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Thought Provoking Questions to Transgenders | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park (2017-12-18)


This is a discussion which aims to ask key questions to transgendered/gender fluid people. How do you feel male if maleness is a socially constructed feeling? What does it mean to be Male? What does it mean to be female? This discussion took an even more interesting turn when discussing gender fluidity..

Summary of Thought Provoking Questions to Transgenders | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:25:00

in the YouTube video "Thought Provoking Questions to Transgenders | Speakers Corner | Hyde Park" discusses various issues surrounding transgenderism, including sports, rooming, and gender identity. provides their thoughts on each issue, and challenges the audience to come up with rational explanations for their own beliefs.

00:00:00 This speaker discusses the issues surrounding transgenderism and whether or not people who have undergone a transformation process should be allowed to compete in sports against their biological sex. He poses a scenario to test whether or not feminists would be in favor of this. Some people would argue that the individual retains too much of their biological advantage, while others would say that they have a right to fair competition. provides his opinion on how to resolve the issue.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses transgender rights and challenges audience members to come up with a rational explanation as to when a transgender person should be allowed into a room. Some in the audience argue that a transgender person should be allowed into the room at the point of transition, while others argue that transgender people should only be allowed into the room once they have fully transitioned.
  • 00:10:00 challenges the idea that notions of masculinity and femininity are social constructs, arguing that gender fluidity is a reality. He provides examples of how someone can feel gender-fluid, and discusses how an individual's gender identity can change over time.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses their thoughts on transgenderism and how they feel about the right for males to participate in sports and other activities. They explain that there is no right or wrong answer, and that it is ultimately up to the individual.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses how gender dysphoria can be experienced in different ways, and how artificial intelligence is nice but does not provide a complete understanding of the experience. He argues that first-person experience is important in understanding gender dysphoria.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses how it is difficult for society to assert that someone should be called by a certain name, such as "X", because that name is socially constructed. He goes on to say that, from a personal perspective, he feels like he can be in more than one category at the same time.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 is that Christian nothing because she's
0:00:04 wearing to ask you know why I find
0:01:10 interested there's two reasons like one
0:01:13 or all of them is is split the feminist
0:01:16 movement so the feminist movement seem
0:01:19 to be divided on the idea of trans like
0:01:21 what to do in certain circumstances and
0:01:24 it's also split homosexuals like so I
0:01:27 feel like some homes so can I ask you
0:01:34 some questions because for me yeah
0:01:37 oh just trying are you friends let me
0:01:54 ask you a question do you know Wi-Fi
0:01:56 interesting consider the following
0:01:59 scenario because you know this is where
0:02:02 I find the contentious issues are the
0:02:06 sports out there like sports mixed
0:02:08 martial artists football even rugby lots
0:02:12 of sports where I think society has
0:02:15 agreed that one gender has a biological
0:02:21 do you agree with this all right so so
0:02:25 that so males having a biological
0:02:26 advantage over females exactly so now
0:02:45 let me put you in a certain situation
0:02:47 ask you guys a question right say for
0:02:50 example you have a trans like yourself
0:02:51 or actually let's make it the opposite
0:02:55 way yeah so you have someone who's a
0:02:58 male who becomes female all right all
0:03:03 right
0:03:04 would you protect that person's right to
0:03:07 say for example they wanted to
0:03:10 participate in sport obviously they are
0:03:12 allowed to participate in sport yeah
0:03:14 alright say they want to participate in
0:03:16 sport would you protect their right to
0:03:18 for example without man became a woman
0:03:20 too because they want to be identified
0:03:22 as women right that's it they want it
0:03:25 they don't want to be even known as a
0:03:26 man anymore
0:03:27 that's that's behind them right so so so
0:03:31 man yeah could they now participate in a
0:03:33 woman's side of it should they be able
0:03:36 to yeah okay now this is the thing
0:03:38 because a lot of feminists would argue
0:03:39 that they shouldn't and they'll swim in
0:03:42 this I'm not saying they're right or
0:03:42 wrong I want your opinion right those
0:03:45 feminists would argue that hold on
0:03:46 because actually this is where the lines
0:03:48 between what is referred to as a social
0:03:50 construction and what's the biological
0:03:52 reality become blurred because here we
0:03:54 know that testosterone is a is obviously
0:03:59 a hormone which is which which enhances
0:04:02 your strength and it enhances your
0:04:03 biological bilities right so if that is
0:04:06 the case if someone even if they've had
0:04:09 like hormone blockers and if they had
0:04:10 like the whole operation even if they've
0:04:13 had that whole system you will still
0:04:16 have an enhanced hormonal biological
0:04:19 advantage from a successful perspective
0:04:22 right so some would argue is just like
0:04:24 taking steroids yeah that like you're
0:04:26 not allowed to take stories in my sports
0:04:27 yeah so how would you ice it so they all
0:04:29 say look it's not fair for someone who
0:04:32 has gone through that whole
0:04:33 transformative process yet it retains a
0:04:36 lot of the biological advantage of being
0:04:38 a man to be able to participate in a
0:04:42 woman only thing like that in fact it
0:04:44 could be argued that if they do
0:04:46 participate that would be depreciating
0:04:48 from women's rights because women have a
0:04:50 right to fair contest right so can you
0:04:52 see the two sides so okay tell me how
0:04:54 you resolve it
0:05:30 so you think you think that the right of
0:05:33 that person to participate in the gender
0:05:36 of the of the chosen gender is Trump's
0:05:42 yeah and we don't like Trump I think
0:05:44 we're on the same side but it Trump's
0:05:48 the the advances that they make
0:06:12 Chipping they should be case by case or
0:06:14 something yes but you know what that was
0:06:16 suggested because if you if you if we
0:06:18 had it that way then you'd have some
0:06:20 women but the point is this
0:06:24 then discrimination will still exist
0:06:25 against transgendered people because
0:06:28 some people will be judged oh yeah this
0:06:31 guy's got all this this woman right has
0:06:34 too much testosterone her body so the
0:06:38 issue is here it seemed like a question
0:06:41 with no answer you see what I mean
0:06:46 it seems like a question with no answer
0:06:57 okay let me ask you another question
0:07:00 we must go another question now we have
0:07:03 boys schools and girls schools now let's
0:07:04 go become a little more easy right this
0:07:05 is easy you're Nathan Nathan I like your
0:07:49 thinking in a way yeah I like your
0:07:51 open-minded I'll be honest with you I
0:07:53 don't find your open-mindedness among
0:07:55 other transgender some are very militant
0:08:00 right I think your your approach is a
0:08:03 bit more fresh because frankly we live
0:08:10 that what you've said there is fair
0:08:13 enough
0:08:14 considering the circumcised let me tell
0:08:15 you why because frankly if we were
0:08:18 living and we're living it this is the
0:08:19 age we're living in now right we're
0:08:21 living in an age where it's very
0:08:23 possible for there to be some kind of
0:08:28 policy change where now because this is
0:08:32 one of the contentious ones like where
0:08:33 do we put trans I for example as
0:08:34 transgendered man at one point so
0:08:37 someone who's had a sex change and
0:08:40 become a woman yeah
0:08:41 at what point should they be allowed
0:08:43 into the room as toilet as soon as they
0:08:47 identify yeah okay let me ask I want to
0:08:50 get all of their opinions let me
0:09:10 challenge you on that right so for
0:09:13 example if I and it's difficult if I had
0:09:17 to do nothing could be some kind of I'd
0:09:19 have a serious advantage let's be honest
0:09:24 and it wouldn't be an easy operation
0:09:27 anyways the point is this if somebody
0:09:32 transferred from being a man to a woman
0:09:34 only by virtue of just actually saying
0:09:36 that okay now I'm a woman now yeah
0:09:37 you're saying that the point at which
0:09:39 they should be allowed into the toilet
0:09:41 is the point to which that they identify
0:09:42 yeah
0:09:46 are you LGBT as well what what does that
0:09:52 mean can you tell me no way
0:09:58 really yeah what do you mean by okay
0:10:03 hold on hold on hold on this is really
0:10:06 interesting this is well this one here
0:10:07 no you see this question of we'll put it
0:10:11 on the side for saying this gender
0:10:12 fluidity here I'm gonna actually
0:10:15 challenge your little girl name okay
0:10:17 let's challenge her on you know you said
0:10:21 some days you feel milk and some days
0:10:24 you feel female yeah okay
0:10:26 do you accept that do you accept that
0:10:31 notions of masculinity and femininity
0:10:33 are social constructs are you with me
0:10:41 listen to me carefully do you accept
0:10:44 that notions of femininity are social
0:10:46 constructs in other words you would
0:10:48 argue right that the idea of woman
0:10:51 preferring pink or the idea of women
0:10:54 being in the house or kitchen all that
0:10:55 stuff that's a social construct based on
0:10:58 the patriarchal society right okay you
0:11:01 accept this right ideas of masculinity
0:11:04 therefore are also socially constructed
0:11:06 okay you accept that yeah all right if
0:11:09 you accept that which by the way
0:11:11 personally I don't accept it completely
0:11:12 there is some truth in it some I don't
0:11:15 completely accept it but if you accept
0:11:16 that if you okay can you see my question
0:11:22 right my question here is gonna be how
0:11:24 do you define gender fluidity when
0:11:27 gender has lost meaning because there is
0:11:31 no such thing as if because if
0:11:33 femininity and masculinity are social
0:11:35 constructs then you can't say I feel
0:11:38 masculine or feel feminine because both
0:11:40 of those things are subjective value
0:11:42 judgments which are socially constructed
0:11:44 reality maybe is the case that gender
0:11:46 fluidity is a social constructed reality
0:11:48 how do you know that what you're going
0:11:50 through is not socially construct
0:11:56 how do you know it's gender fluidity and
0:11:58 it's not just homo loop in your mood
0:12:01 swings
0:12:02 that literally you feel angry at one
0:12:03 point and that you know how do you know
0:12:05 how would you also differentiate between
0:12:06 those things how do you know for example
0:12:10 when was it when were you when did you
0:12:11 feel man bleep what do you feel like a
0:12:13 man okay fine but what you say your
0:12:26 gender fluid yeah those days will you
0:12:28 feel like I'm like a man to put it
0:12:30 crudely obviously that has socially you
0:12:33 know constructed implications you gender
0:12:36 fluid as well are you gonna fluid okay I
0:12:38 can ask you both those days you feel
0:12:40 like a man first of all how do you know
0:12:43 you feel like a moment what does that
0:12:52 mean what does that mean how would you
0:12:53 do stick with me stick with me because
0:12:59 this is interesting for me go ahead you
0:13:02 see you feel more masculine so tell me
0:13:04 what that means
0:13:14 so tell me like how tell me what you so
0:13:19 give me some things that you feel when
0:13:20 you feel masking aggression close I'm a
0:14:04 man right
0:14:05 I identify as a man so I know how it
0:14:08 feels to be an experience
0:14:14 tell me what emotions we're talking
0:14:17 about here that those days you feel
0:14:18 gender-fluid a bit manly tell me
0:14:21 those things dim your emotion just one
0:14:31 now though a buyer is no wrong answer
0:14:33 this is the zero okay so let's get these
0:15:25 girls involved this all cuz I wanna know
0:15:27 if you share honestly I'm learning from
0:15:29 you guys don't take this I look like you
0:15:32 get me I'm just because I haven't met my
0:15:34 whole life I've met everyone but I've
0:15:37 not met gender food that's why I met
0:15:56 some people that claim to be like this
0:15:57 right but I never believed them right
0:16:01 my question is this
0:16:04 she was saying and I want her to pay
0:16:06 attention should I call you hurt him
0:16:09 okay that's cool then that makes it easy
0:16:12 for me
0:16:13 I called him see I need to change an
0:16:16 example listen because we're trying to
0:16:20 get to the bottom of something I said
0:16:22 like what is how do you feel when you're
0:16:25 like basically having your Matt mill day
0:16:26 so she goes things like I'll come into
0:16:28 more like male groups playing sports
0:16:32 will get more things like that so do
0:16:34 direct does that resonate with you a
0:16:35 little bit or what why do you feel when
0:16:46 you feel filmo or what you feel like
0:16:48 what kind of things you feel like Jack
0:16:49 what activities you do you ask an
0:16:51 activity what do you do
0:18:18 okay yeah when you're playing sports or
0:18:27 something yeah I've heard let's go
0:18:33 what's your call how much of you heard
0:18:34 of us at a feminist Ryan Agassi she
0:18:38 wrote a book and she was talking about
0:18:40 the things that women are inhibited from
0:18:42 doing because of them because their
0:18:44 physical breasts she mentioned that one
0:18:45 of those things is sports because of
0:18:47 their physical presence
0:18:52 I can ask another question do I am since
0:19:10 you got a gender-fluid on on a serious
0:19:12 level I had shown a scowl on understand
0:19:14 right now I'm in a position of
0:19:16 understanding your you're teaching me
0:19:18 you're the teacher and the learner I'm
0:19:19 the question I am the question is this
0:19:21 you know you say them that you feel like
0:19:23 you do gender-fluid you feel like I'm at
0:19:25 Mill would you go as far as I say and
0:19:27 there's no right or wrong answers to
0:19:29 short out your opinion would you go as
0:19:31 far as to say that we should be afforded
0:19:33 the right to participate of males like
0:19:36 for example sports or but you know what
0:19:51 I'm gonna ask you before basically at
0:19:54 what point should males that are having
0:19:56 because this goes back to the question
0:19:57 we had before were you were hearing it
0:19:58 when I said that if a male describes now
0:20:01 like he's not had the sex change per se
0:20:02 well now they identify themselves a
0:20:04 female should they be allowed in the
0:20:06 female toilets and most of you said yeah
0:20:07 it should be yeah you said I am so I
0:20:09 think okay so what's your opinion she's
0:20:14 saying yes she's very on about
0:20:19 are you are you trying to sir okay so
0:20:21 what Isis okay explain to me how because
0:20:24 it's all know you melt a few more fuel
0:20:44 okay can i play devil's advocate for you
0:20:46 guys later alright so someone could
0:20:48 argue that here if someone because you
0:20:51 let's I'm assuming your ingenuity I
0:20:54 believe your genuine yeah obviously
0:20:55 right what other people might not be
0:20:58 genuine like for example my man here
0:21:00 right okay I'm not gonna use example
0:21:03 okay okay my man here right you might
0:21:06 have this crush on a girl he or he might
0:21:09 want to just spy on someone right he
0:21:11 identifies himself as a female for about
0:21:12 a week
0:21:13 okay now no seriously this is a case
0:21:16 because if we're talking about you get
0:21:18 what I mean
0:21:19 so so so that person hasn't had the sex
0:21:21 change put on a wig or something
0:21:53 I recently had a boyfriend
0:22:30 but she feel like okay right you say you
0:22:42 prefer to be a man what does it mean to
0:22:45 be a man because you know can I tell you
0:22:52 something philosophically yes I will say
0:22:54 to you that I don't believe you yeah
0:22:58 fully I'll tell you why
0:23:02 being a man is a first-person subjective
0:23:06 experience okay you can only know how it
0:23:09 feels that like to be a man if you are a
0:23:12 man
0:23:12 biologically okay would you accept that
0:23:15 so if you felt because this is one thing
0:23:18 that we will talk about now because it's
0:23:19 the idea of and it's a philosophical
0:23:20 thing nature versus nurture right
0:23:24 naturally naturally we're born in
0:23:27 certain ways and that we have to work
0:23:29 out a sociologist or psychologist or
0:23:30 whatever is at one point at what junk
0:23:33 cha and do we believe that society has
0:23:37 had an influence on human beings
0:23:38 thinking the reason why I kept asking
0:23:40 you guys about masculinity and one when
0:23:43 you because you guys are gender fluid
0:23:44 and you you're obviously trying gender
0:23:46 yeah
0:23:46 at what point you feel like a man a
0:23:48 woman and you said okay well when I cook
0:23:50 I feel more like a woman when I play
0:23:51 football more like a man you said that
0:23:54 did you get me like I feel I want to be
0:23:56 I don't know what it is but
0:23:59 Wow it's just open I think it's more and
0:24:02 looking and like a feeling of life I
0:24:05 generally have really bad for me is my
0:24:13 weight but gender dysphoria for me is my
0:24:15 general
0:24:16 genitals I get what you're saying yeah I
0:24:19 understand this size with that but what
0:24:22 I'm saying to you is that this idea of
0:24:24 first-person experience is very it is
0:24:26 important that for example before I came
0:24:28 in today I was watching this thing
0:24:29 there's a robot a new robot called
0:24:31 Sophie have you seen the Sophie it looks
0:24:34 very go home and watch they weren't
0:24:36 Sophie right Sophie is one of the most
0:24:38 probably the most like interesting
0:24:40 looking robots human-like robots yeah
0:24:43 now you know it so come back you can ask
0:24:46 her Oh Sophie questions Sophie will
0:24:47 answer but it's a robot at the end of
0:24:49 the day so artificial intelligence is
0:24:50 nice but so if someone came to you and
0:24:54 say now hold on and this is not to take
0:24:56 away from how you feel right if someone
0:24:58 came to you say I want to feel like I
0:25:00 want to
0:25:01 I feel like Sophie I feel like a robot
0:25:03 what would you say to them no no that's
0:25:15 fine I respect them as well for that no
0:25:17 problem
0:25:18 you see oh laughs no she's question is
0:25:20 would you believe them in other words is
0:25:24 there a way that they could know how it
0:25:26 feels like to be like Sophie okay if I
0:25:29 ask you a question now let's go let's go
0:25:31 one step further if you have I'm not
0:25:33 comparing this before anyone says
0:25:34 anything I'm not comparing this let's
0:25:36 say for example I say look I feel I want
0:25:40 to be like a rhino
0:25:43 oh you know I did at one point when I
0:25:46 was younger when I was younger I looked
0:25:48 at I used to watch a lot of like animal
0:25:50 documentaries in there and I was
0:25:51 particularly fascinated with the lion I
0:25:53 know how to be any animal I'd probably
0:25:59 be a lion why because the king of the
0:26:01 jungle he's got the ability to tear down
0:26:04 his opponent you don't have to be as big
0:26:06 as them yeah and look at them lion it
0:26:08 looks beautiful man
0:26:10 well the question is could I ever know
0:26:12 how it feels like to be a lion park like
0:26:18 a lion so if I ask the people to call me
0:26:23 Lions H that's my name now lion H I want
0:26:27 to made this part of them but the point
0:26:33 being is this
0:26:34 at what point and this is a question
0:26:36 it's an open question guys you know I'm
0:26:37 saying I'm not trying to well I'm just
0:26:40 saying at what point does society
0:26:42 actually say but hold on that's how you
0:26:43 feel you want to be that's how you and
0:26:45 that is actually I'm not going to use
0:26:48 the word delusional at all right but
0:26:50 that is a thought process which is a
0:26:52 faulty cognition of some sort which
0:26:53 needs to be remedied so at what point
0:26:55 which we call it gender neutrality or
0:26:58 gender at what point do you guys think
0:27:01 yeah that it's actually more advisable
0:27:06 to remind this is my question do to what
0:27:11 at what point is it more advisable to
0:27:13 remind human beings of their biological
0:27:16 sex if any and if not then but does
0:27:21 biological sex have anything to do with
0:27:23 defining human beings as who they are
0:27:32 you get what I mean because it seems
0:27:35 that crop for me it seems I can catch 22
0:27:37 22nd why if you say that okay
0:27:40 gender-fluid I feel man sometimes I feel
0:27:43 like woman you're born as a biological
0:27:45 woman I'll say that from your
0:27:47 first-person subjective experience you
0:27:48 can never actually feel how it is to be
0:27:50 a man unless you are a man right right
0:27:53 biologically biologically now if you say
0:27:56 no hold on because I feel like I'm
0:27:58 playing more sports in some days and
0:27:59 cooking Avenue right but then we could
0:28:03 turn around and say what hold on that's
0:28:04 the social construction of what it means
0:28:06 to be a man and that's a social
0:28:07 construction of what we to be a woman so
0:28:09 it might not be so same thing so someone
0:28:15 you get what I mean so that's why the
0:28:18 trans transgender discussion transsexual
0:28:20 discussion is actually a very
0:28:21 complicated one yeah unda liberalism or
0:28:24 under any other system obvious a
0:28:26 Laveau's level to get me so tomorrow is
0:28:28 really interesting because unless I
0:28:29 wanna profit there were men and that had
0:28:32 castrated themselves right and yeah yeah
0:28:34 and he you know he would treat with with
0:28:37 great respect and whatnot yeah but the
0:28:39 point is is I don't know you know that's
0:28:41 what we believe we believe in treating
0:28:42 everyone with respect however the point
0:28:45 is this transgender transsexual
0:28:49 discussion is it seems like from I'm not
0:28:53 even thinking about it from religion
0:28:56 perspective or whatever I'm just
0:28:57 thinking about from a sociological
0:28:58 perspective I'm saying it's very
0:29:01 difficult for us to assert that hold on
0:29:05 we should call this person X because
0:29:08 they they feel like X what actually
0:29:11 feeling like X is socially constructed
0:29:17 yeah quite dear
0:29:19 that so you group me like do but at the
0:29:22 same time obviously that's constricted
0:29:24 to myself