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105 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-08-14)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

105 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI



سورة _المائدة

Summary of 105 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses various stories from the Quran and how they relate to modern day events. It covers topics such as the Israelites crossing the Red Sea, the story of Adam and Eve, and the story of Cain and Abel. also discusses how to interpret the Quran and how to avoid misinterpretations.

00:00:00 Professor Muhammad al-Massari discusses the difference between the claims made by Jews and Christians that they are God's children, and the claims made by Muslims that all humans are equal in relation to Allah. He points out that these claims are not based on any evidence, but on a person's true belief and action.

  • 00:05:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad al Massari discusses some common misinterpretations of Quranic verses regarding war. He notes that these misinterpretations can lead to false beliefs and incorrect actions, which can ultimately lead to disaster. He warns that people should be careful not to fall into these traps, and encourages them to study and understand the Quranic verses themselves.
  • 00:10:00 This 1-paragraph summary of the video "105 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI" explains that the apostle Muhammad provides clear evidence in the Quran about certain things and gives certain promises in the Quran about certain things. also discusses the issue of messengers in history, and the audience is encouraged to focus on their mission and not get bogged down in irrelevant details.
  • 00:15:00 discusses the prophethood of Muhammad and the importance of remembering Allah's blessings on the prophets. He goes on to say that every person is a master of their own destiny, with kings being the worst kings in history. He also mentions that Israel were slaves in Egypt under the rule of the strongest empire at the time.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the story of the prophets Musa and Harun, and how Pharaoh resisted their efforts to free the Israelites. Finally, Allah gives them an opportunity to leave, and they do so, with many miracles occurring along the way. finishes with a discussion of the final prophet, Muhammad, and how he broke the power of Pharaoh and established Islam.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses an event from the old testament in which two men were sent to explore the land. They found that the people there were "vicious" and that "never shall we enter that man as long as those others are in it." However, they mention that if the people there leave, they will enter. then transitions to modern times, where a group of Muslims are discussing how to enter a city occupied by disbelievers. One of the Muslims says that they will never enter until the people there leave, and if they do not leave then they will fight. The other Muslims seem to be scared and do not want to fight.
  • 00:30:00
  • 00:35:00 discusses the discrepancies between the two books of the Bible, Leviticus and Deuteronomy, and how they prove that one or both of them have been edited. He also points out that the traditional issues of history cannot be fully understood without first understanding the Quran.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the various theories surrounding the location of the Garden of Eden. It covers topics such as Moses' supposed lack of authority to perform miracles, the 40-year exile of Adam and Eve, and the eventual extinction of the "slave mentality."
  • 00:45:00 The professor discusses the story of the Israelites crossing the Red Sea and how they were ordered to go to a place called Kaddish Barney. He points out that this place is not in the Sinai Peninsula and that the geography of the area is incorrect.
  • 00:50:00 Discusses the story of Adam's two sons, Cain and Abel. Cain killed Abel, and Abel's brother, God, told Cain that only the sacrifice of the "lightest" person would be accepted. Cain became filled with wrath and anger, and he killed Abel. Abel's brother told Cain that he should have been more righteous, and that is why God accepted his sacrifice.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses a story in which a man kills his brother in order to get his body back so he can cover up his brother's murder. However, this plan backfires and he is ultimately doomed.


discusses the concept of punishments for those who wage war against Allah. It explains that there are many possible punishments, including crucifixion, amputation, and exile. It also discusses the importance of belief, and how it is essential to achieving success in Islam.

01:00:00 Discusses the story of the first death in the family, and how burial is one way of disposing of a dead body. It also discusses the story of Hamza, the son of Abdul-Malik, and his mutilation. It concludes that burying a dead body is permissible, and that burning is not the only way to dispose of a body.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses the difference between murder and genocide, and how a person can be guilty of either without justification. It also discusses the justification for waging war, and how it differs based on the type of war being waged.
  • 01:10:00 The narrator discusses a Hadith in which a man was executed for marrying his father's wife. He points out that this is not zina, as the man was doing it in a closed setting, and that it is not an act of war, as the man was only using force to rape the woman. He then goes on to discuss a situation in which someone is dealing in usury (i.e. making a profit from loans). He explains that this is a declaration of war, as the person is challenging the Islamic order. If the person is caught, they may be punished by sharia law.
  • 01:15:00 Discusses how, even though there are strict laws against homosexuality in some Muslim countries, there are still "many of the jews especially their kings and leaders they are committing excesses on earth...some also most of their kings are having such a bloody history that's just defies belief." then concludes with a 10 for Allah, because Allah is the only one who can help those who wage war and two of us.
  • 01:20:00 a professor discusses the various punishments that may be inflicted on those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger. Crucifixion, amputation of hands and feet, and exile from the Islamic domain are all mentioned as possible punishments.
  • 01:25:00 discusses a story about a group of people who apostatized and punished one another. The punishment the group inflicted on the camel god was particularly brutal.
  • 01:30:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the punishment in Surat Al Ma'idah for those who wage war against God. He explains that this punishment is severe, and that those who repent before being apprehended will receive a preferential treatment. He also points out that this punishment is unique among the verses of the Quran, and that it is necessary to develop a strict formal way of legalistically executing those who have committed crimes. He emphasizes the importance of a new Islamic authority which is enlightened and up to the standards of modern times in crafting a law regarding this punishment.
  • 01:35:00 Discusses the importance of belief, and how it is essential to achieving success in Islam. It explains that there are many ways to achieve this, and that one key method is striving to come closer to God through various means, such as prayer, charity, fasting, and self-discipline. concludes by stressing the importance of being a true believer, and warns people against following anyone other than the prophets and messengers of Allah without verifying their compliance with the scriptures.
  • 01:40:00 discusses the concepts of "wage war" and "eternal fire" and explains that both concepts are impossible, and that there is no connection between the two. He then goes on to discuss the concepts of "the thief" and "the female thief."
  • 01:45:00
  • 01:50:00 In a hadith, the Prophet Muhammad said that a person who commits zinna or steals is not a believer, and their iman is inactive. There is a spiritual implication to this, as it can lead to legal implications. Another question asks whether a person's iman is lost if they die while committing zinna.
  • 01:55:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the ayah in Qur'an 20 which says "my people remember god's blessings when he raised up amongst the prophets and appointed kings." He explains that this ayah is referring to the concept of monarchy, which is a system in which a ruler is granted absolute power by the people. He goes on to say that, according to traditional interpretation, this ayah means that all Jews are masters of their own destiny and are not subjects of a king. He also discusses the verse in which Muhammad complains to Allah about humans wanting to appoint kings instead of him.


Professor Dr Muhammad AL Massari discusses theconcept of kingship, and how it is not possible for a Muslim to be a king over the people. He explains that the prophet Muhammad did not have the authority to overrule kings, and that appointing a king would only lead to oppression. Massari argues that this mindset - of thinking that one's own interests supersede those of others - is what prevents Muslims from adopting a constitutional monarchy like those found in other countries.

02:00:00 Discusses the concept of kingship, and how it is not possible for a Muslim to be a king over the people. Musa (a prophet) tells his followers that kingship is not something that is suitable for a created being, and that the authority of a monarch is not something that is inherited or handed down. Musa also states that the prophet Muhammad did not have the authority to overrule kings, and that appointing a king would only lead to oppression.

  • 02:05:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL Massari discusses the difference between a kingdom and an elected leadership system and how Islam only allows for one authority - Jesus - in the default position. He also discusses how the British Army during World War I used slaves as part of their battlefield strategy, and how the Romans did the same. Massari argues that this mindset - of thinking that one's own interests supersede those of others - is what prevents Muslims from adopting a constitutional monarchy like those found in other countries.
  • 02:10:00 discusses the problems with contracts which involve selling debts or binding contracts, and how they can be haram. He suggests that development should be done through sustainable practices, not borrowed money. also warns of a looming economic collapse.
  • 02:15:00 by Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the difference between a "sale" and a "contract for difference." The professor points out that a sale generally involves the transfer of ownership of a property, whereas a contract for difference involves the difference between the price at which a property is sold and the price at which it is actually delivered. The professor notes that this distinction is important because it allows for "wolf" (i.e. black) buying and reselling of properties in order to take advantage of the difference between the purchase price and the resale price. The professor suggests that the delivery of the property itself should not constitute a condition of the contract, as this would unnecessarily complicate the transaction.
  • 02:20:00 explains that two different contracts are necessary to do a transfer of property--one for the sale, and another for the transfer of ownership. If the ownership of the property is transferred without following these contracts, the transaction is deemed illegal and unethical.
  • 02:25:00 discusses the various types of contracts that are forbidden in Islam, and how the condition for one such contract is important. He also discusses the dangers of using steroids and how they can have long-term consequences.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:30 Music
0:01:00 we meet you dear viewers brothers and
0:01:02 sisters on episode 105 of the weekly
0:01:05 series series
0:01:07 of the note the theory of the quran is
0:01:09 professor dr muhammad
0:01:12 these episodes are broadcast live on
0:01:15 youtube channel study circles of
0:01:16 professor dr muhammad al-masri every
0:01:18 sunday on youtube at 2pm
0:01:21 british summer time
0:01:22 we invite you to subscribe to the
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0:01:25 bell for all new content please note
0:01:27 also the link to the live broadcast for
0:01:29 wider dissemination and do not forget to
0:01:32 interact with us during the broadcast by
0:01:33 participating in the comments and asking
0:01:35 questions through the chat box you find
0:01:37 by the broadcast link next to the video
0:01:39 and also do not forget to support our
0:01:41 activities by donating or asking
0:01:43 questions in the conversation or through
0:01:45 the thank you button under our video
0:01:47 today is sunday the 14th
0:01:50 of august we continue the theater of
0:01:52 certain minder
0:01:54 verse
0:01:54 Music
0:01:56 the verse we are currently on
0:01:58 is
0:02:01 number 19 verse 18
0:02:04 5 18
0:02:05 by the husker yeah
0:02:32 and both the jews and the christians say
0:02:34 we are god's children and his beloved
0:02:37 ones
0:02:38 say why then does he cause you to suffer
0:02:40 for your sins
0:02:41 nay you are but human beings of his
0:02:44 creation he forgives whom he wills and
0:02:46 he causes to suffer who he wills for
0:02:49 god's is the dominion over the heavens
0:02:51 and the earth and all that is between
0:02:53 them and with him is all the journey's
0:02:56 end
0:02:56 next translation the jews and the
0:02:58 christians say we are god's children and
0:03:00 his loved ones say to them why does he
0:03:02 punish you for your sins
0:03:04 no you are the only human beings of his
0:03:06 creation he forgives whoever he wills
0:03:09 and he punishes who whomever he wills
0:03:12 for god has control over the heavens and
0:03:14 the earth and everything in between all
0:03:16 journeys need to him
0:03:18 so it's very obvious i think we don't
0:03:20 need to comment very much but their
0:03:21 claim of the jews is that we are the
0:03:23 children of god and his darling meaning
0:03:25 they have a special state of spiritual
0:03:26 relation to allah allah says from the
0:03:28 other creation is not that they are not
0:03:30 god children the sense of that the one
0:03:32 who depend upon him and so on that's
0:03:33 nobody's disputing that was disputed is
0:03:36 that the claim that they have a special
0:03:38 standing so they can they can't get away
0:03:40 with many things they are forgiven
0:03:42 they are they have they have crossed the
0:03:43 bridge and they say as the saying go no
0:03:45 he didn't cross the bridge like anybody
0:03:47 else all your deeds will be counted and
0:03:49 your mistakes will be punished and allah
0:03:52 will accept and forgive
0:03:54 according to his principles obviously
0:03:56 his ultimate wisdom and rationality
0:03:59 like any other human being so don't
0:04:00 think that you are special or you have a
0:04:02 special standing that would be a major
0:04:04 mistake
0:04:05 but this is also is not only for the
0:04:07 jews and christians also for the muslims
0:04:08 because some muslims think that because
0:04:10 they have just based islam and just
0:04:13 they have a special standing that's not
0:04:15 we discussed it remember in sort of
0:04:16 baklava we say it is not according to
0:04:18 your wishful thinking and wishful thing
0:04:20 of the viewer of the book whoever does
0:04:22 mislead he will be accounted for and he
0:04:24 will have no protection or no allah
0:04:27 giving him coverage from allah so
0:04:29 everyone is equal
0:04:31 it is you what do what you do what you
0:04:33 choose and what you will commit to is
0:04:35 that what will count not being a jew
0:04:38 following musa or being christian
0:04:40 following israel rightly or wrongly or
0:04:42 being muslim following muhammad that's
0:04:44 all is not an explanation it is your
0:04:47 true belief your real belief and your
0:04:49 action is that worthwhile counts and
0:04:51 none of those special children of allah
0:04:54 nor
0:04:54 any of these are the beloved of allah
0:04:56 some of them are without definitely but
0:04:59 not old all those who did have that so
0:05:01 nobody should fool himself
0:05:03 and this is also a warning for example
0:05:05 you find
0:05:06 widespread in many muslim circles
0:05:22 it's not true the same with sunni
0:05:26 are misinterpreted like whoever dies
0:05:28 believing that allah is one from the
0:05:30 bottom of his heart heart will
0:05:32 ultimately end in paradise uh these are
0:05:34 misinterpretation of these hadith they
0:05:37 they don't entail that
0:05:39 your getaway of commit for example act
0:05:41 of cover you allow the kuffar that you
0:05:43 are violated
0:05:45 you are not really guessing the law from
0:05:46 bottom you have or you indulge in in
0:05:50 acts of war either real war their actual
0:05:53 war or the war like
0:05:56 dealing with usury there's an act war
0:05:58 against allah i don't think you can get
0:06:00 away with that i'm claiming that i
0:06:02 believe really that
0:06:03 you know the day of judgment if you have
0:06:05 believed you would not have committed an
0:06:07 act of war against you clearly declined
0:06:09 to the coroner's act of war etcetera
0:06:11 etcetera etcetera many other things so
0:06:13 this misinterpretation of such a general
0:06:15 hadith not taking the evidences in quran
0:06:18 so no specifies that like for example
0:06:20 that hadith
0:06:22 that seven whoever commit one of them
0:06:25 uh
0:06:26 no good deeds would benefit him
0:06:27 whatsoever uh how much it may be
0:06:30 and he mentioned from them
0:06:32 which is clear but it mentioned murder
0:06:35 it mentioned accusing chase woman of
0:06:37 adultery it makes us running away from
0:06:38 the battlefield except siding with
0:06:41 another group or going to another
0:06:43 backstop or
0:06:45 or another unit of the army but running
0:06:48 away completely with the intention never
0:06:49 to come back never to fight in the cause
0:06:50 of allah and others mentioned in the
0:06:53 quran
0:06:55 so
0:06:56 people are fooling themselves they are
0:06:58 blatantly for himself and they find them
0:07:00 in some books of akkad say we don't
0:07:02 declare anyone out of the people of the
0:07:04 qibla who face the qibla and pronounce
0:07:06 and praise allah we don't agree after
0:07:08 the faith of them whatever
0:07:10 sin they commit yes you may not declare
0:07:12 them
0:07:13 in dunya in your judgment that's
0:07:15 something else than that they are saved
0:07:17 in achara there's two two different
0:07:19 things in dunya anyone who is publicly
0:07:21 muslim
0:07:22 bringing the domain of islam
0:07:24 we don't declare him to be a kafir
0:07:26 although he may be in the bottom of the
0:07:27 father is the worst monavie african west
0:07:29 plot against islam in muslim and ending
0:07:31 in the bottom of the qiyama you don't
0:07:33 declare him to account unless he
0:07:35 manifested as an act of cover so that's
0:07:38 confusing the ruling in dunya of the
0:07:40 ruling of achara confusing the
0:07:42 devastating sins that they could
0:07:44 annihilate all good deeds confusing all
0:07:46 of that
0:07:46 we have to be extremely worried about
0:07:48 that without going through the claim of
0:07:49 the qualities that anyone committed
0:07:51 or momentarily become a catholic not
0:07:53 necessarily but maybe
0:07:55 that's what many sunni
0:07:58 no he is not no that's not true it may
0:08:00 be it might very well be some and some
0:08:02 acts are clearly declaring the quran
0:08:04 especially alliance will come to israel
0:08:06 allegiance with the kuffar specially the
0:08:07 harab is an act of government
0:08:10 and there's no excuse for that
0:08:11 whatsoever
0:08:13 because compulsion can't be the case
0:08:14 you're going to join the quarantine by
0:08:16 right under the banner
0:08:18 how can that fight compassion that's not
0:08:19 possible yes they may take you from your
0:08:21 home and force you to be in their army
0:08:23 just that's not allies they did not
0:08:25 accept their allegiance either something
0:08:27 else they talk about force they
0:08:28 accompany you by force that's that's a
0:08:30 single situation it's very obvious but
0:08:32 any other situation how can you be
0:08:33 joining under the monologue foreign
0:08:35 fighting muslims
0:08:36 except for choice you choose the
0:08:38 allegiance to so someone except allah
0:08:41 you are out of the whole islam you are a
0:08:42 kafir don't you don't fool yourself i
0:08:44 believe muhammad is a messenger it
0:08:45 doesn't it's not that's not what i
0:08:47 believe should dictate as a minimum
0:08:50 and we'll discuss that later so this is
0:08:52 a very big warning to everyone who is
0:08:54 who is complacent and think oh i just i
0:08:57 need to have just
0:08:58 two super sincere faith
0:09:01 abstract faith matter of failure no
0:09:03 action can undermine that or take me out
0:09:05 of the world islam that's not true some
0:09:07 action can protect you of islam and some
0:09:09 major sins could be according to the
0:09:12 evidence of quran could inherit all your
0:09:14 good deeds so you come naked with no way
0:09:16 of escape
0:09:18 unless an exceptional mercy of allah
0:09:20 comes to you but who said that something
0:09:22 of allah cannot come to a cover also
0:09:24 who dictate to allah what he do with the
0:09:25 government so don't get in this in this
0:09:28 uh
0:09:28 in this
0:09:31 in this abyss of of false arguments each
0:09:34 one each one builds one another false
0:09:36 argument that's not true all of it's not
0:09:38 true
0:09:39 all are equal allah will treat them
0:09:41 equally no foreign christian so-called
0:09:44 muslims and believer they will be
0:09:46 accounted to their
0:09:47 real conviction and their action and
0:09:50 there is no escape and those who will
0:09:52 allah will punish
0:09:53 what he wants and
0:09:55 forgive him what he wants
0:09:57 it's not arbitrary it's according to
0:09:59 principles allah has declared and gave
0:10:00 clear evidence in the quran and gives
0:10:03 certain promises in the quran
0:10:05 about certain things
0:10:07 and
0:10:08 give certain warnings all have to be
0:10:10 taken on board
0:10:11 and obviously obviously this is because
0:10:13 this is the religion of his have the
0:10:15 dominion of evidence and what's in
0:10:17 between all the existing reality we see
0:10:19 around us is his dominion and always and
0:10:22 all
0:10:23 uh destination of work and all
0:10:24 resurrection between him to him it will
0:10:27 be the way back whatever there will be
0:10:30 well
0:10:31 it's to him there's no way to escape you
0:10:33 are going to him whatever you do
0:10:34 whatever you want is going to him
0:10:36 there's no escape this is the absolute
0:10:37 destination from which there's no escape
0:10:40 whatsoever
0:10:41 then address to the people
0:10:44 of the book
0:10:57 followers of the bible now after a long
0:11:01 time during which no apostles have
0:11:02 appeared there has come unto you this
0:11:05 our apostle to make the truth clear to
0:11:07 you lest you say no bearer of glad
0:11:10 tidings has come unto us nor any warner
0:11:13 for now there has come unto you a warner
0:11:15 a very sorry a bearer of good tidings
0:11:18 and a warning since god has the power to
0:11:20 will anything next translation people of
0:11:22 the book after a long time during which
0:11:25 no messages have appeared our messenger
0:11:27 comes to you now to make the truth clear
0:11:30 to you though you should not say no one
0:11:33 has come to give us good news or to warn
0:11:35 us
0:11:36 someone did come to you to give you good
0:11:38 news and to warn you god has the power
0:11:41 to do all things so this is
0:11:43 some people may say okay with the view
0:11:45 of the book who are claiming they are
0:11:46 they are dying of allah and his children
0:11:49 and other people may claim
0:11:51 that jesus is divine or half divine or
0:11:53 the mix of divine and non-divine or
0:11:55 trinity or something like that
0:11:58 there were no messenger for a long time
0:12:00 and things scripture are not that
0:12:01 protected and they are quite confusing
0:12:04 even the four gospels at hand three of
0:12:06 them are very similar to the socrates
0:12:08 synoptic i think and the odd one of the
0:12:10 zone um they agree in many things
0:12:12 disagreeing other things they seem to be
0:12:14 contradictions they are clearly evident
0:12:15 contradictions we don't need to fall
0:12:17 around that and it is it's confusing uh
0:12:20 we didn't receive anyone giving us a
0:12:22 good glad tidings for for that what we
0:12:25 do well or warner's for most mistakes
0:12:27 and wrong beliefs and so on
0:12:29 so we have an excuse okay fine maybe you
0:12:32 may you may have an excuse you may not
0:12:34 does not say you have or you don't have
0:12:36 to be true but now our message has come
0:12:38 to you
0:12:39 with the glad tidings and the warnings
0:12:43 he is here now there is no excuse before
0:12:46 that there may be maybe people discuss
0:12:48 long about the people in father what
0:12:50 will happen we once mentioned the issue
0:12:52 and people some people i don't know
0:12:53 what's what's this this
0:12:55 tendencies was the people within amazon
0:12:57 we discussed that many times what the
0:12:59 viewers say and understand
0:13:02 the way i answer that nowadays because
0:13:04 i'm fed up with addressing that point
0:13:06 again
0:13:07 is none of your business allah will be
0:13:09 able to deal with them better than you
0:13:10 think just forget about it you don't
0:13:12 need to dig how they would be treated
0:13:15 he may create
0:13:19 there foreign infinite many options
0:13:21 available to him he'll decide the one
0:13:23 which
0:13:24 he decides is the best according to his
0:13:26 divine grace not according to your
0:13:28 wishes so forget about that don't waste
0:13:30 your time with that just focus on what
0:13:32 is your mission what did you do to bring
0:13:34 the people down maybe in some places who
0:13:36 shall far away and secluded may believe
0:13:38 that we will alone is the better way
0:13:40 until the good time comes that they
0:13:42 would have the warning because they are
0:13:43 not up to the level to receive a message
0:13:45 now make your judgment and go to your
0:13:47 best thoughts and work on it instead of
0:13:50 thinking what what allah be doing
0:13:53 maybe i should dictate him something
0:13:55 forget about that get that out of your
0:13:56 mind get out of this mentality the same
0:13:59 with discussing the people of fatra was
0:14:00 it
0:14:02 a time which there were no professors on
0:14:04 the people are excused or not exclusive
0:14:07 the arabs are not excluded because they
0:14:08 have said the phrases of the dean of
0:14:10 ibrahim and know that ibrahim and the
0:14:12 smile did not have idols so they may
0:14:14 have not know maybe they have executes
0:14:16 and then their hobbies try to say
0:14:17 ignorance is not an excuse all of this
0:14:19 thing is rubbish is the is the
0:14:21 devil guy getting you to get busy with
0:14:23 something which you will never be able
0:14:26 to settle will never come to any
0:14:27 reasonable conclusion because it's none
0:14:29 of your business it's the business of
0:14:31 allah
0:14:33 and
0:14:34 you can use that the proverb of the
0:14:36 common people if you put your nose in an
0:14:39 affair which i know business don't be
0:14:40 surprised if you get a bloody nose on
0:14:42 your nose just get your nose out of the
0:14:44 snow business
0:14:45 but now after the messenger has come and
0:14:47 the scripture is protected little by
0:14:49 little soul and the bulk and the body of
0:14:52 histonance when is protected at least
0:14:54 the mutawatra with that's enough we
0:14:55 don't need the fine details
0:14:57 how to wash your bum when things are
0:14:59 this is irrelevant but the score which
0:15:01 makes you a difference between a
0:15:03 unpriced human being who is worthy of
0:15:05 allah's grace and
0:15:07 under paradise and an animal a decadent
0:15:09 human being who is sanctuary
0:15:25 leave him don't worry about that but
0:15:27 worry about that what you have on the
0:15:29 table and get busy with it
0:15:32 and allah is capable of all things he
0:15:34 could have sent messenger before he
0:15:36 could send messenger every place he
0:15:37 could send one message in one place and
0:15:39 then maybe this is a grace which you
0:15:40 don't know a messenger in arabia until
0:15:42 the messenger reaches the real numbers
0:15:44 or it takes a thousand years
0:15:46 then they are in the grace give them
0:15:48 what's your problem with them just leave
0:15:49 them get busy without what you have if
0:15:51 you have it on the table get busy with
0:15:52 it if it's not on the table
0:15:54 it's not there don't get busy with
0:15:56 something which doesn't exist
0:15:58 so that's that's the gist of that now
0:16:00 the messenger is here for those who read
0:16:02 that and we were listening to us now now
0:16:04 we have to get busy with that don't
0:16:06 bother about yourself what happened to
0:16:07 my grandfather was about the chinese
0:16:10 millions of them did not say anything
0:16:12 except i'll accept about confucius
0:16:13 what's about the japanese time past they
0:16:15 are quite isolated
0:16:17 they have no interaction with the world
0:16:20 maybe for thousands of years only just
0:16:21 very recently a couple of centuries only
0:16:24 don't bother with that allah will be
0:16:26 able to solve them sort yourself out
0:16:28 yeah
0:16:30 and then another issue starting with
0:16:31 that but with kind of come here comes
0:16:44 oh my people remember the blessings
0:16:46 which god bestowed upon you when he
0:16:48 raised us raised up prophets among you
0:16:51 and made you your own masters and
0:16:53 granted unto you favors such as he had
0:16:56 not granted to anyone else in the world
0:16:58 next translation moses said unto his
0:17:00 people my people remember god's blessing
0:17:03 on him when he raised up prophets among
0:17:04 you and appointed kings from you and
0:17:06 gave you what he had not given anyone
0:17:08 else in the world
0:17:10 i think the second celestians have what
0:17:12 appointed kings for you or what did he
0:17:14 say
0:17:15 a point when he appointed so the second
0:17:18 translation
0:17:19 when he raised up prophets amongst you
0:17:21 and appointed kings for you and gave you
0:17:23 one word
0:17:24 this is a this is a blood and trump
0:17:25 translation no what musa said say lo
0:17:28 behold remember when moses told his
0:17:29 people
0:17:32 my people remember the grace of the the
0:17:34 favor of allah on you
0:17:36 is he that he had that he made from you
0:17:38 prophets appointed prophets between you
0:17:40 on this prophet
0:17:41 musa himself and haru and maybe others
0:17:43 we don't know
0:17:44 some people claim that that
0:17:46 that's the sister of musa
0:17:48 and arun was also prophetess maybe we
0:17:50 don't know we don't know about that but
0:17:52 they hopefully and made you kings
0:17:55 made you kings every one of you is a
0:17:57 master of his own destiny everyone his
0:17:59 own king
0:18:02 that's that that's the definition of
0:18:04 popular sovereignty or public authority
0:18:07 the religion of surah that's it every
0:18:09 one of you is a master of honesty
0:18:11 everyone who is a free
0:18:13 being free free and he can't choose and
0:18:15 he can be developed before his day
0:18:17 he did not making sunday they asked for
0:18:19 kingship we remember we discussed
0:18:21 they're asking for kingship before that
0:18:22 after several centuries when they
0:18:24 decided to sink down to to the level of
0:18:27 dictatorship and uh
0:18:30 governments are run by kings
0:18:32 and so on instead of sure and they're
0:18:34 being managed by the prophets who are
0:18:36 always managing by
0:18:38 and they they could not tolerate that
0:18:40 they wanted to have a king so they can
0:18:42 fight other nations and have armies and
0:18:44 so on or this all fake that's all fake
0:18:46 because after that they sunk even liber
0:18:48 diva and they never fought anyone
0:18:50 successfully and never they weren't
0:18:51 anyone successful except for a short
0:18:53 time of the day they would answer
0:18:56 that's it after that it was steady
0:18:57 decline and all kings were the worst
0:18:59 kings in history of mankind so that's
0:19:03 that's not
0:19:04 allah made you everyone who is king
0:19:06 master of his own destiny a free man a
0:19:08 free woman
0:19:10 and he gave you what he has never given
0:19:12 anyone before from the
0:19:13 world definitely what they have girl but
0:19:15 israel
0:19:16 they were slaves in egypt
0:19:18 under the rule of the most vicious of
0:19:20 the
0:19:21 actually the time they were there the
0:19:23 strongest analysis of history and
0:19:25 synchronizing data and so on indicates
0:19:27 that musa was really in the time when
0:19:29 the
0:19:30 the the pheromonic empire
0:19:32 was or kingdom was at its peak in
0:19:35 history the highest peak was in the
0:19:37 middle kingdom in the time of thought
0:19:39 was and
0:19:40 the the female for pharaoh hatches would
0:19:44 maybe hashes voted the one in her time
0:19:46 he was and the one who died when he was
0:19:49 in in in media and he heard according to
0:19:51 the old testament that pharaoh has died
0:19:53 pharaoh was this female pharaoh most
0:19:55 likely but i'm still trying to
0:19:56 synchronize history probably because a
0:19:58 bit dark there so it's the peak of the
0:20:00 that empire and there was left there
0:20:02 enslaved to that tune that the the that
0:20:05 pharaoh in the time musa was born so
0:20:08 some some 40 50 years before that before
0:20:10 he a boy was appointed prophet uh he was
0:20:13 even at liberty to say okay these these
0:20:16 people are becoming numerous and they
0:20:18 are nuisance so how to illustration okay
0:20:20 women are usually not a great fighter
0:20:22 and so on they're good for house service
0:20:24 and for other maybe even sexual
0:20:26 enjoyment leave them and men
0:20:29 we cannot extremate all men otherwise
0:20:31 this race will get extinct so one year
0:20:33 we we we slaughter the kids the male
0:20:36 kids another year we leave them alive
0:20:38 and
0:20:39 harun was born a year ahead of musa he
0:20:42 escaped and then a year musa was born
0:20:45 the year of slaughter so through that
0:20:47 tune of oppression and tyranny which
0:20:49 cannot imagine you cannot imagine modern
0:20:51 times maybe even evangelical did not do
0:20:53 that
0:20:55 and then he saved you
0:20:57 miraculously they did not do anything
0:20:59 they were unable to do anything it's
0:21:00 impossible to do anything
0:21:02 by sending two men who were given such
0:21:04 an authority
0:21:05 that pharaoh was unable to apprehend
0:21:07 them or do anything how he couldn't
0:21:10 which was by metaphysical power not by
0:21:12 any real power
0:21:14 some some narratives in this in in have
0:21:17 seen and sometimes you know someone
0:21:18 mentioned stories most likely these
0:21:20 stories are imagination they haven't
0:21:21 historically
0:21:22 because the quran says
0:21:28 has such an evident authority nobody
0:21:30 could even dare confront him even for
0:21:32 all and all his power and all his empire
0:21:35 and there he would imagine stories like
0:21:37 that he went through when when musa
0:21:39 would would enter in feron if they want
0:21:40 to see him he will start losing control
0:21:42 over his own pee he playing like a
0:21:44 donkey
0:21:46 yeah just take it at face value he will
0:21:48 invent story from the imagine he
0:21:50 doesn't need to grow that extra but
0:21:51 clearly when he enters is
0:21:54 the capacity oh there was anybody else
0:21:56 who said just kill him and you cannot do
0:21:59 that
0:22:00 maybe the angels appear to him with with
0:22:02 fire sword in their hands we don't know
0:22:04 but this was such an authority this is
0:22:06 miraculous and then ultimately after so
0:22:08 many signs to do with that that pharaoh
0:22:10 will come to his senses and let them go
0:22:12 because all of musa told him let them go
0:22:14 with me we leave this country no no
0:22:16 we're not going to kill it tens of
0:22:18 thousands hundreds of according to old
0:22:19 testament millions
0:22:21 but this number is a little bit
0:22:22 questionable but at least hundreds of
0:22:24 thousands of
0:22:25 excellent working force and slaves to go
0:22:27 for free you don't you don't give such
0:22:29 such an enormous economic asset so
0:22:32 easily
0:22:33 and then all these miracles happen we'll
0:22:34 come and swallow
0:22:36 all the details of the americas and so
0:22:37 on and try to synchronize with historic
0:22:39 things and so on as much as we can
0:22:42 and then ultimately the final one just
0:22:44 striking
0:22:45 striking the egyptian that
0:22:47 every firstborn was essentially killed
0:22:50 and that it was devastating
0:22:53 and at last far undecided we cannot
0:22:56 go back on our world every time he says
0:22:58 just lift this calamity we'll let by
0:23:00 yourself go with you and every time he
0:23:02 breaks the world this time he could not
0:23:04 so they started moving and then still
0:23:06 even feron wanted to work as well i'm
0:23:08 personal with them with a result of
0:23:09 israel that's all history so this has
0:23:12 never happened to any previous nation
0:23:15 in such a way such a whole nation
0:23:17 immigrating
0:23:19 creatively safely
0:23:21 and crossing over and establishing
0:23:23 himself in a new kind of new land and so
0:23:25 on such favor has never been to anybody
0:23:27 before them
0:23:29 so all of these favor have you given to
0:23:31 you what's what you shall try to
0:23:32 persuade them based on that now show
0:23:34 that you
0:23:47 but do not turn back on your faith for
0:23:50 then you will be lost
0:23:51 next translation my people enter the
0:23:53 holy land which god has promised you but
0:23:55 do not turn back or then you will be
0:23:57 doomed we will find in the old testament
0:23:59 a clear description i think in the book
0:24:01 of uh not exodus numbers
0:24:04 when the various sub tribes are number
0:24:06 the names never ending genealogy is very
0:24:08 boring but try to read it once at least
0:24:10 in life and they say this area for me
0:24:13 this this obviously this geographic
0:24:15 description was known to the people at
0:24:17 that time because the people were quite
0:24:18 miserable in geography at the time
0:24:20 that's for this sub tribe and this is
0:24:23 for this step tribe and this lift for
0:24:24 the canaanite
0:24:26 area allocated to canada and over the
0:24:29 the right side of the jordans that's not
0:24:31 for you not for children that's for your
0:24:33 cousin
0:24:34 so it's not all the holy land is given
0:24:36 here but certain areas are given to them
0:24:37 and they were encouraged to enter
0:24:41 but it was obviously a terrifying moment
0:24:44 because these people have been enslaved
0:24:46 for centuries and they have never
0:24:48 learned the art of fighting and they're
0:24:50 confronting very tough people who are
0:24:51 tough fighters the people of the area
0:24:53 the canaanite they are of
0:24:55 of various origins mostly arabic arabic
0:24:58 and
0:25:12 something and these guys the average of
0:25:14 seven feet six and a half seven feet
0:25:16 well built and so on terrifying
0:25:18 so they didn't have the courage nor the
0:25:20 training to enter even the divine
0:25:22 promise that allah was you would not
0:25:24 sufficient for them
0:25:25 so don't
0:25:26 tell expected them to to chicken out and
0:25:30 say don't turn back then you will become
0:25:31 loser
0:25:33 so what what's with the response no i'm
0:25:35 not going to do it
0:25:46 they answered o moses behold ferocious
0:25:48 people dwell in that man and we will
0:25:51 surely not enter it unless they depart
0:25:52 they're from but if they depart there
0:25:55 from then behold we will enter it next
0:25:58 translation they answered moses
0:26:00 there are ferocious people in this land
0:26:02 we will not enter it until they leave if
0:26:04 they leave we will enter
0:26:06 so they're chickened out it's very clear
0:26:09 and uh uh but it it was it was not it
0:26:12 was not so that they just have hazard
0:26:14 before that there was an exploration
0:26:16 mission two men has been sent uh in the
0:26:18 old testament they are mission one of
0:26:19 them is yahushua the son of roon the
0:26:21 secretary and
0:26:23 this servant of musa and another one is
0:26:25 mentioned i don't remember his name it's
0:26:26 in the autism what you call it there
0:26:30 they said we explored the land
0:26:33 don't worry just enter
0:26:36 control the gates of the city or the
0:26:38 very cities
0:26:39 and then you will be a victorious
0:26:41 ancestor you justify that you have to do
0:26:43 something you have
0:26:44 and trust in allah
0:27:05 for as soon as you enter it behold you
0:27:07 shall be victorious and in god you must
0:27:09 face your trust if you are true
0:27:10 believers next translation two men from
0:27:13 among them who feared god and whom god
0:27:15 had blessed said enter the great the
0:27:17 gate for as soon as you enter you will
0:27:19 be victorious if you are true believers
0:27:21 you must place your trust in god
0:27:23 so that's that's uh that's that's a very
0:27:26 clear situation and this event went
0:27:28 there explored gave the description how
0:27:30 to enter all of these they were really
0:27:32 like a military intelligence and they
0:27:34 brought in for sufficient information
0:27:36 for the for the for the act to be done
0:27:39 but still these people are the slave
0:27:41 mentality it's very difficult to get
0:27:42 straight mentality
0:27:52 but they said o moses behold never shall
0:27:55 we enter that man as long as those
0:27:57 others are in it go forth then thou and
0:28:00 thy sustainer and fight both of you we
0:28:03 behold shall remain head
0:28:05 next translation they said moses we will
0:28:08 never enter while they are still there
0:28:10 go forward with your lord and fight and
0:28:12 we will stay here
0:28:13 so these guys have been spoiled by these
0:28:15 miracles that have saved for for on i
0:28:17 think they think miracles are produced
0:28:19 on a conveyor belt doesn't work this way
0:28:22 the singular situation there is an
0:28:24 oddity definitely but
0:28:26 that's not the way the universe works
0:28:28 and there's occasionally without these
0:28:30 if you look at all the prophets in all
0:28:32 history it never worked like that kept
0:28:34 that exceptional situation albania
0:28:35 israel to get them because there was no
0:28:37 other way to get them out of the
0:28:38 clutches of such a vicious empire
0:28:41 but now they are in the
0:28:42 the crossover in a place where which is
0:28:45 tribal it is scattered there is no real
0:28:46 central authority and uh their their
0:28:50 located land for them is clear and
0:28:51 located planned for their cousins is
0:28:53 clear and the catholic land for the
0:28:54 canaanite is clear and
0:28:56 they just go ahead and do some work they
0:28:58 are not willing to say go and fight with
0:29:00 you or not you can't fight your lord you
0:29:01 can't do miracles go and do it we are
0:29:04 sitting here and not going
0:29:06 so what he was moses responsible is this
0:29:08 desperate now
0:29:09 i am
0:29:22 you don't think the people in these
0:29:23 cities will vacate it for you peacefully
0:29:27 to enter and fight of course
0:29:30 for example normally what happens
0:29:32 if if for example
0:29:34 a goal had strayed usually the
0:29:37 messenger would be sent and then if they
0:29:39 rejected a message they'd be destroyed
0:29:41 is this now that by the islam has been
0:29:43 empowered with the sharia
0:29:45 to basically export and expand the
0:29:48 sharia to this land or is it or is it
0:29:50 purely survival how does the
0:29:56 for them is enter these places and take
0:29:57 over from these people these people have
0:29:59 been most likely most vicious types of
0:30:01 pagans and they have rejected messengers
0:30:03 before and they have rejected ibrahim
0:30:05 and time before and so on so they have a
0:30:07 very negative history they deserve that
0:30:09 but we don't need to be worried about
0:30:10 that but if we look at the old scripture
0:30:13 and also the logic of history and the
0:30:15 way allah gives commandment it's clearly
0:30:17 like that it's the only place the only
0:30:18 way is to clear that place from this
0:30:20 either these people surrender and become
0:30:22 citizen with you or they leave or they
0:30:25 get exterminated so that's what seems to
0:30:27 in the old testament indicated in
0:30:28 details
0:30:29 the the details are they're not very
0:30:32 really not very persuasive because it's
0:30:33 rather go and burn everyone kill the
0:30:35 children the animals etcetera
0:30:38 it looks like this may be a jewish
0:30:41 justification what's what they did later
0:30:43 it doesn't look like the revelation has
0:30:45 been like that because the quran says
0:30:46 clearly just take over
0:30:48 whoever want to stay and become a jew or
0:30:50 become a citizen fight seems to be that
0:30:52 was religion and all the fight will be
0:30:54 fought until he is expelled
0:30:57 and who doesn't know what to say he can
0:30:58 go out and and go its way
0:31:23 which was that they were special people
0:31:25 they would get continuous prophecy but
0:31:28 then they had to fulfill the commands
0:31:29 command one was stop being colonized and
0:31:32 do your job fight with your messenger
0:31:34 they they effectively the covenant this
0:31:36 is not based on my own thinking this is
0:31:38 based on an ancient partner for the
0:31:39 notorious part of those long bearded
0:31:41 rabbis according to an old mud type
0:31:44 document this this is over 15 or 1800
0:31:46 years old the moment they broke their
0:31:48 covenant with allah and basically told
0:31:50 god and muslim
0:31:52 that that land was haram for them now
0:31:54 the old testament goes on to explain how
0:31:56 the kingdoms happen but that doesn't
0:31:58 change the ruling that's one opinion
0:32:00 there are different opinions in there
0:32:02 right yeah yeah
0:32:04 the key mindset difference to know is
0:32:06 there is no universal islam here there
0:32:08 is a religion or there is a deen and a
0:32:12 contract between allah right and the
0:32:14 certain nation or certain tribes yeah
0:32:16 yeah at that time that's what's going on
0:32:19 but because we we see that after that
0:32:22 they don't have a central government
0:32:23 they were managing themselves tribal
0:32:25 wise and they have prophets in their
0:32:26 tribes
0:32:27 or judges and have like a extremely
0:32:30 decentralized democratic system so they
0:32:32 were not like invading forces
0:32:34 possibly they were not even ordered to
0:32:35 fight the people just enter whoever
0:32:37 fight you fight him whoever doesn't
0:32:38 fight leave him but later on they edited
0:32:41 the documents in their hand claiming
0:32:42 they have a command to experiment
0:32:44 everyone even kill animals kill donkeys
0:32:47 etc which seems to be
0:32:49 out of out of line of the
0:32:51 what the quran says on out of line of
0:32:53 the
0:32:54 of the rationality of history it doesn't
0:32:56 look like
0:32:57 that it's out of line with from in terms
0:32:59 of
0:33:00 right in terms of
0:33:01 objective rulings or you know the idea
0:33:03 of higher objectives of islamic clause
0:33:05 so imam and shah that'd be kind of
0:33:06 cornered the market in malachi on that
0:33:08 but um the in terms of mcaster when i
0:33:10 had a rabbi sit down and explain it to
0:33:12 me said look the reason why zionism is
0:33:14 anti-jewish or anti
0:33:17 against
0:33:19 our laws
0:33:20 is because it violates the commandment
0:33:22 number one of all divine law and they
0:33:24 said that extent and i would deposit
0:33:26 that extends in our religion as well as
0:33:27 their religion which is
0:33:29 now you explain on what planet is mercy
0:33:31 to murder babies i don't get that yeah
0:33:33 right so what it seems to be
0:33:35 a dog's thesis that basically they went
0:33:37 around rampaging killing the pagans and
0:33:39 then afterwards justified it in their
0:33:40 books makes sense
0:33:45 yeah in the sense that look what would
0:33:47 happen is the
0:33:50 madagas but right now have you noticed
0:33:52 how quiet the madqueens have been since
0:33:54 mohammed bin salman's coming to power
0:33:55 because now they're becoming friends
0:33:56 with the jews even the musketeers are
0:33:58 like you know what we still have this
0:33:59 irrational principle let's support the
0:34:01 leader because he's better than nothing
0:34:02 else right but we can't actually find
0:34:04 anything in our books to justify
0:34:05 allegiance with the zionists right so
0:34:07 that's why they're quiet i mean you know
0:34:08 it's now what what the the obviously
0:34:10 doc's plugging away and batching them
0:34:12 hard um but in the west now basically
0:34:15 any time they say oh you're kawaii
0:34:17 you're a juice support isn't it that's
0:34:18 the way to turn it around to them
0:34:20 you're telling me that you should follow
0:34:22 the king that's forced you that's who
0:34:23 you are rather be i'd rather be a
0:34:25 cardigan than a jew it's basically like
0:34:26 dude
0:34:28 exactly
0:34:29 let's go to history first
0:34:32 so from the quran it is is not there's
0:34:35 clearly there's no order to exterminate
0:34:37 that's not disadvocated land enter this
0:34:39 place either the people are committed
0:34:40 and the people are worthy of
0:34:41 condemnation because they're vicious
0:34:43 pagans but
0:34:45 the the way they depicted the old
0:34:47 testament if they examinate everyone in
0:34:49 sona
0:34:50 mudan eva vegeta
0:34:52 because they were having human sacrifice
0:34:54 and so on they deserve to be
0:34:54 exterminated is a very weak argument
0:34:57 they try to instead of saying ah this is
0:34:59 maybe have been written back in history
0:35:01 because we know
0:35:02 just just look at the uh at the the the
0:35:05 two final books of the five five
0:35:07 pantheon the five books that's the
0:35:10 leviticus the book of the rights and the
0:35:12 book of deuteronomy which contains the
0:35:13 law essentially because we have genesis
0:35:15 that's a story most of it's legendary as
0:35:17 you said even mythical believe that from
0:35:20 time of abraham down seems to be having
0:35:21 historic or reasonable historical then
0:35:24 we have extraordinary just describing
0:35:26 the exodus seems to be quite
0:35:27 historically reasonable
0:35:28 then we have numbers just listing the
0:35:30 tribes of buddhist ill and their
0:35:32 possession and which place is allocated
0:35:34 and that's okay we can get that
0:35:36 and then leviticus and so on even
0:35:38 describe describing the priesthood and
0:35:39 what their their privilege and their
0:35:41 rights and obligation there are
0:35:42 discrepancies between the two two books
0:35:44 which seems to be that one of them or
0:35:46 two of them have been edited later so if
0:35:48 that's have been edited which contains
0:35:50 the law which is supposed to be done
0:35:54 how how the world and life should be
0:35:56 managed if being edited and played with
0:35:58 then for sure things before that has
0:36:01 been also played oriented for so
0:36:03 what's exactly what has been ordered
0:36:05 what what they're supposed to be doing
0:36:07 that is all what we say the quran they
0:36:09 should enter if the people do not accept
0:36:11 they will be fought and they deserve to
0:36:13 be fighting how because maybe they have
0:36:15 rejected all messages on but they have
0:36:17 been lost their right of that place by
0:36:19 allah design in that in some sense
0:36:21 another in detail but the description in
0:36:23 the old testament is definitely
0:36:24 contained things which still
0:36:26 almost said that you're not revelation
0:36:28 so that's it
0:36:29 so check this one very quickly because
0:36:31 the door has been opened using the towel
0:36:33 not some of the excesses will tell them
0:36:35 the best of the should be killed and you
0:36:37 know when they say old testament justice
0:36:40 this
0:36:41 don't worry about this this is all we
0:36:42 know for us this is a relevant it should
0:36:44 be also a christian because all that
0:36:46 supposed to be obligated anyway even for
0:36:48 like this year
0:36:49 so that's their claim
0:36:51 referred to something which is first of
0:36:53 all most likely fabricated there's no
0:36:55 competing evidence that what the details
0:36:57 description they have there
0:36:59 is is is a real revelation or a divine
0:37:02 protected revelation or act of the
0:37:04 prophets uh
0:37:06 as as as ordered by allah really
0:37:08 protected that's number one
0:37:10 and maybe one day if we find the books
0:37:12 which have been saved by prophet
0:37:14 jeremiah before uh during or after the
0:37:16 babylonic exile in the mountain across
0:37:19 the river of jordan and so on if you
0:37:21 find this in the old script by the way
0:37:22 is not a modern script of the hebrew
0:37:24 under the old in the classic language we
0:37:27 may find vastly different pre-edited
0:37:30 documents because this is saved by the
0:37:31 prophet we can assume that last one has
0:37:33 been a prophet
0:37:34 getting through generation well we don't
0:37:37 have that in our hand but leave that for
0:37:38 a good time
0:37:40 independent of all of that
0:37:42 we know that
0:37:44 it can't be possibly like that secondly
0:37:46 even if it has been like that for
0:37:47 whatever higher reason
0:37:49 it has been abrogated anyway so this is
0:37:53 is not a model it actually it actually
0:37:55 contradicts that when it says that you
0:37:58 remember this
0:38:08 killing babies and so on it's clear
0:38:10 that's what is the reason for that
0:38:12 junction so this this is really cool
0:38:14 traditional issues to be sorted
0:38:16 historically but we have no real tools
0:38:19 for that
0:38:20 in in our hand the only tool would be if
0:38:23 we get the jeremiah saved the
0:38:25 scripture in mount nebu
0:38:28 across the jordan river and they are
0:38:30 saved there one day they will be dug out
0:38:33 that's the only thing which can be their
0:38:35 opponent the rest will be speculations
0:38:37 and claims of the
0:38:38 talmudic tradition
0:38:40 again not trustworthy
0:38:42 are you referring to the book of
0:38:43 jeremiah what are your what
0:38:58 took a copy of a copy of all all
0:39:02 scripture and so on and the the ark of
0:39:05 covenant and saved them in a deep cave
0:39:07 in the mountain
0:39:09 and see nathan
0:39:14 the mountain mountain where harun is
0:39:15 buried across the jordan river that's
0:39:18 well known the mountain is well known
0:39:20 but nobody ever
0:39:21 maybe nobody says for the cave or maybe
0:39:24 the cave
0:39:25 it's a good archaeological project isn't
0:39:26 it excellent one excellent one i'm
0:39:28 thinking of writing something of that
0:39:29 and trying to find some people you know
0:39:32 look the two things you need to do is
0:39:33 your original quran project is the most
0:39:35 exciting one in the world honestly
0:39:37 people would get you get 50 million
0:39:38 dollars for that within a week
0:39:45 once you've done that you can do other
0:39:46 things but what you need to do is check
0:39:48 sometimes you need to bear in mind if
0:39:49 you give me the chains or yes i need i
0:39:51 can make it in english in a nice way but
0:39:53 just give me the change in all yours
0:39:58 yeah we'll have the rough draft and then
0:40:00 continue building on it okay
0:40:04 so so that's it so how it was exactly
0:40:06 with the detail which the martial was
0:40:08 whom to be killed and so on i think musa
0:40:10 gave them the the proper one and what
0:40:12 they're recording is clearly uh
0:40:14 re-edited and uh to make justification
0:40:17 for the mistakes later because it
0:40:19 doesn't really look too synchronized for
0:40:20 example look at when ibrahim sit in the
0:40:22 area he was he was like living a normal
0:40:25 life
0:40:25 with a few hundreds of his followers
0:40:27 slaves etc with
0:40:29 enormous wealth and you know
0:40:31 and it was engaged even battles and wars
0:40:33 read the ulti that's a reason read
0:40:35 genesis they read that even if it's
0:40:36 boring sometimes readers especially
0:40:38 start ibrahim
0:40:40 when he went for bethlehem
0:40:42 he wanted to to have a burial place and
0:40:44 he wanted to have that cave by by that
0:40:46 advocate and the people there to him
0:40:49 it's for you you are the other you are
0:40:52 the you are the elect of god they
0:40:53 believed him they were believer most
0:40:55 likely at the time there was no pagan in
0:40:56 in kharila at least and we give it to
0:40:59 you as gift he refused strictly say no
0:41:01 no i'm going to buy it with your own
0:41:02 money i'm going to buy it with my own
0:41:04 money he even refused to have a gift
0:41:06 he was so
0:41:08 self-conscious and exalted that he did
0:41:11 not want even to accept a gift from them
0:41:14 and he bought it with his own money and
0:41:15 the amount of money is mentioned there
0:41:17 and the contract with them with old
0:41:19 message there just go here go ahead and
0:41:21 read it at once
0:41:22 and it's easy easy to buy if you don't
0:41:24 want to buy just snatch one from any
0:41:26 hotel left by the gideons
0:41:30 it's available just have the patience to
0:41:32 go through these never ending genealogy
0:41:34 and these things are these marvel and
0:41:35 that's right about son of sorrow and son
0:41:37 and so on generously going pages long
0:41:39 just go go patiently through that you
0:41:41 will find jewels there of historic
0:41:43 information and questionable points and
0:41:45 so on
0:41:46 so that's it so that's all does not fit
0:41:48 this mass extermination and the way they
0:41:50 were waging claiming that they have been
0:41:52 ordered by god to do is very
0:41:54 questionable but that's not our issue
0:41:56 now it maybe have been ordered
0:41:58 he can order whatever he wants and the
0:42:01 wisdom of it will will
0:42:03 will be coming one day on the daylight
0:42:05 but nevertheless
0:42:07 that's what the like essentially was to
0:42:09 order to these people in that case
0:42:12 so much i was desperate and say
0:42:22 prayed moses oh my sustainer of none am
0:42:25 i a master but of myself and my brother
0:42:28 aru
0:42:29 draw thou then enter sorry that draw
0:42:32 thou then a dividing line between us and
0:42:34 these iniquitous spoke next translation
0:42:37 moses said lord i do not have control
0:42:39 over anyone except my brother and myself
0:42:42 judge between us and those defined means
0:42:44 civilian people yeah this way yeah
0:42:45 that's it so that's because there is no
0:42:48 way and clearly he has no authority to
0:42:50 do any miracles anymore that's it now
0:42:53 they have to they will take their life
0:42:54 in their hand
0:43:08 this land shall be forbidden to them for
0:43:10 40 years while they wander on earth
0:43:13 bewildered to and fro and sorrow thou
0:43:16 not over the iniquitous folk
0:43:20 translation god said the land is
0:43:21 forbidden to them they will wander
0:43:23 endlessly for forty years on the earth
0:43:25 do not grieve over those who disobey
0:43:28 so that's that's it
0:43:30 that's obviously both a punishment but
0:43:32 also a purification because
0:43:34 what why why 40 years 40 years is almost
0:43:37 certainly and that's what really
0:43:39 theoretically happen except there's two
0:43:41 pious men you shall be known as their
0:43:43 generation few young but maybe only
0:43:44 these two from the uh generation which
0:43:47 was in egypt
0:43:48 the rest all that is to shall be
0:43:50 enslaved in egypt have died out in the
0:43:52 wilderness and the you knew their
0:43:54 offsprings and children who are who were
0:43:56 brought up in freedom and wandering
0:43:58 around in the in the wilderness who have
0:44:00 character over self-respect they are
0:44:03 remaining one these are the one who can
0:44:04 invade and fight not this this slave
0:44:07 mentality guys there they will got
0:44:09 extinct so 40 years is a good a good
0:44:11 amount of time to get them seen but uh
0:44:13 interesting point where does that was
0:44:15 wondering this is the t where is it
0:44:18 all the theories which you
0:44:20 since the time of helena the mother of
0:44:22 uh constantine when she went to
0:44:23 palestine after constantine converted
0:44:25 publicly to christianity or adopted
0:44:27 christianity publicly he did not by the
0:44:29 way convert until his deathbed by the
0:44:31 way number one secondly in his deathbed
0:44:33 he took the sacraments from an erusian
0:44:36 bishop that's a monotheist bishop so
0:44:38 he's not a trinitarian so you can hope
0:44:40 you can say rahim to lali easily without
0:44:42 fear
0:44:43 she went to palestine
0:44:45 and she consulted scholars both jewish
0:44:47 and
0:44:48 about history and according to the best
0:44:50 geographical knowledge they located
0:44:52 allocated the country the place of of
0:44:55 wilderness and in in the in the senate
0:44:58 uh peninsula but that's all not true
0:45:00 actually in the in the crossing that you
0:45:03 is crossing really of the of the right
0:45:05 branch of the red sea that's called
0:45:07 akaba
0:45:08 gulf they crossed over and the sinai is
0:45:11 actually a small desert in in north
0:45:13 saudi arabia south of taboo and the
0:45:15 mount mount the mount
0:45:25 still there and they have mouths of that
0:45:27 said but that would be published one day
0:45:29 there's no hurry in that
0:45:31 that's the real place and then after
0:45:33 being there about a year or less in
0:45:35 which they have received the tablets in
0:45:38 which they have the catastrophe for
0:45:39 those who violated the sabbath they were
0:45:41 in a village looking at the red sea
0:45:43 there and they thought they would be
0:45:45 more intelligent
0:45:47 when they were they're putting their
0:45:48 nets you know the story they put they're
0:45:50 putting their nets on friday evening
0:45:52 before sunset
0:45:54 and then collecting the fish on sundays
0:45:56 you know we did not do anything with
0:45:57 this
0:45:58 nothing the it's outdoor
0:45:59 Laughter
0:46:01 these people are just jokers
0:46:03 they're thinking allah is stupid and
0:46:04 they can't play with him that kids
0:46:06 because they were prohibited from work
0:46:07 and ending of the sabbath and then they
0:46:09 were condemned as you know turned into
0:46:11 monkeys
0:46:14 uh that's that happened all in the red
0:46:16 sea i just said yeah just a little bit
0:46:18 southwest of taboo
0:46:20 all maps of that and possible places and
0:46:22 so on i have already
0:46:24 definitely in in the egyptian no no no
0:46:27 no in saudi arabia saudi arabia not a
0:46:30 sinai there's a wrong name i would
0:46:32 propose to change it into the peninsula
0:46:34 of swiss or something like that cena is
0:46:36 a desert north of mount harp orb in
0:46:38 north dakota southwest of taboo i will
0:46:41 get i'll get if you are interested in
0:46:42 the map i have developed the maps and so
0:46:44 on but uh though the work on that has
0:46:46 just been done as a side hobby that's
0:46:49 all across arabia
0:46:51 is actually testified by paul when you
0:46:52 say mount horeb mount mount sinai in
0:46:55 arabia it's nothing it's not in the
0:46:57 sinai peninsula that's the mistake of
0:46:58 these later scholars jewish and we show
0:47:01 their level of understanding of
0:47:02 geography
0:47:04 to to understand their blunder of
0:47:05 geography is that they call it the old
0:47:06 testament the queen of sheba do you know
0:47:08 where the queen if you ever came
0:47:09 according to the old testament are the
0:47:10 best guests of the juventu now guests
0:47:13 give me a guess where they come from
0:47:16 i just know how to come from south yemen
0:47:18 in the kingdom of sabbath that's what
0:47:19 you know that's sheba no no according to
0:47:21 the the most scholarship says is
0:47:23 actually shaiba is somewhere in south
0:47:25 lebanon imagine
0:47:27 so upside down is there understanding so
0:47:29 so upside down is the understanding of
0:47:31 geography so you cannot trust these
0:47:33 people in geography
0:47:34 and very much in history it's slightly
0:47:36 better because it's based on narratives
0:47:38 so it's a joke but anyway
0:47:40 that that that conclusion and the the
0:47:43 the monastery of saint catherine on top
0:47:45 of mountain there in sinai
0:47:47 in the in the current scene we have the
0:47:49 monastery of saint catherine and which
0:47:51 some important
0:47:54 in which some important if you if you
0:47:56 mute
0:47:56 if you mute
0:47:59 sorry mute if the the sound catherine
0:48:03 monastery which has been built at the
0:48:04 time of constantine and his mother
0:48:07 helene
0:48:09 that
0:48:10 was very important very old scripture
0:48:12 one of the one of the codex the most
0:48:14 important codex was found there
0:48:17 in latin the eldest and most reliable
0:48:19 codex in latin which are they in
0:48:21 parchment
0:48:22 that monastery is based on a mountain
0:48:24 which they guest that must be around the
0:48:26 the mount sinai where allah addressed
0:48:28 musa but it's definitely not that place
0:48:30 it's another place all together
0:48:32 so such historical
0:48:35 misunderstanding of the geography and
0:48:37 the earth is there it is shocking but
0:48:40 reviewing everything and all evidences
0:48:42 shows that's a mistake anyway let's go
0:48:44 let's go so they were actually where
0:48:46 after this one year near near south east
0:48:48 of tabuk they were ordered to proceed to
0:48:51 the area of wilderness into a place
0:48:53 called kaddish barney the the goods of
0:48:56 the baria there are various kaddish or
0:48:58 goods areas in palestine one of them in
0:49:00 the maria is east of the mountain of
0:49:02 naval and that's in jordan current
0:49:04 jordan that's where they were wandering
0:49:06 around that
0:49:08 going east almost to the iraqi border
0:49:10 made to syrian border because they were
0:49:12 grazing the animals going down almost
0:49:14 toward arabia thus the wilderness they
0:49:16 were roaming around
0:49:18 by the way just a small information
0:49:19 piece of information someone say how can
0:49:22 hundreds of thousands even if we say
0:49:24 that millions mentioned the old
0:49:25 testament is a mistake
0:49:27 a mistranslation of an old world which
0:49:29 may be meaning 60 instead of a thousand
0:49:32 but still we are dealing with tens of
0:49:34 thousands be hundreds of the people with
0:49:35 uh how come they in in this barn desert
0:49:39 with with essentially what livestock
0:49:41 they took from egypt which needs water
0:49:42 needs
0:49:44 they don't have camels they are not
0:49:45 really desert people how could they
0:49:47 survive there because everyone thinks
0:49:49 that the area is is as barren and desert
0:49:52 as now it's not true that area was at
0:49:53 that time
0:49:55 blessed with plenty of rain and it was
0:49:57 it was essentially like the savannah of
0:49:59 africa
0:50:00 and there were even lions there promised
0:50:02 no north north egypt they roaming in
0:50:04 arabia yeah and the zebras were there so
0:50:08 it was much more fertile and greener
0:50:09 than today
0:50:11 but that's just a side note
0:50:13 okay so they were wrong with 40 years
0:50:15 until all this old coward generation was
0:50:17 extinct slave mentality is gone and then
0:50:19 we have people who are willing to fight
0:50:22 but then
0:50:23 they have to cross with the leadership
0:50:25 of joshua because haroun died first and
0:50:27 then musa followed him and died on the
0:50:29 other side
0:50:31 of the river he did not cross over
0:50:34 so that's the bit of history there
0:50:38 then going back to it may be a hint what
0:50:40 what what uh what about what the bosses
0:50:43 said is that these claims the old
0:50:46 testament extreme to the one kill the
0:50:47 babies kill each other is a fabrication
0:50:49 cannot be true because it it comes
0:50:51 really interestingly after that
0:51:11 unto them setting forth the truth the
0:51:13 story of the two sons of adam how each
0:51:15 offered a sacrifice and it was accepted
0:51:18 from one of them whereas it was not
0:51:19 accepted from the other and cain said
0:51:22 and i will surely slay thee
0:51:24 our evil replied
0:51:26 behold god accepts only from those who
0:51:29 are conscious of him next translation
0:51:31 prophet tell them the truth about the
0:51:33 story of adam's two sons how each of
0:51:35 them offered a sacrifice one sacrifice
0:51:37 being accepted and the other being
0:51:39 rejected one said i will kill you the
0:51:41 other replied god only accepts the
0:51:43 sacrifice of those who are mindful of
0:51:45 you now we find that bookshops have seen
0:51:47 plenty of stories usually taken from
0:51:49 israelites and from the old testament
0:51:51 all this nonsense the truth story and
0:51:53 truth is that what the quran mentioned
0:51:55 these are two sons of adam
0:51:57 we are sons of others so don't think it
0:51:59 stands for adam they directly sons of
0:52:01 adam who almost certainly lived
0:52:03 something like a quarter million years
0:52:06 ago 250 000 years ago there's another
0:52:08 six thousand about this and there's no
0:52:10 nonsense a discount that is rubbish this
0:52:12 can be proven by by genealogy company
0:52:15 will be proven by
0:52:16 carbon they think i'll be proven by by
0:52:19 by skeletal analysis it is out of
0:52:21 question that this is this time
0:52:23 so they do not need to be directed
0:52:25 toward them could be that could be like
0:52:28 just
0:52:29 a time before no
0:52:31 for a time of neutral before in decent
0:52:32 history it could be their excellence one
0:52:34 it doesn't make any difference
0:52:37 they one of them is buyers he made a
0:52:39 sacrifice colban at the time that they
0:52:42 you offer things and they burn them on
0:52:43 an altar and so on like like agriculture
0:52:46 products and things like that
0:52:47 and he made a good sacrifice he was the
0:52:49 best of his from his according to the
0:52:51 very story the best what he can't
0:52:53 expressing really real piety he's not
0:52:55 sacrificing something
0:52:57 lowly or miserable the other one was
0:53:00 stingy he is not going to sacrifice
0:53:01 thing he wants just to do the formality
0:53:03 he will do the sacrifice form a
0:53:05 sacrifice
0:53:06 take some of your music for
0:53:08 the injunction would have been at that
0:53:09 time by adam or
0:53:12 the thousand thousand grand son of adams
0:53:14 who don't know their father or the
0:53:16 prophets at that time or they're
0:53:17 instructing them
0:53:19 is that take from
0:53:20 elect some of your of your
0:53:22 produce or some of your animals
0:53:25 and sacrifice them on the altar and burn
0:53:27 them for example
0:53:29 you could fulfill that formally by you
0:53:31 showing the most miserable offering and
0:53:33 could used by losing a reasonably good
0:53:35 authority not necessarily their top but
0:53:37 something reasonable something
0:53:38 presentable
0:53:40 the right the players want the one who
0:53:42 true believer the one who is really
0:53:43 right right fully applies is that the
0:53:46 one who will wrote a sacrifice who is a
0:53:48 presentable makes good sense the other
0:53:50 one is things he doesn't want to
0:53:51 sacrifice he sacrificed something
0:53:54 miserable
0:53:56 and
0:53:57 according to that tradition in taipei
0:54:00 there are signs should show you that the
0:54:02 sacrifice is accepted for example the
0:54:04 fire eats it
0:54:06 or it doesn't need to come something
0:54:07 will tell you fire came from heaven not
0:54:09 necessary just you burn it it bends and
0:54:11 go away the other one it doesn't bad
0:54:15 or then come and extinguish it which is
0:54:17 a sign that's not accepted
0:54:19 so he was full of
0:54:21 wrath and anger say to his brother i
0:54:23 will kill you
0:54:24 his response is saying i made some
0:54:27 mistake i should i should have made a
0:54:28 good selfie i should have been purified
0:54:30 my heart then he comes back to kill his
0:54:32 own brother
0:54:34 as the revenge
0:54:35 and the brother said why you kill me
0:54:38 allah accept only from the lightest one
0:54:39 look at yourself look at your life and
0:54:41 the righteousness oh there are stories
0:54:43 that they were competing with two nice
0:54:45 girls and one got the good looking one
0:54:48 all of this is stories which nobody
0:54:50 should trust and waste any time
0:54:52 although
0:54:54 for people who love stories and love
0:54:55 stories and things like that they may be
0:54:58 a bit persuasive but
0:54:59 i i wouldn't waste any time with those
0:55:03 that
0:55:04 and they even go in a tangent say at the
0:55:07 time eve was giving birth to a boy and a
0:55:09 girl in the same in the same in the same
0:55:12 pregnancy and for in another frequency a
0:55:15 boy and girl and then the boy from the
0:55:18 same pregnancy cannot marry that sister
0:55:20 but my sister was the other pregnancy
0:55:22 the crossover okay that's
0:55:24 like
0:55:25 like let's say uh classical reduced
0:55:28 incest and then it happened that the
0:55:30 girl born with with the with the bad one
0:55:32 was very beautiful and the girl who was
0:55:35 born with with uh with her with a good
0:55:37 with a good guy was not that beautiful
0:55:39 as a quite ugly and that he was
0:55:41 forcefully to get the ugly one why the
0:55:43 other one got a beautiful one that's and
0:55:44 such stories you read here and there
0:55:46 just forget about this just describe
0:55:48 them there's nothing that's what the
0:55:50 truth is that conflict happened because
0:55:53 when one of them made the sacrifice
0:55:56 and the other one did another one and
0:55:57 the sacrifice of the second one who was
0:55:59 not accepted was not up to the standard
0:56:01 it doesn't show real piety and deal with
0:56:03 respect to allah that's it
0:56:06 and then instead of looking at himself
0:56:08 saying there's some feeling in myself he
0:56:10 thought it will it is his brother is
0:56:12 somehow trust kissing on him
0:56:14 and he threatened him to kill him
0:56:17 i said what he could be
0:56:19 allah accept only from the pious one and
0:56:21 then he continues
0:56:28 to
0:56:30 even if thou s even i thought
0:56:33 one second
0:56:38 even if thou
0:56:39 lay thy hand on meters maybe i shall not
0:56:41 lay my hand on these
0:56:43 behold i fear god the sustainer of all
0:56:45 the worlds yes translation irrelevantly
0:56:48 trying to kill me i will not try to kill
0:56:49 you i fear god the lord of all the
0:56:51 worlds
0:56:52 yeah that's just as clear as us
0:56:56 and then he continued with my maybe
0:56:58 maybe instigator brother to be more
0:57:00 angry but but
0:57:01 but uh it's actually a warning but again
0:57:04 this one misunderstood completely he
0:57:05 loves his completely he's lost his
0:57:07 composure so the good one says
0:57:17 i am willing indeed for thee to bear the
0:57:19 burden of all the sins ever done by me
0:57:22 as well as of the sin none by thee but
0:57:24 then thou would be destined for the fire
0:57:27 since that is the requirement of
0:57:29 evildoers next translation i would
0:57:31 rather you bear the burden of my sins as
0:57:34 well as yours then you will be destined
0:57:36 for the fire that is the destiny of the
0:57:38 unjust yeah so this is uh so really the
0:57:40 second one is better i would rather
0:57:42 i don't want it but rather if it is a
0:57:45 choice then if you do that you will
0:57:47 carry your your own sense obviously of
0:57:49 the crime but also my sense will be
0:57:52 taken and put on you i would be because
0:57:54 i have been murdered in your hand my
0:57:56 sins will be forgiven and they will be
0:57:57 loaded in you and you will be ending the
0:57:59 hellfire so beware and this is the
0:58:02 punishment of the unjust one
0:58:03 and still all of that did not make any
0:58:05 sense to this brother this evil one
0:58:07 whatever his name has maybe they call it
0:58:10 habil and kabil allah knows if that's
0:58:12 true these names
0:58:18 for us
0:58:22 but the other's passion drove him to
0:58:24 slay his brother and he slew him and
0:58:27 thus he became one of the lost next
0:58:28 translation his selfishness caused him
0:58:30 to murder his brother he killed him and
0:58:32 became doomed
0:58:34 literally his his his own self self his
0:58:37 own soul his own mind persuaded him to
0:58:40 kill his brother he made the choice and
0:58:43 notice here it's not the devil
0:58:44 instigating him it is himself he's the
0:58:46 responsible one so nobody can say that
0:58:48 they will whisper to him and things like
0:58:49 that the devil is the devil is much more
0:58:52 weaker than that it is yourself it is
0:58:54 your heart your mind your internal
0:58:56 mindset
0:58:58 that one which can persuade you or you
0:59:00 have to control it and purify if you
0:59:01 don't do that it will persuade you to do
0:59:03 the abyss
0:59:05 so he after some pondering he persuaded
0:59:07 himself i must kill that one that's the
0:59:09 only way i can get out of the shame of
0:59:11 my my sacrifice not accepted or getting
0:59:14 the ugly girl whatever the story may
0:59:15 have been
0:59:17 and covering up by by sacrifice so he
0:59:19 killed his brother so what happened to
0:59:20 the monkey girl as well he became a
0:59:22 loser
0:59:23 he's gone
0:59:25 he's lost there's no way out to no way
0:59:27 back because the only way back is to
0:59:29 revive him that's impossible
0:59:31 finish
0:59:32 but he did not hold out with his body
0:59:36 until it was discovered for example
0:59:51 thereupon god sent forth a raven which
0:59:54 scratched the earth to show him how he
0:59:56 might conceal the nativeness of his
0:59:58 brother's body and came cried out oh wow
1:00:01 unto me well oh woe is me am i then too
1:00:04 weak to do what this raven did and to
1:00:06 conceal the nakedness of my brother's
1:00:08 body and was there upon smitten with
1:00:10 remorse
1:00:11 but said to reign this translation god
1:00:13 said raven to scratch the ground show
1:00:15 him how to come at his brother's body he
1:00:17 cried out how awful am i
1:00:20 how awful am i so helpless i cannot do
1:00:22 what this raven has done he then buried
1:00:24 his brother and was filled with sorrow
1:00:26 yeah but it's too late that sorrow does
1:00:28 not help anymore because he cannot
1:00:30 revive him and there is no way to escape
1:00:33 from at least confronting his brother in
1:00:35 the um
1:00:37 to settle this course there is no way
1:00:38 because this is the right of the brother
1:00:40 it's not even the right of allah is
1:00:41 right
1:00:42 if you kill someone
1:00:44 you're not only violating us our
1:00:45 commandment that maybe can be negotiated
1:00:47 we can't get out by some other good
1:00:49 deeds but the other side
1:00:52 how to settle with them
1:00:54 they may be able to take all your good
1:00:55 deeds give me all his good deeds and
1:00:58 give him all my sins then you have
1:01:00 nothing left you are gone finish
1:01:02 nothing can help you there what's right
1:01:05 especially in such a situation like that
1:01:07 where absolutely no reason no no no no
1:01:09 misunderstanding moment no mistake which
1:01:11 can be justified no no argument can be
1:01:13 in your favor now the story of the world
1:01:15 people say that a raven came and killed
1:01:17 another bed and then start digging in
1:01:19 the earth and burying it so to
1:01:21 demonstrate him how to do this make it
1:01:23 really rather stronger that it may be
1:01:26 the first death in the maybe really the
1:01:28 sons of adam in ancient time and the
1:01:30 story narrated by the prophets over
1:01:32 generation even if it's 200 000 years
1:01:35 old but still by revelation they may
1:01:37 have known about that until told the
1:01:39 people and maybe the first death in the
1:01:41 family at that time
1:01:43 so they didn't know yet uh they shall
1:01:45 burial but also it's significant to see
1:01:47 that the the body the dead body is a
1:01:49 salwa it's a trust us that
1:01:52 as nakedness actually it is the shame
1:01:55 something shameful something should be
1:01:57 kept very valuable because it will rot
1:01:59 it will stink and so on it will be a
1:02:01 shame it will be it will invite people
1:02:03 to case the the rotting one and so on so
1:02:05 uh and the the standard way of burial is
1:02:08 not obligatory one we have a research
1:02:10 somebody asked about that some countries
1:02:11 are now making for various reasons maybe
1:02:14 compulsory burning of bodies and so on
1:02:16 if it's permissible or not i answered
1:02:17 it's permissible based on uh a piece of
1:02:20 research which is completed by the way
1:02:23 uh it's essentially that says about who
1:02:25 who uh how hamzah abdul talib was killed
1:02:28 and who mutilated him
1:02:30 but aside the result of the research is
1:02:32 that all way to to cover the the
1:02:37 the
1:02:38 uh the
1:02:40 uh the shame or the disgusting remaining
1:02:43 part which is the dead body
1:02:45 always are permissible and the prophet
1:02:46 specified several other ways by the way
1:02:48 in that hadith it may be interesting
1:02:50 maybe someone would like to
1:02:52 if you would like to know the details
1:02:54 you just have that one paragraph which
1:02:56 is a couple of pages but the whole
1:02:58 research is about 130 pages covering all
1:03:00 issues of the material hamsa praying for
1:03:02 the shaheed washing the shaheed all of
1:03:04 these which
1:03:06 and who mutilated hamza which you know
1:03:08 is the mother of
1:03:09 et cetera et cetera because some people
1:03:11 are arguing about that amazingly
1:03:13 so i was doing working on that over the
1:03:15 last years so that's that's uh
1:03:18 burying is is one way burning is another
1:03:21 way
1:03:22 burying the leaving to the uh far away
1:03:24 from people so it doesn't doesn't it
1:03:26 doesn't
1:03:27 stink and drop to the people that you
1:03:29 cause diseases like in high mountains
1:03:31 for the bear to eat it is perfectly fine
1:03:33 and also putting it in in the sea for
1:03:35 for the for the sea animals to eat it is
1:03:37 perfectly fine
1:03:38 you will be shocked i think i think you
1:03:40 will be shocked to that i'm not going to
1:03:41 in the details because the whole legal
1:03:43 argument and the whole evidences are
1:03:46 in this in this research with the title
1:03:56 the
1:03:57 and the mutilation of
1:03:59 the
1:04:00 the liver eater with him liver eat his
1:04:02 hint as her title has become the hair
1:04:04 that after she tried to eat hamza's
1:04:06 level but this is a very long research i
1:04:08 said one of the conclusions on the
1:04:10 recorded conclusion is the issues of
1:04:12 barrier i think that is it compulsory or
1:04:14 is there another way of disposing of the
1:04:16 sarwar
1:04:17 so anyway it seems to me from this part
1:04:20 it seems to be that's maybe really is
1:04:22 really distance sense of adam really the
1:04:24 first sons of adam
1:04:26 meaning uh uh
1:04:28 direct sons because seems to be there is
1:04:31 no history or no no
1:04:33 this this guy did not have any
1:04:35 information about how to to treat the
1:04:37 dead bodies or the first time ever that
1:04:40 he knows killing and so on his or he
1:04:42 sees the animal kitchen other dividing
1:04:43 each other so killing israel is not a
1:04:44 problem you see it in nature around you
1:04:47 motivated obviously by the preservation
1:04:49 drive not by any mischief in the animals
1:04:52 but you can see it but how to bury and
1:04:54 so on it seems to be not known yet
1:04:58 uh for adam and his sons because adam is
1:05:01 the first one who became conscious who
1:05:03 belong in the spirit anymore becomes
1:05:04 conscious of himself and became
1:05:06 capable of communicating with allah and
1:05:07 the angels anyone before him are more in
1:05:10 the animal
1:05:12 domain anyway that's maybe a small a
1:05:14 small point to consider that really
1:05:16 these have
1:05:17 whatever their name have been we don't
1:05:19 know
1:05:20 that they are maybe directly the sons of
1:05:22 adam because it would have been really a
1:05:23 thousand years down the road several
1:05:25 thousand years a thousand generations
1:05:28 you could expect that this guy in adult
1:05:31 age would have seen burials have the
1:05:33 dead cases that people they're burying
1:05:34 or something like that it
1:05:36 it's uh
1:05:38 so from that you could clean maybe
1:05:39 really there's directly direct
1:05:41 descendants of adam himself
1:05:44 how many thousand years he may be back
1:05:47 is irrelevant of that i think it's 250
1:05:49 years 200 something yes
1:05:52 so he was full of remotes but it doesn't
1:05:54 help anymore
1:05:56 therefore
1:06:27 because of this did we ordain unto the
1:06:29 children of israel that if anyone slays
1:06:31 a human being unless it be in punishment
1:06:34 for murder or for spreading corruption
1:06:35 on earth it shall be as though he had
1:06:38 slain all mankind whereas if anyone
1:06:40 saves a life it shall be as though he
1:06:43 had saved the lives of all mankind and
1:06:45 indeed
1:06:46 there came unto them our apostles with
1:06:48 all the evidence of the truth yet behold
1:06:51 notwithstanding all this many of them go
1:06:53 on committing all manner of excess on
1:06:55 earth next translation because of this
1:06:58 we decree to the children of israel that
1:07:00 if anyone kills a human being unless it
1:07:02 is in punishment for murder or for
1:07:03 spreading corruption on earth it will be
1:07:06 as though as he will be as though he
1:07:08 killed all of human beings and if anyone
1:07:10 saves a life it will be as though he had
1:07:13 saved the lives of all human beings our
1:07:15 messengers came to them with the with
1:07:17 evidence of the truth yet many of them
1:07:19 continued to corrupt earth by their
1:07:21 over-indulgence
1:07:23 yeah or excessive action so that's clear
1:07:26 because of that or because of this story
1:07:28 or whatever it is not because of that
1:07:30 because the saxity of human life is is a
1:07:32 is known as is definitely decided by
1:07:34 allah the moment he blew spirit in adam
1:07:36 and make him make him conscious human
1:07:39 and honored him it became absolutely
1:07:42 protected for human beings this is so so
1:07:44 the fundamental ruling about uh uh
1:07:47 sanctity of life is absolute it is a
1:07:49 fundamental one for all humans has
1:07:51 nothing to do with islam and kufrin
1:07:53 so all this nonsense you feel some
1:07:55 jihadi saying uh cover make the blood
1:07:57 worth of shedding that's not true that
1:07:59 hasn't been true this is all nonsense
1:08:00 contradicts various places in the quran
1:08:03 and we have a complete writing about
1:08:04 that to be finalized touched soon and
1:08:06 they're given to the public
1:08:12 is no difference between this you know
1:08:14 you don't should indulge that's what i
1:08:16 said you should not indulge an issue
1:08:17 between murder and genocide no this is
1:08:20 all equivalent this is this is this is
1:08:22 how the western civilizations like to
1:08:24 play the game about that now there's a
1:08:25 difference between someone killing one
1:08:27 and someone killing a whole nation also
1:08:29 it's the same it's a killing all
1:08:30 humanity is equal to killing one human
1:08:32 being unjustified
1:08:34 but is there is justification for him
1:08:36 is sold for soul as a compensation for
1:08:40 the murder with this obvious if you find
1:08:42 the details of the law that the final
1:08:44 details of the law of evidence is trial
1:08:46 etcetera and for sending philosophy is
1:08:49 really act war it's not
1:08:52 not dancing it's not having a selling
1:08:55 hammer and so on but facade of
1:08:57 acts of war uh after war are two types
1:09:01 actual act wars which weapons are used
1:09:04 like highway robbery like raving using
1:09:06 force for for for raping men and women
1:09:09 uh children that's that's actually all
1:09:11 that's facile
1:09:12 anything related to violence using force
1:09:15 uh in in a place which is not supposed
1:09:17 to use and it's supposed to be used
1:09:19 anywhere except in response of an
1:09:21 attacking force
1:09:23 or by the journal by by law for example
1:09:27 dealing in usury during an user is
1:09:29 facile it's an act of war according to
1:09:31 swat
1:09:38 if you don't stop dealing with users and
1:09:40 you remember sort of
1:09:41 then we declare allah declares to you
1:09:43 war and his messenger so the dealing
1:09:46 with user is facile is not minor it's
1:09:48 not economic necessity not even any
1:09:50 connected is a catastrophe it's an
1:09:52 absolute catastrophe it is a facade
1:09:54 filled out it is well and you those who
1:09:57 are dealing with usury
1:09:59 should be executed also although ibn
1:10:00 abbas suggested that because my issues
1:10:03 of usury may be a little bit deep and
1:10:05 sometimes complex the first time someone
1:10:07 commits an ordeal in usury he would
1:10:10 undertake and take it for him he would
1:10:11 be instructed that what he did is wrong
1:10:13 shown clearly whatever what that usually
1:10:15 is their trial action would be and uh
1:10:18 maybe an undertaking taken for him
1:10:20 that's the first time if he repeats a
1:10:22 second time his neck should be struck
1:10:24 another one is challenging the public
1:10:26 order like for example marrying
1:10:28 having a wedding celebration marrying
1:10:30 you for your father's wife
1:10:32 like the arabs used to be before islam
1:10:33 but similarly having a public wedding
1:10:35 simulation and marrying a man
1:10:37 a man marrying a man or a man burning a
1:10:40 dog for example in a public stabilation
1:10:42 this is this is a public facade this is
1:10:44 confronting the
1:10:46 legitimate order by by by uh by a
1:10:49 rebellious open declaration of all the
1:10:52 public order
1:10:54 that's not committing uh
1:10:56 adultery or committing zina or
1:10:58 fornication with your father's wife
1:11:00 that's behind closed door that's not a
1:11:02 public offence it's a offense
1:11:04 unspanishable according to its uh rules
1:11:08 but doing it publicly in a wedding
1:11:09 celebration challenging the islamic
1:11:11 order is
1:11:13 is act of war
1:11:15 evidenced by by by
1:11:18 the hadith of balbara said
1:11:20 i saw i saw a an assortment of two or
1:11:23 three men carrying a banner of war going
1:11:26 to our my tribe so i checked what has
1:11:28 happened said they came to a man who
1:11:29 married his father's wife after their
1:11:31 wife passed her father
1:11:33 he
1:11:34 inherited that wife according to
1:11:35 jairiyyah and publicly married here made
1:11:37 in a wedding what you think and they
1:11:40 they they went there they executed him
1:11:42 without any question any further
1:11:43 question struck his neck and took his
1:11:45 money to the treasury that's not the way
1:11:47 you excuse a murderer or a criminal no
1:11:50 criminal his family would inherit his
1:11:52 wife no this is a warrior
1:11:54 did he use a sword no he challenged the
1:11:56 public order
1:11:58 it's it's an intellectual affront to
1:12:00 god's law that basic thing is here
1:12:03 yeah there's a narration of
1:12:06 very interesting
1:12:09 later on
1:12:10 came against the people and they used
1:12:11 the tool of dinner against the children
1:12:13 of israel right now
1:12:18 okay i'm prompting it but interestingly
1:12:19 enough the thing is the end yeah um how
1:12:22 it ended is a man from beneath israel
1:12:24 stuck in light through the man and woman
1:12:26 in the act and lifted them up and allah
1:12:28 raised the sin but now someone could say
1:12:30 okay but that's dinner it's not they
1:12:31 were they were doing it publicly and
1:12:33 making a point that we're going against
1:12:34 god's law
1:12:42 actual by using sword and so on weapons
1:12:44 of war but the juror by law you can
1:12:47 distinguish between what they call in
1:12:49 arabic fairland and hookman
1:12:51 by by act
1:12:53 by by pulling the sword or using uh for
1:12:55 false like for example a man
1:12:58 intercepts a woman for example in a park
1:12:59 and uses force to rape her
1:13:02 that's not zina
1:13:03 that's rape and this is this one man
1:13:05 deserves execution because this is uh an
1:13:09 act of war
1:13:10 uh the one of usery by definition of
1:13:12 sharia dealing with usury is declaration
1:13:15 of war on others messenger by the quran
1:13:17 and the one who did with the
1:13:19 maria
1:13:21 ancestral's marriage he did not commit
1:13:22 zina if he would have been in love with
1:13:24 him committed sinner that will be zina
1:13:26 what has it on treatment if it's
1:13:27 detected with the four witnesses
1:13:29 but this one is doing it publicly he's
1:13:31 doing he's doing a wedding ceremony he's
1:13:33 challenging the public order islamic
1:13:35 also here and just a couple of men send
1:13:38 with a banner banner of war with the
1:13:40 order to execute him and
1:13:42 collect all his money and bring it to
1:13:43 the treasury like any warrior as a
1:13:45 physical as if you're a roman army
1:13:47 there's no difference between him and a
1:13:48 roman army in treatment
1:13:50 exclusion
1:13:52 and taking the older wealth into the
1:13:54 treachery
1:13:55 so that's true i just want to clarify
1:13:57 the word facade for that there's not
1:13:59 anything any sin or something i know it
1:14:00 must be the this kind of acts of war
1:14:03 de facto or the jury
1:14:07 yeah
1:14:08 and the odd one out which you need an
1:14:10 evidence especially if this myself is
1:14:12 dealing
1:14:39 secretly anyone having in his in his
1:14:42 basement uh uh uh
1:14:44 like origin
1:14:46 that's in basement close the door that's
1:14:47 that's not facade for art
1:14:49 that's nothing this is a major sin this
1:14:51 if it's apprehended whether necessary
1:14:53 legal procedure and so on it may be
1:14:56 they will be obviously punished by the
1:14:58 reasonable sharia punishment for further
1:14:59 for these things but if they do it
1:15:01 publicly that says something else that's
1:15:03 challenging the public order
1:15:06 in a clear manifest challenging way so
1:15:08 the declaring war on the public holder
1:15:11 okay
1:15:14 the interesting story come to my mind
1:15:16 when i was in the sabbath
1:15:18 sabbatical year in 1981 32
1:15:22 that's how many years at that 40
1:15:24 40 years yeah 40 years back
1:15:26 it was in san francisco
1:15:29 and there is the news right i would did
1:15:30 not witness that that at that time
1:15:34 already homosexuality was accepted
1:15:36 especially in san francisco is the high
1:15:37 the
1:15:38 the
1:15:39 the center of our security in america
1:15:41 california is very advanced in that
1:15:43 they're just waiting for an earthquake
1:15:45 to eliminate them from existence and
1:15:47 this will come anyway well that's not
1:15:49 our field we're not going to meter
1:15:50 physics we're going to real
1:15:52 and
1:15:54 i remember when my uncle came as a
1:15:56 companion of a friend who needed
1:15:58 treatment and usually at that time if
1:16:00 you go for medical treatment or
1:16:01 government course in saudi arabia you
1:16:02 may have the right to have a companion
1:16:04 because going abroad alone is very
1:16:06 difficult so he chose my uncle
1:16:12 and they came
1:16:15 obviously the two numbers to be in my
1:16:16 flat it was in a small flat
1:16:18 so we were looking for them in
1:16:21 through some some place in san francisco
1:16:23 so we went to vegas real estate and the
1:16:26 real estate lady said okay
1:16:28 we have options of straight area and gay
1:16:31 area i said i don't understand these two
1:16:33 terms what's the difference be straight
1:16:40 has never i've never heard the terms
1:16:41 before
1:16:43 i came in and my envelope from saudi
1:16:45 arabia completely not in this world she
1:16:48 said
1:16:49 uh this area as i said what's gay says
1:16:52 that homosexuality
1:16:56 we don't want to be anywhere
1:16:59 in san
1:17:00 francisco
1:17:02 they are obviously this is
1:17:04 allowed
1:17:06 an older lady from the midwest
1:17:08 america lady the midwest at that time
1:17:11 still now but at that time was very
1:17:13 religious and
1:17:15 they could not imagine him she was i
1:17:17 think with her with a bus you know that
1:17:18 they they have like bus tours
1:17:20 and they were visiting san francisco and
1:17:22 there's the so-called fisherman's wolf
1:17:24 it's a very famous place after this girl
1:17:25 is the wharf of fishermen and so on you
1:17:28 can have fresh fish there i think some
1:17:30 people are grilling fish there you can
1:17:31 eat and so on it's really a nice tourist
1:17:33 attraction
1:17:34 and that lady coming from the deep west
1:17:38 saw two men
1:17:41 and one of the embracing other gives him
1:17:43 a kiss which you give usually to your
1:17:45 wife to woman
1:17:46 she says what you are doing
1:17:48 poor one with this
1:17:50 what are you doing
1:17:52 shame on you
1:17:54 i say shame on us
1:17:56 do you want to see more and he pulled
1:17:57 the trouser of the other one and started
1:18:00 the woman collapsed and they took heads
1:18:01 of the hospital
1:18:06 short comment
1:18:07 that's a woman's poor woman i don't know
1:18:09 if she survived or not that she
1:18:10 collapsed she he could not he could not
1:18:12 do that collab that's okay to the
1:18:14 hospital
1:18:15 that act publicly like that is
1:18:17 challenging the public order it would
1:18:18 have been an islamic domain obviously it
1:18:20 would never happen like that
1:18:21 there it is permissible it's like now
1:18:24 but doing the act itself in front is
1:18:26 really going
1:18:28 in america will be like doing an obscene
1:18:30 act in public it may be punishable by
1:18:32 certainly but because they are regarded
1:18:34 as permissible have these dish are
1:18:36 permissible they have no prohibition of
1:18:38 extra monetary relation so it is not
1:18:40 changing the public order there but
1:18:41 something like that would be also
1:18:43 constructed as challenging the public
1:18:45 code
1:18:46 you see what i mean let's just give an
1:18:48 example how things have developed now
1:18:50 nowadays we have even things advancing
1:18:52 so far that it has become just just
1:18:54 unbelievable
1:18:56 in bestiality and degeneration and
1:18:58 falling down to the abyss of the animal
1:19:00 level of behavior but anyway that's not
1:19:02 our discussion today we have other we
1:19:03 will have discussed that sometimes in
1:19:05 the future
1:19:06 so
1:19:07 so this is the facade one that will be
1:19:09 will be challenging the public order
1:19:10 will be an act of war without even using
1:19:13 weapons
1:19:20 so but despite all these these these
1:19:23 rejections to money israel in such clear
1:19:25 and strict terms
1:19:27 and despite all of these rewards for
1:19:30 those who committing to the command of
1:19:31 allah despite the strictness of the
1:19:33 jewish law generally
1:19:34 still many of the jews
1:19:36 especially their kings and leaders
1:19:38 they are committing excesses on earth
1:19:40 some also most of their kings are having
1:19:43 such a bloody history
1:19:45 that's just just defies belief
1:19:50 and then the conclusion now what to do
1:19:52 with those who do facade who wage war
1:19:55 and two of us
1:19:56 and this is essentially a 10 for that is
1:19:59 allah rasulallah
1:20:02 what's the
1:20:26 an endeavor to spread corruption on
1:20:28 earth that they are being slain in great
1:20:31 numbers or crucified in great numbers or
1:20:33 have in written
1:20:35 in the result
1:20:37 with
1:20:38 there's a weird
1:20:39 translation in result of their
1:20:41 perseverence
1:20:43 their hands and feet cut off in great
1:20:44 numbers or are being entirely banished
1:20:47 from the faith of the earth
1:20:48 such is their ignominy in this life but
1:20:50 in the life
1:20:51 in the life to come yet more awesome
1:20:54 suffering awaits them next resolution
1:20:57 those who wage war against god and his
1:20:59 messenger and strive to spread
1:21:00 corruption on earth should be punished
1:21:02 by death crucifixion the amputation of
1:21:05 their hands and their feet or shall be
1:21:07 entirely banished from their face of the
1:21:09 earth
1:21:10 such as their disgrace in this world in
1:21:11 the hereafter terrible punishment awaits
1:21:14 them so there's a few things i don't
1:21:16 want to go to the final technicality
1:21:17 because there's a very uh very uh
1:21:20 detailed area of the law
1:21:22 of these who are waging we're doing
1:21:24 public
1:21:25 the the the first remedy is uh if they
1:21:28 are waging water like this one
1:21:29 humanitarian
1:21:31 not de facto waging war but also the
1:21:34 only waging persian war by using violent
1:21:36 false living women is execution but
1:21:38 there's an option also of
1:21:41 of crucifixion i know his conviction is
1:21:43 not like what the roman has been doing
1:21:45 that's that crucifixion there is is is
1:21:47 not a the one maintained in the ayah the
1:21:49 crossing is just hanging
1:21:51 on a cross
1:21:53 uh tightening there until they dry up
1:21:55 until they had rate and dry up
1:21:58 that's it is that they would not be
1:22:00 otherwise that if you want to kill them
1:22:01 then the killing with the usual the way
1:22:03 of killing this is other that's that's
1:22:05 that's hanging so they will be displayed
1:22:07 until they dry up and dehydrate and
1:22:10 pass away but maybe meanwhile when when
1:22:13 when they are the later stages of
1:22:14 dehydration and having no no no energy
1:22:17 left toward to protect themselves from
1:22:19 the
1:22:21 bears or play the bears may start eating
1:22:23 them and getting away with their pieces
1:22:25 of their head and eyes and so on and
1:22:27 they said that's that
1:22:29 that's obviously in an extreme situation
1:22:31 which that they made the standard
1:22:32 execution is is not a desirable one out
1:22:34 here and then that's for those who
1:22:37 deserve execution these two
1:22:39 uh the other one who did not kill
1:22:42 anybody but uh but uh and did not
1:22:44 challenge the public order like this one
1:22:46 who married the the wife
1:22:48 but but they were engaged in robbery i
1:22:49 think that without killing anybody
1:22:51 without raping any any female or male
1:22:53 they
1:22:54 they will not be punished they usually
1:22:56 punish your theft of cutting their other
1:22:58 hand they will be cutting the hand and
1:22:59 the left across right hand left
1:23:03 left leg
1:23:04 across
1:23:06 or
1:23:08 they should be fought until they
1:23:09 expelled out of the islamic domain so
1:23:11 the only way they said they escaped
1:23:13 that's that's a better interpretation of
1:23:14 that and they vanish from earth
1:23:16 altogether meaning from the islamic
1:23:18 domain because they should that's will
1:23:21 apply obviously for those who are
1:23:22 organized at form of
1:23:26 of gangs or something like that and they
1:23:28 could not be apprehended or the killing
1:23:30 was not enough to eliminate them and
1:23:31 they still fight they consul the fight
1:23:33 should be continued with them until they
1:23:35 leave the islamic tournament that's the
1:23:36 best interpretation another temptation
1:23:38 is that you don't familiar out they will
1:23:40 be imprisoned for good for life maybe
1:23:42 but i think this is a very complex
1:23:45 area of the law uh i will not going
1:23:47 through the fine details of that but
1:23:49 this is the last this is the problem
1:23:51 punishment uh for them allah said
1:23:54 clearly this for them a disgrace in
1:23:56 dunya it's not only about punishment
1:23:58 it's disgrace
1:23:59 that disgrace if the public sees that
1:24:01 there is other people this will be for
1:24:02 them a shocking education
1:24:04 and also for these would be special the
1:24:06 crucifixion will be a public humiliation
1:24:08 a disgrace
1:24:10 but also interestingly
1:24:12 usually administering any punishment in
1:24:15 islam is a purifying act it purify you
1:24:18 from the sin this does not purify
1:24:23 that will that for these
1:24:25 it will still have a punishment
1:24:28 that does not qualify the punishment
1:24:30 there's no purification for this kind of
1:24:32 crimes where you will acknowledge this
1:24:33 messenger and because creating
1:24:35 corruption death
1:24:37 so this is a very the most severe
1:24:39 punishment you could imagine uh the
1:24:41 reason of revelation the
1:24:43 usual story that's the reason the
1:24:45 scholars have very great difficulty
1:24:47 analyzing the various sub cases and so
1:24:49 on
1:24:50 because they
1:24:51 i think because they did not sit and
1:24:52 take all the evidences again the same
1:24:54 problem which we have with the old
1:24:55 scholarship we remember when we
1:24:56 discussed the issues of inheritance and
1:24:59 we say uh
1:25:01 the people did not connect the eye
1:25:03 properly even with abbas although he
1:25:05 tried to connect and made certain some
1:25:07 headway with a result that they have
1:25:09 scattered conclusions that are
1:25:11 manifested against the quran and
1:25:13 manifest errors the same is here because
1:25:15 they don't think that the reason of
1:25:16 revelation the eye is about usually the
1:25:20 issue with the one who married his
1:25:22 his
1:25:24 father's wife etc and similar cases and
1:25:26 analyze them properly
1:25:28 but it seems to me
1:25:31 that
1:25:33 this can be done but this needs some
1:25:35 some solid really legalistic work
1:25:38 the best thing is in this i would say
1:25:40 the punishment is clear
1:25:42 the how to administer it is clear in
1:25:44 general etc
1:25:46 who is punishable what are the
1:25:48 conditional punishment what are the the
1:25:50 exact definition of waging war what is
1:26:00 over over the border to another country
1:26:02 whatever the country does with them is
1:26:04 not our business anymore all of this
1:26:06 indicate that we have really how to deal
1:26:09 with organized crime needs an extensive
1:26:12 study of various kinds of crimes and
1:26:14 punishment etc and
1:26:16 and uh
1:26:17 this should be done on on really on
1:26:20 ground or there are various quranic
1:26:21 evidences the sooner evidence the theory
1:26:23 evidences
1:26:24 guided by the first reason of that
1:26:26 revelation is that some people from
1:26:28 moraina came
1:26:30 accepted islam in medina by the messiah
1:26:32 allah or claimed to accept islam
1:26:35 they became sick so
1:26:37 this record medina is very is very
1:26:40 endemic it has a varieties in their most
1:26:42 like malaria and other things because
1:26:43 it's it's a relatively wet place arabia
1:26:46 is very dry place and dry dry desert is
1:26:49 usually very healthy
1:26:50 maybe hot and burning but it's healthy
1:26:53 while humid areas tend to have diseases
1:26:56 various things
1:26:57 uh most likely and they suffered some
1:27:00 some disease in their belly so the
1:27:01 misery allah guided them to go through
1:27:03 the to his uh
1:27:05 they were the comments of of the charity
1:27:07 and the comments were owned by the
1:27:09 treasury
1:27:10 and there was a there's a guard there
1:27:12 with his wife and children there the one
1:27:14 who got a tent with a camera etc
1:27:16 and
1:27:18 i told them go there drink from the from
1:27:20 the
1:27:21 from the camel milk
1:27:24 and uh
1:27:25 some narrations say and from the camel's
1:27:26 urine as a medication well you're not
1:27:28 going to discuss accommodate medication
1:27:30 or what is it very acidic whatever it is
1:27:33 it seems to be it's befitting for their
1:27:35 for their disease whatever ever if if
1:27:38 that can be further verified but it's
1:27:39 not the issue some people need a big
1:27:41 issue
1:27:42 and so on don't don't bother about these
1:27:44 things
1:27:44 that has to be answered on on medical
1:27:47 ground and other analysis and also
1:27:48 shaking the narration but anyway the
1:27:50 important thing they stayed there
1:27:52 outside medina in the grazing land for
1:27:54 the comets just several miles outside
1:27:57 medina and they recovered they became
1:27:59 very healthy came fat and nice and so on
1:28:02 and what they do they decide to
1:28:04 apostatize attack the poor
1:28:07 camel god
1:28:09 the shepherd
1:28:10 or the
1:28:12 camel bad what they call it camel camel
1:28:15 god you know it's called camelboy the
1:28:17 camel man
1:28:18 they
1:28:19 they
1:28:21 they they killed him brutally by even
1:28:23 plugging out his eyes raped his wife
1:28:26 and took horses and so on because there
1:28:27 was also horses there for
1:28:29 waiting for to use in battlefields yeah
1:28:31 to cross it and run away
1:28:34 obviously
1:28:36 that area is not completed that not only
1:28:38 this man people some people notice that
1:28:40 and came crying
1:28:48 detachment to pursue them and when they
1:28:50 were lucky and they operated all of them
1:28:53 and he punished them exactly in that
1:28:55 case he will punish them exactly like
1:28:57 what they did to the to the camel man
1:28:59 and his wife obviously because of
1:29:00 thoughtful question cannot be retributed
1:29:02 this way but they waited through the
1:29:04 camel man so he was ordered their hand
1:29:06 and legs crossed christ and his uh their
1:29:09 eyes uh
1:29:10 plucked out and they left in the in the
1:29:14 in between the stones over the lava
1:29:15 field around medina is a lava field area
1:29:18 uh crawling around blind asking for
1:29:20 water nobody gave them water until they
1:29:22 died or dehydration so you did not hang
1:29:25 them in that sense but
1:29:27 short yes very painful death but in
1:29:29 retribution what they did so that's the
1:29:31 story
1:29:32 so that because they did that to the
1:29:34 shepherd this specific one but otherwise
1:29:37 at the time of amsterdam there was no
1:29:38 crucifixion that's it later on time of
1:29:41 roma
1:29:44 someone
1:29:45 killed killed
1:29:53 one house
1:29:54 and she had the one slave man a slave
1:29:57 girl
1:30:00 she met had me she promised them that
1:30:02 when i die you become free
1:30:04 and these hapless criminals
1:30:06 could not wait
1:30:08 and they killed her violently
1:30:10 took some money and ran away
1:30:13 but they were apprehended and umar
1:30:14 crucified them most likely as i
1:30:16 described
1:30:20 hanging them so that they until they dry
1:30:22 up
1:30:23 and even hasn't discussed these details
1:30:24 but i think this is very fine legalistic
1:30:26 details we don't want but it is
1:30:28 perfectly
1:30:29 correct and legitimate and we don't need
1:30:31 to bother about
1:30:33 about the western taste and they say oh
1:30:35 this an unusual punishment unusual for
1:30:38 you that's very usual for us we will
1:30:40 we'll administer the spanish of those
1:30:41 who deserve but it has obviously to
1:30:43 develop you know a strict formal way
1:30:45 legalistically and so on and uh
1:30:49 applied by the courts after the
1:30:50 necessary uh courts scrutiny etc
1:30:55 so that's that's uh that
1:30:56 so the the most severe punishment the
1:30:58 book of allah is for those who wager war
1:31:00 against allah in the case of the user
1:31:02 ibn abbas suggest as i said in the case
1:31:04 of repeat not the first time because he
1:31:06 acknowledged that first time some people
1:31:08 could have an excuse i don't know it's
1:31:09 usually this contract looks fine for me
1:31:12 okay okay now you know it's not it's not
1:31:14 fine you'll write an undertaking
1:31:17 that you'll never do it again and if he
1:31:18 does a second eye then strike his neck
1:31:20 so it will be just this execution
1:31:22 standard execution
1:31:25 okay
1:31:27 but there's an an interesting exception
1:31:30 here in the next
1:31:32 album
1:31:38 say for such of them as repent uh
1:31:41 you o believers become more powerful
1:31:43 than they for you must know that god is
1:31:46 much forgiving a dispenser of grace
1:31:48 next translation except for those who
1:31:51 repent before you overpower them you
1:31:53 must bear in mind that god is forgiving
1:31:55 and merciful to all yeah this seems to
1:31:58 be very sick instead of this extreme
1:32:01 punishment
1:32:02 if they repent before we comprehend them
1:32:04 they by themselves come and say we are
1:32:06 giving up we are repenting we are giving
1:32:08 up so like that will apply usually to
1:32:10 highway robot
1:32:15 because they are waging war against the
1:32:17 common muslims they stop you in the
1:32:19 streets for example
1:32:20 however the time of ali and they ask you
1:32:24 who was right ali or uthman
1:32:26 and if you don't give the right answer
1:32:27 they kill you they have nobody has the
1:32:29 right to stop you they say that's always
1:32:30 right and that with man it's none of my
1:32:32 business you're not real business
1:32:33 if you want to fight are you go fight
1:32:35 ali
1:32:36 you don't fight the people so they are
1:32:37 fighting the people they are waging all
1:32:38 against the ummah others and they were
1:32:40 organized groups
1:32:42 and they were in getting asian fights
1:32:44 some of them repent before being
1:32:45 apprehended and they come back and say
1:32:47 we have given up the fight we are
1:32:48 becoming now that's the usual situation
1:32:50 you could expect
1:32:52 and the highway robber also
1:32:55 uh despite this extreme punishment the
1:32:57 case they repent and genuinely before
1:32:59 they are comprehended not if they are
1:33:01 comprehended or caught in a you know
1:33:04 in a mountain australia now that's under
1:33:06 our control we can't take them no wake
1:33:08 up completely from themselves coming
1:33:11 then
1:33:12 nobody should touch them now seems we
1:33:14 got odd from that extreme punishment to
1:33:16 that extreme mercy it's not if you look
1:33:18 at it this is a way really to close the
1:33:21 door for for the continuation of warfare
1:33:24 because if they have if these who have
1:33:26 committed such acts initially as how we
1:33:28 are about or as hawari
1:33:30 they think their situation i recognize
1:33:32 they were mistaken
1:33:33 is there any way back if they know that
1:33:36 if they come back they will be executed
1:33:38 the only way is to open the way of
1:33:40 repentance but in a structured way
1:33:42 obviously this has to be done properly
1:33:44 by by the leadership by the by
1:33:46 by the authorities by the course and so
1:33:49 on but
1:33:51 this is the one way to eliminate
1:33:53 gangsters and
1:33:55 basically we give you this option come
1:33:57 to your senses put your rivers and come
1:34:00 then you are safe
1:34:03 it is it's amazing but if you look at it
1:34:05 this is the only way you end never
1:34:07 ending civil war a never-ending gangster
1:34:09 in the mountain or dragon cartels
1:34:11 working in the mountains they will never
1:34:13 end it if they know that whatever they
1:34:15 do they will be executed or pursued
1:34:19 so this is that's an amazing point that
1:34:21 also the focal have studied that it
1:34:23 needs really a thorough inshallah
1:34:25 new islamic islamic authority
1:34:29 which is enlightened and up to the
1:34:31 standard of this modern time
1:34:34 they will scrutinize all what the fukah
1:34:35 have developed in history and all the
1:34:37 details and then
1:34:39 scan all
1:34:40 all evidences and so on and all
1:34:42 precedences and i think they will be
1:34:44 able to structure a reasonably good law
1:34:46 about this
1:34:48 because in history
1:34:50 did not really develop it in such a way
1:34:52 which is very persuasive and some did so
1:34:54 we have to study all that and go through
1:34:56 it for the fine details of the law but
1:34:58 this is
1:35:11 foreign
1:35:14 one second
1:35:16 oh you who have attained your faith
1:35:18 remain conscious of god and seek to come
1:35:20 closer onto him and strive hard in his
1:35:23 cause so that you might attain to a
1:35:25 happy state
1:35:26 next translation believe us remain
1:35:29 mindful of god seek ways to come closer
1:35:31 to him and strive for its cause so that
1:35:33 you may prosper prosper yeah this is uh
1:35:37 this is when i which is a soulfiance
1:35:39 invoked very much because of their
1:35:41 but
1:35:42 most important say that that's the way
1:35:44 you may prosper so beware of
1:35:48 and search anyway any
1:35:50 mean which brings you closer to him
1:36:00 find any ways and means bringing closer
1:36:02 to him
1:36:02 now this general
1:36:04 is al is not a
1:36:07 because the
1:36:09 the the definite article either means a
1:36:11 specific one known to you
1:36:14 the specific was known to you or any
1:36:17 thing of this category which can be
1:36:18 called
1:36:20 here it should be any one which could be
1:36:22 now
1:36:31 struggle in his cause does not mean only
1:36:34 struggling with the sword but also
1:36:35 self-purification self-control so it's
1:36:37 very comprehensive but from
1:36:39 is for example is the prophet for
1:36:41 example asking the police to forget
1:36:42 forgiveness and pray for us
1:36:44 yes is that possible after his death
1:36:46 there is a controversy
1:36:49 this ayah covers everything which could
1:36:51 be our seerah
1:36:53 but someone could say it has to be
1:36:55 really our seerah we do
1:36:57 we we cannot know in advance that it is
1:36:59 really our sila unless we have
1:37:02 evidence from scripture scripture
1:37:05 or evidences from
1:37:06 from from necessity of reason so it
1:37:09 doesn't give a justification of
1:37:12 of uh for example some sophie claiming
1:37:14 that one was allah to be obedient or
1:37:16 blind obedient to the sheikh that's not
1:37:19 sanctioned by scripture
1:37:21 because
1:37:22 anyone except the messengers you should
1:37:24 not follow unless they are complying
1:37:26 with the scripture because you are you
1:37:27 are order to
1:37:29 follow what allah has revealed
1:37:38 the tablets or in junction by the
1:37:40 prophet who is unfairly protected
1:37:41 anything is not has come from our lord
1:37:43 so what makes the sheikh obedience to
1:37:46 our seed
1:37:52 so every everything's claimed to be
1:37:54 obsidia has to be verified that it's
1:37:57 a way away mainly it goes right so but
1:37:59 try to find every possible being leading
1:38:01 to alexander
1:38:02 provided it's a mean leading there
1:38:05 if i tell you
1:38:07 let's try to uh let's go to manchester
1:38:10 let's find a way to get there
1:38:12 there is a train there may be a motorway
1:38:15 there are various motorways i could go
1:38:17 through birmingham they will israel but
1:38:20 maybe there's a plane going through much
1:38:21 historia from london there are from the
1:38:23 city airport there are very society but
1:38:25 not swimming from brighton and going
1:38:27 around
1:38:28 all the way to
1:38:29 to
1:38:30 to liverpool and then you will not
1:38:32 survive that that's not our for example
1:38:34 but this is clear but in this
1:38:35 construction it's clear by the city of
1:38:37 reason but in the case what brings to
1:38:39 allah is not clear what bring me close
1:38:41 to allah
1:38:43 to start with but when we scan quran so
1:38:46 now we find charity we are fasting we
1:38:47 find struggling as well if we're
1:38:49 commanding
1:38:50 uh commanding good and forbidding evil
1:38:52 so many things which allah is pleased
1:38:54 with and if you use them you will be
1:38:56 you will be successful because the
1:38:58 result is that if you
1:39:00 try every way to close to come close to
1:39:02 all of that and struggle in his cause
1:39:04 both with arms in the case of the
1:39:06 battlefield but also struggle and
1:39:08 controlling your own desires your own
1:39:10 mischief your method then you are liable
1:39:12 to be successful on the our side are
1:39:14 plenty
1:39:16 like for example the hadith of iman of
1:39:18 the people who collected sure i would
1:39:20 imagine the values of faith like iran by
1:39:22 happy
1:39:23 because because the prophet said ali man
1:39:26 so and so much 60 or 70 branches the
1:39:28 highest of it is
1:39:30 the lowest is removing the
1:39:32 moving obstacle from the way
1:39:34 so the moving of second wave is part of
1:39:37 iban and iman is the allah loves iman
1:39:39 and wants you to be a believer in him
1:39:41 and and in the day of judgment and this
1:39:44 is your serious way so someone could say
1:39:46 i will devote today when i find any
1:39:48 broken glass in the way try to throw a
1:39:50 swab it's at the side so that it gives
1:39:52 the cards punctures
1:39:58 not from them is
1:39:59 is going to uh although i know that
1:40:02 wahhabi made it the sheikh but it's not
1:40:04 a shelter
1:40:05 is going to the grave of the sheikh and
1:40:07 ask him for help
1:40:08 there's no evidence that he will
1:40:10 hear what you are saying nor there is
1:40:12 evidence that allah will will accept his
1:40:14 mediation
1:40:15 while i know because the prophet we know
1:40:17 that you go there and say greet him he
1:40:19 will hear you and you may ask him to
1:40:21 invoke something wrong
1:40:23 so this is different
1:40:26 generally
1:40:27 i don't sorry i lift any was here which
1:40:29 brings you closer to allah and mentioned
1:40:32 and
1:40:32 and but you have to have to look for it
1:40:35 and and some school as i said like
1:40:38 he tried to get try to get to the there
1:40:40 was 60
1:40:41 and then enumerate them from various
1:40:43 evidences and so on now i think it was
1:40:45 quite successful you may have missed
1:40:47 some i may hear other things which are
1:40:49 not there but in general he did an
1:40:51 excellent work
1:40:53 so the wasilla is available it's not the
1:40:54 resilience only muhammad ali
1:40:56 and asking him for to play for us and so
1:40:58 there are many otherwise
1:41:14 that is on earth and twice as much to
1:41:16 offer as ransom from suffering on the
1:41:18 day of resurrection
1:41:20 it would not be accepted from them for
1:41:22 grievous suffering awaits them
1:41:24 next translation if the unbeliever
1:41:26 possess all that is on earth and twice
1:41:29 as much and offer it to ransom
1:41:31 themselves from the suffering on the day
1:41:33 on the resurrection day will not be
1:41:35 accepted from them they will have a
1:41:37 punishment a painful punishment yeah so
1:41:40 very clear so
1:41:41 they no no no one will have oliver in
1:41:44 the earth and even w of it it's
1:41:46 impossible and even if it has it it
1:41:47 doesn't make any sense about qiyamah so
1:41:50 this law is really called emptiness
1:41:52 that's like like impossibility if
1:41:55 if
1:41:58 worship him but it's allah to have a son
1:42:00 so there would be nothing no nothing to
1:42:02 worship so this is
1:42:04 the the premises is an impossibility and
1:42:06 the result even if they but the
1:42:08 connection between the
1:42:10 the premises and that is correct the
1:42:12 statement that if allah would have a son
1:42:14 we should worship him it's correct but
1:42:16 it has no answer there will be nothing
1:42:18 to be worshipped but the connection
1:42:20 between the impossibility and the result
1:42:22 is is logically binding so even if they
1:42:24 have that which is impossible in itself
1:42:26 there's no way how can they have
1:42:27 anything coming from the grave
1:42:29 nothing naked they have nothing
1:42:33 even if that impossibility is there it
1:42:35 will not be accepted for them so no
1:42:37 except so don't think you can also
1:42:39 buy anything the only thing you will
1:42:40 have is your good deeds and bad deeds
1:42:42 that's all what you have good is for you
1:42:44 plus no no but these negative that's all
1:42:47 it will not dissolve or protect you from
1:42:50 the punishment of the judgment
1:42:52 and it will not be accepted and they
1:42:54 have severe punishment
1:42:57 allah continues let's all comment on
1:42:59 this waging war on this messenger all
1:43:00 the way and then we come to the thief
1:43:02 saturn we'll stop today here
1:43:05 so that
1:43:07 is this believer who wants
1:43:16 they will wish to come out of the fire
1:43:18 but they shall not come out of it and
1:43:20 long lasting suffering awaits them next
1:43:25 but they will not come out with it it
1:43:27 will be an everlasting punishment okay
1:43:29 so whatever this everlasting means but
1:43:32 mathematical infinity or authentic
1:43:34 infinity that's left all to allah this
1:43:36 is what as much we mentioned is worried
1:43:39 this is not a promise which allah is
1:43:40 obliged to fulfill this is the way to
1:43:42 shallow that liberty to fulfill order
1:43:44 only it's not a cover
1:43:46 don't be fooled i think it's a report
1:43:48 about what will happen because what
1:43:49 happened in the future is not
1:43:52 allah is the one who creates the future
1:43:55 does not by the allah in anything
1:43:57 but accept what he has obliged himself
1:43:58 to do
1:44:00 like promise which he must must fulfill
1:44:02 because of the divine grace and your
1:44:04 divine perfection or a hubbard which
1:44:06 must must be become true because it
1:44:09 proves the under the the truthfulness of
1:44:11 his messenger anything else is not mine
1:44:14 so don't indulge in this issue of is the
1:44:16 fire eternal not antenna this is all
1:44:18 speculation which does not lead anywhere
1:44:20 it does not make any sense in the first
1:44:22 place except for someone who did not
1:44:24 understand what's the meaning of future
1:44:26 future exist by allah creation by allah
1:44:28 extra will
1:44:30 and it's open
1:44:32 it's a bit upon allah
1:44:43 these promises and threat of punishment
1:44:45 in the right order that place
1:44:48 so that's it that's all commenting on
1:44:50 this wage war underlies essentially the
1:44:52 food
1:44:53 because after that it started discussing
1:44:55 the the
1:44:56 the thief and the the female thief yeah
1:45:00 and their punishment so that's all a
1:45:02 tale of those who wage a war against
1:45:03 alliance messenger which indicates
1:45:05 strongly that these guys are most likely
1:45:07 by wishing what i can say about the
1:45:09 messenger they most likely
1:45:13 i would i would they're saying but
1:45:15 without being a good absolute attitude
1:45:18 with the male act of waging wars we say
1:45:20 unless they repent and put the women and
1:45:22 come
1:45:23 they have committed an act of conflict
1:45:25 it doesn't seem that the comment it
1:45:26 gives any way and that that that even
1:45:29 the punishment execution which which is
1:45:32 usually purifying
1:45:34 for for
1:45:35 uh for for for sins
1:45:37 it doesn't purify quran
1:45:39 the save the sword
1:45:57 this shows that this punishment even
1:45:59 through the execution does not erase the
1:46:01 sin so it could be it couldn't be
1:46:03 possibly ascend which is erasable
1:46:06 by by by the sword
1:46:09 and ashen which is not easy by the
1:46:11 thought cannot be over the category of
1:46:13 sin which can be uh can be uh can be
1:46:15 regarded as not completely undermining
1:46:18 belonging to islam and iman so most
1:46:20 likely those who are waging
1:46:22 a messenger are committing an act of
1:46:24 comfort that's the best nearest i
1:46:26 wouldn't say this is copying so but it
1:46:28 is close to country and this we have
1:46:30 we find the other accommodating
1:46:32 evidences here and there so nobody
1:46:34 should be fooled uh like for example
1:46:37 someone could be persisting on usually
1:46:39 according to the abbas option first time
1:46:42 it should be he should be asked for
1:46:43 repentance and should be educated about
1:46:45 usually what is this but the next time
1:46:47 his knock should be struck and we know
1:46:49 from the ayah and throttle back
1:46:51 here if his neck is stuck the second
1:46:53 time he is definitely defiant and
1:46:56 rejecting the law of allah and he's a
1:46:57 kafir
1:46:58 he's killed as a kafir that's for
1:47:00 nothing that's the best the best force
1:47:02 you can't from this ayah all the way
1:47:04 down to the punishment of the thief
1:47:07 all of that looks like it is dealing
1:47:09 with kuffar not with believers who have
1:47:12 sinned who have made possibility of
1:47:13 escape
1:47:15 read it again myself at your leisure and
1:47:17 you will see
1:47:19 it is almost
1:47:21 conclusive and qatari that
1:47:24 someone killed while waging war under
1:47:26 allah against allah and his messenger
1:47:29 is is is involved in acts of cover and
1:47:32 most likely he will have the escape
1:47:34 phrases will be a joint to the kufari of
1:47:36 qiyama
1:47:39 but
1:47:40 mind you also the quran talks about
1:47:42 about the the the pure
1:47:45 example someone maybe wasn't wasting
1:47:47 what i will say by ta wheel he thinks he
1:47:49 is not vegetarian he's doing the right
1:47:51 thing because he's
1:47:53 that will be although
1:47:55 publicly in the dunya treatment it looks
1:47:58 like when he get killed but in his in
1:48:01 his
1:48:02 individuality allah knows that he is
1:48:04 really did not intend war wasting water
1:48:06 about the quran describing usually the
1:48:08 pure type
1:48:10 does not go into the details of the one
1:48:11 excused by by because there are general
1:48:14 principles in the quran showing that
1:48:15 there might be exclusive necessity then
1:48:17 maybe uh there may be excuse of
1:48:21 uh of ignorance the big shoes of that
1:48:23 wheel and this would have their own
1:48:25 place but the the pure type the standard
1:48:28 type
1:48:30 is the only reason why
1:48:32 that's will be very clear for people who
1:48:34 are highway rubber or railway mumbai by
1:48:36 force then
1:48:37 there will be barely anything giving
1:48:39 them
1:48:40 it may be
1:48:41 applicable to hawaii
1:48:43 and dunya you may see it from
1:48:46 but many of them have trouble they think
1:48:48 they are doing the right thing
1:48:49 and that may be taken out of the domain
1:48:51 of quota but this is fine points the
1:48:53 pure type one waging world like
1:48:55 messenger
1:48:56 knowingly etc which is a way highway
1:48:59 robot those were able men and women by
1:49:01 force they they'll have declared allah
1:49:03 and allah declared them more and
1:49:05 expelled them out of the domain of islam
1:49:07 and iman they are in the domain of
1:49:09 kufrin
1:49:10 but that's that's
1:49:12 a slightly more fine points but it is
1:49:15 important to keep that in mind so nobody
1:49:17 thinks that one indulging usually after
1:49:19 being
1:49:20 forced to repent educated about that
1:49:22 that he can't get away by that because
1:49:24 he has been already giving you the first
1:49:25 chance he has been educated about that
1:49:27 and he's just confronting a lot of
1:49:29 messenger
1:49:30 he doesn't he doesn't bother about allah
1:49:31 his messenger he's waging war on them
1:49:37 and he's i would say by by by being
1:49:40 after the instruction taking that
1:49:42 undertaking from him not to do it again
1:49:44 he is he's he's a covered like any other
1:49:46 catholic
1:49:48 so this is so severe is that for example
1:49:54 well next time shall will continue with
1:49:55 the thieves and their punishment and
1:49:58 then we will go after the domain of
1:49:59 conference on to the men of sin that
1:50:01 will be clearly and you see the
1:50:03 punishment etcetera is a punishment of
1:50:05 believers who commit a sin and not the
1:50:06 punishment of those who waging where war
1:50:08 against
1:50:09 don't underestimate that especially
1:50:11 concerning usually do not understand
1:50:13 that this is catastrophic
1:50:15 for many people
1:50:18 we have some questions each other
1:50:20 okay
1:50:23 yeah um go ahead so so the first one so
1:50:25 i mean
1:50:26 i think that we finished this session
1:50:28 then so now we can move on yeah okay so
1:50:31 the first question is related to one of
1:50:33 the early hadith you generated um sorry
1:50:36 in connections with early subjects so
1:50:38 the question verbatim is
1:50:40 what are the meanings of the hadith
1:50:42 where the prophet peace be upon him says
1:50:45 that a person who commits zinna or
1:50:46 steals or drinks wine is not a believer
1:50:49 while doing so that's
1:50:57 he's not a believer his his iman is
1:50:58 inactive
1:51:00 his iman is behind the veil if a demand
1:51:02 would have been active and he's
1:51:04 conscious and in his he would not have
1:51:06 committed the same
1:51:09 yeah
1:51:10 there is design
1:51:14 he is not a believer at the moment he
1:51:16 comments
1:51:17 his man is not active
1:51:34 is inactive
1:51:35 it is uh he has forgotten his email
1:51:38 all that is only the desire is present
1:51:40 in his mind
1:51:42 so what are the legal implications of
1:51:44 this
1:51:45 there's a spiritual implication how has
1:51:47 to do with the legal illegal he's
1:51:49 committing a crime he's apprehended the
1:51:50 witnesses are there the court he will be
1:51:52 condemned to the punishment finish game
1:51:54 over don't mix that legal obligation
1:51:56 with the but with with the situation and
1:51:58 evaluation of the heart condition
1:52:15 that's the reason if someone for example
1:52:17 at the moment of rage
1:52:19 uh
1:52:20 for tribal reasons that kill someone and
1:52:22 he get killed before his iman is active
1:52:24 again he's in a dangerous situation
1:52:26 because he died at the moment was iman
1:52:28 was shielded does it benefit him
1:52:31 we don't know the danger that he iman is
1:52:33 gone you you died as a kafir at the
1:52:36 moment
1:52:38 and this is a very strong
1:52:40 warning that someone
1:52:42 let let his desire for your vengeance or
1:52:44 tribal uh anger take him over while
1:52:47 fights other
1:52:48 because if killed at that moment
1:52:50 but with iman is shielded is not active
1:52:54 he may be okay i'm saying you're coming
1:52:55 to us as a kafir you died as a kaft
1:52:58 your iman is not active otherwise you
1:52:59 would not have been engaged in this
1:53:00 fight and you would not have been
1:53:02 you can't face that
1:53:04 there's a very this is one of these
1:53:05 these what they call it
1:53:08 very strong warning
1:53:10 but
1:53:11 actual reality nobody would be for
1:53:13 example would engage in tribal warfare
1:53:18 and then engage for example in the act
1:53:20 of killing or something like that
1:53:22 at that moment
1:53:23 his belief is completely not active
1:53:25 because if they have active it would
1:53:26 help stop them from killing
1:53:33 that's how psychology works how the
1:53:34 heart works
1:53:38 as a matter of fact let's say for
1:53:39 example let's look at sexual desire
1:53:41 usually this is a very strong desire
1:53:44 but if someone
1:53:46 the moment is about to do the act
1:53:47 remember this is a sinful and their
1:53:49 punishment your qiyamah
1:53:51 most likely most likely he remembers
1:53:53 comes present in front of his mental eye
1:53:56 most likely he will be deactivated
1:53:58 he will even lose an erection that's a
1:54:00 possibility
1:54:02 and some people have experienced that
1:54:04 allegedly you have experienced that in
1:54:07 the one extreme interpretation that hama
1:54:08 bee or mabia that according to abbas he
1:54:11 even loosened his trousers and things
1:54:13 like that
1:54:14 this looks like an extreme story but
1:54:19 that was active again
1:54:22 that he lost house
1:54:24 imagine
1:54:26 he'd be that was bye bye bye bye bye bye
1:54:31 to purify him specifically it was his
1:54:33 special rank but independent of spy
1:54:40 yeah
1:54:42 okay
1:54:43 another question um
1:54:45 that's the spiritual aspect of things
1:54:47 which someone should analyze them in a
1:54:49 spiritual term don't come mix that with
1:54:52 a legalistic aspect that would be that
1:54:54 would be a wrong way to go
1:54:59 yeah next question
1:55:01 so this one's a bit of a longer one so
1:55:03 in relation to the ayah 20 way where
1:55:06 you for example reason moses said unto
1:55:08 his people
1:55:09 my people remember god's blessings when
1:55:12 he raised up amongst the prophets and
1:55:13 appointed kings so this is the issue of
1:55:15 appointed kings and you know the
1:55:17 mistranslation the semester translations
1:55:19 make you kings every one of you is a
1:55:21 king of himself yeah so i'm just
1:55:23 referencing this because the question is
1:55:24 following from that
1:55:26 so this is a series of questions
1:55:28 isn't the verse and he made you kings as
1:55:31 a grace from allah that he accepted and
1:55:33 warranted the request of jews to request
1:55:36 the the the request of jews to become a
1:55:38 kingdom
1:55:40 regardless of the fact that kingship was
1:55:42 catastrophic no
1:55:43 no this is the opposite that's the
1:55:45 opposite yeah but let me just say
1:55:47 because allah would have said asyad
1:55:49 instead of
1:55:51 have the verses meant what professor
1:55:52 masri said that allah made jews a
1:55:54 masters of their own
1:55:57 yeah what was that i don't understand
1:56:05 irrespective of necessarily this verse
1:56:06 but he made you kings as a grace from
1:56:08 almighty this whole issue about whether
1:56:10 it's a grace
1:56:11 regardless of the fact that kingship was
1:56:13 catastrophic
1:56:15 because
1:56:16 no no no no no no no no no no no no no
1:56:18 no kingship they're appointing a king
1:56:20 over the people
1:56:22 meaning they have give other the grace
1:56:23 of allah them to be their own kings
1:56:26 they accepted to be slaves
1:56:28 and that's so if you if you go to the
1:56:30 old testament and go into the book of
1:56:32 sir of samuel the first book see the
1:56:35 discussion
1:56:37 they wanted the king and accepted to
1:56:40 this way they accepted to be slaves
1:56:41 because if there's a king and the the
1:56:43 warning of the prophet was clear to them
1:56:45 a king will be will be will taking your
1:56:47 your your your daughters as as as
1:56:51 as as a cosmic competition to israel
1:56:54 your sons will be lying in front of
1:56:56 israel he will take your donkeys he will
1:56:57 take this he will enslave you
1:57:00 you are giving your kingdom which allah
1:57:02 gave you as a grace
1:57:04 so i don't understand the question of of
1:57:06 the brother i think i think he thinks
1:57:09 i think
1:57:10 your
1:57:11 the traditional interpretation of luke
1:57:14 means exclusively kingship whereas you
1:57:16 referenced it as being master
1:57:18 yeah
1:57:19 it says it is a skinship the word king
1:57:21 is used and abbas said
1:57:24 for example
1:57:26 a king is the one who is is free he's
1:57:28 not a slave he has a wife he has a
1:57:30 servant he has a house then you are a
1:57:31 king i control your destiny
1:57:34 but it's a fair explanation with the
1:57:36 arab
1:57:37 someone said
1:57:38 what said uh i i i i'm
1:57:42 i have little means he said what do you
1:57:44 mean you have little means
1:57:47 are you not are you not married you
1:57:49 don't have a wife who cares for you and
1:57:51 someone said yes i have a wife say do
1:57:53 you have by by any means maybe a servant
1:57:55 or anything yes i have one you own a
1:57:56 house you are a king
1:57:58 how can you have short means so all
1:58:00 whatever kingdom means for human being
1:58:02 so this is this is the contention
1:58:11 this is the wrong translation definitely
1:58:13 it is not appointed it is
1:58:17 your kings
1:58:18 literally
1:58:20 so basically to the point is that this
1:58:23 the this the description that the
1:58:25 brother is referencing is saying the
1:58:27 traditional concept of monarchy and
1:58:29 kingship whereas this is restricted is
1:58:31 bringing a new definition which is that
1:58:33 by virtue of you being independent
1:58:34 having uh control over your destiny you
1:58:36 are effectively linguistically a king in
1:58:38 this respect so rather than yeah yeah
1:58:42 whatever master of your destiny kings
1:58:43 then when that's clarified further when
1:58:45 you go to somewhere
1:58:47 when they came to appoint a king
1:58:50 and he complained to allah they don't
1:58:52 want me to manage their affairs as a
1:58:54 prophet they don't want they don't want
1:58:56 they want they don't want the
1:58:57 decentralized system they don't want to
1:58:59 have the dignity of everyone as part of
1:59:01 the surah
1:59:02 part of kingdom everyone has shared on
1:59:04 authority and kingdom they want to give
1:59:06 everyone to one person and allah
1:59:09 according to the old testament told in
1:59:11 reality they don't they don't reject you
1:59:13 they reject me as their king
1:59:16 as they adopted the golden calf and they
1:59:19 did this and this after they got them
1:59:21 from egypt
1:59:23 that's what they really want
1:59:25 is this a common uh
1:59:28 you know utilization by the makhanis to
1:59:29 justify thinking is this what they use
1:59:32 no they don't use that i don't know the
1:59:33 brother have come of this idea
1:59:35 all what he said he said is correct you
1:59:38 are master of your destiny you are king
1:59:39 yourself meaning you should not have a
1:59:41 king control except allah
1:59:50 and you are not a slave you are a
1:59:51 citizen
1:59:52 you are not a subject you are an object
1:59:56 you make history you are not the subject
1:59:58 of history
1:59:59 so you go
2:00:01 the the islamic cannot say this my
2:00:03 subject
2:00:05 is the one under my my my my
2:00:08 custodianship my my my my
2:00:12 that's not a word of subject in in the
2:00:14 british language
2:00:16 being subject here meaning you are owned
2:00:18 by the king the entire time of you the
2:00:20 lord's the few the laws on you
2:00:22 yourself
2:00:24 you are this the de facto has live and
2:00:26 his master of your destiny and your life
2:00:28 and kings have that it has become a mild
2:00:30 they call it citizen but this is
2:00:32 cheating really under a king you are
2:00:34 owned by the king like clearly
2:00:36 saying blatantly in in some way
2:00:40 but musa tell them there's no king above
2:00:42 you you are kings of yourself
2:00:44 you see when moose after that lamenting
2:00:46 to allah i have no control and i don't
2:00:48 own except myself and my brother is the
2:00:51 only one i can't control i'm not king
2:00:52 over them
2:00:55 i have no right to force them i can't
2:00:57 force them
2:01:00 the same with muhammad
2:01:01 said
2:01:05 instigate the believer for fight that's
2:01:07 all that you have you have no power to
2:01:09 force them
2:01:10 you can't help them i can't force you to
2:01:12 go in the battle and execute you run
2:01:14 away from the field
2:01:16 it doesn't work in islam like that
2:01:17 because the prophet was not a king
2:01:25 having a knife and ready to fight for
2:01:26 the prophet she's one of the few one
2:01:28 woman did not run away the majority of
2:01:30 men run away anyway and get rid of that
2:01:32 and that allah said
2:01:46 sufficient we don't need that
2:01:48 clearly if it is i have to say
2:01:50 meaning i cannot excuse them i have no
2:01:52 right to exclude them
2:01:55 all what he said told them to abbas call
2:01:57 the people of
2:01:58 come back according to your covenant to
2:02:00 fight that's all
2:02:01 you come back nobody can force you to
2:02:04 come back
2:02:06 that's what the king is
2:02:09 when you say kingship is
2:02:11 someone being a king over the people
2:02:13 beside allah is not there's no should
2:02:15 not be
2:02:16 there's only one king of satan and below
2:02:18 them all people are equal and all have
2:02:19 shared in kingsham okay
2:02:22 in kingship which is suitable for a
2:02:23 created being which means authority
2:02:26 because
2:02:28 kingship
2:02:29 in in the western under medieval
2:02:30 tradition have some divine attributes
2:02:33 he's have divine rights he's somehow the
2:02:35 divine his or his order is almost like
2:02:37 divine he can change the law
2:02:40 yeah
2:02:41 i can change through
2:02:44 the problem
2:02:45 Music
2:02:47 that's it so it is
2:02:48 that's not possible that's that's not
2:02:50 the right there's not even authority
2:02:52 someone said khalifa this is some later
2:02:54 scholar said some some some nonsense or
2:02:56 bs like that just tell them even the
2:02:58 prophet did not have that just shut up
2:03:01 the maximum khalifa can be said i
2:03:03 renouted some of the authority of the
2:03:04 process definitely did not inherit
2:03:06 prophethood especially in islam because
2:03:08 the prophet is the final one if he's the
2:03:09 real message of allah then he must have
2:03:11 told the truth that he's the final one
2:03:13 so the one coming after him are not
2:03:15 prophets not alpha but there's no way
2:03:17 can be anything relating that so all
2:03:19 what they have been maybe following him
2:03:21 is just authority
2:03:22 and if he did not have to have authority
2:03:24 to over king then how can they have any
2:03:28 yeah
2:03:29 so monarchy in that sense in their
2:03:31 technical sense which can be inherited
2:03:33 and so on like hereditary monarchy and
2:03:35 also the authority of a monarch that he
2:03:37 has the right of making legislation he
2:03:39 can change law etc
2:03:41 that's definitely is is is is
2:03:44 a
2:03:45 is a system of it's not a system
2:03:50 after generation of being managed by the
2:03:52 prophets and so on somehow the devil
2:03:54 instigated them to go to someone and say
2:03:56 listen
2:03:58 your management of your sons is not good
2:04:00 because they're taking bribes okay then
2:04:02 they should be replaced that's all that
2:04:03 should be done
2:04:04 and etcetera
2:04:06 when we we want you to appoint a king on
2:04:08 us like all other nations we can have
2:04:09 armies and we can fight now they instead
2:04:12 of
2:04:12 they be a nation of dawah and calling
2:04:14 for allah that's what they were supposed
2:04:16 to be do they want now to conquer other
2:04:18 people
2:04:19 and start fighting other people for what
2:04:23 you're doing fine just do it carry your
2:04:24 dowel we don't need a cam for carrying
2:04:26 dowel
2:04:29 if someone attack you you can organize
2:04:31 yourself under a temporary leader who
2:04:33 needs a
2:04:34 battle campaign that's no problem
2:04:37 and you have the prophets like someone
2:04:38 with you who can lead you in the battle
2:04:40 if necessary or appoint someone as a
2:04:41 commander not a king
2:04:44 and they came again and again despite
2:04:46 all the ones allah said okay appoint
2:04:48 them we allow them kingship let's let
2:04:50 them let them destroy let me suffer and
2:04:52 give the warning he said clearly
2:04:54 the king would be oppressive the king
2:04:55 would be do that can you read that it's
2:04:57 very instructive
2:04:59 is is one of the most interesting
2:05:01 discourses in history in the book of
2:05:03 samuel
2:05:04 and then when they sublicate to me about
2:05:07 the injustice of their king i will not
2:05:09 listen to their call
2:05:11 period full stop
2:05:12 it is it
2:05:14 i will not listen to their call
2:05:16 because they chose that for themselves
2:05:18 let them suffer
2:05:21 but otherwise the suffering he allowed
2:05:22 that
2:05:23 allow this evil system for them because
2:05:25 they requested it
2:05:27 their questions on demise that's what
2:05:29 they get
2:05:30 later on islam nobody can request that
2:05:32 anymore it's finished it's over italian
2:05:35 and anyone advocating that should be
2:05:37 like like the romans you know the romans
2:05:39 they they used to be a kingdom like 500
2:05:41 600 years before christ i don't know
2:05:43 exactly date maybe something like that
2:05:46 they have a revolution against the king
2:05:48 they excluded the king
2:05:49 and they made the law that anyone trying
2:05:52 to become a king or anyone advocating
2:05:54 kingdom should have a death penalty and
2:05:56 they kept that for seven centuries
2:05:59 if the pagan roma could do that how
2:06:01 could believers not do that
2:06:03 but these people are these these
2:06:04 israelites are to be jokers
2:06:07 they are not not worthy of the covenant
2:06:09 they don't carry the message the dawah
2:06:11 the world
2:06:12 they want to conquer they want to fight
2:06:14 for conquest and for control that's not
2:06:16 what allah has sent the messengers for
2:06:17 not even the final messenger
2:06:20 they have to carry the tower to call the
2:06:22 people to allah and fight if necessary
2:06:25 to remember
2:06:27 succession
2:06:29 and and counter act oppression and the
2:06:31 tyranny of kings at the time and kings
2:06:33 to the future
2:06:34 and emperors and imperial force that's
2:06:37 it
2:06:40 if you forget that you understand the
2:06:42 difference between the fundamental
2:06:43 between the revealed system and to musa
2:06:47 where everyone is king
2:06:49 to complete the central
2:06:52 and uh
2:06:53 under the heritage monarchy even if it's
2:06:55 not
2:06:56 even elected monarchy still
2:06:58 as long as the king has authority with
2:06:59 it and all the people and can enslave
2:07:02 them
2:07:04 and can change the law
2:07:05 that is it if he can't none of this he
2:07:08 is not again he's just head of state
2:07:09 he's a leader he's an imam that's fine
2:07:13 and he's bound he's under the sharia
2:07:15 he's not equal to the sharia
2:07:18 clear
2:07:20 yes anyway we have we have the writing
2:07:22 which is the that heritage monarchy is a
2:07:24 system of kufr and cannot we cannot be
2:07:27 adopted by muslims
2:07:30 either constitutional constitution as
2:07:31 long it is specified monarchy and
2:07:33 ownership and the fact that you can
2:07:36 inherit kingdom meaning you own
2:07:38 something but you don't own anything
2:07:39 authority you don't own although it is
2:07:40 transferred to you by the buyer of the
2:07:42 people
2:07:43 by the election people in the case of
2:07:44 prophets are given by allah but even in
2:07:47 that you take them by other people
2:07:50 or the acceptance of the people even
2:07:52 musa told them enter
2:07:53 they say no don't enter go and fight
2:07:56 all that he can islam into allah
2:08:01 a king will have his entourage pulling
2:08:03 the sword and starts striking their neck
2:08:05 that's exactly what the british army did
2:08:07 in the first world war
2:08:09 thousands and hundreds of thousands who
2:08:10 were
2:08:11 shell shocked by in the trenches when
2:08:13 they run away the poor guys headless
2:08:15 chicken when when you have so many bombs
2:08:17 falling next to you and killing your
2:08:19 your companions and so on you lose your
2:08:21 mind you run away
2:08:23 they got shot
2:08:24 cars in front of the enemy
2:08:28 because they are all there attending
2:08:30 there by order of the king
2:08:35 if you go to a nitty gritty you know
2:08:36 what's the difference between kingdom
2:08:38 and and leadersh elected leadership
2:08:43 but this is another another day of
2:08:44 discussion about the philosophy of
2:08:46 kingdom and the elected and the surah
2:08:48 system of democratic system and and
2:08:50 centralistic uh oligarchic or where
2:08:53 these people have really
2:08:55 they have genuine legislative power and
2:08:57 genuine ownership
2:08:59 in islam there's only one have jesus
2:09:01 default
2:09:07 authority no difference between man
2:09:08 woman
2:09:10 except children who are not even
2:09:12 concluding their own contracts yeah
2:09:14 they're excluded as natural and those in
2:09:16 mental institutions they can't poor guys
2:09:18 they are unable to do anything but
2:09:19 anyone else including slaves
2:09:21 even slave in the battlefield the slave
2:09:23 could go to could negotiate with the
2:09:25 enemy as he's a ceasefire
2:09:28 and this happened in time of roma
2:09:30 and rommel approved it
2:09:32 over the people in and fortification set
2:09:35 condition they accept it and they say
2:09:37 it's suffered by slaves say we don't
2:09:38 know
2:09:39 who is the slave and free from you
2:09:41 say okay stop here stop the fight said
2:09:43 rama rama said the slave of the muslim
2:09:45 is one of the muslims and his authority
2:09:48 and his covenant is the covenant of the
2:09:49 muslims
2:09:50 accept that government
2:09:52 or negotiate and the covenant was good a
2:09:55 good offer
2:09:56 but they accept it
2:09:58 get out of the mentality of these
2:10:00 medical and these days or uh
2:10:01 unfortunately that's what was
2:10:04 in the islamic state and the authority
2:10:06 of the khalifa although he never said
2:10:08 the khalifa is a king
2:10:10 he's all based on the bayern but
2:10:13 has the vision of the head of the state
2:10:15 as defined by maharadi which is trying
2:10:18 to give some legitimacy to the
2:10:20 abbasi we should not have no legitimacy
2:10:23 but unfortunately that's the historic
2:10:24 blunder which has happened and the
2:10:26 people surrender to it and the focus has
2:10:28 tried to make sense out of the
2:10:30 miserable reality they're living in by
2:10:32 giving it a little bit of legitimacy and
2:10:34 giving it a little bit paint painting it
2:10:36 a little bit nice
2:10:37 and reality is the reality of the maidah
2:10:39 but it's quite evil
2:10:41 but what can you do
2:10:44 women's school said what we can do if we
2:10:46 say this completely illegitimate uncover
2:10:48 then it means rebellion
2:10:50 either we cannot do it or it is too much
2:10:52 legit or whatever justification thought
2:10:54 they have oh let's give it like a little
2:10:56 bit color outside color so it looks a
2:10:58 little bit white and the other thing
2:11:00 deep inside it's rotten and blue and
2:11:02 black
2:11:05 slam crystal is very miserable i don't
2:11:08 think it was
2:11:09 until the whole of abashi after that
2:11:11 it's real misery
2:11:13 real
2:11:14 mix of tyranny and betrayal and so on
2:11:17 but and that's not the way they thought
2:11:19 that in school because as soon as
2:11:20 decided we have to make make history a
2:11:22 little bit more acceptable otherwise
2:11:24 life will be miserable
2:11:26 instead of correcting life they decided
2:11:28 to accept it as it and just give it a
2:11:29 nice polish just take the brush and
2:11:31 brush it white brushing it right they're
2:11:33 not going to tell if it's genuinely
2:11:34 white or deep cold white no it is not
2:11:39 okay i think we stop there any other
2:11:40 questions
2:11:42 not really i mean there is a
2:11:44 question on cfds and foreign exchange
2:11:46 but that's quite detailed um i'll leave
2:11:48 that to your discretion as to when you
2:11:50 want to respond to it
2:11:52 if you want to do a separate q a for it
2:11:54 uh i think the general ruling is clear
2:11:56 just look at the contract and see if
2:11:57 there's anything which is uh or give me
2:11:59 the contract as far as he i i discuss
2:12:02 like it's casually
2:12:03 and uh
2:12:19 just a general they said any any any
2:12:21 instrument which represent an ownership
2:12:23 like like shares like so on like seafood
2:12:25 if it is if it's represent anything with
2:12:28 with that if so that instrument like
2:12:30 like package packaged mortgages and
2:12:32 things like that because that cannot be
2:12:34 purchased and sold in islam that is only
2:12:36 personal between two it is not saleable
2:12:38 anything which contains selling debts
2:12:40 or any uh or anything which contain uh
2:12:43 contained bind by two binding contracts
2:12:45 in one like for example let me answer
2:12:47 the repurchase agreement like for some
2:12:49 of the
2:12:50 federal reserve
2:12:52 said that federer the fed entered the
2:12:53 market with repo repurchase argument
2:12:57 repo nearly purchased agreement once
2:12:59 they purchased he
2:13:01 the fed come in and sell for example uh
2:13:04 government bonds or whatever bonds he
2:13:05 has a certain price with the with the
2:13:08 stipulation that after six months or
2:13:10 four months he will take
2:13:11 at another price let's say price another
2:13:13 price
2:13:14 these two two contracts selling now
2:13:16 receiving the money this way the the fed
2:13:18 will will suck liquidity from the market
2:13:21 or the opposite
2:13:22 he goes and
2:13:24 and buy
2:13:25 i mean when he buy these bonds
2:13:28 he will give cash which he's printing
2:13:29 obviously but he gives cash so there's
2:13:31 liquidity injected so either inject
2:13:33 liquidity by buying bonds or sucking
2:13:36 liquidity that's a better process but he
2:13:38 wants that in a substructured way that
2:13:40 after three months he can reverse the
2:13:41 operation at a fixed term in time and in
2:13:45 money
2:13:47 and this part of the contract so two
2:13:48 contracts in one that's haram
2:13:50 you cannot
2:13:55 that's ripple
2:13:56 repurchase agreement
2:14:01 because it's actually a back door for
2:14:02 user and creating money out of nothing
2:14:04 user is creating money out of nothing
2:14:06 that's the problem the fundamental
2:14:08 catastrophe is usually it opens the door
2:14:10 for creating money out of nothing
2:14:16 which undermine the currency and that
2:14:18 makes life the longer unvisible
2:14:22 or burden the next generation of paying
2:14:24 the debt back
2:14:25 now you you you don't do development in
2:14:28 chronic developments by borrowed money
2:14:30 by having massive amount of money
2:14:31 available now so you can do massive
2:14:33 development but that has to be paid down
2:14:35 the road there's no way
2:14:37 and then the next generation will be
2:14:38 burdened and if there's not enough
2:14:40 economic power in the future to do that
2:14:43 which could happen after some generation
2:14:45 of growth and so on then you have a
2:14:47 major collapse like 19 20
2:14:49 29 and the one coming soon next year
2:14:56 so there's two contracts in one another
2:14:58 one is condition in a contract which is
2:15:00 not related to the which is separate
2:15:02 from the decision like for some sales
2:15:04 contract
2:15:05 a precondition like for example i buy a
2:15:06 car from you i saw a nice car i saw you
2:15:09 i see you in in
2:15:11 in
2:15:12 in
2:15:13 in manchester we are attending a
2:15:15 conference i see you have a nice car i
2:15:16 like your car you sell me to this
2:15:18 amazing okay but but i cannot give it to
2:15:20 you and i can't hand it to you now
2:15:21 because i need to go to london
2:15:23 so i agree this price but i give you the
2:15:26 car in london
2:15:28 with the same condition now if it has an
2:15:30 accident that the contract is valid in
2:15:32 london i give you the car and receive
2:15:34 the money fine this condition to use it
2:15:36 until london this is not essential in
2:15:38 this year but another condition of
2:15:40 survey
2:15:41 i sell you the card i receive it but
2:15:44 with the condition that you cannot sell
2:15:46 it to a black man
2:15:49 that's the invalid condition that's by
2:15:50 ourselves
2:15:52 most real estate in america is sold with
2:15:54 such so-called covenants they call it
2:15:56 covenants it's not a covenant it's a
2:15:57 satanic stimulation
2:16:00 and mosque most real estate in america
2:16:02 especially in the northern part of
2:16:03 america is having a stipulation that it
2:16:05 should can be sold only to a caucasian
2:16:10 this way black people have even if they
2:16:12 have money they will marginalize from
2:16:13 real estate ownership with the result
2:16:16 that they have they are weak in the
2:16:17 society because real estate ownership
2:16:19 make gives you power
2:16:20 you have released a thing in your hand
2:16:22 you have a house you have a ceiling over
2:16:24 your head which you own and a piece of
2:16:26 land you is your domain
2:16:28 you can sit there hold the machine gun
2:16:30 and fight for it but there is a
2:16:32 surrendered place
2:16:34 can't come and expel you you don't have
2:16:36 power over your own destiny at your own
2:16:38 housing
2:16:40 and most real estate in the north is
2:16:42 having the stipulation can be sold only
2:16:44 in the initial covenant of the first one
2:16:46 who the
2:16:47 who cut this piece of land and took
2:16:49 ownership and initiated the first the
2:16:51 first land registry is a stipulation
2:16:53 that can be sold only to cronkite and
2:16:55 this is according to the common law of
2:16:57 britain and america is a binding
2:17:00 covenant in islam this is an invalid
2:17:02 condition either the sale contract has
2:17:04 to be avoided or if the circumstance has
2:17:06 been executed this condition has to fall
2:17:08 by the wayside if an islamic system is
2:17:10 imprisoned in america the first thing
2:17:11 that the church or the regime should be
2:17:13 is crossing all these covenants without
2:17:14 gone all these governments are gone
2:17:17 finish game over
2:17:20 let's talk
2:17:21 that's the sale and the condition
2:17:23 preventing the wolf from the benefit of
2:17:25 the sale
2:17:27 not a precondition until delivery like
2:17:29 using a car or something like that no
2:17:32 and they're very many things like that
2:17:34 so check that if there's anything like
2:17:36 that that he purchases
2:17:38 fixed price in the future
2:17:46 the best thing is they should get the
2:17:47 contracted visual account how it is
2:17:50 recorded by the financial what you've
2:17:51 got fsa financial what is fca financial
2:17:54 control authorities on there there's
2:17:56 definitely a contract on file because
2:17:58 the details of the contract how it looks
2:18:00 like it's not everything that broker
2:18:02 gives you the request it's a cpd on
2:18:04 these and these uh sets that's it but
2:18:06 what's the structure so the how it is
2:18:07 defined by the fca there is something or
2:18:10 record that get that one we look at it
2:18:12 if there's anything which
2:18:14 which is like
2:18:15 selling that
2:18:16 or repurchase or condition after sale
2:18:19 and things like that then this is void
2:18:21 it's hard
2:18:22 anything else is okay
2:18:24 so there's one one related sector i
2:18:27 would like to ask if delivering the
2:18:29 difference of the country contract will
2:18:30 be allowed allowed without pollution
2:18:33 since this is
2:18:34 so delivering the difference
2:18:36 of a contract without ownership
2:18:40 what is the difference you owe the
2:18:42 contract the contract is supposed to be
2:18:43 representing an asset like like like
2:18:45 delivering
2:18:46 like
2:18:47 or receiving shares
2:18:51 look at the contract what is the
2:18:52 representation say get that what is in
2:18:54 the fca tell them i want to see what is
2:18:57 the what is on fire about the
2:18:59 the cvd and how it can be traded and
2:19:02 from that you will see what is exactly
2:19:04 going on get that and we can analyze it
2:19:07 but as far as he had faced i don't see
2:19:09 any problem
2:19:11 i don't see any problem in that at face
2:19:14 it's a contract which is binding doesn't
2:19:15 count anything which is violating and
2:19:17 undermining the the nature of the
2:19:19 contract it is not selling debts it is
2:19:21 not too con no no to for example two
2:19:23 sales like yourself i i agree with you
2:19:25 referring i sell you my house in london
2:19:28 for
2:19:28 uh let's say a million
2:19:30 and you sell me your house in york for a
2:19:32 million 200 under the condition you sell
2:19:35 me no this is not the way it go because
2:19:36 the two sales contract which could be
2:19:38 separately so either
2:19:40 i sell you my house to london and then
2:19:42 in the future i negotiate with you or i
2:19:44 say i sell you my house in london
2:19:46 you give me your house in new york as a
2:19:48 part of the price
2:19:50 and give me the difference or i give you
2:19:52 the difference depending on which is
2:19:53 more expensive that's just that's
2:19:55 bathroom in two houses with an
2:19:57 addition excess that's one contract
2:19:59 that's the way to do it
2:20:03 and that's the way it should be done
2:20:05 otherwise it's the house in london with
2:20:06 this amount of money how to know with
2:20:08 that amount of money this is two
2:20:10 contracts do this and do this why
2:20:11 connect this with this and make it
2:20:13 conditional most likely to play a game
2:20:15 with usury
2:20:17 so it's cut there's no way the only way
2:20:19 we bath are the two houses but they are
2:20:21 not the same price fine
2:20:23 the one who has the
2:20:25 the more the the cheaper house has to
2:20:28 give the other one uh or the expensive
2:20:30 house to give him that with the
2:20:31 difference
2:20:32 one has to pay the difference anyway the
2:20:34 one who is is getting the
2:20:36 the the more expensive house will give
2:20:38 the one who is delivering that so the
2:20:40 this way the reason they avoid that for
2:20:42 example and make it like this is it very
2:20:44 difficult to do a registration at the
2:20:45 same time and probably in new york and
2:20:47 here but certain excuse
2:20:50 do the registration in london the civil
2:20:51 contract and the other contract but he
2:20:53 wants to bind you
2:20:55 he doesn't want you to run away sorry
2:20:56 the gentleman this has to be like that
2:20:58 we do this now
2:21:00 we'll do it or we authorize lawyers to
2:21:02 do this at the same time but not
2:21:04 connected this one is separate
2:21:06 this one's about legislation you trust
2:21:08 me on that we will execute that's what
2:21:09 it's based on trust
2:21:11 but making the binding sources will be
2:21:13 invalid no that doesn't work this way
2:21:15 or we do a bartering
2:21:17 nowaday with the blockchain and there
2:21:19 were possibilities of communicating by
2:21:21 by by email and fax almost momentarily
2:21:24 and by phone and so on i think you can't
2:21:26 do the registration here at the same
2:21:27 time there's no problem
2:21:29 a lawyer could manage that by exchanging
2:21:31 letters and so on and they can manage
2:21:32 that there's no problem no no need you
2:21:34 do it like a barter
2:21:36 you don't buy barthelink
2:21:39 and the lawyer will do the screw
2:21:41 necessary you put the money in the
2:21:42 escrow exchange is done the lawyer will
2:21:44 submit to the
2:21:45 bland registry here that yesterday in
2:21:47 new york and they will do the problem
2:21:48 registration without any problem i don't
2:21:50 see any problem with that there's no
2:21:51 need to be told to have two sales quotas
2:21:53 one sales contract bartering plus cash
2:21:56 perfectly what's the problem
2:22:02 but two different contrast condition
2:22:03 this one excluded only if this one
2:22:05 contributed is wrong and this haram
2:22:08 academy by infibear because if you look
2:22:11 at it carefully you will be
2:22:13 possible go over in the back on the back
2:22:15 door and play and introduce usually and
2:22:18 introduce again and create the money of
2:22:19 the exterior
2:22:23 it can be structured so to do that and
2:22:25 sometimes it's innocent it doesn't work
2:22:26 this way but
2:22:28 it is liable or being developed this way
2:22:30 so it's rectified
2:22:32 the same with selling that's that's kind
2:22:33 of
2:22:35 it resell
2:22:35 be transferred i owe you some money
2:22:38 and you own someone and it doesn't say
2:22:40 okay i cannot pay you but this guy owes
2:22:42 me the same amount or more go and take
2:22:44 your right from him and give you a
2:22:46 transfer and the other one cannot say no
2:22:48 if he's capable of payment because he's
2:22:50 liable to me to pay that at this amount
2:22:52 of debt and this guy is asking the same
2:22:53 amount of this sorry
2:22:55 i'm going to give him a trust fair don't
2:22:56 come that's transfer that's not selling
2:22:58 that's one thing
2:23:00 because the other one owes me
2:23:03 not i package it and sell it sell it to
2:23:04 other people so they become suddenly or
2:23:06 that or an owner no they become that no
2:23:08 it's already a debtor he's already there
2:23:11 shifting from that
2:23:13 not selling that to someone who is not a
2:23:14 debtor before or the of the t if that's
2:23:17 why those english are correct
2:23:21 but that says we have to look at the
2:23:22 details of the contract yeah if we look
2:23:25 at the terms of contract the fine points
2:23:26 we'll see but they give you an example
2:23:28 now the example of like a covenant
2:23:30 switch binding after this here after
2:23:32 this he had nothing but because the
2:23:33 moment i took the
2:23:35 merchandise or the legislative from you
2:23:37 it's my complete sovereign ownership
2:23:40 any condition on that restricting me
2:23:42 from my ownership is haram
2:23:44 any absolutely none
2:23:51 absolutely not
2:23:53 i can do whatever whatever according to
2:23:55 i can do
2:23:58 you cannot make a condition that has uh
2:24:00 uh
2:24:02 that's a caucasian and so on
2:24:05 it cannot be solved or even there's a
2:24:06 right of way
2:24:08 no
2:24:08 if you want the initial owner we want
2:24:11 the right way he should cut away over
2:24:13 the land
2:24:14 hand it over to the public authority
2:24:16 this is a passageway
2:24:18 and then everything is nicely divided
2:24:19 and you sell the rest
2:24:21 and the excluded part is now public
2:24:23 property
2:24:24 it's not part of the sales contract
2:24:28 don't say you give the right way for the
2:24:29 people in the back no there's no ethical
2:24:31 you cut for them away so you got through
2:24:34 before you said and you sell the part
2:24:36 which is having no right away the right
2:24:38 way has been executed now as a road
2:24:43 not that i buy from you understand
2:24:45 the door i have to go through or how
2:24:46 come i have the right to win this thing
2:24:49 my salama i'll just work this way
2:24:51 that's all cheating
2:24:54 alexis has a control behind the grip
2:24:56 nobody has the electricity
2:25:01 yeah
2:25:02 is it clear
2:25:05 and similar things there are various
2:25:06 prohibitions it's not all kids not lose
2:25:08 like that there are the prohibition of
2:25:10 two two sales contract and one
2:25:12 provisional sale and under condition
2:25:14 which is
2:25:15 affect the essential ownership not a
2:25:17 precondition like uh like uh using the
2:25:20 car until london and i deliver you in
2:25:22 london that's something else
2:25:25 then then actually it is a condition for
2:25:27 pre-sale and the sale will be excluded
2:25:29 after that but we agree on that with the
2:25:32 condition so the delivery will be done
2:25:34 and so on so you will be morally obliged
2:25:36 to deliver and so on but if the cow drew
2:25:38 in the way burns nothing to be delivered
2:25:43 higher higher forces but anything upside
2:25:45 how it forces when in london i come and
2:25:47 get to give me the car here's the money
2:25:49 we agreed already in my sister yes and
2:25:52 you
2:25:52 and he gave you the the permission to
2:25:55 drive it until under that's fine
2:25:57 but i cannot come to you in london and
2:25:59 they say no no it's thought of it
2:26:00 doesn't work it's the contract is
2:26:02 already there and it is binding it's
2:26:04 binding and you have to fulfill yes
2:26:06 but the condition is not after that to
2:26:08 take over this condition in preparation
2:26:10 and for it has to be obviously defined
2:26:13 nicely in technical legal terms
2:26:17 and things like that so the plenty of
2:26:19 invalid contracts
2:26:20 most of them go around around the uh
2:26:23 preventing usery user is a fundamental
2:26:26 catastrophe don't underestimate usually
2:26:28 it's declaration of allah his messenger
2:26:30 of war don't underestimate it
2:26:34 it is the poison of economies of time it
2:26:37 at the beginning
2:26:38 it increases like fat
2:26:40 and then later you get a heart attack
2:26:42 like someone overfeeding or becoming fat
2:26:45 like an elephant
2:26:47 but his life will become short and he
2:26:48 ends with a heart attack or our stroke
2:26:51 miserable state of affairs now he is
2:26:55 full of muscles but later we pace with
2:26:58 with her with heart attack or stroke the
2:27:00 same with with like taking steroids 3g
2:27:05 but few years down the road you will see
2:27:07 the result
2:27:08 that's exactly what user is
2:27:14 okay
2:27:15 any further questions
2:27:20 until next week
2:27:30 Music
2:27:55 Music
2:28:01 Music
2:28:09 foreign
2:28:10 Music
2:28:18 Music
2:28:38 foreign