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110 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-09-25)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

110 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI



المائدة ة

Summary of 110 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses various concepts relating to the Quran and Islam. He argues that some contemporary philosophers are attempting to reinterpret the Quran in a way that is far from its original meaning, and that this interpretation is contradictory and unsupported by evidence. He also discusses the idea that the universe may have been created by a Divine being, who is free and has the necessary knowledge and power to do so.

00:00:00 discusses the meaning of Surat Al Maidah Ayah 94, which discusses the prohibition of hunting. They explain that this prohibition is reinforced throughout the Quran, and that God will test humans to see who fears Him and who does not.

  • 00:05:00 Discusses the flawed theory of future events and actions of humans, and how they are not known in advance by Allah. It goes on to explain that this is because the future is open and subject to Allah's creation. Allah knows these things after they have happened, and they will not happen without his permission. Therefore, the theory of future events and actions of humans is wrong.
  • 00:10:00 discusses the problem with Divine knowledge being either zero or infinity, and argues that there is no escape from this dilemma. He goes on to argue that the only solution is for the Divine being to be a free agent who can choose whatever he wants. This solves the problem of fatalism and makes Revelation and religion meaningful.
  • 00:15:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses how free will is a matter of belief, not proof. He argues that the only guarantee of free will is the existence of God, and that any other theories of free will are ultimately based on illusion.
  • 00:20:00 The professor discusses the different possible outcomes of prophethood, including the possibility that a prophet can be rejected by his followers. He also provides an example of a third possible outcome, in which the prophet's followers should not be annihilated by a mass calamity.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the power of the mind, and how it can be used to heal oneself of various illnesses. The professor discusses a case where a man who was initially diagnosed with a very evil type of cancer was later found to be clean, and showed evidence of having undergone a Mind-Body-Control (MBC) intervention. He concludes that the power of the mind is a physical side of the metaphysical reality of Allah.
  • 00:30:00 discusses the placebo effect and how it can account for up to 30 percent of healing. It also discusses the divine power of Allah and how it cannot be composed or split, and how this makes it impossible for philosophers to argue against the existence of Allah.
  • 00:35:00 discusses the concept of Allah being all-knowing and all-powerful, and how this concept is conveyed in the Quran. He points out that the concept of Allah being all-powerful and all-knowing is a mental "optical illusion" that can be overcome by understanding that Allah's power and knowledge are reliant on His decision-making abilities.
  • 00:40:00 The professor discusses the idea that Allah is not in time or outside of time, and that the concept of space is subjective and can be controlled by the imagination. He also discusses the idea that there is no emptiness or fullness in space, and that the mathematical existence of space does not mean it can be set outside of the mind.
  • 00:45:00 The professor discusses the argument that Allah knows things in advance, and how this argument is irrefutable.
  • 00:50:00 This YouTube video, featuring Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari, discusses how some contemporary philosophers are attempting to reinterpret the Quran in a way that is far from its original meaning. Al Massari points out that this interpretation is contradictory and unsupported by evidence.
  • 00:55:00 discusses the idea that the universe may have been created by a Divine being, who is free and has the necessary knowledge and power to do so. He points out that this concept is contradictory, and ultimately leads to the conclusion that the universe may not be loving towards humanity.


features a critical scholar who analyzes the reliability of various hadith narrators and has determined that many of them are "fabricated." He goes on to discuss the origins of fatalism in Islam, explaining that it was likely encouraged by "simple-minded" narrators. also discusses the persecution of scholars who disagreed with Muhammad al Massari's interpretation of Quranic verses, and how this persecution has continued throughout history.

01:00:00 This 1-paragraph summary of the video discusses how a famous Hadith from Bukhari that says it's possible to abort a baby after six weeks has a flaw. The narrator points out that the Hadith is only from Abdullah Road's perspective about creation and what happened in the womb, and that the individual case is not the same.

  • 01:05:00 This professor discusses how to use the Quran and Hadith to understand Islamic rulings, and how classical scholars corroborate certain rulings with many sources. He also points out that seeing is not necessarily knowledge, and that understanding Islamic rulings requires knowledge of the universe and its laws.
  • 01:10:00 This 1-minute video discusses the meaning of Surat Al Ma'idah, which has no literal meaning. The professor explains that Surat Al Ma'idah is used to explain the Divine decision-making process, which is not yet enacted or in existence. He also mentions the classical arguments for which he hasn't found any evidence, and the accusation that Muhammad lies and accuses others of fabricating lies. finishes by saying that, although these accusations may be offensive to some people, they are most likely fabricated.
  • 01:15:00 features a critical scholar who has analyzed the reliability of various hadith narrators and has determined that many of them are "fabricated." He goes on to discuss the origins of fatalism in Islam, explaining that it was likely encouraged by "simple-minded" narrators.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses the persecution of scholars who disagreed with Muhammad al Massari's interpretation of Quranic verses. Massari notes that this persecution was not limited to one time or location, and that it has continued through history until today.
  • 01:25:00 discusses the issue of hunting, noting that while it is not allowed in certain areas, it is still allowed under certain conditions. He then goes on to say that if people disobey Allah's commands, they will receive a harsher punishment.
  • 01:30:00 provides a translation of a Quranic passage discussing the law of compensation for killing an animal. According to the passage, the perpetrator of an intentional animal kill must make amends by either sacrificing an equivalent domestic animal (usually a cow), feeding the needy, or fasting for a number of days. If the perpetrator commits the act again, God will punish him severely.
  • 01:35:00 Discusses the legality of hunting water game in Mecca, and clarified that this is not limited to those who are in the state of pilgrimage.
  • 01:40:00 The state is allowed to enforce certain obligations of Islam, such as wearing hijab and praying, but is not allowed to interfere with individuals' personal beliefs. This is an important question because the definition of the state has been changed multiple times and is often enforced to an extreme level.
  • 01:45:00 describes how a ruler should obey even if he commands haram, as long as he is acting according to orders from Allah. It also discusses the importance of a ruler's guardianship of the faith, and how this is not an exclusively Muslim concept. Finally, the video discusses how a ruler's power is not unlimited, and how he is subject to criticism and oversight.
  • 01:50:00 Discusses how Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was not allowed to have any dominance or control over the people in Makkah, and how he was not allowed to force anyone to believe in him. It goes on to say that he was only allowed to seek refuge from the people, and that he did not establish a state or have any authority above them. Finally, the video reviews the argument for and against studying Quran, and concludes that it is important to start from zero and avoid making assumptions.
  • 01:55:00 The narrator explains that the Quraishi tribe was not under Muhammad's command and that it was better for him to call for consultation before starting a war with them. He also mentions that the Quraishi could have said they didn't want Muhammad to fight them outside of Medina, but they didn't.


Professor Dr. Muhammad al Massari discusses the meaning of Surat Al Ma'idah and how it applies to current events. He also discusses the importance of following Allah's commandments and warns of the dangers of murder. He concludes the video by stressing the importance of referring issues of war and peace to the head of state.

02:00:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad al Massari discusses the meaning of Surat Al Ma'idah and how it applies to current events. He also discusses the importance of following Allah's commandments and warns of the dangers of murder. He concludes the video by stressing the importance of referring issues of war and peace to the head of state.

  • 02:05:00 Discusses the Hadith that states that if a woman leads her household properly, she will not be punished by Allah. It then goes on to discuss the Hadith that states that if a man leads his household properly, he will not be punished by Allah. then discusses the Hadith that states that if a person walks behind the Messenger of Allah, he will be punished. It concludes by discussing how these Hadith support the idea that a woman should lead her household properly.
  • 02:10:00 Discusses how Muhammad al Massari, a professor of Qur'anic tafsir (interpretation), thinks that the prophet Muhammad may have enforced strict laws against dog-related crimes in order to prevent the spread of a disease. He also suggests that the prophet Muhammad may have been motivated by public safety and public health concerns.
  • 02:15:00 Discusses the Islamic requirement for women to cover their entire body, including their vagina and anus. It also discusses the need for men to cover their entire body. concludes that the minimum requirement for both women and men to cover their bodies is not enough.
  • 02:20:00 Discusses the Hadith in which the Prophet said that he would not enforce any punishment against those who desert their Islamic faith. It also discusses how this Hadith is not an authority, as it was not enacted by the Prophet himself.
  • 02:25:00 The professor discusses the morality of allowing women to be in public without covering up, and argues that it is best for society as a whole. He goes on to say that this issue should be left to society to decide, as it is not a matter of philosophical consideration.
  • 02:30:00 Discusses the Shia Muslim practice of claiming an "Imam" or "leader" who does not actually exist, and how this practice has led to political fragmentation and decay in Shia Islam.
  • 02:35:00 The professor discusses the Verse of Marriage, which states that a man is allowed to have fireworks during his wedding celebration. He explains that this Verse is referring to someone who is actually fighting and not just having a display.
  • 02:40:00 Discusses a public demonstration by a professor that disrespecting other Muslims amounts to apostasy and can lead to a Muslim's disbelief in Allah. He goes on to say that the Shi'a are even worse off than Sunnis since they openly declare themselves to be tyrannical.
  • 02:45:00 The professor discusses the differences between Islamic and Western views on female modesty, explaining that while the Islamic view is that women should cover their entire body except their face and hands, the Western view is that women should only cover their face and hands. He goes on to say that, even though the Western view is more tolerant, it is still not permissible for women to go topless in public.
  • 02:50:00 discusses the idea that Allah knows what people will choose in the past and what their choices will lead to, and that He is not surprised by them. He also discusses the idea that Madina is better than Mecca, despite the fact that it is not expressed very clearly in the Quran.
  • 02:55:00 The presenter gives a short summary of a video in which a professor discusses the concept of pre-knowledge and Allah's knowledge. He goes on to say that the traditional understanding of Muslim Scholars is that Allah knows things but his knowledge is not necessarily here in this world, and that some choices are allowed to happen even if they are not necessarily knowable.


the professor discusses how time can be viewed as a possibility, and how knowledge would follow if a decision were made to bring a thing into existence. He goes on to say that this is how Allah views time, and that everything that exists does so because Allah has willed it into existence.

03:00:00 The professor discusses how time can be viewed as a possibility, and how knowledge would follow if a decision were made to bring a thing into existence.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:06 Music
0:00:19 thank you
0:00:20 Music
0:00:35 welcome dear visit the viewers brothers
0:00:38 and sisters to episode 110 over the
0:00:40 first sessions of the noble Quran with
0:00:42 Professor Dr Muhammad al-masari these
0:00:46 episodes are broadcast live on the study
0:00:47 Circles of Professor Dr Mohammed the
0:00:50 Mastery YouTube channel every Sunday at
0:00:52 2PM British summer time we invite you to
0:00:55 subscribe to the channel and activate
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0:00:58 content please note also the link to the
0:01:00 live broadcast for why the dissemination
0:01:02 do not forget to interact with us during
0:01:04 the broadcast by participating in the
0:01:06 comments and asking questions through
0:01:08 the chat box you will you will find via
0:01:10 the broadcast link next to the video
0:01:12 also do not forget to support our
0:01:13 activities by donating when asking
0:01:15 questions in the conversation or through
0:01:17 the thank you button under our video
0:01:19 today is Sunday the 25th of September
0:01:22 the doctor continues with interpretation
0:01:25 of the fears of Surat al-maida
0:01:29 Ayah 94.
0:01:33 at the end we'll have half an hour
0:01:35 discussing what's going on in Iran and
0:01:37 issues related the enforcement of the
0:01:38 state of certain regulations but that's
0:01:41 to the end
0:01:54 go ahead start sometimes Solutions
0:01:57 oh you who have attained to face most
0:01:59 certainly God will try you by means of
0:02:01 the game which may we come within the
0:02:04 reach of your hands and your weapons
0:02:06 while you are on pilgrimage for that God
0:02:09 might Mark out of the out those who fear
0:02:11 Him although he is beyond the reach of
0:02:14 human perception and as for him who
0:02:18 after all this transgresses the Browns
0:02:20 of what is Right Grievous suffering
0:02:23 awaits him next translation Believers
0:02:26 God it is sure to tempt you with Wild
0:02:28 games that come Within Reach of your
0:02:30 hands and weapon so he can identify
0:02:33 those who fear Him even though they
0:02:35 think he is not watching whoever
0:02:37 oversteps the limit will have a painful
0:02:39 punishment
0:02:41 okay a few things there that says okay
0:02:44 because the swallow started also they
0:02:46 showed hunting that in the in the in the
0:02:49 right sanctuary of Mecca which is well
0:02:52 marked and well known since the time of
0:02:54 Abraham has been tested by the certain
0:02:57 Market which have been a renewed and
0:02:59 repainted time of Rocket and well-being
0:03:01 will be will usually they're usually
0:03:04 renewed every few decades by painting
0:03:06 and enforcing that the stone so it is
0:03:08 like a block of stones on top of each
0:03:11 other no it's very firm and if they if
0:03:15 they are changing a little bit over the
0:03:17 generations people add more Stones there
0:03:19 and then paint it white you see this is
0:03:21 the holy Sanctuary inside the sanctuary
0:03:25 uh hunting is not permitted at all
0:03:27 whatsoever
0:03:29 or otherwise you are living there you
0:03:31 are settled not settled and also cutting
0:03:34 trees Etc without one exception or two
0:03:36 but also for those attending to uh to uh
0:03:40 to to Hajj the moment they are in the
0:03:44 state of Haram they put their clothing
0:03:47 then they are prohibiting prohibited
0:03:50 from hunting uh
0:03:52 land hunting not sea hunting we
0:03:55 discussed at the beginning with the
0:03:56 Surah and then the issue is really
0:03:58 reinforced again we say Allah will test
0:04:00 you now with some easy game which you
0:04:02 can easily issue your hands and with
0:04:04 your Spears so Allah will test you to
0:04:07 know who will reveal him the word will
0:04:09 ripe fear him without being being able
0:04:12 to perceive Allah by direct senses the
0:04:15 word meaning see it is hidden Allah is
0:04:17 hidden from the immediate sense
0:04:19 perception so because it is since since
0:04:24 perceptions human being tend to worry
0:04:26 about what they see and hear and
0:04:28 perceive immediately so because they
0:04:30 don't perceive Allah directly it may go
0:04:33 out of your mind I think he is not
0:04:34 watching you or not knowing what you do
0:04:36 but his Rock he wash and knows what you
0:04:38 are doing and
0:04:51 I'm now certain it is faulty because we
0:04:53 discussed it several times they said
0:04:55 this is uh
0:04:57 this has to be interpreted that because
0:05:00 according to the faulty theory of future
0:05:03 events and actions of humans and so on
0:05:05 and whatever it is never is known to
0:05:07 Allah in advance alleged by at the
0:05:11 beginning of the of time at the
0:05:13 beginning of uh but we have clarified I
0:05:16 think in various discussion that this is
0:05:18 wrong this is a this is because the
0:05:20 future is open and this is subject to
0:05:22 Allah creation so Allah knows these
0:05:25 things after they have happened and they
0:05:26 will not happen without his permission
0:05:28 so he knows the possibilities and the
0:05:30 contingency but will it happen or what
0:05:32 will happen exactly how it will happen
0:05:34 has to materialize in time and that
0:05:37 Allah knows that it has happened as
0:05:39 original known to be possible to happen
0:05:41 it's a bit complex but we discussed it
0:05:44 so there's no need to say that Allah may
0:05:47 know has to be reinterpreted that's
0:05:49 that's what Allah origin was come a
0:05:51 reality that's that's our wrong
0:05:52 interpretation which leads to joburg
0:05:55 meaning fatalism
0:05:58 the catastrophe of fatalities is not
0:06:01 that fatalism this is that Human Action
0:06:03 and human will is is just a an illusion
0:06:05 it's not true the worst aspect of it is
0:06:08 that Allah doesn't become become a free
0:06:10 agent he becomes like a dead nature
0:06:13 which acting by necessity I think we
0:06:15 discussed that several times that there
0:06:16 was various discussion in in various
0:06:19 Arabic but we did not have maybe we
0:06:22 should one day have a series of English
0:06:24 discussion about that and the best thing
0:06:27 is maybe to wait until I have completed
0:06:29 the book in Arabic we get it translated
0:06:31 uh about Qatar specifically and and then
0:06:35 outside the transition we may have
0:06:37 Holocaust related to that but definitely
0:06:39 all these old theories are based on
0:06:42 faulty assumptions about the nature of
0:06:45 divine knowledge not recognizing that
0:06:48 that the essential or most important
0:06:51 Divine attribute is necessarily existing
0:06:53 and absolute freedom and sovereignty and
0:06:56 the there's obviously definitely
0:06:58 knowledge knowledge related to anything
0:07:00 knowable but the future events are not
0:07:03 yet knowable until I decided that they
0:07:05 happen when they happen then they become
0:07:07 knowable not before because they don't
0:07:09 exist so it's impossible to know exactly
0:07:11 like the the Divine the unlimited and
0:07:14 comprehensive divine power does not
0:07:16 extend to the uh will essentially and
0:07:19 rationally impossible so it is a
0:07:22 question like can God split himself into
0:07:24 no that's that's a absolute question
0:07:27 because the divine power although
0:07:29 unlimited but it is relating only to
0:07:32 contingencies possible things impossible
0:07:35 things that is by themselves like no no
0:07:37 question like that can Allah negative
0:07:39 himself
0:07:41 a child of Divine Essence meaning he can
0:07:44 split some of his being and become a
0:07:47 civil right being all of these things
0:07:48 are impossibilities and the divine power
0:07:50 does not accent to that it's ill-defined
0:07:53 has nothing to do with power because it
0:07:55 will validate the fundamental necessity
0:07:58 of reasons and the Wonder necessity of
0:08:00 the meaning of power the meaning of will
0:08:03 so that's just a note you'll find the
0:08:05 Quran plenty of places and the other
0:08:06 classical schoolers
0:08:08 is already in advance but the element is
0:08:11 just has to be reinterpreted that it
0:08:13 becomes knowable for everyone else
0:08:15 that's not true it's really Adam because
0:08:17 it's not known who will fear him until
0:08:19 they fear him or not fear Him
0:08:21 individually the possibility is there
0:08:24 everyone everyone is possibly in the
0:08:26 future going to fear Allah or not to
0:08:28 fear Allah these possibilities are known
0:08:29 at every moment of time Allah knows all
0:08:31 the contingency next for the next moment
0:08:34 but which one will realize some of them
0:08:36 he decide to realize them by force some
0:08:39 he give give humans the ability to make
0:08:41 a free choice on that and then after
0:08:43 that then the result is known Etc so it
0:08:47 does not create any contradiction the
0:08:49 other point of view will make will
0:08:51 necessarily necessary that Allah is
0:08:54 becoming a a deaf-blind dead nature and
0:08:58 not a a free agent and by foreign
0:09:03 either he's absolutely free
0:09:07 behind any bound or any condition my
0:09:09 condition him or he is absolutely
0:09:11 non-free for the foreign
0:09:17 that can be for contingent being it's
0:09:20 very possible that animals have a
0:09:22 certain limited free will they can
0:09:23 choose between various food and so on or
0:09:26 instinctively but but there's still some
0:09:29 choice you can test even your own dog or
0:09:31 your cat about these things and you see
0:09:33 that they have some kind of choice and
0:09:35 that goes higher to a human who can show
0:09:37 his even Destiny can show his
0:09:39 show is can make his own future more
0:09:43 more effectively much more effectively
0:09:45 than animals animals are almost almost
0:09:47 mechanism but with a bit of choice
0:09:49 humans are not mechanisms with
0:09:52 considerable Choice yes it's limited by
0:09:54 whatever whatever in the universe
0:09:57 on the on the the necessities of nature
0:10:00 but it's still a genuinely free choice
0:10:03 so that's possible for contingent and
0:10:05 created being but for divine our first
0:10:07 system means either zero or Infinity
0:10:09 that's either he has free will or he has
0:10:12 none and free will will be that absolute
0:10:14 and Sovereign
0:10:19 setting of necessity there's no other
0:10:21 solution for the problem except one or
0:10:23 the two so the problem with this pretty
0:10:25 Divine prior knowledge prayer knowledge
0:10:27 and the so-called the cover not is
0:10:30 something else we discussed that several
0:10:31 times
0:10:32 fundamental problem of that is that
0:10:36 it's not that if there's issues of human
0:10:37 nature always is the humans are
0:10:39 compelled with the fatalism this is a
0:10:41 problem definitely which makes
0:10:42 Revelation and religion meaningless
0:10:45 what's the meaning of injunction if it's
0:10:47 already known that some people will
0:10:49 comply and some will not comply and they
0:10:50 cannot change anyway
0:10:52 because how can you change
0:10:55 Divine knowledge meaning that Divine
0:10:57 knowledge can we tend to be acknowledged
0:10:59 and still and ignorance that's not
0:11:01 possible so it's not possible there's no
0:11:02 way but the main problem is that for the
0:11:05 Divine being himself
0:11:07 the catastrophe is that he will be then
0:11:10 acting by necessity he will be enchanted
0:11:12 by his own knowledge
0:11:14 better say he has no knowledge he's not
0:11:16 just a mechanism he's a dead blind
0:11:20 a mute nature
0:11:22 so there's no that's not the definition
0:11:24 of divine being that's exactly what we
0:11:26 have who is being refuted when we
0:11:28 discuss the evidences for existence of
0:11:31 God is that that the universe
0:11:34 has certain option parameters at the
0:11:37 beginning which must be chosen yes them
0:11:39 have to be fine-tuned for this is this
0:11:41 is a that's indicate wisdom and
0:11:44 knowledge but what we need is just that
0:11:46 they have to be chosen and choice is not
0:11:49 possible for for a mechanism it has to
0:11:51 be a free agent choose a and b There's
0:11:54 No Escape
0:11:55 that the choices are almost infinite and
0:11:58 it has to be so fine-tuned as an extra
0:12:00 extra bonus so the fine-tuned argument
0:12:02 is good
0:12:03 but it goes over the boat it adds more
0:12:06 than what's needed what was needed is
0:12:07 just there's a choice
0:12:09 it's going to be a dead blind deaf
0:12:12 nature
0:12:13 that's all what you need for the proving
0:12:15 that there is an entity which can be
0:12:17 called divide meaning a free agent
0:12:18 that's a distinction between a dead
0:12:20 blind nature which acts by necessity
0:12:23 and then he said no this may doesn't
0:12:25 make any sense to attribute to this
0:12:27 nature anything like knowledge why
0:12:29 what's the purpose of attribution what
0:12:31 does knowledge mean for a dead blind
0:12:33 nature it acts by necessity no need for
0:12:35 any postulating any knowledge or the
0:12:37 other entity which has a choice then by
0:12:40 necessity concept of shows that
0:12:41 notifications until that entity is
0:12:43 having knowledge
0:12:45 but if it has knowledge because it's
0:12:46 necessary it must be knowledge which
0:12:48 extends to all contingencies you knows
0:12:51 in Eternity for the beginning of time he
0:12:53 knows all possible universes all
0:12:55 continues all Necessities you know
0:12:57 himself all these decisions or his own
0:13:00 nature sufficiently we should not say
0:13:03 comprehensively because comprehensive
0:13:04 will lead some logical problems right
0:13:06 sufficiently all of that's known to him
0:13:08 then the moment the universe is chosen
0:13:10 then thinks that's the that's the Qatar
0:13:13 a universal set instructions that's what
0:13:16 has been written before the creation or
0:13:20 whatever that I had to say about time of
0:13:22 the methods before the before the start
0:13:24 of time but together at the start of
0:13:26 time that's the macady the structure and
0:13:28 the nature of the universe our universe
0:13:30 is shows in such a way that they will be
0:13:32 in due course not immediately in due
0:13:35 course possibly immediately if angels
0:13:37 are a really free agent in the sense we
0:13:39 don't know but in due course there will
0:13:41 be being who have a genuine or the
0:13:44 limited but a genuine free choice
0:13:47 but this really shows that the Quran
0:13:49 says could not have happened except with
0:13:51 Allah permission and every Every Act of
0:13:54 choice Allah must permit them to choose
0:13:56 whatever they choose otherwise they
0:13:58 cannot choose but permit the choice so
0:14:01 by Every Act and all the in the design
0:14:03 in the beginning and also every act so
0:14:07 as it was so the Ayah is correct and the
0:14:10 the meaning is
0:14:12 whatever you choose you cannot choose
0:14:15 unless Allah make a choice that you
0:14:18 choose what you choose choose whatever
0:14:21 you choose that's that must be like that
0:14:24 otherwise it doesn't make any sense so
0:14:27 all the eyes of the Quran synchronize
0:14:29 probably and all these all problems of
0:14:32 fatalism are dissolved not because we
0:14:35 are worried about fatalism for human
0:14:37 being although you should be worried
0:14:38 because fatalism meaning Revelation and
0:14:40 injunction don't make any sense and even
0:14:42 all what the courts are doing and all of
0:14:44 this is empty doesn't make any sense
0:14:47 it's just nonsensical it's based on an
0:14:49 illusion that that can't be but worse
0:14:52 than that is that the Divine being is a
0:14:54 new mechanism then we are going back to
0:14:55 it is
0:14:56 but if you go back to the atheism then
0:14:59 they may be in the nation somehow free
0:15:02 will have emerged somehow in a
0:15:03 complicated way but they will be we
0:15:05 always doubt is this Free Will so an
0:15:07 atheist cannot really prove that Free
0:15:10 Will is genuine because this could be an
0:15:12 illusion
0:15:15 the only guarantee that this is what you
0:15:17 feel as a free will genuinely feel that
0:15:18 you can really generally use without
0:15:20 being compelled by any other Bye Bye Bye
0:15:23 Bye Bye by by the food you ate in the
0:15:26 morning or by but the action of your
0:15:28 parents or grandparents hundreds of
0:15:30 years ago that all did not merge such a
0:15:32 way that that show is which you think
0:15:34 history is not free that's genuinely
0:15:36 free is only by the guarantee of the
0:15:38 divide the excesses over there in Divine
0:15:41 being and the Revelation saying that you
0:15:42 have a free choice and you are
0:15:44 responsible for it which taking this
0:15:45 necess yet that it's a genuinely free
0:15:48 choice yes it's limited it's a Wide
0:15:50 Circle but but in that Circle you have a
0:15:53 free choice
0:15:54 it's a very white circle
0:15:56 but finite it's not like the Divine
0:15:59 being which has no sense infinite Circle
0:16:01 if you if you're allowed to use the word
0:16:04 in for the second there's no limitation
0:16:05 to his freedom but created being will
0:16:09 have a center limitation well I have a
0:16:11 very small circle like for some animals
0:16:12 barely recognizable as a free area or a
0:16:17 very wide range of of possibility of
0:16:20 choices but still in that range he is
0:16:22 really a free agent
0:16:24 over the limitation the only guarantee
0:16:27 for that is is existing of God and this
0:16:29 is Revelations otherwise we have no
0:16:31 guarantee the other one can be always
0:16:32 argued to be early illusion and this is
0:16:34 one of the problems as for abdulbasa's
0:16:36 brother I think but is it most likely
0:16:38 that's the one of the main problems we
0:16:40 have with the theory of relativity three
0:16:42 things at a time like like space and
0:16:45 going for minus infinity to plus
0:16:46 infinity so I essentially having no
0:16:48 beginning which is formally mathematical
0:16:50 you can design a space called link of
0:16:53 space for that in that case
0:16:55 everything is set the future and parts
0:16:57 are there but you don't see them you
0:16:59 advance to them they are there
0:17:02 so is so such such a vision of the
0:17:05 universe a vision of time will lead
0:17:07 necessarily to uh to fatalism
0:17:11 whatever you argue there's no way you
0:17:13 can't get out of fatalism with yourself
0:17:14 you'll have to you have to portray
0:17:15 something differently
0:17:17 that is the the reality approximately
0:17:19 maybe in our neighborhood of the earth
0:17:21 and so on I discussed that with Abdullah
0:17:23 there are other physicists in time past
0:17:26 that's approximately description but if
0:17:28 you look to the whole universe it is
0:17:29 invalid time has a direction that starts
0:17:32 with zero there's no negative time
0:17:34 absolutely does not exist and these
0:17:36 mathematical models for that but this is
0:17:38 too deep for the general public who are
0:17:40 not going to go there but if someone
0:17:41 interested in that inshallah will be
0:17:43 having that for the people who are
0:17:45 interested in that but in any case
0:17:48 foreign
0:17:51 time is an expression of the Divine
0:17:53 activities and absolute control of Allah
0:17:56 and all events happening
0:17:59 are contingent and they will not happen
0:18:01 at large experiment to happen and act or
0:18:03 a permit some actor to do them according
0:18:05 to his will it's impossible everything
0:18:08 otherwise and this mandates that the
0:18:11 so-called Divine foreknowledge in the
0:18:13 way the classic Summer Classic
0:18:14 understood that he knows that you next
0:18:17 year that Rush next year will be doing
0:18:19 Hajj in Mecca is not true
0:18:21 it's possible that you know that it's
0:18:23 possible but will it happen we limited
0:18:25 realize it depending on certain
0:18:26 condition we still will come in the
0:18:28 future and some of them depend upon
0:18:29 other things who may depend upon other
0:18:31 hits they've been through other things
0:18:32 and that's all under the Divine control
0:18:34 and possibility of directing
0:18:37 in certain things Allah may decide
0:18:39 something must happen in the future and
0:18:42 you put the condition aside from today
0:18:43 and enforce it because with his absolute
0:18:46 power yeah that's possible but not
0:18:48 everything in the future is closed
0:18:51 there's no absolute evidence that it is
0:18:54 uh it must come there no doubt it must
0:18:56 come that it has a specific date already
0:18:58 fixed now
0:19:03 is necessarily coming I am almost hiding
0:19:07 it says
0:19:09 hiding it from myself but this is not
0:19:12 the correct interpretation he said it is
0:19:13 still not decided which what is the
0:19:15 moment specifically but it will be and
0:19:17 due course decided and it must be
0:19:19 decided after some finite time without
0:19:22 any doubt so
0:19:25 so but also also that had you say that
0:19:28 are fighting between Heaven and Earth
0:19:30 forever
0:19:33 helps from that what has been already
0:19:35 come down or has happened what the
0:19:38 Futures what meaning the Dua can help so
0:19:40 for example I would say the cover may
0:19:42 come down
0:19:44 is coming that you should die but you
0:19:47 pray for this disease that you pray for
0:19:49 Allah for healing sincerely and deeply
0:19:51 and the Dua is is able even to to pursue
0:19:54 to change that this again
0:19:58 oh that's all clearly that it's open the
0:20:00 decisions changeable and the Quran says
0:20:06 writes and erases whatever he wants and
0:20:08 he has the master of the books
0:20:10 Masterworks is is a metaphor for uh for
0:20:15 uh the Divine knowledge so the theory of
0:20:18 the fixed Divine knowledge or the
0:20:20 four-dimensional space-time which
0:20:22 extends on all these theories will will
0:20:25 contradict the age of uh the the free
0:20:29 agent nature of Allah that is foreign
0:20:45 except few issues and so on and they can
0:20:48 be interpreted probably as I said like
0:20:51 for example some people ask somebody
0:20:55 came down
0:20:57 uh that he will be ending the Hellfire
0:21:00 how can we understood that by the
0:21:02 openness the future is open yeah because
0:21:04 the moment that I was revealed Allah
0:21:07 decided
0:21:09 is essentially dead he has the those of
0:21:13 terrible for him have been closed he
0:21:15 will be stuck in his comfort until he
0:21:17 dies and he will enter Hellfire that's
0:21:18 it Escape but the only one that I came
0:21:21 not before before that I are coming it
0:21:23 was still open when the IM came that's
0:21:25 the reason some old people they they are
0:21:28 they insult or are abused with the title
0:21:31 kadari meaning had nothing to do with
0:21:35 it if
0:21:38 the Divine knowledge before as the
0:21:41 people claim for the creation of time
0:21:42 then Allah has no argument against the
0:21:45 creation
0:21:45 this is already in your knowledge I know
0:21:48 your knowledge can obtain be false
0:21:50 this is impossible
0:21:52 and this is a very valid and deep
0:21:54 argument but the people
0:21:55 have usually mocked the certain
0:21:57 arguments
0:21:59 and claiming that Allah is not telling
0:22:02 you the truth and he doesn't know the
0:22:03 future because because they do not
0:22:05 analyze things deeply
0:22:08 so the way the phrase
0:22:09 so that Allah will know who feared him
0:22:12 who doesn't fear is correct doesn't need
0:22:15 to be reinterpreted and Allah is not
0:22:17 known the contingency the possibility is
0:22:20 not every human being when tested while
0:22:23 going to Hajj every pale girl or every
0:22:26 Pilgrim who's going to Hajj and who
0:22:29 faces the testing everyone is have the
0:22:32 opportunity of this and this and only
0:22:34 the test itself
0:22:37 genuinely and who doesn't fear and who
0:22:39 is conscious of Allah so that it will
0:22:41 prevent himself from the easy game and
0:22:43 the other who is not conscious of Allah
0:22:45 but this has to come a reality then this
0:22:48 one is known as recorded as as a sinful
0:22:50 violator and this one has as a as a
0:22:53 writers and Pious uh believer who
0:22:57 accumulated the Commandments anyway I
0:23:00 think we Kadar is a very complex issue
0:23:03 we cannot take like this
0:23:06 which has been said the beginning of
0:23:09 time that's finished that's the system
0:23:10 how it is understood and there's no way
0:23:12 it can be changed except sometimes Allah
0:23:15 decides to break the system of the
0:23:18 universe or the laws by performing or
0:23:20 letting his purpose for Americans that's
0:23:22 that that is the exception of the rules
0:23:24 but that's done and that's it that's not
0:23:27 going to change the universe is not
0:23:28 going to be revamped
0:23:30 even within the supplication of profit
0:23:32 like for example when when the prophet
0:23:34 was applicated that his ummah should not
0:23:36 be having an invites and conflicts Allah
0:23:39 said
0:23:44 I have already decreed that that human
0:23:47 nature human beings will have a
0:23:50 different point of view on there but but
0:23:52 what I can give you is that
0:23:55 no enemy will overcome them and
0:23:57 annihilate them until they fight against
0:23:59 each other and kill each other that's
0:24:01 what I can give you that one is not
0:24:02 possible it's done that's that's that
0:24:04 that's good that's done in the beginning
0:24:06 so even that is not accessible anymore
0:24:08 things like that
0:24:10 was accepted so I'll accept it he made
0:24:14 three like any Prophet has a three dawah
0:24:16 which will be responded to and he said
0:24:18 he since this one was not accepted he
0:24:21 postponded for shavai or Muslim say okay
0:24:23 then I will postpone this request for
0:24:25 you
0:24:26 also like I said that's fine I give that
0:24:28 to you
0:24:34 nothing for himself one is that they
0:24:36 should not be annihilated by by a mass
0:24:38 Calamity like like a mass drowning like
0:24:41 a people of new or like like earthquake
0:24:43 and anything all of them completely
0:24:45 that's it and another one of similar
0:24:48 type
0:24:49 the third one that they should not have
0:24:51 the spirit between accept us no
0:24:54 that's not possibly not possible
0:24:57 so even though I sometimes cannot be
0:24:59 because it some some people make it
0:25:01 which requires the system of their
0:25:04 inverse changes system of the universe
0:25:06 not the individual case like for example
0:25:09 if you're if you have if you have a
0:25:10 cancer for example the normal or other
0:25:13 things is that you die from it
0:25:15 but this thought is not a necessity it's
0:25:18 very possible that you may recover
0:25:19 spontaneously and so it's also once
0:25:22 application you may you you may you may
0:25:26 also recover or on the devotional act
0:25:28 there was one uh some one of my data is
0:25:30 in Florida in the 80s he was studying
0:25:33 there and they have they know
0:25:35 um they know a friend of them he said
0:25:37 yeah and he felt something strange and
0:25:40 his testicle so he went to the door I
0:25:42 think he was studying medicine
0:25:43 this is this kind of kind of sarcoma or
0:25:46 something a very evil type which is very
0:25:48 fast sorry nothing can be done and that
0:25:51 that is already it's already started and
0:25:53 the moment you feel it it should have
0:25:55 spread
0:25:56 and just write your will and manage your
0:25:59 Affairs because you have maximum three
0:26:01 three months so you say you have a three
0:26:03 months do you think you control the
0:26:04 invest I will show you that you are
0:26:05 wrong and he went to comra went to took
0:26:08 a plane took omra performance came back
0:26:12 no cancel zero zilch someone could say
0:26:15 that's not what I call this is a place
0:26:16 that's the mind control of the body
0:26:19 whatever it is
0:26:21 but dying from even the most evil type
0:26:24 of cancer is not a necessity it can be
0:26:26 it can be removed by Mind Body Control
0:26:29 will prevail the theory of placebo
0:26:31 families can use by divine intervention
0:26:33 this is all right we don't know what has
0:26:35 happened in the background
0:26:37 physically this cancer is gone today's
0:26:40 less nothing
0:26:42 no not even signal to Castle no not even
0:26:45 anyone with the indicators and the
0:26:46 enzymatic there are many things in
0:26:48 synthetic tests and blood tests will
0:26:50 show certain certain characteristic
0:26:52 materials which indicate cancer
0:26:53 Everything clean
0:26:55 and many years after that he still clean
0:26:59 so
0:27:00 Malacca Maybe
0:27:02 just Mind Body Control Maybe
0:27:06 that's right we don't know Aussie Allah
0:27:08 know what has happened there but I would
0:27:09 I would venture it is because of of him
0:27:13 perform a camera and insisting that
0:27:14 Allah is more powerful than your claims
0:27:16 and you don't know the future the one
0:27:18 who control the future and trusting with
0:27:21 that having the the Deep faith and that
0:27:24 and going even performing Umbra was
0:27:26 sufficient to get it done
0:27:28 mechanism Chef the physical mechanism we
0:27:31 don't know that's interesting because
0:27:33 I'm I've been reading this book called
0:27:35 yum you are the placebo making your mind
0:27:38 matter so there's a lot of anecdotal
0:27:40 evidence of people actually curing
0:27:42 themselves just through positive
0:27:43 thinking I know it sounds a bit bizarre
0:27:45 uh but there is whatever possible that's
0:27:48 very well possible
0:27:49 yeah that's it just because I think it's
0:27:53 not that he has the power is it he rely
0:27:55 on Allah and perform um so I would say
0:27:57 that maybe but it's still positive
0:27:59 thinking so you cannot use that as an
0:28:02 evidence for an atheist not that if I'm
0:28:04 being accepted definitely not definitely
0:28:06 not because I remember reading some one
0:28:10 atheist stupid guy he's biologist and he
0:28:13 was doing say strength going to hospital
0:28:14 and asking people to supplicate and
0:28:16 record who will recovers recover I said
0:28:19 this this man is an idiot they think
0:28:21 Allah is like a big rat you put it in a
0:28:23 in a box and do experimentation it's a
0:28:26 joke that's not the way it works
0:28:29 but he he he thought this way he would
0:28:33 be able to verify or or deny the
0:28:35 existence of Allah I said that let's
0:28:37 show us a stupidity and other
0:28:39 mindlessness
0:28:41 the Divine existence is not based on
0:28:44 that some people supplicate and get
0:28:45 cured no based on that the Universe
0:28:47 could not have kids started without
0:28:49 every agent that's it that's it what
0:28:52 happens the address after that is that
0:28:54 the power of the mind is the power of
0:28:55 the Divine maybe the power of the mind
0:28:57 is just just a physical side or the this
0:29:01 this side of the metaphysical reality of
0:29:03 Allah
0:29:05 right so you interpret it as the power
0:29:07 of the mind but where is the power of
0:29:08 mind come what's the meaning of mind
0:29:10 it's just a projection of the Divine
0:29:12 mind in the creative Realm
0:29:15 because their mind and Free Will in the
0:29:16 create in the created being is is quite
0:29:19 shocking it's very difficult to
0:29:20 understand
0:29:24 if there's something which is is is is
0:29:27 unique and and almost like the the
0:29:31 statement something exists
0:29:33 until this this is just you perceive it
0:29:35 as a success or not exist you're
0:29:37 perceiving yourself that you exist that
0:29:39 you could not have been possibly
0:29:40 recognizing yourself existence if you
0:29:42 did not exist it's the same with free
0:29:44 will it is there but you cannot explain
0:29:46 it
0:29:47 because we have a limited uh limited
0:29:50 mind an infinite mind would regard that
0:29:52 as so obvious as we regard existence and
0:29:55 uh the the impossibility of
0:29:57 contradiction as obvious but we cannot
0:29:59 say because it seems to be much deeper
0:30:01 that's related to issues of mind and
0:30:03 free will but this is
0:30:05 a little bit too deep Philosophy for for
0:30:07 that but it's enough just to touch her
0:30:09 so even with the effect of mind on the
0:30:12 body and the placebo effect
0:30:14 maybe like a shadow of the divine power
0:30:17 from the precipical side but we can say
0:30:20 it in the side to close orientation
0:30:22 those studies do statistics it turns out
0:30:25 that the placebo effect could even
0:30:27 account in the average about 30 percent
0:30:29 of the healing that's the reason they
0:30:31 have to to have really a persuasive
0:30:33 proof that this drug or this this diet
0:30:37 or this procedure is really uh is there
0:30:41 a cure you have to do to do a placebo
0:30:44 a double-blind placebo-controlled
0:30:47 experiment and for humans
0:30:50 but sometimes even for Animals the
0:30:52 reason is that because you as expectator
0:30:54 you may affect the animal behavior or
0:30:56 behave some in such a way that the
0:30:58 result comes out according to your your
0:31:00 wish so they have to do it even better
0:31:02 in the case of animals sometimes double
0:31:03 blind you don't know which animal is
0:31:05 getting that so you make a double blood
0:31:06 you don't know and the animals do not
0:31:08 know
0:31:09 in the case of humans you don't know and
0:31:11 the subject do not know and
0:31:14 it has been shown considerable with
0:31:17 considerable in many cases that that the
0:31:20 placebo group which is not achieving the
0:31:22 attack responded positively up to 30
0:31:25 percent so if if the other side does not
0:31:28 show 70 80 percent of cure then it says
0:31:31 the Cure may be just Placebo maybe just
0:31:32 a Mind Body Control
0:31:36 but this is these are interesting areas
0:31:38 you'll go a little bit deeper into into
0:31:40 issues of how the mind affects our body
0:31:43 and however the affect the mind how they
0:31:45 interact
0:31:46 and goes also on issues like these these
0:31:48 these these mushrooms and the drugs how
0:31:50 they affected
0:31:52 there's a very tight link uh of
0:31:56 considerable uh of considerable because
0:31:58 positive thinking for example there are
0:32:01 many people argue that positive thinking
0:32:03 or having a strong will to recover and
0:32:05 so on could persuade how it does we
0:32:09 don't know persuade the certain certain
0:32:11 uh certain grants and so on to produce
0:32:14 certain hormones which are very healing
0:32:17 like growth hormones and other things
0:32:18 like that or certain enzymes which which
0:32:23 cause some genes to be expressed and the
0:32:26 genes to be suppressed and then
0:32:27 contribute to the healing and vice versa
0:32:30 the side it affects like some drugs that
0:32:33 fix the brain and make you feel happy
0:32:34 and that feeling happy produce the other
0:32:37 other hormones and and enzymes which
0:32:40 affect other other so it will be like a
0:32:42 feedback loop it's very complicated
0:32:45 but there's an interesting area of
0:32:46 research for those who are interested in
0:32:48 in drug uh mind-body interaction and
0:32:52 Drug special Recreation drugs mushrooms
0:32:54 magic mushrooms all of these things
0:32:56 yes um but that's on this side of the
0:32:58 issue the Divine side of issue we don't
0:33:00 know it's right we have to wait for the
0:33:01 Revelation to clarify that for the
0:33:03 prophets we know it is it's not what the
0:33:06 prophets performed we know it is not
0:33:07 body it's not because of body control
0:33:09 it's because of divine intervention
0:33:11 relying on the Divine texts of the
0:33:13 Revelation the well-established Divine
0:33:15 text
0:33:16 check I'm just there's quite a bit of a
0:33:18 discussion on the YouTube channel so a
0:33:20 lot of people on YouTube they're not
0:33:22 familiar with previous telecast where
0:33:23 you've covered a lot of this issue so
0:33:25 there are I'm going to read some of the
0:33:27 comments if it's okay with you just on
0:33:28 this subject I know you've covered a lot
0:33:29 of them already anyway
0:33:31 um I think it's you know it'll be doing
0:33:32 a disservice if we don't so one question
0:33:35 is it's very hard mentally to accept the
0:33:37 doctor Theory so if I'll finish all the
0:33:39 comments and then if you get some eyes
0:33:41 or so it's very it's really very hard
0:33:43 mentally to accept the doctor Theory
0:33:45 because although I believe it is correct
0:33:46 because some people will say that Allah
0:33:48 is ignorant no there's nothing wrong
0:33:51 yeah
0:33:52 that's the same thing which if you would
0:33:54 say for example when you argue with some
0:33:56 question that the Divine being could
0:33:58 could not have from his own like seats
0:34:00 because he's
0:34:02 unspeletable cannot be composed it's
0:34:04 only one Divine being that cannot be
0:34:07 composed can't be split can be divided
0:34:09 they say that making Allah is unable to
0:34:12 do that no it's not anywhere that's
0:34:13 power does not extend that power the
0:34:15 definition of power our relates only to
0:34:17 contingency the impossibility is not
0:34:19 it's not a matter which power can relate
0:34:21 to although some philosophs a minority
0:34:23 of philosophers claim that that uh that
0:34:26 the divine power extend to The
0:34:27 Impossible like making one plus one
0:34:29 becomes equal three but this is another
0:34:31 rationally impossible because you can
0:34:33 then with the same argumentative proof
0:34:36 that Allah exists at the agent exist in
0:34:37 the same time that's that's obviously
0:34:39 completely
0:34:40 impossible rationally
0:34:43 impossible that nothing can be accepted
0:34:45 then Allah exists that doesn't exist at
0:34:47 the same time both are true both are
0:34:49 false does not make any sense
0:34:51 so that's the same the same but with
0:34:52 power people it can generally to absorb
0:34:56 that and come in the case of knowledge
0:34:58 they think that the future events
0:35:00 already happened somehow they have so in
0:35:03 the background because they were tuned
0:35:05 to think that uh no uh Allah is
0:35:07 comprehensive in knowledge is meaning
0:35:10 that everything even the future thing
0:35:11 but the future things are not things
0:35:13 that are impossible they are not here
0:35:14 they are not created Allah they do
0:35:16 desire them to come to come in existence
0:35:22 that's all that's possible the other
0:35:25 thing is impossible exactly like it's
0:35:27 impossible for Allah
0:35:28 suddenly to die
0:35:32 is the same level you have to persuade
0:35:34 yourself to get in this kind of of uh
0:35:37 thinking it's very difficult yes because
0:35:40 such statements
0:35:43 omnipotent or omniscient
0:35:47 easily summertize the Omni meaning
0:35:50 everything which you can okay you can
0:35:52 make a linguistic setting that like for
0:35:54 example you could say as I said many
0:35:57 times we can't talk very well and have a
0:35:59 statement which is linguistically
0:36:00 correct having no problem like like the
0:36:03 uh the the the square circle is very
0:36:06 beautiful this is linguistically very
0:36:08 valid but it's refers to nothing it's
0:36:10 referred to something impossible because
0:36:12 the square circle is a contradiction
0:36:14 itself is nothing which can exist or
0:36:16 even being created
0:36:19 if you know that that the linguistic
0:36:22 references could be completely empty and
0:36:24 absorbed
0:36:26 then you don't fall in the throne but in
0:36:28 this case in the case of Allah knowledge
0:36:30 Allah gave us already the keys in the
0:36:32 Quran many places
0:36:37 and then one at this the stunning ions
0:36:40 of the turbo which I mentioned Valentine
0:36:42 when Allah said that
0:36:43 that Allah has forgiven these and these
0:36:46 and these the one after the battle of
0:36:47 the book and he has
0:36:54 others are postponed to the Divine
0:36:56 command or Divine decision either he
0:36:59 punched them or
0:37:01 forgive them
0:37:04 that there's no other possible
0:37:06 interpretation they are postponed to the
0:37:08 Divine decision
0:37:09 either he will punish them or
0:37:12 forgive them and all the classical
0:37:14 scholar when you saw all book of tafsir
0:37:17 the mission is the three guys who
0:37:19 committed this untration I don't mention
0:37:21 that issue at all except
0:37:23 to say I actually this is okay from from
0:37:27 the human point of view it is postponed
0:37:29 that from God's view is not but Allah is
0:37:31 talking about himself
0:37:33 decision
0:37:40 he's talking about himself not about us
0:37:43 or how we see the reality we're talking
0:37:45 about his own decision
0:37:50 for the decision later
0:37:53 either they will be forgiven or will be
0:37:54 punished
0:37:56 there's no escape from that
0:37:58 so the Quran can I find that point so
0:38:00 you have to overcome this this this this
0:38:02 uh logical or Optical mental Optical
0:38:06 mental optical illusion that's a mental
0:38:08 optical illusion
0:38:11 you know the famous figures like which
0:38:14 you think the other two faces or it is
0:38:16 or it is a candle uh what they call it
0:38:20 uh what's it called candlestick or
0:38:22 something like that but they're very
0:38:23 famous things and many other famous
0:38:25 things you can't find the internet they
0:38:26 say yes yes Google optical illusion you
0:38:29 find things you would be you don't know
0:38:32 how to decide
0:38:33 about it because they are so confusing
0:38:36 for the eye and the Brain try to make
0:38:39 sense out of them there's a two two
0:38:41 faces uh facing each other in a bright
0:38:44 background or their Candlestick and this
0:38:46 is a a wise Candlestick in in a dark
0:38:50 room you cannot decide until you have
0:38:52 something giving you a balance the same
0:38:54 will have in the mind because our mind
0:38:56 is finite it's liable of optical or
0:38:59 mental Optical mint optical illusion
0:39:01 this element optical illusion ignorance
0:39:07 because it's not knowable in itself it's
0:39:08 impossible to know exactly like kind of
0:39:11 Lucky them said no is it not possible
0:39:13 the question is why it has nothing to do
0:39:15 with the power using the word Khan is is
0:39:17 just a it's just uh deceiving yourself
0:39:20 it says is a meant optical illusion
0:39:23 so there's two things that I had so one
0:39:24 is time relationship with time so as
0:39:27 human beings we you know we are subject
0:39:29 to the laws of time so you know the
0:39:31 question is in the Divine realm this
0:39:33 time of thing because you know like you
0:39:35 know the time is is the the time and the
0:39:39 passage of time is already defined by
0:39:40 those are some in a very unique Hadith
0:39:42 by the way I said the reason I say it's
0:39:44 Unique because nothing is that like that
0:39:46 in the previous scripture and nothing
0:39:48 like that the philosophers have fathomed
0:39:50 until very recently and possibly not
0:39:51 thankful and that it comes it comes in a
0:39:54 very strange context which shows that as
0:39:56 well I think it is one of the strong
0:39:57 evidences of that this is the messenger
0:39:59 of Allah now this is not this correct
0:40:01 and so on it's not much allotted so
0:40:02 you're gonna say it's by necessity but
0:40:04 he must have said that but there's no
0:40:05 reason to think anyone in the chain have
0:40:07 the Ingenuity to invent that not even
0:40:10 about
0:40:13 and take from him some Jewish knowledge
0:40:15 and may interfere in his mind but this
0:40:17 is not part of the Jewish knowledge no
0:40:19 that anyone in that time I do what does
0:40:21 it say say it start
0:40:25 the son of Adam helps me or insults me
0:40:29 or or annoys me
0:40:32 he says what a miserable time
0:40:35 is used which is essentially the passage
0:40:38 of eons it's not that it is the time the
0:40:41 other time the time they they think
0:40:44 which is called time the passage of them
0:40:46 the eons
0:40:48 was a miserable time
0:40:51 maybe the time because
0:40:55 God damn this day or something happen
0:40:58 you hear some people down to that
0:41:00 morning which I lost my child and under
0:41:02 the track or something like that he
0:41:03 curses the morning
0:41:06 and what is that that's okay people do
0:41:08 that why why it is hitting all of
0:41:09 Silence they said
0:41:11 I am the time I am a Dar and that he
0:41:14 explained what's meaning I have a dog
0:41:18 day and night by my command in my
0:41:21 activity appears to
0:41:24 other other beings as time and passage
0:41:27 of time
0:41:31 this is very unique let's clarify this
0:41:33 point
0:41:34 so when when people say Allah is not in
0:41:37 time or outside time so this is Allah is
0:41:40 it the time in the sense as explained by
0:41:42 the Hadith
0:41:45 you can make tears on that about the
0:41:48 space
0:41:48 makan
0:41:50 and the Arabic the word McCann is very
0:41:52 significant because McCann has to do
0:41:54 with possibilities than Tom Keen also
0:41:56 you could make players but scares the
0:41:58 strata Hadith say Allah is that is this
0:42:00 is
0:42:02 meaning he gives things there there with
0:42:05 their freedoms and their degrees of
0:42:07 freedom going right left front back up
0:42:09 and down so we give us the three degrees
0:42:11 of freedom
0:42:13 and he has all these contingencies All
0:42:15 Discount under his control that is
0:42:18 in Arabic luckily Arabic language by by
0:42:22 Divine Design if you wish to say it or
0:42:25 so developed but I I would say it has
0:42:27 developed that word in such a way
0:42:28 because Allah is behind the scene
0:42:30 directly this way so that's one day the
0:42:32 Quran will be will be written it
0:42:35 so when people say where is Allah is he
0:42:38 in Mecca he's in everywhere and they say
0:42:41 no he's not nomakan and Noma can is very
0:42:43 difficult to understand
0:42:45 but the reality is really he's the
0:42:48 McCann in the sense that he is the one
0:42:49 making Macan
0:42:51 and that's the reason even uh at the
0:42:53 time of of of of uh of Newton when he
0:42:57 was defining space and time he went to
0:42:59 the makan for the time and he said the
0:43:03 absolute space is God in success
0:43:06 so I think he's right in that sense if
0:43:08 you're interested properly
0:43:10 he's the one who gives the things their
0:43:12 their Dimensions right left front back
0:43:15 up down that's the three dimension on
0:43:17 the absolute space is the one who do
0:43:19 that so he is not in space nor outside
0:43:21 space
0:43:22 and the question I heard was discussed
0:43:24 even by philosophers and Timbers I don't
0:43:25 want to Bear them mostly it's maybe a
0:43:27 heavy a little bit heavier but I've been
0:43:29 see now discussed what's outside the
0:43:31 universe
0:43:34 is it for is it empty or or or full with
0:43:37 something he said no the evidence the
0:43:40 philosophical argument which he brings
0:43:41 which is stunning is that outside the
0:43:44 universe there's no emptiness and
0:43:46 there's no fullness there's nothing
0:43:47 there's no space spaces it's not defined
0:43:50 so it's divided in the universe
0:43:53 is to always overcome your imagination
0:43:55 power because your mental Optical or
0:43:57 Illusion you think that I can extend
0:43:59 extend extend and go without limit
0:44:01 that's as an imagination this
0:44:03 imagination can be controlled
0:44:04 mathematically as structurally that
0:44:06 produces a mathematics and the theory of
0:44:08 spaces the three dimensions phase
0:44:10 two-dimensional one-dimension space line
0:44:12 two lines
0:44:14 Surface three dimensions phase
0:44:17 multi-dimension space you can generalize
0:44:18 them to five seven which you cannot even
0:44:21 imagine I know some people have some
0:44:23 geometric imagination they can't imagine
0:44:24 four or five dimension maybe but anyway
0:44:27 majority of us were not able to imagine
0:44:29 anything more than three dimensions face
0:44:32 uh it's Etc
0:44:34 and it can be a generalized even to
0:44:36 infinite damage and spaces in
0:44:37 mathematics and so on in a consistent
0:44:39 way because it it depends upon certain
0:44:41 axioms and well-established procedures
0:44:43 that's true but that it is existing and
0:44:46 mathematical entity and can be free of
0:44:49 condition does not mean it can be set
0:44:51 outside the the mind at the mathematical
0:44:54 uh setups
0:44:56 the the reality is different than that
0:44:59 all the radical numbers but not all
0:45:02 things mathematical can be the reality
0:45:05 the same with the language not all
0:45:07 linguistic expression who looks
0:45:08 linguistically nice and sound represent
0:45:10 anything they may represent absolutely I
0:45:12 gave just the example of the square
0:45:14 circle
0:45:15 which is beautiful it's a very good
0:45:17 sentence no problem but it does it refer
0:45:20 to anything no it's absolutely doesn't
0:45:22 require not only does it fail to
0:45:23 anything another pointer now reference
0:45:26 it is it's referring to something
0:45:28 impossible so it will never not in this
0:45:31 universe or any other conceivable
0:45:33 reality will refer to anything in any
0:45:35 reality which we can define a circle and
0:45:37 square it will never refer to anything
0:45:40 and still linguistically it's very
0:45:42 beautiful I can give it to you and say
0:45:44 show me that causative and the dative
0:45:45 and then I get under genitive and all
0:45:47 these things and the and the
0:45:49 conjugations of the variables when you
0:45:51 can do all of that without this having
0:45:53 anything real either to work with
0:45:55 but you assume is something called the
0:45:57 square circle
0:45:58 and you call it
0:46:00 nominative requisitive etc etc
0:46:05 or subject and then predicate and things
0:46:07 like that but there's nothing there
0:46:09 so not everything which can be phrased
0:46:11 has any meaning or existence reality the
0:46:14 same with mathematics so language is
0:46:16 wider than mathematics most likely
0:46:19 that is that appears clearly if you go
0:46:21 to the episode those of you who have
0:46:22 studied set theory and maybe noticed
0:46:25 most people did not go to that level but
0:46:28 those study mathematics that krantor
0:46:30 faced the following problem is that such
0:46:32 a concept life because the set is a
0:46:34 collection of anything of which exists
0:46:36 outside our things of our mind so such a
0:46:39 collection then the question is uh
0:46:44 than the set of all sets does something
0:46:46 like that exists it's impossible because
0:46:48 if it is so that it must contain itself
0:46:50 as an element but they're not possible
0:46:52 because there's objects or thinking or
0:46:54 our linguistic expression
0:46:56 so it's impossible and but if it but but
0:46:58 if but if it contains selfishness but it
0:47:02 must contain a cell because it's a
0:47:03 collection of everything conceivable and
0:47:05 she is conceivable it must be an element
0:47:06 of itself so it's a contradiction so the
0:47:09 the phrase the set of all sets
0:47:14 is null
0:47:16 just a linguistic reference exactly the
0:47:19 X-ray Circle
0:47:20 understood obviously the conclusion of
0:47:23 set mathematical development so
0:47:25 mathematics relate to sets essentially
0:47:27 every mathematical uh area of the
0:47:31 discourse can be phrased in a language
0:47:33 of set theory
0:47:35 every
0:47:36 including even the old-fashioned
0:47:38 arithmetics one plus one is two Etc a
0:47:41 piano can be placed in an informal set
0:47:43 theory
0:47:44 still there are both things there which
0:47:47 can be expressed linguistically but they
0:47:48 don't exert anything mathematical even
0:47:50 in the mind
0:47:54 but I think it went a bit too deep for
0:47:56 the majority of the people it's not it
0:47:58 may be helpful for some it may be
0:47:59 helpful for some so don't be don't don't
0:48:03 in this situation you have a mental
0:48:05 mental Optical illusionment optical
0:48:07 illusion how to clarify it the book of
0:48:09 Allah helps in clarified it
0:48:12 so it must be the investment to be the
0:48:14 correct thing and my illusion is the
0:48:16 wrong thing again there is contention
0:48:18 because obviously the vast because over
0:48:21 a thousands of years the people went
0:48:22 through that channel yeah you know
0:48:28 that interpretation is is you know it
0:48:31 hasn't really been expanded so there's a
0:48:33 presupposition I said no classical
0:48:34 school I discussed that ever except and
0:48:36 he said claim that to run away from the
0:48:38 problem with half a sentence
0:48:40 as a matter of fact also the argument
0:48:42 about that assuming assuming that the
0:48:45 future is known as individual events
0:48:47 will make Allah not a free agent was
0:48:50 actually argued by someone in Hashem
0:48:54 they call some people tell the Shia
0:48:56 broadcast
0:48:59 the the movement the believer of the
0:49:01 park because it seems to be he was
0:49:04 sitting in a window and was discussing
0:49:05 with people in uh under the window in
0:49:08 the street I think that's the reason and
0:49:10 the the Sony the devil of the attack of
0:49:14 the Wind
0:49:16 anyway we don't care about the title he
0:49:19 made this argument
0:49:21 when razi and his tafsir which is really
0:49:24 good sometimes in issues of el mulkaram
0:49:26 and philosophy he mentioned this he
0:49:27 mentioned the argument of of uh of uh of
0:49:31 what that he what did he do he said how
0:49:35 come say this because of this and this
0:49:37 is usually he argues and enter into into
0:49:39 Kalam and philosophical argument here he
0:49:42 said but what what he said but what we
0:49:45 say is that for the rest of the ummah
0:49:47 and the previous scholar said that Allah
0:49:49 knows things in advance
0:49:52 instead of answering to that and the
0:49:55 argument of is absolutely irrefutable
0:50:00 and the threat to the Quran well his
0:50:02 other group does not fit to the Quran
0:50:03 needs need the Quran to be reinterpreted
0:50:06 in a something which is far away from
0:50:08 the reality
0:50:11 that is that that Allah may know who
0:50:13 feeds him or doesn't fear Him say no no
0:50:15 it's not his knowledge already
0:50:17 and Visually he knows already
0:50:21 but it becomes then by the action it
0:50:22 becomes apparent to everyone else which
0:50:25 is clearly not not what the what the
0:50:27 sentence saying
0:50:29 it's a very far away interpretation we
0:50:31 should not take the following
0:50:32 interpretation until you are forced to
0:50:34 by a compelling reason and the reason is
0:50:36 is not compelling
0:50:38 the reason actually
0:50:40 create contradiction create issues which
0:50:43 people were not aware
0:50:46 in time passed in recently I can just
0:50:48 say in the recent 50 years
0:50:50 in European philosophy when people
0:50:52 started going back to the issue because
0:50:54 the usual if the ethic argument seems to
0:50:57 be have failed it seems to be the genre
0:50:59 consensus between philosophers that the
0:51:01 atheistics arguments essentially have
0:51:03 failed in general and that's the
0:51:05 philosophies who deny enemy the physical
0:51:07 statement in making any sense like
0:51:09 so-called logical positivism and so on
0:51:12 and which is essentially an an attempt
0:51:15 to make that whatever scientifically
0:51:16 proven is that what's proven anything
0:51:18 else is just but it's just empty
0:51:20 metaphysics
0:51:21 expressed in common languages the formal
0:51:24 language is the is the form formulation
0:51:25 it's called logical positivism
0:51:28 uh that this has failed it collapsed
0:51:31 so they went back or said what what
0:51:33 could be said about the Divine being
0:51:36 what's possible to say that what can we
0:51:39 do there and then they went back to
0:51:41 reviewing the classical scholarship
0:51:42 because they most of these philosophical
0:51:44 discourses to that level uh has done
0:51:47 mostly in the West in the Islamic World
0:51:49 everyone is sleeping yes the Shia they
0:51:50 have a bit of philosophy but they stuck
0:51:52 to the classical and they don't have the
0:51:54 courage there to jump over the shadow
0:51:55 yet
0:51:56 but in the west they come then there's a
0:52:00 discussion coming up with the Divine
0:52:01 freedom and the Divine foreknowledge at
0:52:03 the compatible not compatible
0:52:05 but also things which have come also by
0:52:08 discussion is that they know the
0:52:11 concluding that the the Christian
0:52:13 fiction of that God is loves us all or
0:52:16 is all loving or all being reverent in
0:52:19 the Christian definition is
0:52:20 contradictory under some some of the
0:52:22 scholars of philosophy now say it's very
0:52:24 well possible that God does not love us
0:52:26 all it's not available
0:52:47 so that was always what is the Divine
0:52:50 being it is all-knowing omniscient and
0:52:53 all uh uh Omni or Omni good or or only
0:52:57 benevolent they have recognized that
0:52:59 there's the only volunteer is not
0:53:01 correct it can't be
0:53:03 it's not possible
0:53:09 so people are coming back now after but
0:53:12 that that for the for them here you know
0:53:14 it was to come to that they needed to
0:53:15 come through and be like several
0:53:17 centuries of predominantly materialistic
0:53:19 or idealistic but uh atheistic
0:53:23 philosophies
0:53:24 and then after all of that essentially
0:53:26 has shown to be to be weakening and
0:53:29 collapsing
0:53:31 it did not collapse completely still
0:53:32 some some aspects and arguments have to
0:53:34 be slaughtered to be as scrutinized
0:53:35 further further analyzed but I would say
0:53:38 for all practical bears that has
0:53:39 collapsed there's no escape from from
0:53:42 facing the reality that that the nation
0:53:45 of the universe and the nature of the
0:53:47 initial conditions will will make it
0:53:49 impossible except to to a frustrated
0:53:52 free agent and they escape the usual
0:53:54 escapes the two-star standard escapes
0:53:57 let's mention them one is that it is it
0:53:59 happens by accident but the oil accident
0:54:01 does not make any sense and they refer
0:54:03 to the theory of statistic but the
0:54:04 theory statistics does not does not
0:54:06 convert it discusses a field of events
0:54:10 which is given and there's a
0:54:12 distribution function give me a few new
0:54:14 events given on the distribution
0:54:17 function then I can calculate few
0:54:19 statistics I can't get to the so-called
0:54:21 chi chi text the t-test that shouldn't
0:54:24 test all of these tests but given is a
0:54:27 field already under distribution
0:54:29 but then when the universe started with
0:54:32 the big bang in Singularity there was no
0:54:33 field of events there was nothing there
0:54:35 and there's no distribution so they're
0:54:36 talking about statistics and so on is
0:54:38 utterly nonsensical
0:54:41 I can talk statistics about we will go
0:54:43 into brand Cross Shopping Center and
0:54:46 observe the people how many go to shoe
0:54:48 shops always then make a statistic make
0:54:50 a distribution function then I can
0:54:51 predict the future what will Behavior
0:54:53 will be based on that information but I
0:54:55 have I have already a given the reality
0:54:57 and I'm reducing from them things but
0:54:59 before the reality access to well what
0:55:01 how can anything be static identified
0:55:04 some some guys try to escape like good
0:55:07 so-called Multiverse he thought he
0:55:09 thought he will be a super intelligent
0:55:10 guy of the universe by saying they'll
0:55:12 actually infinite many universes which
0:55:14 you don't perceive
0:55:16 and in each one of them uh certain
0:55:19 parameters are fulfilled and we are in a
0:55:21 lucky one okay fine but I probably does
0:55:23 not solve that he made the problem which
0:55:25 is one in our universe how come that we
0:55:27 are in this one with these parameters
0:55:29 how did they come
0:55:31 frustrating infinite may be making the
0:55:33 problem of this universe become
0:55:35 infinitely multiplied so the
0:55:37 impossibility becomes infinitely more
0:55:40 impossible
0:55:42 he may say okay because they interact
0:55:44 with each other if they interact with
0:55:45 the United interaction how they didn't
0:55:47 actually produce that it doesn't solve
0:55:49 the problem so this is all these escapes
0:55:52 have essentially been been undermined
0:55:54 and become become laughable only only
0:55:57 where all the people of of limited mind
0:55:59 unlimited understanding of the physical
0:56:01 reality or people who play game so
0:56:04 quantum mechanics you can't have a
0:56:05 fluctuation
0:56:06 like the poor Hawkins would say the
0:56:09 space and time where everything was
0:56:11 there was no time there was four
0:56:12 dimensional and entity there and the
0:56:14 point is called eternity and then a
0:56:17 fluctuation happened and one of the
0:56:19 dimensions flipped
0:56:20 and became time
0:56:22 one space damage wrote four spaces
0:56:26 nothing there everything silent death
0:56:28 Falls for damage
0:56:31 and then one of them first of all
0:56:33 fluctuation
0:56:36 study it and Quantum mechanism for
0:56:38 Quantum filtration is at events in time
0:56:40 so time's already there in the
0:56:42 definition of work quite of fluctuation
0:56:44 so how come that's fluctuation there
0:56:46 unless it is a non-timed like
0:56:49 fluctuation which in that case Hawaii
0:56:52 known to call it a free agent
0:56:54 or what I call this a fluctuation
0:56:56 secondly even that when one time access
0:56:59 flipping and becoming time does not give
0:57:01 the nature of time because when it's
0:57:03 flipped what happened to the negative
0:57:05 axis it must have collapsed into the
0:57:07 negative into the positive axis so it's
0:57:09 not only flipping it's breaking so the
0:57:11 like this
0:57:13 doesn't work this way but it's just
0:57:15 rather impossible and inconceivable
0:57:19 novel fluctuation can do that even
0:57:21 Quantum fluctuation
0:57:24 because that they mentioned in the space
0:57:27 Dimension according to the mathematical
0:57:28 concept of a four-dimensional space
0:57:30 every Dimension goes from another 32
0:57:33 plus infinity time goes from zero to
0:57:35 Infinity never goes negative there's no
0:57:37 negative time
0:57:38 it has to represent a different tree so
0:57:40 even the mathematical levels are
0:57:42 possible to do that
0:57:44 neither fluctuation is not even a Divine
0:57:46 being can't do that this is not
0:57:48 something different completely as the
0:57:50 prophet explained is the desired
0:57:51 activity which is appears as time for us
0:57:54 and we measure then here with clocks and
0:57:56 so on that of major collection may be
0:57:58 relative related to how we measure the
0:58:01 clocks how we synchronize clocks also
0:58:02 that's what makes Theory really valid
0:58:05 here locally quite reasonably but if we
0:58:07 look to the whole university it has to
0:58:09 become invalid but this is no solution
0:58:11 this is your physics can be settled on
0:58:13 physics
0:58:15 so
0:58:18 all of that's collapsing now the after
0:58:20 that has started to become Manifesto
0:58:23 collapse collapsing
0:58:25 step people started daring going through
0:58:27 the like the prohibited zone so if we it
0:58:30 is obviously uh and that that it is
0:58:33 meaning essentially that the Universe uh
0:58:36 or originated from something uh like a
0:58:40 nature or a basic law or whatever basic
0:58:43 structure or something or a basic matter
0:58:45 call it whatever you want whatever name
0:58:47 you give it is it is dead blind deaf
0:58:51 it has no will nothing
0:58:53 that's impossible so so we're back to a
0:58:56 free agent now we're facing the problem
0:58:58 with the initial receiver what's the
0:59:00 what's the limitation what's the issues
0:59:01 and the first thing has to go is
0:59:03 obviously the issue of forward knowledge
0:59:05 because it's great contradiction to the
0:59:07 Divine Freedom secondly has to go this
0:59:10 uh uh the the all good or or benevolent
0:59:16 there's no definition omnip vitamins
0:59:18 which fits in a Divine being
0:59:20 he's benevolent but only in that sense
0:59:22 and this is of Christianity which is
0:59:24 where they're stuck for a thousand it is
0:59:25 is is is contradictory and ultimately we
0:59:29 have to we have to have the conclusion
0:59:31 that the way the universe is structured
0:59:33 assuming is done by a Divine being
0:59:35 that's a free agent
0:59:37 with the necessary knowledge and power
0:59:39 he could not be loving us all they
0:59:41 they're the way they expected he may not
0:59:43 he may not loving us all hold
0:59:46 that he loves all loves everything
0:59:49 is is love
0:59:51 in the sense of Thomas Aquinas is
0:59:53 contradictory it cannot produce ethnic
0:59:58 so people are graduating after a
0:59:59 thousand years of struggle
1:00:02 well and he's already ahead of that
1:00:10 so I I know it's very difficult to
1:00:12 overcome that what you have been with
1:00:13 you especially if people repel to some
1:00:16 faulty I had it like I was once in the
1:00:18 Masjid but I did not like it was Juma so
1:00:20 I wouldn't stand there say this Hadith
1:00:22 has faulty that would have caused it and
1:00:25 we need to educate the people a little
1:00:27 bit like the famous Hadith that the
1:00:29 creation of each one of you will be
1:00:31 collected in the belly of his mother you
1:00:33 know the Hadith for three for 40 days
1:00:37 I said 40 days
1:00:39 Etc
1:00:41 and then an angel comes and he asks
1:00:43 Allah what what is it is it male female
1:00:45 what is it is is it happy and happy it
1:00:48 is
1:00:49 but this is clearly the text is 40.
1:00:52 because it's 40 40 40 is a misleading
1:00:56 and misunderstanding of the correct one
1:00:57 is 40 41 42 like the other narration
1:01:00 luckily we have the other narration
1:01:01 there's also a Divine protection of the
1:01:03 liquor so 40 40 foot is long it's 40 41
1:01:06 42 after 42 the spirit is blown and the
1:01:10 Hadith of the 42 does not say writing of
1:01:12 Good and Evil or something like that so
1:01:15 this is not written
1:01:16 but abuser which would be jobber would
1:01:19 be fatalism no it's not written other
1:01:21 things other than health and things like
1:01:22 that yeah we know there's the genes how
1:01:24 the genes will be expressed that's maybe
1:01:26 and even only the only the system or
1:01:28 specific for specific dispersion is
1:01:31 written because the genes could be very
1:01:33 well not expressed by by sticking to a
1:01:35 good diet and a good a good lifestyle
1:01:38 and other people who do not stick to
1:01:40 that for whatever reason social reasons
1:01:42 unlucky situation and so on they will be
1:01:45 getting expressed and they become less
1:01:46 healthy and so on
1:01:47 but the starting point of the genes and
1:01:49 so on the capabilities are there that's
1:01:51 what we're being written and what the
1:01:53 what show you this Hadith was the famous
1:01:55 one in bukhari that it's faulty is that
1:01:59 I think I think this is disproves it
1:02:02 that is the reality is that uh if we are
1:02:05 assuming blowing the spirit meaning is
1:02:07 the starting of the heartbeats which is
1:02:09 seems to be synchronizing with the fact
1:02:11 now that after six weeks the heart start
1:02:13 beating and also what is the the state
1:02:16 of California and America enacted that
1:02:18 up to six weeks abortion is possible
1:02:20 after that's not possible because it's a
1:02:22 new life I started I think they they got
1:02:24 it right there by just by medical and
1:02:27 rational consideration uh that is that
1:02:30 the angel is supposed to say my Lord
1:02:32 tell me is it a male or female but we
1:02:35 know male and female as essentially some
1:02:37 people say the same odd cases
1:02:39 essentially decided with the weather
1:02:41 fertilization
1:02:43 because of the X Y and X X chromosome
1:02:46 or there may be some odd cases
1:02:49 and this is talking about humans with
1:02:51 certain animals it may be possible that
1:02:53 they switched sex
1:02:54 depending upon the environment
1:02:57 but they have another mechanism of
1:02:59 operationalization and things like that
1:03:02 so it's kind of said this in comments
1:03:05 the creation of one of you addressing
1:03:08 General Humanity so even the singular
1:03:10 cases which may be
1:03:12 there's an issue with the sex
1:03:14 determination a little bit later what is
1:03:15 extremely singular and rare the majority
1:03:18 or the overwhelming majority of the
1:03:20 standard is that it is with the moment
1:03:22 of fertilization as clear as a male or
1:03:24 female
1:03:27 so which kind of angels as your sergeant
1:03:29 Angel whatever the angel may be maybe a
1:03:31 natural force or something like that
1:03:32 doing that a metaphorical expression of
1:03:35 the Divine decision to start life or
1:03:37 something well whatever it is maybe
1:03:38 interpreted physically to to come by
1:03:43 with something spiritually and
1:03:44 metaphorically it's okay I have no
1:03:46 problem with that but definitely that
1:03:47 part is false so that Hadith get it out
1:03:51 and based on that because the Hadith is
1:03:54 only from
1:03:56 Abdullah Road
1:03:59 point of view about about creation and
1:04:02 what happened in the video of the womb
1:04:06 is also faulty but individual of that is
1:04:09 not the same so where did it gets that
1:04:10 got it maybe he was confused by someone
1:04:13 maybe because they Hadith and such an
1:04:15 important thing should have been
1:04:17 narrated by many people than just
1:04:19 outside so that's the reason I I am more
1:04:22 inclined that the world is not really a
1:04:24 reliable Authority generally we have to
1:04:25 be cautious of what is a Hadith so in
1:04:28 every other situation if it is
1:04:30 look again after the text and see if
1:04:33 that's if that's contradicts something
1:04:35 also because it seems to be this man
1:04:37 despite all everyone agree that he's is
1:04:39 honest in this is that he does not
1:04:41 fabricate or lies I'm not doubting that
1:04:43 but is his memory and his retention and
1:04:46 his exactness up to the standard we need
1:04:49 definitely not that Hadith proves that
1:04:51 for example
1:04:53 so this one give us so a series of good
1:04:57 things to analyze bukhari and other
1:04:58 places and without many other Hadith and
1:05:00 many other Hadith in the Quran will give
1:05:03 us a hint this director is weak or this
1:05:06 guy is a liar or this like that
1:05:08 that's how to also use Quran but we use
1:05:11 Quran only the well-established hardcore
1:05:14 facts not that what you think the Quran
1:05:16 saying but it's really hardcore
1:05:18 corroborated with many eyes together
1:05:20 like the issues of almila or this will
1:05:22 say it's corroborated by so many eyes in
1:05:24 the Quran it's unscaable
1:05:28 if you see what this classical Scholars
1:05:31 say they come with the Hadith which is
1:05:33 usually the 40 narration is is brought
1:05:36 forward not the correct one the correct
1:05:38 one is that that Allah
1:05:40 you find the very same hero to whatever
1:05:42 happens
1:05:45 whatever happens events no what has been
1:05:48 written is not events
1:05:50 proportion system
1:05:52 laws
1:05:56 how things will behave how things will
1:05:58 evolve
1:05:59 not the individual events which may or
1:06:02 may not happen
1:06:06 so relying on a forced wedding and
1:06:08 usually they narrate various weddings I
1:06:10 say there are many the same no it
1:06:12 doesn't mean the same is not the same
1:06:14 like everything
1:06:16 proportion that system of the universe
1:06:18 how this could be equivalent to and
1:06:21 whatever happens then because you
1:06:22 imagine it is that what it is but it's
1:06:24 not
1:06:27 if I design a car
1:06:29 and have all the capabilities you can
1:06:31 access to this does it mean that that is
1:06:33 already concluded that it will not have
1:06:36 an accident and over and and flip over
1:06:39 no it's not part of that but it's
1:06:42 possible it is there
1:06:43 if it takes a curve two with a certain
1:06:45 speed which is not supported by the well
1:06:47 but the wheels are balanced and and the
1:06:50 shock absorber so on it may flip over
1:06:54 but it doesn't mean that it has to
1:06:55 happen for this specific card no
1:06:58 this is still designed to have to have
1:07:00 this limitation and your won't don't
1:07:02 take curves at higher speed than that
1:07:04 and so on otherwise you may pay pay
1:07:06 penalty by by okay turning over
1:07:16 but the people go by their imagination
1:07:18 because they thought because meaning
1:07:20 everything including the impossible to
1:07:23 know and the nothingness which is not
1:07:24 correct they don't analyze things deeper
1:07:28 and they got stuck in it anyway I think
1:07:31 we took the issue today we did the same
1:07:33 more cuddle than hunting and so on but I
1:07:38 think this is one one instance in many
1:07:41 other places in some places it is even
1:07:44 in the the in the strong uh foreign
1:07:58 let's see this is the testing is
1:08:00 happening so that Allah may know for
1:08:02 certain who is monograph
1:08:08 and many other Expressions similarly
1:08:10 what she lives don't know very little
1:08:12 place for for these hand-waving
1:08:14 arguments that this is actually
1:08:17 who will be one of the country
1:08:19 individually but it becomes becomes
1:08:22 it becomes what is recorded becomes
1:08:24 reality that's all no that's not the way
1:08:26 the realm means
1:08:45 will see what you are doing the
1:08:47 messenger and the believer will see it
1:08:49 and then you will be returned to the to
1:08:51 the the one who knows everything who
1:08:53 will account you for what he did or
1:08:55 something like that
1:09:00 will see you
1:09:02 seeing is essentially no for Allah's
1:09:05 type of knowledge also it's the same
1:09:08 but here you could interpret see what
1:09:10 what he already do it will happen so it
1:09:12 becomes visible it could you could play
1:09:15 here a bit of game but the word the
1:09:16 alarm is very difficult to get away
1:09:18 except by very far away and the way we
1:09:21 got arguments and even that will not get
1:09:23 away from us like like the one in
1:09:25 solicitoba uh
1:09:31 there's no way this and the Constable
1:09:34 Escape is the only one who ever
1:09:35 commented I read all tafasir
1:09:37 specifically digging everywhere did
1:09:39 anyone notice anything there didn't want
1:09:41 it all of them it is XYZ who and then
1:09:45 later 50 days later when I came to the
1:09:48 messenger of Allah and he told he was in
1:09:51 the house of um Salim and said Allah has
1:09:53 been forgiven these three and so on um
1:09:56 Slow Down slow down if you go out now to
1:09:59 tell the people who either people will
1:10:01 be rushing through and will not be able
1:10:02 to sleep at night keep it until the
1:10:04 morning then you announce it
1:10:06 that's the story you mentioned very nice
1:10:09 stories all of these things but today
1:10:10 sure what's my what's the meaning
1:10:16 has no meaning
1:10:21 the only places used if I remember
1:10:23 correctly is when when when the mother
1:10:26 the uh the uh the other class of around
1:10:30 Pharaoh told him
1:10:33 and his brother and collect all possible
1:10:37 magicians and and trick players from all
1:10:40 cities and then let them challenge him
1:10:43 in a certain day
1:10:45 research
1:10:55 anyway the only reservation from that is
1:10:59 that is that
1:11:03 one
1:11:04 give him give him a give him one to give
1:11:07 him a hope give him some time is it was
1:11:10 only for Musa and using this Ayah
1:11:14 I I would never check that again see if
1:11:16 it has but if it has used with only the
1:11:18 meaning postponement
1:11:19 so the Divine is
1:11:21 one for the Divine decision the Evan
1:11:24 decision is not happening yet
1:11:26 and the Divine decisions that's what
1:11:27 kriya thinks and makes things
1:11:29 which then become knowable
1:11:33 for that they don't exist
1:11:36 they're not even enacted
1:11:38 they're not in existence they cannot
1:11:40 exist without the Divine combat and the
1:11:42 Divine permission to come to an
1:11:44 existence
1:11:48 okay I hope this uh at least elevate a
1:11:51 little bit of the mental optical
1:11:52 illusion that's what they have is a
1:11:54 mental optical illusion you have to
1:11:56 overcome it sometimes you can't overcome
1:11:58 it it holds you back and forth exactly
1:11:59 like looking onto the famous candlestick
1:12:03 see it is face no no it is it's not the
1:12:06 two faces actually look again no no it
1:12:08 is two faces the 360 set the trick the
1:12:10 faces are made designed so that it looks
1:12:12 like a nice Candlestick and then look
1:12:14 again and you will never be able to
1:12:16 unless you do a minimal change there
1:12:19 but then you have you are not looking at
1:12:21 that what you in front of you have made
1:12:22 a change to it by by analyzing things
1:12:25 like that you make a change to that what
1:12:26 what making you be an illusion maybe
1:12:28 slowly you will be able to overcome that
1:12:31 I I need that many years to overcome
1:12:33 that for me this method that don't come
1:12:36 anymore alas but this did not come in
1:12:39 one day
1:12:40 by reviewing the argumentary the
1:12:42 evidence going back and forth checking
1:12:44 for example the classical Arguments for
1:12:46 which I've not had come checking the the
1:12:48 objection of of uh
1:12:51 um they accused to be uh
1:12:55 deviant Undisputed on
1:13:01 and made a big breed out and so no I did
1:13:04 not make a bit there he did the right
1:13:05 thing but the majority of the others did
1:13:07 not did not came on board and they
1:13:09 started fabricating nasty stories about
1:13:11 him
1:13:12 and claiming that he used sometimes
1:13:14 nasty language
1:13:23 most of it is fabricated but it could be
1:13:25 sometimes people get to him in a heat of
1:13:27 argument use certain certain algorithm
1:13:31 about the Hadith
1:13:34 I said if I hear that from from from
1:13:37 this narrator I will tell you a liar and
1:13:40 if you if I hear it foreign
1:13:50 if that's true then the Covenant you
1:13:53 took us you took from us when before we
1:13:56 are born when you ask us who is your
1:13:59 lord and we said you are our Lord and
1:14:00 you will ask
1:14:01 it doesn't make any sense
1:14:04 so people regarded as like outrageous
1:14:06 how can you say if I I tell him my son
1:14:09 did not memorize probably how it is
1:14:19 what's the meaning of the Covenant then
1:14:22 it's that's not what they took a
1:14:24 covenant on it
1:14:25 essentially meaning they accuse him
1:14:27 saying that Allah you know what they're
1:14:29 saying that's going to take the Covenant
1:14:30 this cannot be from Allah but he
1:14:32 formulates in such a ways maybe some
1:14:34 people regard as offensive
1:14:36 and uh impolite it may be I don't think
1:14:39 he formulated this way because people
1:14:41 fabricate about him many things and many
1:14:44 lies
1:14:45 like for example that he lies and say
1:14:47 this is from al-hasan meaning this is
1:14:49 nice talk or is nice statement in
1:14:52 reality he wanted to deceive the people
1:14:54 that he had that woman
1:14:56 but this is most likely is is a
1:14:58 fabricated accusation because a very
1:15:01 critical scholar like well like uh uh
1:15:05 Alexa
1:15:06 who is one with the authority in his
1:15:09 time in Boston or all of the Muslim
1:15:11 World a matter of men and analyzing them
1:15:14 and if he narrassed from someone
1:15:17 then this is actually this is that
1:15:19 certification that this one is is really
1:15:21 really reliable and honest until that is
1:15:24 many narrations
1:15:27 and he is not an idiot but here so these
1:15:30 most of these stories are fabricated
1:15:31 under where there's really a trustworthy
1:15:33 verse cutter he went the highest and
1:15:35 reliable authorities that one has
1:15:37 obviously not like what has many other
1:15:40 simple-minded Hadith Scholars
1:15:42 claim but give you example how it's
1:15:45 difficult was for the People by the way
1:15:47 this theory of Qatar or this criteria of
1:15:50 kada or previous knowledge is it was
1:15:54 widespread actually in the first century
1:15:58 in that sense
1:16:00 uh
1:16:01 uh uh uh music
1:16:06 Etc but they were they were they were
1:16:07 hiding it because the bunny umayya were
1:16:09 trying to enforcing Jabbar
1:16:12 who I am say we could not have taken
1:16:15 power unless Allah will that and it must
1:16:18 happen there's no way escape from it
1:16:19 that's it so they they did not bother
1:16:23 about about deforming people's belief
1:16:25 and Destroy people's beliefs and and the
1:16:27 story they established and Miss with the
1:16:29 Islamic belief just to cement their
1:16:31 power and make themselves unattackable
1:16:33 so the people can become fatalists and
1:16:35 not give up in a revolutionary activity
1:16:37 that's most likely how it started this
1:16:39 job and then it became compounded and
1:16:41 became also the widespread in most
1:16:43 Hadith narrator because most of them are
1:16:45 relatively simple-minded they are
1:16:46 narrators they're like recording device
1:16:49 like a tape recorder tape recorder is
1:16:50 not appearance of or a thinker every
1:16:52 code is
1:16:53 the best and some of them even worse
1:16:57 than that
1:16:58 so that's how it come in history and
1:17:00 then was cemented when the bus came
1:17:03 they for them this theory of as a ruler
1:17:05 is good it's a good theory that if Allah
1:17:08 did not want I would not have come to
1:17:09 about shut up don't open your mouth it's
1:17:12 very good followers
1:17:13 fatalism is very good for worse for
1:17:15 especially for tyrants
1:17:22 that's why it has come so there was no
1:17:25 General
1:17:26 attack against that from only Moon
1:17:29 started something in that direction but
1:17:31 he for historic situations when he got
1:17:33 stuck in in some secondary issues
1:17:35 related from that and the spirit of the
1:17:39 time is that the head of state is having
1:17:41 like an authority to Winter we will
1:17:42 discuss that at the end alsocialable
1:17:44 part of that have the authority to to
1:17:47 force the people incentive beliefs and
1:17:49 that's a mistakes that's not the Islamic
1:17:50 way that's maybe the Christian way maybe
1:17:51 Hercules and others will call for a
1:17:54 World Council and then declare a certain
1:17:56 Creed and declare everyone has heretic
1:17:58 and self-prosecure them but it's not the
1:18:00 way Islam works this way
1:18:03 okay so this don't break this way
1:18:05 believe it or not there's not
1:18:07 enforcement of the people even in action
1:18:08 let alone accept that what is related to
1:18:10 the public domain which we'll discuss at
1:18:12 the end considering the area and
1:18:13 demonstrations
1:18:15 so he got stuck in this otherwise he
1:18:17 would have been an excellent ruler he
1:18:19 could have really revived the Islamic
1:18:21 command and pushed her several centuries
1:18:23 forward but unfortunately the
1:18:25 conversation degenerated in the issue is
1:18:27 the Quran created not created under this
1:18:30 this rubbish and nonsense
1:18:32 and all the achievements of uh
1:18:34 were under swept under the carpet
1:18:38 really and what would have been a
1:18:40 breakthrough but because of this but you
1:18:42 cannot blame him he's a man of his time
1:18:44 he's not a prophet a prophet will be
1:18:46 outside his time because he received
1:18:47 Revelation any other human being will be
1:18:49 affected by this at a time very
1:18:51 difficult to get yourself out of the
1:18:53 clutches of your time
1:18:56 oh it's possible it's not impossible
1:18:57 could not
1:18:59 until indulged in enforcing things
1:19:02 if you did not enforce things Bible
1:19:04 forced by whipping people that's
1:19:05 imprisoning people in later part of his
1:19:07 life
1:19:08 were encouraged by someone casually
1:19:10 idiots
1:19:12 it would have changed history radically
1:19:14 but unfortunately it was
1:19:17 it went this way otherwise the man is is
1:19:20 marvelous
1:19:23 a massive translation of of the
1:19:28 philosophies and the logic and the
1:19:30 Sciences of the Greek whether people
1:19:32 remember that he established this this
1:19:34 translating this translating
1:19:37 history and so on but also in other in
1:19:40 archeology he himself attended to the
1:19:42 big pyramid and tried to dig through it
1:19:43 and detect its nature yeah yeah but
1:19:46 people do not know that is an
1:19:48 exceptional personality in history
1:19:50 but unfortunately that that mistake of
1:19:54 is trying to enforce things and some
1:19:55 some people have had ease of reputation
1:19:58 resisted and became the big Imam
1:20:00 although they are they are not even one
1:20:03 percent of his his wisdom and their
1:20:05 knowledge and understanding of of
1:20:09 and he was then swept aside through
1:20:12 history unfortunately otherwise he could
1:20:14 have collected history considerably
1:20:16 anyway that's not our issue today so
1:20:19 that's that's the you have to you have
1:20:20 to really review that and see the
1:20:22 arguments and and also review I advise
1:20:24 also to go uh when you come to the to
1:20:27 the issues of khadron Song review also
1:20:29 special and how he discuss the issue I
1:20:33 will try to find around which Ayah and
1:20:35 which issue He was discussing that and
1:20:37 give it to you inshallah or put it in a
1:20:39 telegram so so that uh the shabab
1:20:43 especially Alaska distributed to
1:20:45 everyone in the next next after next
1:20:47 where he discussing
1:20:49 argument and without rebutting it or
1:20:51 discussing it
1:20:53 opposite to his usual Behavior usually
1:20:55 he go in depth and analyze things and go
1:20:57 thoroughly in that Center of what we say
1:21:00 whatever the rest of the omad our
1:21:02 previous scholar said
1:21:04 meaning I can't answer this but let me
1:21:07 stuck to that stick so that for the
1:21:08 majority are saying I am safe this way
1:21:10 otherwise I maybe get stored or
1:21:12 something like that
1:21:13 that's my interpretation obviously but
1:21:16 you would be surprised some people got
1:21:18 beaten up and stoned for these things
1:21:23 so it was not easy in time password
1:21:25 there was a intellectual Terror there
1:21:27 was there was the Hanabi that the humble
1:21:29 is
1:21:30 even Baghdad attacking some scholar even
1:21:33 that for example tabari himself They
1:21:35 seized his house and attacked him and so
1:21:37 on and prevent them because he said
1:21:40 he's a good is Hadith that's all they
1:21:43 were not happy with that
1:21:47 to be the one who has depth in
1:21:49 understanding and anyone just reading
1:21:51 someone said humble will recognize that
1:21:53 he has nothing to do with it neither
1:21:54 here nor there
1:21:56 almost every issue has two or three
1:21:58 different threat was
1:22:00 that is not fair
1:22:02 that's just narration he hit this for
1:22:04 once I have he said this is the first
1:22:05 one then another episode that is this
1:22:07 platform then he refuses
1:22:09 Etc
1:22:11 very poor in fact
1:22:13 yeah and even there he has some blanders
1:22:17 also but that's not our discussion today
1:22:19 so
1:22:20 that's what you have a comment over
1:22:22 history accumulated and hear from you at
1:22:23 the University and everywhere that's
1:22:25 obviously the the starting with the
1:22:28 mischief and then falsification of
1:22:31 history of his history of narratives and
1:22:33 thoughts and also was reinforced by
1:22:35 later Scholars because it became like
1:22:36 the mainstream which nobody can deviate
1:22:39 from exactly like for example with
1:22:41 having Christianity but after the new CN
1:22:43 conference
1:22:44 as a matter of fact that you see in
1:22:46 conference
1:22:47 uh I wish the the the energy or the
1:22:52 Divinity of Christ has been enshrined as
1:22:54 actually the real history is that the it
1:22:56 was called by by Constantine himself and
1:22:59 by him by the way he's a monotheist and
1:23:01 he took the last elements in his death
1:23:03 by uh by uh by uh former Bishop who is
1:23:06 uh who is from who do not believe in the
1:23:08 Dignity of Christ
1:23:10 and the conference was about thousand
1:23:12 Bishops they were disputed so badly that
1:23:14 there was no clear idea what they did so
1:23:16 he just discharged them to go
1:23:19 despite his discharge about 300
1:23:22 something met in in that was in
1:23:24 concerted outside because I told just
1:23:27 few miles outside
1:23:29 I think it's now part of Istanbul
1:23:32 because it was not far away but at the
1:23:33 time it was somebody by distance and
1:23:36 they met on their own and they were the
1:23:38 majority of one they decided of uh
1:23:41 Chrysler and that was recognized by all
1:23:44 other churches as except aliasi who
1:23:48 don't believe in the duty of Christ
1:23:50 under the indicator used to be heretic
1:23:52 and the prosecution started and history
1:23:55 run a ground of that time and never
1:23:58 never recovered back
1:24:01 so until that time they are used with
1:24:04 the majority
1:24:05 of the limit of Christ
1:24:09 you could be amazed if you see this
1:24:10 history up to 350 still the majority
1:24:13 were did not believe in the division of
1:24:15 Christ there they have a little bit
1:24:16 exaggeration about Christ and so on as
1:24:18 being the word and the mediated with
1:24:20 Allah in the world but it's not Divine
1:24:22 it's a created being
1:24:25 and then slowly that user were
1:24:28 persecuted so they were crawling a D in
1:24:30 the depth of Arabia here and there far
1:24:31 away and then almost completely
1:24:33 eliminated until Islam came when Islam
1:24:35 came they became more Muslim
1:24:36 aggressively
1:24:38 settled and Islam also saved another
1:24:40 sect of Christians who are obviously uh
1:24:43 believing in the duty of Christ at the
1:24:44 Egyptian church but they delivered with
1:24:46 the others about the nature of Crisis
1:24:48 true nature and tools or one nation one
1:24:50 will and they were under prosecuted to
1:24:53 be eliminated after the conference of
1:24:55 calcutonia
1:24:57 but then
1:25:00 Islam came and saved them so the
1:25:02 survival of the Egyptian and the Jewish
1:25:04 church and the Indian Church which
1:25:05 belongs from them is is thankful to
1:25:07 Islam others they would have been
1:25:08 exterminated and annihilated like all
1:25:11 others elsewhere in the domain of the
1:25:13 Byzantine Empire and in Europe as
1:25:16 Heretics all Heretics have been on the
1:25:19 edge of the sword eliminated
1:25:22 so that's that's the the that's how
1:25:25 history can run the ground by by such a
1:25:29 with such an action of a conference or
1:25:32 or a slight majority of Scholars and
1:25:34 they are not even a majority compared to
1:25:36 the Thousand who have been the dismissed
1:25:38 by Constantine where they didn't agree
1:25:40 anything reasonable
1:25:43 anyway this is maybe interesting let's
1:25:46 see if someone wants to go there and dig
1:25:47 these things but let's that's how things
1:25:49 sometimes develop historically and then
1:25:51 after a thousand years after that is
1:25:53 extremely difficult to pull yourself out
1:25:55 of all these accumulated History
1:25:56 Literature personalities which you have
1:26:00 learned from childhood to honor or
1:26:02 regardless big Scholars or great minds
1:26:04 and then ultimately when you dig all of
1:26:06 that and where you find many of them are
1:26:08 almost mindless
1:26:10 and many of the emologists is a disgrace
1:26:13 for the idea and problem but
1:26:16 there's no free lunch if you want to get
1:26:18 let's forget to that what it has been
1:26:20 revealed if the Quran is a revelation as
1:26:22 you said when we started we assume it's
1:26:24 a revelation and this recorded where
1:26:26 word for word letter for letter even the
1:26:29 script is recorded so they'll receive it
1:26:31 is revealed as a script not even as a
1:26:33 pronounced word in primarily what plants
1:26:36 with is following the script
1:26:37 we discussed that at the beginning if
1:26:39 you believe that starting it then there
1:26:41 must be some wisdom there to be learned
1:26:42 and for that you have to
1:26:44 you have to go to it and it was not only
1:26:46 one but I or a fraction of I have to
1:26:48 synchronize everything the column itself
1:26:50 says
1:26:54 if they are they not going to ponder
1:26:56 analyze the whole Quran Quran not when I
1:26:59 also all the Quran has to be
1:27:01 because
1:27:03 if there are contradictions or
1:27:04 asynchronity then it can't be from Allah
1:27:06 that's the Quran says that another place
1:27:11 other things should prevent you from the
1:27:13 double Quran is that you'll have the
1:27:15 sealed you have a lock layers I have
1:27:17 everything there I don't need to honor
1:27:19 already the scholars did that for me I'm
1:27:21 not going to review that again no no you
1:27:22 have to review it again you have to open
1:27:24 the lock
1:27:25 and review it again but leave it again
1:27:27 not one eye or a fraction over I
1:27:29 from A to Z all of it that's a double
1:27:31 column we try to do that obviously we
1:27:34 may use that we go I by I but to try to
1:27:36 sing link and synchronize with other
1:27:38 eyes otherwise we'll not get the
1:27:39 guidance
1:27:42 otherwise you'll not get a guidance
1:27:45 so back to I think we we got that issue
1:27:48 a bit of I think we we give it a very
1:27:51 good so let's finish this out
1:27:55 issue of hunting also today because that
1:27:58 issue that is about ruling as on so the
1:28:02 Thai Sanctuary out Makkah is
1:28:06 is a place of Peace where even hunting
1:28:08 is not allowed Bloodshed is not allowed
1:28:10 except of necessity like for example the
1:28:12 permission to kill certain certain uh
1:28:15 certain uh harmful animals like like
1:28:19 like Mouse rats and things like that
1:28:22 that's permitted but it's not hunting
1:28:24 actually but it's a place of Peace no
1:28:26 Bloodshed and in the state of isram when
1:28:29 you are the state of Minnesota
1:28:33 foreign
1:28:52 but some people uh Venture and put Haram
1:28:55 and make the intention of Haram outside
1:28:57 that area then you got yourself stuck
1:29:00 then you can't do the hunting also but
1:29:02 anyway when you reach the meerkat then
1:29:04 you must
1:29:05 obviously get that otherwise you are
1:29:07 liable of certain penalties so at least
1:29:09 in this wider sanctuary
1:29:11 anyone coming with the attention of
1:29:13 Hazard Ramadan
1:29:15 not necessarily this but make the
1:29:17 intentional
1:29:18 is bad from hunting
1:29:21 but people were thinking that not a
1:29:24 little bit lightly
1:29:25 somehow so Allah the early Prohibition
1:29:29 in the Surah which we passed long ago
1:29:32 they were not respecting that as it
1:29:35 should be
1:29:36 so Allah tested them I said this this is
1:29:39 this is the test next time we will be
1:29:41 tested so Allah will know who fears him
1:29:43 and respect his commandment and whoever
1:29:46 translates of that he will have a severe
1:29:48 punishment
1:29:49 then after the Civil punishment is not
1:29:51 as severe as black punishment for
1:29:52 confront so understands I clarify that
1:29:55 let's read it and then you translate
1:29:57 yeah
1:30:01 um
1:30:21 what's that oh you oh you have a tainted
1:30:24 Faith kill no game while you are in the
1:30:27 state of pilgrimage and whoever of you
1:30:29 kills it intentionally shall make amends
1:30:32 in cattle equivalent to what he has
1:30:34 killed with two persons of probability
1:30:36 of property giving their judgment
1:30:38 thereon to be bought as enough offering
1:30:41 to the Kaaba or else he may atone for
1:30:44 his sin by feeding the needy or by the
1:30:46 equivalent thereof in fasting this in
1:30:49 order that he takes the full gravity of
1:30:52 his deed while God shall have a face to
1:30:55 pass
1:30:56 but whoever does it again God will
1:30:58 inflict his retribution on him for God
1:31:00 is Almighty an Avenger of evil next
1:31:03 translation believers do not hunt while
1:31:06 you are in the state of in the state for
1:31:09 sanctity
1:31:10 whoever kills an animal intentionally
1:31:13 must make amends by offering an
1:31:14 equivalent domestic animal comparable to
1:31:17 what was killed as defined by two just
1:31:19 men and offering to be delivered to the
1:31:23 Kaaba
1:31:24 or he may atone for his sin by feeding
1:31:26 the needy or by fasting an equivalent
1:31:29 number of days so that he may understand
1:31:31 the seriousness of what he has done God
1:31:34 forgives what is past but is but if
1:31:37 anyone does it again God will punish him
1:31:39 severely God is mighty and capable of
1:31:42 exacting the penalty so just feel it's
1:31:45 clear what's there that just commentary
1:31:48 and tomorrow where you are from we are
1:31:49 in state of Iran and tomorrow either or
1:31:53 in the sanctuary
1:31:55 there you are in you are in the state of
1:31:58 even if you are not intending to go to
1:31:59 the Kaaba so until
1:32:02 Sanctuary
1:32:05 because you are in the tight Sanctuary
1:32:07 the sanctuary
1:32:10 which is well known and well marked
1:32:14 this one
1:32:15 and who does it deliberately sometimes
1:32:18 you don't know deliberately for example
1:32:19 you are you are
1:32:22 intending to Haram at you outside and
1:32:24 then maybe you are driving a car and you
1:32:26 you kill a game for example it crosses
1:32:29 and you the car kills it and then you
1:32:30 say oh let me let me uh let me uh
1:32:35 slot on it so so it doesn't go for Waste
1:32:38 you do not hunt it's not the ability and
1:32:41 there are other examples if you in a
1:32:43 comment maybe your camera will kick
1:32:44 Arabic and then you say oh this rabbit
1:32:46 is obviously dying now let me let me
1:32:49 shed its blood so it becomes edible
1:32:51 that's not hunting that's not what
1:32:52 happened but that's very clear that's it
1:32:54 but someone's seeing a game there and
1:32:56 they ride his horse and go with the
1:32:58 overall race with the card with a gun
1:33:00 and so on clearly
1:33:02 and then whatever you kill the two of
1:33:05 the weather and so again the the the
1:33:07 let's go the masculine mentality of
1:33:09 people say two of just men it's not two
1:33:11 years two two two people of Justice from
1:33:15 you which could be men
1:33:17 or or what is the name of this which is
1:33:20 neither man and woman which is a rare
1:33:22 event was called uh
1:33:25 the one who says neither a man or woman
1:33:27 what's his name transgender no no no the
1:33:30 in their case it's not sensation
1:33:33 I'm afraid of diet yeah somebody that it
1:33:37 must be just Justice yeah anyone two or
1:33:41 a Passover so two passers of you who
1:33:43 have the attribute of being just
1:33:44 unreasonable
1:33:46 you kill you kill for example uh let us
1:33:50 say uh uh you hunt a wild donkey a zebra
1:33:54 they will most likely say that's
1:33:56 equivalent to a cow
1:33:57 There's No Escape
1:34:00 Etc this should be Hadi to be taken
1:34:02 toward the Kaaba so you have to
1:34:04 appropriate by a Hadi or and take it to
1:34:08 the cover for the proposal the car
1:34:09 itself is not obviously a place of of
1:34:12 sacrifice like in the case of bunny is
1:34:14 they were sacrificing and shedding a
1:34:16 blood there on
1:34:17 in the temple no it's not had your bag
1:34:19 I'll cut meaning through the post around
1:34:21 the cup or if the if it's somehow not
1:34:24 available for example there's no
1:34:26 equivalent or as a substitute because
1:34:28 there's muscle circuit an equivalent a
1:34:31 number of skin which will be fed like
1:34:34 usually they say for example if it is
1:34:36 how many people could be eating
1:34:39 reasonably uh one sheep 10 persons maybe
1:34:43 if it is the natural 15 a cow will be
1:34:46 maybe 70 or 80 with rice and surface
1:34:49 because nobody would just eat meat alone
1:34:51 would be with rice bread and so on so
1:34:53 you have to feed like like for example
1:34:55 the case of a subject rental car maybe a
1:34:57 hundred machine for example instead of
1:35:00 of this
1:35:03 and if it's a a another possibility is
1:35:07 too fast in a equivalent to that what's
1:35:09 the equivalence some people say
1:35:10 equivalency that for example in in the
1:35:12 in the case we're also breaking if we
1:35:14 discussed uh uh you you you you you feed
1:35:18 and clothe the 10 skin 10 my skin
1:35:21 feeding uh-huh tell me skin feeding like
1:35:23 within three days so since we have a
1:35:25 hundred for a cow it will be like a
1:35:27 divide by 10 will be 10 times 3 30 days
1:35:29 fasting for example but this will be
1:35:32 judged by some people reasonable who
1:35:34 understand the various area injunctions
1:35:36 and make her so Allah did not specify
1:35:38 except either an equivalent animal
1:35:40 sometimes equivalent is clear for
1:35:42 example the scholars entire past
1:35:44 discussed if someone hands an ostrich
1:35:46 which is definitely a game then they
1:35:49 said that ostriches is a big animal it
1:35:52 is equivalent to a camel for example it
1:35:54 has features and capabilities on
1:35:56 simulated with the camera
1:35:58 Etc but what's a water habit some people
1:36:01 say it's referring to a chicken
1:36:03 I'm gonna say no no it's more it's maybe
1:36:05 we should go higher ship things like
1:36:07 that but this is buying points if
1:36:10 someone gets involved in something like
1:36:12 that ever then there are some old
1:36:14 equivalences already established in time
1:36:16 passed by just people
1:36:18 or
1:36:19 there's something done by omarada so you
1:36:22 can take these over or this is to be
1:36:25 done or no judgments because it's just
1:36:28 how to apply to the reality
1:36:30 and whoever did that in the before
1:36:32 Allah will forgive that what happened in
1:36:35 the past but who come back but beside
1:36:37 this penalty Allah will take revenge on
1:36:39 him because Allah is powerful and
1:36:41 capable of taking Revenge
1:36:44 and then click clarification after that
1:36:46 so that is that the anthem Forum does
1:36:49 not mean only that you are in the state
1:36:50 of Iran only but also you are in the
1:36:52 Holy Sanctuary the being in the holistic
1:36:55 should you understand you should be in a
1:36:56 state of Iowa and you should behave as
1:36:58 if you are in a state of Iran if you're
1:37:00 going to only for which is really an
1:37:03 Asia good strong strong injection the
1:37:05 people of Makkah specifically which
1:37:07 unfortunately most people do not comply
1:37:09 with it and in other aspects because
1:37:11 being in Makkah should should give you
1:37:13 other features of being a set of alarm
1:37:15 also not only on Hunting there are other
1:37:17 things but unfortunately people have
1:37:19 have not been brought up and you created
1:37:21 the proper way to regard that living in
1:37:23 makkai's theory is the area a very
1:37:26 demanding and they think it's they can
1:37:29 live like anywhere else no in Mecca
1:37:30 there's this Sanctuary should be life
1:37:33 should be their runners in a more in a
1:37:36 more more spiritual and and and less
1:37:39 violent way unfortunately it's not the
1:37:41 case because of negligence so I thought
1:37:43 it would say Scholars did not educate
1:37:45 the people about that sufficiently
1:37:46 thinking only about hunting that's not
1:37:49 that is a little bit more than that
1:37:53 and also the issue that the water the
1:37:55 translations say to just men no it is to
1:37:57 just persons from you
1:38:01 so you see how sometimes previous
1:38:04 conceptions are creep in the mind and
1:38:06 then you don't see it in the text
1:38:08 because when the text we want to specify
1:38:10 mirror and female it was pretty sorry if
1:38:12 it doesn't specify then you are not
1:38:14 allowed to specify from your own
1:38:16 imagination
1:38:18 uh the next I clarify that is not
1:38:21 applied to the the hunting of the sea
1:38:23 um
1:38:34 Translate
1:38:35 lawful to you is all water game and what
1:38:39 the sea brings forth as a provision for
1:38:41 you who are settled as well as for
1:38:43 travelers although you are forbidden to
1:38:45 hunt on land while you are in the state
1:38:47 of the pilgrimage and be conscious of
1:38:49 God unto whom you shall be gathered next
1:38:52 translation it is permitted for you to
1:38:54 catch and eat seafood seafood this is an
1:38:57 enjoyment for you as well as for
1:38:58 travelers although you are forbidden to
1:39:01 hunt on land while you are in the state
1:39:04 of sanctity be mindful of God to whom
1:39:06 you will be gathered
1:39:08 of this very clear that's that's the
1:39:10 obviously the bar
1:39:12 some people discuss the wisdom while
1:39:14 excluded not exclusion people say
1:39:16 because if you add a ship and it takes
1:39:18 long time then you need food and so on
1:39:20 and Etc and you may not have enough food
1:39:22 with you but this is not a very valid
1:39:25 argument actually because people are
1:39:27 traveling by sea uh usually have with
1:39:30 them
1:39:30 sufficient food that's not what for
1:39:32 beginning they have they have bread so
1:39:35 dried bread and things like that so they
1:39:36 can survive so that's not a good
1:39:39 secondly it's allowed even for those who
1:39:41 are settled now the one traveling fine
1:39:43 but say Allah settled at the seaside
1:39:46 within the holy Sanctuary or we were
1:39:48 living in Mecca they are not traveling
1:39:49 still is permitted for them so it is
1:39:52 something intrinsically there's
1:39:54 something interestingly
1:39:55 maybe the best side because that's
1:39:58 that's the hunting with the sea is
1:39:59 usually uh but also this is not a
1:40:02 universal there's no Bloodshed in that
1:40:04 sense but if you are hunting large fish
1:40:06 and so on there will be bloodshed
1:40:08 especially whales so that's all it does
1:40:11 not sound very very uh very persuasive
1:40:14 anyway but this is Allah decision
1:40:17 it's a c game is better hunting is
1:40:19 permitted but land game is not permitted
1:40:22 I the best thing to say is that because
1:40:24 it's because uh the the sea the the the
1:40:27 sanctuary the limits of the sanctuary
1:40:30 for example if you're coming by sea from
1:40:31 Egypt or from Sudan you will uh
1:40:35 when you reached
1:40:37 so the sea is outside of sanctuary
1:40:39 anyway so it's not at the domain of
1:40:41 sanctuary or the main of making era most
1:40:43 likely that's the better logic of it but
1:40:45 even that it's just a Divine injunction
1:40:47 which has to be respected
1:40:50 and oh that's that's the thing the
1:40:52 second idea that Hadith have clarified
1:40:54 that even said even the dead animals of
1:40:57 the sea as long as they are not rotten
1:40:59 are not edible but that's about this
1:41:01 will be the issue of being unhealthy and
1:41:03 or bad for for your health nobody would
1:41:06 do it obviously but otherwise uh even
1:41:09 they are dead if you find Fisheries
1:41:11 floating over there and it doesn't
1:41:13 there's no sign if it's bad or or
1:41:15 poisonous or anything you can you can
1:41:17 eat it and so on so the the animals of
1:41:20 the sea including even mammals like uh
1:41:22 like uh whale and so on even if it's
1:41:24 dead you find this way to sometimes the
1:41:27 sea drops somewhere else here then they
1:41:29 die there if you find it dead you can
1:41:31 eat it it's perfectly harder and also
1:41:33 the water of seal although salty it's
1:41:35 purifying you can use it Forward also
1:41:37 obviously nobody will use it for drink
1:41:39 because it's a if you drink the plenty
1:41:42 of vegetable it will kill you
1:41:44 essentially it will not exchange with
1:41:46 sales because of the content of salt it
1:41:48 would be deadly for imbalance that the
1:41:50 minerals in the body but it is purifying
1:41:53 but as I clarified by Hadith various
1:41:55 Hadith and various other injections
1:41:59 so that's the final ruling Seidel bar
1:42:02 hunting of the in the sanctuary on the
1:42:05 state of sanctity is physically
1:42:06 prohibited
1:42:07 and
1:42:09 said hunting of the sea and game of the
1:42:12 sea and even dead animals of the sea are
1:42:14 permitted both for the traveler and the
1:42:16 one on the seaside who are not traveling
1:42:18 and and said be conscious about Allah to
1:42:22 whom we will be recovered at the end of
1:42:25 the whole of the world
1:42:26 so I think we stopped here
1:42:29 because we but most of the time in the
1:42:31 issue of divine foreign
1:42:39 of
1:42:41 uh or sure
1:42:44 what's his name the interference of the
1:42:47 state in in in in Creed and and action
1:42:50 of the of the people uh what's the
1:42:53 limitation of the state Authority we
1:42:55 will address that in a few seconds after
1:42:58 having a small break of of 30 seconds or
1:43:01 something like that to separate that in
1:43:02 the recording and also in the Stream
1:43:04 we'll continue with this three I see I
1:43:06 suggest we continue with the stream so
1:43:08 that people can participate in that the
1:43:10 question is what is happening in Iran
1:43:11 allegedly because the the police
1:43:14 punished a woman or apprehended woman
1:43:17 which was not rejecting order to wearing
1:43:19 hijab and she was she died in police
1:43:21 custody or something like that so we
1:43:23 take
1:43:24 a few seconds break
1:43:27 with the recording and streaming going
1:43:29 on
1:43:30 and then we start with the running
1:43:32 question
1:43:36 so we continue next time by Ayah number
1:43:38 I think 99 in my account it's 98 miles
1:43:41 yeah
1:43:53 okay Bismillah what was the issue about
1:43:55 Iran's Russia you mentioned something
1:43:57 you had a certain question a certain
1:43:59 issue or for propagation so just in
1:44:03 relation to the job of the state is it
1:44:06 allowed to enforce things like hijab
1:44:08 Salah Etc in terms of for example
1:44:10 someone's Uncovered what's the
1:44:12 relationship with the state and
1:44:14 individuals who who do well basically
1:44:17 not comply with certain obligations that
1:44:19 Islam stipulates yeah this is this is
1:44:22 very importantly important question
1:44:24 because because the the definition of
1:44:27 the state which is uh had been
1:44:30 adopted by uh or in after after the
1:44:35 hijacking of the power and the
1:44:37 abolishment of the shoulder by marawi
1:44:38 and his ilk and after that essential
1:44:41 almost continuously
1:44:43 and then was codified by the scholars
1:44:45 later unfortunately
1:44:47 and sometimes to an extreme level
1:44:50 ing uncovered like what they called the
1:44:54 shami the relevant obedience which was
1:44:57 was spread in Syria and around
1:44:59 and which even they claim that you have
1:45:01 to obey the ruler even if he commands
1:45:03 Haram or command
1:45:06 he's responsible for that something like
1:45:07 some statement like that and the other
1:45:10 ruler is not accountable for anything
1:45:12 because because
1:45:13 there is a representing Allah on Earth
1:45:16 so it's above above questioning and
1:45:18 things like that this is all statements
1:45:20 and many of the people who advocated
1:45:22 that are essentially whenever Catherine
1:45:24 even if they're called Scholars few of
1:45:27 us will get there because of stupidity
1:45:28 and ignorance but this is very unlikely
1:45:30 to be the administration of scholar but
1:45:32 even some other importance like Jose
1:45:35 said one of them one of the way of
1:45:38 freaky way of the xiaomi which must be
1:45:41 forsaken is
1:45:44 obedience that's all what he said but
1:45:47 this is this is extremely uh
1:45:49 disappointing statement just say it has
1:45:51 to be forsaken it's not enough
1:45:53 but it's something like grave like that
1:45:55 should be clarified what it is
1:45:58 definitely as the claiming that it's a
1:46:01 Thai Champions legitimate is a statement
1:46:03 of cover without any doubt all right so
1:46:05 so such a weak statement is not really a
1:46:08 very honoring or or
1:46:12 making a respected outside very much
1:46:15 actually reduce considerably his respect
1:46:17 there are other issues also make him
1:46:19 easier make him really use in our uh our
1:46:22 should become reduced in our respect but
1:46:24 that's not the issue with a certain
1:46:26 person that the general stream was like
1:46:27 that in Syria but as general elsewhere
1:46:30 although nobody went to the level of
1:46:32 that the state is having widespread
1:46:35 authorities etc etc until mayor they
1:46:38 codified that in that sultania you find
1:46:40 scattered
1:46:42 here and there about Imam and Leadership
1:46:44 and the election maybe a couple of pages
1:46:47 but a complete write-up the only one the
1:46:51 first one is
1:46:56 as essentially
1:46:58 the the ruling about the state
1:47:01 in uh
1:47:03 in which he adopted or they did some
1:47:06 modification there totally total with
1:47:08 his daughter and the respect he did this
1:47:11 modification for the molarity
1:47:14 and his elk and after that
1:47:17 essentially adopted all of them all they
1:47:19 said you could say plagiarized it but
1:47:21 we'll change few things there according
1:47:23 to him
1:47:24 this is but nothing significant they
1:47:27 will say and the difference is that that
1:47:29 Imam head of state is a
1:47:34 general rulership of all Muslims in the
1:47:37 world
1:47:39 the the
1:47:41 for the management of Dunya and herasa
1:47:45 and the guardian of Dean guardian of
1:47:47 Dean
1:47:49 that's that's what guardian of Dean
1:47:53 adopted that
1:47:55 Dunya and did not use the word Guardian
1:47:57 for the that's that's in his favor I
1:48:00 don't know if he has used that or data
1:48:02 scorer but anyway that's the concept in
1:48:04 everyone's mind that the Imam is also
1:48:07 there to guard the Deen
1:48:10 but this is the driven foreign
1:48:21 except memories and stories but the the
1:48:25 Roman Empire the byzantia Roman Empire
1:48:28 was there and was everyone there Hill
1:48:30 State regard himself as the guardian of
1:48:32 the Deen even the Queen of England King
1:48:34 of England now one of his titles
1:48:36 Defensor of Faith huh defender of Faith
1:48:39 that's one of his major titles
1:48:41 read the full titles of Queen Elizabeth
1:48:43 or King Charles now say Empower
1:48:46 Etc obviously emperor of India is
1:48:48 removed there's nobody there but is
1:48:50 there a defender of Faith etc etc etc
1:48:53 and head of the Commonwealth Etc so
1:48:55 that's defender of Faith so it seems to
1:48:57 be from the early tradition since the
1:48:59 conversion of Constantine somehow the
1:49:02 Emperors thought that they are the one
1:49:04 who defend the faith unto God the faith
1:49:13 it did not come to that that they call
1:49:15 conferences and it acts things like that
1:49:17 this would have been outrageous nobody
1:49:19 would have accepted that but
1:49:22 almost although the formality was not
1:49:25 done but almost like that like so
1:49:27 there's a bunch of Scholars around the
1:49:29 Khalif or the head of state who uh if he
1:49:32 adopts their point of view he more often
1:49:35 than not he will try to enforce it and
1:49:36 broadcast it widely
1:49:39 and that's what's caused obviously
1:49:41 various issues about Creed and the
1:49:42 issues of vlogging issues of creation of
1:49:45 the Quran all of this because of this
1:49:46 attitude even from some an enlightened
1:49:48 man like like uh al-mahmoud as I said so
1:49:52 this is the way they got it if there's
1:49:54 anything in the Quran Sunnah or either
1:49:57 indicating that let's go back to see
1:50:00 what all of it was
1:50:03 was appointed to code
1:50:05 for beef and then Creed in Makkah
1:50:09 and even there he was not allowed to
1:50:12 have any dominance over the people see
1:50:14 foreign
1:50:27 because they were not really structured
1:50:29 as a state
1:50:36 no dominance or no control over them
1:50:39 however who turn away and become a cafe
1:50:42 Allah will punish him the severe
1:50:45 punishment is not for you
1:50:50 so he was not even
1:50:52 allowed to force belief on anybody
1:50:57 as a party leader let's say in Mecca
1:51:00 later on he were asking the try the
1:51:03 tribes for for nusra
1:51:05 which has Italian misunderstood that he
1:51:07 wanted to establish a state no don't
1:51:08 know
1:51:11 Etc I think it's translated read it and
1:51:14 if someone asked for it the translation
1:51:16 is being reviewed now finished and can
1:51:18 be publicized to the people or not yet
1:51:20 Arabic is available anyway for those who
1:51:22 hated Arabic the English one I think
1:51:24 it's just for final polishing if I'm not
1:51:27 mistaken
1:51:28 or it's already polished
1:51:32 he was asking them he was asking them
1:51:34 give me protection so I can bring the
1:51:36 word of Allah to everyone
1:51:39 because my people want to kill me so
1:51:41 protect me from being killed being
1:51:43 attacked so I combusted and I don't
1:51:46 force any one of you to follow what what
1:51:49 I have what I have brought
1:51:50 or even were to follow fine who does not
1:51:52 follow so meaning I am not going to
1:51:54 enforce anything on you just give me the
1:51:56 protection
1:51:57 be sufficiently open-minded to protect
1:52:00 me that's it you want to follow a
1:52:02 library fine if you don't want fine
1:52:03 that's perfectly fine just give me a
1:52:04 protection I'm essentially Asylum that's
1:52:07 it
1:52:08 and just want to be collaborated by
1:52:10 various narrations and so on and and so
1:52:12 it makes absolutely clear that he was
1:52:14 not looking after to establish a state
1:52:16 or have any Authority above them
1:52:19 then let's go and step forward so to
1:52:22 build the argument correctly we have to
1:52:24 start from zero that's the way to go
1:52:26 I think people starting maybe with the
1:52:29 with later time
1:52:31 even in a misunderstood way but let us
1:52:36 when you start this way even the
1:52:37 misunderstanding later would be
1:52:39 clarified
1:52:40 or there should be no message on
1:52:41 studying but they just ignore that and
1:52:43 this went what time a little bother
1:52:45 going back to Quran they just decided to
1:52:48 make to forsake the Quran put it behind
1:52:50 their back exactly like an issue of
1:52:51 cattle and so on and cover and foreign
1:52:55 behind their back and just we're happy
1:52:57 with their with the semi-philosophical
1:52:59 sophistry and claiming that this is the
1:53:02 truth that we have to even twist over
1:53:03 the Quran to fit it the same happened
1:53:05 there in a certain extent
1:53:09 when the answer came
1:53:11 back
1:53:12 which is
1:53:15 because he worked on that and did some
1:53:18 developed a theory but the theory is
1:53:20 again fault
1:53:21 because the bear sounds like that
1:53:23 he said with this
1:53:26 state was established but you look at
1:53:28 the way I said see
1:53:33 was famous in the silica of the book
1:53:37 we're talking about
1:53:41 they can buy on the following
1:53:45 they made a covenant to him that when he
1:53:47 comes to Madina they will protect
1:53:48 himself him in Medina and His companion
1:53:51 who will immigrate with him and get
1:53:53 ahead of him like they protect their own
1:53:56 dress meaning or their own hour their
1:53:58 own women and children
1:54:00 they're willing to fight unto death
1:54:03 that's all
1:54:04 and
1:54:06 we don't dispute the one in Authority
1:54:08 unless we see an evident cover what does
1:54:10 this mean
1:54:14 and it's been a covenant with the
1:54:16 prophet with this meaning no because the
1:54:17 prophet could not could could conceive
1:54:19 of having any open cover so the spirit
1:54:21 the one in Authority there so they have
1:54:23 their own authority their tribal Chef
1:54:25 tense or Stripes were like States so
1:54:26 they will have their own head of states
1:54:29 who part of the darker that by atom
1:54:32 Muhammad to protect him does not give
1:54:33 them an authority to dispute to lose an
1:54:35 authority and remove them unless they do
1:54:37 evidently
1:54:39 or combat Haram publicly which is the
1:54:42 same cover why from there from The
1:54:44 Authority is publicly otherwise they
1:54:47 should not dispute so this is clearly
1:54:49 what I'm saying they took this Covenant
1:54:51 with them I am not coming to be a ruler
1:54:54 I'll be just under your protection
1:54:57 I will be an asylum Seeker
1:54:59 you will continue with your ruler with
1:55:01 it and you don't speak to them the same
1:55:03 Muhammad is now here now we can remove
1:55:05 you and put Muhammad or what anybody
1:55:07 else know you can't
1:55:09 or put myself no it still gives you
1:55:11 Authority unless he command around
1:55:14 publicly or which is open cover
1:55:18 so it is clear there's no State there
1:55:20 and he is not a head of state
1:55:31 of Allah
1:55:33 not as a green star boss no so it is
1:55:36 impossible so the way I feel read it
1:55:38 carefully and we say the truth anywhere
1:55:40 even if we are not fearing no blame of
1:55:42 any blamer that's all have nothing to do
1:55:44 with being becoming head of state so
1:55:46 there's no state established and he had
1:55:47 no Authority when the American to Madina
1:55:50 he was allowed later to immigrate
1:55:52 as the last immigrant essentially
1:55:55 one of the last ones because Ali stayed
1:55:57 back to pay the debts and settle all the
1:56:00 accounts of awesome then he followed and
1:56:01 few others followed and some were
1:56:02 prevented but when they arrived by the
1:56:06 structure of the society which is the
1:56:08 tribal Society every tribe essentially
1:56:10 is like a state authority to like I said
1:56:11 like a state it's the daily estate it's
1:56:13 a state no doubt is a state
1:56:15 with all the meaning of State not the
1:56:17 Western definition of state but the
1:56:19 correct meaning legal definition of
1:56:20 State
1:56:21 which I always mentioned that that for
1:56:24 example the the Indian tribes in their
1:56:26 reservation has been there was a dispute
1:56:29 about what their status and so on and
1:56:31 the Supreme Court these are people of
1:56:33 the law who understand the law and
1:56:35 analyze it properly and so on see every
1:56:37 tribe is like any one of the singing
1:56:39 states of nasty to America they're part
1:56:40 of the village
1:56:42 even if they don't have a representative
1:56:44 in the parliament as Senator and so on
1:56:45 still they are they should be regarded
1:56:48 and treated as if they are states
1:56:50 members of the Union
1:56:52 that's what people of the law who
1:56:53 understand the meaning of the lower
1:56:55 meaning of state and authority and in
1:56:56 touch a relationship between a central
1:56:58 and Authority Federal Authority and and
1:57:00 members of the Federation Etc come to
1:57:03 which is dictated by the necessity of
1:57:04 the nature of real estate they don't
1:57:06 bother about the usual uh defunctive
1:57:09 definition of land and people at the no
1:57:11 no it says this tribe is having a
1:57:14 structure or running itself like a state
1:57:15 and they are state so that's that's the
1:57:17 reality of the state really
1:57:20 they were Qureshi they were in a college
1:57:22 state if there is a state in Croatia or
1:57:24 several States because there are several
1:57:25 competing tribes and then now in Medina
1:57:28 they have no tribe so they became like a
1:57:30 tribe they were called mahajarin and the
1:57:32 plural became their boss and their head
1:57:34 of state so the state of mahajarin by by
1:57:36 initial imaged by Nature he was the
1:57:39 leader of a party in Makkah but now they
1:57:41 are separated but they are not member of
1:57:42 these uh tribes in Medina so what they
1:57:45 are they become like became a state and
1:57:47 he is the head of them and that's the
1:57:50 reason if you look if you look carefully
1:57:52 uh all the
1:57:54 all the the uh the first battle
1:57:58 campaigns and the Saraya and so on sent
1:58:00 in the early time until butter
1:58:03 foreign
1:58:06 what does this mean
1:58:08 s
1:58:10 what does this mean
1:58:12 because the answer they were not part of
1:58:15 that state not under his command
1:58:17 absolutely not
1:58:19 and better he called people to come out
1:58:21 and whoever wants to come out even the
1:58:23 SR were invited but they were not
1:58:25 ordered
1:58:26 and that's the reason when because it
1:58:28 was a caravan to be hijacked and
1:58:30 obviously the the hijacking is to uh to
1:58:33 take revenge of the Quran which
1:58:35 confiscated almost
1:58:37 be confiscated but obviously a caravan
1:58:40 may have enough wealth to not only for
1:58:42 the mahaja room but there will be extra
1:58:43 the extra benefit and why not invite
1:58:46 them an answer to participate invited
1:58:49 but the Caravan escaped
1:58:54 so what to do he started asking the
1:58:56 people to for consultation
1:58:59 spoke and so on and he said
1:59:02 give me your point of view and not one
1:59:04 of the answer I think sadly nobody
1:59:06 outside of a wild notice
1:59:10 say yes what's your point of view what
1:59:13 do you suggest
1:59:15 what he was Consulting about the answer
1:59:17 is tell us because narration like that
1:59:19 are usually Abridged will not memorize
1:59:22 things which take Pages whether it's
1:59:24 only half a page but the answer rather
1:59:26 tell tell that essentially saying should
1:59:29 we go ahead and fight the quraishi army
1:59:31 which is now coming forward to fight us
1:59:33 now the Caravan is gone now it is
1:59:35 becoming a button it's a war
1:59:38 and the ansar had have no Covenant with
1:59:40 him to defend him and fight with him
1:59:41 outside Medina
1:59:43 they could have said they didn't say
1:59:45 that because they could have said listen
1:59:48 we gave you protection in Medina that's
1:59:50 that's the agreement that's the wording
1:59:51 of the agreement
1:59:52 we don't give you protection that you go
1:59:54 with
1:59:55 to battle campus outside and do
1:59:58 adventures and want us to protect you
2:00:00 there come back to Madina will be
2:00:01 protected but here wait for the Croatia
2:00:04 Army and fight no that's not our
2:00:05 obligation which is true it has been
2:00:07 true but what this partner said we're
2:00:11 not going to tell you like the people of
2:00:12 Musa go and fight with your lord we are
2:00:14 with you we'll fight with you here even
2:00:16 if you go to Berkeley ramad this place
2:00:18 near Ahmad we will be with you so our
2:00:21 agreement to protect you and fight with
2:00:23 you is extended everywhere it's not only
2:00:25 in Medina
2:00:27 was elated and say
2:00:32 let me tell you the good news Allah
2:00:34 promised me one of the two parties who
2:00:36 still the Caravan did not Escape 100 and
2:00:38 the Croatia Army is on the way maybe we
2:00:40 can catch one of them Allah said one of
2:00:41 the two would be yours
2:00:43 you have one of them
2:00:46 so we will get something
2:00:48 don't don't worry we'll be getting
2:00:50 something and then they've got obviously
2:00:52 the one which is financially not more
2:00:53 pleasing but the one which is for the
2:00:55 and the law said clearly you wish that
2:00:57 you have had the Caravan because it's
2:00:59 easy it's money easy money no no Allah
2:01:01 wish to get the quality and break their
2:01:03 back
2:01:05 that's what Allah has enforced and this
2:01:07 so even in discussion show it was not
2:01:09 the head of the answer
2:01:11 as I discussed later on after brother
2:01:15 and after the after the carbon National
2:01:17 started as a campaign against the
2:01:18 prophet and went to Mecca and Omen they
2:01:20 opened the make a big funeral and was
2:01:22 lamenting making a big lamentation she
2:01:24 was a very good at lamentation and
2:01:26 complaining about the bad luck and so on
2:01:28 they have even a book called The Book of
2:01:30 lamentation in the Bible
2:01:32 an Instagram
2:01:35 peaceful and there was no conflict and
2:01:38 everything couldn't do was nice and
2:01:39 smooth one of them became a warrior now
2:01:42 instigating what is a warrior
2:01:44 whenever some water and he started
2:01:47 insulting Muslim insulting and and
2:01:49 talking about Muslim women about issues
2:01:52 of Allah and things like that that's
2:01:53 very abusive but the instigating of the
2:01:55 world is the west but that other one is
2:01:57 just a footnote said the discount has
2:02:01 heard Allah in his messenger he's
2:02:02 insulting Allah who can take care of him
2:02:05 and some of the house volunteer to do
2:02:07 that
2:02:09 and this isn't heifer by the way
2:02:10 discussed in the sahib and he told them
2:02:13 go ahead and
2:02:15 consult with the with the side of him
2:02:18 take his permission why take his
2:02:19 permission if he's the head of state of
2:02:21 Laos because
2:02:22 still still not in the head
2:02:26 then after Karma was this partial we
2:02:28 know the story The stipher is there the
2:02:30 cypho is written and then now we have a
2:02:32 state established and which is a
2:02:34 federation between the uh and then seven
2:02:37 states of the ansar and Confederation
2:02:40 with with the Jews
2:02:43 now we have a state after that no that's
2:02:46 that's just to clarify the issue of
2:02:48 establishing a state and the mistake of
2:02:49 his battalions that's like that until
2:02:51 now he was not enforcing anything
2:02:53 not commanding anything and the
2:02:55 dispatching of Scarborough and killing
2:02:57 him is an act of War because he started
2:02:58 War he was integrated one he's a warrior
2:03:01 and his wife told him don't meet these
2:03:03 people you are a warrior now and in Wars
2:03:05 they may be deceiving you say no no they
2:03:07 are my brothers they will not received
2:03:08 me and he got I got to see as he should
2:03:10 be in war that's the way it works
2:03:12 okay after that versus obviously the
2:03:15 head of state in Medina and the head of
2:03:17 the Confederation
2:03:19 let us see what happens to the things
2:03:21 which are not related to the even the
2:03:23 sahiba mentioned about anything which is
2:03:25 which which is which which threatened to
2:03:28 be initial public security
2:03:30 must be referred to him uh for
2:03:33 settlement so it's issues of War and
2:03:35 Peace versus murder this is a thrift
2:03:38 things like that should be referred to
2:03:40 him for judgment but other issues were
2:03:42 never effect or never mentioned but
2:03:44 let's see what the reality the reality
2:03:46 in media for example concerning hijab
2:03:50 was never enforced by that but by uh by
2:03:53 the one I set up no no what he said went
2:03:56 out and telling the woman uh you have to
2:03:59 meet her with a day they complied the
2:04:01 Commandment out of their devotion and
2:04:03 there was no woman who should not come
2:04:05 back for example there was a woman
2:04:06 narrated
2:04:07 that uh that uh
2:04:10 said if I would be stoning anybody with
2:04:14 that without an Evidence I would Stone
2:04:15 her and if someone asked if that bus is
2:04:18 that a woman who did the say say no
2:04:20 there's a woman which is clearly showing
2:04:23 Sue in Islam she was working essentially
2:04:26 as a prostitute but no there was not
2:04:27 enough four Witnesses I'm guessing and
2:04:30 he did not stand no no no no did he go
2:04:33 and put gods in her house and look that
2:04:34 away that's number one as an example and
2:04:37 the example he had a boat woman which
2:04:39 ride horses and pretend to be a man so
2:04:42 genders you're doing a gender change
2:04:44 classical Style
2:04:53 may Allah
2:04:57 behave and turn themself into men and
2:04:59 the opposite men who are Muhammad who
2:05:01 are female female like not to tell him
2:05:04 they will be cast and nobody went to
2:05:06 that the people told that woman said
2:05:08 that and she seized Auto believe so he
2:05:11 didn't send him
2:05:13 all the things related to Bible order he
2:05:15 sent people to enforce like enforcing
2:05:17 her dude that's clear because this is a
2:05:19 matter of the state punishment nobody
2:05:21 should enforce them and accept except
2:05:23 him actually between the people said the
2:05:26 half you catch a thief for example
2:05:30 if you can
2:05:32 and you find a good reason then you
2:05:34 should release him before going to the
2:05:35 doctor if you go to the authority that
2:05:37 number that is out of your hand you
2:05:38 can't forgive him anymore you cannot you
2:05:39 can't intercede or bring away from him
2:05:42 anymore you do it before so meaning even
2:05:44 there you still do the people should be
2:05:47 forgiven between each other
2:05:49 not not reporting they want to report it
2:05:51 is
2:05:53 so that's that's another evidence
2:05:57 so it it's very clear even salad usually
2:06:00 the Hadith that we discussed that in the
2:06:02 issue with them
2:06:03 said that they say it was very angry
2:06:06 that people are missing Zuma is
2:06:12 if it were not for women and men and
2:06:15 children in the houses I would go and
2:06:16 burn the houses
2:06:20 we take the minimalist point of view but
2:06:23 they didn't do and then send anybody to
2:06:25 do not say they want to look at the door
2:06:27 or have a register asking about their
2:06:30 names
2:06:34 so he was only concerned and enforcing
2:06:36 things and sending people to enforce if
2:06:38 it is related to public order
2:06:40 for example the man who married the uh
2:06:43 despite the injection married the wife
2:06:45 of his father
2:06:47 has passed away he inherited that woman
2:06:49 and Humanity that was done in jail quite
2:06:51 often not very often that often well
2:06:54 allowed in Jalia on this entertainment
2:06:56 very disgusted to Allah
2:06:59 hateful to Allah completely
2:07:01 and he did it publicly and have a
2:07:03 wedding celebration so he's challenging
2:07:05 the public order so he's a warrior not
2:07:07 by spooling the sword actual word but by
2:07:11 law is a warrior so he sent him a couple
2:07:14 of men
2:07:15 who decapitated him took his money to
2:07:17 the treasury
2:07:19 do not leave the money for the for the
2:07:20 hairs because he is he's a confronting
2:07:22 the step the public order and the
2:07:24 ability
2:07:26 so he's a warrior
2:07:28 his wealth will not go through it was in
2:07:30 health because Muslim Jonathan had a
2:07:32 cover that goes through the treasury
2:07:36 something like that but nowhere is
2:07:38 something
2:07:39 in another matter of hijab or matter
2:07:42 people not attending Salah or something
2:07:44 like nothing
2:07:45 people miss David
2:07:50 he said that but he did not do it
2:07:55 and clearly this means that Allah Allah
2:07:59 he was upset about that but Allah
2:08:01 diverted his attention from doing
2:08:03 anything
2:08:04 and some people say oh but he mentioned
2:08:06 the reason that the houses said so
2:08:08 that's not a good reason because he
2:08:10 could you could go to these houses take
2:08:11 that woman's children out and bend out
2:08:15 or take them and punish them under give
2:08:18 their the ownership of the house to the
2:08:20 wife and the children and declare him to
2:08:21 be houseless homeless kick him out of
2:08:23 Medina
2:08:24 many things can be done nothing can be
2:08:26 done that so this is argument that he
2:08:28 did he did not do it because women are
2:08:30 children as he said
2:08:32 that's that's that's important that's
2:08:34 the way that's the way the bad and false
2:08:38 or Soul work
2:08:40 his his soul did not like that and he
2:08:42 was angry with it and and he almost did
2:08:46 it but he did not do it why because
2:08:47 Allah praying then we're doing it
2:08:49 because that's not within his authority
2:08:51 we have also other narration he's been a
2:08:53 trivia another issue perhaps I hated
2:08:55 that too that's anyone Walks Behind him
2:08:57 he prefers to be behind All His
2:08:58 companion
2:08:59 so it is the opposite of real why we
2:09:02 don't know the opposite of of rulers and
2:09:05 kings in the world usually in the front
2:09:08 and everyone is behind them so most
2:09:10 likely that's the reason
2:09:12 psychologically he hates in one so Jesus
2:09:15 I prefer that you are in front of me and
2:09:18 keep my back to the angels I don't need
2:09:20 anyone in my back the angels protect my
2:09:22 back you'll be in front go front go
2:09:25 ahead and one day some some people who
2:09:27 are not very new in Islam like a
2:09:29 delegation they will follow him say
2:09:31 don't follow me get away and then one of
2:09:34 them still continue following so he beat
2:09:36 him saying he beat me with a sticker or
2:09:39 a tooth a toothbrush which is made out
2:09:42 of some kind of plant stick or something
2:09:44 say a small a small slab which barely
2:09:48 had me
2:09:51 then in the evening when I was at home
2:09:53 about to sleep I asked myself
2:09:55 why the messenger Allah beat me that it
2:09:58 didn't help but this access is heading
2:10:01 symbolically I must have done something
2:10:03 very bad let me go tomorrow and ask him
2:10:06 what I did wrong so he beat me because
2:10:07 he did not comprehend that by walking
2:10:09 behind the prophet is bad he did not
2:10:11 understand the injunction if he didn't
2:10:12 understand it properly
2:10:14 and so that maybe just a prophet want to
2:10:17 be to be humble or something like that
2:10:18 to notice that he dislike it really
2:10:21 let's say I went through the machine
2:10:22 when I entered the Masjid let me see
2:10:24 your law was giving a sermon and saying
2:10:26 yesterday some of you were following me
2:10:30 and I
2:10:31 I was very upset because I don't want
2:10:33 any following me and some of them I
2:10:35 wanted to I I I I have beaten them with
2:10:39 a stick
2:10:41 Gabriel jabriel came to me and told me
2:10:44 Allah did not make you a compeller or a
2:10:46 tyrant why you are terrifying your
2:10:48 follower your nation
2:10:50 you should not have done that even this
2:10:52 that that touching with a stick which
2:10:53 did not hit the man
2:10:59 and then said I made an agreement with
2:11:01 my Lord if I had someone black and
2:11:03 dislike this situation or swear at him
2:11:06 or use harsh word with him make it for
2:11:08 him a forgiveness and a benefit
2:11:11 of agreed why not to do it as much as
2:11:15 you can
2:11:18 so I did not complete any major sin unto
2:11:21 his no Revelation came that a criminal
2:11:23 with your Beating or or insulting it is
2:11:25 it is
2:11:27 not like people but going bad and jibril
2:11:30 even came commenting on that so he was
2:11:33 released so even like that he did not
2:11:35 even he was not even allowed to
2:11:39 and this is another Hadith that he also
2:11:41 appointed with a stick to someone and
2:11:42 the minute you really can't say are you
2:11:44 joining the tyrants of the Roman and
2:11:46 Persian who arrested against your own
2:11:48 people
2:11:49 we not have said you like that so that's
2:11:51 the messenger
2:11:53 in his capacity as a head of state
2:11:55 because he was a head State at that time
2:11:56 and also other messenger so the
2:11:58 messenger does not give you this one nor
2:12:01 being ahead of State give you this one
2:12:03 until he died that's the day usual habit
2:12:05 there was no involved with anything
2:12:07 which is not related to the public or
2:12:08 the public security
2:12:10 none
2:12:15 public security for example if we get
2:12:17 example of things which were enforced
2:12:18 publicity he gave an order to kill the
2:12:20 dogs with the history does not tell us a
2:12:23 narration what was the reason because
2:12:24 before that to Hassan they have a puppy
2:12:27 they were playing with it
2:12:28 so the whole theory of najasa and so on
2:12:30 this is Imagination but they discussed
2:12:32 that another time it's not our time of
2:12:33 it so he gave an all that most likely he
2:12:36 received by our head that the dogs are
2:12:38 having possibly transmitted and
2:12:40 infectious disease we don't know
2:12:42 anyway he gave the order to kill the
2:12:44 dogs
2:12:46 so that the number is just considered
2:12:48 maybe that some of them were affected
2:12:49 with uh they were saying rapes or
2:12:51 rabbits or become rabbit or maybe at the
2:12:54 same time where we have in the Persian
2:12:55 Empire and in the north the plague the
2:12:58 big plague which killed
2:13:00 the son of of pervisa
2:13:03 the one who killed his father the scared
2:13:05 and they said find a really real emperor
2:13:09 or a real real
2:13:11 of the pleasure and part after that they
2:13:14 split unfortunate and today the Empire
2:13:16 of the singulated
2:13:18 maybe that's the that he's we don't know
2:13:20 anyway he was out there giving out to
2:13:22 kill all dogs
2:13:24 so he sent people he would proceeded in
2:13:26 dogs
2:13:27 I I I I almost sprinkle it almost almost
2:13:31 confident there must be something
2:13:32 related to disease and things like that
2:13:36 most likely I thought
2:13:38 and then he sent someone first pursuing
2:13:41 dogs and he said that the Habit said I
2:13:43 came to a remote like a remote Orca
2:13:46 enough
2:13:47 far away from Medina in the corner of
2:13:50 Medina and there were two ladies living
2:13:51 there with no man said please this dog
2:13:54 is the only combat company we have and
2:13:57 this barking zoo is officially
2:13:59 terrifying for thieves and animals and
2:14:01 so on so we will be very lonely and we
2:14:04 will feel less protected it's not
2:14:06 necessary for their survival but believe
2:14:08 it if he said without us we cannot we
2:14:10 cannot find ourselves from animals but
2:14:12 its company is is very highly desirable
2:14:16 for us
2:14:16 so he said augment was good so I went
2:14:19 back to all the messenger I said this is
2:14:20 not a special Go and Kill the dog until
2:14:22 I said must be killed and you kill the
2:14:24 dog
2:14:26 so this is most likely for public
2:14:28 protection from infection I I guess that
2:14:30 because it was the reason for getting
2:14:32 good then after that after obviously the
2:14:34 number has been reduced considerably and
2:14:35 then said
2:14:37 stop killing the dogs what's your
2:14:39 problem with dogs stop it now he did not
2:14:41 mention initially what's the reason not
2:14:43 in jail after that but she said stop
2:14:44 England and then was stopping killing
2:14:46 the dogs so that's public order
2:14:49 related to war
2:14:51 so he enforced eliminating the dogs
2:14:53 because but obviously to the rates most
2:14:55 likely Public Safety and Public Health
2:14:58 the thought where the state is
2:14:59 responsible so that's until he died
2:15:03 no enforcing because the state has to
2:15:07 collected and distribute it or they
2:15:09 distributed under supervision of the
2:15:10 state or they bring evidence that they
2:15:12 didn't distributed a legitimate way
2:15:14 otherwise it had to be collected and
2:15:16 there's no no if another that will be
2:15:18 enforced by the sport
2:15:19 this is because the cut is a social and
2:15:22 public and public commitment
2:15:25 yeah
2:15:29 you never checked anyone if you're doing
2:15:31 seriously
2:15:35 is the opposite
2:15:38 I will extreme opposite I'm just making
2:15:40 a bottom example he visited one lady
2:15:43 and ask her do you have anything to eat
2:15:45 to build something I said eat from it
2:15:47 take a bite from it said I'm fasting he
2:15:49 said maybe another or if I said and uh
2:15:54 said it is it will improve your ideal if
2:15:57 someone is if you are fasting and
2:15:58 someone eats in front of you it will
2:16:00 increase your value
2:16:02 so opposite what these these uh these
2:16:04 fake religious Saudi uh minister of
2:16:08 interior making an announcement whatever
2:16:09 that comes no one should be eat publicly
2:16:11 to to respect the feeling of the
2:16:13 Believers the only what they say doing
2:16:15 is relating the actions are declaring
2:16:17 the action obviously a lot to be wrong
2:16:19 and Reviving the belief of some of the
2:16:21 great reward to see someone eating while
2:16:22 you're fasting which gives you the
2:16:24 better feeling about what you are doing
2:16:26 and give you a feeling that yes I'm
2:16:29 fasting While others are eating
2:16:34 use a better internet commitment they're
2:16:36 just opposite all of these this behavior
2:16:38 of this government zone is either based
2:16:41 on fake in a definitely the order of
2:16:43 Ministry of interior of Saudi Arabia is
2:16:45 just just an act of hypocrisy to play
2:16:47 the religious card to full
2:16:49 disabled-minded people or we care about
2:16:51 us Islamic feeling we care about Siam
2:16:53 nobody should blame some publicly no I
2:16:55 just opened it that's what the
2:16:57 Protestants should be open and everyone
2:16:59 can eat if he wants it if he's a Muslim
2:17:02 then he is his comedic Haram and you
2:17:04 will punish them if he is a cafe that's
2:17:06 fine that says right or he should be
2:17:07 fasting
2:17:09 actually should encourage him because
2:17:10 fasting is healthy for him so he's he's
2:17:12 antibiotic his health to the hell with
2:17:14 him in his head
2:17:15 so that now we go through the what's
2:17:18 happening allegedly because of hijab
2:17:21 unless it is done in a demonstrative way
2:17:23 to challenge the public order but even
2:17:26 the shelter or that they should don't
2:17:27 know they shouldn't have been a public
2:17:29 order in the first place that hijab only
2:17:31 what should be enforced publicly is that
2:17:33 the minimum
2:17:35 which is enforced on everyone by
2:17:38 Solitaire
2:17:40 because it was not enforced by anybody
2:17:43 at the time Allah said
2:17:47 children of Adam take your Zina at
2:17:50 animasi at every Masjid every Masjid
2:17:53 again like like
2:17:57 a state of of Salah
2:18:00 or in the location of amasita
2:18:04 that addresses the fact that they have
2:18:06 the Pagan Habit to claim that
2:18:10 uh you should not make tawaf in the in
2:18:13 the clothing which you are committed sin
2:18:14 so either you get clothing from some
2:18:17 korashi which are supposed to be the
2:18:19 noble ones for sinless
2:18:22 and this will become a good business for
2:18:23 the quraishi if I leave that aside
2:18:25 that's the way your religion is always
2:18:27 abused Pagan or otherwise or if you
2:18:30 don't have then you'll make the love
2:18:31 naked at night men completely naked malt
2:18:35 nothing
2:18:38 with Janet has everything exposed and
2:18:40 women having uh
2:18:43 something almost like the Brazilian
2:18:46 bikini just like like something like a
2:18:48 strip covering the vagina and the anus
2:18:51 that's it
2:18:52 and all the rest of the well the bomb is
2:18:55 is exposed
2:18:56 so they will Auto take their Xena
2:19:01 later explanation
2:19:03 shows that the Xena for many will be
2:19:05 just to cover these anus and the other
2:19:07 from genitals the penis and the genital
2:19:09 for men cover more than that now more
2:19:11 than that otherwise goes usually from
2:19:13 from joint to joint or from a separation
2:19:16 but it's very so since uh covering the
2:19:19 the the
2:19:20 the the vagina and the answer is not
2:19:23 enough
2:19:24 which address to the Quran should not be
2:19:26 like that for women it should be more so
2:19:28 it should be covered all the tides and
2:19:30 so on but since we have obviously two
2:19:32 two significant body parts one starting
2:19:35 from below the anavel uh and the top
2:19:39 bone level of the of the hip there's a
2:19:43 bone there of the the end of spinal cord
2:19:46 essentially the bone all the way to the
2:19:49 next joint which is the knee so this
2:19:50 area or in between must be covered so
2:19:53 something like a shot
2:19:55 then you add then you have to take the
2:19:57 minimum absolute minimum
2:19:59 and for men as I said even like the
2:20:02 cabal resilient bikini or like the like
2:20:04 the address of these Japanese huge
2:20:07 wrestler that should be enough
2:20:09 they were not having that that's what
2:20:12 that's what all evidences about our also
2:20:16 indicate in public life how do we know
2:20:18 that's in public life they have to be
2:20:19 enforced because they adjusted too many
2:20:21 atoms so the obviously
2:20:23 because many many other are not
2:20:25 believers
2:20:28 nobody we don't believe that's from God
2:20:32 this is essentially meaning for those if
2:20:34 you have authority you should enforce in
2:20:35 public and this was done essentially in
2:20:37 the ninth year
2:20:38 in the last year of Hijra
2:20:44 was sent to it with uh and with certain
2:20:47 Commandments Allah was the commander of
2:20:50 the Hajj and the leader of the Hajj
2:20:51 delegation
2:20:52 and on behalf of the Prophet because of
2:20:54 us did not want to provide that here for
2:20:56 better scenes some people said one
2:20:57 reason is that says they were that still
2:20:59 mushiken were doing Hajj as obviously
2:21:01 because hajjad that year was the last
2:21:03 time Western because they were Shifting
2:21:05 the month and playing with with the
2:21:07 sanctuary so they're playing games with
2:21:09 the sanctuary but next year it would be
2:21:11 in the legend which is the time it will
2:21:13 be fixed until
2:21:14 you postponed history
2:21:17 went any whatever the reason and he sent
2:21:20 Ali with the opening of Bara and
2:21:22 announcing to everyone the open variety
2:21:24 and also announcing two things
2:21:27 and
2:21:38 no one will perform a throw off around
2:21:41 the Kaaba while he is naked
2:21:44 is prohibited now even if he's a Muslim
2:21:48 Muslim will not do that obviously
2:21:51 so
2:21:58 which is not generally allowed according
2:22:02 to uh to no compassionate religion you
2:22:06 should not enforce anyone something
2:22:07 which against his Creed
2:22:09 but this is excluded well because for
2:22:11 the public order and especially in the
2:22:13 Holy Sanctuary being naked is not
2:22:15 allowed
2:22:16 was enforced nobody will live you know
2:22:18 so that would be punished so that was
2:22:20 enforced publicly but only the minimum
2:22:22 as described how do we know minimum we
2:22:25 have to study all the issues
2:22:27 after that are for Muslims but also for
2:22:31 Muslims there was no evidence and no
2:22:33 story of enforcing anybody who was
2:22:34 deserted even when browser saw some
2:22:36 women who are not that is probably he
2:22:38 turned away he did not say and I should
2:22:40 ask him why it's supposed to be a three
2:22:43 asthma better be back up until don't you
2:22:45 see how she is dressed pigeons to he did
2:22:48 not beat her Italian takes it then
2:22:50 everything I just turned away showing
2:22:51 that he's just disapproving that a woman
2:22:54 should not show with me than the face
2:22:55 and the hands in public or some people
2:22:57 have discussed this Hadith and so on but
2:22:59 this is irrelevant but this is the
2:23:01 relevant is that he did not do any
2:23:02 action or all that anyone to go around
2:23:04 until the people don't do that and so on
2:23:10 or enforce it even you're telling maybe
2:23:12 telling is okay just announce it around
2:23:14 although there's people announce it for
2:23:17 both of Martin onion what needs to be
2:23:19 announced publicly is that for example
2:23:20 when one time there was a very thick
2:23:23 clouds and the people thought the sun
2:23:24 has said in Ramadan and they started
2:23:26 eating and then it cleared and their
2:23:29 sound was not set
2:23:30 let me see Allah send someone on a horse
2:23:32 going around in Medina quickly Allah
2:23:34 told you stop eating and then your
2:23:37 breakfast and that's it don't worry this
2:23:39 is this is a gift from Allah don't worry
2:23:42 about that but stop now eating until the
2:23:43 sun sets that's it that's the melody and
2:23:46 there was a necessity to send someone a
2:23:48 horse because there's no time to wait
2:23:49 for that for a wedding month so that's
2:23:51 that's all that has happened and then
2:23:53 forcing Ibraham I said not checking
2:23:56 anyone if he did it or legit then if a
2:23:58 second everyone if you're fast enough so
2:24:00 that's right from Allah whatever happens
2:24:02 after that
2:24:09 and things like that
2:24:12 and some people take that as Authority
2:24:13 it's not an authority
2:24:15 neither of them nor a worker nor anybody
2:24:17 after this is your last Authority it
2:24:19 can't be is
2:24:21 what you may approve you may disapprove
2:24:23 but it is instead but the fact that it
2:24:26 was not done by the prophet and this
2:24:27 Hadith I mentioned about the real coming
2:24:29 shining the prophet about beating some
2:24:31 people in a non-healthy way and in
2:24:34 another occasion shows that Omar's
2:24:36 adopting the Dora is a mistake
2:24:39 and you have to visit
2:24:40 but with that mistake you see that's a
2:24:42 mistake like that some people take it as
2:24:44 an outgoing if it's true some people
2:24:45 even argue this is all fabricated later
2:24:48 some some
2:24:50 rulers were interested to to attach to
2:24:53 attributorial many harsh actions and so
2:24:55 on which are not true
2:24:57 and and
2:25:00 this this way they they can they can't
2:25:04 have an argument for their own whips and
2:25:06 or their mortality but maybe anyway even
2:25:08 if it's happened for Mama I I wouldn't
2:25:11 be really bother very much studying that
2:25:12 or do it really or a CSM application
2:25:14 because even if you did it it's not an
2:25:17 authority we should get to that level to
2:25:19 see things like that for example here
2:25:21 that a woman uh have some certain
2:25:24 Behavior so he sends someone calling her
2:25:27 she was terrified and she aborted she
2:25:30 was pregnant
2:25:32 and the normal was in State of Shock
2:25:36 say what to do in this situation
2:25:38 and that's how I said you are you are a
2:25:40 head of state and you are an educator
2:25:42 tomorrow I did you have the right to
2:25:44 discipline like Father something like
2:25:46 that they are coming with a father
2:25:48 through the head of state
2:25:50 father
2:25:55 and that Ali was start silent
2:25:57 then say I see you I'm not saying
2:25:59 anything other commenting say that if
2:26:01 they give you fatwa according to your
2:26:03 desire are you going to take it say so
2:26:04 what's with the correct title you caused
2:26:07 here you you've terrified here you did
2:26:10 the you did the wrong action you
2:26:12 terrified there and she lost help me
2:26:13 because that you have to pay the DIA at
2:26:15 least
2:26:16 you did not do it intentionally you do
2:26:18 not want opposite this would be a
2:26:19 criminal act hypothesis but this is a
2:26:22 killing under for in the case and that's
2:26:24 that the job one was born alive and he
2:26:27 screamed and died so it's born alive and
2:26:29 died after that and the other cause of
2:26:31 his death
2:26:32 by your behavior it's a deal in you from
2:26:35 your money
2:26:37 so I almost paid the deal from his money
2:26:39 and his his uh next token because the
2:26:42 idea in in the case of killing of error
2:26:44 is on your money and the next stop can
2:26:45 not for my surgery
2:26:47 so clearly ideas regarded calling the
2:26:50 woman and terrifying her it's not
2:26:51 legitimate
2:26:54 or not warranted
2:26:57 because if it would have been legitimate
2:26:58 and a good act and this happened
2:27:00 accidentally that would be but the acts
2:27:02 itself well caught here I hear something
2:27:05 about here why
2:27:07 if someone's claims something bring your
2:27:09 evidence to come in a quarter low that's
2:27:11 the way to go
2:27:13 so it's short is like that they take
2:27:15 sometimes
2:27:20 he's the father of the of the of the
2:27:23 people yes in the meaning of care not
2:27:25 the meaning of punishment it's
2:27:27 punishment is only limited to the
2:27:29 prescribed punishment and prescribed
2:27:32 the same with the father by the people
2:27:34 think the father has a wide range of
2:27:37 punishments it's not true
2:27:39 even his own writer and even though
2:27:42 invoke something over here had you
2:27:43 thought that's not true
2:27:45 that's not true
2:27:46 he's not allowed also to be touching
2:27:48 them without any Justified reason to Etc
2:27:53 in The Sibling The Sibling does not
2:27:55 cover by beating and things like that
2:27:56 especially injurious meeting which is a
2:27:58 criminal act even for my father so this
2:28:01 is chaos from something which is best
2:28:03 wrong
2:28:04 so that's it so all of these issues
2:28:06 except really that there are moral of us
2:28:09 restrict Aura which should be enforced
2:28:10 in public even so for example there are
2:28:13 certain things also genie in India their
2:28:17 monks they go naked in the market that
2:28:20 should be prevented even if it is
2:28:21 obviously important you want to go and
2:28:23 record go in your Monastery and walk
2:28:25 naked around but in the market you have
2:28:27 to put at least as a man you have taught
2:28:29 at least something like the like the
2:28:31 Japanese wrestler or like the like the
2:28:34 Brazilian uh
2:28:37 what's his name the balazilian uh woman
2:28:41 or something similar from it and if it
2:28:44 is a woman you have to cover more maybe
2:28:46 from the knee up to the uh below below
2:28:49 that level
2:28:51 that's the meaning one thing about it
2:28:52 that has can be enforced publicly
2:28:54 because this will will will be a public
2:28:56 area of the issue
2:28:58 how it is probably called the issue by
2:28:59 the by the statement of the Quran
2:29:02 not by any philosophical consideration
2:29:03 but you will recognize that it will be
2:29:05 also completed because the majority of
2:29:07 human beings will be will be either
2:29:09 offended or diverted or someone driving
2:29:11 the car may be diverts his attention
2:29:13 make an accident soon so it touches a
2:29:16 public order
2:29:17 definitely
2:29:20 but we don't need to it's argument about
2:29:22 it it's enough that there is a Divine
2:29:24 injection
2:29:26 and the colon we should be established
2:29:29 by with certitude by all narrations that
2:29:31 that no one can do stuff around the holy
2:29:35 Sanctuary while being naked
2:29:38 which is obviously
2:29:41 and undermine with no compulsory and
2:29:43 religion but that is
2:29:45 so so it should be excluded from public
2:29:48 life that's the best argument you can
2:29:50 have but only that to that limit to that
2:29:52 minimum as I described the details of
2:29:55 the whole argument is is in some
2:29:57 research I started many years back but I
2:29:59 thought this is not around our priority
2:30:01 leave that aside you know that we need
2:30:04 to understand so many things to be
2:30:06 addressed which are accumulated over
2:30:07 history so sometimes I feel desperate
2:30:10 that when we overloaded by sometimes
2:30:12 issues which should have been mine or
2:30:14 should not have been a matter but
2:30:15 unfortunately they have become now the
2:30:17 regime in Iran
2:30:18 is as Dark Age mentality and backward as
2:30:22 that's how it is they're slightly better
2:30:24 and all of them are a bad example of
2:30:27 Islam let's be face on it in their
2:30:29 practices the ideology itself is
2:30:32 fundamentally flawed
2:30:35 is fundamentally float
2:30:42 but also the the monarchines of the
2:30:45 Arabia the claim that model case
2:30:46 possible as soon as is the same with the
2:30:49 word there's some people would say
2:30:50 letter clock is also a corporation
2:30:51 really because it it assumes that for
2:30:55 the hidden Iman which is also an
2:30:57 imaginary Theory which are completely a
2:30:59 fundamentally also flawed contradicting
2:31:02 Islam the the in the time the absence of
2:31:05 the so-called Imam
2:31:08 if he ever existed
2:31:11 that the vocal house substitute for him
2:31:13 based on on a on a almost certainly
2:31:16 fabricated narration almost certainly
2:31:19 fabricated
2:31:24 they claimed that a couple of guys in in
2:31:27 in in in in Samara and Baghdad also
2:31:30 claimed that they were able for 70 years
2:31:32 after the death of Muhammad
2:31:34 who who is well established historical
2:31:37 that he has not of offsprings and
2:31:39 there's a recorded the court records and
2:31:41 judges had attended to that and so it's
2:31:43 a well-established fact and many people
2:31:45 witnessed that Shia and Sunni and so on
2:31:47 nevertheless some people claim no there
2:31:49 was actually there was actually a child
2:31:51 born by his by his mistress so and so on
2:31:53 I don't know her name and the child
2:31:55 crawled in a in an under tunnel and
2:31:57 disappeared
2:31:58 and this is the 12th Imam
2:32:01 constructing a 121 who doesn't exist
2:32:03 whatsoever and he is there and these
2:32:06 guys claim for the last 70 years it's
2:32:08 called the ribosora the the small
2:32:12 absenteeism that they were going there
2:32:14 and writing uh a piece of paper or
2:32:17 another a notebook but I think for him
2:32:20 leaving it and they kill him next day we
2:32:22 come and find the answer to the question
2:32:24 claims
2:32:28 now I will see is answering your
2:32:30 questions that's after 70 years after
2:32:32 this disappearance I see that's a good
2:32:34 question I will be raiba Cobra until
2:32:37 Allah allows me to appear
2:32:39 in my rival cobra the authority on you
2:32:42 is one of those who narrates our
2:32:45 our Hadith
2:32:53 they are the authority and there
2:32:57 and they take that how many take that
2:32:59 and few other as evidences the Imam is
2:33:02 absent we cannot wait for him to come
2:33:04 that the general Doctrine was for a
2:33:06 thousand years or more is that anyone
2:33:09 trying to become an Imam is sinful and
2:33:11 Criminal
2:33:12 and anyone who is taking Imam actually
2:33:15 with money is a tyrant
2:33:17 the violating he's transgressing with
2:33:19 the episode so a theory which is
2:33:21 untenable made the Shia completely
2:33:24 decapacitated politically
2:33:27 although they were quite well well well
2:33:29 knit surgery but politically they have
2:33:33 completely capacitated and then the
2:33:35 recent memories done so some serious
2:33:37 specifically developed the theory that
2:33:39 it can't collect that forever
2:33:44 authority of the reports
2:33:51 our our stories and our injunctions
2:33:54 either they they should have the
2:33:56 authority they will answer the question
2:33:58 meaning that that's it not be
2:33:59 competitive State and be established
2:34:01 anyway a state based on on the virtues
2:34:05 of scholarship is is a is a church like
2:34:08 State it's a church it's another state
2:34:11 that's not the way the Islamic State
2:34:12 works neither in tablet or profit as I
2:34:15 explained knowledge
2:34:17 with small deviation and mistakes in
2:34:20 time of Washington and then massive
2:34:21 violation and transgression from
2:34:23 starting from one hour onward
2:34:26 so but this is all quite deep under
2:34:30 under and need to be developed from
2:34:34 scratch from the past principled I think
2:34:37 that's the reason we started that we
2:34:39 started with
2:34:40 and we based on that one on on
2:34:44 the Constitution but there are a few
2:34:47 things to be added for example to the
2:34:48 Confederation like the Treaty of najaran
2:34:51 which improves and and
2:34:56 further further information about the
2:34:59 status of Confederates who are not
2:35:01 Muslims like with the Jews because the
2:35:04 Jews were expelled unfortunately because
2:35:06 of uh various various War acts and and
2:35:09 betrayals but the najrani were there
2:35:13 under the with the treaty with them and
2:35:14 they were there until the time and so on
2:35:17 so this and that the treaty was made
2:35:19 then by the prophet Salama this is
2:35:21 available in a record in writing until
2:35:23 then
2:35:24 wrote it down and so the original one
2:35:27 with the signature under his writing in
2:35:29 it so this is this is a absolute
2:35:32 Authority supporting the sahiba and
2:35:34 improving the issue the only sister
2:35:35 there is a little bit more injunction
2:35:37 about the respect for cherishes for
2:35:39 crosses for all these things and also
2:35:41 the prohibition even in the
2:35:43 confederation of usury
2:35:46 so establishing like a common basic
2:35:48 common uh Financial system
2:35:51 but again
2:35:53 all the public order things that are
2:35:56 interfere to by by the authorities in
2:35:59 Islam that's that's it
2:36:00 and then and the best thing is that is
2:36:02 this issue every issue is not an issue
2:36:05 of State until proven to be a racial
2:36:06 State because generally
2:36:10 every issue is related to somebody is in
2:36:13 the Divine injunction all of them are
2:36:15 holding another word for you have no
2:36:18 dominance
2:36:19 clarified by these two Hadith and others
2:36:23 you should not use a stick you should
2:36:25 not use that you need that
2:36:28 so all of this is very clear that that
2:36:30 so the basically that whatever people
2:36:32 and do soon
2:36:34 in matter of creed whatever the
2:36:36 publicize there's not it's not a matter
2:36:37 of the state to inter 300 unless there
2:36:39 is real evidence that it is within the
2:36:42 state Authority
2:36:44 has here's the question so can we say
2:36:45 that the Islamic State can enforce the
2:36:47 minimum to be covered to be what you
2:36:49 have to cover in prayer
2:36:51 okay
2:36:52 that's in prayer
2:36:54 foreign
2:37:02 that's it that's what he said
2:37:04 Whenever there was never a generation
2:37:06 that he sent people everywhere to make
2:37:08 sure that women praying with Hema or
2:37:10 beating them up or not beating them
2:37:12 because they were doing it
2:37:13 we know that we're doing it but any
2:37:15 enforcing but yeah
2:37:18 but in the case of prayers clearly
2:37:20 because if you are praying and you want
2:37:22 your prayer to be accepted then you have
2:37:23 to would you know this injunction you
2:37:25 have to comply with the injunction
2:37:26 that's it
2:37:32 that's it
2:37:33 it may help for example president so a
2:37:36 young girl which shows signs that she
2:37:39 coming out of age obviously with with
2:37:41 with the breaststroke being said being
2:37:44 expressed and things like that and he
2:37:46 told the thing I think this girl is
2:37:48 coming out of age and he gave her when
2:37:51 he is out when he was essay because they
2:37:53 shot obvious and money and shortened
2:37:54 clothing cut from here
2:37:57 tell her to to use to start using hammer
2:38:00 that's in there in the public lab she
2:38:01 was playing without these things
2:38:03 I think she she's now out of which so
2:38:05 meaning to make a meaning check if she's
2:38:07 out of age really by being menstruating
2:38:09 and give her the trimmer and if you
2:38:11 don't have a fabric available cut from
2:38:13 my gay very easier to cut from that
2:38:16 so this state should provide the camera
2:38:18 if anyone asks for it what appears to be
2:38:20 there that's it
2:38:22 so someone could say okay if sue someone
2:38:24 or system to be success with a woman
2:38:27 definitely a woman that's very clear
2:38:29 secondly she's three years seem to be a
2:38:31 Muslim
2:38:32 why you're not wearing a hamar are
2:38:34 either here we have a hamar for you as a
2:38:36 gift that's all that you can do
2:38:38 if you want to upload this Hadith
2:38:41 that's it no need to take police and so
2:38:43 on I said except people doing
2:38:45 demonstrating and doing like burning the
2:38:47 hammer publicly or or like like
2:38:50 insulting the public order
2:38:55 yeah I'm not carrying I don't believe it
2:38:57 is good and so that's you can say but
2:38:58 doing it for in such a demonstrative way
2:39:01 to to be insulting
2:39:03 that will be an act of War but it has to
2:39:05 be something which shows really
2:39:07 objection and and rejection and uh in
2:39:10 such a way that uh a judge will analyze
2:39:13 say would if this person hadn't had a
2:39:16 power and and arms and an army and tanks
2:39:18 would he use them for that yes he would
2:39:20 do then he but he didn't have them so
2:39:22 he's div so he's the jure although not
2:39:25 de facto it's not factual Warrior but
2:39:27 he's
2:39:28 legally a warrior
2:39:31 and he will be in a judge will judge the
2:39:34 situation according to the to the
2:39:35 maximum because declare someone to be a
2:39:37 warrior needs he needs a company of
2:39:39 himself someone is pulling the sword and
2:39:40 fighting you don't need this clearly
2:39:42 he's fighting but someone is not pulling
2:39:44 the sword you have to have all the
2:39:46 subconscious showing like this one who
2:39:48 married the this is the prime example
2:39:50 because he he he he had drums and he has
2:39:54 a wedding celebration and if there at
2:39:56 that time the fireworks if he had a
2:39:58 fireworks he would shot them in heaven
2:40:00 and so on
2:40:01 public demonstration that you
2:40:03 disrespecting the other not only to
2:40:06 marry other questions and this one is a
2:40:08 Muslim if you would not be a Muslim it
2:40:10 may maybe nothing was in because I I
2:40:12 know that in najib for example
2:40:15 adopted the the majusi belief
2:40:19 allows to marry maybe not I think I
2:40:21 think he allows the money the the wife
2:40:23 of your father but even more allow us to
2:40:25 marry your own daughter and so on and
2:40:27 some of them did that before Islam and
2:40:30 we have never narration type of the
2:40:31 Prophet or after him that anyone went
2:40:34 there and enforce anything otherwise for
2:40:36 those who estimate remain juicy
2:40:39 and there's a narration for Roma that he
2:40:42 that he ordered the one who collected
2:40:44 jizier from the museum
2:40:46 that that he should order them to stop
2:40:50 the zamzama the zamzama is that a way of
2:40:53 they mention Allah by by squeezing their
2:40:57 teeth and something like that
2:41:00 if it happens
2:41:02 he's not commenting what Rama did
2:41:05 because he did not want to be to be seen
2:41:08 as criticism
2:41:09 stepped over his limit
2:41:11 although it has to do with your zamzama
2:41:14 even if it's the carloof
2:41:17 but seems to be normal has some some
2:41:19 inclination to be more like an sometimes
2:41:21 regarding himself as educator or as an
2:41:23 enforcer of things
2:41:25 but he's mistaken in that blatantly
2:41:27 mistake
2:41:34 in this instance you've got you've got
2:41:36 an illegitimate regime to start with
2:41:39 um
2:41:40 in this instance in Iran you've got an
2:41:42 illegitimate regime because the other
2:41:44 half bear no besides that beside that
2:41:46 but assuming it is limit or that people
2:41:49 think it's legitimate something like
2:41:51 that still
2:41:52 and they sometimes they use that for the
2:41:55 legitimacy because they appeal to save
2:41:57 more worthy and these Scholars and uh
2:41:59 and uh
2:42:01 uh this this scholar and this Ayatollah
2:42:04 and this one or these classical Scholars
2:42:06 like uh uh like the one who collected
2:42:09 the famous psychoculaini or the some
2:42:11 others were not to be fatigue and so on
2:42:14 um
2:42:15 many many of us Scholars who are having
2:42:17 great Fame and and they have the same
2:42:19 messy point of view about the state and
2:42:21 the enforcement uh similar to
2:42:25 although they should they should not be
2:42:27 there because the Imam is not there and
2:42:29 anyone's doing anything is a tyrant so
2:42:31 how come the the the tyrants are allowed
2:42:33 to do that maybe we'll say this is part
2:42:35 of the Tyranny anyway so we don't bother
2:42:38 about it so the Shia is even in worse
2:42:40 position like that because even this
2:42:42 type of regime many of them declare to
2:42:44 be tyranny anyway but it's made
2:42:46 existence
2:42:49 but let's go generally take away from
2:42:51 this sunnishi and the sectarian go to
2:42:54 the Islamic Court position there's
2:42:55 nothing there uh enforces that
2:42:58 foreign absolutely nothing
2:43:01 so to recap to the other four man is
2:43:04 basically the the private parts on the
2:43:06 button
2:43:07 the state the state Authority extends
2:43:09 only to to defending the borders to
2:43:12 military Affairs and security related to
2:43:14 that to collecting taxes and fail and
2:43:17 and zakat
2:43:20 possibly the mint minting currency and
2:43:23 so on you know make it a legal tender in
2:43:25 that sense all the currency could be the
2:43:28 people choose their own currency by the
2:43:29 way so if they should not have even
2:43:31 prohibited Bitcoin or people having
2:43:33 using gold so something like what what
2:43:36 Roosevelt did in the 30s prohibiting
2:43:38 Americans from having gold and
2:43:40 confiscated with all gold Fort Knox
2:43:41 would have been an act of couple an
2:43:43 Islamic domain
2:43:44 but the state May mean something
2:43:47 soldiers so that we will have have a
2:43:49 reliable uh dinar we say ah this is have
2:43:52 this weight guaranteed by the state
2:43:54 doing it in a proper way and even that
2:43:56 money um
2:43:58 he starts inventing uh they call the
2:44:01 Islamic or the Arabic dinner people
2:44:03 praised that for him but why why did he
2:44:05 do that because he did not want the one
2:44:08 coming from the Romans from the Roman
2:44:11 from Byzantine Empire and but but I I
2:44:14 doubt that there's a limited because the
2:44:16 Byzantine dinar until the time of the
2:44:18 Prophet will show the legal dinner known
2:44:19 all over the world because it's gold
2:44:21 pure gold is was 4.7 gram
2:44:25 made his dinner
2:44:27 4.25 so he snatched like half a gram in
2:44:32 his belly and the people thought it's
2:44:33 4.7
2:44:35 it's a major criminal act from his side
2:44:37 but the people do not see that yet we
2:44:39 have to dig all of that to dig them we
2:44:41 have to dig the dirt out of Islamic
2:44:43 history
2:44:46 so even there he was not trustworthy
2:44:50 if you would have to say this is the
2:44:52 modified dinner with this weight but he
2:44:53 did not say this is the dinner that's
2:44:55 not true
2:44:58 the one who was at the time there was of
2:45:00 course approved it and it was
2:45:02 this is this is a Ford's dinner this is
2:45:05 a counterfeit dinner
2:45:10 here's a question so so non-muslims I
2:45:13 can understand more Muslims they can go
2:45:15 out as willy-nilly pardon the punt so
2:45:18 for women it's um you know I can
2:45:22 understand it uh there are accounts of
2:45:24 like subbies and whatever but
2:45:26 a Muslim woman going being allowed to go
2:45:29 out like that I mean there's no reason
2:45:31 because I loved it's not allowed but the
2:45:32 state does not enforce okay
2:45:35 did we say it's a loud
2:45:42 I did not see them yet
2:45:49 the enforcement police of tyrants and
2:45:52 women who are covered are not covered
2:45:54 naked are not naked and they walk
2:45:57 like dancing and they have their hair up
2:46:00 like like a camel Etc you know the
2:46:04 famous description
2:46:06 and he what does he say
2:46:08 s
2:46:10 that's it
2:46:12 why
2:46:19 which is not even the best way sir if
2:46:22 you think she's almost gonna say sister
2:46:24 she's not allowed to do that she said no
2:46:26 no I am following another school I am
2:46:27 not a muslim okay fine myself
2:46:29 I'm not listening to you just get lost
2:46:32 then you can't cut his head Refuge but I
2:46:34 wouldn't advise even Casey button 127 as
2:46:36 a general principle they are worthy of
2:46:38 character so kill them
2:46:40 you could have said prevent them beat
2:46:41 them up
2:46:42 look them away
2:46:45 so without you know intervention with
2:46:47 the state they can go to the beach
2:46:48 wearing a bikini and his United States
2:46:51 wouldn't be able to prevent that in any
2:46:52 respect
2:46:53 if it's if the key if the lower part is
2:46:56 as is described
2:46:59 all the naked beaches will be
2:47:01 essentially prohibited public that they
2:47:03 have to do it then in their own and
2:47:05 their own uh private land with the
2:47:08 behind the sufficiently high walls their
2:47:10 own swimming pools and they're on
2:47:12 swimming pools Behind the Walls they
2:47:13 can't be naked there have a son but
2:47:16 that's that's not the public life but in
2:47:18 the public domain Industries or the
2:47:19 beach it will be it will be uh not
2:47:22 really that many more
2:47:23 so the genuine bikini will not allow
2:47:26 them for a woman so it has to be more be
2:47:27 like a shot
2:47:29 but the top the top part is irrelevant
2:47:31 does the Western understanding of Aura
2:47:34 that's not actually understanding of
2:47:39 we've got a brother who wanted to
2:47:41 comment on uh on Zoom uh related to
2:47:45 um the previous discussion around Qatar
2:47:47 uh I can ask him do you want to speak
2:47:51 now yeah
2:47:53 uh so so uh unrelated to my question so
2:47:57 uh just the final thing that you said uh
2:48:01 going topless you know it's banned and
2:48:04 it's it's it's for the Western principle
2:48:07 it's like disgusting for for women to Go
2:48:09 Topless but are you saying that it's
2:48:12 permissible
2:48:13 for women if they want like in in in in
2:48:16 in in in a format that outrage the whole
2:48:18 body except face on a for Muslim
2:48:20 movement for non-muslim woman or for
2:48:22 sinful Muslim women they they had the
2:48:24 state will not enforce I'm talking about
2:48:26 imposing on the state prevention oh okay
2:48:28 yes I think it was talking very clear
2:48:31 there yes Muslim woman it is to explore
2:48:34 anything besides the face and the hand
2:48:38 yes yes
2:48:41 and they have a description of that in
2:48:44 this research about Julius what is what
2:48:47 is the minimum or those I have made a
2:48:50 recording and whether I mock like for
2:48:52 example sometimes
2:48:59 for example the the Jill Bob in Iran
2:49:02 which women have to to hold cannot hold
2:49:04 them please except by biting it with
2:49:06 their own teeth
2:49:07 this is disgusting but it still is a
2:49:10 jailbreak but it's going again so
2:49:13 extreme but what's the real minimum
2:49:14 there are many very nice
2:49:18 developed in Egypt
2:49:21 this is
2:49:22 very nice and even aesthetically
2:49:25 pleasing
2:49:27 with various nice colors not in this
2:49:29 black bleak
2:49:32 as all discussed in that research but
2:49:34 these are fine points because it's
2:49:35 addressing the Muslim woman as Muslim
2:49:38 not for the state or influence you are
2:49:41 wearing uh your your babies is red or or
2:49:45 uh
2:49:46 having multi-colored or having flower
2:49:49 there absolutely perfect no problem it's
2:49:51 none of the state issues whatsoever
2:49:53 anyway this is a moment so if the state
2:49:56 stable in that it will be stepping way
2:49:58 overbound
2:50:00 will be breaking even the Lord we
2:50:02 believe
2:50:02 from the stateside but I'm talking about
2:50:05 someone violating the injunction of
2:50:07 Muslim women she being a Muslim or being
2:50:09 a catheter being a catheter she is not
2:50:11 addressed with this injunction
2:50:12 so the issue for example the assumpty I
2:50:14 said that the hour of the cafe is like
2:50:17 out of a donkey she can't even go with
2:50:19 all the vagina is not Aura it's not
2:50:22 correct because
2:50:24 that has to be covered in the public
2:50:27 life
2:50:30 yes I think I think it's clear uh I I
2:50:33 have three quick points here
2:50:36 um yeah so so when when you corrected
2:50:39 the narrative that when Prophet Allah
2:50:43 made Hijra to Medina he did not become
2:50:46 immediately a head of state and you
2:50:48 mentioned uh some um some some proofs
2:50:52 for that I just want to add to this as
2:50:54 well that in in the pledge of Aqaba the
2:50:58 prophet did not ask them to uh to give
2:51:01 them they are to become the head of
2:51:03 state No in fact the contrary he asked
2:51:06 him actually he told them you uh
2:51:09 um
2:51:13 which means that you are responsible for
2:51:17 your people and I'm responsible
2:51:21 exactly so so he did not ask them to you
2:51:24 know make by other to when I come to
2:51:26 Medina I'll become uh
2:51:28 even if we
2:51:30 not have this sentence the wedding with
2:51:33 advisor the wire is very clear that they
2:51:36 have their own head upstairs and nobody
2:51:37 will will will argue that now we give
2:51:40 Muhammad of protection that we can jump
2:51:42 on our rulers unless they show the
2:51:45 command clear cover or do clear cover no
2:51:47 you have no Liberty you have to commit
2:51:49 to that you have to keep the system in
2:51:50 place you have to be to have the the
2:51:52 organizational structure of the
2:51:54 community as it is unlisted the cover
2:51:56 which allows that obviously to end that
2:51:58 but otherwise Muhammad and the
2:52:01 protection for him does not undermine
2:52:03 that in order to contradicts that nor it
2:52:05 is designed to unlock to to obligate
2:52:07 that
2:52:08 yeah yeah uh so uh the second thing I
2:52:13 want to add is something nice uh when
2:52:16 you said that living in Makkah was
2:52:19 demanding and like a huge responsibility
2:52:21 for people who live in Medina for in in
2:52:23 Mecca because they have to uh avoid sins
2:52:27 because the sins is like uh
2:52:30 multiplied by the way the same thing for
2:52:34 rewards uh for Good Deeds the reward is
2:52:37 Amplified as well and and the nice thing
2:52:42 about it is a uh some tabies in the past
2:52:45 I I cannot remember the name but they
2:52:48 they actually migrated from Mecca and
2:52:51 went to live someone else because they
2:52:53 were afraid uh that uh absolutely
2:52:57 they could not they could not live
2:52:59 properly in Makkah and they did they
2:53:02 would like they would mix since they
2:53:04 would commit sins so instead of
2:53:07 committing since the like they they
2:53:09 completely feared doing that so they
2:53:11 migrated some somewhere else they'll be
2:53:13 always from sahaba and terrain people of
2:53:15 High sensitivity exactly
2:53:18 yes yeah
2:53:20 but such a high rank will not reach but
2:53:23 at least the minimum we should try to
2:53:25 strive to get
2:53:27 peaceful and more gentle and more
2:53:29 accommodating and more pressure more
2:53:32 spiritual yeah more spiritual more
2:53:33 peacefully like mostly more peaceful not
2:53:36 violent lesson that elsewhere it seems
2:53:38 to be the opposite many monkeys are
2:53:40 known to be vicious and very sharp
2:53:42 tongue then like a sword yes seem to
2:53:46 have complied with that much better
2:53:47 because Medina is also having similar
2:53:49 injunction like Mecca
2:53:52 and despite of that is not expressed
2:53:55 very clearly and sharply in the
2:53:56 workbooks automatically expressed that
2:53:59 very strongly they even say Madina is
2:54:01 better than Mecca but the people of
2:54:03 Madina seems to be they have tuned like
2:54:05 that because the majorities have over
2:54:07 there so they inherited these things
2:54:09 over generation while Lama K are quite
2:54:11 nasty in many aspects but anyways
2:54:15 to get the people becoming angry with us
2:54:18 today so leave us
2:54:20 yes okay okay the third thing the third
2:54:24 and final thing the third and final
2:54:26 thing uh going back to the issue of of
2:54:28 qadar
2:54:30 I have a question here is it fair to say
2:54:34 that Allah
2:54:36 does not necessarily uh know uh know
2:54:41 your choice in the past time but he
2:54:44 knows all possibilities of your choices
2:54:47 and whatever you choose he will not be
2:54:50 surprised by it yes that's something to
2:54:52 say between the past time no what has
2:54:54 happened in the past has done and
2:54:56 finished that's gone that's known but
2:54:58 what is to be done in the future yes
2:55:01 that that's that's that that's the the
2:55:04 specifically not known otherwise if it
2:55:07 is if it's known
2:55:08 if it it would it would it would mean
2:55:12 you you're because his knowledge kind of
2:55:14 turned into ignorance so if you know
2:55:15 this guy will will uh they will fail
2:55:20 that test and he choose to fail that if
2:55:22 he knew that in advance then the word
2:55:24 chooses is empty because he knew that he
2:55:27 never said his choice cannot undermine
2:55:28 Allah knowledge it's impossible
2:55:31 foreign
2:55:58 it could have been otherwise but that's
2:56:00 the choice right this will have to live
2:56:02 with that choice that's how it is done
2:56:03 and that should always give you this
2:56:05 option and that show is made the future
2:56:07 events
2:56:09 with the majority of them unknowable and
2:56:12 un non-existent until they are done
2:56:15 so they are unknowable
2:56:17 now you could say phrase differences
2:56:19 future events
2:56:22 are made by Allah or allowed to happen
2:56:24 by Allah then they become knowable
2:56:26 because of that because before that they
2:56:28 don't exist they're impossible taxes
2:56:30 without Allah's permission
2:56:33 if the ummah does not come it doesn't it
2:56:36 will never happen it's impossible
2:56:39 yes because because you know the
2:56:41 traditional uh the tradition the
2:56:44 traditional thinking for Muslim Scholars
2:56:46 they say that Allah knows things but but
2:56:49 his knowledge is not here his knowledge
2:56:52 is usually give the example his
2:56:53 knowledge does not enforce anything but
2:56:55 yeah they usually give the example you
2:56:58 know for example from the behavior of
2:56:59 the son so that he would fail in school
2:57:01 and so on but the mistake with that is
2:57:03 that this the one who knows about his
2:57:06 son that is not is not a comprehensively
2:57:07 in control of the universe he's not
2:57:10 controlled preconditional after
2:57:11 condition but the one in the case of
2:57:13 Allah it is not possible his knowledge
2:57:15 must cannot contain wrong
2:57:17 is knowledge enforces so it must happen
2:57:19 like that so
2:57:22 meaning essentially uh that he he has no
2:57:26 choice and the other one has no choice
2:57:27 it must be like that
2:57:29 then he turns out to be a mechanism if
2:57:31 we go from the beginning of time again
2:57:33 so that's what they have over there the
2:57:35 Allah says
2:57:37 the Divine knowledge is
2:57:41 enforcing our knowledge isn't enforce it
2:57:44 I could guess that if I see a car
2:57:45 driving speed say most likely he will
2:57:48 have an accident I cannot do anything
2:57:50 about that but the one who controlled
2:57:52 the whole universe and can prevent it
2:57:53 from happening and not happening
2:57:55 his his knowledge that it will happen
2:57:57 many guy has decided that it will happen
2:57:59 I allowed to happen
2:58:03 so there's a difference between the
2:58:05 necessarily existing absolute
2:58:07 surveillance of the universe and
2:58:08 contingent being who can go and their
2:58:10 knowledge is never with certainty but
2:58:12 let's assume it's near certainty still
2:58:14 it is not enforcing because they are not
2:58:16 the controller they invest they're not
2:58:17 controlled the whole thing from its zero
2:58:20 point start
2:58:21 but the one who is since control from
2:58:23 zero point until now and continuously
2:58:26 the future will but also the theory is
2:58:28 faulty that when they come to Antonio
2:58:30 say this all of this and clouds after
2:58:34 that what's happening
2:58:36 is not clear what's happening there so
2:58:39 the theory is faulty so if the
2:58:42 pre-knowledge is corrected we'll go for
2:58:43 an Infinity which again create infinite
2:58:46 contradictions that's all this nonsense
2:58:48 it will stand no no philosophical
2:58:51 scrutiny no mathematical scrutiny
2:58:54 head of all forget about all these
2:58:57 philosophical and mathematical models
2:58:59 just read the Quran and say that's as it
2:59:02 says that Allah will know it is not
2:59:04 known before the Quran says clearly and
2:59:06 there's no good for compelling reason to
2:59:08 deviate from that because some some
2:59:10 people claim that he must know
2:59:12 everything
2:59:15 was about eternity after that
2:59:21 um yeah but we'll write that inshallah
2:59:24 we write that in detail each other with
2:59:26 many examples of boring examples
2:59:28 inshallah but Allah he knows all
2:59:31 possibilities of naturally a few choices
2:59:34 all possibilities are known to him yes
2:59:37 all contingencies are not today
2:59:40 yes got it got it okay that's not the
2:59:42 usual formula the usual format they use
2:59:44 we read in the book of the haters in
2:59:47 Saudi Arabia
2:59:49 um
3:00:04 because this is the possibility things
3:00:06 in the past which did not happen but
3:00:08 could have been otherwise he would have
3:00:10 known that time passed they could have
3:00:13 been that what doesn't happen is gone
3:00:18 um
3:00:22 this is an addition we don't need this
3:00:25 yes yes
3:00:30 um
3:00:31 because it it is it's not knowable
3:00:33 because it does not exist yet it has to
3:00:35 a decision has to make it to come into
3:00:37 existence then knowledge will follow
3:00:38 that
3:00:40 yes yes got it I think I think now it's
3:00:42 clear thank you sir thank you I think we
3:00:45 we did a bit longer than usual but uh
3:00:47 because we have actually two major
3:00:49 topics
3:00:50 in terms okay
3:00:54 next weekend
3:01:04 for next week
3:01:05 definitely
3:01:07 Music
3:01:34 Music
3:01:39 Music
3:01:43 foreign
3:01:49 Music
3:01:57 Music