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120 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-12-11)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

120 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI




Summary of 120 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses various concepts related to knowledge and time. He explains that the knowledge of Allah is represented in the Quran as a book that is unchangeable and fair. He also discusses the idea that humans use metaphors to express this knowledge, such as the idea that Allah is a protected tablet. He finally argues that Divine Knowledge is more important than fatalism, and that Wilson colonization and connection with the Divine was a Blessing.

00:00:00 In this episode, Professor Dr. Mohammed bin Abdullah al-masri discusses Surah Al-An'am, discussing the meaning of the phrase "gets a couple of translations." He goes on to say that if what someone wants were within his power, everything would be decided between them and God. He also says that this phrase is likely addressing that they were asking for miracles, but that Allah's message is bigger than one's mercy. Finally, he discusses some implications of this Quranic verse for theology.

  • 00:05:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the Hadith which mentions that the knowledge of the hour (i.e. the time of the Islamic apocalypse) is only known by the one who knows himself. He goes on to discuss the concept of virtual levels of knowledge, and how some people misunderstand the number 5 in this Hadith. He also mentions a Hadith which explains when rain will befall a given area.
  • 00:10:00 discusses the implications of knowledge, specifically whether or not Allah knows specific events that happen in the world. The professor argues that because Allah knows everything, events cannot be created by Him, and that this opens up the possibility that some events may not have happened at all.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the concept of time in Islam, and how it is not based on the observable physical world. Instead, it is based on Divine commands and events that occur according to a predetermined plan. This allows Allah to be always completely knowledgeable, and eliminates any possibility of Him being created.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the theory of numbers, differentiation and integration, and the concept of free will. It concludes with a discussion of cosmological proof and the fine tuning of the universe.
  • 00:25:00 The professor provides a detailed explanation of the concepts of free will and absolute sovereignty, explaining that these concepts are necessary for understanding the concept of Allah. He also touches on the issue of time, explaining that while it may appear to be static, it is actually in a constant state of flux due to the second law of thermodynamics.
  • 00:30:00 discusses the Islamic concept of qira'a, or "revelation," which refers to the knowledge Allah possesses of individual believers even before they are born. He explains that qira'a does not mean Allah knows individuals from eternity but rather that what Allah knows about individual believers will come through the daylight (i.e. through revelation). This understanding allows believers to act with certainty in the face of doubt and uncertainty.
  • 00:35:00 The professor explains that the Quran is unique in that it contains statements about the son of Adam that are not found in other texts. He also discusses the idea that the Quran can be analyzed and refuted if it is found to be false. He argues that if this is true, then everything else in the Quran is also true.
  • 00:40:00 discusses the idea that Allah knows everything that will happen before it happens, and that this knowledge is represented in the Quran as a book that is unchangeable and fair. He also discusses the idea that humans use metaphors to express this knowledge, such as the idea that Allah is a protected tablet.
  • 00:45:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the impossibility of learning specific advice or knowledge, as it is impossible to know all the possible contingencies. He goes on to explain how this impossibility affects human behavior, and how Classical Mechanics is no longer applicable to the Universe due to its quantum mechanics nature. Finally, Professor MASSARI discusses how Divine Knowledge is more important than fatalism, and how Wilson colonization and connection with the Divine was a Blessing.
  • 00:50:00 The professor discusses the concept of eternity and explains that it is an infinite point in time. He goes on to say that, for some people, it is difficult to imagine that there is nothing before Allah. He then quotes a verse from the Quran which states that Allah existed always but that He created time and the universe. He explains that this means that time does not have a beginning or end.
  • 00:55:00 of the video discusses the concept of absolute zero and its impossibility to exist in reality. He goes on to discuss the concept of negative absolute temperature, and how it is impossible to define. He also discusses the concept of infinity and how it applies to the domain of mathematics. In the end, the author urges caution when working with complex mathematics, and reminds the viewer that it is important to be aware of the negative axis.


Professor Dr. Muhammad AL Massari discusses the importance of doing mathematics carefully and systematically. He also discusses the dangers of making mistakes if one does not follow these principles. Finally, he points out that quantum theory is the fundamental theory of physics, and that the experimental error in related theory making time is still unresolved.

01:00:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the concept of Allah being time. He explains that because Allah is the time, he can change the day and the night, and that this does not mean that he is independent from time. He goes on to say that this is a fundamental concept of freedom and sovereignty, and that if someone tries to analyze a mathematical problem without first understanding their own existence, they are experiencing a form of misguidance. Finally, he discusses an example of Allah having a future even if the person does not know it, and how this demonstrates his power and capacity to guide and protect those who follow him.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses how Allah predetermined the destiny of a specific person, based on their past actions. The person in question was a disbeliever who was subjected to many tests. Ultimately, Allah decided that he would die.
  • 01:10:00 is about a professor who talks about the camel caravan in Surat Al-An'am. He explains that the caravan is about 45 kilometers long, and that it takes 22 kilometers to go from one end to the other. He also says that anyone who knows anything about cellular phones probably knows that they have one at university. He then goes on to say that one day a fire will come and be so bright that it will be visible from Syria. He concludes the video by saying that anyone who wants to ask any questions about the matter should join him on his YouTube channel so that he can be as open and transparent as possible.
  • 01:15:00 discusses the misinterpretation of the Hadith by some people who believe that it secludes studying the cases. He points out that this is not the case, and that if one learns from the mistakes of the past, it will help them avoid repeating them in the future.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses the implications of infinity, and how it affects our understanding of God. It also discusses the two extremes of sabbah, which are starting to lament and doing nothing, and how these perspectives ultimately lead to failure. concludes with a warning against indulging in lamentation, as it will only serve to undermine one's faith.
  • 01:25:00 The Ayah in question is discussing how Allah knows what people will say in the Hereafter. Some argue that it is a prophecy of what will happen, while others believe it is recounting what has already happened.
  • 01:30:00 a professor discusses a possible prophecy that states that a specific person will die in a fire. He also mentions that this contingency could happen in America, and that there are many possibilities for humans.
  • 01:35:00 The narrator discusses the idea of teleportation, and how it could be possible with the power of Allah. He explains that while this may sound like a fantasy, it is in fact something that is possible with the right circumstances.
  • 01:40:00 The professor discusses how Allah has systemized things in the universe in a way that allows for free will and testing. He goes on to say that if this is true, then Allah cannot logically argue the creation of humans defeating Him.
  • 01:45:00 The professor discusses the impossibility of Allah being a mechanism. He argues that if Allah knows when something falls, then he must also know that it has fallen. If Allah knows this, then he does not exist.
  • 01:50:00 The professor discusses the issue of free will in relation to predestination. He argues that, while it is possible for events to be predestined, ultimately it goes to the fundamental Divine activist that Allah is living, meaning free agent absolute. Because he is necessarily existing, his freedom must be absolutely unconditioned by anything else.
  • 01:55:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL Massari discusses the importance of doing mathematics carefully and systematically. He also discusses the dangers of making mistakes if one does not follow these principles. Finally, he points out that quantum theory is the fundamental theory of physics, and that the experimental error in related theory making time is still unresolved.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:09 Music
0:00:23 thank you
0:00:31 and then continue
0:00:42 unknown okay okay
0:00:44 it's listening so
0:01:17 welcome Dave views brothers and sisters
0:01:20 to episode 120 of our the first sessions
0:01:22 of the noble Quran with Professor Dr
0:01:25 Mohammed bin Abdullah al-masri
0:01:27 these episodes of broadcast live on the
0:01:29 study Circles of Professor Dr Muhammad
0:01:31 YouTube channel every Sunday at 1pm
0:01:35 UK time we invite you to subscribe to
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0:01:41 please note also the link to the live
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0:01:47 the broadcast by participating in the
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0:01:51 the chat box you find via the broadcast
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0:01:54 also do not forget to support our
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0:01:58 questions in the conversation or through
0:02:00 the thank you button under our video
0:02:02 today is Sunday the 11th of December the
0:02:06 professor continues his interpretation
0:02:07 of the fear of Surah we are now on Ayah
0:02:11 58.
0:02:14 um
0:02:22 it just says uh gets a couple of
0:02:25 translations let us invest
0:02:28 say if that were you so hastily demand
0:02:30 were in my power everything would indeed
0:02:32 have been decided between me and you God
0:02:35 knows best as to what as to who is doing
0:02:37 wrong yes translation say if what you
0:02:39 seek to rush were in my power everything
0:02:41 would have been decided between you and
0:02:43 me but God knows best who does wrong
0:02:46 most likely what's addressed here is
0:02:48 that they were asking
0:02:50 bring us the punishment you are
0:02:52 promising that's it so it would have
0:02:54 been to me I am already fed up with you
0:02:56 that's his meaning but Allah's message
0:02:58 is bigger than my mercy and his patience
0:03:00 is infinite not like my patients I will
0:03:03 try to have them at habit already inside
0:03:04 it and if even if they were asking for
0:03:07 for miracles we I would have asked for
0:03:11 or brought a miracle which force you to
0:03:14 believe or like with the Quran and one
0:03:15 but I said if we wished we could bring
0:03:17 some
0:03:18 Ayah which will break their necks down
0:03:20 the verga have no way except to submit
0:03:22 like for example an iron law comes from
0:03:25 heaven and squeeze your neck down say
0:03:27 believe otherwise you'll be your neck
0:03:28 will be broken and squeeze a bit a bit
0:03:30 and then you are forced them to lose it
0:03:31 yes I admit I believe that's that's easy
0:03:34 for Allah and if the messenger had
0:03:35 access to that he would have done it
0:03:37 long ago he doesn't have the patience
0:03:38 the Divine patience
0:03:40 but you are lucky that real lord of the
0:03:43 universes is much more patient much more
0:03:45 forgiving than you than you imagine and
0:03:48 he knows that I'm just one he knows who
0:03:50 had the wrong so that's just just then
0:03:53 it goes down with issues which they said
0:03:55 will be getting us a little bit deep
0:03:57 I'll start to go not extremely deep for
0:04:00 the general public but we we cannot
0:04:02 avoid being deep in that because it has
0:04:04 implications with Theology and other
0:04:06 things thanks Aya
0:04:08 foreign
0:04:35 and in the sea and not to leaf falls but
0:04:38 he knows it and neither is there a grain
0:04:40 in the Earth the Deep Darkness nor
0:04:42 anything living or dead but is recorded
0:04:45 in his clear decree next translation
0:04:48 he holds the keys to the unknown no one
0:04:52 knows those keys but him he knows all
0:04:55 that is on land and in Sea and not a
0:04:58 leaf falls without him knowing about it
0:04:59 there is not a grain in the earth deep
0:05:01 Darkness or anything living or dead that
0:05:04 is not written in a clear record so this
0:05:06 is very complex
0:05:09 series of symptoms the first one is that
0:05:11 he has the keys of the Unseen or the
0:05:13 things which Beyond human conception
0:05:15 here's the keys the note is the word
0:05:17 keys
0:05:19 doesn't say the knowledge of right
0:05:21 that's not an issue the issue is the
0:05:23 keys so there are keys of right keys for
0:05:25 that or Beyond real conception the
0:05:28 things which he has the initial
0:05:29 capabilities and power to access those
0:05:32 either as a knowledge or as a mode of
0:05:35 action so restricting it to only the
0:05:37 knowledge is a mistake
0:05:39 people
0:05:41 and these keys
0:05:43 only he knows
0:05:44 and nobody otherwise will be able to
0:05:46 know we may describe them verbally with
0:05:49 some sentences but it's just a
0:05:50 description trying to bring something
0:05:53 which is really beyond the common
0:05:54 combination itself
0:05:57 and in in some few sentences should
0:06:00 explain a little bit of things so we
0:06:02 have some some rudimentary conceptual or
0:06:05 mental image we may but nobody knows
0:06:09 them really in the reality except the
0:06:11 one who knows himself
0:06:12 we'll discuss with these kids there's
0:06:15 one Hadith which explains
0:06:26 in the famous eye and the Hadith says
0:06:30 R5 those fives and this is usually
0:06:34 misinterpreted we are not mentioning
0:06:36 that here this just casually just to
0:06:38 really revive and remind The Listener
0:06:41 especially the one who was scholarly
0:06:42 oriented first of all
0:06:44 5 and mention these things
0:06:48 this is only an example because the
0:06:50 number five doesn't matter is only five
0:06:51 so it does not say it's five or no more
0:06:53 than that it's there's five of them this
0:06:55 there and interestingly there some of
0:06:59 them one of it is related to knowledge
0:07:01 Allah related to action
0:07:05 he has the knowledge when the hour will
0:07:08 strike
0:07:09 and the other one is not only the
0:07:11 knowledge but the action
0:07:13 he brings down the rain let's notice
0:07:16 that Hadith mentioning that right five
0:07:21 I'm just reminding everyone who admit
0:07:23 most people have heard about that Hadith
0:07:25 and they think oh yeah it is only these
0:07:27 five with the message
0:07:32 does not mean it is exclusive and it is
0:07:35 no more than that and that's very
0:07:37 obvious uh like in many a Hadith for
0:07:40 example the the destructive sins are
0:07:42 seven
0:07:44 seven miss another Hadith another has
0:07:47 mentioned another seven on a some people
0:07:50 got stuck to say how come that actually
0:07:52 is more than seven yeah it's more than
0:07:54 seven when you say that there are
0:07:55 mentioning seven for you now another
0:07:57 time when we shall be most of them again
0:07:59 and maybe another one added another one
0:08:01 subtracted if you add all of them will
0:08:04 be 14 15 17 maybe 20. destructive sin
0:08:08 because numbers do not mean as limited
0:08:10 unless you have a form which so is no
0:08:13 more than that it must be clearly stated
0:08:16 it's no more than that then we have a
0:08:18 restriction in numbers so that's the
0:08:19 general rule about numbers both in the
0:08:21 Arabic language in the prophetic Hadith
0:08:24 so that that Hadith which claims that
0:08:27 virtual level 5 and he mentioned read
0:08:29 that Ayah in the other Surah is not a
0:08:32 resection and secondly is also there
0:08:34 some people say you know the right
0:08:36 meaning some some simple-minded usually
0:08:38 will have you eat yourself
0:08:40 how come that there's weather forecast
0:08:42 because Allah says
0:08:45 okay but because they don't treat people
0:08:47 do not read with it they don't open
0:08:49 their eyes very because the ISS clearly
0:08:52 has the knowledge of the hour
0:08:55 exclusively nobody has the knowledge you
0:08:57 wanted to go into strike well you know
0:08:59 the right he brings down
0:09:01 about knowing but also the conditions of
0:09:03 making the rain under the condition he
0:09:05 controls the condition of the rate not
0:09:07 only knowledge but also condition he
0:09:09 brings down the raid not the knowledge
0:09:11 of the rain he brings down the rage you
0:09:13 can do very well weather forecast and
0:09:15 estimate with great probability or
0:09:17 sometimes with certainty that rain will
0:09:19 come but this is not you know right you
0:09:22 are not the one playing with that you're
0:09:23 just doing a weather forecast so there's
0:09:25 no contradiction with that therefore why
0:09:27 Adam you know how come that they claim
0:09:30 they can know the sex of them bye bye
0:09:33 bye by ultrasound
0:09:35 for example
0:09:40 he's exploded the one who lives with
0:09:42 that huh sometimes you know abubakar
0:09:44 knew that when he was wife before he
0:09:46 died that his wife is pregnant with a
0:09:48 girl and he advised to give her a name
0:09:50 by vision
0:09:52 yeah so he knew Bible giving him the
0:09:54 knowledge now Allah giving us the
0:09:56 knowledge by uh ultrasound to
0:09:58 distinguish between male and female
0:10:00 possibly but do we know everything in
0:10:03 the Arham completely and communicable
0:10:04 you know we know some facts about that
0:10:09 and with some facts about it we could
0:10:10 even know some some things about about
0:10:12 diseases and so on by by taking
0:10:14 cautiously some of the of the placenta
0:10:16 fluid and do some analysis but we have
0:10:19 to be inclusive at least to have more
0:10:21 than than just the sex or the shape of
0:10:23 the baby things like that so that's just
0:10:25 clarifying these things
0:10:27 is not only knowledge is something more
0:10:30 than that all of these Keys which
0:10:32 control that what we enter our human
0:10:34 perception and call the issues which are
0:10:36 known but all issues which are an under
0:10:39 nobody control the script Allah like
0:10:42 creating the universe like controlling
0:10:44 the whole system like there is changing
0:10:46 the future based on the changing cover
0:10:48 will come to that
0:10:50 foreign
0:11:03 knowledge you have to have to be to
0:11:05 understand the the the Allah himself and
0:11:08 nobody allows itself understand Allah
0:11:11 accept himself
0:11:12 you may not have some some information
0:11:14 you may have some attributes and so on
0:11:16 but understanding him and comprehending
0:11:18 him is out of question
0:11:21 then here we'll come then issue of
0:11:23 knowledge which which is uh uh it became
0:11:26 a stumbling block for many theologians
0:11:29 and so on my feelings okay he knows
0:11:33 whatever is in the sea and because
0:11:35 Hawaii is successing C and then and and
0:11:38 and uh and uh land is because uh the
0:11:43 idol worshiper they believe for example
0:11:45 that the Satan gods are responsible for
0:11:48 the sea well again you just go to the
0:11:50 Greek mythology Poseidon is that I think
0:11:52 that the sea god
0:11:53 and in the Land There are other gods and
0:11:55 so on and in the domain of poison not
0:11:57 only he knows just go and get that this
0:11:59 hill he hasn't control the others cannot
0:12:00 interfere there and things like that so
0:12:02 no no that's not true it's he's the one
0:12:04 who knows so this is but meaning
0:12:07 everywhere on Earth
0:12:10 and then with an interesting point
0:12:16 now let's stop a little bit
0:12:18 No Leaf over three would fall unless he
0:12:21 knows it
0:12:23 so what did you know about the fall of
0:12:25 today
0:12:26 it he knows when it falls that it has
0:12:28 fallen but who knows when it has image
0:12:30 because that we know that the the leaf
0:12:33 is not a 10 now it's not existing from
0:12:35 eternity from the zero point of time
0:12:37 absolutely zero of time the point of
0:12:39 Eternity it existed maybe a few months
0:12:42 fluids few decades back at best even for
0:12:46 ancient trees it may be a couple of
0:12:48 thousand years like these redwoods in
0:12:50 California but before that was not there
0:12:51 it has grown there in place and
0:12:54 possesses for Thousand Years like for it
0:12:56 would now would become aged and old and
0:12:59 it has and yellow and it's falling
0:13:03 knowledge about these things but the
0:13:05 point is that is mentioning when it
0:13:07 falls
0:13:08 oh I mentioned explicitlyn with false
0:13:13 because when it falls Allah must know
0:13:15 that it has fallen
0:13:17 and that's what caused a major problem
0:13:19 in understanding of the Divine knowledge
0:13:21 they said because
0:13:23 I mean got stuck in a theory that the
0:13:27 Divine being there's no events can
0:13:29 happen in that Divine because anything
0:13:30 which have events must be created that's
0:13:33 the statement they made which is a false
0:13:35 statement it can be proven to be so
0:13:36 false
0:13:40 so the device May kind of have any
0:13:42 events in himself any change in him and
0:13:44 this means the knowledge changes
0:13:48 that cannot be a Divine attribute
0:13:51 according to their their the the fallacy
0:13:54 they they started with
0:13:56 and say because if they start the Quran
0:13:58 they would have recognized that what
0:14:00 week that was some philosophers claim
0:14:02 that whatever has evented itself must be
0:14:04 created must be wrong there must be some
0:14:06 an issue there I have to dig a diva and
0:14:08 see what what where is the mistake but
0:14:10 they didn't do that if they would have
0:14:11 done that they would have started More
0:14:13 Than Mathematics long ago but they did
0:14:15 not do
0:14:17 so they do not take the Quran as a guide
0:14:21 although they claim they believe in the
0:14:23 Quran that's a revelation say oh it is
0:14:25 metaphorical or it's actually it is
0:14:27 falling all the time for maternity to
0:14:28 Eternity which is manifestly absorbed
0:14:31 say Allah is outside of the time such
0:14:34 statements do not make any sense
0:14:36 by the way issue of time women let's
0:14:39 mentioned it again that's solved by The
0:14:41 Miracles
0:14:43 Hadith I had but it does not reflect
0:14:47 anything which can formatized by
0:14:49 horrible it's not this accident no doubt
0:14:50 about that
0:14:52 it's going to be but but like taking it
0:14:54 from the people of the book because they
0:14:55 don't have that concept it cannot be
0:14:59 for Muhammad's Ingenuity because not in
0:15:01 Germany attack if you remember that the
0:15:04 Hadith I mean is the following
0:15:06 it starts very innocently
0:15:08 it's Hadith Allah says the son of a
0:15:11 hadam is is slandering me or hurting me
0:15:14 he says what a miserable time
0:15:17 May the time fail or something catch the
0:15:20 time and start the time
0:15:23 but the reality is insulting me
0:15:28 what an adult I am the time I am the
0:15:30 passage of time and then he gives the
0:15:32 explanation what's the meaning of God
0:15:36 by my commander
0:15:39 the change of events which we could
0:15:42 associate with time and but make the day
0:15:44 and night is that what we uh and the
0:15:46 rotation of the earth Etc in the
0:15:48 universe and even until now the best
0:15:50 time King is still based on the rotation
0:15:52 of the earth and which we observe
0:15:55 certain stars when they come exactly in
0:15:57 the transit point and the more stars
0:16:00 more field stars we use and further away
0:16:02 stars and more more fence Stars we use
0:16:04 until they got minus 24 degree Etc and
0:16:08 matter of factness actually accuracy
0:16:11 this way is higher than the accuracy of
0:16:12 atomic clocks
0:16:20 events the rotation of the Earth all of
0:16:22 these events and so on are by Divine
0:16:25 command so the meaning I am the time
0:16:28 meaning I am the one controlling the
0:16:30 events the passage of the events is what
0:16:32 people call time as measured by their
0:16:34 clocks but this have some absolute sense
0:16:36 meaning it's it's Allah he himself at
0:16:39 the time he is the controller of the
0:16:41 events from the beginning the starting
0:16:43 event until all eternities that's it
0:16:46 once
0:16:49 by my command then I'll tell you bye bye
0:16:51 by myself
0:16:52 yes we know there's physical reason for
0:16:55 that etc etc again as usual we go back
0:16:58 and back and back until the big bang and
0:16:59 then the fixing of the system the qadar
0:17:01 at the beginning and it was June so that
0:17:04 one day it will develop this way
0:17:09 so that's the concept of time in in
0:17:11 Islam
0:17:12 it's not that's the end of it it's Allah
0:17:16 with the explicit description of the
0:17:19 prophetic explanation that the passage
0:17:22 of the events is done by the Divine
0:17:24 action
0:17:25 either immediately in the case of
0:17:27 molecules or as in as instituted by the
0:17:31 qadar at the beginning of the universe
0:17:36 so
0:17:38 by necessity he knows what's going on at
0:17:41 the time appropriately in if we Define
0:17:43 an absolute time as not to Allah which
0:17:46 our clock May reflect or approximate
0:17:48 somehow thus for other buses and for the
0:17:51 reactivity Theory to be discussed leave
0:17:53 that at aside at the moment but
0:17:56 definitely when I leave Falls
0:17:59 after it has fallen
0:18:01 it wasn't falling before by necessity
0:18:03 because it fell by a Divine permission
0:18:04 refine command after it has fallen he
0:18:07 must know that it has fallen
0:18:09 otherwise he's ignored
0:18:11 so there's a change in the Divine
0:18:13 knowledge so that he remains always
0:18:15 completely comprehensive in knowledge
0:18:17 always otherwise will become ignorant if
0:18:20 he doesn't know if you look at the from
0:18:23 the window now I'm looking at the window
0:18:24 we have trees there and obviously all of
0:18:28 them are almost now naked but a couple
0:18:31 of months ago when we fall started
0:18:33 Philip started falling when I looked at
0:18:35 the set and leave
0:18:37 the monitor Falls I know if this has
0:18:39 fallen now
0:18:40 so if I know it has fallen then F430 I
0:18:43 should know even more than that more
0:18:45 comprehensively and more details than I
0:18:47 know but then we just add this as one so
0:18:50 much
0:18:51 so the claim then we must conclude from
0:18:54 that
0:18:55 that claim that what is is having some
0:18:57 events in itself cannot be necessary
0:18:59 existing on eternally it's false it can
0:19:01 be because Allah has has such events yes
0:19:04 they are under his control but
0:19:06 outside
0:19:10 and that's the crucial point they Supply
0:19:13 his own controlled by his absolute
0:19:15 Sovereign free will
0:19:19 so this settles the issue of
0:19:22 events and so on and forces them to look
0:19:25 for the right evidences for but the
0:19:27 problem they stuck with that and they
0:19:28 thought that's the only way to prove the
0:19:30 existence of Allah is by saying
0:19:32 everything you will see in the universe
0:19:33 is having events itself it
0:19:36 develops it passes away it
0:19:39 disintegration so these are events even
0:19:40 it moves before it was not moving you
0:19:42 said all of that
0:19:44 we must conclude from that because of
0:19:46 their faulty rule that it must be
0:19:49 itself created
0:19:52 but this is a false conclusion they they
0:19:54 confiscate the certain step there which
0:19:56 if they have done it properly it would
0:19:58 have led them to a magnificent theory of
0:20:00 of differentiation and integration and a
0:20:04 theory of numbers and so on
0:20:06 and if you are interested we may make a
0:20:08 special session for that discussing how
0:20:10 how we can go start from the finite
0:20:13 domain around us extend space into the
0:20:16 usual euclidean space which is which is
0:20:19 a construction of the mind doesn't exist
0:20:21 outside and also from a limited amount
0:20:23 like for the unlimited interval how I
0:20:25 can divide it down until we get two
0:20:27 points
0:20:28 and points which are shoulder on
0:20:30 shoulder in some sense
0:20:33 but so so that the the the the the the
0:20:36 interval problem let's say from zero one
0:20:39 is completely full there's no gaps there
0:20:42 and then we see how someone will develop
0:20:44 that by by rational numbers and they are
0:20:47 they don't fill everything or they are
0:20:49 very dense but they don't feel
0:20:50 everything then someone say oh well
0:20:51 actually it can't be because we have
0:20:53 so-called algebraic numbers like the
0:20:55 square root of two the symbol equation x
0:20:57 square equal to does not have a solution
0:20:59 in in the form of rational number
0:21:01 rational number of course a fraction p
0:21:04 over Q it doesn't have a solution like
0:21:06 it can be proven easily still line proof
0:21:08 very simple
0:21:10 so there must be some algebraic numbers
0:21:12 though they fit everything no they don't
0:21:14 fit there are other Circle transcendants
0:21:16 or only when you take alternative
0:21:18 numbers and you find them properly then
0:21:20 we fail the entire shoulder to shoulder
0:21:22 no gaps
0:21:23 but this is an enormous mathematical
0:21:25 developments it started let's say in the
0:21:27 18th 19 yeah 17 no 17 maybe 18th century
0:21:32 and became more mature late part of the
0:21:34 19th century then we have more than
0:21:36 mathematics it could have started
0:21:38 if Muslim Scholars started with these
0:21:41 issues at that time but they don't start
0:21:43 unfortunately maybe they exclude maybe
0:21:44 the historics required but they could
0:21:46 have if they taken the whole amplus they
0:21:48 Hadith as a guidance
0:21:50 and rejected other statement and
0:21:52 scrutinized them on light of the
0:21:54 Revelation they would have achieved much
0:21:56 more maybe they would have reached the
0:21:58 the total differential integration they
0:22:01 may have achieved that possibly they may
0:22:03 have assumed that but unfortunately they
0:22:05 did not do
0:22:08 so the claim that no events can have in
0:22:11 the in the Divine is a false because
0:22:14 whatever have events must be created is
0:22:16 not correct that's not correct I'll do a
0:22:19 result then Allah is not a is not a free
0:22:22 agent that becomes an a dead blind uh
0:22:25 nature but initial we don't need to
0:22:28 attribute any knowledge your nation so
0:22:30 no it doesn't make any sense Nation
0:22:33 knows anything doesn't know anything it
0:22:34 acts by necessity and the concept of
0:22:36 knowledge does not make any sense for an
0:22:38 introduce asked by necessity so and then
0:22:41 a contradiction
0:22:42 it's just mechanism which works from
0:22:44 within the eternity
0:22:46 which can be proven by cosmological
0:22:48 proof that it's impossible but most
0:22:50 likely it can be problematological proof
0:22:53 independent from any cosmological proof
0:22:55 that need to be fleshed out I think I
0:22:57 have some skeleton but I'm still working
0:22:59 on it
0:23:00 not the sand and cell improved sand and
0:23:02 selling does not work but going from the
0:23:04 from this angle
0:23:06 that a necessarily existing beam which
0:23:08 is acting by necessity
0:23:13 naturally is like that that's such a
0:23:16 such an entity cannot exist is
0:23:17 impossible it's internally contradictory
0:23:19 but this needs some some hard work we're
0:23:22 still on their own and process of that
0:23:23 so leave it at that but we have the
0:23:26 cosmological proof is enough how will
0:23:28 you have the customer request I remind
0:23:29 you again
0:23:30 we'll go to the beginning of the
0:23:31 universe all the way to the big bank or
0:23:33 the near point zero
0:23:35 we find that there was certain initial
0:23:37 parameters condition must be fixed that
0:23:39 they would but there are three issues
0:23:41 about freely choosable and there's no
0:23:44 way
0:23:45 a
0:23:46 mechanism a necessarily existing nature
0:23:51 can can make a choice
0:23:54 if it would have been like that it would
0:23:55 have all parameters must have been fixed
0:23:57 by the way by the necessity of the
0:23:59 equation of the system itself but they
0:24:01 are not fixed they can be they can be
0:24:03 valid and you if you vary them
0:24:06 differently you get another universe and
0:24:08 you on the third universe and the fourth
0:24:10 universe or the same fundamental
0:24:12 structure like in various various
0:24:14 developments and you it has to be tuned
0:24:17 that's the fine tuning argument it has
0:24:19 to be tuned so fine that we get
0:24:23 life on Earth and we get even this size
0:24:25 of brain and we give Consciousness if
0:24:27 it's not tuned to
0:24:29 unbelievably high that level of accuracy
0:24:32 we will not get that
0:24:34 and this cannot be by accident because
0:24:35 accident does not make any sense
0:24:37 the home is zero there's nothing called
0:24:39 accent Accident Happens for example or
0:24:42 the probability is happening if we are
0:24:44 studying like a bunch of thousands of
0:24:45 people going to the Brent Cross Shopping
0:24:47 Center and then we observe them and see
0:24:49 how many quotes will show you buying
0:24:51 shoes and said and they'll make
0:24:52 statistics and make a distribution we
0:24:54 have already existing things and many
0:24:56 people making choices and then summarize
0:24:58 everything informs called statistical
0:25:00 analysis that's that's what they call by
0:25:03 accident as well
0:25:05 but when you start from absolute zero
0:25:07 there's nothing to do the term accident
0:25:08 this is just another time for free
0:25:10 choice for absolute Sovereign
0:25:12 unconditional free choice
0:25:14 so from the beginning either we have a
0:25:16 mechanism which is impossible with this
0:25:19 universe at least but actually
0:25:21 this will be the ontological Finish is
0:25:23 complete it is
0:25:24 internally contradictory or an entity
0:25:27 which is acting by absolute Sovereign
0:25:29 Free Will absolute spontaneity
0:25:33 does not make any sense until your two
0:25:35 became comprehensive knowledge
0:25:37 and obviously he must have the power to
0:25:40 bring out what his knowledge has has
0:25:43 perceived or found out as being possible
0:25:47 and and creatable
0:25:49 so these are the major things which we
0:25:51 have Step by by establish for for the
0:25:54 for the deity that is it is uh
0:25:57 necessarily existing that's kayum it is
0:25:59 living meaning it has knowledge and have
0:26:01 absolutely free so The Sovereign will
0:26:11 it can be a dead blind deaf nature no
0:26:15 it's not possible
0:26:16 for this universe but also by the
0:26:18 autologism proof in any frequency
0:26:21 conceivable or imaginable reality or
0:26:23 State of Affairs is not possible
0:26:25 but that otherwise autological proof is
0:26:27 not complete yet in that form for this
0:26:30 form not that and and selling proof
0:26:32 which doesn't work
0:26:34 so we shall we start from that then it
0:26:37 doesn't matter
0:26:38 it doesn't because that necessary
0:26:40 existing means having absolute
0:26:42 surveillance if you pretend Day and
0:26:44 Night 10 events by his will and this is
0:26:46 a passage of time
0:26:48 which we measure here maybe with clocks
0:26:50 and so on and Earth rotation
0:26:53 but it refers somehow and it's connected
0:26:55 somehow we perceive it somehow connected
0:26:57 to the The Divide action in the whole
0:27:00 universe it's so called absolute time
0:27:02 and this also solves the problem with
0:27:04 the physicists are wavering and going
0:27:06 back and forth without finding any any
0:27:08 solution or the is is really the second
0:27:12 law of tribunal result of the opacity of
0:27:14 time or the positive time is Just an
0:27:16 Illusion because of second law of
0:27:17 Thermodynamics many of thermodynamics
0:27:20 they put the courage in front of the
0:27:22 whole snow Second Law firmness is a
0:27:25 behavior of many particles and systems
0:27:27 should be extremely dynamically and the
0:27:29 ones we have this situation then we have
0:27:31 the second then we have the system the
0:27:33 the equations of thermodynamics and so
0:27:35 on and then we have the second law is
0:27:38 that can be actually derived by by a
0:27:40 statistical analysis of the of large
0:27:43 systems and so on and some strict
0:27:46 results have been achieved already
0:27:47 almost mid of the 20th century and
0:27:49 ongoing
0:27:51 uh if you want to start in this area
0:27:53 there's a book from from a Furniture
0:27:56 assist called the the David Rowell he
0:28:00 wrote statistical mechanism rigorous
0:28:02 results which is thick mathematical
0:28:04 proof studying from statistical
0:28:06 mechanics and quantum physics problem
0:28:09 many of the phenomena and the issues
0:28:11 related to to thermodynamics for Life
0:28:15 systems very small systems
0:28:17 thermodynamically so claiming that this
0:28:20 is this that we are dealing with that
0:28:22 the second long-term Dynamic is really
0:28:24 the reality while our time perception is
0:28:27 a delusion is a long way upside down and
0:28:30 proven what mathematical is not to be
0:28:32 like that but said to find many
0:28:34 so-called physicists who did not have
0:28:36 the philosophical training not even the
0:28:37 antibiotical training to be able to
0:28:39 reach like books like David Royal
0:28:41 claiming otherwise just to save their
0:28:44 atheists sometimes so sometimes because
0:28:45 they just ignore them but there's not do
0:28:47 not care about the issue they think it's
0:28:49 not a scientific issue it's it's part of
0:28:51 the British identification what partisan
0:28:53 metaphysical issue too but the
0:28:55 scientific what should at least been
0:28:56 done properly it's not done probably by
0:28:58 manifest anyway
0:29:01 so that that's the point I want to say
0:29:04 here that's when Lee Falls Allah knows
0:29:06 it has fallen
0:29:08 so
0:29:09 all this all uh hocus workers on all
0:29:12 these there's nonsense and these claims
0:29:14 of some of the kalimine or Australia
0:29:17 that allies above time and and this is
0:29:19 uh and nothing changing him as it is not
0:29:22 I said they must confuse that that Allah
0:29:26 knows that her belief has fallen after
0:29:28 it has fallen with events which means
0:29:31 he's affected or influenced by others
0:29:34 it's his own action it's his own action
0:29:37 which express itself in the universe and
0:29:39 he knows that is out of his own action
0:29:41 also
0:29:42 foreign
0:30:06 analysis based usually on on imaginary
0:30:10 uh process which has not been that
0:30:13 meticulously what the emerging process
0:30:14 is that for example if we divide Mata
0:30:17 we cannot go at Infinity so it must be
0:30:20 something like an atom this
0:30:22 consolidation makes good sense in some
0:30:24 in something but it has to be qualified
0:30:27 it has to be verified experimentally and
0:30:29 has been qualified rationally
0:30:31 because if we divide like a negative
0:30:34 space between 0 and 1 on a scale and go
0:30:37 down will go even to a point which has
0:30:39 no extension
0:30:40 and we have dense point but this forces
0:30:42 have to be done so meticulously
0:30:44 otherwise you will end having
0:30:45 contradictions and problem and that was
0:30:48 achieved only essentially 200 years ago
0:30:50 but we're getting 200 and picked at the
0:30:53 end of 19th century by Cantor and the
0:30:56 set theory
0:30:57 which of the new avenues of research and
0:30:59 all the new available issues of
0:31:01 contradictions which need to be
0:31:02 controlled and and brought under control
0:31:05 they brought more mostly under control
0:31:06 not hundred percent not too many
0:31:08 satisfaction but mostly under control
0:31:11 so you can't start with that
0:31:14 you first start with the Revelation
0:31:16 which you have evidence that because you
0:31:18 have evidence not depending upon such
0:31:20 esoteric philosophical issues
0:31:22 and depending upon the militants of the
0:31:24 messenger his his announcing of future
0:31:26 events is miraculousness of the Quran
0:31:29 challenge to the pagans or to bring the
0:31:31 Quran historic issues which have been
0:31:33 exposed by Quran which will clarify and
0:31:36 clears and unclean's mess made by by
0:31:39 previous Nations and Fabrication and so
0:31:41 on all of these taken together they are
0:31:43 they are continuously improving more and
0:31:45 more and the Quran is another place we
0:31:47 will show them our eyes in the Horizon
0:31:50 and themselves until they know it is the
0:31:52 truth
0:31:56 the is will come bit by bit one by one
0:31:59 it will take time it needs development
0:32:01 it's in hundreds of years maybe a
0:32:03 thousand years and more until more and
0:32:06 more information comes which forces
0:32:07 people to see that's the Revelation that
0:32:09 cannot be from Muhammad but only at that
0:32:11 time there was enough evidence so they
0:32:14 should have referred to that instead
0:32:16 what they say that's actually just for
0:32:18 human knowledge but actually let's say
0:32:20 Allah is above time time events is not
0:32:22 apply to him and they go and search
0:32:24 statements not always mean a lot of time
0:32:27 in time above time out of time I'm
0:32:29 Messenger to solve the problem he is the
0:32:32 time he is the massages time in the
0:32:34 meeting that he's the one who attend
0:32:36 they anointed events by his free
0:32:39 absolutely Sovereign action and with by
0:32:41 his command which is based on absolute
0:32:44 civilian free
0:32:45 action himself is the time is the
0:32:49 controller of time with which he is the
0:32:51 type and that's it so if they all
0:32:54 started there they would have been
0:32:55 guided much better and many issues of
0:32:59 Qatar and many issues of Destiny would
0:33:02 have been resolved nicely and cleanly
0:33:06 and clearly but instead they got stuck
0:33:08 with some
0:33:09 statement they thought it is a valid
0:33:11 statement
0:33:12 and it went in the Quran and tried to
0:33:14 interpret it
0:33:15 according according to their their
0:33:18 wishes or give it a remote
0:33:20 interpretation like for example we will
0:33:22 test you
0:33:23 Quran we'll come later we didn't have
0:33:25 any one of those maybe it will come down
0:33:27 there in the Surah I'm not sure we will
0:33:30 test you until we know
0:33:34 so that Allah will know the True
0:33:36 Believer
0:33:38 they say no no it's actually he knows
0:33:40 them already not from eternity but
0:33:43 but listen the meaning is that what is
0:33:46 his knowledge will come
0:33:48 through the daylight
0:33:50 so instead of the clear meaning which is
0:33:52 every other very simple-minded person
0:33:54 and if you deep mind we will conclude
0:33:56 that the testing will bring out what you
0:33:58 actually reality and the reality will
0:34:00 become known to Allah because it's not
0:34:02 known now it was not known before
0:34:04 because depends upon your referral and
0:34:05 your action
0:34:08 which demolishes all theories of
0:34:11 fatalism and jumper
0:34:13 foreign
0:34:19 and try to find the strange
0:34:21 interpretation but here which
0:34:23 intervention they can do for this one if
0:34:26 I leave false he knows that it has
0:34:27 fallen
0:34:29 how can you fix this
0:34:37 when it has fallen
0:34:39 he knew well before that it will forward
0:34:42 and possibly even the time it will fall
0:34:44 that's no problem
0:34:46 but if it has fallen
0:34:48 that he persists that it has become past
0:34:50 now it's gone and forgotten let's enter
0:34:53 in the records
0:34:54 and he must know it has happened
0:34:56 has happened
0:34:58 so whatever you do here just to the
0:35:01 right left up down I'm not going to get
0:35:03 away from the fact that he knows he that
0:35:06 he knows that it has fallen
0:35:08 that's why his knowledge his
0:35:10 combinations impossible
0:35:16 so keep that in mind
0:35:18 make the Quran the valid authentic will
0:35:21 established and then things which have
0:35:24 scrutinized access Hadith I mentioned
0:35:26 yes it's an ahat but at least with all
0:35:28 possible issues we should come in your
0:35:31 mind secondly it is unique because it's
0:35:33 no I I I'm not aware about any historic
0:35:36 president anywhere in the old new
0:35:38 testament which claim that Allah says
0:35:42 the son of Adam or anything like that is
0:35:45 islamed at the time say what a miserable
0:35:47 time because I am that's the cause
0:35:49 that's a possible that meaning is an
0:35:51 injunction don't say what a miserable
0:35:53 type that's not that's not correct
0:35:55 because actually outstanding essentially
0:35:58 because he said I am the time and he
0:36:01 explained what is meaning I am the time
0:36:02 and a doubt
0:36:04 he gives the explanation
0:36:06 Day and Night by my comment
0:36:09 you don't find anywhere in the future of
0:36:11 saying something like that nowhere in
0:36:12 the New Testament so it's no way could
0:36:16 have taken it from from uh let us say
0:36:18 from or from Jewish Scholars which he
0:36:21 used to frequently sit with them
0:36:23 there's no way
0:36:25 and there's no way that's a simple mind
0:36:26 that what I would have invited that from
0:36:28 his mind
0:36:29 foreign
0:37:14 it's a fourth statement it has it can be
0:37:16 refuted if you analyze it properly but
0:37:18 only if you start with this when you see
0:37:20 the max must be false let me analyze
0:37:22 more
0:37:24 let me put doubt on it and analyze it
0:37:26 more done
0:37:28 you progress forward unfortunately it's
0:37:31 not done by muslimit Academy
0:37:32 Unfortunately they keep to keep kept
0:37:35 beating around the bush
0:37:38 I kept trying to escape the problem
0:37:43 and then I'll continue very exciting
0:37:46 cruise ship
0:37:47 which people have called people concept
0:37:50 of especially the Pagan civil minders
0:37:51 that distinguishes the darkness of the
0:37:53 earth like under the soil which is in
0:37:55 the dark because they cannot see it and
0:37:58 most
0:37:59 entities in the universe do not seem to
0:38:01 be know where it is and so on
0:38:03 even those who claim they communicate
0:38:05 with Jinn who are searching for some
0:38:06 lost things the genes are not able to
0:38:08 communicate them but there's a treasure
0:38:10 there or something like that so what's
0:38:11 something in the darkness of the Earth
0:38:14 it seems to be unknowable no no it's not
0:38:16 always
0:38:18 you so after this thing the highest
0:38:20 level of sophistication in a simple
0:38:22 example of the relief leave over three
0:38:25 folding it goes to even whatever in the
0:38:28 darkness of the earth what's it
0:38:30 definitely everything from anything
0:38:31 under the soil going down
0:38:33 and nothing soft or hot or hot
0:38:37 the colors
0:38:39 in Arabic for all Goods all Goods
0:38:45 hard goods and things which can be
0:38:47 stored
0:38:48 like we eat barley and so on is
0:38:51 something like like fruits and
0:38:52 vegetables they will not survive they
0:38:55 can be stored for example but anything
0:38:57 about money Alps living beings are more
0:39:00 serious
0:39:01 they're soft they disintegrate the
0:39:03 moment they die
0:39:05 they can't be stored because they have
0:39:07 to continuously be fed and giving air
0:39:09 and so on if you block them somewhere
0:39:10 they will die and disintegrate
0:39:13 a piece of iron is the ABS
0:39:16 a gold a gold coin is the abyss etc etc
0:39:19 everything everything in your mind you
0:39:21 secretary
0:39:25 none of this everything which you could
0:39:28 imagine or classify whatever you
0:39:30 character classify choosing few things
0:39:32 which represent others
0:39:41 even wider that that's just kind of
0:39:43 important so it's weird look hold on but
0:39:45 this is enough if that's known then
0:39:47 everything up for surely else would be
0:39:48 not
0:39:52 everything is in an evident book
0:39:56 or an
0:39:58 manifest book
0:40:00 this is a metaphorical device it doesn't
0:40:03 need to be written somewhere
0:40:04 I remember always
0:40:08 it's a good good job it's a
0:40:11 simple-minded to a hobby he said hello
0:40:14 you know you know the famous story is
0:40:17 about to love him
0:40:18 and uh he said all these things
0:40:23 is made out of one cut out One
0:40:28 that's a one piece of of jewel
0:40:31 I think he said it measured Emerald or
0:40:33 something like that and this is 70 years
0:40:35 long in heaven and the pen roads think
0:40:38 like that
0:40:39 I said okay
0:40:42 Allah said Allah created the pin Fest
0:40:46 and wrote
0:40:47 foreign
0:40:56 foreign
0:41:06 space
0:41:13 make your mind a little bit bigger this
0:41:16 is just to give you a metaphor that if
0:41:19 you say Allah is a protected tablet for
0:41:22 the Quran is something different we'll
0:41:23 discuss that but it means it is such a
0:41:26 firm Divine knowledge because human
0:41:27 beings have the most firm and well
0:41:30 established knowledge if it's recorded
0:41:31 in a book we don't rely on a memory you
0:41:33 record things in a book
0:41:35 and the Divine knowledge is a
0:41:37 metaphorically represented as a book it
0:41:39 is so Fairman and immutable if Quran is
0:41:42 revealed now it would use the blockchain
0:41:44 immutable and unchangeable
0:41:47 it is the metaphor which is available to
0:41:49 build that one will be in a firm
0:41:52 established knowledge doesn't need to be
0:41:54 books or or several physical entities
0:41:55 Reckoning them it's not like that no
0:41:57 need for that
0:42:00 Divine mind is enough for that on this
0:42:02 absolute and immutable and can't be
0:42:04 changed
0:42:08 Way Beyond any book imaginable but which
0:42:11 which things in in the universe you can
0:42:13 use to express that for everyone from
0:42:15 the symbol between on a backward camel
0:42:17 to the philosoph in the Athenian Academy
0:42:20 of philosophy of plateau
0:42:24 which is clearly display what is what it
0:42:28 contains in evident and manifest work
0:42:32 so last time we fixed up a movie
0:42:34 everything is written now it's
0:42:35 everything is known to Allah without
0:42:37 serious attitude
0:42:39 as things known to you in if they are
0:42:41 written down with a certitude suitable
0:42:43 for you
0:42:44 well like the suit of that is his one
0:42:46 his one being his his audience his
0:42:49 knowledge his own book
0:42:51 he's not he's just one book
0:42:55 actually humans use that for example
0:42:57 some blind Scholars they memorize they
0:43:00 cannot write anything so uh
0:43:04 Muhammad the brothers
0:43:09 he is specialized especially in tafsir
0:43:12 so one scholar of Hadith went to him
0:43:15 said that I want to hear that you have
0:43:17 that of women Abbas or someone a
0:43:20 previous scholar you have the stuff you
0:43:22 bring me the book out so I can't copy
0:43:24 say my book is in my chest
0:43:27 I can't dictate it to you so he dictated
0:43:28 to him
0:43:30 the first day half the book it's a small
0:43:32 book
0:43:34 and then with next day and he continued
0:43:36 exactly my point he stopped so he's not
0:43:38 only have his book is he knows the
0:43:40 marker where it stops
0:43:44 then
0:43:46 by infinite margin
0:43:48 it must be like that follows from a
0:43:49 child and much more
0:43:51 in his knowledge I'm gonna say in his
0:43:53 chest obviously it does is not repeating
0:43:56 another problem
0:44:00 storage device because we have chests we
0:44:03 have let's see the brain is called the
0:44:04 metaphorical chest it's really historic
0:44:06 device but there it is something else
0:44:08 which unfathomable we can have no
0:44:11 concept of it we have only the finite
0:44:13 projection we see and we can't get the
0:44:15 concepts that's all that we can
0:44:20 so that's it is important point to take
0:44:23 on board
0:44:24 every event when it happens Allah knows
0:44:26 it has happened
0:44:27 he knows before it happens that it will
0:44:29 happen if it's snowable if it's not
0:44:32 knowable impossible to do then
0:44:34 it'll happen like we discussed
0:44:37 like action really depending upon upon
0:44:40 human activity like for example when I
0:44:44 test the creation
0:44:45 emission which will come many eyes like
0:44:48 that to the Quran and they will try to
0:44:49 interpret it and play around with it so
0:44:51 it will test you until we know
0:44:54 the True Believer and then when I have a
0:44:56 team but you come out only after testing
0:44:59 doesn't exist now it cannot be existing
0:45:02 now while I was testing does not make
0:45:03 any sense
0:45:06 and this fatalism which is impossible
0:45:08 which makes Allah again to a mechanism
0:45:12 they'll go back to atheism essentially
0:45:14 no it can't be it's not like that
0:45:17 then it will come out
0:45:22 it's not
0:45:31 contingencies are not but which one will
0:45:33 realize after testing
0:45:36 that will come out it's impossible to
0:45:38 learn advice which one specifically the
0:45:40 spectrum is not the system is known the
0:45:43 Qatar is known but not
0:45:48 the system
0:45:50 the system has been fixed at the
0:45:51 beginning of the universe by this
0:45:53 parameters chosen at the beginning in
0:45:54 the case of issues the cosmological
0:45:56 model as an approximation it may be even
0:45:59 deeper than that but we don't got much
0:46:04 and how even this proportion affect even
0:46:06 the social behavior of a big Gathering
0:46:08 of people and so on there are also there
0:46:12 this is all complex all the Sciences in
0:46:15 the overarm were trying to work out how
0:46:17 this these things work
0:46:19 and how they relate and attack how the
0:46:21 human society relate to individual human
0:46:23 behavior and so on and how statistical
0:46:25 things work and then how this human
0:46:27 behavior relates to uh human limitation
0:46:30 and The Inheritance I think that but how
0:46:32 Freedom emerged out of that all of these
0:46:35 things some parts of its powerfully
0:46:37 difficult possibly impossible possibly
0:46:39 impossible to fight them and maybe you
0:46:41 will never be found out
0:46:43 except that maybe the brain being of
0:46:46 such extremely complex structure and
0:46:48 they're going to Connected it's not a
0:46:50 number of cells the number of cells were
0:46:52 only few trillions the number of
0:46:53 connections across links is 10 to the
0:46:56 lower point is a bit quiet 10 to the
0:46:58 hundred maybe that number is needed to
0:47:01 bring the brain into a level of
0:47:04 classical like in a Quantum suspension
0:47:06 to the big entities of immacula
0:47:08 microscopic are being into the brain is
0:47:11 about one kill one half kilo I think I
0:47:12 don't know that number maybe someone can
0:47:14 tell us the number is known in average
0:47:17 but the interconnection is the crucial
0:47:19 point and this number of integration
0:47:21 made that macroscopic body
0:47:23 behaves different than a ball
0:47:27 the ball behaved in Newtonian mechanics
0:47:28 this one behaves quantum mechanics
0:47:32 that can suspend decisions
0:47:34 how it's extremely difficult to even to
0:47:37 bring in our mind
0:47:39 but we can speak on it like that but
0:47:41 that's that's the size we can't work all
0:47:43 that study it no problem go ahead
0:47:50 but this is all this system this
0:47:52 structure goes to initial parameters
0:47:55 beginning with the universe that's the
0:47:56 color
0:47:58 which is so chosen that the Universe
0:48:01 have free agent and they can have free
0:48:03 will and that even a decision can be
0:48:06 suspended
0:48:08 that foreign
0:48:26 so the best formula about knowledge is
0:48:29 that Allah knows what has been what is
0:48:31 and what can possibly come in the future
0:48:35 and what has not happened in the past if
0:48:37 it has happened how it would have
0:48:38 happened that contingency was there but
0:48:41 it's finished it will never happen again
0:48:42 it's gone but every time it would have
0:48:44 happened how the development would
0:48:46 happen all these conditions are not
0:48:49 that's the correct formula
0:48:51 the usual for me to say Allah knows what
0:48:53 has been what is and what will happen no
0:48:55 that's not true
0:48:58 what may happen all the possibilities of
0:49:00 public
0:49:01 but this is why that actually Divine
0:49:03 knowledge is more important
0:49:04 comprehensive than these people these
0:49:06 fatalists kill him based on their faulty
0:49:11 philosophy of Kaaba and philosophical
0:49:13 philosophy of divine knowledge no
0:49:15 develop which is much more wider
0:49:17 and Wilson colonized and connected with
0:49:20 the Divine will and the Divine being
0:49:22 blessed them except to be so that's
0:49:24 that's what we take from this desire at
0:49:27 least
0:49:28 I think enough of that
0:49:30 if if someone is interested in
0:49:32 discussing how how this extension into
0:49:34 into the so-called euclidean space and
0:49:38 so on there's people of physics
0:49:39 background and how the the numbers uh
0:49:42 filling the the the and the issues of
0:49:45 limit and so on the problems of time
0:49:46 pass out they are welcome I can't give a
0:49:48 session for that if needed to see where
0:49:51 the pitfalls and how to avoid them
0:49:54 foreign
0:50:03 just to clarify your statements are you
0:50:05 saying that Allah has knowledge of past
0:50:06 and present only are you trying to build
0:50:09 a lot of things in the future that's
0:50:11 again the same question all contentions
0:50:13 in the future
0:50:15 all contingencies some of the future is
0:50:17 known fixed already decided by Allah it
0:50:19 will happen
0:50:20 that will happen as Allah decided as
0:50:22 Allah decided and he's in control of the
0:50:24 events and he will force all events to
0:50:26 go in that direction
0:50:28 so many other events which lead to that
0:50:30 are forced too and they will go in that
0:50:32 direction
0:50:34 but other things are open
0:50:37 they may happen but they're not happen
0:50:38 and this indicated many Hadith I wonder
0:50:40 why the people get stuck with this point
0:50:43 it's because they have been friends in
0:50:45 childhood Allah knows what's vast
0:50:46 present and what will happen no
0:50:49 what all possibilities of happening are
0:50:51 known to him all contingencies with the
0:50:54 future
0:50:55 all contingencies
0:50:58 but which one individually will emerge
0:51:00 depends on his condition and his
0:51:03 decision at the moment of the condition
0:51:12 that is the question so how would you
0:51:14 explain
0:51:16 that's it has nothing to do with the
0:51:19 Divine knowledge that's really divinely
0:51:21 sense because he's the he's the his oh
0:51:25 let's go through that when when
0:51:28 was asked uh some people came from Yemen
0:51:31 and said we did not come they were
0:51:33 people were asked about various things
0:51:34 and so on trivial things there typically
0:51:36 and then and then
0:51:39 and they ask for some trivial things and
0:51:41 then yesterday people we haven't said we
0:51:43 came from Yemen to ask you about how
0:51:45 this matter began the State of Affair
0:51:47 this universe
0:51:49 and they understood that question
0:51:51 Allah
0:52:01 Allah existed and there was nothing
0:52:03 before him and some others will say with
0:52:06 him so you say at him
0:52:08 and his drone was on the on the water
0:52:11 and they wrote everything in the Liquors
0:52:13 in the remembrance
0:52:18 now
0:52:21 I mean I got stuck with this and many
0:52:23 people because they did not control the
0:52:25 imagination with analyze time I don't
0:52:26 want to end going through that today but
0:52:28 okay let's go to it
0:52:33 Alexa here's the award is the beginning
0:52:35 in existence
0:52:37 and that point is a point it's called
0:52:39 eternity the problem many people have
0:52:41 difficulty imagining it that they accept
0:52:42 as being infinitely extended
0:52:45 it's not it's only one point
0:52:47 the problem is that for many people is
0:52:50 that when they stem look they cannot
0:52:52 envisage or make a sense of
0:52:54 if we take absolute time that there's a
0:52:57 negative time there is nothing out there
0:52:58 the verse I said well well under the
0:53:00 word
0:53:02 is the correct one supporting whether
0:53:04 Hadith
0:53:10 you are the the first nothing is before
0:53:13 you
0:53:15 face it looks like there's something
0:53:17 before there's some time before him at
0:53:18 this at first time but it's impossible
0:53:20 there's no time before him the concept
0:53:22 of time does not exist absent or being
0:53:24 does not exist negative the absolute
0:53:26 time does not exist meaning that Allah
0:53:29 does not exist has no existence or cease
0:53:33 to exist sometime in vast is not
0:53:34 possible he existed always
0:53:36 but if we work with time from our
0:53:40 advantage and go back to the zero point
0:53:42 that zero point is essentially from our
0:53:44 Android is a is a point it's called the
0:53:47 point of Eternity non-negative time is
0:53:49 there someone say this seems to be
0:53:51 impossible because we are used to when
0:53:54 we study time we are used to
0:53:55 parameterize it with real numbers
0:53:58 so the future is from our Timeless at
0:54:00 this moment is regarded as zero point
0:54:02 and then the future is one hour later
0:54:04 plus plus plus and the negative number
0:54:06 plus is minus minus minus virus and then
0:54:09 if you let your imagination and be
0:54:11 deceived like Einstein deceived and many
0:54:12 physicists are deceived that it goes to
0:54:14 minus infinity
0:54:16 and they said the same access is like
0:54:18 the real axis but it's of another type a
0:54:20 little bit goes to minus infinity you'll
0:54:23 get in trouble
0:54:24 because reality that cannot be the case
0:54:27 because of the principle of infinite
0:54:29 exist because the the extension because
0:54:32 the time in the past has is uniquely
0:54:35 different than the than the the
0:54:37 extension of the space in my left let's
0:54:39 say I Define my left as being negative I
0:54:42 got negative one meter through my left
0:54:44 two meter and you say left is mean to
0:54:45 minus and right mean positive plus
0:54:48 because when I say minus one meter to
0:54:50 the left one means that left two meters
0:54:51 left or minus one minus two I'm starting
0:54:53 with one meter and I'm just starting one
0:54:55 one I'm starting here and stop selecting
0:54:58 and extending that in my imagination and
0:55:00 if I do it correctly for space no
0:55:02 problem I end with a so called
0:55:05 one dimensional two damages three
0:55:07 dimensional spaces with the eucalid and
0:55:09 geometry that's correct and they can't
0:55:11 control that mathematically is it
0:55:12 outside space like that there's another
0:55:14 that's an accidental physical issue but
0:55:16 intellectually and mentally it can be
0:55:19 done in a controller if it's done in the
0:55:21 proper way the limits should be done and
0:55:23 Mathematics should be done
0:55:25 then you don't have any contradiction
0:55:26 but if time
0:55:28 you may be fooled things that are going
0:55:30 minus once our one is not true because
0:55:33 the time my time now is conditioned on
0:55:36 the day before if the day before did not
0:55:38 happen I would not have been here and if
0:55:41 the one before wouldn't happen and if my
0:55:43 grandparents did not exist and married
0:55:45 my father would not have been born I'm a
0:55:48 mother and so on so you see time starts
0:55:50 from there not from here
0:55:55 start back and it has to have a
0:55:58 beginning in this concept of time being
0:56:00 represented by real numbers that we can
0:56:03 deal with we cannot deal with anything
0:56:05 else and that's what about messenger
0:56:07 Allah said
0:56:08 I am that's the time with the people say
0:56:11 what a miserable time what a passage of
0:56:13 time it made the time fail or he means
0:56:17 that one
0:56:19 so it has to have a beginning
0:56:22 there's no negative time in the sense so
0:56:24 the absolute zero there's no there's a
0:56:26 there's examples for that to comprehend
0:56:28 that nobody having a problem to
0:56:31 understand that when we cool things
0:56:33 that the so-called cell 0 is arbitrary
0:56:36 that's the freezing point of water is
0:56:38 arbitrary actually
0:56:40 so we can Define so-called absolute
0:56:42 scale we go down down we've never reach
0:56:44 the absolute zero because it's mean
0:56:46 absolute zero million there's no no
0:56:48 movement whatsoever that's impossible it
0:56:50 means that matter has been annihilated
0:56:52 coming absolutely nothing that's not
0:56:54 possible there's no negative absolutely
0:56:57 I understand in in solid state some
0:57:00 states are induced by this or they're
0:57:02 called negative temperature because if
0:57:03 they want to if you want to work with
0:57:05 them and tell me dynamically it looks
0:57:06 like the temperature is negative but
0:57:08 this is just a mathematical
0:57:09 representation but in in gases and
0:57:12 liquids and so on in the real universe
0:57:14 is absolute zero is there's nothing but
0:57:17 there's no negative absolute temperature
0:57:21 we accept that we don't have any problem
0:57:23 with that which means everything
0:57:24 vanishes why not accept that it's not a
0:57:27 negative absolute type
0:57:28 there's no negative Allah doesn't exist
0:57:31 is the internal contradictory concept
0:57:33 another example look at the definition
0:57:35 domain of the of the logarithm
0:57:38 anyway
0:57:41 it's defined for positive numbers no
0:57:43 doubt about that
0:57:49 but it cannot be defined for negative
0:57:50 energy it's impossible to Define
0:57:52 it's even possible to extend the
0:57:54 logarithm definition in the complex
0:57:55 plane real and imaginary part in the
0:57:58 whole plane but if you do that correct
0:58:00 mathematically way
0:58:02 then you will find that the negative
0:58:04 axis that not is not in the path of the
0:58:06 domain it must be cut out the domain so
0:58:08 the definition domain of the logarithm
0:58:11 is the whole complex axis if we Define
0:58:13 the logarithm for complex numbers let's
0:58:15 define what can be done by by power
0:58:17 series X 100 that's not a problem it's
0:58:19 easy
0:58:21 but you have to cut the negative axis
0:58:26 it's impossible to having an accident
0:58:27 there
0:58:30 and the limiter is even worse than that
0:58:31 they try to fix that by circular
0:58:33 demanding surface so if you try to 10
0:58:36 and then you come to the negative axis
0:58:38 from the tablet say
0:58:40 then you face that's the following
0:58:42 situation you come to the negative axis
0:58:45 which looks like an infinitely deep
0:58:48 is cut away so it's infinitely deep
0:58:51 Canyon
0:58:53 and infinitely narrow
0:58:55 and then you think because it's Infinity
0:58:58 level may be able to jump but if you
0:59:00 look to the outside you don't find the
0:59:01 the same level like you have what you
0:59:04 said just infinitely level of levels in
0:59:07 front of you you have to choose one to
0:59:08 jump onto it Infinity up and down
0:59:12 yeah as the mathematician the difference
0:59:15 between the two Pi 2 pi I
0:59:18 just assume you make the jump
0:59:21 you'll be there and you chose one of
0:59:22 those should we jump
0:59:24 it's a swim succeed in Jump which is
0:59:26 impossible let's succeed inside jumping
0:59:27 when you turn back
0:59:30 then you don't find the
0:59:32 the the platform you have to jump from
0:59:34 you find infinite mini level again
0:59:37 if we jump again we don't know if you
0:59:39 land in that initial or another one
0:59:40 completely impossible
0:59:43 that's how it works and the management
0:59:45 should do that and work in the money
0:59:46 interface but it has to be done
0:59:48 extremely ridiculously and carefully
0:59:51 otherwise you break your neck there you
0:59:53 commit you commit blunders and Indian
0:59:56 culturation but the negative access is
0:59:58 out
0:59:59 and the studies require the negative
1:00:00 axis and the zero point is called a
1:00:03 branching point of infinite or high of
1:00:05 infinite orders not finite orders
1:00:09 there's so many leaves on top of each
1:00:12 other up and down on both sides at the
1:00:14 negative and the positive everything is
1:00:15 now is foreign nice word especially a
1:00:18 positive real accent everything perfect
1:00:21 even kids can play with it at school not
1:00:24 the government school high school when
1:00:26 we're in time password we're studying uh
1:00:28 I don't forget that you caught that time
1:00:30 because you're all born in the time of
1:00:32 of the calculating ruler and then the
1:00:35 the calculator and time before we didn't
1:00:39 have what
1:00:40 what we had to to work with the
1:00:41 logarithmic tables to do complicated
1:00:43 multiplications that's that's all for
1:00:46 positive numbers
1:00:49 so there's quite a few questions on this
1:00:51 one um so I'm going to go through
1:00:53 um you can determine if it's been
1:00:55 answered I'm just kind of playing
1:00:56 dribbles I've got a lot of this stuff so
1:00:58 events and and times don't have a
1:01:00 beginning
1:01:01 is the first in existence before that
1:01:04 there's no there's no concept of before
1:01:06 and that oh well there's a complexity
1:01:08 but for you there's nothing absolute
1:01:09 nothingness no existence no concept
1:01:12 nothing whatsoever but the only way
1:01:14 success is in any language say before
1:01:15 you there is nothing
1:01:18 okay so I'm just going to go through
1:01:19 them and determine if they've been
1:01:21 answered I'm just kind of relaying here
1:01:23 so there were there are various verses
1:01:25 in the Quran that talk about the future
1:01:27 in the sense that it talks about some of
1:01:28 the actions of the unbelievers in the
1:01:30 future how can we understand that
1:01:32 um
1:01:36 Surah 16 verse 3500 bring it down now
1:01:40 give me a second
1:01:45 I'll bring that in a second but let me
1:01:47 just uh read read the rest of the
1:01:49 comments yeah we have an example so we
1:01:51 can scrutinize this properly
1:01:53 will not neither work for the question
1:01:56 or not for me
1:01:58 okay
1:02:01 okay so I'm digging that up in the
1:02:04 background and also so also I'd like to
1:02:06 say regarding Allah being time since
1:02:07 Allah is the time meaning that he
1:02:09 changes the day of the night doesn't
1:02:10 that mean that he is independent from
1:02:13 time
1:02:15 that's what the prophet said I am the
1:02:17 time and the explanation of that I am I
1:02:19 am the general with my command I am in
1:02:21 control of the changes which you call
1:02:23 time
1:02:26 by my command by my decisions
1:02:28 which ultimately absolutely free and
1:02:32 sovereign
1:02:36 because absolute freedom and sovereignty
1:02:38 is a fundamental concept looking
1:02:40 yourself close your eyes and try to
1:02:42 analyze the mathematical problems say no
1:02:44 I am fed up with this problem you need
1:02:45 to go study another problem that
1:02:47 decision that freedom you have
1:02:49 imagine that going to an infinite level
1:02:53 that's all that you have nothing can be
1:02:55 more than that this is one primary
1:02:56 things like to close your eye and you
1:02:58 perceive yourself as existing as a
1:03:00 conscious being not as a body and so on
1:03:02 that's external it's conscious B
1:03:06 that's absolutely zero beginning then
1:03:09 you recognize the fundamental principle
1:03:11 of your own existence
1:03:14 and then you will recognize your own
1:03:15 contingency requires your recognize that
1:03:18 you have a free will even in your
1:03:19 thoughts you can control those and
1:03:20 decide no no this problem is boring now
1:03:22 if we go to another problem
1:03:24 and you can deliberately say should I
1:03:26 continue with this problem whether you
1:03:27 can't ask this question make that
1:03:28 self-experimation that's that's the
1:03:31 ultimate that's zero absolute zero point
1:03:32 we cannot go any further than that
1:03:36 is
1:03:39 um
1:03:40 foreign
1:03:47 Music
1:04:06 yeah
1:04:07 if Allah will
1:04:10 they want to say that we commented
1:04:13 because Allah permitted it to happen
1:04:16 so are not responsible Allah is
1:04:17 responsible
1:04:20 and Allah that's not true it's your
1:04:23 choice
1:04:24 so this is not a good example now let me
1:04:26 give an example of him have in his mind
1:04:27 and view his real future even does not
1:04:30 have you save it thus contingency which
1:04:32 has happened in the past
1:04:33 no no that's his cover this is finished
1:04:35 no no this is done and forgotten no here
1:04:38 he refused to declare that's not true
1:04:40 Allah permitted to happen but you have
1:04:42 they made the choice I permitted you to
1:04:44 to make your choices whatever you choose
1:04:47 and you should show yourself the the
1:04:48 misguidance is not it's not it's not
1:04:52 Allah who is forced to throw is on you
1:04:53 and the and he is responsible to that is
1:04:56 not
1:04:57 that's that's actually enforces our
1:04:58 point of view let's go over there I'll
1:05:00 give you a an example like for example
1:05:03 uh what he most likely meant is not the
1:05:06 British believe or believer whatever
1:05:08 generally like for example happy what's
1:05:11 up
1:05:20 he will be
1:05:22 cast in a burning fire
1:05:25 so his his Destiny is is fixed he's
1:05:28 going to hell
1:05:32 that's that's that's that's a valid one
1:05:35 Allah knows
1:05:38 he's going to head there's no Escape I
1:05:40 lost finish he's sealed and they
1:05:42 explained that I think several times
1:05:43 before let me explain again
1:05:47 to become a believer
1:05:51 but he forgot them and he was one of
1:05:53 them I've been home most hating the
1:05:55 messenger Allah
1:05:56 especially when he was going through the
1:05:57 tribes in in in in in pilgrimage and so
1:06:00 on talking to them then abujah pursue
1:06:03 him and uh
1:06:06 possibly Stone him oh no I'll just
1:06:08 insult him
1:06:11 follow him and still even the stone said
1:06:13 this is my cousin I know him he's a liar
1:06:15 oh my nephew I know him he's a liar
1:06:17 don't put that about him
1:06:20 so ultimately
1:06:23 Allah's Destiny decided he got all the
1:06:26 testing he needs
1:06:30 now he is distant to the Hellfire this
1:06:32 could be done by two ways kill him so he
1:06:34 dies or keep him alive and I'm making a
1:06:36 miracle and seal him so that he cannot
1:06:38 choose anymore
1:06:40 as if he's dead
1:06:42 steal his Destiny and revealed the Ayah
1:06:47 as a miracle foreign
1:06:55 foreign
1:07:09 get me out of the Hellfire
1:07:12 oscarash did not think about that all
1:07:14 that they've thought about every
1:07:15 possible trick they played every trick
1:07:18 in the book they went to the Jews but
1:07:20 bringing questions
1:07:21 they even developed poetry singing the
1:07:25 praise of the Persian and the Roma
1:07:26 saying Muhammad is telling you stories
1:07:28 about ancient Nations only God knows if
1:07:30 they ever existed pharaoh and so now
1:07:33 here here we have the Empire here Empire
1:07:35 here and we have their stories and we
1:07:37 have people singing them even hymns and
1:07:39 so on here and so every trick in the
1:07:41 book but this simple trick did not come
1:07:43 in their mind how it didn't come in mind
1:07:45 Allah made it not come in their mind
1:07:47 prevented from their mind
1:07:51 action so the future was determined for
1:07:54 this was specific one and
1:07:56 here's to be sure he died
1:07:59 I never do that that symbol uh
1:08:07 the same for example seven people who
1:08:08 inside them
1:08:10 he was once praying in Mecca and Kaaba
1:08:13 at the Kaaba and then they were sitting
1:08:16 and laughing and then they told they
1:08:19 told one of them listen that family they
1:08:21 have a wedding yesterday they have
1:08:22 slaughtered a camel the intestines of
1:08:24 the camel is they are thrown away stinky
1:08:26 and so on get it and put it on Muhammad
1:08:28 back while he's in sujut
1:08:31 so the most evil one of them went there
1:08:33 and got it and put it back in the back
1:08:39 and then
1:08:40 let me see Allah did not move for me
1:08:42 until Fatima came we bring us on and
1:08:44 they moved it from him and then when he
1:08:46 lifted his his voice he made the
1:08:48 supplicate Allah take care of and
1:08:51 mention seven nibs I don't have the
1:08:53 names at the moment but there's no
1:08:54 needless here
1:08:55 and all of him was killed in by the way
1:08:57 at that moment Allah accepted his Dua is
1:09:00 not revealed to us that he accepted or
1:09:02 told him you are drives accepted but
1:09:03 these were the one Allah decided at the
1:09:06 moment I will seal them they will not
1:09:07 accept them I lost this they've done it
1:09:09 they are done but still stayed alive
1:09:11 until they came in better and they were
1:09:13 killed even in the battlefield as Cafe
1:09:15 so the decision was made Allah you at
1:09:17 that moment that these guys are gone
1:09:19 because he decided they are gone
1:09:21 but he controls the future and based on
1:09:23 the control he knows the future in this
1:09:25 specific events
1:09:29 to your point
1:09:31 before that maybe it was a contingency
1:09:33 weather
1:09:36 you don't know maybe you're not maybe
1:09:38 some decisions have been happening
1:09:45 so analyze things in this in this spirit
1:09:47 in this understanding
1:09:49 thank you
1:09:50 when the first people decide that will
1:09:52 be from Hub sale this Valley near Medina
1:09:54 Southeastern Medina about half a day
1:09:56 travel 20 kilometer for the daytime at
1:09:59 that time and certainly on foot or back
1:10:01 of a camel and so on is Caravans about
1:10:04 45 so 22 kilometers have sale
1:10:08 and he asked what happens in the
1:10:10 workbook of the hills
1:10:11 one of the evidence that I expanded on
1:10:14 that and he said anyone you know have
1:10:16 cellular University
1:10:18 let me finish the story this is also one
1:10:20 of the American
1:10:21 it's good maybe for some listener anyone
1:10:24 so I said no nobody knows a small value
1:10:26 and significant
1:10:27 and then once a hobby was going to to
1:10:30 buy uh to buy a sheep
1:10:33 and he was late in the day
1:10:35 like afternoon not very late
1:10:38 but late usually because you go in the
1:10:40 market for Shiva things like early in
1:10:42 the morning both The Riddles come in the
1:10:43 morning then our surrounding bedrooms
1:10:45 and they said really and leave unless we
1:10:47 don't seems to have come late or
1:10:49 something like that and then and he was
1:10:50 driving some sheep going out of mud say
1:10:53 why always say I was in the market but
1:10:55 now time is becoming very timely it's
1:10:57 noon time roughly
1:10:59 and if I don't move now
1:11:02 I cannot say in the market any longer if
1:11:04 I don't move now I cannot catch my Pivot
1:11:13 your place say I can't catch within a
1:11:16 half day so you say I am living in habit
1:11:18 oh we held him come on here you catch
1:11:21 don't don't worry about half sale we'll
1:11:24 get you there maybe in horseback or
1:11:26 something come from asking about have
1:11:28 sale come so he get him to them he said
1:11:31 you are from have sex yes safe
1:11:35 beware
1:11:36 be alet is best that you move your
1:11:38 family away because sooner or later
1:11:40 there will be a fire coming up to half
1:11:42 sale so enormous that the camel next
1:11:45 will become bright or become visible as
1:11:48 far away as Syria
1:11:57 so that it that there's a maybe at the
1:12:00 time before the magma chamber is boiling
1:12:03 us definitely was boiling it out
1:12:07 for Millions years but nobody can know
1:12:10 that at that time no geology was there I
1:12:12 thought surely Muhammad does not know
1:12:14 that
1:12:14 this one day it will come he does not
1:12:17 give him the time almost
1:12:19 could be a thousand years like
1:12:23 mentioning the coming of Isa yoshik we
1:12:25 have not 1400 years and has not come yet
1:12:28 but this one took 650 years or 630 of 20
1:12:34 solar years
1:12:38 so he won the man and this was narrated
1:12:40 that's in the Box attributed everywhere
1:12:42 in the world and every book in the world
1:12:43 and long before and even the place of
1:12:45 half sale was visited by some geographer
1:12:48 like yakut and he went there so I went
1:12:50 to have sail to see the place where the
1:12:51 person there will be a fire which will
1:12:53 be Illuminating the next of the
1:12:55 commission and the hotel and check the
1:13:00 distance and say it's a half day and it
1:13:01 is on the way to this and this
1:13:03 essentially south south east of Medina
1:13:07 Etc
1:13:08 foreign
1:13:40 there was a big crack and there's seven
1:13:43 points in which we have seven mountains
1:13:45 all of them made out of volcanic ashes
1:13:47 they're called scoria cones seven of
1:13:50 them
1:13:51 and this is in in the book of David I
1:13:53 think their images and pictures are
1:13:54 there also the Arabic one
1:13:59 so that's not
1:14:02 to Allah at that moment either because
1:14:04 the physical process which will develop
1:14:06 a a eventually or
1:14:09 Allah made it so to happen either one it
1:14:12 doesn't matter
1:14:13 we support under his control
1:14:18 okay so this is quite a detail subject
1:14:21 it does work its own uh discussion also
1:14:23 if you have anything written if you have
1:14:25 anything written on it that is
1:14:26 translated written the America itself
1:14:29 not discussing the issue issue of God
1:14:32 it certainly comes there's gonna be
1:14:34 loads of questions also what you're
1:14:35 doing is you provide you're proposing a
1:14:37 different point of view towards before
1:14:39 so there'll always be loads of questions
1:14:41 on it
1:14:42 um but I would suggest this anyone who's
1:14:44 on this taken out of the zoom that's the
1:14:47 link you want to join so you can ask
1:14:48 directly we can be we want to be as open
1:14:50 and transparently I think so we have for
1:14:52 example some I've been there for example
1:14:54 the various
1:14:57 specifically are confusing and
1:14:59 contradictory and so on and we sorted
1:15:01 out what is the wrong one of them with
1:15:02 the correct one of them and all of them
1:15:04 fit with that fit to the Quran correctly
1:15:06 and the other ones turn out to be 40
1:15:09 alhamdulillah even by narratives but
1:15:11 that's not what the classical Scholars
1:15:13 unfortunately did because they started
1:15:14 with that point we started with Jabber
1:15:17 perpetuated so we'll just refer back to
1:15:21 our to our discussion
1:15:24 because one of their arguments said if
1:15:26 Allah did not want us to have the power
1:15:28 he would not have allowed us to have the
1:15:30 power that's the same argument
1:15:34 so that's the subdue and anyone without
1:15:36 doubting that I'm discussing the issue
1:15:37 of jabber and so on was persecuted by
1:15:40 the major Authority they are the one who
1:15:42 introduced Jabber
1:15:44 it seems to be that sahaba did not have
1:15:46 that
1:15:49 they don't have that and the issue was
1:15:51 confused by mixing issue of qadar with
1:15:53 kada
1:15:55 is clearly but the definition of it is
1:15:58 completely clear and we say that is not
1:16:01 defined what it is
1:16:02 clearly
1:16:04 and this is that that the system of the
1:16:06 universe is fixed level and whatever has
1:16:08 happened in the past
1:16:09 could not have happened otherwise
1:16:11 Allah permission and it's done at
1:16:14 forgotten cannot be changed and he
1:16:16 warned about falling into lamentation
1:16:18 but let me discuss this one you said
1:16:22 in full you see usually the part the
1:16:25 second part of Harris escorted but the
1:16:27 restaurant is ignored and there's again
1:16:29 one of the the way of twisting words out
1:16:31 of the transition all this not twisting
1:16:33 that Quran but through the Hadith is
1:16:35 supposed to be next to the quranian
1:16:37 authorities originally a revelation so
1:16:39 if you cut the Hadith in two parts are
1:16:41 not quarter then full you will fall into
1:16:43 misguidance
1:16:44 if they cut their eyes in two parts
1:16:48 so or even the whole Quran in bits and
1:16:51 pieces and strike this one against this
1:16:52 one instead of putting them together and
1:16:54 let them snag perfectly together like we
1:16:57 do alhamdulillah or try to do at least
1:16:59 so that he says
1:17:05 be Keen be greedy to achieve what would
1:17:08 benefit you
1:17:11 rely on Allah and don't be a failure
1:17:15 don't attribute failure and shortcoming
1:17:17 to yourself do do your due diligence
1:17:20 but if it doesn't work
1:17:22 don't say
1:17:24 if it has been so and so it would have
1:17:28 been so and so because the word love I
1:17:31 will use the word then translate because
1:17:33 there's no English equivalent of Lao in
1:17:35 Arabic is though is different than if
1:17:38 now it opens the door of the devil
1:17:41 so what does the messenger is since
1:17:42 extracted love first is for
1:17:44 international impossibility
1:17:46 something is impossible you say with
1:17:48 love
1:17:50 not if
1:17:52 notice that with the messenger use like
1:17:54 what I use in one place for example
1:17:58 if Allah would have ever the desire to
1:18:01 have Offspring so which is impossible
1:18:02 now
1:18:04 he would the only thing possible
1:18:07 because the Divine Offspring is
1:18:08 impossible to be created to be produced
1:18:12 because a Divine cannot be producible
1:18:14 the ultimate truth can happen if he has
1:18:17 that desire which is impossible is to
1:18:20 adopt a miscreation
1:18:24 and lift them to a higher level than
1:18:25 other there's a special adoption that's
1:18:27 all that is there foreign
1:18:34 that's used by many negligent rulers and
1:18:36 other people to say oh
1:18:38 I should not study and I should not
1:18:41 study we could have where they don't
1:18:44 know does not mean to study at Calamity
1:18:45 and how it's happened and see where I
1:18:47 put wrong in my due diligence what
1:18:49 shortcomings in my study because they
1:18:51 can't teach us in the case which we
1:18:53 passed in so little uh
1:18:55 Ali Imran the Calamity he said clearly
1:18:59 after you have been Victorious and did
1:19:01 everything you have this weight and the
1:19:03 result is the catastrophe
1:19:05 so learn from that
1:19:08 however
1:19:10 if you always allowed there to
1:19:12 understand that it has happened it
1:19:13 cannot be changed it's gone for identity
1:19:15 finish forget about it you will study it
1:19:18 but not using law
1:19:20 using IF
1:19:22 if you did not if you did not commit the
1:19:25 sea obedience if you learn from that in
1:19:27 the future to be obedient and compliance
1:19:30 with their commanders and holding your
1:19:31 position of protection and covering the
1:19:33 back of the army things like that may
1:19:36 not happen but in the process don't open
1:19:38 a lamentation that's not adamantation in
1:19:40 such a case it's a study case for the
1:19:42 future so the Hadith does not seclude
1:19:44 like many people thought to say
1:19:47 secludes studying the cases
1:19:51 what is it secluded from it
1:19:54 and and
1:19:57 try to bring in your mind and warn you
1:19:59 from it is that to indulge into
1:20:01 lamentation because love is the
1:20:03 limitation if it doesn't if it is a
1:20:05 under what is the door of the devil the
1:20:07 devil is no no we did everything well
1:20:08 you know it's Allah will let you down
1:20:11 foreign
1:20:17 that's what the devil wants if you
1:20:19 indulgee lamentation
1:20:25 when they melted and say they said we
1:20:29 killed him with the sword of his
1:20:30 grandfather his grandfather instructed
1:20:33 us to anyone rebellious to be killed on
1:20:35 his rebellious
1:20:36 so premises
1:20:46 or to be killed by the sword of his
1:20:48 grandfather
1:20:50 the same Twisted mentality that's how
1:20:52 the Devil comes in and this satanic
1:20:55 argument played with many people of
1:20:57 nasibi and he was somewhat happy now
1:21:00 what's wrong and going out but they say
1:21:03 because his room Jannah and the prophet
1:21:05 so we we know about that he's one of the
1:21:08 shabab of Jannah and so on it's forgiven
1:21:10 as well that's what they say
1:21:12 the same thing and the Other Extreme of
1:21:14 the sabbah isia they go into lamentation
1:21:18 doing nothing
1:21:20 instead of looking at himself how they
1:21:22 failed Hussein
1:21:25 promise him would instructed into his
1:21:27 side
1:21:28 you are a failure then from your failure
1:21:31 and be be non-failure but they remain
1:21:33 failure until today
1:21:44 that's how they do that they will come
1:21:45 that's the law
1:21:47 studying it historically whatever the
1:21:50 mistake which blenders have been made
1:21:51 what should have been done or should
1:21:53 have been done that's okay
1:21:55 so that in the future you apply not the
1:21:58 limitation not till the Indulgence
1:22:00 saying
1:22:01 something is wrong why Allah is not
1:22:03 supporting me why is letting me down
1:22:05 that's what the devil wants the devil
1:22:08 wants just to dig between you uh
1:22:12 a deep Canyon uncorsable that's what you
1:22:15 want doesn't want anything else
1:22:17 just to wrap up some of the other
1:22:19 questions Jack though yeah
1:22:21 um
1:22:23 so so sorry
1:22:26 definition of starting point invalidates
1:22:29 Infinity definition I'm not sure what
1:22:31 this means
1:22:32 um
1:22:35 the infinity definition
1:22:37 what's infinity definition I don't know
1:22:39 what's mean
1:22:40 God being infinite maybe I don't know no
1:22:43 these terms do not make any sense God is
1:22:45 necessarily existing and
1:22:48 before him there's no existence no time
1:22:51 nothing absolute nothingness
1:22:53 meaning existence and time having a
1:22:55 beginning
1:22:57 with Allah he's the first nothing is
1:23:01 before him like Hadith says exactly
1:23:03 until Allah
1:23:08 with the difference between the two the
1:23:10 hours because someone could imagination
1:23:13 could run wild like every time he has
1:23:14 said there are events without beginning
1:23:16 and the Penrose by the way he got a well
1:23:20 prized for certain of his symptoms he
1:23:22 tried to escape the problem of creation
1:23:24 of the Big Bang say that's why big bank
1:23:26 is is really emergence from Another
1:23:28 Universe before that
1:23:30 okay and that doesn't help him because
1:23:32 he's he's trying to save his atheism and
1:23:35 they say this is one from another verse
1:23:36 before the for that and before that and
1:23:38 before that Without End
1:23:40 which is essentially a Hindu philosophy
1:23:43 of of uh eternally the color Universe
1:23:45 with no beginning
1:23:47 essentially a circular Universe it must
1:23:49 be circular there's no other way it can
1:23:50 be like but it's a but as a hidden
1:23:52 circularity which is impossible the
1:23:54 second is impossible but it's a hidden
1:23:56 circularity we should have been proven
1:23:58 by by the intertex theorem that is that
1:24:01 cannot be like that it's impossible
1:24:04 and he's trying hoping that that
1:24:07 observing the background radiation by by
1:24:09 the James Webb of the scope was
1:24:12 justify him I think it has already
1:24:15 failed but anyway individual observation
1:24:17 whatever it is it's impossible it can be
1:24:19 legible mathematically it's important
1:24:22 every time you fell in that club say
1:24:24 events could be without beginning and
1:24:25 their Universe after Universe after you
1:24:27 missed before that before that before
1:24:28 that because Allah must be active in
1:24:30 creation for eternity and Eternity
1:24:32 because he did not understand
1:24:33 meaningless then there's a beginning
1:24:37 in the past is the beginning in the
1:24:39 future there is no end because the
1:24:41 future is open again with it
1:24:48 so it's hard to interpret it properly
1:24:50 you are the first nothing is before you
1:24:53 okay that's already happened he's here
1:24:55 and the whole creation is here
1:24:57 and that's it there's nothing before
1:24:59 that absolutely nothing none no but the
1:25:02 only way to express it in any language
1:25:03 say nothing before you absolute
1:25:06 nothingness no time no existence nothing
1:25:08 impossibility
1:25:10 that's that's the that's the correct
1:25:12 meaning of it and if you look from our
1:25:14 advantage and go back then this is a
1:25:17 zero point there's no negative absolute
1:25:19 time
1:25:20 doesn't exist it's an impossibility
1:25:23 in the future
1:25:26 nothing is after you has to be completed
1:25:28 probably in the nation of future is open
1:25:31 meaning whatever comes you are after it
1:25:35 but there's no end of the comic you will
1:25:37 not come to everyone through a movie
1:25:40 where where some people are
1:25:44 going in time forward and then they come
1:25:46 to a world say End of Time Stop yes no
1:25:48 morals think about that that doesn't
1:25:50 exist
1:25:51 there's no end of that
1:25:54 his time is open-ended in the future
1:25:57 because you build from now and add more
1:25:59 and add more and more there's nothing
1:26:01 for that of course and never ends
1:26:04 doesn't create any confliction but going
1:26:06 back at create confirmations
1:26:10 so you have tool that is that
1:26:11 interpreted with with the necessity of
1:26:13 visa and with all these achievements of
1:26:15 of the of the
1:26:17 uh scrutinizing mind of the
1:26:20 mathematician and the logician and the
1:26:23 rationalist
1:26:27 we have to we have to take you have to
1:26:29 take on board mathematics and
1:26:30 rationalism is just experimental physics
1:26:32 is not enough it gives you
1:26:35 a tool in your hand but it isn't
1:26:38 it doesn't solve your problem
1:26:43 or Hawkins try to solve the problem by
1:26:46 disability because they have time
1:26:48 and then he ended that there's a zero
1:26:51 point and then there's there is no time
1:26:53 Passage
1:26:54 and there are four dimensions or
1:26:55 whatever number of Dimensions one of
1:26:57 them flips that became time but how can
1:26:58 it flip by itself
1:27:00 there's a Quantum fluctuation but
1:27:03 Quantum fluctuations are impossible to
1:27:04 Divine except if we have a concept of
1:27:06 time before that
1:27:11 so with the reality what they call
1:27:12 Quantic question is something which is
1:27:14 absolutely sovereign
1:27:17 God
1:27:18 he's running away from God and falling
1:27:20 in Gods are arms
1:27:24 besides in that case you don't need to
1:27:26 have a one-dimension freebing because
1:27:29 observed time is fundamentally different
1:27:31 than stress Dimensions it was not as
1:27:33 fast damage or anything
1:27:35 okay
1:27:37 even those phase Dimensions may be
1:27:39 created just what we perceive as we're
1:27:41 free
1:27:43 what they call degrees of freedom we
1:27:46 have three degrees we can't go right
1:27:47 left that's one degree Freedom forward
1:27:49 back that's the second up and down
1:27:51 that's three
1:27:53 time is not is not of this type
1:27:55 we can't go back and forth and so on but
1:27:58 it always it is the Divine action
1:28:01 forcing everything to go in its way
1:28:04 while giving considerable freedom for
1:28:06 setting creative being which is almost
1:28:08 miraculous but that's what the reality
1:28:10 it is and the reality of the universe as
1:28:12 we perceive it and the reality of the
1:28:14 Quran and the Revelation which has
1:28:16 clearly stated that
1:28:18 that's a democracy more things that I
1:28:20 thought the Ayah in the example the I
1:28:23 believe is saying that they did not say
1:28:25 something yet and Allah blaming them for
1:28:27 their choices how does Allah know what
1:28:29 they will say do you know that Ayah that
1:28:31 was 1635 that was mentioned before
1:28:36 saying no
1:28:39 they're saying no he may be meaning that
1:28:42 that in in your camera they say they
1:28:44 some they say
1:28:47 that by our Lord
1:28:50 say that
1:28:55 so how does Allah know what they will
1:28:57 say in the Hereafter it's a Hereafter
1:28:59 some of them would say but there's a
1:29:00 possibility there are many possibilities
1:29:02 some argue that's some some kind of
1:29:04 argue somebody being silent
1:29:07 that's a contingency
1:29:11 some of them say that not everyone will
1:29:13 say that
1:29:15 so he's prophesizing that God is
1:29:18 prophesied in that or is it recounting
1:29:20 it in retrospect
1:29:23 how was how did what does the Ayah mean
1:29:26 that is Allah recounting your story that
1:29:28 hasn't happened yet and it's in
1:29:30 retrospect as in almost like if you had
1:29:32 a time machine that's that's what
1:29:34 happened because the condition at that
1:29:35 time will valante people will be
1:29:37 defending himself with various kinds of
1:29:38 events some will kill him
1:29:41 and they were like well I said and some
1:29:45 of this all this will happen some of
1:29:46 this will happen these are contingencies
1:29:49 with the number of people in the um
1:29:51 there will be so many options and
1:29:53 variations and they will be all realized
1:30:00 that's not the XYZ specifically will say
1:30:03 that
1:30:05 that will be prophesizing
1:30:13 there's a contingency that's a
1:30:15 possibility to have there's a
1:30:16 possibility and all of these
1:30:17 possibilities will happen in America all
1:30:19 kinds of arguments all kinds of of uh
1:30:22 defensing oneself
1:30:25 and we mentioned once you remember I
1:30:26 mentioned the story of the barrister is
1:30:29 it only a specific one he didn't mention
1:30:30 a person say a man will come like that
1:30:32 and that there will be people like that
1:30:34 and all of these phenomena will happen
1:30:37 there are so many humans and so billions
1:30:39 of humans and all kinds of options are
1:30:41 there available for them still
1:30:42 but to get away
1:30:44 and some will be just perplexed saying
1:30:46 nothing and say we should be turned into
1:30:48 dust for example
1:30:50 all of that will happen
1:30:51 this contingency that's not a specific
1:30:53 prophecy
1:30:56 peroxide they said in the passage of
1:30:59 time your your piety will disintegrate I
1:31:01 will be fighting on power and wealth and
1:31:03 so on this is this is a Social
1:31:05 Development which is going to have an
1:31:07 inevitably based on the kind of
1:31:09 condition
1:31:10 back
1:31:21 from them your friend oh yeah
1:31:24 and they may succeed they may fail
1:31:25 usually they will some of some one or
1:31:27 another will succeed
1:31:30 but if he mentioned certain names like
1:31:32 summer of Legend of and so on because at
1:31:34 that time in the case of Samara it's
1:31:35 mentioned especially that cell options
1:31:37 are open
1:31:43 who looked in a room and said one one of
1:31:46 you the last one to die of you
1:31:48 will die in fire
1:31:51 a hellkoma the last one to die will be
1:31:53 in fire
1:31:55 that's the wedding exactly
1:31:58 to die in fire
1:32:00 this could be integrated he will end in
1:32:02 the Hellfire or he die in a fire in his
1:32:04 house
1:32:06 my interpretation for that I didn't
1:32:09 write it in the record I don't know I
1:32:11 didn't want to abandon that that there's
1:32:12 a historic recessions owned by by issues
1:32:15 of Qatar and so on he said at that time
1:32:17 the man was wavering at monafith
1:32:20 gave him the option through them because
1:32:23 he knew that he will be the addressee he
1:32:25 knew that later on all indication that
1:32:27 he knew that was that the sea that he
1:32:30 would overcome his nifak and overcome
1:32:32 his internal even
1:32:34 so give us the option this way Allah
1:32:37 himself if he meant his ways and would
1:32:41 do good
1:32:42 first of all he will be the last to die
1:32:44 there's no doubt about that from The
1:32:45 Goldberg and the last remaining was
1:32:49 always checking about who that if
1:32:52 someone died and some soul teasing him
1:32:55 they said him somehow died we used to
1:32:58 fall unconscious thinking that he's the
1:33:00 last one and this may hurt
1:33:02 him because he his interpretation that
1:33:05 is meaning Hellfire but I think he is
1:33:07 also mistaken in that no no the
1:33:08 accusations could be right otherwise if
1:33:11 Samurai would have mended his way and
1:33:13 lose the last to die there would have
1:33:15 been a fire in his house and he would
1:33:17 have would have died in fire and it
1:33:18 would have been the Fulfillment of the
1:33:20 prophecies that he died in a fire
1:33:21 accident
1:33:22 and possibly commercial heat but if he
1:33:25 doesn't hit Midway it doesn't die in a
1:33:27 fire which is the historic reality with
1:33:29 certitude
1:33:31 then he will end in the Hellfire
1:33:33 and that's what happened unfortunately
1:33:36 or fortunately unfortunately for him
1:33:38 obviously but that's not his choice
1:33:46 yeah
1:33:47 so it's formulated so that it has two
1:33:49 two options still open
1:33:51 but other people while I knew that they
1:33:54 are in
1:33:55 Fair many
1:33:59 and they will stay in effect until they
1:34:00 die it's the people who plotted to call
1:34:03 the message
1:34:06 the way back from tabuk
1:34:08 and he said about 10 of them
1:34:11 three was executed three were we did not
1:34:13 know and they just joined the school
1:34:15 going up the mountain they did not hear
1:34:17 the command nobody go up the
1:34:19 mountains so they follow them
1:34:22 they're telling the truth they are not
1:34:24 they didn't know about that
1:34:26 but then
1:34:28 you say the element of Allah and his
1:34:31 messenger in Dunya under the day of
1:34:33 Resurrection
1:34:35 and then he said
1:34:36 one of them will be an old and become
1:34:38 blind the most likely is Abu Sofia Ah
1:34:40 that's my guess I'm not supposed
1:34:43 and for other other of them one of them
1:34:46 is Enough from the dubail I will take
1:34:49 care of him the Dubai is a disease like
1:34:50 like a like a deep a deep a deep
1:34:57 acceleration of the skin in the back
1:34:59 which goes so deep the fish almost the
1:35:02 heart and the and the major veins and
1:35:04 kill him and it is the good narration
1:35:06 that my away died this way maybe he was
1:35:08 what's going on with them there
1:35:11 but he said that the Destiny's silver
1:35:13 colors finish
1:35:18 by this action Allah sealed them finish
1:35:20 them
1:35:22 they can live as long as they wish not
1:35:24 going to go back
1:35:28 they have forgotten all opportunities
1:35:29 which given to them
1:35:32 they are dead while they are alive
1:35:34 their hearts are dead while they
1:35:36 physically they're alive they go and eat
1:35:38 and even they even use our power
1:35:39 possibly is one of them that I'm not
1:35:42 making this attitude but I assume based
1:35:45 on other evidences and
1:35:48 and uh there's no escape from that
1:35:52 I know it came from from on my way down
1:35:55 to the Dubai we have narration for that
1:35:56 and he showed it to some people
1:36:01 um
1:36:02 so it's very complex yeah because
1:36:05 keep in mind the fusion is under Allah
1:36:08 controls that's the important point
1:36:11 so he decide things and they are done
1:36:13 not by certitude at the moment other
1:36:15 things are suspended they were known it
1:36:17 will be known in due course
1:36:19 like the ones insulted when we will come
1:36:22 to it which is the Striking one which
1:36:24 gives the strike to all jabri point of
1:36:27 view that is the following week
1:36:32 and others
1:36:36 postponed to the decision of Allah
1:36:38 either he punished them or he forgive
1:36:41 them Allah
1:36:44 and we know who are these people they
1:36:46 were postponed the people who failed to
1:36:48 go without the story is well known in
1:36:49 fact they never see it but none of us
1:36:51 had ever did touching the issue there
1:36:54 that they'll postponed to the decision
1:36:55 of Allah except and he'd have a waving
1:36:59 and said ah this actually could send a
1:37:01 human angle point to it but what Allah
1:37:02 is different it's already decided
1:37:04 because he's Germany he's stuck with the
1:37:06 Ethereal everything known for maternity
1:37:09 which is false
1:37:12 because Allah talks about himself
1:37:14 there was one to the command of Allah
1:37:19 so it can't be in your perception and
1:37:21 perception
1:37:23 just just
1:37:25 intellectual acrobatic bothering on The
1:37:28 observed
1:37:31 no decision has been made
1:37:34 the theme will be made later
1:37:37 to punish them or to forgive them
1:37:40 as quarter was actually saying Allah
1:37:42 Islamic he already decided to forgive
1:37:43 because they was forgiven later but but
1:37:45 he did not tell us that which is just
1:37:46 just fooling us
1:37:50 keeping us in suspense
1:37:52 like a movie having like a knot we don't
1:37:55 know who is the criminal until later
1:37:56 it's not like that it's not right it's
1:37:59 not the way Quran works
1:38:04 what do you think of achieving
1:38:07 teleportation on the macro level
1:38:10 to similar to activity we see occurs on
1:38:13 the quantum level teleportation
1:38:15 basically I don't know some people argue
1:38:17 that with the bringing of the arsha of
1:38:19 the Throne of the queen of sabbah to uh
1:38:22 to uh Suleiman is maybe an actual
1:38:24 teleportation
1:38:29 we don't know
1:38:32 is it accessible to the divine power
1:38:34 definitely is accessible
1:38:36 Allah can copy you from here and make
1:38:39 another copy there and edit this copy
1:38:45 that's exactly what happened to the
1:38:46 resurrection we are copied from the
1:38:49 divine all your memories and sword
1:38:50 copied from the Divine knowledge into a
1:38:52 new physical device
1:38:54 some people think this is that the body
1:38:56 in the grave also this is obviously
1:38:58 stable minded we don't want to indulge
1:39:00 in that too much
1:39:01 but the Quran clarify that in my place
1:39:06 you don't know
1:39:10 some other body and even hence that
1:39:12 hence in the Sunnah but the craft are
1:39:14 being extended that his side is as big
1:39:16 the mountain of varkan near Medina says
1:39:18 Mountain
1:39:19 and his his skin is 40 is 40 uh is 40 uh
1:39:25 there are almost 20 meters thick so that
1:39:28 he takes the punishment
1:39:30 is a huge entity
1:39:32 but all Consciousness our low
1:39:34 personality is in that body
1:39:38 so he can create you in something else
1:39:58 I'm gonna keep it simple give simple
1:40:01 example uh so to my understanding is uh
1:40:04 uh Allah has systemized uh things and
1:40:08 organized or put things in order uh in
1:40:13 in in the pre I mean
1:40:17 pre-distant in the time past so uh so
1:40:22 all principles and all our orders in in
1:40:26 in the universe Allah has created uh in
1:40:30 the time past and he knows
1:40:32 here is it that universe that we live in
1:40:36 now originates from an initial design of
1:40:39 Allah's knowledge
1:40:40 yes decided with a certain structure of
1:40:43 the fundamentals which will develop the
1:40:45 way it is now which entails all the
1:40:48 contingencies in that Universe
1:40:53 Allah decided this system in the time
1:40:55 passed like like
1:40:57 eternity
1:40:59 yes exactly before before universe but
1:41:02 uh so so so this uh this uh exactly what
1:41:08 Allah I think what Allah means when the
1:41:10 Ayah says
1:41:16 Allah has created you so that some of
1:41:19 you will will believe and some of you
1:41:21 will disbelieve so so
1:41:23 in the time past before the creation of
1:41:26 people Allah knows because he put this
1:41:29 system this way that some people when I
1:41:31 create them some people will disbelieve
1:41:33 and some people will become Believers
1:41:36 right but then uh the the when it comes
1:41:40 to the level of of the individual
1:41:42 himself he has to be created that
1:41:47 specific individual the created human
1:41:49 being he has to be created then he has
1:41:52 to face the test so that Allah then
1:41:55 knows that he uh if if he will believe
1:41:58 of he or he will uh if he passes the
1:42:02 test or if he doesn't pass the test but
1:42:05 right what you just mentioned the system
1:42:07 already saw that there will be creatures
1:42:09 who have free will and and the universe
1:42:11 is chosen to be a testing universes
1:42:13 clearly that's the design of the
1:42:14 Universe from the beginning it could
1:42:16 have been another universe but that's
1:42:17 not the show they show the testing
1:42:19 Universe whether conscious being who
1:42:21 have sufficient Free Will and sufficient
1:42:22 responsibility and bye bye bye bye bye
1:42:26 by by the natural of the
1:42:30 huge numbers and so on there will be
1:42:32 covered there will be movement mm-hmm
1:42:34 yes yes so yes exactly that's what I'm
1:42:38 what I meant so what is the problem in
1:42:41 that the possibility is there the
1:42:43 contingency is there that's it that's
1:42:44 what the eye exists exactly so uh so the
1:42:48 matter is uh or my question is when it
1:42:50 comes to the level of individual for
1:42:53 example
1:42:54 um
1:42:55 Allah will knows Allah will know that I
1:42:59 will pass I I will believe or disbelieve
1:43:02 when he when he give me the test right
1:43:05 after this what's your reaction to the
1:43:07 test would be exactly like for the case
1:43:10 of of of Abu lab for example Allah uh
1:43:13 Allah gave him the test after after he
1:43:17 created him
1:43:18 there's no doubt about that the issue
1:43:21 was that he is going to the Hellfire
1:43:23 that was decided at that moment the
1:43:24 issue is not the issue of the al-jabbari
1:43:26 and what uh
1:43:31 decided already in eternity if this
1:43:37 written as it is now already before the
1:43:40 creation of the universe which is a
1:43:42 fantastic claim then Allah cannot have
1:43:45 argument the creation will defeat Allah
1:43:47 is already there there's no free will oh
1:43:50 there's nothing will so that's that's
1:43:52 devastating that's a completely
1:43:54 devastating argument against any any job
1:43:56 yes yes that's that's it it's just
1:43:59 clarify it this way after that is
1:44:01 dynamic and Allah is an absolute control
1:44:03 of everything exactly exactly look at
1:44:07 every moment past finish recorded cannot
1:44:10 be changed any physical Theory which
1:44:13 entails that coming back in the past
1:44:15 month we approximately take it from me
1:44:17 I'll guarantee you that all the general
1:44:20 relativity theory in that formulation
1:44:22 which admits Solutions either we find
1:44:24 the interpretation of the solution no
1:44:26 iteration has been found I mentioned
1:44:28 that joke about girdle someone said that
1:44:30 you have he is the one who uh showed
1:44:32 that one of the solutions of the general
1:44:33 theory of relativity one of the
1:44:35 universes
1:44:36 possible universes is a rotating
1:44:38 Universe in which the closer time looks
1:44:40 meaning you can't go back in time
1:44:44 and uh someone as good on Google is a
1:44:47 very very
1:44:48 sneaky and sophisticated thinker and
1:44:51 feel so
1:44:52 they asked him but this means that you
1:44:55 can't go back in time this possibility
1:44:56 exists that you are working with the
1:44:58 time and you can't kill your
1:45:00 grandfather's grandfather and you cannot
1:45:03 then you don't exist or how to get that
1:45:06 valid question and then he smiled you
1:45:09 say the narrator say he smiled missively
1:45:11 and say God has sustained and prevent
1:45:13 that actually is correct answer we see
1:45:15 this means that the theory of relatively
1:45:18 at The Stance is approximate we must
1:45:20 have other terms and must enter so that
1:45:22 such a solution does not come or find
1:45:24 another interpretation for that but they
1:45:26 obviously he wanted to tease the one
1:45:27 refer to him because he believes in God
1:45:29 and believe in the identity of the Soul
1:45:31 good the famous mathematician at the
1:45:33 logician so that's that's just to teach
1:45:36 some people but that's it and every
1:45:39 moment you have it my past it's gone
1:45:40 hard forget about it that says
1:45:43 that what have before you could not have
1:45:46 been not missed you and it's already
1:45:48 done and put and it could not have
1:45:50 happened except for Allah permitted me
1:45:52 to have it like that forget about that
1:45:54 look forward in the future that you have
1:45:56 some control and that one is under Allah
1:45:58 dominance over the overall
1:46:01 if you look at this one and get out of
1:46:04 the fiction that Allah knows the events
1:46:06 in the future because this is a fiction
1:46:07 it's not cannot be correct it's
1:46:09 impossible it's impossible
1:46:12 because then then he became a mechanism
1:46:14 he does he must know than what he will
1:46:16 do in the future
1:46:18 yes all of it
1:46:20 then he has no free choice
1:46:22 and this one argued by some and even
1:46:25 even one of the multically means of of
1:46:28 the Shia I think they call it shaytan
1:46:32 anyway uh his name will come in my mind
1:46:36 was arguing this way andar razi was
1:46:38 famous for the uh especially a
1:46:41 theological discussion in his tafsir
1:46:43 mathem which is a huge stuff seriously
1:46:47 he discussed various points of you and
1:46:48 he mentioned the Poetry of this man
1:46:51 and he explained it and then he got
1:46:54 stuck so whatever you say see but we we
1:46:57 just say what the scholar the major
1:46:59 School of the ummah said that's this and
1:47:01 this and this repeating the same what
1:47:03 they are missing all the time instead of
1:47:05 saying this argument is a stunning
1:47:07 argument it is that argument the man is
1:47:09 arguing that this means Allah is a
1:47:11 mechanism it can't be
1:47:13 it can't be
1:47:15 it's a mechanism and then then there's
1:47:18 no then if it's a mechanism that did not
1:47:19 even talk about knowledge in the first
1:47:21 place it's just produces by mechanical
1:47:23 myths and have no no no no no sense
1:47:26 about cooking free will or knowledge
1:47:27 anyway it become nature that blind
1:47:30 definition It's not that it's a high uh
1:47:35 but that's not Allah it's nature
1:47:38 according to the atheist but that's such
1:47:40 an entity cannot exist
1:47:42 it actually does not exist because of
1:47:44 the cosmological proof I think the
1:47:45 problem is
1:47:47 I think it is has to surrender that's
1:47:50 that's not escape from that or because
1:47:52 of the ontological proof which is
1:47:54 underdevelopment yet that's it finish
1:47:56 that's it and all of these are accesses
1:47:59 are just imagination people think this
1:48:01 is undermining Allah knowledge all of
1:48:03 this this is all nonsensical it's not
1:48:05 true
1:48:06 yes the future is fundamentally over
1:48:09 uh-huh Professor
1:48:11 it becomes clear for me now when we when
1:48:15 we are talking about the uh conscious
1:48:17 human beings like for example Homo
1:48:21 sapiens but the problem still persists
1:48:24 with me when we talk for example to a
1:48:27 non-conscious
1:48:28 non-conscious non-conscious uh uh things
1:48:32 or beings for example yes like for
1:48:36 example we discussed the Ayah a woman
1:48:42 so so unless there is that
1:48:52 so Allah knows when it falls uh when
1:48:56 when it's when it is when it is falling
1:48:59 or when it has or he knows
1:49:02 no no no he went far away then my point
1:49:05 was that if it has fallen he must know
1:49:08 that it has fallen
1:49:10 otherwise that's my point it's not cover
1:49:13 or cut anything just knowledge
1:49:20 his outside time time is only for our
1:49:23 point of view meaning the the leaf is
1:49:25 falling for all eternity and it's not
1:49:27 falling this is nonsense the same would
1:49:29 if you extend the theory of relativity
1:49:31 and Extended space and time and say the
1:49:34 fusion password all presents somehow but
1:49:36 will it not accessible to us it's
1:49:38 nonsense because the space time is the
1:49:40 Continuum but there are events there so
1:49:42 how come the events is is happening and
1:49:45 happening in the past in the future
1:49:47 happening are not happening
1:49:49 does not make any sense this is just
1:49:51 using words to access something which
1:49:53 does not exist
1:49:54 exactly like saying this uh this round
1:49:58 circle is beautiful
1:49:59 so it's a valid linguistic sentence but
1:50:02 this time doesn't refer to anything it's
1:50:04 impossible to refer to an impossible
1:50:06 entity
1:50:07 yeah so the floor the Fallen leave
1:50:11 knowledge and so on got it got it yes
1:50:15 yes
1:50:17 that's another issue
1:50:19 um uh I I don't know why why did you put
1:50:22 that this is a matter of knowledge
1:50:24 purely
1:50:25 yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes and no
1:50:29 no it is clear that you know
1:50:32 when you said that the Fallen Leaf you
1:50:35 know we're talking about my point has
1:50:38 fallen and Allah that was my time is
1:50:41 that how it failed is it predestined
1:50:43 this is irrelevant
1:50:47 are the conditions sufficient to to
1:50:50 bring the effect on this known in
1:50:51 advance or it is not that's very
1:50:53 complicated maybe they're not sufficient
1:50:55 maybe
1:50:56 fluctuation we don't know
1:50:58 yes but ultimately it's a different
1:51:01 matter yeah
1:51:07 they claim that there cannot be events
1:51:10 where they call events in the Divine
1:51:11 being no
1:51:12 if that's so then they will kind of be a
1:51:15 free will of the Divine being then we
1:51:16 are back to the dead deafblind nature it
1:51:21 can't it can't yeah
1:51:29 does not make any sense but the people
1:51:31 did not pursue that properly
1:51:33 but they just went without my mind this
1:51:36 is only from our Vantage Point that's
1:51:37 from a Divine vantage point or Allah is
1:51:39 not in time without time or all of this
1:51:41 and let me say you have explained to you
1:51:42 clearly what's time mean what meaning
1:51:44 Allah is the time explain that perfectly
1:51:48 yes yes
1:51:50 absolutely satisfactory it doesn't leave
1:51:52 anything else
1:51:54 yes yes yes a hundred percent now is
1:51:57 clear profit thank you so much thanks
1:51:59 thanks a lot so this is issue this is an
1:52:01 issue there's an issue but ultimately it
1:52:03 goes to the fundamental Divine activist
1:52:05 that Allah is living
1:52:10 meaning free agent absolute but because
1:52:13 he is necessarily existing then his
1:52:15 freedom must be absolutely unconditioned
1:52:17 by anything else absolutely because if
1:52:19 it's conditioned anything then he is not
1:52:21 conditional and then cannot be
1:52:22 necessarily existing
1:52:24 because an assistant me either is
1:52:26 absolutely free The Sovereign
1:52:29 whatsoever is a mechanism
1:52:31 the question remaining is it possible
1:52:34 that this is accepting is a mechanism
1:52:35 only that would be an ontological proof
1:52:38 we don't need to look at the universe
1:52:39 Big Bang or not bother about anything
1:52:41 else
1:52:42 last issue
1:52:44 I think a draft a rough proof is
1:52:47 developing slowly in my mind and
1:52:49 somebody writing here and there but that
1:52:51 is maybe life will end before we achieve
1:52:53 anything this may take may take Humanity
1:52:56 essentially but we have the cosmological
1:52:58 book
1:52:59 better than Christmas we have the
1:53:01 evidences of the prophethood
1:53:03 that their Prophets
1:53:05 and they're referring to Supernatural
1:53:06 being who gave them the information so
1:53:08 they refer to a being which is
1:53:11 super to the universe in control and
1:53:14 knowledge in a in a way which we don't
1:53:16 need to go into detail it's not in the
1:53:18 universe it's outside the universe in
1:53:19 control and knowledge so these
1:53:21 Messengers could not have get that that
1:53:24 information from the universe from
1:53:25 outside of it it's super natural so some
1:53:28 Supernatural thing exists
1:53:32 and that's enough
1:53:33 the moment it exists and we scored rise
1:53:36 it says it is attributed
1:53:37 then this is necessarily existing that
1:53:39 this then it is this that this and then
1:53:41 we enter we end the physical right
1:53:43 things properly
1:53:45 and he talks about himself if that's
1:53:46 really a messenger he talks about
1:53:48 himself now that's what what he's
1:53:49 talking about himself and he's Messier
1:53:51 reporting is the correct one and what
1:53:52 you imagine we're dividing the time and
1:53:54 saying events are nonsense is nonsense
1:53:56 it's mistaken something you did not do
1:53:58 the analysis very thoroughly and reality
1:54:00 they do not do that already because they
1:54:03 relied on issues of dividing time and
1:54:05 dividing sales and so on which are not
1:54:07 completely deficient are not very
1:54:08 systematic
1:54:10 and a neglecting issues by concerning
1:54:13 Infinities and so on which has to be
1:54:15 done with Extreme Caution
1:54:16 otherwise you'll end in the difficulties
1:54:18 and contradictions like the famous
1:54:20 contradiction the arrow problem like say
1:54:22 if I say I send an arrow to a Target
1:54:26 but the arrow has to spend to go to a
1:54:28 half distances to the certain time then
1:54:30 half the remaining distance another time
1:54:32 Etc if we add all of that to become
1:54:34 infinite so it will never reach this is
1:54:36 a mistake because actually the times
1:54:37 becomes smaller smaller you can add them
1:54:39 at the time they would not have the
1:54:41 tools to add infinite series
1:54:43 but we now know how to Identity series
1:54:45 and how to define that properly and
1:54:47 there's no problem there are reaches
1:54:49 but at that time until very until all
1:54:52 Middle Ages that our problem was was
1:54:54 bugging people which is no problem
1:54:56 because clearly the outreaches
1:54:59 so your division in like half and half
1:55:01 there must be some fault there but
1:55:03 what's the fault
1:55:04 that was initiated and forced to the
1:55:06 study Infinity Series and how to add a
1:55:09 time half time call the time and so on
1:55:11 and we can add them and it ends to be
1:55:13 exactly the same full-time one time one
1:55:16 hour if it takes one hour to apply
1:55:18 foreign
1:55:25 analysis about events and things like
1:55:28 that which has not been done thoroughly
1:55:30 and meticulously especially if it goes
1:55:32 to subdividing to infinity and extending
1:55:34 to Infinity the moment you go to
1:55:35 infinities
1:55:36 then you go to the Limit area then you
1:55:39 are in a dangerous area you have to do a
1:55:40 very strict and very systematic
1:55:42 mathematics building step by step from
1:55:44 the finite in a very cautious and
1:55:46 well-controlled steps then you achieve
1:55:49 something
1:55:49 very cautious and very meticulous
1:55:51 otherwise you will make a mistake
1:55:54 like the mistake of related Theory
1:55:56 making time is just because well
1:55:58 regarding my time as my clock time as
1:56:01 zero and extending bus to minus infinity
1:56:03 canopy is impossible and they treated
1:56:05 the access as if the space accident they
1:56:08 say it has another metric there's
1:56:09 another sign in The Matrix or an i in a
1:56:12 okay but still it's fundamentally
1:56:13 different it can't be extended one's
1:56:16 Infinity it's fundamentally different
1:56:18 structure
1:56:19 gonna be a joint space approximately yes
1:56:22 locally in events around us in
1:56:24 observation of the Stars we can do we
1:56:25 can't use the minkowsky transformation
1:56:27 and tolerance transformation but that's
1:56:30 construct which Einstein took as a base
1:56:32 for a special relativity using minkov's
1:56:34 key space formulation and also for
1:56:36 generativity that construct his only
1:56:38 approximation
1:56:39 and has fundamental philosophical fault
1:56:43 but it's clearly by experimentation now
1:56:45 when we go to fundamental Theory it's
1:56:48 all experiences have now showed that the
1:56:49 adaptivity theory General and special is
1:56:52 not a fundamental one quantum theory is
1:56:54 the fundamental one which relies on an
1:56:56 absolute time
1:56:59 and there's the problems who are the
1:57:01 most physicists are struggling with that
1:57:02 in the last 70 80 years and still most
1:57:05 of it is not settled yet still ongoing
1:57:07 and that I argue with you now for today
1:57:10 and and make a statement it will never
1:57:12 visited until that problem that
1:57:13 fundamental error has been corrected
1:57:21 transformation and the Michaelson more
1:57:23 the experiment
1:57:25 better in the interpretation matrimony
1:57:27 is an experiment if it has been done
1:57:29 probably a lot some people even doubt
1:57:31 that that the result have been really
1:57:33 reported correctly but even surgical
1:57:35 assuming they have done that is an
1:57:38 experimental equation with debilitation
1:57:39 and translating that in into
1:57:41 mathematical language
1:57:43 and invariables and things that and we
1:57:46 recognize the district nature of
1:57:48 different things and so on
1:57:52 yeah I think
1:57:54 anyway today we did we did some heavy
1:57:56 stuff I was hoping to avoid it as much
1:57:59 as possible just give a hint but you
1:58:01 insisted okay you get since you insist
1:58:04 you get the heavy stuff you should have
1:58:06 avoided maybe you should not have
1:58:07 avoided maybe it's good it's good to
1:58:10 have sometimes sometimes some heavy
1:58:11 stuff to be digested okay I think I'll
1:58:14 stop here
1:58:21 foreign
1:58:37 Music
1:59:01 foreign
1:59:03 Music
1:59:09 Music
1:59:18 Music
1:59:26 Music
1:59:33 thank you
1:59:38 Music