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Imam Al Mahdi (AS) - Professor Al Massari Part 5 of 13 (2014-03-29)


Professor Muhammad Al Massari discusses matters related to the prophecised Imam Al Mahdi from authentic Islamic texts, scrutinizes all evidences and assembles a chronology of events based on authentic narrations.

Summary of Imam Al Mahdi (AS) - Professor Al Massari Part 5 of 13

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Imam Al Mahdi (AS) is a professor who discusses a hadith about an army that will be swallowed by the earth. The hadith has been corroborated by other hadith, but has a flaw in that it includes a man named Sofiani.

00:00:00 Imam Al Mahdi (AS) discusses a hadith in which an army led by a man from his tribe will be swallowed by the land. Hakim, a Muslim scholar, reports that the hadith is authentic, but has a flaw in that it includes a man named Sofiani.

  • 00:05:00 Imam Al Mahdi (AS) is a professor who discusses a hadith about an army that will be swallowed by the earth. The hadith has been corroborated by other hadith.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:04 and then the tribes from
0:00:06 adnan is called kai's tribe try to fight
0:00:09 him but he defeat them so they are
0:00:10 unable to defend anything at all
0:00:14 then a man from my family will come from
0:00:17 the har of madinah and escape to makkah
0:00:19 and then the story of the way is
0:00:20 repeated again
0:00:21 and then the sufyani will send them to
0:00:23 them an army which will be swallowed by
0:00:25 the ass so the order of the events here
0:00:27 is more logical than the previous hadith
0:00:30 the army is swallowed after
0:00:33 after the bay'a was given and so when
0:00:35 the sophiani comes out it seems to be
0:00:37 the soviet is before this looks more
0:00:38 logical in historical order you see it
0:00:41 is not possible to conceive that anyone
0:00:43 can raise an army after they have seen
0:00:45 or still continue fighting after they
0:00:46 have seen the
0:00:47 the the land swallowing the army so this
0:00:50 order seems to be more logical and the
0:00:51 one the one who dispatching the army
0:00:53 seems to be the soviet and the booty of
0:00:55 kelp will be after the swallowing of the
0:00:57 army
0:00:58 so
0:00:59 he sent this army and that
0:01:01 and that army will be
0:01:06 will be defeated actually he will say
0:01:07 that army will be defeated first he said
0:01:09 the second army and he himself will go
0:01:10 with the army and they will be swallowed
0:01:12 and that's the story now this hadith
0:01:15 hakim said this is authentic according
0:01:17 to the condition of the two sheikhs
0:01:19 bukhari are muslim but they did not
0:01:20 report it and imam the habibi in the
0:01:22 talkies follow him on that
0:01:25 and it looks at the face of it it's not
0:01:27 wise that it is
0:01:30 immaculate
0:01:31 but there's one small problem which is a
0:01:33 big problem
0:01:36 imam ali the muslim who is one of the
0:01:38 best and greatest narrators of shang
0:01:44 is known to do tedlis
0:01:47 tadlis is the someone who says use that
0:01:49 word an
0:01:52 to cover up that he dropped some
0:01:53 narrators he doesn't have that reported
0:01:55 to me or i hear that he said i'm from
0:01:57 from could be connected or in connect
0:01:59 although it should be connected normally
0:02:01 but so the model is here you say there's
0:02:04 no problem he said
0:02:07 i told me so
0:02:09 it cannot be actually that at least
0:02:13 even worse it's called at least a tesla
0:02:15 he may drop even higher level of is not
0:02:17 another man
0:02:19 but he from alzheimer's
0:02:25 there may be a weak man or a liar in
0:02:27 between
0:02:29 to make matter worse
0:02:33 it has been reported that he did similar
0:02:35 things in hadith and a man of hadith say
0:02:38 how come you do that
0:02:41 why did you drop this man you know that
0:02:42 was i reported that from this week man
0:02:44 he said yes but if i keep this man
0:02:46 everyone will say
0:02:47 he was not a great imam how can you
0:02:49 report from such bad men
0:02:51 say but if you do that and you drop the
0:02:52 man name the people will accuse
0:02:54 alzheimer to be weak himself because
0:02:55 that is clearly the hadith is clearly
0:02:57 bad so they say look at the islam and
0:03:00 they will accuse
0:03:01 of the hadith he is the only one will be
0:03:04 accused this way so we have a report
0:03:06 that he did that from the shulk of the
0:03:08 shu from the teacher of the teacher so
0:03:10 in such people who have these studies
0:03:12 that as we you have to have a connected
0:03:14 chain with reliability all the way to
0:03:16 the end you cannot really trust that it
0:03:18 will not drop somewhere high
0:03:20 so if we
0:03:21 keep that in mind
0:03:23 it may be if he did not drop anybody to
0:03:26 the level of the shaheen and all these
0:03:28 people in this night are first class
0:03:29 people excellent narrative the top of
0:03:32 the top cream of the cream really
0:03:35 provided this and there's no devil
0:03:38 sticking behind this and
0:03:40 but this is the only one hadith which
0:03:42 looks a little bit respectable
0:03:44 concerning sofiani
0:03:46 stories are
0:03:47 absolutely
0:03:50 disconnected fabricated weak bad
0:03:54 a lot of imagination added horror
0:03:56 stories attributed which cannot be
0:03:59 really justified by enemies but this one
0:04:03 seems to be
0:04:04 so far in correspondence with the
0:04:06 previous hadith
0:04:07 under and with other hadith who talked
0:04:10 about the booty of kelp now that
0:04:13 the booty of kalb is well established is
0:04:15 coming from hadith from various sahaba
0:04:17 so it seems to be that we can save this
0:04:19 hadith and this sofiani really exists
0:04:21 and it's the one whose army including
0:04:24 himself will be swallowed by the baidal
0:04:26 which is established by the hadith by
0:04:28 the way the army should be sold by them
0:04:29 established by many other hadith
0:04:32 plenty of them independent of that so
0:04:35 the bits and pieces correspond correctly
0:04:37 the only thing which is how this is not
0:04:39 in this hadith in hakim adds is that
0:04:42 attribute that to a man called sofiani
0:04:44 and add
0:04:45 a little bit more flavor flavor about
0:04:47 the horrors and the crimes he's
0:04:49 committing that's all so
0:04:51 i feel more inclined toward this hadith
0:04:53 that has
0:04:55 authentic until proven otherwise until
0:04:57 other evidences come which until now has
0:04:59 not come forward which shows that it is
0:05:01 very fabricated
0:05:02 and it's not unreliable but it seems to
0:05:04 be this is a reliable hadith and we
0:05:07 should take it on board
0:05:09 until other evidence come to the
0:05:10 contrary
0:05:12 so this uh this man who has been given
0:05:15 by abitun
0:05:16 by the way there is no mention of
0:05:18 here as you see it's only the man who is
0:05:19 given between by between but the
0:05:22 characteristics from the mahdi they
0:05:23 expect when they are in him he fills the
0:05:25 earth with justice and ruled by the son
0:05:27 of the prophet and stay seven or eight
0:05:29 or nine years
0:05:30 so all these characters seem to be there
0:05:32 so we
0:05:33 we are
0:05:34 reasonably justified to regardless to be
0:05:37 the mahdi
0:05:39 concerning
0:05:41 the
0:05:42 the other issues about the army being
0:05:44 swallowed that's where establishment
0:05:46 africa will have it in muslim
0:05:49 for example
0:05:55 there will be an army coming to invade
0:05:57 this house meaning the house of allah
0:05:59 and mecca
0:06:01 when they reach the baida between medina
0:06:03 and mecca the earth will swallow them
0:06:06 and he gives a discover a very pictured
0:06:08 description of how they will swallow it
0:06:10 they will be swallowed the middle of
0:06:11 them will be swallowed the medium of
0:06:13 there is a long army obviously extended
0:06:16 so the last part of them and the front
0:06:18 part we will call where is the middle
0:06:19 one and they come in the middle to check
0:06:21 for the middle one and they will swallow
0:06:22 it also
0:06:24 will be swallowed also
0:06:26 only few who escape will go and to
0:06:29 report a story of that only few allah
0:06:31 keep a few of them who run away who will
0:06:34 report about the swallowing of the army
0:06:36 but all of them will be swallowed and
0:06:37 will be gone
0:06:39 so this is the hadith and the similar
0:06:41 hadith had been narrated for um
0:06:45 so three wives of the islam has healed
0:06:47 obviously he was sitting with his wife
0:06:49 wives and reporting the story and all of
0:06:50 them memorized that
0:06:52 and then also is the writer
0:06:54 the story of the arabic
0:06:57 hadith
0:06:59 the armies will continue attacking this
0:07:01 house they will not see the attacking
0:07:03 and we know from whistling that happened
0:07:05 the molecular one the criminal did it
0:07:06 before that even
0:07:09 every maha was in that army but the
0:07:11 command of the army died before reaching
0:07:13 mecca and the army retreated then later
0:07:16 on the karamata went and destroyed and
0:07:18 took the black stone and killed the
0:07:20 it happened so so there would be
0:07:22 always evil people attacking the haram
0:07:26 until
0:07:27 one of the last battles some army will
0:07:30 come there and they will be swallowed by
0:07:31 the earth
0:07:34 in the area called baida between makkah
0:07:36 and medina so that's so the swallowing
0:07:38 of an army
0:07:39 at the end of time between makkah and
0:07:41 medina is one of the sides the sign of
0:07:44 the prophet independent if it's related
0:07:46 to the mighty or not related and this is
0:07:48 definitely going to happen it didn't
0:07:49 happen yet some people may maybe some of
0:07:52 us will witness it
0:07:53 i don't know but it's going to happen so
0:07:55 that's what it's done also the the booty
0:07:57 of kelp that will be such an enormous
0:07:58 booty worth of mentioning that
0:08:02 uh has come also in another independent
0:08:04 hadith one of it is for example so it
0:08:06 said
0:08:07 one when the the student of what i said
0:08:09 we prayed to the maghrib in the masjid
0:08:12 of the messenger of allah in medina
0:08:14 and then after the salah he said the
0:08:16 real the one who the real loser is the
0:08:17 one who doesn't have a share in the
0:08:19 booty of kelp
0:08:21 he just mentioned it
0:08:22 if you reach that time and you don't
0:08:24 have a share of the body of help we are
0:08:25 really a loser
0:08:27 because everyone will have a share in
0:08:28 the body of god that's one
0:08:30 and another one which is
0:08:32 say
0:08:34 in a longer version hadith for another
0:08:36 man another knife
0:08:37 the real loser of the real mahrum the
0:08:39 real deprived one is the one who's
0:08:40 derived from
0:08:41 kelp
0:08:42 even if you get just just
0:08:45 yeah just just a rope
0:08:48 take it for baraka that you have
0:08:49 participate in the ring of kelp
0:08:51 he said by the one who's in my in his uh
0:08:55 hand my soul is that's what i talking
0:08:57 about
0:08:58 their woman will be sold
0:09:00 on the mosque at
0:09:01 the doors of the mosque of damascus in
0:09:03 auction and anyone having a small injury
0:09:05 will be rejected because it's not useful
0:09:07 to be brought
0:09:08 so so massive will be the other booty
0:09:11 now i know many people do not like that
0:09:13 that that will be selling persons in
0:09:15 after the battles well we don't care
0:09:16 about the western and uh
0:09:19 it obviously does not synchronize very
0:09:21 well with the with the geneva convention
0:09:23 but by then the jerichos will be
0:09:24 abolished because it has been abolished
0:09:26 already so don't need to worry about the
0:09:27 geneva convention it is already gone the
0:09:29 americans have abolished it so we will
0:09:31 continue our shall get further
0:09:33 so also the man who will be receiving
0:09:35 baa between the black stone the rook and
0:09:38 the corner of the kaaba where the black
0:09:39 stone is located and the makam and the
0:09:41 standard ibrahim
0:09:43 ibrahim it has come also through through
0:09:45 various adidas so the bits and pieces of
0:09:48 these narratives every bit alone have
0:09:51 considerable corroboration for example
0:09:54 in an authentic hadith
0:09:58 the
0:09:59 narrator