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This is a clip of a positive discussion I had with two young men in Accra Ghana. When the simple truth of Tawheed (monotheism) is presented to them they have no choice but to reject the trinity .


*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

two Christians from Ghana discuss their disagreement with the Trinity. They say that the Trinity is not found in the Bible, and that Muhammad came to fix the mistakes made by Christians.

00:00:00 The two Christians discuss their beliefs about the Trinity and Mohammed. They say that in their respective religions, there are two differences between Christianity and Islam: the Trinity and Mohammed being a prophet. They say that Christianity believes that Jesus was both man and God, while Mohammed was only a prophet.

  • 00:05:00 The two Christians in the video discuss the Trinity and how they disagree with it. They claim that the Trinity is not found in the Bible, and that Muhammad came to fix the mistakes made by Christians.
  • 00:10:00 two Christians denounce Trinity. They argue that Jesus did not replace the Ten Commandments, and that he told the Jewish man to follow the commandments.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 [Music]
0:00:09 authorities I'm maxed out and your name
0:00:19 Tafari now a burger so you asked me a
0:00:22 question about Trinity something yeah
0:00:23 you're a Muslim and I'm a Christian so
0:00:27 in your tribe do you have anything
0:00:30 related with the Christian Trinity
0:00:32 alright so we as Muslims yeah let me
0:00:34 tell you what we believe in now we
0:00:37 believe that God is one we believe that
0:00:39 he's the ultimate creator Allah is the
0:00:43 same God we believe that abraham
0:00:45 believed in that Moses believed in that
0:00:47 Jesus believed him same good you know
0:00:49 when for example Moses was praying
0:00:51 Abraham was praying Jesus was praying in
0:00:52 the book and for example the Garden of
0:00:54 Gethsemane he fell on his face and he
0:00:56 prayed we believe he was praying to the
0:00:58 same God we believe in yeah there's no
0:01:00 different God it's the same the creator
0:01:02 of the heavens and the earth yeah in
0:01:06 Christianity we know the change is God
0:01:09 the Father God the Son God the Holy
0:01:12 Spirit
0:01:13 so you mean in your tribe these three
0:01:16 things are one so we for us we don't
0:01:19 believe that we believe that God is one
0:01:21 the Holy Spirit is not God and Jesus is
0:01:24 not good so we say Jesus never claimed
0:01:26 to be God the Holy Spirit never claims
0:01:29 to be God and it doesn't make sense for
0:01:32 there to be father as God and the son
0:01:34 has gotten Holy Spirit is God yet
0:01:36 there's one God that's three gods we say
0:01:38 that that's logically impossible you see
0:01:40 what I'm saying also it doesn't make
0:01:42 sense for us to say that Jesus 100% man
0:01:45 and 100% God we say that how does it how
0:01:49 can he be a hundred percent man and a
0:01:51 hundred percent for example Jesus he was
0:01:52 II he was thirsty in the Bible he went
0:01:55 to the fig tree he didn't know that it
0:01:56 was producing he said where's the
0:01:58 where's the FIGS didn't know where the
0:02:00 figs were so he had he says in the book
0:02:02 of Martin mark chapter 13 verse 39 he
0:02:04 says that no one knows the hour except
0:02:06 for who
0:02:07 the father only the father but the Holy
0:02:09 Spirit didn't know the hour and Jesus
0:02:10 didn't not know the hour but if he was
0:02:13 God then he knew everything that how
0:02:14 comes he does not know the hour just who
0:02:16 I'm saying so we're saying that God is
0:02:18 all-knowing all-powerful all strong he's
0:02:21 the beginning he is he doesn't end this
0:02:24 is good and so if Jesus was God he has
0:02:27 to have the same attributes but in the
0:02:29 Bible we find that he doesn't have those
0:02:31 attributes they all say okay but hold on
0:02:34 Jesus was 100% man 100% God we say
0:02:37 that's a contradiction you can't be a
0:02:39 hundred percent man and 100 percent good
0:02:40 yeah so we say that this whole idea of
0:02:43 the Trinity is not even mentioned it's
0:02:45 not mentioned in the Bible properly yeah
0:02:48 so I just need your final conclusion you
0:02:52 mean God is a spirit we say God we don't
0:02:56 call him a spirit we just say is the
0:02:57 most powerful or creator the the
0:03:00 all-powerful creator that knows all and
0:03:03 and is the creator of the heavens and
0:03:05 the earth
0:03:05 yeah and everything goes back to him
0:03:07 everything goes back to him he is
0:03:10 everything is submissive to him
0:03:11 he's the most powerful one now the thing
0:03:13 is not there's two differences between
0:03:14 Christianity and Islam one difference is
0:03:17 the Trinity so we don't believe in the
0:03:19 Trinity but we do believe in Jesus we
0:03:21 say he was the Messiah was the question
0:03:23 now yeah yeah so we believe that he was
0:03:25 a messiah
0:03:26 yes he was the Messiah yeah now we don't
0:03:29 say it was God son because the Bible
0:03:31 says blessed be the peacemakers for they
0:03:33 shall be called the sons of God and the
0:03:36 Bible also said to David today you're my
0:03:39 son today I have begotten you the same
0:03:41 thing that he said to Jesus because if
0:03:43 you ask a Christian if we're all God's
0:03:44 children what's the difference between
0:03:45 me and Jesus now and then he will say
0:03:47 look he's begotten and not made yeah I
0:03:51 have the question yeah if you believe in
0:03:54 Jesus why do you still pray to mom we
0:03:59 don't pray to Muhammad
0:04:00 okay now so Mohammed for us is a prophet
0:04:04 and messenger just like Jesus so Jesus
0:04:06 was the messenger prophet Messiah like
0:04:09 the Bible says he was a messenger he
0:04:11 says he was a prophet preach teachings
0:04:20 just like we follow Jesus his teachings
0:04:22 so for us we say that the message didn't
0:04:25 stop with Jesus because Jesus says have
0:04:28 many things to say unto you but you
0:04:29 cannot bear them now he talks about
0:04:30 someone in the future coming and the
0:04:32 Bible also says in the Book of Isaiah 42
0:04:34 it says there'll be a messenger that
0:04:36 will come in the air to the Arabs and
0:04:38 people of Kedar and so who was this
0:04:41 message that came to the people of kada
0:04:42 we say it was perform a hammer so he was
0:04:45 continuing on from what jesus said he
0:04:47 didn't say Jesus was a liar
0:04:48 no Jesus was a truthful man he spoke the
0:04:50 truth who believed in Jesus who was the
0:04:52 messenger was the Messiah we believe
0:04:54 that he cured the dead with God
0:04:55 permission that he raised it so he
0:04:56 raised the dead we've got a heal a cured
0:04:58 the blow of God's permission that he was
0:05:00 conceived immaculately from Mary who
0:05:02 believed in all of that but we just
0:05:04 don't believe that he was God or that he
0:05:06 was the son of God yeah he wasn't the
0:05:11 son of God in a physical way because we
0:05:13 say human beings have the children but
0:05:15 God doesn't have physical children so
0:05:17 the Bible makes it clear that the word
0:05:19 son is metaphor it just means like it's
0:05:22 not real it's not physical like you
0:05:23 don't have a wife or something
0:05:27 don't you think this is special son
0:05:29 because the day you was born doors doors
0:05:35 have bright this dog like doors in Vegas
0:05:37 that lid three wise man's where he was
0:05:40 born and before he was born a prophecy
0:05:45 was already made we believe you a
0:05:47 special we agree that he was a special
0:05:49 man one of the most special men in the
0:05:51 whole of history we agree just like
0:05:53 Abraham was a special man and just like
0:05:55 Moses was a special man the story of the
0:05:57 wise men only appears with one of the
0:05:59 Gospels
0:05:59 some say they cast aspersions on it but
0:06:02 we don't to go into that yeah the story
0:06:04 of the three wise men some say it was
0:06:05 taken from preliterate items or whatever
0:06:07 what to get about that yeah the point is
0:06:09 yes we agree that he was a special man
0:06:13 he was the Messiah he was a messenger so
0:06:16 does this make sense yeah so really
0:06:19 there's not much difference between if
0:06:20 we agree there really you're more like
0:06:22 Muslim because if you don't believe in
0:06:33 the Trinity if you eat you can't be a
0:06:36 Christian and not believe in the Trinity
0:06:38 but really and truly I think both of you
0:06:40 deep down you don't believe in the
0:06:42 Trinity because if so if I were to ask
0:06:44 you how can you have the father is God
0:06:46 the Son is God Holy Spirit is God yet
0:06:48 there's one God you'll say no I can't
0:06:50 explain I asked you cuss in the Bible
0:06:55 they said God is the word is the word
0:06:59 it's a powerful word meaning he's not a
0:07:02 human he's his period yes yes yeah so if
0:07:08 he said God is know you were saying
0:07:13 something you said Allah is a spirit I
0:07:16 said we don't we don't call him a spirit
0:07:18 we don't that's not a name that he
0:07:20 refers to himself as even in the Old
0:07:22 Testament it doesn't refer to himself as
0:07:23 the spirit
0:07:24 so in the quran does it say Allah is a
0:07:29 word
0:07:30 what does is here so Allah you know and
0:07:33 Jesus he said why have you forsaken me
0:07:36 the Aramaic was Eloi Eloi Lema
0:07:38 sabachthani yeah he said this one he was
0:07:40 on the cross apparently we don't believe
0:07:42 he was crucified or killed by the way we
0:07:43 believe God raised him like the Bible
0:07:45 says he was ascended to God he rescued
0:07:47 him but Eli the word Allah and Aramaic
0:07:50 is the same as the word Allah in Arabic
0:07:53 why don't you know him you know him in
0:07:56 the in the Old Testament okay it's like
0:07:58 Allah yeah okay yeah why don't you guys
0:08:00 believe that he was crucified
0:08:02 so we yeah we say that he got rescued
0:08:05 him because remember if you look in the
0:08:07 New Testament it says take this cup away
0:08:09 from me take this cup away from me Jesus
0:08:11 didn't want to be crucified in the New
0:08:13 Testament he was asking to be redeemed
0:08:15 so we say that God rescued him and
0:08:17 that's why in some of the Gospel
0:08:19 accounts he in fact all of the Gospels
0:08:21 say if not three of them three or four
0:08:24 say he ascended said so we believe you
0:08:27 know how he ascended he was risen we
0:08:29 said and he was risen to the right hand
0:08:31 of God we believe in that we believe
0:08:32 Jesus ascended but he didn't come back
0:08:34 down so we have that narrative we don't
0:08:36 say that how can God die anyways think
0:08:38 about that if God died okay God who's
0:08:40 gonna be the creator of the heavens and
0:08:42 who's going to maintain the universe if
0:08:44 that happened you get it so we said
0:08:46 anything happen like that
0:08:47 God didn't die God cannot die because
0:08:49 God is not a man like the Old Testament
0:08:50 says you see what I'm saying how can God
0:08:53 be a man and I go to the toilet in fluid
0:08:55 all of this we say it's not possible
0:08:56 yeah
0:09:01 now I don't believe God can eat food and
0:09:07 yeah so the question if you don't
0:09:09 believe that God can't you food and die
0:09:10 then you once again this you believe in
0:09:13 what I believe you go down saying you
0:09:15 are Muslim in a way now I'm not fully
0:09:17 Muslim yet because you haven't done that
0:09:18 you had a but you have in this aspect
0:09:21 you're closer to Islam then you ask
0:09:23 Christianity because the Christian would
0:09:24 maintain that God Jesus 100% man 100%
0:09:28 God he ate food he died
0:09:30 everything he was risen a third day
0:09:32 everything we say no it's not he didn't
0:09:35 eat food and died and these things you
0:09:36 get it
0:09:37 so really the reason why prophet
0:09:39 muhammad came was to fix because let me
0:09:40 tell you the truth the questions where
0:09:42 did the trinity come from yeah if it
0:09:45 didn't come from the Bible because
0:09:46 there's no verse in the Bible which
0:09:47 tells us the father is God the Son is
0:09:49 God the Holy Spirit is God co-equal Co
0:09:51 eternal independent doesn't say that I
0:09:53 do understand you but it the prophecy
0:09:56 also said he will change the world and
0:09:59 you can go through the Father without
0:10:03 passing through the son after I want to
0:10:06 explain something in this way yeah okay
0:10:09 Jesus cried brought the grace to Rome
0:10:13 Greece yes grace a grace to let's say we
0:10:18 please the ten commandments because both
0:10:22 of us we do know we we couldn't obey the
0:10:26 temple so he came down to make it simple
0:10:29 but the thing is when he was the Jewish
0:10:32 man came to him yeah Jewish might be a
0:10:34 book of Mark chapter 12 verse 29
0:10:36 yeah check it out but you think I'm
0:10:37 lying book of Mark chapter 12 verse 29
0:10:40 Jewish man came to him he said I want
0:10:42 salvation I want to be saved
0:10:44 What did he say terms I'm gonna replace
0:10:46 the commandments he said no he said
0:10:48 follow the commandments he said follow
0:10:51 the commandments what's the first
0:10:52 commandment believe in one God he didn't
0:10:54 say believe in father is God the Son is
0:10:56 God the Holy Spirit is God What did he
0:10:58 say he said believe in one God you know
0:11:01 that's the commandment so we're saying
0:11:03 go back to the commandments because
0:11:04 that's what Jesus if he was here now
0:11:05 yeah if he was with us and it's more an
0:11:07 octorok if you asked him the same
0:11:09 question yeah he will say to you the
0:11:11 same answer he said she the same answer
0:11:13 that he told that Jewish man he said
0:11:14 follow the commandments
0:11:15 and you say to him social I believe in
0:11:17 the Father Son Holy Spirit I said no
0:11:19 just follow the commandments because
0:11:20 that's what he said to that Jewish man
0:11:22 in the Bible it's in the Bible so that's
0:11:24 where this agreement think about it well
0:11:27 thank you thank you anytime you got your
0:11:42 phone you take all the references