so some people of
0:10:47 shallow with reading the Quran think
0:10:49 that it is mentioned immediately meaning
0:10:51 it happened with the second Muslim no it
0:10:53 could be separated by billions of years
0:10:56 in the case of the lifting it was
0:10:58 simulated by something like 50 maybe or
0:11:01 50 50 60 days I have to check the number
0:11:04 of days it's in the New Testament anyway
0:11:06 oh but it's not an elephant it's not
0:11:08 immediately in between was the
0:11:09 Transfiguration
0:11:12 which had which had been announced
0:11:13 before and the model of that has been
0:11:15 presented to the disabled and they have
0:11:17 sold their own eyes and this is in all
0:11:19 the three gospels and all details
0:11:21 described which seems to be out of
0:11:23 context has no purpose except
0:11:26 and amazingly after that ASA tell them
0:11:28 after that they ask him are we going is
0:11:30 that there's a the story goes like that
0:11:33 when they were up a mountain suddenly uh
0:11:37 uh
0:11:39 Elijah and Musa came down they
0:11:42 recognized them they know the people
0:11:43 know the description that the tribe of
0:11:45 their being so they somehow recognize
0:11:47 them they're like this and they were
0:11:48 talking with Issa and then they
0:11:49 transfigured the clothes and figured in
0:11:51 colors and their face it became like the
0:11:53 sun like the radiating Sun
0:11:55 and then they went
0:11:57 and then the distance
0:12:03 they say verily some of you will not
0:12:07 test death until you see the son of man
0:12:09 coming in all his glory and until now
0:12:12 nobody gave through this a proper
0:12:14 interpretation some say he means the
0:12:15 resurrection
0:12:17 but what is that related to the it's a
0:12:20 Transfiguration at that mountain how
0:12:22 much is that why is that obligation it's
0:12:24 just ahead and immediate with the
0:12:25 foundation instead of asking them that
0:12:27 Musa is staying or not saying is he's
0:12:30 mentioning this point and some people
0:12:32 say oh he got the trunk he's a false
0:12:34 prophet he actually was thinking or he
0:12:36 will be coming back all of these stories
0:12:38 we know how people Jews kill him
0:12:40 somewhere some can say something else my
0:12:43 interpretation is that he is really
0:12:44 hinting there will be a Transfiguration
0:12:46 in the future and which I will come out
0:12:48 Victorious and the traitor not saying it
0:12:51 directly the theater will be punished
0:12:53 and will be finished and they will come
0:12:54 in glory and therefore exactly what
0:12:56 happened so they were they called the
0:12:57 resurrection is really reappears not
0:13:00 very selection but this needs to be
0:13:01 developed more meticulously in details
0:13:04 than just what I'm saying now let's do
0:13:06 what I'm saying now is just just like
0:13:07 headlines or hand-waving arguments I
0:13:10 have to
0:13:11 study the exact wording the various
0:13:14 parts of the scripture the previous
0:13:16 prophecies what the indicate located
0:13:18 what they entail all of that and that
0:13:20 has to be there meticulously these
0:13:21 things cannot be done that's not a
0:13:23 that's not boiling eggs that's a a a
0:13:26 heavyweight job has to be done and I did
0:13:29 some of it it's in my my documentation
0:13:31 and I will work on it
0:13:33 so you see the the time Gap could be
0:13:36 enormous so don't be fooled by something
0:13:38 that hold on Mission something and
0:13:39 something next to it I think it is the
0:13:41 time simulation is smooth it could be
0:13:43 enormous time gaps
0:13:45 which can be ascended from other sources
0:13:47 if he says that even if needed so let's
0:13:51 so this the Dilemma of this famous
0:13:53 foreign
0:14:01 something like that which is nowhere in
0:14:03 their books anywhere people should also
0:14:05 think that other option
0:14:07 you claim the man is so intelligent that
0:14:09 he knew what the people that they have
0:14:10 in their scripture and then he commits
0:14:12 such blenders this does not fit he's
0:14:14 either stupid comedic momentos or he is
0:14:16 an ingenious and why should they get
0:14:18 involved in such stories you'll have to
0:14:21 ask a different question if you want to
0:14:22 balance the evidences and analyze things
0:14:24 properly
0:14:25 so that's I would say the issue of the
0:14:27 table spread that it is not in their
0:14:29 books is not a real issue I wouldn't say
0:14:32 regard it as a major issue because we
0:14:33 know that in the description even the
0:14:34 one who they regard as authenticles
0:14:36 especially selected and allegedly
0:14:38 written under the supervision of the
0:14:40 Holy Spirit which is obviously just a
0:14:43 story for the common people to take them
0:14:44 on a light
0:14:46 no light a man should believe this this
0:14:48 nonsense that the Holy Spirit was there
0:14:51 and whispering in their ear you just
0:14:53 read the scripture and see it can't be
0:14:54 like that that's just impossible but
0:14:56 leave that aside that something is
0:14:59 missing there or something president
0:15:00 there does not prove that it is the
0:15:02 missing thing that did not happen or
0:15:04 there's something there that it really
0:15:05 has happened because you have a
0:15:07 refutable evidence of certain things
0:15:09 which could not have happened and they
0:15:10 are there alleged to be have happening
0:15:13 like the hundreds of dead marching in
0:15:15 Jerusalem within in their in their
0:15:17 shrouds
0:15:19 or nobody in the world even the other
0:15:22 gospel do not report that secular
0:15:24 fabrication non-surgical publication and
0:15:26 the Christmas story which if you're
0:15:28 analyzing all these components are
0:15:29 justification it turns out to be
0:15:31 completely fake it cannot be has
0:15:34 happened like that and there are other
0:15:36 things missing which does not mean that
0:15:38 they were not there but they were just
0:15:39 omitted or forgotten or deliberately
0:15:42 omitted
0:15:43 because the the scripture right
0:15:45 especially John has an agenda it's
0:15:48 clearly a philosophical writing it's not
0:15:49 historical writing and in his agenda is
0:15:53 uh it fits in his agenda to to almost
0:15:57 not fit in the do not fit conveniently
0:16:00 with the Divinity of Christ
0:16:01 for example and add things which which
0:16:04 fits with the agenda about philosophy
0:16:06 like for example he added a lengthy
0:16:08 discussion alleged discussion between
0:16:10 Elisa and Pontius Pilates about what's
0:16:12 good and evil come on
0:16:18 someone else
0:16:21 to
0:16:22 ratify and sign the order of the
0:16:24 execution and give the final order
0:16:27 do you think point is out of time to
0:16:30 discuss with him as if they are in the
0:16:32 in the philosophical Academy within
0:16:35 about good that is
0:16:40 good and what's evil
0:16:52 it's not worth going around maybe at
0:16:54 that time when John was written which is
0:16:56 about 150 uh of AD around that plus
0:17:01 minus was like 175 plus minus like that
0:17:05 at that time they were very strong
0:17:06 theories around that he was not the one
0:17:08 classified somebody was crucified so he
0:17:09 wanted no no it's a different name look
0:17:12 He was discussing what quantity realizes
0:17:13 good and evil in a level with only uh
0:17:16 only a philosopher then an authority can
0:17:19 discuss anyway
0:17:21 I'm just giving that uh just so you are
0:17:24 warned that such argument that this is
0:17:26 missing from this sculpture is in the
0:17:27 Quran or it is not in the Quran it's in
0:17:29 the scripture it's it's not it's not a a
0:17:32 very very respectable argument that's
0:17:35 not an argument
0:17:36 but it's taking the state of the Quran
0:17:39 but until now until this moment all what
0:17:42 the Quran has reported with various
0:17:43 Nations and in not very big details
0:17:46 that's not the way it's just a
0:17:47 highlights of the story has been
0:17:49 certified by the previous scriptures and
0:17:51 also by archeology so far so far
0:17:54 alhamdulillah so that I I would I would
0:17:57 uh not not regard that as a major point
0:17:59 it's a maybe a disturbing Point needs to
0:18:01 be addressed but it's not a major point
0:18:02 so let's continue as we discussed last
0:18:04 time but I wanted to review it again
0:18:06 because another point of this type will
0:18:07 come but of a geological type
0:18:10 foreign
0:19:03 God said Jesus Son of Mary Did you say
0:19:06 to people worship me and my mother as
0:19:08 God instead of you know instead of God
0:19:10 Jesus answered answered may you be
0:19:13 exalted in your Limitless Glory it is
0:19:16 not for me to say what I have no right
0:19:18 to say had I said this you would have
0:19:20 known it you know all that is within me
0:19:22 whereas I do not know what is in you it
0:19:25 is you alone who has full knowledge of
0:19:27 unknown things yeah so a translating of
0:19:31 the last practice unknown things or that
0:19:32 things will be any created being a very
0:19:35 good transition that's the that's a good
0:19:37 translation for rape rape is what is
0:19:38 hidden is meaning Allah know is the
0:19:41 hidden meaning the hidden for anybody
0:19:42 else which is like for example the
0:19:45 possible future events like the possible
0:19:48 other universes which were possible
0:19:50 which are impossible cannot be created
0:19:52 Etc that's obviously hidden from any
0:19:54 created being but sometimes it's a
0:19:57 relative what's happening now we are in
0:20:00 London what's happening at this very
0:20:01 moment and the Ukraine is there is a the
0:20:04 rocket hitting somewhere and destroying
0:20:05 something maybe but we don't know for us
0:20:07 it's right but it's not right foreign
0:20:11 all kinds of ripe for any addressee and
0:20:14 for all addresses is known to Allah
0:20:16 that's the so the translation now that's
0:20:19 what's hidden or what's unknown was
0:20:21 including
0:20:23 is a good translation that's not a
0:20:25 problem
0:20:28 this presents
0:20:31 below when Allah says
0:20:36 instructed us to appoint him and his
0:20:39 mother deity beside Allah and there's
0:20:41 some some statement here and there is
0:20:43 some of the scripture which could be
0:20:45 misinterpreted but in reality if you
0:20:47 look carefully they have no argument
0:20:49 even for that but they have to build
0:20:51 themselves out so Allah you claim is I
0:20:54 told you that let me ask him he's here
0:20:56 it's like an accord low it's a Koto it's
0:20:58 a court of law all Witnesses and all the
0:21:01 evidence and all the evidence will be
0:21:02 counted
0:21:03 and will be addressed you remember maybe
0:21:05 the story of the sneaky Barrister who
0:21:09 thinks he thought he will get away okay
0:21:10 I will repeat it again just for fun if
0:21:13 there I think maybe one or two new
0:21:15 camera today because some people ask for
0:21:16 the link and they give it to them
0:21:18 hopefully they joined us
0:21:20 so he's asking him and this is it
0:21:23 exalted Be Your Glory
0:21:25 it is not for me to say what is not
0:21:27 belongs to me truthfully which is true
0:21:29 you can't see what his statement in the
0:21:30 in the New Testament
0:21:32 clearly
0:21:35 everywhere
0:21:37 never attributing Divinity to himself
0:21:40 and even in there watching that there
0:21:41 was mentioned the issue of the
0:21:42 Transfiguration he said not some of you
0:21:45 will notice it until the son of man
0:21:48 son of a human being
0:21:50 will come in his glory
0:21:52 so everywhere where maybe a confusion
0:21:55 may arise use the word son of man
0:21:57 so
0:22:00 he definitely did not say that but he
0:22:02 says if I have said it it cannot be
0:22:04 hidden from you you know it but this is
0:22:06 a cause you have to have you have to ask
0:22:08 the witnesses and and evidence account
0:22:10 for evidences and it is a well the most
0:22:14 effective and the most just and most
0:22:17 well-balanced Court you could ever
0:22:18 imagine because it's hidden by the
0:22:20 Supreme judge
0:22:23 necessity of reason there's no judge who
0:22:26 is supreme to him whatsoever so but also
0:22:29 we could say some of these things and
0:22:30 the interaction we should take from them
0:22:32 some legislation because if that's in
0:22:34 the ultimate judicial
0:22:37 it should be an ideal to be thrived to
0:22:40 because that's how the judicial should
0:22:42 be obviously nobody will be able to
0:22:43 reach the idiot but approximating it and
0:22:46 the the it takes deduction from it uh is
0:22:50 I think is also a way a way to deduce
0:22:53 law
0:22:54 so the procedures of course and so on
0:22:56 can be cleaned from another discussion
0:22:57 and the evidences
0:23:01 so if I have said it you must have noted
0:23:05 now uh where where an issue there
0:23:07 happened an issue Could Happen some
0:23:08 people say oh there's some Christians
0:23:09 say oh again Mohammed got to talk
0:23:11 because
0:23:14 yeah we we clearly says Divine but we
0:23:16 never claim his mother is divine and
0:23:18 that's in the same sense
0:23:20 uh he got a trunk
0:23:22 but wait a moment we we have we have a
0:23:26 fraction a fraction of a Christian the
0:23:30 historian who ran away for his life
0:23:32 under the Persian Empire and the
0:23:34 nestorian church survived and if he can
0:23:37 give us a summary of the history later
0:23:39 on they became like a Catholic I think
0:23:40 the old historian
0:23:42 historianism disappeared his objection
0:23:44 was that
0:24:01 Divine and he is right because the
0:24:04 mother of a Divine must be a Divine in
0:24:05 some sense in sense of genealogy and
0:24:07 social attribution notices the instance
0:24:09 of creating and be having a free being a
0:24:13 free agent of limited unlimited power
0:24:15 there are two types of divine beings in
0:24:16 human perception usually which is
0:24:19 summarized in the Ayah of the eye of
0:24:21 Tamanna
0:24:23 um
0:24:29 and there's no deity beside him
0:24:31 otherwise the other deity will will take
0:24:33 his creation will go away or they will
0:24:35 fight who will dominate and they will
0:24:37 dominate each other we should both are
0:24:39 impossible don't know that's simply
0:24:40 impossible so there was no other deity
0:24:43 of this type but there still be
0:24:45 possibilities some people could admit
0:24:47 that's not possible that's only the
0:24:49 supreme god or the father God there is
0:24:51 the one who is really deity in the says
0:24:53 but he has offsprings who he owns he
0:24:56 like his slaves but they have some kind
0:24:58 of a Divine Essence
0:25:00 they were they can be uh asked to
0:25:03 intercede their father they have a
0:25:05 special ranking their law they are not
0:25:07 created they are they are some kind
0:25:08 divine
0:25:10 and the same applied for a model if
0:25:11 that's that is the historian say no no
0:25:15 when he was born he was purely human
0:25:17 there was no no Divinity in him so his
0:25:20 mother is not Divine he became divine
0:25:22 because I think they believe in the
0:25:24 Divinity of Christ they are not like
0:25:25 like a rusei who does not believe in the
0:25:28 dream of Christ only when he was when
0:25:30 the when the the the ocarim of the sons
0:25:34 descended together with the Holy Spirit
0:25:35 and and uh was incorporated in his being
0:25:39 only then he became Divine and this is
0:25:42 in the baptism according to the story of
0:25:44 the baptism when when he when uh when he
0:25:48 was baptized as a voice from Heaven
0:25:50 obviously this story is fabricated but
0:25:52 let's let's take at that face value a
0:25:54 voice remember said this is my beloved
0:25:56 Son worship him and then a white dove
0:25:59 flew away from him or flew down to him
0:26:01 which is the holy spirit holy spirit
0:26:03 always represented otherwise
0:26:06 an historians that moment he became
0:26:09 divine
0:26:14 for his life under the Persian Empire
0:26:17 who are welcoming anything which goes
0:26:20 Mischief in the Byzantine Roman Empire
0:26:22 anyway that's that's politics of ancient
0:26:24 times
0:26:25 so
0:26:26 truly the claim calling her mother of
0:26:29 god making her Divine that's the type of
0:26:31 divinity which is there and that says
0:26:32 and the Quran is certified that such a
0:26:35 claim is making a Divine in the sense of
0:26:37 genealogy or what they call it in says
0:26:40 about genus or species for the pagans
0:26:44 and for most humans they their concept
0:26:47 of divinity is like is like the concept
0:26:50 of humanity concept of Animal Kingdom
0:26:52 and so on the Divinity is some kind of a
0:26:54 Genus or a type we should have multiple
0:26:56 beings which can't belong to it
0:26:59 the the concept of divinity in the
0:27:02 common people's perception of the world
0:27:04 generally except the most sophisticated
0:27:06 and vicious philosophies is that it is a
0:27:09 Genus it's a type
0:27:10 so there's a possibility of Multiplicity
0:27:13 some of it is by by just being by being
0:27:15 Offspring or
0:27:17 coming out with a being that's it
0:27:19 without even having a capability of
0:27:22 being acting or doing anything
0:27:23 completely inactive nothing just being
0:27:25 having this divine origin or Divine
0:27:27 descent and others through the real
0:27:29 Divine ones including the Supreme one by
0:27:32 necessity because those one has to be
0:27:34 having the Divinity in himself without
0:27:37 in the beginning in time that one must
0:27:39 be the one who can uh active in absolute
0:27:42 freedom and can can uh
0:27:46 Etc but others are still Divine beings
0:27:48 there's also the main belief of Croatia
0:27:51 about their Idols or their gods
0:27:56 is the is allegedly the consort of Allah
0:28:00 which gave birth and blood is itself
0:28:02 from the from the other part of divinity
0:28:04 of them the evil part of the from the
0:28:06 devil path so and the story of the Quran
0:28:09 whatever she believed in summarize it
0:28:11 quickly I was just in the book of Tahiti
0:28:13 this will come in the next translation
0:28:14 shall order one after
0:28:16 is that after long Wars between the
0:28:19 shaytan and Allah and both are brothers
0:28:22 so essentially The Duality theory of
0:28:25 Good and Evil They concluded peace and
0:28:28 then the previous conclusion concluded
0:28:30 that that the a noble a noble demon
0:28:35 called the lot has been married to Allah
0:28:37 started about such nonsense and then
0:28:40 some peace happened in the universe and
0:28:42 then the offsprings of the Lord that's
0:28:45 one of the very theories anyway
0:28:47 and it's deduced both from a philosophy
0:28:51 of dualism and also from some ancient
0:28:53 myths of the Babylonian
0:28:57 so they have these two they have this
0:28:59 concept that's the common people with
0:29:00 others so other people who claim that uh
0:29:02 uh uh gives uh Maryam the the title uh
0:29:07 mother
0:29:09 um
0:29:12 Mother of God or godmother
0:29:14 is is
0:29:15 certainly because this is certainly of
0:29:19 of of this kind of mentality and that
0:29:22 Divinity is a is a type or a Genus but
0:29:25 the reality the real Divinity in the
0:29:28 sophisticated and the sophistication of
0:29:29 philosophy under is enforced by the
0:29:31 Quran later in
0:29:33 is not not a type of not a Genus uh
0:29:37 being there with the main attributes of
0:29:39 being a necessity existing and assisted
0:29:41 existing being is by necessity only one
0:29:44 maximum there's one
0:29:47 question is there's one by necessity
0:29:49 because we know there is something exist
0:29:51 if something exists and by a very
0:29:53 complex argument of of infinite regress
0:29:55 and so on there must be a necessary
0:29:57 system being under those existing
0:29:58 techniques now something is clear just
0:30:00 look at yourself you perceive yourself
0:30:02 as being in existence let's finish and
0:30:05 even if you doubt your own existence you
0:30:07 will reinforce it again that's it
0:30:09 starting from kogi to L uh erguzum I
0:30:13 think therefore I exist all this
0:30:14 formulated like like a like a like a
0:30:17 logical statement it's not a logical
0:30:18 step it's just expression that with the
0:30:21 with the male facts of my my own
0:30:23 self-consciousness I recognize that I
0:30:25 exist and tested them Absolute Zero of
0:30:28 any consideration of historical
0:30:30 causation
0:30:32 so they must be at least one you say the
0:30:36 existed being
0:30:37 but they cannot be more than one because
0:30:39 there's a proof it's also in the book of
0:30:41 the not in a big detail but the
0:30:43 philosophy have developed that it's
0:30:45 impossible for the two to exactly like
0:30:47 you can prove for example in in groups
0:30:49 in a group Theory or in the theory of
0:30:52 the number Rings or theory of number
0:30:54 Fields you can prove that there's only
0:30:58 one zero zero is the neutral element of
0:31:01 addition an element which is zero plus a
0:31:03 equal a plus zero equal a that's the
0:31:06 neutral to addition
0:31:08 you you easily prove from the axioms
0:31:10 that it can be only one zero there is
0:31:12 not a zero and zero Dash the two zero
0:31:14 zero zero Dash are identical is one zero
0:31:16 the same with the multiplicative
0:31:18 identity one there's only one one
0:31:20 there's no two ones there's not one and
0:31:22 one dash you can easily prove that one
0:31:24 is equal one dash a symbol of a few
0:31:26 lines and those who are studied group
0:31:28 Theory and the the algebra of rings and
0:31:31 Fields no that is almost one of the
0:31:34 easiest and simplest approach of all
0:31:36 these Heroes so from the fundamental
0:31:38 necessity of Reason a necessary system
0:31:41 means only one so there's no zeros and
0:31:44 there's no substance of
0:31:46 which can be called Divine so only in
0:31:48 the Pagan imagination in the in the
0:31:50 Pagan concept of divinity so if Divine
0:31:52 it is just genuine Divine being is
0:31:54 necessarily existing which has to be
0:31:56 otherwise you're gonna explain the whole
0:31:58 universe and the whole reality
0:32:00 then it can be only one
0:32:04 and there cannot be an issue if there's
0:32:06 a Divine substance and under the various
0:32:08 uh members of the Trinity share the same
0:32:11 Divine so that because nothing causes
0:32:13 balance of that this is a fallacy of
0:32:15 linguistic expression there's no value
0:32:17 nothing like that let's say humania
0:32:19 there are various humans and we can't
0:32:21 speak about something like a joint
0:32:23 Humanity it's an abstraction but we can
0:32:25 speak about it but in the case of even
0:32:28 an abstraction it's impossible because
0:32:30 there's only one maximum only one
0:32:32 necessarily existing being
0:32:34 but one must exist at least so there's
0:32:36 maximum one minimum one then only one
0:32:39 and nothing else
0:32:41 but this is where the the people who
0:32:44 call her mother goddess or God's mother
0:32:46 or something God's mother Etc they
0:32:49 definitely did not go into that deepest
0:32:52 sophistication maybe the historian went
0:32:55 in that a little bit but that but that's
0:32:57 it
0:32:59 so it is true
0:33:01 they they have appointed as a Divine
0:33:04 being in an indefinite sense obviously
0:33:06 is part of the Trinity and part of the
0:33:08 Divine substance but his mother is her
0:33:10 Divine by Risa being in her belly and
0:33:13 hence you see letters let's call it she
0:33:16 is infected by the by the Divine uh
0:33:18 radiation or Glory so he has some see
0:33:21 she is divine and the Quran here the
0:33:24 mother of god mother goddess or God's
0:33:26 mother is clearly making a Divine so the
0:33:29 usual objection is wrong again he's so
0:33:32 stupid
0:33:33 fails that's that's not how things work
0:33:35 that's that's affirmation that's calling
0:33:38 here
0:33:39 God's mother
0:33:41 or mother mother goddess got this in
0:33:45 German and so on making her Divine give
0:33:47 you a certain sense of divinity which is
0:33:50 can be questioned for you so that's this
0:33:52 one
0:33:53 all the type of divinity here is
0:33:55 different than this this is the one
0:33:56 which has giving birth so she's like
0:33:59 like radiating Divinity in her in her
0:34:01 body and her being while the sun is a
0:34:04 Divinity but because it is radiating
0:34:06 from the father so it's different but
0:34:08 still it is there's a time of divinity
0:34:09 is there attributed without any doubt
0:34:12 and it has to be questioned them again
0:34:14 tell the people anything of that for
0:34:17 yourself or your mother with all the
0:34:19 differences obviously and so on and he
0:34:21 says
0:34:22 if I have said to set it you must have
0:34:24 known it I never said anything like that
0:34:26 and interestingly if you go through
0:34:28 existing
0:34:30 uh
0:34:31 gospel or the existing let's say New
0:34:34 Testament because it could tell the
0:34:35 gospel and the crystals of Paul which is
0:34:38 the most authentic and reliable part of
0:34:40 it by the way interestingly and other
0:34:42 pistols which some of them are the
0:34:43 question mark
0:34:45 then you will find in the in the in the
0:34:50 four gospels no word coming from Jesus
0:34:52 mouth indicating that his mother is
0:34:54 divine or he is divine in that sense in
0:34:58 any sense none whatsoever it's only
0:35:01 other people may be claiming it or the
0:35:03 writer because like for example putting
0:35:05 the title of the Gospel of Mark which is
0:35:07 regarded as the oldest or the ancient
0:35:10 let's start to say this is the Gospel of
0:35:12 Jesus Christ the son of God this is the
0:35:14 title
0:35:15 he's a representative that's the title
0:35:17 of the book title of the book is is that
0:35:19 what the publisher put there is not it's
0:35:22 not a book writing itself so question is
0:35:25 that the Holy Spirit behind that also
0:35:27 okay anyway I'm just making jokes
0:35:29 sometimes going a little bit overboard
0:35:31 with jokes that's that's not is a topic
0:35:34 clearly because it's supposed to be
0:35:36 eyewitnesses writing that down in the
0:35:39 even old Christians agree this is not a
0:35:41 writing of Isa himself it's the right
0:35:43 thing but we will witness things wrote
0:35:45 it down but they wrote it in an
0:35:46 unfollowable way because the Holy Spirit
0:35:48 was whispering in their ears the
0:35:50 correcting things and preventing them
0:35:52 from making mistakes which is clearly
0:35:55 cannot be possibly the case just go and
0:35:57 check for yourself
0:35:58 so that's that's the answer to get
0:36:03 before you proceed
0:36:05 also firstly um the Holy Spirit
0:36:08 obviously because
0:36:09 um contradictions they can't be you he's
0:36:12 effectively will be whispering uh
0:36:14 contradictory statements to different
0:36:15 disciples but but they claim that Holy
0:36:18 Spirit is written and that is the claim
0:36:20 of some Scholars who met any conference
0:36:22 and claim the conference because the
0:36:24 moment they meet somehow the holy spirit
0:36:26 is is protecting them for making any any
0:36:29 error even a developed later that
0:36:32 there's the developed much later by the
0:36:34 way the theory of the unfilability of
0:36:35 the Pope you would be surprised how how
0:36:38 ancient is the theory you think
0:36:41 tell me
0:36:43 it was articulated only in 1850 plus
0:36:45 minus
0:36:46 imagine it took it took almost 800 1800
0:36:50 years until they did attributing even
0:36:52 infallibility to the Pope because some
0:36:55 kind of World Council decided that he's
0:36:56 infallible and the world causing
0:36:58 infallible because such world councils
0:37:01 are protected by the holy spirit this
0:37:03 only assumption which has no proof
0:37:06 I don't have it it can be disproved
0:37:08 clearly let's say let's look for example
0:37:10 the books for claims written Under The
0:37:11 Sovereign Spirit if you look they
0:37:14 contain clear and blatant contradictions
0:37:16 and evident and clear Fabrications
0:37:21 so there's no way uh uh your uh there
0:37:25 can be they can't be having a protection
0:37:26 over a a an engine even if we assume the
0:37:30 holy spirit is an engine actually for
0:37:32 the point of view it's a part of the
0:37:33 Divinity it's a part of the Trinity so
0:37:36 it's a Divine being so it's impossible
0:37:39 okay so that's that's the usual Theory
0:37:42 so clearly this is all this is all the
0:37:44 Assumption which has uh which has no no
0:37:47 uh no problem itself
0:37:56 then we verify that it could not be from
0:37:59 himself but with this and this and this
0:38:01 and this reason
0:38:02 and then it could not be from the other
0:38:04 before this and this and this reason and
0:38:06 we it could not be from from the devil
0:38:08 for this and this is just a claim for
0:38:09 example of the grandfather of the Bush
0:38:12 family he was a he was a missionary and
0:38:14 he claims yeah Muhammad is a true
0:38:16 Prophet that is the devil so he's
0:38:18 essentially coming with the same Theory
0:38:19 like in the ancient Marcon the cursed
0:38:22 markyon came with a theory and uh
0:38:24 towards the end of the first century uh
0:38:27 still at the end of the first century
0:38:29 and the second century because he died
0:38:31 at around 129 under 30 A.D so most his
0:38:34 life was he must die like 70 years old
0:38:37 so half of his life in the first century
0:38:39 so he must have met possibly did not
0:38:41 meet Paul but he met many of the Next
0:38:44 Generation and so on and he went to an
0:38:46 extreme dualistic Theory
0:38:48 and his interpretation for for the for
0:38:51 the death of Christ who is the Son of
0:38:53 God for him Divine is to to save the
0:38:57 world from the clutch of the devil who
0:38:58 was controlling the whole world before
0:38:59 that so the only way to defeat him was
0:39:01 to sacrifice the son and since the whole
0:39:04 world is controlled by the devil before
0:39:06 that before Jesus came over the Messiah
0:39:09 came
0:39:11 then all the free as for officers
0:39:13 of the devil because he's the master of
0:39:16 the world at that time obviously the
0:39:18 early Christian could not stomach such
0:39:20 an extremism and they cursed him and
0:39:22 expelled him out of the church they call
0:39:24 them the cursed Market on The Lion The
0:39:27 Curse markian
0:39:29 because this will undermine all what
0:39:31 they have in their hand because Asa
0:39:32 always testified that the real scripture
0:39:34 are true and he is fulfilling them Etc
0:39:36 so this will create such contradiction
0:39:39 which nobody can tolerate
0:39:42 but this is the Congo that's the
0:39:44 conclusion here arrived according to his
0:39:46 philosophy about Good and Evil and Etc
0:39:49 so you see even even already in the
0:39:51 first century toward the end of session
0:39:53 so so extreme extreme extremely uh
0:39:57 deviant and then absurd ideas have been
0:40:00 developed to make sense of the of the
0:40:03 crucifixion and the message of Isaiah
0:40:06 okay back to our point two two more
0:40:09 questions if you don't mind
0:40:10 yeah so uh sorry if you want to you're
0:40:12 going to continue but just I've got two
0:40:14 questions whatever this community yeah
0:40:15 the question related to this point or
0:40:18 just related to desire yeah go ahead
0:40:20 bring the question so we can so I might
0:40:23 be misreading it but um
0:40:25 one person's ass when you say it's a is
0:40:29 this a submission to Christians per se I
0:40:32 is this Aya referred to Christians
0:40:34 specifically second question is what is
0:40:38 uh effectively I'm paraphrasing here is
0:40:39 a basically the purpose of questioning
0:40:41 Isa if Allah already knows the answer
0:40:44 uh no what this area is is a scene of
0:40:49 human piano brought forward
0:40:53 and Theresa would be questioned there
0:40:55 would be a settlement and Judgment of
0:40:57 everything from either downwards but
0:40:59 when it gets to the time of of uh of uh
0:41:02 because it seems to be it will the
0:41:04 account will be starting with Adam are
0:41:05 going downward this way the account can
0:41:07 be set at one by one and every
0:41:09 generation will be will be accounted
0:41:12 according to what they did and also what
0:41:13 the inheritive appears one and what they
0:41:15 may be unable to to verify at that time
0:41:18 all of that were taken to consideration
0:41:19 when it comes to the time of of of visa
0:41:22 and so on and the accounting with the
0:41:24 people of research starting from the the
0:41:26 claims of his divinities and which has
0:41:28 been started very early and continued
0:41:30 until maybe his return continue further
0:41:33 all of these are gathered now and then
0:41:35 this issue of uh claiming Divinity for
0:41:37 that that they claim that he claimed
0:41:40 Divinity for himself and his mother
0:41:42 then there will be questioned we were
0:41:44 questioned and they said he told us that
0:41:46 that's what we found the scripture none
0:41:48 other sudden okay let's ask him let us
0:41:50 see let's get together point of view
0:41:52 and he is asked and then he answered
0:41:54 this way so I didn't understand the
0:41:56 question is for those obviously uh but I
0:41:59 would say did you tell the people
0:42:00 meaning the people who believe in that
0:42:02 otherwise it doesn't make any sense that
0:42:04 we already never the Chinese will never
0:42:05 maybe knew about Teresa I would not be
0:42:07 present in this part of the Court
0:42:09 procedure yeah
0:42:21 and it's also is it addressed to the to
0:42:24 desires address to the Christians
0:42:25 because for those who to those who call
0:42:28 them Christian call them whatever you
0:42:29 call them who uh who claim that uh who
0:42:33 claim today
0:42:36 you are on a falsehood no no he told us
0:42:40 that he's Divine and his mother is
0:42:41 divine and based on that we we
0:42:43 attributed them to the humanity
0:42:46 say okay you claim he said that let's
0:42:48 ask him he's present here come forward
0:42:50 and tell us what has happened did you
0:42:52 tell her did you tell the people that in
0:42:54 any way any ship
0:42:59 exalted is your majesty I I never tells
0:43:02 anything and it was not befitting for me
0:43:04 even to say anything which is not I am
0:43:06 deserving by truth
0:43:10 but if I have said it then you must have
0:43:11 no then there must be Witnesses of Angel
0:43:13 Witnesses or rocks or trees who will
0:43:16 witness for that because in the Judgment
0:43:17 of trees and witness and and walls which
0:43:20 which maybe you have give a sermon or or
0:43:23 uh or altars or pulpits which you have
0:43:27 after something they may be resurrected
0:43:29 and they will witness yes he said that
0:43:31 in that day and possibly they even play
0:43:33 the record back I don't know what's in
0:43:35 the day of judgment all kind of
0:43:36 witnesses can be and recalls can be
0:43:38 brought back from the past
0:43:41 so that's part of the interrogation
0:43:42 process part of the proceeding real
0:43:44 nuclear yeah
0:43:47 I hope that answered the question
0:43:48 investment so those people who said that
0:43:51 yeah
0:43:52 so all the people present are this who
0:43:55 have claimed this and attributed it to
0:43:57 uh to for example who said we made a
0:44:00 mistake we misunderstood the scripture
0:44:01 forgive us they will not be part of this
0:44:04 discussion you say okay stand the side
0:44:05 let us see those who claim no no no
0:44:07 that's exactly what what he said that's
0:44:09 what if that's what he claimed okay but
0:44:11 Isa is here but also the scripture will
0:44:14 be able to say tell us where it is
0:44:15 clearly like that is it when someone
0:44:17 asked him for example tell me good good
0:44:21 Lord a good man who said why do you call
0:44:22 me good only God is good it's clearly
0:44:25 denying any Divinity only God is good
0:44:32 and by the way this this statement
0:44:35 specifically is regarded as extremely
0:44:37 embarrassing for those believing in the
0:44:39 Divinity of Christ but you don't need
0:44:40 the the best the best gospel you have in
0:44:43 hand we seem to be historically the
0:44:45 cleanest relatively there's also its own
0:44:46 blunders
0:44:48 you can't blame the man he did his best
0:44:49 the one who wrote it the look The Gospel
0:44:52 of Luke
0:44:53 says clearly uh every voice is clear
0:44:56 that he is a prophet no and even after
0:44:58 section when one uh one uh one uh one
0:45:02 Roman soldier say I think we have we
0:45:06 have crucified uh uh an innocent man and
0:45:10 another gospel say who of course by the
0:45:12 prophet of God we should not have
0:45:14 crucified him but none no nobody said
0:45:17 he's a Divine or Lord God even though
0:45:19 but by standard in the alleged
0:45:20 crucifixion so all of this uh shows that
0:45:24 they they developed that from their in
0:45:26 their own imagination they and they went
0:45:28 to such extreme nobody can can really uh
0:45:32 it can be analyzed historically but
0:45:35 every every honest Bible scholarship
0:45:38 especially the modern ones conclude that
0:45:40 would set that you that know where in
0:45:43 the gospels physically is the is the
0:45:46 Divinity of his uh acclaimed by him or
0:45:49 even by the reporters nowhere to any
0:45:52 convincing level
0:45:54 okay I hope this answer the question if
0:45:56 you can't clarify the question further
0:45:58 we come to it back then
0:46:00 so then I also continue um
0:46:12 nothing did I tell them beyond that with
0:46:15 beyond what thou have been did to me
0:46:19 paid me to say sorry yeah worship God
0:46:21 who is my sustainer as well as your
0:46:24 sustainer and I will witness to what
0:46:26 they did as long as I dwelt in their
0:46:29 midst
0:46:30 but since thou has caused me to die
0:46:32 without alone has been their cast been
0:46:35 their keeper although uh Thou Art
0:46:37 witnessed unto everything
0:46:46 and see if they are successfully
0:46:48 translating
0:46:49 okay next transition I told them only
0:46:52 what you commanded me to say worship God
0:46:55 who is my Lord as well as your lord I
0:46:57 was a witness to them during my time
0:46:59 with them but after you made me die you
0:47:02 were the one watching over them you
0:47:03 witness everything okay
0:47:05 the point you mentioned is that the
0:47:07 spell fighter that's also a point we
0:47:09 have this thing discussed did we discuss
0:47:11 that in Islam about uh I think we
0:47:14 discussed it that the Lord use history
0:47:19 which is uh which is mean received me
0:47:21 this is the usually a polite way of
0:47:25 expressing death
0:47:26 yeah but also you can express something
0:47:28 else a Quran use the weight of fighting
0:47:31 also for receiving the souls or
0:47:34 controlling the conscious while you're
0:47:36 asleep Allah receives
0:47:41 the souls when people die and those who
0:47:44 do not die when they sleep
0:47:47 for those for those who are inclusive
0:47:50 the the one who has been the decision
0:47:52 has made it that should die he hold it
0:47:55 back so there will be no consciousness
0:47:56 back going in the body and the body is
0:47:58 integrated
0:48:00 and the other one which is not decided
0:48:02 the decision was not made that it should
0:48:03 be dying now it's sent back and you come
0:48:06 again awake and you have conscious touch
0:48:08 still in this world
0:48:09 so that's that's the way to our father
0:48:11 and it's a linguistically the welfare
0:48:14 and Justified meaning receiving and like
0:48:17 for example like the receipt you could
0:48:19 call it a document of Steve that's it
0:48:22 yeah and uh delivering guava so estofa
0:48:26 is is doing the opposite of of
0:48:28 delivering what's the opposite
0:48:30 delivering receiving so delivering are
0:48:32 deceiving the for the original word that
0:48:34 Wildfire or fire and the series
0:48:41 that nobody is liable for the mistakes
0:48:44 of the others everyone will take his own
0:48:46 responsibility fundamental principle of
0:48:48 the abrahamic and Islamic and any other
0:48:50 reasonable Faith whatsoever
0:48:53 and
0:48:55 Allah
0:48:58 which means receive so the delivery and
0:49:01 the seat here could be meaning that
0:49:03 could be meaning something else and we
0:49:05 discussed I think was the film Nissa I
0:49:08 think it was in Isa when we discussed
0:49:10 that coming no I think we discussed the
0:49:12 Nisha and said that uh
0:49:14 that uh when I was saying yeah
0:49:20 we mentioned casually I think we
0:49:22 discussed it and we discussed the ayas
0:49:25 after that which may make it very strong
0:49:28 that this does not necessarily meaning
0:49:30 death
0:49:31 or the final death and even if it's mean
0:49:33 death does not prevent her maybe coming
0:49:35 back to life we discussed that I think
0:49:37 so that's the real tellifer so it could
0:49:40 be will cause me to die it could be
0:49:42 always the first the first the death
0:49:44 when I left it to the heaven although
0:49:46 it's very unlikely that lifting in the
0:49:47 heaven would be would be associated with
0:49:50 this with another kind of reception so
0:49:51 we could say the Quran has the fat uh in
0:49:55 three in three places uh in the general
0:49:58 place and meaning is is death receiving
0:50:01 the soul or the Consciousness and keep
0:50:03 it until the Resurrection the second one
0:50:06 is receiving into the case of sleep
0:50:07 which is obviously Universal or every
0:50:10 human every conscious being his soul is
0:50:12 received in some sense by Allah and kept
0:50:17 as an entity otherwise it will
0:50:19 disintegrate and go
0:50:22 and and that's the reason that when you
0:50:24 wake up you recognize yourself you don't
0:50:27 start a new identity otherwise you you
0:50:29 must have gone mental then this is
0:50:30 something else and the third one is a
0:50:32 specific one for Isa which is the with
0:50:34 the lifting him to the heaven because it
0:50:36 is not very persuasive that that he goes
0:50:39 into that and lifted him to Heaven what
0:50:41 if to him to bury him there or what was
0:50:43 the person that does not make very much
0:50:44 sense but it's possible no no rational
0:50:47 reason to deny that or actually accept
0:50:49 it so the way to offer a tough fight any
0:50:52 and we discussed that in Solitaire if
0:50:54 someone goes to the last part of the
0:50:56 solar discussion about the possibility
0:50:57 of Eastside coming back and the meaning
0:50:59 of the Ayah nobody of the people of the
0:51:02 book will will die until he come to
0:51:05 believe in him so the various two
0:51:06 options of explanation and we discussed
0:51:08 that both options are valid
0:51:10 although the stronger option is that he
0:51:12 will come back before you almost Kiana
0:51:14 as a just ruler and then the leader Etc
0:51:16 but that's the server lengthy issue we
0:51:20 can't come to it back if you wish and we
0:51:21 go back to Sultana and make me a session
0:51:23 specifically for the possibility of
0:51:25 economic economic dominoes
0:51:28 so that's this so what that could mean
0:51:30 obviously three things one is the one
0:51:33 for death one mean uh the one the one
0:51:38 for uh for uh sleep and the third one is
0:51:41 unique for certain person which was
0:51:44 connected with being him lifted into
0:51:46 heaven
0:51:47 so the foreign
0:51:50 is very clear I didn't tell him anything
0:51:53 except what we had with me or other than
0:51:55 me too so that worship my Lord and your
0:51:57 lord
0:51:58 and in other places it's more expanded
0:52:03 whoever associated with my partner but
0:52:06 he will end in the Hellfire and he will
0:52:07 have no support or protector so that's
0:52:10 that's what I told him and that's very
0:52:12 clearly for example when when uh when uh
0:52:15 when someone asks him tell me what to do
0:52:18 to to enter the to enter the Garden or
0:52:21 to enter the heaven
0:52:22 say fulfill the Commandments especially
0:52:24 the first and most important command
0:52:28 listen Israel the Lord God your your
0:52:31 lord and your God is one
0:52:34 that's one the Oneness of God
0:52:37 attribute to all Divinity to Allah
0:52:40 Abdullah meaning
0:52:42 and pray and and stand up and faster now
0:52:46 this is not this is
0:52:48 rituals with Allah meaning attribute all
0:52:50 Divinity to Allah
0:52:52 and attribute all individuality to
0:52:54 anything else to everyone enslaved
0:52:57 I acknowledge that I am slave owned and
0:53:00 the owner and The Sovereign and the
0:53:02 master and the controller
0:53:03 and the old all divine power including
0:53:06 the Supreme commanding power is Allah
0:53:11 it's my Lord and your lord even
0:53:13 stressing my Lord and your lord
0:53:16 and I was witness as long as they're
0:53:18 between them so I know what they have
0:53:20 been saying as far as long as I am
0:53:22 between them I can see them
0:53:23 he he what he sees around him obviously
0:53:27 he doesn't see what people maybe in in
0:53:29 about him and say something about him
0:53:31 whether saying in Roma because maybe
0:53:34 news about his coming has come to Roma
0:53:36 some people maybe made some statement
0:53:38 about him he's not aware about that
0:53:40 that's what the surrounding people
0:53:41 around him his disciples he knows
0:53:43 exactly what what they were saying and
0:53:45 they didn't say that I was a witness
0:53:46 that they didn't say anything like that
0:53:49 and when you receive me or cause me to
0:53:51 die or the ETC you have the one on
0:53:54 control over them and you are witnessing
0:53:57 all over things
0:53:58 everything including the time I was
0:54:00 there you are the Supreme witness and
0:54:03 when I was there you are also the
0:54:04 witness and the controller
0:54:06 so that's that issue is obviously the
0:54:09 the famous issue back and forth of what
0:54:11 is is really uh is really
0:54:14 the coming back of Isa uh which has come
0:54:19 in with quite a number of good and solid
0:54:20 Hadith I I believe it's a store I
0:54:23 thought is that is that uh acceptable
0:54:28 does it contradict the finality of
0:54:30 profit holder and so on that's that's
0:54:32 the main object somebody Marshall is
0:54:34 that it contradicts the finality of
0:54:36 prophet but this is a mistake because
0:54:38 when he comes back as the Hadith clear
0:54:40 they say he comes as a just ruler and uh
0:54:43 and uh a guy a a guide a guidance leader
0:54:47 not as a prophet he has the title of
0:54:49 profit but his prophethood is sealed and
0:54:53 become deactivated if we use the
0:54:54 computer and program language
0:54:55 deactivated it is not active anymore
0:54:58 because it's because it was deactivated
0:55:02 already and abrogated by the coming of
0:55:04 Muhammad which sealed all professors
0:55:07 before that
0:55:08 but otherwise
0:55:10 that's also you cannot bring any new
0:55:12 Sharia cannot obligate or change any
0:55:13 laws or anything like that and even some
0:55:16 Hadith mentioned few things which
0:55:17 appears at sight as if he's changing a
0:55:19 law but it's not true they are not
0:55:21 changing the law because people
0:55:22 misunderstood
0:55:25 or misnarrated but this is in a more
0:55:27 detailed discussion of this I had
0:55:29 usually the people say about
0:55:32 he kills the pig you know we don't kill
0:55:35 the brick so we don't eat that clear but
0:55:37 people can own it
0:55:39 he kills the big let's maybe metabolical
0:55:41 that that because it's clearly all this
0:55:44 Hadith say that then he will bring such
0:55:46 evidences that all the Christian at this
0:55:48 time recognize him and recognize they
0:55:50 were mistaken he's not Divine and they
0:55:52 became Muslim follow him and the same
0:55:54 with the Jews
0:55:55 the one who survived after the
0:55:57 confrontation with the Antichrist okay
0:55:58 that's according to a Hadith now
0:56:01 what happened to the the pigs owned by
0:56:04 the Jews and Christian
0:56:06 they cannot own them anymore they cannot
0:56:08 eat them
0:56:10 and they are two nominals and two plenty
0:56:12 to be led to start so he will order kill
0:56:16 them do a mythical and put them to sleep
0:56:18 there's a very reasonable interpretation
0:56:20 because they have no function it will be
0:56:22 a it will be unkind to just let them in
0:56:25 a Wilderness that Wilderness will not be
0:56:26 able to accommodate there are hundreds
0:56:28 of millions of pigs around the world at
0:56:29 least in in the possession of Christian
0:56:31 and and Jews and nurtures do not have
0:56:33 animal but Christian and Christian are
0:56:36 essentially three continents or four
0:56:38 continents all Europe
0:56:39 are you in part of Asia the two Americas
0:56:42 dominatrix channel of big farms
0:56:44 University and we will ask what should
0:56:46 we do with this
0:56:48 stuff them this will be cruelty what to
0:56:51 say yes put them to sleep there's a
0:56:53 really nice injection give them a nice
0:56:54 injection put them gently to sleep
0:56:56 that's killing the pig for example could
0:56:58 you interpreted like so it's not time
0:57:00 you go no you're rolling it's just
0:57:01 applying the existing rooting including
0:57:03 putting animals mercifully to sleep if
0:57:05 they are not if they're going to survive
0:57:07 otherwise in their own selves
0:57:13 foreign
0:57:31 there's enough wealth otherwise we don't
0:57:33 need for their protection to have
0:57:35 something in exchange the treasury does
0:57:37 not need so he canceled that tax this is
0:57:39 this is
0:57:40 not obligatory there's no way it's
0:57:43 obligated it's an option for the head of
0:57:45 state
0:57:46 it's not an obligation
0:57:48 and the Quran says until they pay the
0:57:49 jizya meaning
0:57:51 bring a token showing that they are
0:57:53 submissive to the to the to the
0:57:55 Confederate order that's it
0:57:57 if the submission is done by by legal
0:57:59 commitment and constitutional changes
0:58:02 and there's no need for money to be
0:58:03 taken as a gizia and they keep their
0:58:05 taxes for themselves and for their own
0:58:07 for their own needs and so on that's
0:58:10 fine so it doesn't make any sense
0:58:12 thinking that is obligatory no
0:58:18 is the meaning of that time to show that
0:58:21 this entity has accepted the Supreme
0:58:24 leadership of Islam and became like a
0:58:26 member of the Confederation as an entity
0:58:28 as a state or if it's a single person
0:58:30 became a citizen that's it but it can be
0:58:33 commuted we can be canceled from that
0:58:38 so that's not that's not a problem what
0:58:41 else is there
0:58:44 I don't think about anything which some
0:58:46 people who thought the table he will
0:58:47 have some changes at all because the the
0:58:49 classical Scholars they got stuck in
0:58:51 certain ideas their mind they thought
0:58:53 that's the scripture it's not it's even
0:58:55 that's that's not correct
0:58:56 that's going there well assuming that
0:58:59 these narratives and these pieces are
0:59:00 correct it could be even misnilated
0:59:02 because
0:59:03 came with another word I don't remember
0:59:05 the other word which does not indicate
0:59:06 cancer indicator not constellation
0:59:09 something else enforces on everyone
0:59:12 could be this could be this so this is
0:59:15 this is not really not not a good reason
0:59:17 to believe that he brings any new Sharia
0:59:19 there's nowhere in a new Sharia
0:59:20 whatsoever
0:59:22 which is the essential part of being a
0:59:24 prophet that Muhammad is the final
0:59:26 messenger no messages no messenger or no
0:59:29 Prophet who will bring a new show yeah
0:59:31 that's it not that there's some some
0:59:33 people may receive Revelation people
0:59:35 receive revelation after Muhammad
0:59:37 the valuable one like in dreams and so
0:59:40 on to continue
0:59:44 uh Revelation not obviously like for
0:59:47 example how to manage the Army how to
0:59:49 move the fronts and so on in the battle
0:59:52 against the Antichrist
0:59:54 maybe but this is not legislative
0:59:57 this is a bonus which can't come to a
0:59:59 non-profits and time pass it came to
1:00:01 non-profits and that will be possibly
1:00:04 coming through non-profits in the future
1:00:05 that's no problem
1:00:07 so that's that's the main objection that
1:00:10 the eye and the Quran I think this is
1:00:15 is clear that that coming back is is the
1:00:19 strongest point of view if you add to
1:00:21 that the Hadith and it becomes it was
1:00:23 attitude
1:00:24 this uh this Revelation this receiving
1:00:26 Revelation
1:00:28 I don't know how strong it is about uh
1:00:31 certain parts of Revelation it has
1:00:32 portions and one of them being dreaming
1:00:45 accepted uh the good news which you for
1:00:48 foreshadows Revelation one of it is is
1:00:58 Lam before he became a prophet
1:01:01 which were all through
1:01:04 you could see a vision that the next day
1:01:07 the Caravan will come which people are
1:01:09 expecting to be late but they they have
1:01:12 a very nice travel and the weather was
1:01:13 very nice so they didn't need to to rest
1:01:16 at noon well you know your mother the
1:01:18 rest most of the day I travel at night
1:01:20 because of the Heat
1:01:25 they have a good along the way they have
1:01:27 clouds and nice weather so they
1:01:29 accelerated and they will come tomorrow
1:01:30 and they they come and things like that
1:01:33 before even his prophethood
1:01:37 and many other things concerning family
1:01:39 issues and so on
1:01:41 so this is before the Revelation before
1:01:43 the prophethood and if it after the
1:01:45 going away of the problem is available
1:01:49 so that's the usual that's the main
1:01:52 objection people who claim the coming
1:01:54 back of these are contradict is not
1:01:56 possible because of control addiction
1:01:58 some people tell me that it is has died
1:02:00 and if he has died he will not come back
1:02:02 that's obviously BS don't don't puzzle
1:02:05 with that we discard that already
1:02:06 because we know that people died and
1:02:08 have been reselected in time past so
1:02:10 this is this is absurd
1:02:13 various examples of that
1:02:15 we have the Istanbul of the man who
1:02:17 passed on known on a village which was
1:02:19 destroyed and say oh there's no way that
1:02:22 Allah will revive this city it's so far
1:02:25 away so impossible he started doubting
1:02:27 and Allah calls him today 100 years
1:02:29 under attack how long did you did you
1:02:33 sleep say the day or a half a day say no
1:02:35 no he slept 100 years
1:02:37 and look at your donkey bones
1:02:40 God only bones remaining see how the
1:02:43 bones are lifted and how we cover them
1:02:46 layer by imagine you see this with this
1:02:48 in front of you you will be terrified to
1:02:50 the bone marrow
1:02:53 you see and some people kill him even he
1:02:55 only his head came alive and he was
1:02:57 looking at his own body being covered
1:02:59 okay but I don't mind that has may have
1:03:01 a habit like that but definitely he's
1:03:02 donkey look at your donkey
1:03:04 you see how we lift the bones and we
1:03:06 cover them layer by liar
1:03:08 the whole process would have been in in
1:03:10 the embryo is repeated in in in in fast
1:03:14 motion in front of him
1:03:16 then he said you know that Allah are
1:03:20 those who left the country afraid of
1:03:22 death Allah caused him to die and then
1:03:24 he resurrected him say so you run away
1:03:26 from that you died but I respected you
1:03:29 as a cake who are these people what's
1:03:30 the story we don't know we don't need to
1:03:32 know the Quran report that so dying and
1:03:35 being distracted before your mokayama
1:03:37 has happened not frequently
1:03:40 but still having several times what can
1:03:42 happen to us also so they claim that to
1:03:43 a fat meaning death and since coming
1:03:45 back is not possible it's just it's just
1:03:47 stupidity honestly it's just stupidity
1:03:50 that's not that's not an argument that's
1:03:52 that's blatantly wrong
1:03:54 the people arguing this way they must
1:03:56 have some some wrong issue in their mind
1:04:12 there's no Revelation there's no God
1:04:14 that's much more rational than claiming
1:04:16 that that uh that if
1:04:20 I will receive you meaning I'll cause
1:04:23 you to die under this mean that he will
1:04:24 remain dying Natalia
1:04:29 no
1:04:35 so all these arguments are not the only
1:04:38 one really which has meat and substance
1:04:40 is the finality of the prophethood and
1:04:42 blessed can be that can be nicely argued
1:04:45 I have a writing in natural we will
1:04:47 publicize soon but I want to finish
1:04:49 getting all that I had it and analyze
1:04:50 them but the Quran is already analyzed
1:04:53 the reports about the Quran and so now
1:04:54 by themselves comparing by themselves
1:04:56 sufficiently compelling I have been
1:04:58 little doubt that that it is under
1:05:02 Hadith enforced that and clarified in
1:05:04 such a way that it's impossible to deny
1:05:07 okay so that's that's that point if some
1:05:10 people uh find it so a sore Point
1:05:13 there's no no no counter evidence which
1:05:16 which they say that is coming back is a
1:05:19 is is just a Jewish or Christian story
1:05:22 uh with some of the sahabab taken over
1:05:26 War
1:05:28 by it and they just
1:05:30 got confused in their mind that because
1:05:32 there's several sahabi reported that yes
1:05:35 most of the reports come from was not
1:05:38 known to be taking anything of relevance
1:05:40 from the Christian yes he was taking
1:05:42 plenty of things from and he is not
1:05:44 sophisticated enough to distinguish
1:05:46 things from T here from Kabula and the
1:05:48 prophet and we have evidence that in
1:05:49 bukhari said which we discussed several
1:05:52 times which obviously interfered in his
1:05:54 mind with similar Hadith
1:05:56 we mentioned that that's what there's no
1:05:59 record about him that he was he was
1:06:02 uh attending any Christian or sitting
1:06:06 with them or learning from them badly
1:06:08 badly I don't think there's any report
1:06:10 but but he was he was experimented in
1:06:13 the
1:06:14 holocausted
1:06:16 and this is also most of the time after
1:06:19 almost and they were discussing various
1:06:21 things so that may be something uncommon
1:06:24 definitely will not bother about what
1:06:26 the Christians are saying about the Issa
1:06:28 or bothering about the description he's
1:06:29 reporting all his things reporting from
1:06:31 the Old Testament not from them he's a
1:06:33 Jewish scholar
1:06:35 he has barely anything to do with
1:06:37 Christianity
1:06:38 or anything so there's no way that can
1:06:40 be have been influenced and then we have
1:06:42 from Jabra and Abdullah with a good
1:06:45 narration and then we have a similar
1:06:48 Nations who did not make the same
1:06:50 mistakes of Ohio despite if he was
1:06:52 himself reading from the end books but
1:06:54 he was sufficiently sharp in mind and he
1:06:57 wrote everything down so he was less
1:07:00 liable of getting confused and so I
1:07:02 think I think we can argue that's uh
1:07:05 that's
1:07:06 with substitute the coming good work of
1:07:08 Isa is is established by Quran Sunnah
1:07:11 if that's the point is interesting
1:07:13 anybody yeah
1:07:16 so that's this one
1:07:18 then the the whole issue of the
1:07:20 conclusion
1:07:21 forget about coming back some people say
1:07:24 ah he says and then have you called me
1:07:26 to die you or the witness over them yes
1:07:28 that's the whole time from his lifting
1:07:30 up or or reception it'd be a death being
1:07:33 sleeping a special hair type of taking
1:07:36 up maybe taking up like according to a
1:07:40 system of a Scotty beam me up like a
1:07:42 Star Trek and so on whatever it is
1:07:45 happening we don't bother about the
1:07:46 mechanism
1:07:48 from that time until he's coming back
1:07:51 he's upset Allah is the witness he
1:07:54 doesn't know what's going on it's not
1:07:56 really seemingly possible there's no
1:07:57 evidence that Allah is giving him
1:07:58 reporters going in or give maybe he's
1:08:00 receiving just some other reports your
1:08:02 people are doing that but not every
1:08:04 individual brother every individual
1:08:05 affair
1:08:06 yeah
1:08:07 thanks a lot I've just said that he is
1:08:09 giving somebody a possible that Uma is
1:08:11 doing if they're doing well he he prays
1:08:14 for them he appraises them and asks
1:08:16 Allah from what if you're doing bad he
1:08:18 has asked for forgiveness for them and
1:08:20 try to intercede for them but another
1:08:22 thing is said about any other Prophet
1:08:23 like that it's the only specialty for
1:08:24 Muhammad maybe we don't know
1:08:27 until he comes back he will be able to
1:08:29 overcome all their arguments by
1:08:31 evidences not only by Miracle Miracles
1:08:34 performed by him but also by evidence
1:08:35 from the scripture and digging another
1:08:37 square that I remember once seeing in
1:08:40 one of the books but I I cannot locate
1:08:42 really in my mind that IBN Abba said he
1:08:45 will dig books from the mountains of
1:08:47 Lebanon Lebanon that's what I remember
1:08:49 surely
1:08:51 which we used to argue with the user
1:08:54 question so there may be so not from
1:08:56 from Palestine not the Dead Sea Scrolls
1:08:59 but in Lebanon there seems to be in
1:09:01 caves and so on things which have been
1:09:02 not found yet
1:09:04 they will be found that they would be so
1:09:06 compelling and stunning that everyone
1:09:09 will say yeah yeah that's it we were
1:09:11 wrong
1:09:12 some of these analysis in our hand has
1:09:14 fabricated but but as I said that when
1:09:16 they have the gospel they have they are
1:09:18 really denying any Divinity and things
1:09:20 like that it just have been misled or
1:09:22 more correctly not read by the common
1:09:24 people all the clergy and Priests read
1:09:27 it and even these videos closed eyes not
1:09:29 to organize
1:09:31 anyone eating with open eyes have have
1:09:33 departed and became Muslim but that is
1:09:40 does this reinforce the fact that he
1:09:42 comes back as a leader the fact that he
1:09:44 wouldn't necessarily have Miracles
1:09:46 um on command so he's not a prophet he's
1:09:49 a leader no that's right
1:09:51 Americans have not at all his
1:09:53 prophethood
1:09:54 yes they take as a fundamental principle
1:09:56 America's for a profit
1:09:58 are used to to prove his prophethood
1:10:01 that he is having a supranational power
1:10:04 the divine power supporting him
1:10:08 that's that's the only person it's just
1:10:10 proving of his is being sent by the
1:10:12 woman he sent him
1:10:14 that's it
1:10:17 in such a way that nobody can deny at
1:10:20 least the present one who see the
1:10:21 Americans except by by arrogance and
1:10:24 rejection like the people of pharaoh
1:10:26 yeah
1:10:27 so the question of being the medic has
1:10:30 been necessarily connected with Prophet
1:10:32 is a mistake that has nothing to do with
1:10:34 that
1:10:35 for non-profits it may be akarama
1:10:40 it's honoring for someone
1:10:42 and the Old Testament by the way the
1:10:43 full of this the non-profits who have
1:10:45 Miracles and other things
1:10:47 you may say some of these reports are
1:10:49 fake but all of them wholesale all fake
1:10:52 that go overboard
1:10:54 no
1:10:57 absolutely
1:10:58 how would you how would you have this so
1:11:00 would it be historical obviously we
1:11:02 don't know until it happens would it be
1:11:04 historical events and him coinciding
1:11:06 with these events
1:11:08 the Antichrist and so on and then before
1:11:11 that yeah
1:11:12 relatively well well established in
1:11:15 various narratives
1:11:22 like it after that same generation or
1:11:26 the Next Generation and then uh the
1:11:28 judge is almost
1:11:30 terminating the victories after the
1:11:32 Cobra by by attacking from from the East
1:11:35 to the back so the Muslim World need to
1:11:37 go back and confront him then ASA comes
1:11:39 this seems to be that the order of
1:11:41 things of this bunch of events
1:11:46 but this is another study in a set but
1:11:48 the issue of America fundamentally from
1:11:50 ideological and philosophical point of
1:11:52 view the issue of Miracles has nothing
1:11:54 to do with prophethood in that sense
1:11:56 prophethood needs to be proven by
1:11:58 miracles
1:12:00 or by any other
1:12:02 evidence which is uh shows and one of it
1:12:06 is actually reporting about future
1:12:08 events which is impossible for humans to
1:12:10 actually to to know and the report is
1:12:13 well established and spread widely in
1:12:15 books and so on this is impossible to
1:12:16 fabricate the Einstein condition which I
1:12:18 mentioned and that's but this is also
1:12:20 miraculous
1:12:31 oh this is all publication people are
1:12:33 like those
1:12:34 Reviving that the days of the revived
1:12:36 that in in in all reports when he come
1:12:40 back she seems to he doesn't know he's
1:12:41 he's not Reviving that
1:12:43 he doesn't need it
1:12:45 is correct and so on uh he argued with
1:12:48 books and with evidence because he will
1:12:50 clearly he comes in time of scholarship
1:12:52 so he'll be the scholarly evidence
1:12:55 the fact that he can dig them from the
1:12:57 mountain so dig here and you'll find and
1:12:59 the people are present towards in the
1:13:00 media I imagine the media is inverted
1:13:03 over the world hear about this guy who
1:13:04 claimed to be Issa coming back so
1:13:06 imagine what would happen
1:13:08 imagine the situation happens
1:13:11 all media from the world are rushing
1:13:13 there
1:13:14 with their cameras and so on hundreds of
1:13:16 witnesses from all kinds atheist
1:13:18 countries communist countries Christians
1:13:20 and all those countries Muslim countries
1:13:22 Hindu countries whatever it is
1:13:25 is
1:13:32 consider to be misreported and or
1:13:34 deficient and so on there have been for
1:13:37 example the so-called covella the the
1:13:39 initial writing of Matthew
1:13:41 by the way the usual but the cash shares
1:13:44 claimed that the gospel of Matthew was
1:13:46 the first written because they connected
1:13:48 with the with the report that Matthew
1:13:50 three years after the Ascension of
1:13:52 Christ wrote down the utterances of
1:13:55 Christ not the gospel not a life story
1:13:57 not a biography but anyway they claimed
1:14:00 that's what Matthew wrote is not it's
1:14:01 just a wrong attribution because Matthew
1:14:03 was having a gospel a life story not
1:14:05 collection of adolescent these
1:14:07 collection of dancers were written in
1:14:08 the language of the Jews which is at the
1:14:10 time most likely Aramaic the common
1:14:12 language because Matthew and the
1:14:14 disciples were assemble people
1:14:16 illiterate they will not Scholars so
1:14:18 unlikely that they would have written in
1:14:19 in Hebrew in the common dialect which is
1:14:24 Aramaic
1:14:25 that extent
1:14:27 he will invite everyone let's get that
1:14:29 covella which is lost nobody finds it in
1:14:31 the world now anywhere
1:14:33 but service is obviously in the gospels
1:14:35 and the previous Scholars can analyze
1:14:37 and synchronize and think that well must
1:14:39 have contained this and this and this is
1:14:40 the German name for source
1:14:44 but the physical one later on parchment
1:14:47 nowhere or in papers nowhere
1:14:50 also invite all of these media
1:14:52 come to the mountain Zone or the dig in
1:14:55 front of him take samples of the big
1:14:57 material that the material is not being
1:14:59 built now everyone can see cameras are
1:15:02 watching
1:15:03 Digger there until you find the interest
1:15:05 of the cape which has been covered by by
1:15:07 mud and slides and so on over the over
1:15:09 the centuries
1:15:11 go and people go in with the companions
1:15:13 Witnesses from various countries and
1:15:15 various other with cameras and light and
1:15:17 so on and tell them the pitfall worry
1:15:19 there there will be there will be a
1:15:21 ditch there there will be an unstable
1:15:23 wall there avoid distance one of his
1:15:25 signing upside everyone goes inside and
1:15:27 pick up just like the one in the Sea
1:15:29 Scrolls and one of them having the
1:15:32 well for example or some other documents
1:15:34 some Epistles of the ale
1:15:37 of the early of the disciples
1:15:39 which does not synchronize with the
1:15:41 quality pistols say look at it
1:15:44 and Scholars obviously of the old tester
1:15:46 of the New and Old Testament come there
1:15:48 and analyze the language and so on and
1:15:49 they take clips and go to radiation
1:15:51 laboratory to check its ancient age and
1:15:54 so on
1:15:55 this is miraculous that we can go into
1:15:57 that place
1:16:10 and so on but we can can reason that it
1:16:16 should be that in such a way and the
1:16:17 whole media of the world report that
1:16:19 with video support with everything
1:16:22 with collaborative evidences so they
1:16:24 know no way a deep effect and interfere
1:16:26 with that and everyone in the world will
1:16:28 be stunned especially Christian and so
1:16:30 on for example
1:16:34 so don't take medical as yourself
1:16:36 or Reviving someone who died 10 days and
1:16:40 then his grave is thinking like hell no
1:16:42 like Eliza not necessarily various types
1:16:46 of Miracles and the most compelling is
1:16:48 the one who should related to knowledge
1:16:49 either a prophecy in the future or
1:16:52 finding extent books this way as I
1:16:55 described with all these Witnesses
1:16:56 present
1:16:58 tens and hundreds of media Outlets are
1:17:00 there
1:17:01 Skeptics believe a non-believer cafe
1:17:03 believer muhammaden
1:17:06 even possibly gen prisons we don't see
1:17:08 them
1:17:10 and they go all over the world reporting
1:17:12 that
1:17:13 and I tell him don't hurry up wait wait
1:17:14 get the clips to to to to for example to
1:17:18 these major centers of carbon dating
1:17:21 like the one in Zurich
1:17:24 uh there's a famous one I think there's
1:17:25 one in Japan one one in England but the
1:17:27 one in Zurich who's well known it's the
1:17:29 one for like the Birmingham script the
1:17:31 eclipse have been dated there and don't
1:17:33 do it in only one do it in various so we
1:17:36 check all of them and say get the
1:17:37 average he would do all of that trust me
1:17:39 and more
1:17:41 come with other things which we now we
1:17:43 don't have the technology for it for
1:17:44 verification while he's standing there
1:17:46 doing nothing just pointing the people
1:17:48 and telling them and everyone is
1:17:49 recording and this is microphone near
1:17:51 his face
1:17:52 I can't imagine something like that
1:17:57 that will be enough American that will
1:17:59 be even better than Reviving a debt
1:18:07 but who said is not possible theory
1:18:10 about that go to some grave and so on do
1:18:13 you remember these are these are these
1:18:14 guys who died maybe 100 years or
1:18:16 something else
1:18:19 I will get them out for in front of you
1:18:20 and also everyone with the cameras
1:18:22 presented
1:18:24 and the whole exclude that they come out
1:18:26 to just are the skeleton and very bad
1:18:28 covered Liar by liar like the manhole
1:18:31 why should this man whatever his name
1:18:34 might be some people here maybe I was
1:18:36 here we don't know his name the one who
1:18:37 who saw his donkey being good
1:18:39 reconstructed in front of guys well he
1:18:42 should be the exceptional one in history
1:18:43 maybe thousands of people the future
1:18:44 will see it in uh Hunter's prison there
1:18:47 in the graveyard and so
1:18:50 whatever it shows me as an important
1:18:52 personality he wanted to have their
1:18:53 witness for example like get Karl Marx
1:18:55 out so he admits
1:18:57 that he was mistaken and he said no no
1:18:59 suffering the Hellfire for example I'm
1:19:00 just imagining things like that
1:19:03 who said that is impossible
1:19:07 if we believe fundamentally that Allah
1:19:09 can do that in the universe that he
1:19:10 existed and that's the point
1:19:13 they have so many variations of things
1:19:14 which will be making any
1:19:18 counter argument immediately annihilated
1:19:21 what possible
1:19:28 and that's the reason I say than all the
1:19:31 religions in his time would be extinct
1:19:33 meaning obviously
1:19:35 maybe the Hindus will stay stubborn or
1:19:37 they will not get the news or they will
1:19:39 have no idea what's happening
1:19:41 or they think oh this is actually a
1:19:45 another manifestation of Krishna or
1:19:47 normalization of what's the name of the
1:19:49 Hindu god the one who was manifested as
1:19:50 Krishna and there's Ram
1:19:55 the three deities what the day but three
1:19:57 days no not three the three major
1:20:00 deities
1:20:04 Vishnu Vishnu is the one is the one who
1:20:08 manifests itself in history as Krishna
1:20:10 and Kirsty as Aslam and Anna Maria
1:20:13 manifestation they claim he has seven
1:20:14 manifestation they say around here
1:20:16 coming down with the eighth one that's
1:20:18 the one and they stay in their pagans we
1:20:20 never know foreign
1:20:23 would not be able to overcome their
1:20:26 their misconception and so on some not
1:20:28 all
1:20:32 I'm just trying to get your imagination
1:20:33 that you just get up to the shuttle of
1:20:35 thinking that uh
1:20:37 that uh all of this is is
1:20:40 outlandish some of it has happened in
1:20:42 the past for few people
1:20:44 and they were in a State of Shock like
1:20:46 the one who saw the Reconstruction of
1:20:48 his donkey
1:20:49 but this can't be done to what masses
1:20:52 why not
1:20:54 and still maybe generation after that
1:20:57 after him some people say oh this is
1:20:59 actually all of this
1:21:01 questionable stories
1:21:03 okay get us get as an archaeological
1:21:05 fact she'll give us a get us a bone of
1:21:07 this reason where is he let's dig his
1:21:09 grave and get his bones and check him
1:21:12 will be people after him several
1:21:14 generation and all these videos and it
1:21:16 goes oh this is all deep fake
1:21:19 he took you for all right there would be
1:21:21 people like that coming after that trust
1:21:22 me that would be
1:21:24 that people are so that some people are
1:21:26 so branded nowadays and time pass and in
1:21:28 the future
1:21:34 but obviously the shock of that will be
1:21:35 sufficient for having a time of peace
1:21:38 and tranquility and good times for for
1:21:40 the decades and centuries after him
1:21:42 almost certainly
1:21:44 if that all happens well
1:21:46 there's some sum of expression
1:21:48 metaphorical that the lion the baby will
1:21:51 play with the lion or the snake and
1:21:52 desert hamim this could be a
1:21:54 metaphorical to show us the situation of
1:21:56 extreme peace it's not necessarily at
1:21:58 face as it said
1:21:59 you have to you have to also try to
1:22:01 appreciate something like like
1:22:03 metaphorical and and uh and poetic
1:22:06 expressions
1:22:07 but it could be like that
1:22:09 would be like that
1:22:15 maybe Lions will be domesticated and and
1:22:18 the various techniques of of influence
1:22:22 and persuasion make them like cats so
1:22:24 you can play with them and so on now we
1:22:26 have some examples of that nowadays
1:22:30 we have now I saw one's experiment in
1:22:32 the in in the internet some people were
1:22:34 able to to uh to put a device on the on
1:22:37 the arm of gorillas and they were able
1:22:39 to set an expression of their expression
1:22:41 can be translated language
1:22:45 so they can speak like English translate
1:22:48 their emotions are translated somehow
1:22:50 more or less across we don't have a
1:22:51 quality design but it's the beginning of
1:22:53 it it may developed
1:22:56 which is not MediCal it's just the
1:22:59 technology advances many things which
1:23:00 people think is miraculous or magic of
1:23:03 the Antichrist seems to be already we
1:23:04 have the tools for that most of these
1:23:06 hilograms like someone seeing his
1:23:09 parents Resurrected
1:23:16 indeed your lord play the Supreme Lord
1:23:19 just worship him just obey him blindly
1:23:22 and that he believes that what he sees
1:23:24 which is as a hologram
1:23:26 Holograms are now well developed
1:23:30 but not to that level but down the road
1:23:31 it will be and the people appearances
1:23:34 and shapes and so on pictures are on
1:23:36 record in blockchains and even after
1:23:39 data a long time if someone has access
1:23:41 to these things
1:23:42 he can reconstruct Holograms so that a
1:23:45 simple-minded they'll say well one one
1:23:47 between that's a simple-minded platform
1:23:48 The Village side it can be easily fooled
1:23:51 it doesn't do it for somewhere over the
1:23:52 city so we are more sophisticated as
1:23:54 well as in someone from The Villages
1:23:55 from the bedroom side
1:23:57 and he saw these Holograms look like his
1:23:59 mama dad and they assure him this is
1:24:01 your lord then he falls for it
1:24:04 anyway I think we're indulging that too
1:24:06 much about miraculous and I think I ever
1:24:08 see many things with people in time
1:24:09 password Miracle now it is achieved by
1:24:12 technology
1:24:15 let's explain maybe some of them what
1:24:16 how they happen at that time passed
1:24:18 maybe but it's not relevant out which
1:24:20 mechanism well Allah can use any
1:24:22 mechanism you can act without mechanism
1:24:25 immediately we can act through
1:24:27 mechanisms
1:24:29 that's completely uh that has Liberty
1:24:32 and Power
1:24:34 but many things which people regarding
1:24:36 time past as almost impossible and must
1:24:38 have explained with with the
1:24:40 with excessive Assumption of demonic
1:24:42 forces and things like that
1:24:44 will turn out to be relatively
1:24:47 reasonably similar with technology in
1:24:49 the future
1:24:50 but that technique does not negate that
1:24:52 they were Miracles at that time because
1:24:54 the the condition for them was were not
1:24:56 right
1:25:00 okay so then I will continue with the
1:25:03 with the now ASAP that does not fail to
1:25:06 to uh to have uh supplicate for his own
1:25:09 people and ask for Mercy for them
1:25:12 so he
1:25:14 indexes Translate
1:25:21 if that caused them to suffer verily
1:25:24 they are thy servants and if thou
1:25:25 forgive them verily Thou Art Thou thou
1:25:29 alone are Almighty truly wise a
1:25:32 translation if you punish them they are
1:25:35 your worshipers and if we forgive them
1:25:37 you are you alone are the Mighty the
1:25:39 wise notice that the the the conclusion
1:25:43 of Issa using the two Divine name
1:25:45 exalted or Mighty and wise
1:25:47 because
1:25:49 he's not befitting here today that you
1:25:51 are the most merciful that's that's no
1:25:53 issue he will if he forgive his name is
1:25:54 for definitely but like hinting you are
1:25:58 exalted and mighty and wise
1:26:00 you will be able to
1:26:02 be above the the desire to punish them
1:26:06 for their missed for a wrong statement
1:26:09 because obviously they fail to do the
1:26:11 homework properly but if you punish them
1:26:14 then they said what they are worship
1:26:16 punishment and they did they did blend
1:26:18 us and they they deserve punishment but
1:26:20 you are sufficiently powerful and wise
1:26:22 to be above that and grandfather
1:26:25 forgiveness so it's more is more
1:26:28 powerful here than saying you are the
1:26:30 most merciful and most kind
1:26:32 if you look at it philosophically this
1:26:33 is this is the right expression and the
1:26:36 right place in the Quran to use it like
1:26:37 that it is here you have immediately
1:26:39 wisdom and exaltation Mercy Allah's
1:26:42 Mercy is it's unlimited it's no doubt
1:26:44 about that it's not ability to message
1:26:45 of that wisdom excitation
1:26:50 Allah does not answer it does not tell
1:26:52 us what will what will that will happen
1:26:53 if everybody give us only part of that
1:26:55 what he said he said will you forgive he
1:26:58 will not we don't know what he says
1:26:59 Allah will say but he said in the past
1:27:02 Allah said as if it has happened does
1:27:04 not have it this is Allah
1:27:06 foreign
1:27:18 and on Judgment Day God will say
1:27:22 today their truthfulness shall benefit
1:27:24 all who have been true to their work
1:27:27 there shall be Gardens through which
1:27:29 running Waters Flow therein to abide
1:27:31 beyond the count of time well pleased is
1:27:35 god with him and well pleased are they
1:27:37 with him this is the Triumph could dream
1:27:40 next translation on Judgment Day God
1:27:42 will say today the truthful will benefit
1:27:45 from their truthfulness they will have
1:27:47 Gardens with flowing Rivers where they
1:27:49 will abide forever that God is pleased
1:27:52 with them and they are pleased with him
1:27:54 that is the Supreme Triumph so this is
1:27:58 the day where the truthfulness the
1:28:00 sincere because the words in Arabic
1:28:03 means truthfulness sincerity
1:28:06 uh not only not lying but also sincerely
1:28:10 the actions
1:28:11 comply with your intentions so you are
1:28:15 you are in full Century your statements
1:28:16 are in full synchronization with the
1:28:18 reality of the truth and your action and
1:28:21 full synchronization with your intention
1:28:22 at the the what's your inside your heart
1:28:25 that's the true slide again
1:28:27 that's a truthfully the sincere one the
1:28:29 devoted one that's the that's one of the
1:28:31 highest titles that's the reason the
1:28:33 Quran has substituted the word holy men
1:28:37 like Maryam he said this is Holy Maryam
1:28:41 in in the ancient scriptures
1:28:45 the Holy One Allah use the word Sadiq
1:28:48 the truthful one the sincere one it is
1:28:51 higher than it has had a deeper meaning
1:28:52 because you cannot be so deep without
1:28:54 being really holy and purified so it's
1:28:57 higher but you are in full
1:28:58 synchronization with the with the
1:29:00 reality of the correcting some
1:29:02 statements and the correctness of action
1:29:05 definitely
1:29:09 Allah says promising will be benefiting
1:29:12 from their truthfulness sitcom
1:29:16 flowing Forever Without per count of
1:29:19 time
1:29:20 Allah is pleased with them and they are
1:29:22 pleased with him
1:29:24 this is the great victory in the great
1:29:26 success what happens with the Lord
1:29:28 truthful he is not saying anything
1:29:30 notice the point yes
1:29:34 that's the way a Quran keeps things in
1:29:35 suspense so yeah you think about
1:29:37 yourself Andrea reconsider your
1:29:39 situation
1:29:40 get get the hell yourself to be from the
1:29:44 truthful
1:29:45 be foreign
1:29:50 what happened to the other one don't
1:29:53 tell that they will say what happened to
1:29:54 the other one although I said and maybe
1:29:56 they were excused uh they didn't receive
1:29:58 the message the usual question other
1:30:00 people in the Amazon don't get busy with
1:30:02 that Allah knows how to manage them
1:30:03 better than you and all humanity and all
1:30:06 creation in the universe and he is more
1:30:08 merciful than you and he more
1:30:09 knowledgeable than you don't waste your
1:30:11 time on such stupid questions
1:30:13 just get busy to be no truthful one of
1:30:16 the being truthful is that you carried a
1:30:17 message for the others with the intense
1:30:19 intention to get them to Allah Mercy to
1:30:21 be merciful to them not hostile to them
1:30:23 not to kill them not to take money
1:30:26 like some so-called Jihadi claim no
1:30:29 who gets them to Salvation to get them
1:30:32 to Allah's Mercy
1:30:33 that's truthful do that forget about
1:30:36 that I think that's what Arya says it
1:30:38 doesn't come out he will manage them
1:30:40 don't worry he will do I'm saying that a
1:30:43 little bit like like you're a sermon
1:30:45 because Bim will come over there what
1:30:49 happened those who great great
1:30:50 grandfather did not receive a message in
1:30:52 Japan what has happened to this don't
1:30:54 worry about that worry about yourself
1:30:55 first and then these things will be
1:30:58 sorted out by the one who who knows the
1:31:01 the apparent and the hidden he will not
1:31:04 fail to do the utmost
1:31:07 correct and utmost kind
1:31:09 and let me just mention since we
1:31:14 since since I mentioned the story of the
1:31:16 Barrister for those new camera I think
1:31:18 today maybe there's one or two newcomer
1:31:21 I mentioned the story it's a funny one
1:31:23 how the the quotation why is it in the
1:31:27 Barrister because of Russia I did not
1:31:28 read about it
1:31:30 he will come
1:31:32 I will show all his misdeeds
1:31:36 register after registered register and
1:31:38 Allah
1:31:40 what's up with this old record did my my
1:31:43 servants were right down the Angels
1:31:45 whatever the Angels they are they may be
1:31:47 like size 10 recording force of the
1:31:49 universe doesn't need to be conscious
1:31:51 being but we are not going to discuss
1:31:52 the initial news did they write
1:31:55 something wrong until they did not write
1:31:56 the truth I said they said I'm not
1:31:58 arguing about their writing the truth
1:32:00 and the best I didn't say is a barrister
1:32:01 maybe a queen's Council even or a king's
1:32:03 Council no we have a king now or queen
1:32:05 I'm not arguing but the problem is that
1:32:09 they are witnessing the witness of the
1:32:12 of the uh of the public attorney
1:32:17 not from my side I'm not attacking them
1:32:19 that they are not telling the truth but
1:32:21 it's not enough
1:32:25 all I said eyewitness that's it for
1:32:27 indeed you are the best of witness but
1:32:29 the problem is that that you are sitting
1:32:30 in a you are now a judge a judge cannot
1:32:32 be witnessed the same kids
1:32:37 so this witness should not be put
1:32:39 forward
1:32:41 I said that must be a queen counsel one
1:32:44 of who's here
1:32:45 and in some Falls and around in these
1:32:48 Chambers
1:32:50 let's say okay so then which kind of
1:32:52 witnesses you want to say I witness from
1:32:54 my side
1:32:55 okay rocks I think so these are all
1:32:58 belong at you they are under your
1:32:59 control so the only thing is the main is
1:33:01 my body and my own body say okay we will
1:33:03 I take it out of your own body then he
1:33:05 addresses his own body before his mouth
1:33:07 is shattered listen
1:33:09 beware what you are doing I'm defending
1:33:11 you because you will bear in hell if you
1:33:13 don't go do the correct thing if you
1:33:15 don't lie meaning so his mouth is older
1:33:18 than his arms start speaking against him
1:33:19 his food his genitals speak about him
1:33:22 they speak of him
1:33:24 and then after that all is being said
1:33:26 enter
1:33:28 and then his mouth is again opened and
1:33:31 here says so now what's your comment now
1:33:33 he has no commentary tends to somebody
1:33:35 say go to hell all of you I was
1:33:37 defending you but you press me and you
1:33:38 felt yourself that's it I said this is
1:33:40 the that's how it has gone into the
1:33:43 Hadith happens
1:33:46 from me it's not from a prophet but it
1:33:49 looks very much like those guys here in
1:33:51 near the high court of justice here
1:33:53 sophisticated Barrister who who can
1:33:55 argue and argue forever for any false
1:33:58 would you give to them for big money
1:34:00 anyway not all of them honestly some of
1:34:03 them already I understand that respect
1:34:05 that would be one but that's that's how
1:34:07 it is that so if you think if that's
1:34:10 there like that then why your mother
1:34:13 in in the people of Amazon other people
1:34:16 in Japan why your brother even at that
1:34:18 what what happened to the less truthful
1:34:20 the truthful different this is
1:34:21 absolutely certain there's a promise
1:34:23 Allah would never fail his promise it's
1:34:25 impossible reality will be undone he
1:34:28 will cease to exist Allah forbid if
1:34:31 that's not possible so that's it the
1:34:33 other ones leave it to a good time to be
1:34:35 decided
1:34:36 and that's the reason that the solar
1:34:38 concludes with the following Ayah
1:34:48 one second
1:34:50 God is the Dominion
1:34:52 over the heavens and the Earth and all
1:34:54 that they contain and he has the power
1:34:56 to will anything the translation the
1:34:59 kingdom of the heavens and the Earth and
1:35:01 everything in them belongs to God he has
1:35:03 power over all things absolutely so
1:35:16 everything everything is within his
1:35:18 control and power and he is capable of
1:35:20 doing all things as we discussed in
1:35:22 various philosophically all things that
1:35:24 doable things the contingent things The
1:35:27 Impossible is not doable
1:35:31 to it and there's no question that can
1:35:34 God create a stone who is so heavy that
1:35:36 he cannot lift this is all nonsensical
1:35:37 that's not it this is this statement
1:35:39 which are empty absurd or kind of good
1:35:41 Anna Let himself as absorbed because
1:35:43 they're necessary system mean is by
1:35:45 necessity consistent and cannot cease to
1:35:47 exist no power can relate to that
1:35:49 whatsoever
1:35:51 so that is the same with knowledgeable
1:35:54 or thing which we discussed today for
1:35:56 knowledge and so on
1:35:58 the Pharisees which are usually going
1:36:00 around by that I think it's maybe wise
1:36:03 to
1:36:05 stop here and start the solar the next
1:36:07 order next time so that we start fresh
1:36:09 phone by the way the next one
1:36:12 the catalog or the livestock or whatever
1:36:14 the translation how it's translated in
1:36:17 in Islam awakens
1:36:22 it says livestock livestock cattle and
1:36:24 then comma livestock livestock uh that's
1:36:27 that's the first Mercury you meet
1:36:29 because far too happy with Allegra is it
1:36:32 could be Maki could be madaniya but this
1:36:35 is the opening of the book live all the
1:36:38 soldiers until now are all
1:36:40 uh are all madly from Medina underwater
1:36:45 so there was quite a number of
1:36:46 injunctions legalistic issues here we'll
1:36:49 go to the more philosophical issues
1:36:51 creation
1:36:51 Etc
1:36:52 and so on so we'll go with that that's
1:36:55 Square zero again so after go going to a
1:36:58 higher level now maybe it's good to go
1:37:00 dig back a little bit because you're at
1:37:02 an arm which is number 60 number seven
1:37:05 then we go back again eight and nine
1:37:07 eleven is
1:37:13 maybe that's the way Quran has organized
1:37:16 we don't know so that it gives you a
1:37:19 diet after that every day I told
1:37:21 legislative aspects and also obviously
1:37:23 geological philosophical aspects you go
1:37:25 back to the fundamentals
1:37:27 then go back to
1:37:29 a nasty part of our legislation
1:37:32 concerning War and Peace and bloodshed
1:37:33 and so on and the two next Solas Etc
1:37:35 okay so better we start next time
1:37:37 throughout an alarm with Ayah number one
1:37:39 being in the left hand
1:37:41 no problem um if the question has been
1:37:44 clarified which we did not understand
1:37:45 probably or any other questions yeah
1:37:48 there wasn't a follow-up on that that is
1:37:49 another question here
1:37:51 um also I've got something called q a as
1:37:53 operator yeah uh this one why is the
1:37:55 Surah mentioned Earth and Sky despite
1:37:58 the Earth being a small part of the sky
1:38:02 I'm not sure which if he's referencing
1:38:04 an animal maida yeah yeah yeah
1:38:06 everywhere the meaning of Heaven's on
1:38:09 Earth
1:38:10 is because the the book is revealed to
1:38:12 uh as a tree in Arabic language the
1:38:15 humanity and for them Earth is is the
1:38:17 place of their living and it looks for
1:38:19 them as if it is the whole universe is
1:38:21 there this heaven for them is secondary
1:38:23 it has the Moon it has the stars and so
1:38:25 on but it is from their point of view
1:38:27 the Earth is the most important for them
1:38:30 it is it has nothing to do with the size
1:38:33 of of these entities
1:38:36 but the disease for that disease the
1:38:38 Earth is the most relevant uh item in
1:38:42 the universe for them because they're
1:38:43 dwelling that's their livelihood that's
1:38:44 where they live so the ethical is
1:38:46 mentioned although it is only like like
1:38:48 an atom compared to the rest of the
1:38:50 universe
1:38:53 but also it is also a fallacy to think
1:38:55 that Earth being so small is significant
1:38:57 in the universe that the rest of the
1:38:59 universe seems to be Superfluous this is
1:39:02 a game mistake many people think because
1:39:05 say what's the need for all that huge
1:39:08 Universe if a person the the it's a
1:39:11 fallacy to talk about that life and a
1:39:14 conscious being only on Earth there's
1:39:16 many hints in the Quran who will come to
1:39:17 them inshallah which shows clearly that
1:39:19 there are other creatures which are made
1:39:21 of matter which if they walk they make a
1:39:24 sandwich so they are not Spirits or
1:39:25 something like that they really they
1:39:27 were being and seem to be some of them
1:39:29 also conscious elsewhere but independent
1:39:31 of that it is
1:39:33 that the universes have to be this size
1:39:36 so that the Earth is can be supported
1:39:38 with the with the facility it has is
1:39:40 necessary because uh what do you think
1:39:44 that's called initial forces in the
1:39:45 Earth how the inertial forces are
1:39:47 created a medicine from the gravitation
1:39:50 of the whole universe
1:39:51 uh some calculation shows that the whole
1:39:54 our galaxy which is quite a considerably
1:39:57 large Galaxy more more to the library is
1:39:59 not the largest obviously there are much
1:40:00 larger galaxies in the universe but it
1:40:03 is larger than Andromeda it is larger
1:40:05 than the average
1:40:07 it is it's it's Mass
1:40:10 energy produces only one over 100
1:40:14 million of the tidal forces on earth and
1:40:16 the inertial forces
1:40:18 so if we though we were only in the
1:40:21 galaxy and this is nothing is only a
1:40:24 Galaxy there would be no way to control
1:40:26 the movement and then and and have the
1:40:28 breaking forces we have
1:40:30 will be flying around there is it
1:40:32 there's not enough initial there so it
1:40:34 has to be the whole universe so some
1:40:35 people think that's because oh this is a
1:40:37 small death uh it's a waste of results
1:40:39 that's because they are stupid they
1:40:41 think the universe is the built up
1:40:42 hazard is built on strict system of of
1:40:44 makhadir or proportions and then and
1:40:47 mathematical controls in such a way that
1:40:50 it also support Free Will and quantum
1:40:52 mechanics and by the way this year the
1:40:55 Nobel plus has been given to for those
1:40:57 who are proven by by photonic
1:41:00 experiments that the quantum
1:41:02 entanglement is a reality
1:41:04 so the classical objections of uh of
1:41:07 Einstein and the famous Einstein
1:41:09 products corrosion epr experiment has
1:41:11 been refuted it is entanglement is a
1:41:13 reality
1:41:15 and the communicating a part of the
1:41:18 universe communicating with the other
1:41:19 one in a sense that they they are
1:41:21 entangled and the
1:41:24 conservation of of energy mass and of
1:41:28 angular Spin and spin Etc uh is is
1:41:32 enforced by communicating with infinite
1:41:35 speed so if if an if a two or two
1:41:39 entities are separated by a large
1:41:41 distance then they don't have a
1:41:43 determinator angular momentum the moment
1:41:45 you measure one of them here for example
1:41:47 and the one which was created with him
1:41:50 in time passed billions of years past
1:41:52 far away before even the Galaxy were
1:41:55 created that one has to flip so that the
1:41:57 angular momentum is conserved it will
1:42:01 flip it will do that
1:42:03 with infinite speed last time helmet
1:42:06 spooky action with distance
1:42:09 is not a spoken at all because this is
1:42:13 not an accept distance it is the one of
1:42:15 living this according to the flipping of
1:42:17 that is the Divine knowledge Allah doing
1:42:19 that that's nothing spooky there but he
1:42:22 could not see it from this angle
1:42:26 we have one question from Abu mahab uh
1:42:28 his uh he's asked to speak so each other
1:42:30 yeah
1:42:34 going back to nostorianism yeah uh so um
1:42:38 yeah so historians they draw the a
1:42:42 distinction between the nature of divine
1:42:46 and the nature of uh uh of of of of of
1:42:50 humanity of Christ
1:42:53 but ultimately it's it's Loosely
1:42:56 connected
1:42:57 um in some sense however they deny the
1:43:01 unity between the uh the Divine being
1:43:05 and the human being of Christ uh and uh
1:43:09 and and they and for them they believe
1:43:12 that Mary is the is the mother of the is
1:43:15 only the mother of the yes of the of of
1:43:19 the Christ the human not the not the
1:43:22 Divine so um so so they will not be
1:43:25 addressed by
1:43:31 still there or they converted or became
1:43:34 I I thought maybe they're still in
1:43:35 existence because the the assurian
1:43:38 shares seem to be based on the but I
1:43:40 understood from you one time you
1:43:42 commented that I shouldn't shed like
1:43:44 three four centuries ago joined yeah the
1:43:47 Catholic church and essentially is no
1:43:49 more an historian yes yes so so when I
1:43:54 when I tried to dig more information
1:43:57 about nestorianism you know it's hard to
1:43:59 find the uh you know uh facts about the
1:44:02 teaching of of nasturios because you
1:44:05 know all of the texts are are gone due
1:44:08 to persecution uh long time ago so yeah
1:44:11 so we so we only have to rely on what
1:44:13 the followers of these churches say
1:44:16 about about themselves so uh so so today
1:44:19 in Australia nestorians are are actually
1:44:23 have have split into three churches you
1:44:26 know the the kaldan the kaldian
1:44:31 yes Catholic Church in Iraq they split
1:44:35 in the 16th century and then you have
1:44:38 the Assyrian Church of the East which
1:44:41 which they claim they are uh still the
1:44:44 continuity of nasturianism however they
1:44:47 they deny the claims that they are you
1:44:50 know Heretics and what other uh
1:44:52 Christians what's their point of view
1:44:55 about about Mariam she gave birth only
1:44:57 to the human yes to the human so the
1:44:59 historian that's that's that's the
1:45:01 characteristic of an historianism right
1:45:03 right
1:45:03 but you know all of you know the the the
1:45:06 Bishops and the uh and the pops and and
1:45:10 and you know the leaders of the of those
1:45:12 churches they they try to align
1:45:15 themselves with the with Orthodox uh
1:45:18 Christianity I don't know I I don't know
1:45:21 what what do they actually believe uh
1:45:23 because they they they don't they
1:45:25 believe in all in all councils
1:45:29 but they do not believe in the
1:45:32 khaledonian and the fsos
1:45:37 of Egypt
1:45:40 yeah because because actually just the
1:45:44 Church of Egypt the monophysics are the
1:45:47 antithesis of nostorianism they they
1:45:50 build they believe in the unity of of
1:45:53 the Divine and the human not necessary
1:45:55 because they could a historian uh what a
1:45:58 party could say America give birth to
1:46:02 Aisa the human is only yes but later
1:46:05 with the adoption the Divine merged with
1:46:08 the with the body of Asa and the and
1:46:11 less turned into Divine into something
1:46:13 new so it's it's very well possible that
1:46:15 that when when the Sun or the when the
1:46:18 okanome caught the sun The Entity called
1:46:21 the Sun or the the the Heavenly entity
1:46:23 called the Sun
1:46:25 when that Heavenly entity came down it
1:46:27 was not in in the body of Isa like like
1:46:30 oil in a bottle but it was like like
1:46:32 wine mixing with water that's the usual
1:46:34 example it became something new
1:46:37 which is neither Divine or it is a
1:46:39 universe could be monophysic so that it
1:46:41 doesn't contradict it's very well
1:46:42 possible because the adoption does not
1:46:45 mean necessarily it is it is insertion
1:46:48 the Divine is inserted in the in the in
1:46:51 the human body it may be it merged
1:46:53 completely and it became something third
1:46:56 a third entity which is obviously
1:46:57 originally impossible but we are not
1:46:59 discussing about possibility there's a
1:47:00 description of the belief so no there's
1:47:03 no configuration it's very powerful
1:47:04 possible you can't be an historian and
1:47:05 also monophysic and that's
1:47:08 yes yes yes the only difference would be
1:47:10 that those believe from the moment of
1:47:12 conception
1:47:13 the the Egyptian church and Egyptian
1:47:15 Ethiopian Indian old Indian church and
1:47:18 those guys believe know from the moment
1:47:19 of baptism
1:47:21 baptism yes yes yes yes so uh so uh so
1:47:24 uh so so so so so uh the notorious also
1:47:29 split it further into a third sect the
1:47:33 the they are called the ancient Church
1:47:35 of East so we got the Assyrian Church of
1:47:38 East the Caribbean Catholic church and
1:47:41 the ancient Church of East uh so the the
1:47:45 third the third Church you know they
1:47:47 split it due to trivial matters you know
1:47:50 they because they wanted to celebrate uh
1:47:52 uh Christmas in in in in in in in in in
1:47:55 in December not in January so yeah so so
1:47:59 has nothing to do with the with the
1:48:01 cream oh yeah you know the trivial
1:48:03 matters
1:48:04 um and uh finally arianism to the
1:48:08 contrary of
1:48:09 nestorianism they believe that Christ is
1:48:14 uh although he is the uh uh he has a
1:48:18 supernatural Powers he is is a above the
1:48:22 ability above the level of a human but
1:48:26 below the level of uh ultimately a
1:48:29 created being exactly so so so so they
1:48:32 believe in him something like Angel they
1:48:34 think uh they think of whatever it is
1:48:36 not Divine it's created so they are
1:48:39 monetized so it is maybe a wrong Creed
1:48:42 because it's not justified by scripture
1:48:44 or justified by rational necessity but
1:48:47 it is it doesn't contradict the uh it
1:48:50 doesn't
1:48:51 contradictism in a strict in the not a
1:48:54 western strict distance
1:48:55 yes yes yes yes that's what I think so
1:48:58 um so so today the followers finally I
1:49:01 wanted to say that the followers of
1:49:04 nostorianism they
1:49:06 they are claiming
1:49:08 um uh uh partially uh being a a a a part
1:49:13 of nostorianism in the Heritage sense
1:49:15 and not in the Creed sense okay so yeah
1:49:19 so so the so if you ask them are you an
1:49:23 historians you know they would say they
1:49:25 would deny that you know they would
1:49:27 claim that you know other sects other
1:49:29 major sects like Catholic Catholicism
1:49:32 and uh Orthodox they they they accused
1:49:36 them of being Heretics however they say
1:49:38 that this is not the teaching of
1:49:41 nastorius you know the the notorious you
1:49:45 know it's it's similar to Muslims when
1:49:47 we have like yeah
1:49:50 like
1:49:53 you know they always try to claim you
1:49:57 know uh different themselves against
1:49:59 them
1:50:01 yeah but my point was that really the
1:50:04 Divinity of Maria much is the result
1:50:06 from that she cut it in her belly she
1:50:09 carried a Divine being then
1:50:11 by by a joint or a figure anyone who
1:50:15 does not say that I would say this is
1:50:17 the essential point which was at the
1:50:19 time of nostal seemed to be that's the
1:50:20 reason they killed him and they ran away
1:50:22 to the Persian Empire yes philosophical
1:50:25 sophistication and uh
1:50:27 and all of these things
1:50:30 um is is uh is uh is uh other added
1:50:35 problems because the the moment you
1:50:36 claim give Christ a Divinity in a
1:50:39 genuine sense you get an infinite mess
1:50:41 of contradictions yes nothing nothing
1:50:45 will work no whatever you do nothing
1:50:46 will work
1:50:47 yes that's true that's true okay so yes
1:50:50 thank you that's what I have today thank
1:50:53 you
1:50:53 so the question that was asked is just
1:50:56 in discussion I know you've answered
1:50:58 this before
1:50:59 um but it's around notes and promissory
1:51:01 notes you know the the pound note or
1:51:03 dollar whatever it may be and whether it
1:51:05 invalidates it as a very form of uh
1:51:07 currency so I'm sort of record so a
1:51:10 promissory note is a debt instrument
1:51:12 that contains a written Promise by one
1:51:14 party denotes issuer or maker to pay the
1:51:17 another party denotes payee a definite
1:51:20 sum of money either on demand or at a
1:51:22 specified date so the question is is it
1:51:25 permissible to effectively spend and
1:51:27 carry forward someone else's promissory
1:51:29 note if it's a dead instrument if it's
1:51:32 is a certification of that then the the
1:51:36 injunction is cleared that cannot be
1:51:38 solved in Islam
1:51:40 but the pound would that therefore
1:51:43 invalidate the use of currency so for
1:51:45 example
1:51:45 is not a promiser not anything the
1:51:48 currency is saying we have gold in the
1:51:50 the claim in time pass at the beginning
1:51:52 we have gold there if you come and
1:51:54 demand the goal against this document
1:51:56 we'll give you the good we're just safe
1:51:57 keeping the gold for you
1:51:59 it is not it is it is it is not a
1:52:01 promise I don't know there's no debt
1:52:03 we issued that because carrying gold is
1:52:05 unsafe dangerous etc etc you carry a
1:52:08 piece of paper that's easier and less
1:52:10 heavy and obviously this is all cheating
1:52:13 because they don't have the goal they
1:52:14 they claim they issue them at that later
1:52:17 on they even disconnected from the world
1:52:19 and the issue them at Liberty according
1:52:21 to their desire and politics but in any
1:52:23 case the moment is issued as a currency
1:52:25 other people agree to exchange it as a
1:52:27 currency then it it works exactly like
1:52:30 wheat for wheat
1:52:32 exactly equal
1:52:35 and immediate otherwise
1:52:39 it says if you pick up a 10 pound note
1:52:42 for example I promise to pay the bearer
1:52:44 on demand the sum of 10 pounds and that
1:52:46 used to correlate with 10 pounds of
1:52:48 silver
1:52:49 or or wheat or barley yeah
1:52:52 so now that that's effectively
1:52:54 currencies just decided almost
1:52:56 arbitrarily all based off of uh it's
1:53:00 still a currency because if you will use
1:53:02 it for exchange and they're willing to
1:53:03 exchange and you're willing to me to
1:53:05 give me your car for 10 000 of these
1:53:08 notes
1:53:19 in the basement of his mother's house
1:53:22 and counterfeiting that one they will
1:53:24 get and break his neck but today who can
1:53:27 go and break their neck except the
1:53:28 revolution or a World War so that's it
1:53:31 but you tell me you accept for the car
1:53:33 this notes knowing that with this note
1:53:35 you can go to a shop and buy other
1:53:37 things
1:53:38 currency
1:53:39 so it will be pound for pound with the
1:53:41 with the with the uh
1:53:44 as a loan it will be alone structured in
1:53:47 pound pound has become a currency become
1:53:50 an entity which is which is used and
1:53:52 exchange like gold and like silver
1:53:54 the state power are the one who issued
1:53:56 it having sufficient Authority and
1:53:58 people trust them that it it gained some
1:54:01 kind of intrinsic value by agreements of
1:54:04 the people
1:54:06 so it's a currency so the people are
1:54:08 trying to say Reba is not the the river
1:54:11 will not fit today this is all playing
1:54:12 games whatever fits in there like
1:54:14 exactly like gold
1:54:17 why is River in gold
1:54:19 you cannot increase but I give you a 10
1:54:22 kilogram now and at the end of year I
1:54:24 take only 10 kilograms not 10.001
1:54:27 why
1:54:29 because it is it has an intrinsic value
1:54:31 interesting value here is by Allah
1:54:32 Creation in the universe that's fine but
1:54:34 yesterday while you agree the cell
1:54:36 certain value until we use it for
1:54:38 exchange that's what make it currency
1:54:41 you see my point so these are currencies
1:54:45 the intrinsic value created by people
1:54:46 acceptance based on government
1:54:49 enforcement historically it may be based
1:54:52 on cheating that's all gone forgotten
1:54:53 that's it
1:54:56 but as it in our hand we exchange it we
1:54:59 buy with it I pay you as a worker if I
1:55:01 have a construction I pay you I pay you
1:55:03 in pounds and you accept the pounds
1:55:04 meaning you think it has value you agree
1:55:07 there's a value and you can't with this
1:55:08 value you can go and buy food for your
1:55:10 family by clothing and and get them in a
1:55:12 nice schools if you if you can afford it
1:55:14 this is really by General permissibility
1:55:17 that this thing can morph from something
1:55:19 which is effectively arbitrary but then
1:55:21 when the society agrees on it it's yeah
1:55:24 but the question is not General
1:55:26 permissibility is the question that the
1:55:28 state originally by issuing it in this
1:55:30 in this in this in this cheating way
1:55:32 committed a crime yeah that's what
1:55:33 that's happened now it is there and
1:55:36 people agree to use it then you have the
1:55:38 the question here is not to agree to use
1:55:40 it that's no problem everybody will
1:55:42 agree but the problem is that is it is
1:55:44 it a usurious money from musical
1:55:47 actually because they have no intrinsic
1:55:49 values genuine intrinsic value like gold
1:55:51 which created in the universe and
1:55:54 because of that I can give you and
1:55:56 because of inflation because it's being
1:55:58 created out of nothing essentially by
1:56:00 the state and by banks by the way also
1:56:02 by fractional Reserve banking based on
1:56:05 that I can estimate there will be
1:56:07 inflation so if I give you a hundred
1:56:10 pound now at the end of year getting 110
1:56:12 is okay because of inflation I said that
1:56:14 does not approve it that's not correct
1:56:16 if you want to do it you have to hedge
1:56:18 against inflation choose something with
1:56:20 inflation hedge make the contract I said
1:56:22 that so many times make the contract
1:56:24 nominantly in gold
1:56:27 which is clearly
1:56:30 and then
1:56:32 at the beginning when you are handing
1:56:33 over the gold I'll say sorry I don't
1:56:35 have gold in my hand could you accept
1:56:36 British pound or Yen or something yeah
1:56:38 except what's the equivalent I borrowed
1:56:41 from you my last 10 kilogram gold it's
1:56:43 equal how much is the program now one
1:56:44 million you say five million I get you
1:56:46 five million pounds in the bank or
1:56:48 transferituted back by rank transfer
1:56:49 that's perfectly fine when payback you
1:56:52 should pay me back 10 kilogram because
1:56:54 the contacts is 10 degrees 10 kilogram
1:56:57 of gold available for me say brother can
1:57:00 you accept for me Brazilian what is
1:57:02 it yeah how much is the current price
1:57:05 now in the day is that there I translate
1:57:07 so we have at the beginning an exchange
1:57:09 at that exchange but the contract is in
1:57:11 Gold so if you claim you are hedging
1:57:13 against separation shows an inflation h
1:57:23 the sense of that the Deep sense of that
1:57:25 appears clear in the so-called Rebel
1:57:27 povert Rebel father is that you're
1:57:28 exchanging for example good quality days
1:57:30 with bad quality dates
1:57:33 with the difference
1:57:35 it's clear that a low quality date is is
1:57:38 less than the other one this is
1:57:47 the first class date of Madina that was
1:57:50 the same this is not our date our date
1:57:52 was another name I don't know it's the
1:57:55 average average quality the prophet
1:57:56 could not at that time afford Barney
1:57:58 imagine I appreciate yeah yeah I know
1:58:01 our data we have in store is from that
1:58:04 low quality or medium quality I took
1:58:07 that went to the market exchanged Tulsa
1:58:09 of the bad one would once all of this if
1:58:12 I say um this is indeed the river
1:58:16 but he gave him the solution if you must
1:58:19 do it you won't exchange the good the
1:58:20 bad debt with a good debt because nobody
1:58:22 in his right mind regard that oneself or
1:58:25 one side they are not the same quality
1:58:27 but they are dead still the same genus
1:58:29 but level barrier how to measure the
1:58:32 quality properly said if you must do it
1:58:36 then sell that one for yourself for for
1:58:39 coins for silver
1:58:41 because the most common use denial is
1:58:44 everything a bit expensive and not that
1:58:46 often people do not have dinners in
1:58:47 their hand easy they have more sale but
1:58:49 mostly because most exchanges are small
1:58:51 amounts so silver will be better for
1:58:53 them for that time
1:58:54 sell that for silver
1:58:57 and then with that silver by Barney you
1:59:00 may buy maybe uh for the two may buy you
1:59:04 maybe one one shot maybe a half maybe
1:59:07 maybe three quarters
1:59:09 the difference is that the market
1:59:11 dictates the difference by evaluation by
1:59:13 the market so use an evaluator in
1:59:15 between
1:59:17 you see the point
1:59:19 use evaluation in between
1:59:22 just by by arbitrary like that no
1:59:24 because no that cannot evaluate the
1:59:26 other bit because even the difference in
1:59:28 quality is not sufficient uh
1:59:30 sufficiently quantifiable and so so
1:59:31 there will be some kind of cheating or
1:59:33 some kind overtaking right but this is
1:59:35 this is the
1:59:36 differences in exchanging Hand by hand
1:59:39 of the same type or like with and way
1:59:42 with but with and barley are two
1:59:43 different species so you can exchange
1:59:45 them whatever you want the market will
1:59:47 tell you what's the exchange rate
1:59:50 because each one has its own market and
1:59:52 auction others as you'll see in Chicago
1:59:54 everyone wheat is not barley and barley
1:59:56 is not soybeans they have their own Mark
1:59:58 and their prices and you can exchange
2:00:00 them but easily do you know the prices
2:00:02 and so on usually they when you exchange
2:00:04 them uh you'll see the contract for a
2:00:07 contact for example people not do that
2:00:09 they sell that one Contracting in dollar
2:00:11 and buy with the dollar that other
2:00:12 contact that's what I do or they do
2:00:13 spread that things like that by using an
2:00:15 intermediary for easement but you can
2:00:18 use it by Optical I it may be whatever
2:00:20 possible that they can do an outcry rise
2:00:22 for soybeans directly without any
2:00:24 intermediate that's possible and that's
2:00:26 perfect because two different species
2:00:27 and the market forces of our acceptance
2:00:31 Etc will will force a reasonable
2:00:33 valuation
2:00:35 at the current time of exchange because
2:00:38 this this year maybe they have to have a
2:00:40 lush rice Harvest so the rice is
2:00:44 available and plenty and low in price
2:00:46 while soybeans have have a disease and
2:00:49 so on we have little soybeans so you
2:00:51 will not get as many soybeans for your
2:00:53 rice as in another opposite year but at
2:00:56 the moment of exchange that will be the
2:00:58 fair market value hopefully according to
2:00:59 Market forces but at the best a human
2:01:01 being can do is relying on the market
2:01:03 forces
2:01:04 so for the same type it's also
2:01:06 prohibited to exchange date for date
2:01:08 with any increase arguing that they have
2:01:11 different qualities
2:01:14 less severe than the uh is the real
2:01:18 devastating one the one whole
2:01:20 declaration of war and you see who is
2:01:22 the declaration of war
2:01:24 because that's what opened the door for
2:01:26 for devaluing the currency and for all
2:01:28 this first because Banks were able to to
2:01:32 enforce because they are huge and they
2:01:34 have sufficient results they were able
2:01:36 to do fractional Reserve banking
2:01:39 I must have been inflation with their
2:01:40 banking they can lend more than what
2:01:42 they have in their coffers
2:01:43 ah
2:01:45 but why they should lend more than they
2:01:46 have on their covers
2:01:48 only if they are getting more for it for
2:01:50 Reba if there's no River no no one in
2:01:53 his right mind will give you a hundred
2:01:55 pound to receive at the end of the year
2:01:56 100 points what or you should serve you
2:01:59 with that
2:02:00 maybe rarely for customer as soon as the
2:02:03 easement for a certain special customers
2:02:04 maybe but otherwise it doesn't make
2:02:06 sense but if they if they can give you a
2:02:09 hundred pound now and receive at the end
2:02:10 of year 110 they will do what the 100
2:02:13 pounds which you receive now from them
2:02:15 it's just a record entry it doesn't
2:02:16 exist they created out of nothing as
2:02:19 long as they comply with the reserve
2:02:21 requirement
2:02:23 so usually it's not because you you lose
2:02:25 the people or disadvantage them that's
2:02:27 part of it but because you develop you
2:02:30 destroy the currency ultimately
2:02:33 that's it
2:02:35 you create money after nothing
2:02:37 and the big ones the usolius one the
2:02:39 banks the big owner they will make more
2:02:42 money also almost automatic
2:02:44 and the history will be sacked their
2:02:45 money and you see the capitalist system
2:02:47 in the world how many how many
2:02:49 millionaires at the beginning of the
2:02:51 last century for example and then the
2:02:54 number of billionaires increased
2:02:55 actually around the the the the the the
2:02:58 big depression but they were barely in a
2:03:01 billion billionaire in America was they
2:03:02 maybe Rockefeller was 100 or 200 million
2:03:04 or something like that nobody was a
2:03:06 billionaire maybe they were one or two
2:03:08 now how many billionaires we have in
2:03:10 America
2:03:12 700 maybe a thousand
2:03:15 and most most wealth of the Americans in
2:03:17 there had ninety percent Maybe
2:03:19 so this mechanism
2:03:21 so nobody will come don't let anyone
2:03:23 fool you I said ah this is no it's like
2:03:25 this because inflation no no listen get
2:03:27 something you think is a good inflation
2:03:29 age and you do the Contracting that some
2:03:32 some people will say okay actually the
2:03:34 it's illegal to do contracts in this way
2:03:36 in some uh your uh your your
2:03:38 jurisdictions then you have to do with
2:03:41 them somehow secretly and play the game
2:03:43 and play question Mouse what can you do
2:03:46 or avoid it all together and whatever
2:03:48 see what you can do unless there's an
2:03:50 assistant dictator to you tomorrow this
2:03:52 way then this is the excuse by necessity
2:03:54 but otherwise that's it
2:03:56 in Turkey for example many people make
2:03:59 the contrast because the bilira is
2:04:00 devaluating and and the inflation is
2:04:03 enormously what they do they do most of
2:04:06 their contracts in U.S dollar which is
2:04:08 bad but not as bad as the leader
2:04:11 but they do also the immunity because
2:04:14 they don't care about you usually but
2:04:16 they care about inflation so they aren't
2:04:17 there but most people do in the
2:04:19 transaction are not practicing Muslim
2:04:21 they don't care maybe they don't know
2:04:22 what they buy in the first place or they
2:04:24 have some kind of Twisted fatwa or
2:04:26 something like that
2:04:28 but that's the quick way of doing things
2:04:32 so again these currencies which are
2:04:34 which are accepted by the people and
2:04:37 rather than exchanged and all of these
2:04:39 things
2:04:39 like like uh like uh British pound
2:04:43 dollar Canadian dollar these these and
2:04:45 these These are currencies and they
2:04:47 should be treated exactly like golden
2:04:49 silver in metal abusary and methodontics
2:04:51 exactly
2:04:53 you don't like them use something better
2:04:55 if you think you have and if the area of
2:04:57 jurisdiction allow you with that in
2:05:00 America if it is not allowed until
2:05:01 recently because the Americans were
2:05:03 prohibited for morning gold anyway so
2:05:05 clearly if you do a contract in Gold the
2:05:08 government will come after you they will
2:05:09 twist your neck but this is because
2:05:11 they're tyrannical in that aspect
2:05:14 that's it but it's not because it's now
2:05:20 cleared let's clarify that so this is
2:05:22 this is the fact that they but it is not
2:05:25 a debt instrument the currents you know
2:05:28 yeah you didn't give the bank anything
2:05:29 and they say they promised to give you
2:05:32 back no it is the bank claim the bank of
2:05:34 England I mean the Central Bank claims
2:05:36 they have gold there who have some
2:05:38 assets or wheat or barley or donkeys or
2:05:41 cattle I'm just joking and they will
2:05:43 deliver as much of that
2:05:45 against that piece of paper
2:05:48 which most likely a lie but how can you
2:05:51 account them without a doubling the
2:05:53 state or having a World Revolution
2:05:55 that's what we have stuck for 300 years
2:05:57 now without establishing of the bank of
2:05:59 England which is established clearly to
2:06:01 to to introduce usually and then to suck
2:06:04 the blood of the people until today
2:06:05 that's it
2:06:08 and that develops Federal unfair
2:06:10 initiate was very shy and having gold
2:06:12 there really on stock and so and then
2:06:13 slowly there it was diluted and then God
2:06:16 was it was only given only to central
2:06:18 banks so I promise it's only promised to
2:06:20 a central bank if you go to the bank of
2:06:22 England like 70 years ago they will kick
2:06:24 you at the door just get lost only a
2:06:27 central bank would be accepted and then
2:06:28 even left at Central Bank America said
2:06:30 even central banks forget that bye bye
2:06:32 we'll give you nothing masalava
2:06:36 you take it or you leave it
2:06:38 that's it it's corruption but it doesn't
2:06:41 make that piece of paper which says ten
2:06:44 dollars or a hundred dollars
2:06:45 lose its way its nature as a currency
2:06:48 and the people accept and Trust because
2:06:50 the people are clearly accepting and
2:06:52 thirsty and trading in it and there are
2:06:54 huge exchanges
2:06:55 and trading ongoing day and night 24
2:06:57 hours
2:06:58 three years of reading going daily
2:07:02 so you cannot deny that they exist and
2:07:05 they have currency characteristics
2:07:11 the same with gold like gold had the
2:07:13 intrinsic because he created the
2:07:14 universe but plenty of the gold in the
2:07:16 world
2:07:17 for example down in America maybe half
2:07:19 of it is stolen from other people crime
2:07:21 but does it mean it is not a currency
2:07:23 it's a currency
2:07:25 that it was stolen and I need to be
2:07:26 accounted for that this is the long
2:07:28 story that's something else but doesn't
2:07:30 you know I make it not a currency
2:07:35 they stole most of the gold of the Inca
2:07:38 and so on and brought it to Europe
2:07:40 does it cease to be gone that said no
2:07:44 took it by the edge of the sword by mass
2:07:46 murder genocide
2:07:48 bloodstain what hello
2:07:53 you may be become extremely Pious and
2:07:56 avoid God you will not be able to avoid
2:07:58 because it's circulating all over the
2:08:00 world if if blood could stick on gold or
2:08:03 gold in the world would have some blood
2:08:05 on it somewhere
2:08:08 what's the currency deal with it as a
2:08:10 currency if you know for certain that
2:08:12 this specific Trader or this really
2:08:14 country their gold is stolen and then
2:08:17 you are right as man and you would avoid
2:08:18 dealing with them that's fine that's a
2:08:20 high level of morality that's that but
2:08:22 doesn't negate that it's a currency
2:08:24 currency
2:08:30 like a stolen car you know if you know
2:08:33 this guy stole the car you don't buy
2:08:34 from him if you are a righteous person
2:08:39 but it's a second it doesn't seem to
2:08:41 work I didn't think suddenly to a donkey
2:08:42 or a comment it's a cop
2:08:45 so people are confusing things they do
2:08:47 not analyzing things properly
2:08:50 usually is it in in in exchanging of
2:08:53 currencies and goods which are of
2:08:55 currency type and intrinsic value are
2:08:57 either edible or outstorable or but well
2:09:01 controlled by weight and measure
2:09:03 so the other misconception has obviously
2:09:05 been missing to the concept of Haram
2:09:06 money rather than your mechanism through
2:09:08 which it's okay how about money there's
2:09:11 no how our money is is that the way you
2:09:12 end the money is Hala the money itself
2:09:15 is neutral it's not it is
2:09:18 you should not be stealing it does not
2:09:21 mean that gold became Haram but the way
2:09:23 you end that world is sinful and if you
2:09:26 it can be proven against you to be taken
2:09:28 from you by the state Authority or
2:09:30 writers and just sit until you take it
2:09:32 from you at the end to his rightful
2:09:33 owner
2:09:35 but does it make it uh
2:09:40 the pieces of God are still gold and
2:09:42 still pure and you completed their
2:09:44 pocket and so on
2:09:46 but ending it the way of earning if it's
2:09:49 not a legitimate one it's that bad but
2:09:51 the people called haramari just just by
2:09:54 by figure of speech and yet is the it is
2:09:57 money earned by haramway
2:10:00 money is an entities I think
2:10:04 but the way of earning is
2:10:09 yeah
2:10:11 so it needs a little bit a little bit
2:10:13 better and deeper and now slightly they
2:10:15 will still have an idea of analysis by
2:10:16 the way but slightly deeper but most
2:10:18 discussion going around that is because
2:10:20 some people would like to to indulge in
2:10:23 usually or find an excuse and they try
2:10:25 to find all kind of arguments to justify
2:10:27 it
2:10:28 okay if you find something you can
2:10:30 answer almost when you are asked like
2:10:33 the people of Isa this is the day where
2:10:35 the truthful will be rewarded if you can
2:10:38 answer fine go ahead and do it I tell
2:10:40 you I cannot answer this way it's
2:10:43 impossible
2:10:45 excluded the cases of necessity that you
2:10:48 have no other way you are endurance
2:10:51 and this is then the the law of duress
2:10:54 which allows to do the Haram
2:10:56 but as you know with Haram but you are
2:10:58 doing it because of duress or because of
2:11:00 their need or something like that
2:11:03 that's something else but doesn't tend
2:11:05 to make it hella it's just are you
2:11:06 allowed to do it because by Divine
2:11:08 permission because of necessity and
2:11:10 viewers
2:11:12 that's it you have a device permission
2:11:14 for that
2:11:18 so find the Divine permission correct
2:11:20 one the correct one I told you the
2:11:21 correct one is like that and I don't
2:11:23 think
2:11:24 maybe in Britain maybe you cannot make a
2:11:26 contract like I think you can I think
2:11:28 someone should try it make the contract
2:11:30 formulated in gold and see I think the
2:11:33 high court will will accept it even the
2:11:36 states step in you can't you can you can
2:11:38 Comfort the state bucket I believe in
2:11:40 this and this and they do it this way
2:11:41 this way and and we do exchange at the
2:11:43 beginning I declared at a Marketplace
2:11:45 then and the exchange at the end of the
2:11:47 market twice then when it materializes
2:11:50 when the moment not specifying the price
2:11:52 today that will be again usually playing
2:11:54 the game no
2:12:01 agreement which the central banks are
2:12:04 using all the time is usurious that's
2:12:06 clearly your serious because they sell
2:12:09 you something with the condition that
2:12:10 they can't buy it back with a fixed
2:12:12 advice fixed now not buy it at the
2:12:14 market price in the future that's what
2:12:16 make it usurious
2:12:18 fixing the price now the brushes if you
2:12:20 had lifted
2:12:22 I have an option that to buy it back but
2:12:24 otherwise as it materializes in three
2:12:26 months that's okay I don't see there's
2:12:29 any problem in that
2:12:33 I'm not familiar with this type of
2:12:35 contract it's like a higher purchase or
2:12:36 a lease plan or something hmm
2:12:39 is is this a like a lease plan you mean
2:12:41 I'm not familiar with this no something
2:12:43 else this plan has some kind of rental
2:12:45 that has to be analyzed differently
2:12:48 so what's the salary depicted um what's
2:12:51 this scenario you've depicted I'm not
2:12:52 familiar with it no no necessarily
2:12:54 purchase the effects
2:12:56 entered the market and did one billion
2:12:58 of repo repurchase
2:13:01 okay selling bonds for example or buying
2:13:04 bonds buying bonds so you want to inject
2:13:07 cash in the market with the condition
2:13:10 that in three months
2:13:12 he will sell them so reverse the
2:13:14 operation at a fixed price fixed now
2:13:18 that has nothing to do with higher
2:13:20 pressures are there something else
2:13:21 that's a repo or they do the opposite
2:13:23 they want to use it with the local
2:13:24 liquidity of the market so what they do
2:13:28 they
2:13:30 sell the bonds
2:13:33 and take the money from the banks with
2:13:36 the stipulation after three months it
2:13:37 will be like that obviously they have
2:13:39 make a difference so it's attractive for
2:13:41 them for the banks to do that
2:13:43 the banks that we made would make
2:13:45 interest from that
2:13:47 but this way they suck the liquidity and
2:13:50 obviously that was one giving liquidity
2:13:51 that's one way of paying liquidity in
2:13:53 the market
2:13:54 repo
2:13:58 in a controlled way so they can reverse
2:14:00 it in a will established will time time
2:14:03 down the road normally they most of the
2:14:06 time they just sell bonds and buy bonds
2:14:08 and this way they get liquidity in
2:14:11 liquidity out and so on the only problem
2:14:13 with that is that one of the emphasis
2:14:14 are the use audience instrument as I
2:14:16 said that instrument is Haram that's the
2:14:18 problem from Islamic point of view but
2:14:20 like without terrible agreement it's
2:14:22 fine okay
2:14:31 okay so so
2:14:34 no no this is uh claiming that these
2:14:36 currencies are not currencies or or no
2:14:38 have a physical value
2:14:40 perfect for all of these does not bring
2:14:43 any any anywhere
2:14:46 it does have no import to the fact that
2:14:48 there are currencies accepted by the
2:14:50 people and they're using it for exchange
2:14:51 and there are countries
2:14:54 since there are currencies all the
2:14:56 lawsuit or user is not applied to them
2:14:58 like golden silver
2:15:03 okay
2:15:05 thank you very much I think that's
2:15:07 that's it okay
2:15:12 until next week inshallah
2:15:15 we'll see you Overton and um
2:15:21 Music
2:15:28 foreign
2:15:33 Music
2:15:46 Music
2:15:52 Music
2:15:57 foreign
2:16:01 Music
2:16:09 Music