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LIBERALISM'S UNSOVABLE PROBLEMS Dr Graham Oppy vs Abdullah al Andalusi (2021-10-29) ​

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Summary of LIBERALISM'S UNSOVABLE PROBLEMS Dr Graham Oppy vs Abdullah al Andalusi ​

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00 ​

Abdullah al Andalusi discusses the problems that liberalism has with tolerance of multiple ways of life. He argues that Islam manages plurality better than liberalism, and that liberalism fails to have a first principles approach.

00:00:00 Abdullah al Andalusi discusses the problems that liberalism has with tolerance of multiple ways of life. He argues that Islam manages plurality better than liberalism.

  • 00:05:00 Liberal theory has been used to justify colonialism, and while some liberal theorists may have advocated for colonialism, it is not a doctrine of liberalism as a whole. In addition, liberalism has a long history, and while some ideas within it may have changed over time, liberalism is still based on the ideas of John Locke and others.
  • 00:10:00 Abdullah al Andalusi argues that liberalism fails to have a first principles approach, and consequently opens the space for projects like the colonial project. He suggests that courses on Western political philosophy and ethics can be accessed through the Quran Institute.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 to learn more about how to critically
0:00:02 engage and understand western political
0:00:04 philosophy and its attendant political
0:00:06 and ethical systems courses are
0:00:08 available by the quran institute which
0:00:10 can be accessed via the link i would say
0:00:13 that islam actually manages plurality
0:00:15 better than liberalism but those who
0:00:16 don't believe in the islamic purpose of
0:00:18 life islamic law while it might underpin
0:00:21 the security of the lands and the state
0:00:23 and hence will prevent robbers and
0:00:25 invading armies and things like that um
0:00:28 it's not there to make jews christians
0:00:30 and zosterians and others and better
0:00:32 muslims because they're not muslims so
0:00:34 in islam christians and jews could
0:00:36 actually have their own law courts their
0:00:38 own law courts their own in some cases
0:00:40 even their own um
0:00:42 police and semi-autonomous areas no one
0:00:44 was telling them that they're against
0:00:45 the they are not following the values of
0:00:47 the state or they're not integrating um
0:00:50 or assimilating into the into the wider
0:00:52 society there was no such challenges in
0:00:55 liberal societies however
0:00:57 the idea of a one law for all sounds
0:01:00 very laudable at first but when you
0:01:03 actually think about how you apply this
0:01:05 you're basically saying that one law
0:01:07 might be determined by the majority
0:01:09 let's say or at least representatives of
0:01:11 the majority
0:01:12 will basically
0:01:14 impose one particular law system on
0:01:16 everyone including the minorities that
0:01:18 might disagree with those with the law
0:01:20 system and basically that that can
0:01:23 involve a form of intolerance where
0:01:25 communities are told that you can't do
0:01:27 these certain practices with because it
0:01:29 it doesn't conform with the law of this
0:01:31 country or you're not allowed to have
0:01:32 your own law system because that is
0:01:34 interrogation of the of this one law for
0:01:36 all what you find is that muslims and
0:01:38 historically jews but as sometimes also
0:01:41 catholics their their own law systems
0:01:43 were viewed as active threats to the
0:01:44 state right now it's muslims muslims a
0:01:47 practice of just even voluntary uh
0:01:50 islamic law courts or more like
0:01:52 tribunals they're not really islamic
0:01:53 they're not courts really but they're
0:01:54 just tribunals um
0:01:56 are viewed as a threat to the state and
0:01:58 the state now state must clamp down upon
0:02:00 these or regulate it or or get involved
0:02:02 in their religious life and affairs
0:02:04 because it is viewed as a as a threat so
0:02:07 those are the issues that liberalism has
0:02:09 a problem with tolerance of multiple
0:02:11 ways of life other than its own
0:02:14 i'd say in practice whereas islam
0:02:16 actually allows
0:02:17 separate law systems
0:02:19 for jews and christians and others to
0:02:21 practice their own laws amongst
0:02:23 themselves islam kind of offers more
0:02:26 tolerance
0:02:27 than liberalism only because islam
0:02:28 doesn't view itself it can't view itself
0:02:30 as imposing itself on everybody because
0:02:33 the purpose in life is to voluntarily
0:02:34 choose the to worship the creator to
0:02:36 recognize his existence and to um follow
0:02:39 his commands and must be done
0:02:41 voluntarily it can't be done by
0:02:43 imposition whereas liberalism believes
0:02:45 that liberalism itself is universal
0:02:48 justice for mankind and so if it's
0:02:50 universal justice for mankind then every
0:02:52 human on this earth has a right
0:02:54 to liberalism whether they like it or
0:02:56 not
0:02:57 and so it means that there can only be
0:02:59 one law for all in every liberal state
0:03:02 but it can also mean that liberal states
0:03:04 can exercise uh colonialism as it's
0:03:07 called to export its its ideology to the
0:03:09 world because it believes that every
0:03:11 human being has a right to what it calls
0:03:13 with its own definition of human rights
0:03:15 irrespective of whether those people
0:03:17 like it or not or agree with it or
0:03:19 accept it and so on so forth colonialism
0:03:21 was justified from a liberal
0:03:23 rubric i mean i think that there are
0:03:26 a few things to
0:03:28 keep separate in the discussion
0:03:31 one thing is about the distinction about
0:03:33 the laws that you apply within a state
0:03:35 and what you think governs the behaviour
0:03:38 of states and liberalism was a doctrine
0:03:41 about
0:03:42 what happens within a state it wasn't a
0:03:44 doctrine that spoke to relationships
0:03:46 between states
0:03:48 and there's a kind and there are kind of
0:03:50 very obvious differences here because
0:03:52 within a state you've got a government
0:03:54 all the citizens are subject to the
0:03:56 government the nations are not subject
0:03:58 to any kind of ruler and so you
0:04:01 shouldn't be
0:04:03 thinking as you very quickly said that
0:04:06 um
0:04:06 liberal theory was used to justify
0:04:09 colonialism that's actually i think not
0:04:12 true you said that liberal theory was
0:04:14 never used to justify colonialism uh
0:04:16 because states in their international
0:04:18 relations uh were not subject or
0:04:20 beholden to laws whereas domestically
0:04:23 they're beholden to their own laws
0:04:25 um
0:04:26 i think i would disagree
0:04:28 john stuart mill if you with many he
0:04:30 wrote made many tracks about um how
0:04:33 colonism can be justified and why and
0:04:35 why it's a good thing and what should be
0:04:37 the policy of liberal states um
0:04:38 concerning foreign relations with quote
0:04:41 unquote barbaric nations eventually they
0:04:44 will have to be subdued and they will
0:04:46 have to be control of an iron fist until
0:04:48 they are able if they adopt liberalism
0:04:51 then they then they can be independent
0:04:52 and autonomous and they've reached much
0:04:54 maturity now the thing is this that when
0:04:57 any state goes to war the state has to
0:04:59 explain to its people why it's going to
0:05:01 war it can't just say hey we're going
0:05:03 for money we're going for wealth or fame
0:05:05 the people just wouldn't accept
0:05:07 especially in them in uh representative
0:05:10 systems whereby you know political
0:05:12 parties want to get reelected
0:05:13 so they make excuses like um or that
0:05:16 they have to give some justification
0:05:18 that the people will accept at the very
0:05:20 least uh whether it be civilizing the
0:05:23 natives
0:05:24 we're doing it for their own good we're
0:05:25 educating them for their own good we
0:05:27 have to go over there and give them
0:05:28 superior enlightened values so liberal
0:05:31 theory has been used to justify
0:05:33 colonialism very much so um
0:05:35 tocqueville
0:05:37 mentions that discusses this
0:05:39 as well as many others so i would i
0:05:42 would very much disagree um that label
0:05:44 theory has not been used to justify
0:05:45 colonism indeed it was centrally located
0:05:48 in justifying colonialism because the
0:05:50 people wouldn't accept any other ex any
0:05:52 other reason why you're going around the
0:05:53 world and sending british troops to die
0:05:55 for what purpose
0:05:57 graham what do you make of that i
0:06:00 one thing is to distinguish between
0:06:03 liberal theory what the theory says and
0:06:06 what liberal theorists have said when
0:06:08 they're speaking about other matters and
0:06:10 when it comes to the question i mean
0:06:12 when when i said look liberal theory is
0:06:15 a theory about the state it's not a
0:06:17 theory about international affairs and
0:06:19 you started talking about what some
0:06:21 liberal theorists said about
0:06:22 international affairs that doesn't mean
0:06:25 that what they were giving you were some
0:06:27 consequences of liberal theory they were
0:06:29 just giving their independent views
0:06:31 about how they thought international
0:06:33 affairs should go and it's that's just
0:06:36 got no consequences for liberal theory
0:06:38 as a theory of the running of the state
0:06:41 there's an another thing is that
0:06:45 um
0:06:46 liberalism like islam has a very long
0:06:49 history and
0:06:50 i
0:06:53 you have to draw a distinction one
0:06:55 distinction is between
0:06:57 theory and practice what the theory
0:06:59 tells you another thing is and this is
0:07:02 another point about history that
0:07:04 certainly with liberalism there's a
0:07:06 development over time and
0:07:09 the theory improves and there are ideas
0:07:13 that were had by
0:07:15 the founding fathers people like hume
0:07:18 and locke and can't that have been
0:07:21 disavowed by subsequent generations of
0:07:25 liberals and you can't prove anything by
0:07:27 appealing to things that they said
0:07:30 the professor says quite
0:07:32 quite um
0:07:33 uh yeah happily that
0:07:35 there's liberal theory in his liberal
0:07:37 theorists and so just because one of the
0:07:39 founding fathers of america might have
0:07:41 slaves it doesn't mean that liberalism
0:07:43 believes in slavery which i i totally um
0:07:46 would concur with him on that but then
0:07:47 this brings us to the fundamental
0:07:49 problem of actual liberalism itself
0:07:51 um what is the holy book of liberalism
0:07:53 uh the text that we can refer to that
0:07:55 limits of the amount of interpretation
0:07:57 that can come from uh from liberalism
0:07:59 sets uh parameters to it well there
0:08:02 isn't any
0:08:03 so then what then makes something
0:08:05 liberal what what so what is liberal
0:08:06 theory it's not a platonic form that
0:08:08 floats around
0:08:10 uh that we can access and refer to but
0:08:12 liberal theory is
0:08:13 uh is anything that liberals say it is
0:08:16 is my point and when i was talking about
0:08:18 john when i was talking about um sorry
0:08:19 people liberal theorists advocating
0:08:21 colonialism or what have you um it
0:08:23 wasn't perhaps them just saying i think
0:08:25 colonialism colonialism is a good idea
0:08:28 they wrote detailed tracts
0:08:31 relating their own thinking the thinking
0:08:33 they're on the books and in fact on
0:08:35 liberty the classical book by john
0:08:37 street mill talks about
0:08:39 uh imperialism and colonialism and
0:08:41 justifies it in his own book on liberty
0:08:43 which is viewed as a a great reference
0:08:45 for for classical liberals but for
0:08:48 social liberals mostly
0:08:49 right as in we're under social
0:08:51 liberalism today um as the most dominant
0:08:53 form of liberalism today we know this as
0:08:56 liberal interventionism of a different
0:08:58 kind so i'll be spreading democracy um
0:09:00 is also a key argument or spreading
0:09:02 freedom uh was also used to justify the
0:09:04 war in afghanistan you could also want
0:09:06 to read all the books by john street
0:09:08 mill like on the treatment of barbarous
0:09:09 nations um
0:09:10 he discussed that in a bit more depth
0:09:12 but you can see his justification for
0:09:15 colonialism and imperialism in his book
0:09:17 on liberty which is a very seminal book
0:09:19 of political philosophy by john street
0:09:21 mill you if if ever you're going to
0:09:23 study the the political philosophy of
0:09:24 john's journal upon which much of the
0:09:26 current day modern liberalism or
0:09:28 self-social liberalism uh or at least
0:09:31 from the anglo-saxon perspective is
0:09:32 certainly um
0:09:34 based upon on liberty is the most
0:09:36 preeminent book of his there there is no
0:09:39 separation between liberal theory and
0:09:41 liberal theorists if the liberal
0:09:43 theorist is using is making a
0:09:45 philosophical a politically flawful
0:09:46 argument about something related to
0:09:48 their their other ideas then it's part
0:09:50 of liberal um theory i would say there
0:09:53 is nothing there's no holy book uh of
0:09:55 liberalism which is
0:09:57 why you would probably get more
0:09:58 diversity and interpretation and hence
0:10:01 more lack of clarity in political
0:10:03 philosophy and then one where you have a
0:10:05 holy book which
0:10:06 at least limits the amount of possible
0:10:08 interpretations that one um can can
0:10:11 produce as to the practice of the
0:10:14 prophet muhammad sallallahu alaihi
0:10:15 sallam's sayings to the actions of
0:10:18 muslims um we can make a a quite a
0:10:22 definitive border between those two
0:10:24 think we can certain circumscribe uh
0:10:26 that the prophet muhammad salallahu is
0:10:28 as we believe is a prophet and his
0:10:30 sayings are the basis of our ethics of
0:10:32 our law uh but muslim activities or
0:10:35 actions are not
0:10:36 and can never be and so if the prophet
0:10:39 muhammad salallahu said it if the quran
0:10:42 says something
0:10:43 it has absolute authority um from our
0:10:46 perspective and
0:10:48 overrides anything else
0:10:50 that we might um want to bring
0:10:52 later on and i think that is a good
0:10:54 thing having laws and ideas founded upon
0:10:58 immovable and immutable bases prevents
0:11:01 people from abrogating these ideas later
0:11:03 in in a civilization
0:11:09 i i guess abdullah is making the claim
0:11:11 that there's a centrality that the
0:11:14 islamic tradition has that we can sort
0:11:16 of put a discrete boundary out around
0:11:19 right say this is within the tradition
0:11:20 this is not uh this is history history
0:11:23 is not legal precedence this is legal
0:11:25 prisoners legal precedence is in let's
0:11:26 say the form of their heads or the
0:11:28 whatever jurisprudence um that we have
0:11:31 and that
0:11:32 perhaps liberalism and this is one of
0:11:33 the questions that was asked um
0:11:36 is is it true then that liberalism fails
0:11:39 to have this first principles approach
0:11:42 of creating a boundary by which it
0:11:44 defines what is and isn't liberalism and
0:11:47 in failing to do so
0:11:49 carves opened the space for
0:11:51 i guess projects like the colonial
0:11:53 project which was to enlighten the rest
0:11:55 of the world with a very eurocentric
0:11:57 vision of what it means to be the good
0:11:59 okay so there's a few things i wanted to
0:12:02 respond to and
0:12:20 to learn more about how to critically
0:12:22 engage and understand western political
0:12:24 philosophy and its attendant political
0:12:27 and ethical systems courses are
0:12:29 available by the quran institute which
0:12:31 can be accessed via the link