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Mormons vs Muslims (2017-08-01)

## Description

A really interesting discussion between Muslims and Mormons on racism in the Latter Day Saint Church.

Summary of Mormons vs Muslims

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:20:00

discusses how Mormons and Muslims are different, and argues that Mormons are wrong and Islam is the correct religion. also points out that Mormons are more organized and disciplined than Muslims, and that Mormons are more likely to provide help when needed.

*00:00:00 Discusses the history of slavery and racism in the United States, and how these issues are still present in Mormonism. It argues that, while Mormonism does have teachings on racial equality, these teachings should be taken more seriously due to the fact that they are continuous revelation. finishes by saying that, while Mormons may be angry, they should try to learn more about other religions before giving up on their own.

  • 00:05:00 of the video believes that there is no difference between Muslims and Mormons, and that both religions are based on a false idea. also believes that black people are more valuable than other races, and that, as a black woman, she was more qualified to give testimony about Muhammad than two white men.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses how Mormonism and Islam both have teachings that promote inclusivity and diversity, and how both religions were initially founded by prophets who condemned racism. It points out that while Mormonism has changed its stance on race over time, Islam has always been inclusive. The presenter then argues that racism is false, and that both Mormonism and Islam are true religions.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the differences between Mormons and Muslims, and argues that Mormons are wrong and Islam is the correct religion. It argues that Mormons Americanized Christianity, and that if Muslims want to be saved, they should convert to Islam.
  • *00:20:00 Discusses the differences between Mormons and Muslims, with the speaker noting that Mormons believe in Jesus Christ while Muslims do not. also points out that Mormons are more organized and disciplined than Muslims, and that Mormons are more likely to provide help when needed. Finally, the speaker critiques Muslims for their lack of organization and discipline, and points out that if Muslims did not want the speaker to help them, they should have just said so.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 wanted let's compile in the area thank
0:00:02 you thank you
0:00:03 now there was a group of customers with
0:00:05 them as we know Joseph Smith existed in
0:00:11 the kind of all I would like the 18100 M
0:00:16 okay if you notice okay that was a
0:00:18 build-up to what we know is there
0:00:20 welcome to the world
0:00:21 yeah yes all vision ever been seen by
0:00:24 yes as we know it exactly what is going
0:00:26 on
0:00:28 now obviously there was the issue of
0:00:31 slavery I'm not saying that the slavery
0:00:32 were existed in Utah but I don't think
0:00:35 it did exist in Utah am Jules video we
0:00:38 saw a river I was all over murder with
0:00:41 it just doesn't say in stone yet alright
0:00:44 so about one thing is I don't think Utah
0:00:46 necessarily hideslate whole saying I'm
0:00:48 okay
0:00:48 Oh Missouri I'm not sure yeah but the
0:00:51 point is I was looking for historical
0:00:54 final and I realized that not high
0:01:00 during the business
0:01:01 bundesliga on the probe of great would
0:01:04 you collect a great price okay which is
0:01:07 not a book just available on the books
0:01:08 different than ever write it with a
0:01:11 certain body okay now let me say what I
0:01:12 said and what I remember someone who is
0:01:16 basically a moment how much yeah
0:01:18 he became say became was Orion father
0:01:20 was a woman
0:01:22 he said that isn't that book that you
0:01:25 know this whole thing of the fix to the
0:01:27 first half which is alluded to in
0:01:29 Genesis chapter 9 verse 22 of the
0:01:32 dividing this curse is now spoken of in
0:01:38 derivative great right sorry let me
0:01:42 where black people are hurt and having a
0:01:45 curse because they're black beginners
0:01:47 now wives in you can threaten upon is
0:01:51 that 1978 or whatever it was there was a
0:01:54 report with in Mormonism whereby this
0:01:58 was now not not that was not something
0:02:00 to believe so because you guys believe
0:02:03 in continuous revelation but the point
0:02:06 is you don't see a problematic now one
0:02:08 point that in your scriptures that there
0:02:11 was references kind of racial horse
0:02:14 referal which which at the time of
0:02:16 slavery could have defied my first
0:02:18 official judges about the 50-day Gemini
0:02:21 so Native Americans that reason why
0:02:24 there's a traction
0:02:24 [Music]
0:02:28 No yes at the time was a very hard
0:02:31 decision of arias is just so nice
0:02:33 nononononono 98 okay a black man
0:02:38 couldn't come home because it we know in
0:02:40 our priesthood is the power event
0:02:45 Godfather industry so our school my
0:02:49 assumption is a premiere outside no no
0:02:51 y-you can't go into the quizzes you can
0:02:53 Arnold and so on this time they were
0:02:57 choice now so I'm trying to get
0:03:07 montemagno me what is a multi-city no no
0:03:14 you guys it's just a training ever ever
0:03:16 done the dream operated no nobody we
0:03:22 want to help you people t really
0:03:23 entertain you guys learn with this not
0:03:27 all biographies of them is really
0:03:30 learning I'll be honest with you I think
0:03:32 you guys do it officially you go amended
0:03:34 it now anyways you need a modern use any
0:03:37 when you're angry
0:03:38 will be what the classic exactly you
0:03:41 must look more serious to you anyways go
0:03:44 into some enough so what means winter
0:03:48 obscurity for the night to be a so I
0:03:56 know why
0:04:02 why give up your bike when you write for
0:04:07 [Music]
0:04:09 at some point they all they all they all
0:04:19 die and then that's understand why harm
0:04:23 room is in the search of West where I do
0:04:25 hanwen joke sustain restore are talking
0:04:35 about the bowels black people receiving
0:04:36 the reason why or something that they
0:04:39 don't know your shoot to make you a
0:04:43 proper game at least is ok well let me
0:04:51 say one thing I know I look sure this is
0:04:53 true why well I heard that you guys are
0:04:55 not allowed to receive like it all out
0:04:57 to hear anywhere else on religion okay
0:05:01 we could I'll just tell you something
0:05:03 about my religion quickly oily when was
0:05:06 almost again I believe in Jesus Christ I
0:05:09 hate to Messiah is the Word of God that
0:05:10 he's you know he does miracles will get
0:05:13 okay believe in the virgin mary and then
0:05:17 we'll be in the finest of the bones
0:05:19 who came to the Arabian Peninsula and he
0:05:23 said that he was a final prophet and
0:05:25 that there was also is going to be after
0:05:26 him
0:05:28 society the void but also that he is he
0:05:33 says the whole team attraction that's
0:05:35 all beneath the problems of life of
0:05:37 Oregon Washington one believe in a woman
0:05:39 before she was on the people who stayed
0:05:42 at the Piranha shooting the rest a
0:05:43 little
0:05:45 you know welcome now from our
0:05:48 perspective in your engagement veg
0:05:50 relation Mohammed aura there's no
0:05:53 difference between a black man a white
0:05:54 man our Arab or non Arab got the best of
0:05:57 you are those who are best now making
0:05:58 the other if we were to compare it a
0:06:01 statement which gave us all the two
0:06:03 hundred years ago Joe Smith with with
0:06:06 what legend in the pride of an
0:06:08 appropriate idea would you say that you
0:06:11 slavit notion of registration everyone
0:06:13 is all directory person is more or less
0:06:17 true more or less something follow today
0:06:21 then that result in the soul of a person
0:06:23 I know
0:06:27 no but what is mention is that basically
0:06:30 because of the black people in America
0:06:34 so far you mentioned it clearly that
0:06:36 black people that's why it's one of the
0:06:38 justification to have fun apply given
0:06:40 the three dimensions again what would
0:06:43 you think is a more correct interface
0:06:44 you know that is no different than Rick
0:06:47 and that even the fourth or even if a
0:06:49 black man was in charge of you he's so
0:06:50 black say he's headed like a reason he
0:06:53 made this for agriculture they didn't
0:06:57 really accept black authority yeah
0:06:58 corporal carpenter showed us a blackest
0:07:01 of men weasel evil and used to Salem
0:07:03 anybody who said even if the blackest
0:07:05 man both abroad could be here and he was
0:07:08 in charge he would have to follow what
0:07:10 you said Jose is a very interesting as
0:07:14 well like some people here in the
0:07:16 speaker's corner we're shooting for some
0:07:17 up in a register religious factory I
0:07:19 came across from that and a sexist
0:07:21 religion is or you know heard the
0:07:23 subjugation of women at night agent ray
0:07:26 there's a [ __ ] who she's a resident
0:07:27 products which is our second most
0:07:28 authentic book of the Quran yeah but I'm
0:07:30 not really with the water clock then the
0:07:32 party which is something this happy in
0:07:35 terms that is laid upon hot buttons if
0:07:37 not hiding yeah awkward no hide it was
0:07:40 individual
0:07:42 Mannie okay so a woman came and listened
0:07:47 to this through the black woman I'm just
0:07:49 going to finish off I'll be done before
0:07:51 minute ever even so I've got a black
0:07:53 woman came through the black a black
0:07:58 woman so she wasn't just a woman what
0:08:00 she was a black woman she came to the
0:08:03 problem and I'm basically we have a
0:08:05 ruling a slam whereby if you're if
0:08:07 you're if you take the milk you think
0:08:10 the breast milk of a woman
0:08:12 you can't will marry my and if a woman
0:08:17 if two people Britain look like a man
0:08:20 and a woman
0:08:20 then they becomes like like references
0:08:23 not exactly brother-sister but like
0:08:25 progress is there those hurdles that
0:08:27 kind of maternal thing no black woman
0:08:30 came she said I gave milk to this you
0:08:34 guys are very multi didn't know and
0:08:37 untied one yet
0:08:39 that means they call me Mary now choose
0:08:43 up one black woman yeah she gave that
0:08:45 testimony and he asked that was a man we
0:08:49 were definitely said no no she's lying
0:08:51 here she said he's Dutch alliance the
0:08:53 Prophet said you hear what she said in
0:08:55 otherwise in this situation we took the
0:08:57 testimony of a black woman over the
0:09:00 testimony of two men now one man in this
0:09:04 case I wouldn't had the point I'm making
0:09:05 here is that when it comes to the
0:09:08 slamming race we have a very strict
0:09:10 policy with race we don't believe that
0:09:13 anyone wears campaign and in any time
0:09:15 more valuable than another race
0:09:18 this woman who was a black woman and the
0:09:20 lower certified with no she was she
0:09:21 black while she was a black woman
0:09:23 because women were seen as low as or so
0:09:25 light enough ie there was a strong
0:09:27 patriarchy and she was not just a woman
0:09:29 but a black woman
0:09:30 so the Prophet said you know you have to
0:09:33 be divorced
0:09:34 and he created a divorce between the
0:09:35 student which is based on such motives
0:09:37 that one
0:09:37 which is a very simple thing now the
0:09:39 point I'll make an adjustment you guys I
0:09:44 believe that you should come to its left
0:09:47 white because I think you know and I
0:09:50 know that what I've just described to
0:09:52 you in terms of rate is more for
0:09:54 sensitivity than what you had in the
0:09:57 face and I believe that if you are
0:10:00 person that doesn't believe is racism I
0:10:02 know you're not accept that your
0:10:04 personal friend the only religion diet
0:10:07 believe there's at least racist religion
0:10:09 and the most inclusive diverse religion
0:10:11 of the whole world is a plan based on
0:10:13 that fact alone if you guys believe that
0:10:14 racism is a bad thing I should become I
0:10:18 believe the comet is the final comeback
0:10:20 what do you say to that well the whole
0:10:23 thing that I heard you say that like the
0:10:25 only thing such a hard surface has now
0:10:28 there are churches were saying we were
0:10:30 accepting of everyone what makes it
0:10:33 torture chalice rates at one point one
0:10:37 point in time the founder of latter-day
0:10:40 saints is appalled a woman is a nice
0:10:42 place
0:10:42 Joseph Smith who is meant to be a
0:10:45 prophet and relieved revelation from God
0:10:47 had raised disbelief now we're saying
0:10:50 that these race beliefs are unacceptable
0:10:52 and they no point in time were
0:10:54 acceptable so when he's setting it was
0:10:56 not acceptable and when he said now is
0:10:58 not acceptable
0:10:59 therefore we should reject because what
0:11:01 he said is like why he said was wrong
0:11:02 together so it's not about race it's
0:11:05 about unity diversity obeying God and
0:11:09 that's okay so highest knowledge your
0:11:10 beauty
0:11:13 you guys want to look I know I know
0:11:16 you're on a mission
0:11:16 I can't window okay you understand my
0:11:30 point hey I know you're never look
0:11:32 you're on a mission be on a mission yes
0:11:35 told you to come here and I know it is
0:11:38 the least thing that you'd have expected
0:11:40 to come and become something else
0:11:41 you know the Bible say something
0:11:43 beautiful it says seek is the truth and
0:11:46 the truth shall set you free now you
0:11:49 will know you accept my premise that
0:11:51 racism is intrinsically a false
0:11:53 statement you've accepted also the hell
0:11:56 am I am giving you the proof for it
0:11:58 Islam is a religion of inclusivity and
0:12:01 includes already we will accept it also
0:12:04 in humanism there is the idea of racism
0:12:07 I need them what their home have
0:12:08 signified we just adjust one so
0:12:12 therefore when we come to an
0:12:13 epistemological decision which is more
0:12:15 to remember in the boys wrapping it
0:12:17 deeply like what you're saying is
0:12:18 available you're basing the whole
0:12:20 relationship yes sir
0:12:24 but I believe it's intrinsically true if
0:12:27 that is one yeah and that's why God big
0:12:30 people over the graffiti and God created
0:12:33 other people bore those of you just hear
0:12:35 the Calliope yeah I stated the black
0:12:37 people why do you think why do you think
0:12:40 I will preserve the white over the black
0:12:42 robes of that was right all of them are
0:12:44 beautiful that's right the religion has
0:12:47 to be it has absolutely all over there
0:12:49 all of the reason Absalom if there is
0:12:51 anything which is true and iterator
0:12:54 then there is a possibility and distinct
0:13:00 use at any time what I need so if there
0:13:02 was any time because it's not started
0:13:04 okay they were not including the
0:13:05 priesthood present 97 here therefore 3
0:13:09 1978 it was ok to berate pranaya greater
0:13:13 okay so here we're saying what was true
0:13:16 1979 I was through 1977 to 1978
0:13:46 where he was born but one was there is
0:13:49 one early yes oh thank you
0:13:59 if you are you understand I am serious
0:14:03 now our church your state revelation and
0:14:06 we don't know why you can follow me the
0:14:15 last time God 17 simple do you look at
0:14:21 us yeah it was a scuffle Joe Smith by
0:14:24 the way it wasn't because it was
0:14:25 continuous revelation of someone else
0:14:26 Roger Smith
0:14:27 yeah it wasn't Joe Smith says damn that
0:14:31 don't it was someone else so when we
0:14:33 came off thank you
0:14:35 I don't think you see Islam from the
0:14:38 biggity focus on from the famed American
0:14:44 Jana so it when Islam came to him it was
0:14:48 resolved at that point he said in the
0:14:51 regulation of an Arab there is no
0:14:54 difference between the black and white
0:14:55 except impiety dawn was no fire don't
0:14:58 fall for something that is better than
0:15:00 others whatever race he is whatever he
0:15:02 came from whatever whatever you know you
0:15:05 know his his features are still the same
0:15:08 he will be it will be better than the
0:15:10 other ones who are called them from
0:15:12 thinking that he you know came from the
0:15:14 tribe of Judah or of the whatever so
0:15:16 that's what it was soon at the pony so
0:15:18 that's why why it was in Seoul at the
0:15:19 spot at the point from the beginning at
0:15:21 that time say by the way all recent
0:15:24 fallen transportable al-gaddafi is done
0:15:27 this nation here so who has to be
0:15:30 resolved in the folder from the
0:15:32 beginning so folder for later people
0:15:35 they will not look down from the other
0:15:37 day the agreement is management you know
0:15:43 what issue is different it seems like
0:15:45 Joseph Smith and there's no disrespect
0:15:47 to woman in ours be the one perspective
0:15:50 but it woman in them and Java both of
0:15:54 them which came around the same time
0:15:55 like good Lord there's something brings
0:15:58 them in common is that they're very
0:15:59 American with a hard life I miss the
0:16:01 land of opportunity make your own
0:16:02 religion I'm all saying that that's what
0:16:04 happened
0:16:04 let's just say that that could be an
0:16:07 extension of the capitalistic dream
0:16:08 Joseph Smith he seems to have
0:16:11 Americanized Christianity in the sense
0:16:13 that he's now made Missouri I'm over to
0:16:16 say heaven but he's made it into a
0:16:17 special place
0:16:19 came to America 40 people so now it just
0:16:22 seems like in feeling Americanization I
0:16:24 mean hegemonic power had to I didn't
0:16:28 have any free consulation
0:16:29 look you know proliferating to go into
0:16:31 America he's a chemical religion and
0:16:34 that is in line with social
0:16:37 understanding of that particular time so
0:16:39 when in the 1800's which okay to have
0:16:41 black slate is okay and it was okay to
0:16:43 whip them and humiliate them all these
0:16:47 things this one have one so he was in
0:16:49 line with that for what we're saying is
0:16:51 that now that we can look at this
0:16:53 recognizes what what happened there was
0:16:55 completely wrong so he was wrong and if
0:16:58 we say he's wrong
0:16:59 and we come to like the future then it
0:17:00 must be the case that there must be a
0:17:03 religion if we believe in God that is
0:17:04 true so which religion is there that
0:17:06 doesn't have the curse of ham that
0:17:08 doesn't have the problem of the Trinity
0:17:10 with a [ __ ] so here is Lee and which
0:17:13 is believed in Jesus Christ so you only
0:17:15 have it so would you like to become
0:17:18 Muslim today and wipe away all of your
0:17:19 sins and worship one God I believe in
0:17:21 the Quran and we'll give you to put up
0:17:23 and we'll get you a new Reformation for
0:17:25 him okay really how many vectors were
0:17:33 young yes we're very ambitious if a big
0:17:36 thing if I give you x unaffordable for
0:17:39 the top normal again so you go to your
0:17:42 salvation so what you see in the book a
0:17:44 you know an exam if you're looking for
0:17:46 salvation revelation teenagers run no
0:17:50 way I can succeed
0:17:54 I was surviving one is like a series of
0:18:57 trees when I come in if I will forget
0:19:02 the grant and I will find you and iris
0:19:04 and
0:19:25 okay this creature has a contradiction
0:19:27 here isn't it
0:19:29 I mean way to work I show you one right
0:19:39 now everything else you know we wouldn't
0:19:53 experience even if you show you I will
0:19:55 reject you looking what if initially I
0:20:00 want to be written as it is for
0:20:03 professional you arrange for us in
0:20:06 jiu-jitsu look I think you show me in
0:20:10 the Quran how will you one more dress
0:20:14 holder quite I'm telling you one
0:20:15 you know what young people if the city
0:20:18 was only the minute
0:20:19 so why do when I said you know what I
0:20:22 mean let me feel when I see those things
0:20:24 I don't know any innovations the
0:20:27 nightmare for you to starvation on the
0:20:29 night and what if you don't want me to
0:20:31 go go I don't you go help
0:21:08 yeah
0:21:34 [Music]
0:21:49 you