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Muslim Response to Comedian Mocking Christchurch Victims (2020-08-03)

## Description

"Comedian" Isaac Butterfield has been slammed over a 'joke' in which he said the saddest thing about the death of Muslims in the Christchurch massacre was that it led to a shortage of taxi drivers.

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0:00 Intro/The joke 1:30 He defines joke 5:14 Offense contradiction 6:02 He talks about respect 7:08 Free speech absolutist 8:42 Nothing is sacred? 10:45 Muslims want to see me burn 11:50 My message to Isaac

Summary of Muslim Response to Comedian Mocking Christchurch Victims

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

The Muslim community is displeased with the comedian's decision to mock Christchurch victims. They believe that he has not done a referendum on 1.8 billion people, and that the Quran itself says that what has God benefit with your punishment if you are thankful. They invite the comedian to Islam, where they believe he will find eternal happiness.

00:00:00 is a response to comedian Molan's joke about the Christchurch mosque shootings, which took place last year. The comedian defended his joke by comparing it to jokes made about the Holocaust and 9 11. Muslims argue that making jokes about these tragedies is not funny, and that it serves to trivialize and minimize the plight of the victims.

  • 00:05:00 The Muslim community in response to a comedian mocking the Christchurch victims, argue that free speech should be upheld, but that certain things should not be said for the sake of comedy. They argue that, because comedy is sacred to the comedian, it should also be sacred to the community. However, because the comedian prioritized moral propositions over other moral positions, the Muslim community argues that there is a need for some kind of censorship, in order to move forward.
  • 00:10:00 The Muslim community is displeased with the comedian's decision to mock Christchurch victims. They believe that he has not done a referendum on 1.8 billion people, and that the Quran itself says that what has God benefit with your punishment if you are thankful. They invite the comedian to Islam, where they believe he will find eternal happiness.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 [Music]
0:00:08 this video is a response
0:00:10 to a joke a supposed
0:00:13 joke that a comedian made
0:00:16 about the christ church event which took
0:00:19 place last year
0:00:20 whereby 52 people were horrifically and
0:00:24 monstrously
0:00:25 uh killed in their place of worship
0:00:28 let's
0:00:28 hear the joke and let's hear the
0:00:31 justification
0:00:33 for the joke this australian extremists
0:00:36 stormed this building this mosque
0:00:38 this room where people were saying their
0:00:40 prayers and going about their business
0:00:42 and for me the saddest thing about that
0:00:46 it wasn't the 52 people who were killed
0:00:49 it wasn't the countless others who had
0:00:51 their lives changed forever because
0:00:52 their family members were taken from
0:00:54 them
0:00:56 it was the hundreds of people that night
0:00:57 who couldn't make it home from
0:00:58 nightclubs in christchurch because all
0:01:00 the cabbies were dead
0:01:11 [Applause]
0:01:15 so in trying to defend his views
0:01:18 this comedian has come out with a range
0:01:21 of
0:01:22 arguments really of justification so
0:01:25 let's hear the first one
0:01:26 key word there is it is a joke
0:01:30 it is not real it is make believe i
0:01:33 don't really feel like that but that is
0:01:35 what comedy is
0:01:36 what i've got here is the dictionary
0:01:38 definition of what it is to be a joke is
0:01:40 something such as a funny story or trick
0:01:42 this cambridge
0:01:43 dictionary that is said or done in order
0:01:45 to make people laugh
0:01:46 your criteria of uh the joke having to
0:01:50 be something which is
0:01:51 um or assumed to be something which is
0:01:54 fictitious or
0:01:55 make believe it's not something which is
0:01:57 indicated with the dictionary definition
0:01:59 i've looked at more than one dictionary
0:02:00 definition
0:02:00 so why is it that you want us to assume
0:02:03 that
0:02:04 a joke is something which is make
0:02:05 believe fictitious or doesn't correspond
0:02:07 with what you believe in
0:02:08 doesn't make sense it's not in line with
0:02:10 the definitions i have so the problem
0:02:12 with this joke
0:02:13 is not just the fact that you
0:02:15 trivialized or minimized the plight of
0:02:17 the 52 people that were killed in cold
0:02:19 blood
0:02:20 yes and the families of those
0:02:21 individuals who are also grieving and
0:02:23 probably still grieving at this moment
0:02:26 at such a horrific and monstrous event
0:02:28 in the history of the world
0:02:30 it's not just this fact but it's the
0:02:32 fact that you homogenized
0:02:34 this group of muslim people as if they
0:02:36 are one ethnic
0:02:38 group all of which have one occupation a
0:02:41 singular
0:02:41 occupation which is what taxi driving
0:02:44 taxi driving
0:02:46 when in fact islam and muslims are a
0:02:49 diverse
0:02:50 group of individuals and the people who
0:02:51 died were different genders in different
0:02:53 ages let's let's be frank
0:02:55 you might be saying oh this is pedantic
0:02:56 it's a joke no sorry i don't this does
0:02:58 not work with me
0:02:59 it does not work with me because the
0:03:00 word joke here yeah and what it means to
0:03:02 be a joke is not this what you what you
0:03:04 try to put forward and fool your
0:03:05 audiences with
0:03:07 it's not that so having said this now
0:03:10 not only is that the case but you
0:03:13 you made it as if those individuals who
0:03:16 are now homogenized and otherwise
0:03:18 yeah those muslims who are the taxi
0:03:19 drivers have the sole job
0:03:22 of taking people away from taking people
0:03:25 home from nightclubs
0:03:26 living a liberal lifestyle a non-islamic
0:03:28 lifestyle so here the point is this is
0:03:30 that not only have you homogenized
0:03:33 and otherwise the muslims but you have
0:03:36 made them the servant class
0:03:38 the slave class whose job it is
0:03:41 to facilitate the liberal lifestyles of
0:03:44 those people who are enjoying themselves
0:03:46 in clubs and pubs uh out
0:03:49 on that night and that is for you the
0:03:50 tragedy now you might be saying
0:03:53 it's not why i actually believe it's a
0:03:54 lie it's make believe but that's not
0:03:56 what it is to be
0:03:57 a joke and we're gonna explain why your
0:04:01 sacred values and i use those words
0:04:03 clearly
0:04:04 of freedom of speech absolutism is in
0:04:07 fact
0:04:07 flawed in what follows but we laugh
0:04:10 about horrible things all the time it's
0:04:12 how people deal
0:04:12 with tragedy and he even says in another
0:04:15 part of his video that we i he himself
0:04:17 made a joke about the holocaust and
0:04:18 about 9 11.
0:04:19 it's not about you a white man yeah that
0:04:21 lives in australia making a joke about
0:04:23 9 11 or this or that so but imagine if a
0:04:25 muslim
0:04:26 yeah a practicing traditionalist muslim
0:04:29 had made a joke about 9 11.
0:04:31 that's the comparison the comparison is
0:04:34 imagine if a traditionalist muslim who
0:04:36 is clearly visibly
0:04:37 practicing his religion yeah made a joke
0:04:40 about nine that's the that is the
0:04:41 correct kind of comparison
0:04:44 then how would the the the public the
0:04:46 american public react to that
0:04:48 and would they have a right to react
0:04:49 angrily to that that's the question it's
0:04:51 not about whether you
0:04:53 as a white man who has no connection to
0:04:56 the to islam or
0:04:57 muslims yeah make a joke about 9 11 on
0:05:00 the whole of course it's about
0:05:01 whether muslims make that joke practice
0:05:03 visibly traditionalist
0:05:04 practicing muslims make that joke yeah
0:05:07 and whether that could be or would be a
0:05:09 response which i i'm pretty sure they
0:05:10 would be
0:05:11 in england or usa or whatever it is
0:05:14 it is just laughing at horrible things
0:05:16 and i understand why you're offended
0:05:19 because i'm offended by it too that is
0:05:22 the point
0:05:23 this is problematic because in the
0:05:24 beginning of this whole video you were
0:05:25 showing us screenshots
0:05:27 of people uh abusing you online
0:05:29 cyberbullying
0:05:31 so if you really thought if you really
0:05:33 thought
0:05:34 that being offended should not be the
0:05:37 criteria
0:05:38 for people saying or not saying some
0:05:39 things why are you even showing us the
0:05:41 abuse that you suffered
0:05:42 why are you even showing us that if you
0:05:44 really thought that this was the case
0:05:45 why are you showing us the fact that
0:05:46 these people were saying
0:05:47 mean spirited things to you online
0:05:50 who cares if you felt offended by that
0:05:52 so really it's one
0:05:54 uh standard for yourself but another
0:05:56 standard for the community which you
0:05:58 think is a disposable one which i think
0:06:00 you're learning is not which is the
0:06:02 muslim community
0:06:03 if you treat me with respect i will
0:06:04 treat you with that same respect
0:06:06 and then a minute 5 40 you talk about
0:06:08 respect
0:06:09 as if you we're gonna really listen to
0:06:11 you yeah it's really let's be real
0:06:13 i mean that's the joke if you want to
0:06:15 make a joke you want to make a joke
0:06:17 yeah that's the joke that you are going
0:06:20 to start talking to us
0:06:21 about all of after all you've done about
0:06:24 respect
0:06:25 what is the what is the definition of
0:06:26 the word respect due regard one of the
0:06:28 definitions is
0:06:29 do you regard for people's feelings so
0:06:32 if you have respect for me
0:06:33 you're talking about reciprocity and
0:06:34 respect that if you have respect for me
0:06:36 i'll have respect for you and vice versa
0:06:38 and so on
0:06:39 but what if we're telling you right that
0:06:41 what you're doing is disrespectful
0:06:43 and you continue saying i'm gonna do it
0:06:45 so is that is that respectful
0:06:46 according to what respect actually means
0:06:50 so you seem to be a contradictory man a
0:06:53 contradictory man
0:06:54 a man who hasn't got his morality
0:06:56 figured out this is the problem
0:06:59 intellectually you're bankrupt you're
0:07:02 morally bankrupt
0:07:03 you have no sense of direction when it
0:07:06 comes to what can i say and what can i
0:07:08 not say
0:07:08 i genuinely believe that everything is
0:07:11 okay
0:07:12 which means you're a free speech
0:07:14 absolutist
0:07:16 but society even liberal thinkers
0:07:19 okay liberal thinkers who argued the
0:07:22 case for freedom of speech
0:07:24 they would restrict and censor freedom
0:07:27 of speech
0:07:29 as per the harm principle on certain uh
0:07:32 occasions for example plagiarism
0:07:35 copyright
0:07:36 um leaking industrial secrets
0:07:39 of government for example military
0:07:41 secrets these are all
0:07:42 examples um of i'm sure if someone took
0:07:46 your video and put it on
0:07:47 on their youtube channel you wouldn't
0:07:48 like that and you might even say you
0:07:50 know what this is not the kind of
0:07:51 freedom of speech
0:07:52 yes i accept because this is copyright
0:07:55 and plagiarism
0:07:56 otherwise you should make a video
0:07:58 explaining to everyone that you allow
0:07:59 your content on their channels
0:08:02 you should do this if you are truly a
0:08:04 free speech absolutist
0:08:06 but you will say no it's copyright and
0:08:07 plagiarism and so on and so forth
0:08:09 and if that is the case and if that is
0:08:10 your position then you realize that
0:08:12 there is a need
0:08:14 a practical need yes a practical need
0:08:17 for some kind of censorship
0:08:19 so if you realize that there is a
0:08:20 practical need for some kind of
0:08:22 censorship in order for economy
0:08:23 and society to move forward
0:08:26 the question is who sets the parameters
0:08:29 for such need
0:08:30 where does it become inappropriate or
0:08:33 otherwise immoral
0:08:35 for certain things to be said or not to
0:08:36 be said
0:08:38 and what the contradictory set of
0:08:41 propositions you're putting forward is
0:08:43 there is nothing sacred and that is the
0:08:45 way
0:08:46 that comedy should be but the irony the
0:08:48 mother of all ironies is the following
0:08:50 is that for you comedy is sacred and not
0:08:54 only is that
0:08:55 not only is comedy sacred but free
0:08:57 speech is sacred as well
0:08:58 you're saying nothing is sacred but you
0:09:00 actually are upholding a sacred
0:09:02 principle
0:09:03 in fact you could even argue depending
0:09:05 on how you define religion a religious
0:09:07 principle
0:09:08 yes that free speech
0:09:12 should be upheld which is in my
0:09:14 understanding of it
0:09:15 a sacred principle don't make yourself
0:09:17 out to be a neutralist
0:09:19 when it comes to uh free speech and so
0:09:22 on and so forth you do
0:09:23 prioritize and hierarchies yes you do
0:09:26 that
0:09:27 a set of moral propositions over and
0:09:29 above other moral positions
0:09:30 don't say ever nothing is sacred because
0:09:32 clearly you're upholding
0:09:34 free speech absolutism as a sacred
0:09:37 morality and not only that but comedy
0:09:40 itself is sacred for you
0:09:42 so much so that you allow
0:09:45 things to be said in the name of comedy
0:09:47 that you would never probably allow
0:09:49 to be said in other contexts for example
0:09:52 copyright libel defamation of character
0:09:54 and so on and so forth
0:09:55 my question is how do you make such
0:09:57 distinction
0:09:58 on your moral philosophy how do you make
0:10:01 such a decision
0:10:02 how can you prove that on the one hand
0:10:04 yeah if you take functionalism out of
0:10:06 the picture
0:10:07 how can you prove that it's immoral to
0:10:09 plagiarize
0:10:10 and defame and on the other hand yes
0:10:14 on the other hand it's okay to say
0:10:16 whatever you want in the name
0:10:18 of comedy the problem here is you
0:10:20 actually
0:10:21 do have a god you do have a god
0:10:24 you do have a religion don't make
0:10:26 yourself out to be some neutralist
0:10:28 or some agnostic in this sense no your
0:10:30 religion is the
0:10:32 religion of liberalism and more
0:10:34 particularly
0:10:35 free speech absolutism that's your
0:10:37 religious what's sacred to you
0:10:40 okay so having said that now nothing is
0:10:43 sacred would make
0:10:44 no sense at all particularly the muslim
0:10:46 people who think i'm a horrible piece of
0:10:48 [ __ ] you want to see me burn
0:10:50 well you said that some muslims you see
0:10:52 this is the problem
0:10:53 hasty generalizations muslims according
0:10:57 to pew by the end of the century will be
0:10:58 one of every three people
0:11:00 on planet earth demographic one of every
0:11:03 three people a third of the planet will
0:11:05 be muslim
0:11:06 i don't think all i don't think you've
0:11:07 done a referendum yes
0:11:09 on 1.8 billion people and in fact the
0:11:12 quran itself says in chapter 4 verse 147
0:11:21 that what has what with allah benefit
0:11:24 what would god benefit
0:11:26 with your punishment if you are thankful
0:11:28 and you believe
0:11:30 and god is ever thankful all
0:11:33 knowledgeable
0:11:34 chapter 4 verse 147 in fact if muslims
0:11:38 are are doing what islam says or what
0:11:40 the quran says in particular they
0:11:42 shouldn't want you to be burned at all
0:11:44 muslims should yes according to the
0:11:47 quranic discourse
0:11:48 want the best for you and in fact that's
0:11:50 what i'll say to you
0:11:52 we don't want you to go to hell in fact
0:11:53 the opposite is true we don't want
0:11:55 anybody to
0:11:56 be burnt or go to hell or have a demise
0:11:58 in the afterlife which is eternal
0:12:00 eternally excruciating we don't want
0:12:02 that to happen to you
0:12:03 in fact we want you to have a
0:12:05 pleasurable eternal
0:12:07 life of goodness and that's why we
0:12:10 invite you to islam we invite you to
0:12:12 believing
0:12:13 in one god as the quran says in
0:12:15 shakhartom
0:12:16 to be thankful and gratitude grateful to
0:12:19 be thankful and grateful
0:12:21 to god and to believe in god and with
0:12:24 that you'll have
0:12:25 the ultimate purpose of life realized
0:12:28 the ultimate purpose of life which is
0:12:29 not to make
0:12:30 other people laugh that's not the
0:12:31 purpose of life i'm not saying you
0:12:33 shouldn't or you couldn't
0:12:35 you can do that as well it's a
0:12:36 subsidiary thing but the
0:12:38 the crux of the basic human function is
0:12:40 to believe in one god
0:12:41 to worship one god yeah for the sake of
0:12:46 knowing your purpose having a happy life
0:12:49 having welfare in this world and in the
0:12:50 next world we don't believe that you're
0:12:52 just gonna
0:12:52 turn into ashes and that will be the end
0:12:54 of the human experience
0:12:56 so that's something you should look into
0:12:57 and i and i invite you to look into
0:13:00 that in fact i'm having happy to have a
0:13:02 conversation with you and bring you onto
0:13:03 my podcast the mh podcast
0:13:05 where we can have a conversation a
0:13:07 religious conversation
0:13:08 a political conversation a philosophical
0:13:11 conversation
0:13:12 about these things free speech about
0:13:14 religion
0:13:15 about what you actually meant and in
0:13:17 that way
0:13:18 perhaps the muslim community can look
0:13:21 past your ignorance towards them
0:13:23 and perhaps we as humanity
0:13:26 can move forward together hand in hand
0:13:29 not offending one another and as you
0:13:31 said
0:13:32 in theory respecting one another but
0:13:35 also in practice
0:13:36 implementing such respect to another
0:13:51 you