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Advice to Yaqeen/Sh.Yasir Qadhi on LGBT (2022-06-23)



The Prophet ﷺ said: “𝙒𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝, 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝.”

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Summary of Advice to Yaqeen/Sh.Yasir Qadhi on LGBT

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

Sh. Yasir Qadhi urges Muslims to change their attitude towards LGBT individuals, and to support religious institutions that help Muslims return to their roots. He cites the American Muslim civil rights activist Linda Sarsour as an example of an individual who is wearing a scarf and flirting with clandestine apostasy.

*00:00:00 Discusses how some dawah organizations have been doing great work, but there are some approaches that need to be examined more closely. also lauds Jonathan Brown, Jacquin, and others for their work in the past.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses how Jonathan Brown, an American muslim, has argued that muslims should vote for homosexual marriage in America or else. also discusses how the level of shubha or doubt has been created on account of some of Jacquin's stances, and how the muslim community should apologize and clarify their stances on homosexuality.
  • 00:10:00 Sh. Yasir Qadhi advises Muslims against accepting LGBT individuals into their mosques, and recommends excommunication instead. He cites the American Muslim civil rights activist Linda Sarsour as an example of an individual who is wearing a scarf and flirting with clandestine apostasy. Qadhi says that this is an example of how LGBT individuals are putting Muslims "on the back foot" and "stripping them of the fake identity that [they] would be putting upon themselves."
  • 00:15:00 Sh. Yasir Qadhi encourages Muslims to change their attitudes and approach to LGBT issues, and to support religious institutions that help Muslims return to their roots.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 hey you are you wasting your time on
0:00:02 social media again your brothers and
0:00:04 sisters in islam net from norway are
0:00:06 establishing a masjid a tawa center
0:00:10 establishing a masjid to convey the
0:00:11 message of islam is one of the best
0:00:14 deeds a muslim can do there's a huge
0:00:17 need for it in norway you know this and
0:00:18 i know this so that makes the reward
0:00:21 even greater so give generously and
0:00:24 allah azzawajal will give you even more
0:00:28 [Music]
0:00:36 this is a follow-up video from one that
0:00:38 i've done before about issues relating
0:00:40 to lgbtq
0:00:42 especially pertaining to the muslim
0:00:43 community the tradition is muslim oh you
0:00:45 just call it the muslim community and in
0:00:48 the previous video that i made i was
0:00:50 speaking particularly about some
0:00:51 approaches of
0:00:52 uh some dawah organizations
0:00:55 um i mentioned ikna i mentioned yakreen
0:00:57 i mentioned some figures
0:00:59 of dawah like
0:01:02 dr jonathan brown and other individuals
0:01:05 who are i would consider big players in
0:01:07 the tawa at least or in the public
0:01:09 discourse and rightfully so because they
0:01:11 have made many contributions which some
0:01:14 of their detractors
0:01:15 will never be able to make let alone
0:01:17 have made in the past for example
0:01:19 yesterday has done some great work
0:01:22 especially relating to the seerah that
0:01:24 he's put up in the english language i
0:01:25 think i don't think
0:01:26 almost anyone has done anything like
0:01:28 that in terms of the effort and the
0:01:30 output that was put into that and the
0:01:32 originality and the
0:01:33 research that must have been put into
0:01:35 such a thing
0:01:36 likewise
0:01:38 he's done really great work and when it
0:01:40 comes to the production quality of some
0:01:42 of the things that have come up from
0:01:42 japan i think everyone agrees that it's
0:01:44 really brilliant and excellent and when
0:01:46 he comes and
0:01:48 speaks especially when he storytells and
0:01:50 i have to say it's really really like
0:01:52 inspirational the way he speaks about
0:01:54 some of the prophets of the past and
0:01:56 some of the companions of the past
0:01:57 masha'allah is really it's excellent and
0:01:59 jonathan brown an excellent a star a
0:02:02 great academic who's done some really
0:02:04 great work in the past and i think a lot
0:02:05 of the detractors that do attack these
0:02:07 people may have perverse intentions
0:02:09 quite frankly i mean
0:02:11 and
0:02:12 i will repeat will not in the future
0:02:15 let alone have in the past be able to
0:02:17 produce anything like what these
0:02:19 individuals have produced in terms of
0:02:21 their contribution to the islamic
0:02:22 discourse for the muslim people
0:02:25 so we have benefited from that and i
0:02:26 think it's important to start with that
0:02:28 kind of recognition because these people
0:02:30 have been in the dawa and in the public
0:02:32 space much longer than we have and we
0:02:35 uh you know have benefited i have
0:02:36 personally benefited so much from all
0:02:39 three individuals i must say
0:02:41 and so i don't want anyone to think
0:02:43 that this is trying to you know cancel
0:02:46 them or something like this and
0:02:47 what do we gain from that they're our
0:02:49 friends we have a good personal
0:02:50 relationship with them i've spoken to
0:02:52 yesterday twice we've done two podcasts
0:02:55 together jonathan brown has done a
0:02:56 podcast with him we have a good personal
0:02:58 relationship there's no need or reason
0:03:00 or personal gain that i get from this at
0:03:02 all
0:03:04 at all the second thing i'll say is
0:03:07 they've done great work and they
0:03:08 continue to do great work and we don't
0:03:09 want to disturb that great work
0:03:12 not having said all that
0:03:14 what i will say is this
0:03:16 there are some approaches which need to
0:03:18 be examined okay there are some
0:03:20 approaches that need to be examined now
0:03:21 recently i was very encouraged to find
0:03:24 that after i done my first video
0:03:27 that jacquin actually done a webinar
0:03:30 uh
0:03:32 sorry they've done webinar we are
0:03:33 cleaned on a webinar
0:03:35 on lgbtq uh issues i think that was the
0:03:38 name of the webinar and they did clarify
0:03:41 a lot a lot of things they clarified the
0:03:43 ah cam of same-sex relationships and so
0:03:46 on and i was very encouraged to see this
0:03:48 uh clarification and unhappy and really
0:03:52 i i i salute the the effort and commend
0:03:55 it uh genuinely i'm not just saying i'm
0:03:57 not just saying that and even
0:03:59 came out and made a video about
0:04:00 transgenderism and the fetus on on that
0:04:03 and so on and honestly i really
0:04:06 appreciate the self-reflective nature of
0:04:09 the institute that you've been able to
0:04:10 do all that kind of thing
0:04:12 but what i will say is this
0:04:15 the level of clarification there's a
0:04:17 question i have to you
0:04:19 is the level of clarification
0:04:23 in line or commensurate with the level
0:04:26 of
0:04:26 doubt or shubha that has been created
0:04:28 this is a question for me to you is the
0:04:31 level of clarification that has been
0:04:32 provided
0:04:33 commensurate
0:04:34 or
0:04:36 with the level of subha that has been
0:04:37 created now you may ask why should there
0:04:40 be such a subha when we have
0:04:42 consistently made
0:04:44 you know our points clear on the ham of
0:04:46 same-sex relationships i'll tell you why
0:04:49 and since i've had these
0:04:50 conversations online public
0:04:52 conversations which are which are on the
0:04:54 public record which people can watch
0:04:56 i'll give you three examples of it in
0:04:59 fact
0:05:00 the level of shubha or doubt has been
0:05:02 created on account
0:05:04 of some of the stances that jacquin have
0:05:06 taken
0:05:07 for example jonathan brown made an
0:05:10 article
0:05:11 or has written an article that was then
0:05:13 put onto jaquin which argued for the
0:05:16 case of us supporting as the muslim
0:05:18 community same-sex marriage
0:05:20 now he says it wasn't an islamic case
0:05:22 and he put so many caveats it wasn't
0:05:25 quid pro quo and it wasn't this and so
0:05:27 on
0:05:28 nevertheless
0:05:29 it was an article that argued that
0:05:31 muslim people should vote for homosexual
0:05:35 marriage in america or maybe elsewhere
0:05:37 okay
0:05:39 and it was on a
0:05:41 website of an organization which was
0:05:43 meant to represent the interests of the
0:05:45 muslim people and it was really
0:05:47 an apolo it is really an apologetic
0:05:49 organization which was meant to deal
0:05:51 with the doubts of the people
0:05:53 if it is a political
0:05:55 article what is it doing
0:05:57 on
0:05:58 an islamic website
0:06:01 isn't that shopper that is being created
0:06:04 so the question now which begs itself
0:06:07 is
0:06:08 can muslim people support such a thing
0:06:09 which is antithetical to their own
0:06:11 beliefs are you telling me that such a
0:06:12 thing was not a supper it was a supper
0:06:15 and the evidence of that
0:06:16 is that it was removed subsequently
0:06:19 after these discussions were had in the
0:06:21 public sphere after we had him on the mh
0:06:23 podcast after the muslim community
0:06:25 wasn't buying quite frankly the series
0:06:27 of justifications that jonathan brown
0:06:29 has put forward
0:06:31 it was removed but was removed without
0:06:33 clarification
0:06:35 it was removed without consolation it
0:06:37 was removed without retraction formal
0:06:39 retraction it was just
0:06:41 inconsequent conspicuously removed
0:06:44 and is that enough is that sufficient
0:06:46 for the muslim community i i say no it's
0:06:49 not enough after you've done something
0:06:51 like that which no muslim scholar in the
0:06:52 history of islam has argued
0:06:55 you make an argument that no
0:06:57 precedent has been given for
0:06:59 jurisprudentially
0:07:01 and then you just remove it and then no
0:07:03 clarification is given i think that is
0:07:05 quite frankly not fair on the muslim
0:07:07 community
0:07:09 a second example is there's an entire
0:07:11 framework that
0:07:12 man has put forward on fruitful
0:07:14 coalition building he calls it and it's
0:07:16 still up there now and he's got levels
0:07:19 of it and we're seeing almost
0:07:21 you know shake hands and hold hands and
0:07:23 so on with members of the lgbtq
0:07:26 community
0:07:27 walking in the parades and doing these
0:07:29 practices and rituals and all these kind
0:07:30 of things which has been refuted for and
0:07:32 rightfully so quite frankly
0:07:35 and then
0:07:37 where is i mean is the level of
0:07:39 apology and the level of clarification
0:07:41 was it
0:07:43 was it in line with that you have to ask
0:07:45 yourself that question you have to ask
0:07:47 yourself that question
0:07:49 secondly
0:07:50 why is it the case that the only
0:07:53 relationship that the big players of
0:07:56 american da'wah have had with
0:07:58 homosexuals is one where they're a
0:08:01 either on the back foot or b trying to
0:08:03 build coalitions is this really the
0:08:05 quranic model
0:08:08 well it's not
0:08:20 is that we the only thing the muslims
0:08:22 are doing with
0:08:23 individuals who are self-proclaimed
0:08:26 happily homosexuals is this
0:08:31 i don't think you'd sorry to say i'm
0:08:32 sorry i'm so sorry i don't think you
0:08:34 would endorse that in the least
0:08:37 why have you never given doubt why have
0:08:38 we never seen any of you give dawah
0:08:41 to individuals who are exhibiting this
0:08:43 feeling
0:08:44 from the non-muslim community
0:08:46 true relationship building
0:08:50 is not having a phony relationship based
0:08:52 on disingenuous beliefs
0:08:56 or that you try and put the elephant
0:08:57 under the carpet or something
0:09:00 no
0:09:01 true relationship building is where you
0:09:03 agree to disagree
0:09:05 that is why
0:09:06 the homosexual community some of which
0:09:09 they have no problem with me
0:09:10 it's all for the public record to see
0:09:12 i've had conversations with them in the
0:09:14 public space
0:09:15 and after i've explained to them my
0:09:18 entire ethos and my all my beliefs
0:09:21 it's still agreed to disagree and it's
0:09:22 actually happy days because there is
0:09:24 tolerance in that community i mean it's
0:09:25 not like they're completely intolerant
0:09:26 to the muslim people do you have such
0:09:29 uh maybe
0:09:30 fear that they'll you'll be rejected by
0:09:32 them that you cannot even engage with
0:09:34 them in a positive manner telling them
0:09:35 what islam is
0:09:37 why have we not seen one
0:09:40 single video
0:09:42 or something on the public record where
0:09:44 you are challenging the beliefs
0:09:46 and the stances and the practices of
0:09:48 those individuals who we call brothers
0:09:51 and sisters in humanity
0:09:52 if you really want the best for someone
0:09:54 you share what you think you have with
0:09:56 them
0:09:57 it's not it's
0:10:00 that's the second criticism so this is a
0:10:02 weak
0:10:02 approach and this weakness was exhibited
0:10:06 for all to see
0:10:08 in the following clip which i found was
0:10:11 well when i first saw it i was very
0:10:13 upset and angered on behalf of shaykh
0:10:16 let's watch let's watch the clip
0:10:17 together do you see how that's
0:10:19 problematic for a lot of people
0:10:20 listening who'll say you say they're
0:10:21 welcome in your mosque but they're
0:10:22 welcome as sinners and that
0:10:24 well it's not it's not our it's not our
0:10:27 uh job to judge others i'm willing to
0:10:29 allow them their rights are they willing
0:10:31 to allow me my rights when you say
0:10:32 you're willing to allow them their
0:10:33 rights their political rights
0:10:35 do you support same-sex marriage i
0:10:36 support the notion that the american
0:10:38 government is not in charge of morality
0:10:40 so you're not opposed to same-sex
0:10:42 marriage
0:10:43 politically yes but but morally i i
0:10:46 don't agree with this so there's a
0:10:47 there's a difference
0:10:48 of the land you're not complaining
0:10:50 do you think
0:10:52 that
0:10:53 this is fair
0:10:54 that a member of the
0:10:57 so-called scholarly classes
0:10:59 the high echelons of islamic
0:11:01 intellectuality
0:11:04 is put in front of an individual
0:11:06 actually two of them but let's focus on
0:11:08 linda
0:11:09 an individual who is flirting with
0:11:12 clandestine apostasy
0:11:16 and that she's putting you on the back
0:11:17 foot
0:11:20 well it breaks my heart to see that
0:11:23 she's putting you on the back foot
0:11:25 and she's mentioning things which have
0:11:27 in them the potential for riddha
0:11:30 apostasy and they're going unchallenged
0:11:32 this is an individual who's wearing a
0:11:34 head scarf
0:11:35 she's in front of a man of deen religion
0:11:38 and she's saying we basically it's a
0:11:40 paraphrase that she thinks the cause of
0:11:42 homosexuality is the same islamic cause
0:11:44 you put that to linda you're an american
0:11:45 muslim civil rights activist you
0:11:47 campaign against islamophobia in favor
0:11:49 of muslim civil rights but you also
0:11:50 campaign against homophobia and in favor
0:11:53 of lgbt rights do you see that as all
0:11:55 part of the same struggle
0:11:57 absolutely and i will say this about
0:11:58 american muslims there has not been any
0:12:00 coordinated coordinated campaign
0:12:02 oppositional to the supreme court um
0:12:04 decision for same-sex marriage and
0:12:06 you're not correcting that in fact
0:12:07 you're just revere you're talking about
0:12:09 your own track record and defending
0:12:10 yourself yeah not even islam but quite
0:12:12 frankly yourself well let me put that
0:12:14 point to it well that's exactly what
0:12:15 i've been doing linda if you actually
0:12:16 listen to the lectures that are on
0:12:18 youtube uh i would say i'm one of the
0:12:19 very few clerics that have very publicly
0:12:22 said do you think this is going to give
0:12:24 islam and muslims
0:12:29 it is a failed approach and it's not an
0:12:32 approach that is going to yield any uh
0:12:34 positive effects
0:12:36 and it's likely to
0:12:38 mark all of the good work you've done
0:12:40 elsewhere
0:12:41 and i see that as a real tragedy in fact
0:12:43 and it hurts me to say it
0:12:46 it hurts me to say it but i'm angered
0:12:48 and disappointed
0:12:50 and i never saw this video before i only
0:12:51 saw this quite recently when i saw it i
0:12:53 was very disappointed when i
0:12:55 to see a woman like that yeah
0:12:58 a woman like that
0:13:00 yanni put you on the back foot yes
0:13:03 in that way
0:13:04 yeah and you couldn't even ask a couple
0:13:06 of questions that would have put her
0:13:07 directly on the back foot do you
0:13:08 consider homosexuality as a sin
0:13:10 it would have it would have if she said
0:13:12 yes
0:13:13 then it would so how do you
0:13:15 then you can follow up if she said no
0:13:17 then you can excommunicate her you can
0:13:20 excommunicate from the fault of islam
0:13:22 after you do it kamas alhaja and then
0:13:24 you put her in the back foot again you
0:13:26 you strip her of the fake identity that
0:13:28 then she would be putting upon herself
0:13:30 this is the isa we require this is the
0:13:33 clear-cut
0:13:34 straight talking kulu kola and sadida
0:13:36 that we need
0:13:38 it's not fair that the muslims have this
0:13:41 level of representation quite frankly on
0:13:43 issues so
0:13:44 topical as these
0:13:46 and then you know and then confusion is
0:13:49 put in the atmosphere so i've given you
0:13:50 three clear cut examples
0:13:54 of why the shah as is as it is
0:13:57 why the doubt has been created in the
0:14:00 minds of the muslims the issue is not
0:14:02 just an issue of ideology
0:14:05 or belief
0:14:06 the issue is also an issue of attitude
0:14:10 what made the civil rights movement so
0:14:12 successful was not just the arguments
0:14:14 that
0:14:15 black people were making say for example
0:14:16 in the 1960s
0:14:19 it was the spirit that they came with
0:14:20 the attitude that they came with
0:14:22 the confidence that they came with
0:14:25 if they had placid and docile and timid
0:14:28 and weak attitudes and their temperament
0:14:31 wasn't fit for purpose the civil rights
0:14:33 movement wouldn't be what it is
0:14:36 no change would have been made
0:14:38 if they had shaken hands with the wrong
0:14:40 people or tried to take protection and
0:14:42 seek shelter from individuals who in
0:14:45 their reality don't want the best for
0:14:47 the for their own communities
0:14:49 it wouldn't have been as successful as
0:14:50 it is he tell you and all of us
0:14:54 that these people are the sheep
0:14:56 or the wolves in sheep sheep's clothing
0:15:00 and he would tell us
0:15:02 if you take inspiration from him
0:15:06 to seek self-sufficiency
0:15:09 after
0:15:10 allah
0:15:12 so this is my final advice
0:15:15 my final advice to you guys
0:15:17 is don't just change your approach which
0:15:20 of course you do need to change
0:15:23 you need to be more polemical forthright
0:15:25 you need to put your position forward
0:15:28 put them on the back foot
0:15:30 but not just that change your attitudes
0:15:33 because if you don't start
0:15:35 having a confident attitude to these
0:15:38 issues
0:15:40 our people will suffer
0:15:43 our people will suffer
0:15:45 more than they have already suffered
0:15:51 your brothers and sisters in islam net
0:15:53 from norway are establishing a masjid a
0:15:56 dhawa center
0:15:57 this center this masjid this educational
0:16:00 institution will act like a beacon of
0:16:03 light calling the muslims in norway back
0:16:06 to the essence of islam so give
0:16:08 generously and allah will give you even
0:16:11 more
0:16:24 you