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Does the Quran Deal with Atheists/Atheism ? (2018-10-23)


This is a brief examination of verses in the Quran which may relate to some of the arguments that are commonly had between theists and atheists. One thing that wasn't mentioned in this lecture is chapter 52.35-26 which is a key verse that may be also used in reference to these debates.

Summary of Does the Quran Deal with Atheists/Atheism ?

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:30:00

, a Muslim theologian discusses how the Quran deals with atheists and atheism. The theologian argues that atheists cannot be certain of their ideology, and that, as a result, they cannot be certain of the existence of God. advises Muslims to be "nice" and "ask them how their parents are."

00:00:00 The Quran addresses atheism indirectly, discussing signs that can be seen in the universe and in human life. It is important to note that these signs are not meant to be taken as proof that Allah exists, but rather as evidence that those who believe can have certainty in their faith.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses various signs that Allah has designed the universe with a purpose. It also discusses the concept of epistemic reasoning, or the standard by which we accept truth. The verses in the Quran provide evidence for the existence of a creator, and demonstrate the universe's fine-tuning for human existence. ends with a discussion of the universe's continued existence, and how scientists can best explain it.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses argument that the universe could have been created from chance, and how this argument is a thorn in the side of atheists. It also mentions a conversation with Ibrahim, in which he brings up a verse from the Quran that shows that even after death, humans can still have faith in Allah.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses question of how something with no life can give life to something simple. It argues that this has never been observed in physics turning into biology in this way, and cites examples of arguments found in the Quran.
  • 00:20:00 , a Muslim theologian discusses the Quran's treatment of atheists and atheism. The theologian argues that atheists cannot be certain of their ideology, and that, as a result, they cannot be certain of the existence of God.
  • 00:25:00 argues that if an atheist is being intellectually honest, they should not believe in any of the secular ideologies, as they do not have any underlying principles which root them from bottom up. Additionally, the Quran is very clear in referring to certain individuals as 'Holocausts,' and they cannot be certain of anything as they apply extreme skepticism.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how to deal with atheists, and advises Muslims to be "nice" and "ask them how their parents are." It suggests that, if the atheists are not open to conversion, they may eventually change their minds.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 I will let him initiate on your regime
0:00:08 bismillah man you know him
0:00:12 huh me
0:00:13 [Music]
0:00:16 Johnse Nikita wa min allahi allah Z's in
0:00:20 hockey in he somehow art even of dieting
0:00:29 in a fearful
0:00:33 [Music]
0:00:37 I'm assuming
0:00:42 but in our economy in what in a Finland
0:00:52 even
0:00:56 John Allah whom unisom
0:01:01 mm-hmm
0:01:03 ah having a party huh ah terrific
0:01:10 what else refer to me till cotton law in
0:01:19 a true Harley come in hot Fabiana
0:01:24 Haditha hmm you know usually when we do
0:01:34 debates with atheists when we talk to
0:01:39 atheists we use very mechanical
0:01:42 reasoning sometimes and we we're going
0:01:44 to straight arguments you know we're
0:01:47 going to cosmological argument
0:01:49 teleological argument fine-tuning
0:01:51 argument contingency argument
0:01:53 ontological argument and we're just
0:01:57 hoping wait give them one argument after
0:02:00 the other and hope and wait to see how
0:02:02 they will respond to the arguments and
0:02:03 to be honest with you from my experience
0:02:06 sometimes it can be quite positive not
0:02:09 to say that these arguments are not good
0:02:11 arguments now these arguments are not
0:02:14 effective arguments or even that those
0:02:17 arguments are not true arguments but the
0:02:21 point is this is that what I've noticed
0:02:23 is I've been paying more attention to
0:02:25 the Quran and how the Quran whether
0:02:29 directly or indirectly addresses atheism
0:02:36 now I don't think it's fair to say that
0:02:39 the Quran specifies or addresses
0:02:43 atheists in any part of the Quran why
0:02:47 how comes when the Quran addresses
0:02:50 Christians Jews Muslims and people
0:02:53 directly how comes a loss of hannover
0:02:56 Allah does not choose atheists and talk
0:02:58 to them because they don't they claim
0:03:00 not to believe in him so it's not
0:03:03 something which jani they would pay
0:03:06 particular attention to so Allah
0:03:09 Subhanahu WA Ta'ala is far above and
0:03:12 beyond
0:03:14 lowering himself to that kind of a
0:03:18 discourse so instead of looking at where
0:03:24 in the Quran atheists are addressed
0:03:28 because I can tell you they're not
0:03:29 addressed in the second person at all in
0:03:32 the Quran I looked at in the Quran where
0:03:38 atheism maybe indirectly address and I
0:03:41 thought about these ayats that I've just
0:03:43 recited this isn't sort of the jet here
0:03:46 chapter 45 of the Quran and I just
0:03:50 wanted to spend a little bit of time
0:03:54 going through some of those verses
0:03:56 because they're quite interesting so
0:04:00 allah subhanaw taala says in Nephi
0:04:04 similar to a lot Lyautey in limit
0:04:06 meaning that for surely in the heavens
0:04:10 in the earth there are signs for those
0:04:15 who believe what are these signs
0:04:22 so Allah continues he says well he Hulka
0:04:25 come and in your own creation when I a
0:04:28 both women dead but him and whatever
0:04:32 creatures are scattered around the earth
0:04:36 area to nikomia P noon there are signs
0:04:39 for those individuals who have certainty
0:04:42 yakeen work till I feel alien aha and
0:04:47 the alteration of day and night
0:04:54 celestial a Leo in the heart is
0:04:55 important and I'll come to in a second
0:04:57 because we're going from the biological
0:04:59 to the cosmological and I want you to
0:05:02 bear that in mind okay when I enter a
0:05:05 lot - mie mie risk and what Allah has
0:05:08 sent down from the heavens from
0:05:10 provision for a heavy hill of the body
0:05:14 motya so he raised the earth after his
0:05:17 death was a three Fria and the
0:05:19 alternating winds I add two new home in
0:05:24 yah Kiran this this time the operational
0:05:26 word here is yaki loon
0:05:27 there are signs for those individuals
0:05:29 who have Aqil intelligence intellect
0:05:36 till care to law these are the signs of
0:05:39 allah net through holly cable Huck we
0:05:43 narrate them to you in truth and this is
0:05:46 a very powerful part of the vessel Allah
0:05:49 Allah is very powerful
0:05:50 ferbiere hadith so after what speech
0:05:54 after Allah bad Allah well IIT human
0:05:58 wound after what speech after Allah and
0:06:02 his signs will they believe now this
0:06:06 really struck me because its reasoning
0:06:10 to what you call epistemic reasoning now
0:06:14 what do I mean by this is the question
0:06:16 is what standard of truth are you going
0:06:21 to accept because people believe in
0:06:26 things on a daily basis we have beliefs
0:06:29 philosophers use the word belief to
0:06:34 reference our thoughts and it's
0:06:37 correspondence with reality this is
0:06:39 believe this is what Bertrand Russell
0:06:40 wrote in his book the problems with
0:06:42 philosophies everyone has some kind of
0:06:45 belief it can be true belief and it can
0:06:47 be false belief it does not necessarily
0:06:49 mean that if you have belief that you
0:06:53 must be a religious person for example
0:06:55 or someone who is who believes in
0:06:57 metaphysical realities the verses though
0:07:01 are very powerful because they reference
0:07:04 teleological realities what does this
0:07:07 mean they reference the fact that Allah
0:07:12 subhana WA Ta'ala has created things and
0:07:14 he has made them he has tailored them to
0:07:19 human use in other words not only is the
0:07:24 universe find tuned
0:07:26 fine-tuned for human existence which is
0:07:32 an argument very much used by every
0:07:35 theist that wants to argue their case is
0:07:37 one of the most powerful arguments
0:07:40 not only is that the case though but the
0:07:45 things that the universe exhibits are
0:07:48 useful to the living creatures within
0:07:53 them so there is a reciprocal
0:07:56 relationship between the biological
0:07:58 living creatures and the cosmological
0:08:02 inanimate celestial bodies Allah is
0:08:08 showing us look alternating winds look
0:08:10 at this all of these things how can you
0:08:12 explain this and Allah he says something
0:08:15 beautiful and another verse he says
0:08:18 Allah Allah the acid I could lay in
0:08:20 Holika Oh Hulk life is to Christ he is
0:08:25 the one who perfected everything in the
0:08:31 creation and this means to say look at
0:08:38 it look at the creation number one point
0:08:42 number one the fact that the creation
0:08:46 exists and is maintained how is this
0:08:51 explained how can this best be explained
0:08:56 now the complexity of the universe is
0:08:58 not just the first thing we can cite
0:09:00 because someone said well complexity
0:09:01 depends on your definition of complex we
0:09:05 will say the order exhibited in the
0:09:11 universe and this is what the officer on
0:09:15 say of this verse then is on the order
0:09:21 of the universe and the fact that there
0:09:27 is a harmonious relationship between
0:09:30 different aspects of the universe such
0:09:32 that and this is an important point the
0:09:35 universe continues to exist underline
0:09:38 this point the universe continues to
0:09:40 exist this is the question that needs to
0:09:45 be asked in other words how comes the
0:09:49 universe continues to exist
0:09:52 how can we best explain the fact that
0:09:56 the universe continues to exist because
0:10:00 we know from physics and other
0:10:04 disciplines and this is actually almost
0:10:08 concise is almost agreed-upon from all
0:10:10 sides that the chances of the universe
0:10:17 existing from chance are literally zero
0:10:21 and obviously Martin Rees has written a
0:10:23 book just six numbers many different
0:10:26 things have been written on this which
0:10:28 show literally that the forces of the
0:10:32 universe the gravitational force the
0:10:35 electromagnetic force the strong nuclear
0:10:38 force the weak nuclear force had these
0:10:40 things been adjusted even in a minor way
0:10:48 the universe would not continue to exist
0:10:52 because the fine-tuning argument is that
0:10:55 the universe allows life to exist and
0:10:59 there is a very narrow life permitting
0:11:02 range and that had any of those things
0:11:07 that I had aforementioned been any
0:11:08 different then the universe simply
0:11:11 wouldn't exist and there would be no
0:11:13 life on the universe so there are two
0:11:15 things to question why does the universe
0:11:18 continue to exist
0:11:19 despite the chances of it not existing
0:11:26 being Infanta stably small and how could
0:11:30 and why does the universe allow life to
0:11:33 exist now these are the classical
0:11:35 arguments that we use and this is more
0:11:38 like the fine-tuning argument but it is
0:11:41 connected to the Quranic discourse it is
0:11:45 connected to the Quranic discourse
0:11:47 because the question is how can you best
0:11:52 explain this now Allah it takes more
0:11:57 faith to believe that the universe came
0:12:02 from chance than it does to believe
0:12:05 that there was some intelligence behind
0:12:07 it let me tell you something I've spent
0:12:11 a lot of time reading books on this
0:12:14 topic and to be honest with you the most
0:12:18 I would say powerful or I wouldn't even
0:12:22 call it that to be honest with you
0:12:24 but the most vehement opposition to this
0:12:29 kind of argument comes from a man called
0:12:30 David Hume now he was a philosopher
0:12:33 Scottish philosopher and he said but
0:12:35 hold on this is was his argument and by
0:12:37 the way he is one of the heavyweights of
0:12:40 the Enlightenment period so we're not
0:12:41 talking about Richard Dawkins and
0:12:44 Christopher Hitchens which literally
0:12:46 would be little boys in the school of
0:12:48 David Hume little boys little boys we're
0:12:51 talking about David Hume himself so what
0:12:55 did he say how did he how did he confute
0:12:57 to this hypothesis he said look he said
0:13:01 yeah I understand what you're saying but
0:13:04 the universe could have been created
0:13:05 from chance and then he realized what he
0:13:09 was saying was a little bit far-fetched
0:13:10 and he said and even if it wasn't
0:13:13 created by chance how can you make a
0:13:16 logical leap and say that God is the one
0:13:19 who intelligently designed the universe
0:13:22 okay fine you don't need to call him God
0:13:24 call him whatever you want the entity
0:13:26 the thing you still have a problem here
0:13:29 then he said but then how can you
0:13:32 explain the evil in the world you say
0:13:36 listen we're not talking about morals
0:13:37 here we're talking about organization
0:13:40 and physics and laws of nature so really
0:13:45 and truly and to be honest with you even
0:13:46 David Hume was refuted by his
0:13:50 contemporaries on this this is a thorn
0:13:53 in the side of this is this argument
0:13:57 here it says very simple I can look at
0:13:59 the design subhanAllah very simple look
0:14:01 Fallujah Russell Harriman photo go look
0:14:04 again do you see any gaps in creation do
0:14:07 you see any this is a very simple
0:14:09 argument but as one which is well is a
0:14:12 thorn in the side of atheists and they
0:14:16 cannot deal with it
0:14:18 now this is one thing another thing
0:14:22 which is interesting
0:14:24 allah subhanaw taala says in the Quran
0:14:26 by the album starship kafir tech Varun
0:14:29 I've been learning Akuma yeah so Mayumi
0:14:37 - come here come some money later on he
0:14:43 says how can you disbelieve in Allah
0:14:45 when he when you were dead and he
0:14:48 brought you to life and well I had a
0:14:50 conversation with Ibrahim yesterday and
0:14:52 he brought this to my attention because
0:14:54 I'm trying to bring forward some
0:14:55 interesting chronic arguments and he was
0:14:58 saying look at this verse it shows and
0:15:02 this is true subhanAllah
0:15:03 it shows except another premise here you
0:15:07 were a dead lifeless and life was given
0:15:09 to you now the question is where does
0:15:11 life come from can something which is
0:15:14 lifeless endow something else with life
0:15:17 or is it necessary for something which
0:15:21 has life to give life this is the
0:15:23 question now we're not going to go into
0:15:26 a bo Genesis which is something these
0:15:29 some chemists and some biologists talk
0:15:32 about because rbo Genesis is unproven
0:15:36 it's speculative and there are so many
0:15:38 theories and this idea that chemistry
0:15:40 became biology really in a nutshell
0:15:42 chemistry somehow became bad we don't
0:15:43 know how it happened we're looking at
0:15:45 the fossil records in RNA in the DNA but
0:15:47 we don't know how it happened but just
0:15:48 it happened somehow allow you what the
0:15:55 hell is this
0:15:57 you see what kind of pseudoscience is
0:15:58 this what kind of pseudoscience is this
0:16:01 I lost power tireless in the Quran as I
0:16:04 had to whom cause somehow I see when I
0:16:08 have not let them see the creation of
0:16:10 the heavens and the earth they weren't
0:16:12 there witnessing the creation of the
0:16:13 heavens in here we had some fun this
0:16:16 morning with Ibraheem we were talking
0:16:17 about this well I this complex of when
0:16:20 you know when the man comes will I
0:16:23 assign pseudo scientific approach just
0:16:25 someone comes with a laboratory jacket
0:16:27 just because he represents science he
0:16:29 says yes we have an idea of when the you
0:16:31 know
0:16:31 started and this and this and they
0:16:33 change the idea from the bit from this
0:16:35 from the static state theory to Big Bang
0:16:37 and this and they keep change again you
0:16:39 say yeah we changed our mind on it but
0:16:40 we're still working on it as if they
0:16:42 really know exactly what's happening
0:16:44 it's a thirteen point nine billion years
0:16:46 ago as if they can see exactly what's
0:16:47 going on and four billion years ago
0:16:50 before the earth was created they can
0:16:51 see everything but putting that to the
0:16:54 side the question is how could something
0:16:58 with no life give something give life to
0:17:02 something simple
0:17:04 have we ever observed physics turning
0:17:07 into biology in this way inanimate
0:17:10 objects turning into objects animate
0:17:13 life objects we don't see this this is
0:17:16 kind of theories that seriously they are
0:17:19 desperate clutching at straws and then
0:17:23 they'll cite Darwinian evolution and say
0:17:25 look but we know now see okay for the
0:17:28 sake of argument you're you're right
0:17:30 what's Darwinian evolution which is on
0:17:32 biology got anything to do with physics
0:17:34 la Hulk was summarize you allowed a
0:17:35 quorum and Hulk in nests I lost power
0:17:40 that certainly the creation of the
0:17:43 heavens and the earth is bigger than the
0:17:45 creation of the human being so let's
0:17:48 start was the big in them we can go
0:17:49 micro let's talk macro and then we can
0:17:50 go micro Darwinian evolution doesn't
0:17:54 help you because it doesn't have
0:17:55 anything to do with physics right so
0:18:01 proving God is not what we were aiming
0:18:04 to do because we as Muslims believe that
0:18:06 you're born with a Coulomb olu olu the
0:18:08 new LaDonna facility every moment
0:18:10 everyone who is born is born in a
0:18:11 predisposition to believe in God but
0:18:15 here's what I will say is that if you do
0:18:16 one action if you do one rationality as
0:18:19 the Quran says uses the word yep in and
0:18:23 it uses the word Akal and it uses the
0:18:26 word European Apple and amen
0:18:30 these are the things that you will get
0:18:33 from looking at the creation with
0:18:34 sincerity whether you are a philosopher
0:18:37 or a physicist or a common man looking
0:18:40 at the sky and the stars should lead you
0:18:42 to Allah that's it
0:18:44 should be that it should be as simple as
0:18:46 this now we'll continue and say play
0:18:54 someone may argue and David Hume did
0:18:56 argue this he said okay and you know you
0:18:58 can see his ramblings were like even
0:18:59 though he's a massive philosopher he
0:19:01 said how do you know is one God it could
0:19:03 be more than one creator that created
0:19:05 this universe and these things pipe the
0:19:09 Koran has three interesting verses one
0:19:11 and surah al-isra
0:19:12 one in surah al-anbiya and one in surah
0:19:15 till mu'minin which explains to us why
0:19:18 it's a beautiful logic wow these are
0:19:20 beautiful logical arguments the best you
0:19:22 don't need to go anywhere else except
0:19:24 for the Quran everything is there all
0:19:25 the arguments are there why it's
0:19:28 necessarily true that it has to be one
0:19:30 God Allah Ta'ala says hello Kenema who
0:19:35 Ali hatun chaotic Walloon even libertà
0:19:39 ho lalr she Sibylla if there were many
0:19:41 gods with him as you say then they would
0:19:44 have all been competing to the arch in
0:19:47 other words some of us here would say
0:19:48 they would be trying to get closer to
0:19:50 allah and other mafia children say they
0:19:52 would be competing in strength installer
0:19:55 to mock me known it says la la banda
0:19:58 whom allah but they would have been
0:20:00 competing with each other ie the two
0:20:02 gods and in surah al-anbiya it says that
0:20:06 the heavens and earth life as a data
0:20:08 they would have been destroyed now
0:20:10 here's the point there are three things
0:20:13 which have to be unitary and cannot be
0:20:16 many one of them is creative ability or
0:20:22 control of the creation number two is
0:20:24 will a rather and number three is power
0:20:28 now let me give you an example of this
0:20:30 easily yeah if you have two individuals
0:20:33 or you have two entities that claim to
0:20:35 be God you have three choices either
0:20:38 they will fight each other they will
0:20:40 fight each other and they were both it
0:20:44 will be like a draw a stalemate in which
0:20:46 case we will say how can you be God all
0:20:48 powerful and both of you are cannot beat
0:20:51 the other one right option two
0:20:55 they will compromise with each other
0:20:57 democratically say listen you have
0:20:58 Monday I will rule on Tuesday you know
0:21:01 we'll share the Dominion and if this was
0:21:05 the case it implies weakness because why
0:21:07 do you need to compromise as an
0:21:08 all-powerful creator and the third thing
0:21:12 which is the obvious one the third thing
0:21:15 which is the obvious one is that one
0:21:16 will prevail over the other and if this
0:21:18 is the case then that one which prevails
0:21:21 over the other is the powerful one is
0:21:25 the god and the one who's been
0:21:27 subordinated is the is the subjugate in
0:21:30 this case they're subjected one so here
0:21:33 it's very simple it's necessarily true
0:21:36 because of the fact that there cannot be
0:21:40 multiple wills there cannot be multiple
0:21:43 creative capacities and they cannot be
0:21:45 more than one all-powerful entity and by
0:21:48 the way this completely bunk is the
0:21:49 Trinity completely destroys the Trinity
0:21:52 if you want an easy way to destroy the
0:21:53 Trinity of the Christians this is the
0:21:55 one of the best logical ways they say
0:21:57 that all three are God but that they all
0:22:01 you unified in the Trinity right that
0:22:04 Jesus is God that the Father is God the
0:22:06 Holy Spirit is God if that is the case
0:22:08 is jesus all-powerful yes he is is the
0:22:11 father all-powerful yes he is if they go
0:22:14 against each other who's going to win in
0:22:15 a fight you know how he put it
0:22:17 how are they going to draw no no they're
0:22:21 not going to draw who would fight who
0:22:23 would win Jesus or the Father come on
0:22:26 ask the Christian if Jesus will
0:22:30 something and the father will something
0:22:33 and they are different because they're
0:22:35 two different persons even according to
0:22:36 who's going to win if you say both of
0:22:40 them will come together and compromise
0:22:41 then they are both weak so this is a
0:22:45 very interesting argument now finally I
0:22:48 wanted to talk about something else now
0:22:49 someone will say well these are all very
0:22:51 fine logical arguments these all very
0:22:53 fine logical arguments but they will
0:22:57 argue we don't want to be religious
0:23:02 we've had enough of religion look at
0:23:04 what Legion has done to society and
0:23:06 these things we don't want to believe in
0:23:08 God
0:23:08 say okay no problem don't believe in God
0:23:10 we'll see what happens don't yeah and
0:23:13 don't you don't have to argue say no
0:23:14 problem yeah mellow wash it to him do
0:23:17 what you want
0:23:18 come on Cheryl you owe me no my share
0:23:19 for yuck for whoever wants to come
0:23:20 believe whoever wants you can just
0:23:21 believe we believe that if you have been
0:23:23 given the error message and you deny it
0:23:25 then you will go to the Hellfire and you
0:23:27 burn forever actually that's what will
0:23:29 happen to you and you know there's only
0:23:30 one way of finding out when we die we're
0:23:32 going to find out what Carlo in here
0:23:34 Allah hyah - not done yet no more - Ana
0:23:35 here why you looking at in a way that
0:23:38 they say is only our life of this world
0:23:41 we're going to live and die and only the
0:23:43 time will will destroy us oh man a
0:23:48 Humvee that like a Milan what kind of
0:23:49 knowledge they have this in whom Aleya
0:23:51 unknown they only guess and will lie
0:23:56 atheists can only be uncertain it's
0:23:59 actually necessary part of their
0:24:01 ideology they can never be certain of
0:24:03 their ideology that's why actually if
0:24:04 even if you look at what they describe
0:24:06 themselves as they describes themselves
0:24:07 for those who know negative atheists
0:24:10 they don't have any positive arguments
0:24:12 against the existence of God some of
0:24:13 them do say the problem of evil like
0:24:15 David Hume or whatever but the majority
0:24:17 of them say no actually no we just
0:24:19 thought I'm not convinced with the
0:24:20 evidences now I will say to them if
0:24:22 you're not convinced with the evidence
0:24:23 is fine no problem don't believe in God
0:24:25 we'll see what happens after we die no
0:24:26 problem no problem but I will say to the
0:24:29 Atheist this for example if that atheist
0:24:33 decides to embrace another secular
0:24:35 ideology and this is why it was useful
0:24:38 during the liberalism and feminism
0:24:39 discussion before I'm doing this one
0:24:41 because if they say I'm not a I'm not a
0:24:44 religious person but I'm a FEMINIST yes
0:24:46 I'm a feminist or I am a liberal say
0:24:49 listen you believe in liberalism so yeah
0:24:51 so you've la you've left the
0:24:54 cosmological argument which is a
0:24:56 deductive argument you've left the
0:24:58 fine-tuning argument which the chances
0:25:02 of you know leaving it it's tantamount
0:25:03 to literally saying that the probability
0:25:05 of the universe coming coming about is a
0:25:08 zero but I'll accept this you've left
0:25:10 all of those strong arguments as first
0:25:13 principle arguments and now you're going
0:25:17 to feminism and liberalism which don't
0:25:19 even have arguments like this they don't
0:25:22 there is no equivalent of the
0:25:24 cosmological argument to prove
0:25:26 liberalism there is no equivalent of the
0:25:29 teleological fine-tuning argument to
0:25:31 prove feminism therefore if were being
0:25:34 epistemologically honest you should not
0:25:36 believe in any of those secular
0:25:37 ideologies and some people actually went
0:25:41 down that line
0:25:42 they call themselves post modernists
0:25:44 Nietzsche is a very interesting example
0:25:49 he wrote books he said you know I don't
0:25:51 believe in any of this I didn't even
0:25:52 believe in science he was skeptical of
0:25:54 everything but that is an honest
0:25:56 approach to the skeptical extremism that
0:25:59 he believed that's that's how it should
0:26:00 be every atheist should be like
0:26:02 Nietzsche if they're being
0:26:03 intellectually honest they should read
0:26:06 the books of Nietzsche and be like him
0:26:08 who by the way he went mad at the end of
0:26:10 his life and he went to a doctor even
0:26:12 though he did not believe in and he was
0:26:14 skeptical of science but the point is
0:26:17 this the point is if that is your
0:26:23 standard of truth that you're going to
0:26:25 leave all these things is abductive and
0:26:26 inductive and deductive arguments which
0:26:29 really do for atheists and non assists
0:26:33 constitute yeah a solid framework for
0:26:39 believing anything from first principles
0:26:42 then you should leave everything else in
0:26:46 terms of belief if an atheist says I'm
0:26:50 an atheist but do you believe in this
0:26:51 and if they start spouting more moral
0:26:53 things and say yeah I believe this was
0:26:54 morally incorrect and you shouldn't do
0:26:56 this you shouldn't where is your moral
0:26:58 Anchorage where is your objective moral
0:27:01 Anchorage where'd you get your morals
0:27:02 from well how can you even justify
0:27:05 anything you've used such a skeptical
0:27:08 method to deny the arguments for the
0:27:11 existence of God we expect you to use
0:27:14 that same skepticism for everything else
0:27:17 in your life and if you use that same
0:27:22 skepticism for everything else in your
0:27:24 life you will simply have nothing you
0:27:27 will simply believe in nothing you
0:27:31 cannot be a feminist and believe in
0:27:35 feminism
0:27:36 if you are an atheist that rejects these
0:27:39 arguments because feminism as we've
0:27:42 discussed does not have any underlying
0:27:44 principles which which root it from
0:27:47 bottom up
0:27:48 same thing with liberalism same thing
0:27:50 with communism they all have attempts
0:27:53 bison they don't have anything solid
0:27:55 certainly not as solid as the
0:27:57 cosmological so here the point is this
0:27:59 the Quran is very clear
0:28:01 it says I'm Julio cumin ye Shaitan I'm
0:28:04 whom la lagune what they created from
0:28:05 nothing or what they themselves the
0:28:08 creators of themselves
0:28:09 I'm Holocaust am i right uh ballet opine
0:28:12 on did they are they the ones who
0:28:13 created the heavens in the earth they
0:28:15 have no certainty the whenever Allah
0:28:19 describes these individuals he always
0:28:22 describes four powers a beautiful
0:28:23 premise they can never be certain
0:28:25 because they apply an X key as extreme
0:28:28 skepticism they might as well deny
0:28:30 themselves as Nietzsche did say I don't
0:28:32 exist I don't I don't actually exist the
0:28:35 self than me I don't I don't know how do
0:28:38 I know use the same philosophical
0:28:40 inquiry no I don't know actually the
0:28:42 chances of me not being here is so yeah
0:28:44 there is a chance why don't you use the
0:28:45 same belief and the same method of
0:28:48 inquiry because if you do it you will
0:28:51 deny yourself you'll deny everything so
0:28:56 with that in Charla I will conclude I
0:28:59 will conclude with what allah subhanaw
0:29:01 taala he said because what a lost plant
0:29:05 I said is quite powerful in referencing
0:29:08 the fact that really scientific inquiry
0:29:12 although it's very important and we
0:29:14 respect it and everything
0:29:15 especially as it regards to knowing what
0:29:18 happened before in terms of and this is
0:29:20 a big thing for people's their evolution
0:29:23 evolution evolution is something of the
0:29:27 part is actually history a scientific
0:29:30 history they have to trace even this is
0:29:33 Richard Dawkins he said you know we have
0:29:34 to slap we're detectives we're bringing
0:29:35 all the things together we're trying to
0:29:36 find out what happened babe you did not
0:29:40 witness this you did not see species
0:29:44 moving into other species or become
0:29:46 another speech you have not seen this
0:29:48 yet the atheist for the most part will
0:29:51 be ardent evolutionist yes I believe and
0:29:53 even but you did not see this and the
0:29:56 theory of evolution continues to change
0:29:59 so Allah says Mashhad to whom Hulka sama
0:30:02 yt-alert I have not allowed them to
0:30:08 witness the creation of the heavens and
0:30:10 the earth well a whole Quran for Sam and
0:30:12 not the creation of themselves now this
0:30:16 is very powerful they have not seen
0:30:21 things that they believe in as almost
0:30:26 anchor anchors yet they will use
0:30:31 empirical arguments we have not seen
0:30:33 good in these things
0:30:34 to deny God so here when discussing with
0:30:39 atheists sometimes or lie I think it is
0:30:41 a psychological thing it's not it's no
0:30:43 longer a an intellectual inquiry because
0:30:46 if we look at if we do it's the claw of
0:30:48 all of the philosophies that dealt with
0:30:50 for example for yanny to the
0:30:52 teleological argument or the fine-tuning
0:30:54 argument you'll see that there's really
0:30:55 weak arguments in opposition to these
0:30:58 things and so it's not about
0:31:00 intellectualism it's not really it's not
0:31:02 it's about psychology
0:31:04 it's about of what of the favors of
0:31:07 allah subhanaw taala will you deny and
0:31:09 so with atheists I think the best
0:31:11 approach and this is after some time of
0:31:13 debating with them and talking with them
0:31:14 it has the chef said in the previous
0:31:16 lecture just smile at them okay and
0:31:20 maybe go and get some food with them and
0:31:22 talk with them be nice with them ask
0:31:24 them how their parents are and you never
0:31:26 know they might they might change and
0:31:28 become Muslim
0:31:29 it's a hard luck