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Dr Al-Massari: The Creation Story - Quran vs Bible - 1 (2021-12-06)


Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI: The Creation Story - Quran vs Bible - 1 حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

Summary of Dr Al-Massari: The Creation Story - Quran vs Bible - 1

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Discusses the differences between the Quran and the Bible in regards to the creation story. Dr. Al-Massari points out that the ancient writers of the scriptures were likely motivated by partisanship and political struggle, and that the concept of "God rested" is logically impossible. He goes on to say that the Quran's insistence on the observance of the Sabbath is grounded in a divine activity separate from God's need to rest.

00:00:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the creation story in the Quran and the Bible. He points out that the two texts have different accounts of the creation of man, the creation of the heavens and earth, the separation of light and darkness, and the establishment of day and night. He also points out that the Quran refers to the creation of the heavens and earth as "god's preparing" while the Bible refers to it as "God's creating." Dr. Al-Massari suggests that, if there are any fundamental differences between the two texts, they can be clarified by looking at the chapters and verses in which they are found.

  • 00:05:00 provides a brief overview of the different creation stories found in the Bible and Quran. points out that there are many inconsistencies between the two narratives, and that the details of the creation of man are not consistent with the rest of the story.
  • 00:10:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses how the Hebrew word "elohim" (god) is used in the Bible, Qur'an, and other ancient texts, and how it has the same meaning in all cases. He points out that there is no evidence that the trinity doctrine originated from this word.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the translation of the Hebrew word "elohim" into English, which may differ depending on the culture or time period in which it was written. The term may translate to "mighty ones," " gods," or "angels." While the translation of "elohim" into English may be different depending on the culture or time period, the concept of a powerful, divine being is common to all Semitic languages.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the differences between the Quran and the Bible, and points out that the Quran claims that God, or Allah, is all-powerful and perfect. The Bible, on the other hand, claims that Allah was one of many gods before he became all-powerful. also discusses the idea that the Israelites were literate long before modern times and that the Arabic language has a word for "allah" that is derived from the verb "a l i h" which means "to be perfect".
  • 00:25:00 Discusses how the modern western scholarship of the 18th and 19th centuries has disgraced itself by insisting that the ancient narratives of the Quran and the Bible are metaphorical instead of based on historical evidence. Dr. Al-Massari recommends that scholars start from a horizontal point of view and analyze the narratives for their historical reliability.
  • 00:30:00 discusses the discrepancy between the Quran and the Bible regarding the creation story. There are various differences between the two texts, most notably in regards to the idea of a "resting" God. also addresses the issue of evolution and points to verses in the Quran that hint at a timeline of evolution.
  • 00:35:00 Dr. Al-Massari explains that the throne in the Bible and Quran are metaphorical, and that the idea of a continuous medium like water is an example of a metaphor.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the different ways in which ancient prophets used metaphors to communicate their messages. It points out that while the level of scientific understanding at the time was not up to par, the Prophets still relied on metaphors to communicate their ideas. One example discussed is the creation of Eve from Adam's rib, which is a metaphor for the woman's nature being twisted. Another example is the story of Adam and Eve being put to sleep and having their rib taken out. These examples illustrate how the ancient prophets were using metaphors to communicate their ideas in a more simplified way.
  • 00:45:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the creation story in the Quran vs. the Bible. He points out that the ancient writers of the scriptures were likely motivated by partisanship and political struggle, and that the concept of "God rested" is logically impossible. He goes on to say that the Quran's insistence on the observance of the Sabbath is grounded in a divine activity separate from God's need to rest.
  • 00:50:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the differences between the creation story in the Quran and the creation story in the Bible. He points out that the order of creation in the Quran is more reasonable and fits more or less roughly with the geology and paleontology that is known today. He also mentions that some of the details in the creation story are not acceptable and may have been derived from myths.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses the differing interpretations of the Garden of Eden, and how the geography of the Garden is unreliable. It also provides an example of how the geography of an empire can be changed by a conversion to Christianity.


Dr. Al-Massari discusses the differences between the Quran and the Bible. He argues that the Quran is a more sophisticated and philosophically-inventive book than the Bible. He also discusses the different concepts of man being made in the likeness of God, and whether this implies that man is a supernatural being.

01:00:00 discusses how the biblical Mount Sinai is likely located in present-day East Jordan, and how the Christian Saint Catherine's Monastery in Egypt was likely founded by Saint Catherine of Alexandria in the third century AD.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses the differences between the Quran and the Bible, specifically in regards to the story of Adam and Eve. The Quran denies that the tree of knowledge is a tree of life, and Adam was never meant to gain knowledge. also discusses how the story of Prometheus is similar to the story of Adam and Eve, and how the gods are hostile towards man because he could potentially challenge them.
  • 01:10:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the creation story in the Quran versus the Bible. He argues that the Quran's depiction of Adam as being taught all names (including "forever for all eternities") is a much more sophisticated and philosophically-inventive concept than the Bible's portrayal of Adam as being placed in a Garden to work for God. He also points out that the knowledge of naming and referencing concepts is something that humans are capable of doing, even without formal education.
  • 01:15:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the Quran's creation story and how it differs from the Bible's. He points out that while the Quran does mention the man sleeping and naming all of the livestock, it also includes additional details that are not found in the Bible. He says this creates a class contradiction with the issue of knowledge and dominion, as the Quran emphasizes that woman is created from man's crooked rib and that they will belong to each other. In Islam, some people also come with a similar point of view based on hadith, which states that woman was created from a crooked drip.
  • 01:20:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the creation story in the Quran vs. the Bible. The Quran uses a metaphorical approach, while the Bible uses a literal approach. The main focus of the hadith is that it is created to break the relationship between a man and a woman.
  • 01:25:00 Discusses the different concepts of man being made in the likeness of God, and whether this implies that man is a supernatural being. It also discusses the question of free will, and whether it is possible to know for certain that it is truly free.
  • 01:30:00 Discusses the creation story in the Quran vs the Bible. According to the Quran, God is not a physical entity, does not have a physical structure, and is not related to the physical world in any way. The Bible, on the other hand, starts off discussing God as an entity with a physical structure and then turns into a story about a family. The Quran speaks of these scriptures as being for mutual jealousies and selfish benefits, while the Bible claims that they were written by men in most cases trying to understand what the previous prophets said.
  • 01:35:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the differences between the Quran and the Bible. He points out that if atheism is true, then atheists cannot prove that there is free will or that humans are responsible for their own actions. He also discusses the concept of divine simplicity, which he believes is a pagan concept that should not be accepted.
  • 01:40:00 Discusses the differences between the Quran and the Bible in regards to the story of the fall. The Quran presents the story in a different way than the Bible, which suggests that it was not created out of nothing or that it has an essential part that could not have been fabricated. Furthermore, the construction of the story is first time made at Mount Sinai, which supports the idea that it is genuinely good.
  • 01:45:00 Discusses the origins of the devil and how he was created. It also discusses the Islamic concept of the devil and how it is different from the Christian concept. Finally, the video discusses the devil's role in whisperings and obsessions.
  • 01:50:00 Discusses the differences between the Quran and Bible stories of the creation of man. The Quran says that the devil came along to try to trick Adam and Eve into eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but Adam was aware of his mortality and knew that he would die if he ate from the tree of knowledge. The angels, except for one, obeyed God's command and became angels, while the jinn was released from being attached to Adam but was still part of the angels.
  • 01:55:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the difference between Quran and Bible with regards to spirituality. He argues that it is not very wise to indulge in studying spirituality for humans because it can lead to confusion and blind faith in matters of the cosmos which are ultimately unknowable. He gives an example of how something like a computer program can have an existence even though it is not material.


discusses the difference between the Quran and the Bible when it comes to the story of Creation. The Quran seems to be more in line with modern scientific understanding of evolution, while the Bible seems to be more focused on the story of Adam and Eve. also points out that, when it comes to the issue of women's roles in society, the Quran is much more progressive than the Bible.

02:00:00 Discusses the apparent contradiction between the Quran and the Bible when it comes to the story of Creation. The Quran seems to be more in line with modern scientific understanding of evolution, while the Bible seems to be more focused on the story of Adam and Eve. also points out that, when it comes to the issue of women's roles in society, the Quran is much more progressive than the Bible.

  • 02:05:00 discusses the similarities and differences between the creation stories in the Quran and the Bible. The Quran contains hints that evolution or creation happened over a long period of time, and this contradicts the traditional view that the creation of Adam took place in a few seconds.
  • 02:10:00 Discusses a study of new species that were discovered in a field study. The students were surprised to find that there were many new species that had not been recorded before. The conclusion they came to was that these new species may have emerged spontaneously, with different numbers of chromosomes. This suggests that evolution is not a dead, blind process, but is instead a result of divine choice.
  • 02:15:00 Dr. Al-Massari discusses the difference between the Quran and the Bible, and why he believes that the latter is not as accurate as the former. He also points out that, because of the necessary attributes of existing beings, he thinks that it may be possible to create a general image of the Quran's teachings through a series of small steps. He finishes the video by urging viewers to do their shopping in the morning and the afternoon to benefit from both physical and spiritual development.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:32 as i suggested to you uh earlier today
0:00:35 actually
0:00:36 uh the the two the two issues over the
0:00:39 one about the creation of man and the
0:00:42 dispute between creationism and and
0:00:45 evolution and so on we did discuss some
0:00:47 aspects there but i don't think we we
0:00:50 did not tidy it up completely and then
0:00:52 also the trinity we just advanced maybe
0:00:55 a third of the distance and we did not
0:00:58 tidy it up yet so
0:01:01 i thought maybe we would go for it
0:01:02 because we did the evolution first and i
0:01:05 i got the three first chapters of
0:01:08 genesis
0:01:09 so we can go through them and also the
0:01:11 relevant ayah in the quran and try to
0:01:13 to discuss
0:01:15 the various aspects and see
0:01:17 uh see what can be said about that and
0:01:20 how much
0:01:21 how much
0:01:24 the issue can be clarified or settled
0:01:26 both in genesis and in the quran okay
0:01:30 so um
0:01:32 i think the best and most reasonable
0:01:34 approach is to
0:01:35 uh should we start with genesis maybe
0:01:37 that's a good idea just reading i i have
0:01:40 both a version in the young literal
0:01:41 translation
0:01:43 which is that he removed in english but
0:01:45 also the
0:01:46 other the american what is called the
0:01:47 american
0:01:48 standard translation which is also i
0:01:50 think essentially in modern english a
0:01:53 little bit some some of shakespearean
0:01:55 english
0:01:56 but
0:01:57 it is not extreme so it can be
0:01:59 we can't follow it easily
0:02:01 okay
0:02:04 do you want to start reading
0:02:08 i think starting with
0:02:10 is a great idea yeah
0:02:12 genesis yeah
0:02:14 actually the first chapter is there's
0:02:16 nothing here to comment very much except
0:02:18 few the last verses but maybe you read
0:02:21 through them i have the the extracts
0:02:23 here in ns file with me and they'll put
0:02:25 it also for
0:02:27 uh
0:02:28 relax
0:02:29 but let us let us maybe read that the
0:02:31 whole chapter is it makes better sense
0:02:33 the one that you said first in words or
0:02:35 the file
0:02:37 one two three it is called bc abc01 and
0:02:41 this is etcetera and one chapter one two
0:02:44 or three or only in chapter one verse
0:02:46 twenty four right
0:02:48 just four thirty one i would say just
0:02:50 just read maybe genesis itself if you
0:02:52 have you have the html or they want to
0:02:54 read only the verses 24 and 25. no no we
0:02:57 need it all we read it all
0:03:00 so we we we see it how if it can be done
0:03:04 if there's anything really fundamentally
0:03:06 which which which file b01 c01 this one
0:03:11 is yeah zero one zero one zero two zero
0:03:13 three
0:03:14 it's all of them are then book one and
0:03:17 then the second number is the is the is
0:03:20 the chapter number okay so remember take
0:03:22 them all out open them the one two and
0:03:24 three and starting
0:03:26 which one which one you prefer the
0:03:28 standard american one or the little the
0:03:30 young literal translation a young
0:03:32 literal is okay open young literate one
0:03:35 oh yeah it's either either one
0:03:38 okay sometimes i feel inclined to the
0:03:40 young little that's maybe better
0:03:43 okay
0:03:44 um
0:03:49 it says uh in the beginning of
0:03:52 in the beginning of god's preparing uh
0:03:54 the heavens and the earth
0:03:56 uh the
0:03:57 earth has
0:03:58 existed waste and void
0:04:00 and darkness is on the face of the deep
0:04:03 and the spirit of god fluttering on the
0:04:04 face of the waters
0:04:06 and god saith let light be and light is
0:04:09 and god seeth the light
0:04:11 that it is good and god separated
0:04:15 uh between the light and the darkness
0:04:18 and god calleth
0:04:20 to the light uh day into the darkness he
0:04:23 had called night
0:04:25 and there is an evening and there is a
0:04:27 morning day one and god save let an
0:04:29 expanse be in the midst of the waters
0:04:31 and let it be separated between waters
0:04:33 and waters
0:04:34 and god maketh the expand expanse and
0:04:38 separate death
0:04:39 between the waters which are under the
0:04:42 expanse
0:04:43 the waters which are above the expanse
0:04:45 and it is so
0:04:46 in god calleth to the expanse
0:04:49 heavens and there is an evening and
0:04:51 there is a morning day second
0:04:53 god saith
0:04:55 let the waters under the heavens be
0:04:57 collected unto one place
0:04:59 and let the dry land be seen and it is
0:05:02 so
0:05:03 and god calleth to the dry land earth
0:05:06 and to the collection of what the waters
0:05:08 he called he hath called seas
0:05:10 and god seeth that it is good and god
0:05:13 saith let the earth yield tender grass
0:05:17 herb sowing seed fruit tree whose seed
0:05:20 is in itself
0:05:21 making fruit after its kind on the earth
0:05:23 and it is so
0:05:25 and the earth bringeth forth
0:05:27 tender grass herb sowing seed after its
0:05:30 kind
0:05:31 and tree making fruit whose seed is in
0:05:34 itself after its kind and god seeth that
0:05:37 it is good
0:05:39 and there is an evening and there is a
0:05:40 morning day third
0:05:41 and god said let luminaries be in the
0:05:44 expanse of the heavens to make a
0:05:45 separation between day and night
0:05:47 then they have been for signs and for
0:05:50 seasons and for days and years and they
0:05:51 have been for illumina luminaries
0:05:54 in the expanse of heavens to give light
0:05:56 upon the earth and it is so and god
0:05:58 maketh two great luminaries and the
0:06:00 great luminary for the rule of the day
0:06:02 and the small luminary and the stars for
0:06:04 the rule of the night and god giveth
0:06:06 them in the expanse of the heavens to
0:06:08 give light upon the earth
0:06:10 and to rule over day and overnight and
0:06:12 to make a separation between the light
0:06:14 and the darkness and god see it that it
0:06:16 is good and there's an evening and
0:06:18 there's a morning a day forth and god
0:06:20 said let the waters team with the
0:06:22 teeming life creature a teeming living
0:06:24 creature and fowl let fly on the earth
0:06:28 on the face of the expanse of the
0:06:30 heavens
0:06:31 and
0:06:32 uh
0:06:33 and
0:06:34 god pre-prepareth
0:06:36 great monsters in every living creature
0:06:38 that is creeping which the waters have
0:06:40 teamed with
0:06:41 and after their kind every fowl with
0:06:43 wing and after its kind and god seeth
0:06:45 that it is good
0:06:47 and god beseeth them saying be fruitful
0:06:49 and multiply and fill the waters in the
0:06:51 seas and let fowl and the fowl let
0:06:53 multiply in the earth
0:06:55 and there is an evening and there is a
0:06:56 morning a day fifth and god save let the
0:06:58 earth bring forth
0:07:00 a living creature after its kind cattle
0:07:02 and creeping thing
0:07:04 and beast of the earth after its kind
0:07:06 and it is so
0:07:07 god maketh the beast of the earth after
0:07:09 its kind and the cattle after its kind
0:07:11 and every creeping thing
0:07:13 of the ground after its kind and god
0:07:14 seeth that it is good
0:07:16 and god saith let us make man in our
0:07:19 image according to our likeness and let
0:07:21 them rule over fish of the sea and over
0:07:24 fowl of the heavens
0:07:25 and over cattle and over all the earth
0:07:28 and over every creeping thing that is
0:07:30 creeping on the earth
0:07:31 and god prepareth the man in his image
0:07:34 in the image of god he prepared him a
0:07:36 male and a female he prepared them and
0:07:38 god beseth them and god saith to them be
0:07:41 fruitful and multiply and fill the earth
0:07:43 and subdue it
0:07:44 and rule over the fish of the sea and
0:07:46 over fowl of the heavens and over
0:07:48 everything that is creeping upon the
0:07:50 earth
0:07:52 and god saith lo i have given to you
0:07:54 every herb sowing seed which is upon the
0:07:56 face of the earth and every tree in
0:07:58 which is the fruit of a tree sowing seed
0:08:01 and to you it is for food
0:08:04 and to every beast of the earth and to
0:08:05 every fowl of the heavens to every
0:08:07 creeping thing on earth in which is
0:08:10 breath of life every green herb is for
0:08:13 food and it is so
0:08:14 and god seeth
0:08:16 all that he has done and lo very good
0:08:19 and there is an evening and there is a
0:08:20 morning day the sixth yeah so
0:08:23 um
0:08:26 it's clear that the the creation of adam
0:08:28 especially in the sixth day that's what
0:08:30 uh according to this narrative
0:08:33 from from the verses 24 until
0:08:36 31 is in summary generally
0:08:39 not very much can be objected to that in
0:08:41 compare comparing what we know to be
0:08:43 well established from from geology from
0:08:46 science from accumulated evidences but
0:08:48 obviously the the previous part about
0:08:51 the creation of heavens and earth and
0:08:53 inspiration of light and dark and all
0:08:55 these things as
0:08:57 someone could say it could be given some
0:09:00 sense metaphorically but any any attempt
0:09:03 to synchronize it with with the real
0:09:05 creation of the universe is simply uh
0:09:08 futile
0:09:09 so we could say it is
0:09:11 i would say there may be have been some
0:09:13 elements there given by the prophets the
0:09:16 ancient prophets maybe from time abraham
0:09:18 and so on because this is genesis
0:09:20 supposed to be attributed officially to
0:09:23 musa but
0:09:25 unlikely it is
0:09:26 the current engine our hand is
0:09:28 differently unedited and composed on
0:09:30 various documents as literary critics
0:09:32 have been shown and also the
0:09:34 the various expositions do not fit
0:09:36 together 100 like if we go to the
0:09:38 details of the creation of of man in the
0:09:41 next two chapters we see that it doesn't
0:09:44 fit with with the with this uh
0:09:46 quick summary except by
0:09:49 in in best at as a matter of best will
0:09:51 we say maybe the
0:09:53 verses from 24 to 29 or there to
0:09:57 31
0:09:58 are just a summary and then it is the
0:10:00 more details are given in in the second
0:10:03 and third chapter
0:10:05 someone could if by by some by by if we
0:10:09 are exercised best will
0:10:11 but the previous part of the creation of
0:10:13 heavens and anything all this is clearly
0:10:15 uh does not fit any cosmological or any
0:10:18 geological uh narrative which we have or
0:10:22 and some of it is established now with
0:10:24 the us attitude like
0:10:26 the creation of the universe that they
0:10:28 have and the sun has wanna quietly that
0:10:30 obviously the two lights the sun and the
0:10:32 moon are definitely
0:10:35 ahead at least the sun ahead of the
0:10:37 existence of the earth
0:10:39 uh the moon may be quaran
0:10:42 does the quran not give a similar
0:10:43 narrative
0:10:45 no well no it doesn't give any any
0:10:47 similar narratives it doesn't give us
0:10:51 six six days
0:10:53 just six days doesn't mention any
0:10:55 details of the six days and so on in six
0:10:57 days without going into these
0:10:59 subdivisions and so on what the six days
0:11:01 may be phases of creation uh they are
0:11:04 not eligible if there's one or two
0:11:05 hadith but even the classical scholars
0:11:07 have objected to them that they because
0:11:09 they look very similar to this narrative
0:11:11 and
0:11:12 it's only from abhorrent
0:11:14 is known to be a body of kabbalah who is
0:11:17 a converted jew
0:11:19 and he was sitting with him quite
0:11:21 frequently and obviously they were
0:11:23 chatting about what's in the old
0:11:24 testament and so on and up to the
0:11:26 knowledge of the time he may have he may
0:11:28 have heard stories for him and details
0:11:31 which he thought he had from the prophet
0:11:33 because there's no other
0:11:35 companion narrating from the prophet the
0:11:37 same the same story that's the one in
0:11:39 muslim worship it says the prophet
0:11:41 hassam was holding my hand and he was uh
0:11:44 counting on my finger day once once on
0:11:46 day two day three therefore but even
0:11:48 already the classical scholars objected
0:11:50 to that clearly for various reasons
0:11:54 Music
0:12:01 uh maybe to help
0:12:03 um explain the use
0:12:05 of the word
0:12:06 elohim translated as god and the young's
0:12:08 literal
0:12:10 uh yeah but
0:12:13 there's
0:12:14 i i wouldn't comment very much of that
0:12:16 because
0:12:17 or elohim you mean because it's in a
0:12:19 plural form
0:12:21 right is this for me there might be some
0:12:23 some confusion about
0:12:25 all of the hebrew words uh translated as
0:12:28 god in the young's literal which is like
0:12:30 uh yahweh
0:12:33 yeah el
0:12:34 elohim eloah yeah but how said in the
0:12:38 american one check the american one
0:12:41 check the american translation
0:12:44 is is it is the original saying elohim
0:12:49 yeah i i have a copy of the torah i'm
0:12:52 looking at it right now and it says uh i
0:12:54 think it says elohim
0:12:56 in every case through chapter one i'm
0:12:59 pretty sure
0:13:01 check it double check it i think in some
0:13:02 places it says yahuwah
0:13:05 oh does it uh which verse
0:13:07 i don't remember now but
0:13:09 then it is okay it's double checking it
0:13:12 i know i i i i wouldn't i wouldn't
0:13:15 comment on that because i i think you
0:13:17 are hinting maybe you're going to hint
0:13:18 that that's there's some kind of a
0:13:20 prehint of the trinity or something like
0:13:22 that
0:13:24 we may discuss that but but there's
0:13:26 there is
0:13:29 this is not not a very compelling
0:13:31 argument for that anyway but
0:13:33 that had to use in the plural
0:13:36 elohim
0:13:38 it's a it's very interesting but uh in
0:13:41 some places yahweh in some places the
0:13:43 elohim maybe in the first chapter
0:13:45 of genesis
0:13:47 but i don't have very much i don't have
0:13:49 very much to comment on that until we
0:13:51 synchronize all the various chapters on
0:13:52 the various places
0:13:54 okay i i just wanted to point that out
0:13:56 um
0:13:57 i'm actually not a trinitarian i
0:13:59 explained this to the other moderators
0:14:01 before you joined me uh no no problem no
0:14:03 i have no problem with that now i'm
0:14:04 saying just yes because uh anyway uh
0:14:08 illah and elohim
0:14:10 uh is is an ancient obviously uh semitic
0:14:13 world which in ancient time essentially
0:14:16 it means
0:14:17 it means it means like
0:14:20 essentially the same meaning like lord
0:14:21 it did not acquire the meaning of illah
0:14:24 or god
0:14:25 in the sense of a creator or
0:14:27 supernatural being that much it was more
0:14:29 like for example in in addressing musa
0:14:33 that i will be your illah and you will
0:14:35 be the allah of harold me with the the
0:14:37 master or the leader or something like
0:14:39 that
0:14:39 obviously
0:14:40 the relation of god to moses is not like
0:14:42 musa or harun but linguistically the
0:14:45 word
0:14:47 is used as as i have seen in the arabic
0:14:49 translation i have that translation
0:14:50 discussed in another place in another
0:14:52 context completely about the root of the
0:14:54 word illah and elohim and the ill and
0:14:57 elohim and the various names like
0:15:00 like uh israel uh
0:15:02 uh
0:15:03 et cetera and this which is meaning
0:15:07 and yeah the
0:15:09 the translation i like for elohim is uh
0:15:11 mighty ones i'm not sure if you heard
0:15:13 that one before yeah yeah that's that's
0:15:14 that's
0:15:15 it
0:15:16 it may be this is this uh this may
0:15:19 gain support from when when uh musa was
0:15:21 discussing
0:15:23 with god
0:15:24 what should they tell the people who
0:15:25 called me who are you what's your name
0:15:28 he said i was i was known to your your
0:15:31 your forefathers or to your your
0:15:33 grandfather's
0:15:35 the ancient
0:15:36 the the patriarchs
0:15:42 the strong god
0:15:44 so that's maybe that because this will
0:15:46 distinguish it from the pagan gods which
0:15:47 are not a strong god so just just some
0:15:50 kind of
0:15:51 of angels or sons of gods or some kind
0:15:53 of of uh half gods or things like that
0:15:57 so this this may be mighty goddess is
0:15:59 not is not a bad idea or the god of gods
0:16:01 it may be an abbreviation elohim
0:16:04 sometimes in in the semitic languages
0:16:07 you use the plural for certain
0:16:08 functionality like
0:16:09 the head of the tribe
0:16:11 the
0:16:12 the head of a tribal association
0:16:15 and they drop the shaykh
0:16:18 the elders
0:16:20 meaning the elder of the elders or the
0:16:21 sheikh of the or the senator of the
0:16:23 senate because sheikh is a senator the
0:16:25 senator of the senators may be the top
0:16:28 sheikh because usually
0:16:29 big tribes are made of tribal
0:16:31 association five six seven eight ten
0:16:33 tribes each one has its own senator
0:16:35 senate or elder and there's a good
0:16:37 translation actually that's also used
0:16:39 which is the which is usually used in
0:16:41 the church for the elderly who are we
0:16:44 are who have become formerly bishops
0:16:45 later
0:16:46 and this is under the top elder
0:16:49 the elder of the elders so it could be
0:16:51 it could be an abridged version of
0:16:53 elohim
0:16:56 the real lord of the lords
0:16:58 the supreme lord or something or the
0:17:00 mighty god
0:17:01 yeah
0:17:02 okay but it could be like
0:17:04 uh the mighty one of mighty ones or
0:17:06 something yeah something like that could
0:17:08 be possibly yeah
0:17:09 thank you so much for cancer yeah
0:17:12 but
0:17:12 it's worth is worth doing more and more
0:17:14 work in that direction from the
0:17:16 linguistic point of view and taking to
0:17:19 help other semitic languages including
0:17:21 arabic so if you if you look in various
0:17:23 semantic languages at the same time you
0:17:25 you get good insights and many things
0:17:27 which may have been for a long time
0:17:29 quite dark like for example yahuwah
0:17:33 it seems to be
0:17:34 in arabic it's very close i i am the one
0:17:36 who is he i am the one who exists
0:17:39 by necessity
0:17:42 the best the best you could you could
0:17:44 express in in a language to people of
0:17:46 the cultural level and philosophical
0:17:48 sophistication level at the time of musa
0:17:51 at the time you wouldn't be able to see
0:17:53 it necessarily existing and indulging
0:17:55 they can't explore that's out of
0:17:57 question so use the language which is
0:17:59 bring things uh
0:18:01 it's that every person can understand
0:18:04 even the simplest person and at the same
0:18:06 time it has sufficient
0:18:08 philosophical depth for the philosoph to
0:18:11 go deeper but it's a and and some even
0:18:14 the skates in islam used for example
0:18:16 when they do dikkar with the divine
0:18:17 remembrance uh instead for glorious god
0:18:20 subhan allah prays to god they say
0:18:22 yahuwah
0:18:23 the one who is the one who is the one
0:18:25 who is as mentioned yeah
0:18:28 the translation i like for uh
0:18:31 is uh he will be hey yeah exactly who
0:18:34 will be who exists
0:18:36 by necessary by necessity whose
0:18:38 existence is not but conditioned by any
0:18:40 other beings is
0:18:42 intrinsically necessary
0:18:44 so that's yes
0:18:45 i uh i i wasn't trying to push the
0:18:48 trinity i just want because i i
0:18:49 personally i don't believe in it i just
0:18:51 was trying to bring out
0:18:53 the fact that the english translation by
0:18:56 using god it conceals the names and
0:18:58 titles of
0:19:00 yahoo or the divine being that's true
0:19:02 because
0:19:04 european languages especially english
0:19:06 and so on are relatively poor in divine
0:19:09 names while
0:19:10 semitic languages because we have
0:19:12 ancient prophets and so on and they have
0:19:14 given the divine being
0:19:16 many attributes are named are much
0:19:17 richer in this this regard that's clear
0:19:20 that's very clear even in these things
0:19:22 which are related to like for example
0:19:24 yahoo and so on it's very difficult to
0:19:26 construct something in english similar
0:19:28 it will sound odd people do not
0:19:30 understand because these languages
0:19:32 emerged essentially in
0:19:34 very low level of paganisms and they
0:19:36 took the shape there so the concepts are
0:19:38 coming from that time
0:19:40 so you need to do some philosophical
0:19:42 effort or
0:19:43 reconstruct or construct things uh to
0:19:46 get to get there
0:19:48 to get to the same level
0:19:50 the version i'm using is the uh
0:19:53 uh complete jewish bible i'm not sure if
0:19:54 you've heard of that
0:19:56 uh which one um
0:19:57 complete jewish bible uh cjb uh
0:20:00 unfortunately i didn't hear about that
0:20:01 is there's if you can give lux or the
0:20:04 brothers any link or some place to
0:20:06 download it or to attend it if it's
0:20:08 downloadable or maybe a database like
0:20:11 like the american one and the little
0:20:13 young literal are available as html and
0:20:15 also database
0:20:17 um if you go to you can
0:20:20 look up the cjb for free okay
0:20:23 biblegate um okay write write it down
0:20:26 so we don't forget it okay
0:20:28 perfect
0:20:30 when you don't like updates with the cg
0:20:33 b
0:20:35 it's called cjb okay
0:20:39 i i have this i have the study version
0:20:41 of the bible
0:20:42 and it has a note on elohim it says i
0:20:45 wanted to get your insight on it it says
0:20:47 the root meaning of the word is unknown
0:20:49 the most probable theory is that it may
0:20:51 be connected with the old arabic verb
0:20:55 a l i h
0:20:57 a l i h to be perfect
0:21:00 to seek refuge because of fear
0:21:02 uh
0:21:03 actually i i would say no i think i i
0:21:06 don't think they they did the homework
0:21:08 in this very well i think it's it's it's
0:21:10 it's coming from ill which means a deity
0:21:13 or god or in in the ancient language it
0:21:16 is uh that the best thing is to which
0:21:18 illuminates that is to to see the
0:21:20 discussion between allah and musa in god
0:21:23 and musa in in mount sinai who are you
0:21:26 what should they tell the people what's
0:21:27 your name i tell the people
0:21:37 i think the hebrew bible would be better
0:21:39 to be checked for that
0:21:41 and then
0:21:43 within time
0:21:44 slowly it developed that that ill became
0:21:48 ill with al is there is a singular ill
0:21:50 is is the the definite article the ill
0:21:54 the god because they were many gods was
0:21:57 it would be in english written the only
0:21:58 way to do it in english is right go to
0:22:00 the capital g the one the god
0:22:03 and then slowly it developed until in
0:22:05 the time of isa roughly
0:22:08 or around that maybe before that
0:22:10 it became it becomes joined as one word
0:22:13 allah
0:22:14 so we we we
0:22:16 see that in in
0:22:18 in
0:22:18 western aramaic or syriac
0:22:21 in in in bibles and other words
0:22:24 that the divine being is
0:22:26 mentioned as allah in arabic is allah so
0:22:29 al-ilah
0:22:30 has difficult uh developed further into
0:22:33 al-ilah
0:22:34 allah allah until it became allah became
0:22:36 like joined like it became like a
0:22:38 personal name
0:22:39 it has been
0:22:40 a problem what they call it uh what we
0:22:42 call it in a in in in the linguist in in
0:22:45 the language theory if we get two words
0:22:47 and merge them together and drop some
0:22:49 letters and it becomes like joined fixed
0:22:51 like a new word
0:22:53 like merging them together
0:22:55 okay thank you so much it seems to be
0:22:58 that that's the best i think that other
0:22:59 one is is is not a very satisfactory
0:23:02 explanation it doesn't give also justice
0:23:04 to the dialogue in mount sinai
0:23:07 but i probably the problem with some
0:23:08 modern scholarship let me mention that
0:23:10 this as if i know is that
0:23:13 they started
0:23:14 initially
0:23:16 there was some critical reading of the
0:23:18 scripture and they're
0:23:19 trying to understand them as literally
0:23:21 work okay that's no problem but then
0:23:24 there came a phase where the people
0:23:26 completely
0:23:28 as assumed to to start with that they
0:23:31 are essentially
0:23:34 legendary stories and mythical they have
0:23:36 no historical background they have no uh
0:23:38 reliability uh all what we can be said
0:23:41 is that they maybe have been written two
0:23:43 centuries before christ or something
0:23:44 like that and that's the father she can
0:23:46 go back and anything before that is is
0:23:49 is assumed or or
0:23:51 started with as as being
0:23:53 as being fabricated and imaginary and
0:23:55 mythical stories
0:23:57 which obviously denied the historic fact
0:23:59 that the israelites were certain in
0:24:02 palestine for over a thousand years
0:24:04 they have scholarship actually they have
0:24:06 scholarship and they they took care of
0:24:08 educating their own children from the
0:24:10 time of yakub you may know that one of
0:24:12 the
0:24:13 usuals uh comment about the about yakub
0:24:17 that why he was superior to his brother
0:24:20 isau
0:24:21 is because he has two tenths one tenth
0:24:22 was used as a school for the children so
0:24:24 they were quite literate from early time
0:24:28 according to the level of the time not
0:24:30 not like in our time where we have
0:24:31 public school and all of that it was not
0:24:33 that sophisticated but they were and
0:24:35 even in egypt
0:24:37 all indication indicate that the
0:24:38 israelite was was in some sense or
0:24:40 another literate that's number one
0:24:42 secondly
0:24:44 uh musa seems to be literate
0:24:47 the tablets were written to him so he's
0:24:49 a man of letter letters he's educated
0:24:51 he's not just illiterate and the israeli
0:24:54 people through history were educated
0:24:56 people does not mean everyone is
0:24:57 literate
0:24:59 general the entire past there would be a
0:25:00 good fraction of the people illiterate
0:25:02 but there is a good fraction so the
0:25:04 whole nation can be regarded as a
0:25:05 literate nation as a land nation so
0:25:08 ignoring all these narratives and
0:25:10 declaring them to be metaphorical i
0:25:12 think this starting point is that what
0:25:14 made western scholarship especially the
0:25:17 one in the let's say the 19th that 18th
0:25:19 and 19th century
0:25:21 up to the middle of it but we have a you
0:25:23 know coming back to some sense in this
0:25:26 direction
0:25:27 has discrete itself if you start with
0:25:29 this starting point then you will never
0:25:31 get any reasonable scholarship why not
0:25:33 start these narratives maybe contain
0:25:35 some considerable history but contain
0:25:37 maybe some legendary amplifications and
0:25:40 then analyze it and go try to
0:25:42 synchronize it with babylonic and
0:25:44 egyptian history and so on and try to
0:25:46 come to some reasonable
0:25:48 representation of history not not
0:25:50 insisting that unless i find a piece of
0:25:52 bone or a stone or engravement i'm not
0:25:55 going to believe it
0:25:56 i i think this is this is not proper
0:25:58 scholarship it's actually disgraceful
0:26:01 i know that
0:26:03 most
0:26:04 scholar will be upset to hear that as
0:26:06 well but i think the the the western
0:26:08 scholarship in the 18th and 19th century
0:26:10 has disgraced itself by this uh by by
0:26:13 taking this starting point that's not a
0:26:14 scholarly statement boy
0:26:16 we have we have a whole nation
0:26:20 set in that area for example it is
0:26:22 enough just to go to jesus and see that
0:26:24 the antiquity of the jews the wars of
0:26:26 the jews
0:26:27 and this it cannot be it's rationally
0:26:29 impossible that all of that is is
0:26:31 legendary and has no historic roots
0:26:35 assume that it has substantially
0:26:36 historic backer background
0:26:38 and somewhat maybe maybe legendary and
0:26:40 maybe fabricated maybe exaggerated then
0:26:43 you are you're starting from a
0:26:44 reasonable point
0:26:46 so i think that's the reason they they
0:26:48 started everything from starting the
0:26:50 essentially like like a horizontal point
0:26:52 of view that's what we have achieved in
0:26:54 the 17 18 19th century and
0:26:56 post-renaissance that's that's the only
0:26:59 reasonable scholarship and the only a
0:27:01 respectable way of doing things but all
0:27:04 previous nations all cultures and
0:27:05 civilization they have to be discounted
0:27:07 and ignored
0:27:11 yeah i think i think this attitude is
0:27:13 the problem which led to
0:27:15 that you find people spending all their
0:27:17 life digging up around something while
0:27:19 the solution is quite almost clear in
0:27:21 front of them
0:27:23 because they chose to regard that like
0:27:25 for example uh concerning the first
0:27:28 writings of the new testament
0:27:30 instead of starting from what what what
0:27:32 bishop babies
0:27:34 the first writing was with the
0:27:36 collection of matthew who collected
0:27:38 collected the utterances of the lord and
0:27:40 the first gospel was what peter dictated
0:27:44 the people on rome and take that as a
0:27:46 reasonable maybe it has reasonable
0:27:47 historical reliability and built from
0:27:49 there they want to of change it into a
0:27:51 missionary world
0:27:54 um so uh
0:27:56 i'm not sure if you caught this uh i
0:27:58 said i'm
0:27:59 to bring to bring the topic back to
0:28:01 christianity um
0:28:03 i i am a christian so uh if you have any
0:28:06 questions for me
0:28:07 uh please let me know no problem yeah so
0:28:09 that's that uh so the the
0:28:13 most of the modern scholarship except
0:28:15 few really who have have come to their
0:28:17 senses and they took with uh
0:28:20 regarded with with some kind of
0:28:22 respect and
0:28:24 accepted the achievement of ancient
0:28:26 scholars as not not not ultimate not
0:28:29 final not infallible but at least some
0:28:31 scholarly work like for example uzibius
0:28:33 eusebius when he wrote about
0:28:36 various historical aspects
0:28:38 the man dug
0:28:39 he he traveled all palestine he dug even
0:28:42 records of the romans he that even
0:28:44 mensheva records municipalities he did
0:28:47 some considerable historic work he did
0:28:49 not just sit down and imagine something
0:28:51 i wrote it down or just read some what
0:28:53 other people read he cross-referenced
0:28:55 many things
0:28:56 and he visited almost every locality of
0:28:59 importance in palestine trying to trace
0:29:01 history of jesus history really
0:29:03 christianity see what if there are
0:29:05 public records if there are court
0:29:06 records and so on and he went through
0:29:08 all of that
0:29:09 he spent the life in that that such work
0:29:13 may be primitive after the level of that
0:29:15 time or something like that but should
0:29:17 should be respected that should be taken
0:29:18 on board not just completely ignored if
0:29:20 it doesn't exist
0:29:21 the same about full time the history of
0:29:23 the jews or the antiquity of the jews by
0:29:25 jesus and should should be given due
0:29:27 consideration
0:29:29 i i have the feeling that is not being
0:29:31 given considerable uh attention as it
0:29:33 should be
0:29:35 yeah anyway but this is that's a german
0:29:38 criticism i think i think there's a
0:29:39 major shortcoming that all this
0:29:41 scholarship has to be revisited again
0:29:43 both in the linguistic aspects and
0:29:45 historic aspects and so on
0:29:47 okay so now should we continue so i i
0:29:50 would say the the first part i wouldn't
0:29:53 say that it fits any really scientific
0:29:56 geological and so on but we could say
0:29:58 the people struggled they hear from the
0:30:01 prophets that god's created the earth
0:30:03 out of nothing he said maybe light he
0:30:05 celebrated the united general general
0:30:08 headlines to give them some some idea
0:30:10 about the creation and people as usual
0:30:13 they are not happy with such a summary
0:30:16 they must they must expand and and
0:30:19 develop and add things from
0:30:21 their imagination like for example the
0:30:25 the
0:30:25 the
0:30:26 verses 24 until 31 about the creation of
0:30:30 mansion should have
0:30:32 covered things reasonably about the
0:30:33 creation of man
0:30:35 the expansion then in in in in chapter
0:30:38 two that i i think created problem with
0:30:41 with the with the uh with uh
0:30:44 uh with the
0:30:45 if it's taken literally
0:30:47 and it has
0:30:48 the way it's narrated some of it must be
0:30:50 taken literally and very difficult to
0:30:52 interpret it metaphorically with the
0:30:54 result that we we we have things which
0:30:57 are manifestly unscientific or
0:30:59 contradicting science
0:31:01 i i have a question what's the uh what's
0:31:03 the muslim position on evolution
0:31:06 uh there are various oppositions i think
0:31:09 the muslim position should be that
0:31:10 evolution is not a problem fundamentally
0:31:12 it's not a problem
0:31:13 actually actually
0:31:15 when we come to when we get i hope we'll
0:31:17 get some time we'll get when we get to
0:31:18 the various quranic verses i think they
0:31:20 are hinting strongly toward evolution
0:31:22 without going into fine details
0:31:24 but they're very strong hints
0:31:27 and i i disagree with people who say
0:31:29 that
0:31:30 that
0:31:31 uh for various reasons they claim that
0:31:34 this will contain that the fact that
0:31:36 that man and man and abes are having a
0:31:38 common ancestory which you can declare
0:31:41 declare as apes so usually they make it
0:31:44 as like mockery man descends from apes
0:31:46 okay a black creature because the the
0:31:49 joint the joint ancestry will be more
0:31:51 more applied than human-like so if you
0:31:53 say man descends from apes this will be
0:31:56 for many people shocking
0:31:57 but
0:31:58 but but but it's not a matter of
0:32:00 shocking but really analyzing the
0:32:02 quranic text at least in in the case of
0:32:05 the old testament of the effects gene
0:32:06 genesis is really very verbal it it
0:32:10 it creates problems
0:32:12 it creates problems especially if the
0:32:14 the days are taken
0:32:16 to be a thousand years from our current
0:32:19 years at all these things then you will
0:32:21 come it will come into a
0:32:23 massive conflict with the geology with
0:32:26 cosmology with many other things
0:32:30 but in islamic and ancient islamic
0:32:31 scholarship they have to understand the
0:32:34 quranic verses there which have various
0:32:36 ends
0:32:37 they have no material at hand there was
0:32:39 not enough scientific information there
0:32:41 so the majority
0:32:43 has fallen back to the old testament
0:32:45 regarding this at least it contains
0:32:47 hopefully as good of a ancient
0:32:50 revelation and information which may be
0:32:52 better than uh than referring to nothing
0:32:55 so you find in the in the books of
0:32:58 uh
0:32:59 that's quranic
0:33:00 jesus
0:33:01 the
0:33:02 many many imports from from the old and
0:33:04 new testament
0:33:07 especially the old testament concerning
0:33:08 the creation story of israelite seven
0:33:10 does not address these things this is
0:33:12 the life of isis essentially so you find
0:33:14 this and most of the time taken
0:33:17 uncritically
0:33:19 and the quran is integrated accordingly
0:33:21 but if you look at it from a purely
0:33:23 linguistic and more digging point of
0:33:24 view it is it points very strong toward
0:33:27 throughout evolution and settles many
0:33:29 issue questions about evolution and i
0:33:31 think a remarkable way but
0:33:33 let us let us first go to chapter 2 and
0:33:36 so on and see where where i i have some
0:33:39 criticism there and i think it is it is
0:33:42 some some of the story has been imported
0:33:44 from pagan sources so let's go to
0:33:46 chapter two
0:33:48 uh
0:33:49 maybe we read through it also i i don't
0:33:52 think it's about to
0:33:53 read through it quickly although i have
0:33:55 in the summary uh like verse number two
0:33:57 and then he jumped to 16 17 that's
0:34:00 really the the one which i felt it's uh
0:34:03 uh yeah actually uh my the objection to
0:34:06 to to number two is that the issue that
0:34:09 that god rested and uh in the in the
0:34:12 seventh day and that's the reason the
0:34:14 sabbath has been enacted i think this is
0:34:16 completely uh pagan because attributing
0:34:20 resting and being tired to god is
0:34:22 completely not acceptable in islam and
0:34:24 the quran says clearly we created even
0:34:26 earth in six days and no tiredness are
0:34:28 touching us even touching
0:34:30 so that was that was for the quran
0:34:33 that's impossible
0:34:35 what was the motivation to have that
0:34:37 written down i don't think this comes
0:34:38 from the prophets
0:34:40 uh most likely it is to give the sabbath
0:34:43 some more deep sadism that's even the
0:34:45 divine being has had to rest on the
0:34:47 sabbath
0:34:48 to to make the sabbath more holy than it
0:34:50 should be
0:34:52 possibly i don't know i don't know
0:34:54 what's the motivation for people to but
0:34:56 human beings are like that if they have
0:34:58 just maybe
0:34:59 a summary prophecy about something
0:35:02 and it is only one or two lines it's not
0:35:04 very satisfactory we love stories we
0:35:06 love expanding things and adding to them
0:35:09 heads and tails and so on and they come
0:35:11 in so they become become enjoyable
0:35:14 it's very difficult to to
0:35:17 to tell someone that there was a a war
0:35:19 between the stars about about about
0:35:21 uh oppressive imperialism and democracy
0:35:24 you must may make star wars six episodes
0:35:27 or nine episodes so that people can
0:35:29 enjoy the expansion what about
0:35:31 uh like like
0:35:34 um
0:35:36 yeah this uh the whole issue with the
0:35:37 throne and the arch is completely
0:35:39 metaphorical
0:35:41 let's get some good arch on the throne
0:35:42 although
0:35:54 and it is very very well possible that
0:35:56 the
0:35:57 simple people will think and have such a
0:35:59 mental image but they they should know
0:36:01 at the same time if they have such a
0:36:02 metal image they should know also that
0:36:04 allah has is not not similar or equal or
0:36:07 equivalent to anything but if you dig
0:36:09 deeper into if you do a philosophical or
0:36:12 theological deeply theological discourse
0:36:15 the the interpretation of the ashari and
0:36:17 the majority of uh
0:36:19 kalam is that the throne is a
0:36:20 metaphorical metaphorism for the kingdom
0:36:23 and the story is a metaphorism for that
0:36:26 the
0:36:27 kings who kings who establish a kingdom
0:36:29 in human kings when they establish a
0:36:30 kingdom by wars and so on activity after
0:36:33 establishing the kingdom they sit on the
0:36:35 throne and manage the kingdom
0:36:37 that's that's the testament for his
0:36:38 views there but neither neither
0:36:41 and also it's it's a if if the people
0:36:44 read the quran carefully and also zama
0:36:46 hadith in that area they would recognize
0:36:48 the throne is is is is mentioned that it
0:36:51 exists before even the creation so it
0:36:53 cannot be a created entity it's
0:36:54 something related to the divine which
0:36:56 has to be given a metaphoric
0:36:58 interpretation but as as like
0:37:00 approximation number one for the common
0:37:02 man he may imagine a throne under under
0:37:05 a seat in which the divine sits and
0:37:06 things like that such a mental image can
0:37:09 emerge in someone's mind
0:37:11 professor the verses that we just read
0:37:14 from the bible it referred to you know
0:37:16 that god's
0:37:18 spirit was over the
0:37:20 water or something and i think we have
0:37:22 the same parable in the quran
0:37:25 yeah
0:37:26 what does it mean i say this is this is
0:37:28 a place where where also the classical
0:37:31 scholars have wavered and had difficulty
0:37:34 i i think uh the the only way to give it
0:37:37 any deeper sense
0:37:39 is to regard as the metaphor
0:37:42 of the throne as the kingdom or the
0:37:44 power the the
0:37:46 the divine kingdom extends over the
0:37:48 water what's the water obviously we are
0:37:50 not talking the water here in the old
0:37:52 testament you give you the ambition that
0:37:53 the same water which we have on earth
0:37:55 now
0:37:56 the quran does not mention that it's
0:37:57 definitely before immigration ever
0:37:59 destroyed the throne is underwater
0:38:02 that's the before that also also in the
0:38:04 in the bible because if you read it
0:38:06 again it was like from the exactly the
0:38:08 beginning even before creation i think
0:38:11 yeah read it again i i felt it's after
0:38:13 creation somehow
0:38:15 before
0:38:17 after it they may be light etc
0:38:20 so it gives the ambition that it's the
0:38:22 created water or the water for the which
0:38:25 somehow related to our water
0:38:28 but this could this could be a
0:38:30 misunderstanding of the people who wrote
0:38:32 these documents in ancient time of that
0:38:34 what they got from the prophets this can
0:38:36 happen
0:38:37 waste and void and darkness is on the
0:38:40 face of the deep
0:38:42 on the actual earth yeah and the spirit
0:38:45 of god was fluttering on the face of the
0:38:47 waters
0:38:49 ah so it is
0:38:51 it's like something like that but this
0:38:53 is maybe misunderstanding of the ancient
0:38:55 writers of that what the prophets have
0:38:56 given them as a as a metaphor why the
0:38:59 quran stressed clearly that that that
0:39:01 creation everything was done and his
0:39:03 throne was on the water now my my
0:39:05 metaphorical interpretation for that
0:39:07 is that if we interpret the throne as as
0:39:09 a metaphor for the kingdom his kingdom
0:39:12 extended over the water now we have to
0:39:14 go a little bit deep because this water
0:39:16 is definitely having to do with the the
0:39:18 the water we have in this world the only
0:39:20 thing i could envisage
0:39:23 is that
0:39:24 water is is is the prime example of a
0:39:27 liquid and liquid is a for the human
0:39:29 usual perception uh is is regarded as as
0:39:32 as a continuous media as a continuum
0:39:35 in distinction to sad sound is usually
0:39:37 regarded as as like you say
0:39:40 this man has so many good deeds or so
0:39:42 many sins like the sun's like the the
0:39:45 grains of suns at the in the whole world
0:39:47 or something like that
0:39:49 that usually we regard we got the the
0:39:52 the sand as as
0:39:54 as grainy
0:39:55 and we say which it is and regard the
0:39:57 water at the example of a continuous
0:40:00 connector obviously we know now of
0:40:03 physically that it consists of molecules
0:40:05 etcetera etcetera for the gliber but but
0:40:07 in the usual human perception it is a
0:40:10 prime example of
0:40:11 of let's say a continuous medium which
0:40:13 is incompressible and so on in the ideal
0:40:15 form
0:40:16 all these concepts are obviously later
0:40:18 before the time of time of quran and
0:40:21 even before the time of the old
0:40:22 testament for the water so the water may
0:40:24 be a metaphor for the the continuum for
0:40:27 possibility so his kingdom or his power
0:40:29 extend of all possibilities which are
0:40:31 not grainy to continue the continuum of
0:40:34 eventuality and
0:40:36 contingencies which are continuous they
0:40:38 are they are not just just grainy or to
0:40:41 use the language of mathematics they
0:40:43 cannot be counted one two three four
0:40:44 they are uncountable they are continuous
0:40:48 i know that's a little bit deep but this
0:40:50 is the only way it can it can make any
0:40:53 sense with all other things
0:40:56 yeah
0:40:57 there may be another deeper
0:40:58 interpretation i don't know but i think
0:41:00 this is this is the
0:41:02 maybe the the best what we can say the
0:41:05 same i think in the old testament also i
0:41:07 think that's that the people expanded
0:41:09 the soul
0:41:10 is most likely
0:41:12 it goes to a prophetic root let's just
0:41:14 say
0:41:15 ibrahimovic
0:41:17 and so on because these are the
0:41:20 patriarchs which are yaakov said in
0:41:22 egypt obviously and his children
0:41:25 egypt was was chosen by allah to be like
0:41:27 an incubator for the police a new nation
0:41:30 at the time they could not survive
0:41:31 outside
0:41:33 as they survived obviously the sad
0:41:35 downside that they would enslaved but
0:41:37 that the creation of a nation with good
0:41:40 numbers and so on so ready to be is more
0:41:43 valuable obviously more important than
0:41:45 that they will be uh having obviously
0:41:47 the weakness and characters and broken
0:41:50 characters but the breaking character
0:41:52 and the slave slavers slavish mentality
0:41:55 can be eased cleaned this was cleaned by
0:41:56 the by the by by the uh 40 years in the
0:42:00 wilderness all the old guys the weak
0:42:03 whims and so on where were exterminated
0:42:05 and young strong generation came forward
0:42:07 and that's easy to do but incubating and
0:42:09 getting a nation to a good number so
0:42:12 they can start real nation
0:42:13 need really at the incubation of the
0:42:15 egyptian environment despite of the
0:42:17 danger of slavery and which they fell
0:42:19 and the mistreatment but this is
0:42:21 this is going in history in a
0:42:22 philosophical way which only god knows
0:42:25 really hundred percent if that's really
0:42:27 was a divine intention but it looks like
0:42:29 that
0:42:30 anyway i would say
0:42:33 from these prophets definitely some
0:42:34 tradition came down
0:42:36 through the scholarship of bani israel
0:42:38 which basically persisted over
0:42:40 generation until the time of musa and
0:42:41 harun and further down the road and
0:42:44 the people wrote it down tried to
0:42:46 interpret it maybe added some
0:42:48 explanation or script in the original
0:42:50 text and then we have this final text so
0:42:54 the text of the the chapter one i
0:42:56 wouldn't say it is
0:42:58 it it has become only
0:43:00 extremely unscientific because the
0:43:02 people added from their imagination
0:43:03 tried to understand maybe just headlines
0:43:06 of what the prophets have said
0:43:09 we'll see an example in the creation of
0:43:11 of eve from adam's rib which is made
0:43:14 very literal most likely it is also
0:43:16 metaphorical from the prophets
0:43:18 and we have also have similar hadith
0:43:22 i mentioned that woman is created from
0:43:24 arab and if you want to straighten it
0:43:25 you will break it so you have to enjoy
0:43:27 her as it is meaning her nature compared
0:43:29 to a man seems to be
0:43:32 twisted and from her point of view a man
0:43:34 is also twisted both of you are twisted
0:43:36 but
0:43:37 if in the view of another if each one
0:43:39 the nature of a woman is not like a man
0:43:41 from a man point of view she's happy
0:43:42 twisted and for here a man appears
0:43:44 twisted also it is a it's a it's a
0:43:46 reflexive relation
0:43:48 and the only way is that you accept
0:43:50 women as they are they are not a copy of
0:43:52 manhood and woman should accept men as
0:43:55 they are they're not copy of womanhood
0:43:57 otherwise they will not be able to live
0:43:59 nicely
0:44:00 they will have conflicts and that's what
0:44:02 that's the original metaphor
0:44:04 but someone understood that it's have
0:44:05 been physically the case and even
0:44:08 explained here and then
0:44:10 became really expanded and details and
0:44:13 also adam was put to sleep and then
0:44:16 his chest was slit and bro and the rib
0:44:18 was taken out and then again the chest
0:44:21 was swollen back or something like that
0:44:22 who read it
0:44:24 it's interesting to read that how people
0:44:25 may be an initial metaphor given and we
0:44:29 should also recognize that the ancient
0:44:30 prophets even at the time there is
0:44:32 alistair
0:44:34 even they were talking more in
0:44:36 metaphorical parables and examples than
0:44:39 in direct speech
0:44:41 taking into consideration the level of
0:44:42 the
0:44:44 civilization the progress level of
0:44:46 scientific discourse level of
0:44:48 philosophical sophistication was not up
0:44:50 to that level yet
0:44:53 so they were they were really relying on
0:44:55 giving proverbs metaphors and so on
0:44:59 more often than not only in very few
0:45:00 things like issues like for example an
0:45:03 advancing army what to do with them then
0:45:05 you have obviously to give concrete
0:45:06 advice and concrete prophecies about
0:45:08 this situation but otherwise if you
0:45:10 think about the creation of manager i
0:45:12 think many things were meant by the
0:45:14 province metaphorical
0:45:16 but the recipients uh could not really
0:45:19 live happily with just just just the
0:45:21 general metaphors they have to add to
0:45:24 the story and and expand it and make it
0:45:26 look nicer and more more enjoyable for
0:45:29 reading
0:45:30 that's that i think that's how it
0:45:31 developed
0:45:32 i i'm actually i'm not i i'm not
0:45:34 accusing anyone of the ancient right of
0:45:36 being deliberately mischievous but they
0:45:38 may they have been for example when when
0:45:41 the buddhists fit into kingdoms clearly
0:45:43 some of the writings is from the party
0:45:45 of
0:45:46 david and some writings from the party
0:45:48 of
0:45:49 of uh
0:45:50 of saul
0:45:51 talut
0:45:53 the talmud
0:45:54 which was which controlled the northern
0:45:57 kingdom of israel while david and his
0:45:59 descendant control the kingdom of of
0:46:01 judea yehudiyah and with a result that
0:46:04 they were hostile to each other and they
0:46:05 were
0:46:06 even even using other counting other
0:46:08 holiday systems other than even
0:46:11 even
0:46:12 even almost a different calendar and
0:46:14 they were at this hostility led that
0:46:16 some of the writings see you see from
0:46:18 the writing clearly an anti and anti
0:46:21 davidian stance in some writings and in
0:46:23 other writings and anti
0:46:25 uh somewhat stance so they have been
0:46:28 also partisanship and political struggle
0:46:31 which sneaked in the scripture in part
0:46:33 it's very complex how all these
0:46:35 documents are developed
0:46:38 modern scholarships started something
0:46:40 but because they started from the
0:46:41 beginning assuming everything is is is
0:46:44 legendary and lies and fabrication and
0:46:46 just uh
0:46:50 ancient pavilionic myths transferred and
0:46:52 so on with the result that they ended
0:46:54 really
0:46:55 producing nothing which is very really
0:46:57 very persuasive and very respectful
0:47:00 but now there's there's a there's a
0:47:02 direction going to recorrect that and
0:47:04 make things more in a balanced a
0:47:06 reasonable way
0:47:07 because they swear
0:47:08 the pendulum swung far away to the right
0:47:11 then inspire
0:47:13 for example they will establish the
0:47:16 tradition of the church until the
0:47:18 renaissance and after instance is that
0:47:19 these scriptures are infallible they
0:47:22 contain the word of god all right that
0:47:24 is
0:47:24 written as the divine protection that's
0:47:26 complicit
0:47:27 and
0:47:28 undefendable in this form
0:47:31 and that swung to the extreme that's all
0:47:33 all is legendary all is fabrication all
0:47:36 lies nothing they have that ever existed
0:47:38 now it's coming to a reasonable middle
0:47:39 point
0:47:43 but let's go to chapter two see if we
0:47:45 can you can glean something there about
0:47:47 about
0:47:49 the reliability and also what the story
0:47:51 really entails
0:47:54 yeah do you want to be that slavable
0:47:58 should we read all of it
0:48:00 uh as you wish professor what what do
0:48:02 you want which words to be read
0:48:04 chapter two i i i singled here in the
0:48:07 summary which i gave to you is a number
0:48:09 two just to uh to to stress that the
0:48:12 point of the rest thing is definitely
0:48:15 is definitely not from the prophets that
0:48:17 is a later later
0:48:19 later imagine a legendary amplification
0:48:22 of the sabbath
0:48:23 of the of the holiness of the sabbath
0:48:26 we read it quickly yes that's it yeah
0:48:28 right
0:48:29 you want to read it
0:48:32 or you read it all right
0:48:34 yes
0:48:35 okay
0:48:37 are you there relieve him from reading
0:48:39 especially
0:48:41 a little bit literally english is not
0:48:44 it's not everyone's cup of tea
0:48:49 but actually the american version is
0:48:51 almost modern english only just there
0:48:53 may be the
0:48:54 same things like that a few words but
0:48:56 that is this state the one we speak
0:48:59 every day
0:49:03 okay
0:49:09 the whole thing
0:49:10 yeah yeah we just go through it quickly
0:49:12 until we get to 16 then we slow but i
0:49:15 just i singled two in the summary out
0:49:18 because the issue of that god rested is
0:49:20 definitely rationally unconceivable and
0:49:22 not acceptable but this is
0:49:25 most likely to make the sabbath
0:49:27 the holiness of the sabbath and the
0:49:29 seizing work there grounded even in a
0:49:31 divine activity which it is not it is
0:49:35 just a divine injunction which has its
0:49:36 own reasoning
0:49:38 uh obviously separated from that god
0:49:40 needed to rest in this at the seventh
0:49:42 day or something this is obviously
0:49:44 completely and the quran if we refuse
0:49:46 that's completely we create evidence
0:49:48 that three sex days and no no no
0:49:50 tiredness even touched us
0:49:52 which is obvious so necessarily existing
0:49:54 being will concept of tiredness or
0:49:56 weakness
0:49:58 will never apply to it
0:50:01 okay
0:50:03 so um genesis chapter two thus the
0:50:06 heavens and the earth were completed in
0:50:07 all their vast array oh which version of
0:50:09 it by the way which translation yeah
0:50:12 which one everybody like maybe the
0:50:13 american one is the english is a little
0:50:15 bit easier
0:50:17 right now and so yeah it's for american
0:50:20 people it makes sense yeah okay no it's
0:50:24 plain english it's more plain english
0:50:25 which is good why not yeah yeah
0:50:27 yeah
0:50:29 okay so thus the heavens and the earth
0:50:30 were completed and all their hosts by
0:50:32 the seventh day god completed his work
0:50:34 which he had done and he rested on the
0:50:36 seventh day from all the work which he
0:50:38 had done
0:50:38 and god blessed the seventh day and
0:50:40 sanctified it because in it he rested
0:50:42 from all his work which god had created
0:50:44 and made
0:50:45 this is the account of the heavens and
0:50:47 the earth
0:50:48 when they were created in the day that
0:50:49 the lord god made earth and heaven
0:50:52 now no shrub of field was yet in the
0:50:54 earth and no plant of the field had yet
0:50:55 sprouted for the lord god had not sent
0:50:57 rain upon the earth there was no man to
0:50:59 cultivate the ground now you see you see
0:51:02 now they go into the details about the
0:51:04 pre-creation of adam which has been in
0:51:06 the summary before more reasonable the
0:51:08 summary before plants came fast which
0:51:10 looks more like
0:51:12 more more or less generally close to
0:51:15 what we know from geology and
0:51:17 just
0:51:18 like like main strokes with a brush
0:51:20 not really any details because this is
0:51:22 not supposed to be a book of geology or
0:51:24 paleontology or something like that but
0:51:26 there is start with with the obviously
0:51:28 with plants and seeds and it goes to the
0:51:31 to the beds and so on which looks like
0:51:33 similar to what we know from geology in
0:51:36 order of creation now it goes back and
0:51:38 then it is messed up again so it seemed
0:51:41 to be the one who
0:51:43 edited that
0:51:45 did not think seriously or did not dare
0:51:47 going back and the other one or regarded
0:51:50 that summary is enough although there is
0:51:52 clearly contradiction between the two
0:51:54 but carry on carry on you will see that
0:51:56 how it is because here the
0:51:59 at least the cattle and
0:52:01 some some
0:52:02 some animals and some
0:52:04 some seeds and some plants are created
0:52:06 for adam after he was created and there
0:52:08 is definitely well before day three
0:52:11 before day five which makes better sense
0:52:14 in chapter one
0:52:16 at least fits more or less roughly with
0:52:18 the geology and paleontology and so on
0:52:20 it can be tolerated can we say okay
0:52:22 maybe this had a prophetic root i
0:52:24 probably told them first first of all
0:52:26 the earth was there and the day and
0:52:28 night were established and then trees
0:52:29 came and the birds came and things like
0:52:32 that just general rough order of things
0:52:35 which makes sense
0:52:36 but here we we getting some somehow in
0:52:39 things which are clearly not acceptable
0:52:42 for in a scientific or or even in
0:52:45 civilization with the child with the
0:52:47 chapter one
0:52:48 they carry on
0:52:49 okay but a mist used to rise from the
0:52:51 earth and the water and water the whole
0:52:54 surface of the ground then the lord god
0:52:56 formed man of the man of dust from the
0:52:58 ground and breathed into his nostrils
0:53:00 the breath of life and man became
0:53:03 a living being
0:53:04 lord god planted a garden toward the
0:53:06 east in eden and there he placed the man
0:53:09 whom he had formed out of the ground the
0:53:11 lord god caused to grow every tree that
0:53:13 is pleasing to the sight and good for
0:53:15 food tree of life also also in the midst
0:53:17 of the garden and the tree of knowledge
0:53:18 of good and evil now a river flowed out
0:53:21 of eden to water the garden and from
0:53:23 there it divided and became four rivers
0:53:25 the name of the first is
0:53:27 it flows around the whole land of habila
0:53:29 where there is gold that's that's uh
0:53:32 just a quick comment uh
0:53:34 this is where where you find this santa
0:53:36 fe that
0:53:37 uh claim that there's a hadith it's not
0:53:39 it is a fabricated obviously but it
0:53:42 taken from me that that
0:53:44 the river four rivers are coming from
0:53:46 paradise and one of them is
0:53:49 they have farad and the kneel or
0:53:50 something like that here others
0:53:52 mentioned
0:53:53 are mentioned as again it comes from
0:53:55 that one
0:53:57 and it comes from the claim that these
0:53:58 rivers flown from this from this place
0:54:00 obviously
0:54:02 this has obviously no geographic no
0:54:04 geophysical no geological standing
0:54:06 whatsoever and also where this aiden is
0:54:09 located according to the description if
0:54:11 if one of those seems to be sahon which
0:54:13 is in in uzbekistan
0:54:15 then this may uh lend some some some way
0:54:18 to the claim that
0:54:20 that adam came down in north india on a
0:54:22 kashmir or something like that that's
0:54:24 according to some of the myths going
0:54:26 around another myth is that he emerged
0:54:28 actually in in in arabia that's
0:54:31 obviously an arabic myth and then we
0:54:33 have then the other one which is more
0:54:35 more fine having a better standing uh is
0:54:38 that it is it's maybe in the high plain
0:54:40 of abyssinian but how come then say hon
0:54:43 has has come from there so they say it's
0:54:45 only metaphorical they they are such
0:54:48 blessed as if they are coming from
0:54:50 paradise or something
0:54:52 you see when people develop such stories
0:54:54 to start it then they get stuck with the
0:54:56 reality with the contradiction with the
0:54:58 reality and they try to go to
0:55:00 metaphorical interpretation okay carry
0:55:02 on
0:55:05 um the gold of that land is good and the
0:55:08 bdellium and the onyx stone are there
0:55:10 name of the second river is guy han it
0:55:13 flows from the whole land of cush
0:55:15 name of the third river is tigris it
0:55:17 flows east of assyria
0:55:24 is is is essentially i think abyssinian
0:55:27 and sudan
0:55:29 that's the lantern of course
0:55:32 that's the end of course so
0:55:34 the fourth river is the euphrates
0:55:36 yeah you see so we have the euphrates
0:55:38 antigris these two
0:55:40 but we know it is coming from the high
0:55:42 plains of turkey
0:55:43 physically it's impossible that they
0:55:45 they
0:55:46 to get them coming from the same place
0:55:48 that the one was coming from the land of
0:55:50 kush which is maybe maybe the uh the the
0:55:53 is it the white nile or the blue nile
0:55:54 coming from obviously from ethiopia
0:55:57 either one of them most likely this is
0:55:59 the one meant there
0:56:00 the the high one the nihilist stuff is
0:56:02 not mentioned
0:56:04 anyway i don't know if is the name niall
0:56:06 mentioned in the old testament was it
0:56:08 that the old name or it is a more modern
0:56:10 name
0:56:12 i don't think it's mentioned the old
0:56:13 testament
0:56:15 what's the name of the the main river of
0:56:17 egypt in the old testament or in in in
0:56:20 egyptian language maybe it's maybe
0:56:23 that's the old name of it
0:56:25 because this is the one coming from the
0:56:26 land of kush
0:56:32 yeah i don't know what what's the name
0:56:33 given to that river coming from the land
0:56:35 of kush
0:56:39 Music
0:56:41 and they said
0:56:42 the verse you just read
0:56:44 they say the first river the second ever
0:56:46 the three they were the fourth river
0:56:47 yeah
0:56:49 i think i think it's the second one they
0:56:51 come one coming from the land of kush
0:56:55 water
0:56:56 so
0:57:00 and river went out of eden to water the
0:57:03 garden and from thence it was parted and
0:57:06 became four heads
0:57:08 the name of the first is fishen
0:57:11 that is it which uh compasses the whole
0:57:15 land of
0:57:17 havillah where there is gold we don't
0:57:20 know what's this
0:57:22 yeah second one
0:57:23 and the gold of that land is good
0:57:26 there is pitillium
0:57:29 and the on
0:57:31 onyx stone
0:57:33 and the name of the second river is
0:57:35 jihoon
0:57:37 that's jay honest that's the only
0:57:52 obviously somehow the
0:57:54 say the the either the geography is
0:57:56 upside down
0:57:57 or i i have a misunderstanding my
0:57:59 understanding is that old testament kush
0:58:01 is is south of egypt that's the
0:58:04 land of nubia sudan and on the high
0:58:06 mountain of ethiopia
0:58:09 that's kush
0:58:11 is which river
0:58:13 but
0:58:14 the name sounds like jehoon maybe it's
0:58:17 maybe a mistake maybe it's the old name
0:58:19 of about nile or something like that we
0:58:21 never know
0:58:23 anyway the two last are very clear
0:58:25 tigris and euphrates that's we know what
0:58:27 they are these are definitely
0:58:29 well known
0:58:31 name of the third river is
0:58:33 a deacon
0:58:35 in which goes in front of assyria
0:58:39 and the fourth river is your radish
0:58:43 is like uh
0:58:45 what is it called uh
0:58:48 foreign
0:58:53 yeah maybe something like that
0:58:55 anyway the geography is definitely
0:58:57 completely bungled
0:58:59 but but
0:59:01 people will tell you most likely this is
0:59:02 just metaphorical for the four four
0:59:04 blessed rivers
0:59:06 uh but since the the garden of eden east
0:59:08 and so on seems to be on earth so it is
0:59:11 not like the usual assumption that the
0:59:13 garden of eden is in heaven and these
0:59:15 these rivers are just emerging from
0:59:17 there in a matter of blessing matter of
0:59:19 metaphorical or or spiritual meaning
0:59:22 anyway
0:59:23 we will not get stuck very much in that
0:59:25 but
0:59:26 definitely geography is quite a
0:59:28 bangle there but anyway just a small
0:59:31 small remarks just a quick remark about
0:59:33 the geography of
0:59:35 of
0:59:36 of the ancient
0:59:38 is is quite is quite
0:59:41 unreliable and efficient let me give you
0:59:42 an example
0:59:44 when
0:59:45 helene the mother of uh
0:59:48 of uh constantine
0:59:50 who uh who adopted christianity as
0:59:52 essentially almost our official religion
0:59:54 of the empire converted the roman empire
0:59:56 into a christian empire more or less
0:59:58 more or less it's not exactly like that
1:00:00 but more or less
1:00:01 she
1:00:03 also his mother was very influential
1:00:05 she's the one who persuaded him in that
1:00:06 direction anyway she's a very powerful
1:00:08 woman she decided to go to palestine and
1:00:10 get all possible artifacts of christ and
1:00:12 so on and the big cross was found
1:00:14 allegedly all of these things that's
1:00:17 that's we can argue about that but
1:00:19 what's interesting that she wanted to uh
1:00:21 to locate where is mount sinai
1:00:24 and with consulting christian and jewish
1:00:26 scholars she consulted with your scholar
1:00:28 because he knows this
1:00:30 they may have something that
1:00:32 and
1:00:34 ultimately
1:00:35 they concluded that the wilderness and
1:00:37 all this is in what the current uh
1:00:39 peninsula of sinai which belongs to
1:00:41 egypt
1:00:43 and she established this uh this this
1:00:46 uh abbey and the church on top of the
1:00:49 mountain which is called the mountain
1:00:51 musa nowadays since almost uh
1:00:53 1600 years after that
1:00:55 two or three centuries before islam yeah
1:00:58 and i think you saw so called saint
1:00:59 catherine it's called saint catherine or
1:01:01 something saint catherine church or
1:01:03 something like that
1:01:04 the one in in in in this egyptian sinai
1:01:09 yeah anyone anyone remember that
1:01:12 and that's the one which also a very the
1:01:14 one the oldest latin manuscript of
1:01:17 of
1:01:18 full manuscript of the at least the new
1:01:20 testament i think of the whole bible
1:01:22 uh
1:01:23 the the one in parchment was found also
1:01:25 regarded as one of the important the
1:01:27 most important references
1:01:29 and that its age is well established to
1:01:31 be like a third or fourth century
1:01:34 and it was found in that church
1:01:36 in in the depository of that chest and
1:01:39 other important manuscripts there that's
1:01:41 the one on top of the mountain in sinai
1:01:44 it is on your way where you come from
1:01:46 suez from cairo's ways passing there
1:01:48 roughly going down to charlemagne so
1:01:50 it's in the current called the uh
1:01:52 sinai uh peninsula
1:01:56 but if you
1:01:57 if you uh
1:01:59 so that's based on their best guesses
1:02:01 according to the best uh the best uh
1:02:04 the best geography they had unless
1:02:06 someone claimed that the jews didn't
1:02:08 mischievously to mislead her that's
1:02:10 that's a possibility but i would say
1:02:12 it's a very very minor possibility but
1:02:14 there's no reason for them to do that i
1:02:15 think
1:02:17 god knows at that time the hostility of
1:02:19 the empire to the jews was not to speak
1:02:22 and
1:02:24 Music
1:02:26 there's no reason to assume something
1:02:27 like that so their geological
1:02:29 understanding but if we go back to more
1:02:32 ancient writings and claims like like
1:02:35 paul saying
1:02:37 about about mount sinai in arabia that's
1:02:40 number one
1:02:41 and this peninsula is not called alive
1:02:43 definitely secondly the description of
1:02:45 the exodus
1:02:46 as based on as much documents as
1:02:49 josephus was able to to to to get his
1:02:53 hand on he describes it also almost day
1:02:55 by day
1:02:56 and the root etc
1:02:59 makes it impossible that that that it
1:03:02 it be in the current scenario
1:03:04 is actually in arabia in north saudi
1:03:07 arabia around the 38th degree north i
1:03:10 have even some maps of that i will give
1:03:11 it if someone is interested i will give
1:03:13 you some preliminary work in that
1:03:15 direction i was relying on some people
1:03:17 to go there
1:03:18 and do some photographic work and search
1:03:20 maybe for inscription or rocks because
1:03:22 the area there is full of artifacts and
1:03:25 and things like but most people i relied
1:03:27 upon were not reliable they didn't go
1:03:29 there
1:03:30 they don't do the job
1:03:32 so just relying on google maps and then
1:03:34 some
1:03:35 some other
1:03:36 considerations are used for some other
1:03:38 information so mount sinai is almost
1:03:42 certainly
1:03:45 in in arabia and the arab peninsula is
1:03:47 almost certainly still having the same
1:03:50 name in arabic like this used to be a
1:03:52 hotel you know it's called it's called
1:03:54 the old testament
1:03:56 mount
1:03:57 horrible
1:03:59 horrible yeah
1:04:01 just translate that in arabic it's harip
1:04:03 or harp there's a mountain there called
1:04:05 harp in the exact location all the
1:04:08 evidences point to
1:04:12 so so uh
1:04:13 so you see uh even even located under
1:04:16 under and uh
1:04:18 and the whole wilderness which they were
1:04:20 wandering around for such a long time
1:04:23 and uh until all the old weak whims
1:04:25 generation died out etc
1:04:28 uh is actually in in in the current
1:04:30 jordan in east jordan
1:04:33 that's the whole generation
1:04:35 the whole the whole wilderness obviously
1:04:37 they were not
1:04:39 locked in one place because they were
1:04:40 living like a nomadic life but they were
1:04:42 roaming in that area north arabia all
1:04:45 the way to in the east toward the iraqi
1:04:47 border karate iraqi border maybe through
1:04:49 to syrian border they were roaming in
1:04:51 that area
1:04:52 grazing and so on and and
1:04:54 and waiting for for for for the for the
1:04:58 uh for the punishment to be lifted and
1:05:00 then they can
1:05:02 then go to palestine which happened
1:05:04 after musa moses
1:05:06 and uh amazingly they ignored all the
1:05:09 evidence that for example that harun
1:05:11 died in the wilderness and he was buried
1:05:13 in the wilderness and at that time
1:05:15 uh the the grave of haroon is well known
1:05:17 there in the mountain mount nebu
1:05:19 all of this is there and still they they
1:05:22 ended with with the time of the alleged
1:05:24 wilderness being in the so-called sinai
1:05:26 peninsula now
1:05:28 well actually sinai is not even there
1:05:30 that's not sinai sena is actually in
1:05:32 north northwest saudi arabia that's not
1:05:34 the dlc
1:05:35 so that peninsula is even named wrongly
1:05:38 it should be renamed something like
1:05:40 maybe uh suez peninsula it gives any
1:05:42 other name
1:05:43 but not anthony
1:05:46 call it whatever but not cna that's not
1:05:48 silly well i'm almost certain about that
1:05:51 with all these evidences so
1:05:53 concerning geological information uh
1:05:56 geographical information
1:05:58 in the from the old testament and from
1:05:59 the ancients
1:06:01 up to
1:06:02 maybe
1:06:04 eighth century ninth century
1:06:06 or maybe a little bit before is very
1:06:09 unreliable
1:06:11 you should not take that and give that
1:06:13 any value it's it's just the people
1:06:15 did not really
1:06:19 got got the geography under the location
1:06:21 of places in the earth correctly
1:06:24 yeah so carry on just a side remark
1:06:28 yeah
1:06:30 um then the lord god took the man and
1:06:33 put him into the garden of eden to
1:06:35 cultivate it and keep it
1:06:37 lord commanded the man saying from any
1:06:38 tree of the garden you may eat freely
1:06:40 but from the tree of knowledge of good
1:06:41 and evil you shall not eat for in the
1:06:43 day
1:06:44 that you eat from it you will surely die
1:06:46 now that's it that's the lord
1:06:48 that's obviously completely pagan
1:06:51 uh
1:06:51 and the quran denies that
1:06:54 the strongest possible terms
1:06:56 uh the
1:06:58 the three is not the tree of knowledge
1:07:00 not even the tree of eternal life
1:07:02 nothing of that at all
1:07:04 it is only the devil who according to
1:07:06 the quran who
1:07:07 who is trying to whisper to adam that
1:07:10 this is the tree of eternal life if you
1:07:12 eat from it you you will be able to
1:07:14 overcome death
1:07:15 and
1:07:16 certainly not that you have knowledge
1:07:17 because the knowledge has been imparted
1:07:20 on adam in the famous ayah and that he
1:07:22 taught adam all names there's a mission
1:07:24 also teaching the adam the names there
1:07:26 but the names of animals and things like
1:07:28 that and some some some of us are in
1:07:30 some exercise also imported that and
1:07:33 claimed that's what hadn't been taught
1:07:35 by the scholarship station all names
1:07:38 what's meaning to teaching adam all
1:07:40 names
1:07:41 the only the only understanding is that
1:07:43 he taught him he gave him the capability
1:07:45 of naming things the capability of
1:07:47 conceptual thinking because obviously
1:07:49 rationality is is two or two parts
1:07:51 judgment as you know from logic and
1:07:54 concepts and concepts are two types
1:07:56 by by def by definition and by by
1:07:59 so-called description for us
1:08:01 we don't go into the fine format
1:08:03 so this capability
1:08:05 and the quran is clear that this quality
1:08:07 given to adam which is not even given to
1:08:08 the angels because they did not have
1:08:10 this capability and they admitted their
1:08:12 non-network ability so knowledge and
1:08:15 becoming knowledgeable and capable of
1:08:16 thinking is given by allah to adam
1:08:18 before that it is and there's and that
1:08:21 tree is definitely not a tree of
1:08:23 knowledge and this most definitely is
1:08:24 not the tree of eternal life because
1:08:27 that's the devil who's tried to persuade
1:08:29 adam you will become now you will become
1:08:31 like angels you will not die
1:08:33 and playing on his russian his natural
1:08:36 instinctive fear of death
1:08:39 and then this way he succeeded so that
1:08:41 point is definitely
1:08:43 i would say pagan that's that's it
1:08:45 that's in the pagan tradition where man
1:08:48 was created by the gods
1:08:51 for whatever purpose but he was deprived
1:08:53 from knowledge because otherwise he will
1:08:55 be similar to god or the gods and he can
1:08:57 challenge them
1:08:59 so he should be kept ignorant
1:09:01 that's that's the pagan concept as you
1:09:03 found it in greek
1:09:05 and greek in in greek mythology
1:09:08 in a very in a very
1:09:10 clear way
1:09:11 and you find even even teaching how to
1:09:14 make fire done by prometheus indian
1:09:16 promises who he says who is a one of the
1:09:18 gods or a half god being punished until
1:09:21 forever
1:09:22 by being devoured his liver being eaten
1:09:25 out by vultures etc for all eternities
1:09:28 and things like that
1:09:29 which shows this this this
1:09:32 this
1:09:33 uh this pagan point of view that that
1:09:36 that is a confrontation or a hostility
1:09:38 between man and god
1:09:39 and uh
1:09:41 this hostility expressed that the gods
1:09:43 are trying their best to prevent man
1:09:45 from gaining knowledge and challenging
1:09:47 them in their own field of expertise or
1:09:50 something like that so this is
1:09:51 definitely
1:09:52 important from paganism that tree is not
1:09:55 a tree of knowledge
1:09:57 has nothing to do with as well and
1:09:58 eating from it will not
1:10:00 lead to death these these definitely
1:10:03 some some pagan concepts which have
1:10:05 crept at least according to the quran
1:10:07 and the kid i think i think i'd like
1:10:09 according to necessity of reason and
1:10:10 what we know from
1:10:12 biology etc even if we interpret things
1:10:15 to divide this possible interpretation
1:10:17 of metaphorism this will not work there
1:10:20 and this one is really fundamentally not
1:10:22 acceptable
1:10:26 especially if we if we if if
1:10:28 if regard the quran is the revelation
1:10:30 but even if we don't forget the quran is
1:10:32 revelation let's assume it is an
1:10:33 ingenious construction by muhammad
1:10:36 definitely this man broke all
1:10:39 all
1:10:40 or records of of sophistication and
1:10:42 philosophy because with the insistence
1:10:46 of al-baqarah that adam has been taught
1:10:48 all names and the naming capability by
1:10:50 allah and even the angels were
1:10:51 challenged and they failed
1:10:53 to to to be equal to adam to disregard
1:10:56 that issue of the tree of knowledge and
1:10:58 the the
1:10:59 the the the fact that the knowledge is
1:11:01 somehow gaining knowledge is somehow
1:11:03 only possible in confrontation to god is
1:11:06 absolutely
1:11:07 reversed upside down it's what only said
1:11:09 completely so
1:11:12 so
1:11:13 that man must have been because this way
1:11:15 that man must have broken all records of
1:11:17 ingenuinity or he's a prophet it shows
1:11:20 your pick but at any way
1:11:22 that is a master stroke which cleans
1:11:24 that completely and get that out of the
1:11:27 way
1:11:28 we believe it's also our revelation well
1:11:30 it's another issue we discuss another
1:11:31 time
1:11:32 or without evidence and so on but in the
1:11:35 balance of evidences
1:11:37 that's that's really the clarification
1:11:39 of the quran in the slaughter baqarah
1:11:41 that he taught adam all names
1:11:44 which also all the old scholars
1:11:46 struggled with that what mean all names
1:11:50 means all names including
1:11:53 forever for all eternities i mean the
1:11:55 only
1:11:56 the only way to uh towards to give that
1:11:59 a reasonable sense is that he taught
1:12:01 adam how to name things he gave him the
1:12:03 capability of conceptual developments
1:12:06 obviously the quran addressing everyone
1:12:08 including a bedouin in his tent and
1:12:10 maybe uh a hunter gatherer in in his
1:12:13 forest in africa wouldn't say the
1:12:16 capability of conceptual development
1:12:18 such wording will not be understood by
1:12:20 anybody except by their most
1:12:21 sophisticated philosophy and that's not
1:12:24 the way revelation works liberation
1:12:26 should work that everyone understand and
1:12:28 take on board as much as possible of it
1:12:30 without
1:12:32 without
1:12:32 getting into the contradiction toward or
1:12:34 what was known by necessity of reason or
1:12:36 the necessity of perception and the
1:12:38 reality
1:12:39 and this is that's the correct
1:12:40 interpretations the capability of naming
1:12:42 and even some classical scholars said
1:12:44 that's the only meaning acceptable is
1:12:46 that he got the probability of naming
1:12:48 making developing concepts
1:12:50 like for example at that time there were
1:12:52 no holograms
1:12:54 there's no way we can ask adam to to
1:12:56 name a
1:12:57 hologram but
1:13:00 now we are able to develop a hologram
1:13:02 drive driver from hologram etc from
1:13:04 greek and so on to discover certain
1:13:06 phenomena which was unconceivable we
1:13:09 were the past but for us because we we
1:13:11 see that and we constructed it we are
1:13:13 able to give it a reasonable name or
1:13:14 should represent its reality or
1:13:17 refer to it or compare it to something
1:13:18 else or just an abbreviation maybe
1:13:21 constructing a word which originally has
1:13:24 no meaning but it refers to something uh
1:13:26 and you will find in the dictionary this
1:13:28 description and the word came from like
1:13:31 for example taking the first letters uh
1:13:33 for of over the sentence and putting it
1:13:36 as a word all of these are way of naming
1:13:38 and referencing and linguistic
1:13:39 referencing which we have the capability
1:13:41 as human beings by in inbuilt capability
1:13:45 of the mind
1:13:46 of the rationality
1:13:49 so that's that that part is definitely
1:13:51 has to be objected on in every ground
1:13:53 it's purely pagan and this does not make
1:13:55 any sense whatsoever
1:13:57 whatever you give it a metaphorical
1:13:59 explain explanation it contradicts
1:14:01 really the definition of god being being
1:14:03 necessarily existing being himself the
1:14:06 source of of knowledge and and system
1:14:09 and organization of the universe
1:14:11 so if there's any knowledge that comes
1:14:12 from him
1:14:15 ultimately
1:14:16 how he educated adam with that is it is
1:14:18 it metaphorical of
1:14:20 did he put him in a school educate him
1:14:22 the way we imagined education school
1:14:24 maybe or does it mean that he
1:14:27 fashioned his mind and his soul and his
1:14:28 spirit and his brain structure that he
1:14:31 can make conceptual maybe
1:14:33 but he educated him he's the ultimately
1:14:35 the the first educator
1:14:38 so a tree of knowledge is just a pure
1:14:41 pagan concept which comes from a concept
1:14:44 of the divine which definitely not a
1:14:45 concept of the divine in the old
1:14:47 testament as as extracted from all the
1:14:49 evidence of the old testament and the
1:14:51 new testament and islam definitely not
1:14:53 it's a pure pagan uh
1:14:57 non-revelation uh concept about god
1:15:00 about
1:15:01 or whatever his name there and here is
1:15:03 named god but after a few verses where
1:15:05 he will be recalled jahwa again okay so
1:15:08 carry on
1:15:10 so that must be objected to that must be
1:15:12 rejected and there must be also taken on
1:15:14 board as as as an evidence that that
1:15:17 description may be quite reliable in
1:15:19 historic aspects also in some
1:15:21 ideological and theological and
1:15:23 philosophical aspects but they are not
1:15:24 infallible
1:15:26 i think that's that we we have to come
1:15:28 to this conclusion otherwise we'll be
1:15:30 will be in in what will be will be
1:15:32 cornered we'll be in a situation which
1:15:34 is because i the
1:15:36 the claim that this stat tree is a tree
1:15:37 of knowledge and that it does to prevent
1:15:39 them from being from being knowledgeable
1:15:42 is contradict all the meaning of
1:15:44 of god's creation their diverse and god
1:15:46 absolute civility and dominance
1:15:49 okay cannot be accepted that's can't be
1:15:51 accepted that
1:15:52 and there's no way to give it any
1:15:53 metaphorical meaning because it's
1:15:55 whatever meaning you give it it's a
1:15:57 pagan one
1:15:59 okay carry on and
1:16:01 and then man gave names to all cattle
1:16:04 and to all
1:16:05 he practices oh yeah that's okay that's
1:16:07 no problem that's that's that's how the
1:16:09 how this this capability of naming has
1:16:11 been exercised that time definitely
1:16:13 that's okay so here the new professor
1:16:16 don't you think it's the similar thing
1:16:18 and and and the man gave names to all
1:16:22 cattle and the birds and the heavens
1:16:25 and to every beast of the field yeah but
1:16:28 man there was
1:16:29 not found a health meet for him so he's
1:16:33 also naming here he's also using this
1:16:36 but but this capability is somehow man
1:16:38 is using it but it's not mentioned
1:16:39 explicitly and the three is declared to
1:16:41 be a tree of knowledge you should not
1:16:43 eat it otherwise you you die or
1:16:45 something like that
1:16:46 okay it will clarify down so that is
1:16:49 mentioned but part of the story because
1:16:51 it is not mentioned that uh obviously
1:16:53 the quran adds to that that
1:16:55 allah gave him this explicitly which you
1:16:58 could say in the old testament implicit
1:17:00 because he that's the way it was created
1:17:02 allah gave him that you could say this
1:17:04 will create contradiction with the issue
1:17:06 of the tree of knowledge anyway
1:17:09 so that but in quran is really more
1:17:11 amplified that is even
1:17:13 regarded as a major point which may
1:17:16 which with which the angels were
1:17:18 challenged
1:17:19 obviously that's not mentioned there but
1:17:21 but you could say that that revelation
1:17:24 which came later is not at that time
1:17:26 because there are other aspects there
1:17:28 in the quranic creation story which are
1:17:30 definitely not in the old testament they
1:17:32 will not reveal the quran says clearly
1:17:34 you are not aware about these news i'm
1:17:35 giving it to you now but we will come to
1:17:37 that when you come to the
1:17:40 the quranic creation story
1:17:42 but here
1:17:43 it's okay there's no problem with that
1:17:45 but this this creates also as a more
1:17:48 class contradiction with the issue of
1:17:50 the territory of knowledge
1:17:52 and jehovah
1:17:55 now now the name of jehovah is used here
1:17:59 upon the man and he slept
1:18:02 which
1:18:03 one of his ribs and clothed up the flesh
1:18:06 is that thereof yeah you could say you
1:18:10 could say oh
1:18:20 not metaphorically is clearly physical
1:18:23 here
1:18:26 this is now born of my bones and flesh
1:18:30 of my flesh she shall be called woman
1:18:34 but she was taken out of man
1:18:37 therefore therefore shall a man leave
1:18:40 his father and his mother and shall
1:18:43 leave
1:18:44 unto his wife and they shall
1:18:48 be one flesh
1:18:50 both naked the man and his wife and
1:18:54 we're not ashamed yeah full stop was the
1:18:57 way in africa
1:18:58 uh
1:19:00 there are two things literally things
1:19:01 and uh and obviously that's the
1:19:04 uh i would say maybe this has a
1:19:06 prophetic root a prophet gave that to
1:19:08 give this as a metaphor for the close
1:19:11 relation between one and one but also
1:19:13 difference that there are certain
1:19:14 significant
1:19:15 differences in their nature
1:19:18 but the people expanded it and make it
1:19:20 made it physical and made it the reason
1:19:22 justification that because woman is part
1:19:25 of man
1:19:26 yeah
1:19:26 then uh obviously they will belong to
1:19:29 each other and they merge together etc
1:19:31 all of these things that's fine but uh
1:19:35 but but clearly uh i would say uh also
1:19:38 in islamic tradition some people also
1:19:40 came uh came with with that with a
1:19:41 similar point of view uh based on hadith
1:19:46 what had it says is clearly
1:19:50 a woman has been created from a crooked
1:19:52 drip let's see the point here is it that
1:19:54 shows that
1:19:55 the stress on a crooked rib
1:19:57 if you want to
1:19:59 if you if you want to straighten it you
1:20:01 will break it and it's breaking is a
1:20:03 divorce
1:20:05 so either you enjoy here
1:20:07 on crookedness or you are going to
1:20:09 divorce here
1:20:11 so the purpose of the hadith is clearly
1:20:12 metaphorical but the process of the
1:20:14 hadith is not the creation is it
1:20:16 metaphorical or not but he said
1:20:19 it's part of you part of your own nature
1:20:22 but it is
1:20:23 in some sense crook because the the the
1:20:25 under the the rib and it says that the
1:20:28 most crooked part of the rib is the high
1:20:30 at the top part of it that's where it
1:20:32 joins with the with the spinal cord with
1:20:34 the spinal cord we spoke about this in
1:20:36 the beginning
1:20:41 the most crooked part is the top part of
1:20:43 it
1:20:44 yes which meaning the the
1:20:45 the the way the the mind and the
1:20:48 feelings of the woman work is is is
1:20:50 having uh is relative to a man from one
1:20:52 point of view appears to be
1:20:55 crooked twisted
1:20:56 obviously from the other point of view
1:20:58 is the same woman would say the way man
1:21:00 thinks and feel is also twisted relative
1:21:02 to hair she regards herself as the
1:21:04 standard if you regard yourself as a as
1:21:06 the as the measuring stick then a woman
1:21:09 is is twisted cooked and the woman is
1:21:12 feeling god has
1:21:13 which is natural because you look to the
1:21:15 world from your own majestic stick the
1:21:16 way you think and and perceive a man is
1:21:19 obviously odd untwisted odd maybe odd is
1:21:21 a better name than twisted because
1:21:23 twisted having a very negative meaning
1:21:26 it's just odd this is different than the
1:21:27 straight line is
1:21:29 is is twisted
1:21:31 and the the and the hadith the main the
1:21:33 main purpose of the hadith the main
1:21:34 emphasis is not that it's really
1:21:36 physically created from a moral note is
1:21:38 simply is that
1:21:40 that's the situation as it is don't try
1:21:42 to straighten uh change the nature of a
1:21:45 woman and make her a man otherwise the
1:21:47 only way it will will work out is by the
1:21:49 divorce you will break it that's the
1:21:51 only way it will be broken you cannot do
1:21:53 it
1:21:53 so accept her as it is she has an
1:21:56 initiative for your point of view maybe
1:21:58 you're regarded as odd and crooked but
1:22:00 that's it enjoy life with her this way
1:22:03 otherwise it'll be the worst the same
1:22:04 for women obviously have life from the
1:22:06 other side but because usually men are
1:22:08 the ones who are having the divorce
1:22:10 power in islamic law but also
1:22:11 historically men are the one who are in
1:22:13 most of the time the one who break the
1:22:15 relation the one who are easy moving on
1:22:18 while women are having the relation much
1:22:19 deeper and much much more
1:22:23 completely absorbing
1:22:26 uh
1:22:27 a man is mentioned here as the primary
1:22:28 one
1:22:29 that's it so if you understand it this
1:22:31 way maybe some metaphorical like
1:22:34 metaphor like that is going back to some
1:22:36 prophet but the people again
1:22:37 misunderstood and expanded on it and and
1:22:40 try to make that uh
1:22:42 explain why man longs to be living with
1:22:45 a woman and they merge together and
1:22:46 produce children because it's part of
1:22:49 him but being
1:23:04 it's made from that one soul and also
1:23:07 classical scholars slide with that
1:23:10 and they
1:23:11 and they uh they
1:23:13 try to give it the interpretation
1:23:14 similar to this issue of crocodile
1:23:17 whatsoever i would say the better
1:23:19 implication is that the original
1:23:20 creation was not female or male it was
1:23:22 just one one one single cellular
1:23:25 entity and that developed then later
1:23:28 spread in male and female much later
1:23:30 that's the biggest for that one soul
1:23:33 it's split later on in the development
1:23:35 this is a hint also for the development
1:23:36 that originally the original biological
1:23:39 existence was
1:23:41 uh non-sexual non-gender
1:23:43 was neutral
1:23:45 and was procreating by iba sprouting or
1:23:47 by by by by split dividing and things
1:23:51 like that
1:23:52 but later on
1:23:54 much later in the in the in the
1:23:55 biological development then
1:23:58 both in plants and also in animal
1:24:00 kingdom there was a split into into male
1:24:03 and female because this obviously had
1:24:05 significant biological and and
1:24:08 and
1:24:09 developmental advantage
1:24:12 but this is
1:24:13 not sorry yeah so let me like i have um
1:24:17 two questions for you so one goes to
1:24:19 what you're discussing now but i want to
1:24:21 relate it back to
1:24:23 um
1:24:24 two things you skipped over in genesis
1:24:26 in the first chapter
1:24:28 and that had to do with um
1:24:31 the the verse that says
1:24:33 and we made
1:24:35 man in our likeness and image yeah and
1:24:38 if one were to compare
1:24:41 that scripture or the yes that verse to
1:24:45 what we're discussing now
1:24:47 they're very different ideas they are
1:24:49 very different
1:24:50 yeah um discussions about the nature of
1:24:53 man so the reason i mention this is
1:24:55 because
1:24:57 um if one were to take a look at um
1:25:00 other
1:25:02 uh let's say holy scriptures that that
1:25:04 contain those texts
1:25:07 they say that man was made
1:25:10 in the likeness
1:25:12 god made him into a man that's the just
1:25:15 as he made a fish and things of that
1:25:16 sort
1:25:17 and that implies a very different
1:25:19 connection between like the discussion
1:25:22 about
1:25:22 man being made like god
1:25:25 um and man being made in his own way and
1:25:28 so that's the first of the questions the
1:25:30 second question goes to something we
1:25:32 skipped over as well and that is the
1:25:35 discussion of about light
1:25:37 and genesis
1:25:39 so some will say that
1:25:41 we're talking about a physical kind of
1:25:43 light that's what most people say
1:25:45 some will say
1:25:48 yeah some will say we're talking about
1:25:50 the christ
1:25:51 some will say that we're talking about
1:25:55 a kind of people
1:25:57 who on the earth will connect
1:26:00 man to god himself like messengers or so
1:26:03 or people who bring the light of god to
1:26:05 the earth and he found that to be good
1:26:08 um but those are those are the questions
1:26:10 i have for you and i appreciate your
1:26:12 just
1:26:14 Music
1:26:15 the the the the first one there's not
1:26:18 very much controversy between obviously
1:26:21 islamic concept because there's one
1:26:22 hadith which seems to be acceptable in
1:26:25 matter of reference chain and so on but
1:26:26 it's not really an
1:26:28 authority which you can put it equal to
1:26:30 the quran
1:26:31 is that
1:26:32 that man is creating the image of the
1:26:35 merciful lord or something like that
1:26:39 and the classical interpretation is that
1:26:43 it's meant in the in the in the in the
1:26:46 spiritual and and
1:26:47 and the
1:26:48 um
1:26:52 because man is having having similarity
1:26:55 or like likeness to god in matter that
1:26:57 he has he has he has rationality or he
1:27:00 has mind and he has free will
1:27:03 these are two essential aspects which
1:27:05 distinguish
1:27:06 an incessantly existing being which is a
1:27:08 god supernatural person by
1:27:11 personal creator from a dead
1:27:14 deaf blind nature
1:27:17 which is i think all evidence to show
1:27:19 that this is existing we cannot be of
1:27:21 this type
1:27:22 by the cosmological argument but i think
1:27:25 also it is it will be possible
1:27:28 by just analyzing the concept and
1:27:30 improving on selma in ontological proof
1:27:33 that it's ontologically not possible
1:27:35 that necessary existing being will be uh
1:27:37 the way about because ancestors being uh
1:27:42 because we know that the universe and
1:27:43 parts of the universe and even the stars
1:27:45 and the galaxies and so on and anything
1:27:47 after the big bang assuming or whatever
1:27:50 at the beginning of the space and time
1:27:52 we know now even if we don't go to all
1:27:54 the way to the singularity but we know
1:27:56 all this is contingent and is being made
1:28:00 the question what is the maker is it
1:28:02 some kind of
1:28:03 necessary collection of initial
1:28:05 conditions and and
1:28:07 laws which someone can make all nature
1:28:09 quote unquote which will be necessarily
1:28:11 existing has to be there's no way that
1:28:13 contingency can come except if there's
1:28:15 necessarily existing being initiating
1:28:17 this contingency it's impossible the
1:28:20 question only there to be settled
1:28:23 or some ethics overlook because they are
1:28:25 simple-minded they don't they don't
1:28:27 indulge really in good deep
1:28:29 philosophical and and and uh
1:28:31 epistemological and anthological
1:28:33 discourse
1:28:34 is that is that entity acting by by uh
1:28:39 acting by by uh by necessity
1:28:43 so it is an entity which you cannot
1:28:44 describe as living not a person just by
1:28:47 by its own necessity of nature in that
1:28:50 case there is no need to describe such
1:28:52 entity anything like consciousness
1:28:54 knowledge or any personality is nature
1:28:56 let's call it give us justice that's
1:28:57 just a generic name nature
1:28:59 or it is an entity who is acting with
1:29:02 absolute freedom it has to be because
1:29:04 either
1:29:05 acting by necessity or acting ultimately
1:29:08 by absolute freedom
1:29:10 as an existing being it's a radical
1:29:12 either this or this contingent being can
1:29:15 be in between we we act sometimes by
1:29:17 necessity like some active activity
1:29:19 physical activities and so on and heart
1:29:21 beats and so on like necessity actually
1:29:23 we are not acting nature is acting in us
1:29:26 and some of action is as by free will
1:29:28 hopefully hopefully it's a genuine free
1:29:29 will
1:29:31 the only way to have guaranteed that our
1:29:33 free will is is real genuinely free is
1:29:36 by the scripture by believing that god
1:29:37 made it this way otherwise just by by
1:29:40 experimentation and physical
1:29:41 experimentation there's we cannot prove
1:29:43 it with certitude that it's really
1:29:44 genuinely free when maybe we are deluded
1:29:47 and in between and things in between
1:29:49 which is mix of this necessity dictates
1:29:52 some part and then we make sure the
1:29:53 choice is within the necessity that's
1:29:55 because we are convert contingent and
1:29:57 composed but instead of being is either
1:30:00 this or this
1:30:02 so
1:30:04 by definition a god has to be
1:30:07 a personal entity some someone who has
1:30:09 knowledge and some has
1:30:11 some sense of consciousness obviously
1:30:13 supreme consciousness and mind and
1:30:15 absolute free will
1:30:17 being uh may not be made in an image of
1:30:20 god meaning that we we may not have any
1:30:22 obviously the same divine knowledge or
1:30:24 the semen divine rationality but we have
1:30:26 a finite projection of that we don't
1:30:28 have the absolute free will of complete
1:30:30 sovereign free will absolutely
1:30:32 spontaneous and free but we have a
1:30:34 projection of the infinite to the finite
1:30:36 that meaning in in that's the only way
1:30:39 to understand give give some deep sense
1:30:41 to a man being made in the image of god
1:30:45 i i cannot conceive anything else no
1:30:47 then it can't be anything like that
1:30:50 related to the physical structure
1:30:51 because allah is not god does not have
1:30:53 any physical structure by by by by
1:30:55 necessity of the arena if if he exists
1:30:58 and he is the creator of the universe
1:30:59 and he is an entity completely about and
1:31:02 several from this material we know
1:31:06 that's right nor does he have a wife nor
1:31:08 were um women born out of him so that
1:31:11 they're very different than absolutely
1:31:13 completely
1:31:16 so there's no controversy at that point
1:31:18 uh the at the other point what was the
1:31:20 other point is the relating at the light
1:31:23 i the light could be some people could
1:31:25 see it really the the initial
1:31:27 burst of energy of the big bank
1:31:29 some people say maybe it's metaphorical
1:31:31 for christ maybe metaphorical for the
1:31:33 prophets and connection to god that's
1:31:35 that's that's a possibility that that's
1:31:38 without any uh in
1:31:40 in in
1:31:42 can can be interpreted metaphorically i
1:31:44 don't see very major point but
1:31:46 here if we go to chapter two again
1:31:49 but that's that area is also first it
1:31:51 needs some some further elaboration and
1:31:53 a little bit more philosophical depth
1:31:56 but here in in two one point you pointed
1:31:59 in one
1:32:00 in two they started they they they start
1:32:02 i think in in in verse six or something
1:32:05 using the name jehovah
1:32:08 have you noticed that
1:32:09 i i that that for those who
1:32:12 are indulged in literary criticism they
1:32:14 will tell you that chapter or this part
1:32:17 of the chapter must have been written by
1:32:20 people who are familiar with the name
1:32:21 jehovah which is obviously constructed
1:32:24 on the mount sinai with musa so it can't
1:32:26 be it could
1:32:28 it doesn't seem to be befitting uh for
1:32:31 for genesis which is supposed to be
1:32:33 containing information and narratives
1:32:35 from the previous prophets
1:32:37 from yourself
1:32:38 something
1:32:40 and the other part about it is that it
1:32:42 wasn't written for the the
1:32:45 um the idea of god
1:32:48 presenting himself for man wasn't
1:32:50 presented to one kind of people it was
1:32:52 presented to the humanity
1:32:54 so one once one starts to see that
1:32:58 um that idea has been crystallized into
1:33:01 their own conception of god then you
1:33:02 know tampering had to take place it just
1:33:05 yeah it had to yeah yeah and
1:33:08 um there's um
1:33:10 one biblical scholar who was a catholic
1:33:13 nun
1:33:13 uh and she left the church and she did
1:33:17 significant analyses of the bible itself
1:33:20 and she said it starts off
1:33:22 as this document that's an expression of
1:33:25 like everything that exists and it
1:33:27 quickly turns to a story about a family
1:33:31 this is
1:33:32 in this you know it's really talk about
1:33:35 jewish families after a while so one can
1:33:37 start to see that there's absolutely no
1:33:40 way that we can
1:33:41 we can say that this thing was not
1:33:43 written by men because it was it just
1:33:45 was and from a
1:33:47 a perspective and those people who had
1:33:50 um perspectives differed on what should
1:33:53 be written it was fascinating yeah yeah
1:33:55 we are right absolutely but also i
1:33:57 wouldn't go to extreme that it's
1:33:59 by being written by men that is all
1:34:02 falsehood and regional agents like some
1:34:03 new then scholarship
1:34:05 it should be a more reasonable point of
1:34:06 view men have written it
1:34:08 most in the most of the cases it is uh
1:34:11 they tried their best to to understand
1:34:14 what the previous prophets say than the
1:34:15 previous documents contained their best
1:34:17 or their in few cases they may be
1:34:19 mischievous deviations or partisanship
1:34:22 and so on and if we look at at this way
1:34:25 we we extract the maximum benefit from
1:34:27 it and avoid the pitfalls
1:34:30 but if we look at the extremes we will
1:34:32 get stuck in and some and some
1:34:34 insurmountable problems
1:34:37 i i think we have a good guide in this
1:34:38 regard the quran speaks of this as well
1:34:41 it talks about the existence of these
1:34:43 scriptures but um but for mutual um
1:34:47 jealousies or for um
1:34:50 selfish benefits the rabbis
1:34:55 either having some scripture
1:34:58 hurry up with like the points so we can
1:35:01 like covers at least half of the things
1:35:03 we
1:35:04 want to it's already like an hour and 30
1:35:07 minutes no problem
1:35:08 but i'm good i'm good this this
1:35:11 this this area we may we may have one
1:35:14 one session for it if you prepare
1:35:16 something in this direction also so you
1:35:18 can give us a summary and then we can
1:35:19 discuss also because we you should
1:35:23 you should
1:35:24 okay
1:35:25 i'm very i'm very happy to be milking
1:35:28 for you but sometimes you also milk and
1:35:29 give me to drink
1:35:31 yeah yeah
1:35:32 and also as
1:35:34 other people present is
1:35:36 perfectly good it's not it's not it's
1:35:38 not fair that one is all for all
1:35:51 a couple of things you know in mind and
1:35:53 i like i also sent you on telegram uh
1:35:57 like also some some questions from like
1:36:00 previous uh
1:36:01 uh discussions about free will and stuff
1:36:04 there is a collection
1:36:20 with a basic adam story and so on before
1:36:24 we get to the most difficult and deepest
1:36:26 issue
1:36:27 definitely yeah
1:36:28 but
1:36:30 just just one take
1:36:32 if we
1:36:33 if it's for an atheist really if because
1:36:37 he has to go back by this existing being
1:36:39 which is acting by necessity which we
1:36:42 call a nature which is a blind deaf
1:36:44 dead
1:36:46 entity but it is
1:36:48 supposed to be in statics i think it's a
1:36:50 contradictory concept and i think
1:36:52 i think i am i'm starting to develop but
1:36:54 i don't think
1:36:55 i will have enough time on life to to
1:36:57 develop it further but i will try to
1:37:00 phrase as much as possible so people can
1:37:02 develop it further also girder
1:37:04 girdle the famous mathematician and
1:37:07 philosoph also developed the one one
1:37:09 ontological proof but it seems to be
1:37:11 having deficiencies saint anselm roof
1:37:14 failed on the issue of modality and
1:37:16 things like that
1:37:17 but i have a deep feeling that it's a
1:37:19 necessary system being is by necessity
1:37:22 having absolute freedom otherwise
1:37:24 really action creation is not possible
1:37:26 but that has to be really developed into
1:37:28 a strong
1:37:30 technically solid argument
1:37:32 so but but if we assume atheism then
1:37:34 definitely atheists will not be able to
1:37:36 prove that there is free will there is
1:37:38 no way there's no way it's a delusion
1:37:41 because in a strictly
1:37:43 uh uh
1:37:44 the universe is going to unnecessary
1:37:46 being which is acting by necessity it
1:37:48 seems to be even such a universe could
1:37:50 not have even quantum fluctuation
1:37:52 which is the only way we can understand
1:37:54 that the brain in its extremely complex
1:37:57 inter
1:37:58 related like 10 to the 100
1:38:00 that's the big quadrillion
1:38:02 of interconnection that may be
1:38:05 lifting quantum fluctuation from the
1:38:06 level of the atom to the level of the
1:38:08 whole brain and then we may understand
1:38:11 really if we will say a bit not not
1:38:14 completely because it's a it's such such
1:38:16 a fundamentally divine concept
1:38:19 in its in its its pure form that is
1:38:22 will be never conceived by us completely
1:38:25 but at least we can get give it to give
1:38:27 it give it a try and and give it some
1:38:29 kind of evidence based on the physical
1:38:31 reality i think atheists will never be
1:38:33 able
1:38:34 there's no way
1:38:35 but
1:38:36 you know professor it's being attacked
1:38:38 from a divine simplicity way saying
1:38:41 you're not
1:38:42 like if you're gonna have this believe
1:38:44 your god is not divinely simple he's not
1:38:46 simple
1:38:48 this is the you know the the the problem
1:38:50 where
1:38:51 you know it's
1:38:53 well that's what we have to discuss when
1:38:54 we get to the issue of free will and
1:38:56 these attributes but let's try
1:38:59 i think we got a good time so still
1:39:01 maybe we'll if we can get go for a few
1:39:04 more verses see what's in so the problem
1:39:06 with the three of the knowledge i think
1:39:07 this is very pagan and it is regretful
1:39:10 that that somehow crept maybe people
1:39:13 with the best
1:39:14 intention thought that they they make an
1:39:16 explanation or make sense of human
1:39:18 history on human uh prisons in the world
1:39:21 and made this blunder this is a pure
1:39:23 pagan concept should not be accepted
1:39:27 so carry on and also the note that that
1:39:29 here they're starting the use of jehovah
1:39:31 so seems to be the writer is someone who
1:39:33 was familiar with with this divine name
1:39:36 which is definitely post the dialogue at
1:39:38 mount sinai
1:39:41 uh that's that's definitely that that
1:39:44 mirova i am who he is i am or he is who
1:39:48 is is his post
1:39:50 posted encounter at mount sinai between
1:39:53 musa and and this explicitly said there
1:39:55 what should i tell the people what's
1:39:57 your name tell them this and this and so
1:39:59 on that's that's it this is such a
1:40:01 structured story
1:40:03 well developed in such a way that
1:40:06 it can't be fabricated either completely
1:40:08 fabricated out of nothing or it has it
1:40:11 has an essential part and there's no
1:40:13 reason to believe it's fabricated
1:40:14 because completely innocent it doesn't
1:40:16 it doesn't address any any political or
1:40:19 any it's purely purely pure and
1:40:21 philosophical
1:40:23 it it stands all the scrutinies of of
1:40:26 of all
1:40:28 of all evaluation of such stories that
1:40:30 there is no reason for anybody to
1:40:31 fabricate that story it's completely
1:40:34 irrational to assume that
1:40:35 the only thing someone could say is that
1:40:38 musa has
1:40:39 lost his mind at mount sinai maybe he he
1:40:42 ate some some some uh
1:40:44 maybe he he ate some some opium or some
1:40:46 some some plant there which you figure
1:40:50 messed up his mind but he imagined that
1:40:53 but
1:40:54 musa himself is at his time and his
1:40:57 background as being a prince in egypt
1:40:59 and being maybe a military commander all
1:41:01 of these things does not seem to be have
1:41:03 the philosophical sophistication
1:41:05 background to invent this jehovah i am
1:41:07 the one who exists this is this is way
1:41:10 out of the league of musa so all of
1:41:12 these i think this story is is genuinely
1:41:15 good
1:41:16 and the
1:41:17 and the construction is genuinely first
1:41:19 time made at mount sinai
1:41:23 that's the best that's the best show so
1:41:25 you they use in this part meaning that
1:41:27 we at least this part or part of chapter
1:41:29 two
1:41:30 has been edited and written a little bit
1:41:32 later than maybe part one
1:41:34 in chapter one yeah uh the genesis three
1:41:37 is talking about like adam eating from
1:41:39 the tree we read from that or
1:41:42 continue yeah okay sure
1:41:44 this is genesis chapter three
1:41:46 okay okay
1:41:50 because we finished genesis 2. oh we
1:41:53 finished already
1:41:57 genesis 3. okay that's it
1:42:02 the story of the fall which obviously
1:42:04 the islamic
1:42:05 representation is completely different
1:42:07 than the
1:42:08 than the presentation is in in chapter
1:42:10 three
1:42:12 now the serpent was more subtle than any
1:42:15 beast of the field
1:42:18 which
1:42:19 jehovah god had made
1:42:22 and he said
1:42:23 unto the women
1:42:24 ye hath god said
1:42:27 ye shall not eat of any tree of the
1:42:30 garden
1:42:32 and the woman said unto the serpent
1:42:34 of the fruit of the trees of the garden
1:42:37 we may eat
1:42:38 but of the fruit of the tree which is in
1:42:41 the midst of the garden
1:42:42 god hath said
1:42:44 ye shall not eat of it neither shall ye
1:42:47 touch it
1:42:48 least ye die
1:42:50 and the serpent said unto the woman
1:42:53 ye shall not surely die for god doth
1:42:57 know that in the day ye eat thereof
1:43:01 then your eye shall be opened and
1:43:04 shall be as god knowing good and
1:43:08 evil and when the woman say that
1:43:12 so that the tree was good for food and
1:43:16 that it was a delight to the eyes
1:43:18 and that the tree was the desire to make
1:43:20 one voice she took of the fruit thereof
1:43:23 and the deed
1:43:25 she gave also into her husband with her
1:43:28 and he did it okay let's stop here as of
1:43:31 yeah
1:43:32 so
1:43:33 that's obviously completely from the
1:43:35 quran point
1:43:36 not acceptable that they said that
1:43:38 servant represents something like
1:43:40 satanic or something maybe but it seems
1:43:42 to be this seems to be
1:43:44 uh somehow
1:43:46 pagan symbolism
1:43:48 seems to be because actually the serpent
1:43:51 yes people have have some some
1:43:53 psychological aversion against snakes
1:43:55 and things like that and serpents
1:43:57 uh
1:43:58 because
1:43:59 they are quite hidden and they they they
1:44:01 call at night most of the time and they
1:44:03 feel you are bitten by one especially
1:44:05 the high poisonous one you are
1:44:07 essentially gone and but
1:44:09 if you look at the general situation in
1:44:11 the quran
1:44:13 if there is any who are mentioning of
1:44:15 the snake or serbat is only the the
1:44:17 stick of moses was transformed as a
1:44:19 miraculous
1:44:20 sign for their own and to us into a into
1:44:23 a snake serpent
1:44:26 so it is it's not something negative
1:44:28 something rather positive
1:44:30 either
1:44:31 secondly also later on i think in
1:44:33 deuteronomy we find that that in the ark
1:44:35 of covenant
1:44:36 that or or on the entrance of of
1:44:39 of the
1:44:40 timber temple which was just just just
1:44:43 just a covered place with with the with
1:44:45 the uh with just leaves and so on on top
1:44:47 of it alish
1:44:48 the alicia musa that entrance they have
1:44:50 a symbol of a serpent it's claimed which
1:44:53 is strange but and the people struggled
1:44:56 some of the interpreters together what
1:44:58 where does this servant came from is it
1:45:00 an egyptian symbol we know that the
1:45:02 serbian is an egyptian symbol but in
1:45:04 egypt we know that in
1:45:06 the pharaohs they have they they have
1:45:09 around the head and in front of of their
1:45:12 head
1:45:13 like the throne-like structure they have
1:45:15 on top of their head they have also a
1:45:17 serban there so seems like a royal
1:45:20 symbol
1:45:21 rather than something negative
1:45:23 so it's strange how where this servant
1:45:25 came representing something satanic or
1:45:27 something deceptive or or mischievous
1:45:30 obviously there's no mention of any
1:45:32 servant in the quran about that nor in
1:45:34 the hadith whatever they are
1:45:36 by the way there's barely any hadith in
1:45:38 this area and many of the narration
1:45:40 which some of them coming from abu
1:45:42 huraira
1:45:43 suspicious that they maybe have taken
1:45:45 from kabbalah and they are imported from
1:45:47 the old testament so there's a question
1:45:49 mark of this but the quranic text is
1:45:51 clearly it is it talks about the devil
1:45:54 and before that there's a story with the
1:45:56 devil and the challenge about which is
1:45:58 mentioned the quran the first time the
1:46:00 quran says clearly this is a great news
1:46:02 but which you are not aware i was not
1:46:05 present when there was a dispute in the
1:46:07 supreme presences or in the in the upper
1:46:09 leadership of the universe
1:46:11 about the creation of man when allah
1:46:13 ordered the angels to to prostrate to
1:46:16 adam uh
1:46:18 in acknowledgement of his own to honor
1:46:21 him and acknowledge him and the devil
1:46:22 refused to acknowledge him
1:46:24 and then the dispute started
1:46:27 so that's this number one and obviously
1:46:29 the devil was because he refused to obey
1:46:32 the divine command was cast out of of of
1:46:35 heaven cursed and cast out
1:46:37 before and then he was out of revenge
1:46:40 and because he was on the challenge he
1:46:41 said okay
1:46:42 according to the quran he said
1:46:45 give me just respite let me live until
1:46:47 the day of judgment because it was so
1:46:49 clear that the devil
1:46:51 whatever it is is a symbol of evil or
1:46:53 what is a genuine demonic entity
1:46:56 that's we can we we can't be liberal in
1:46:59 that this is not as fundamental as many
1:47:01 people think but let's assume a real
1:47:03 entity some kind of a demonic uh entity
1:47:06 which has sufficiently uh capability of
1:47:09 reasoning and capability of of
1:47:11 of of of free choice that they
1:47:14 that he objected to the divine
1:47:16 injunction and
1:47:19 disobeyed the command he said okay
1:47:22 this one you have made
1:47:24 give more honor and respect than myself
1:47:27 if you give me respite until the day of
1:47:29 judgment i will be able to get the
1:47:31 majority of his descendants of his
1:47:33 children
1:47:35 my side and they will not find them
1:47:38 appreciating you as you're their lord
1:47:39 and creator
1:47:42 and allah said god go ahead go ahead
1:47:44 we'll see for you the hellfire will be
1:47:46 waiting for you and those who follow you
1:47:48 in the in your deception and i ignore
1:47:50 that that they uh that that uh that god
1:47:54 is their their friend and accept to
1:47:56 follow their enemy who's the devil
1:47:58 so that's that's obviously completely
1:48:00 different so there's no servant and no
1:48:02 beside also it
1:48:04 is very difficult to have any
1:48:07 deep rationale for representing the
1:48:09 devil what
1:48:10 the early writer represented by the
1:48:12 servant which is uh
1:48:14 somehow
1:48:16 being declared he his so evil
1:48:18 while uh at least in the egyptian
1:48:20 tradition at that time and also the fact
1:48:22 that there's at the stake of moses 10th
1:48:24 in the sermon which is also mentioned
1:48:26 the old testament very clearly no doubt
1:48:28 about that
1:48:29 is is actually not necessarily that
1:48:32 negative or that although that
1:48:35 or that
1:48:36 despicable it may be more closer to our
1:48:38 royal symbol
1:48:40 anyway but it's just a small remark i
1:48:42 don't know where this
1:48:45 is it maybe a babblionic myth we don't
1:48:47 know yeah it seems to be in and then
1:48:50 i'm not familiar with the babylonic
1:48:52 myths about servants and so on maybe
1:48:53 they are negative in babylon but in
1:48:55 egypt it doesn't seem to be uh that is
1:48:57 as a royal symbol it does not seem to be
1:49:00 that negative
1:49:01 or that satanic
1:49:03 that's number one secondly the major
1:49:06 point which is will be pleasing for uh
1:49:09 if there's a
1:49:10 feminist
1:49:11 present in the audience you would be
1:49:13 happy to hear that and the quran is
1:49:15 clearly that the whispering of the devil
1:49:18 uh
1:49:20 i will mention first the fact that the
1:49:21 whispering of the devil the
1:49:22 communication was by whispering by by by
1:49:26 let's say uh some kind of a subtle
1:49:29 inspiration
1:49:30 like what what what usually uh
1:49:33 the quran exists as well
1:49:35 like i said if you
1:49:37 whisper some in someone's ear that's
1:49:38 called
1:49:39 or if you feel something in your heart
1:49:41 which is which is not clear but you have
1:49:44 you have doubts and it goes back and
1:49:46 forth that's called
1:49:47 oreo for example what example
1:49:50 is like obsession for example some
1:49:52 people
1:49:55 hear stories about about uh cavities and
1:49:58 mouth diseases and so on and they get
1:50:00 very few people they get in what's
1:50:01 what's that they have a brush
1:50:02 continuously and they're brushing
1:50:04 continuously i hear the story about one
1:50:06 lady who's got that was
1:50:08 to the level that she was brushing
1:50:10 almost every few 15 20 minutes and then
1:50:13 her boyfriend or husband was going
1:50:15 behind we are trying to catch every
1:50:17 brush and every toothpaste and dump it
1:50:19 in the rubbish
1:50:21 but there's not a way to get her out of
1:50:23 the way so this is so the devil was with
1:50:26 her but there was also it was not to the
1:50:27 woman the woman was not in the beginning
1:50:29 the quran everything was done directly
1:50:32 to adam and adam is the one the
1:50:34 recipient of the wasa the adam is the
1:50:36 one who had been misled and the adam who
1:50:37 committed the first sin not the woman
1:50:39 the woman is completely uninvolved and
1:50:42 that the only thing is that she followed
1:50:44 him and
1:50:45 to state it differently
1:50:49 she
1:50:50 he the one betrayed here not she he
1:50:52 betrayed him
1:50:53 to summarize
1:50:55 now
1:50:56 the content of the was was also is
1:50:58 radically
1:51:00 different in in in the quran but this is
1:51:02 built on the previous claim that
1:51:04 that this tree is the tree of knowledge
1:51:07 and the devil came with that at the
1:51:09 confrontation known as the three of the
1:51:11 then you will know the difference
1:51:12 between good and evil
1:51:14 and this is according to uncompletely
1:51:16 not the case even not the devil using
1:51:18 that
1:51:18 yeah actually the devil is more
1:51:20 intelligent than that what he used is
1:51:22 that use the
1:51:23 fundamental human weakness
1:51:25 the desire for eternity the fear of
1:51:27 death which is instinctively built in
1:51:30 which
1:51:31 contains various things first of all
1:51:33 that adam is aware about death
1:51:35 and he knows that he is mortal and he is
1:51:37 aware about his mortality
1:51:38 so what he told him listen
1:51:41 this three
1:51:43 will give you eternal life
1:51:46 so we'll become like the angels or
1:51:48 something like that
1:51:50 and you will have dominion on a kingdom
1:51:52 forever but the most it's in it is the
1:51:55 whole this is a tree of eternal life
1:51:57 three of long or eternal life
1:52:01 so
1:52:03 there are fundamentally different
1:52:05 several
1:52:08 fundamental differences between the
1:52:09 quranic story and the
1:52:11 current story first of all
1:52:12 the the story of the
1:52:14 prostration of the angels for adam and
1:52:16 so under the rebellion of iblees is not
1:52:18 mentioned at all it's not mentioned here
1:52:19 in the old testament but that's that's
1:52:22 no problem with that because the quran
1:52:23 says clearly that story was not revealed
1:52:26 before this is a great news about whom
1:52:28 you are not aware i i tell the people i
1:52:31 wasn't aware i wasn't president when
1:52:33 there was a dispute in the called
1:52:35 the supreme
1:52:37 audience or the supreme prisons divine
1:52:40 prisons
1:52:41 when the lord said when uh say i'm
1:52:44 creating a man
1:52:46 who's complication of the material he
1:52:47 created from etc and
1:52:50 when when i when i finish creating him
1:52:52 and blowing him my spirit
1:52:55 fall all of you are frustrating for him
1:52:58 as as a as a whole notification
1:53:01 and then all the angels obliged all of
1:53:03 them without exception except one
1:53:05 who was counted under them he may be an
1:53:07 angel
1:53:08 a quran says he is a form of jinn but
1:53:10 the jinn does not exclude that be an
1:53:12 angel by the way just a small remark for
1:53:13 those who struggle maybe with the first
1:53:16 year uh
1:53:17 to to
1:53:20 uh which how come that that
1:53:23 that
1:53:25 and they'll call us called is police
1:53:26 that he
1:53:28 he is he is he is addressed under the
1:53:31 angels definitely because the order was
1:53:33 to the angels so he's the one counted
1:53:34 under them but the quran says clearly
1:53:36 that he was from the jinn
1:53:38 the general mean the hidden ones the
1:53:40 demonic ones
1:53:42 the the best the best uh circularization
1:53:44 or explanation is that for abbas is that
1:53:47 the j that the gin is uh the the the
1:53:49 angels are kabila from jin it's a
1:53:51 subcategory of the jin so there there is
1:53:54 there's a subcategory who are pure and
1:53:57 unable to disobey the command and
1:53:59 possibly they are half mechanical let us
1:54:02 say that
1:54:03 and another one which has
1:54:05 is more sophisticated more capable of
1:54:07 saying yes and no underwear
1:54:08 and this from them is released but when
1:54:11 when but he was adjoined to the angels
1:54:13 because they they belong to the same
1:54:15 let's say in energy time or light type
1:54:18 roots or fire types or energy type
1:54:22 this is obviously a very uh involved
1:54:25 area about what real the reality of
1:54:26 angels and jinn and so on even though it
1:54:28 was discussed in the ancient islamic
1:54:29 history are they the angels really
1:54:32 responsible beings which are just for
1:54:34 commands or they are just our
1:54:35 semi-mechanical beings now is it there's
1:54:37 considerable uh scholarship which claims
1:54:40 they are not having a complete free will
1:54:42 and uh and not complete capability of
1:54:46 conceptual development which is
1:54:47 indicated by the adam story and uh what
1:54:50 what what their reality they are made
1:54:52 from light what's meaningful light is a
1:54:54 pure energy some kind of
1:54:56 but light again sometimes is used
1:54:58 metaphorical for something opposite to
1:55:00 matter some kind of spirituality
1:55:02 it's i think it's a it's uh
1:55:04 it's uh uh not very wise to indulge in
1:55:07 that
1:55:08 for us because we are going to the basic
1:55:11 things of the of the meaning of human
1:55:13 existence uh these these issues about
1:55:15 the nature of the angels and the demons
1:55:17 and so on i think
1:55:20 we could somebody could indulge in
1:55:22 studying that
1:55:24 if it is done in a reasonable and
1:55:25 objective way question is it possible to
1:55:27 do something objectively there
1:55:31 i i will just throw something for for
1:55:33 for you to to think about
1:55:36 what's about maybe an interpretation
1:55:38 that
1:55:39 angels are because many many of the
1:55:41 classical scholars compare them like to
1:55:43 the wind and the power of of uh like for
1:55:46 example claiming that michael is the
1:55:47 responsible for the growing of the
1:55:48 plants and for uh et cetera at this age
1:55:51 responsible for this and this what if it
1:55:54 is talking up to about certain fields or
1:55:56 forces of universe or even even further
1:55:59 was about
1:56:00 it is really indicative of
1:56:03 dark matter and dark energy
1:56:06 which we don't know very much about
1:56:07 don't you think they are personal maybe
1:56:10 maybe
1:56:11 who said the dark matter that knowledge
1:56:13 is not personal but that but the angels
1:56:15 are definitely not fully personal
1:56:18 because clearly they they they cannot
1:56:20 disobey
1:56:22 and clearly from they they they don't
1:56:24 have a conceptual development capability
1:56:27 and naming capability
1:56:30 according to the quran so clearly they
1:56:32 they lack certain things in this
1:56:34 department
1:56:36 maybe they have a limited amount of that
1:56:37 but it's not enough to be and also maybe
1:56:39 they don't have the free will even to
1:56:41 disobey a lot they they kind of disobey
1:56:43 what wasn't wasn't ableist like uh
1:56:47 iblis is clearly is clearly from from
1:56:49 in general since under the gender title
1:56:51 but some as he been abba said it is
1:56:54 it is uh
1:56:56 whether malaya as a kabila as a
1:56:58 sub-category or a sub-tribe uh of the of
1:57:01 the jinn anyway i would say
1:57:03 the
1:57:04 studying that in that in this way
1:57:07 the scripture does not give us material
1:57:11 is it possible maybe to to connect them
1:57:13 with something like like dark energy and
1:57:15 things like that no no i'm just
1:57:17 speculating
1:57:19 i'm just speculating because this is
1:57:21 this is an area which is obviously
1:57:23 obviously materialistic
1:57:25 philosophies and and it is philosophy
1:57:27 we'll deny that to say the demons
1:57:29 although these fiction of the
1:57:30 imagination and so on but but we we
1:57:33 definitely have considerable evidences
1:57:36 for so-called spiritual and
1:57:38 psychological phenomena that they exist
1:57:41 although the interpretation are quite
1:57:43 difficult but their existence is is
1:57:45 established i think with substitute so
1:57:47 they are stuck also in that that
1:57:48 category
1:57:50 and the research ongoing universe has
1:57:51 done for over a hundred years hundred
1:57:53 almost 150 years and set a department
1:57:55 for psychologies in various places
1:57:58 in the world and even even the american
1:58:01 department of defense
1:58:03 engaged in certain experiments about
1:58:05 these things but they didn't find them
1:58:07 useful for military purposes and high
1:58:10 precision action but it
1:58:12 it
1:58:13 it's believed that these phenomena exist
1:58:16 with certitude and even like
1:58:18 communication like telepathy also does
1:58:20 exist but accuracy is not enough for
1:58:22 military purposes
1:58:24 and things like that but anyway there's
1:58:26 an
1:58:27 area the whole diff separate area i
1:58:29 would say separate that
1:58:31 but don't get stuck in in in
1:58:34 in in
1:58:35 imagination of that we are dealing with
1:58:37 some some kind necessary by
1:58:39 that being who shall has complete
1:58:41 rationality and complete free
1:58:44 free of free choice and
1:58:47 that's completely responsible and things
1:58:48 like that seems to be we're dealing with
1:58:50 some other kind of entities
1:58:53 does it synchronize anything we know in
1:58:55 the material universe maybe not maybe
1:58:56 something non-material
1:58:59 and still exist
1:59:00 i usually give an example for these
1:59:02 things but just an example to bring
1:59:04 things closer to the mind is that like
1:59:06 like
1:59:07 like something like a computer program
1:59:09 together with this data
1:59:11 it can be installed in in in in a in a
1:59:14 machine and runs and then you copy it
1:59:17 and go to another machine and try it
1:59:18 runs similarly if the machine is having
1:59:21 the basic necessary characteristics
1:59:25 and the basic operating system there
1:59:28 and this is not material but still it
1:59:30 exists it has certain exist existence
1:59:33 it reflects it it appears as electric
1:59:36 electric charges and circuitry in in
1:59:39 and opening and closing gates and
1:59:41 circuitry but this is the opening
1:59:43 circuit the physical opening and closing
1:59:45 of gates is not the program itself
1:59:48 it's how the quran realized physically
1:59:50 but the column has has an existence it
1:59:52 has an existence in the mind of the
1:59:53 programmer it has existence as as a set
1:59:56 of commands written in a certain
1:59:58 computer language possibly
2:00:01 it's very difficult to analyze these
2:00:02 things
2:00:04 but anyway we're not concerned with the
2:00:05 interests that concern with adam so in
2:00:08 the in in chapter three
2:00:10 we have uh we have definitely
2:00:13 complete
2:00:14 let's say
2:00:16 contradiction between the quran and
2:00:18 almost completely context with the quran
2:00:19 and the creation story
2:00:22 and as we are
2:00:24 we have this issue there is this the
2:00:26 dark story of the servant
2:00:28 the the missing of belgium or the devil
2:00:31 there at all all the servants seems to
2:00:33 be have converted into a devil later on
2:00:36 but it seems to be
2:00:37 really the the
2:00:41 the animal is
2:00:43 the animal is the one who who
2:00:46 uh who is really meant some people try
2:00:49 to
2:00:50 put that story in
2:00:52 in some kind of circularization claiming
2:00:53 actually the the devil was was talking
2:00:56 through the serpent that that's physical
2:00:59 but was possessed by the devil or
2:01:00 something like that i think this is all
2:01:02 will not really
2:01:04 help in in analyzing the story uh
2:01:08 in the sense that
2:01:10 that we are dealing i think with with
2:01:12 some pagan elements going there
2:01:14 uh it's not uh
2:01:17 they try to expand on the generals
2:01:20 general statement of the the chapter one
2:01:23 and two
2:01:24 but then
2:01:26 and then weave in certain things which
2:01:28 uh fits the
2:01:31 later scholarship or later parties and
2:01:33 direction and so on clearly uh
2:01:36 a
2:01:37 story is so framed that women are
2:01:39 regarded as the culprit one as a as as
2:01:42 the negative one which have to blame for
2:01:44 all the calamities and
2:01:46 and thus punished by what the punishment
2:01:48 will come later
2:01:49 which is definitely about the quran
2:01:51 absolutely rejected
2:01:54 actually the name of the woman even is
2:01:55 not mentioned the quran the name eve is
2:01:58 the wishes come by peoples talked about
2:02:00 even
2:02:01 arabic it's not a quranic name i i'm not
2:02:04 even sure that even any hadith came with
2:02:06 the name of of the mother of humanity or
2:02:09 in in any sense
2:02:11 and any reliable hadith you can rely on
2:02:13 hold with iron fist i don't think
2:02:18 does not say that their names exactly
2:02:20 that that's that's also the story other
2:02:22 this comes again in another chapter we
2:02:24 may but this is a secondary point
2:02:26 because the fundamental philosophical
2:02:28 issues are really with adam and his wife
2:02:30 after that these are reactively
2:02:32 secondary points we can if you think
2:02:34 it's worth but i would say
2:02:36 we we wanted to go through that to see
2:02:39 where is the difference between and then
2:02:40 if we check the quranic
2:02:42 text and see there are clear hints and
2:02:45 strong very strong pointer toward the
2:02:48 theory of evolution but but but this is
2:02:50 only let's say a and a relatively small
2:02:53 by-product i think the
2:02:55 the issue of philosophical
2:02:57 and fundamental issues like the issue of
2:02:59 the devil and the snake the issue of
2:03:02 woman being responsible for the fall
2:03:04 primal responsibility while according
2:03:06 the quran it's adam everywhere adam is
2:03:09 mentioned even says adam disobeyed his
2:03:11 lord
2:03:14 then he repented that his lord adopted
2:03:15 him after that
2:03:19 and guided him further but
2:03:21 no mention of the woman
2:03:23 only that they were expelled together
2:03:25 that's it so she should have a poor
2:03:27 woman was really is the one who has been
2:03:30 uh betrayed and let down by adam not
2:03:33 opposition so that's
2:03:34 i think this would sound very great for
2:03:36 feminists i don't care if they sound
2:03:38 great or not i think i think the quranic
2:03:40 story is the correct one i think i
2:03:42 believe family is the correct one and
2:03:43 it's one which fits with that with the
2:03:46 with any reasonable rationality even if
2:03:48 we even if we go to a purely
2:03:51 materialistic background clearly in the
2:03:54 early
2:03:55 emergence of humanity
2:03:57 we know that the ancient generation of
2:03:59 humans
2:04:00 is almost certainly it was male
2:04:03 dominated anyway
2:04:05 because if you look at
2:04:06 similar or close or close creature to
2:04:09 human like like chimpanzees abes
2:04:11 gorillas and so on all of them are main
2:04:13 dominated male dominated
2:04:16 female completely undominated there's no
2:04:18 no way that these jokes or all these
2:04:20 primates can
2:04:22 can mislead the husband husband is the
2:04:24 one
2:04:25 the man now the male is the one who is
2:04:27 in command and the one in charge and the
2:04:29 one is dominating
2:04:30 so it does not fit with any physiology
2:04:32 not revolution not with anything and
2:04:36 and
2:04:37 not with the reality
2:04:38 even
2:04:41 so that's that's the second point to it
2:04:42 will be to to be uh
2:04:45 to be here and the third point is that
2:04:47 when they ate they recognized that they
2:04:49 are naked
2:04:50 and they started they started uh
2:04:56 they started uh
2:05:00 yeah
2:05:00 they started covering themselves that
2:05:02 seems to be similarly in the quran but
2:05:05 not because it's the tree of knowledge
2:05:07 it seems to be
2:05:09 this way with committing the sin they
2:05:12 they they became they came away about
2:05:14 their nakedness or something like that
2:05:16 but this is uh this has to be also
2:05:19 studied more
2:05:21 more to see if it is if it is if there
2:05:23 is if there is
2:05:24 maybe an explanation of
2:05:27 the emergence of like like intrinsic
2:05:30 shame or intrinsic before that it seems
2:05:33 to be that something like that did not
2:05:35 exist
2:05:36 and
2:05:36 and people and we still have some hunter
2:05:39 gatherers who go naked around and they
2:05:40 don't regard it as a problem so it is
2:05:44 that emergence is is related to uh to
2:05:49 to committing the first act which is
2:05:50 against the divine command or something
2:05:52 like that but i did not i did not
2:05:54 indulge in that very much in detail but
2:05:57 it's
2:05:59 it seems to be the story in the old
2:06:01 testament and the quran they have
2:06:03 similarity but not exactly the same
2:06:05 so i would say
2:06:07 i think we should not exceed time very
2:06:09 much because everyone will be tired but
2:06:12 we stopped i would say
2:06:14 obviously than the punishment and so on
2:06:16 that the woman will have a difficulty in
2:06:18 childbirth as well this is all this is
2:06:20 all obviously an attempt to explain a
2:06:23 child death and bleeding and all these
2:06:24 things which is you know physiologically
2:06:27 impossible and contradictory reality
2:06:29 that's not true
2:06:30 that's that's uh this is clearly
2:06:32 contradicting the physiology and the
2:06:34 physical reality and
2:06:36 and uh
2:06:37 is an ancient attempt to understand that
2:06:40 and attributed to the woman we even
2:06:42 accusing the woman of being the one who
2:06:44 uh
2:06:45 like uh
2:06:47 the one who betrayed that literally came
2:06:49 from her side is again not true because
2:06:50 of this usually i say women they are
2:06:52 women are the one who are the first
2:06:54 traitor and things like that in reality
2:06:56 it is
2:06:57 it is uh
2:06:59 and the first traitor will be here eve
2:07:01 but the reality is is that's not true
2:07:03 that's hasn't it all of this is
2:07:04 something just dictated by some maybe
2:07:07 later scholarship butcher
2:07:09 which you
2:07:11 wanted the korean woman further and
2:07:14 enforce male dominance by inventing such
2:07:16 stories which we shall use obviously to
2:07:19 to subdue women even i think most jewish
2:07:22 women and now they call them insist they
2:07:24 call the cares
2:07:26 because there's a tough regulation
2:07:27 causing menses and purity and things
2:07:29 like that which goes to extreme
2:07:32 and just justified by by by such stories
2:07:37 and also the fact that there will be
2:07:38 enmity between one and woman who said
2:07:40 all of these things that's not true but
2:07:42 i think i think we we we we ought maybe
2:07:45 to continue next week
2:07:47 and uh like like like mid chapter three
2:07:50 like number or which number we reached
2:07:52 after 13 14 15. we finished we finished
2:07:55 chapter two
2:07:56 two events and three we we i said we
2:07:58 like ten
2:08:00 ten about ten okay noted down a
2:08:02 continuous shallow yeah
2:08:05 i will try to be to be a little bit
2:08:07 analytic and slow
2:08:08 i think this is good because there are
2:08:09 many things to to be and that will
2:08:11 they'll go to the creation story in the
2:08:13 quran and will show that
2:08:16 that which have been overlooked by
2:08:17 classical scholarship in many areas
2:08:20 there are very strong and very
2:08:22 structured hints towards evolution
2:08:25 or and clear which clearly undermined
2:08:27 the claim that the creation of adam was
2:08:29 suddenly in in a few seconds or
2:08:31 something it could be very well over
2:08:32 billions of years without any question
2:08:35 without any of that
2:08:38 without any contradiction to the quran
2:08:39 or without any contribution to even the
2:08:41 physical realities as far as we know
2:08:43 them by by the fossil record and so on
2:08:46 which which strengthen the theory
2:08:48 evolution some people can say we don't
2:08:50 have still
2:08:51 some of these miscellaneous missing
2:08:52 links we don't have let's say but i
2:08:54 think
2:08:55 the
2:08:56 total accumulated evidences for
2:08:58 evolution
2:08:59 and the foster record and so on
2:09:01 although we don't have
2:09:03 anywhere like the missiling between
2:09:05 between two species maybe species can
2:09:07 there's one event just to mention it
2:09:10 quickly before i forget there's one
2:09:12 event in
2:09:13 in
2:09:14 of of news pieces emerging almost
2:09:16 spontaneously
2:09:18 in in in near near boulder in colorado
2:09:22 and one area there where the the
2:09:24 students in the agriculture department
2:09:26 and biology and so on used to scan and
2:09:29 and collect samples of plants etc and
2:09:32 that that that practice was ongoing all
2:09:35 the 18th century
2:09:36 from the beginning of the 18th century
2:09:39 all the way until the end of the 18th
2:09:40 century so from 18 10 15 all the way
2:09:44 until
2:09:45 now or mid-century because i think the
2:09:48 university was established around the
2:09:49 city of the one in boulder colorado
2:09:52 the university of colorado there it's
2:09:54 it's like 1850 that someone can check
2:09:56 the date anyway
2:09:57 and they were intensively covering that
2:09:59 area so that area was regarded as
2:10:01 completely
2:10:03 scant
2:10:04 and the
2:10:05 the records of all animals there
2:10:07 especially over plants and subplants and
2:10:09 subspecies and so on
2:10:11 races abrasives were known so a complete
2:10:15 list of
2:10:16 of species of there
2:10:19 have been recorded
2:10:20 and then suddenly around the tail of the
2:10:22 saints last century like
2:10:24 1903 something like that
2:10:27 a group of students went out to collect
2:10:29 samples just as a part of their study
2:10:32 classical standard study
2:10:34 and these samples just just as a field
2:10:37 training not to detect any new species
2:10:40 whatsoever because all species have been
2:10:41 listed and studied thoroughly over the
2:10:44 last 50 years
2:10:45 and yes so to be under to be assumed
2:10:48 that there's no species have been missed
2:10:51 they were surprised to have a numerous
2:10:52 number of new species there which were
2:10:54 not recorded before and the only
2:10:56 conclusion which makes good sense or
2:10:58 this is the
2:11:00 there may be other conclusion
2:11:02 is that
2:11:03 they have been emerged spontaneously a
2:11:05 new species with different number of
2:11:06 chromosomes and so on spontaneously
2:11:09 several not only one so it is possible
2:11:13 that uh that
2:11:14 going from this resource it could be by
2:11:16 a jump
2:11:17 by one good mutation which is very rare
2:11:19 maybe this this happening in 1903 or our
2:11:22 1903 maybe doesn't happen except now
2:11:25 once in a 50 million years 50 million
2:11:27 years 30 million years and it happened
2:11:29 by for our good luck or by divine design
2:11:32 so that we know how things happen
2:11:34 and
2:11:35 obviously someone could say maybe these
2:11:37 pieces the seeds were dormant for 40 50
2:11:40 years and they emerged but it doesn't
2:11:41 look like that the natural species and
2:11:43 the way they see it produce and they
2:11:45 re-emerge every year and they're still
2:11:47 continuously available until now the
2:11:49 same ones and this they persist mixed
2:11:51 with the other ones so they have been
2:11:53 added to the list
2:11:54 so this may show that an emergency
2:11:57 species that we may have a lucky and
2:11:58 good
2:11:59 good
2:12:00 mutation which reduce our new species
2:12:04 spontaneously obviously nothing
2:12:05 spontaneously if you look in the holy
2:12:07 and various schemes also by permission
2:12:08 and the will of god definitely
2:12:10 but
2:12:12 it can happen
2:12:13 so searching maybe says thinking that we
2:12:16 must have like a like a a missing
2:12:19 missing uh
2:12:21 uh connection or something like that is
2:12:23 is is not very rational but it may it
2:12:25 may happen like this
2:12:27 it may have been the
2:12:28 the design of the of the cellular
2:12:30 structure how it is initiated by allah
2:12:33 from the beginning of the universe and
2:12:34 then from the beginning of the earth uh
2:12:36 which is only four and a half five
2:12:38 billion years back the universe is about
2:12:40 14 13 i think 0.709 or something like
2:12:44 that
2:12:45 the design is so that it's capable of
2:12:46 doing that
2:12:48 i don't see that's that's a major
2:12:49 obstacle
2:12:51 that's it so i i would say
2:12:54 but we'll come to that shall in more
2:12:55 details when we finish the chapter three
2:12:58 and then we go to the quranic issues and
2:13:00 then maybe
2:13:01 this way we could say that the issue of
2:13:03 creation and i think i think the
2:13:05 the the conflicts between creationism
2:13:08 and evolution i think it's a fake
2:13:09 conflict it's our own conflict
2:13:12 it's not a correct one there's no reason
2:13:13 for that at all
2:13:15 and the under the fear of many people
2:13:17 that that creation that evolution may be
2:13:20 maybe used to undermine the belief in
2:13:22 god is a mistake based on the on the
2:13:24 wrong understanding that belief in god
2:13:26 is founded on that the man is created
2:13:28 suddenly or created 6000 years ago or a
2:13:30 billion years ago this is all not really
2:13:32 but relevant is that how the whole
2:13:34 reality of the universe has emerged
2:13:36 is it is it a
2:13:38 is it by by
2:13:40 a dead
2:13:42 deaf blind nature or it is a
2:13:45 a a a supreme being who is
2:13:49 who is
2:13:50 who is who's who is a was a
2:13:53 personality who has free will and then a
2:13:55 sovereign free will in the case of the
2:13:57 selection mean and comprehensive
2:13:59 knowledge
2:14:00 misfitting got suitable for the
2:14:02 self-existing being this is the only
2:14:04 issue to be settled and has nothing to
2:14:06 do with evolution revolution how the
2:14:08 universe evolves or not evolve which
2:14:09 structure it is this is all done by the
2:14:13 idea by by the divine choice because
2:14:15 it's contingent i believe it's firmly
2:14:17 contingent so it has to be chosen by by
2:14:19 a chooser
2:14:20 by a
2:14:22 rational
2:14:23 fully rational fully
2:14:25 fully free fully sovereign shoulder not
2:14:28 by a dead nature which cannot act i
2:14:30 believe unless a dead nation cannot act
2:14:34 and necessarily exist being acting by
2:14:36 necessity is an internal contradiction
2:14:38 but
2:14:40 bringing that exposing that completely
2:14:42 needs really a well-developed pro uh
2:14:45 structured evidence which i don't have
2:14:47 yet but i think it can be developed and
2:14:49 this would be the way to uh to
2:14:52 transfer the sent answers through from
2:14:55 from the one who's failed because of the
2:14:57 modality of the issue of existence to
2:14:59 the one which works
2:15:01 because of the fundamental necessities
2:15:03 and attributes of necessary existing
2:15:05 beings
2:15:06 i think this this may work insha'allah
2:15:08 okay
2:15:10 i hope
2:15:12 uh we benefited something today we went
2:15:14 a little bit like in small steps but i
2:15:16 think sometimes small steps are very
2:15:18 beneficial
2:15:19 to create a general uh image
2:15:23 of a complex issue
2:15:26 and i said well thank you will complete
2:15:29 next week
2:15:30 this is beautiful
2:15:32 yeah it's beautiful that's beautiful
2:15:34 next next
2:15:35 you're brilliant a brilliant man you
2:15:37 really are and i think um
2:15:39 your value to
2:15:41 to us is underappreciated so i'll be
2:15:43 with you and in may we wake up so that
2:15:45 we can better understand the things that
2:15:46 you um
2:15:48 you desperately
2:15:54 prepare something and then maybe in a
2:15:55 couple of sessions we will go back to
2:15:57 that and benefit from
2:15:59 another source another way of thinking
2:16:01 also
2:16:10 next time it will be one hour earlier
2:16:11 seven london time or universal time yeah
2:16:16 tell everyone so the people around us
2:16:18 one hour earlier because it seems to be
2:16:20 better for
2:16:21 for the majority of people in the middle
2:16:23 east it is not that late is good and i
2:16:26 think
2:16:27 for uh the brothers and sisters across
2:16:29 the ocean what will be the time will be
2:16:31 two o'clock afternoon yeah it's fine i
2:16:33 think because instead of three two
2:16:35 anyway it will saturday people should do
2:16:38 their shoppings and whatever they do
2:16:40 in the morning and then the afternoon
2:16:42 will be
2:16:43 beneficial for whatever
2:16:45 can be used for for further
2:16:49 educational and spiritual development
2:16:52 seven is good seven universal time is
2:16:55 good i am happy with that
2:17:10 Music
2:17:16 Music
2:17:46 my
2:17:47 Music
2:17:56 so
2:18:08 Music
2:18:17 you