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Non Muslims Practice Polygamy (2017-03-01)


This video exposes the double standards of those who criticise Islam on some of its laws and allowances .

Summary of Non Muslims Practice Polygamy

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

discusses polygamy and how it is viewed from an atheistic or liberal perspective. It mentions how there is a spiritual disincentive for someone who is monogamous to practice polygamy, and how Christianity has a different view on the matter.

*00:00:00 Discusses polygamy, which is commonly practiced in other religions, and how it is not immoral from an atheistic or liberal perspective. It also mentions how there is a spiritual disincentive for someone who is monogamous to practice polygamy, and how Christianity has a different view on the matter.

  • 00:05:00 In Islam, polygamy is allowed, but with restrictions. One example is that the first wife must be okay with the second wife being married. If the first wife isn't okay, the marriage is annulled.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses polygamy and how it is outlawed in Islam. It points out that if a man commits polygamy with the intention of divorcing his current wife, he is committing adultery and is subject to punishment by law. It also points out that if a woman commits adultery by marrying a man with the intention of divorcing her current husband, she is also committing adultery and is subject to punishment by law.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Kiska means they come to us and all you
0:00:01 look symptomatic for watching and I'm
0:00:03 not showing today
0:00:04 no Moses Baptist polygamy they practiced
0:00:07 I don't care what anyone says how many
0:00:09 guys are these statistics show this they
0:00:11 have side chains they have mistresses
0:00:15 it's not right but the thing is they do
0:00:18 they go and cheat on their wives left
0:00:21 right center Islam says no you can't go
0:00:25 and use another female for your sexual
0:00:28 desires
0:00:28 you can't go today I'm just reading
0:00:30 usually because you know that's what I
0:00:32 want that allowed us for many reasons if
0:00:35 entry comes read I'll repeat it but many
0:00:37 reasons one of them is if you're going
0:00:39 to do it you do it like a man
0:00:40 yeah now this doesn't mean if a sister's
0:00:42 you don't to share husband good you
0:00:44 don't have to nobody said you're gonna
0:00:45 get killed
0:00:46 yeah you know what I mean you don't have
0:00:50 to you know you don't need to allow your
0:00:53 husband to American let's come there's
0:00:55 even if it in the even states in the
0:00:56 contract and always get married again
0:00:58 simple as you can translate but however
0:01:01 if you know is all the same no that
0:01:07 wasn't they they practice this yet so
0:01:09 basically we as Muslims we it has gotta
0:01:12 be done has to be done in the right way
0:01:13 you have to give her the rights
0:01:15 yeah you can treat her like a mistress
0:01:18 or sanction whatever you you have to
0:01:20 give her a right you have to treat their
0:01:21 ego and brothers laugh and act like it's
0:01:23 all fun again it's all happy day but
0:01:25 there is a narration that says a if a
0:01:27 husband doesn't treat the wives equally
0:01:29 if you favor one month is up in the
0:01:31 theaters when you will come leaning on
0:01:33 one side yeah
0:01:34 so let's consequences it's not that more
0:01:36 happy days this that it's not that easy
0:01:37 you can try to say and also today
0:01:39 unfortunately the Asian committees here
0:01:41 produce adaptable models of hacks
0:01:43 damaged a biryani yeah what what what
0:01:47 the thing is racism
0:01:48 unfortunately racism is
0:01:50 big yeah the most distant then watch
0:01:54 this is a lockdown a like they're
0:01:55 like garbage yeah it's disgusting
0:01:57 behavior
0:01:59 you know so if there is a brother who is
0:02:01 willing to marry that stuff because that
0:02:04 sister has needs financial need sexual
0:02:06 needs you know means someone is a
0:02:07 companion there someone to be a fatherly
0:02:09 figure to her kids this is important um
0:02:12 trying to see so Islam is there to set
0:02:15 odors in case of scenarios you don't try
0:02:17 to say almost want to has given us a
0:02:18 solution what's the solution with other
0:02:20 religions and establish all reason where
0:02:23 else one sitting for not married trim
0:02:24 squeeze them forth if you can only just
0:02:26 marry only one and it's other servers it
0:02:28 was all sort of says indeed you're not
0:02:30 gonna be just you know so it is hard but
0:02:33 there's many wisdoms behind it if that
0:02:35 makes sense and there's no other news
0:02:36 about Number bed liner I just a few
0:02:38 plates him just one first of all like
0:02:40 and for us you're saying this is always
0:02:43 I ask myself when people ask me
0:02:45 questions who's asking the question so
0:02:46 if it's an atheist asking that question
0:02:48 the question would be what kind of what
0:02:51 kind of restrictions does the atheistic
0:02:54 worldview have on Ligonier if it's the
0:02:56 liberal asking that question someone who
0:02:58 believes in liberal philosophy what kind
0:03:00 of restrictions as liberal as an animus
0:03:02 muscle go by legal liberalism I'm
0:03:04 talking about philosophical liberalism
0:03:06 in fact atheism nor a theism nor
0:03:09 liberalism should have any restrictions
0:03:11 on polygamy whether it's from a man or a
0:03:13 woman but to be honest I'm also hoping
0:03:15 that sounds especially if it sounds like
0:03:17 the guidelines are clear but from an
0:03:19 atheistic perspective or a liberal
0:03:21 perspective
0:03:21 polygamy is completely stay again for
0:03:24 everyone and frankly you can say this
0:03:26 there will be a spiritual a disincentive
0:03:28 for someone there's all saying okay this
0:03:31 is guilt I feel guilty according to the
0:03:33 majority of philosophers and
0:03:34 psychologists like Freud he wrote a book
0:03:36 called civilization and its discontents
0:03:38 this book I mean he says it should take
0:03:43 over the it is one of the the primal
0:03:45 self you know the the beast eale self
0:03:48 really if that should take over guilt
0:03:50 and his eyes should be demolished all
0:03:53 the all the barriers if created for
0:03:54 gills should be taken down and this is
0:03:57 what you're going to find with new age
0:03:59 kind of
0:03:59 slash liberalism is kind of like an
0:04:02 upgraded headin ISM so there is no first
0:04:05 of all from an atheistic paradigm or
0:04:07 from a liberal paradigm there is no way
0:04:10 anyone could argue that it's immoral
0:04:12 objectively speaking that - for polygamy
0:04:16 to take place a liberalism doesn't
0:04:18 disallow it only Liberal government's
0:04:20 have disallowed it that's the difference
0:04:21 number two if you look at it from the
0:04:23 previous dispensations and other
0:04:25 religions you'll find that it's commonly
0:04:27 practiced in all of the other world
0:04:29 religions in fact with no exception or
0:04:32 the major world religions with no
0:04:34 exception the six major world religions
0:04:36 all of them have a billy goat Sandman
0:04:38 Christianity you know obviously as you
0:04:40 know Solomon had 300 whites
0:04:43 I mean Abraham had three wives and Jesus
0:04:46 has come and said in Matthews I've not
0:04:48 come to do away with the law the
0:04:49 prophets I've come to affirm them and
0:04:51 that is why you'll find that Anabaptist
0:04:53 juror community which is a special type
0:04:55 of Christian community enforce polygamy
0:04:58 so it's only a historical thing that
0:05:00 polygamy was outlawed from a Christian
0:05:02 perspective Christianity and Judaism and
0:05:04 Judaism the ready Jews they practiced
0:05:06 polygamy in Hindu and Hindu scripture
0:05:08 there's many different verses of their
0:05:11 gods having 16,000 wives you know ten
0:05:13 thousand Murata one thousand chav sex
0:05:17 slaves distances that's all completely
0:05:19 normal in their in their paradigm as for
0:05:22 Sikhism I think six of the eleven or
0:05:25 twelve gurus when polygamous
0:05:27 relationships so almost no a world
0:05:29 religion or what no well paradigm which
0:05:31 is popularized today this allows
0:05:34 polygamy you'll find that from all of
0:05:36 the world religions and all the world
0:05:38 paradigms which are popularized Islam
0:05:40 actually has the Muslims the irony of it
0:05:41 has the most restriction when it comes
0:05:44 to this practice and I'll tell you the
0:05:45 restrictions because it says thank you
0:05:47 how matter by lack of men in the second
0:05:48 lesson also a thought about it says
0:05:50 marry who you will from the a by the way
0:05:53 just as a side note this verse came down
0:05:55 which is another added irony it came
0:05:57 down talking about helping often people
0:06:01 often women in general by the way the
0:06:04 Koran puts a special emphasis on
0:06:06 but often girls you know so it has
0:06:09 positive discrimination yes for orphan
0:06:12 girls rather than boys
0:06:13 so when they often girls get older and
0:06:15 obviously a pubescent that is when the
0:06:18 quran from this perspective you know
0:06:20 advisement to marry who you want from
0:06:23 from the orphan girls or or from the
0:06:26 woman generally two three and four
0:06:28 why don't have the right let's have a
0:06:30 look iraq of why has an arm of allocate
0:06:31 a metal comb so if you can't if you fear
0:06:34 that you even fear that you can't do
0:06:36 justice to marry one only one or where
0:06:39 you are I am possessive now the point
0:06:40 here is important first of all there is
0:06:43 a you could say there's a kind of
0:06:45 warning no crime issues against polygamy
0:06:47 there's no doubt it's not a small back
0:06:50 which means is allowed in Islam it's not
0:06:52 what's to happen it's not fun it's not
0:06:54 something which is recommended nor is it
0:06:56 something which is obviously compulsory
0:06:58 and as Ali said I mean this is
0:07:00 definitely the case and the solves all
0:07:02 the problems with women necessarily and
0:07:03 this is actually quite an interesting
0:07:06 thing which is specialized to the
0:07:07 Islamic discourse it look Adama which is
0:07:09 one of the major scholars of Islam
0:07:11 they're one of the email of their humbly
0:07:13 mother he quotes and others like it you
0:07:15 know if you look at MIT called staff for
0:07:18 women decides to if there's a contract
0:07:20 basically before the marriage and the
0:07:22 almond decides I don't wanna get married
0:07:23 if you can't get married to a second or
0:07:24 third wife of this madman basically the
0:07:27 moment the man goes and tries to get
0:07:29 married to a second wife is the the
0:07:30 annulment of the marriage will commence
0:07:32 by the way this with this ensures from
0:07:35 from the woman's perspective and that
0:07:38 the man doesn't get back to a second
0:07:40 wife in more of a way then would be the
0:07:42 case from an atheistic paradigm because
0:07:44 when atheistic paradigm how is she
0:07:46 how does she know what he's telling her
0:07:47 is true if he says I love you own and I
0:07:50 want to be with you Father I mean he
0:07:51 doesn't have any real objective
0:07:52 spiritual incentive objective spiritual
0:07:54 incentive morality which is objective
0:07:56 that would stop him from going to
0:07:59 different woman multiple partners fact I
0:08:01 was in the gym recently and that's how
0:08:04 hollow like those a guy is married with
0:08:07 kids innocent that and literally
0:08:09 becoming fool now he started telling me
0:08:12 like he started telling the other guys
0:08:13 as all day you know yeah she let me go
0:08:15 to Ibiza she let me talk about wife and
0:08:17 then and then the other guy us and we
0:08:19 gonna do that and then he started
0:08:21 exposing himself you know I'm gonna go
0:08:22 here's happened now how do we know that
0:08:25 people are not just and this is the
0:08:27 things the problem is that naivety can
0:08:29 overcome somebody and they are assuming
0:08:32 using emotional judgments that this man
0:08:35 is always going to be loyal to me but
0:08:38 not realizing that the sociological
0:08:39 statistics show that you know being
0:08:43 unfaithful to something which is a
0:08:44 common feature of the of the Western
0:08:47 paradigm so generally speaking of the
0:08:50 Western experience so generally speaking
0:08:52 here I think that in a nutshell
0:08:55 aslam has real restrictions output for
0:08:57 this but at the same time it's moba is
0:09:00 the same time as allowed if certain
0:09:02 things are put in place and I don't see
0:09:05 how that could be used as an evidence
0:09:06 against Islam unless you have an
0:09:07 objective reasoning to show that
0:09:10 polygamy is wrong on an objective level
0:09:12 which you can never do for lazy sickness
0:09:13 but yeah it's true and also if for
0:09:16 example one guy his chin on is y ou go
0:09:20 mistress whatever what's the weapon to
0:09:22 call police
0:09:22 please go put a name it was this one he
0:09:26 was arrested come in Oscar
0:09:28 so the thing is for example in Islam if
0:09:30 the first wife is okay yet and the wife
0:09:35 for him to get married again it filled
0:09:37 them okay you too
0:09:38 why is it like no no no it's there okay
0:09:42 look at this that next mark on her body
0:09:44 ten girlfriends yeah happy days good she
0:09:47 on your wife mistresses good
0:09:49 well this car comes to do in the write
0:09:51 my novel but he Thomas E is absolute
0:09:54 true I'm sorry in this country there's
0:09:56 no law it's for from treating on your
0:09:58 wife
0:09:58 I mean think there isn't what we doing
0:10:00 it we gonna get the point is why is it
0:10:02 the case where a man can actually have a
0:10:04 polygamous relationship with
0:10:06 hundred over a thousand members and
0:10:08 given them their rights yeah this is
0:10:09 really important for this time came to
0:10:11 protect the rights of people respecting
0:10:14 that female you can't go at a loser if
0:10:17 you marry this time if you marry
0:10:18 somebody with the intentions of divorced
0:10:20 it's Haram if you said no than just
0:10:23 maria user it surrounded committing zina
0:10:25 well she won't meet your people you
0:10:27 would be for that intention