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Does God Exist ? هل الله موجود؟ مناظرة بين محمد حجاب وإدوارد تاباش (2020-02-27)


Summary of Does God Exist ? هل الله موجود؟ مناظرة بين محمد حجاب وإدوارد تاباش

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00

discusses the evidence for and against the existence of God. who supports the existence of God argues that the evidence points overwhelmingly in that direction, while the speaker who opposes the existence of God argues that the evidence points overwhelmingly against the existence of a transcendent, all-powerful, all-knowing God.

00:00:00 introduces two guest speakers who will be discussing the existence of God. One speaker is a Muslim who believes that there is no God, and the other is a secular humanist who believes that the universe is natural and there is no God. asks that everyone be respectful and not shout or heckle, and requests that those who would like to clap wait until the guest speakers have finished their speeches.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the concept of necessary existence and how it cannot be conceived of if there are multiple possible existences. He uses the example of a tree and the Sun to illustrate his point. If the tree existed without the Sun, the Sun would not exist. Similarly, if the Sun existed without the tree, that would not be a necessary existence. Necessary existence cannot be created by combining parts, as something which is compound is generated from individual parts. The Sun must exist independently, without any other necessary beings, in order to be a necessary existence.
  • 00:10:00 of the video argues that, based on the Quran, there must be an external creator who chose to create the universe in a particular way. This creator must be powerful, have knowledge, and be able to create things out of nothing. The existence of such a creator is logically disjointed and cannot be explained by any conceivable means, leading to the conclusion that atheism is the only rational position.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the argument from fine-tuning, which posits that certain constants in the universe are very specific and could not have arisen by chance. It also discusses the argument from coherence, which states that the universe is uniform and coherent. These arguments demonstrate that there must be an external sorting agent, which implies a God.
  • 00:20:00 argues that if naturalism is true, then it is impossible to account for the coherence of nature. He also argues that if God exists, then he is all-wise and good, and therefore evil does not exist.
  • 00:25:00 "Does God Exist ? هل الله موجود؟ مناظرة بين محمد حجاب وإدوارد تاباش" features a debate between Mohammed Hamid and David Tebbutt. Hamid argues that there is no evidence that a supernatural conscious personal being, such as a God, exists. Tebbutt argues that the evidence shows that the universe is not impacted by any invisible realms or by intentional actions by immaterial beings, and that the history of scientific discovery has shown that whenever we attributed phenomena to paranormal creatures or gods, further examination showed that such beings did not cause what was happening. Hamid responds to Tebbutt's arguments in his rebuttal, but ultimately presents his positive arguments for why it is more likely than not that the evidence in our physical universe clearly makes it so that a supernatural conscious personal being does not exist.
  • 00:30:00 argues that there are six reasons why it is more likely that God does not exist than does. These reasons are 1) brain damage can result in loss of awareness, 2) evolution is more likely if there is no God, 3) there are useless components in our bodies, 4) evil exists, 5) the argument from evil, and 6) divine hiddenness. He argues that if we take the concept of God's omnipotence seriously, then the theist must be able to show that the very great good that could not but for this horrible evil and suffering take place was indeed such a great good as to morally justify subjecting the victims to the agonizing pain they have to endure. He concludes that the evidence does not support the existence of a God.
  • *00:35:00 Discusses the evidence for and against the belief in a god. It argues that if such a god does exist, then it would be reasonable to expect that it would provide a reliable revelation in the event of problems with existing revelations, and that it would not allow rampant religious confusion among its followers. concludes that, if there is a god, it is more likely that it does not exist than that it is true.
  • 00:40:00 two speakers discuss the evidences for and against the existence of a transcendent, all-powerful, all-knowing God. who supports the existence of God argues that the evidence points overwhelmingly in that direction, while the speaker who opposes the existence of God argues that the evidence points overwhelmingly against the existence of a transcendent, all-powerful, all-knowing God.
  • 00:45:00 speakers argue that there is no evidence for God existing, and that if God does exist, it would be a miracle. They also discuss the arguments from evil, and argue that on a naturalistic worldview, evil does not exist.
  • 00:50:00 addresses the question of whether or not God exists, and argues that despite the presence of evidence to the contrary, the idea that humans are born equal is a false premise. He goes on to say that the idea of natural selection, which assumes that the fittest survive, justifies the patriarchy. Finally, the speaker addresses the fine-tuning argument, which suggests that the universe is designed in a way that is specifically suited for human life. He argues that, even if this is true, it does not imply that a transcendent being exists.
  • 00:55:00 Mohamad argues that there is a problem with the argument from contingency because it requires a necessary being for everything that is contingent. He goes on to say that the idea of a necessary being that could explain a contingent fact without introducing a new contingent fact in need of explanation is impossible. Furthermore, he argues that the notion of objective moral values existing without being created by God is also problematic. He ends by saying that we cannot even call something evil unless we have a moral foundation, implying that consciousness depends on the physical brain.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00

discusses the existence of God, and argues that there is an "extrude" of evidence that points to the existence of a single, independent God. It also argues that if there is a multiverse, then there is no problem because there is an infinite number of universes.

*01:00:00 Discusses how if consciousness could exist apart from the brain, diseases and anesthetics wouldn't eclipse consciousness, and Muhammad can't just infer the existence of God from the functioning of the universe like we can infer the existence of gravity from the way gravity operates. also discusses how if Muhammad is to believe in a God who is concerned with humans, then why there are an excess septillion (7×1021) planets in the universe, and that if in fact the universe is so perfectly put together, then the star upon which we depend, the Sun, will burn out in a very short span of time. Lastly, the video discusses how if Muhammad is to believe in a God, then he must also believe in a multiverse and that cosmic inflation has demonstrated the existence of a number of individual universes. This has not been established by proof, but it is a better argument than theism because it has a Basics in physics and natural laws that are explainable.

  • *01:05:00 Discusses the evidence against the existence of God, focusing on the argument that morality does not come from a deity. They go on to say that morality can be explained on atheism as well as on theism, and that mathematics and logic argue against the supernatural.
  • *01:10:00 Discusses how calculus, engineering, and other scientific discoveries were discovered using the same method- experimentation and reasoning- and how, on naturalism, these laws could not be altered by any being. He then asks a question about why the Quran is considered a more credible revelation than the Book of Mormon. provides several reasons, including the Quran's parameters and challenges that the Book of Mormon does not have.
  • 01:15:00 , an atheist and Islamic scholar debate the existence of God. The atheist argues that, based on empirical evidence, knowledge should be known through the five senses, but this is not the case in philosophy or science. The Islamic scholar argues that, even if knowledge were known through the five senses, the question of whether God exists is still a factual question, and thus subject to empirical investigation.
  • *01:20:00 Discusses some of the problems with trying to rely on the evidence to determine whether or not God exists, such as the fact that the laws of logic and mathematics do not have causative properties. It also points out that if an abstract deity exists, then it is reasonable to expect that he would reveal himself to humans. If this does not happen, then non-belief is reasonable. Finally, the video mentions that if an individual dies without belief in God, then they are not blameworthy for this.
  • *01:25:00 Discusses the problem of bad design, and argues that, given the claims of a morally perfect God, defects in design are not defensible. Atheists, like the presenter, are open to accepting evidence if it changes their mind, while religious people are largely immune to such changes.
  • 01:30:00 argues that if two things happen, namely that he becomes religious and that naturalism is disproved, then he will believe in God. However, if either of these things does not happen, then he will believe in God. also argues that the concept of free will is given more credit than it deserves, and that if one has faith in God, then they can make sense of the existence of evil.
  • *01:35:00 Discusses the question of whether or not God exists, and whether or not there is objective morality. It argues that there are objective moral values, and that over time humans have become more tolerant of different lifestyles. also discusses the harm principle, which is a part of social liberalism. It argues that if someone does not hurt others, they should be able to do whatever they want, including having sex between brothers.
  • *01:40:00 Discusses the issue of whether or not God exists, and argues that the Pascal's Wager is flawed because it assumes that God is an evil being. He also says that there is a problem with exclusivism when it comes to religion.
  • *01:45:00 Discusses the concept of cause and effect, and how it can be argued that there is no such thing as a cause. It also discusses the philosophical argument made by Bertrand Russell that because the world is made up of small parts, it does not mean that the world itself is small.
  • *01:50:00 Discusses the existence of God, and argues that there is an "extrude" of evidence that points to the existence of a single, independent God. He also argues that if there is a multiverse, then there is no problem because there is an infinite number of universes.
  • *01:55:00 Discusses evidence from the Koran and revelation, which says that a woolly bedroom, a bad Halloween sale, and the Roman defeat of the Britons were all signs of Allah's will. also discusses predictions made by Muhammad, and how some of them have come true. It concludes with a discussion of Edward Muhammad, a Muslim who works to promote the rights of Muslims in America. He is consistent in his opposition to arbitrary judgments and his work opposing Trump's Muslim ban.

02:00:00 - 02:15:00

The debate between Mohammed and Edwards in the video "Does God Exist ?" is summarized, with Edwards coming out victorious. Edwards points to the lack of evidence for God's existence, both in terms of things that would be predicted by Muhammad if he were a prophet and in terms of evidence for a special creation of humans. Mohammed is unable to refute these points, and so the video concludes that atheism is the correct position.

02:00:00 Mohammed, a student, discusses the existence of God with another student, Edwards. They discuss the problems with trying to prove the existence of God using necessary being arguments, and how these arguments cannot explain contingent facts. Edwards also disagrees with some of Mohammed's translations of the Quran.

  • 02:05:00 Mohammed was unable to refute the argument against a transcendental person, arguing that if you are a person, you have to have some boundaries which means that a God who is outside of time and space is not a person. He also failed to show us specific predictions in the Quran that were made by Muhammad.
  • 02:10:00 Mohammed argues that the properties of God, such as omnipotence and omniscience, are incompatible with each other. He also points out that if God exists, then He would have to have knowledge of things that happened in the past and that there would be evidence of this if it were true. He also argues that if humans were specially created, there would be no evidence for this. In the end, Mohammed argues that the universe is natural and not supernatural.
  • *02:15:00 Discusses the debate between a Muslim and an atheist, and concludes that the atheist won. The atheist thanks everyone for coming, and requests donations for the cost of his trip.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:11 Selam stands for sharing an affection
0:00:14 love and mercy and that's what we do in
0:00:17 Sharla specific specific at the time
0:00:19 that we live where Haley's been hate
0:00:21 it's being spread by the label given
0:00:24 freedom of speech and this sometimes
0:00:26 comes at the cost of innocent people
0:00:28 dying and we saw that Christchurch we
0:00:31 saw that in London where we're from
0:00:33 innocent people getting killed Muslim or
0:00:35 non-muslim and we want to put an end to
0:00:37 this and one of our objectives is to
0:00:39 deconstruct false narratives and
0:00:41 reconstruct pure minds and that's our
0:00:44 main objective and I just wanna thank
0:00:47 every single one of you guys for coming
0:00:48 you can check our web sites around the
0:00:50 world oh okay
0:00:51 inshallah were planning on setting up a
0:00:53 team in California this is a beautiful
0:00:55 country the raw sweet flavor absolutely
0:01:01 amazing and early in the team every time
0:01:19 [Applause]
0:01:39 [Applause]
0:01:50 thank you very much for that so first
0:01:54 we'll be introducing brother Mohammed
0:01:57 hey job is a debater and public speaker
0:01:59 who engages in discussions and polemics
0:02:01 on a wide variety of topics including
0:02:03 religion politics and society he
0:02:05 completed a politics degree and a
0:02:07 master's in the history in history from
0:02:09 Queen Mary University he has taught and
0:02:11 instructed courses on humanities and
0:02:13 languages in many contexts he has come
0:02:15 he has numeracy Jazz's and some Islamic
0:02:17 Sciences and his study and numerous
0:02:19 Islamic seminaries including the shim
0:02:21 plate the Institute which employs a
0:02:23 traditional Mauritian style of teaching
0:02:25 of the sacred sciences Edward Eddy
0:02:27 tabash is a constitutional lawyer in the
0:02:30 Los Angeles area he graduated from UCLA
0:02:32 in 1973 Magnum laude with a
0:02:35 bachelor's bachelor's degree in
0:02:36 political science he graduated from
0:02:38 Loyola Law School of Los Angeles in 1973
0:02:41 he is the son of an Orthodox rabbi from
0:02:44 Lithuania and an Auschwitz surviving
0:02:45 mother from Hungary after decades of
0:02:48 spiritual reflection and seeking he has
0:02:49 determined that the universe is natural
0:02:51 with no supernatural being or beings no
0:02:54 god or gods involved in the creation or
0:02:56 perpetuation of our existence he chairs
0:02:58 the board of directors of the center of
0:03:00 Inquirer transnational a worldwide
0:03:02 organization of secular humanists and
0:03:04 scientific sceptics he's also known for
0:03:06 his legal work and separation of church
0:03:08 and state cases in which we seek to
0:03:10 preserve the equality before the law of
0:03:11 both believers and non-believers he
0:03:13 promotes a secular society based in
0:03:15 science reason and inquiry maintaining
0:03:18 strong conviction in this he's an
0:03:19 integral leader to several associations
0:03:21 which exists to separate church and
0:03:23 state a part of his work and separation
0:03:25 of church and state has specifically
0:03:27 been in opposing Trump's Muslims ban and
0:03:30 mosh although they're both extremely
0:03:32 qualified and we're very
0:03:33 excited to have them both in this debate
0:03:35 and for this reason we would like to
0:03:37 also request a certain level of
0:03:40 boundaries and guidelines for the event
0:03:42 and shot to make sure that it goes as
0:03:43 smooth as possible for both of our
0:03:45 speakers and that we ask that everyone
0:03:47 be as respectful as possible to both of
0:03:49 our speakers by doing a number of few
0:03:52 things so we would like everyone to
0:03:53 please if possible please do not shout
0:03:56 heckle Boo screen cause any form of
0:04:00 ruckus against either speakers you know
0:04:02 to in order to respect their time their
0:04:04 knowledge and everything that they're
0:04:05 doing for us today if people are causing
0:04:08 issues unfortunately we will have to
0:04:10 have security escort you out in respect
0:04:12 for both of our speakers also another
0:04:14 request that we have is that if you
0:04:16 would like to clap please feel free to
0:04:18 but only after the speaker is completed
0:04:20 with their what they're saying simply
0:04:22 because there is a time frame that each
0:04:23 of them has to be able to get their
0:04:25 points across and we do not want to
0:04:26 disadvantage either speaker by limiting
0:04:28 the other speakers amount of time and
0:04:33 with that and said please do that go
0:04:34 okay thank you so much for coming thank
0:04:35 you everyone
0:04:36 I really appreciate it and then I will
0:04:38 be passing off our the microphone to our
0:04:40 moderator which is ID number was
0:04:45 [Applause]
0:04:53 hello everyone thank you for joining us
0:04:56 as I mentioned I will be moderating
0:04:58 moderating the debate we will start off
0:05:01 with opening statements each speaker
0:05:03 will have 20 minutes to give theirs and
0:05:05 we will begin with brother Mohammad a
0:05:07 jab Somali can what happens a light or a
0:05:23 kettle first of all I want to thank
0:05:26 every single one of you for coming down
0:05:27 here I want to thank the University and
0:05:28 of course I want to thank I did have a
0:05:30 she was a really prolific you know
0:05:33 formidable opponent and a very
0:05:35 experienced atheist opponent for many
0:05:37 years and so I'm very happy that all of
0:05:39 you are here today to proceed there's no
0:05:44 doubt that there is existence there is
0:05:48 no doubt that there is existence
0:05:52 existence is divided into two things
0:05:56 possible existence and necessary
0:05:59 existence possible existence is
0:06:02 existence that otherwise doesn't need to
0:06:06 exist and its existence that could be
0:06:11 arranged in any other way its existence
0:06:15 which is dependent for example I'm
0:06:17 wearing a blue blazer this is a possible
0:06:20 existence doesn't have to exist it could
0:06:24 be arranged in another way and it's
0:06:28 dependent upon materials that were
0:06:30 created used to create it necessary
0:06:34 existence on the other hand his
0:06:36 existence which is couldn't be any other
0:06:38 way
0:06:39 existence which could not be any other
0:06:41 way is independent self-sufficient and
0:06:45 could not be how of existence now the
0:06:51 main argument today is this there cannot
0:06:55 be a world with only possible existences
0:06:58 that is the main idea there cannot be a
0:07:01 world with only possible exists
0:07:04 why because I'm going to be using the
0:07:09 sport a little bit it is only possible
0:07:11 existences you would have dependent
0:07:14 things depending upon other dependent
0:07:16 things now this can be reasoned
0:07:19 physically ontologically and
0:07:21 cosmological this by itself it would
0:07:38 require something outside an independent
0:07:43 thing in order for that series to exist
0:07:45 now as safe it was an infinite series
0:07:52 we'll get to that in one flows now let's
0:08:00 use a cosmological example we have a
0:08:03 tree that's very beautiful trees here by
0:08:05 the way in California like for integrity
0:08:09 review that tree requires the Sun to
0:08:13 photosynthesize in order to exist I
0:08:15 think it's fair to say if the treatment
0:08:17 exists of the Sundin exists the tree
0:08:19 would know exists it's fair to say yes
0:08:22 so long as that the Sun is required or
0:08:25 so long as the tree exists the Sun will
0:08:27 exist even if that was for an infinite
0:08:30 amount of time
0:08:31 now the Sun itself is part of its own
0:08:35 order and its father's own sense now it
0:08:43 requires other things in order to exist
0:08:45 and the end of this what is required
0:08:48 once again is an independent thing
0:08:51 that's this independent thing can only
0:08:55 be one wait a minute why is that because
0:09:00 if there was more than one necessary
0:09:02 existence it wouldn't be a necessary
0:09:04 existence because it could be conceived
0:09:07 that it can be arranged
0:09:08 in another way and you can't have two
0:09:11 things which are independent because
0:09:13 which one is dependent on which
0:09:17 therefore whether you conceptualize this
0:09:22 ontological cosmologically what
0:09:25 materialism dualism idealism you must
0:09:29 conclude that what is required in order
0:09:32 for any existence to exist as an
0:09:35 independent thing that is one that is
0:09:41 always an existence why because it
0:09:43 wasn't in existence if it could be
0:09:46 conceived that this thing is not in
0:09:47 existence it wouldn't be necessary so
0:09:51 has to be eternal and it cannot be made
0:09:55 up of all parts why because anything
0:09:58 which is a compound is generated
0:10:00 anything that's made up of parts is
0:10:03 dependent on those parts that's point
0:10:05 number one and point number two if it
0:10:09 was a possible existence it is made up
0:10:10 of parts you can imagine those parts
0:10:12 being arranged in a different way
0:10:13 therefore it falls into the category of
0:10:16 possible existence to summarize you
0:10:19 require any independent thing outside of
0:10:22 the series of dependent things in motor
0:10:27 for any existence to exist this thing
0:10:30 must be one it cannot have parts it must
0:10:33 be immaterial income from well supposed
0:10:37 to be
0:10:38 it must be eternal now this is what the
0:10:41 quran says in his basic definition of
0:10:42 god for who Allah Allah say is God one
0:10:45 and only a lot of cement the one who's
0:10:50 independent self-sufficient everything
0:10:52 depends upon him and he depends upon
0:10:54 nothing let me yell it will emulate he
0:10:58 forgets not to nor is He begotten he is
0:11:01 the eternal one three eternal post
0:11:03 eternal well Amir could never put on a
0:11:05 hat and there is nothing like him he's
0:11:08 in material he's not composed two parts
0:11:10 he's in copra so you see this is the
0:11:13 onion if this argument is cracked I have
0:11:17 lost in the bay this is my main argument
0:11:21 everything goes back to this argument
0:11:22 which goes back to the basic definition
0:11:25 of God what must be presented is a
0:11:29 formulation whether it's a cosmological
0:11:32 one or an ontological one which shows us
0:11:35 how it's possible their only possible
0:11:37 existences can exist without the
0:11:39 independent if that's done I'm ready to
0:11:41 be an atheist today now the quran says
0:11:46 verse 35
0:11:47 i'm holy woman why are you shaking i'm
0:11:50 holly and what a semi-wet you'll out but
0:11:53 laid open or were they created from
0:11:56 nothing
0:11:56 who were they themselves the creators of
0:11:59 themselves did they create the heavens
0:12:01 and the earth certainly they have no
0:12:03 certainty saying that the atheistic
0:12:06 position is one of male speculation you
0:12:09 can never achieve certainty with atheism
0:12:11 why because in this logical disjunction
0:12:13 you have four options either the
0:12:16 universe came from nothing which is
0:12:17 impossible ontological
0:12:20 math mathematically and cosmologically
0:12:22 possible no one has argued this really
0:12:25 it's a weak argument I don't think my
0:12:28 interlocutor with his experience will go
0:12:29 there he's very prominent and very
0:12:32 experienced you won't go there and oh is
0:12:36 it
0:12:37 eternal can it be eternal well let's say
0:12:42 it is wait a minute what did you say did
0:12:43 you consider that yes no problem
0:12:45 even if it was a tunnel for the sake of
0:12:48 argument it is dependent or independent
0:12:51 you still have the problem here but my
0:12:56 interlocutors are naturally so he
0:12:57 believes in the beginning of the
0:12:58 universe so that's not a problem for us
0:13:03 what other option do we have
0:13:05 is it self created like my friend Tom
0:13:07 does also says is it possible for
0:13:10 something to exist an artist at the same
0:13:11 time he gives the example of a mother
0:13:13 giving birth to herself
0:13:15 is that possible not possible so the
0:13:19 other thing is it was put into existence
0:13:22 by something which had the ability to do
0:13:25 so now the question is what are the
0:13:29 attributes of that thing
0:13:32 which had the ability to put the
0:13:34 universe into existence how do we reason
0:13:38 this by inference we say well if I had
0:13:41 the ability to put the universe into
0:13:42 existence it must have power because
0:13:45 that is required for that kind of thing
0:13:48 it must have creative capacity it must
0:13:51 have knowledge it must have knowledge so
0:13:58 you see we start to have a formulation a
0:14:02 question now we have to ask is why is
0:14:06 the universe one way and not another way
0:14:10 it's conceivable for example you see you
0:14:13 have celestial spheres in the universe
0:14:14 they're rotating in one direction we can
0:14:17 conceive and imagine of the possibility
0:14:20 of all of the celestial spheres in the
0:14:23 universe going the other way for example
0:14:25 we can imagine that so why is the
0:14:29 universe one way rather than another way
0:14:31 I will tell you that the only rational
0:14:36 explanation for that is that there is an
0:14:39 external particular Iser of the universe
0:14:42 say that all more time that there must
0:14:44 be an external particular riser of the
0:14:46 universe to choose between different
0:14:49 options possible options because then
0:14:52 you have no explanation for why the
0:14:54 universe is one way rather than another
0:14:56 way you have to have an external sorting
0:14:59 agent you have to have an external
0:15:03 sorting agent that decides X rather than
0:15:06 Y otherwise the question will be to the
0:15:10 Atheist how can you prove on naturalism
0:15:13 or how can you explain on naturalism
0:15:15 that the universe is one way rather than
0:15:18 another way it's a very straightforward
0:15:19 question now here's the thing if we know
0:15:25 that there is an external sorting agent
0:15:28 this implies will of this agent and if
0:15:32 there was more than one will there would
0:15:34 be a chaotic universe as the process by
0:15:37 the other blemishes are low
0:15:44 along with FS and that vessel behind a
0:15:48 line of Bellagio Sifu if there was more
0:15:54 than one of them the universe would have
0:15:56 been corrupted they haven't in the earth
0:15:58 would have been corrupted chapter 21
0:16:00 verse 22 how because if there's more
0:16:03 than one will ultimately which one is
0:16:06 steering the ship there would be chaotic
0:16:08 order but what I'm also says about in
0:16:14 chapter 23 verse 91 if there was one
0:16:18 more than one Almighty they would have
0:16:20 outstripped one another attempted to
0:16:22 outstrip one another for power so in
0:16:24 otherwise you can't have more than one
0:16:25 of those things for those reasons as
0:16:27 well and this brings me to my third
0:16:31 point which is the argument of the
0:16:37 physical coherence of the universe which
0:16:39 is a Quranic argument because today
0:16:56 [Music]
0:17:06 honey bunny Lake and bustable far see
0:17:10 how over has he that chapter 67 verse 3
0:17:15 look at the universe look up in the sky
0:17:19 look at the sky look at the coherence of
0:17:24 the universe do you see any
0:17:25 inconsistencies look again when I said
0:17:29 wait a minute look again let me look let
0:17:32 me see
0:17:32 is there any inconsistencies now I
0:17:35 thought about this verse and this verse
0:17:38 is telling us that there is a uniformity
0:17:41 of nature a consistency of nature a
0:17:43 coherence of nature the fact that the
0:17:47 universe is uniform coherence it is not
0:17:50 known by science its presupposed by
0:17:52 science wait a minute what did you say
0:17:55 let me say one more time if you look
0:17:57 from self are any introductory guide to
0:17:59 the scientific method like you got here
0:18:01 on the illustrated guide to the
0:18:03 scientific method he said that the fact
0:18:05 that you have rationalized able actors
0:18:06 that can see the universe and see its
0:18:08 consistency means that there's a
0:18:11 presupposition of science and what is
0:18:13 that presupposition that science is
0:18:14 uniform that the universe is uniform
0:18:17 it's rationalizing our behind science
0:18:20 said in his letters to solve them he
0:18:22 said the most incomprehensible thing
0:18:26 about the universe is that it is
0:18:28 comprehendible so I'm not making a
0:18:32 fine-tuning argument today because we've
0:18:34 heard enough of that every atheist and
0:18:36 every what's this fine-tuning argument
0:18:39 the argument is look at the constants of
0:18:44 nature yes you have these constants
0:18:48 which one a Goldilocks zone of life
0:18:52 permitting range if there were any way
0:18:55 this way or that way they would not the
0:18:58 universe would not exist and life would
0:19:00 not be minimus like mutton with just six
0:19:04 numbers and he says n which is capital n
0:19:07 and number
0:19:08 talking about you know the natural
0:19:11 forces he says is a billion billion
0:19:12 billion
0:19:13 billion and had any zeroes been taken
0:19:15 away yes then that would have been the
0:19:19 universe would have been completely
0:19:20 different he is another letter that he
0:19:23 talks about the conversion of hydrogen
0:19:25 into helium he says that this conversion
0:19:27 is 0.007 had it been 0.006 or 0.08 we
0:19:35 would not exist this is that way rights
0:19:37 it's not why I'm writing I'm not
0:19:39 cosmologists right that's why your
0:19:41 rights that's an argument from
0:19:43 probability that's an interesting
0:19:45 argument I think the interesting thing
0:19:48 is that many people theists Anant in
0:19:50 there atheists accept the fine-tuning of
0:19:53 the universe Stephen Hawking's accepted
0:19:54 it Richard Dawkins accepted it so it's
0:19:58 not really an area of controversy my
0:20:00 argument is about the uniformity of
0:20:01 nature the coherence of nature which is
0:20:04 presupposed by the universe by the
0:20:06 wisest scientific method the question is
0:20:10 therefore on naturalism on naturalism
0:20:14 how can you account for the coherence of
0:20:17 the universe you can't say well the
0:20:20 universe just is like Bertrand Russell
0:20:21 said because that is a circular argument
0:20:24 frankly it's a cop-out I'm asking for an
0:20:27 external explanation we are rational
0:20:29 people we should be able to explain if
0:20:32 nationally if naturalism has the ability
0:20:35 to to give us these answers then surely
0:20:37 we should be entitled to such answers
0:20:40 now I've got five minutes left and I've
0:20:44 made my arguments to reiterate my main
0:20:48 argument today is the argument from
0:20:49 contingency and it's not one that
0:20:52 liveness formulated it's a different
0:20:54 kind of argument from contingency that
0:20:57 many Western people are not familiar
0:20:59 with
0:20:59 it's from our tradition and frankly the
0:21:06 main question is this the question is
0:21:09 how can you explain the world either
0:21:12 ontological or cosmological naturally
0:21:16 that only has
0:21:21 that's the question if you can prove it
0:21:23 you've tracked the other now I know I've
0:21:25 been watching these videos incredible
0:21:28 speaker and because he's a lawyer he's
0:21:30 got that charisma that if when you start
0:21:33 speaking I might have to run away
0:21:34 actually incredible speaking but I know
0:21:37 I have a feeling of what he's gonna talk
0:21:39 about and I think it's gonna be the
0:21:41 problem of evil right now Epicurus an
0:21:46 old Hellenistic philosopher he had the
0:21:50 logical form of the problem of evil and
0:21:53 the logical form as follows that if God
0:21:55 is omnipotent and all good then if he's
0:22:00 omnipotent why does he not stop the evil
0:22:03 if he's all good then how come evil
0:22:05 exists the answer our question is as
0:22:09 follows
0:22:09 I'm going to give it to you right now
0:22:11 God is not just those two things he's
0:22:13 also also all-wise so in order for the
0:22:17 problem of evil from an Islamic
0:22:18 traditions perspective to be unlocked or
0:22:21 to make sense for a logical perspective
0:22:22 you have to show logically or
0:22:24 naturalistically or cosmologically or
0:22:27 mathematically or inductively
0:22:28 objectively any way possible
0:22:30 how how evil the existence of evil
0:22:35 contradicts the divine wisdom that's how
0:22:39 it goes
0:22:40 if we don't believe in a God with three
0:22:41 attributes goodness or two attribution
0:22:43 and omnipotence only that's not the god
0:22:45 we believe it so you have to show
0:22:47 otherwise it's an emotional argument now
0:22:50 the other thing he talks about is the
0:22:52 divine highness
0:22:53 why is God hidden from us now we believe
0:22:57 in the fifth as Muslims the immediate
0:22:59 knowledge of God the intuitive knowledge
0:23:01 of God and by the way this is the Muslim
0:23:04 specific belief we believe that we are
0:23:08 born believing in God we have the
0:23:11 immediate knowledge of God and that
0:23:14 society trains us away from that
0:23:17 knowledge of God so the Quran for
0:23:20 instance or the prophets come to
0:23:22 reinforce what we already knew prime
0:23:25 moodily if you like prime modelling from
0:23:28 a psycho spiritual perspective so God is
0:23:31 not hiding in fact he's reminding us and
0:23:33 Frances oma could never al Davina hat
0:23:36 tena basarat' sulla if an atheist dies
0:23:38 as an atheist and according to us if he
0:23:40 dies an atheist is not worth the message
0:23:42 of Islam he does not go to hell straight
0:23:45 away because since I believe so God is
0:23:48 not hiding according to us so these are
0:23:49 the two things I'm anticipating he's
0:23:51 going to be raising up some pre-empting
0:23:54 it and finally what I want to say and
0:23:58 we'll talk about this by the way the
0:23:59 Fatah the immediate knowledge of God
0:24:01 because there is empirical evidence of
0:24:03 that by the way Justin Barrett made an
0:24:05 interesting has many interesting books
0:24:06 on this he says that there is a there is
0:24:10 a divine receptivity to God and he done
0:24:14 you know studies with children
0:24:16 cross-culturally and found that children
0:24:18 naturally believe in God so atheism on
0:24:20 this idea is a social construct atheism
0:24:23 was a cultural construct so finally I
0:24:26 want to say that the Quran promises us
0:24:28 in Chapter number forty-one that Allah
0:24:31 will show us all the way in other words
0:24:33 his science he says by the blemish on
0:24:36 him January 17 hygiena philosophy
0:24:51 who seemed hot away and alone had a an
0:24:57 alum and now we'll have that we will
0:25:01 certainly show them our signs in the
0:25:02 horizons and in themselves until it's
0:25:06 made patently clear that this is the
0:25:10 truth
0:25:10 I hope today we can be as sincere as
0:25:13 possible and be open to this and I hope
0:25:16 now that we go back to that question of
0:25:19 how they can be only possible existences
0:25:21 I leave it to
0:25:25 [Applause]
0:25:53 is there some other mic I'm supposed to
0:25:55 be okay good evening everybody I want to
0:26:00 thank the Muslim Student Association for
0:26:03 putting on this debate and I want to
0:26:05 thank Mohammed for debating me I will
0:26:08 respond to his arguments in my rebuttal
0:26:10 but I will now present my positive
0:26:13 arguments for why it is more likely than
0:26:16 not that the evidence in our physical
0:26:18 universe clearly makes it so that a
0:26:22 supernatural conscious personal being
0:26:25 that is an Allgood all-knowing and
0:26:28 all-powerful deity the standard-issue
0:26:31 god of Judaism Christianity and Islam
0:26:33 does not exist argument won the argument
0:26:37 that from the way our world operates it
0:26:40 is much more likely that there is
0:26:42 nothing beyond the physical the evidence
0:26:44 shows that it is much more likely that
0:26:46 the universe is not impacted by any
0:26:48 invisible realms or by intentional
0:26:51 actions by immaterial beings the history
0:26:54 of scientific discovery has shown that
0:26:57 whenever we attributed phenomena to
0:26:59 paranormal creatures or gods further
0:27:02 examination showed such beings did not
0:27:05 cause what was happening we learned that
0:27:08 lightning is not caused by an angry god
0:27:10 or gods diseases are not caused by evil
0:27:13 spirits and by germs and demonic
0:27:15 possession has nothing to do with mental
0:27:18 illness as humanity has gone forward
0:27:20 natural explanations have always evicted
0:27:24 previously believed supernatural ones it
0:27:27 has never been the other way around
0:27:29 there's no verifiable evidence of
0:27:31 anything supernatural which there should
0:27:34 be if the supernatural existed since we
0:27:37 have no background information of
0:27:39 supernatural beings or events there is a
0:27:41 very low prior probability of them this
0:27:46 means that for instance if we were to
0:27:48 use Bayes probability theory we would be
0:27:51 predicting only natural explanations for
0:27:55 phenomena though we have never seen a
0:27:58 quark we know that the category of
0:28:00 subatomic particles particles do exist
0:28:03 evidence for the existence of
0:28:05 quartz has been steadily increasing one
0:28:08 indication of the soundness of the quark
0:28:10 model is its success in predicting the
0:28:13 outcome of high-energy collisions of an
0:28:16 electron and positron there are no such
0:28:19 equivalent empirically verifiable
0:28:21 indications of God's existence so we
0:28:25 cannot infer the supernatural from a
0:28:28 mere observation of the natural number
0:28:32 two the argument from the non occurrence
0:28:33 of miracles claims of miracles have the
0:28:36 initial problem of bearing witness
0:28:38 against themselves since by their very
0:28:41 content they are violations of the laws
0:28:43 of nature that are not supposed to be
0:28:45 violated all the supposed miracles that
0:28:48 are claimed to verify God's intervention
0:28:50 and human affairs allegedly took place
0:28:53 in a pre-scientific era
0:28:55 why don't we moderns have the same
0:28:57 opportunity to observe these miracles
0:28:59 today no verifiable events in today's
0:29:03 world correspond to the types of
0:29:05 miracles that monotheistic religions
0:29:08 claim happened in ancient times thus the
0:29:11 probability that a miracle happened
0:29:14 regardless of which religion makes the
0:29:16 claim will always be lower than the
0:29:19 probability that a miracle has not
0:29:21 occurred number three the argument from
0:29:24 the dependents of conscious minds on a
0:29:27 physical body and brain there is
0:29:29 overwhelming evidence that conscious
0:29:31 thought and awareness cannot occur
0:29:33 without a functioning physical brain
0:29:36 with operative cortical neurons and
0:29:38 synapses believing in a disembodied
0:29:42 super intelligence and in life after
0:29:44 death creates a serious dilemma if even
0:29:47 Alzheimer's disease can destroy
0:29:49 conscious awareness how can that very
0:29:52 same conscious awareness survive the
0:29:54 destruction of the entire body and brain
0:29:56 at death this would entail believing
0:29:59 that if certain portions of our physical
0:30:02 brains are damaged we lose the awareness
0:30:04 contained in those portions but if you
0:30:07 destroy the entire brain by death your
0:30:10 awareness will somehow reappear fully
0:30:13 intact in some immaterial form highly
0:30:16 unlikely if consciousness could survive
0:30:18 independently of the brain diseases
0:30:21 brain injuries and anesthetics would not
0:30:24 eclipse consciousness like they do since
0:30:27 the evidence shows there is no conscious
0:30:30 self-awareness or thought without a
0:30:32 functional brain with operative cortical
0:30:35 neurons and synapses
0:30:37 we cannot be expected to believe in any
0:30:40 God that is supposed to have a
0:30:41 disembodied thinking mind number four
0:30:44 the argument from evolution though many
0:30:47 theists believe in evolution because of
0:30:49 its sloppiness and trial and error
0:30:52 features evolution by natural selection
0:30:55 is more likely if there is no God more
0:31:01 than 99% of all species that have ever
0:31:03 existed are now extinct this is wasteful
0:31:06 we have useless components in our bodies
0:31:09 that indeed do more harm than good like
0:31:12 the appendix known to most of us only
0:31:14 when it's about to burst evolution by
0:31:17 natural selection is established by the
0:31:19 weight of the evidence for instance
0:31:21 there is a 100% match of DNA sequences
0:31:24 in the pseudogene region of beta globin
0:31:27 that is proof that humans and gorillas
0:31:30 had a common ancestor number 5 as
0:31:34 Mohammad predicted in his prophetic
0:31:37 wisdom the argument from evil the
0:31:39 evidential argument from evil God can
0:31:42 make whatever he wants happen and
0:31:44 prevent anything he doesn't want from
0:31:46 occurring so why are there holocaust
0:31:48 extremely dangerous and violent people
0:31:50 horrible diseases extreme poverty and
0:31:53 destructive natural disasters if we
0:31:56 humans need discipline we could benefit
0:31:58 from a military style training camp not
0:32:01 a concentration camp there was no
0:32:04 benefit for my mother's having been in
0:32:06 Auschwitz
0:32:06 another example malaria is a terrible
0:32:09 disease there is a gene though that
0:32:11 provides an effective defense against
0:32:13 malaria
0:32:13 it works by destroying any red
0:32:15 corpuscles that have been occupied by
0:32:18 any of the types of parasitic protozoans
0:32:21 that cause malaria but if one has
0:32:23 inherited this gene from both parents it
0:32:25 also causes sickle cell anemia why did
0:32:28 God have to set it up this way or allow
0:32:31 it to work
0:32:32 way to attempt to justify or explain the
0:32:36 horrendous evil and suffering in the
0:32:37 world the theist must be able to show
0:32:40 that God even with unlimited power could
0:32:43 not have prevented an even greater evil
0:32:45 but for the horrible evil and suffering
0:32:47 he actually created or allowed or with
0:32:50 unlimited power God could not have
0:32:52 brought about a very great good but for
0:32:54 the horrible evil and suffering God
0:32:56 actually created or allowed here the
0:32:59 theist must also be able to show that
0:33:01 the very great good that could not but
0:33:04 for this horrible evil and suffering
0:33:06 take place was indeed such a great good
0:33:10 as to morally justify subjecting the
0:33:13 victims to the agonizing pain they have
0:33:16 to endure if we take the concept of
0:33:19 God's omnipotence seriously this is a
0:33:21 very high burden for a supposedly
0:33:24 omnipotent being to meet the argument
0:33:27 number six from divine hiddenness a God
0:33:30 that wants us to know that this God
0:33:31 exists and wants a relationship with us
0:33:34 would not withhold evidence of the
0:33:36 divine existence and would understand
0:33:38 just what evidence many of us would need
0:33:41 in order to be able to believe if God
0:33:44 exists and created me God knows my mind
0:33:47 it knows that right now I couldn't
0:33:49 believe in God regardless how much I
0:33:51 wanted to just like I couldn't believe
0:33:54 in space alien visitations to earth
0:33:56 because of the absence of any evidence
0:33:58 showing these things to be true God's
0:34:01 not being forthcoming with the evidence
0:34:03 that would enable me to believe that God
0:34:06 exists while knowing that I can't
0:34:08 believe in the absence of such evidence
0:34:10 is more consistent with God's
0:34:12 non-existence than with the existence of
0:34:15 a God that wants me to know him/her or
0:34:17 it if your mother told you that your
0:34:19 father whom you've never met or spoken
0:34:21 to loves you Mary very much and wants a
0:34:24 father child relationship with you but
0:34:26 just has been too busy to ever come to
0:34:28 see you ever since you were born let's
0:34:30 say around your 18th birthday
0:34:32 you would probably conclude that your
0:34:34 dad really doesn't want a relationship
0:34:35 with you we can actually see the reality
0:34:38 of human fathers on a daily basis so
0:34:41 even if the dad and the above scenario
0:34:43 is always absent we can believe he
0:34:45 exists we don't have the
0:34:47 evidence that a God exists so if we are
0:34:49 told there is a God who loves us and
0:34:50 wants relationship with us but that God
0:34:53 never provides us with direct evidence
0:34:55 that it exists when such an all-powerful
0:34:58 God could easily provide that direct
0:35:01 evidence we are justified in doubting
0:35:03 the existence of that God and doubting
0:35:06 the desire of any such God to want a
0:35:08 relationship with us divine hip nasaw so
0:35:11 further z' the argument from evil if God
0:35:14 exists such a being would know that
0:35:16 unanswered questions about why there is
0:35:18 so much evil and suffering prevent many
0:35:20 of us from believing in such a God we
0:35:22 have a right to expect that a perfectly
0:35:24 good God would not allow such horrendous
0:35:27 evil and suffering without morally
0:35:29 sufficient reasons if we are not told
0:35:32 what those morally sufficient reasons
0:35:34 are then it is more probable that a
0:35:37 perfectly good God that wants to be
0:35:39 believed in and worship does not exist
0:35:43 six point one the argument from
0:35:45 religious confusion a subset of divine
0:35:47 hiddenness there is so much a great
0:35:49 disagreement over which religion is true
0:35:51 and even if over which branch of a given
0:35:54 religion is true if God exists and wants
0:35:59 us to know its will and follow divine
0:36:01 decrees we are justified in expecting
0:36:04 that this deity would not allow so much
0:36:06 confusion over who that God is what that
0:36:09 God wants us to believe in and what that
0:36:12 God wants us to do the presence of such
0:36:15 rampant confusion is more likely if a
0:36:18 God that wants us to know its will does
0:36:20 not exist so Catholics believe that when
0:36:23 the Pope speaks ex cathedra he's
0:36:25 infallible Protestants reject the
0:36:27 concept of a pope if only one of these
0:36:30 is true God should make clear to
0:36:32 Christians which one it is Sunni and
0:36:37 Shiite Muslims began to disagree over
0:36:40 whether Muhammad's successors should be
0:36:42 chosen by qualifications alone or need
0:36:45 to have a direct bloodline to Mohammed
0:36:48 Shiites believe that the 12th Imam in
0:36:50 the 10th century was taken into hiding
0:36:53 by God in a process called occultation
0:36:55 and will return at the end of time in a
0:36:58 full messianic
0:36:59 chasity to facilitate the final and full
0:37:02 understanding of the quran and the
0:37:04 prophets message Sunnis do not accept
0:37:07 this now even though the Sunnis and
0:37:10 Shiites share the Quran they have
0:37:13 different versions of the hadith which
0:37:15 are very important to Islamic
0:37:17 interpretation of the deeds and
0:37:19 traditions of the Prophet so if one of
0:37:24 these is true and the other is false God
0:37:27 should make clear to Muslims which one
0:37:30 it is
0:37:30 now the other also derived from divine
0:37:34 hiddenness argument from unreliable
0:37:37 revelations and translations from
0:37:39 defects and errors in the Bible and the
0:37:42 Quran if God exists we are justified and
0:37:46 expecting to discard will provide us
0:37:48 with a reliable revelation if there are
0:37:50 problems with the revelation then it's
0:37:52 more consistent with the God that is not
0:37:54 perfect both the Bible and Quran talk
0:37:58 clearly about male dominion over women
0:38:00 Genesis 3:16 says and thy desire shall
0:38:03 be to thy husband and he shall rule over
0:38:05 the surah 434 pick fault says men are in
0:38:11 charge of women because Allah hath made
0:38:13 the one of them excel the other
0:38:15 well we modern humans have learned that
0:38:18 there is no reason for men to be in
0:38:21 charge of women because women are the
0:38:23 intellectual and moral equals of men so
0:38:27 this itself this itself shows that both
0:38:31 the Bible and the Quran are incorrect
0:38:34 insofar as they vest the man with more
0:38:37 power
0:38:37 over the woman than the woman is vested
0:38:39 over the man also both the Bible and the
0:38:43 Quran talk about Hell eternally for
0:38:50 those who don't believe in the religion
0:38:52 each revelation is promoting well they
0:38:56 can't both be true it can't be true that
0:38:59 you'll go to hell forever if you are not
0:39:02 a Christian and you'll go to hell
0:39:05 forever if you're not a Muslim so if in
0:39:09 fact there is a God that bases our
0:39:12 eternity on
0:39:13 whether we choose Christianity or Islam
0:39:15 then that God should tell us which one
0:39:18 and not let us make the honest and
0:39:22 sincere mistake of picking the wrong one
0:39:24 and falling through the trap door into
0:39:27 eternal horror so the very fact that God
0:39:32 doesn't make this clear to us and give
0:39:36 us a clear choice is more consistent
0:39:38 with there not being a god that wants us
0:39:40 to find the truth now
0:39:43 also if Islam is true those of us who do
0:39:47 not speak Arabic and those of us who
0:39:50 can't read the Quran in its original
0:39:52 should be given a clear unambiguous
0:39:57 translation which is the functional
0:39:59 equivalent of Arabic or God should have
0:40:01 revealed the Quran in every major
0:40:03 language Muhammad Pickthall was one of
0:40:06 the most prominent translators of the
0:40:09 Quran into English in the 20th century
0:40:13 and in his translators forward it's a
0:40:16 direct quote the Quran cannot be
0:40:18 translated every effort has been made to
0:40:20 choose befitting language but the result
0:40:23 is not the glorious quran it can never
0:40:26 take the place of the quran in arabic
0:40:28 but then if god wants me to be a muslim
0:40:32 god should provide me with the proper
0:40:34 translation so i don't make any errors
0:40:38 now another argument from divine
0:40:41 hiddenness a subset is the argument for
0:40:43 moral confusion so many people acting in
0:40:47 good faith even members of the same
0:40:50 religion disagree about what is right
0:40:51 and what is wrong in a bewildering
0:40:54 variety of situations both the Bible and
0:40:58 the Quran condemned gay sex but most of
0:41:03 us know gay couples and our reason and
0:41:06 experience tell us that same-sex
0:41:10 relationships are no worse than
0:41:14 heterosexual relationships just like our
0:41:17 reason and experience tell us there's no
0:41:20 reason for men to be in charge of women
0:41:22 or rule over women as opposed to women
0:41:25 being
0:41:26 in charge of men and ruling over men so
0:41:29 if either or both the Koran and the
0:41:31 Bible were infallibly true and in errant
0:41:35 they wouldn't say these things argument
0:41:39 7 argument from scale or the argument
0:41:41 from human insignificance 68 percent of
0:41:44 the universe is dark energy 27 percent
0:41:47 is dark matter so a scant 5% of the
0:41:49 universe is even conceptually accessible
0:41:52 by us of that 5% virtually all of it is
0:41:55 comprised of empty space which is
0:41:58 instantly lethal to human beings so 99
0:42:01 point 35 nines of the universe is
0:42:03 basically off-limits to humans our
0:42:06 galaxy contains around 300 billion stars
0:42:08 our galaxy is one of 100 billion
0:42:12 galaxies in the observable universe and
0:42:14 we have no access to any of this
0:42:17 mathematically we are just one part in a
0:42:19 hundred followed by 39 zeroes of the
0:42:23 universe there are 20 septillion planets
0:42:26 in the universe that's 20 followed by 24
0:42:28 zeroes why would God need such a
0:42:31 literally astronomical number of excess
0:42:34 planets that we are the core of God's
0:42:36 creation and concern the universe is
0:42:39 13.7 billion years old the earth is 4.6
0:42:43 billion years old
0:42:44 we humans have been around for maybe
0:42:46 200,000 years if we are at the center of
0:42:49 creation and of God's concern why did
0:42:52 God wait 13.7 billion years for us to
0:42:56 appear an all-powerful engineer would
0:42:58 not have needed to suffer this kind of
0:43:04 inefficiency remember we are speaking of
0:43:06 a God that's supposed to be all-powerful
0:43:09 argument number eight the argument
0:43:11 against the existence of a transcendent
0:43:13 person a person is by very definition of
0:43:16 being who thinks and performs actions
0:43:17 and that in turn requires being in time
0:43:20 so how could God have deliberately
0:43:22 created anything if there wasn't an
0:43:24 environment of time and space in which
0:43:26 to operate sequentially so a could cause
0:43:29 be if the theist says that God exists in
0:43:33 and functions and some unknowable
0:43:36 metaphysical time
0:43:37 which of course there's no proof than
0:43:39 the theist is conceding that God is not
0:43:41 completely transcendent since God
0:43:44 operates in some nebulous context which
0:43:46 corresponds to time a being out that is
0:43:51 outside space and time is not working
0:43:54 within a framework in which anything can
0:43:56 be caused by anything else so we can see
0:44:01 that the overwhelming weight of the
0:44:04 evidence in our physical universe makes
0:44:07 the predictive power of atheism much
0:44:10 stronger than that of theism we see for
0:44:13 instance that the universe is not
0:44:15 perfect most of it is lethal we also see
0:44:19 that within 5 billion years the Sun will
0:44:23 burn out which means the earth will seek
0:44:25 to exist I don't see much perfection in
0:44:28 that so probabilistically taking the
0:44:32 totality of the evidence it's far more
0:44:34 likely than not that we live in a
0:44:36 natural not a supernatural universe and
0:44:39 that an all-powerful Allgood all-knowing
0:44:42 self conscious God does not exist thank
0:44:45 you
0:44:53 thank you so much for both of our
0:44:55 speakers that the next section will be
0:44:57 the rebuttal section each speaker will
0:44:59 have ten minutes to counter the other
0:45:02 speakers argument that was presented
0:45:04 during the open state opening statement
0:45:06 we will begin with Muhammad a jab and
0:45:08 then Edward tabash so on
0:45:26 I'll begin with everyone's choir all
0:45:33 right so I would made a points a
0:45:35 arguments I'm going to respond to each
0:45:37 and every sing one of them the first one
0:45:39 the verifiable evidence of something
0:45:41 which is supernatural which leads to the
0:45:42 second point which is they're not
0:45:44 evidence of miracle I'm gonna prove
0:45:45 today that Edward believes in miracles
0:45:47 what did you say let me say again
0:45:50 Edward believes in miracles what is a
0:45:52 miracle according to Edward and
0:45:53 according to David Hume is a violation
0:45:54 of the laws of nature is a violation of
0:45:57 the laws of nature what is a miracle
0:46:00 something which goes outside the five
0:46:02 senses which can't be really detected by
0:46:04 science because naturalism according to
0:46:06 the Oxford concise companion is or
0:46:09 philosophy is something which can only
0:46:11 be seen by science the response
0:46:25 [Music]
0:46:32 wah wah Miku is MIA possibly Navi he
0:46:37 says they say to us
0:46:39 they say he's strict structured example
0:46:43 and they say who's gonna raise the tents
0:46:45 when it becomes dust the one who gave
0:46:50 him life the first time now let's think
0:46:51 of this have we ever seen the transition
0:46:55 from chemistry to biology no this is
0:46:59 referred to as a bo genesis yes when
0:47:02 chemistry becomes biology every study of
0:47:04 biology presupposes this because if
0:47:07 there's no such thing as a movement from
0:47:09 chemistry topology they cannot be
0:47:11 biology therefore the dead became the
0:47:14 living have you seen that no have you
0:47:17 sensed that no is it scientific no do
0:47:19 you believe me yes it's a miracle
0:47:21 just like Jesus raising the bed it's a
0:47:23 miracle just like the day of
0:47:25 resurrection
0:47:25 it's a miracle so just as all those
0:47:28 things will happen the Quran says you
0:47:31 can believe in all of that its premise
0:47:33 on the movement for nonliving chemistry
0:47:36 to a biology you believe in it we all
0:47:39 believe in miracles if that is how its
0:47:41 defined and that's how you define it
0:47:43 number three the dependence of conscious
0:47:46 minds on the brain which is a
0:47:49 philosophical discussion frankly Raymond
0:47:53 Tallis who wrote a book called aping
0:47:54 mankind he's a neuroscientist he asked a
0:47:57 question if consciousness is in the
0:47:58 brain where is it in the brain what's
0:48:02 the natural explanation for where
0:48:03 consciousness is in the brain really
0:48:06 frankly the idea that you can lose
0:48:09 consciousness through an aesthetic and
0:48:10 then be in - self consciousness is
0:48:13 refuted by dreams the existence of
0:48:16 dreams
0:48:18 you know I closed my eyes you know why
0:48:21 see how can you explain dreams this is
0:48:26 the problem of her consciousness the
0:48:28 hard problem of consciousness you can't
0:48:29 bypass the academics this is something
0:48:32 that philosophers has been talking about
0:48:33 since time began number four
0:48:38 that the argument for evolution
0:48:40 evolution doesn't contradict theism but
0:48:43 which evolution are we talking about
0:48:44 Darwinian evolution after the 1960s one
0:48:47 thing will refute this the problem of
0:48:51 induction science has the problem of the
0:48:54 relatedness of induction interpretation
0:48:57 all of these things you can't say that
0:48:59 it's definite and he didn't say that he
0:49:00 was careful in his wording says most
0:49:02 likely but that could be reformulated if
0:49:05 new data is found it could be
0:49:07 reinterpreted it has to be interpreted
0:49:09 in fact there's more likelihood that our
0:49:13 evolutionary conceptions will change so
0:49:16 you can't really use this as an argument
0:49:19 the arguments from evil what is evil
0:49:22 here's the thing ladies and gentlemen on
0:49:24 naturalism evil does not exist construct
0:49:30 look at the works of Bertrand Russell of
0:49:33 Nietzsche post modernists even Richard
0:49:36 Dawkins in the blind watchmaker he says
0:49:37 there's no such thing as good there's no
0:49:39 such thing as evil it's all business
0:49:41 indifference that's what he says why
0:49:44 because on naturalism
0:49:45 you cannot put morality under a
0:49:48 microscope there's no way of
0:49:51 ascertaining that there is any morals or
0:49:53 naturalism there is no objective
0:49:56 morality why even are you talking about
0:49:58 for the sake of argument I say okay evil
0:50:02 this is what we said it's not
0:50:04 incompatible with wisdom of God the
0:50:07 Quran says again Oh le halal no Delhi
0:50:11 Italian luminous an one he's the one who
0:50:16 has created life and death to see which
0:50:19 one of you is best in these if there was
0:50:21 no evil that would be no test if there
0:50:23 would be no evil there would be no free
0:50:24 will
0:50:24 what's the point of life then what is
0:50:26 the purpose of this
0:50:33 Oh whatever wakame shuffle you and ye
0:50:39 fitna ye lay inert or John everyone's
0:50:45 gonna die nonsense wait a minute
0:50:47 everyone's gonna die I'm gonna die
0:50:49 Eddie's gonna die you're gonna die and
0:50:52 we will test you with good and evil as a
0:50:56 as a test and then you'll come back to
0:50:58 us it's a test without evil the remote
0:51:00 test next divine luminous we've already
0:51:05 covered this v Allah
0:51:07 we're all born with the predisposition
0:51:08 of God there is evidence for this poor
0:51:11 blue
0:51:12 Justin Barrett many people have already
0:51:14 said we have seen we have analyzed
0:51:17 empirical evidence of children how they
0:51:20 what is their natural instinct they is
0:51:24 mentioned just embarrasses they have a
0:51:27 natural receptivity they has a natural
0:51:31 receptivity to divine to the divine and
0:51:33 non anthropomorphic God not Jesus not
0:51:38 Buddha they have a net we have natural
0:51:40 inclination to God and the mass
0:51:43 reinforced by the prophets that's the
0:51:45 Islamic narrative the prophets came to
0:51:47 remind us of what we already knew it
0:51:49 says that the Quran is a reminder just
0:51:53 like if you were separated from your
0:51:55 parents or your mother and then you're
0:51:58 reunited with a she is by natural
0:52:00 instinct and the same thing with God so
0:52:05 we talked about divine from confusion or
0:52:08 so unreliable revelations I grew at this
0:52:10 point there are unreliable revelations
0:52:12 but I would want to see how that is the
0:52:14 case with the Quran there was no
0:52:16 argument there
0:52:18 chapter 4 verse 34 bad translation man
0:52:20 in charge of woman there's only one
0:52:22 translation I think or two it's men are
0:52:24 maintained as and protectors of women
0:52:25 and frankly if you didn't believe this
0:52:28 you wouldn't draft men to the army in
0:52:29 America men protect women and they have
0:52:32 done so it's not saying that they are
0:52:35 better than them the Quran the Prophet
0:52:36 sent in the money Sarah Pfeiffer Rogell
0:52:38 we're not equal to women so I mean the
0:52:43 Quran says
0:52:45 in in the y alegría hominid me come in
0:52:48 second and almost about to come about
0:52:49 that god does not let to waste any
0:52:52 action of a man or woman both but
0:52:54 anyways go back to the idea of natural
0:52:57 selection or natural selection the
0:52:59 patriarchy on feminism is justified
0:53:03 because if men can dominate women that's
0:53:05 a natural thing what's the problem or
0:53:08 naturalism
0:53:08 how can he justify feminism second wave
0:53:11 feminism or naturalism that's an
0:53:14 impossibility you cannot do it why not
0:53:17 third wave feminism why not the works of
0:53:19 Judith Butler why not please Siri why
0:53:21 not LGBT wants to be second wave equal
0:53:24 the Eurocentric understanding of
0:53:26 equality how does that natural natural
0:53:28 because want to see how he
0:53:29 mechanistically shows us that hell
0:53:31 eternity what both of us can't be
0:53:34 Muslims and Christians can be in a both
0:53:36 right the right about that but listen
0:53:38 solve any issue doesn't create any
0:53:40 problem the translation problem only one
0:53:42 way to understand the language there's a
0:53:45 translation problem with mathematics is
0:53:47 mathematics false therefore it's a
0:53:49 language if that translatable thing it
0:53:52 becomes false because of its content and
0:53:54 has to be translated than mathematics is
0:53:56 false
0:53:57 more confusion I mean yes there's more
0:54:01 confusion but just because there's
0:54:02 controversy of something it doesn't make
0:54:04 you false as a fallacy Hagen from scale
0:54:07 says ninety-nine quizzes 99.9 percent of
0:54:10 the universe is not suitable to human
0:54:13 life he's made the fine-tuning argument
0:54:14 for me and we we're on the 0.01 so why
0:54:18 is there possibility of that real I
0:54:19 agree with you a transcendent person a
0:54:24 transcendent person he defines person in
0:54:27 a certain way he says well God controls
0:54:29 tiny space simple as that
0:54:30 I mean it's not really an argument and I
0:54:33 think I've got a minute left I forgot
0:54:37 man left well well you know
0:54:45 here's the thing guys don't be swayed by
0:54:48 the red herring the red herring is a
0:54:50 moral red herring the Koran says this
0:54:52 about mended look here's the thing on
0:54:55 naturalism no one is born equal yes why
0:55:01 because actually liberalism is an
0:55:03 outgrowth of something which is called
0:55:05 the state of nature it's a fictitious
0:55:07 mythological construct which John Locke
0:55:09 and Thomas Hobbes wrong in their books
0:55:11 it's not scientific we came out of the
0:55:13 state a state of nature and we became
0:55:15 one
0:55:15 we became connected socially
0:55:17 contractually into the same this saw the
0:55:20 whole of liberalism and human rights by
0:55:21 extension is a myth it's a little mini
0:55:25 showing on naturalism how liberalism is
0:55:29 true how we are all born equal in fact
0:55:30 I'm told you know your average high
0:55:33 we're all different on naturalism were
0:55:36 all different
0:55:38 [Applause]
0:55:50 Mohamad initially said that his main
0:55:54 point tonight was the argument from
0:55:57 contingency the problem is to say that
0:56:01 there must be a necessary being for
0:56:04 everything that is contingent requires
0:56:07 that the necessary contingent situation
0:56:11 plays out in an environment with cause
0:56:13 and effect and yet Mohammed has always
0:56:16 said that the universe had a beginning
0:56:19 and there was nothing before and that
0:56:23 God created the universe out of nothing
0:56:25 here is the problem you cannot analogize
0:56:30 from cause-and-effect and necessary and
0:56:34 contingent beings from within time and
0:56:37 space as opposed to the very coming into
0:56:40 being of time and space in the first
0:56:43 place if in fact the Big Bang as is most
0:56:47 likely nothing preceded it there was no
0:56:50 time and space you can have no cause and
0:56:53 effect and we can't even speak of cause
0:56:55 and effect because there was no
0:56:57 environment for a to cause B now with
0:57:02 respect to the notion of a necessary and
0:57:06 contingent being there is a problem with
0:57:08 the concept of a necessary being the
0:57:10 problem is that a necessary fact cannot
0:57:12 explain a contingent fact without
0:57:15 introducing a new contingent fact in
0:57:17 need of explanation now let's see why
0:57:19 this is so if a necessary fact cannot
0:57:22 explain a contingent fact except by in
0:57:25 tailing it because any fact entailed by
0:57:28 necessary fact must itself be necessary
0:57:31 however the necessary fact does not
0:57:33 entail the contingent fact then the
0:57:35 explanatory connection it has to the
0:57:37 contingent fact must be a contingent one
0:57:40 which introduces a new contingent fact
0:57:43 in need of explanation and if the
0:57:45 offender of the argument replies that
0:57:47 this new contingent fact can also
0:57:49 explain by the necessary fact then the
0:57:53 same reasoning will apply introducing
0:57:55 yet another new contingent fact in need
0:57:57 of explanation
0:57:59 and so ad infinitum but the whole reason
0:58:02 for introducing necessary fact in the
0:58:06 first place was to avoid an infinite
0:58:10 regress of explanations now Mohammed
0:58:14 said that we cannot even call something
0:58:17 evil unless we have a moral foundation
0:58:20 implying that objective moral values can
0:58:24 only exist with a supernatural being but
0:58:28 he doesn't explain what the connection
0:58:30 is for instance I've shown you in the
0:58:32 Bible and the Quran where though
0:58:36 Muhammad resisted men are supposed to be
0:58:38 in charge of women I've showed you in
0:58:41 both the Bible and the Quran where
0:58:43 people are sent to hell forever
0:58:46 for not just choosing the right
0:58:48 respective religion to say that we are
0:58:51 in no position to judge whether God's
0:58:55 doing that is right or wrong
0:58:57 totally eclipses human reason and
0:58:59 there's another problem with that to say
0:59:02 objective moral values depend on God you
0:59:04 have to ask is something good just
0:59:08 because God says it is then it's
0:59:10 arbitrary and even sending sincere
0:59:13 people to hell forever for not believing
0:59:15 in the right religion would be ok just
0:59:18 as God said it or they always tell us to
0:59:22 do what is good but the standard of the
0:59:25 good is independent of God then it means
0:59:28 that objective moral values exist
0:59:32 without being created by God by God
0:59:35 recognizes them and you can't get out of
0:59:38 it by saying well no the good comes from
0:59:40 God's perfect nature because we don't
0:59:42 see that perfect nature now as far as
0:59:45 the dependence of consciousness on the
0:59:47 physical brain is concerned nothing
0:59:50 mental happens without anything physical
0:59:54 happening there is no thought or
0:59:57 awareness that comes into the human
1:00:00 brain without a physical event in the
1:00:03 brain this is very very important again
1:00:06 if consciousness could exist apart from
1:00:09 the brain
1:00:11 then diseases and anesthetics wouldn't
1:00:14 eclipse consciousness now he talks about
1:00:17 the coherence of the universe and he
1:00:21 thinks the argument from scale is not a
1:00:24 problem but it certainly is if as a
1:00:29 somebody who believes in the Quran
1:00:31 because he quotes the Quran a lot he
1:00:34 believes in a God for whom humans is
1:00:37 central in concern then why all these
1:00:40 excess septillion x' of planets also if
1:00:44 in fact the universe is so perfectly put
1:00:48 together why will the star upon which we
1:00:51 depend the Sun burn out in a very short
1:00:55 span of time and then after that we will
1:01:00 die because the earth will no longer
1:01:03 have the Sun and there can't be life on
1:01:06 Earth without the Sun also with respect
1:01:10 to the whole concept of naturalism
1:01:13 Muhammed can't just like I saw in one of
1:01:17 his tapes he tried to say that we can
1:01:19 infer the existence of God from the
1:01:21 functioning of the universe just like we
1:01:23 can infer the existence of gravity from
1:01:27 the way gravity operates but you see
1:01:29 definitionally gravity as I dropped
1:01:32 something it hits the floor or hits the
1:01:35 table but that doesn't show that there
1:01:38 is a supernatural source behind it in
1:01:43 terms of the laws of nature the
1:01:45 constants and the fine-tuning as far as
1:01:49 that's concerned well the laws of
1:01:51 physics as they appear cannot be
1:01:54 violated but if they are and if you
1:01:57 change one constant and the other
1:01:59 studies have shown you can still have
1:02:02 light for instance there was a study
1:02:04 that showed that you can eliminate the
1:02:06 weak nuclear force one of the four
1:02:08 forces and stars could still form ifs
1:02:11 could form and explode becoming
1:02:14 supernovae then planets could still come
1:02:17 about we've also seen that there is a
1:02:21 argument from cosmic inflation which has
1:02:25 demonstrated the Cosmic Microwave
1:02:27 Background and the way inflation works
1:02:30 with quantum mechanics that are could be
1:02:32 a multiverse numbers and numbers of
1:02:35 individual universes each with their own
1:02:38 pockets of different physical laws this
1:02:41 hasn't been established by proof but yet
1:02:43 it is a better argument than theism
1:02:46 because it has a Basics in physics and
1:02:49 it has natural laws that are explainable
1:02:52 the other thing that Muhammad has not
1:02:54 yet addressed is he would have to admit
1:02:58 that in 99% of all instances in human
1:03:03 technological process when science has
1:03:06 looked for an answer it has found a
1:03:09 natural answer so what would be those
1:03:13 instances that differentiate the need
1:03:16 for a natural answer to a supernatural
1:03:19 one in other words if we look at a cell
1:03:23 or a bacteria the way it behaves natural
1:03:26 explanation but we look at something
1:03:28 else and our answer is only God did it
1:03:31 there's a world of difference between
1:03:33 looking at the fact that planets revolve
1:03:38 around the Sun and that stars don't fall
1:03:42 out of the sky except when they explode
1:03:43 as supernovae and going outside right
1:03:46 now and seeing the constellations saying
1:03:50 Eddie and Muhammad you're both wrong you
1:03:53 better become Mormons there's a world of
1:03:55 difference between those two that would
1:03:58 be a supernatural event also Muhammad
1:04:02 has never been able to and I don't blame
1:04:04 them because no one can can show how if
1:04:07 in fact consciousness depends on a
1:04:10 physical brain how the greatest
1:04:14 intelligence in the universe can exist
1:04:17 and think and function without a
1:04:19 physical brain how can there be a God
1:04:22 that doesn't have cortical neurons and
1:04:25 synapses how does God think when all the
1:04:28 evidence shows that the occurrence of
1:04:30 thought requires cortical neurons and
1:04:33 synapses and also if God is outside of
1:04:36 space and time God cannot be a
1:04:38 personal being because by very
1:04:40 definition a personal being is defined
1:04:43 as something within space and time that
1:04:47 has limits
1:04:48 so again naturalism prevails over
1:04:52 supernaturalism by the weight of the
1:04:54 evidence and we can see that there has
1:04:59 never been any verified supernatural
1:05:01 occurrences and we have seen no evidence
1:05:04 of any mental process that can exist in
1:05:09 a disembodied state so the evidence to
1:05:12 date makes it more likely than not the
1:05:14 universe is natural not supernatural and
1:05:16 there is no God thank you
1:05:19 [Applause]
1:05:28 thank you very much to both of the
1:05:30 debaters both brother Muhammad a job and
1:05:32 Edward tabash so the next session would
1:05:35 be the question and answer between them
1:05:37 both however just because of the timing
1:05:39 and because now that it has come in
1:05:41 hello everyone thank you for joining us
1:05:43 back again this next section will be the
1:05:45 cross questioning section the way this
1:05:48 will work is those speakers will be at
1:05:50 the podium we will begin with Muhammad
1:05:53 hijab
1:05:53 he will ask a question you'll have one
1:05:55 minute to formulate the question and
1:05:57 wording you'll have two minutes to
1:05:58 answer this will continue until Muhammad
1:06:00 has been able to ask three questions
1:06:02 then we will alternate that means Edward
1:06:06 will ask three questions again each
1:06:08 question will be one minute each and
1:06:10 each answer this time by Muhammad will
1:06:12 be two minutes each so if I can ask both
1:06:14 Edward and Muhammad to join me at the
1:06:16 podium or go to the podium thank you if
1:06:24 you like a good wet into the just one
1:06:26 mic okay okay
1:06:37 Frank Frank Sinatra and Egon Martin from
1:06:39 1950 I'm the only one old enough to know
1:06:45 that joke okay okay I was gonna say that
1:06:56 you touched upon morality and I think is
1:06:59 an important thing to talk about because
1:07:01 I have lots of intrigue to hear your
1:07:06 answer to the particularly this
1:07:07 particular question on naturalism what
1:07:12 scientific explanation can you provide
1:07:14 for the existence or the objectivity of
1:07:17 morality the answer is that I can give a
1:07:24 better explanation for morality on
1:07:27 atheism that on theism even if it's not
1:07:29 a perfect answer because on theism
1:07:32 someone looks into a book and without
1:07:34 any proof that God really said it saying
1:07:36 well God said it therefore it must be
1:07:38 true regardless of what we think about
1:07:40 it just because God said it which
1:07:42 eclipses human reason on atheism what we
1:07:45 do is we wrestle it out with our
1:07:48 reasoning and there are a whole avenue
1:07:52 of areas by which we can assess morality
1:07:56 and even if they're not perfect they're
1:07:58 more reliable than believing in a deity
1:08:01 for instance there's consequentialism
1:08:03 the consequences of actions being good
1:08:06 or bad there is the notion that our
1:08:09 moral values stem from our biological
1:08:12 nature see the problem was saying that
1:08:17 morality comes from God is circular
1:08:19 because what you're doing is you are
1:08:22 positing a God so you can have objective
1:08:26 moral values that you can then use to
1:08:29 try to show that that God exists and
1:08:32 that's is not a valid form of argument
1:08:40 which is
1:08:43 something else on that atheistic
1:08:46 naturalism what scientific experiment
1:08:49 would you conduct those up or could you
1:08:51 refer to that tells us about the
1:08:54 existence of mathematics how can you
1:08:56 prove mathematics through science is
1:08:59 very easy we prove mathematics
1:09:01 empirically for instance two of one
1:09:04 object and two of another object equals
1:09:07 four but what's important about that is
1:09:10 that is so axiomatic that it couldn't be
1:09:13 altered for instance God couldn't appear
1:09:15 right now and say by divine Fiat there
1:09:19 are three debaters standing at the
1:09:22 podium not two and so mathematics and
1:09:26 logic are actually arguments against the
1:09:30 supernatural because they show laws of
1:09:33 logic and laws of mathematics that
1:09:36 cannot be altered you see conceptually
1:09:39 it doesn't even work
1:09:41 to say God could make 2m 2 equals 5 and
1:09:46 so on naturalism we discover the laws of
1:09:51 nature we don't invent them and they're
1:09:54 not prescribed by anybody so for
1:09:56 instance we discovered the laws of
1:09:58 geometry nobody invented them we
1:10:01 discovered the workings of calculus we
1:10:05 discovered the laws of engineering
1:10:08 nobody invented it that if we put up a
1:10:11 building this way it'll collapse if we
1:10:13 put up a building the other way it will
1:10:16 collapse we discovered it just like we
1:10:19 discover what medicines work so
1:10:21 therefore on naturalism we would expect
1:10:26 that these laws could not be altered by
1:10:29 anyone a god or any other type of being
1:10:41 so it would be very difficult to put it
1:10:43 together but on this point of once again
1:10:45 on naturalism I have another question
1:10:46 because we made mention of some
1:10:48 historical events now obviously we both
1:10:50 have believed in parts of history for
1:10:52 example we believe in you know the slave
1:10:54 trade you believe in the Holocaust we
1:10:55 believe in you know things that have
1:10:57 happened even all the way back to the
1:10:58 prehistoric age if witness testimony
1:11:02 which is what is required for history to
1:11:04 take place for example your mother's
1:11:06 history of what happened to her or
1:11:09 whatever it may be how can you how can
1:11:12 you legitimize witness testimony or
1:11:15 naturalism and if it's not legitimized
1:11:17 does that mean that we can deny things
1:11:19 like slavery the Holocaust well you see
1:11:22 the answer to that is by empirical
1:11:25 evidence we know that certain things can
1:11:28 happen if I said that I flew here on an
1:11:31 airplane today nobody would question it
1:11:34 if I said I just flap my arms and flew
1:11:36 here bodily you would question it if I
1:11:39 told you that somebody crossed a river
1:11:43 to get to the other side you would
1:11:46 accept it if I told you that somebody
1:11:49 was levitated from one side of the river
1:11:51 to the other you wouldn't
1:11:53 this shows that we have an in-built
1:11:57 already recognition through logic and
1:12:00 reason and experience of understanding
1:12:04 eyewitness events that are within the
1:12:06 realm of what we know to be probable and
1:12:09 those which are not if I said that
1:12:13 somebody drove me here tonight for the
1:12:15 debate in a car you would believe me if
1:12:17 I said space aliens picked me up in an
1:12:20 interstellar spacecraft and brought me
1:12:23 here you wouldn't believe me so we
1:12:26 shouldn't shy away from the common sense
1:12:30 experience that already helps us
1:12:33 distinguish the natural from the
1:12:35 supernatural okay Mohammed I'm handing
1:12:41 you of five different translations of
1:12:46 surah 434 each one talks about men being
1:12:51 in charge of women
1:12:53 and there's nothing corresponding about
1:12:55 women being in charge of men and each of
1:12:57 the seven translations from different
1:13:00 respected translators of the Koran speak
1:13:03 about husband's having the right to
1:13:06 under circumstances of defiance and
1:13:09 arrogance beat their wives do you agree
1:13:12 or disagree with both men ruling over
1:13:15 women in the surah and the permission to
1:13:18 beat them as set forth in the surah I
1:13:20 certainly disagree with the translation
1:13:22 because the Watauga moon in Arabic means
1:13:24 maintain us and protect us and this
1:13:26 world time I am Puma literally means the
1:13:28 stander and that's why you'll find that
1:13:31 the majority of translators translate
1:13:33 like that as for the verse that talks
1:13:35 about the lava which they are required
1:13:37 almost there is a consensus among the
1:13:40 scholars of Islam this is not to be in
1:13:43 vengeful or attacking or harmful or
1:13:46 hurtful action this is talking about
1:13:48 something which is symbolic and the
1:13:50 evidence of that is salami said later on
1:13:55 that you cannot harm or reciprocate hump
1:13:57 so I think there is a problem here with
1:13:59 the understanding of the verse and also
1:14:01 the Prophet said let totally poem Allah
1:14:05 don't hit the women slaves of Allah
1:14:07 meaning women and he says the worst of
1:14:08 you are those who hear the women and
1:14:10 that's why I think if you look at the
1:14:12 totality of evidence then there is a bit
1:14:15 more nuance than you think
1:14:19 Muhammad you quoted the Quran a lot
1:14:22 tonight let me ask you why is the Quran
1:14:26 a more credible final revelation of God
1:14:29 having been dictated to the Prophet by
1:14:32 the angel Gabriel then the Book of
1:14:35 Mormon as the final revelation of God
1:14:38 having been dictated in the 19th century
1:14:41 in upstate New York by the angel Moroni
1:14:44 to the Prophet Joseph Smith the reason
1:14:47 why is because the Quran has certain
1:14:48 parameters and certain challenges that
1:14:51 the Book of Mormon doesn't have for
1:14:53 example as the inevitability challenge
1:14:54 it has the preservation challenge the
1:14:56 Quran is the only preserved book as
1:14:58 predictions that predict the future
1:15:00 that couldn't have been no another time
1:15:02 on probability we find it very difficult
1:15:03 I explained that in the conclusion well
1:15:05 if you wanna give you more expansion of
1:15:07 what I'm saying the Quran has a language
1:15:10 that completely discos or discs of the
1:15:13 Arabic language of the people of the
1:15:15 time and it was recognized by those
1:15:17 linguists is something which was
1:15:18 extraordinary the Quran has a structural
1:15:20 feature that even Orientalist scholars
1:15:22 like Raymond Ferran have looked at and
1:15:24 said that this is something which cannot
1:15:26 be possible considering the
1:15:27 circumstantial revelation of the Quran
1:15:29 so there's many reasons and I think the
1:15:31 main point is that Perron gives us a
1:15:33 falsification challenge and since your
1:15:34 final science the fact that it gives us
1:15:36 a falsification challenge makes it in
1:15:39 many ways quite scientific Mohammed you
1:15:43 have many times embraced what we would
1:15:45 call the Kalam cosmological argument the
1:15:49 first cause argument if in fact time and
1:15:52 space began with the Big Bang and if
1:15:53 something cannot come from nothing but
1:15:57 God created Allah created the world ex
1:15:59 nihilo out of nothing how did an
1:16:02 immaterial being with no physical
1:16:04 attributes no physical brain or body
1:16:06 create everything around us in a context
1:16:11 where there was no time and space for a
1:16:12 to cause B how did he do it how did what
1:16:16 was the mechanism by which this
1:16:17 immaterial being without time and space
1:16:20 created time and space and matter
1:16:22 well as Arab say other than delete laces
1:16:24 allow Adam so ignorance if we don't know
1:16:27 how something works it doesn't mean it
1:16:28 is false however having said that there
1:16:30 is no agreement among Muslims that the
1:16:32 universe was created X neither so there
1:16:34 were some people like Al has early and
1:16:36 others who did believe this what other
1:16:37 people I couldn't tell me I believe that
1:16:38 God perpetually created different things
1:16:41 pretty eternally so once again there is
1:16:44 a scope of interpretation in the Islamic
1:16:46 texts either way the point is causation
1:16:49 doesn't even factor in it because cause
1:16:51 of course is something which brings rise
1:16:53 to phenomenon whereas dependency is
1:16:55 something which is relying on something
1:16:57 else so time or no time whether you
1:16:59 believe in the a theory of time or the B
1:17:01 theory of time you still have to reckon
1:17:03 you have to deal with the fact that you
1:17:05 have things which rely
1:17:06 on each other and if we complied all the
1:17:08 things which rely upon each other
1:17:09 together you would have no existence so
1:17:12 you have to have an independent so the
1:17:13 contingency argument does not rely upon
1:17:15 causality which is why to be frank with
1:17:17 you I didn't make thank you so much that
1:17:31 concludes the cross rapid-fire question
1:17:35 portion of the debate the last portion
1:17:38 of the debate will be the audience Q&A
1:17:40 I'll quickly give an overview of how
1:17:42 this is supposed to work I have three
1:17:44 questions here for Muhammad three
1:17:46 questions here for Edward one for both
1:17:48 of you
1:17:48 I will ask the question whoever it is
1:17:50 directed towards will have two minutes
1:17:52 to respond and then two minutes will be
1:17:54 given to the other person to also
1:17:57 respond presenting their own
1:17:58 perspectives so with that I will begin
1:18:01 with the first question okay before I do
1:18:07 that I have a request if people can
1:18:10 actually not use the Wi-Fi I think we
1:18:12 have too many people and it's crashing
1:18:14 the livestream so if you guys have data
1:18:18 Verizon is great right okay
1:18:23 all right so we'll begin the first
1:18:26 question is directed towards Mohammed
1:18:29 why would God not show himself when he
1:18:32 knows the controversy that goes to
1:18:34 everyone's mind well it's a good
1:18:37 question thank you very much the
1:18:38 question has an empiricist
1:18:39 presupposition which is that in fact
1:18:42 knowledge should be known through the
1:18:43 five senses well as we've discovered
1:18:45 today that's not actually the case so
1:18:47 things like the logic or the the logic
1:18:50 through which science is done was
1:18:51 actually based on metaphysical logical
1:18:53 principles time is not seen mathematics
1:18:56 is not based on science there are lots
1:18:58 of things which are felt which are which
1:19:01 are found out without the empirical
1:19:03 method so the this empirical
1:19:05 naturalistic presupposition is rejected
1:19:07 and if we look at the development of
1:19:08 philosophy in the 20th century we'll
1:19:10 find that even people like aja ax who
1:19:12 wrote a book on positivism he admits to
1:19:14 some of these things and he capitulates
1:19:17 intellectually to these points so Frank
1:19:20 I'll say to you is that in the answer
1:19:22 the question is flawed is based on an
1:19:23 empiricist presupposition which would
1:19:25 mean by extension that science itself
1:19:27 couldn't exist because it's based on
1:19:29 presuppositions which are unscientific
1:19:31 otherwise on thank you the issue is
1:19:36 there are things like logic and
1:19:39 mathematics where the very working out
1:19:42 of the theorems show you the
1:19:44 truthfulness or falsity
1:19:46 however the question of whether God
1:19:49 exists or not is a factual question and
1:19:53 thus makes it subject to an empirical
1:19:56 investigation whether there is such an
1:19:59 all powerful being in the universe is a
1:20:02 factual question akin to whether space
1:20:05 aliens have visited us whether in fact
1:20:08 we do live after death or not when it
1:20:10 comes to questions of fact the empirical
1:20:13 method does apply but there's another
1:20:15 problem here in that both the Bible and
1:20:18 the Quran unmistakably promised eternal
1:20:23 punishment for non belief as a matter of
1:20:26 fundamental fairness we can say that it
1:20:30 is unfair of God to punish us for not
1:20:33 believing in him if he withholds
1:20:35 evidence that would enable us to believe
1:20:38 in him and that's the argument from
1:20:40 divine hiddenness so the laws of logic
1:20:44 and mathematics don't have causative
1:20:47 properties so you can't say the number
1:20:50 seven as an abstraction causes something
1:20:52 to happen but you can say and they do
1:20:55 say as Muhammad does God does cause
1:20:57 things to happen and if an agent has
1:21:00 causative powers and can make or break
1:21:02 something that subject to empirical
1:21:04 investigation thank you both a second
1:21:11 question this is directed towards you
1:21:13 Edward why are a pious --tz-- focused on
1:21:16 a god that would service any God would
1:21:19 not function to offer us what we want
1:21:21 what so the question is basically if a
1:21:24 God exists why are why are idiots so
1:21:29 focused on the fact that a god like that
1:21:32 would serve
1:21:33 us because God Himself is transcendent
1:21:36 and he would not necessarily function to
1:21:38 offer us what we want okay the question
1:21:42 though has a problem and that's that if
1:21:46 you accept an abstract deity that has
1:21:49 not claimed to have been revealed to
1:21:52 humanity then it's understandable that
1:21:55 God would not tailor the evidence to
1:21:58 meet our needs but if a God has
1:22:00 supposedly given us a number of
1:22:03 revelations a Bible Quran Book of Mormon
1:22:07 whatever else then we have a right to
1:22:10 use our reason to expect that such a God
1:22:14 is intending to reveal itself to us and
1:22:17 the failure of that God to fill in the
1:22:19 gaps of the revelation or the failure of
1:22:22 that God to provide us with a reliable
1:22:24 revelation makes non-belief reasonable
1:22:27 if non belief is reasonable it's in
1:22:30 culpable and we are not blameworthy for
1:22:33 non belief because we weren't given
1:22:35 sufficient evidence if we are not
1:22:37 blameworthy for non belief then it's
1:22:40 unfair to punish us for not believing
1:22:42 what we didn't have sufficient evidence
1:22:44 to believe and if we are punished for
1:22:47 not believing what we didn't have
1:22:49 sufficient evidence to believe then that
1:22:51 calls God's moral perfection into
1:22:54 question because we are being punished
1:22:56 on the premise is true and what the
1:23:15 saying is absolutely correct in fact if
1:23:18 God doesn't reveal himself to you and
1:23:20 then punishes you as a result this is
1:23:22 unjust and that's why the Quran says
1:23:24 while my own my davina had Tanabata a
1:23:27 surah chapter 17 verse 15 that we were
1:23:30 not gonna punish them until we sent him
1:23:33 a messenger so scholars of Islam said
1:23:35 even if you die in atheist or a Hindu or
1:23:37 a Christian and even though you're born
1:23:41 with this philtrum with this
1:23:43 predisposition which wasn't
1:23:46 hopefully you'll talk about it this
1:23:47 predisposition to believe in God which
1:23:49 we have evidence for now even though all
1:23:51 of that is in place God will still not
1:23:53 punish those individuals until they're
1:23:55 given sufficient exposure and that is
1:23:58 exactly correct I think you're right
1:24:04 thank you
1:24:06 the next question is directed towards
1:24:08 Mohammed so it's basically the case of
1:24:11 bad design in science there is a concept
1:24:14 of the sterile futures futures that are
1:24:16 a hindrance or otherwise less than
1:24:18 perfect and many organisms if the
1:24:20 universe runs without inconsistency what
1:24:23 would explain the studio futures and the
1:24:25 particular example that was given is the
1:24:28 woman's pelvis which is far too small
1:24:30 and creates a very difficult and painful
1:24:32 birthing process well I think this is
1:24:35 called the argument of ignorance just
1:24:36 because you don't know the function of
1:24:38 something it doesn't mean this function
1:24:39 of this so for example we don't know
1:24:41 what the appendix does it doesn't mean
1:24:43 it has no function it just means we
1:24:44 haven't discovered that yet we don't
1:24:45 know why two electrons can be in one
1:24:47 place at the same time on quantum
1:24:48 mechanics it doesn't mean that's a false
1:24:50 notion even though it goes against the
1:24:52 rules of logic and it goes against some
1:24:54 of the things conventions that we
1:24:55 believe in so just because you don't
1:24:57 know something it doesn't make it false
1:24:59 so that's the first point as for the
1:25:01 second point of bad design I mean who's
1:25:03 the judge of bad design I mean at least
1:25:04 with the fine-tuning argument you have
1:25:06 some kind of probability mathematical
1:25:08 probability that can be attached to this
1:25:10 kind of equation you're saying that the
1:25:12 chances of there not being you know a
1:25:14 universe or the universe having a
1:25:16 non-life permitting rate range is X
1:25:19 which is a mathematical kind of
1:25:21 rendering so here we have to be kind of
1:25:24 honest here and say that this is an
1:25:25 aesthetic value judgment at best
1:25:27 and aesthetic value judgments are not
1:25:30 our opinions frankly your opinion if you
1:25:32 see something that's bad design that's
1:25:34 your opinion you might think it's bad
1:25:35 design but there might be a reason now
1:25:37 there's one more thing I wanna ask cuz
1:25:38 i've got a minute left I think people
1:25:40 have misunderstood my honest my argument
1:25:42 from uniformity I'll add it to the
1:25:44 conclusion like my good friend for us
1:25:46 the hobby mentioned one time in a
1:25:47 podcast I had done with him for example
1:25:49 let's take a coin if we flip a coin it
1:25:52 can either be heads or tails today
1:25:55 we can flip it it's either gonna be
1:25:56 heads or tails tomorrow is going to be
1:25:58 either heads or tails we don't expect
1:26:01 the coin to be flipped and turned into a
1:26:03 butterfly why because we accept that
1:26:06 there's a kind of coherence that exists
1:26:08 throughout kind of constants that exist
1:26:09 so in order to do science you need to
1:26:12 know or you need to presuppose
1:26:13 that this uniformity exists otherwise
1:26:16 your calculations today will be
1:26:17 meaningless tomorrow and that's why
1:26:19 Albert Einstein said that a priori we
1:26:22 expect a chaotic universe meaning from
1:26:26 the mind we expect there not to be this
1:26:28 kind of order so this underpins or is
1:26:30 even more undercutting if you like than
1:26:32 the fine-tuning argument which is why I
1:26:33 presented it so that's that's it thank
1:26:36 you the problem is that when you posit a
1:26:39 god who is supposed to be all-powerful
1:26:42 and morally perfect then defects in our
1:26:46 design are not justified based on those
1:26:50 attributes of God for instance I pointed
1:26:52 out how the gene that can help fight
1:26:55 malaria can also cause sickle cell
1:26:58 anemia we know that we humans have back
1:27:02 problems because we stood up too soon we
1:27:05 know that there are defects in our
1:27:07 bodies we could be more resistant to
1:27:09 cancer we could be more resistant to
1:27:11 viruses we could have a better digestive
1:27:15 system so God cannot get off the hook
1:27:19 here because he is presented as an
1:27:22 all-powerful being who is morally
1:27:24 perfect an all-powerful being who is
1:27:27 morally perfect doesn't make these
1:27:29 missteps in design and we already know
1:27:33 our vulnerability to disease for
1:27:36 instance we already know that we just
1:27:40 have a very few decades to be in good
1:27:44 condition and then as we get older we
1:27:48 begin to decline and so that's not
1:27:52 something that we would expect from a
1:27:53 morally perfect God we wouldn't expect
1:27:56 unnecessary pain if God wants us to take
1:28:00 our hand off the fire so we don't get
1:28:03 burned we would expect pain but if we're
1:28:05 trapped in a burning forest and
1:28:07 burned to death painfully pain has no
1:28:10 value and we wouldn't expect that
1:28:12 unnecessary suffering with no purpose on
1:28:15 theism it's more likely on atheism so
1:28:19 given the claims of God's moral
1:28:20 perfection and omnipotence a defects in
1:28:25 design are not defensible God what proof
1:28:37 do you personally need to believe and
1:28:39 how we say this is the difference
1:28:43 between me and a religious person I'm
1:28:45 subject to evidence religions don't
1:28:48 change regardless of the evidence but an
1:28:51 empirically minded atheist like me would
1:28:53 if right now Mohamed and I were
1:28:57 levitated to the ceiling if my father
1:28:59 who was dead for 18 years walked in this
1:29:02 room right now in his inimitable leader
1:29:04 Shack sent and I recognized him asking
1:29:06 me why not in my office working and then
1:29:09 floated in the air and and and and said
1:29:12 both of you Mormonism is the true
1:29:15 religion if Mohammed and I right now
1:29:18 were teleported to Mecca and I saw the
1:29:22 most amazing astronomical displays
1:29:25 telling me to become a Muslim right away
1:29:28 I would now you might say well this is
1:29:31 the result of an advanced space alien
1:29:33 but being an evidential 'us I would
1:29:35 believe it's a supernatural being
1:29:37 until someone showed me that it was
1:29:39 advanced space aliens so the difference
1:29:42 between atheists like me and those who
1:29:45 subscribe to religion is we are open to
1:29:49 changing if we have direct evidence
1:29:52 whereas there very few religious people
1:29:56 who would say if this happened I would
1:29:58 not believe in God whereas atheists like
1:30:01 me can clearly say if the following
1:30:03 things happen I will believe in God but
1:30:06 we all know they won't happen but if
1:30:07 they did I would answer yes away you get
1:30:11 two minutes we yeah the first point or
1:30:13 not being religious is the pipe that
1:30:15 depends on how you define religion
1:30:16 because frankly if you take it like an
1:30:18 Emile Durkheim approach whose
1:30:20 sociologists he defined religion and
1:30:22 more broad terms than would be found in
1:30:24 vernacular vernacular lien dictionaries
1:30:26 for example which has to be through God
1:30:28 or whatever frankly you could make the
1:30:29 argument that atheist people are very
1:30:31 religious in so much as they have axioms
1:30:34 and they have leaps of faith which they
1:30:36 believe in for instance if we take for
1:30:39 example science science and especially
1:30:41 something like quantum physics you don't
1:30:43 do the experiments yourself you rely
1:30:45 upon witness testimony you don't go into
1:30:47 laboratory and repeat experiments X
1:30:49 amount of times in order to believe it
1:30:50 so in order for you to have an
1:30:52 understanding of science you have to
1:30:54 have a leap of faith in trusting those
1:30:56 individuals who teach you about science
1:30:58 your teachers your schoolbooks and so on
1:31:00 I mean you believe in equality and once
1:31:02 again these are precepts which frankly
1:31:04 are axiomatic meaning they don't have
1:31:06 any evidence to substantiate them even
1:31:09 John Locke who is the founder of
1:31:10 liberalism he based it on God by the way
1:31:13 and that's why you're in the position of
1:31:16 independence created beings as being
1:31:18 referred to over and over again so
1:31:19 really do not have a right up estimate
1:31:21 right school to talk about equality
1:31:23 without having some kind of leap of
1:31:25 faith frankly in those things so
1:31:28 atheists have faith all the time they
1:31:30 have faith in things they don't see they
1:31:32 have faith in things they don't interact
1:31:33 with and what I'm gonna say is that this
1:31:36 is where as John Gray said some people
1:31:39 can wrap a you know discussion of
1:31:42 ideology in sociological format and make
1:31:45 it seem as if it's a religious but in
1:31:48 fact it is actually in terms of its
1:31:50 conventions and epistemic way the same
1:31:53 as any kind of religious belief as for
1:31:56 levitating and so on well you believe in
1:31:58 their levitating but it just has to
1:31:59 happen in the quantum physics realm
1:32:01 where things do levitate and things do
1:32:03 flow Harry Potter exists in the quantum
1:32:05 physics world but an atheist would never
1:32:07 believe it unless a scientist told them
1:32:09 that's belief does faith
1:32:14 thank you an expression to Muhammad what
1:32:20 God riders with autonomy and does that
1:32:23 engage the good and evil argument to
1:32:26 give you what God provide us was
1:32:29 autonomy our free will and does that
1:32:32 negate the gern and evil argument yes so
1:32:35 on Islamic traditionalism God has
1:32:39 endowed us with equal hell or the idea
1:32:41 of choice and free will and in fact even
1:32:42 is a necessary part of that because if
1:32:44 you don't have evil you cannot make a
1:32:46 decision there will just be good and
1:32:48 good to decide from you can't decide
1:32:50 from good and good they have to be good
1:32:51 and bad and therefore you must be tested
1:32:53 even a test makes no sense with the
1:32:55 existence with the non-existence of evil
1:32:57 a tests makes no sense with the
1:33:00 non-existence of evil so sometimes the
1:33:03 bad thing can be good for you well
1:33:05 assets a crochet a whole lot on the
1:33:07 Quran says you could hate something but
1:33:09 it's actually very good for you and the
1:33:10 thing is on theism on Islamic theism we
1:33:13 believe in another domain it's a
1:33:15 metaphysical domain which is young p.m.
1:33:17 the day of judgment whereby one of those
1:33:20 things that we are wronged in in the
1:33:21 dunya the worldly life you'll be
1:33:23 recompensed for that so we don't believe
1:33:25 that when a child dies that's just a
1:33:27 random rearrangement of atoms as would
1:33:29 be the case by the way or naturalism so
1:33:31 random rearrangement of atoms if I slap
1:33:33 a snowman and unlock his head off is the
1:33:35 same is if I cut a kid's head off
1:33:37 because it's just on naturalism frankly
1:33:40 it's just you know a rearrangement of
1:33:41 atoms and in order for you to make any
1:33:45 sense of that you'd have to impose a
1:33:47 subjective value judgment on it which
1:33:50 you'd have to have faith in order to
1:33:51 have in the first place so frankly I
1:33:54 mean what we believe is that the
1:33:56 injustice is of this world Hitler for
1:33:58 example was a very unjust man killed six
1:34:00 million individuals he will be punished
1:34:03 hopefully perpetually in a domain where
1:34:06 in which the punishment is not limited
1:34:08 justice cannot be done on naturalism it
1:34:11 can only be done on a kind of system a
1:34:14 metaphysical system which the undoes all
1:34:17 of the wrongs that happened in this
1:34:18 world
1:34:25 we may not like the implications of a
1:34:30 godless world but that doesn't mean that
1:34:32 a God will come into existence just to
1:34:35 rescue us from those implications we may
1:34:37 not like the fact that we end at death
1:34:39 but that doesn't mean that God will come
1:34:41 about just so that we don't end at death
1:34:44 of that God doesn't otherwise exist the
1:34:48 concept of free will is given more
1:34:52 credit than it deserves if you have two
1:34:54 children
1:34:55 you don't let one of your children push
1:34:57 the other off a cliff just so as not to
1:35:00 interfere in free will
1:35:02 and so the question of free will or even
1:35:08 the benefits of it do not justify the
1:35:12 extreme pain and the extreme suffering
1:35:15 that we undergo so for instance if we
1:35:18 need to feel pain we put our hand on a
1:35:21 hot stove that's understandable but that
1:35:24 pain does not serve a useful purpose if
1:35:27 we are being innocently burnt by evil
1:35:30 people and we have to suffer that
1:35:33 agonizing death so the fact that there
1:35:38 is gratuitous unnecessary unexplained
1:35:42 horrendous suffering goes way beyond
1:35:46 necessary slight evils and suffering
1:35:49 which would have a beneficial and
1:35:52 corrective purpose so we can't say that
1:35:56 any amount of suffering or any amount of
1:35:59 horrible experience is justified because
1:36:02 we need that in which to distinguish the
1:36:05 good even a small amount of evil or a
1:36:08 bearable amount of evil is enough to
1:36:11 distinguish the good it is the presence
1:36:13 of unexplained gratuitous horrendous
1:36:16 suffering that is incompatible with an
1:36:19 all good and all-powerful God thank you
1:36:25 last question directed towards Edward to
1:36:28 summarize essentially Islam provides
1:36:31 objective morality do you believe there
1:36:33 is such a thing
1:36:34 as objective morality and if so how
1:36:38 would you explain why a theists 30 years
1:36:41 ago would object to say homosexuality
1:36:45 well I believe that there are objective
1:36:49 moral values and they're not prescribed
1:36:52 by anybody there is no lawgiver now I
1:36:54 was just asked thirty years ago how
1:36:57 atheists would have responded to
1:36:59 homosexuality this actually proves my
1:37:02 point thirty years ago many atheists may
1:37:05 not have recognized the importance of
1:37:09 allowing such personal freedom what that
1:37:12 means is not that anybody who condemned
1:37:16 persons who love those of the same
1:37:18 gender were right or wrong then it meant
1:37:23 that we hadn't yet discovered the truth
1:37:26 that these are people that deserve equal
1:37:28 rights so for instance in the 1950s when
1:37:31 I was growing up people would be
1:37:33 arrested for being gay they would be put
1:37:36 in prison for being gay the fact that we
1:37:39 don't do that now and it's been illegal
1:37:42 to do so in any state since 2003 shows
1:37:45 that the more we evolve the more we
1:37:48 discover these moral truths not that
1:37:52 somebody invents them and imposes us on
1:37:56 them that by our natural development we
1:37:59 discover these truths for instance it
1:38:02 used to be that religious people would
1:38:04 burn women accused of being witches but
1:38:07 we don't do that anymore because we
1:38:09 discovered the moral truth that it's
1:38:12 wrong to do that to these women
1:38:14 irrespective of the Bible saying thou
1:38:17 shalt not suffer a witch to live so the
1:38:20 more we get away from religious
1:38:22 fundamentalist edicts the more moral and
1:38:25 tolerant we become which shows that
1:38:28 morality cannot be dependent on
1:38:31 religious fundamentalist or Orthodox
1:38:33 edicts because it is our pulling away
1:38:36 from them that makes us more moral more
1:38:38 compassionate and more tolerant
1:38:46 the American founding fathers had used
1:38:50 in order to form at least some period of
1:38:53 time allow slavery graces slavery and
1:38:56 what Stalin used in order to do what he
1:38:58 did what Hitler used frankly to do what
1:39:00 he did this is not the work of religion
1:39:02 this is the work of people who use
1:39:05 ideological justification in order to
1:39:07 commit certain acts the same way is
1:39:09 which something is conceivable to think
1:39:11 that some religious people will use
1:39:13 religious justification in orders commit
1:39:15 certain acts so I don't think there
1:39:17 should be an epistemic preferencing of
1:39:18 one one thing over another here I think
1:39:20 we should just realize that epistemology
1:39:24 drives us to certain forces certain
1:39:25 things and you can't really say more
1:39:27 religion is better than non religion
1:39:28 once again that would depend on how you
1:39:30 define religion in the first place but
1:39:32 having said all of that I mean we've
1:39:34 talked a lot about gay rights today and
1:39:35 all those things but on the harm
1:39:37 principle which is what John Stuart Mill
1:39:40 proposed part of social social
1:39:42 liberalism that you can do whatever you
1:39:44 want so long as you don't harm anyone
1:39:46 else well frankly that would entail that
1:39:49 sex between a brother and sister or
1:39:52 brother and a brother so long as this
1:39:54 couldn't reception news and there's no
1:39:55 deformed babies that should be allowed
1:39:57 as well and I haven't seen anyone doing
1:39:59 incest right activism in America for a
1:40:02 very long time and frankly on liberalism
1:40:05 that's what you should do you know just
1:40:07 because there are minority group of
1:40:09 people that are still in the closet in
1:40:10 the incest closet it doesn't mean now
1:40:12 that they should be treated any less on
1:40:14 liberalism so I think we have to be we
1:40:16 have to be completely honest with
1:40:18 ourselves in our social analysis and if
1:40:20 what we're doing is selecting certain
1:40:22 social things which have become popular
1:40:24 early 21st century to make a case about
1:40:26 God's existence and I think really we're
1:40:28 being academically disingenuous so I
1:40:30 think at the end of the day whatever
1:40:31 principle you're going to have you have
1:40:33 to apply it across the board and if it
1:40:36 is the hum principle and social
1:40:37 liberalism then incest should be allowed
1:40:39 in this country and people should be
1:40:41 able to do that
1:40:50 thank you final question this is
1:40:53 directed to both of you
1:40:55 Edward because you began I'll start with
1:40:57 Mohammed please address the viability of
1:41:00 Pascal's wager well I mean Pascal is
1:41:06 kind of like it's not really an argument
1:41:07 to be honest with you which is why them
1:41:09 kind of make ace Pascal was a famous
1:41:12 mathematician who talked about you know
1:41:14 basically making a wager you know
1:41:16 betting on the fact that going god
1:41:18 exists because the because doing
1:41:20 otherwise may mean that you know you'll
1:41:23 you'll you'll die and go to hell and so
1:41:24 on and so therefore what makes sense to
1:41:26 do that what we're saying is that fair
1:41:29 enough there is some truth in that I
1:41:30 mean if you think about the Quran
1:41:31 actually affirms some of that where it
1:41:33 says you know well in Kenema no angel
1:41:37 appear in the LA he's so much a B
1:41:39 what if it was from God what if this was
1:41:42 from God and you are disbelieving in it
1:41:46 so it's a for experiment right it's more
1:41:49 of a thought experiment rather than an
1:41:51 arguments I think the maximum we can do
1:41:53 with it is you have a thought experiment
1:41:54 make people think about death you know
1:41:57 make people think about the fact that
1:41:58 they're going to die and what kind of
1:42:01 ideology or what kind of belief system
1:42:03 they want to have would then one day in
1:42:05 their graves frankly because atheism
1:42:07 will not do anything as a matter of fact
1:42:08 now I'm not saying therefore God exists
1:42:10 because that's not an argument I've made
1:42:12 that clear it's not an argument to say
1:42:14 well the implications of atheism is that
1:42:16 you know you're going to be in the sick
1:42:18 bed you're gonna be maybe 75 years old
1:42:20 one and two people in United States of
1:42:23 America are gonna have cancer just like
1:42:24 in the UK put into cancer research and
1:42:26 what is better for you I mean as it to
1:42:29 be optimistic that there's going to be
1:42:31 continuation of that life or to know
1:42:33 that actually you're going to just
1:42:34 become bones and dust obviously from an
1:42:37 implications perspective theism and
1:42:39 especially theism with afterlife
1:42:41 implications has better employed
1:42:43 optimistic implications for you your
1:42:45 memories will be wiped away your
1:42:46 experiences will be wiped away and your
1:42:48 bodies will be wiped away
1:42:49 that's atheist naturalism but the
1:42:52 implications of of theism is that
1:42:55 actually there will be continuations
1:42:56 that's just the beginning and so this is
1:42:58 not an argument why it is an implication
1:43:02 well there is a problem with Pascal's
1:43:05 wager
1:43:05 now Mohammed just admitted that the
1:43:07 Quran does talk about punishment and
1:43:10 hell for not believing in Islam as the
1:43:13 Bible talks about punishment and Hell
1:43:15 for not believing in Christianity what
1:43:18 Pascal's wager did was it made the error
1:43:21 of automatically assuming that if there
1:43:25 is a God this being will judge us by how
1:43:27 we worship this being rather than how
1:43:31 good we are to each other and so the
1:43:35 wager actually is false because it
1:43:39 presupposes without proof that God is
1:43:42 such an evil being if there is a God
1:43:45 that regardless of how good we are
1:43:47 unless we adopt the right religion we
1:43:50 will burn in hell forever now I'm sure
1:43:53 that Pascal who was a Christian would
1:43:56 not have accepted that someone is
1:43:58 meeting the wager if they were Muslim
1:44:01 and I think that the defect is whenever
1:44:06 we say without any evidence whatsoever
1:44:11 other than ancient hearsay in ancient
1:44:15 books which we know were written by
1:44:17 fallible men as women weren't even
1:44:19 involved in the writing of these books
1:44:21 when we say we are certain that the
1:44:24 ultimate force in the universe will
1:44:26 punish you unless you adopt my religion
1:44:30 that is nothing but primitive
1:44:33 exclusivism I think we got one more girl
1:44:42 thank you vote that concludes our
1:44:45 audience Q&A we will now proceed to the
1:44:47 closing statements each person will have
1:44:49 15 minutes to give theirs and we will
1:44:52 begin with
1:45:16 fifteen
1:45:35 that's done
1:45:39 all right please come down 15 minutes
1:45:42 left and then we finish I'll start
1:45:46 witness quite someone expired
1:45:58 just so quickly I'm saying now just to
1:46:01 quickly kind of comment on the last
1:46:02 thing that it talked about ancient
1:46:04 hearsay and so on democracy is an
1:46:06 ancient concept liberalism is an ancient
1:46:08 concept it's still it's still adopted by
1:46:11 you know mainstream society that's the
1:46:14 genetic fallacy basically to criticize
1:46:16 something based on where it came from
1:46:18 anyway I found quite interesting in the
1:46:21 last speech that Eddie Edward had he
1:46:26 actually made an interesting
1:46:27 capitulation he admitted that 99% of
1:46:31 things natural science can explain that
1:46:35 means 1% of things are supernatural that
1:46:39 means miracles are possible so that is
1:46:42 very happy all right
1:46:48 secondly now what you talked about about
1:46:52 cause and effect now the definition of a
1:46:55 cause is something which brings rise to
1:46:56 phenomena I can cause a house to be for
1:47:01 example I can build a house yes I can
1:47:03 build a house but I can die and the
1:47:05 house will continue to be yes so I don't
1:47:08 need to exist in order for the house to
1:47:10 continue existing dependence on the
1:47:12 other hand is when you rely on something
1:47:14 else so he made the mistake of saying
1:47:16 that contingency which is dependence
1:47:19 relies upon cause and effect
1:47:21 it doesn't which is why I didn't really
1:47:23 mention cause an effect to avoid this
1:47:25 discussion altogether let us agree for
1:47:28 the same imbalance okay
1:47:30 let's agree that there's no such thing
1:47:32 as cause methane's the contingency
1:47:35 argument the way I framed it is still
1:47:37 valid because I didn't mention cause and
1:47:39 effect at all let me tell you why
1:47:43 interesting atheists when he was because
1:47:48 a logical are given the hassanis
1:47:50 argument that William Lane Craig and
1:47:51 those other guys are making popular now
1:47:53 in this country so has that is argument
1:47:55 everything that begins to exist has a
1:47:57 course the universe began to exist
1:47:59 therefore the universe has a cause
1:48:02 okay so Bertrand Russell said but this
1:48:05 is the problem of composition because
1:48:07 you're saying that just because there
1:48:08 are causes in the universe it doesn't
1:48:11 mean that
1:48:11 cause we'll be applied to the universe
1:48:14 so he says for example just because we
1:48:15 have mothers as part of the human race
1:48:17 it doesn't mean that the human race
1:48:19 itself has mother imagine a war like
1:48:23 Trump likes wolf yeah just because this
1:48:29 is Bertrand Russell is a very valid
1:48:30 argument he says just because the world
1:48:32 is made up of small parts it doesn't
1:48:35 mean that the world itself is small he's
1:48:38 right
1:48:38 Bertrand Russell was right however what
1:48:42 if the world is made up of red paths the
1:48:45 morning stuff can be read so the fallacy
1:48:47 of composition is a double-edged sword
1:48:49 because in order for it to be a proper
1:48:52 fallacy it needs to have perfect
1:48:54 knowledge of the whole if you don't have
1:48:56 perfect knowledge of the whole you can't
1:48:58 claim it to be a fallacy
1:48:59 so both the theists and the Atheist are
1:49:02 in a good line because the Atheist is a
1:49:04 well it can't be the small part can't be
1:49:08 the me but the fiercest same or the red
1:49:10 part can make red bricks can make a red
1:49:12 wall and both can be possible but both
1:49:15 both can be argued against you see so
1:49:22 this is why I use the contingency
1:49:24 argument
1:49:24 let me bring back the on Linda I use
1:49:27 causation for the sake of argument no
1:49:29 problem you can have causation let's
1:49:32 pretend you know there's no let's
1:49:35 pretend it's possible that it can exist
1:49:39 and it's possible they can't ask for the
1:49:40 universe on logical basis however
1:49:43 contingency dependents I made an
1:49:45 ontological arguments a mathematical
1:49:49 argument says yes now you can't have the
1:50:01 existence of things if everything else
1:50:06 if existence depends upon dependent
1:50:09 things existence would never exist you
1:50:11 have to either independent outside or
1:50:17 the independent this series
1:50:21 and what is it necessary independent
1:50:25 however as different yes and we said a
1:50:33 possible existence is something which
1:50:36 can be rearranged I'm not going to be
1:50:41 really great here today I know you're
1:50:43 used to this I you season is debated
1:50:45 William Lane Craig this is his argument
1:50:47 I know the weaknesses of the argument I
1:50:49 didn't use this argument I want the most
1:50:51 undercutting argument
1:50:53 no one can crack this argument I've read
1:50:56 from Plato to live lives all the way
1:50:59 through to Russell and believe me this
1:51:01 is the argument no one can solve this is
1:51:04 the uncrackable code so he tried to
1:51:07 crack the code by saying well the
1:51:09 necessary existence should be what I'm
1:51:15 saying they're complete opposite I'm
1:51:17 saying that it's impossible for it to be
1:51:19 made up of parts and still be the
1:51:22 necessary existence because a possible
1:51:24 existence is an existence that is
1:51:26 subject to change so to use this
1:51:30 phraseology if we look at the weight of
1:51:34 the evidence the totality of the
1:51:36 evidence where extraordinary claims
1:51:39 require extraordinary evidence
1:51:42 we have an extrude we have an absolutely
1:51:47 extraordinary evidence
1:51:48 which works in the mind mathematically
1:51:51 and works in physical reality
1:51:54 cosmologically and works on first
1:51:57 principles and we get the independent
1:51:59 self-sufficient one entity which we as
1:52:03 Muslims call Allah that's it what if
1:52:10 there's a multiverse
1:52:12 well if there's a multiverse no problem
1:52:15 have a multiple an infinite amount of
1:52:18 universes or more even just universes
1:52:21 because why discriminate to order
1:52:23 universes creations upon those things
1:52:27 and we said it can't be that because you
1:52:31 can envisage taking a universe in and
1:52:34 out and so it's dependent upon the
1:52:36 structure it's over
1:52:38 you see here it's important to be honest
1:52:42 with ourselves he's a lawyer a lot of
1:52:47 lawyers I referred to as liars but he's
1:52:48 not one of them he's a good man and as a
1:52:52 lawyer when he goes into the the
1:52:55 courtroom he refers to witness testimony
1:53:00 he makes abductive arguments like CSI
1:53:03 CSI forensics put the evidences together
1:53:06 it's not god of the gaps just in the
1:53:09 same ways if you put food for a dog and
1:53:12 then you go away and that and the food
1:53:15 is eaten you're not going to say that's
1:53:16 a dog of the gapps argument it's just an
1:53:19 abductive inference which he does every
1:53:23 time and if it's not that if you don't
1:53:27 do an abductive inference then all of
1:53:29 the cases he's represented have been
1:53:31 miscarriages of justice which I'm sure
1:53:33 he wouldn't do and the point here is
1:53:35 this the point is when we put the
1:53:40 totality of evidence asking for more
1:53:42 evidence you know it's like when we've
1:53:44 given you ontological metaphysical April
1:53:46 I write a post all right scientific
1:53:49 physical mathematic probabilistic
1:53:51 evidences it's like asking for a torch
1:53:55 when you're in the middle of daylight
1:53:57 give me a torch but why do you need to
1:54:00 talk to my friend everything around you
1:54:02 you're locked into the arguments
1:54:04 everywhere you go there's an arguments
1:54:07 there's evidence there's science even to
1:54:10 the extent whereby even to the extent
1:54:14 whereby you're born with that feeling of
1:54:19 believing in God and then you have to
1:54:22 socially construct according to Justin
1:54:24 barek
1:54:25 others your atheism just like you use
1:54:29 other social constructed ideas like
1:54:31 second wave feminism liberalism I don't
1:54:33 think people don't know about liberalism
1:54:35 were women by the way you're talking
1:54:37 about what about these men don't all men
1:54:39 liberalism is written by men John Locke
1:54:41 John Stuart Mill Russo wants us to
1:54:44 Thomas Hobbes I don't hear I don't see
1:54:47 any woman's names there so frankly let's
1:54:50 not play these games what I will say is
1:54:53 this what I will say is as Muslims we
1:54:59 have additional evidence and this is the
1:55:02 evidence from revelation the Koran says
1:55:04 a woolly bedroom three Admiral up woman
1:55:08 badly Halloween saleable that the Romans
1:55:11 had been defeated Lord black neighbor
1:55:13 Island and after that defeat they will
1:55:15 become victorious
1:55:17 it makes predictions which materialize
1:55:19 and look at this just as one piece of
1:55:21 evidence and you can look at my videos
1:55:23 for more but it's just one thing when
1:55:26 someone makes a succession of
1:55:28 predictions of the future why is the
1:55:31 probability that some of those
1:55:35 predictions will be false if you add all
1:55:37 of those things and you aggregate them
1:55:39 in your total probability chart and you
1:55:42 ask the question if someone makes all of
1:55:43 these if someone makes all of these
1:55:47 predictions of the future like the Quran
1:55:48 does what's the probability that this
1:55:51 could have been I guess well there's a
1:55:54 way of finding that out through
1:55:56 mathematical probability theory for
1:55:57 example or historic probability so
1:56:01 frankly we do have an argument it's not
1:56:04 and by the way there's something else
1:56:06 here very important he made a good point
1:56:08 he made a very good point
1:56:10 he said that why is it the case that
1:56:13 miracles are confined or time bound he's
1:56:15 right for a Christian that would be a
1:56:19 great argument if you say to a Christian
1:56:21 how comes Jesus rested dead when we
1:56:23 couldn't see it absolutely right mother
1:56:26 well the colossal model selected like
1:56:29 have fattened in se we have not sent you
1:56:32 to except for to Muhammad all of
1:56:35 humankind
1:56:36 the reason why those prophetic miracles
1:56:39 were localized like Jesus or Moses plain
1:56:42 to see whoever may be is because they
1:56:43 appealed or is meant to appeal to that
1:56:45 time and that people as for the Quran
1:56:49 itself it claims to be the miracle it's
1:56:52 an another Torah miracle so that you can
1:56:54 analyze it in any time in any place so
1:56:57 it's not giving an unfair advantage to
1:57:00 the primary audience you can try and
1:57:03 falsify the Quran now that gives you a
1:57:06 way to try and do so you can try and
1:57:08 imitate the Quran now challenges are the
1:57:10 challenges you to do so and you can try
1:57:13 and look at those things in the Quran
1:57:15 which claim to be happening in the
1:57:16 future and analyze whether they did in
1:57:18 hindsight now because we have seen
1:57:20 whether it happened or not for example
1:57:21 these are some examples now in the last
1:57:25 two or three minutes I want to say
1:57:29 something important putting this
1:57:32 discussion to the side you know Edward
1:57:35 is one of our friends here in America
1:57:38 and the reason why I'm putting this in
1:57:41 the end is because I've kind of finished
1:57:44 everything and I wanted to say this
1:57:46 he works actively to promote the rights
1:57:49 of Muslims in this country and its
1:57:53 people like Edwards that allow for
1:57:56 Muslims in this country and in the West
1:57:58 to be able to be guaranteed the same
1:58:01 kind of freedoms frankly that other
1:58:04 every other person should happen I
1:58:06 believe that if you're going to believe
1:58:07 in something be consistent with it and
1:58:09 though maybe not in the field of atheism
1:58:12 and God's existence you might not be
1:58:14 fully consistent but in his morality
1:58:15 he's a man of consistency he opposes
1:58:19 Trump's ban on Muslims he's a friend of
1:58:22 the Muslims and what I want to end off
1:58:25 by saying here is this is the kind of
1:58:28 person who were happy to have them as a
1:58:31 friend of the Muslim community here in
1:58:33 the USA
1:58:42 honestly after things like the
1:58:45 Christchurch Massacre or other terrorist
1:58:48 attacks happening on both sides bad
1:58:51 things are happening we need to be able
1:58:53 to build bridges
1:58:54 I believe Edward is the man or the kind
1:58:57 of person Edward is is the kind of
1:59:00 person we need to be friends with we
1:59:02 need to invite to our houses we need to
1:59:04 be kind to we need to show courtesy to
1:59:05 and we to respect highly despite
1:59:08 religious or ideological disagreements
1:59:11 we will agree to disagree but we will
1:59:14 also agree to agree where our interests
1:59:18 are mutual and where we can oppose a
1:59:22 common threat to both of our existences
1:59:26 Edward is consistent because he does not
1:59:29 like arbitrariness which is a which is a
1:59:32 theme in liberalism where one community
1:59:36 are not treated the same as another
1:59:38 community it is a law and you believe in
1:59:40 liberalism let that law be applied to
1:59:42 everyone and he has done some great work
1:59:46 he has done some great work opposing
1:59:49 arbitrary kinds of judgments that have
1:59:53 happened in different states and he was
1:59:57 telling me about that and really and
1:59:59 truly we take our hats off to him and
2:00:02 his and people like
2:00:12 finally finally I want to say in my last
2:00:17 half a minute left that if I suddenly
2:00:20 need to offend anyone here that I
2:00:22 apologize that that was not my intention
2:00:25 and that obviously this is a subject
2:00:27 which we really feel passionate about
2:00:29 and as a superior to me in knowledge and
2:00:33 experience
2:00:34 I want to thank from the bottom of my
2:00:37 heart
2:00:38 Edwards contribution to today's
2:00:40 discussion it's been edifying it's been
2:00:43 brilliant for me and I'm sure it's been
2:00:45 fantastic for you you're welcome at
2:00:47 anytime I'm sure I can say that on
2:00:49 behalf of this for the University and
2:00:51 hopefully we can meet another day thank
2:00:53 you very much
2:00:54 [Applause]
2:01:15 well thank you Mohammed the issue that
2:01:20 Mohammed raises again pinning his
2:01:24 argument on the concept of unnecessary
2:01:26 being remember the problem with that is
2:01:29 the problem is that a necessary fact
2:01:32 cannot explain a contingent fact without
2:01:34 introducing a new contingent fact in
2:01:37 need of explanation and to see why
2:01:40 notice that a necessary fact cannot
2:01:43 explain a contingent fact by entailing
2:01:45 it because then any fact entailed by a
2:01:48 necessary fact must itself to be
2:01:51 necessary and this sets up the
2:01:53 regression all the way back into the
2:01:57 past which Muhammad is trying to avoid
2:02:01 now with respect to my comment that 99%
2:02:05 of all scientific discoveries will show
2:02:09 to be natural that doesn't mean the 1
2:02:11 percent will be supernatural it means
2:02:13 the opposite it means the likelihood of
2:02:16 anything being supernatural is very
2:02:19 implausible and the way I said it was
2:02:23 that unless something appears miraculous
2:02:26 like the Stars rearranging themselves
2:02:28 telling us what to do it is a God of the
2:02:31 gaps argument as far as the qur'an's
2:02:35 prediction is concerned both the Quran
2:02:38 and the Bible have failed to make the
2:02:42 kinds of pure predictions which would
2:02:44 show the supernatural now with respect
2:02:47 to the Quran it was finished in 632 but
2:02:51 it was not codified into a final written
2:02:55 form until 2018 years later in 650 by
2:03:00 the caliph Uthman and now the only
2:03:03 earliest version we have of a 90%
2:03:07 complete Quranic text is from the mid
2:03:13 eight century
2:03:15 which could be almost 80 years after the
2:03:19 Quran was initially given to Muhammad
2:03:25 now another problem is with respect to
2:03:28 translations every time I point out
2:03:31 something to Muhammad about the
2:03:34 translations that I have before me even
2:03:37 eight or nine of them his responses he
2:03:39 disagrees with the translation I don't
2:03:43 necessarily disagree that Muhammad might
2:03:47 understand the Quran in the original
2:03:50 Arabic far better than all these
2:03:52 translations my argument is from divine
2:03:56 hiddenness if the Quran is God's
2:03:59 ultimate revelation to humanity it is
2:04:03 inconsistent with that purpose for us
2:04:06 who speak only English not to have a
2:04:09 reliable translation of Muhammad was not
2:04:14 able to demonstrate how an immaterial
2:04:18 incorporeal being created time and space
2:04:22 see what Muhammad was trying to do as a
2:04:25 valiant attempt was to rescue was to
2:04:29 rescue some vestige of the supernatural
2:04:32 from a purely natural universe and
2:04:35 ultimately it was unsuccessful he was
2:04:38 not able to refute at all my argument
2:04:41 from evolution he did not refute my
2:04:44 argument from evil he was not able to
2:04:48 explain how an all-powerful God that can
2:04:53 prevent a lot of evil still has to allow
2:04:55 so much evil he did not adequately
2:04:58 refute my argument from divine
2:05:01 hiddenness because he was not able to
2:05:04 give a reason why a God who wants us to
2:05:07 know his will would withhold the very
2:05:10 evidence that we need to be able to
2:05:13 believe in that God I as an atheist gave
2:05:17 you clear examples of the type of
2:05:18 miraculous occurrences which would make
2:05:21 me turn into a believer in fact if my
2:05:25 dead father appeared right now
2:05:27 transported Muhammad and
2:05:29 me to Mecca and told me and I knew it
2:05:32 was my dad that since dying he realized
2:05:35 that Islam was the perfect religion
2:05:38 I would convert right away so I'm
2:05:40 subject to an open to the evidence the
2:05:45 other thing that Muhammad did not refute
2:05:48 was my claim that the Quran liked the
2:05:51 Bible the Quran like the Bible demands
2:05:56 eternal punishment for choosing the
2:05:58 wrong religion I believe that we human
2:06:01 beings have a right to use our reason
2:06:04 and sense of justice to say that it is
2:06:06 wrong for any all-powerful deity to
2:06:10 condemn innocent people to eternal
2:06:13 suffering because of an honest mistake
2:06:15 in choosing the wrong religion and so I
2:06:20 believe to that extent the Bible and the
2:06:23 Quran are equally equally false however
2:06:27 I have to say the Quran did improve on
2:06:30 the Bible in one area if you read
2:06:33 Jeremiah 99 you see that God threatens
2:06:37 to make people eat their sons and
2:06:39 daughters
2:06:40 in the Quran there's no such vestige of
2:06:43 cannibalism so if God does exist I thank
2:06:46 him for in-between the Bible and the
2:06:49 Quran taking human flesh off the menu
2:06:55 the
2:06:58 [Applause]
2:07:00 Mohammed was unable to refute the
2:07:05 argument against a transcendental person
2:07:08 because if you are a person you have to
2:07:11 have some boundaries some limit to say
2:07:14 that you are not in time and space and
2:07:17 you are in time and space what are we
2:07:19 talking about like some guy standing up
2:07:21 waist-deep in a hot tub he's half in and
2:07:24 half out how can you be partially in
2:07:26 time how can God enter time in order to
2:07:29 enter time you have to have a beginning
2:07:32 in time a timeless being cannot do
2:07:36 anything either can an immaterial being
2:07:39 now I know that the concept that death
2:07:43 is the end is very difficult for most
2:07:45 people to tolerate but on atheism what's
2:07:50 true is not what we would like to be
2:07:52 true what's true is what cold hard
2:07:55 reality shows is true there is no
2:07:58 example whatsoever of conscious
2:08:01 self-awareness being able to exist
2:08:04 without a fully functional physical
2:08:06 brain if it were so then Alzheimer's
2:08:09 disease would not be able to eclipse
2:08:11 consciousness again Alzheimer's disease
2:08:14 eclipses your consciousness but when you
2:08:16 die you're fully intact in an immaterial
2:08:19 form it can't happen that way also the
2:08:22 argument from evolution with the common
2:08:28 ancestry that we have with apes we
2:08:31 didn't evolve from apes but we spun
2:08:33 often had a common ancestor if you look
2:08:36 at the fossil record of the precursors
2:08:39 to homo sapiens who we are now
2:08:42 you see we evolved from a more primitive
2:08:44 life-form both the Bible and the Koran
2:08:48 accept the notion of Adam and Eve you
2:08:51 can't have an Adam and Eve if evolution
2:08:54 is true which it is because there was no
2:08:57 such thing as the first perfect human
2:09:00 couple we evolved like any other
2:09:02 creature so if there was no Adam and Eve
2:09:06 both the Bible and the Quran are wrong
2:09:09 in saying that there
2:09:11 and of course if there was no Adam and
2:09:13 Eve then Christianity is completely
2:09:15 wrong in talking about the sin in the
2:09:19 Garden of Eden now another thing that
2:09:23 Muhammad was unable to do was to
2:09:27 demonstrate and I've seen other Muslim
2:09:30 apologists try to do this was to
2:09:32 demonstrate that the language or the
2:09:35 mode of Arabic itself used in the Quran
2:09:38 had to have a divine authorship you can
2:09:42 have advanced language or poetic or
2:09:45 useful verse or you can make innovations
2:09:48 in language but that does not show that
2:09:50 there was a supernatural origin also he
2:09:54 failed to show us what specific
2:09:57 predictions in the Quran took were made
2:10:01 that turned out to be true on one of his
2:10:04 YouTube videos he talks about a Roman
2:10:08 war which the Quran predicted the Romans
2:10:12 would lose well I looked it up that war
2:10:15 ended in 628 seee and the Quran was
2:10:18 finished in 632 CE II so the Quran did
2:10:23 not predict anything in the future the
2:10:28 other aspect of all of this is the
2:10:33 incompatible properties of the concept
2:10:37 of God the very concept of God God
2:10:39 cannot be both omnipotent and omniscient
2:10:41 if God is omnipotent
2:10:43 it means God can do anything including
2:10:46 change his mind but if God is omniscient
2:10:49 he always knew what he was going to do
2:10:53 in the very end so he cannot change his
2:10:56 mind
2:10:56 so therefore the properties of
2:10:58 omniscience and omnipotence are
2:11:03 incompatible with respect to the
2:11:06 fine-tuning argument that sort of
2:11:10 Mohammed flirted with and then moved
2:11:13 away from if we look at that on theism
2:11:17 you would not need any kind of
2:11:20 fine-tuning because God would be capable
2:11:23 of making us live
2:11:24 in any environment so the whole notion
2:11:27 of fine tuning is nonsensical but yet if
2:11:33 you look at a theism and there is no
2:11:38 all-powerful God who could make us live
2:11:40 in any environment then we wouldn't then
2:11:44 we would need fine-tuning because there
2:11:47 is no supernatural being to sustain us
2:11:49 any which way which makes fine-tuning
2:11:51 curiously more likely on atheism now
2:11:54 I've heard Muslim apologists say that
2:11:57 the Quran predicted that the universe is
2:12:00 expanding I looked at four different
2:12:03 translations and the only one that used
2:12:07 the term expanding there was Mustapha
2:12:12 kitab in 2016 the three other
2:12:16 translations including the classic
2:12:18 Pickthall and abdullah yusuf ali all of
2:12:23 them had the vastness of space already
2:12:26 existing so if the Quran did predict
2:12:31 that the universe is expanding which
2:12:34 meant that the Quran had divine
2:12:36 foreknowledge before science that the
2:12:39 Big Bang occurred then only one out of
2:12:43 four translations shouldn't be able to
2:12:46 show that so once again on divine
2:12:50 hiddenness if the Quran is what God
2:12:53 wants me to believe then the Quran
2:12:56 should have been translated into ink
2:13:06 true also on the argument from evil and
2:13:10 I've touched upon this is the
2:13:12 distribution of pleasure and pain on
2:13:15 theism we would expect that horrendous
2:13:17 pain would only exist if there's a
2:13:20 purpose that would aid our survival or
2:13:22 our reproduction so if I put my hand on
2:13:25 the hot stove it's hurt so I take my
2:13:27 hand away but let's say again I or some
2:13:30 innocent animal are caught in a forest
2:13:33 fire and were unable to pull away from
2:13:36 the pain and we suffer a horrible death
2:13:39 well the pain of that burning to death
2:13:42 did not contribute to my survival or
2:13:46 reproduction and so on atheism it's
2:13:49 understandable on theism it's it's not
2:13:53 understandable I referred earlier to the
2:13:58 Bayesian probability analysis on
2:14:01 Bayesian probability analysis which is
2:14:04 widely used you have to have prior
2:14:07 knowledge of something there's no prior
2:14:10 knowledge of the supernatural so if you
2:14:13 use Bayesian confirmation predictive
2:14:16 ability you would not be able to predict
2:14:20 the supernatural
2:14:22 if the supernatural existed there would
2:14:24 be evidence of it if consciousness could
2:14:26 exist without a functional physical
2:14:29 brain there'd be evidence of it if the
2:14:31 Bible or the Quran predicted something
2:14:34 which could only have been known by
2:14:36 miraculous means when it was written
2:14:38 there would be evidence of it if we
2:14:42 humans were specially created there
2:14:44 wouldn't be overwhelming evidence that
2:14:46 we evolved from ape-like creatures from
2:14:49 a common ancestor with apes so with all
2:14:54 of the evidence a cumulative case shows
2:14:59 the universe is natural and not
2:15:01 supernatural and that God does not exist
2:15:04 thank you
2:15:05 [Applause]
2:15:19 [Applause]
2:15:31 and with that comes about we conclude
2:15:34 the debate does that go okay to everyone
2:15:35 for coming out we really appreciate see
2:15:42 you guys again in the future and mail
2:15:43 look Andy everyone give them another
2:15:45 round of applause
2:15:45 [Applause]
2:15:51 I would also like to give a big THANK
2:15:53 YOU to with another key organizer and
2:15:55 his name is object man he did a lot of
2:15:57 this work and I want to give him a
2:15:58 really sweet donations really big and
2:16:02 it's all before everyone leaves
2:16:04 something super important again if
2:16:06 anyone is able to we are really really
2:16:08 asking for donations to help cover costs
2:16:10 for the trip I'm in fur on the event so
2:16:13 if anyone wants to marry the box with
2:16:15 their dates outside there's also some
2:16:16 any moment visit MSA and we appreciate
2:16:19 anything and everything exactly always
2:16:21 for coming everyone and shuttle have a
2:16:22 good day