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Is Homosexuality comparable to Incest ? (2017-05-08)

## Description

A shocking video where a homosexual loses the plot at acts in an incredibly unpredictable way.

The Muslim makes a rational argument that the homosexual finds 'offensive'.

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Summary of Is Homosexuality comparable to Incest ?

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

in this video discusses the morality of homosexuality and argues that it is comparable to incest. They say that from an objective standpoint, it is impossible to prove which is more immoral, and that people should make their own decisions in life.

*00:00:00 Discusses homosexuality and asks if homosexuals feel that it is morally acceptable. He points out that different people will come to different conclusions about morality, and that a person's morality should come from their own life experience and not from a book.

  • **00:05:00 Discusses the legality of homosexuality in different countries and argues that if a person is homosexual, they should be allowed to do as they please so long as they're not hurting anyone else.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses how homosexuality is comparable to incest, and points out that there is a moral difference between the two. He argues that religion should not be used to control people, and that logic is only half of the argument.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses why homosexuality is morally unacceptable and compares it to incest. They say that from an objective standpoint, it is impossible to prove which is more immoral. He then tells the audience to make their own decisions in life.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 basically before we start let me just
0:00:03 introduce it to a slammer
0:00:04 it's LOM as a religion here whereby I
0:00:08 use me here if someone's a religion well
0:00:13 we believe the one God one God worthy of
0:00:16 worship all right one God worthy of
0:00:19 worship yeah yeah oh yeah one God worthy
0:00:26 of worship we believe look this is what
0:00:30 we believe there's a verse in the Quran
0:00:31 I want to introduce you to it ya know
0:00:33 see what not to like no there's a verse
0:00:36 I figured Saturday night verse 29 it
0:00:40 says but of Allah whom a solemn Roger
0:00:43 une fille Shura cap water shake it
0:00:46 sooner or later version basically says
0:00:48 that God has preferred a parable yeah of
0:00:51 a man who has many slave owners and
0:00:55 another man who has only one slave owner
0:00:58 and then he said hey Lester really
0:01:00 metella are they the same
0:01:01 yeah now the plane is do you know those
0:01:05 a philosopher his name is Rosario he
0:01:06 said man is bloom free for everywhere in
0:01:09 Chains man is going to bed one change
0:01:11 the idea is this the idea is that we as
0:01:14 Muslims we believe that you are going to
0:01:16 be a slave to something in this world
0:01:18 yes
0:01:19 you're going to either be a slave to
0:01:20 social expectations that you've chosen
0:01:23 your China it's a good way of putting it
0:01:27 so we say look let us choose who we
0:01:30 should be basically submissive to or
0:01:33 what we should be submissive to and in
0:01:34 our conceptual conceptualization we say
0:01:37 that the most appropriate thing for us
0:01:39 to submit to is the one who created
0:01:41 everything the one who knows everything
0:01:43 the one who's all aware of everything
0:01:45 and that is for us God so that's why the
0:01:48 Quran giving anyone in this entire
0:01:50 square
0:01:52 yes okay so in that case because oh
0:01:54 really so do you accept do you accept
0:01:57 that the scientists think there's like a
0:01:59 electronic that's some kind of magnetic
0:02:02 thing going on and that's God even
0:02:04 science so everybody agrees yeah no I'm
0:02:08 with you oh that's good we'll put in it
0:02:09 but I just want to say - I want to put
0:02:10 the student ma'am so for me like if you
0:02:13 ask me about my morality where do I get
0:02:15 my own morality
0:02:15 ya know but if you do I'll say look
0:02:19 there's a there's a rationality behind
0:02:20 the rally
0:02:21 so the rationality for us is okay we
0:02:23 believe that God created the universe
0:02:25 yeah now he is all-knowing we'll hearing
0:02:28 a little powerful and as an extension of
0:02:30 that he sent messengers to certain
0:02:32 people's in certain plants and
0:02:34 messengers came to people in certain
0:02:36 people certain times at different times
0:02:38 yeah and the final that we believe is
0:02:40 the Prophet Muhammad you came for
0:02:41 everything would be right
0:02:43 those messengers yeah so basically
0:02:46 whether what they have with them are two
0:02:48 things the message in the miracle the
0:02:50 message being from God which is to
0:02:52 believe in a worship and only one God
0:02:54 submit yourself to one God rather than
0:02:56 submitting yourself to aspects of the
0:02:57 creation and the miracle is the Quran
0:03:00 itself and it has a way of basically
0:03:02 proving itself okay good point so having
0:03:08 said that Oscars a homosexual yeah I
0:03:10 want to ask as a homosexual do you feel
0:03:15 it's basically in your opinion it's it's
0:03:18 your right jewy it's absolutely fine
0:03:21 morally acceptable for you to be
0:03:22 homosexual in the sense that my national
0:03:25 urge okay thank you all right yeah okay
0:03:29 I wanted to ask you a question there
0:03:31 yeah do you assert that everything that
0:03:34 you believe and feel from nature
0:03:36 you should enact depending on what how
0:03:40 you feel depending on your own
0:03:43 morality that you have available decide
0:03:46 the course of your lifetime supporting
0:03:48 with your own experiences and your own
0:03:50 destiny based on your own and what
0:03:52 you're here to do and that all of us are
0:03:54 here to do something different we're all
0:03:55 here to develop in a soul a different
0:03:57 way but religion to shut that down and
0:03:58 makes you all the same I don't believe
0:04:00 that no I'm with you but John I put this
0:04:03 on you because I think your voice is
0:04:05 thought on my website no I don't like
0:04:09 you you believe that yeah but the
0:04:11 question I asked you was you said it was
0:04:12 my network to be homosexual I mean I do
0:04:15 believe that I'm not saying that you
0:04:17 shouldn't know one thing I Fisher the
0:04:21 first Pinilla do you believe that as you
0:04:23 connect with my life I think we have
0:04:24 there should be able to adapt well most
0:04:27 of them because you have an urge to eat
0:04:29 to [ __ ] for sleep to park so most of
0:04:32 them yes I would agree sir all right
0:04:34 what about you what about you all of
0:04:35 them I wish you would do not sir
0:04:38 okay does that go fight for my morality
0:04:40 the one thing so from what did you get
0:04:42 your morality from your own life
0:04:43 experience or did you get it from the
0:04:45 book look well I think that's crap it
0:04:47 you have to get it from life okay why
0:04:49 don't kill because that's what we've got
0:04:51 to go on got to go you can have guidance
0:04:54 you can have guidance really but if you
0:04:56 don't develop it to your own experiences
0:04:57 and your own vision and your own path
0:05:00 life and everything else
0:05:01 what's the point of it well as you had
0:05:03 to have it I'm not going on chemically
0:05:05 you can call me well your life because
0:05:09 how call you done yet there you go
0:05:11 John the Baptist you go okay John Joyce
0:05:14 Jesus high five ah Piper Coverstone 0.1
0:05:21 0.1 the circle I was a jerk yeah thank
0:05:26 you
0:05:26 oh so basically more common ways to
0:05:32 coming into your mouth your question
0:05:33 all right in also so sorry my question
0:05:37 is fit forward then someone had wished I
0:05:39 would say take someone happening right
0:05:40 now to be incestual your conceptualize
0:05:47 yeah well they have to shake themselves
0:05:49 and find out in my police say they'd
0:05:51 have to check themselves if they could
0:05:53 stop that urgent and really truly find
0:05:56 out where that came from because it
0:05:57 often comes from then having incestual
0:06:00 stuff happening in their path so that's
0:06:04 where you're saying that because I'm
0:06:06 homosexual that I've had some homosexual
0:06:08 thing happen to me in the past so that
0:06:10 bla bla bla some there's a lot of
0:06:12 different reasons why people are
0:06:13 homosexual ask about you know oh yeah go
0:06:16 someone has a genetic urge yeah yeah to
0:06:20 be incestuous yeah should they be
0:06:22 allowed to elect well that's not for me
0:06:24 to decide that's for them to decide okay
0:06:26 not for you to decide or me no no it's
0:06:28 not for me to do anything as for them to
0:06:30 sort it out
0:06:30 not for me yeah that's not none of my
0:06:34 business I don't know them so now in my
0:06:36 house if there's a crime going on again
0:06:39 if someone's been broken the law of the
0:06:41 land then obviously it's a crime that's
0:06:43 the climate it's not really what it is
0:06:45 yeah so you it's not allowed so you'd
0:06:47 get you know you get the police involved
0:06:49 which is probably if it's not allowed to
0:06:51 happen it's probably right okay so
0:06:53 you're saying is you shouldn't be
0:06:54 allowed to have a little well I'm not
0:06:55 I'm not saying anything I'm just
0:06:56 pointing out that the law says that it's
0:06:59 illegal okay so they'll also look
0:07:00 illegal
0:07:01 so our mother and a family relationship
0:07:03 to happen according to the law okay
0:07:07 according to the law if you go to a
0:07:09 country where homosexuality is illegal
0:07:11 should you still be able to enact on a
0:07:13 sec trolley well I don't know so your
0:07:18 honor I'd like to really disagree with
0:07:21 you linking homosexuality with incest
0:07:23 it's the same thing why can't only okay
0:07:26 so for example I'm looking
0:07:27 heterosexuality with incense okay and
0:07:30 I'll make a point on I link them I link
0:07:32 them all cut I'm sorry yeah like her
0:07:34 incest I pedophilia and I'm linking with
0:07:38 homosexuality and jumping all in the
0:07:39 same carrier bag and constantly blinking
0:07:42 them up they're not connected because
0:07:44 it's adult consensual circle it's not
0:07:46 going generational you are you're
0:07:49 talking incest incest okay so that's
0:07:51 intergenerational sex words of stuff but
0:07:54 well that well I don't know that's to do
0:07:55 with them isn't it what you just said
0:07:57 depending on the age they are okay so
0:07:59 notice up here
0:08:00 what's your sister's or sue Robert
0:08:02 one-hour sessions cause of each other
0:08:03 yeah I think I think gender homicidal
0:08:05 gentlemen I think gentlemen you better
0:08:08 come to the Nitty Gritty nub of your
0:08:09 point and ask me it now okay my point is
0:08:11 this right you said don't compare you
0:08:14 should have been making comparisons
0:08:15 between certain homosexuality no I know
0:08:17 I said I was really upset with the
0:08:19 factory's constantly being linked with
0:08:20 illegal sexual activity
0:08:22 homosexuality is constantly being linked
0:08:24 with illegal sexual activity instant
0:08:26 beautifuller etcetera that's why I said
0:08:28 okay I was annoyed with that something
0:08:30 you were doing in that case if you go to
0:08:31 another country where homosexuality
0:08:32 advanced would you be upset in the same
0:08:35 way if someone liquors if you two are
0:08:37 not allowed to I don't know because I've
0:08:38 never been to one of those countries and
0:08:39 I don't think I would okay so I'm saying
0:08:42 is if any homosexual forget about you if
0:08:45 any almost sexual went to Nigeria or any
0:08:46 other country well sexuality is back
0:08:48 should they or should they not be
0:08:49 allowed to enact their homosexuality
0:08:50 well I think it depends on them if they
0:08:52 choose to or not okay so what you're
0:08:54 saying here is for homosexuals you're
0:08:57 saying they have a decision to make
0:08:59 whether they want to or they don't want
0:09:00 that's right whereas we will send you an
0:09:02 adult sex not intergenerational and
0:09:04 underage sex underage sex it was
0:09:07 princess your underage sex all right all
0:09:09 right then within it within the same
0:09:10 family or whatever okay it's not it's
0:09:13 only legal though we're a bub between
0:09:16 brother and sister in this country yeah
0:09:17 I think is illegal if you leave
0:09:19 in other time your country okay when in
0:09:23 other countries in alright then in our
0:09:25 country it's illegal in our country
0:09:27 today I should assume that what exactly
0:09:31 all the odds are so Marysol for you okay
0:09:34 cool you probably more London than I am
0:09:36 okay in a normal day in a Muslim country
0:09:38 depends on which country took about as
0:09:40 many of them so why UAE I think
0:09:43 homosexuals can probably do a lot more
0:09:44 than let's say Saudi Arabia alright so
0:09:46 it's kind of like it you know I think
0:09:49 they should be I think they should I
0:09:51 think people should be free to do what
0:09:53 they feel like doing as long as they're
0:09:55 not hearing somebody else and they're
0:09:57 not they lie against I think the people
0:09:58 should be free to do what they want as
0:09:59 long as they're not hurting is by
0:10:01 breaking the law happy you said that
0:10:02 well you know I'd be very confusing but
0:10:04 you're trying to box me into a situation
0:10:05 and a box around by people and I'd like
0:10:09 to serve other people what they think
0:10:10 about homosexuality ask them what do you
0:10:13 think what do you think about my
0:10:15 sexuality no comment no comment what do
0:10:17 you think about my pictures no comment
0:10:20 no comment take-home receive back
0:10:22 there's no not these people why because
0:10:24 you've asked me for like the law no but
0:10:25 the bigger here you should be able to
0:10:27 can I ask you a question yeah you're you
0:10:29 seem like a decent guy yeah well Muslim
0:10:31 this is weakest or a million questions
0:10:32 look at that let me allow me to
0:10:34 elaborate on my point my point is that
0:10:36 people ask us questions all the time
0:10:37 about slap people ask Jewish people
0:10:40 questions also my Judaism Christian
0:10:42 author I do a Judaism ABS we've all done
0:10:44 by atheism everything should be able to
0:10:47 recreate a scrutinize and criticize
0:10:48 including sexuality and so it's not fair
0:10:51 I don't believe it's fair if you want to
0:10:53 say it's freedom of speech for us to say
0:10:54 okay we should have parameters of that
0:10:56 speedo Street I'm saying that if you're
0:10:58 almost sexual just like I'm a Muslim and
0:10:59 someone's a Christian all of us should
0:11:01 be able to have engaging conversation
0:11:03 while getting angry actually
0:11:05 rationalised angry is really moving
0:11:06 anger okay if you get passion okay now
0:11:09 let me ask you a question nother
0:11:10 question right my favorite question to
0:11:12 you you said you can do everyone so long
0:11:13 it's about how many or not that's the
0:11:14 harm principle side by DJ SMIL yeah and
0:11:17 unlock on liberty in 1800 I don't know
0:11:19 basically I'll tell you what this means
0:11:20 now it's a liberal it's a libertarian
0:11:22 principle that was come from a
0:11:23 philosopher in 1800 I've got two
0:11:25 questions to you number one
0:11:27 then if you really think about it incest
0:11:29 between brother and sister yeah where
0:11:32 they're both consensual over H in your
0:11:34 opinion should not be illegal
0:11:36 yeah I didn't sign that's not my opinion
0:11:38 so what's your friend you're putting
0:11:40 your opinion now now I'm asking what is
0:11:41 your opinion is incest between two
0:11:43 consensual adults but brother and sister
0:11:46 now both consented and wearing
0:11:47 protection so there's all deformed
0:11:48 babies is that legitimate is that
0:11:51 morally acceptable is that morally
0:11:52 unacceptable I think you'd have to ask
0:11:55 those two themselves and their parents
0:11:57 and the people in their vicinity I've
0:11:59 got no there's nothing to deny don't
0:12:00 have children my own and I'm asking for
0:12:02 your opinion does my opinion yeah I give
0:12:05 me my opinion so what's your play
0:12:06 tickets between those two that I will
0:12:08 use on for that when we talked about the
0:12:09 linkage between horse or hybrid between
0:12:11 because less than almost actuality then
0:12:12 going because they often link
0:12:15 homosexuality with in things which
0:12:18 without incest or people's only out
0:12:20 there what's all that because they're
0:12:21 why definitely linked in it so what
0:12:22 along with the mental link is made so
0:12:24 what's well is that leave interrupting
0:12:26 me sorry I'm so mental link is made in
0:12:28 people's mind that link homosexuality
0:12:31 with pedophilia within certain okay I'm
0:12:34 also critically though well you can't
0:12:35 strong I'm the argument I'm gonna no I'm
0:12:37 not telling you that's what happens in
0:12:39 the public for me I'm doing it no no
0:12:40 you're not I'm going into it you try to
0:12:42 do it I own a love inside cut you off
0:12:44 and you didn't like a winter sand also
0:12:46 sorry I'm saying to you what it is a
0:12:48 different if you say if you use the
0:12:50 liberal Humphrey supplies barometer I'm
0:12:52 asking you what is the moral difference
0:12:54 between homosexuality and a brother and
0:12:57 a sister having sex of each other this
0:12:58 is such a stupid discussion and you're
0:13:01 having such a stupid argument but you
0:13:02 don't have any responsible i am i
0:13:04 throwing a response and telling you what
0:13:05 you're trying to do is very very twisted
0:13:07 and stupid it's all white like that I've
0:13:09 told you already and you didn't listen
0:13:10 no I'm not working with one to take back
0:13:12 no but no but you do well you learn the
0:13:15 tape can you see why you're not giving
0:13:16 any answers okay I gave you the answer
0:13:18 what's the answer
0:13:19 what's the difference between interest
0:13:20 from a logical little us what this
0:13:22 different positive one is a man having
0:13:24 sex with another man okay
0:13:26 one man having sex with another man and
0:13:27 the other one is two people in the same
0:13:29 family having sex is one right one wrong
0:13:32 quite well that depends on your point of
0:13:33 view I'm asking you either like the link
0:13:36 I'm asking you why do you like the link
0:13:37 um because
0:13:38 wait inferred that homosexuality somehow
0:13:42 not right something not quite right
0:13:45 about it there's something a little bit
0:13:47 something about my question one other
0:13:49 thought you were playing what's the
0:13:50 difference between incest and why yeah
0:13:51 why you asking the question why not what
0:13:53 not why not why are you asking that
0:13:55 particular question I feel I feel like
0:13:57 it
0:13:57 oh you know you do what you do like you
0:14:00 do a lot of now it's damaging his belief
0:14:03 system oh oh you see what how you work
0:14:05 you're mainly trying to mind [ __ ] people
0:14:07 with his religion and then when you
0:14:09 stare men on rivers or like in whatever
0:14:11 religion I want yeah but you don't
0:14:13 that's irrelevant finally Allah thank
0:14:15 you so you could take you see here
0:14:18 here's a good example of something which
0:14:20 you could have just which basically have
0:14:22 lost the argument well that's that's
0:14:24 that's in the opinion of the person
0:14:26 who's listening to this not you or me
0:14:27 okay that's good you have your abilities
0:14:31 and so as other people are going to
0:14:32 watch these logic logically they're free
0:14:34 to make their own minds up and flush
0:14:35 their own mobile phones down their own
0:14:37 toilets and cut the control system and
0:14:39 stop bullshitting around with these
0:14:40 stupid religions that mind [ __ ] you and
0:14:43 allow you to be controlled on mass
0:14:44 through different countries okay so it's
0:14:47 religion does anyone have a stick now be
0:14:48 excuse me he's off he's on he saw
0:14:52 himself please so okay so here okay
0:14:55 logically you have nothing to satisfy
0:14:59 yourself with well logic is only half
0:15:00 the story which is from this part of
0:15:02 right this part of the brain the other
0:15:04 part of the intuitive for feminine for
0:15:06 sensual is dancing you're like oh sexual
0:15:09 oh oh we don't like that do you coming
0:15:13 in cool okay I think he'll fill minutes
0:15:18 to get my permission to get my position
0:15:20 because go home alright what do you
0:15:23 listen I'm someplace book alright anyway
0:15:26 so long as we're not harming anyone else
0:15:27 you know
0:15:28 really well and what I won't help
0:15:30 anybody else and when they put those
0:15:31 pants on people's backs in Guantanamo
0:15:33 Bay and play heavy melting we weren't
0:15:34 harming anybody were they different do
0:15:37 you know what I was doing you you're
0:15:39 coming well sir I got to be very funny
0:15:40 I understand what I could do with other
0:15:42 comes you know I want to take back all
0:15:44 right so if you have any answer here let
0:15:46 me ask you one last time and if you
0:15:47 don't answer anything then I think we
0:15:49 can all make of it
0:15:50 we can all make out on any point so
0:15:51 don't give the shoes man we can all make
0:15:53 our own mind up on this yeah because I
0:15:55 said thank you for your response and
0:15:56 what's the difference between
0:15:57 homosexuality means and inside no that's
0:15:59 not my question my question is why is
0:16:01 homosexuality a man another man having
0:16:04 sexual intercourse and the act of a man
0:16:07 and a woman who happen to brother and
0:16:08 sister yeah and they're consensual yeah
0:16:13 drink that because you're gonna do it
0:16:15 actually time all right okay so I'm
0:16:18 asking you why is it before you're
0:16:20 likely to see anything okay whatever I
0:16:21 see now no thanks I don't drink alcohol
0:16:24 no no not on tetanus all right okay it
0:16:28 does it smaller good anyways I was the
0:16:30 hymen
0:16:31 okay okay fair enough I'm sorry I
0:16:33 prejudged you there anyways this is also
0:16:44 like what you feel in your car you can't
0:16:46 swallow okay yes yes burn up question
0:16:51 question question what makes
0:16:54 homosexuality any more or less morally
0:16:58 acceptable than a brother and sister are
0:17:00 wearing who take contraceptive tablets
0:17:04 or wherever is they do I wear protection
0:17:06 whoever is what makes one morally okay
0:17:09 and everyone not more than a moral
0:17:10 stance the way of what will you believe
0:17:12 okay so you're saying it's not like that
0:17:14 so here so here in other words you never
0:17:17 want that for you yeah okay thank you
0:17:20 ask your question let me answer you so
0:17:22 for us it's very straightforward
0:17:24 yeah we say that from a mobs on an
0:17:27 objective level it's impossible for us
0:17:29 to prove morality yeah unless you have
0:17:31 an all-knowing entity which transmits
0:17:33 the information to human beings always
0:17:35 we think that is actualized in the last
0:17:38 and final revelation which is a plan
0:17:40 twisting to say the same thing about the
0:17:42 Bible kind of stuff do you think the
0:17:44 point is no I'm the Oscar meal across
0:17:46 here so the answer is it's okay
0:17:49 Emma I'll see you in this one word we
0:17:51 say homosexuality was the act of a man
0:17:53 having sex when suppose of another man
0:17:54 is equivalent to two are basically a
0:17:58 brother having sexual intercourse some
0:17:59 story for you them night but you have no
0:18:01 reason to feel certain because you have
0:18:02 not our counselor argument why is it
0:18:04 wrong I don't at the camera view leaves
0:18:06 a sorry mind your society is way more
0:18:07 she tried unicycling was not like it's
0:18:09 okay and I'm sorry basically I'm saying
0:18:12 to you is basically your suspect because
0:18:14 you're living in a present time in a
0:18:16 creeper station right and so you
0:18:17 religious Primus you know as you just
0:18:19 said that I'm covering you as this goes
0:18:20 one but we check my own so have you got
0:18:23 any reason to believe that one is more
0:18:25 stories for an hour no it's just you're
0:18:27 a person one card thank you very much I
0:18:28 think with that I think you're free to
0:18:30 make your own decisions up in life
0:18:32 please don't even do any ID pop body
0:18:34 above you I don't follow nobody Thank
0:18:37 You Isaac