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Shocking Oppression on Uygurs Exposed (2021-09-07)


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Summary of Shocking Oppression on Uygurs Exposed

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00:00:00 - 00:30:00

discusses the oppression of the Uyghur people in China by the Chinese government. The Uyghurs are a Muslim minority group who have faced discrimination and displacement. interviews Uighur activists who are working to raise awareness about the issue and pressure the Chinese government to change its policies.

00:00:00 of the book "Menace: China's Threat to the World" discusses how the Chinese Communist regime treats its Uighur minority, which has resulted in many members of the community being displaced and lost contact with their families. expresses his gratitude to the inspector general of the World Uighur Congress for providing him with an opportunity to speak on the topic.

  • 00:05:00 Shocking oppression on Uygurs exposed is comical, as atheism leads to these foolish actions. interviews a survivor of a concentration camp, who says that the Chinese government uses theology to control the Uyghur people.
  • 00:10:00 shows a muslim praying area in China, which has been changed to include atheist symbols, and a protest against religious discrimination in London. The muslims complain that they are not allowed to practice their religion freely, and that activism is necessary to bring attention to their cause. The muslims in Western countries have the luxury of being able to get information, but this luxury might lead to complacency. The muslims in Islamic countries should help spread the word about religious discrimination in the West, and work to build bridges between the West and the Muslim world.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses situation of the Uyghur people in East Turkestan, China, and the impact of recent protests. The sheikha Dries highlights the importance of solidarity between different Muslim groups in order to effect change. also points out that the Chinese Communist Party is afraid of losing control over the Uyghur people and their resources, which could have a profound impact on the rest of China.
  • 00:20:00 provides a shocking depiction of the oppression of the Uyghur people in China. The Uyghur people are a Muslim minority group who face discrimination and oppression from the Chinese government. interviews several Uyghur activists who are working to raise awareness of the issue and to pressure the Chinese government to change its policies. If East Turkestan falls, the fate of the Uyghur people would be in serious jeopardy.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses oppression of the Uyghur people in China, and how this oppression is an islamic issue. It discusses the importance of activism and how it is the responsibility of all Muslims to help end this oppression.
  • 00:30:00 presents shocking evidence of oppression of Uygurs in China, including forced labor, imprisonment, and torture. Many Uygurs have fled to other countries in search of refuge, and a Uygur tribunal is taking place this weekend. A testimony from a victim of genocide will be given.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:03 how are you guys doing i am joined with
0:00:05 a very very special guest that i'm not
0:00:06 talking about
0:00:08 he is very special but we're talking
0:00:09 about
0:00:11 who is the inspector general of the
0:00:13 world uighur congress assalamu
0:00:18 it's a pleasure to have you it's a it's
0:00:19 a real pleasure to have you finally i
0:00:21 mean we you know sabor has said some
0:00:23 really amazing things about you and we
0:00:24 know the work that you're doing in terms
0:00:26 of the activism and indeed the academia
0:00:28 i mean this is a book of yours isn't it
0:00:30 yes
0:00:31 i'm very honored uh to have this
0:00:33 opportunity especially my from my uh
0:00:36 brothers and sisters in face my own
0:00:39 religion
0:00:40 talking about their brothers and sisters
0:00:43 and the voiceless people right now in
0:00:45 concentration camp in china
0:00:47 where they have to denounce their
0:00:49 religion
0:00:50 the coffee of qurans were burnt the
0:00:53 mosque turned in the
0:00:55 uh
0:00:56 bars
0:00:57 and
0:00:58 they see islam religion as a illness
0:01:01 backwardness
0:01:02 and they want to the chinese communist
0:01:05 regime want to rewrite the quran openly
0:01:07 telling a chinese version of islam
0:01:11 and in this time
0:01:12 uh
0:01:13 to have you now in your show like your
0:01:16 brother
0:01:16 and it's very honor just for me like
0:01:20 uh who has uh doesn't know if
0:01:24 my father
0:01:25 mother or my sisters and the brother
0:01:27 alive or not almost four years
0:01:30 i'm not only one i'm one of the hundreds
0:01:33 uh thousands of weaker people around the
0:01:36 world in diaspora
0:01:38 we go in the bed you know without
0:01:40 knowing knowing our loved one is still
0:01:43 life or not our sister is raped or not
0:01:47 our children you know raising an
0:01:50 atheist system and these circumstances
0:01:53 uh we in diaspora so we were people left
0:01:56 alone
0:01:57 and uh we need you know like a like a
0:02:01 talk like this and that did give us you
0:02:03 know hope
0:02:04 and
0:02:05 uh
0:02:06 i'm very uh happy
0:02:08 to be with you thank you well i what you
0:02:10 just said there really struck a chord in
0:02:13 my heart because it was something i mean
0:02:15 we've heard this before with dr borhan
0:02:17 haven't we i know it's just so painful
0:02:19 to hear so it makes me
0:02:21 like the emotions it stirs within me
0:02:23 when someone says this to me is you feel
0:02:25 sad you feel sorry but then you feel so
0:02:26 angry as well don't you just knowing
0:02:28 that there are people out there
0:02:30 that are responsible for this kind of
0:02:31 thing yeah you know i want to ask you a
0:02:33 little bit more about your story
0:02:38 tell us you've just said something like
0:02:40 i've never heard from that many human
0:02:41 beings in the world
0:02:43 even in the worst most affected areas in
0:02:46 the world and i've been
0:02:47 to bad areas most badly affected areas
0:02:50 i've been to cox's bazar seen the the
0:02:52 rohingya i've seen people in outer
0:02:54 sub-saharan africa i've seen people in
0:02:56 the middle east i've seen it but
0:02:58 many people don't not many people have
0:03:00 the same kind of thing that they can
0:03:02 tell me that they don't know where their
0:03:04 family are still alive or not
0:03:06 when was the last time you spoke to your
0:03:08 parents
0:03:09 last time i spoke my mom 25th april
0:03:13 2017.
0:03:16 i have a open letter to my mom end of
0:03:19 this book
0:03:20 and
0:03:21 you know uh
0:03:23 what
0:03:24 every day uh if i pray whatever do i do
0:03:28 i i tell you know allah
0:03:39 have mercy on uh living on our debt yes
0:03:42 if they did allah bless them if they're
0:03:45 alive allah bless them that is the pray
0:03:49 right now you know
0:03:50 as we were muslim uh we are doing uh
0:03:54 right now and
0:03:56 i want to tell uh one simple story
0:04:01 the chinese communist regime
0:04:04 if they put
0:04:05 a person in concentration camp
0:04:08 this now because i interviewed some
0:04:11 campus survivor for this book they put
0:04:14 in this video continue this is a book
0:04:16 that you can get online yes uh it's in
0:04:18 amazon it's called menace
0:04:21 yes you get on amazon yes okay there is
0:04:24 a kindle version tour and
0:04:26 you can download worldwide and they if
0:04:29 they put in the jail first time they
0:04:30 tell them you know
0:04:32 they will
0:04:34 tell them you are here
0:04:36 nobodies no you are here
0:04:39 your relatives don't know you are here
0:04:42 even
0:04:44 your god doesn't know australia you are
0:04:47 here
0:04:48 if he knows
0:04:49 he should come
0:04:51 pick
0:04:52 you up
0:04:53 this is this is
0:04:55 this this attack is this they have no
0:04:57 idea
0:04:58 yeah they have no idea how that word
0:04:59 will come us to want them did they have
0:05:01 no idea how that word will come back to
0:05:03 haunt them that very word
0:05:05 yes it's it's comical that the the
0:05:07 atheism leads to them to this kind of
0:05:09 foolishness yes and sorry sorry to
0:05:11 interrupt you but i have to make a
0:05:12 comment about this really
0:05:14 it shows you
0:05:15 for those individuals who say that
0:05:19 atheism materialism all these kinds have
0:05:21 nothing to do
0:05:22 with
0:05:23 on the ground stuff these guys are
0:05:25 attacking religion
0:05:26 on on atheistic grounds your god doesn't
0:05:28 what have you got so why is he bringing
0:05:30 theology into this yeah absolutely as
0:05:32 you'll find in his book the
0:05:34 concentration camp survivors
0:05:36 give a detailed account what happens one
0:05:38 of the uh survivors uh sister zuma dawud
0:05:41 who uh i interviewed previously as well
0:05:44 she said on the first day when you're
0:05:46 there they teach you that there is no
0:05:47 allah like that's part of their
0:05:49 curriculum why is that why are they so
0:05:50 angry about the theology
0:05:53 well i just wanted to so in association
0:05:56 they have built these camps they've
0:05:57 built these concrete prisons they have
0:06:00 spent millions of pounds and they have
0:06:02 erected these structures in east
0:06:05 turkestan because the people refuse to
0:06:07 give up
0:06:08 that's why they exist because if the
0:06:09 uyghurs gave up
0:06:11 there would be no need for these camps
0:06:12 so these camps exist because the people
0:06:14 refuse to give up islam if you're if you
0:06:16 look uh
0:06:18 i will cut you will cut
0:06:22 there are a 1.4 billion people living in
0:06:26 china
0:06:27 and that we were muslim uh what the
0:06:29 chinese in their statistic it's always
0:06:32 the lowest they say 12 million uh we
0:06:35 were muslims
0:06:37 with the kazakh as other turkic muslims
0:06:40 maybe you are we are 15 million muslims
0:06:44 they couldn't
0:06:46 eradicate our religion or culture last
0:06:49 17 70 years
0:06:52 we you know they they this is not the
0:06:55 first time they burnt a copy of korans
0:06:58 they burnt a coffee of qurans and then
0:07:01 greatly forward in 60s culture
0:07:04 revolution in 70s
0:07:06 they you know destroyed the mosque at
0:07:08 that time even look in kashgar is it
0:07:10 like a bohara or samarkand the ancient
0:07:12 city in central asia where the madrid
0:07:15 you know for the theology for islamic
0:07:17 religion
0:07:19 very famous city
0:07:21 they left there in the
0:07:23 end of seventies
0:07:25 two mosque in in kashkar
0:07:28 but
0:07:29 we as a we were muslim you know we get a
0:07:32 little bit
0:07:34 uh
0:07:34 of a little bit tolerated freedom we
0:07:37 built our mosque
0:07:39 we you know get our religion again yes
0:07:42 and
0:07:42 our religion islamic religion
0:07:45 saved us
0:07:46 to become kafir or like a high chinese
0:07:50 atheist imagine that islam
0:07:53 saved we were people
0:07:55 in
0:07:56 1.4 million
0:07:58 people's around
0:08:00 and that's the why why why they
0:08:02 attacking the religion they say you know
0:08:04 to assimilate them to educate them
0:08:07 i have to take their belief their faith
0:08:10 i attacked them their face diminish them
0:08:13 you know and that's to do what they
0:08:15 attach and and this is this is not just
0:08:18 a war against we were muslim that's the
0:08:21 war
0:08:22 against islamic belief on faith
0:08:26 the islamic faith is not just belong to
0:08:28 we were muslim it's about the old umba
0:08:30 islami yes quranic is not the book holy
0:08:34 book for the uyghurs
0:08:36 it's the book for all muslims
0:08:38 and the masjid is masjid allah
0:08:41 house of allah yes if they be turned in
0:08:44 the bar okay we are just responsible
0:08:47 what what we can do
0:08:49 for this is every muslim believer is
0:08:52 responsible
0:08:53 stand against
0:08:55 this
0:08:56 war and faith
0:08:58 war against islam yes you know this is
0:09:00 something very important the chinese
0:09:02 communist party says this is an internal
0:09:05 matter
0:09:06 we say anybody that says
0:09:08 and you oppress them this is not an
0:09:10 internal matter this is a matter that
0:09:12 goes and reaches the entire muslim world
0:09:15 so they want us to give up and say oh
0:09:18 here's the border so these people are
0:09:20 being oppressed don't worry about them
0:09:21 but if you look at what they're
0:09:23 attacking they're not attacking them
0:09:25 just being very good they're attacking
0:09:26 them because they believe in
0:09:29 allah now sheikh
0:09:31 spoke about you know the destruction of
0:09:33 the mosque the desecration of the quran
0:09:35 all of these things the rapes that
0:09:36 happen in these concentration camps the
0:09:38 separation of children hundreds of
0:09:40 thousands of children separated from
0:09:41 their parents but here's something i
0:09:43 just want everybody to picture
0:09:46 they would put their filthy communist
0:09:48 flag above the name of allah and they
0:09:50 would allow the world to watch that so
0:09:52 if you watch the
0:09:53 mosque
0:09:55 in the edgar mosque that you have in
0:09:58 kashgar
0:09:59 this mosque it had bismillah rahim at
0:10:02 the front this is a few years ago and
0:10:04 you find many muslims praying there now
0:10:06 they've removed the name of allah and
0:10:07 they've stuck their filthy flag on top
0:10:10 of the masjid
0:10:11 and
0:10:12 everybody around the world sees that
0:10:14 atheism is above allah
0:10:17 from their perspective that they believe
0:10:19 that this is the way forward and we say
0:10:21 allahu akbar allah is above atheism
0:10:24 allah is above communism allah is above
0:10:26 the chinese communist party so their
0:10:28 message is clear
0:10:30 it is we are at war with islam that is
0:10:32 their message and in the other masjids
0:10:35 you find the actual picture of xi
0:10:36 jinping you actually find his picture
0:10:39 now we know the pictures are not allowed
0:10:40 in these masjids we know that you're not
0:10:42 allowed to have these images in mosques
0:10:44 and they've put his picture in the
0:10:46 direction of the kaaba
0:10:48 and even in some places they have made
0:10:51 their own chinese communist parties azan
0:10:54 they've actually made their own
0:10:57 uh sort of thing about the mother the
0:10:59 motherland and this and this muslims on
0:11:02 eid have to listen to the national
0:11:04 anthem which is full of obviously
0:11:05 communist ideology so as sheikh haris is
0:11:08 saying this is not an internal matter
0:11:10 anybody who says
0:11:12 this should make your blood boil yeah
0:11:14 make you understand this is our
0:11:15 responsibility i want to ask a question
0:11:17 okay
0:11:18 going back to your situation here i you
0:11:20 are the head
0:11:22 of the biggest congress isn't it and
0:11:24 mostly inspector general indian society
0:11:26 you are the inspector general okay of
0:11:29 one of the most if not the most
0:11:30 influential the oldest it is it's the
0:11:32 actual representative of the uyghur
0:11:34 diocese right isn't it right so
0:11:37 what can we do on the ground this is my
0:11:39 question to you what can we do on the
0:11:40 ground uh
0:11:43 i am the general inspector of the world
0:11:45 world congress which is the umbrella
0:11:47 organization for the weaker people in
0:11:49 diaspora
0:11:51 we
0:11:52 our
0:11:53 member our leadership will elected by
0:11:56 the delegation delegation will be
0:11:58 elected by the people of estranis living
0:12:01 in the diaspora and three countries
0:12:04 we had last month's every election
0:12:08 for delegation for the next congress we
0:12:10 have in the 12th to november in prague
0:12:13 uh we here we are elected freely our
0:12:15 delegation it will be held in the next
0:12:17 congress
0:12:18 it it means the world iran congress is
0:12:21 represented in the old issue in the in
0:12:24 the world like a like a exiled
0:12:27 government or representative
0:12:29 so so this is quite a big thing big
0:12:31 things yes and we have local
0:12:32 organization and then in the uk and
0:12:35 europe and america and everywhere
0:12:37 and uh this is a like umbrella
0:12:39 organization
0:12:41 so
0:12:41 for your question what can be done yes
0:12:45 our our uh problem is not in western
0:12:48 country in western country there will be
0:12:50 reports about
0:12:51 we were a genocide many uh parliaments
0:12:54 you know declared it said we were
0:12:56 genocide and it will be held right now
0:12:58 here in the uk
0:13:00 our problem is to reach out our brothers
0:13:04 and the sisters in islamic countries
0:13:07 we asking them not you know fight for us
0:13:10 we asking them just pray for us
0:13:13 like every muslim pray for palestine
0:13:15 for the every muslim you know depressed
0:13:18 everywhere they praying for them we want
0:13:21 you know a part of this
0:13:23 we are there for a part of this yes we
0:13:25 want to just you know that our brother
0:13:28 and the muslim just pray for us and we
0:13:30 have difficulty
0:13:32 to reach out islamic countries
0:13:34 uh many reason maybe you know that where
0:13:37 we have
0:13:38 chinese influence on that on that
0:13:41 but
0:13:42 uh we have still in islamic countries
0:13:44 many institutions
0:13:46 many influential people
0:13:48 imams scholars i think we
0:13:52 we should reach to them through
0:13:55 uh the muslims living in western country
0:13:59 because
0:14:00 as a muslim
0:14:01 in western country
0:14:03 we have luxury to get information
0:14:06 but this luxury
0:14:07 make us
0:14:10 to inform
0:14:11 to inform responsibility to inform our
0:14:14 brothers and the sister islamic
0:14:16 countries what's happening there yeah if
0:14:19 they don't know yes we can you know tell
0:14:21 them look just
0:14:24 in one month you know one uh
0:14:27 of a friday you know talking about we
0:14:30 were issue from just you know
0:14:32 perspective of islam as a brotherhood
0:14:34 you know as a part of a new man
0:14:36 we had we had um a protest as you know
0:14:40 in london it was probably one of the
0:14:41 biggest protests first july yeah first
0:14:43 of july and it was pretty successful yep
0:14:45 we've heard that it has actually made
0:14:48 the chinese government make amendments
0:14:49 even on the ground
0:14:51 in
0:14:52 uh in china in east turkestan they made
0:14:54 them people go to eat prayers and stuff
0:14:56 like that do you think
0:14:59 that activism protesting and these kinds
0:15:01 of things has an impact
0:15:03 and if so how do you advise us to do
0:15:05 this
0:15:07 yes
0:15:09 almost chinese government shutdown
0:15:12 mosque almost four years
0:15:14 last year nobody
0:15:16 got a mosque to pray for the idol
0:15:21 ramadan yes
0:15:22 but this time
0:15:23 after uh
0:15:25 first of july
0:15:26 when the our brothers and sisters and
0:15:29 face muslims
0:15:30 went front of chinese embassy in london
0:15:34 which is like a chinese foreign ministry
0:15:37 for the china yes asking them we are
0:15:40 here
0:15:41 we want
0:15:42 ask about our about about our brothers
0:15:45 and sisters in east turkestan we are
0:15:48 here maybe allah you know maybe there
0:15:50 were
0:15:52 thousand thousands uh the the people
0:15:54 attended this demonstration yes maybe
0:15:56 allah showed them thousands hundred
0:15:58 thousands allah they get they get scared
0:16:01 and then the radio free asia reported
0:16:04 yes the chinese communist government
0:16:07 forced
0:16:08 we were muslims
0:16:10 over 60 years old to gamas
0:16:13 the police went to every at home you
0:16:15 know you go musk the people are scared
0:16:17 so you're telling me it has a material
0:16:19 impact to actually change impact
0:16:24 because you know
0:16:25 the chinese communist regime is very
0:16:28 afraid about
0:16:30 pr
0:16:32 especially in muslim countries and the
0:16:34 muslims because
0:16:37 china's money came first from muslim
0:16:40 countries yes
0:16:42 and if they lose the money if they lose
0:16:45 the resource in muslim countries they
0:16:47 will lose everything
0:16:49 and it's crucial so this is working this
0:16:53 is working we have to say now and we're
0:16:55 going to mention this at the end once
0:16:56 again that we we are going to organize
0:16:58 another protest and it's going to be on
0:17:00 this with the second of november 12th
0:17:01 sorry 12th november which is the east
0:17:03 turkestan national day yes because in
0:17:06 1933 and in 1944 they had their
0:17:09 independence and it was crushed by the
0:17:10 chinese machine yeah
0:17:12 the chinese communist regime and the
0:17:15 12th of november in london and also
0:17:18 inshallah in other cities in the world
0:17:19 there's going to be a protest to speak
0:17:22 up for the uyghur people now uh sheikha
0:17:25 dries here he was speaking about
0:17:27 obviously the impact of that protest but
0:17:30 i would just i just want you to
0:17:31 highlight something
0:17:32 the chinese communist party you can
0:17:34 imagine as a narcissistic dictator
0:17:38 narcissism would not allow you to take
0:17:40 any criticism they cannot take any
0:17:41 criticism
0:17:43 and especially if it has to do with
0:17:44 money because it impacts them so even on
0:17:48 social media tweeting
0:17:50 making videos talking about it
0:17:54 that has an impact which is tangible the
0:17:57 protest definitely has one if you're at
0:17:59 home share this video tell your friends
0:18:02 and families about it go to your local
0:18:04 imam and say why haven't you spoken
0:18:05 about the ui people because i want
0:18:06 everybody to remember something
0:18:08 turkestan the land of turkistan which is
0:18:11 an ancient land of islam
0:18:13 this land became muslim over a thousand
0:18:17 years ago
0:18:18 and in this land we've had
0:18:20 from this land
0:18:22 people who've come to defend the holy
0:18:24 lands of islam like sultan kutuz from
0:18:27 egypt he was from turkestan barbara from
0:18:30 uh the mughal empire who established the
0:18:32 mughal empire he was from turkistan
0:18:36 who defeated the romans and actually
0:18:38 conquered the roman emperor was from
0:18:40 turkestan and then of course the
0:18:42 ottomans the cell jokes
0:18:44 yeah oh
0:18:46 and what we need to understand is islam
0:18:48 has been supported has been given
0:18:51 support from
0:18:53 turkistan for hundreds and hundreds of
0:18:55 years now they need us
0:18:57 now they need our help and they have
0:18:59 been islamists
0:19:00 foreign
0:19:02 which i think is a very important point
0:19:04 and i want to put it to you as well
0:19:06 uh you said something to me which i
0:19:07 think
0:19:08 was such a profound point that it should
0:19:10 be on the public record
0:19:12 you said you know of all of the the
0:19:14 causes in the world you mentioned
0:19:15 palestine you mentioned
0:19:17 like the rohingya like there's so many
0:19:19 horrible especially muslim-related
0:19:20 causes like humanitarian causes
0:19:23 you you once said something to me which
0:19:25 really stuck you know which is that the
0:19:27 weaker cause
0:19:28 of all of those causes is potentially
0:19:31 one of the most solvable causes
0:19:34 because
0:19:35 it's you know with the palestine issue
0:19:36 for example the superpower is against us
0:19:38 the superpower is in bed with israel
0:19:41 they and not only is the superpower in
0:19:43 bed with israelis it just seems
0:19:45 impossible to get the you know the the
0:19:47 objective met really unless something
0:19:49 dramatic happens absolutely dramatic
0:19:52 whereas with this situation here it
0:19:55 seems to me that because the powers that
0:19:57 be here the superpowers the hegemony the
0:19:59 the british
0:20:00 not british sorry the american hegemony
0:20:03 is
0:20:04 fair enough in an interdependent
0:20:06 economic relationship with china because
0:20:08 they both need each other economically
0:20:09 but at the same time
0:20:11 they are in a pr kind of cold proxy war
0:20:14 yeah this could actually work
0:20:17 there could be i believe that if we put
0:20:19 enough pressure on china it doesn't have
0:20:21 to be military pressure it really
0:20:23 doesn't i think
0:20:24 economy motivates these people like you
0:20:26 said if it gets bad enough for these
0:20:28 people they will stop doing what they
0:20:30 are doing i genuinely believe that
0:20:33 alleviation of this situation can happen
0:20:36 with a lot of international pressure and
0:20:38 pr alone
0:20:40 pr with with a robust economic strategy
0:20:42 as well which can be generated from the
0:20:44 pr can alleviate the situation to a
0:20:46 point which is completely
0:20:47 indistinguishable from what we see at
0:20:49 the moment do you think this is a fair
0:20:50 representation yes it's a fair
0:20:52 representation and
0:20:55 as i said before you know uh the first
0:20:58 of july impact yes and uh we are talking
0:21:01 right now
0:21:02 again at 12th november yesterday
0:21:05 national day
0:21:06 because this is
0:21:08 national day if you look back
0:21:10 the the the islamic republic of eastern
0:21:13 1933
0:21:15 you know islam yet
0:21:19 you know this is the islamic uh
0:21:23 symbols and they ended
0:21:26 establishing this republic there and
0:21:28 this is the day you know 12th of
0:21:29 november yes to go out and just stand
0:21:32 you know for your brothers and the
0:21:34 sisters in the historic stand say we are
0:21:37 here we are hearing your voice you have
0:21:40 to
0:21:43 this is this is allah important and may
0:21:45 i finish this yes right now we are
0:21:48 working uh for that 12th of november
0:21:51 just you know in the us uh and then
0:21:53 australia canada and europe and the uh
0:21:57 everywhere
0:21:58 just as as a muslims
0:22:01 as a muslims as a umma
0:22:03 go to the front of chinese embassy
0:22:07 and ask
0:22:09 your brothers and sister and stand for
0:22:12 the justice yes that's the crucial
0:22:14 crucial we do it for every other we do
0:22:16 it for palestine yes and we see the
0:22:18 numbers for palestine cause this is
0:22:20 important yes and palestinian blood is
0:22:22 not more valuable than weaker blood this
0:22:24 is a this is a fact and also i just
0:22:26 wanted to say that you know uh the
0:22:28 sheikh spoke about the 12th of november
0:22:31 and that you know
0:22:32 this is an islamic cause this is not
0:22:35 some some something that muslims should
0:22:37 shy away from
0:22:39 east turkestan was the first islamic
0:22:41 republic in the history of the world the
0:22:42 first before any other islamic republics
0:22:45 and even if you look at the the people
0:22:48 that the old pictures of who's there you
0:22:50 will find that there is a lot of islamic
0:22:53 symbolism a lot of islamic slogans even
0:22:57 when for example the uyghurs when they
0:22:59 are you know they are representing their
0:23:01 calls they will say
0:23:03 dinam islam military
0:23:06 turkish
0:23:14 [Laughter]
0:23:16 when i looked at this i said this is not
0:23:18 a secular slogan this is not a slogan
0:23:22 about you know
0:23:24 communism the uyghurs are muslim this is
0:23:27 their slogan they believe in this and we
0:23:30 all know we all know that in islam
0:23:33 if we do not help each other then one by
0:23:37 one they will pick up each one allah and
0:23:39 this is the thing you know uh sheikh
0:23:41 haitham uh when he was speaking about
0:23:43 the course he narrated a narration of
0:23:46 the prophet sallallahu and i'm going to
0:23:46 paraphrase it that if we do not help a
0:23:50 person
0:23:51 and they are in a difficult situation
0:23:54 then it could be that allah puts us in
0:23:55 that situation because we could have
0:23:57 helped him we did it
0:23:58 so what is to say the whole muslim world
0:24:00 is silent on this issue
0:24:02 and then one by one china does this to
0:24:05 each muslim country
0:24:07 you know it's uh this is something i
0:24:09 heard from one uyghur activist and this
0:24:10 wallahi stuck in my head
0:24:13 east turkestan is islam's eastern
0:24:15 fortress
0:24:16 if that falls is game over that's your
0:24:20 first point of stoppage and what is it
0:24:22 what's what's being required just
0:24:24 activism
0:24:26 and just in the same way that
0:24:29 israel stopped his actions in the recent
0:24:32 conflict because of the outcry
0:24:35 same way the chinese they'll give up
0:24:37 they will give up they'll give up
0:24:38 they'll be like worth it for them it's
0:24:39 not worth it by the way
0:24:42 what the stakes for israel are different
0:24:44 to the states for china like you can
0:24:46 imagine china you know saying whatever
0:24:48 it's not worth it for us israel are not
0:24:50 going to do that they'll say we're going
0:24:51 to give up our country this is something
0:24:53 they've been fighting for years
0:24:55 for them it's different yeah and sorry
0:24:56 just to just to uh clarify we're telling
0:24:58 them don't genocide yeah so even don't
0:25:00 rape women yeah so when it comes to
0:25:02 israel or palestine
0:25:04 it's totally different because the
0:25:05 chinese call easter shinjang new
0:25:08 territory they know it's not their
0:25:10 territory that's what they call a new
0:25:11 territory two in their constitution they
0:25:13 recognize this an autonomous region so
0:25:16 meaning it should have everything except
0:25:18 foreign policy but it doesn't do that so
0:25:20 even the chinese regime itself it
0:25:22 understands this is not there's not the
0:25:24 land but they know it's not their land
0:25:26 but what we're saying is at this point
0:25:27 in time there are so many objectives to
0:25:29 be met before we're talking about this
0:25:31 land being independent yeah we're
0:25:32 talking about the genocide being stopped
0:25:35 the the concentration camps there's so
0:25:36 many things that can be improved
0:25:39 and it's
0:25:40 so many things that can be improved at
0:25:41 lower stakes yeah do you see what i mean
0:25:44 so i just feel like this is something we
0:25:46 we must like partake in and it will be i
0:25:49 think almost a form of discrimination i
0:25:51 must say if we if we
0:25:53 we show so much support to palestine and
0:25:56 palestinian cause which okay fine it's
0:25:57 the holy land is extremely important but
0:25:59 we show minimal support to the uyghur
0:26:02 people i just wanted to say something
0:26:04 that muhammad hadid he's one of the
0:26:06 volunteers for the uyghur human uh
0:26:08 weaker freedom organization he
0:26:11 you know he agrees with this even though
0:26:13 he's palestinian he said if the
0:26:14 palestinians
0:26:16 were sent over to east turkestan let's
0:26:18 say if the east turkestanis were sent
0:26:20 over to live in gaza to live in these
0:26:22 places right to go under the oppression
0:26:24 that the currently the palestinians are
0:26:26 going through
0:26:28 the east turkestanis would consider this
0:26:30 a holiday
0:26:31 the oppression in east turkestan is so
0:26:33 severe that if they went to palestine
0:26:35 they will say alhamdulillah this is all
0:26:36 right not to trivialize them no
0:26:38 absolutely not and and you know you're
0:26:40 absolutely right because someone did
0:26:41 point this out that we shouldn't
0:26:42 trivialize the palestinian issue but as
0:26:44 a palestinian muhammad hadid he said
0:26:46 look this makes sense
0:26:48 because the fact is if you're if you're
0:26:50 you know in gaza in in these and you've
0:26:53 done protests on this you know this
0:26:56 the killing and all of this damage
0:26:58 that's being done at least with your
0:27:00 family you know they're dead or alive
0:27:02 at least the palestinian children are
0:27:04 being raised as atheists there is a
0:27:06 different level oppression happening in
0:27:08 chinese occupied east turkestan that
0:27:11 actually makes other forms of oppression
0:27:13 which are horrible
0:27:14 look more timid and i think that's the
0:27:16 most extremely worrying thing about deen
0:27:24 there are five things that share came to
0:27:26 protect
0:27:27 the number one is
0:27:28 the protection of religion then is the
0:27:31 the protection of one's own self and
0:27:32 human beings so if we see a situation
0:27:35 where people's deen is being uh
0:27:38 changed forcibly because they're talking
0:27:40 about compulsion and religion talk about
0:27:42 islamic tropes and orientation they're
0:27:44 doing it they're doing they're forcing
0:27:46 people out of a religion
0:27:47 we're seeing that then that must be
0:27:49 prioritized yeah that must be priorities
0:27:51 and i just want you to add something the
0:27:52 numbers that we have in the uyghur
0:27:54 tribunal which is taking place this
0:27:55 weekend they're going to give their
0:27:57 verdict in december some of the
0:27:58 academics they're talking about hundreds
0:27:59 of thousands of children
0:28:01 have been removed from their parents
0:28:02 while their parents are alive and
0:28:04 they're being socialized into this
0:28:06 atheist ideology so it's not just to do
0:28:08 with a few hundred it's not a joke and
0:28:10 if you if you extrapolate that that
0:28:12 means and
0:28:14 this is not over hyping the situation
0:28:16 there'll be nobody to say
0:28:19 in east turkestan in the next 50 years
0:28:21 if this continues like this is what they
0:28:23 are planning to eradicate islam
0:28:26 from its very root but they have their
0:28:28 plans and allah has this plan yes and
0:28:30 this is how we have to get involved
0:28:31 we're talking about missionary work we
0:28:33 talk about apologetics we talk about go
0:28:34 and convert people and all that stuff
0:28:36 and people are being forcibly and we can
0:28:38 change it and so if we can't change that
0:28:41 then we haven't done our jobs like you
0:28:42 said it has to be fair
0:28:45 um and who would be most
0:28:47 qualified and advantageous in an
0:28:49 advantageous position to do so except
0:28:51 for as you mentioned the people who have
0:28:52 the most freedom we have the most
0:28:54 freedom yeah to do these things than any
0:28:56 muslims in the whole wide world yeah
0:28:58 this is the truth so it's upon us it is
0:29:00 really upon us yes and and uh look uh
0:29:04 this is not just the
0:29:06 tragedy we hold genocide or your issue
0:29:09 it's
0:29:10 as a
0:29:11 i i outlined in my book it's
0:29:14 all islamic issue yes because
0:29:17 uh we are just frontier front gate you
0:29:22 know uh to stop them there
0:29:24 because we have the knowledge we have
0:29:27 the experience we paid you know a lot of
0:29:30 uh
0:29:32 lives to get the knowledge how that deal
0:29:34 with them
0:29:35 if they you know
0:29:37 get
0:29:38 uh
0:29:38 eradicated estrogen and they will you
0:29:42 know will be in central asia
0:29:44 and uh this is the every islamic
0:29:47 country's issue you i'm
0:29:50 i'm i'm it's so big issue i'm outlined
0:29:53 in this book
0:29:54 i ask every
0:29:57 responsible muslim and brothers look
0:30:00 around him in his country where he is or
0:30:03 she is
0:30:04 look what the chinese
0:30:06 government or chinese business people or
0:30:09 chinese so-called investors doing there
0:30:12 they will find out
0:30:14 this is this is the the the forced labor
0:30:17 not staying in and then in instax time
0:30:19 they build them already in africa
0:30:21 thousands of thousands of publics right
0:30:24 now they're paying for the people there
0:30:26 to working you know minimum wage
0:30:28 few years later they will you know
0:30:30 cooperate with their military dictators
0:30:33 tell them bring people from the prisons
0:30:36 let them work for free
0:30:38 they will bear them for the prison to
0:30:39 work to forfeit if the prison is in
0:30:41 there they will you know make a new law
0:30:44 put the
0:30:45 young people in the prison
0:30:46 let them
0:30:47 bring to the forced labor this first
0:30:49 labor issue already almost in africa
0:30:53 i can you know
0:30:55 mention in this book some some some the
0:30:57 name of the country some politicians
0:30:59 and this is this we will tragedy
0:31:02 i am asking every uh my my brothers and
0:31:05 sisters not just as a we were issued or
0:31:08 we were uh problem we were we were it's
0:31:12 their own problem their country's
0:31:14 problems yeah you know sheikh hadri says
0:31:15 something which is very important yes
0:31:17 this is first and foremost definitely a
0:31:18 muslim issue however it's gonna affect
0:31:20 non-muslims it's gonna affect like you
0:31:22 said africa um it's going to affect
0:31:25 latin america it's gonna affect other
0:31:26 things so even though because we are
0:31:29 muslims and we are united and um is one
0:31:31 body we are speaking up but for anybody
0:31:33 who's watching this and if you're not
0:31:35 muslim this is going to affect everybody
0:31:37 you know this next couple of decades uh
0:31:40 what's happening to the tibetans what's
0:31:42 actually happened to the mongols in
0:31:44 inner mongolia so uh you know it's very
0:31:47 important that if we stand together the
0:31:50 mongols the tibetans the uyghurs the
0:31:53 muslims the the africans the latinos
0:31:56 because collectively they cannot take us
0:31:58 all on um i think uh just to end upon we
0:32:01 should speak about the world weaker
0:32:03 congress so the the the uyghur tribunal
0:32:06 taking place uh this weekend and you're
0:32:08 going to be giving a testimony there so
0:32:10 if you can explain about that please yes
0:32:12 uh inshallah it will be in the uh we
0:32:15 were a terminal there will be a victim
0:32:17 witness
0:32:18 the
0:32:21 the world had the chance you know to
0:32:23 hear
0:32:24 from firsthand from the victims
0:32:27 uh what they went to true from this we
0:32:29 were genocide and that is chinese
0:32:32 foreign islam
0:32:33 and additionally uh there will uh many
0:32:36 experts from a wide aspects uh giving
0:32:40 their their testimony in this genocide
0:32:43 and
0:32:44 i
0:32:45 was asked about
0:32:48 china's buying
0:32:50 muslim country's silence
0:32:52 and how they in fact impact on we were
0:32:56 genocide
0:32:57 and i i'll give my testimony there
0:33:00 already
0:33:01 sending this submitted report to them
0:33:04 it's
0:33:06 i'm not happy you know i i i'll give my
0:33:09 omission i'm not happy to give this
0:33:11 testimony
0:33:12 how the china bought islamic country's
0:33:15 silence i'm not happy to talk about this
0:33:18 because
0:33:18 it hurt me because i'm a muslim
0:33:22 i'm one of this ummah
0:33:25 and the
0:33:26 the pro front of the world you know to
0:33:28 tell look china invested there this
0:33:31 money
0:33:32 but this military guys or you know
0:33:35 corrupted this politician or but this
0:33:37 media and this media outline just you
0:33:40 know bring the news
0:33:42 from china as a miracle they're not
0:33:44 talking about the uyghur issue they
0:33:46 deport them we were students and we were
0:33:49 business people to china to
0:33:50 concentration camp it's not uh what i
0:33:53 enjoy to talk about it it hurts me as a
0:33:56 witness i'm very nervous brother to talk
0:33:59 about this issue
0:34:00 i wish you know at least uh that not the
0:34:04 case that's not the case i said one um
0:34:07 we saw you now as you said before as a
0:34:10 muslim um we you know a last piece by
0:34:13 peace and losing you know look
0:34:17 in the end
0:34:18 indonesia you know in central everywhere
0:34:21 yeah balkan kafkas and everywhere
0:34:24 we we have of course priority every
0:34:27 country but as a um
0:34:29 at least what we can do is what i say
0:34:33 inform fellow brothers yes that's true
0:34:35 and the mecca
0:34:37 that's at least what we can do it that
0:34:39 can do everybody that's the minimum and
0:34:41 also november the 12th is a protest yes
0:34:44 it's been a pleasure allah having you
0:34:45 and thank you you've given us the show
0:34:48 thank you brother