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Professor Nicholas Wolfinger - Marriage, Divorce, Family Stability in the USA (MH Podcast #12) (2021-10-28)


Episode #12 of the MH podcast Guest: Professor Nicholas Wolfinger

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Summary of Professor Nicholas Wolfinger - Marriage, Divorce, Family Stability in the USA (MH Podcast #12)

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:30:00

Professor Nicholas Wolfinger discusses the trends in marriage, divorce, and family stability in the United States. He notes that, while there are some positive trends moving forward, much of the stability in families is outside of our control. He recommends waiting until your late 20s to marry, avoiding marrying someone who is too similar to you, and contributing to the material upkeep of your children.

00:00:00 Nicholas Wolfinger is a professor of sociology at the University of Utah and specializes in sociology of family religion and social demography. He has research suggesting that family structures in the United States are more stable when there is less divorce, with the exception of second marriages which have a higher divorce rate.

  • 00:05:00 Professor Nicholas Wolfinger discusses the correlation between marital stability and religiosity in the USA. He notes that people who are more involved in their religious faiths are less likely to get divorced, regardless of their faith.
  • 00:10:00 In the United States, conservatives are more likely to have happy relationships, but this is explained by their involvement in religious faiths and race being strongly correlated with politics. Divorce rates and happiness rates are higher for African-Americans than for other groups, but this may be partially due to socioeconomic factors.
  • 00:15:00 Nicholas Wolfinger discusses trends in divorce, infidelity, and family stability in the United States. He notes that while there is evidence of a future of less adultery, hypergamy - or the tendency for women to marry men who are more dominant and wealthy than themselves - is still a strong force in relationships.
  • 00:20:00 Professor Nicholas Wolfinger discusses the red pill movement and its impact on marriage, divorce, and family stability in the USA. He notes that while the movement exists, its impact has diminished in recent years. He also discusses how feminists may use demographic data to undermine some of the red pill's advice.
  • 00:25:00 The academic community has largely embraced the idea that marriage and family stability are bourgeois institutions, and that single-parent families are more likely to lead to criminal activity in the future. However, data from previous studies shows that the success of a family is multi-factored, and that economics does not play the largest role in family formation.
  • 00:30:00 , Professor Nicholas Wolfinger discusses the trend of marriage, divorce, and family stability in the United States. He notes that, while there are some positive trends moving forward, much of the stability in families is outside of our control. He recommends waiting until your late 20s to marry, avoiding marrying someone who is too similar to you, and contributing to the material upkeep of your children.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:03 okay
0:00:06 all right everyone welcome to another
0:00:08 episode of the m page podcast it's been
0:00:10 a long time since i've uh i've done one
0:00:12 of those but uh today we're joined with
0:00:14 a very esteemed guest his name is
0:00:16 professor nicholas wolfinger he's
0:00:18 american researcher and academic and
0:00:19 educator
0:00:21 he's a professor of the department of
0:00:22 family and consumer studies
0:00:24 and the professor of sociology at the
0:00:26 university of utah
0:00:28 his research is focused
0:00:30 mainly on sociology of family religion
0:00:33 uh and social demography and
0:00:35 a lot of the discussions have been
0:00:37 happening online recently uh dr
0:00:39 wolfinger have been relating to
0:00:41 your areas of research so we thought
0:00:43 we'd call you on and um
0:00:45 and ask your expert advice on this first
0:00:48 question i want to really ask you is
0:00:49 relation to
0:00:51 what kind of family structures
0:00:54 you have found in your extensive
0:00:56 research to be more stable
0:00:59 when i say stable i mean most unlikely
0:01:02 to end in divorce
0:01:04 so
0:01:04 what kind of trends have you seen in the
0:01:07 american demography
0:01:09 so i am great fun at weddings for just
0:01:12 this reason
0:01:13 yes and
0:01:15 what i typically do at a wedding when
0:01:17 someone finds out what i do and what i
0:01:20 study
0:01:21 is i go down the list and then i cherry
0:01:24 pick all the attributes that a any given
0:01:27 couple has that predicts stability
0:01:30 and so here i can tell you all the kinds
0:01:32 of people who are less likely to divorce
0:01:36 people with a four-year college degree
0:01:39 people who don't marry
0:01:41 very young who that is wait until their
0:01:44 late twenties
0:01:45 they're more likely to stay together
0:01:48 um
0:01:49 people who are not from divorced
0:01:51 families
0:01:53 people who are active in their religious
0:01:56 face
0:01:57 and as i indicated earlier it doesn't
0:02:00 matter what faith just so long as they
0:02:03 actively participate and regularly
0:02:06 attend
0:02:07 services
0:02:09 um
0:02:11 so in the united states people who live
0:02:13 together before they get married are
0:02:15 more likely to get divorced
0:02:17 but that varies some uh in europe i
0:02:20 think
0:02:21 the best of my
0:02:22 memory great britain is the same way
0:02:24 [Music]
0:02:27 people who have a lot of pre-marital sex
0:02:31 partners before marriage are more likely
0:02:33 to get divorced people who have a child
0:02:36 before they're married are more likely
0:02:38 to get divorced
0:02:40 there is even a genetic component to
0:02:43 divorce
0:02:45 that is part but by no means all
0:02:48 of the transmission of divorce between
0:02:51 generations happens genetically this is
0:02:54 a study that's been replicated
0:02:56 more than once based on
0:02:59 uh research with twins
0:03:01 what is this so uh
0:03:03 just
0:03:03 expand this point a little bit more
0:03:05 please so
0:03:06 what the genetic components is quite
0:03:08 interesting
0:03:09 so i can't go much further than that
0:03:11 just because
0:03:13 i am not a geneticist nor if i care to
0:03:16 learn
0:03:17 um
0:03:19 so i don't know i can't talk about the
0:03:22 science all i know is that
0:03:25 uh we've long sciences you know for at
0:03:28 least 80 years have known that if your
0:03:31 parents get divorced you're more likely
0:03:33 to get divorced that's a very well
0:03:35 established finding you know
0:03:38 gender differential in that and so much
0:03:40 as
0:03:41 is a woman who's more likely so for
0:03:43 example is a woman who has been divorced
0:03:45 before
0:03:46 more likely to be divorced than a man
0:03:49 who's been divorced before okay i had
0:03:51 actually been talking about what your
0:03:52 parents have done
0:03:54 yeah uh but uh and so in that context
0:03:58 there's no gender difference and now
0:04:00 you're talking about in second marriages
0:04:02 you're absolutely right second marriages
0:04:04 have higher divorce rates
0:04:07 and to the best of my knowledge there's
0:04:09 no gender difference
0:04:11 intrinsic gender difference part of it
0:04:13 has to do with step kids
0:04:17 you know create challenges part of it
0:04:19 has to do simply with the fact that
0:04:21 people who've already been married once
0:04:22 are shown that they're divorcers
0:04:25 they're willing to get divorced and so
0:04:28 yeah if they end their first marriage
0:04:30 they're
0:04:30 willing to end their second marriage
0:04:33 there was really unusual demographic
0:04:35 anomaly that i came across and i think
0:04:37 you mentioned it once in one of your
0:04:38 works
0:04:39 which is a woman who has been divorced
0:04:43 two times is more likely to be divorced
0:04:46 again than a woman say who has been
0:04:48 divorced three times
0:04:50 what do you think the reason is for
0:04:52 something like that oh uh oh i see what
0:04:54 you're saying you're actually you're
0:04:56 that's different that's different
0:04:58 research so that's not divorce what i
0:05:00 found that concerns how many premarital
0:05:03 sex partners you have right right okay
0:05:06 and so yes it is really curious so uh
0:05:10 in general
0:05:12 uh the people with lowest divorce rates
0:05:14 are those who get married as virgins or
0:05:17 only with one partner
0:05:19 some of the highest divorce rates are
0:05:21 people who have two partners two
0:05:24 partners raises the divorce rate more
0:05:26 than having three four five or six
0:05:29 um
0:05:33 i'm sorry what this is this a gender
0:05:35 specific realization right so no this
0:05:38 yes it is so this that finding is only
0:05:41 based on women just because of
0:05:43 limitations of that data set
0:05:46 and what
0:05:47 what do you think the reason for
0:05:48 something like that would be you
0:05:50 um
0:05:51 so why the two partners
0:05:54 yeah i just found it quite unusual that
0:05:56 you know it's because you'd expect if
0:05:57 there's a correlation
0:05:59 that the more you go higher that the
0:06:01 more
0:06:02 right
0:06:03 so i don't have i'm much better at
0:06:05 describing trends than actually
0:06:07 explaining them i
0:06:09 a lot of the time just describe a trend
0:06:11 and then step back and leave
0:06:14 leave the rest for others but here's
0:06:15 what i think is going on
0:06:18 if you have
0:06:20 two partners lifetime you probably
0:06:23 married one of them
0:06:25 that means
0:06:26 you have
0:06:28 one other partner than your spouse
0:06:30 so i think that's a comparison when you
0:06:32 compare in your own mind that's a
0:06:34 comparison that looms large
0:06:37 but if you've had three four five six
0:06:39 partners
0:06:40 most of them are less significant
0:06:44 right i think it's just a compara if you
0:06:46 have only two part two exact two and
0:06:48 exactly two partners it's just a
0:06:50 comparison that's overemphasized
0:06:54 that second partner is the one that got
0:06:56 away
0:06:57 what i want to focus as well on is you
0:06:59 mentioned
0:07:00 religiosity contributing to kind of
0:07:03 stability of family
0:07:06 why do you think that is the case okay
0:07:09 so this was the topic
0:07:11 of my 2016 book with brad wilcox at the
0:07:15 university of virginia
0:07:18 and
0:07:20 one
0:07:21 early finding
0:07:23 that had been reported
0:07:25 was big gender differences by
0:07:28 religious faith
0:07:30 uh some faiths
0:07:32 um
0:07:33 getting divorced more than others but
0:07:35 then later studies came along and
0:07:38 showed that it's not that there's
0:07:40 differences big differences by faith
0:07:42 it's by participation by involvement
0:07:45 and this is in the u.s context right in
0:07:47 the us yes and so we found the same
0:07:49 thing
0:07:50 uh people who attend services regularly
0:07:52 have are more likely to get married less
0:07:55 likely to have children before marriage
0:07:57 have happier relationships whether or
0:08:00 not they're married and are less likely
0:08:02 to get divorced and it doesn't matter
0:08:05 what faith
0:08:08 you're a member of it just depends upon
0:08:10 how much you live that faith how active
0:08:13 you are in it
0:08:15 i want to ask a question on that because
0:08:16 you make the point that it doesn't
0:08:17 matter what faith
0:08:19 have there been
0:08:20 faith
0:08:21 faith specific studies
0:08:23 to contra contrast for example one faith
0:08:26 with another in the united states or is
0:08:28 this
0:08:32 you know the biggest difference as i
0:08:34 mentioned in our
0:08:36 pre-recording chat is that members of
0:08:39 some faiths on average are must more
0:08:42 involved in their faiths than others
0:08:44 uh catholicism we see the united states
0:08:47 is the classic faith where many people
0:08:50 are
0:08:51 nominal catholics
0:08:52 right they say they're catholics
0:08:55 uh maybe they attend uh
0:08:58 you know church once a year on christmas
0:09:00 eve but
0:09:02 they're not too involved whereas
0:09:05 um say
0:09:06 mormons tend to be very involved
0:09:09 right that's the real difference it's
0:09:11 something woman's have a stickier
0:09:13 marriage like are more mormons more
0:09:15 likely to have stable marriages oh yes
0:09:17 and just because they mormons tend to be
0:09:20 very involved with their face
0:09:22 and so that's what matters you've been
0:09:24 considering the polygyny or the
0:09:26 polygamous element that they have
0:09:28 uh that's a very tiny percentage of
0:09:30 people you know the mainstream mormon
0:09:33 church has renounced polygamy for over a
0:09:35 hundred years that's just small uh
0:09:37 splinter groups or sex
0:09:40 um and
0:09:41 they
0:09:42 um those people don't talk about the
0:09:45 relationships because what they're doing
0:09:46 is in the
0:09:47 gray area of what's legal right i
0:09:50 understand
0:09:51 and um
0:09:53 on this point have you have you also
0:09:55 looked at
0:09:56 within a religious framework um what can
0:09:58 loosely be referred to as
0:10:00 liberal kind of religious people or and
0:10:03 or
0:10:04 conservative religious people or
0:10:06 generally liberals and conservatives and
0:10:08 whether or not there's a differential in
0:10:09 terms of stability or family between the
0:10:11 two
0:10:13 so in the united states if we just
0:10:15 contrast
0:10:16 liberals and conservatives we see that
0:10:19 conservatives are much uh are more
0:10:21 likely to have happy relationships
0:10:24 however and here's the however
0:10:27 that's entirely explained by the fact by
0:10:30 two attributes of conservatives
0:10:32 here one they're much more likely to be
0:10:35 involved than their religious faiths
0:10:38 and two
0:10:39 um
0:10:41 race is strongly correlated with
0:10:43 politics here
0:10:44 african-american
0:10:46 uh
0:10:47 are very unlikely to be conservatives
0:10:50 and
0:10:51 have higher divorce rates and less happy
0:10:53 relationships so once we control for
0:10:56 those two differences
0:10:57 religious faith and race there's no
0:11:01 difference between conservative and
0:11:03 religious here
0:11:05 okay and on that point then is it what
0:11:08 about have you have you looked at
0:11:09 egalitarian type of relationships versus
0:11:11 what's referred to as complementarian
0:11:13 type of relationships and seeing
0:11:15 differences between those two and and
0:11:17 what kind of differences have you found
0:11:19 so i don't do that work um
0:11:22 there has been a lot of research
0:11:25 in the united states
0:11:27 um my understanding is that of that work
0:11:31 is it's produced a lot of different
0:11:33 findings you know met very much how you
0:11:36 measure both the complementarity part
0:11:39 the egalitarian part and you know what
0:11:42 outcome you measure
0:11:45 um so uh there's
0:11:48 i don't it's produced a lot of different
0:11:50 findings
0:11:52 um you know that are specific to the
0:11:54 measures and in general i prefer
0:11:57 looking at things like matt just did
0:11:59 they stay married did they get married
0:12:01 because there's less measurement error i
0:12:03 can be more certain about
0:12:06 what it means does that make sense yes
0:12:09 it does um
0:12:10 obviously because you have problems with
0:12:12 defining the thing in the first place i
0:12:13 mean what is complementarity what is
0:12:15 galaxy exactly exactly
0:12:18 and um
0:12:19 can i add one thing
0:12:22 so one thing that does predict a happy
0:12:24 relationship is simply agreement on its
0:12:28 terms
0:12:29 right right so you know if you agree
0:12:32 we're in a conservative
0:12:34 we have in a traditional relationship
0:12:36 and we're going to be governed by these
0:12:38 rules and we both agree
0:12:40 that work you know that works because
0:12:41 there's agreement
0:12:43 yeah
0:12:44 you know the same with agreement about a
0:12:46 less traditional relationship
0:12:49 yeah but yeah
0:12:50 i was i was actually looking at some uh
0:12:53 i mean do you think the fact that uh
0:12:56 the reason why is maybe
0:12:58 uh some egalitarian marriages are
0:13:00 becoming more successful maybe in recent
0:13:02 times i'm not sure if you've seen some
0:13:03 data in the uk
0:13:05 or in europe but there's some data that
0:13:06 maybe come brings about that kind of
0:13:09 assumption may be because of the cost of
0:13:12 divorce
0:13:14 is there anything that you've done
0:13:15 on the cost of the horse for example not
0:13:17 just monetary costs but the fact that if
0:13:20 one gets divorced that um you know the
0:13:23 courts may rule
0:13:24 against
0:13:26 for example the father in the custody of
0:13:28 battle have you looked at those kinds of
0:13:29 socio-economic variables no a couple of
0:13:32 things there first of all divorce is at
0:13:34 has
0:13:35 peaked at least in america around 1980
0:13:38 and has been declining for about 40
0:13:40 years what
0:13:42 um
0:13:44 so it's always impossible to know
0:13:46 exactly why
0:13:48 uh
0:13:49 it's there's been a lot less divorce but
0:13:52 one reason certainly is by 1980 it was
0:13:56 becoming more clear
0:13:57 what living in a high divorce society
0:14:00 was like
0:14:03 um and we backed off a little bit
0:14:05 what causes what are these top reasons
0:14:08 in america
0:14:09 uh what are the top reasons that people
0:14:11 get divorced why do people get divorced
0:14:13 alone
0:14:14 so
0:14:15 marrying too young
0:14:16 is a big one
0:14:17 and that's one reason why there's less
0:14:19 divorce nowadays because people are
0:14:21 waiting until they're older
0:14:24 um
0:14:25 another thing that's uh part of a big
0:14:28 part of the story in the united states
0:14:30 and i to the best of my understanding in
0:14:32 the uk as well
0:14:34 is that you go back 40 years ago and
0:14:36 there was no difference
0:14:38 in marriage and divorce by whether
0:14:40 people had completed a college education
0:14:44 now there's a huge difference
0:14:46 whereas
0:14:47 people who have four-year college
0:14:49 degrees are much more likely to get
0:14:51 married and stay married
0:14:54 okay so is that is that correlation
0:14:56 between education and divorce the more
0:14:57 educated
0:14:59 father
0:15:00 is is that what you're saying is yeah
0:15:01 the more i say the less divorce yeah
0:15:03 yeah yeah okay
0:15:06 um are there any other trends on divorce
0:15:08 what about infidelity for example is
0:15:09 there anything on that
0:15:10 um so i've actually written about this
0:15:14 um and there's a piece you know a piece
0:15:16 i can send you the link to on the family
0:15:18 studies blog
0:15:20 uh so
0:15:23 it's
0:15:25 the family started to tell us what
0:15:27 that's about because some people might
0:15:28 want to go
0:15:29 this is the institute for family studies
0:15:31 is just
0:15:32 a research institute based out of the
0:15:34 university of virginia and run by my
0:15:37 collaborator and co-author w bradford
0:15:40 wilcox and they have a very large
0:15:44 um
0:15:45 well-funded blog
0:15:47 where they produce a lot of research
0:15:49 briefs about the family so a lot of my
0:15:53 short research briefs end up there
0:15:55 right um and so some of the stuff like
0:15:58 this stuff about the number of sex
0:16:00 partners and divorce
0:16:02 ended up there
0:16:03 and you were talking about infidelity
0:16:05 you were about to make a point about it
0:16:06 yes thank you um
0:16:09 so there's
0:16:11 not a
0:16:12 uh it's not a huge trend and the data
0:16:15 are a little ambigu ambiguous but they
0:16:18 do seem to point to a future of less
0:16:21 infidelity because the people who cheat
0:16:23 the most seem to be
0:16:26 boomers
0:16:27 who've been married for 20 or 30 years
0:16:30 and got bored
0:16:32 so just not only just people from a
0:16:34 certain generation having reached a
0:16:37 certain point in their lives those two
0:16:39 things combined seems to have produced
0:16:42 more infidelity but you know for younger
0:16:44 people less so
0:16:46 um another thing i point out is that for
0:16:50 you know there are now
0:16:51 and this isn't a this isn't a super
0:16:53 popular option but there's now much more
0:16:55 of an infrastructure for having a
0:16:58 non-monogamous relationship i mean
0:17:00 polyamory is a word we know and it
0:17:04 wasn't a thing
0:17:06 until 20 years ago now there's in any
0:17:08 large city in america there's
0:17:11 groups
0:17:12 and books
0:17:14 and communities to
0:17:16 sustain people who choose to be
0:17:18 non-monogamous in their marriages that's
0:17:20 uncommon though most people
0:17:22 want marriage
0:17:24 as traditionally defined but to the
0:17:26 extent that there has been a small
0:17:28 growth in non-monogamous relationships
0:17:31 you know that will undercut the rate of
0:17:33 adultery
0:17:34 and
0:17:35 you know or cheating adultery you know
0:17:37 tradition yeah
0:17:39 i wanted to ask um because i know we're
0:17:41 kind of tight on time
0:17:43 and
0:17:44 so i want to ask you a few more
0:17:46 questions one of them was relation to
0:17:48 hypergamy and homogamy
0:17:50 um
0:17:52 the the studies i've looked at
0:17:54 seemed to indicate that hypergam i think
0:17:56 one of them was actually instituted by
0:17:57 the um
0:17:58 published by the the institute that you
0:18:00 mentioned
0:18:01 um
0:18:02 that hypergamy is a very stubborn thing
0:18:04 and that it continues that women tend to
0:18:08 for example um
0:18:09 marry across and up dominance
0:18:11 hierarchies
0:18:13 um
0:18:14 how do we understand this trend
0:18:17 so uh i find hypergamy is not as strong
0:18:20 of force as homogamy holography that is
0:18:23 marrying people like yourself
0:18:26 right
0:18:27 so in fact uh
0:18:29 homogamy based on education has risen a
0:18:33 lot in the last 30 years in the united
0:18:36 states it used to be fairly common that
0:18:37 men married women who had less education
0:18:41 no longer
0:18:43 now increasingly
0:18:45 there is homogamy that based on
0:18:48 education in other words people with
0:18:50 college degrees marry other people with
0:18:52 college degrees
0:18:54 one thing to note here and this is some
0:18:56 of the best news in the field
0:18:59 is that heterogamy that is marrying
0:19:01 outside your group on race in the united
0:19:05 states has increased a lot
0:19:07 by a hundredfold whites marry blacks
0:19:10 more
0:19:11 blacks marry
0:19:13 whites marry mexican americans asian
0:19:15 that's increased a lot in this country
0:19:18 and that you know we i celebrate as good
0:19:20 news as
0:19:22 uh you know a lessening of racial
0:19:25 barriers
0:19:26 and uh on this point i'm not sure if you
0:19:29 are aware of this um
0:19:31 there are some uh groups online like the
0:19:33 red pill movement and the so-called
0:19:35 manual sphere and stuff many of which i
0:19:38 have to tell you actually use your
0:19:39 information oh yes yeah
0:19:41 they're they're you know uh they're free
0:19:43 to and in fact
0:19:45 uh i actually did a podcast
0:19:49 uh with a guy who calls himself angry
0:19:51 mgtow in other words mgtow is men going
0:19:54 their own way
0:19:56 and uh you know i
0:19:58 i did a good interview he you know he
0:20:01 asked good questions and i answered them
0:20:03 uh
0:20:04 but yes so these people uh this movement
0:20:06 does exist but uh
0:20:09 uh
0:20:11 have you heard about uh what's often
0:20:13 called rule 32
0:20:16 in this culture
0:20:18 this is
0:20:20 if if it exists there is porn of it
0:20:22 online
0:20:24 so my the broader point is if any
0:20:27 conceivable movement exists
0:20:30 you know or any anyone has an idea it's
0:20:33 online
0:20:34 and so they're just uh
0:20:37 first of all there are i think there's
0:20:39 this is a tiny number of people
0:20:41 yeah
0:20:42 uh second i think to the extent i think
0:20:45 their cultural moment has sort of passed
0:20:48 and that's something i was hearing a lot
0:20:50 more about three years ago than i am now
0:20:54 it's uh i'm
0:20:57 i don't know if that corresponds to the
0:21:00 rejection of trump in this country or
0:21:02 many other things but yeah they're there
0:21:05 but i think they'll always be there just
0:21:08 but i
0:21:10 they seem less salient than they were a
0:21:12 couple years ago
0:21:13 and
0:21:15 some of the things that they do talk
0:21:16 about some of the you can say the
0:21:17 pillars of their movement or the crux of
0:21:19 what they're trying to say
0:21:20 uh seem to revolve around some of these
0:21:22 concepts which you're an expert in in
0:21:24 terms of academia were things like
0:21:26 homogamy and hypergamy and they seem to
0:21:28 from my reading uh
0:21:30 you could say reduce and so it's a you
0:21:32 know reductionist approach to high or
0:21:34 hypergamy because at least that's how
0:21:36 i've seen it that um and then from that
0:21:39 kind of
0:21:40 give advice to young men of how to get
0:21:42 married all you've got to do is make
0:21:43 money i mean from your research due i
0:21:45 mean it's yeah it's quite relatable
0:21:47 um be a high value man by by by making
0:21:50 money in this way from from your kind of
0:21:52 research do you think that this is uh to
0:21:55 what extent do you think that this is
0:21:57 good advice i mean
0:21:59 you know fundamentally people with more
0:22:03 more money are more likely to get
0:22:04 married um
0:22:06 i don't know
0:22:07 all you do that's that is as you point
0:22:09 out totally all you need is money is of
0:22:12 course totally reductionist but it helps
0:22:15 part of the reason you know
0:22:18 part of the logic underlying that is
0:22:20 that
0:22:21 it
0:22:22 in nowadays
0:22:24 uh men feel like they can't get married
0:22:28 until they're able to
0:22:30 provide you know support a family
0:22:33 yeah and you know 50 years ago people
0:22:36 would
0:22:37 you know before starting careers would
0:22:39 get married right out of school whether
0:22:41 it was
0:22:42 secondary school or higher education
0:22:44 they would get married now they wait
0:22:48 um i didn't think those make those
0:22:51 fear types wanted to get married
0:22:53 no i mean
0:22:54 the red pill movement is more than
0:22:57 they've got different kind of the mgtow
0:22:59 not want to get married because the men
0:23:00 go in their own way but there are some
0:23:02 of them who who do want to get married
0:23:04 some of them you know part of the red
0:23:05 pill movement who give men advice on how
0:23:08 to get married
0:23:09 uh there's different kinds of uh advice
0:23:12 that they give to young men and so on
0:23:13 and you know how to ensure that you're
0:23:17 more attractive to women and so on and
0:23:20 but you know a lot of it is based on
0:23:22 this demographic data and that's why i
0:23:24 thought it would be would be important
0:23:26 to kind of ask on the flip side um
0:23:29 there's obviously many feminist
0:23:31 theorists as well
0:23:32 who may use demographic data to try or
0:23:35 may even try and undermine dare i say
0:23:37 some demographic data because like some
0:23:40 of the things that you're saying
0:23:40 obviously
0:23:41 uh indicate that um
0:23:44 or egalitarian marriages you mentioned
0:23:46 in the beginning are not as successful
0:23:49 you could put it in this crude way as
0:23:51 um
0:23:52 quote unquote complementarian marriages
0:23:54 um how have you responded to that kind
0:23:57 of discourse
0:23:59 you know
0:24:00 i really haven't gotten that many
0:24:03 critics i mean part of it is what you
0:24:05 alluded to there's a lot of
0:24:07 you know the devil is in the details
0:24:10 when we talk about complementary versus
0:24:12 egalitarian
0:24:14 um
0:24:15 and you know that can be defined a lot
0:24:17 of different ways
0:24:19 um
0:24:20 so
0:24:21 certainly there have you know i
0:24:23 occasionally have been attacked from i
0:24:25 guess which i'd call
0:24:27 the anti-marriage feminist strain
0:24:30 yes um but you know my response to that
0:24:34 is
0:24:35 you know you're not living in the real
0:24:37 world and the real world is that most
0:24:40 people want to be married
0:24:43 and you know if they don't want to be
0:24:45 married most people want you know still
0:24:47 want
0:24:48 stable monogamous relationships
0:24:52 you know it's a funny phenomenon in
0:24:55 higher education especially but also
0:24:57 just in many elite circles where
0:25:00 you know people
0:25:02 uh
0:25:03 you know academics will denounce the
0:25:05 bourgeois institution of marriage when
0:25:08 they are married
0:25:10 or what when they're living with
0:25:12 partners in relationships that look
0:25:15 exactly like marriage
0:25:17 exactly i want to ask you a couple more
0:25:18 questions uh maybe this is the
0:25:19 penultimate one before we end
0:25:22 um what i want to ask is
0:25:24 there's a lot of data coming out
0:25:25 recently especially
0:25:27 from people like warren farrell who've
0:25:29 written the boy crisis
0:25:31 and others who who emphasize how
0:25:34 important stable families are
0:25:36 what they seem to be doing in their work
0:25:38 is they look at like
0:25:40 the amount of kind of delinquency if you
0:25:42 want to use that kind of word or
0:25:43 criminal activity for example that
0:25:45 happens in society and they've
0:25:48 correlated that kind of trend
0:25:50 with uh single people being raised in a
0:25:53 single mother household obviously
0:25:54 obviously exceptions to this rule that
0:25:56 we're not generalizing but to what
0:25:58 extent can it be said
0:26:00 that single parent households
0:26:02 or people living or children living or
0:26:04 growing up in single-parent households
0:26:05 especially if
0:26:07 their mothers
0:26:09 can contribute to this kind of um
0:26:12 kind of criminality future criminality
0:26:13 or something so what extent is their
0:26:14 predictor so that that's a good question
0:26:17 and uh
0:26:19 let me answer it a couple of different
0:26:21 ways
0:26:22 the first is to point out that yes that
0:26:24 research is all correct
0:26:27 in that people who aren't from two
0:26:30 parent families
0:26:31 um
0:26:33 uh have the kids have higher rates of
0:26:35 delinquency they're less likely to
0:26:37 finish
0:26:38 high school in a timely fashion less
0:26:40 likely to college in short you can you
0:26:43 know predict almost any outcome with
0:26:45 that variable
0:26:46 now let me give you some numbers um and
0:26:50 these are numbers produced
0:26:52 you know decades ago by sarah mcclanahan
0:26:56 at princeton university who's one of the
0:26:58 leading scholars in this area that i
0:27:00 still quote
0:27:01 uh is being instructed sarah showed way
0:27:05 back when that
0:27:07 31
0:27:09 of kids from
0:27:11 uh whose parents work together don't
0:27:14 graduate from high school on time
0:27:16 compared to just 13 percent of kids
0:27:19 whose parents
0:27:21 do graduate from high school all the
0:27:22 time keep that in mind 31
0:27:25 13. now let me show you why there's two
0:27:28 ways of looking at that
0:27:30 if your cup is half empty you point to
0:27:33 31 being
0:27:35 two and a half times 13
0:27:37 and you can legitimately say that kids
0:27:39 from
0:27:40 non-attack families are much more likely
0:27:43 to have trouble in school
0:27:45 now suppose your cup is half full you
0:27:47 point out
0:27:49 also truthfully that over two-thirds of
0:27:51 kids from
0:27:53 non-attack families still graduate from
0:27:55 school on time and a small minority of
0:27:58 kids from intact families don't
0:28:00 right so it's a factor but it's hot far
0:28:04 from being dispositive
0:28:06 let me also uh
0:28:09 tell you another of sarah's findings
0:28:12 she found
0:28:14 also that that gap in high school
0:28:16 completion
0:28:17 half of it was explained by economics
0:28:20 that is single parent families are often
0:28:22 poor
0:28:23 if they weren't poor that 1331 gap would
0:28:27 be cut in half
0:28:29 so
0:28:30 family you know family structure matters
0:28:32 but a lot of other things matter too
0:28:35 what farron i think mentioned on this uh
0:28:38 which i thought i don't know what to
0:28:39 make of it and ask you this is i think
0:28:42 he compared single parent families
0:28:45 a single parent male families versus
0:28:47 single-parent female families and
0:28:49 concluded that
0:28:50 single-parent male families are more
0:28:52 likely to be successful
0:28:54 but so-called successful based on the
0:28:56 parameters that we've spoken about i
0:28:57 think that's
0:28:59 yes
0:29:00 i think you know there was a a really
0:29:02 thorough evaluation of that study about
0:29:06 that concept about 20 years ago
0:29:08 right where the researchers did hundreds
0:29:10 of comparisons yes uh between male
0:29:14 families female families
0:29:16 and they found overall found little
0:29:18 difference so i see
0:29:20 there's some cherry picking going on
0:29:23 if you ask me to you know so i think
0:29:25 that's the best answer however if you
0:29:27 ask me in a vacuum
0:29:29 uh my guess is that the fathers
0:29:33 you know might produce better
0:29:35 results for their kids but the reason is
0:29:37 just
0:29:38 uh custody is rare
0:29:41 do you think economics has something to
0:29:43 do because the man yeah oh absolutely
0:29:45 father custody is true i think you know
0:29:47 fathers only get custody you know in
0:29:50 this country at least or
0:29:52 usually only get custody when the the
0:29:54 real problems with the the mother
0:29:57 yes yes
0:29:58 you know the father is a is a super
0:30:00 parent right
0:30:02 in general
0:30:04 i think it's better to say you know it
0:30:06 make it's much more supported by today
0:30:08 this is just just a little difference
0:30:10 right right
0:30:12 that's that's these are really good uh
0:30:13 trends what what kind of things i mean
0:30:16 putting aside the red pill is the last
0:30:17 question i'll ask you today i saw that
0:30:19 movie
0:30:21 documentary as well
0:30:23 yeah yeah but putting aside
0:30:25 the kind of advice that they would kind
0:30:27 of give or maybe feminists would give
0:30:28 what would be the advice that you would
0:30:29 give
0:30:31 in general advice based on the the
0:30:33 trends that you have seen
0:30:35 on what kind of things that may be
0:30:37 within our control that we can control
0:30:40 in order to have stable families if
0:30:42 that's what we want okay
0:30:44 so don't marry too early
0:30:47 you know wait till your your late 20s is
0:30:50 one
0:30:52 um you know in general
0:30:54 homogamy predicts
0:30:56 marital stability so marry someone
0:30:58 exactly like you
0:31:01 i mean you know in many ways as possible
0:31:03 now of course a lot of this is outside
0:31:05 our control right you know we don't
0:31:08 you know we don't uh go down a list like
0:31:11 this and choosing our you know
0:31:13 you know the people we meet
0:31:16 but in general yeah marry someone like
0:31:18 you
0:31:19 i i joked in terms of
0:31:22 heterogamy based on religion
0:31:25 it's hard to marry someone you know is
0:31:27 going to hell
0:31:29 [Laughter]
0:31:33 a good point to be honest with you and
0:31:35 and then you have the complications of
0:31:36 the children and how they're going to be
0:31:37 raised yeah so yeah i i've you know i've
0:31:40 joked like this too so how do you have
0:31:42 to just decide how they're going to be
0:31:45 raised you let them pick your own faith
0:31:47 do you send them to
0:31:49 you know
0:31:50 uh church one week and mosque the next
0:31:53 week do you right you know
0:31:56 exactly
0:31:57 and especially for ends in divorce a lot
0:31:59 of it is outside the control
0:32:01 namely as you've mentioned of the man
0:32:03 because if he's not getting custody for
0:32:05 obvious reasons then it will be out of
0:32:07 his control although some things are
0:32:08 still in his control right he can still
0:32:10 contribute to the material upkeep of his
0:32:13 children he can still be involved he can
0:32:15 still
0:32:16 try to avoid conflict because one of the
0:32:19 most
0:32:20 you know
0:32:21 replicated findings is that conflict is
0:32:24 bad for kids i've seen that in your book
0:32:26 and your book is called understanding um
0:32:28 the divorce cycle isn't it yes yeah
0:32:29 that's yeah my first book might you know
0:32:32 more recently you know i've had books
0:32:34 the most recent book is soul mates
0:32:37 religion sex love and marriage
0:32:40 um among african americans and latinos
0:32:42 and really everyone in the united states
0:32:46 um
0:32:48 uh i lost my train of thought but that's
0:32:50 okay well thank you so much for all that
0:32:53 you've presented in terms of uh
0:32:55 information
0:32:56 i think a lot of people will see from
0:32:57 this obviously that the issue is more
0:33:00 complicated than being able to reduce it
0:33:02 in a few variables
0:33:04 about that
0:33:05 as you've mentioned there are some
0:33:07 positive trends moving forward and we
0:33:09 hope to be able to
0:33:11 keep stable families in society thank
0:33:14 you very much uh professor offinger
0:33:16 thank you so much rahul it's been a