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Islam and Christianity are under threat (2021-10-20)


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The Daily Mail article here:

Summary of Islam and Christianity are under threat

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


The author argues that both Islam and Christianity are under threat from radicals who are eroding traditional values. The author recommends that Muslims prioritize faith and values over social approval in order to protect their religion.

00:00:00 The author discusses the need for Muslims to be godpleasers, not praise chasers, in a society where people are constantly judging others. He also discusses the need for Christians and other traditional faith communities to be more open-minded and accepting of others. He argues that these are difficult tasks, and that some Muslims are too afraid to speak out against terrorism.

  • 00:05:00 According to the author, Islam and Christianity are both under threat from radical activists who are eroding traditional values and beliefs. The author recommends that Muslims prioritize faith and values over social approval and acceptance.
  • 00:10:00 The speaker comments on how social approval can lead to religious stagnation, and applauds the former bishop for his instincts to hold onto truth even though they may not agree on all details.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:03 should god come first
0:00:05 well this is a good question actually
0:00:07 and christians and muslims are facing
0:00:10 this question of full on now and i want
0:00:13 to explain why first by reading some
0:00:15 words of
0:00:16 a london islamic scholar sir abu elia
0:00:21 who's written just written a really good
0:00:23 brief article which i want to share with
0:00:25 you and then i want to come to the
0:00:28 trials and tribulations of christian
0:00:30 leaders
0:00:31 in britain and the problems and issues
0:00:34 are pretty much the same in my view so
0:00:36 coming back to the muslim uh comment
0:00:39 first
0:00:40 he writes this is uh circular abu elio
0:00:42 writes recently be a god pleaser not a
0:00:46 praise chaser
0:00:48 being worried of what others think is a
0:00:50 blank check for mental torture or
0:00:53 torment
0:00:55 a man's reputation said john milton he's
0:00:58 a an english poet is what other people
0:01:01 think of him
0:01:02 his character is what he really is this
0:01:05 distinction there
0:01:07 it's natural to want acceptance no one
0:01:09 likes being thought ill of but it is
0:01:12 simply not possible to please everyone
0:01:15 to be liked by everyone all the time
0:01:19 someone will think something negative
0:01:21 about you and there's nothing that can
0:01:23 be done about it he writes very true
0:01:25 that's very true today more than ever
0:01:28 before too many people spend too much
0:01:30 time living under the tyranny of what
0:01:33 people think and nowhere is this more so
0:01:36 the case than on social media
0:01:39 our current narcissistic
0:01:41 selfie culture and online approval
0:01:44 seeking have significantly contributed
0:01:47 especially in the young to mass anxiety
0:01:50 and a mental health crisis is very sad
0:01:52 what he's writing sadly huge levels of
0:01:55 angst are being nurtured as people
0:01:58 anxiously anticipate crave or obsess
0:02:01 over the instagram facebook or twitter
0:02:04 likes or the lack of on their latest
0:02:07 picture post or tweet
0:02:09 throughout history people have invented
0:02:11 various ways to gauge personal approval
0:02:14 or demonstrate their social standing but
0:02:17 none have been as potent as the social
0:02:20 media like button
0:02:22 it comes however at a huge collective
0:02:24 cost
0:02:26 currently there's a form of approval
0:02:28 seeking that specifically impacts us
0:02:31 muslims
0:02:32 and this this is where the writer really
0:02:35 gets to the heart of the matter here and
0:02:36 this is where
0:02:37 christians also and other traditional
0:02:39 faith communities
0:02:41 have a problem
0:02:42 the need to fit in and find acceptance
0:02:45 in the western liberal democracies
0:02:47 wherein we live and which most of us
0:02:50 consider home
0:02:52 if the discussion about us isn't about
0:02:55 terrorism then it's usually about the
0:02:57 question of integration and whether our
0:02:59 growing numbers will weaken national
0:03:01 identity
0:03:02 the prime concern being the extent to
0:03:04 which muslims and their socially
0:03:07 conservative religious values fit into
0:03:10 an increasingly unsympathetic and
0:03:13 xenophobic xenophobic liberal society
0:03:17 this is very true
0:03:20 that and then he says the desire to fit
0:03:22 in and find acceptance can be
0:03:24 very powerful indeed and this is
0:03:28 uh for me it's a really under
0:03:30 underestimated fact actually the
0:03:33 collective pressure
0:03:34 to fit in and not to rock the boat not
0:03:38 to think outside of the box not to say
0:03:39 anything socially unacceptable
0:03:42 and he continues as demands for islam to
0:03:45 reform intensify so do the temptations
0:03:49 to water down its less palatable sacred
0:03:53 norms so as to appease the monoculture
0:03:57 and yield to its ways he doesn't
0:04:00 actually list what these sacred norms
0:04:02 are but i can imagine you know the quran
0:04:03 talks about uh mankind or human beings
0:04:06 made
0:04:07 in as male and female so there isn't
0:04:10 great diversity it's just two two
0:04:12 genders for example or the kran's
0:04:15 teaching on uh
0:04:17 certain sexual minority lifestyles shall
0:04:19 we say
0:04:21 our writer continues
0:04:22 it therefore takes a certain degree of
0:04:25 god-given wisdom and a fair share of
0:04:27 god-given courage
0:04:30 to function as healers interesting
0:04:32 choices where they're healers but only a
0:04:34 small amount of cowardice to act like
0:04:37 frightened eulogists
0:04:39 the quran says
0:04:41 whoever desires honor should know that
0:04:44 all honor belongs to god that's this
0:04:48 35th surah
0:04:50 ayah number 10
0:04:52 we are told in one hadith
0:04:55 whoever seeks god's pleasure
0:04:57 at the expense of man's displeasure
0:05:00 shall win god's pleasure and god will
0:05:03 cause men to be pleased with him it's
0:05:06 not ironic but whoever pleases men by
0:05:09 displeasing god
0:05:11 will have earned god god's displeasure
0:05:14 and god will cause men to become
0:05:17 displeased with him
0:05:19 that's ibn ibn number
0:05:23 6 276. a paradox there's if you see
0:05:25 god's pleasure at the expense of
0:05:27 popular approval you'll get god's good
0:05:30 pleasure and then god will cause men to
0:05:32 be pleased with him but if you do the
0:05:34 opposite you'll displease god and you'll
0:05:37 lose men's
0:05:38 approval as well so fascinating for
0:05:41 muslims whatever we do or desire to
0:05:44 accomplish in the in life it must
0:05:46 ultimately serve the glory of god
0:05:50 as for being shaded from mental torment
0:05:54 and attaining inner peace this comes he
0:05:57 says from ignoring the judgments of
0:05:59 others
0:06:01 but this is only possible when one has
0:06:03 sound confidence in the judgments of god
0:06:07 we ask allah for safety and well-being
0:06:12 so there are that's a marvelous article
0:06:14 in with a few tweaks it could actually
0:06:16 be said by many christians i know as
0:06:19 well because the principles that he
0:06:21 enunciates can apply to people of all
0:06:24 faith and i'm reminded of of the news
0:06:26 recently just two days ago i think when
0:06:28 the former bishop of rochester in in
0:06:31 england dr michael nazir ali he was
0:06:33 originally born in pakistan
0:06:36 explained the reasons behind his
0:06:38 decision to leave the church of england
0:06:40 and become a roman catholic and he's
0:06:42 probably going to be ordained a catholic
0:06:44 priest soon
0:06:45 and writing in the daily mail i don't
0:06:47 normally quote the daily mail but it
0:06:49 seems pretty okay on this account
0:06:51 dr nazir ali said he had to leave
0:06:55 because the church of england as an
0:06:56 institution seems to be losing its way
0:07:00 and he said quote the catholic church
0:07:03 has its share of problems but the faith
0:07:05 and values are those that i also hold
0:07:08 and which i feel are being eroded in the
0:07:11 church of england
0:07:12 it might seem
0:07:14 it might have been easier at the age of
0:07:16 72 he says to have remained where i was
0:07:20 to work from inside to change the things
0:07:23 that i feel so strongly about
0:07:26 believe me i have tried and failed he
0:07:28 says
0:07:29 the church councils and synods and the
0:07:32 these are the ruling bodies of the
0:07:34 church of england he writes
0:07:36 are permeated by activists
0:07:38 who each have a single issue often
0:07:41 fattish agenda whether it be about
0:07:44 cultural correctness climate change
0:07:47 identity politics
0:07:49 multiculturalism which actually
0:07:51 encourages communities to live
0:07:53 separately
0:07:54 or critical race theory religion gender
0:07:58 a neo-marxist theory developed to create
0:08:01 conflict by dividing people into victims
0:08:04 and villains
0:08:06 end quote according to the daily mail
0:08:09 now
0:08:10 i think bless him there's a touch of
0:08:13 naivety about dr nazir ali's words
0:08:17 the truth and i i used to be a catholic
0:08:18 not any expert but the truth is that the
0:08:21 catholic church i discovered is as
0:08:23 influenced by radical activists as the
0:08:26 church of england is
0:08:28 i mean just look at the state of the
0:08:30 catholic church in germany for example
0:08:32 and this has been in the news a great
0:08:34 deal recently it almost an open schism
0:08:37 with the vatican over you know the lgbtq
0:08:40 issue and many other issues too
0:08:42 for the moment the vatican uh is holding
0:08:45 the line
0:08:46 but for how much longer so i think uh
0:08:50 the poor bishop is gonna find in reality
0:08:53 uh these same issues that he faced in
0:08:55 the church of england very much alive
0:08:58 within the roman catholic church a lot
0:09:00 of people particularly in the west
0:09:01 obviously wanting to change the church
0:09:03 uh to approve of certain things which
0:09:05 the church doesn't approve of
0:09:07 so the question is should god come first
0:09:10 well i think authentic
0:09:12 faith says yes because if religion is
0:09:16 true then it's true about everything
0:09:18 about all of our lives our politics our
0:09:21 relationships with people uh about
0:09:23 everything
0:09:25 if religion is is false then it is
0:09:27 irrelevant and we must dismiss it
0:09:30 so of course god if it if religion is
0:09:32 true god must come first and uh and by
0:09:36 by that i mean we shouldn't look
0:09:38 primarily to social approval and
0:09:40 acceptance from uh people in social
0:09:43 media or from the daily mail or the bbc
0:09:47 however uh whichever media or cultural
0:09:50 power exists in our world exerting
0:09:52 pressures on us to conform to their
0:09:56 latest agendas and these agendas as we
0:09:58 all know are constantly developing and
0:10:00 changing and evolving they're not static
0:10:03 so what is
0:10:04 required of us to believe today might be
0:10:06 very different in five years time or ten
0:10:08 years time and goodness knows what new
0:10:11 taboos to boost today
0:10:14 will be required of us to approve of
0:10:16 tomorrow or the next day
0:10:19 so if we if we uh fix our eyes on social
0:10:23 approval we we cannot be religious in my
0:10:26 view either god comes first or we just
0:10:30 give up give it all up so i i applaud um
0:10:33 the bishop the the former bishop for his
0:10:35 instincts there to hold on to truth even
0:10:37 though i may not agree with all his
0:10:38 beliefs but i think he has the right
0:10:40 intuition about religion
0:10:42 um just despite my disagreements with
0:10:44 him on on some details
0:10:46 so just wanted to share with you those
0:10:49 thoughts till next time