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Problem of Evil | The Evidence Course | Session 3 / Part 5 (2021-09-08)


Session 3 Part 5

In an age of information overload and widespread pseudo-intellectualism, understanding the core foundations of Islam is as essential as ever.

This course comprehensively deconstructs the skeletal structure of prevalent ideologies and concepts such as atheism, scientism, materialism, secularism, and skepticism, in light of an all-encompassing intellectually robust Islamic worldview.

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The Hosts:

Jake Brancatella, The Muslim Metaphysician

Yusuf Ponders, The Pondering Soul




Riyad Gmail:

Summary of Problem of Evil | The Evidence Course | Session 3 / Part 5

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

discusses how atheism lacks the ability to determine whether something or someone's actions are good or evil. It goes on to say that from a religious perspective, good and evil are determined by an individual's viewpoint. concludes by saying that belief in a creator can help people be emotionally stable and have a sense of tranquility.

00:00:00 The "Problem of Evil" is an argument used by atheists against the existence of a God. The argument is based on the idea that if an all-powerful and all-good God existed, evil would not exist. While there are weaknesses in the argument, it is nonetheless a popular one.

  • 00:05:00 the atheist problem of evil is discussed. points out that evil does not necessarily have to be bad, and that it can have a greater good as a result. The example of a doctor curing a patient through the use of side effects is given. From an atheistic perspective, it is difficult to determine whether something is evil or not. The problems with this worldview are then illustrated with examples of things that are considered bad, but which have a greater good as a result. Finally, the difficulties of making moral judgments against natural disasters are discussed.
  • 00:10:00 atheist professor Douglas Groothuis explains how materialistic worldviews lack the ability to determine whether something or someone's actions are good or evil. He goes on to say that from a religious perspective, good and evil are determined by an individual's viewpoint.
  • 00:15:00 The Problem of Evil argument fails on a number of grounds, firstly it reduces the attributes of the creator to simply all good and all-powerful. Secondly, good and bad are arbitrary terms, we apply them from our viewpoint on life for a person following the capitalist ideology of maximizing benefit minimizing pain, but from the viewpoint of a muslim, life is a test a test whether we fulfill the commandments of allah or do we disobey the commandments of allah. Finally, belief in the creator gives us psychological and emotional stabilizers that allow us to overcome difficulties.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses the problem of evil, and how belief in a creator can help people be emotionally stable and have a sense of tranquility. Atheism does not have the same effects, as it does not provide a sense of tranquility or stability in the hearts of people.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:15 a famous comedian and actor in the uk
0:00:18 he remarked on an interview
0:00:20 he said
0:00:22 about the world he said yes the world is
0:00:24 very splendid but he also has in it
0:00:27 insects whose whole life cycle is to
0:00:30 burrow into the eyes of children and
0:00:32 make them blind
0:00:34 they eat outwards from the eyes why
0:00:37 why did you do this to us and he's
0:00:38 referring to god not
0:00:41 you could easily have made a creation in
0:00:43 which that didn't exist
0:00:45 it is simply not acceptable
0:00:48 one of the key arguments brought up
0:00:50 constantly against belief in god is the
0:00:53 argument known as the problem of evil
0:00:57 and it's brought up by various atheists
0:01:00 uh people who have problems with regards
0:01:02 to the belief in the creator for a
0:01:03 number of different reasons or two main
0:01:05 reasons
0:01:06 the first one that they bring up is a
0:01:08 logical argument that is meant to show
0:01:11 the contradictory nature of asserting an
0:01:13 all-powerful all-good god
0:01:16 the second reason why people bring this
0:01:18 up is because an emotional argument
0:01:21 you know bad things happen to them
0:01:23 they're not happy about it they they
0:01:25 want to look to blame somebody therefore
0:01:27 they see
0:01:28 god as the the reason for the problems
0:01:30 and the difficulties in their life
0:01:33 and if god exists
0:01:34 why would i be put through these various
0:01:36 difficulties
0:01:37 why is it my life achieving only good
0:01:40 outcomes
0:01:41 why am i not achieving the maximum
0:01:43 benefit
0:01:44 so these are the two angles to the
0:01:46 argument one is a logical argument an
0:01:49 intellectual argument and the other one
0:01:51 is more of an emotional argument and to
0:01:52 be honest it's actually a harder
0:01:54 argument to address the emotional
0:01:55 argument
0:01:56 because it goes to the very emotional
0:01:58 disposition of a person
0:02:01 but let's take the first which is the
0:02:03 intellectual
0:02:04 or the claim that there's an apparent
0:02:06 contradiction in the logic of believing
0:02:09 in an all-powerful all-good god
0:02:11 so the argument is presented by the
0:02:14 greek philosopher known as epicurus an
0:02:17 epicorus
0:02:19 uh states
0:02:22 god is either willing to remove evil or
0:02:25 is not able or else he is both willing
0:02:28 and able
0:02:30 if he is willing and not able he must
0:02:32 then be weak
0:02:33 which cannot be affirmed of god
0:02:36 if he's able and not willing he must be
0:02:39 envious
0:02:40 which is likewise country likewise
0:02:43 contrary to the nature of god
0:02:45 if he is neither willing nor able he
0:02:47 must be both envious and weak and
0:02:49 consequently not god
0:02:51 if he is both willing and able which
0:02:54 only can which only can agree in the
0:02:57 notion of god
0:02:58 then why precedes evil or once then
0:03:01 precedes evil
0:03:03 so what epicurus is basically saying is
0:03:05 arguing that
0:03:07 if you got an all-good all-powerful god
0:03:10 then why would this all-good
0:03:12 all-powerful god create evil or allow
0:03:15 evil to exist within the world so either
0:03:18 god is not all good
0:03:21 and but he's also but he's all-powerful
0:03:23 so if that's the case then that can't be
0:03:25 the the what they call the conception of
0:03:27 god because god has to be maximally good
0:03:30 or god is not all-powerful he may be all
0:03:34 good but he's not able to stop the evil
0:03:36 so therefore he's not all
0:03:38 powerful
0:03:39 and in such a case he isn't a god
0:03:42 so they say okay this problem of evil
0:03:45 demonstrates the contradictory nature in
0:03:48 the attributes of the creator or
0:03:50 attributes of god being all good and
0:03:52 all-powerful but yet evil exists and if
0:03:55 evil exists therefore god does not exist
0:03:57 that's the that's the argument there's a
0:04:00 number of flaws in this contention
0:04:02 and this is what we'll seek to address
0:04:05 firstly
0:04:06 what they the atheists claim
0:04:08 what are they when they claim that
0:04:10 there's evil they're referring to two
0:04:11 types of evil
0:04:13 firstly
0:04:14 evil like natural events volcanoes
0:04:17 earthquakes diseases floods etc these
0:04:21 are things outside of human control
0:04:24 but is labeled
0:04:25 as evil due to the damage they cause on
0:04:28 life and the environment
0:04:31 then there's another type of evil called
0:04:32 moral evil
0:04:34 that is where humans decide to perform
0:04:36 evil acts like murder theft rape etc
0:04:40 so the problem with this argument
0:04:43 is that the the problem of evil argument
0:04:46 is that presupposes that god exists with
0:04:48 only two main attributes of being
0:04:52 all-powerful and all good
0:04:55 however the the argument
0:04:57 ignores the fact that allah the creator
0:05:00 has other attributes like all knowing
0:05:03 and all wise amongst other names
0:05:06 there could be a conceivable reason why
0:05:08 evil exists
0:05:11 and that it's and such a reason might be
0:05:13 that it leads to a greater good
0:05:15 let me give an example of this
0:05:18 imagine if you had
0:05:19 an illness you go to your doctor your
0:05:21 doctor says you got a bacterial
0:05:23 infection so you're given antibiotics
0:05:25 and you find that while taking while in
0:05:27 the middle of the course of antibiotics
0:05:29 you get an upset stomach and maybe even
0:05:31 diarrhea
0:05:32 in the short term you don't feel much
0:05:34 better in fact you probably feel worse
0:05:37 but in the long term your condition is
0:05:39 cured
0:05:40 and the side effects from the medication
0:05:42 they're gone
0:05:43 so would it be rational to claim that
0:05:46 the doctor is evil or not capable
0:05:49 because in the short term you suffer
0:05:51 from side effects for the treatment
0:05:54 no because it leads to a greater good
0:05:57 and so you suffer from some side effects
0:06:00 in order to achieve to cure something
0:06:02 better
0:06:03 similarly we have to appreciate that
0:06:04 while we are temporal creatures meaning
0:06:07 we live within you know time so we can't
0:06:10 see the the
0:06:12 the future you know we go from the past
0:06:14 to present to the future we can't see
0:06:16 what's going on
0:06:18 that
0:06:19 we have a very limited perspective
0:06:22 and a very individualistic perspective
0:06:24 you know from an individual i can only
0:06:25 see from my own perspective at a very
0:06:28 limited scope of the reality
0:06:31 the creator however is not bound by
0:06:33 these limitations
0:06:35 the creator exists beyond time
0:06:37 and the creator is all-knowing
0:06:39 and therefore knows past present and
0:06:41 future as one source of knowledge
0:06:44 while we have a very small perspective
0:06:46 of the universe allah has total
0:06:48 perspective of the universe i the whole
0:06:51 the whole picture
0:06:53 and so
0:06:54 the quran allah mentions in the quran a
0:06:58 particular story and i'm going to
0:07:00 not go into the details of the story but
0:07:01 just make one or two points to highlight
0:07:03 this issue
0:07:04 the quran explains a story about khidr
0:07:08 and musa alaysalam
0:07:10 and those various examples in which
0:07:13 he undertook actions that from musa
0:07:16 al-islam's perspective from his view
0:07:19 he saw it as evil as wrong
0:07:21 but when hidden finally mentioned
0:07:23 overall reasons behind this
0:07:26 and behind why he did it and why god
0:07:28 told him and ordered him to do it then
0:07:30 musa alaysam was able to see the good in
0:07:33 them for example when hidden he damaged
0:07:36 a ship that was laden full of goods from
0:07:39 a town
0:07:40 and it stopped it from you know
0:07:42 traveling in order to engage in trade to
0:07:45 faraway towns and heder mentioned the
0:07:48 reason why he damaged the ship was
0:07:50 because the ship was going to pass
0:07:53 through the the seaways of a king who
0:07:56 would who is going to take that wealth
0:07:59 and use it for his own revenue and so to
0:08:01 save the revenue and the wealth of the
0:08:03 town he damaged the ship to prevent it
0:08:06 from sailing
0:08:07 this striking example
0:08:10 shows that sometimes
0:08:12 certain things we see as bad
0:08:15 but rather they have a greater good that
0:08:19 results from them there's a greater
0:08:20 reason for these limited uh bad things
0:08:24 even if we don't know the reason another
0:08:26 example of this is like volcanoes they
0:08:28 may be destructive but they also
0:08:30 fertilize the soil to allow plants to
0:08:33 grow and also therefore crops
0:08:36 so the first criticism criticism to this
0:08:38 argument of the problem problem of evil
0:08:40 that atheists give us
0:08:42 is to say that we cannot term something
0:08:44 truly evil or bad while being ignorant
0:08:48 of the full picture of what will happen
0:08:50 we are arguing from an ignorant
0:08:52 perspective
0:08:54 secondly
0:08:55 terms like good and evil are problematic
0:08:58 terms anyway for atheists
0:09:00 what do we mean by good what do we mean
0:09:02 by evil how do we assess these terms and
0:09:04 make moral judgments particularly from a
0:09:06 materialistic outlook
0:09:09 are volcanoes for example evil or are
0:09:12 they simply events within the universe
0:09:14 from a materialistic perspective from
0:09:16 you know just viewing everything that we
0:09:17 are just a product of the universe from
0:09:19 the physical universe
0:09:21 then events like hurricanes like
0:09:24 volcanoes like earthquakes that damages
0:09:26 lives and properties
0:09:28 they're neither good nor bad they're
0:09:30 just events within the universe
0:09:33 so this materialistic or atheistic
0:09:36 worldview has a fundamental problem in
0:09:38 being able to determine whether we can
0:09:40 even make these types of moral judgments
0:09:43 against
0:09:44 uh against uh
0:09:48 earthquakes and natural disasters but it
0:09:50 gets even worse it gets even problematic
0:09:52 for them
0:09:53 for instance
0:09:54 if the universe began to exist from
0:09:56 nothing by nothing and for no reason
0:10:00 whatsoever
0:10:01 and that the universal laws are deter
0:10:04 that determine the behavior of objects
0:10:06 and events within the universe just
0:10:07 happen to exist the way that they do the
0:10:09 universe came into existence happens to
0:10:12 have these laws and these laws you know
0:10:14 affect the behavior of matters
0:10:16 then events like earthquakes etc are
0:10:18 simply the product of these universal
0:10:20 there's no morality
0:10:22 but also
0:10:23 there's no morality for human beings as
0:10:26 well
0:10:27 we cannot say what is a morally wrong or
0:10:30 what's a morally right or morally wrong
0:10:32 judgment
0:10:33 and that's because the human
0:10:35 decision-making process from a
0:10:37 materialistic atheist worldview
0:10:39 the human decision-making process is
0:10:41 built upon
0:10:43 blind
0:10:44 you know naturalistic
0:10:46 non explain explanatory uh events that
0:10:50 take place so blind materialistic events
0:10:52 that take place
0:10:53 then we have so we have no choices over
0:10:56 our behavior think about it
0:10:58 if your choices are determined by
0:11:00 unconscious processes taking place in
0:11:03 your brain only
0:11:04 and these conscious processes are simply
0:11:07 following universal laws
0:11:09 nobody determined these universal laws
0:11:10 they just happen to exist the way they
0:11:12 did then when we think we are making a
0:11:15 choice is in reality simply following
0:11:17 the inevitable chemical reactions
0:11:20 yeah and other physical reactions
0:11:22 occurring within our brains so we're not
0:11:25 really making moral choices we're not
0:11:27 free and making free choices
0:11:29 therefore from a materialistic view we
0:11:32 don't really have we don't have this
0:11:34 concept of free will we don't have the
0:11:35 ability to make free choices so if we
0:11:37 don't have the ability to make free
0:11:39 choices how can we determine whether
0:11:41 something or even someone's action are
0:11:44 good and evil or good or evil we can't
0:11:46 because we can't say the person's made
0:11:47 the choice or not
0:11:49 he didn't have the moral choice he was
0:11:50 compelled to make those choices due to
0:11:52 his brain chemistry following universal
0:11:54 laws that are predicted predicated that
0:11:57 are pred predicated his actions just
0:11:59 like the black widow spider we can't say
0:12:01 the black widow spider is evil because
0:12:03 the the female spider eats its mate
0:12:06 after mating with the spider the male
0:12:08 spider can't say well that's a bit of an
0:12:10 evil action to do it was
0:12:12 determined to do the action it didn't
0:12:15 have a choice the difference between us
0:12:17 and in that situation is all is only the
0:12:19 the fact that we have the illusion that
0:12:22 we have a choice but in reality
0:12:24 according to this particular view
0:12:26 atheist materialistic view of the
0:12:28 production of the human mind and
0:12:30 everything else within the universe then
0:12:32 there are no choices and if there are no
0:12:34 choices there are no moral judgments we
0:12:36 don't i don't make the decision to be
0:12:37 morally good or morally bad that
0:12:39 decision has already been predetermined
0:12:41 since the time of the beginning
0:12:43 beginning of the big bang
0:12:45 intuitively we accept that we can make
0:12:48 moral choices and the only way to
0:12:50 explain this that we have free will
0:12:54 and that we can make moral choices is
0:12:56 actually believing that there is a
0:12:58 creator a necessary being beyond the
0:13:00 universe
0:13:01 who created us with the ability to make
0:13:04 free choices
0:13:05 further point
0:13:06 simply saying i don't so this is the
0:13:09 third point now
0:13:10 simply saying i don't like the effects
0:13:13 of a certain event
0:13:15 doesn't determine determine the event as
0:13:17 evil just because i don't like it so i
0:13:19 don't like something or i like something
0:13:22 doesn't make things good or evil based
0:13:24 upon my likes and dislikes because if
0:13:26 you make your likes and dislikes the
0:13:28 basis of your moral decisions then they
0:13:30 will render all morality subjective to
0:13:34 you there is no objective moral value
0:13:36 now and if there's no objective moral
0:13:38 value beyond you yourself
0:13:40 then how can you apply this upon the
0:13:42 creator it's just your own subjective
0:13:45 tastes
0:13:47 this points to the fact that morality
0:13:50 also is built upon a person's viewpoint
0:13:52 on life and is not an objective fact and
0:13:55 can be sensed and that we cannot to
0:13:57 determine morality objectively simply
0:14:00 sensing it from the acts themselves
0:14:03 but rather we understand what our
0:14:06 morality is and then or as a
0:14:08 metaphysical principle or as an
0:14:10 assumption or upon how we view our
0:14:12 purpose of life and then we superimpose
0:14:14 this
0:14:15 upon
0:14:16 events and actions that take place
0:14:20 therefore
0:14:22 when you have a muslim
0:14:24 a morally good act will be determined by
0:14:28 his viewpoint that he is here to worship
0:14:30 allah and seek the pleasure of allah so
0:14:34 that action which
0:14:35 allah is pleased with is termed good
0:14:39 the action that allah is displeased with
0:14:42 is termed evil so good and evil is
0:14:45 turned according to this framework so
0:14:47 from an islamic point of view we don't
0:14:50 say natural disasters are good or evil
0:14:52 they're neither good nor
0:14:54 evil
0:14:55 rather they're just events
0:14:57 and the good and the evil the moral
0:14:58 judgments
0:15:00 are based or the morality or the
0:15:02 accountability in terms of what is how
0:15:04 we respond to such an event
0:15:08 this will determine whether what we're
0:15:10 doing is morally good or is morally evil
0:15:13 i do we respond to a natural disaster or
0:15:16 an event that's outside of our control
0:15:18 according to the commands of allah are
0:15:21 we going to respond to it according to
0:15:23 what displeases the allah and therefore
0:15:25 outside the commands of allah in this
0:15:29 way the muslim is given a unique view
0:15:32 towards events he may not like it which
0:15:35 may be beyond his control but he
0:15:37 understands how to respond to those
0:15:40 events in a moral way by following the
0:15:43 commands and prohibitions laid down in
0:15:45 islam
0:15:46 and laid down by allah
0:15:48 this is different to a capitalist who
0:15:50 sees good and evil only in the paradigms
0:15:52 of likes and dislikes or more
0:15:54 specifically what gives them pleasure
0:15:57 and what you know keeps the pain away or
0:15:59 what causes material benefit
0:16:02 and material harm
0:16:04 this viewpoint therefore is effectively
0:16:06 saying how do we maximize that our
0:16:08 purpose of life here is to maximize our
0:16:10 pleasures and maximize our own benefit
0:16:13 that's how he views life
0:16:15 it cannot factor in as a result
0:16:17 illnesses because illnesses as a result
0:16:19 damages his health stops him from having
0:16:21 a good time as a result from that
0:16:24 viewpoint he terms an illness and evil
0:16:28 so
0:16:28 when a person
0:16:30 faces a natural disaster that causing
0:16:32 pain or material loss are viewed from
0:16:35 this angle from a capitalist angle and
0:16:38 leave a person without the emotion
0:16:40 leaves a person without the emotional or
0:16:42 psychological concepts that provide them
0:16:46 with patience and perseverance to
0:16:48 overcome such difficulty or to help
0:16:50 others face such difficulty believing
0:16:52 that the ultimate good is with allah
0:16:56 so if you think you're here to achieve
0:16:58 ultimate pleasures in this life and you
0:17:01 don't achieve it then what's going to
0:17:03 happen you're going to feel depressed
0:17:06 you're going to feel sad you're going to
0:17:07 not have those psychological you know
0:17:10 support mechanisms concepts that are
0:17:12 going to allow you to face the
0:17:14 difficulties within life the prophet
0:17:16 sallallahu alaihi wasallam said stated
0:17:20 amazing is the affair of the believer
0:17:23 verily all of his affair is good and
0:17:25 this is not
0:17:27 for for one except the believer so
0:17:29 amazing is the affair of the believer if
0:17:31 something is good something of good or
0:17:34 happiness befalls him he is grateful
0:17:37 and if and that is good for him and if
0:17:40 something of harm befalls him he is
0:17:43 patient and that is good for him
0:17:45 so any situation for a believer is
0:17:48 always good if he faces good it faces
0:17:51 something that he likes then
0:17:52 alhamdulillah he's grateful to allah if
0:17:55 he faces something difficult and he's
0:17:57 patient and perseverant persevering with
0:17:59 it then alhamdulillah allah is pleased
0:18:01 with him and reward him greatly in the
0:18:03 hereafter
0:18:05 so therefore as for so
0:18:08 so this gives a very unique view towards
0:18:12 how we understand good and evil that
0:18:14 they are relational views and so even if
0:18:17 somebody turns around and says you know
0:18:18 what i can understand that you know
0:18:21 allah exists but why would i be put in
0:18:24 that situation
0:18:25 the denial of the belief in allah will
0:18:27 not secure that person from life's
0:18:29 difficulties he'll still face life's
0:18:31 difficult difficulties the only
0:18:33 difference is is that that person who
0:18:35 denies the belief in allah will have no
0:18:39 ability to look forward to a greater
0:18:41 reward on the day of judgement will not
0:18:44 have those psychological emotional
0:18:46 stabilizers that allows them to overcome
0:18:49 these types of difficulties so to
0:18:51 summarize the problem of evil argue the
0:18:54 problem of evil argument fails on a
0:18:56 number of grounds
0:18:57 firstly it reduces the attributes of the
0:19:00 creator simply all good and all-powerful
0:19:02 whereas we believe the creator is also
0:19:04 all wise and all-knowing amongst other
0:19:07 names therefore we cannot from our
0:19:09 limited view of life be able to
0:19:11 determine whether a particular event
0:19:14 at a particular moment in time is good
0:19:17 or bad that the creator has the full
0:19:19 picture and thus is full fully aware of
0:19:22 what that particular event will lead to
0:19:25 secondly good and bad are arbitrary
0:19:27 terms
0:19:28 we apply from our viewpoint on life for
0:19:31 a person following the capitalist
0:19:33 ideology of maximizing benefit
0:19:35 minimizing pain then he judges events
0:19:38 from that viewpoint for a muslim we view
0:19:40 life as a test a test whether we fulfill
0:19:44 the commandments of allah or do we
0:19:46 disobey the commandments of allah so
0:19:49 when we look at events that take and
0:19:51 affect us we will view it from this
0:19:53 perspective
0:19:55 and also thirdly that belief in the
0:19:57 creator gives us the psychological and
0:20:00 emotional stability
0:20:02 concepts such as
0:20:03 the wealth comes from allah concepts
0:20:06 such as patience and perseverance the
0:20:08 concepts that allah reward those people
0:20:10 who are facing difficulty in this life
0:20:12 that whenever any fear flicks them then
0:20:14 it removes their sins that these things
0:20:16 help us navigate the difficulties and
0:20:19 the inevitable problems that we will
0:20:21 face in life this is what the belief in
0:20:24 the creator gives us and therefore it
0:20:26 makes more sense even from an emotional
0:20:29 perspective that belief in a creator
0:20:32 creates that subkina that tranquility in
0:20:34 the heart whereas atheism and simply
0:20:36 rejecting god out of some emotional
0:20:38 angst will not create that particular
0:20:42 stability nor tranquility or nor
0:20:45 therefore ultimately happiness in the
0:20:47 long run with the individual thank you