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ST #47: Nihilism, Consumerism and the Islamic Antidote — Part 3: Nihilism, Inception To Escape (2021-12-22)


ST #46: Nihilism, Consumerism and the Islamic Antidote — Part 3: Nihilism, Inception To Escape

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Summary of ST #47: Nihilism, Consumerism and the Islamic Antidote — Part 3: Nihilism, Inception To Escape

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00:00:00 - 00:15:00

is the third in a series on nihilism. It discusses the views of philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche on nihilism and how he attempted to address the problem. Nietzsche believed that religion was not a good way to deal with nihilism, and he instead advocated for a return to ancient Greek values.

00:00:00 the author discusses the direct link between Enlightenment philosophy and nihilism. He explains that when you deny God, you inevitably end up in nihilism. The reason is very simple – when you deny God, you are saying that there is no creator, no cause, and no meaning behind existence. This leads to a lack of meaning in life, and ultimately, nihilism.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses nihilism, its various manifestations, and how they relate to one another. It also points out that modernity has been struggling to deal with it, as nihilism is the "achilles heel" of modernity.
  • 00:10:00 series discusses the existentialist philosophers' ideas on nihilism and meaninglessness, and how they attempted to address the problem. Modernity has tried to address nihilism more recently with philosophies such as hedonism, but they all ultimately fail because humans cannot find meaning in life on an objective level. Consumerism is another way humans have tried to find meaning, but it always fails because humans are never truly satisfied.
  • 00:15:00 In this third installment of a video series on nihilism, the presenter covers Nietzsche's views on nihilism and how he attempted to tackle it. He also discusses Nietzsche's contention against religion as a means of addressing nihilism.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:12 assalamualaikum brothers and sisters
0:00:14 welcome back to the sapiens thoughts
0:00:16 video series where we're discussing
0:00:18 nihilism consumerism and the islamic
0:00:20 antidote to both
0:00:23 now in this episode we're going to look
0:00:25 at the direct link between
0:00:28 the ideas promoted by the enlightenment
0:00:31 philosophers and
0:00:33 nihilism so why is it the question we're
0:00:36 going to be addressing is why
0:00:38 does godlessness lead to nihilism why
0:00:40 does why is it the case that when you
0:00:42 deny god whatever worldview you may come
0:00:46 up with or follow but one which denies
0:00:49 a creator
0:00:51 why does that entail that you would
0:00:53 inevitably end up
0:00:55 in or with nihilism now the reason is
0:00:59 very simple
0:01:00 when you deny god
0:01:02 essentially what you're saying is that
0:01:03 there is no creator there is no cause
0:01:06 behind
0:01:07 the universe behind existence
0:01:11 and ultimately what you're essentially
0:01:13 saying therefore is that everything
0:01:16 that exists
0:01:18 the universe and everything within the
0:01:20 universe
0:01:21 is a result of
0:01:24 an accident just it's one big accident
0:01:27 essentially the universe and everything
0:01:29 that exists is one big accident because
0:01:31 there is no god there is no cause there
0:01:33 is no creator behind all of this now if
0:01:35 this is the case if everything is one
0:01:37 big accident that means
0:01:39 you and me us included are also just
0:01:42 accidents
0:01:43 everything is an accident and accidents
0:01:46 especially from a godless perspective
0:01:48 accidents don't have
0:01:51 a purpose an objective accidents just
0:01:53 happen
0:01:54 it's like when you spill milk well it's
0:01:56 just spilt milk obviously from an
0:01:57 islamic perspective we believe
0:01:58 everything has a reason behind it
0:02:00 however from a godless perspective it's
0:02:02 just an accident it means nothing
0:02:05 now
0:02:06 if you mean nothing and everything
0:02:09 around you means nothing that means
0:02:10 everything about your existence your
0:02:12 life means nothing there is no meaning
0:02:14 behind anything
0:02:15 so
0:02:17 ultimately
0:02:18 you have ended up with nihilism this is
0:02:21 nihilism everything is meaningless
0:02:23 life is meaningless your existence is
0:02:25 meaningless there is no purpose there is
0:02:26 no rhyme or reason behind your existence
0:02:30 now understanding this guys
0:02:33 let's look at this idea that was
0:02:34 proposed by the enlightenment
0:02:36 philosophers and thinkers that that of
0:02:38 progress worldly progress our objective
0:02:41 is to create a worldly paradise
0:02:43 now this is a very interesting
0:02:46 proposition
0:02:47 because on one end
0:02:49 this leads to nihilism because you're
0:02:51 turning away from god and we've seen how
0:02:53 that can lead to nihilism but on the
0:02:55 other end it also acts as a patch
0:02:58 a temporary fix
0:03:00 for that nihilism because
0:03:02 although you've proposed an idea which
0:03:04 takes people away from god
0:03:06 but the idea itself is giving human
0:03:08 beings a purpose
0:03:10 a goal which is to create a worldly
0:03:12 paradise so it's a very interesting
0:03:15 proposition and therefore it it sort of
0:03:17 patched that problem that people would
0:03:19 inevitably fall into and as the
0:03:21 centuries and decades went by and people
0:03:23 became more and more godless you know
0:03:26 more and more atheistic
0:03:28 in their thinking
0:03:29 in in what they followed
0:03:31 the more they experienced nihilism so
0:03:34 the problem of nihilism didn't go away
0:03:36 although it was patched by the
0:03:37 enlightenment thinkers it was still
0:03:39 there but the more people
0:03:40 moved away from god and as we mentioned
0:03:42 the enlightenment thinkers weren't
0:03:43 necessarily atheists they believed in
0:03:45 natural theology they believed in a
0:03:47 cause a creator out there you know that
0:03:49 created everything and ordered
0:03:50 everything however didn't follow you
0:03:52 know weren't the traditional theists if
0:03:55 you like
0:03:56 but as the decades went by they became
0:03:58 more people became more and more
0:03:59 atheistic and as they became more more
0:04:01 atheistic the more they felt more and
0:04:03 more into nihilism
0:04:05 so
0:04:06 understanding this
0:04:09 we need to now move on and really sort
0:04:11 of analyze nihilism we need to really
0:04:13 understand what is nihilism now let's go
0:04:15 by you know a dictionary definition to
0:04:17 start off with if you look at oxford
0:04:18 they state that the belief that life has
0:04:20 no meaning or purpose and that religious
0:04:23 and moral principles have no value
0:04:26 this is a sort of general definition if
0:04:28 we're to really sort of summarize this
0:04:30 and condense this down we can say
0:04:31 nihilism means
0:04:33 the absence of meaning there is no
0:04:34 meaning behind anything
0:04:36 now
0:04:37 donald a crosby in his book spectra of
0:04:39 the absurd which is a phenomenal book on
0:04:41 the topic of nihilism he breaks down
0:04:43 nihilism into five distinct categories
0:04:46 they are moral nihilism epistemological
0:04:48 nihilism cosmic nihilism existential
0:04:50 nihilism and political nihilism i want
0:04:52 to focus on the first four political
0:04:54 nihilism isn't really uh relevant to our
0:04:56 discussion here but
0:04:58 if we look at the first four moral
0:04:59 nihilism and just to give you a bit of
0:05:01 uh context to this moral nihilism is
0:05:03 referring to you know the point that
0:05:05 there is no objectivity behind morals
0:05:07 there is no truth behind morals
0:05:09 epistemological nihilism is that there
0:05:12 is
0:05:12 there are no
0:05:14 quote-unquote absolute truths or facts
0:05:16 it's there is no such thing so it's
0:05:18 linked to moral nihilism as well to a
0:05:20 degree and you'll notice all of these
0:05:21 categories do link to one another in
0:05:23 some way but they have their distinct
0:05:26 understanding too so
0:05:27 epistemological nihilism is that there
0:05:29 is no
0:05:30 what you call truth uh or there are no
0:05:33 facts it's it's all sort of subjective
0:05:35 and up to the individual as to determine
0:05:37 as to what they believe is true what
0:05:39 they believe is a fact
0:05:41 then you have cosmic nihilism which is
0:05:42 the understanding that there is no
0:05:44 intelligibility behind our cosmos our
0:05:46 universe you know that it's it's that
0:05:49 the universe and nature is indifferent
0:05:51 to us humans there is no rhyme or reason
0:05:53 no order behind our universe itself and
0:05:55 existential nihilism is more
0:05:57 specifically focused on the idea that
0:05:59 life itself
0:06:01 is meaningless that there is no meaning
0:06:03 or purpose behind our existence
0:06:06 now these are the sort of different
0:06:07 categories of nihilism
0:06:09 but what's very interesting is if you
0:06:10 really
0:06:11 think about them you realize that not
0:06:13 only are they linked to one another but
0:06:14 they all ultimately lead to a type of
0:06:16 existential nihilism that essentially
0:06:18 life itself is meaningless and in life
0:06:21 and our conscious life that we can think
0:06:23 about the world the the cosmos morals
0:06:25 ethics we are ethical beings you know
0:06:28 everything is meaningless so it all
0:06:30 boils down to this meaninglessness
0:06:32 everything is completely and utterly
0:06:34 meaningless now why is this a problem
0:06:37 one may ask well you know fine there is
0:06:39 no meaning behind our existence there's
0:06:41 no meaning behind anything morals ethics
0:06:43 the cosmos whatever there's no meaning
0:06:45 behind all of these things why is this a
0:06:46 problem
0:06:47 someone may ask this question well
0:06:49 essentially as human beings we are
0:06:52 meaning driven creatures
0:06:54 we seek meaning behind everything we see
0:06:58 everything through the lens of meaning
0:07:00 think about it for a second when you
0:07:01 wake up in the morning
0:07:03 and you get out of bed say at 9am monday
0:07:06 to friday it's for a reason there is a
0:07:08 purpose behind it there is meaning
0:07:09 behind you getting out of bed at 9 00 am
0:07:11 when you get to bed at 10 pm at night
0:07:13 there's a meaning behind that there's a
0:07:15 reason behind that there is a purpose
0:07:16 behind that and everything you do in
0:07:19 between from waking up to going to sleep
0:07:21 you do for a reason a purpose a meaning
0:07:24 our lives are ordered
0:07:26 via meaning
0:07:28 not only this when we look at the world
0:07:30 around us when we try to understand the
0:07:32 world around us we ascribe meaning to
0:07:34 the world we ascribe meaning to the
0:07:36 things around us we want to get to the
0:07:38 bottom of you know the
0:07:40 things understanding things the meaning
0:07:42 behind things that's what scientists do
0:07:44 all the time
0:07:45 seeking the meaning behind things the
0:07:47 purpose of things
0:07:49 not only this when we make things as
0:07:52 human beings when we produce things as
0:07:54 human beings which is natural to human
0:07:55 beings we do this we've been doing this
0:07:57 forever
0:07:58 we make things and design things with
0:08:00 purpose
0:08:01 for a reason things that have a meaning
0:08:04 so we're meaning driven creatures we
0:08:06 can't escape this and therefore it's
0:08:08 natural that we would
0:08:10 we would apply the same thinking to
0:08:12 ourselves well what is the meaning of my
0:08:14 existence what is the meaning of my life
0:08:16 what is the ultimate purpose to my life
0:08:19 this is a fundamental question and not
0:08:21 only is this an extremely important
0:08:23 question for human beings one we can't
0:08:25 run away from or escape
0:08:26 but it's a question that if unanswered
0:08:29 adequately
0:08:30 leads to a lot of despair a lot of
0:08:33 anxiety a lot of pain existential angst
0:08:36 as it was referred to by the
0:08:38 existentialist philosophers it we can't
0:08:40 it's not something you're like oh life
0:08:42 is meaningless
0:08:44 that's it i'm gonna sit there and do
0:08:45 nothing i'm okay with that i'm happy
0:08:47 about that you know it causes a lot of
0:08:49 pain it causes a lot of distress
0:08:51 and if you're someone that's experienced
0:08:53 this you know i'm someone that's
0:08:54 personally experienced this and it leads
0:08:56 to leads you to a very dark place
0:08:59 you know and to a place
0:09:02 that when you're there you can't think
0:09:03 about anything else you can't focus on
0:09:05 anything else you can't worry about
0:09:06 anything else everything else in life
0:09:08 that we assume to be what life is all
0:09:10 about normally becomes trivial
0:09:13 pointless
0:09:14 work eating
0:09:16 you know taking care of yourself family
0:09:19 all of these things become trivial when
0:09:20 you're really in the dark spot when you
0:09:22 don't know who you are when you really
0:09:24 engage that question so it's a
0:09:25 fundamental question it is a big problem
0:09:27 nihilism is a huge huge huge problem
0:09:30 now
0:09:31 how is how has modernity tried to deal
0:09:34 with nihilism this is another thing we
0:09:35 need to look at
0:09:37 now there's a couple of things that i'm
0:09:38 going to mention here but this is not an
0:09:40 exhaustive list by you know any stretch
0:09:42 however these are some of the key ways
0:09:44 that modernity has tried to deal with
0:09:47 nihilism which is a rampant problem i
0:09:49 would even call it the achilles heel of
0:09:51 modernity nihilism is the achilles heel
0:09:53 of modernity
0:09:55 now in the 19th century you are the
0:09:56 existentialist philosophers now these
0:09:58 were a group of philosophers that
0:10:00 focused on addressing these fundamental
0:10:03 questions that humans have in regards to
0:10:04 our existence
0:10:06 our purpose why are we here how we to
0:10:08 live how we to engage with the world
0:10:10 around us how we to understand the world
0:10:12 around us now these philosophers
0:10:14 included people like niche jean-paul
0:10:16 sartre albert camus kierkegaard and the
0:10:19 list goes on
0:10:20 and these philosophers try to address
0:10:22 this problem you have to now also
0:10:24 remember the context there
0:10:25 the world has experienced world war one
0:10:28 world war ii
0:10:30 therefore human beings have experienced
0:10:33 atrocities bloodshed corruption
0:10:36 you know a lot of evil people have
0:10:38 experienced
0:10:40 what they refer to as the irrational
0:10:42 aspects of nature of human beings
0:10:45 and this has further pushed people now
0:10:47 to a state of despair
0:10:50 and nihilism
0:10:53 and now and this is why the the
0:10:55 existentialist philosophers came really
0:10:57 popular at this time in history and they
0:10:59 try to address this problem of
0:11:01 meaninglessness how do we deal with it
0:11:03 unlike the new atheists today they were
0:11:06 actually people who really thought about
0:11:07 these questions and understood well
0:11:09 within the absence of god
0:11:11 there is no ultimate meaning to life
0:11:13 this is something you'll find common
0:11:14 amongst all of these these
0:11:16 existentialist thinkers and philosophers
0:11:18 most of them acknowledged that there is
0:11:20 no ultimate meaning to life they began
0:11:22 with that point and then they thought
0:11:24 okay now how do we
0:11:25 how do we remedy this this is what they
0:11:27 essentially try to do
0:11:29 now for example jean-paul sartre his
0:11:31 much of his writing is about taking
0:11:33 responsibility living a responsible life
0:11:35 and so on and so forth although life is
0:11:37 ultimately meaningless
0:11:38 so he tried to patch that problem
0:11:43 nietzsche tried to do something very
0:11:44 similar you know nietzsche's idea you
0:11:46 know he proposed this idea of the
0:11:48 ubermensch or the superman and we're
0:11:50 going to discuss this in a bit more
0:11:51 detail in a minute so i'm not going to
0:11:53 go into too much detail about that right
0:11:54 now but this was what he proposed and
0:11:56 again it was about creating your own
0:11:57 value creating your own meaning system
0:11:59 as a human being realizing that
0:12:00 ultimately there is no meaning to life
0:12:02 um camus on the other hand just talked
0:12:05 about the absurd what you refer to the
0:12:06 is the absurd which was that on one end
0:12:08 we have to acknowledge that without god
0:12:11 life is at bottom ultimately meaningless
0:12:14 and once you acknowledge this well
0:12:15 yet there's another problem which is
0:12:17 that man can't help but seek meaning so
0:12:19 now you you're in this place of
0:12:21 absurdity which is on one end
0:12:24 you understand that there is no ultimate
0:12:26 meaning to life but on the other end you
0:12:27 can't help but seek meaning and you're
0:12:29 between this struggle throughout your
0:12:31 life and you have to navigate this space
0:12:32 essentially so this is how how they
0:12:35 would so try to tackle this issue of
0:12:37 nihilism but ultimately what they were
0:12:39 doing
0:12:40 is
0:12:41 they were just
0:12:43 making things up
0:12:44 in a crude way if i was to summarize
0:12:46 this they were literally making up
0:12:49 things
0:12:50 to
0:12:50 plug this hole which they acknowledged
0:12:52 which was life is ultimately meaningless
0:12:54 so they had no answers to this question
0:12:56 all they were saying is what you can do
0:12:57 is you can make up an objective for
0:12:59 yourself
0:13:00 a something that's more virtuous and
0:13:03 something that has some ethical drive to
0:13:05 it you know that you are to have a
0:13:06 higher value system you have to be a
0:13:08 responsible human being take care of
0:13:09 others but give make up your own meaning
0:13:12 and they try to also suggest that this
0:13:14 was
0:13:14 in some way somehow
0:13:17 you know um
0:13:19 a meaningful thing to do now on one
0:13:21 level you can understand what they did
0:13:22 and you can respect this and you can
0:13:24 really sort of commend them for this
0:13:26 but on another level you have to realize
0:13:28 and acknowledge that this is not really
0:13:30 addressing the problem because all one
0:13:32 has to do is
0:13:33 sit down and think to themselves you
0:13:34 know what as good as this sounds
0:13:36 this is nothing short of lying to myself
0:13:38 i'm just making this up this ultimately
0:13:40 means nothing
0:13:41 ultimately it means nothing because
0:13:43 ultimately my life life at bottom has no
0:13:45 meaning or purpose so that was one way
0:13:47 they tried to address
0:13:49 you know modernity has tried to address
0:13:51 nihilism more recently we've had other
0:13:54 philosophies world views ways of looking
0:13:56 at life you can say such as hedonism
0:13:59 which is the idea just go do whatever
0:14:00 you want the yolo mentality enjoy
0:14:02 yourself have fun go out there express
0:14:05 yourself fulfill your desires you know
0:14:08 just just enjoy yourself and that is the
0:14:10 meaning of life and people have engaged
0:14:12 in this and people are engaging in this
0:14:13 to many different levels today you know
0:14:16 however this is not solving the problem
0:14:18 because we see time and again people
0:14:20 that have a lot of wealth have a lot of
0:14:22 disposable income money
0:14:24 they go and they buy loads of expensive
0:14:26 things go enjoy themselves you know
0:14:28 fulfill their desires to the max however
0:14:31 they still
0:14:32 are not satisfied and truly happy on a
0:14:34 deep
0:14:35 level there's still something missing
0:14:37 you know how many times do we hear of
0:14:39 actors committing suicide you know or
0:14:41 really rich and affluent people
0:14:44 suffering from depression and anxiety
0:14:46 time and again we see these stories over
0:14:48 and over again
0:14:50 another way is consumerism
0:14:52 and we're going to go into a lot more
0:14:53 detail here with consumerism later on in
0:14:55 this video series but consumerism is
0:14:58 another way
0:14:59 which human beings have tried to deal
0:15:02 with the problem of nihilism well life
0:15:04 is meaningless
0:15:05 maybe i'm going to find meaning through
0:15:07 material possessions i go buy more
0:15:08 things it gives meaning to my life and
0:15:11 this is something that's been pushed and
0:15:12 promoted by uh you know the people that
0:15:16 are running these systems if you like
0:15:18 you know because this you know it's like
0:15:19 killing two birds with one stone on one
0:15:21 end is something that's going to lead to
0:15:24 exponential economic growth is going to
0:15:25 lead to us attaining paradise on earth
0:15:27 and at the same time it may just you
0:15:28 know if it helps fill a void of a human
0:15:30 being of emptiness and meaninglessness
0:15:32 then so be it you know
0:15:34 the other way is different types of
0:15:35 escapism
0:15:37 drugs is a very common thing alcohol
0:15:39 abuse and more recently with the youth
0:15:42 gaming you know people are choosing to
0:15:44 lose themselves on this in this in this
0:15:46 digital sphere
0:15:47 spending hours a day playing games and
0:15:50 it's very interesting the games are
0:15:51 designed there are levels in the game
0:15:53 right you have a purpose an objective in
0:15:55 a game your character has an objective
0:15:57 you have to overcome and conquer each
0:15:59 level and move on to the next level and
0:16:01 you have this sense of responsibility
0:16:03 and meaning that's given to you in this
0:16:04 digital space
0:16:06 but it's unfortunate that people are
0:16:08 choosing to lose themselves in these
0:16:09 games because that's not reality you
0:16:11 know people especially the young people
0:16:13 are completely cutting off from the real
0:16:14 world and taking responsibility for
0:16:16 their lives and things going on around
0:16:18 them so these are the ways these are the
0:16:20 failed ways that
0:16:23 modernity has tried to deal with or
0:16:25 tackle the problem of nihilism but at
0:16:27 bottom you cannot run away from or
0:16:30 escape nihilism if you continue to deny
0:16:33 god that is the key point here you can
0:16:35 try finding patches you could try to
0:16:37 come up with some fancy you know
0:16:40 you know deep sounding philosophies and
0:16:42 ideas but fundamentally you're still not
0:16:45 going to be able to escape this problem
0:16:47 so in the next video brothers and
0:16:49 sisters we're going to be
0:16:50 addressing or looking into nihilism a
0:16:52 little bit more deeply in particular
0:16:54 nietzsche's specific views in regards to
0:16:56 nihilism and how he tried to tackle it
0:16:58 and what his contentions were against
0:17:01 religion and the religious answer to
0:17:02 nihilism
0:17:04 so yeah i'll leave you guys with this
0:17:06 let me know your thoughts in the
0:17:07 comments section below and i'll see you
0:17:08 guys next time assalamu alaikum