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115 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-11-13)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

115 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI




Summary of 115 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al-An'am Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


is a lecture by Muhammad AL MASSARI on the Qur'an's Surat al-An'am, which mentions the city of Iran. Dr. Massari argues that archaeological finds in Syria support the Quran's accuracy, and warns of the consequences of disbelief.

00:00:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses Surah Al-An'am Ayah 6, which talks about the destruction of previous generations. He goes on to say that although the people may not be able to see it, Allah is still aware of their actions.

  • 00:05:00 is a lecture by Muhammad AL MASSARI on the Qur'an's Surat al-An'am, which mentions the city of Iran. Dr. Massari argues that archaeological finds in Syria support the Quran's accuracy, and warns of the consequences of disbelief.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses how some scientists believe that the destruction of the people of 'An'am may have been a punishment from Allah. Muhammad Al Massari goes on to say that it is important to think about the matter and to take a position on the matter, in order to be on the right track.
  • 00:15:00 The presenter discusses how people might react if a miraculous sign from Allah were to be sent down to the Prophet Muhammad. He explains that even if the sign were genuine, it would not change people's beliefs - they would still have to undergo a radical change of heart in order to accept it.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the debate over whether or not angels exist, and how people might be confused if one were to appear to them in the form of a man. It points out that the Quran says that the messenger are sent as men, but that this doesn't necessarily mean that they will look like men. It argues that the idea of dark matter and dark energy being a mystery to us is a reason why we might be confused if an angel were to appear to us in human form.
  • 00:25:00 discusses the meaning of Malik as male in the Quran. They say that it does not mean the angels are male, but rather that they are female in the proper female sense.
  • 00:30:00 Discusses the difference between angels, which are usually portrayed as male, and the notion of a messenger of Allah, which is usually portrayed as female. points out that while the angels are described in terms of their physical appearance, the messenger is described in terms of her spiritual qualities. Therefore, it is impossible to relate to her, or see her, in her original form.
  • 00:35:00 The professor discusses how prophethood is not something that can be easily judged or measured, and how mockery of prophets can often lead to their downfall. He goes on to say that despite this, people still search for signs of prophethood, and that the Quran commands believers to travel throughout the land and see for themselves whether prophets are being mocked.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the idea that it is important to study history and archeology in order to verify the accuracy of the Quran. The professor stresses the importance of verifying information through multiple sources, and advises Muslims to do their own research in order to avoid falling into confirmation bias.
  • 00:45:00 discusses the necessity of Allah for existence, and how believing in Allah is the only way to be saved. He goes on to explain that even though people may choose to disbelieve in Allah, He will still reward those who do believe in Him. concludes the talk by saying that anyone can make a choice to believe in Allah, and that if they do, He will guide and help them.
  • 00:50:00 The professor discusses the meaning of Allah's decreeing mercy upon Himself, stating that it does not contradict Divine simplicity. He goes on to say that the Divine is an essential one entity which cannot be split into but that it has certain attributes.
  • 00:55:00 explains that, in Arabic, there is a linguistic separation between words that points to nothing existing except for the Divine. He gives the example of the square circle, which cannot exist but is still talked about. He then goes on to say that, linguistically, the Divine is simple and has no attributes. Every minute has the same attributes, which cannot be separated. Allah obliges Himself to never do injustice, which is defined as punishing someone for something they did not do. This is rational and reasonable, but it is contingent and possible for Allah to do injustice.


Professor Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the different aspects of Islamic theology. He covers topics such as Divine Stability, simplicity, qadar (the Islamic concept of predestination), and mortgages. He argues that, while some aspects of Islamic theology may be debated, the overall message is that Allah is merciful and that people have free will.

01:00:00 Discusses the attributes of Divine Stability, which cannot be divided into two entities because each entity would be contingent. Divine Stability is a necessary existence and cannot be composed of two entities.

  • 01:05:00 This lecture discusses a mathematical model that can explain how action can be either necessary or free. The model also reveals how a nature that acts by necessity would be contradictory, and suggests that a Divine being must exist in order to overcome this contradiction.
  • 01:10:00 The professor discusses the meaning of "Divine Simplicity" and how it applies to the Islamic concept of Allah. He points out that, while Allah is not composed of two beings, He is still very simple in nature. This is why Allah is able to provide mercy and meet our needs.
  • 01:15:00 discusses how people can doubt the validity of Allah's decree, or qadar, based on what has happened in the universe. He explains that there is no way to go because what has happened is due to Allah's mercy, and that people have free will which allows them to choose to believe or not believe. He concludes by saying that people who do not accept Allah's decree are punished by Allah, and that anyone who doubts Allah's decree is arrogant and foolish.
  • 01:20:00 discusses the concept of simplicity, noting that it refers to one thing existing necessarily. He goes on to say that the concept is relevant even if it is not an issue, and that the fundamental issue is the decision to create beings with free choice. then discusses the issue of simplicity and qiyama, or the realm of death. He says that those who do not recognize the concept of simplicity and submit to it have lost themselves.
  • 01:25:00 Discusses how some people believe that if someone is silent or not moving, they belong to Allah and he is all hearing and all knowing. The Quran rebuttal to this claim is that Allah hears and sees everything, even if people are silent or not moving.
  • 01:30:00 discusses Ayah 15 of the Quran, which states that the "Master" (Wali) is the one who feeds and does not need to be fed. notes that this concept is not limited to pagans, but could also apply to someone like a sovereign king or scholar.
  • 01:35:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the different arguments for and against mortgages in Islam. He argues that there may be an argument for mortgages based on necessity or pressing need, but that there is also a argument against mortgages based on the hadith that states that taking money from Muslims in a domain of war is a violation of their covenant. He also points out that mortgages can be abusive, and that those who argue for them based on necessity or pressing need are at liberty to do so, but that their argument is ultimately flawed.
  • 01:40:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the Islamic concept of trade. He points out that, while buying and selling are generally the same, there is a new point of view which is that trade is actually a form of insurance. When it comes to dire need, for example, a person may decide to buy or sell goods in order to ensure that they have the necessary resources to survive. He also mentions the importance of having real estate in order to protect oneself from cover, and the constraints that this puts on individuals.
  • 01:45:00 Discusses how someone with a large income should be careful not to take out a usurious mortgage, as Islamic banking has no excuse for doing so. The second question is about someone wanting to add equity to their home by building an additional house. Islamic banking does not cover this, as it is not a necessity.
  • 01:50:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the issue of money and its relation to Islam. He notes that, in Islam, money is not viewed as a source of evil, but rather as a way of earning a living. He goes on to say that, if a person is able to earn a legitimate income through legitimate means, there is no problem with them using that money. However, if a person is using money acquired through illegitimate means, they should repent and return the money to its rightful owners.
  • 01:55:00 Professor Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the issue of non-Arabic words in the Quran. He explains that these words were taken from other languages and have been "urbanized" by being taken into the Arabic language.


Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the meaning of the number 13 in Surat Al-An'am. He explains how the number is a blessed number, and how it is often associated with good luck.

02:00:00 The professor discusses how Arabic words have origins in foreign languages, and how the Quran is completely true in its revelation unlike other holy books which use words from foreign languages that have been completely mutilated.

  • 02:05:00 The professor discusses how the word "Muhammad" can have different translations depending on the language it is being translated into, and how this can be an indication that the Quran was not originally created in Arabic. He also addresses the issue of mutilation of translations, and suggests that it is better to err on the side of caution and not to rely too heavily on translations.
  • 02:10:00 The professor discusses how Arabic developed obviously because Acadian, which is a Semitic language, shares many similarities with Arabic. He also points out that Muhammad was illiterate and lived in an isolated area, which makes it even more difficult to find any sources that support the claim that the Quran is descended from a pre-Islamic language.
  • 02:15:00 The professor discusses how Arabic texts of the Quran have been translated and modified over time, and how this affects interpretations of the scripture. He also points out that different languages have different pronunciations of words, and that this can lead to confusion when translating the Quran into other languages. He ends the video by discussing how Muslims should be content with the original Arabic texts, and not try to change them to better reflect their own language or culture.
  • 02:20:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI describes the differences between the South and North Chinese dialects, and how these differences can make communication difficult. He also talks about the Chinese Communist Party's decision to postpone the implementation of a new script system because of the potential for linguistic fragmentation.
  • 02:25:00 Discusses the liquidity available in the cryptocurrency market, and how trading fees, as well as the overall risk associated with cryptocurrency trading, can result in a loss for the trader. emphasizes the importance of studying the exact details of a particular cryptocurrency's liquidity pool in order to make informed decisions about whether or not to participate.
  • 02:30:00 features a lecture by a Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI on Surat Al-An'am. The lecture discusses the meaning of the number 13, and how it is a blessed number.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:03 foreign
0:00:08 Music
0:00:27 sisters to session 115 of our weekly
0:00:31 sessions of the noble Quran with
0:00:33 Professor Dr muhammadin Abdullah
0:00:37 foreign these episodes are broadcast
0:00:40 live on the study Circles of Professor
0:00:42 Dr Muhammad Mastery YouTube channel
0:00:44 every Sunday please know on the new time
0:00:47 what UK time 1 pm this is the new time
0:00:50 uh corresponding with wintertime UK
0:00:53 we invite you to subscribe to the new to
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0:00:58 please note also the link to the live
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0:01:03 forget to interact with us during the
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0:01:05 comments and asking questions through
0:01:07 the chat box you find via the broadcast
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0:01:10 also do not forget to support our
0:01:12 activities by donating when asking
0:01:13 questions in the conversation or through
0:01:15 the thank you button under our video
0:01:17 today is Sunday the 30th of October
0:01:20 2022 the doctor continues the
0:01:23 interpretation of Surah al-am
0:01:26 Ayah six
0:01:28 yeah I just just remind you could be
0:01:29 when next week we'll have a break off so
0:01:31 the next session will be a week after
0:01:33 next which should be something like the
0:01:35 12th or the 13th of November yes
0:01:38 foreign
0:01:44 foreign
0:02:00 do they not see how many a generation we
0:02:02 have destroyed before their time people
0:02:05 whom we had given a bountiful place on
0:02:07 Earth the like of which we never gave
0:02:09 unto you and upon whom we showered
0:02:12 Heavenly blessings abundant and at whose
0:02:14 feet we made running Waters Flow and yet
0:02:17 we destroyed them for their sins and
0:02:19 gave right to other people in their
0:02:21 Stead next translation
0:02:23 do they not realize how many generations
0:02:25 we've destroyed before them to whom we
0:02:28 gave a bountiful place on Earth more so
0:02:30 than you and to whom we sent abundant
0:02:33 rain out and at whose feet we made
0:02:35 running rivers flow we destroyed them
0:02:37 because of their sins and we raised up
0:02:40 other Generations after them
0:02:42 yeah this is almost such a few notes
0:02:45 about the first translation used the
0:02:47 word see didn't they see and this is a
0:02:49 literal sensation of the word
0:02:52 eyesight with the eyesight now clearly
0:02:54 they didn't see that so why the word
0:02:57 seeing is used obvious seeing gives you
0:03:00 further knowledge than just merely
0:03:01 knowing meaning it is possible to be
0:03:05 certain about these things as if you're
0:03:06 seeing them provided the following it
0:03:09 has been seen by someone who have been
0:03:11 present I represented that in history
0:03:13 and then have been reported down the
0:03:15 Generation by by tawatur
0:03:18 so we're substituting for seeing and in
0:03:21 the addition some artifacts may have
0:03:23 remaining of these people who have been
0:03:24 destroyed not everywhere not everywhere
0:03:26 accessible but sometimes for example the
0:03:28 people of some wood in north or medina
0:03:30 but the inside are known the destruction
0:03:33 area of the people of congrued are also
0:03:36 known and they were passing there and
0:03:37 they know that the people of no and and
0:03:39 that area is definitely an area which is
0:03:41 blessed with rain and running Waters and
0:03:44 rivers and so on in that area is in the
0:03:46 South table of the calendar that's dead
0:03:48 sea Etc so you have you have the
0:03:51 opportunity to to know it by those who
0:03:55 have been present and have seen the
0:03:56 destruction and so on scene like like
0:03:58 the the saved Believers like the people
0:04:00 of wood although until now uh the the
0:04:04 remaining of the people who seems to be
0:04:06 deeply buried under the sons of the
0:04:08 so-called quarter empty quarter in
0:04:10 Arabia but we know the place is not
0:04:12 either is Northern
0:04:14 uh and uh and uh until now nobody
0:04:17 bothered really to do the Deep
0:04:18 penetrating radar to see if we got
0:04:20 anything can be cleaned under under
0:04:22 these Sands but maybe not sufficient
0:04:24 because it may be the accumulated sand
0:04:26 over the thousands of years because the
0:04:28 people who hold Maybe
0:04:30 before Ibrahim Ibrahim is 2004 Christ so
0:04:33 maybe several a hundred years before
0:04:35 that at least or maybe more
0:04:38 and uh and over the the four thousand
0:04:42 years definitely mountains of sun may
0:04:45 have been covering everything so even
0:04:47 deepen its radical adult may not be able
0:04:49 to regrean anything because they have
0:04:52 they must have been a city which is
0:04:54 the pillars and so on that model must be
0:04:57 buried deep under the sun Under the Sun
0:04:59 than the such a city exists have been
0:05:02 verified by archaeological finds in the
0:05:05 in uh in in Syrian artifacts that they
0:05:08 have exchanged business exchange that's
0:05:10 the only place in history beside the
0:05:12 Quran Iran is mentioned and that was
0:05:14 mentioned in in the 70s in the National
0:05:17 Geographic Center these tablets
0:05:20 um cuneiform tablets they mentioned
0:05:22 Goods coming from the city of Iran Etc
0:05:24 and this is the only place they found
0:05:26 they mentioned beside the mentioning the
0:05:28 Quran which is an obvious aspect
0:05:30 verification of the Quran you don't need
0:05:32 this verification anyway well we follow
0:05:34 Quran is verified by other many other
0:05:36 means that beside this one but for the
0:05:38 Western people for the National
0:05:39 Geographic the Americans there may be a
0:05:41 significant point it's a significant but
0:05:43 it's not any doubt
0:05:46 so some people have been presented time
0:05:48 I've seen that and the the story has
0:05:50 been sent through generation down but
0:05:52 also we can some of us at least can
0:05:54 participate and go into some of the
0:05:56 places who are accessible and studied
0:05:59 archaeologically so this is a hint that
0:06:02 we should strive also to see at least
0:06:04 some of us but still these or some of us
0:06:06 will go and do the archaeological
0:06:07 studies and report that where not
0:06:10 everyone will have the opportunity but
0:06:11 we receive these words in written and
0:06:13 writing and mutually collaborative it
0:06:15 was Again by tawato so this is a hint
0:06:18 that something reported by tawater or by
0:06:21 certain subsection of the population who
0:06:23 study archeology and then reported
0:06:26 because some people think archeology is
0:06:28 is
0:06:30 more more persuasive than tawato they
0:06:33 are mistaken because al-qa is not done
0:06:35 by everyone it's done by certain people
0:06:37 Specialists and we have uh obviously
0:06:40 various for various countries various
0:06:42 religions various backgrounds so they
0:06:44 could not be have agreed there to invent
0:06:47 that they found an artifact and the
0:06:49 artifact is there you can go and verify
0:06:50 but that reporting in this way with
0:06:53 multiple coordinating evidences and
0:06:55 multiple correlating reports is
0:06:57 sufficient to substitute for your own
0:06:59 singing
0:07:00 so that's a hint that Toyota and these
0:07:03 reports as long as they go originally to
0:07:06 real immediate sensual experience visual
0:07:09 either Vision or hearing
0:07:11 and corroborated possibly with some
0:07:13 artifacts later which as I said
0:07:15 collaboration direct Corporation by
0:07:17 seeing what's there at least with
0:07:19 leaning from its some sense what has
0:07:20 happened in time past is put a limited
0:07:22 number of people and Specialists but
0:07:24 it's disseminating broadcasted widely to
0:07:27 the other people so
0:07:28 so we we we we can obviously in modern
0:07:33 times these things are also photographed
0:07:35 and things like that and the distributed
0:07:37 idea if it's photographed by various
0:07:39 independent people or or is we can be
0:07:43 certain that they could not cooperate on
0:07:45 inventing something then it is as an
0:07:47 Evidence as if I am seeing it directly
0:07:50 but if it's only from One Source you
0:07:52 cannot avoid that may be fabricated or
0:07:54 in our days we have even deep fake so so
0:07:57 just just how how things historic things
0:08:00 can be reported and corroborated and
0:08:02 brought down so the word seeing is
0:08:04 better to keep and then make structure
0:08:07 ideas about that
0:08:09 so Allah is asking the the disbeliever
0:08:11 didn't you see what happens to previous
0:08:12 nation which we have just destroyed by
0:08:14 their incense
0:08:16 something must have destroyed them some
0:08:18 of the like people of root it seems to
0:08:20 be unbolic chronic or semi-volcanic
0:08:22 eruption or something similar as it is
0:08:24 as a description of the Old Testament
0:08:26 shows but there are artifacts the
0:08:29 remaining parts are still visible and
0:08:31 you can see them
0:08:33 for the occasion people of wood is
0:08:36 embedded under the sun nothing could be
0:08:38 accepted the stories which are brought
0:08:39 down the generation but what's up with
0:08:41 the people of sorry the people of of uh
0:08:44 of north of Northern Medina
0:08:48 their their buildings are there in the
0:08:51 the the the dwelling dug in the
0:08:53 mountains are still there you can go and
0:08:55 see them and they're all ups were seeing
0:08:56 them and they're going day and night
0:08:57 across that area and that and
0:09:00 visualizing that and seeing it so
0:09:03 that this is just a warning to tell them
0:09:05 that for the but and but obviously some
0:09:08 people would assume so we don't know
0:09:09 either what has happened today it's
0:09:11 maybe just an accident no it's not an
0:09:13 accident this is nothing happening
0:09:14 haphazard it is punishment for certain
0:09:17 people for their sense yeah so that's
0:09:20 that's it and that's also a warning to
0:09:22 to initiate some fear in the other side
0:09:24 because human beings can be can be
0:09:27 motivated by hope and by fear and so on
0:09:29 and you have to give a balance those of
0:09:31 each one of them so that they start
0:09:33 rethinking their situation the services
0:09:36 if I tell you unused that for example in
0:09:39 in the city of Shanghai is now the
0:09:41 biggest city in the world number wise
0:09:42 and there's so many high skyscraper you
0:09:44 know this is just a piece of news
0:09:45 interesting but it has nothing no
0:09:48 relevance to your life so okay that's
0:09:49 true you will you will not tend to deny
0:09:52 but I will tell you that previous Nation
0:09:53 had been destroyed because of disbelief
0:09:55 you say I don't believe that maybe maybe
0:09:57 it was just an accident maybe it was
0:09:59 just a hurricane or something like that
0:10:01 but the fact that possibly it has been a
0:10:04 punishment
0:10:05 maybe I should think about their things
0:10:07 again maybe I should look at this
0:10:09 messenger more than this man is warning
0:10:11 about the possible immediate destruction
0:10:13 and warning about an akhar and so on if
0:10:15 that's true then I'm in trouble let me
0:10:17 think about it so it gives things just
0:10:19 not really theoretical knowledge it
0:10:21 makes it a things which is relevant for
0:10:23 you and ask you to take a position to it
0:10:26 not just believing it that an event
0:10:28 which has happened no what is your
0:10:30 position review your position look at it
0:10:32 again from Another Side so this is one
0:10:35 of the way of the Quran addressing the
0:10:37 people and like the threatening of
0:10:39 is not only to report what would be but
0:10:42 also total you have to take a position
0:10:44 you may be liable over punishment and
0:10:47 hellfire or maybe maybe there's a
0:10:49 paradise you can look to get there
0:10:52 it's not irrelevant it's just nothing
0:10:54 surprised news about Shanghai no it is
0:10:56 up something which relate to you and you
0:10:58 may be suffering similar Faith or
0:11:00 enjoying similar benefits
0:11:03 so it is to encourage to look at the
0:11:05 matter again
0:11:06 so that's how to use information they
0:11:08 got these things to warn the people that
0:11:09 we have destroyed these people you
0:11:11 believe it or not but there's the
0:11:13 possibility that it's true so think
0:11:15 again and review your situation
0:11:19 and then we replace with other nations
0:11:21 and he's very pleased with that possible
0:11:22 Nation until you came in place because
0:11:24 you are you are occupying many people in
0:11:27 many in many instances many of these
0:11:29 places are reoccupied again some are not
0:11:31 required like the the the cities of the
0:11:34 mood barely occupied after that but many
0:11:37 other places you have you have other
0:11:39 replacement you came after them they are
0:11:42 dug under the ground under you and you
0:11:44 are now the replacement look at the
0:11:46 situation as these guys have been
0:11:48 replaced unpunished
0:11:50 then you are also
0:11:53 there's a possibility that you may be
0:11:55 destroyed at the police and punished by
0:11:56 people after so don't think you are yeah
0:11:58 you are you are capable of confronting
0:12:00 Allah it comes if it comes yes it just
0:12:03 studied and see if it is comes and if
0:12:05 it's a possibility or not but at least
0:12:07 you have artifacts around the world and
0:12:09 you have stories coming down the
0:12:10 generation which is worth of looking at
0:12:13 more seriously than just something for
0:12:15 enjoyment or just historical discourse
0:12:17 or just archaeological science it has
0:12:20 maybe more more value and more wealth
0:12:25 and then goes back to the issue that
0:12:27 they were the the demanding science and
0:12:29 so on because you remember we discussed
0:12:30 later in the city whatever the sign they
0:12:32 see uh whatever the higher from the Lord
0:12:35 they come they they uh they they uh they
0:12:40 mock it and they rejected and we discuss
0:12:42 this as applies both for the eye the
0:12:44 science because the Quran use the word I
0:12:45 for either signs which proves that it
0:12:48 has a supernatural origin this is the
0:12:51 meta Miracles or science which proves
0:12:53 that because of composition and meaning
0:12:55 it is coming from the Divine that's the
0:12:57 ways of the Quran
0:12:59 or the proof of the physical corner is
0:13:01 more complex and deep but it is there
0:13:03 also that's that's
0:13:04 not only having a meaning but also the
0:13:07 assign for the divine origin
0:13:11 but this needs much more the Deep
0:13:13 digging and we need to concentrate so
0:13:15 the asynchronize and put many eyes
0:13:17 together so it may be not that evident
0:13:19 like like uh like a book coming from
0:13:22 heaven or like a she camel coming out of
0:13:25 the rock the rock splitting as she comes
0:13:28 coming out of it that looks like a
0:13:30 shocking sign immediately and people
0:13:32 tend to be because human beings are
0:13:34 bound in this material world Listen to
0:13:37 look at these Material Science as more
0:13:38 persuasive than the Revelation size but
0:13:41 in reality the Revelation science
0:13:44 if you put them together you'll find
0:13:46 such such amazing synchronization and
0:13:49 fitting together that you will be really
0:13:52 put in the corner you'll be forced to
0:13:54 see that that could not be except from a
0:13:56 divine
0:13:57 but let's let's proceed now with the the
0:14:00 the
0:14:01 material science which they they were uh
0:14:04 they were uh whatever they received now
0:14:07 the previous is we said there's whatever
0:14:10 sign they come they they disputed and so
0:14:12 on May refer to some science for example
0:14:15 the splitting of the Moon we discussed
0:14:17 that very casually last time
0:14:19 without focusing on that maybe this
0:14:21 Surah is after the solar of spreading of
0:14:23 the Moon because we don't know exactly
0:14:25 the the order of some science happening
0:14:27 in macquarino for example almost with
0:14:30 certainty that uh that uh
0:14:33 the Knight has traveled to Jerusalem and
0:14:37 and the Ascension to the heaven if it
0:14:39 happened at that time most likely I just
0:14:42 I will discuss that later whatever
0:14:44 reporting what I've sent it to the
0:14:46 heaven nobody objected that very much
0:14:48 but traveling through the Jerusalem and
0:14:50 there seems to be it was represented as
0:14:52 if it's really physical trouble and in a
0:14:55 short time they do not accept that they
0:14:57 regard that as out of question
0:14:59 that we know in the 10th year but before
0:15:01 that we have the sprinting of the Moon
0:15:03 we have possibly other signs there
0:15:06 were another part was it was was it was
0:15:10 longing to have such signs the
0:15:12 discussion after that will come showing
0:15:13 that uh thinking because of his pure
0:15:17 nature and innocent heart that they were
0:15:19 so clear and persuasive that the people
0:15:22 will be just stunned and they will
0:15:23 accept it but Allah tell him this
0:15:25 business doesn't work this way
0:15:27 you are mistaken in this assumption and
0:15:31 and then the longing for a sign because
0:15:33 the cause belief is an act of will it's
0:15:36 not the stick that's it happens
0:15:37 automatically without a variety of the
0:15:40 evidence you cannot Implement yourself
0:15:41 but you can very well reject the
0:15:43 artistic and insist not to accept accept
0:15:46 the messenger accept follow him for
0:15:48 whatever motivation because belief is an
0:15:51 act of will it's not it's not it's not a
0:15:53 state because
0:15:54 to be true that would force itself in
0:15:57 your and yourself you cannot Escape it
0:15:59 if you if you study mathematics and
0:16:01 geometry and then see the Pythagorean
0:16:03 theorem and you look at the evidence and
0:16:06 executed the the
0:16:08 uh the uh the the proof was removed step
0:16:14 by step and look at that possibly using
0:16:17 a drawing and so on you cannot you can't
0:16:19 accept accept it it is so so compelling
0:16:23 there's no way you can reject it but it
0:16:25 does not mean that you you admit to
0:16:27 someone that I understood is correct you
0:16:29 could feed them in the case of the
0:16:30 Pythagorean theorem there is no reason
0:16:32 for yourself it's true there's nothing
0:16:34 Dependable there's nothing emotionally
0:16:36 or spiritually connected with it but if
0:16:38 it comes to the cerebral prophethood and
0:16:40 Agra and commitment and submission to
0:16:43 Allah that requires commitment writer
0:16:45 request action it may require you to
0:16:47 give well your previous life completely
0:16:50 keep a rulership and Kingdom that's at
0:16:54 all order you have to do an actively
0:16:56 that's where the Iman the helicopts is
0:17:00 not yet
0:17:02 but that's that's a comment we will
0:17:04 repeat maybe later in more detail but
0:17:06 let's go to the next is show that the
0:17:08 expectation of them that and such a
0:17:11 miraculous sign is necessary leading
0:17:14 people to Iman is mistake it's not true
0:17:16 they cannot just reject it and claim it
0:17:18 is witchcraft we have been hypnotized
0:17:20 it's it's hysteria all this kind of
0:17:24 arguments are available even in ancient
0:17:25 time and then show the other side is
0:17:36 but even if we had sent down onto the
0:17:38 prophet a writing on paper and they had
0:17:40 touched it with their own hands those
0:17:42 who are bent on denying the truth would
0:17:44 indeed have said this is clearly nothing
0:17:46 but the deception next translation even
0:17:49 if we had sent down to you Prophet a
0:17:51 written scripture that they could have
0:17:53 touched with their own hands the
0:17:55 unbelievers would have said this is
0:17:57 nothing but a trick this is clearly
0:17:58 nothing but a trick yeah so that's even
0:18:01 that I think
0:18:05 the people something and say I give you
0:18:07 an Evidence and you a book is coming
0:18:10 from heaven in paper form
0:18:13 and touch it look at it touch it and see
0:18:16 it read it
0:18:18 they will people say this is a trick
0:18:22 and in modern time Services actually
0:18:24 he's communicating with some character
0:18:25 with a spaceship from another planet
0:18:27 it's not from a Divine it's from another
0:18:29 planet there but they're they're a visit
0:18:32 to other planets and they're
0:18:33 communicating when they're sending it
0:18:34 down they will find they find a way if
0:18:36 they want to accept the truth and reject
0:18:39 it because the rejection the acceptance
0:18:41 meaning they they have to do such a
0:18:43 radical change of their life they will
0:18:45 some may may they may then get escape to
0:18:50 to the various it's a trick it's
0:18:52 witchcraft It's Magic it is this it is
0:18:55 that and this is almost persistently the
0:18:58 case with all profits Through Time
0:19:00 even the New Testament we have various
0:19:03 situations where Issa did such Medicals
0:19:05 and the people have said this is this is
0:19:07 man is a wizard he's holding your eyes
0:19:09 he's had to connect or some people come
0:19:12 say oh here's a connection with the
0:19:13 devil that's the devil doing that for
0:19:15 him all these these things will be there
0:19:17 isn't it is not a it's not impossible
0:19:20 although they they know very well that
0:19:22 this means that the devil is equal in
0:19:24 power to the Divine being and which is
0:19:25 impossible but it
0:19:29 they think they are getting away with it
0:19:31 because they are refusing they're
0:19:33 refusing to change the falsehood they
0:19:35 are on and accept the truth which has by
0:19:38 the evidence is clear but they are not
0:19:39 accepting so it's not enough to
0:19:41 recognize and perceive internally that
0:19:44 is true you have to do a step of
0:19:46 acceptance and accept as a step for the
0:19:49 Civil acceptance certification and
0:19:50 submission
0:19:52 so even if that messenger don't be
0:19:55 fooled that will not change anything
0:19:58 don't think that's a very such a miracle
0:20:01 will will help in it as the prophet was
0:20:03 thinking that this would help and was
0:20:05 longing for that and hoping something
0:20:06 else will come and that the later I will
0:20:08 show later is will show that next one
0:20:12 they said well we would if he is really
0:20:16 a true Messenger maybe uh then the only
0:20:19 way we can accept that as an angel will
0:20:21 come from heaven
0:20:24 certified for him that would be so
0:20:26 brother that will accept
0:20:29 and the Quran respond to that this will
0:20:31 not be possible this by by necessity of
0:20:33 reason and perception that's not true
0:20:35 first of all if an angel comes down then
0:20:37 it comes usually with the punishment it
0:20:38 will be that it will be the Finish
0:20:40 and there will be no delay
0:20:43 said that the next time
0:20:48 translate first
0:20:52 they are saying too why has not an angel
0:20:54 visibly been sent down unto him but have
0:20:57 you sent down an angel all would indeed
0:21:00 have been decided and they would have
0:21:02 been allowed no further respite for
0:21:04 repentance and Records
0:21:06 they say why was no angel sent down to
0:21:09 him but had we sent down an angel it
0:21:12 would have been over with no further
0:21:13 time given to them and the next end of
0:21:16 this I explained that already ahead of
0:21:18 that before reading listed in the next
0:21:19 area
0:21:26 and even if we had appointed an angel as
0:21:28 our message Bearer we would certainly
0:21:30 have made him appear as a man and thus
0:21:33 we would only have confused them in the
0:21:35 same way as they are now confusing
0:21:37 themselves yeah this translation and if
0:21:40 we had sent an angel we would have
0:21:41 certainly made him appear as a man and
0:21:44 thus we would would have only confused
0:21:46 them in the same way as they are now
0:21:48 confusing themselves because
0:21:51 clearly
0:21:53 you cannot see injury they're not no
0:21:54 sure we don't know what Angels really
0:21:56 but they are really
0:21:59 we have no concept what they are the
0:22:01 only way we can obviously have this
0:22:03 drawing with like a man-shaped will end
0:22:05 with their wings and so on especially
0:22:07 the Christians are skilled in that they
0:22:09 have nice nice images of angels and
0:22:13 things like that that's human
0:22:14 imagination how an angel we look alike
0:22:16 so if we send him down
0:22:18 then we must give him a shape which you
0:22:20 can perceive with your own eyes
0:22:22 and it would make him look like a man
0:22:27 and then they'll say no this is not an
0:22:28 agency man so how how is possible to say
0:22:31 I see an angel an angel is on an
0:22:33 original even even for the world when he
0:22:36 said he saw the Angels most of the time
0:22:38 for example
0:22:42 but some people see him with him he
0:22:44 appears like a certain man usually like
0:22:46 the real Kelby the haircut was a very
0:22:48 good looking man exceptionally good
0:22:50 looking
0:22:51 and and the Japanese used to come in in
0:22:54 age sometimes we come like a man a
0:22:55 traveler
0:22:56 and the other time she comes like a
0:22:58 ringing Bell and the the advice is in in
0:23:01 severe distress and then when there's
0:23:04 this bringing Bella says it's gone uh he
0:23:07 he understood and memorized what the
0:23:10 angel said
0:23:11 and there is a report that he saw jibril
0:23:14 Between Heaven and they're sitting on a
0:23:15 thermometer but there's also a
0:23:16 representation that's also a
0:23:18 representation
0:23:20 the Euro which Fight The Scholar saying
0:23:22 he saw him in the slaughtered
0:23:24 with 600 rings
0:23:28 what is that
0:23:29 that's again a representation what you
0:23:31 saw in Heavens between every that on us
0:23:33 on a share is a representation
0:23:35 and we don't know which company itself
0:23:37 in his sense only Allah knows what is it
0:23:39 maybe it's a some kind of of a maybe
0:23:42 it's a dark matter maybe it's because we
0:23:43 have a Hadith that that Angels there's
0:23:46 no nose no hands plan on the heavens is
0:23:49 empty there are an angel either
0:23:51 prostrating or standing on someone
0:23:54 in heaven up to the end of the universe
0:23:57 now the only thing we should seem to be
0:23:59 feeling every voice better than Heaven
0:24:01 seems to be the dark matter and dark
0:24:02 energy is it that we don't know
0:24:05 so it's very tight the people think
0:24:07 maybe some a man some come in and a man
0:24:10 form with wings
0:24:12 but then they will say oh this is this
0:24:14 is again a trick it's actually a man and
0:24:16 These Wings Are some kind of a dress or
0:24:18 some kind of a trickery we're back to
0:24:20 the the the book which comes or the the
0:24:23 description come from heavens and you
0:24:25 touch it and you still deny that it is
0:24:27 so it doesn't work it's not going but
0:24:29 there's a few points here to to this
0:24:32 interestingly first of all
0:24:35 it says and in other places it says
0:24:37 about that the messenger are sent as men
0:24:39 but there is a a fine point because
0:24:43 concerning the ongoing debate in the
0:24:45 world about masculinity and feminism
0:24:48 the Quran says if we made it if it would
0:24:50 an angel sent down it will make him look
0:24:52 like a man and they will be confused the
0:24:55 meaning the word of man here could be
0:24:57 meaning
0:24:57 a masculine a
0:25:00 male man
0:25:02 let me use the word mailman because he
0:25:04 was the one Hadith I mentioned that and
0:25:06 it could be which is rare in the Arabic
0:25:08 language meaning a human being
0:25:12 the weather gradually in Arabic could be
0:25:14 a human being anyone who works on two
0:25:16 legs which is the only thing which we
0:25:18 have really at the moment because all
0:25:20 these two-legged primates have been
0:25:22 essentially extinct and
0:25:25 none really uh two legged which is all
0:25:28 his work and all the actions and and all
0:25:30 his poster is standing upright except
0:25:33 you almost at the moment even
0:25:34 are not are not like that they go on for
0:25:38 quite often and I'm going to East Batman
0:25:40 is the only one human being so that
0:25:42 maybe died from that original from food
0:25:44 the one who goes walking religion so
0:25:48 from that so it could be meaning a human
0:25:50 being
0:25:52 um
0:25:52 in Arabic this is reactively rare it's
0:25:55 not a common usage it's more although
0:25:58 the Arabic the Arabic language emerged
0:26:00 from a society which is more like
0:26:01 patriarchic
0:26:03 and masculine then then
0:26:07 what we have now in time past although
0:26:10 still we have this masculine's weather
0:26:11 will have a session about this issue
0:26:14 specifically in the future the question
0:26:16 answer
0:26:17 but it is more prevalent in in in in in
0:26:21 the northern uh languages of German and
0:26:25 so on and English Etc because these
0:26:29 people their history they don't have any
0:26:31 Revelation type as they have been a
0:26:33 barbarian life and in Barbarian life
0:26:36 it's a masculinism and the production is
0:26:40 clear because living in a tribal life or
0:26:43 nomadic life and so on obviously male
0:26:46 will be the one who is doing the most of
0:26:47 the fighting and the most of the
0:26:49 operation and the rape woman catching
0:26:51 them a woman be dedicated to the lowest
0:26:53 of the law so even man meaning is a
0:26:55 human being
0:26:56 oh that's in English man
0:26:59 okay it does not mean necessity a mascot
0:27:02 in math in Arabic that's that's a common
0:27:05 language in German
0:27:09 a man must do that meaning a human being
0:27:12 must do that there's not necessarily
0:27:13 meaning of a male or a female that means
0:27:15 what but the language developed in such
0:27:17 a time which is Extreme masculinism in
0:27:20 Arabic some of it says there is
0:27:23 what shows that rajul does not mean
0:27:25 necessary of masculine one is that
0:27:28 Hadith a famous Hadith which is uh which
0:27:31 is well established an extent Authority
0:27:34 from Taurus
0:27:37 and you remember we mentioned that just
0:27:40 casually in in
0:27:44 the the the the obligatory distribution
0:27:47 of the wealth after death allocated with
0:27:49 those people who deserve the Fallout and
0:27:51 we discussed some of that in time past
0:27:53 and if anything remaining
0:27:55 that give it to the next of King to
0:27:57 Allah
0:27:59 then it should be allocated to the
0:28:01 nearest man rajul male male man
0:28:06 indicating that's just in that hadith's
0:28:08 physical
0:28:09 meaning really a male not only just
0:28:11 otherwise
0:28:14 no male it has to be a male
0:28:18 so uh that that use using this language
0:28:22 indicate that rajual may be not
0:28:24 necessary meaning it could be meaningful
0:28:26 but to exclude it completely and make it
0:28:29 absolutely certain the prophet is so
0:28:35 but also there's a hint here because
0:28:37 they usually their perception of angels
0:28:39 that they are female that's a perception
0:28:41 of collage at least because for them the
0:28:43 their Angels most or most angels are the
0:28:46 daughters of Allah
0:28:47 from getting married to to some satanic
0:28:50 entity called a lot
0:28:52 in the future inshallah so when talking
0:28:56 about Malik as male in the Quran because
0:28:59 the Quran denies the dejected how did
0:29:02 you see the creation of angels just
0:29:04 decided that the alpha they are female
0:29:07 some Scholars scholar because they could
0:29:09 not overcome the masculine background of
0:29:11 History they thought this means the
0:29:13 angels are male no it means they are not
0:29:16 female but not this is the genderless
0:29:19 the neutron
0:29:23 that they are female in the proper
0:29:26 female sense
0:29:27 female sense meaning the opposite of
0:29:29 male which can can become pregnant can
0:29:32 give birth clearly the angels are not at
0:29:34 this time neither of us one no they can
0:29:36 inseminate anybody but they don't
0:29:38 procreate this way anyway the neutral
0:29:40 being so they claim that they are female
0:29:42 and they're even worse the daughters of
0:29:44 Allah from some kind of satanic satanic
0:29:47 entity which was lifted to the Divine
0:29:50 level a lot that's an outrageous claim
0:29:53 so here to hand that Malak is mentioned
0:29:55 as a linguistical as male and then what
0:29:58 what equivalent to the human being is
0:30:00 usually the man but has nothing to do
0:30:03 with the issue of being Angels being
0:30:05 masculine or feminine or the words
0:30:07 rajual mean necessity
0:30:09 medius will make him in the shape of
0:30:11 human being that's that's reinforced by
0:30:13 insulat Maryam later on we'll see when
0:30:16 the angel came to Mariam to give her the
0:30:18 news that she would be conceiving Risa
0:30:20 because
0:30:28 as a perfectly shaped human being
0:30:35 or woman
0:30:36 they had been that position in that
0:30:39 place the Quran is hinting this entity
0:30:41 is not a man or woman so it cannot come
0:30:43 in everyone's mind that he came as a man
0:30:46 and but she perceived him as if he
0:30:48 appears as a man say I am particularly
0:30:50 refused Allah from you who are you how
0:30:52 you come to me in my seclusion she was
0:30:54 in seclusion and some kind of a
0:30:56 monastery type of seclusion
0:31:00 to give you a a child that no man
0:31:04 touched me
0:31:06 say you know this is something else is
0:31:08 not touching there's not there's no
0:31:09 fertilization no even if you're happy
0:31:11 but it is
0:31:18 in these fine points you have to look at
0:31:20 the Quran very carefully to see why why
0:31:22 he there it says he says
0:31:25 if you look at that then you you you see
0:31:29 deeper things which most people Overlook
0:31:31 because they either come from from a
0:31:33 shallow point of view or they come they
0:31:35 cannot overcome masculine is more
0:31:37 feminism in their mind
0:31:41 nor female
0:31:44 this category is not apply to them
0:31:49 keep that in mind understand that if we
0:31:52 made him an angel made him a man it's
0:31:53 just because of the linguistic
0:31:55 correspondence in in the people of the
0:31:57 addressee but in the other place where
0:31:59 it is with worth clarifying in another
0:32:01 way and excluding any misconception it
0:32:04 is called Bashar and Sawyer
0:32:07 so if it's an angel we'll give him the
0:32:09 shape of man otherwise you cannot relate
0:32:11 to him you cannot see how can you see an
0:32:13 angel otherwise
0:32:15 as I said even the messenger when he
0:32:16 says they either it comes like like a
0:32:18 like an overwhelming feeling and like a
0:32:21 ringing Bell that's already perceived
0:32:23 the engine or the only thing is that in
0:32:25 in the in the right of hella but then it
0:32:27 was obviously it was sleeping so it was
0:32:30 like a vision and a vision everything
0:32:32 can be represented by something else
0:32:36 and then embrace them and then he did
0:32:39 not come in his original forms like
0:32:41 someone
0:32:42 embracing him forcing him to to lead I
0:32:46 cannot treat as a winner of the story
0:32:47 only that claimed that he has seen him
0:32:49 only once or twice in his original shape
0:32:52 in uh going from dahala or walking in
0:32:55 Makkah looking to the heavens and seeing
0:32:57 someone sitting on the throne and the
0:32:58 nation came showing him with seeing him
0:33:01 with 600 the wings
0:33:04 how how much is this narration and is it
0:33:08 from the prophet saw some people claim
0:33:09 and who was was there counting how come
0:33:13 you say 600 wings
0:33:17 is not very persuasive so take these
0:33:20 things at face value don't don't get
0:33:21 stuck with them too much yes just let
0:33:24 him go is a representation also that one
0:33:26 is a purely representation nothing else
0:33:32 you are indeed the messenger of Allah
0:33:34 don't be doubting us twice once or twice
0:33:37 otherwise never saw him in so-called
0:33:39 original socket quote unquote original
0:33:41 ship even that with the 600 rings
0:33:44 on the on the throne or the chair
0:33:46 between heavens and earth is just a
0:33:48 representation
0:33:50 that's not that what Gabriel himself is
0:33:53 which kind of force it's kind of an
0:33:55 entity in the universe
0:33:57 it seems to be unable to have any
0:34:00 relation to it except by certain
0:34:01 representation
0:34:04 so even if so so if even we even if we
0:34:07 assuming that impossible that they are
0:34:09 an angel we would send that angel to
0:34:10 them how they can perceive him and
0:34:12 relate to him except if you give him a
0:34:14 shape of Obama the same like with Maryam
0:34:17 but they're giving a simple value of a
0:34:19 Bright Beautiful perfect human being
0:34:21 it's no other way that was hurt she
0:34:23 can't do it
0:34:27 foreign
0:34:34 and that they will be confused as before
0:34:37 nothing will help so that's all all
0:34:39 these demands are a futile and empty
0:34:42 they will not solve the problem the
0:34:44 problem to resolve is this a messenger
0:34:46 is he telling the truth is to use your
0:34:48 reason the rationality just visibility
0:34:50 and things you can touch and with they
0:34:52 are not sufficient
0:34:54 and even that the things which may be
0:34:57 miraculous and you can't verify it touch
0:34:59 it by touching them you have to do a
0:35:01 rational step further just a matter the
0:35:04 mere appearance is not necessary mere
0:35:05 appearance you could say no I have been
0:35:07 fooled it is much hyper hypnosis it's a
0:35:10 mass Hysteria
0:35:12 it's a trick
0:35:14 on in modern times it's a deep thick
0:35:18 it's produced by uh by a single source
0:35:22 which is a cheating it is not not a very
0:35:26 thing which has happened this is another
0:35:28 photo and ordering thing that are going
0:35:31 to be always there you have to do more
0:35:33 than that there must be sublational
0:35:34 steps of comparing things and
0:35:36 cross-referencing things then you reach
0:35:39 the the conclusion
0:35:43 you have to do a one more step
0:35:48 should is that relevant for me should I
0:35:50 accept it and surrender to it or not
0:35:51 that's the name the protest is just
0:35:53 asleep even the issue that is just made
0:35:57 a sexual perception is that it would not
0:35:59 get you in here you can do a very
0:36:01 physical experiment about various things
0:36:03 and then you have just a bunch of data
0:36:05 putting the data together in and for
0:36:08 synchronizing with the hypothesis and
0:36:09 checking it back or development theory
0:36:11 is another step the selectional step
0:36:14 there's not enough to estimate
0:36:16 experience
0:36:17 does not get you anywhere
0:36:22 and then the Quran console him because
0:36:25 he has been mocked and so on because
0:36:27 they are asking for such evidences and
0:36:28 professor said I can't give you anything
0:36:30 until Allah decides and she feels
0:36:32 squeezed and they will not take him look
0:36:34 at this guy he claims to be a prophet
0:36:36 and he is not able to pursue his Lord to
0:36:38 bring Angels down or bring books or
0:36:41 things like that because they're asking
0:36:42 all of these things in other places they
0:36:44 were asking for all these things and the
0:36:46 Quran answered them even if it comes
0:36:47 they will do that and when one came
0:36:50 which is manifestly Out Of Reach of
0:36:52 anybody which is a multiple I think this
0:36:55 thing I think was the nature of moon
0:36:56 splitting is really the physical Moon
0:36:58 splitting or only the image in space as
0:37:01 represented to the people all the image
0:37:03 made in their mind but it was such a way
0:37:06 that the present people
0:37:08 and his presence and the people behind
0:37:10 the Horizon coming from in from business
0:37:12 trips they're also it
0:37:17 they also it excluding any massive
0:37:21 hypnosis excluding any any
0:37:23 pre-arrangement or a prayer
0:37:27 that Muhammad agreed with some people to
0:37:29 come in line is we have excluding all of
0:37:31 these if you just wonder about it even
0:37:33 because I said that oh maybe Muhammad
0:37:36 boots your eyes but you cannot push all
0:37:38 people
0:37:40 check whether we will come from outside
0:37:41 and they checked and they still said no
0:37:43 it's his Witchcraft and his capability
0:37:46 extend over behind the Horizon so they
0:37:48 are not going to enter the into denial
0:37:51 of the the what's known by the system
0:37:54 perception
0:37:55 because if it goes over the horizon he
0:37:57 has Supernatural power so he must be a
0:37:59 messenger but they are not willing to
0:38:01 conclude that and admit to it
0:38:04 so they were mocking
0:38:05 foreign
0:38:14 one second
0:38:19 and indeed before an e and indeed even
0:38:23 before the thy time have Apostles been
0:38:26 derided but those who've scuffed at them
0:38:28 were in the end overwhelmed by the very
0:38:30 thing which they were want to derive to
0:38:33 derive this translation messages have
0:38:35 been ridiculed before you but those who
0:38:38 mock them were overwhelmed by the very
0:38:40 punishment they mocked exactly I think
0:38:42 there's no detrimental so
0:38:44 don't don't be bothered about their
0:38:46 mockery because all the messenger before
0:38:48 we have been suffering Sasha mockery and
0:38:51 those who mock them suffered the result
0:38:52 of their mockery either by being
0:38:54 destroyed in this life or they would
0:38:56 suffering but usually in Dunya they
0:38:59 suffered the the disgrace and the
0:39:01 destruction and possibly even defeat and
0:39:05 all these guys so they're more created
0:39:07 against them
0:39:15 earlier
0:39:21 translate they they go all over the
0:39:24 Earth and behold what happened to the in
0:39:27 in the end to those who gave the light
0:39:28 of the truth next translation say travel
0:39:30 throughout the land and see what finally
0:39:32 happened to those who rejected the truth
0:39:33 but there's an interesting point for
0:39:35 this is commanding them go travel in the
0:39:39 earth and check I mean how can you check
0:39:41 what happened to the previous before see
0:39:43 the artifacts ask the people in this
0:39:46 area around that who have the history
0:39:48 because you may not have the history if
0:39:49 you go to China you find artifacts your
0:39:52 previous generations then ask him what
0:39:54 is this they will tell you this they
0:39:55 were a kingdom thousand years ago and so
0:39:57 on and you check with other village with
0:39:59 other people with surrounding people and
0:40:01 all agree that it was like a kingdom
0:40:03 there and then for some suddenly a
0:40:05 catastrophe strike them we don't know
0:40:07 what they're going to survey but yeah
0:40:09 and then you will find people telling
0:40:11 you know they receive the messenger and
0:40:12 they rejected Amazon then you can't
0:40:14 verify but that's actually the point
0:40:16 here I want to stress is that there's a
0:40:18 command to look in it and study
0:40:20 archeology go and check history both
0:40:23 from selling our courage but checking
0:40:25 with the people so various Nations
0:40:26 various places about their own history
0:40:28 and their narratives
0:40:29 and they're checking the narratives by
0:40:31 you not just expressing by listening to
0:40:33 another double crossing double checking
0:40:35 it and of course they're facing it with
0:40:37 other narratives otherwise you did not
0:40:39 fulfill that that's that's a challenge
0:40:41 and this is also a hint that this kind
0:40:45 of approach
0:40:46 going there checking archaeological
0:40:49 artifacts checking people the people
0:40:51 narrative the history should get you to
0:40:54 glean what history what has happened
0:40:56 historically this is the way to to set
0:41:00 history
0:41:02 so this is a valid way a Quran guide you
0:41:04 to a valid way
0:41:06 but you have to go out you have to walk
0:41:09 on earth you have to check these things
0:41:11 by yourself you can't just sit in order
0:41:13 say no no I am all these are the myths
0:41:15 and stories no you have to go out very
0:41:17 far by yourself
0:41:18 do it
0:41:20 Muslim did not do that very much
0:41:22 unfortunately history
0:41:24 because they there is excited they
0:41:26 remove certain Empires and they became
0:41:28 complex they became lazy they do not do
0:41:30 that extra few other occasions
0:41:33 but this is it should be done that's
0:41:35 very important
0:41:38 especially for someone is questioning
0:41:40 that they're questioning all these
0:41:42 histories nobody is questioning that
0:41:44 because we have enough archeology and so
0:41:45 on although for example I mentioned I
0:41:48 think that was it last time these guys
0:41:49 will try to to claim that that the
0:41:52 American Center of Musa and so on which
0:41:54 seem to be there are many hints and even
0:41:57 an archeology of Egyptian they try to
0:41:59 link it to any volcanic eruption which
0:42:02 is obviously false that's all because
0:42:04 the time does not synchronize but even
0:42:06 how come the volcanic eruption happened
0:42:09 exactly at that time these people don't
0:42:10 use their brain
0:42:12 but at least the facts and the
0:42:13 information is put on the table and but
0:42:15 the time does not synchronize
0:42:18 they thought because if they connected
0:42:19 to a volcanic eruption then they will
0:42:22 say okay the people after that they have
0:42:24 seen these phenomena and they're
0:42:26 attributed to subcategory divine
0:42:27 intervention
0:42:28 and that's it so it is not a Divine
0:42:31 intelligent the whole story that the
0:42:32 Lord struck and did this and did this is
0:42:34 not true it is this they try to get away
0:42:36 but even there they can't get away how
0:42:39 come this happened exactly at the time
0:42:40 with the volcanic eruption and the
0:42:43 tsunami wave came back and forth and and
0:42:45 then exposed the uh away through the uh
0:42:49 that exit in in West Sinai although the
0:42:52 crossing habilities actually days but
0:42:54 let's assume it was there how come with
0:42:57 that exactly at that time when Moses
0:42:58 stuck with his with his stick oh that's
0:43:00 it we'll see oh this is a fabricated
0:43:02 story later so they get never ending
0:43:05 if you want to reject something it will
0:43:07 go a never-ending assumption which will
0:43:08 refuse himself at the end they will come
0:43:11 self-refutating earlier but it become
0:43:14 all the safe refuting and self-defeating
0:43:16 all if you start thinking and Ponder if
0:43:18 you don't want to think we know it was a
0:43:21 volcanic eruption there and there was a
0:43:23 tsunami wave and they were pulled back
0:43:25 and then the pulled back by accident
0:43:26 moves across and people after that say
0:43:29 he struck the the the the lake with his
0:43:31 stick under the leg split and this is oh
0:43:33 no there's a little publication but the
0:43:36 historic Route of something happening
0:43:37 like that is true but it is just this
0:43:39 it's just this no more than that
0:43:43 so so going around the earth and
0:43:46 studying history and collecting
0:43:47 information is is the first step is not
0:43:50 a final step there must be some analysis
0:43:52 and the plan and then the rational
0:43:54 conclusions after that otherwise you
0:43:56 will not get anywhere
0:43:59 then
0:44:00 leaving that issue another issue comes
0:44:06 from foreign
0:44:15 translate first
0:44:17 say unto whom belongs say unto whom
0:44:20 belongs all that is in their heavens and
0:44:22 on Earth say unto God who has ruled upon
0:44:25 himself the law of grace and mercy he
0:44:28 will assuredly gather you all together
0:44:30 on the day of Resurrection the coming of
0:44:32 which is beyond all doubt yet those who
0:44:35 have squandered their own selves it is
0:44:37 they who refuse to believe in him next
0:44:39 translation
0:44:41 say to whom belongs everything that is
0:44:43 in the heavens and on Earth say God he
0:44:46 decreed himself to be merciful to all
0:44:48 however he will summon all of you to a
0:44:52 definite day of Resurrection those who
0:44:54 have lost their soul will not believe
0:44:56 yeah so that's the that's going from
0:44:59 another angle so ask them who owns
0:45:02 heavens and if either they accept that
0:45:05 he is alive
0:45:06 or they may be believing in two deities
0:45:08 or maybe they don't believe in a central
0:45:10 deity whatever you tell them it's Allah
0:45:13 it's the ultimate the necessary existing
0:45:16 the Eternal one if you are not no no we
0:45:19 don't know that that's the necessity
0:45:20 dictated by looking in the universe and
0:45:23 so on
0:45:24 in a simple way for the between
0:45:27 everything with moves and so on is being
0:45:30 born mountains even slowly come down so
0:45:34 and they they must have been erected
0:45:36 maybe millions billions of years back
0:45:38 but ultimately they came up and down and
0:45:40 they we see parts of them splitting we
0:45:42 see rocks in our lifetime rolling so
0:45:45 they are not Eternal who created all of
0:45:48 that with that simple conclusion you
0:45:50 come to understand
0:45:51 that fundamentally to an initiator
0:45:55 fundamentation which is called Allah or
0:45:57 you go more complicated to the big bang
0:45:59 and so on I discuss with Steve Hawkins
0:46:01 whatever you do you will end this
0:46:02 address okay but if you don't do that I
0:46:04 will do it for you it's Allah there's
0:46:06 there's that that that whole universe
0:46:09 must be emerged from an entity called
0:46:10 Allah
0:46:14 that Italian being has obliged himself
0:46:16 to be merciful
0:46:18 blessing for mercy and kindness
0:46:22 and that one is telling you now
0:46:25 that he will collect all you to the day
0:46:27 of judgment to a day of your day of
0:46:29 Resurrection here's your wedding
0:46:30 selection day
0:46:32 which is no doubt that it will come by
0:46:34 his Assurance now we have to accept that
0:46:36 he is assuring that if he's that
0:46:38 existing which were necessity truthful
0:46:43 this Mercy this obligation to Mercy is
0:46:46 that one but which made it so that there
0:46:50 will be at a collection to the day of
0:46:52 judgment or day of Resurrection which is
0:46:55 no doubt about it
0:46:56 but those who do not believe will have
0:46:58 lost themselves then and this will be
0:47:00 too late there's no way you can collect
0:47:02 it
0:47:02 so this is a session of certain facts
0:47:04 but also with the threat at the end
0:47:07 those who do not believe or have lost
0:47:10 although he obliged him to swim so messy
0:47:13 but his Mercy will not accept them
0:47:15 they will have lost because
0:47:18 that
0:47:22 establishing that there will be a
0:47:24 resurrection obviously for conscious
0:47:27 being who have sufficient transnational
0:47:29 Center and knowledge to be to be worthy
0:47:32 of address non-conscious being maybe it
0:47:34 is an active Maybe not maybe some
0:47:35 settled will be done with them
0:47:37 why there will be a resurrection because
0:47:39 because of his Divine Mercy because in
0:47:41 this universe being
0:47:44 if there are conscious beings like human
0:47:46 beings and other who are who obviously
0:47:49 because of Consciousness and because of
0:47:51 their their contingent that they created
0:47:54 they suffer pain they have suffering
0:47:56 they are there
0:47:58 but because before the creation there's
0:48:00 some argument of the or of the argument
0:48:03 of some atheists or some some say before
0:48:05 their creation it is impossible when
0:48:07 they are not here to be questioned about
0:48:09 their head to ask do you want to be
0:48:11 created but they are not there yet so to
0:48:14 be asked Andrew but for that because
0:48:16 that's necessarily impossible for that
0:48:19 they were created
0:48:21 in a universe and which they are
0:48:23 contingent which is this type of Windows
0:48:25 which a decision has been made with
0:48:27 testing Universe they'll be suffering
0:48:28 pain they will pass away they will be
0:48:30 compensated for all of that that's part
0:48:32 of the Divine message for all what's
0:48:33 suffering happening in the world there
0:48:35 will be a compensation but because of
0:48:37 the nature of universe and the
0:48:38 fundamental choice that we are testing
0:48:40 universe that has to be postponed but
0:48:43 that compensation will come only to
0:48:46 those who who believe that they will be
0:48:48 and they expect to be compensated and
0:48:50 Ascot composite as well that we have
0:48:51 suffered for but those who deny how can
0:48:54 the actual conversation I gave you the
0:48:56 all this nationality ago with this
0:48:59 meaning and all what I ask you as your
0:49:01 name is
0:49:04 assume that you own the whole earth of
0:49:06 gold and you are in a business you can
0:49:09 exchange it for Universal would you give
0:49:11 it such as yes see I ask you something
0:49:13 much similar that just recognize that
0:49:15 Amazon
0:49:17 don't associate me the path regard me as
0:49:19 the ultimate Story the only deity that's
0:49:22 all that I wanted from you no more than
0:49:23 that just you exercise your reason and
0:49:26 your free will in that very simple
0:49:28 fundamental Point that's all that I want
0:49:30 to do but you did not insisted to be to
0:49:33 associate with me a partner you insisted
0:49:35 to make yourself Divine and Define for
0:49:37 yourself you own yourself good and evil
0:49:39 you insisted to follow the devil in his
0:49:41 arrogance and claiming that he can
0:49:43 second guess our last decision
0:49:45 what can I do for you
0:49:47 do anything for you
0:49:49 sit
0:49:50 how can I conversate for anything if
0:49:52 that's the most minimal things you can't
0:49:54 commit so the yellow camera is also the
0:49:57 establishing overcome is part of rahma
0:49:59 because this universe is the testing
0:50:00 Universe if it has not been a teaching
0:50:02 whether it's only ages there it would be
0:50:03 no need for kayama
0:50:05 but the fundamental decision was made at
0:50:07 the beginning of the of the existence of
0:50:09 the universe
0:50:11 the fundamental structure of the
0:50:13 universe the universe will start as a
0:50:14 testicular device and they will be
0:50:16 conscious being
0:50:18 who will have the ability and have the
0:50:21 will answer for sufficiently free will
0:50:23 to choose Iman or Corporation
0:50:24 sufficiently willing to submit to Allah
0:50:26 recognize him recognize the most
0:50:28 fundamental fact of the existence
0:50:30 reality which is that there's only one
0:50:33 Eternal necessary existing
0:50:35 absolutely
0:50:39 absolutely truthful being which is the
0:50:43 ultimate severeign
0:50:46 guest I just accept this fact and
0:50:49 surrender to him submit to him
0:50:52 worship him that's a miracle worshiping
0:50:54 just a little accept him as a submarine
0:50:56 and come by
0:50:57 when one command comes
0:51:00 don't eat from the stream notification
0:51:02 just do whatever you want
0:51:04 no more common that's all that's all
0:51:05 what is needed for you and even he
0:51:08 failed but uh
0:51:10 for for his failure but only one command
0:51:14 and maybe there will be 50 combats
0:51:15 comply with them
0:51:18 maybe you just just believe in me and
0:51:20 surrender to me in principle I will give
0:51:22 you no other comments just whatever you
0:51:24 want
0:51:25 we said Liberty do all of that but
0:51:27 fundamentally it's not acceptable that
0:51:30 you don't recognize this fundamental
0:51:32 fact
0:51:33 for which your reason is is capable of
0:51:36 conceiving and your will is capable of
0:51:38 submitting too
0:51:42 so since the final decision was made
0:51:44 like that Allah obligation says this
0:51:46 universe will be testing they'll be
0:51:48 suffering there'll be pain there will be
0:51:50 uh so what was some some people who have
0:51:54 been sucked into into atheism as I say
0:51:56 Hawaii uh how how much is so much
0:51:59 suffering and and God is maybe sleeping
0:52:01 he doesn't know what's going on
0:52:03 otherwise he will come down and prevent
0:52:04 no no that's so it's not that that's not
0:52:06 how it works in this universe that's the
0:52:09 way it work but all of that will be
0:52:11 compensated there provided you believe
0:52:13 in it and you are ready to ask for the
0:52:16 conversation and and ask him the
0:52:18 conversation and make a condition that
0:52:20 you have done that and you oblige
0:52:22 yourself to Mercy conversate me for
0:52:24 whatever it is yes this competitions
0:52:26 here even more that conversation
0:52:29 unbelievable imagination
0:52:33 but you have to do the first step that's
0:52:36 the that's the design of the universe
0:52:37 first step is acknowledging this this
0:52:40 ultimate being
0:52:42 and the college that he is the only
0:52:44 sovereign
0:52:56 question uh what implication does
0:52:59 Allah's decreeing mercy upon himself
0:53:01 have on whether Allah's attributes are
0:53:04 intrinsic or not
0:53:06 what means it says in physical or not
0:53:08 that's nothing nothing important to that
0:53:12 what's the meaning of Mercy is it be
0:53:14 giving a creation conversation for their
0:53:17 suffering being kind to them and so on
0:53:19 in because the word in in human being is
0:53:22 because you have you have rahma to your
0:53:24 own kids you relate to them but it's
0:53:26 because of contingency for Allah there's
0:53:28 not nothing like that he will reward he
0:53:31 will compensate
0:53:34 so that's it this is that the the the
0:53:37 the way the decree and that message in
0:53:40 himself meaning uh in in his
0:53:43 fundamentally sense he's not obliged to
0:53:45 hear it it would have been possible that
0:53:47 it could have created the universe of
0:53:49 people who do not fail and there's
0:53:51 nothing nobody's suffering there's no no
0:53:53 no sense of making in that case
0:53:56 but when he decided to make the universe
0:53:58 this way that he obliged himself to
0:54:01 do the composition and have the Lama
0:54:05 hey is that what you mean with intrinsic
0:54:07 or not intrinsic he did this he's
0:54:10 referring to the Divine Simplicity
0:54:11 debate
0:54:13 oh that's that's happening through the
0:54:15 Divine supposed to Divine Simplicity
0:54:16 what has to do that to Divine simplicity
0:54:19 is that it is an essential one entity
0:54:23 which cannot be split into
0:54:25 but that entity is having certain
0:54:26 attributes like knowledge like like
0:54:28 power Etc this is does not contradict
0:54:31 device simplicity
0:54:33 we said what's the meaning of who said
0:54:35 that the Divine has to be simple except
0:54:37 that it is not split into entities
0:54:39 because it's impossible it's contradict
0:54:40 the meaning of being recently existing
0:54:42 that's it that's all
0:54:46 that that entity is having certain
0:54:49 attributes and that attributes are
0:54:51 connected that entity is not is not
0:54:53 splitting it's not a contradicting
0:54:55 Simplicity that would be a mistake
0:54:57 because the splitting between entity and
0:54:59 attribute is only a mental uh or a
0:55:02 linguistic separation uh which points to
0:55:05 nothing is like talking about the I
0:55:08 usually give that example over of the uh
0:55:11 square circle
0:55:13 you can't you can't face that
0:55:14 linguistically but doesn't make any
0:55:15 sense
0:55:16 it doesn't exist it's impossible to
0:55:18 exist but you still can't face it
0:55:20 linguishly linguistically so you can say
0:55:22 the Divine is simple what 30 minutes
0:55:24 with simple
0:55:26 every minute has no attributes or the
0:55:28 attributes are the same being well
0:55:29 that's doesn't that's essentially a
0:55:31 hairspritic
0:55:33 his being is with the attributes and
0:55:35 attributes are with the being or the the
0:55:37 one over the same thing they cannot be
0:55:38 separated
0:55:41 while contingent people can separate for
0:55:43 example here this wall is white because
0:55:45 it's painted white yeah I can't imagine
0:55:47 the white being peeled off
0:55:50 that that's because it's a contingency
0:55:52 composed being in that sense it's not
0:55:55 possible it's not possible to peel the
0:55:57 divine power from him it's not possible
0:55:59 to appear there because I said it's not
0:56:00 it's not a separate entity
0:56:04 it's just a reference
0:56:07 so this is this may be that that issue
0:56:10 is is more to be discussed on the on the
0:56:12 linguistic and reference level
0:56:15 rather than regarding that it refers to
0:56:17 anything in in in in the Divine being
0:56:20 itself
0:56:22 so device is that
0:56:25 a single entity not composed
0:56:28 not a magic of anything not nothing in
0:56:31 medical emerged from him nothing can say
0:56:32 about it for him
0:56:34 solid absolutely solid the word solid
0:56:36 some had been solid absolutely solid
0:56:39 meaning there's no Gap no deficiency
0:56:41 that's the only way you can access it
0:56:43 any any finite language
0:56:46 knowing that some of these references
0:56:48 may be empty
0:56:50 yeah
0:56:53 but compensating this conversating
0:56:59 you have you you have Rahman kindness to
0:57:02 a poor man
0:57:03 you give him give him something do
0:57:06 something to him
0:57:08 he obliged that because he started the
0:57:10 creation for these beings who can suffer
0:57:12 pain and so on
0:57:14 which is impossible to ask him in
0:57:15 advance because they have to be created
0:57:17 before so the damage is already done and
0:57:19 that he obliged himself I will do the
0:57:21 maximum Mercy to conversate about all of
0:57:23 that
0:57:25 provided recognize that I am the one who
0:57:27 did that and I want to be able to
0:57:29 commence it and my doing is proper and
0:57:31 reasonable
0:57:33 which is by necessary reason there's no
0:57:34 other there's no definition of
0:57:36 reasonable and merciful except that
0:57:49 and here he is reporting that we said
0:57:53 he prohibits himself from Injustice
0:57:55 what's meaning injustice Injustice
0:57:57 meaning
0:58:00 essentially I punish you for something
0:58:02 which you do not do
0:58:04 this is irrational this divorcing caused
0:58:06 that effect this will be will be
0:58:08 contradict God's rationality but it is
0:58:11 it is contingent it is doable Allah
0:58:14 never do that he obliged himself never
0:58:15 to do that
0:58:18 that's essentially the Injustice is
0:58:21 punching someone for something he did
0:58:22 not do it or
0:58:25 don't give someone that's what he said
0:58:27 after he had been deserving it in in a
0:58:31 well-established way like for example
0:58:33 yeah you have been Pro you are you are
0:58:36 you're doing something which is
0:58:39 on it or something and and he doesn't
0:58:41 give you that composition all of these
0:58:44 things that's the injustice are you if
0:58:46 you look at all that how do you say
0:58:47 Allah said from Injustice never say that
0:58:49 that lies is is is just or something
0:58:52 like no that's that's that does not need
0:58:55 to be said that because it doesn't it's
0:58:56 not well defined for the Divine being
0:58:59 my necessity is just
0:59:01 but the possibility of doing some
0:59:03 injustice punishing for someone or
0:59:05 punishing someone who did not receive
0:59:06 the message
0:59:10 I didn't receive the message how can be
0:59:13 punished he has a valid argument and his
0:59:15 binding to to give him to give it to a
0:59:18 to a grant is his argument things like
0:59:21 that which we discussed many Hadith
0:59:24 famous Barrister Queen's counselor who
0:59:27 arguing for for himself and to try to
0:59:30 get away from his misdeeds and things
0:59:31 like that
0:59:36 because all these things are contingent
0:59:38 we see them in the universe that they
0:59:40 have some aspects of a condition so
0:59:42 Allah has to oblige himself that it it
0:59:44 would it wouldn't be otherwise
0:59:47 by his Sovereign decision but that
0:59:49 decision is because of his his divine
0:59:51 nature being holy being Supreme
0:59:54 being pure reason absolute rationality
0:59:58 no irrationality you know falsehood can
1:00:01 come in him no deficiency no no Gap
1:00:04 that's the way to discuss the attributes
1:00:06 not going as if they Divine Simplicity
1:00:08 was the meaning of divine Simplicity not
1:00:10 composed of two things which can't say
1:00:11 about it
1:00:13 yes
1:00:15 thanks for I can't separate
1:00:16 linguistically just to study them like
1:00:18 like being and that and being an action
1:00:22 and they said that's that's that's a
1:00:24 linguistic separation just to study the
1:00:26 metal and express it that's does not
1:00:28 mean that it is it says
1:00:30 possible in any conceivable reality or
1:00:33 the Oliver's or way of thinking that
1:00:36 they are separate entities no they are
1:00:37 not the same entity but looking from
1:00:40 certain angles and discussing that angle
1:00:42 and I need as a human being I need for
1:00:45 studying the uh this entity is to to
1:00:48 study this aspectful first as if it's
1:00:51 separated from the entity but this is
1:00:53 just because of the human limitation
1:00:56 foreign
1:01:18 you talk about entities
1:01:22 and you talk about attributes and you
1:01:24 talk about action or events Dot
1:01:30 certain attribute
1:01:32 Hello dot certain action
1:01:37 and analyzing things around us and
1:01:40 things of of presence in the mind
1:01:42 ultimately and in that
1:01:45 and this week president that's that's
1:01:48 the ultimate we can go after that we
1:01:50 can't go anymore
1:01:55 you can still construct things which are
1:01:57 impossible to exist but we recognize
1:01:59 that they're impossible because they are
1:02:00 internally contradictory that's it like
1:02:02 as a square circle
1:02:08 yeah
1:02:10 so most of these issues about Divine
1:02:13 Simplicity and things like that I think
1:02:15 should be shunned I don't think it's a
1:02:17 it's a correct way of doing things the
1:02:19 correct way is to this let's say there's
1:02:20 a necessary extreme being it's only one
1:02:24 necessarily not composed impossible
1:02:25 because there's only in one the evidence
1:02:28 of a necessary existing show there's
1:02:30 only one entity which can be there and
1:02:32 that entity cannot be composed of two
1:02:34 it's impossible because if the if if the
1:02:38 two are the mere composition is
1:02:41 contingency but if the two each one of
1:02:43 them is is existing meaning we have to
1:02:45 several necessary existing being but we
1:02:48 have excluded that by the evidence
1:02:49 before that it's impossible for more
1:02:52 than one device in aesthetic system we
1:02:54 get to exist so it can't be that's
1:02:56 that's not possible or one of them is is
1:02:58 existing and the other is contingent
1:03:01 this is nonsensical then the composition
1:03:03 must be contingent so it cannot be any
1:03:05 it's existing on both contingent putting
1:03:08 two contingents will make it even weaker
1:03:10 and even more confidence is the existing
1:03:12 so it's not composed of two entities
1:03:14 that's all that we can say
1:03:17 that we can speak about a massive
1:03:19 certain attributes and certain
1:03:20 attribution and and
1:03:22 classify certain classification that's
1:03:25 another issue that's hard enough to do
1:03:26 with simplicity
1:03:32 yeah
1:03:33 So Divine stability is just correctly
1:03:36 it's not composed of to the several
1:03:37 entities or to acronyms or being two
1:03:40 acronyms sharing some kind of a Divine
1:03:42 substance there's nothing called Say by
1:03:44 advice substance
1:03:45 because there's only one necessary
1:03:47 system being can't be
1:03:50 the only thing to be settled in that
1:03:52 realm is that this decision exist system
1:03:54 being is it is it a Divine being meaning
1:03:56 a free agent with absolute civilian free
1:03:59 will or it is uh an interdeacting by
1:04:01 necessity which we can call nature and
1:04:04 there's nothing in between it's
1:04:05 impossible
1:04:07 because of that nature because of the
1:04:09 concept of necessity existing
1:04:12 does not allow for anything in between
1:04:15 is either 0 or Infinity let's I get give
1:04:17 the example of that actually is also
1:04:20 something in mathematics similar to that
1:04:22 but I I don't think anyone present have
1:04:24 some background in in in in in
1:04:29 a sufficient in high higher mathematics
1:04:33 of functional analysis and and operators
1:04:35 but let me eventually just casually
1:04:37 maybe some accident someone is sitting
1:04:38 here in Hilbert space you can you can
1:04:41 Define collections of linear operators
1:04:44 uh and they they call and they have
1:04:48 certain attributes their weekly weekly
1:04:50 close Etc and they're called factors and
1:04:53 the factors can be classified by using
1:04:55 something called the relative trace and
1:04:58 it turns out the native Trace is having
1:04:59 either the following three types of
1:05:01 factor factor of type 1 that's the
1:05:03 relative risk takes takes discrete value
1:05:05 zero one two three four and it is final
1:05:08 another one it takes a continuous
1:05:10 interval from zero to one real numbers a
1:05:13 third one zero and infinity
1:05:15 so there's a factor which is zero
1:05:18 Infinity which seems to be like a like a
1:05:20 like a faint image of the something like
1:05:23 that similar to a divine
1:05:26 and but you can see the mathematical
1:05:28 proofs all these possibilities
1:05:31 so you could see this this factor is
1:05:33 some kind of sensitively existing time
1:05:35 or something like that a mathematical
1:05:37 model or something like or a projection
1:05:39 in the finite mind of suspects require
1:05:41 the other ones obviously contingent it
1:05:43 can be zero one two three for the
1:05:44 relative trace or it can be this a no no
1:05:46 this one is a zero and infinity
1:05:49 there's no way to define at least except
1:05:51 either zero Vanishing Trace relative
1:05:53 trace or Infinity Divergent Trace
1:05:58 similar arguments there in in the case
1:06:00 of but I don't want to go through these
1:06:02 deep things and and but anyone who has
1:06:05 studied the so-called normal drinks and
1:06:09 Norm algebra and there's books about
1:06:10 that complete books
1:06:13 about normal drinks algebra
1:06:31 or something the guy name anyway you can
1:06:34 check for something just just saying
1:06:36 normal drinks and you may find this this
1:06:39 book and then you go through the night
1:06:41 towards the end when he defines factors
1:06:43 and relative trees and check these
1:06:45 interesting things dictated by necessity
1:06:47 of mathematics and reason here it is
1:06:49 clear upon this is existing being either
1:06:52 you have
1:06:53 completely dumb they're dead
1:06:57 acting by necessity if ever and you have
1:07:00 the absolute Sovereign acting by
1:07:03 absolute freedom absolute frontality
1:07:05 nothing in between
1:07:07 the first one
1:07:09 is argue well they call it nature call
1:07:13 it whatever you want to call it we don't
1:07:15 the word nature seem to be the best for
1:07:17 the for this thing that entity is
1:07:19 excluded by obviously it's the first
1:07:22 step of exclusion of it that the the
1:07:24 current universe is obviously full of
1:07:26 contingency and we go to the big bang
1:07:28 and we we find that it is have
1:07:30 contingent parameters also so it can't
1:07:33 be that nature it cannot be imagined for
1:07:35 my nature so it must be creation by by
1:07:39 absolutely free free agent that's a
1:07:41 cosmological problem but I have I am
1:07:43 having the suspicion that that that a
1:07:47 necessarily existing being cannot be a
1:07:51 nature so that's that will be an
1:07:53 ontological proof I have something like
1:07:56 a skeleton overproof but not completed
1:08:00 it needs some work there
1:08:03 that that contradicts the concept of
1:08:05 action
1:08:07 somehow but it needs it needs freshing
1:08:10 out it needs some hard work it is not
1:08:12 straight
1:08:13 because the the other ontological proof
1:08:15 of Santa and Sun field for the good for
1:08:17 the will to establish no reasons
1:08:21 that was an intological proof does not
1:08:23 respect to the universe or anything just
1:08:25 pure from the concept of the Divine he
1:08:27 hoped to conclude that the Divine must
1:08:29 exist
1:08:30 the problem with that that is that the
1:08:32 conclusion has an error there
1:08:34 that will be a pure ontological proof
1:08:38 but this may be another one
1:08:40 that we have this dichotomy either
1:08:43 a nature
1:08:47 acting by necessity
1:08:49 with any knowledge or anything it said
1:08:52 just did that depth I think by necessity
1:08:54 mindless mindless Universe mindless
1:08:56 reality or Supreme might
1:09:00 and supreme free will
1:09:02 these two it's not it's impossible
1:09:04 anything except these two but first one
1:09:07 we've scrolled until now just by the
1:09:09 cosmological proof because you don't
1:09:11 have a good ontological proof to show
1:09:13 that this is internally contradictory I
1:09:16 think it's antenna I believe it's in the
1:09:17 contradictory but it's just believing is
1:09:20 not enough you have to
1:09:21 flesh it out as an Evidence the same way
1:09:24 you do mathematical proofs
1:09:27 and that's that's uh
1:09:29 that's a very hard not to crack although
1:09:32 I don't think many people worked in that
1:09:34 direction so that's the reason I said if
1:09:35 so many people have worked in Direction
1:09:37 they may have a ship somewhere and maybe
1:09:38 some some people worked in some things
1:09:40 and achieved Ritz there but they were
1:09:42 not conscious that the bits would lead
1:09:44 to another step so we have to review
1:09:46 what people have discussed about like
1:09:47 Divine stability and things like that
1:09:49 some of it maybe if we put together in
1:09:51 the correct way
1:09:52 or what we're being extremely cautious
1:09:54 about linguistic World plays and that
1:09:57 and statements which refer to absolutely
1:09:59 nothing it is we may end the finding
1:10:01 that this is true
1:10:02 that we don't need to worry about even
1:10:04 of the Big Bang what or the investors
1:10:06 Big Bang or not being bad but all of
1:10:07 this will disappear well it will make
1:10:09 will be irrelevant
1:10:12 which is the addition I think it's by
1:10:14 Necessities like that but
1:10:16 we can't go from the back door we have
1:10:18 to watch it from the front door anyway
1:10:19 back to the I think we indulge too much
1:10:21 in the issues of developer but it's
1:10:23 clear this issue that Divine Simplicity
1:10:26 what does it mean
1:10:28 not composed of two necessary of two
1:10:31 beings
1:10:32 because we prove that anestheticity
1:10:35 media at most only one that's the
1:10:37 concept of necessary all can be only one
1:10:41 maximum but there must be one otherwise
1:10:44 nothing can can be around
1:10:48 so it's only exactly one now the
1:10:50 question is it a nature or is the Divide
1:10:52 that's the only question America
1:10:54 yeah
1:10:56 that's that's a valid way of analyzing
1:10:58 things
1:10:59 but the problem and exact rationality
1:11:02 using exact logic and on Modern logic
1:11:05 that's it
1:11:08 then we get to myself Simplicity it's
1:11:10 just this cannot be composed yes
1:11:12 absolutely because this composition
1:11:13 doesn't make any sense
1:11:15 of two necessary system is it possible
1:11:17 called non-exist
1:11:20 whatsoever only one there so what comes
1:11:23 with whom or one necessary one
1:11:26 continuous becoming necessary by
1:11:29 composition is even more absorbed so
1:11:31 that's that's it
1:11:32 that's the meaning of devices that
1:11:34 should be there stop there
1:11:39 say Allah has won
1:11:44 compared to others multiplicity no one
1:11:47 in himself I had
1:11:49 Allah the solid one
1:11:52 there's a better translation of Summer
1:11:56 the one who has no gaps
1:12:00 hollow inside itself that's obviously
1:12:02 taken from Material World
1:12:07 something who is not Hollow
1:12:09 is more solid than something with Hollow
1:12:11 but we know that even as a steel rod is
1:12:13 Half Hollow today because if the atoms
1:12:15 regard within the atoms now compress it
1:12:17 to become a neutron star still there are
1:12:19 some holes compressor it will get
1:12:22 disappeared it will go to become a black
1:12:24 hole and still it will go down to zero
1:12:28 but but imagines an entity which
1:12:30 whatever you do it's absolutely solid
1:12:34 and it exists
1:12:37 you could competitively in your mind in
1:12:39 in a as a model of just thought yes
1:12:42 Allah it's not like that but like
1:12:44 mathematical point
1:12:45 in the utmost
1:12:47 concept of mathematical point
1:12:50 it's
1:12:51 just absolutely one absolutely
1:12:54 undividable absolutely solid no gaps
1:12:57 there no way to split no way to divide
1:12:59 you can take that as a model for for
1:13:02 just visualizing something because we
1:13:04 need to visualize as human beings
1:13:09 knowing that the point which we have
1:13:11 drawn on on the tablet or in the school
1:13:14 is not a mathematical point
1:13:17 let's just take a magnifying glass
1:13:19 you'll see here so big you can't think
1:13:21 it's compressed compressed until you go
1:13:23 to a point
1:13:25 and no more
1:13:28 so that's considering the Divine
1:13:30 Services because there's about such
1:13:31 stems until they are more exactly well
1:13:34 defined the right simply meaning it's
1:13:36 not composed of two entities
1:13:38 that's it being having attributes and so
1:13:41 on which is composed from Identity and
1:13:43 the tribute or from a sense and
1:13:45 attribute these are all just figures of
1:13:47 speech to analyze things and study them
1:13:49 because we cannot see things immediately
1:13:51 in one go so we have to split them and
1:13:53 study them that's it
1:13:58 and definitely the driven attribution
1:14:00 it's not like the the whiteness of the
1:14:03 wall which is because of the paint I
1:14:05 can't scrub it away and make it blue
1:14:06 it's not like that because it's not
1:14:08 composed so it must be something
1:14:10 essential
1:14:11 whatever that means just imagine always
1:14:14 the one or the the mathematical point
1:14:17 that's the end what we can we can we can
1:14:20 imagine and put our imagination in
1:14:23 and we stop there because that's the
1:14:25 maximum Carriage we call it just
1:14:27 fundamentally single uncomposed simple
1:14:31 absolutely simple entity in that sense
1:14:38 okay so that's that's concerning this
1:14:41 one so because of this Mercy he has
1:14:44 obliged himself to Mercy because
1:14:46 he made with the Sovereign decision to
1:14:48 establish Universe this way and there's
1:14:50 no there's no way to question that
1:14:52 that's that's the decision
1:14:55 absolutely so many decisions but with
1:14:58 this decision obviously some suffering
1:15:00 that things have happening in the
1:15:01 universe which everyone sees and some
1:15:03 people feel very painful about it and
1:15:06 they start doubting that Allah has
1:15:07 doubting qadar and so on but there's not
1:15:09 a way to go
1:15:10 because what has happened because of
1:15:11 that he obliged himself to Mercy and
1:15:14 took full compensation more than Full
1:15:16 Compilation Beyond any imagination for
1:15:18 that
1:15:20 but that's just the universe with this
1:15:22 mental capability and this relatively
1:15:25 Sovereign but limited Free Will for
1:15:28 human being we have we have a circle of
1:15:30 a range of uh in our our control which
1:15:34 we are completely in in charge
1:15:36 completely it's not that that it's not
1:15:39 that we that the breakfast we talked
1:15:41 yesterday or the food we take 10 years
1:15:43 ago is done influencing our decision to
1:15:45 believe or not believe no no we believe
1:15:47 that it's a sovereign will to do that
1:15:53 we must have a genuine free will it's a
1:15:56 limited one yeah it is and the
1:15:59 conditions could play a role but they
1:16:00 are never making it obligatory or
1:16:02 non-obligatory we still have about
1:16:04 genuine free will it's not like the
1:16:06 Divine was absolute sovereign
1:16:25 except to worship me meaning
1:16:28 I did this universe this way with
1:16:30 conscious being who are sufficiently
1:16:32 rational and sufficiently have a free
1:16:34 will that they can accept me or reject
1:16:36 me
1:16:37 and I am willing to
1:16:39 to go that risk this is a risk really
1:16:43 but
1:16:45 that's what he wanted was meaning
1:16:47 worship me acknowledge me as the
1:16:49 ultimate survey that's all that I want
1:16:51 from there there may be some injunctions
1:16:52 some commands here and there that's
1:16:54 that's a footnote that's not a
1:16:55 fundamental point
1:16:57 accept me that the ultimate sovereign
1:17:02 consideration
1:17:09 but accept me and surrender to me
1:17:12 well that's what I believe failed
1:17:14 what he failed to do to you and that's
1:17:17 the reason Allah asked him uh
1:17:20 Horizon as I commanded you
1:17:24 I do notice
1:17:35 I was fully jealous of this guy and so
1:17:38 on this one may be a good excuse but I
1:17:40 really said no I recommend is not
1:17:42 somehow itself faulty because I'm better
1:17:45 than him
1:17:46 he thinks that Allah commands someone to
1:17:48 proceed through someone because that
1:17:49 someone is better than you no
1:17:52 or less
1:17:54 under that you you should not prostrate
1:17:57 with someone or respect someone who's
1:17:58 better than you no
1:18:00 I usually use a bit sometimes there's a
1:18:02 raunchy language and says to make us you
1:18:05 to a pile of do you have any
1:18:06 liberty no
1:18:09 you have to obey
1:18:10 it is my command I am the sovereign
1:18:15 otherwise you did not fulfill the
1:18:16 meaning of your existence
1:18:18 then all what has been given to you is
1:18:20 in vain
1:18:23 what's that you said you cannot be
1:18:25 arrogance
1:18:27 against Adam some some scholar made a
1:18:29 mistake because he was arrogant of Allah
1:18:31 no it was arrogant toward Allah
1:18:33 questioning his command that's it and
1:18:36 Heavens no nobody can be like that out
1:18:39 you are checked out
1:18:40 we are cursed we are expelled out of the
1:18:43 mercy out
1:18:44 that's it
1:18:46 because you failed in the fundamentality
1:18:48 which technology Allah
1:18:51 Allah be questioned by necessity of
1:18:54 reason
1:18:57 because he will defeat you in any
1:18:59 argument
1:19:00 you think your your argument is rational
1:19:01 I am the ultimate reason I gave you
1:19:04 rationality
1:19:05 you should doubt your reasoning not
1:19:07 doubt the ultimate fundamental reason
1:19:09 and B
1:19:11 their rationality will be upside down
1:19:13 reason will call Labs if you do that
1:19:16 there's no way that can work this way
1:19:20 now this is that's the reason for
1:19:22 example usually when I mention that that
1:19:24 was discussing beige is longer but if
1:19:26 it's fire Superior to modernity
1:19:29 catastrophic error
1:19:33 not only irrelevant it may be mistaken
1:19:36 what meaning the fire is better than mud
1:19:38 and mad is better that fire doesn't make
1:19:40 any sense
1:19:42 math is better for the plants because
1:19:44 plants cannot grow in Fire and Fire is
1:19:47 better for purifying iron
1:19:54 what does it mean
1:19:59 doesn't make any sense
1:20:02 so like some people like relatively
1:20:05 great minds it goes in such a trap is
1:20:08 very amazing how your mind could be
1:20:11 fooling you
1:20:12 essentially
1:20:15 by the devil's argument
1:20:17 and they try to refute him no Allah did
1:20:20 not let me see what prevent you for make
1:20:22 sure as I have commanded you that's it
1:20:24 that's it
1:20:26 that's the point
1:20:27 it's not that you're Superior and very
1:20:29 or not it's true or not true that's
1:20:31 notation
1:20:34 objective is not an issue but it's
1:20:36 irrelevant even if it isn't an issue
1:20:39 completely irrelevant
1:20:42 I think we will discuss completely from
1:20:46 the issue of Simplicity but that's
1:20:47 that's just reminding of certain things
1:20:49 what what it calls uh the issue that the
1:20:52 fundamental point is that
1:20:58 what is the sister existing is not
1:21:00 composed that's the meaning of divine
1:21:01 Simplicity that's the second attribute
1:21:03 he mentions
1:21:04 attribution name and the Revelation
1:21:07 using obviously human language and we
1:21:09 associate something in our mind but this
1:21:11 is not having anything to do to do with
1:21:13 Simplicity because Simplicity means it's
1:21:16 only one necessarily existing being
1:21:18 which is the Divine being not the nature
1:21:20 because excluded Nature by the
1:21:22 cosmological argument but we hopefully
1:21:24 inshallah when they will be able to
1:21:25 exclude completely on completely
1:21:27 irrational ontological argument and
1:21:29 modal modal logical arguments finish it
1:21:32 I'll get it out of the table
1:21:34 and
1:21:37 that entity made a fundamental decision
1:21:39 of creating it that's that's that's the
1:21:42 decision we have to accept it there's no
1:21:44 way the Escape problem is done that's
1:21:47 the finished cannot be reversed it's
1:21:49 finished over
1:21:52 the universe in this shape with this
1:21:54 system would be beings who are who are
1:21:58 capable of of uh a reasonable level of
1:22:01 choice a reasonable level of basic
1:22:04 rationality
1:22:06 who can be addressed and commanded
1:22:09 unquestioned
1:22:11 essentially beings who can
1:22:14 come close to the Divine but will never
1:22:16 become Divine because Divine is
1:22:17 infinitely far away but they can Ascend
1:22:20 in the levels of divinity of exercising
1:22:22 more freedom of gaining more knowledge
1:22:25 and more knowledge and with a
1:22:26 never-ending process that's maybe the
1:22:28 main pleasure of paradise is advancing
1:22:30 it is level higher and higher and higher
1:22:32 in the Divine prisons
1:22:35 that's a decision
1:22:37 that's it
1:22:39 that's what they'll be fitting for that
1:22:41 this is an existing being that's a Genus
1:22:43 made and the saved lady and based on
1:22:46 that certain obligation equalizer to
1:22:48 certain things like this that I said
1:22:51 but another condition that this will be
1:22:53 honored and accepted I like that and
1:22:55 here he assets
1:22:57 because of this obligation to Mercy I am
1:23:00 collecting you to the realm of qiyama
1:23:03 this is this discreation with with this
1:23:05 with this exceptional amazing
1:23:07 capabilities of a free choice and which
1:23:11 is shocking not well in creation is
1:23:13 shocking everything is mechanical around
1:23:15 us and still we have free choice and
1:23:17 everything is dead and death but we have
1:23:19 is my rationality
1:23:22 that's not just just for nothing just to
1:23:24 recognize me as well but if you
1:23:25 recognize me
1:23:29 and submit to me
1:23:30 then I have to conversate for that
1:23:32 because in that in that Universe they
1:23:34 suffered many things
1:23:36 I'd have to compensate them and to go
1:23:38 reward for them Survivor I have
1:23:40 appropriate them to be with me in in a
1:23:43 divine presence and audience
1:23:47 there will be a resurrection there
1:23:50 without any doubt
1:23:52 but those who did not recognize that and
1:23:56 submit to it they have lost themselves
1:23:59 and so forth how can you join the divine
1:24:01 presence and be in a well-established
1:24:04 firm place with God almighty um
1:24:08 with a powerful King sitting there and
1:24:11 being in the audience enjoying all
1:24:13 eternity at never-ending advancement
1:24:15 enjoyment and knowledge and and
1:24:17 increasing in the entirety another or
1:24:19 whatever happens there we don't know we
1:24:21 have quinoco said today of that
1:24:25 how come you're not qualified for that
1:24:28 to hell or to Annihilation whatever it
1:24:31 is
1:24:32 whatever head means
1:24:35 assalam bye that's it they have lost
1:24:37 website I've lost all the opportunity
1:24:40 and this is a warning for the people
1:24:42 but it's not only a setting with a cup
1:24:44 why don't you get saved yourself
1:24:47 otherwise you have lost yourself
1:24:49 most likely all the evidence is right
1:24:52 that will be a Hellfire at least for
1:24:54 certain ages a time and when all all
1:24:57 that compensated properly then most
1:25:00 likely they will be annihilated they
1:25:01 will be will be erased from history if
1:25:04 you have seen these various movies of
1:25:06 star Star Wars and Star Trek and so on
1:25:08 and they try to struggle to understand
1:25:10 the issues face and time and then if you
1:25:13 see for example if you see for example
1:25:16 in one of the episodes
1:25:18 they they try to come in terms of
1:25:21 someone going back in time which is
1:25:23 Impossible by the way trust me this is
1:25:24 all nonsense it can it can't be it's
1:25:26 impossible
1:25:27 you can repeat history but in the
1:25:29 forward time is going forward you never
1:25:31 go backwards never ever because what has
1:25:33 happened in the past is the device what
1:25:35 the Divine have decided and it happened
1:25:37 it's impossible to undo that's color no
1:25:39 is it doesn't even relate to divine
1:25:41 power but according to the imagination
1:25:43 they think in in terms of theory of
1:25:46 reactivity which time goes back and
1:25:48 forth and so on and then somebody
1:25:50 someone come from a certain timeline
1:25:52 another come from another timeline and
1:25:54 then the style I think the Star Trek
1:25:56 Voyager the commander which is the lady
1:25:57 because of course we are in a feminist
1:26:00 age which is good I'm not minding that
1:26:03 she says these guys are going back an
1:26:06 attempt to erase us from history so they
1:26:08 get get the whole line of History it
1:26:12 range from the beginning
1:26:14 because because if you if that line is
1:26:18 now realized you cannot go back and then
1:26:20 erase it so it doesn't realize now so it
1:26:22 exists there's exist in the same time
1:26:24 but it's but but these people of General
1:26:26 activities sometimes stupid they think
1:26:29 because they have some mathematical
1:26:30 equation it refers to something which
1:26:32 can exist outside the mind or the
1:26:34 imagination anyway I'm not discussing
1:26:37 you know the timelines and the theory of
1:26:40 relativity but this is the show this
1:26:41 manifesty is impossible it can't be
1:26:44 so that's it that's that's it that's
1:26:46 that that's the when the purpose of the
1:26:48 eye if we expand on it because we
1:26:50 expanded too much because someone came
1:26:51 with the question of divine simplicity
1:26:54 foreign
1:27:02 okay although his is all that dwells in
1:27:05 the night and the day and he alone is
1:27:08 all hearing or known his translation all
1:27:10 that rests during the night and the day
1:27:12 belong to him and he alone
1:27:15 all he is all hearing and all knowing of
1:27:18 this the interesting thing is that
1:27:19 there's the Simpson will give us or why
1:27:21 especially those everything resting it
1:27:23 seem to be the pagans of Croatia and
1:27:25 maybe some Arab they thought if someone
1:27:27 is silent or something is silent like
1:27:29 animals in a state of sleep and so on
1:27:31 they somehow
1:27:33 ultify our and making no noise
1:27:37 they seem to be somehow outside of of
1:27:40 the Divine hearing and the Divine
1:27:43 knowledge all the hearing his meaning
1:27:44 he's obviously recognizing the voices
1:27:46 and the movements it's not like hearing
1:27:48 with a drama and the vibration of there
1:27:51 well but we know that but we don't need
1:27:52 to avoid that or the sun is but it's
1:27:55 some kind of knowledge the knowledge of
1:27:57 things which we regard as as uh audible
1:28:00 or audio and things like that but anyway
1:28:02 we don't go through this this issues
1:28:05 which uh salafi and other similar idios
1:28:08 get stuck with we know what's that means
1:28:10 it's a type of knowledge anyway
1:28:12 but seems to be they have the the
1:28:14 concept that if someone is silent
1:28:16 or shielding him behind the wall
1:28:19 Allah does not know or hear them it
1:28:21 seems to be because we have a story
1:28:23 that's how much they can sat next to the
1:28:25 Kaaba
1:28:26 and they were discussing
1:28:29 does Allah hear what we are talking now
1:28:31 that I want to say yeah as long as we
1:28:32 talk but if you shut our mouth or we go
1:28:35 inside the Kaaba we have a ceiling on
1:28:37 top of us that Allah will not be able to
1:28:39 see at or hear us so we can plot there
1:28:46 that they think they can because the
1:28:49 ceiling of the cover is obviously
1:28:50 prevented from seeing Cognito human
1:28:53 immediate experience so he will not see
1:28:55 through and if you remain silent we
1:28:57 don't move we move our lips and so on
1:29:00 and here so if we plot against him or
1:29:02 against the messenger maybe inside the
1:29:04 Kaaba by writing something down without
1:29:07 pronouncing
1:29:08 neither here no no maybe they would
1:29:10 believe in that so that's the reason
1:29:12 even what is silent and not moving and
1:29:14 not making noises in Day and Night
1:29:16 Belongs to him and he is all the hearing
1:29:18 I don't know it I think that's maybe
1:29:19 that's the reason rewarding this kind of
1:29:21 people but it looks for us quite odd but
1:29:24 it was another one point at that time
1:29:26 and the Very but until the end of time
1:29:28 there will be some people thinking like
1:29:29 that
1:29:31 there will be some people act like that
1:29:33 maybe in India some pagans but it shows
1:29:36 regarding all possible even the most
1:29:38 absurd claims of the people have the
1:29:41 Quran is giving a rebuttal for that so
1:29:43 even which is silent which is not moving
1:29:45 which
1:29:47 is
1:29:49 belongs to him and he's in control and
1:29:52 he is all hearing I know that's what he
1:29:53 say all hearing all knowing
1:29:56 because not an issue with all that
1:29:58 belongs to him so it's under his control
1:30:00 and he will hear and know what's going
1:30:02 on
1:30:05 that's most likely is that what what uh
1:30:07 what the what uh what what addressed
1:30:10 which kind of people are there being
1:30:12 addressed by that is most like some kind
1:30:14 of such idiotic for us it's almost
1:30:16 unconceivable that someone a human being
1:30:18 could think this way but that was that
1:30:20 how pagans are
1:30:22 that's how big is that just look for
1:30:23 something in some some of the Indian
1:30:25 movies and how they talk to the idols
1:30:27 and address them and threaten them and
1:30:29 so on then you see how how how how
1:30:31 fallacious and absurd is the Pagan view
1:30:34 of the reality
1:30:40 foreign
1:31:04 but God the originator of the heavens
1:31:06 and the earth when it is he who gives
1:31:08 nourishment and himself needs none
1:31:11 say I am bitten to be foremost among
1:31:14 those who surrender themselves unto God
1:31:16 and not to be among those who ascribe
1:31:18 Divinity to ought beside him next
1:31:20 translation say why should I take a
1:31:22 master for myself other than God the
1:31:24 originator of the heavens and the earth
1:31:26 when it is he who feeds and needs to be
1:31:29 fed
1:31:30 it needs not to be fed say I am
1:31:33 commanded to be the first among you to
1:31:35 submit myself to him and not be among
1:31:37 the idolaters so so a few things here
1:31:42 the word Wali has been translated as
1:31:44 Master it has the meaning of Master in
1:31:46 this context but it also has the meaning
1:31:48 of whether he is used not trap or master
1:31:51 or say it because Wali is having further
1:31:54 meaning says means a lie protector so
1:31:57 it's not only the master but a protector
1:31:59 and so that's the way dwelly will entail
1:32:01 all these meaning and this here it is
1:32:02 meaning the master I'm support
1:32:05 to take any master or Ally or protector
1:32:08 except the one who initiated Heaven and
1:32:11 Earth
1:32:12 he's the one who feeds but does not need
1:32:15 to be fed because the pagans believed in
1:32:16 various types that the diseases need
1:32:19 some kind of food you just go to the to
1:32:21 the to the Greek mythology and about the
1:32:24 food of the Gods which is some kind of
1:32:26 an actor or something like that no he
1:32:29 the one feeds he doesn't need to be fed
1:32:30 because necessarily he's not a composed
1:32:34 being that doesn't need to wait to get
1:32:35 the thing in or nothing is going out
1:32:37 that's that's very obvious if I but we
1:32:40 are talking because we are now a such a
1:32:42 sophisticated level of understanding and
1:32:44 so advanced in history that it has
1:32:46 appeared for us that's ever but but but
1:32:48 go go to the go to the the some movies
1:32:53 and some series of Indian pagans and so
1:32:56 on nowadays and you see things like that
1:32:58 of this type
1:33:00 that they need to be fed or they feed
1:33:02 are things like that it's almost like
1:33:04 big human beings that's it
1:33:07 say
1:33:08 I have been commanded
1:33:10 to be the first one to surrender to him
1:33:15 from this community mainly the first one
1:33:17 but also possibly meaning to be the
1:33:20 first one to be ahead of every one of
1:33:21 you not necessarily paste in time
1:33:23 because there have been people
1:33:24 surrendering in previous generations but
1:33:26 to be ahead of everyone inside Italy but
1:33:29 then you most likely is the concerning
1:33:30 that you see I am committed to be the
1:33:32 first one to surrender
1:33:33 so it's not I'm asking you to surrender
1:33:35 under myself
1:33:38 I am going ahead of that ahead of you
1:33:41 and giving you the example of that and
1:33:43 Allah said the attendant in in
1:33:44 addressing him and don't be from the
1:33:46 idolators from the pagans the one
1:33:49 associated with Allah bless
1:33:54 it's wider than just pagans it could be
1:33:56 something someone asserting through
1:33:57 Allah some kind of sovereign Kings
1:34:00 alsoever into monks and scribes that's
1:34:03 also check all of this is designated the
1:34:05 word
1:34:16 the Supreme point of of their contention
1:34:20 is that the ultimate sovereignty and
1:34:22 ultimate right of command and for
1:34:25 forbidden
1:34:27 Associated any attributing that to any
1:34:29 entity stay at Power Kings
1:34:32 Scholars monks and so on will make you
1:34:35 automatically
1:34:39 types I think we'll still be able to do
1:34:41 us to stop here
1:34:43 have a great year thank you yeah so this
1:34:45 is Ayah number 15 I think yes
1:34:51 okay
1:34:52 um so I've got some questions uh some
1:34:54 personal type of questions um so
1:34:56 uh first one is around River so somebody
1:34:59 uh asked somebody the knowledgeable it's
1:35:02 not in writing it's just a purely um
1:35:04 verbally
1:35:06 um just a just a just a decent sincere
1:35:08 brother uh around the issue of mortgages
1:35:11 so this person that he he asked
1:35:14 mentioned about
1:35:17 uh in justification this guy's
1:35:19 justifying um that you can have a
1:35:21 mortgage if your rent and your mortgage
1:35:25 are equivalent and you you have this you
1:35:29 basically yeah
1:35:31 about building some kind of stability so
1:35:33 if you hey you'd have no equity you have
1:35:36 no means of saving to buy a house you'll
1:35:38 be in a situation whereby yeah
1:35:42 the Western mortgage contract is not an
1:35:45 installment contract if it would have
1:35:46 been Australian people like the Islamic
1:35:48 banking is doing there's no issue with
1:35:49 that it's a it's called mortgage
1:35:52 what's good but it's not because it's
1:35:54 not a loan contract the Western one is a
1:35:57 loan contract
1:35:59 so it is
1:36:01 the question
1:36:03 is there's any argument for for doing it
1:36:06 because
1:36:08 because of necessity or pressing need I
1:36:11 said there may be an argument there is
1:36:13 another argument for some hanafi
1:36:14 Scholars claiming that said there is no
1:36:17 river between Muslims and kahabi in the
1:36:20 domain of harp to mean
1:36:21 and he said this is first of all this
1:36:24 Hadith is faulty secondly it is if you
1:36:27 analyze it it don't make any sense if
1:36:29 you mean a domain of horrible domain
1:36:31 where you have because you said Harvey
1:36:33 his money and wealth is is available if
1:36:36 you can take it in a case but this is if
1:36:38 you are engaged in war but if you are in
1:36:40 a domain where you are settled like in
1:36:42 Britain
1:36:51 you have a covenant and you're breaking
1:36:54 the Covenant if you take the people
1:36:55 money or give them money or or attack
1:36:57 them or injure them they're breaking the
1:36:59 Covenant
1:37:01 that's bad there's a big Haram you
1:37:03 cannot kill them you can't tell you so
1:37:04 that's not that argument so this is not
1:37:06 a structure but it's not a good one it's
1:37:08 a mistake I anyway uh I think uh abusive
1:37:11 and others rejected that as not a valid
1:37:14 point of view that's uh I don't know who
1:37:16 from of the three uh is it Automotion
1:37:19 who adopted that or nobody adopted it's
1:37:21 just advert or hanifa and none of this
1:37:23 says decibels are three decibels adopted
1:37:24 that so leave that the other one said it
1:37:27 may be argue the following is that you
1:37:30 need to be housed the house housing is a
1:37:33 necessity because living outside in the
1:37:35 state is just just impossible especially
1:37:38 in winter time so in many other
1:37:39 countries but even generally
1:37:41 there you have to have a home even if
1:37:43 it's a tent
1:37:45 clearly in most places the world is not
1:37:47 possible to live in a tent Plus so you
1:37:49 have to be housed
1:37:51 that's a necessity now
1:37:54 you have then either to pay rent
1:37:58 yeah
1:38:00 obviously if you are unable to pay
1:38:02 attention then you will be homeless in
1:38:03 the street and there's no issue of
1:38:05 having a mortgage in the first place but
1:38:07 let's say you're able to pay attend or
1:38:10 having a Haram contract but because of
1:38:13 the dictator in the city because then
1:38:15 instead of giving the money to the owner
1:38:18 which is usually a cafe
1:38:21 with your rent and depriving yourself
1:38:24 from the accumulated wealth in the case
1:38:26 of you buy a house rate and with a
1:38:28 mortgage because in a buyer with a
1:38:30 mortgage under the the the
1:38:33 mortgage install installment or payments
1:38:35 are essentially comparable to the rent
1:38:37 sometimes they're slightly higher
1:38:39 sometimes they're slightly lower
1:38:40 generally and more often than not they
1:38:42 are less than a rate
1:38:46 then
1:38:48 because of the need of and the need of
1:38:51 of strengthening yourself and Building
1:38:53 Wealth Etc so that you can at least your
1:38:56 social and can inherit something and you
1:38:58 establish yourself in the society
1:38:59 because you having wealth and a position
1:39:02 is an important aspect of life then you
1:39:06 may say I can't do this Haram
1:39:09 out of necessity or out the diagnet
1:39:14 so that was the argument I once
1:39:16 mentioned if someone argue like that
1:39:19 he is at Liberty let him do argue that
1:39:21 but I later and I think argument is
1:39:24 having some some reasonable aspect of
1:39:26 success um whenever you say success
1:39:29 that's that's keep that in mind
1:39:32 that's it
1:39:36 is a faulty and you cannot be accepted
1:39:38 certainly reject it
1:39:41 and the argument that it is no
1:39:42 difference than the Islamic mortgage is
1:39:44 also attributive because the difference
1:39:45 between a river
1:39:47 and and an installment by is the
1:39:49 difference between Bayer and the river
1:39:51 like when the mushikin said in the
1:39:53 middle I said no Allah
1:39:56 so this is the playing games because
1:39:59 riba is only in card and alone
1:40:02 so just confirmed the bear as in buying
1:40:04 and selling yeah but yeah by buying and
1:40:06 selling trade they say trade is like
1:40:09 usual it's the same there's a new point
1:40:11 of view though from your point of view
1:40:12 though this is we've been doing multiple
1:40:14 insurance so somebody wants to be an
1:40:16 unsafe said
1:40:17 when it's life and death that is
1:40:22 also their need and I mentioned was the
1:40:24 example of the man who whose camel died
1:40:26 he found the morning dead
1:40:32 died and so on
1:40:34 and then he said it's right there you
1:40:36 cannot eat it say but we are so poor we
1:40:39 don't have anything still we were
1:40:40 begging people for food say then you eat
1:40:43 it so there's any there's not life and
1:40:45 death they can't go on begging
1:40:48 so you say so when dire need so how's
1:40:50 that this so for example something like
1:40:52 I said what they said is that you
1:40:54 analyze your situation and if you think
1:40:55 you are in need then do it
1:40:57 so when you're saying so for example the
1:40:59 person who's in this for example someone
1:41:01 who's who can afford the rent but it's
1:41:03 more about he wants equity for later
1:41:06 it's not matter of foreign
1:41:10 except someone who can afford the rent
1:41:12 but he said the rent will be lost for me
1:41:15 and my children over 30 years instead of
1:41:18 accommodating a wealth social myself
1:41:20 a Muslim Community and still in me
1:41:24 that's the point
1:41:26 I have to pay rent anyway
1:41:30 instead of it's going to waste or
1:41:32 strengthening the kofar because the most
1:41:34 real estate in domain of cover is owned
1:41:36 by cover generally instead of that I
1:41:38 started myself at least in in in in in
1:41:40 the down the the future by having real
1:41:43 estate and and I only real estate and
1:41:45 giving it to until you see really those
1:41:48 Pakistani who came 30 40 years ago here
1:41:50 and started they have no they have now
1:41:52 established himself and they have some
1:41:54 properties and their children up can can
1:41:56 can have a better situation in the
1:41:58 society and protect themselves better is
1:42:00 that protecting them from from cover and
1:42:03 so on there's something else because
1:42:03 there's a method of education but it
1:42:05 gives them a better standing
1:42:07 and make them more fairly established
1:42:09 because money is necessary for the life
1:42:12 and having wealth make you more capable
1:42:14 in enforcing yourself to society
1:42:16 protecting yourself from operation and
1:42:17 all of these things so so what is the
1:42:20 extent so you're saying there's an
1:42:21 ambiguity in terms of the personal
1:42:22 situation no no I suppose I'm saying you
1:42:25 have to analyze your situation if that's
1:42:27 your argument and you can argument do it
1:42:30 that's what I'm saying the things you're
1:42:31 asking a Layman to understand and argue
1:42:34 that on the day man can't do that no no
1:42:36 he's obliged to do that
1:42:38 foreign
1:43:29 destitute then
1:43:31 what's the ex what I'm saying is because
1:43:33 for example somebody is going to make a
1:43:34 decision for you or for the person the
1:43:36 person have to analyze the situation
1:43:38 so what are the what are the constraints
1:43:40 of it so for example say I don't know
1:43:42 say someone's on a I don't know
1:43:44 100 say he makes four thousand a year
1:43:47 and his rent is one thousand
1:43:49 and he's got a relatively straight
1:43:51 that's not a point obviously making four
1:43:53 thousand or ten thousand
1:43:55 the point is that that thousand is going
1:43:58 I must pay the Thousand for it
1:44:01 if I pay it for a mortgage then I
1:44:03 accumulated wealth for myself and my
1:44:04 children down the road instead of the
1:44:06 money going to the kofaru to the owner
1:44:08 of the household example which is most
1:44:10 likely 99 in London and Britain will be
1:44:13 will be a non-muslim and straightening
1:44:15 him he is getting my money I'm not
1:44:17 getting there my children will not
1:44:18 inherit the dick I will be paying rent
1:44:20 and being dependent on rent until my
1:44:22 death and my children will come with
1:44:24 zero uh assets over time
1:44:27 and I want to leave something so they
1:44:29 can they can survive better on the car
1:44:31 that that's a that's a that's a
1:44:33 reasonable consideration I would say
1:44:34 that's a reasonable consideration
1:44:37 but if someone someone can kind of uh
1:44:39 can uh electricity you said someone is
1:44:42 his salary is four five thousand six
1:44:43 thousand and you pay only one thousand
1:44:45 then he can easily accumulate uh enough
1:44:48 from these in few months
1:44:50 tighten the belt a little bit and go to
1:44:52 do the Islamic by the different the only
1:44:54 reason for the the the the Islam
1:44:56 mortgage is that the down payment
1:44:58 because its own structured quite a
1:44:59 higher down payment that's the point
1:45:02 less than you say if you can if you are
1:45:04 the saturation that you even even unable
1:45:07 to pay the down payment like you said
1:45:10 it's only 1800 the net after taxes and
1:45:12 so on you're just surviving on the list
1:45:14 for food and so on and you pay that into
1:45:16 a thousand because you cannot you cannot
1:45:19 go much smaller than that
1:45:21 you see my point if you have such a big
1:45:23 salary then you can then you can't just
1:45:25 type in the build a little bit and then
1:45:27 have have a have a buying by installment
1:45:29 and it's available now
1:45:33 and many people tried that but they
1:45:35 could not they could not get the the
1:45:37 down payment
1:45:41 so this is an exceptional situation if
1:45:44 you are in the way of gopherd what you
1:45:45 have but is now invited for example in
1:45:47 many other countries you have Islamic
1:45:49 but because of the structure of the
1:45:50 thing the down payment has to be higher
1:45:55 that's that's the point
1:45:57 and usually it's
1:46:00 banks will not bother because banks will
1:46:02 will just the the down payment for them
1:46:05 is almost like a good faith deposit just
1:46:08 a small amount like maybe five percent
1:46:10 I'm still not clear as to an individual
1:46:12 how we make that am I in a situation
1:46:14 whereby he has to he has to do he has to
1:46:17 do he has to do because he's the one who
1:46:18 answers
1:46:20 myself as an example I would always be
1:46:24 cautious
1:46:25 um that's your decision that's fine for
1:46:28 me it's not even a question of the house
1:46:30 is am I doing for example if I took out
1:46:32 a conventional mortgage I would be
1:46:33 paranoid about it being held on and you
1:46:36 know no I could because you will take it
1:46:39 only if you convince that your situation
1:46:41 making the Haram Halal in this situation
1:46:43 it's not Haram then if it is
1:46:49 depending on what's what's defined as
1:46:51 you see what you perceive as necessity
1:46:58 they would give certain constraints some
1:47:01 kind of like losing a limb or something
1:47:03 like the the threat of losing a limb
1:47:05 what is the constraint no no that's
1:47:06 that's their imagination but the Quran
1:47:08 says what you are endurance to do it you
1:47:12 just do this in your situation if
1:47:14 someone is in the U.S he has to reject
1:47:16 the situation
1:47:17 and you know is the situation better
1:47:19 than anybody else
1:47:20 that they give that give that losing
1:47:23 from their imagination the Quran does
1:47:25 not say museums
1:47:28 you know fearing death you're feeling
1:47:30 well poverty you're feeling something
1:47:31 like that
1:47:37 okay
1:47:38 follow-on question
1:47:40 to everything where do so again a real
1:47:43 question about that one with the incomes
1:47:44 one if he has sufficiently big income
1:47:46 then you can say okay
1:47:49 just tighten the bill for a few months
1:47:51 have the down payment and go with the
1:47:53 installment
1:47:55 but Islamic banking it has no excuse but
1:47:58 the other one we're talking about is
1:48:00 that before Pakistani who started with
1:48:02 the uh was it within in a factory
1:48:05 sniffing all the time maybe silicon and
1:48:08 things that it would kill him later so
1:48:10 and barely barely able to pay the uh the
1:48:14 rent for for a miserable house in in
1:48:16 East London and so on and they just have
1:48:18 a bit of food and so on on the table
1:48:21 there's no way at the time anyway they
1:48:22 were they were there were definitely no
1:48:24 uh no Islamic Bank but now the question
1:48:26 is advising now can you can you get the
1:48:29 down payment somehow
1:48:31 if you can't get it then then you are
1:48:33 not in their need for for the for the
1:48:35 for the usurious contract no definitely
1:48:37 not
1:48:39 with house prices that they are now just
1:48:41 you know I don't know how much they have
1:48:43 said if you have to check it if you
1:48:45 check tomorrow the situation maybe not
1:48:47 not dire need maybe in one month it
1:48:49 should be in a day on it or in a year
1:48:51 right a month it will not change unless
1:48:52 you have a major crash and collapse of
1:48:54 Banks and so on but we don't know it
1:48:57 depends our situation when you decide to
1:48:59 do that okay this is a two follow-on
1:49:02 questions just on this specific then
1:49:04 I've got a very very slow question after
1:49:06 that so this one is so but but the
1:49:08 hanafi Festival of time passed arguing
1:49:10 that is wrong definitely I don't think
1:49:13 this is acceptable what they should have
1:49:15 given fatwa because of the necessity and
1:49:17 so on if they come simple man does not
1:49:20 know what to argue his head because of
1:49:21 necessity and so on and this is only
1:49:23 this consideration go ahead and do it
1:49:25 knowing that you are doing it because of
1:49:27 because of the need they are need or
1:49:29 necessity
1:49:30 not because of the argument of that hour
1:49:32 that argument is not correct
1:49:35 okay second second uh the following for
1:49:37 this so someone already asked about line
1:49:39 limits you've already said that this
1:49:41 time to the person now can this extend
1:49:43 to multiple homes so people wanting to
1:49:45 build additional Equity is it just
1:49:46 necessity covers just the one house that
1:49:48 you live in no no the house you're
1:49:50 living in this is where the other one is
1:49:51 not the order is just making with
1:49:53 uh this is not that's not not a their
1:49:57 necessity or other a necessity or the
1:49:59 day I need that's just making extra
1:50:02 money I couldn't even say oh here here
1:50:04 in the west they not in England but for
1:50:07 example Germany and France you can open
1:50:09 a brother and make money
1:50:11 it's a good way of making money
1:50:16 extra no
1:50:19 talking of advice my second question is
1:50:21 around uh haramas even worse than than
1:50:24 uh usually even Western than or being
1:50:27 abroadderland and employing some hubless
1:50:29 woman to work there trust me it's even
1:50:32 worse
1:50:33 it looks for the free worlds shocking at
1:50:35 first but it's not true
1:50:36 the the the all over social and economic
1:50:42 the results from usually is worse than
1:50:45 than having a brother
1:50:48 but people do not see that because they
1:50:51 don't they have lost the taste of the
1:50:52 meaning of of a real economy of how
1:50:54 economically as a matter of fact all
1:50:57 these issues with with women for women
1:50:59 being in such situation that they need
1:51:01 to to earn money by their own vagina
1:51:03 although these things is coming from the
1:51:05 in Societies in which either usually or
1:51:08 or misapplication of a funds or
1:51:09 something
1:51:10 it would not have been in society which
1:51:12 is not usually as unapplying obviously
1:51:14 or even Muslim Society they failed
1:51:16 sometimes that but this is failure is
1:51:19 not a justification
1:51:23 okay I'll send you the recordings of
1:51:27 this inshallah afterwards um yeah second
1:51:28 question um this is the most one of the
1:51:30 most loud questions you'll get for today
1:51:31 and that is
1:51:33 um around the subject of Quran money so
1:51:36 um
1:51:38 money in itself there's no Haram called
1:51:40 the silver coins it is the way of
1:51:42 earning money is Haram or Hala so that
1:51:45 for example someone who who does
1:51:48 unofficial Pharmaceuticals a drug dealer
1:51:50 you know it's quite quite the third
1:51:52 third most uh proficient profession in
1:51:55 this town
1:51:57 um after vat is coming
1:51:58 um yeah so you have somebody who may
1:52:01 appropriate you know sell drugs and he
1:52:03 has some money
1:52:05 he wants to
1:52:07 this bro one brother he happens to know
1:52:10 you know like all of us drug dealers and
1:52:12 if they go out with him he's like okay
1:52:14 if the person gets the bill am I now
1:52:16 eating Haram because the person has paid
1:52:18 from this so
1:52:20 he wants to pay for a bill I've consumed
1:52:24 something which is effectively paid
1:52:25 through by illicit like money I I don't
1:52:28 I don't understand what's illicit money
1:52:29 what's it what is the question what's
1:52:31 the question someone is earning money by
1:52:33 by having a brother in France okay
1:52:36 for example
1:52:39 you say from Royal in France fight and
1:52:41 then he comes and and and buy something
1:52:43 from you or something like that yeah or
1:52:46 you he takes you for a meal or this
1:52:48 person's got this money he invest it
1:52:50 somewhere else he starts a legitimate
1:52:52 business so what's that problem you're
1:52:55 having with him you'll have that's the
1:52:57 money has nothing to do with your
1:52:59 earning your contract with him is a
1:53:00 legitimate one what has his money it's
1:53:02 also coming from being okay so it's
1:53:05 irrelevant
1:53:08 only if only if you participate in his
1:53:10 earning that's the question that but
1:53:13 you're not participating you're doing
1:53:14 another business okay okay if this
1:53:17 individual
1:53:18 take does this thing and he invests
1:53:20 money
1:53:21 say a hundred grand in a business
1:53:23 himself yeah that money itself is that
1:53:26 Halal for him or no he is that's what
1:53:31 that's for him then to to be responsible
1:53:33 that says why we're discussing for this
1:53:35 man who committed in the beginning so
1:53:38 this is this individual would he have to
1:53:40 what would he do with that money he's
1:53:42 now he did sold a lot he has to repent
1:53:46 and return it to the legitimate owners
1:53:47 if possible
1:53:49 charity or something like that he has to
1:53:51 fix the situation okay okay with the
1:53:54 same one apply for people with off
1:53:55 licenses so for example they may they
1:53:57 come back also that's also part of it
1:54:00 yeah so they have that money it's not
1:54:01 legitimate for them
1:54:07 that has nothing to do with this man a
1:54:09 man inviting you to his house and you're
1:54:11 eating in his table okay okay so it's
1:54:13 defined according to the website it's
1:54:15 been restricted to the issue of the man
1:54:17 is putting food on the table and
1:54:18 inviting you to eat his food he is
1:54:20 inviting you as a friend or as a
1:54:22 neighbor
1:54:23 and you are eating a food from a
1:54:25 friendly neighbor you are not obliged or
1:54:27 asking where he got it not get it if you
1:54:29 know that specifically this one is from
1:54:31 Satan Haram evening then you should not
1:54:33 accept the invitation the first place
1:54:37 if you want
1:54:38 but still it's not
1:54:55 let me work for you and helping you with
1:54:58 with harvesting the the dates
1:55:00 and she was very stingy hey she agreed
1:55:03 with every bucket with one date
1:55:05 so he whacked his his shoulder off
1:55:08 having a he said I got a handful of
1:55:10 dates imagine how much he was working
1:55:12 hard for this he did not ask him did you
1:55:15 buy that from a resident money or not
1:55:17 they were selling Hammer they were
1:55:18 selling they possibly they have even
1:55:20 prostitution working for them because it
1:55:22 was legitimate at the time and for them
1:55:24 and they were usually involved in all
1:55:26 these kind of things don't ask should
1:55:28 not ask
1:55:29 he harvested again earned that for his
1:55:33 work
1:55:34 he said this you don't need to ask are
1:55:36 these three legitimate that you did you
1:55:37 resolve that from London did you inherit
1:55:39 it properly that's not you should you
1:55:42 don't ask and you should not ask because
1:55:43 it will it lead you in an infinite
1:55:45 regress
1:55:51 that's for society
1:55:53 I remember someone mentioned someone
1:55:55 Michelle Pakistan that he was so Pious
1:55:58 that he even have his own his own
1:56:00 Plantation in which she has cotton and
1:56:02 from this cotton his wife is weaving a
1:56:04 clothing say okay what's about the land
1:56:07 what did he have rented the land of
1:56:09 water what did he buy the land is done
1:56:12 that he got stuck
1:56:14 we'll get you an infinite regress
1:56:17 or some people in Tampa said that you
1:56:19 cannot take any salary from the
1:56:21 government because the money is not
1:56:22 taking appropriately they are not giving
1:56:24 it a zakat as it should be or not
1:56:25 spending as it should be
1:56:27 no we are getting for your work
1:56:29 that you may not work for certain
1:56:31 workers Etc without Haram by themselves
1:56:33 that's something else but the moment you
1:56:35 think the work is needed to it for
1:56:36 example you work as let us say
1:56:39 not as a tax collector because this will
1:56:41 be most likely around with the most
1:56:42 governments in the world even the Muslim
1:56:44 world but you work for example as a
1:56:46 street sweeper
1:56:48 it's a perfectly legitimate a nice job
1:56:51 even a rewardful job because you're
1:56:53 cleaning the people pay a space and
1:56:54 you're removing evil from the from the
1:56:56 roads and so on preventing accident
1:56:58 whatever people are Muslims or Muslims
1:57:01 that's a very vulnerable job all the
1:57:03 people do not like it
1:57:05 anyway
1:57:10 take your salary and spend it to
1:57:12 yourself happily
1:57:16 so so you're much about tax cuts of
1:57:18 working for hmrc
1:57:20 as a tax collector to be prohibited
1:57:21 because they have prohibited taxes which
1:57:24 you don't recognize yeah if you if you
1:57:26 believe these taxes are not legitimate
1:57:28 then you cannot work as a tax collector
1:57:31 even foreign
1:57:38 don't be don't be a tax collector don't
1:57:41 be uh don't be uh judged don't be
1:57:44 mentioned for for
1:57:46 jobs specifically excluded to be to be
1:57:49 with them
1:57:51 but that's excluding set against by
1:57:53 evidence by Hadith not just by this
1:57:55 consideration that the money is
1:57:58 because you are supporting them their
1:58:00 Injustice and their oppression that's
1:58:01 that's the reason for that
1:58:03 or help you in that direction also just
1:58:06 I had this question which we've answered
1:58:07 many many times before which is about
1:58:08 working in a usurious bank as a as a
1:58:11 Muslim you know if you're doing if you
1:58:15 work as a God no problem you're
1:58:16 regarding the bank guarding the people's
1:58:18 money
1:58:19 is not your business but if you are
1:58:22 involved in your serious contract
1:58:23 yourself I've taken a contract for
1:58:25 witnessing the contract or signing
1:58:27 approving the contract and you are part
1:58:28 of the usury
1:58:30 we know let's say usually
1:58:32 being part of it giving and taking or
1:58:35 writing that or witnessing it is very
1:58:38 clear
1:58:39 they are all the same level of curse
1:58:43 we know about Hammer producing Etc
1:58:45 making useful for Hammer Etc carrying
1:58:49 Etc you know
1:58:50 we know that the process did not leave
1:58:53 these things open he clarified what is
1:58:55 it
1:58:58 some questions as well what I'll do
1:59:00 um I'll I'll allow you to unmute I might
1:59:03 pop out to do awesome while you guys is
1:59:04 talking
1:59:06 um so over to you
1:59:10 yes so Prof um perhaps in the remaining
1:59:14 time uh like I could take the liberty of
1:59:17 discussing with you the matter of uh
1:59:20 non-arabic origin words in the Quran you
1:59:24 know since we passed maybe another day
1:59:26 because we don't have it in an Arabic
1:59:27 word at the moment a little when it
1:59:29 comes on occasion accumulate information
1:59:31 there will be some some occasions soon
1:59:34 maybe then we can just I I think we
1:59:37 passed the word cortas which means the
1:59:40 sheet oh yeah so okay
1:59:43 but as as you as you wish if you would
1:59:46 like to postpone it to the next uh the
1:59:49 general rule is that the so-called
1:59:50 non-arabic words have been urbanized by
1:59:52 been taken in the Arab language at the
1:59:54 Quran every language imposed from other
1:59:56 languages
2:00:00 is from Justice
2:00:02 yeah
2:00:03 balanced by well-balanced questions
2:00:11 most likely generally Arabic
2:00:15 that's it has it has been important
2:00:18 Arabic little became Arabic so some some
2:00:20 sometimes people or these who are trying
2:00:24 to undermine the Quran in the sense that
2:00:25 say oh he's not it says about himself
2:00:29 Arabic words I think I think we should
2:00:32 till the if someone come with something
2:00:34 they say sorry sorry fellow you are a
2:00:37 donkey because sometimes discussing
2:00:40 things like that make you a mockery if
2:00:42 you indulge in something like that
2:00:43 because every language in the world have
2:00:45 words from previous languages and
2:00:47 surroundings and appropriated in the
2:00:50 language
2:00:53 part of the language no language is pure
2:00:56 without any influence from other
2:00:57 languages before
2:01:00 and if you look in English I find many
2:01:01 English words are coming from from uh
2:01:03 from Arabic for example or obviously
2:01:05 half of it is coming from Latin anyway
2:01:07 we know that and a good amount coming
2:01:09 from from Greek
2:01:11 yeah yes yes so Prof that's why I
2:01:16 actually wanted to discuss because it's
2:01:18 a it's an intriguing topic and I
2:01:20 actually have one one better response
2:01:24 for the uh for the orientalists you know
2:01:27 because they say that these words like
2:01:29 they they they challenge the the fact
2:01:33 that uh that was the best responses
2:01:36 that's it yes yes yes the Prof I I know
2:01:41 that you know I I know that this uh
2:01:44 these words of Greek origin and Assyrian
2:01:46 origin have been uh in fact before Islam
2:01:50 even even if even the Quran they made
2:01:53 them Arabic
2:01:55 language
2:01:57 exactly but but I have a better a better
2:02:00 response I would like to share with you
2:02:02 yes so uh so I know I I know that I I
2:02:07 know the first response is is actually
2:02:10 held by
2:02:11 um most of the Muslim Scholars but what
2:02:13 about the the the the the the the other
2:02:16 response which is the fact that you know
2:02:18 uh
2:02:20 you know the nouns uh of uh the nouns
2:02:24 that are known by uh their uh names
2:02:27 should not uh be uh like um
2:02:38 exactly so so so the word curtas and the
2:02:42 word castas are have actually remained
2:02:45 the same if if you looked at it from in
2:02:48 the Greek language they are remained the
2:02:49 same like the like the names of them
2:02:52 for a person it's not a personal name
2:02:55 yeah so yeah so so that's what that was
2:02:59 my second question that uh for example
2:03:01 the word cortos is not is not isim Adam
2:03:04 is
2:03:06 is it is a type of paper I think it's a
2:03:09 it refers to the Papa Russia is that the
2:03:11 paparos yes yes
2:03:15 and even even paper later
2:03:18 is later developmented originally they
2:03:21 called it I think it's coming from maybe
2:03:22 from from Turkish or from Chinese
2:03:25 somehow kind and then later on that they
2:03:28 adopted the word warak and so on
2:03:30 yes so so I think the fact that these
2:03:34 words
2:03:35 have been the same you know uh uh uh the
2:03:39 Quran did not twist or molest these
2:03:42 words uh this is this fact shows that
2:03:46 the the Quran is in fact uh genuine in
2:03:50 its Revelation you know unlike for
2:03:52 example if we compared it to Bible you
2:03:54 know in in Bible or or other holy books
2:03:57 we find that uh words
2:04:00 from foreign languages have been
2:04:04 completely mutilated and changed
2:04:06 sometimes so for example but yeah yeah I
2:04:09 I agree but but even here it has been
2:04:11 arabiz
2:04:15 Justice exactly exactly but but Prof I
2:04:18 think we we need to differentiate
2:04:19 between completely mutilating the word
2:04:23 and slightly modifying it to be able to
2:04:26 pronounce it you know because for
2:04:27 example many words of a foreign origin
2:04:30 who we as arabic speaking people we
2:04:33 cannot pronounce you know so we have we
2:04:35 we need to tweak a little bit or modify
2:04:37 so it becomes most of the Arabic test
2:04:39 and Arabic sounds exactly exactly that's
2:04:41 in every language exactly and like
2:04:43 unlike for example in the Bible they
2:04:45 completely twist the name and you see
2:04:47 this phenomena in in Chinese language by
2:04:49 the way a lot so for example in in Bible
2:04:51 they took the word Ahmed or Muhammad and
2:04:54 they they went to the meaning of that
2:04:56 word Ahmad or Muhammad and then they
2:05:00 translated that meaning
2:05:03 this in the translation but in the
2:05:05 original in the original Hebrew
2:05:08 is muhammadin
2:05:10 is it so I I don't think this is this is
2:05:14 a very uh forceful Point uh but I I
2:05:19 wouldn't go there but even even this
2:05:21 castas and cortas had been prevalent
2:05:24 before before I don't hear Quran
2:05:25 imported get any word uh but which was
2:05:28 the Arab did not use before I don't
2:05:30 think so I think it's already used by
2:05:32 the Arabs maybe for Generations maybe
2:05:34 for centuries maybe for Millennia before
2:05:36 that but it's originate from a previous
2:05:38 language or from adjacent language like
2:05:40 justice
2:05:43 is definitely Latin
2:05:46 from underwear that that it says craft
2:05:50 in the case strongly that the sea which
2:05:52 is English
2:05:54 centers
2:05:56 is actually originally was something
2:06:00 most likely
2:06:03 foreign
2:06:28 Music
2:06:51 but I wouldn't stuck with that point but
2:06:54 if if the audience come with that then
2:06:56 they just say some gentlemen sorry guys
2:06:58 we are now leaving the human level and
2:07:00 going to the donkey level that's that
2:07:03 would be my answer because there's a
2:07:04 certain certain things the moment you
2:07:06 indulge in them you prove that you are a
2:07:08 donkey
2:07:11 yes I think even the orientalists even
2:07:14 went so far to claiming that the the the
2:07:17 Quran has actually a Syrian origin you
2:07:20 know not only yes
2:07:26 I understand we're not going to things
2:07:28 which are so obviously uh rubbish
2:07:34 I understand doctor but but going back
2:07:37 they can't go but they say this is just
2:07:39 finish get get us get us the
2:07:42 original the original the Syrian and
2:07:44 write it in a transliterated in phonetic
2:07:46 word
2:07:47 you'll see there's there's a vastly
2:07:50 difference anyway the alleged they may
2:07:52 have maybe a bit of a area or a bit of
2:07:55 something which similar to something in
2:07:56 there that's all that they say
2:07:58 these these people are just Jokers
2:08:01 you know they they are the radical
2:08:03 orientalists they're called The
2:08:05 revisionists Radical or not radical they
2:08:08 are irrelevant right we should not I
2:08:11 should I think uh engaging in the debate
2:08:13 with them
2:08:14 is make the issue it becomes becomes uh
2:08:18 become messed up it's not it's not an
2:08:21 answer we don't need to answer every if
2:08:23 someone if some if someone if you're in
2:08:25 that state and someone to start barking
2:08:27 like a dog you don't say say please
2:08:29 express yourself in English this is a
2:08:32 walking dog go
2:08:34 yeah you have to someone you have to
2:08:36 have something more structured than that
2:08:37 yes yes I understand doctor going back
2:08:40 to the final point I'm just gonna I'm
2:08:42 just gonna make the final point maybe a
2:08:44 bit clearer uh you know so I hope that
2:08:47 uh that that we can understand that you
2:08:50 know the Quran almost likely he kept the
2:08:53 origin words uh unmutilated and unmo
2:08:57 listed you know
2:08:59 I wouldn't bother really about mutilated
2:09:02 not Vitality this is but you know I I
2:09:05 understand that it's otherwise but it's
2:09:07 not completely different so for example
2:09:09 take the word Muhammad we can see we can
2:09:13 have different variants like in Turkish
2:09:15 mehmed for example in Africa yes
2:09:25 foreign
2:09:30 yes but in the translation they they
2:09:32 mutilate the translation the transition
2:09:34 you can play with the reading Quran
2:09:37 translation now say they say
2:09:40 that don't they say no but with the word
2:09:43 don't you see because that is from a
2:09:46 translator maybe a mistake
2:09:47 no no I wouldn't I wouldn't really go in
2:09:49 that I would do that okay I I would I
2:09:52 would I would all respect I wouldn't go
2:09:53 into that too much except that these
2:09:55 have every language imposed from the
2:09:57 other and other important yes Arabic
2:10:00 Arabic seems to be the mother Semitic
2:10:02 language the ancient Arabic which
2:10:04 developed obviously because Acadian for
2:10:06 example has almost a complete Arab like
2:10:08 the card Arabic so seem to be the
2:10:10 complete era which we have now is very
2:10:13 ancient and then the northern the
2:10:15 northern directs developed lost Arabic
2:10:18 like and the Hebrew and so on and some
2:10:22 like the Acadian and some ancient Bible
2:10:24 learning have fully Arab yeah that's
2:10:26 maybe by the way just for knowledge just
2:10:29 an interesting point I came across
2:10:30 recently is that at the time of Musa
2:10:33 like 1450 around before Christ and so on
2:10:36 the lingua Franca the language which
2:10:38 people were trading between Iraq Syria
2:10:40 uh uh uh current turkey Egypt including
2:10:45 and so on was actually achillion
2:10:48 so it's very well possible that most
2:10:50 discussion between between Musa and
2:10:53 Ferron was in Acadian that selected the
2:10:55 language of trade and language of
2:10:56 various Nations and everyone you repeat
2:10:58 and that's all like like we nowaday
2:11:00 English is the lingua Franca of the
2:11:02 business and so on possibly but it's
2:11:04 just a side remark so I I wouldn't I
2:11:07 that's these people are desperate they
2:11:09 want to think about this took that from
2:11:11 the okay get us the sources the the
2:11:13 so-called say uh uh Aramaic sources in
2:11:17 which the Quran is the Kobe or just just
2:11:19 a a liberal transition there's none
2:11:26 the Quran
2:11:28 and the reason for that is to come from
2:11:30 the same Source this one is under these
2:11:32 are the coping from each other let's
2:11:34 verify hypothesis number one hi for this
2:11:36 number two and check it in the case of
2:11:38 Muhammad he is illiterate
2:11:41 he lives deep in Arabia
2:11:42 Makkah is not known for scholarship
2:11:44 there were a couple of Scholars there
2:11:46 who are isolated living alone and so on
2:11:49 completely even that story about going
2:11:51 to alaka and he verified that this is
2:11:53 the Revelation shows that he Muhammad
2:11:55 has no interaction with him but just
2:11:57 because he's the cousin of Khadijah she
2:12:00 took him there he has barely any
2:12:02 interaction in before that he doesn't
2:12:03 even know him
2:12:05 before that actually the young man from
2:12:07 marijaji he may even maybe meet him in
2:12:09 the street once or twice in his life
2:12:11 and I asked him for the description so
2:12:14 all these evidences show that he's
2:12:16 completely isolated but he doesn't know
2:12:17 what's going on in the world and those
2:12:18 are the story of others in life when he
2:12:20 was stoned by the by the uh and then he
2:12:24 took a refuge to a farm of quality and
2:12:26 the quality she felt because of
2:12:27 tribalism and sent him some dates
2:12:30 and then with the how does the slave of
2:12:32 this scholarship I don't remember the
2:12:34 courses anyway who were killed in battle
2:12:37 but anyway at that time that was the
2:12:39 10th year of Alberta they put the The
2:12:43 Grapes or whatever for him and then
2:12:51 what did you say nobody in this area
2:12:54 here or in Mecca because you say a slave
2:12:56 and he's lived working them in a garden
2:12:58 possibly he goes with them and possibly
2:13:01 only in time are very close and they
2:13:03 know each other culture because most
2:13:05 Maki authorities and big business people
2:13:09 having having farms in in her life it's
2:13:11 their summer holiday place
2:13:14 nobody nobody says that in this letter
2:13:18 what's that and that's what I'm asking
2:13:20 my controversy from which place you are
2:13:23 say I am from now said from the from the
2:13:26 city of the good man uh
2:13:29 they say what do you know about twins
2:13:30 matter how did nobody nobody in this
2:13:33 area know about you it's not able to
2:13:34 hear about him will you come say he's my
2:13:36 brother I am a prophet and he's a
2:13:38 prophet and all this immediately fell on
2:13:40 his feet kissing him am I recognized
2:13:42 immediately it's impossible for this man
2:13:43 who clearly from this environment was
2:13:46 never anywhere clearly it must be
2:13:50 and then there's also tell them oh why
2:13:53 did you kisses we say he's a prophet
2:13:54 like not believe him you're you're don't
2:13:57 leave your religion for him your
2:13:58 religion is better than a religion the
2:14:00 stubbornness of the quality he said
2:14:01 benefit from that anyway we're not
2:14:03 discussing a lot but but it's very clear
2:14:06 so in the case of Muhammad it must be so
2:14:08 another source now we have to find the
2:14:10 other source
2:14:11 no this circled revision is maybe a
2:14:14 source this is the 10th year for God's
2:14:16 sake how can we assault for the previous
2:14:18 Quran who were in Mecca barely any Jews
2:14:21 in Mecca a few Christians in Mecca and
2:14:23 isolated essentially like a monastery
2:14:26 like life
2:14:27 foreign
2:14:43 or anyone who relevance there may be few
2:14:45 slaves of Christian origin but you know
2:14:46 the common Christian at that time and
2:14:48 also at our modern time they are
2:14:50 completely ignorant about this thing
2:14:51 because the scriptures were in another
2:14:53 language
2:14:55 there's some Christian there and they
2:14:57 know some rudimentary stories about the
2:14:59 Issa and so just a redimentary they
2:15:01 don't have no access to the scripture
2:15:03 the scripture will not available either
2:15:04 in Arabic nor a little bit in Arabic and
2:15:07 Syria and most of it was in Greek and
2:15:09 Latin
2:15:11 so how can he perform them more than
2:15:13 that
2:15:14 even if he had some interaction with
2:15:16 some slave I I think that's this guy
2:15:20 going in these things is very futile in
2:15:22 someone whose history is well recorded
2:15:24 like Muhammad if they go to Orissa and
2:15:26 claim that he has been influenced by
2:15:28 Greek philosophy and so on they may get
2:15:31 away because that area is obviously
2:15:33 Greek culture is prevalent is under
2:15:35 Roman control and the Roman has
2:15:37 excellent administrator but the culture
2:15:39 and philosophy is mostly Greek and Greek
2:15:41 is possibly even Risa was mastering
2:15:43 Greek language and using even Greek
2:15:46 Greek Expressions partly like any
2:15:49 educated man there's no problem and they
2:15:51 can't come from that angling case of
2:15:53 Elisa Maybe
2:15:57 never existed
2:15:59 until now certain evidences came on the
2:16:01 table they forcing them to actually and
2:16:03 then they tried to kill their moleculars
2:16:05 are being a result of volcanic erupture
2:16:09 things like that
2:16:10 yes yes so so just uh just to end up
2:16:14 with uh with a funny thing you know
2:16:17 before that you know you know in in in
2:16:21 Jonah's Bible uh it's uh Muhammad's
2:16:26 actually mentioned the paracletos right
2:16:28 so that's actually what I was referring
2:16:30 to but you said that's in the
2:16:31 translation
2:16:32 we don't know but even but as it is the
2:16:35 discrimacy between the Latin and that is
2:16:39 I I have them in some documents yeah and
2:16:42 one of them means the president and one
2:16:44 of them is the comforter or the advocate
2:16:46 so which one it is we don't know
2:16:48 yeah they should have kept it the same
2:16:51 you know Muhammad Muhammad you know his
2:16:52 name shouldn't have been changed no
2:16:54 maybe but anyways maybe ASAP mentioned
2:16:57 it as a description
2:16:59 so no no I I wouldn't go into these fine
2:17:02 things that's that's worthy of some
2:17:04 discussion definitely yes but what I'm
2:17:06 saying is that not every counter
2:17:09 argument is is is worth responding
2:17:12 Twitter says sometimes the
2:17:14 responsibility like for example when
2:17:15 Allah I believe that everything I said
2:17:17 you said what prevent you for making as
2:17:19 I have commanded you
2:17:21 and then at least answered I am better
2:17:23 actually then he was checked them
2:17:24 heavier without any further discussions
2:17:26 it's not the issue of you are better or
2:17:27 not better but that's the reason I say
2:17:29 it is a mistake mistake I will claim to
2:17:31 discuss that
2:17:32 if that would be an issue Allah would
2:17:34 have settled it in the Quran
2:17:36 don't go into this trap
2:17:38 yeah yes no
2:17:41 you are superior to other brilliant
2:17:43 times but you are ordered to for State
2:17:45 you have to prostate period for stuff
2:17:47 out that's it the same here
2:17:51 you are just saying rubbish
2:17:53 every language in the world every
2:17:56 language no one will have imported from
2:17:58 other languages and vice versa that's
2:18:00 that's natural
2:18:01 yes I just want to end up with the with
2:18:03 the funny thing you you know in the
2:18:05 Chinese language Mandarin we see this
2:18:07 phenomena quite a lot you know for
2:18:09 example the Muslim minority there they
2:18:11 call they are called the Huey they are
2:18:13 the Chinese ethnically but they've been
2:18:16 Muslim you know they they have an
2:18:19 Islamic names like us you know Muhammad
2:18:21 Abdullah you know it's just completely
2:18:25 mutilated to the point that they
2:18:28 couldn't they have become different
2:18:29 names so in the in the Chinese language
2:18:32 what they do they they take the
2:18:34 translation the meaning of the words
2:18:37 like for example them the meaning of the
2:18:40 word of the name Muhammad and then they
2:18:42 translate that meaning to their Chinese
2:18:45 language so for example they have they
2:18:48 have Muhammad but it's completely sound
2:18:51 different like for example function or
2:18:54 um yeah you know of course because
2:18:55 because the the way or maybe that's
2:18:57 because of their script is is originally
2:18:59 more like like pictorial and that
2:19:02 developed into complicated the like of a
2:19:04 partial syllable but it's very
2:19:07 complicated but we don't need to this is
2:19:09 old faith is fine it can happen I don't
2:19:11 see there's any any problem for anything
2:19:13 neither for the Quran or from the
2:19:14 Chinese language
2:19:15 the only thing is to have to recognize
2:19:18 that and then get a a custom to it
2:19:20 according to the uh to the because I
2:19:23 think in in ancient time when Islam
2:19:25 starts feeling there I don't think they
2:19:27 have a alphabetic letter which is having
2:19:30 a viralization or sound it's more like
2:19:33 like a part of a word a part of the
2:19:35 meaning and they put them together and
2:19:37 that dictated them the change that's the
2:19:39 reason for example they they have
2:19:41 already they have already a complete way
2:19:43 to write Chinese in into Latin scripts
2:19:46 which should Ease on the in the poor
2:19:47 students in them because they spent five
2:19:49 six years just controlling and learning
2:19:52 about several thousands of these symbols
2:19:54 but they didn't know they're doing the
2:19:55 change why they didn't do the change
2:19:57 they can't spot they did that they have
2:19:58 only the complete system in place they
2:20:00 do not do it because
2:20:03 the the the the the the South Chinese
2:20:06 the Cantonese is vastly different in
2:20:08 pronunciation from the north Chinese
2:20:10 yes they can communicate by writing I
2:20:13 write to you and they communicate with
2:20:14 you in writing because they have the
2:20:15 same symbols for the same meaning as a
2:20:17 matter of fact this is a fact even for
2:20:19 for almost 400 or 90 Japanese I I knew
2:20:23 someone who was studying in Japan
2:20:25 and he went to China told me to say uh
2:20:28 it was Chinese is a different language
2:20:30 say but the writing is essentially the
2:20:31 same so when he was in the restaurant he
2:20:34 takes and right things and the other man
2:20:36 answered him and writing and they
2:20:37 understand this way if he talks that one
2:20:39 doesn't understand if that's one talks
2:20:41 he doesn't understand
2:20:42 so if they rely on on or they change it
2:20:45 with with the transit with the Latin
2:20:47 script then everything will be lost and
2:20:50 the the Cantonese will be different
2:20:51 completely nobody will answer each other
2:20:53 and there's no way communicate even
2:20:54 erratic
2:20:56 um that's the reason they don't they
2:20:58 have audited the system in place they
2:21:00 have already concentration they use the
2:21:02 sub-time international writing and so on
2:21:04 but they did not deal with the afraid it
2:21:06 will split the country in various
2:21:07 linguistic areas which are completely
2:21:09 different and the only way of
2:21:11 communicating now at least helpful is
2:21:13 having it in written
2:21:23 so they are stuck with it today they
2:21:25 don't know what to do until now until
2:21:26 now the Chinese Communist Party decided
2:21:29 postpone the the because that old script
2:21:32 system with uh with several thousand uh
2:21:34 symbols you need about for to be in your
2:21:37 University you need to master about two
2:21:39 thousand to four thousand if you want to
2:21:40 be a literally demand of first rank you
2:21:42 have to master ten thousand who can do
2:21:44 that in lifetime so is that a nightmare
2:21:47 but they are stuck with it they are
2:21:49 don't daring to do the next step because
2:21:51 the next step mini shine I will split in
2:21:53 in linguistically different countries
2:21:54 now they still want the same country
2:21:56 because they can't communicate and
2:21:59 writing at least even if not in sounds
2:22:03 um that makes sense but this is this is
2:22:05 all this is all human what human
2:22:07 development human issues and so on which
2:22:09 can be studied objectively
2:22:11 but uh those audiences the revisionists
2:22:15 are essentially there will be always
2:22:16 there will always in every society and
2:22:18 every scholarship they would be it would
2:22:20 be marginal donkeys
2:22:23 anybody but if you go in this way you
2:22:26 prove that you are like like the donkeys
2:22:28 of the archeology in in Berlin
2:22:31 they say we have no evidence that
2:22:33 Muhammad existed even though actually
2:22:36 Armenian and because they have found
2:22:38 some some coins and so on with more
2:22:40 audio in it and so on instead of
2:22:42 understanding it correctly they say that
2:22:44 that shows that when you may actually
2:22:45 are Armenian and Islam is invention
2:22:49 there was no Islam before that no
2:22:50 Muhammad all of this is invented if you
2:22:53 deal with such donkeys and they call it
2:22:55 the enlightened archeology then then you
2:22:58 can only just give up soon I'm sorry
2:23:00 guys
2:23:02 we were getting from the domain of
2:23:04 rationality into domain and then we have
2:23:07 also in Western I was listening to some
2:23:09 historian who is a really well
2:23:11 established good one discussing with
2:23:13 another European historian who claims
2:23:15 that in the calendar we have in Europe
2:23:17 and the history we have missing 200
2:23:20 years
2:23:21 that that a year that that we are
2:23:24 actually we should be actually in the
2:23:26 year 1800 1700 because someone added 200
2:23:30 years of fabrication and He was
2:23:32 discussing with him laboriously on
2:23:34 showing documents from churches in in
2:23:36 Portugal and documents from here
2:23:40 it was going to so much trouble but it
2:23:43 was very very kind and wild he did not
2:23:45 call him donkey but he showed that he's
2:23:47 a donkey we have this that's the code we
2:23:50 have these military codes in the in the
2:23:52 old church of Portugal we have this we
2:23:54 have this in these years how come that
2:23:56 this year have been created after that
2:23:57 by someone fabricating history and
2:24:00 things like that
2:24:01 you will find some people who are
2:24:03 mentally sick
2:24:04 nowadays we know those we have in the in
2:24:06 the in the mutada you say the muntada
2:24:07 yeah people still insisting that the
2:24:11 Earth is flat
2:24:13 denying that it's uh that Genesis of
2:24:16 your perception are the reason it's not
2:24:18 a matter of theory
2:24:20 that would be all just brain dead people
2:24:24 there's a
2:24:26 the only thing is just to be merciful
2:24:27 and try to guide them bit by bitter by
2:24:29 all kind of arguments anyway I think we
2:24:31 have everyone wants to go to cats
2:24:34 you can um somebody's asking about um
2:24:37 some claiming the returns from crypto
2:24:40 liquidity providing a river or my
2:24:43 understanding this is just Why what is
2:24:44 the liquidity
2:24:47 but that's what somebody's saying so you
2:24:49 say Chef moment I have some
2:24:51 people what it is what is liquidity
2:24:54 providing
2:24:57 liquidity providing you put you put in a
2:24:59 liquidity pool
2:25:01 yeah so the liquidity is available I
2:25:04 usually put two or two things so that
2:25:05 they are well balanced in some way
2:25:07 and then then people can trade with that
2:25:10 and so back and forth so liquidity is
2:25:12 available and from the trading uh
2:25:14 trading fees you get a share what has to
2:25:17 do with River
2:25:23 what is the usurious contract
2:25:26 then they tell them to study exactly
2:25:28 what the liquidity pool is what is being
2:25:30 done there and so on that's it
2:25:34 your political amount of for example
2:25:36 ethereum and maybe your Bost or
2:25:38 something like that or whatever the
2:25:40 other one
2:25:41 and then the the pool is having
2:25:43 capability of of over trading with your
2:25:46 ethereum using your ethereum and the
2:25:48 substitute it would be USD and things
2:25:49 like that it's described in detail in in
2:25:51 the definition of liquidity which
2:25:53 there's no loans as well it's just
2:25:54 trading and from the from the trading
2:25:57 fees make change fees we should solve
2:25:59 the fee for the South you get you get uh
2:26:02 you get a share
2:26:07 let's try let's try to understand
2:26:09 there's no
2:26:11 Reba will be only people think river is
2:26:14 an increase or decrease is not rebar is
2:26:16 only loan
2:26:19 exchanging money for the same exact type
2:26:22 of money ethereal for ethereum
2:26:24 with a difference in amount either hand
2:26:26 in hand or by day of time usually it's
2:26:29 by delay of time that's that's
2:26:34 I give you a hundred I have give you 100
2:26:36 Bitcoins and that you give me at the end
2:26:39 of the year 100 plus one that's right
2:26:42 Bitcoin
2:26:45 that's it that's the only thing that it
2:26:46 could boils down to this this simple
2:26:48 fact
2:26:55 is it of this type check the exactly
2:26:57 what what about how they put it water
2:26:59 the description is very good at wool and
2:27:00 the algorithms are well known just take
2:27:02 a look to them
2:27:04 that's not
2:27:05 I have never participated in liquidity
2:27:07 wall because of the issue of this called
2:27:09 the so-called what they call it the uh
2:27:12 that uh that uh or as actual unit and
2:27:16 there's some kind of stating staking and
2:27:18 sometimes impulse and so on the
2:27:21 essentially your your initial your
2:27:23 initial your initial cryptos decline in
2:27:26 value and so on and you have a
2:27:28 ultimately a real loss instead of
2:27:29 instead of having a total gain but this
2:27:32 is because of the nature of the market
2:27:33 and the nature of the transaction is not
2:27:35 employed it's not loaning anybody or
2:27:37 something like that
2:27:43 but the initial price fluctuation
2:27:49 yeah
2:27:51 I don't think so I don't see the people
2:27:53 unless they study is exactly and give us
2:27:56 a follow description what's happening
2:27:58 with your 100 ethereum you put there and
2:28:01 how it develops and what what happens
2:28:03 Etc and then we can see if there's any
2:28:05 user yes as far as I know there is no
2:28:07 loan or there's only trading and and
2:28:10 from the trading fee you get a share
2:28:13 but this is no guarantee that your
2:28:14 ethereum will keep the same body or
2:28:16 relative to be still something gets it
2:28:18 may go up down it may go down
2:28:19 you maintain and and at the end even
2:28:22 with the fees you tend to be loser you
2:28:24 may tend to be whenever it looks like
2:28:25 like a like a trading and that
2:28:27 commitment business which has nothing to
2:28:29 do with usually as far as I see
2:28:32 but if he has a better description fine
2:28:37 okay
2:28:41 that's a good discussion thank you so
2:28:43 much that's all what we what we count
2:28:44 for but if he thinks there's something
2:28:46 that he has to bring the exact
2:28:47 description step by step white boy don't
2:28:49 see them analyze the the procedure the
2:28:52 steps one by one to see where is the
2:28:54 where is the where is the
2:28:57 definition can apply
2:28:59 also
2:29:03 as that's what I never participating in
2:29:05 liquidity not because because they call
2:29:07 it and permanent loss or something like
2:29:08 that I said no no let me very clear from
2:29:11 that
2:29:13 not because of that I prefer to to buy
2:29:16 and sell the on my own not going to
2:29:18 liquidity pools
2:29:21 but some people like well liquidity
2:29:22 reports because this way they have such
2:29:23 called the steady income coming in
2:29:25 hoping that the original crypto will
2:29:27 appreciate but many times they they are
2:29:31 surprised badly but the original
2:29:32 declined in price because of market
2:29:34 conditions can you do this that's how
2:29:37 Allah works in the universe now you have
2:29:38 to accept it
2:29:40 and you know that is skin advance
2:29:42 the the the
2:29:44 impermanent also permanently
2:29:46 Etc
2:29:50 I prepare this a simple way of trading
2:29:52 back and forth and simple way of of
2:29:54 staking and things like that not going
2:29:55 into these more complex things
2:29:58 yeah
2:29:59 okay so
2:30:01 next week is off and inshallah if we go
2:30:05 up for the week after next week I think
2:30:06 is that 12th or something let's can you
2:30:08 check the date quickly
2:30:10 one second
2:30:11 I think it's just width or the
2:30:14 it will be the 13th the 30th okay it'll
2:30:18 be Sunday the 13th it's a good number
2:30:20 but I like the number 13 is a blessed
2:30:22 number
2:30:23 okay Allah
2:30:33 Music
2:30:44 foreign
2:30:45 Music
2:31:14 foreign
2:31:17 Music
2:31:33 Music