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102 - Tafseer ul Quran: Surat An Nisa with Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-08-05)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

102 - Tafseer ul Quran: Surat An Nisa with Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI



Summary of 102 - Tafseer ul Quran: Surat An Nisa with Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses Surat An Nisa, which contains verses about inheritance law. He explains that, according to the verses, women will get an eighth of what men inherit, and that this is a hint that whatever shares are to come, they will be taken from the original capital, not from the reduced capital. The narrator also discusses the Hadith in which Jabra Abdullah Muhammad (the fifth Imam of Shi'ism) reports that himself and his cousin studied with Java from a young age, and that Java would have written down what they learned if he had not been so excellent a mobilizer.

00:00:00 In this week's episode of "102 - Tafseer ul Quran: Surat An Nisa with Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI" the professor discusses the various schools of thought on inheritance and why there is a problem with one of them. He points out that the Imami Jafari school of thought adopts the view that a husband gets only a quarter of the wealth a woman inherits after settling all her debts and other obligations alone.

  • 00:05:00 Discusses various aspects of inheritance law, including the rights of spouses, children, and grandparents. The final section discusses the possibility of a quarter being given to a husband in the event of a wife's death.
  • 00:10:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the principle of ranking in regards to Quran verses concerning marriage and children. He explains that while there is some flexibility in how these rankings are applied, the starting point for all rankings should be based on the principle that "Allah does not say, 'you don't know who is more believers.'" He then goes on to discuss the specific case of a woman who dies leaving a husband and children. He takes into account the number of children she had and their respective roles in the family, before concluding with a discussion of the husband's share in a marriage.
  • 00:15:00 The ayah states that a man or woman who has no children, but has a brother or sister, will inherit one sixth of what their brother or sister inherits. If there are more than two siblings, they will share in one third of the inheritance.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses Surat An Nisa, which discusses inheritance. The narrator notes that there are two verses in the Qur'an that mention inheritance, and that the first says that if there are no children or parents to inherit, the inheritance should go to the brother or sister. The second says that if there are more than two siblings, they should share the inheritance equally.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses Surat An Nisa and its verses, which discuss inheritance laws for men and women. explains that, according to the verses, women will get an eighth of what men inherit, and that this is a hint that whatever shares are to come, they will be taken from the original capital, not from the reduced capital. The narrator also discusses the Hadith in which Jabra Abdullah Muhammad (the fifth Imam of Shi'ism) reports that himself and his cousin studied with Java from a young age, and that Java would have written down what they learned if he had not been so excellent a mobilizer.
  • 00:30:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI explains Surat An Nisa, wherein Allah says that daughters receive two-thirds of what their fathers receive, and mothers share in the inheritance equally. If there is no substitution for the deceased's hair, the sisters become heirs to their brothers' hair. If there is a substitution for the deceased's hair, the sisters become heirs to their brothers' and fathers' hair. Finally, he hints at a possible subscription scenario where the husband would receive only a quarter of the inheritance, and the wife would receive two thirds.
  • 00:35:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses Surat An Nisa and its interpretation. He notes that in the case of secondary inheritance, the husband is the closest male relative to the ceased woman and, as such, he is the rightful heir to her share.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses Surat An Nisa, which discusses how husbands and spices should be distributed. The Professor discusses that if there are more than two female heirs, they will get two-thirds of the inheritance, and if there are only two female heirs, the husband will get the equal of two female heirs.
  • 00:45:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses Surat An Nisa, which discusses inheritance laws. He explains that if a father has children with more than one wife, each child will receive an equivalent share of two daughters, and if there are only daughters, the child will receive half of what the father leaves behind. If there is no father, the mother will receive one third of what he leaves behind. If the father has brothers and sisters, the mother will receive one sixth of what he leaves behind. This law is from God and is all-knowing, wise, and perfect.
  • 00:50:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL Massari discusses Surat An Nisa and its tafseer. He discusses the five points of division mentioned in the Quran, and goes on to discuss the greater equalization relation. He notes that this relation is secondary, and that it should be defined in terms of the greater equalization. He also discusses a hadith which confirms the error of treating daughters of a son as if they are equal to daughters of a daughter. Finally, he discusses the implications of this error, and how it applies to situations like the one described in the video.
  • 00:55:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses Surat An Nisa, specifically the verses concerning the share of a mother in the event that her children are all deceased. He notes that, in either case - where there are no children or only children - the mother's share is three-sixths. If there are brothers and sisters, the mother's share is reduced to one-sixth. In the latter case, where the mother has only brothers, her share is reduced to zero. Finally, he discusses the implications of this law in a society where women are not obligated to support the household.


Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the different scenarios in which a mother may or may not be present in a family, and how those scenarios are affected. He concludes that, in most cases, the mother of the father is closer to the child than the mother of the mother.

01:00:00 Discusses the different scenarios in which a mother may or may not be present in a family, and how those scenarios are affected. concludes that, in most cases, the mother of the father is closer to the child than the mother of the mother.

  • 01:05:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad al Massari discusses Surat An Nisa and its rulings regarding grandparents substituting for mothers in cases where there is no mother present. In most cases, the grandfather would be given a third of the inheritance due to his status as father. However, if there are no children, the inheritance goes to the siblings of the deceased.
  • 01:10:00 Discusses Surat An Nisa, discussing the dominant one (the first ayah) and the first eye of inheritance. It goes on to explain that, based on the ayah, Muslims should treat children the same way they treat brothers, and that if there are no brothers to substitute, the counselor should be given alternative means of support. Finally, the video discusses a specific question asked by the speaker, and concludes that it is sufficient to ask the Prophet Muhammad for guidance.
  • 01:15:00 discusses the concept of takala ( inheritance) in Surat An Nisa. He explains that if a man dies childless, his sister will inherit one half of what he has left, just as he will inherit from her if she dies childless. If there are two sisters, they are entitled to two-thirds of the inheritance between them. If they are brothers and sisters, a male is inherited to twice the share of the female. God makes all this clear to you so that you do not go astray.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses Surat An Nisa and Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI's analysis of the various aspects of inheritance. Kalada is the most essential part of any inheritance and no children mean that the brother takes everything. If there is no brother, then the sister takes a half. If there is only one sister, she takes a whole. If there is no brother or sister, then the uncles take everything.
  • 01:25:00 Discusses the importance of studying the Quran in order to understand its meaning and how to apply it correctly. It covers Surat An Nisa, which discusses the issue of a husband and wife without a spouse, and how to overcome the confusion caused by faulty interpretation. Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the issues in detail and offers a solution that is based on the Quran and Sunnah.
  • 01:30:00 Discusses the difference between inheritance between Muslims and non-Muslims. The main point is that Muslim inheritance is based on descent, not belief.
  • 01:35:00 reviews some of the problems with using evidence from the Quran without connecting it to the rest of the text. He points to the case of the "unblessed brother" as an example of a problem with this approach.
  • 01:40:00 provides a summary of Surat An Nisa, discussing the various ways in which the different parties involved can be compensated. He notes that there is no owl or unhappy brother in the story, and that the brother is eventually happy.
  • 01:45:00 Discusses the issue of how people should deal with an inheritance that they feel is too low. It explains that the eye of inheritance (i.e. who will get the inheritance) was revealed first to Saddam Narrabiya, the brother of a woman who came to Muhammad asking for guidance on how to deal with her daughters not being able to find husbands due to their low inheritance. The example serves to illustrate the complexities and nuances of hadith interpretation.
  • 01:50:00 Discusses the differences between sunnah and quran, and how to properly read between the texts. It points out that, if a person cannot see the context and analyze the text, they are likely to be "dead brains" when it comes to understanding Islam.
  • 01:55:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the importance of treating the Quran and Sunnah with respect. He stresses that if someone is arguing about the Quran until today, then the door is open for them to bring their construction.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:27 brothers and sisters in episode 102 of
0:00:29 the weekly episodes of the
0:00:31 interpretation
0:00:32 of the nobel quran with professor
0:00:33 muhammad al-masri
0:00:35 these these episodes are broadcast live
0:00:37 on uh study circles of professor
0:00:39 muhammad dr muhammad al-masri every
0:00:42 sunday on youtube at 2 p.m approximate
0:00:45 london summer time we invite you to
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0:01:15 today is
0:01:17 the 24th of
0:01:19 july 2022 corresponding to the
0:01:22 25th nonhidja 1443 the doctor continues
0:01:25 the interpretation of
0:01:27 um
0:01:30 we are now on
0:01:31 ayah
0:01:32 there will be a second the ayah we are
0:01:34 now
0:01:36 the last one
0:01:38 176 is where we finished last week
0:01:47 so i never thought that we will be
0:01:49 getting to the ayah of kalala at the end
0:01:51 of sword
0:01:53 and then going back for a review of the
0:01:55 ayahs of mirat because this is
0:01:58 reality in time pass i never bothered
0:02:00 about this issue of
0:02:02 because it it looks like
0:02:05 a field of people who
0:02:07 would like to practice their their
0:02:10 their fraction of fraction additional
0:02:12 subtraction
0:02:14 can stretch their muscles there i never
0:02:16 needed felt the need for that but they
0:02:18 said how to be having much much
0:02:21 deeper problems
0:02:22 in the
0:02:23 inheritance and it turns out to be two
0:02:26 major schools
0:02:27 there
0:02:28 just the more common school taken by all
0:02:30 the madahip except the imami and the
0:02:32 vahri
0:02:33 uh so that's the main
0:02:43 but also there are variations there
0:02:45 and bewildering mistakes i would say
0:02:47 some of them are blatantly mistaken
0:02:50 and the other school which has been
0:02:52 possibly because of reason being from
0:02:54 al-bayt ibn abbas which is much more
0:02:56 reasonable and much more synchronized
0:02:57 with the text of the quran
0:02:59 that other one
0:03:01 because of the problem of award i would
0:03:03 discuss that then we discussed that but
0:03:04 we will go to the eyes again
0:03:06 to start with again
0:03:09 that one is is
0:03:11 adopted by the imami jafari school the
0:03:13 film which is regarded the fifth uh
0:03:16 and i'm not sure about the as id that
0:03:18 but there's high probability that they
0:03:20 are also following the average school in
0:03:22 matarubi inheritance i didn't check that
0:03:24 someone can shake it but that's not a
0:03:26 problem it doesn't matter who is
0:03:27 following is not following because we'll
0:03:29 discuss things on their own right and
0:03:31 their own
0:03:32 as
0:03:33 as reported in detail for example um
0:03:37 in in his uh
0:03:40 i will follow it relatively closely
0:03:42 because he's quite comprehensive and
0:03:45 in most issues controversial
0:03:47 confidential issues he's more right or
0:03:49 wrong much more right or wrong
0:03:50 alhamdulillah and he adopts him abba's
0:03:53 point of view
0:03:55 so all the worries have been summarized
0:03:57 the main problem which
0:03:59 is that there's a problem when you
0:04:01 when you uh uh allocate all the the
0:04:05 portions for uh
0:04:06 for this called
0:04:08 the the the ones who have allocated
0:04:10 portions like for example let me give
0:04:12 you an example
0:04:13 for for the listener to understand
0:04:14 regardless
0:04:16 a woman dies
0:04:18 she has children
0:04:21 and
0:04:22 let's stay two daughters let's stay two
0:04:23 daughters just just to have a fixed
0:04:25 number of mine a husband
0:04:27 since she has
0:04:29 since she has a husband
0:04:31 she has children the husband will get
0:04:32 only a quarter of the wealth
0:04:35 thus after settling all the other debts
0:04:37 and all the other
0:04:38 uh
0:04:39 wills etc with who
0:04:42 by themselves they have complex details
0:04:44 like for example the first thing to be
0:04:46 said are the debts and the first
0:04:48 importer that is the date of allah
0:04:50 how could be if there's a death of allah
0:04:52 for example
0:04:53 uh
0:04:54 the the woman who died
0:04:56 she died the next day or the same day
0:04:58 let's say the next day
0:05:00 after the the zakat do a day of hairs so
0:05:03 that the cat is due but she was in bed
0:05:05 dying and the next day she dies so that
0:05:07 the cat is due on her money but not has
0:05:10 not been taken out
0:05:12 so this is the table of sata that has to
0:05:14 be paid first according to the hazmat
0:05:15 according to the hadith that
0:05:18 has absolute value that has to be taken
0:05:20 out
0:05:21 then she may have she may have loans
0:05:23 borrowed loans and so on she's a active
0:05:25 or businesswoman she has borrowing and
0:05:27 so on and there's obligation against her
0:05:30 him she has it has to be fulfilled that
0:05:32 has to be paid out
0:05:35 then
0:05:37 after that
0:05:38 from her money
0:05:40 the necessary things for the funeral the
0:05:41 minimum is caffeine
0:05:43 but a reasonable funeral according to
0:05:45 her status and so on
0:05:46 that has to be paid out fast from her
0:05:48 money by the way
0:05:50 obviously the family and so on most
0:05:52 muslim society they will do that in
0:05:54 behalf of the dead one but
0:05:56 if we come to the fundamental obligation
0:05:58 it's on her money
0:06:00 okay
0:06:00 and then after that she may have a will
0:06:05 the will should not exceed according to
0:06:06 the messenger of allah the third but
0:06:09 this is the fine points in details
0:06:10 that's detailed in sections of wills
0:06:12 there has been other books and there may
0:06:14 be certain issues there but let's assume
0:06:17 there is no issue the will has been
0:06:18 deducted what's the remaining is called
0:06:20 the capital
0:06:22 the capital is the remaining one where
0:06:23 the inheritance is then applied properly
0:06:26 by the way the will cannot contain any
0:06:29 hairs
0:06:31 this is because allah divided the the
0:06:33 rights of the hairs but it may happen
0:06:35 that the will inc includes the hair
0:06:38 uh a non-hair which becomes a hair by
0:06:40 the death of the let me give you an
0:06:41 example just for fun uh
0:06:44 this
0:06:46 this this woman is having a great
0:06:48 sympathy for the granddaughter from a
0:06:50 son who diseased long ago
0:06:52 but she knows she knows that in her
0:06:54 first law she knows she has two
0:06:55 daughters they will take everything that
0:06:58 that granddaughter will get nothing so
0:06:59 she said this one is in here let me
0:07:01 allocate her something in my will
0:07:04 but
0:07:06 the
0:07:07 sh the day she dies now
0:07:09 another scenario of death she dies in a
0:07:11 car accident with one of the daughters
0:07:13 so we have only one daughter remaining
0:07:15 and then the the granddaughter from a
0:07:17 son
0:07:18 from from male descent descendant or the
0:07:21 son of a son that satan downwards
0:07:23 becomes suddenly eligible for the sixth
0:07:26 so he's here now so she had taken out of
0:07:28 the will but all of us usually the judge
0:07:31 or the one who is dividing the will or
0:07:32 the lawyer will know the details of the
0:07:34 law and will settle these things and
0:07:36 deduct that from the world it cannot be
0:07:38 part of the world etc that was assumed
0:07:40 that's all done clean now have the
0:07:42 capital in which we can manage
0:07:46 the the inheritance law now then here's
0:07:48 those laws
0:07:49 we discussed the two eyes and we got
0:07:51 stuck in some problems we discussed also
0:07:53 even abbas objection which it says how
0:07:56 come that let's go to the uh the
0:07:58 standard example we just mentioned a
0:08:00 lady died
0:08:01 and she leaves the husband so he takes a
0:08:03 quarter according to the second ayah of
0:08:05 inheritance which will be the eyes again
0:08:07 insha'allah
0:08:08 and
0:08:09 she has two daughters
0:08:11 so they have according to the first eye
0:08:12 you have two the inheritance is
0:08:14 regretted by three eyes the first eye is
0:08:16 the one addressing children etc
0:08:18 the second eye addressing husband and
0:08:20 wives and uh various issues and the
0:08:22 third one is the really just a footnote
0:08:24 i that's the one and the last one we're
0:08:26 discussing today but we'll discuss it in
0:08:28 context with all others so we settled
0:08:30 ratio of inheritance more or less as
0:08:32 comprehensive as we can
0:08:35 have
0:08:36 the last is water so number one is i
0:08:38 think it is numbered in the quran number
0:08:41 10 i think
0:08:42 and this is the you'll see
0:08:46 this
0:08:47 11 and then the second one which i call
0:08:49 the second one is number 12. so
0:08:50 immediately after that and then a big
0:08:52 gap until some issues some people did
0:08:55 not understand kalyan including umar has
0:08:57 struggled with the kalada and he never
0:08:59 understood it probably and he will never
0:09:02 understand according to me allah i will
0:09:03 tell you the funny story about that
0:09:04 later
0:09:06 this is the ayah number 176 or whatever
0:09:08 number it says in your in your must have
0:09:10 so i think it's 176 or 75 depending some
0:09:13 variation counting at the messiah
0:09:15 accounting over ayahs
0:09:16 that's their stone they ask your favor
0:09:19 allah gives you a fatwa
0:09:21 so
0:09:23 and then we have them because
0:09:27 then we have uh
0:09:29 in that case uh then we have and the
0:09:32 deceased woman which left the husband
0:09:34 who took the quarter and their two girls
0:09:36 which will take
0:09:37 two third
0:09:39 and then but she has she died and her
0:09:42 parents mother and father are still
0:09:43 around
0:09:45 yeah so each one gives a sixth
0:09:47 that's forever there's no escape that
0:09:53 how to get the quarter if you give the
0:09:55 husband a quarter then we have this
0:09:57 called our if we add all these
0:10:00 we must face a problem we are exceeding
0:10:02 100 percent
0:10:04 and the
0:10:06 procedure of of of
0:10:08 of uh
0:10:11 i don't know
0:10:12 which order this is the best narration
0:10:14 we have i i don't know which order allah
0:10:16 gave which order of reference allah made
0:10:19 to you so i cannot give some and leave
0:10:22 someone who leaves them at the end i
0:10:23 don't know what the order is dictated by
0:10:26 so i can call it everything and
0:10:30 average between you
0:10:33 i mean abbas objected to that he did not
0:10:34 object in time of omar and they said
0:10:36 clearly because i was afraid of him and
0:10:38 he was too young under one more had such
0:10:40 a character authority nobody could
0:10:42 confront him but later on he expressed
0:10:44 that clearly and even was challenging
0:10:45 people for mobile if necessary he said
0:10:48 no no it is it should go according to
0:10:50 ranking what is dictated by allah
0:10:54 that's the language
0:10:57 that's the principle he shows and
0:10:59 because of that he was forced obviously
0:11:01 to do some rankings which is uh
0:11:04 still controversial because
0:11:06 the the
0:11:07 the ranking of husband husband and wife
0:11:09 and the spouses generally is clear
0:11:11 because the second i start with this one
0:11:13 and give them the shares and essentially
0:11:15 everything for them first so they have
0:11:16 to be they have to be started with any
0:11:19 way there's no escape independent of uh
0:11:22 reasoning that uh
0:11:24 they must be in it must be having the
0:11:27 highest rank not only because they
0:11:28 started because they have a chair
0:11:30 whatever it happens for example a
0:11:32 husband is having a half or a quarter a
0:11:35 wife
0:11:36 or a deceased man is having either a
0:11:38 quarter if he has no kids or the only
0:11:40 eighth but they have a share they have a
0:11:43 located share a large one may be reduced
0:11:45 but never reduced to zero while others
0:11:48 may reduce down to a smaller amount as
0:11:50 as may be given so the share may be
0:11:52 going down
0:11:53 much more than that so they should be
0:11:55 ranked lower
0:11:57 and then he distributed according to
0:11:58 that husband and wife and the one higher
0:12:00 ranking and so on until the problem is
0:12:02 that the the ranking of abraham's wife
0:12:05 being higher or being faced is cleared
0:12:07 by the second i i and about 12. but for
0:12:11 when we first ranking uh kids girls for
0:12:14 example the two gears were just
0:12:15 discussing for that woman and mother and
0:12:18 and father we face a dilemma because
0:12:20 they are in the same ayah and the ayah
0:12:22 did not give us really any reasonable
0:12:24 for ranking
0:12:25 so the ranking rabbus based on the
0:12:27 principle
0:12:28 uh that uh that
0:12:30 he
0:12:31 he tried to figure out is ingenious no
0:12:33 doubt over but it is not sanctioned by
0:12:35 the quran because the other ones kid's
0:12:38 father mother
0:12:40 they in the ayah they mentioned in the
0:12:42 stream actually the gears are measured
0:12:44 before father and mother
0:12:46 so they seem to be higher ranking but
0:12:48 according to us they are lower ranking
0:12:49 because they could if they have been
0:12:51 more than two gears like 10 gears 15
0:12:54 girls they will go down into a very
0:12:56 small fraction much more smaller
0:12:58 while the father and mother are having a
0:13:00 sixth force attitude there's no escape
0:13:03 so there's a real problem and also
0:13:19 uh statement which
0:13:21 we must think about it and ponder allah
0:13:24 says
0:13:29 you don't know who is more beneficial
0:13:31 for you your parents or your kids
0:13:34 so allah has given us a key that
0:13:36 any attempt to ranking and see who is
0:13:37 more beneficial for the dead is either
0:13:39 the parents or other kids
0:13:42 everyone has a certain benefit in some
0:13:43 aspects your parents are the one who who
0:13:45 got you from childhood into adulthood
0:13:48 and spend on you so you have enough
0:13:50 benefit from them but your kids are the
0:13:52 one you are defending on them but later
0:13:54 on you become all they are supposed to
0:13:56 support support you and make your life
0:13:58 enjoyable
0:14:00 who is more beneficial allah does not
0:14:02 say to the question saying you don't
0:14:03 know who's more believers of you and the
0:14:05 certain situation may be the one or the
0:14:07 other so this is a hint any ranking
0:14:09 there should not be done so even
0:14:12 this right of ingenuity has overlooked
0:14:13 that
0:14:18 so what what what what how to settle the
0:14:20 issue of our in the example is just
0:14:22 given that lady died leaving a husband
0:14:25 and she has kids two girls
0:14:27 uh he takes the quarter the two girls
0:14:29 according to the first eye iron number
0:14:30 11
0:14:32 they get
0:14:33 the two heads so each one gets a third
0:14:34 third nobody else is there and father
0:14:37 mother one six one six according to the
0:14:39 i
0:14:40 that's a third two third and one third
0:14:42 is 100 percent one full one and the
0:14:45 husband how i'll get husband a quarter
0:14:47 if the under gets a quarter we must get
0:14:49 because that has sanctioned by the
0:14:51 second ayah and is the beginning of the
0:14:52 ayah and that that ayah is to be used
0:14:56 essentially before anything else by
0:14:57 necessity of reason
0:15:00 because it's regulated situation with
0:15:01 kids or non-kids so it's it's definitely
0:15:03 they want to be started with in the case
0:15:05 of the existence of husbands and wife a
0:15:07 spouse whatever it is
0:15:10 then he must get his quarter there's no
0:15:14 escape
0:15:14 definitely no escape
0:15:17 but then the other ones will will will
0:15:18 have will have to share we will have
0:15:20 will have to exceed that's what that's
0:15:21 what they call our let's call it over
0:15:24 over extension
0:15:33 exceeding the limit over over exterior
0:15:36 or over subscription is over subtract
0:15:41 they are over surprised with their
0:15:42 shares in in
0:15:44 in the existing money
0:15:47 so
0:15:48 and and the ordering of abbas is an
0:15:50 intelligent device but it is not really
0:15:52 sanctioned that we can make any
0:15:54 reasonable order
0:15:58 ordering other kids more pray for the
0:16:00 two girls over
0:16:02 over the mother and the father or the
0:16:03 mother is preferable over the father and
0:16:05 of the kids we don't know and although
0:16:07 allah says clearly in the first ayah you
0:16:09 don't know who is more closer benefiting
0:16:11 you
0:16:13 it is your your and it doesn't say the
0:16:15 question you don't know i know and it's
0:16:17 a change from station situations i know
0:16:19 how to do it you don't know it so so
0:16:21 this is the hand foreign abbas you
0:16:23 should not have rank between these at
0:16:24 least kids mother and father there's no
0:16:27 way to like them just order the mother
0:16:29 so what to do
0:16:32 it seems to be the only solution is is
0:16:35 the solution this was adopted by the
0:16:36 majority is that i don't know how allah
0:16:38 said and
0:16:39 i know allah allah knows how how the
0:16:41 fractions are and so on by by certainty
0:16:46 objection how do you think that allah
0:16:47 does not add fraction um
0:16:50 and he is hinting to us that we evenly
0:16:53 distribute but the reality
0:16:55 is that
0:16:56 there is another solution and the other
0:16:58 solution is centered by secretary and
0:17:00 unfortunately such a genius
0:17:03 have overlooked it and almost everyone
0:17:05 has to overlooked it
0:17:08 although the procedure is mentioning now
0:17:10 has been used in the wrong place in
0:17:12 other places by classical scholar by
0:17:13 muhammad
0:17:14 and others that will be discussed
0:17:16 in the detailed writing so let's go to
0:17:18 the second ayah on the ayah number 12
0:17:20 which we should start with
0:17:22 uh if you open the translation
0:17:25 again
0:17:30 foreign
0:18:05 and you shall inherit one half
0:18:08 of that
0:18:09 of what your wives leave behind provided
0:18:11 they have left no child but if they have
0:18:13 left the child then you shall have one
0:18:15 quarter of what they left behind after
0:18:17 the deduction of any bequest they may
0:18:20 have made or any debt they may have
0:18:22 incurred
0:18:23 and your widows
0:18:25 shall have one quarter of what you leave
0:18:26 behind provided you have left no child
0:18:29 but if you have left this child then
0:18:32 they shall have one eighth of what you
0:18:33 leave behind
0:18:34 after the deduction of any bequest you
0:18:36 may have been
0:18:38 you may have made or any debt you may
0:18:40 have incurred and if a man or a woman
0:18:43 has no heir in the direct line that has
0:18:45 a brother or a sister then each of these
0:18:47 two shall inherit one six but if the if
0:18:50 there are more than two then they shall
0:18:53 share in one third of the inheritance
0:18:55 after deduction of any request that may
0:18:58 have been made or any debt that may have
0:19:00 been incurred
0:19:02 neither of which have been intended to
0:19:04 harm the heirs
0:19:06 this is an injunction from god and god
0:19:08 is all-knowing forbearing
0:19:10 next translation you will inherit
0:19:13 of what your wives leave behind leave
0:19:15 provided they have no children
0:19:17 if they have had a child then they will
0:19:19 have one quarter of what they need
0:19:21 behind
0:19:22 this should take place after a payment
0:19:24 of any will is carried through or debts
0:19:28 your widows will have one quarter of
0:19:29 what you leave behind provided you have
0:19:31 no child
0:19:33 if there is a child the widow will
0:19:35 receive one-eighth of what you leave
0:19:37 behind this should play take place after
0:19:39 any payment of any will is carried
0:19:42 through or deaths if a man or a woman
0:19:44 has no direct heir
0:19:46 but has a brother or sister then each of
0:19:48 these two will inherit one sixth if
0:19:50 there are more than two then they will
0:19:52 share in one third of the inheritance
0:19:54 this should take place after the payment
0:19:56 of any world debt will or death with no
0:19:58 harm done to anyone this is a
0:20:00 commandment from god he is all-knowing
0:20:02 and clement
0:20:04 okay so this is just just correction is
0:20:06 all-knowing and clement does not fit
0:20:08 really here or forbearing this is the
0:20:09 wrong translation of haleem but it's a
0:20:12 very persistent that almost every one of
0:20:14 you was halim
0:20:15 meaning the one who is forbearing or
0:20:17 clement but the reality haleem does not
0:20:19 mean that really the limit of genuine
0:20:21 meaning of haleem is the one who has
0:20:22 helm and helm is the more comprehensive
0:20:24 world which describes all consciousness
0:20:27 and rational faculty
0:20:29 the closest word of that in english will
0:20:32 be mind that's help and allah is
0:20:34 mindfulness is mindful he's fully
0:20:36 conscious of all and
0:20:39 of all
0:20:40 things which can be conscious of the
0:20:42 necessities of reason mathematical
0:20:44 truths his own necessities and nature
0:20:47 etc and it's more than just russian
0:20:49 reason this is a part of health but not
0:20:51 all
0:20:52 hell is more than that it contains also
0:20:54 if in the case of human beings also the
0:20:56 perception
0:20:58 perception imagination all of these
0:21:00 things
0:21:00 in the case of allah we can just say
0:21:02 mindful so that's just a correction here
0:21:04 so haleem is not
0:21:06 the use of your forbearing because it
0:21:08 uses certain eyes which may be hinting
0:21:11 that it's forbearing but a reality if
0:21:13 you've revealed his ayah it may be a
0:21:15 small a small homework for someone who
0:21:17 like
0:21:18 things who have good arabic background
0:21:19 go to the uh they indicated the most
0:21:22 having
0:21:23 the indexed or the uh that they must
0:21:25 have of abdullah for example others
0:21:28 and uh
0:21:30 search for hadeem and al-haleem and then
0:21:33 list all the ayahs you will see
0:21:35 quite a number of them they have nothing
0:21:37 to do with forgiveness or being
0:21:38 forbearing or not forbidding because
0:21:40 there's nothing to be forbid here it's
0:21:42 clear but that's just a says about the
0:21:43 divine that's reduced
0:21:45 really the fully mindful the fully
0:21:48 self-conscious unconscious or realities
0:21:51 and no
0:21:52 knowledge etcetera both necessary and
0:21:54 contingent knowledge the battle says we
0:21:56 leave this one secondly the last phrase
0:21:59 before allah is
0:22:02 omniscient and and uh mindful
0:22:05 it says
0:22:06 both translated a command from allah but
0:22:09 actually
0:22:21 so it should have some meaning of being
0:22:22 able
0:22:23 i will see it to me possibly related to
0:22:26 inheritance also not only just a common
0:22:28 commandment yes it's the other command
0:22:30 when allah says
0:22:35 to you that you give that to the male
0:22:37 two of the two that's the first ayah
0:22:39 which we come to a bit later but the use
0:22:41 of the dossier
0:22:43 uh
0:22:44 the quran uses for commandments various
0:22:46 stem systems
0:22:50 written on you and you is a
0:22:55 various but what's here here when we are
0:22:58 talking about money and inheritance may
0:23:00 give us a hint that what has been
0:23:02 described that is prescribed now is our
0:23:05 to be taken there meaning it's the hint
0:23:07 that
0:23:09 after this
0:23:10 after taking out the quarter or the
0:23:12 father or the eighth or the half of it
0:23:15 it may be
0:23:16 then
0:23:17 when going over
0:23:19 to the other to the first ayah for the
0:23:21 to get the kids and the parents managed
0:23:25 then uh
0:23:28 regard the quarter on the ether as to be
0:23:30 deducted you don't start with the full
0:23:32 capital with them
0:23:33 with the
0:23:34 capital itself with a reduced capital
0:23:36 reduced by the squadron but this is not
0:23:38 absolutely absolute like that
0:23:41 but it's conditional conditional that
0:23:44 the
0:23:45 using the full capital will not will not
0:23:48 over
0:23:49 subscribe the inheritance if it doesn't
0:23:51 overscribe then use the shares as they
0:23:53 are how do we know that this is not an
0:23:55 absolute uh uh will to either that the
0:23:59 quarter under the the half the quarter
0:24:01 and the eighth has to be deducted
0:24:04 incessantly
0:24:05 uh uh in any in all cases from two
0:24:08 evidences one evidence the quran itself
0:24:10 look what the ayah says in the second
0:24:12 part
0:24:13 if a man or woman is being inherited
0:24:20 so no kids and no parents are no
0:24:22 grandparents nobody so that long line
0:24:24 the straight line is empty nobody is
0:24:26 there
0:24:28 the only sister and those
0:24:29 then
0:24:31 what should be done done in that case
0:24:33 and only in that case
0:24:35 brothers and sisters become
0:24:38 become people of farah
0:24:40 and they have each one of them they have
0:24:42 a six of the inheritance one brother and
0:24:45 the sister of six
0:24:48 and uh and if if they are more than
0:24:52 than two
0:24:54 then
0:24:55 they can share only the theater
0:24:58 and he's clearly here
0:25:01 what is meant for these these six and he
0:25:03 said is from the full capital not from
0:25:05 the capital after deducting the quarter
0:25:07 or the half of the eighth as our say by
0:25:10 the dalek after deducting no the order
0:25:12 of the ayah is very clear for these so
0:25:15 allah gives an example is that the
0:25:17 wasriyah to be executed only and in this
0:25:20 case in that case whether if someone has
0:25:23 uh uh
0:25:24 is is a man or a woman is being
0:25:28 inherited
0:25:29 with no direct line uh and
0:25:32 in that case obviously that the fraction
0:25:34 will be either half or or or
0:25:37 or or a quarter because the if it does
0:25:39 not come into consideration because
0:25:41 there's no kids so definitely it would
0:25:43 be in the case of a of a husband a
0:25:45 surviving hubsan husband he would have
0:25:46 have and the case of a surviving woman
0:25:48 and the daddy the dead one is a husband
0:25:51 she will get the the
0:25:53 the fourth in either cases if you add
0:25:56 the third which maximum these brothers
0:25:58 and sister can share
0:26:00 you will never exceed the uh the the
0:26:02 total yeah you will never exceed the
0:26:04 total so you never over subscribe that
0:26:06 one and so
0:26:08 clearly this is a hint that
0:26:11 that whatever shares are to come there
0:26:13 they will be taken
0:26:15 from the
0:26:16 from the original capital
0:26:19 not from the reduced capital unless it
0:26:21 becomes oversubscribed
0:26:23 secondly we have evidence from the
0:26:25 action of
0:26:26 this actually the the reason of the
0:26:28 revelation of the eyes and this is the
0:26:30 narration by uh abdullah muhammad
0:26:36 the nation says that uh the pastor was
0:26:38 was going to a garden and so on in
0:26:40 orchard
0:26:42 pantry orchard and having a nice time
0:26:44 there was some sahabas
0:26:46 the narration sometimes is longer
0:26:48 sometimes shorter and while he was there
0:26:50 being being wined and uh being timed and
0:26:52 then cared for with the lady which owns
0:26:55 that orca a lady came with two daughters
0:26:58 and said messenger of allah
0:27:00 i am the wife of saddam narayan
0:27:03 one of the things
0:27:05 of the major sahabi one of the sabbath
0:27:08 and he was murdered in earth
0:27:10 he was murdered in ahud and he left his
0:27:12 two daughters
0:27:15 and their uncle came according to the
0:27:16 world of jairi and jalia did not give
0:27:18 woman anything they actually inherit
0:27:19 women unless they don't give them an
0:27:21 inheritance one is like a possession
0:27:23 they inherit them
0:27:26 but
0:27:27 they if they don't get any money they
0:27:29 wouldn't even never be
0:27:31 be able to get married i will comment on
0:27:34 that small just just funny comment just
0:27:36 aside
0:27:38 so what to do
0:27:41 allah will do
0:27:42 i will do his judgment about this case
0:27:44 and did not answer anything in that
0:27:45 session later on
0:27:47 some of the narration clarified was not
0:27:49 on the same day later on he received the
0:27:51 revelation
0:27:52 most likely he received relation without
0:27:54 the woman coming to him or she came to
0:27:56 him later
0:27:57 whatever it is most likely if the
0:27:59 revelation came to him
0:28:00 and
0:28:02 he said get me the woman and the girls
0:28:05 and the uncle
0:28:06 and then he told the uncle the following
0:28:10 give the guest to that
0:28:12 the
0:28:13 the wife she never expected that he was
0:28:15 not even dreaming that you get the thing
0:28:17 an eighth
0:28:18 and you take the rest
0:28:20 now some people will say this because
0:28:22 abdullah muhammad
0:28:24 abu talib is not that firm and strong
0:28:26 authority
0:28:27 we don't take my evidence on some
0:28:30 scholars say oh he's an authority we
0:28:32 can't take him as a rapist okay that's
0:28:33 number one in that case whatever because
0:28:35 he did not have the most perfect
0:28:37 memorization or so that may be true but
0:28:40 and specifically for this hadith he
0:28:42 narrates from jabra abdullah
0:28:44 but he himself
0:28:46 and his
0:28:48 second cousin
0:28:52 this is the muhammad al-baqara the fifth
0:28:53 imam of the shia
0:28:55 of the imam
0:28:57 as kids they were sent by alizeen the
0:28:59 fourth imam of the shia to jabra
0:29:01 abdullah to study with him and they were
0:29:02 going with their own tablets he reports
0:29:04 that himself so they studied
0:29:06 they have
0:29:08 so to say special classes one or one to
0:29:10 two instructions by java so his
0:29:13 narration from jabber what they have
0:29:14 learned from him in the young years must
0:29:17 be much more reliable and just written
0:29:19 down because they went with their
0:29:20 tablets writing everything down and we
0:29:22 have
0:29:24 also himself narrating a very long uh
0:29:28 hajj story
0:29:29 it's so long
0:29:31 almost unconceivable obviously
0:29:34 was really an excellent mobilizer but
0:29:36 unconceivable that he did not write it
0:29:37 down it's a very longer it takes several
0:29:39 pages it's available in muslim so we can
0:29:42 assume even if
0:29:44 the muhammadan
0:29:46 is not that fair authority generally in
0:29:48 that specific situation he should be he
0:29:50 should be given uh really more more more
0:29:54 credibility
0:29:55 so that's normal
0:29:57 but you see in this situation
0:29:59 the wife took takes an eighth and the
0:30:01 daughter takes it they take the
0:30:03 daughters are given a third
0:30:05 uh two third because they're two
0:30:06 daughters two third
0:30:09 from there obviously from the
0:30:11 full capital not not after deducting the
0:30:13 mothers here you see the point if it has
0:30:16 been deducted the mother shared the
0:30:18 message allah says give the mother the
0:30:19 mother and eighth
0:30:21 and then after that or after deducting
0:30:23 it or using a word which indicate that
0:30:26 give the daughters that here that they
0:30:27 their tooth here and take the list
0:30:29 taking the rest is based on another rule
0:30:31 it's not that some people objected that
0:30:33 making the brother
0:30:38 he gets whatever remaining he doesn't do
0:30:40 he's that is that and located for israel
0:30:43 so this is this objection is a mistake
0:30:44 that they attacked because of that
0:30:46 that's because misconception not because
0:30:49 there's a really a good reason of attack
0:30:51 so it's very unlikely that it has been
0:30:53 like that
0:30:54 and this has not been reported because
0:30:55 it would be quite significant part of
0:30:57 the story that the matter is given and
0:30:59 then after that give so this support
0:31:01 what we said that
0:31:03 as long as a location does not
0:31:05 oversubscribe
0:31:07 then we use it from the basic capital so
0:31:10 that allah in the second
0:31:12 surah in the second ayah is
0:31:17 your husband and wife their share
0:31:19 absolute and negotiable
0:31:21 and this is confirmed by saying after a
0:31:23 will it centralized allah so this is
0:31:26 this the chapter is closed there is no
0:31:28 escape that must be done
0:31:30 finish
0:31:31 and then he hints that in the case
0:31:34 there is no substitution for further
0:31:37 hairs and that's the case in that we
0:31:38 have husband and wife
0:31:41 spouses
0:31:42 uh but uh but the the deceased one is
0:31:45 having nothing in the main line no kids
0:31:48 if they were kids
0:31:50 or parents we would go to the fierce
0:31:51 ayah but there's none
0:31:54 there's a regulation of kalala in that
0:31:56 case but this kara is the kaladala where
0:31:57 we have husband and wife because it's in
0:31:59 that area relating to that this has been
0:32:01 overlooked by many scholars in time past
0:32:04 and then
0:32:05 suddenly the brothers and the sisters
0:32:07 become heirs
0:32:08 their sons and sisters becomes hairs
0:32:11 and each one gets uh
0:32:14 a sixth
0:32:18 and we have two of them
0:32:21 they will share two or more they will
0:32:23 share of the third
0:32:24 and whatever we give a six and the sixth
0:32:27 or
0:32:28 they are more than that they share this
0:32:30 the third the third with the with the or
0:32:34 with the half in the most extreme
0:32:36 situation of a woman they're being
0:32:38 deceased the husband thinking everything
0:32:40 indicating they have it will not over
0:32:41 subscribe
0:32:44 actually it will be under subscribe and
0:32:46 the subscription has a regulation by the
0:32:47 hadith we'll come to the subscription
0:32:49 and regulate that clearly which also a
0:32:51 strong hint that there could be could
0:32:53 there be any other subscription there
0:32:54 must be some solution the quran for
0:32:56 subscription that people have overlooked
0:32:58 it they don't understand it it doesn't
0:33:00 it doesn't negate the fact that it's
0:33:01 there
0:33:02 so this means the will of allah who is
0:33:04 measured in the end of the second ayah
0:33:08 is indefinitely a will
0:33:09 in sense of inheritance it has to be
0:33:11 taken into consideration when we divide
0:33:13 that but only under the condition that
0:33:16 there is another subscription then we
0:33:19 restore to the reduced uh capital
0:33:23 not a full capital so in that case there
0:33:26 is over certification when we give
0:33:28 the husband or the wife there their
0:33:30 shares and then the other
0:33:32 guys like them example they mentioned to
0:33:34 that lady which passed away leaving two
0:33:36 daughters and the husband who who took a
0:33:39 quarter obviously because she has
0:33:40 daughters she has kids so
0:33:43 he gets only the quarter and then she
0:33:45 has a mother and father still around so
0:33:47 they take a sixth and sixth and the
0:33:49 total sum is over one that's not
0:33:51 possible that's really possible in that
0:33:52 case we have to go back
0:33:54 deduct a quarter
0:33:56 of the husband and for the marine
0:33:57 remaining the three quarters we have to
0:34:00 take the the shares from that remaining
0:34:03 uh life if you have a pen right with me
0:34:05 down so if we are forced in that case i
0:34:08 just mentioned to do the following
0:34:10 is to
0:34:11 uh to do the shares from the reduced
0:34:15 from the reduced uh capital that's after
0:34:18 taking out and
0:34:20 after taking out the quarter of the
0:34:23 of the husband as our senior the sausage
0:34:25 of allah has to be taken out as three
0:34:27 allah is more binding
0:34:29 of a human being so they're taken out
0:34:31 and from the remaining we divide what is
0:34:33 the remaining from the original capital
0:34:35 uh so he takes a quarter the remaining
0:34:37 three quarters okay write that down if
0:34:39 you have a pen or something
0:34:41 then
0:34:42 from that three quarters
0:34:44 the gas have taken two thirds so if we
0:34:47 calculate back to that it will be two
0:34:48 third times three quarters what is this
0:34:50 the six over
0:34:52 twelve yeah
0:34:54 yeah three three over four multiplied
0:34:57 with well two over three will be two
0:35:00 times in
0:35:01 and 3 times 4 12.
0:35:03 so we have 6 over 12.
0:35:05 it turns out to be a half actually but
0:35:07 leave it as it
0:35:08 6 over 12.
0:35:10 now the person will take a 6 of the
0:35:11 remaining the remaining was 3 quarters
0:35:13 times 6 will be then three over twenty
0:35:16 four
0:35:17 so the mother gets three to over twenty
0:35:19 four the father is three twenty four and
0:35:20 the guys are getting six over twelve
0:35:22 that's twelve over twenty four and the
0:35:24 husband has got already
0:35:26 one quarter which is six over twenty
0:35:27 four from the total
0:35:29 add everything it's one over one
0:35:31 it's one it's correct
0:35:36 there's no other subscription and no
0:35:37 other circulation is fully exhausted
0:35:39 nothing remaining for the next medium
0:35:41 now if anything remains after that
0:35:45 normally if this hour they will remain
0:35:47 but if there is that's over subscription
0:35:49 then you free calculate it will end
0:35:51 hundred percent without any doubt you
0:35:53 can you can you can swear on it
0:35:56 but in the case for example stay with
0:35:59 the second ayah in the case there's no
0:36:01 kids and so on there's no hour obviously
0:36:03 no other subscription is actually under
0:36:04 subscription the husband for this his
0:36:07 wife take half okay
0:36:09 and she has a bunch of brothers and
0:36:10 sisters they take the third there are
0:36:14 fine details the brothers of both
0:36:15 parents or forms father or the father
0:36:18 these are fine points that's inshallah i
0:36:20 will do some writing in that in the
0:36:21 future but that's not our main concern
0:36:23 but they take the uh the third
0:36:27 so we have a half under third that
0:36:29 doesn't exhaust everything there's still
0:36:30 a six remaining yeah half is
0:36:32 three over six and the third is two over
0:36:35 six so five or six one six is the mirror
0:36:37 what is this one six goes that will go
0:36:39 to the next
0:36:42 uh
0:36:42 the the the male uh
0:36:46 the the the male of the uh
0:36:48 which is next in inheritance
0:36:51 the question is that who is the closest
0:36:53 male to the ceased woman is it a husband
0:36:55 or is maybe a cousin or something like
0:36:57 that i have to review this question
0:36:59 there are i think i think the majority
0:37:01 of scholars say the husband is that is
0:37:03 that the next male of such
0:37:06 of such standing and he will get than
0:37:08 this six in addition to his half this
0:37:11 will be bypassing
0:37:12 if someone does not agree that the
0:37:14 husband is the next male and the next
0:37:16 man being the only the one who is who's
0:37:18 genealogically with it through the y
0:37:19 chromosome to use the language or the
0:37:21 language of genome then it will be that
0:37:23 cousin but i have to verify this point
0:37:25 and see what is the scholar disagreement
0:37:27 about that but we have here a remainder
0:37:30 which will go to the next what is the
0:37:32 authority for going after the fallate
0:37:34 after the allocated portions are
0:37:35 distributed and there's still a
0:37:37 shortcoming that can happen and
0:37:39 definitely is happening in this case you
0:37:40 see it's happening here in the case of
0:37:42 secondary
0:37:44 there's hadith which will authenticate
0:37:46 and absolutely will establish and nobody
0:37:47 doubting that this has been agreed upon
0:37:49 by all scholars through history
0:37:51 and so we can say this all this one i
0:37:53 had yes but it is supported by the by
0:37:56 the izuma making it almost
0:37:59 for uncertainty and hadith is famous is
0:38:01 is available in for example in bukhari
0:38:04 one of the famous narration on muslims
0:38:06 in all books of islam
0:38:08 i'm giving him a list of things here
0:38:10 just just for fun
0:38:11 almost every book of
0:38:13 of islamic references and history and
0:38:30 in many aspects the most important
0:38:32 life
0:38:34 allocated to those who allah allocated
0:38:36 the shares to
0:38:38 and whatever remains
0:38:40 then tuna the
0:38:42 the male
0:38:44 man i see it doesn't use this man
0:38:46 say the mailman which is having also
0:38:48 another indication but i'm not going to
0:38:50 discuss that now
0:38:53 who is the closest
0:38:56 it would use the word
0:38:58 i would have
0:38:59 the one who is
0:39:01 in the preferring list the next one
0:39:04 is not akarap the one of
0:39:06 more in relation closer relation the one
0:39:08 who is awla now that allah has to be
0:39:10 interpreted
0:39:12 for example
0:39:13 what does entail but i said that's by
0:39:16 itself an area of scholarly research i
0:39:18 believe in the case i just mentioned now
0:39:20 that the husband is the owla
0:39:23 he's closer to the wife than anybody
0:39:25 else
0:39:26 and he gets that six in the case of this
0:39:28 uh and this uh
0:39:31 in this uh uh
0:39:33 second ayah in this canal
0:39:35 good so so this ayah
0:39:38 together the story of
0:39:41 the wife of sadhu na rabia
0:39:43 confirm i think and strengthen that the
0:39:46 principle should be not whatever i was
0:39:48 thought thought that
0:39:50 those who have a share which even if it
0:39:53 is reduced never be reduced to zero or
0:39:55 reduce reduce arbitrarily down uh it
0:39:58 should be getting reference that's
0:40:00 that's that's a good consideration it's
0:40:01 a good way or an intelligence way of
0:40:03 thinking but it is not that the way it
0:40:05 works the way it works really that the
0:40:06 second ayah dictates that husbands and
0:40:09 spices should be should be taken from
0:40:11 the original capital with certitude and
0:40:14 then whatever after that if it doesn't
0:40:16 over subscribe like in the case of
0:40:17 canada which we just discussed now
0:40:20 then
0:40:21 continue with the continue with the
0:40:23 weather with the capital
0:40:25 with the original capital and but if it
0:40:28 is an oversubscription then continue
0:40:30 with the reduced capital that's the
0:40:32 capital after taking the share of the
0:40:34 spouses
0:40:35 and then there will be no hours so the
0:40:37 problem i would just solve this way
0:40:39 uh i don't think anyone anyone before in
0:40:42 history did do that they did something
0:40:44 like that that they they are therefore
0:40:46 they say the mother take a third
0:40:48 after the other shares and things like
0:40:50 that direct like from the reduced
0:40:51 capital but that's based on certain
0:40:53 faulty uh irrational consideration which
0:40:56 should be rejected it has rejecters
0:40:58 really but he did not take that hint
0:41:00 that it's conceivable that instead of
0:41:03 taking from that russell mall
0:41:07 in that case this is the way to go i
0:41:09 don't think there is another way to go
0:41:11 taking this ayah
0:41:12 and it is you see the subtle hint in the
0:41:15 second ayah when allah says
0:41:18 this is a will from allah
0:41:20 it's not only an injunction the village
0:41:21 is an ejection but it's also an
0:41:23 injection of a form of a will which
0:41:25 relates to the distribution of the money
0:41:27 and deductions also
0:41:29 and allah is
0:41:30 no
0:41:31 full of knowledge
0:41:32 and fulfill mindful of all things not
0:41:35 only knowledge but mindful wealth of
0:41:36 himself the necessity of the universe of
0:41:39 all rationalities of all contingency
0:41:41 with all eventualities
0:41:44 so that's this ayah controls the
0:41:46 situation of your husband and wife
0:41:48 and gives us the hint how to deal the
0:41:50 situation if we have this world but we
0:41:52 have kids now the first ayah go back
0:41:54 there's ayah so here's the kalala the
0:41:56 kerala in this ayah must be the kalada
0:41:58 in the case of uh
0:41:59 meaning without direct client no parents
0:42:02 nothing up nothing doubt
0:42:04 that's it this is the kalada
0:42:07 in that case in only in that case
0:42:10 brothers and sisters become a people of
0:42:12 allied they have a fariba and the farida
0:42:15 is defined as being uh sixth for each no
0:42:18 difference between male and men yeah
0:42:20 sure so it's not always that male and
0:42:23 female having the two what one or
0:42:25 something i know the certainty is like
0:42:27 that the same with mother and father
0:42:28 we'll come to that in a minute so it's
0:42:30 not an absolute rule but it's the
0:42:32 general
0:42:33 and with their own exception for very
0:42:35 good and deep reasons which we may if we
0:42:37 get some time to discuss some of them
0:42:40 but up to
0:42:42 a third that's always there and then we
0:42:44 look for the closest male
0:42:47 man male
0:42:48 to give him whatever
0:42:51 has been left by the fallout in that
0:42:53 case my suggestion i think but i have to
0:42:55 review what the scholars have said that
0:42:56 the husband should be really taking
0:42:58 acquire sixth in addition to and then
0:43:01 everything is closed nobody gets
0:43:02 anything more harsh the whole the whole
0:43:04 wealth has been distributed because i
0:43:06 believe with the structure of the
0:43:09 inheritance laws and the area and the
0:43:11 relation between husband and wife makes
0:43:13 the husband certainly the closest male
0:43:17 uh to the wife
0:43:20 under that how do you say awla
0:43:22 the one who has most preference most
0:43:25 rights strides
0:43:26 and doesn't say acrobat
0:43:28 or doesn't say
0:43:29 the one with the closer in genealogy or
0:43:31 something just
0:43:32 without switzerland
0:43:34 so we have to see what our scholar said
0:43:36 to develop the theory further but take
0:43:38 it as now at face value my suggestion is
0:43:41 that the husband will get the sixth in
0:43:42 that situation
0:43:43 now we are not dealing with the kalada
0:43:46 we have kids or parents
0:43:48 so it's not kadala so the it does not
0:43:50 regulate what to do gopher essentially
0:44:33 read the
0:44:34 translation the previous area
0:44:37 rush
0:44:39 are we back on one seven uh sorry on 11
0:44:42 now
0:44:44 okay so 11
0:44:46 concerning the inheritance of your
0:44:48 children
0:44:49 god enjoins this upon you the male shall
0:44:52 have the equal of two females share but
0:44:54 if there are more than two females they
0:44:56 shall have two-thirds of what their
0:44:58 parents leave behind and if there is
0:45:00 only one daughter she shall have one
0:45:02 half thereof and as for the parents of
0:45:05 the deceased
0:45:06 each of them shall have one sixth of
0:45:08 what he leaves behind in the end in the
0:45:10 event of this having left a child but if
0:45:13 he has left no child and his parents are
0:45:15 only his heirs then his mother shall
0:45:18 have one third and if he has brothers
0:45:20 and sisters then his mother shall have
0:45:21 one sixth after the
0:45:24 the deduction of any bequest he may have
0:45:26 made or any debt he may have incurred
0:45:29 as for your parents and your children
0:45:31 you know not which of them is more
0:45:33 deserving or benefiting or of
0:45:36 is more deserving of benefit from you
0:45:39 therefore this ordinance from god verily
0:45:42 is
0:45:43 therefore therefore this ordinance from
0:45:45 god verily god is all-knowing wise
0:45:49 this is
0:45:53 foreign it is obligation
0:45:56 yeah
0:45:57 next translation concerning the
0:45:58 inheritance of your children god
0:46:00 commands you that a son shall receive
0:46:02 the equivalent chair of two daughters if
0:46:04 there are more than two daughters they
0:46:06 shall have two-thirds of what their
0:46:07 parents leave behind if there is only
0:46:09 one daughter she will have half
0:46:11 as for the parents of the deceased each
0:46:13 of them will have one sixth of what he
0:46:15 leaves behind if the deceased leaves
0:46:17 children leaves children
0:46:19 if the deceased has left no children and
0:46:21 his parents are his only heirs then his
0:46:24 mother have will have one third and if
0:46:26 he has brothers and sisters then his
0:46:28 parents then his mother will have one
0:46:30 sixth
0:46:31 this should take place after the payment
0:46:33 of any will or death as for your parents
0:46:35 and your children you do not know which
0:46:37 of them most deserves to benefit from
0:46:39 you this is a law from god and he is all
0:46:42 knowing all wise yeah just because it's
0:46:45 it's the translation with law or a
0:46:47 junction in this situation it is good
0:46:50 but really the word using that is farila
0:46:52 the islamic obligation is not wasilla
0:46:54 like the second so he give you also a
0:46:56 difference between the wording gives you
0:46:58 a hint that that's what's here there is
0:47:00 also an injunction also variable but it
0:47:02 is a form of
0:47:04 which has to be taken in the division to
0:47:06 consideration as i specified
0:47:08 with the exception it is not an absolute
0:47:10 issue with the exception it is only it
0:47:12 is taken out the husbands or wife
0:47:14 spouses
0:47:15 portion and dealing with the rest
0:47:18 in in in the remainder and reduce the
0:47:21 capital only if doing it in the original
0:47:25 capital will oversubscribe otherwise
0:47:28 that's exactly as just described
0:47:30 and as hinted by the by by the
0:47:33 secondary itself and is hinted by the
0:47:35 story of the wife of saddam ruby and his
0:47:37 two daughters so that's i think i think
0:47:39 that's certainly the question and shows
0:47:40 that the mother of an abbas was a good
0:47:42 try an ingenious one but was not the
0:47:45 best one which fits the quran exactly so
0:47:48 let us go through this
0:47:50 so allah gives a general injection if
0:47:52 you have children mixed whenever
0:47:56 children and so on then
0:47:58 uh
0:47:59 they will share uh
0:48:02 for they will share uh whatever remains
0:48:05 access to so to say that
0:48:07 a male will have two shares and all a
0:48:09 female have one share
0:48:13 before we go whatever if they are only
0:48:15 female because the female have their
0:48:16 farisa the male do not have
0:48:18 foreign along the way they are more by
0:48:21 the same so if someone say
0:48:23 actually
0:48:25 male are getting more it's not true male
0:48:28 are just considered just
0:48:30 follows just enjoy adjoining although
0:48:32 they may get more share but they are
0:48:34 joining really by just by being saved by
0:48:36 being sons and so on just by luck
0:48:39 the one who has definitely that are the
0:48:41 females if they are alone they have a
0:48:43 definite variable nobody can't over
0:48:45 can run away from it
0:48:47 but male they may in the case of sons
0:48:49 obviously they will there's no way to
0:48:51 run away because who could compete with
0:48:53 them only the parents mother and father
0:48:56 so let's assume we have mother and
0:48:58 father
0:49:00 yeah we have mother and father all
0:49:02 present h1 takes a sixth so they're both
0:49:05 six plus six is two over six that's one
0:49:07 third so one there is gone for the two
0:49:09 parents if they are there
0:49:12 the rest
0:49:13 you see how it fits exactly for the kids
0:49:17 if they are brothers and sisters
0:49:20 came over they divided shares like that
0:49:23 and they have only actually the two
0:49:24 there let's assume there's only one
0:49:26 mother there's no father
0:49:28 for the deceased she will take a six
0:49:31 and there were five six to be
0:49:32 distributed between the
0:49:34 the the kids the female and me
0:49:38 if if none is there of them then all the
0:49:41 money is available for boys and girls
0:49:43 but not for girls alone because then
0:49:46 maybe some remaining will be from farah
0:49:48 which will go the next mid
0:49:50 relative so let's go there
0:49:52 so in the case so the case of mixed boys
0:49:55 and girls that sets everything the boy
0:49:56 there one boy there is enough to uh to
0:50:00 block all other relatives anyway that's
0:50:03 true but also it applies to the boy who
0:50:05 is the son of a girl it doesn't need it
0:50:08 doesn't need to be a direct boy it can
0:50:09 be going down
0:50:12 or the son of a son but even a son of a
0:50:14 girl is still a boy because he is your
0:50:16 son
0:50:17 through a girl but he's still your son
0:50:18 he is classified in the arabic language
0:50:21 as a son
0:50:22 and says a male of spring so he is but
0:50:26 this is the defined points of division
0:50:28 and there was his ranking and so we
0:50:29 don't want to go into these details
0:50:31 inshallah i will do the writing in that
0:50:33 in a slow pace but as i said i never
0:50:36 thought i would get involved in this
0:50:37 issue until we came to the tafsir quran
0:50:39 and i felt there's something something
0:50:41 missed there i have to review it so this
0:50:43 needs some some work which may take
0:50:44 months and years but let's leave these
0:50:46 five points
0:50:48 let's assume there are no boys it's only
0:50:50 females then we have
0:50:53 now we have also that the hint of the
0:50:54 quran that the word greater is actually
0:50:57 greater equal is the correct way
0:50:59 if they are more than two they share the
0:51:01 third as they say they have two thirds
0:51:03 and if it is only one
0:51:05 then uh she takes the half so the
0:51:07 question
0:51:08 we have already have that one
0:51:10 taking the half
0:51:12 and we have more than three so what's
0:51:13 about the two the two is essentially
0:51:15 treated exactly like the three meaning
0:51:17 the folk above two is also incrementing
0:51:21 above or equal to
0:51:22 and this as i said they discussed i
0:51:24 think you remember you discovered the
0:51:25 relation
0:51:27 the greater equal relation is the the
0:51:29 one which has the nice characteristics
0:51:31 of one order correlation
0:51:33 the strict greater relation does not
0:51:35 have these nice characteristics and
0:51:37 should be defined in terms of the
0:51:38 greater equalization
0:51:41 so is a secondary uh relation so the
0:51:43 quran hint hinting to us that is that
0:51:46 useful in the sense folk are equal
0:51:48 generally and this reason uh to start to
0:51:51 exclude that is being given and it's a
0:51:53 very nice and actually uh related to
0:51:56 issues related to relations and basic
0:51:58 fundamental issues of mathematics and
0:52:01 and and the relational uh
0:52:04 uh relational calculus and basic logics
0:52:08 so that's it that's that's it but there
0:52:11 is there is a a further clarification
0:52:14 uh coming by hadith the hadith is
0:52:15 authentic and i think agreement with
0:52:17 younger scholars in all schools to take
0:52:19 it on board so it has been supported by
0:52:21 ishmael
0:52:22 is that and also by sahab and time of
0:52:24 sahaba after
0:52:26 is the following story happened
0:52:28 there
0:52:29 a woman i think died leaving one girl
0:52:32 and
0:52:33 one granddaughter from a male son
0:52:36 under father's home
0:52:38 and then
0:52:39 they went to our uh
0:52:42 was i think at the time the governor of
0:52:46 uh
0:52:47 uh
0:52:48 the governor of kofa and
0:52:50 when masood was in kufa so he said for
0:52:52 the daughter half according to the ayah
0:52:54 and the rest i think for the father or
0:52:56 something like that
0:52:58 and then um when they said i got sick
0:53:01 just double checked but you know mr wood
0:53:03 is older than islam and more scholarly
0:53:05 than himself and he will confirm that so
0:53:07 they went to say allah forbid that i
0:53:09 confirm that
0:53:10 that will be violating what the
0:53:11 messenger of has made as
0:53:27 substitute for the remainder for the two
0:53:29 girls and for more than two years she
0:53:31 takes this the six because if you add to
0:53:33 the half of six it will be two three so
0:53:35 she she saves the day for for the
0:53:37 offsprings by taking a six
0:53:39 and there was remaining i don't remember
0:53:41 the details of that story i have it
0:53:42 somewhere written but what remains goes
0:53:44 to the appropriate people then but
0:53:46 that's it so since this narration is
0:53:49 being accepted
0:53:51 correctly as error obviously and
0:53:54 everyone after that time was applying
0:53:56 that became essentially an ishmael we
0:53:58 could confirm that this is always only
0:54:01 an aha narration but it has been
0:54:03 confirmed the ishmael to be almost as
0:54:04 good as stalato so
0:54:07 we have an exceptional case of
0:54:09 additionally if there's one daughter and
0:54:11 then granddaughters from a male
0:54:12 descended from the sun or son of a son
0:54:15 etc going down
0:54:17 and that they are more than one then
0:54:19 they share the six because the daughter
0:54:21 have the half half there's no escape but
0:54:23 they shall so if we have like a son who
0:54:25 deceased before his uh obviously uh
0:54:28 the one who gives him it gave him
0:54:29 inheritance but he has one or two or
0:54:31 three or ten daughters they will share
0:54:33 of the six
0:54:35 and clearly there's your role over
0:54:36 blocking of if we have for example
0:54:39 daughters of a
0:54:40 male son
0:54:41 and then we have daughters of
0:54:44 great granddaughters from a male male
0:54:46 son of a male son they are excluded
0:54:48 because at a higher level blocks the
0:54:50 lower limit
0:54:51 so
0:54:52 one girl
0:54:54 cannot block the girl in which the
0:54:56 daughter of a son even if she is lower
0:54:59 in the ranking
0:55:00 but two will block if there are two
0:55:01 girls they will take the truth head and
0:55:03 that's the daughter
0:55:04 of our son will get nothing that's clear
0:55:07 because there's no way
0:55:08 they can't get anything because the
0:55:10 maximum is that the tool is the truth
0:55:12 out so she will get nothing
0:55:14 but this is also fine details of these
0:55:16 things
0:55:17 and clearly the parents are having
0:55:18 farida
0:55:20 six for each
0:55:21 as long as they are sons
0:55:24 now next step
0:55:26 assume there are no sons no children
0:55:28 that are not sensory no no no offspring
0:55:32 but that is offspring
0:55:38 does not have
0:55:39 children
0:55:41 and his parents inherited him
0:55:44 then allah gave farida for the mother
0:55:46 doesn't give anything for the father the
0:55:48 father gets don't worry he will not
0:55:49 would fall but always say he gets any
0:55:51 more
0:55:52 but
0:55:55 the mother gets it here forever it's
0:55:57 unstable whatever you turn it right left
0:56:00 is impossible except in one situation
0:56:03 it's a threat
0:56:05 her share her farida is dead
0:56:08 now
0:56:11 this is conditioned that the deceased
0:56:12 one does not have
0:56:14 three brothers and or sisters or a mix
0:56:16 of them
0:56:17 in that case these will have by their
0:56:20 own presence they will reduce the mother
0:56:24 to the
0:56:26 the the cut her share in half i will
0:56:28 discuss the logic of that why it is
0:56:33 so that's the function the brothers also
0:56:35 do not inherit anything read the ayah
0:56:36 clearly some people said because that it
0:56:38 must be that they they're getting that
0:56:40 six or so no they're getting nothing
0:56:42 they are just their function essentially
0:56:44 introduce the share of the mother so the
0:56:45 parents are there the mother gets the
0:56:47 third because the disease has only one
0:56:50 or two brothers two is a controversial
0:56:51 but the correct point of view the two is
0:56:53 like one is only if they're equal that's
0:56:56 three and abroad because in arabic
0:56:57 there's an arabic language has has a
0:56:59 duel and has a plural and it's clearly
0:57:01 here we're talking about plural so with
0:57:03 certitude if it's three awards with
0:57:05 whatever mix they are
0:57:07 then they will reduce their mother down
0:57:09 to
0:57:11 half her share to a sixth
0:57:13 it looks like like bad bad uh
0:57:16 bad uh bad kids because they are brother
0:57:18 of the seas and she is possibly the
0:57:20 mother of them
0:57:22 definitely she is the mother except
0:57:24 maybe the brothers who are only sharing
0:57:26 a father the step-brothers but she's the
0:57:28 mother of the one with both parents
0:57:30 shakiq and also those who the brothers
0:57:33 from the mother
0:57:34 and there is nothing i distinguishing
0:57:36 any one of them as soon as there are
0:57:37 three of them only the number is
0:57:39 required three of them with every kind
0:57:40 of mix
0:57:42 they will reduce
0:57:44 this looks like not a good favor doing
0:57:46 by the the other children who have
0:57:48 survived a reality it has a deeper sense
0:57:50 because if they reduce the mother where
0:57:52 is the rest of the inheritance when she
0:57:54 gets the third in the other situation
0:57:56 with one or two brothers
0:57:58 that is the two third will go to the
0:57:59 father obviously
0:58:01 if he's there yeah it's clearly it will
0:58:03 go to the father
0:58:04 so
0:58:06 but if they are numerous
0:58:08 by reducing the mother
0:58:12 it looks like they are harming the
0:58:13 mother but they are actually not harmed
0:58:14 because the father is still there and is
0:58:16 obliged to support that mother
0:58:18 but his share will increase because he
0:58:20 will take also the rest
0:58:22 and they actually
0:58:24 get also
0:58:25 inheritance in the future they are they
0:58:27 are hairs but in waiting not now so if
0:58:30 you look at the logic of it it is it
0:58:31 balances out over the long run that's
0:58:34 that that's the purpose of of
0:58:35 inheritance laws is to balance things in
0:58:37 society in the long run individual cases
0:58:39 may be sometimes odd but in the average
0:58:42 in the long run they will be the perfect
0:58:44 in the system in which
0:58:47 the the
0:58:48 the men are responsible for supporting
0:58:49 the family completely and the wife are
0:58:51 not obliged
0:58:53 as i discussed in the prayer with the
0:58:54 previous discussion
0:58:56 then the the the the men get two shares
0:58:59 and the wife in general in the average
0:59:01 is because of this obligation
0:59:03 which is balance things very fairly
0:59:06 that does not create imbalance in
0:59:07 society and but the moment that society
0:59:10 deviates from this model and then oblige
0:59:12 the life to support the household
0:59:15 then the whole thing will be messed up
0:59:17 it will never work
0:59:18 it's not going to work because that's
0:59:19 really feminism
0:59:23 or whatever they say it is it's just you
0:59:26 in in a in a situation of nonsensical
0:59:28 situation
0:59:29 in the society system which is not
0:59:31 islamic one then it doesn't matter if
0:59:34 you if you have already a cover system
0:59:35 there then you can have a cover system
0:59:37 it doesn't matter it doesn't play any
0:59:38 role it will be futile to do that in a
0:59:41 cover system it has to be both have to
0:59:43 be enforced
0:59:44 absolutely all the support of the family
0:59:47 is on the husband and the wife can't
0:59:49 contribute charitably but you say she
0:59:50 has no obligation
0:59:53 and
0:59:54 in inheritance they get this extra share
0:59:56 in in most cases but not in implication
0:59:59 now there there seems to be something
1:00:01 missing there so if if if there are no
1:00:03 kids
1:00:04 and
1:00:05 the mother
1:00:06 the
1:00:07 two parents are there and they inherit
1:00:09 that's what the quran said what happens
1:00:10 if
1:00:12 if only one parent is there
1:00:14 it doesn't seem to when we say what is
1:00:17 his both parents were when they
1:00:18 inherited him so this seems to be not
1:00:21 regulated it's actually regulated
1:00:22 because in that case
1:00:25 it's either the mother is there she is
1:00:27 she is she's mentioned that her share is
1:00:29 there at the head or the father is there
1:00:31 then he gets everything
1:00:34 so that's that's the regulated by by
1:00:36 default
1:00:38 so that's all regulated
1:00:40 you see it and in all these cases
1:00:44 as long as there are kids
1:00:46 or parents or even one parent
1:00:49 the brothers and sisters gets get
1:00:51 nothing the only effect they have here
1:00:53 is that to reduce the mother from a
1:00:54 third and to six if they are
1:00:56 sufficiently in number
1:00:57 if there are three above
1:00:59 under the controversy if two is applied
1:01:01 because omar is one we made the
1:01:03 reduction
1:01:04 uh for uh the model from a third into a
1:01:07 six even with two brothers or two
1:01:09 sisters one brother and sister and even
1:01:11 abbas objected and also has a discussion
1:01:13 with uh
1:01:16 and utman said i cannot change anything
1:01:18 this has been that only by by omar and
1:01:20 has been judged all over the place and
1:01:22 it is like the valid law i don't want to
1:01:25 have the headache of confronting the
1:01:27 people to change that
1:01:29 uh
1:01:30 whatever the this is a good narration
1:01:33 the solid narration so even
1:01:35 agreed that he
1:01:50 buses right so
1:01:52 and also we should not reduce the the
1:01:55 the mother from here from
1:01:57 another logical concentration the mother
1:01:59 has failed by the injunction of the
1:02:00 quran and the quran said three
1:02:03 three and abroad will say it was six
1:02:05 that's his certitude
1:02:07 if we go to two which is not certain why
1:02:09 how can we get her fed down cut by
1:02:12 something which is not certain
1:02:14 and for one we know it cannot cut one
1:02:16 will not never do that
1:02:18 one brother would not be able to do that
1:02:20 ever so we should join the two now to
1:02:23 the one
1:02:24 and uh and and uh uh keep the mother
1:02:27 third intact unless we are forced to
1:02:30 deduce it and not the opposite so there
1:02:32 the bus point of view is corrected so
1:02:35 all these things are now regulated
1:02:37 now
1:02:39 it seems to everything is regulated in
1:02:41 the universe all is just so to ascertain
1:02:42 who is that
1:02:44 there are some issues i will not go into
1:02:46 in much detail of them just just a hint
1:02:48 in the case a father said the issue they
1:02:50 called of the judge which omar was
1:02:52 saying
1:02:53 from this story of the jedi many
1:02:55 narration most of them are faulty mostly
1:02:57 rightly fabricated and some even some
1:02:59 odd narration claim that uh that say the
1:03:02 habit said in the judge it was left to
1:03:04 the whole of say whatever this is
1:03:06 nonsense that's complete answers as even
1:03:08 hasn't said because the jed
1:03:10 the grandfather let's go don't
1:03:12 substitute for the father is the father
1:03:14 of the father cannot be the father of
1:03:16 the mother because the
1:03:18 father is really only the male line the
1:03:20 other y chromosome the genome line
1:03:22 father of the father
1:03:25 will only come into consideration if
1:03:26 there is no father
1:03:28 but then he is the father the
1:03:29 grandfather by the text of the quran his
1:03:31 father
1:03:33 quran says ibrahim your father is
1:03:40 the same the same with the regret but
1:03:42 everyone shields the other one so there
1:03:44 should be no problem grandfather
1:03:47 in the case father is missing he is the
1:03:50 father
1:03:51 and we don't need to discuss any further
1:03:53 for the mother is the same the mother is
1:03:54 missing the mother of the mother is
1:03:56 definitely a mother but there are some
1:03:57 issues there
1:03:58 is that
1:04:00 what's about the mother of the father is
1:04:02 she a mother
1:04:05 in the case there is no mother that she
1:04:08 felt the place of the mother and have
1:04:09 the share of the mother or only the
1:04:11 mother of the mother and so on
1:04:13 and then
1:04:14 if we have the mother of the mother and
1:04:15 the mother of the father
1:04:17 should the mother the mother is
1:04:19 definitely closer i have two births and
1:04:21 this one has only one birth
1:04:23 should be this given peripherals and
1:04:25 taking everything and shielding the
1:04:26 other one
1:04:28 or she should share two to one
1:04:30 there are various issues there and
1:04:32 scholars have and from this harbor time
1:04:34 have speculated various things and the
1:04:36 various narratives which i have to
1:04:37 scrutinize i mean has discussed some of
1:04:40 them and his final conclusion is not
1:04:42 clear to me until now exactly
1:04:45 my strongest feeling is that
1:04:48 even if we take because there seem to be
1:04:50 a good narration so giving the
1:04:52 the mother of the father some share as a
1:04:54 as a as a girl as a grandmother so like
1:04:57 a mother because again
1:04:58 substitute for for for for a mother
1:05:01 mother etc mother grandmother she's a
1:05:04 grandmother
1:05:06 it's only if there is no mother of the
1:05:07 mother i i i would argue that really
1:05:11 a mother of a mother is differently
1:05:12 preferable and to exclude the mother of
1:05:14 the father if they both are present they
1:05:16 cannot
1:05:17 share and so on going on abroad like
1:05:20 that but this is also a secondary point
1:05:22 but in principle
1:05:24 the judge the grandmother substitute for
1:05:26 the mother if there is no mother but
1:05:27 these are i said
1:05:29 usually
1:05:30 uh issues which happen rarely but they
1:05:32 have to be attended and they have
1:05:34 happened that they will
1:05:38 but most people who who witnessed what
1:05:40 was doing with the jed specifically or
1:05:42 the grandfather they don't really
1:05:44 memorize what is the whole case like for
1:05:46 example
1:05:48 the grandfather anyone hear anything
1:05:49 about the grandfather a monster would
1:05:50 say yes i hear the messenger giving the
1:05:53 grandfather uh
1:05:56 a third i said what was the farida what
1:05:59 was that i don't remember i don't know
1:06:00 but he gave i remember the game the
1:06:02 grandfather said another one said i know
1:06:05 i remember he gave him two thirds
1:06:07 what was the phrase he doesn't know
1:06:08 what's the foreign
1:06:15 you see my point so it's not clear what
1:06:17 was what was the case and which is
1:06:18 applied because all these cases could
1:06:20 happen in certain situation
1:06:23 so like for example
1:06:25 where the sex come sex come is that for
1:06:27 example uh someone has children etc and
1:06:44 both parents one six each
1:06:50 but there is no father with the
1:06:51 grandfather he is also up
1:06:55 my grandfather is
1:07:02 our mother too
1:07:04 so he gets a six based on this
1:07:07 so that's the case another case he may
1:07:09 get two third because there's no kids
1:07:11 and
1:07:12 and the mother takes her head and he
1:07:14 talked to them
1:07:15 so if if the people did not remember
1:07:18 which case was was under their
1:07:19 consideration then their testimonies
1:07:22 that's the reason um saying i take
1:07:24 reviews to allah from the case of the
1:07:26 grandfather or he will want to allegedly
1:07:28 he said whoever want to enter jahannam
1:07:30 should talk about that and make some
1:07:32 judgment grandfather no no they will not
1:07:34 enter anything
1:07:38 the opposite you enter paradise if you
1:07:39 give it a correction the question is
1:07:41 that he is a father
1:07:43 and to the prophet shielding as it
1:07:44 should be that's simple
1:07:46 and clearly the other question about the
1:07:48 grandfather is only if there is no
1:07:49 father because any lower one will cheat
1:07:51 the top one that's there is no
1:07:53 disagreement with anybody or not any any
1:07:56 issue with with anybody in the world
1:07:58 about that
1:08:00 so
1:08:01 this seems to be settling everything
1:08:03 except one small problem remaining which
1:08:05 now the last eye of some people who are
1:08:07 asking about excuse
1:08:09 means some cases like one case at least
1:08:11 like that has been the time the prophet
1:08:12 or the people are asking it
1:08:14 theoretically because well some people
1:08:15 are interested about far right and they
1:08:17 will try to learn it and there are some
1:08:19 there are many repo apostles
1:08:21 told the people the end of life and and
1:08:24 master it because when they will come
1:08:26 that
1:08:27 someone is asking for someone to do the
1:08:28 probable inheritance that the people
1:08:30 will not know so learn it because i'm
1:08:32 not living forever i'm not going to we
1:08:33 do that right for you all the time you
1:08:35 have to learn how to do it and it seems
1:08:37 to be
1:08:38 most
1:08:39 did learn a bit but they didn't have
1:08:41 info unfortunately
1:08:43 there's only one issue remaining now we
1:08:45 discussed the kalala in the case of uh
1:08:47 husbands and wives
1:08:49 and we have the quarter taken out or the
1:08:52 half because otherwise no other faction
1:08:54 can be taken because kalada is defined
1:08:57 no children no no down no lying down no
1:09:00 line up it's only it's it's like a crown
1:09:03 around it's only
1:09:04 canada is the crown and they they say
1:09:08 that they they put on christ an icleal
1:09:10 of thorn uh a throne of throne that's
1:09:14 because it's around the head it's
1:09:15 neither top no below it's around
1:09:18 obviously they didn't do that to christ
1:09:20 they did someone else but anyway because
1:09:22 he's purified and he's noble nobody can
1:09:24 touch him but let's go back to our issue
1:09:26 so this is canada
1:09:29 this is the kalada in the case of uh
1:09:32 but what's happened if there's no
1:09:33 husband wife
1:09:35 and no kids
1:09:37 only brother sisters
1:09:40 the people who said what to do because
1:09:42 they could not deduce from this what to
1:09:44 do in the other one
1:09:46 i needed some clarification
1:09:49 they should have actually concluded the
1:09:51 following way that's the reason allah
1:09:53 said allah clarify for usually they have
1:09:55 to go go astray they should have
1:09:57 concluded if they're not parents and so
1:09:59 on
1:09:59 uh there no no
1:10:01 no husband and wife then obviously the
1:10:04 the first ayah of the quran is is is the
1:10:08 dominant one the first and the first eye
1:10:10 of inheritance
1:10:11 is the dominant one and the but we don't
1:10:13 have kids and so and then but what we
1:10:16 don't have the second part of the eye
1:10:17 that he has no kids and his parents have
1:10:19 enhanced them there's neither father or
1:10:21 mother or grandfather's one no up there
1:10:24 and there's a mention of the brothers
1:10:26 so what to do the blood of the brothers
1:10:28 are mentioned without any details
1:10:30 the eye heads in that case and there's
1:10:32 no mother to be reduced from a third or
1:10:33 anything there's nothing is there only
1:10:35 the brothers are remaining
1:10:38 or if there's no other anchors we should
1:10:39 substitute for the brothers and someone
1:10:42 just
1:10:42 going around so what to do there it it
1:10:46 it seems to be
1:10:47 suggestive treat them the same way they
1:10:49 treat the kids
1:10:51 let the counselor have alternative
1:10:53 it seems to me it seems to be if someone
1:10:55 but this need really some deep
1:10:57 analytical thoughts
1:10:59 yeah you look at this
1:11:01 we have no kids
1:11:03 we have no
1:11:04 then the brothers are substitution of
1:11:06 the kids yeah
1:11:08 there's no other no other way to
1:11:09 conceive the matter there's no down no
1:11:12 up we have kalala now
1:11:14 then we should apply the same way of the
1:11:16 kids so instead of the kids we have the
1:11:17 brothers functioning exactly like the
1:11:19 kids
1:11:22 and if there's no brothers then there's
1:11:23 the anchors
1:11:25 etc
1:11:27 but in in order
1:11:29 in the proper order
1:11:30 going going from circle to another
1:11:32 circle if the closer circle of the
1:11:35 brother sit there
1:11:36 the other circle is obviously shielded
1:11:38 if the other sector is there so we have
1:11:40 just to contract these seconds
1:11:44 so what what what well what how to how
1:11:46 to proceed there it should be like that
1:11:49 there's a very strong hint from the ayah
1:11:50 from the iron number 11.
1:11:52 but it seems to it has been quite
1:11:54 difficult to to deal with that with many
1:11:56 people and they were asking
1:11:58 and specifically the the one who had
1:12:00 many reports a narration that he has
1:12:02 finding that was omar even to the tune
1:12:10 and still he did not understand it
1:12:12 and then we have a narration that uh he
1:12:14 said to have said his daughter
1:12:16 listen
1:12:17 has i think the only wife of the person
1:12:19 who reads that right maybe the others
1:12:21 learned a bit but she was because omar
1:12:23 was a leader and writer since time of
1:12:25 makkah and he
1:12:27 brought hafsah up to be reading and
1:12:29 right
1:12:30 i told hafsa listen
1:12:32 when it is the day of the prophet in
1:12:34 your house because she has one of the
1:12:36 nine nights and days
1:12:38 and he's a good mood and relaxed and
1:12:40 there's no war preparation nothing
1:12:42 ongoing everything is peaceful lives
1:12:45 then
1:12:46 try to try intelligently and
1:12:48 you sophisticate to ask him about this
1:12:50 ayah
1:12:52 and write it down don't realize
1:12:55 so half-life
1:12:58 got a nice relaxed day
1:13:00 and says
1:13:02 that i at the end of uh i thought help
1:13:07 about
1:13:08 i didn't understand probably could you
1:13:09 explain it to me
1:13:14 he's also sharp enough he's good-hearted
1:13:16 and he pretend many times not to see
1:13:19 anything and close his eyes and such
1:13:21 things but in this case
1:13:23 who asked you to ask this question is it
1:13:25 almost
1:13:27 he knew that i was struggling with it
1:13:29 and he thought hasta never asked her for
1:13:31 that so the conclusion is it must be oh
1:13:33 my god this doesn't need any revelation
1:13:35 for that
1:13:36 and obviously she was stuck she could
1:13:38 not lie to him she said yes yes my
1:13:40 father said i don't think your father
1:13:42 will ever be able to understand that i
1:13:48 tell him it's enough
1:13:53 so
1:13:55 what's this ayah
1:13:58 allah said let's read that because now
1:14:00 we'll go to that explanation that will
1:14:02 be done the conclusion of our today will
1:14:04 not extend more maybe we'll start with
1:14:06 an eye in the next war but maybe we
1:14:09 round up the issues when inheritance
1:14:10 fast
1:14:11 so the i said the third eye of
1:14:13 inheritance which the last ayah fought
1:14:15 in itself which obviously becomes the
1:14:16 last one meaning it has come relatively
1:14:18 late
1:14:19 to answer some nagging questions mostly
1:14:21 obama and
1:14:22 allah said
1:14:23 i i didn't say anything in that
1:14:26 and we'll see from some of what he says
1:14:28 what's the problem was bugging him
1:14:40 for
1:14:58 Music
1:15:17 they will ask thee to enlighten them say
1:15:20 god enlightens you thus about the laws
1:15:22 concerning inheritance from those who
1:15:24 leave no air in the direct line if a man
1:15:27 dies childless and has a sister she
1:15:29 shall inherit one half of what he has
1:15:31 left
1:15:32 just as he shall inherit from her if she
1:15:35 dies childless
1:15:36 but if there are two sisters both
1:15:38 together shall have two thirds of what
1:15:40 he has left and if there are brothers
1:15:43 and sisters then the male shall have the
1:15:45 equal of two females share
1:15:48 god makes all this clear unto you lest
1:15:50 you go astray and god knows everything
1:15:53 next translation they will ask you
1:15:55 prophet for a ruling say god gives you a
1:15:58 ruling concerning those who die
1:16:00 childless and who have no surviving
1:16:03 parents
1:16:04 if a man giles dies childless and his
1:16:06 has a sister
1:16:07 she will inherit one half of what he has
1:16:10 left just as he will inherit from her if
1:16:13 she dies childless
1:16:14 but if there are two sisters then they
1:16:16 are entitled to two-thirds of the
1:16:18 inheritance between them but if they are
1:16:20 our brothers and sisters then a male is
1:16:23 inherited to twice the share of the
1:16:24 female god makes this clear to you so
1:16:27 that you do not go astray god knows
1:16:30 everything okay so
1:16:32 so where where was rama struggling uh
1:16:35 first of all the question is the the
1:16:37 asking fat was like enlightenment or
1:16:39 explanation
1:16:41 so this talk is about takala and the
1:16:43 kalala is settled already in the second
1:16:45 ayah of inheritance that iron about 12
1:16:48 finished came over it is nothing up
1:16:50 nothing down it's only surrounding
1:16:55 the response
1:16:57 stresses the fact that the most
1:16:59 essential part of the kalala the most
1:17:01 depressing part is that they have it has
1:17:03 not have obviously and that maybe that
1:17:06 caused rama to be even more confused
1:17:09 if someone dies without kids
1:17:12 but this is definition of kala but the
1:17:14 quran affirms again that this is the
1:17:16 only way anything could be imagined that
1:17:19 brother and sister get anything
1:17:21 the fundamental aspect is the
1:17:23 but it's for the kaladaba the the
1:17:25 parents also on the grandparents and so
1:17:27 on are missing but this is so the
1:17:29 mentioning that always including the
1:17:31 word of kalala repeating that is
1:17:33 stressing the fundamental fact that it
1:17:35 is and also
1:17:36 hinting
1:17:38 because he has an offspring
1:17:40 brother sister now with with the missing
1:17:42 of the parents substitutes for the
1:17:44 offspring so this small phrase
1:17:47 which may have caused confusion trauma
1:17:52 is actually giving you the key but
1:17:56 not everyone mind works the same way nor
1:18:00 allah will light everyone's mind the
1:18:02 same way brains do not work the same way
1:18:04 instead of being this helpful
1:18:07 in solving the problem it seems the way
1:18:09 it confused more and more
1:18:13 because
1:18:15 one tabby was discussing that almost
1:18:17 said and didn't say anything in the
1:18:18 kalala i don't know
1:18:21 and that is not eating and one young man
1:18:23 in his head said
1:18:28 is there is no offspring there are no no
1:18:30 parents this is very clear
1:18:34 and the sheikh the taber the older time
1:18:36 he told him but they they meaning
1:18:41 they were doubting about the parents
1:18:44 but this cannot be possibly a doubt
1:18:46 because the parents already treated them
1:18:48 for god's sake in the ayah number two no
1:18:51 number number 11 the first ayah the old
1:18:55 situation with the parents have been
1:18:56 completely exhausted
1:19:01 even with no kids there
1:19:03 is exhausted so it can't be the karates
1:19:06 no parents
1:19:07 who are hired i alive obviously because
1:19:09 we have adam and eve our
1:19:12 great grandparents and our our father
1:19:14 and mother definitely but they are gone
1:19:16 they are not present due to sharing
1:19:17 inheritance
1:19:19 none of them i don't know no one down
1:19:21 there either never produced or they died
1:19:23 before the the the one who
1:19:26 who was inherited as we are considering
1:19:28 so shouldn't be any problem that
1:19:29 distressingly whatever you say treat
1:19:32 them like the wallet
1:19:34 they substitute for the wallet is a hint
1:19:36 for this direction in addition to affirm
1:19:39 also the fact that brother and sister
1:19:41 should never be conceived having
1:19:43 anything to do unless there's no no no
1:19:46 children but actually more than that
1:19:48 then repairs also but the most
1:19:50 fundamental aspect making them
1:19:53 uh uh
1:19:55 non-hairs is the existence of children
1:19:57 if there are no children
1:19:58 and obviously no parents because they're
1:20:00 enjoying color then they substitute for
1:20:02 children that's the reason lights are a
1:20:04 wallet
1:20:05 and then this one may have a sister she
1:20:08 will take half
1:20:09 and if the opposite situation happens a
1:20:11 woman dies that she has one brother he
1:20:13 takes everything
1:20:17 that's why and he and harry said if she
1:20:19 the opposite situation is there
1:20:23 if she doesn't have kids otherwise she
1:20:24 is not kalala so she is also
1:20:27 the woman dying is a kalada and she has
1:20:29 a brother he takes everything so amanda
1:20:32 is colada
1:20:35 history and he has only one sister she
1:20:36 take half tamam
1:20:38 a woman that is kalada
1:20:41 and i lost this again she has no kids
1:20:43 nobody gets confused
1:20:45 and and
1:20:47 and
1:20:48 the brother
1:20:49 woman dies kalara and the brother takes
1:20:51 the half
1:20:52 but
1:20:54 she dies without kids
1:20:56 also just to
1:20:58 remind everyone that we're talking about
1:21:00 kalada was the most essential part is no
1:21:02 kids yeah
1:21:04 and then the same situation if they are
1:21:06 two exactly the two daughters they have
1:21:08 two thirds
1:21:10 obviously the question what is the
1:21:12 equivalent of the one of the grand
1:21:14 daughter is there something like that
1:21:16 that we'll discuss in the details in in
1:21:18 the writing i don't will go to these
1:21:20 fine points that may be only one and
1:21:22 there is if there are two then all other
1:21:24 females are far away will be excluded
1:21:26 any but if there is only one sisters
1:21:28 take a half and there is something which
1:21:30 is similar compares to the
1:21:33 uh to
1:21:34 the daughter of a brother maybe there's
1:21:36 a brother who is deceased and he has a
1:21:38 daughter that she take a sixth like like
1:21:41 the daughter of the grandson
1:21:43 of the son
1:21:44 the granddaughter which is coming from a
1:21:45 male son which guy which snatch away the
1:21:48 sixth completing to the truth head is
1:21:50 the same sequence of life seems to be as
1:21:52 applies by comparison because it is a is
1:21:55 a community substitution but as i have
1:21:57 to study and see what the scholar have
1:21:58 said in the past but there's a hint
1:22:02 and then if the men and women they will
1:22:04 share
1:22:04 the man the the the male have the two
1:22:06 shares of the female
1:22:09 that's all the possibilities
1:22:11 of over
1:22:12 but if there's no if there's now no no
1:22:15 no brother sister at all
1:22:18 then we have to look what substitute for
1:22:19 other sisters
1:22:21 maybe uh
1:22:25 i have to analyze what will be next
1:22:27 as brothers and sisters
1:22:29 substituted for the kids they went up
1:22:32 to the side
1:22:33 maybe you go up further
1:22:35 to the side which will be then what will
1:22:37 be there will be the uncles yeah
1:22:39 would be the uncles
1:22:41 yes will be the uncles
1:22:43 and the aunties but you have to thought
1:22:44 if the aunties belong there most like
1:22:46 the aunties will not believe that so it
1:22:48 will be only the uncles for the male
1:22:49 father something like that i have to
1:22:52 analyze that in detail but this will be
1:22:54 a fine point but this is extremely rare
1:22:56 but it's still worth studying but the
1:22:58 principle is given
1:22:59 so refer to allah clarify everything
1:23:02 so that's only in the case definitely if
1:23:05 we don't have
1:23:06 husband and wives and spouses because
1:23:08 husbands was it's already done in the
1:23:10 number
1:23:11 12
1:23:12 and the second eye of inheritance it's
1:23:13 already dispatched it's finished it's
1:23:15 gone came over
1:23:16 so that can be only it doesn't mention
1:23:19 it here because the eyes have been
1:23:20 revealed before and you are supposed to
1:23:22 have studied it when allah revealed that
1:23:24 he's addressing people who should have
1:23:26 studied that i'm going to analyze it and
1:23:28 understand it and learn it
1:23:30 all i cannot repeat the previous
1:23:31 injunction at the end sometimes he
1:23:32 repeats appropriately for certain good
1:23:35 reasons sometimes it doesn't repeat he
1:23:36 doesn't know it to repeat
1:23:38 because there's a response to a question
1:23:39 people who obviously have studied the
1:23:42 previous two
1:23:43 so the collada in the case of husband
1:23:45 and wife is this patch
1:23:47 finish go nobody is there disputing that
1:23:50 now he did the kalala with no husbands
1:23:51 and wives
1:23:53 and the principle of substitution that
1:23:54 brothers and sisters
1:23:56 of the deceased by the way being a
1:23:58 female or male
1:24:00 are
1:24:01 and then they will be fine distinction
1:24:02 between full brothers and brothers from
1:24:04 a mother brother for father
1:24:07 and there's some scholarly work there
1:24:09 which can be sorted out and the need to
1:24:11 be analyzed further we'll see that
1:24:13 inshallah
1:24:14 in enamel complete writing as i said in
1:24:16 the long run because i never thought you
1:24:18 know in my life that i would get busy
1:24:19 with this issue because it looks like i
1:24:21 show a very specific fault for the
1:24:24 judges and things like that and
1:24:26 the existing judges are doing it
1:24:28 according to their madhhab now and
1:24:31 there's there's no hope that anyone will
1:24:33 listen to
1:24:34 neither the the the madhabi of the
1:24:36 former have would listen to it in abba's
1:24:38 point of view on the lahari or the uh
1:24:40 even worse something coming from the
1:24:42 imam from the japanese
1:24:44 the sectarianism will overcome them and
1:24:46 also the same for the other side the
1:24:48 other side they do not need to listen
1:24:49 except for the improvement or the abbas
1:24:51 principle that's it under further maybe
1:24:53 clarification and improvement
1:24:55 possibly but really that format i have
1:24:58 needs really to review whatever but this
1:25:00 is no way to
1:25:01 for the existing uh scholarship
1:25:03 situation and judges who or in so-called
1:25:06 islamic family course and so on in most
1:25:08 muslim countries they still exist and i
1:25:10 said
1:25:11 none of them is qualified really to
1:25:13 review and uh restudy or make a new
1:25:15 ishtar there's a result of questions so
1:25:17 this is only relevant maybe for the
1:25:19 islamic state so when it is the
1:25:22 established
1:25:24 observation of madhya inshallah but
1:25:27 possibly maybe in our lifetime not very
1:25:29 likely hopefully in your lifetime but
1:25:30 anyway
1:25:32 then these things may be really opened
1:25:34 again and some some adoption of by
1:25:36 majeshura will be done and then we have
1:25:39 the work ready for the michelangelo this
1:25:40 is not happening again tomorrow or one
1:25:42 day or next month or next year not very
1:25:44 likely unless americans happen so
1:25:47 this is not pleasing but i will do it
1:25:49 casually on that one
1:25:51 starting from perhaps
1:25:53 discourse which is relatively
1:25:55 comprehensive discussing almost every
1:25:57 point of view every narrative
1:25:59 he makes mistakes here and there
1:26:00 sometimes he declares not have to be
1:26:02 weak which there are not
1:26:04 uh sometimes you take natives on board
1:26:06 which may be questionable but the best
1:26:08 is available that needs to be a little
1:26:10 bit of sorting but i think
1:26:11 the work done until now
1:26:13 from him is a solid starting point and
1:26:17 the work remaining is not that huge
1:26:19 if we if we adopt and and and
1:26:22 just expand this principle which i just
1:26:24 mentioned i think these principles will
1:26:25 solve all the problems and also answer
1:26:27 the question that that allah does not
1:26:29 know how to calculate fraction oh yeah
1:26:31 definitely he does no but you don't know
1:26:33 how to read the quran probably
1:26:41 they would have five discrepancies and
1:26:43 and and issues in it but there is none
1:26:46 as you see if it is made properly just
1:26:48 relying on the quran and the bit of
1:26:50 input from sunnah
1:26:52 very lately
1:26:54 and the sunnah which is having input out
1:26:56 of relevance like that whatever
1:26:57 remaining after the farad will go to the
1:26:59 next mail
1:27:01 aula with the word not
1:27:05 it's very significant but this has to be
1:27:07 expanded a little bit more and
1:27:10 and
1:27:12 issues should be clarified
1:27:15 further secondary minor issues that can
1:27:17 be clarified i think should be clarified
1:27:20 and uh a better point of view that's
1:27:22 what happened but with the general
1:27:25 form
1:27:26 following
1:27:29 has have
1:27:32 unfortunately i must i must stress
1:27:34 Music
1:27:36 a ton of rubbish
1:27:37 unfortunately i have to say it
1:27:39 openly and without hesitation
1:27:42 many of these they have
1:27:43 so-called named cases that like
1:27:48 himalayan actually with various names
1:27:50 almost 50 60 17 mk the majority of them
1:27:54 are are just faulty from to start with
1:27:56 and the other ones who seem to be odd
1:27:58 can be settled with the principle we
1:27:59 said here completely and clearly
1:28:02 okay so this is the last ayah in the
1:28:03 surah which clarifies the issue of
1:28:06 uh kalada completely
1:28:09 but this is applies really as i said
1:28:12 this applies to the case where there's
1:28:14 no husband and wife
1:28:16 no spouse otherwise that is settled in
1:28:18 the ayah number 12.
1:28:21 and the only way uh to overcome all
1:28:24 these confusion and scattered issues in
1:28:26 individuals
1:28:29 is really to work comprehensively and
1:28:31 connect the eyes together and stream
1:28:34 not like what they do for even when has
1:28:36 him although he is more comprehensive
1:28:37 but he has the problem is that he takes
1:28:39 sometimes only a phrase from one ayah
1:28:41 and this is no it's not or it works in
1:28:43 the quran the quran you have to take it
1:28:45 complete
1:28:47 ayah and even several eyes in context
1:28:50 although it's not gonna work and analyze
1:28:52 them in this way otherwise you will not
1:28:54 be properly guided and that's the reason
1:28:56 really many people have difficulties
1:28:57 that obviously after the sahaba time it
1:29:00 became even worse
1:29:02 most focal how they
1:29:04 they just
1:29:05 invoke a part of the ayah one sentence
1:29:07 of the ayah from it and the rest of that
1:29:08 is just completely forgotten
1:29:10 and this is this is almost criminal this
1:29:12 is wrong catastrophic
1:29:14 and in the case the hadith they don't
1:29:15 they don't put real effort into
1:29:17 analyzing all channels of narration all
1:29:19 wearings they try to get as as close to
1:29:21 the original world as possible etc
1:29:24 unfortunately that's that's that's a
1:29:26 major negative aspect which really
1:29:28 handicapped the fake and produced in
1:29:30 many cases
1:29:32 really miserable
1:29:34 really miserable communication remember
1:29:36 we have discussed many various issues
1:29:38 along the way
1:29:39 of issues
1:29:41 they if you just look at the quran and
1:29:43 analyze it probably
1:29:44 all the ear claims just fly away as
1:29:46 nonsense
1:29:48 it is very unfortunate but it's
1:29:49 fortunate that we that that
1:29:53 this way having some
1:29:55 input back in fact
1:29:58 and clarifying some issues
1:30:01 okay maybe we should have questions
1:30:03 first and then
1:30:04 maybe continue with the next or first
1:30:06 volunteer next week because i think
1:30:07 keeping that like a closed issue with
1:30:09 inheritance and so on any question about
1:30:12 uh
1:30:13 there's one question there's one
1:30:14 question does inheritance change if
1:30:16 inheritors are non-muslim
1:30:19 yeah the the the correct rule is that
1:30:22 muslims cannot inherit non-muslims are
1:30:24 normally communicated muslim there is a
1:30:25 descending point of view from uh from
1:30:28 sahaba even there's a claim that
1:30:31 when he arrived yemen
1:30:33 when one non-muslim died
1:30:36 and uh he has muslim relatives and he
1:30:38 gave them from his inheritance with the
1:30:40 argument that islam always increases to
1:30:42 islam is superior but i think
1:30:45 that's what his argument i think this
1:30:46 argument is faulty because
1:30:49 what's well established is the hadith of
1:30:52 salam is that
1:30:55 is that
1:31:00 the muslim does not inherit the kafir
1:31:02 and the catholic does not inherit a
1:31:03 muslim
1:31:05 this may be of interpretation that
1:31:07 cavalry means the cover herbie on the
1:31:08 cover before outside the remain of islam
1:31:10 but not only dominic islam there may be
1:31:12 an issue there to be analyzed but i
1:31:15 think
1:31:16 i think uh that's that's a minor issue
1:31:18 and also because inheritance is is uh is
1:31:22 related to
1:31:24 alliance
1:31:25 and allegiance and clearly uh the
1:31:28 the alliance from genealogy
1:31:31 overrides obviously the immigration but
1:31:34 only between believers because still the
1:31:36 fundamental relation is is uh
1:31:39 and then we have a case also happening
1:31:41 in the time of sahaba when
1:31:56 her brother was still uh jewish at until
1:31:59 that time that's it possibly in the 40s
1:32:02 i don't i don't know the exact date of
1:32:04 her death but definitely because she was
1:32:06 the one supplying earth man with with
1:32:08 food and so on from a bridge from her
1:32:10 house when he was at the sea so she died
1:32:12 differently after 35
1:32:14 injury possibly in the 40s
1:32:17 and she
1:32:20 and all the sahaba are all there and so
1:32:22 on and she she she wanted to to do a
1:32:25 favor to her brother so she allocated
1:32:27 him the third of her will by test by by
1:32:29 will by testimony
1:32:31 and there was objection
1:32:33 there was objection for many of the
1:32:34 people and so on and i shall threaten
1:32:37 them that she will she will
1:32:38 she will she will call a call call
1:32:42 called
1:32:43 the other sahaba to use weapons if
1:32:45 insisted reinforce that
1:32:47 so if he would have been inheriting from
1:32:50 here
1:32:51 but this is the opposite case catherine
1:32:52 anthony from muslim she would have
1:32:54 he would have inherited after after she
1:32:57 died he took the third
1:32:59 despite the people objecting to that but
1:33:01 the objection is wrong because the will
1:33:03 is in your power it's not an idiot it's
1:33:05 a gift from you you can give the kafir
1:33:07 you can give the chinese emperor you
1:33:09 kind of give the communist party if you
1:33:10 want this has nothing to do with whether
1:33:13 with the or with whatever inheritance
1:33:15 inheritance is what allah has allocated
1:33:19 but this is clear evidence and obviously
1:33:21 this is the uh
1:33:22 this was enforced and so on so this
1:33:24 weekly evidence that the cavalry cannot
1:33:26 tell her that couple counts ahead for
1:33:27 muslim otherwise she would not have been
1:33:29 for finding the only way to give him
1:33:31 something is to allocate at the end of
1:33:33 her wealth
1:33:34 but the other way around i said there's
1:33:36 a dissenting view so that that's one but
1:33:38 i would be i would be really uh i would
1:33:41 be uh uh advocating that it goes both
1:33:44 ways
1:33:45 because it should be a principle of
1:33:47 equality and and and
1:33:49 proportionality if they cannot inherit
1:33:51 from us then we should not be inheriting
1:33:52 from them
1:33:53 because the difference in belief and
1:33:57 belonging to islam
1:33:59 islam
1:34:00 of islam is fundamental it should be
1:34:02 overriding all all
1:34:04 marital relations and on all
1:34:06 genealogical relations
1:34:08 it's dominant over that
1:34:12 so that's that's the that should be i
1:34:15 should be uh i think that that should be
1:34:17 uh i i would i think uh consideration is
1:34:21 good that islam is
1:34:22 is superior and islam will benefit but
1:34:25 this is
1:34:26 uh this uh this is not persuasive enough
1:34:29 because we are talking here not about
1:34:31 reality or in philippians about
1:34:32 allegiance and belonging
1:34:36 and that's clearly that the belonging
1:34:38 has been broken by kufar
1:34:40 the radiation of islam is dominant and
1:34:43 all other nations should be below it not
1:34:45 above it
1:34:47 okay so this one what else questions
1:34:53 there was one other question but i'm not
1:34:54 sure what he meant
1:34:56 um are you allowed to make ishtay had in
1:35:13 can you pronounce a judgment
1:35:15 maybe judgment is something different
1:35:18 even fatwa you can make fatwa anywhere
1:35:20 in the world yeah the question the one
1:35:21 who is
1:35:22 thinks he is qualified
1:35:24 and he studied the matter and did the
1:35:25 best
1:35:31 general assembly of the communist party
1:35:33 of china he can
1:35:35 pronounce it if he is in if he is in one
1:35:37 of these elon musk
1:35:39 spaceships and going to the moon
1:35:41 has nothing to do with the location or
1:35:42 where you are it has the one who come
1:35:44 from stage
1:35:45 and what's the occasion but maybe he
1:35:47 means can you apply that in the only way
1:35:50 to enforce these that you have to study
1:35:52 your situation from time to time or
1:35:54 close when you are an age and you think
1:35:56 hala's
1:35:57 life is going to end you right with
1:36:00 testimony and you allocate the things
1:36:02 according to
1:36:03 the inheritance law probably
1:36:05 and make that a will and recorded by
1:36:08 according to the british law because the
1:36:09 british law they they they go by will
1:36:12 they don't go by by sharia injection so
1:36:15 to make things done by sharia you have
1:36:17 to make it like a will according to the
1:36:19 british law and even recorded the will
1:36:20 of property and things like that
1:36:25 that's the way to do it in in the west
1:36:30 i think that probably covers it maybe
1:36:32 that sounds adequate but but uh
1:36:35 has nothing to do with where you are and
1:36:37 so on
1:36:45 so
1:36:46 whatever other questions maybe in the
1:36:48 chat in the youtube chat any any
1:36:50 questions or comments no there were just
1:36:52 a couple of questions as to which eye we
1:36:54 are on and things like that nothing no
1:36:55 questions related to this
1:36:58 okay that's usually a relatively complex
1:37:00 issue it has been messed up really by
1:37:03 the by the former that but also i think
1:37:06 with the well the even has him in his in
1:37:08 his book
1:37:10 which is part of mahala
1:37:12 he
1:37:13 allah did not open to him the way to
1:37:15 start with the ayahs and then develop
1:37:17 from there and then make the sub issues
1:37:18 as needed as
1:37:20 uh either either
1:37:23 mention his point of view and then make
1:37:24 the argument separately so it it has to
1:37:27 be it has to be written differently to
1:37:29 be more structured and persuasive
1:37:32 the way he started and so on is not very
1:37:34 persuasive although most of his
1:37:35 arguments are persuasive and solid etc
1:37:37 and obviously has he adopted the point
1:37:39 of view when abbas report is definitely
1:37:41 superior to that of
1:37:43 of armor without any doubt without no
1:37:46 doubt about that
1:37:47 but uh but because he
1:37:50 he
1:37:51 i think he never uh trusted himself to
1:37:53 sit on the ayah and read them with
1:37:56 but also his his problem handicap
1:37:58 problem is that he
1:37:59 uh
1:38:00 he just take a bit of i as an evidence
1:38:02 without connecting with the rest and
1:38:04 this is a disease widely spread in most
1:38:06 islamic scholarship
1:38:08 almost after the time of sahaba
1:38:11 only the only some sahaba were able to
1:38:14 connect things like that like when abbas
1:38:16 and
1:38:16 and analyze this and this and try to put
1:38:18 some in context in a proper way only
1:38:21 very few the rest were going bits by
1:38:23 bits here scattered
1:38:25 unfortunately
1:38:29 and this matter if it is done the proper
1:38:31 way i think the way we did it obviously
1:38:32 it has to be written in a more strict
1:38:35 and structured way the way we did
1:38:37 is i think is that's the way to go
1:38:42 that's the correct way to go
1:38:44 which doesn't only solve the problem
1:38:46 violence or many other problems and all
1:38:48 these specific problems which have given
1:38:50 name like actually
1:38:52 like himalayan like so on so on will
1:38:54 will
1:38:55 will resolve most of
1:38:57 will resolve immediately
1:39:00 right away like for example
1:39:01 let me see before we go i have done one
1:39:04 here
1:39:09 just before i started this instruction
1:39:10 approach i was here i said let me check
1:39:12 with the other approach of
1:39:15 the variation of even abbas what we get
1:39:18 for some one of their problems
1:39:24 ensures that they have a fundamental
1:39:26 problem in some aspects
1:39:28 okay there's a there's a case they call
1:39:30 it
1:39:33 the unblessed brother let me let me get
1:39:53 the the book who took that from it
1:39:55 said this muscle is from uh
1:39:57 from 12 12 million 12 shares and
1:40:01 is hourly there 2 30 so that's the
1:40:04 beginning
1:40:07 the husband takes a quarter write down
1:40:09 rush if you want
1:40:10 that's
1:40:11 out of 12 okay
1:40:14 the mother has a sixth okay
1:40:16 well the abu said father so this is a
1:40:18 this woman dying leaving leaving uh
1:40:21 leaving a husband and even obviously
1:40:23 kids because he didn't take the half he
1:40:25 took the quarter
1:40:26 that's fault that's by far okay and the
1:40:29 mother takes so far okay
1:40:31 and this is two shares out of 12 because
1:40:34 he said there were the original cases of
1:40:36 12
1:40:38 and the father takes us a six which is
1:40:40 two out to twelve that's number two of
1:40:42 them
1:40:43 and their daughter he lived only
1:40:45 a daughter but he takes the half that's
1:40:48 six out of twelve
1:40:50 and the son of a son because she is she
1:40:52 has a son of a son and the daughter of a
1:40:55 son
1:40:59 has has fallen at away side
1:41:01 so they call him
1:41:05 the unhappy or the
1:41:06 ominous brother
1:41:09 and the meaning
1:41:11 the uh
1:41:13 meaning that the father of the
1:41:14 granddaughter anyway
1:41:16 that is
1:41:19 because the the son of a son should have
1:41:22 benefited his sister the daughter of the
1:41:24 son
1:41:25 normally
1:41:27 in a normal situation would have been
1:41:29 beneficial but in that case uh
1:41:32 he affected her and all of them fought
1:41:34 out somehow
1:41:37 until every student had been coming for
1:41:40 a time
1:41:42 so otherwise the daughter
1:41:44 as otherwise the the daughter the the
1:41:47 daughter of the of the son would have to
1:41:49 would have completed with her with her
1:41:51 auntie
1:41:52 uh with her with a direct daughter
1:41:55 to the two-third
1:41:58 but this christian of this rather messed
1:42:00 things up allegedly anyway
1:42:02 but but there's definitely some problems
1:42:04 so
1:42:05 then they must have become owl of 15 and
1:42:07 they divide them from 15 and so on
1:42:13 but if we do it the correct way
1:42:15 husband having a quarter
1:42:17 yeah
1:42:19 good
1:42:21 and this is not disputed with that the
1:42:23 remaining is three quarters as we
1:42:25 discussed in the previous case which we
1:42:26 discussed in a while we have to develop
1:42:28 this code
1:42:29 the mother have a uh
1:42:31 will take a six now because this case
1:42:34 will be hour there will be over
1:42:35 subscription so we have to go to the
1:42:37 divine injunction use the remaining
1:42:39 after the quarter so the remaining three
1:42:42 quarters so the mother takes six of the
1:42:44 three quarters
1:42:45 that's three over twenty four and the
1:42:47 same with the father three over twenty
1:42:48 four
1:42:49 the daughter has a half
1:42:51 uh
1:42:54 five
1:43:02 and the daughter of uh
1:43:03 of the son
1:43:05 bentel eben she takes the six to
1:43:07 complete the two-thirds according to the
1:43:09 hadith and she did 6 3 over 24.
1:43:13 you add everything it becomes correct
1:43:16 there is no owl and there is no unhappy
1:43:18 brother
1:43:20 it doesn't exist there is no area that
1:43:22 this brother is not unhappy
1:43:24 does not cause any problem
1:43:29 it does not cause any problem
1:43:35 so he's not evil or not
1:43:38 it came because of the owl if it is done
1:43:40 correctly it will come to a hundred
1:43:42 percent 24 over 24.
1:43:44 unless i started this when i started
1:43:46 there they have a list of these and this
1:43:48 is called the blessed brother i did not
1:43:50 work as out under about 70 50 70 cases i
1:43:53 will work over them over the coming
1:43:55 months and years slowly
1:43:57 after establishing the general prices
1:43:59 correctly
1:44:06 my internet cut out for a few minutes so
1:44:08 apologies i had to
1:44:09 it just killed off my session i might
1:44:11 need to recording off you no problem we
1:44:13 have the recording we have that
1:44:14 recording everything is going smoothly
1:44:17 so uh
1:44:19 clearly we we uh
1:44:21 we have to review all these special
1:44:23 cases one by one and so on and an
1:44:24 extensive way and see what's what they
1:44:27 are entailed and how they can be
1:44:28 corrected according to ibn abbas or the
1:44:30 say our theory which is
1:44:40 you have you have actually in the case
1:44:43 for example of parents and daughters
1:44:45 the the parents are having the fixing
1:44:47 their sixth
1:44:49 uh their substitutes and doesn't go
1:44:52 lower so he gave them preference over
1:44:53 the daughters this way the daughters
1:44:55 could even
1:44:57 get even disadvantaged more and more we
1:44:59 should not be according to the ayah
1:45:01 because they were interested in the irfs
1:45:03 and they are the main intention of the
1:45:04 inheritance even if their shares can go
1:45:07 lower than the six and lower and lower
1:45:08 if their number is big but this is not a
1:45:10 good justification so that's why the
1:45:12 people felt not very happy with the
1:45:14 abbas
1:45:15 solution and went to the bad solution of
1:45:17 omar which is spreading everything
1:45:19 across including to the husband who
1:45:21 should not be spread to
1:45:23 because then separate ayah and the
1:45:24 separate context completely
1:45:27 so i think our method of avoiding the
1:45:29 over subscription
1:45:31 is the better method i think the only
1:45:33 one remaining there's no other way i can
1:45:35 solve the problem correctly
1:45:38 okay but i gave this example of this but
1:45:40 i have to review all these special cases
1:45:43 with which there are even the other
1:45:46 books about the specialty the name and
1:45:48 cases of inheritance
1:45:50 the evil brother or the
1:45:52 in happy brother the blessed brother
1:45:55 the donkey k all of these things they
1:45:57 have sex
1:45:59 etc etc
1:46:01 sometimes named about some oddity
1:46:02 sometimes they have about a first person
1:46:04 or ask about them etc
1:46:07 and go through all of them after
1:46:08 establishing the theory in a clean way
1:46:10 but as i said this is not an emergency i
1:46:13 know
1:46:13 and no uh
1:46:16 i know no no pressing need to do that
1:46:19 in a short time so we'll do it slowly
1:46:21 and allah gives us life enough long life
1:46:24 we'll have would that have done that
1:46:25 inshallah in and maybe a few months or
1:46:28 one or two years better than that
1:46:30 i think we'll stop here and then start
1:46:32 the surah in the next week insha'allah
1:46:35 because this this concludes
1:46:38 uh uh also interesting is that uh the
1:46:42 the eye of inheritance seems to be have
1:46:44 been revealed first time in the case of
1:46:46 saddam narrabia i mentioned the story of
1:46:49 his mother his wife coming and
1:46:51 complaining that the daughters will will
1:46:53 not never get married without money but
1:46:54 the uncle came and snatched all the
1:46:56 money away according to the well
1:46:57 established system of
1:47:00 uh
1:47:00 just
1:47:04 just how to read between the lines a
1:47:05 little bit with realize
1:47:07 when she came with a daughter something
1:47:09 you know they will never get married
1:47:11 uh just just
1:47:13 it's almost like like a small neat point
1:47:16 how to read between the lines
1:47:18 but we know that for example a woman
1:47:20 because usually getting married because
1:47:22 of their wealth or because of their
1:47:24 beauty so we can
1:47:26 understand from that she came with her
1:47:27 own daughters presenting them to the
1:47:29 protestant
1:47:31 it's very clear that the doctors did not
1:47:33 have big share of beauty from that we
1:47:35 just read between she didn't say my
1:47:36 daughter's ugly she didn't say that but
1:47:37 she would never get married unless they
1:47:39 have something attracting suitor to them
1:47:41 but this is the way to read that between
1:47:43 lines sometimes you read something hadi
1:47:44 thinks between the line
1:47:46 and uh there's a problem with most of
1:47:48 these people of hadith and so on they
1:47:51 they are almost branded they don't know
1:47:53 how to read between the line or how to
1:47:56 make the correct conclusions
1:47:58 like for example let's say one of the
1:48:00 prime examples that the people just
1:48:02 sometimes they are branded or spastics
1:48:04 as as russia prefers to say everything
1:48:07 the holy example
1:48:08 an example that the two ladies came to
1:48:10 process after coming from a battlefield
1:48:12 of certain buttons saying we have made
1:48:13 an oath that we would play the drums in
1:48:16 your presence say if you made an oath do
1:48:18 it because the wrestling didn't like
1:48:19 music for reasons i explained once more
1:48:22 and let me explain now and after that
1:48:26 and they were playing drums and so on
1:48:28 abubakar came some others have came they
1:48:30 continued and rama came they hid the
1:48:32 drums under their their bums and they
1:48:34 sat on them like headed and would all
1:48:36 were there with their jib up
1:48:38 and um san diego said if you have seen
1:48:40 them they were playing drums and when
1:48:42 you came
1:48:43 they were uh they hid it and almost said
1:48:48 enemies of yourself
1:48:49 you disrespect you you respect me more
1:48:52 than the messenger of allah they
1:48:53 answered him openly clearly no it had
1:48:56 nothing to do with respect but you are
1:48:58 father
1:49:05 in a working-class way
1:49:09 and the messenger commented that's that
1:49:10 was what these idiots or people have had
1:49:12 hadith invoked as a virtue he said
1:49:16 even if the devil see you coming from
1:49:18 away he will choose another way and
1:49:19 there is
1:49:20 these idiocy disagrees with the rebel
1:49:22 devil will run from him but these idiots
1:49:24 did not read that
1:49:26 that happened uh when he in the prison
1:49:29 messenger allah so this means let me say
1:49:31 the word devil will not run away from
1:49:33 allah just imagine what which cover is
1:49:36 that
1:49:37 what does this mean
1:49:38 this is the atmosphere you could imagine
1:49:42 all that mean is you are so nasty
1:49:45 so badly mannered
1:49:47 with people sometimes
1:49:49 that the devil will run from you they
1:49:51 say
1:49:52 the ghosts will be afraid of you is that
1:49:54 a place no
1:49:57 yes a person who instigates fear you're
1:49:59 not a nice person
1:50:01 and they make it a virtue it's not a
1:50:03 virtue but i'm i'm not saying that
1:50:06 to attack honor or something everyone
1:50:07 has plenty of advance
1:50:09 who out balance that enormously but
1:50:11 that's not the issue the issues that how
1:50:13 to read between the lives understand the
1:50:15 context
1:50:16 if your brain is so so
1:50:18 so handicapped that you cannot see that
1:50:20 and analyze it properly and list that
1:50:23 under the so-called virtues of amer then
1:50:25 i don't know how can you be saved and
1:50:27 how can you expect any fake or any doubt
1:50:29 or anything for benefiting islam from
1:50:31 such a kind of very dead brains
1:50:33 and you find these dead brains to utmost
1:50:36 presentation in the case of madras
1:50:39 completely dead
1:50:42 absolutely dead
1:50:49 but that's an example just just just
1:50:51 just to mention some issues that we have
1:50:53 to read sometimes uh in that case that
1:50:55 the daughters are not that beautiful
1:50:57 this one is all we have no significance
1:50:58 whatsoever they are they are gone now
1:51:00 for fourteen hundred years allah have
1:51:02 mercy on everyone that's gone
1:51:04 but in the case of almost there is
1:51:05 making that a virtual and arming it
1:51:07 around yeah it's it's it's utterly it's
1:51:10 graceful because this lasts until now
1:51:12 but in other situation also and many
1:51:14 other situations you see the text in
1:51:16 front of them like as big as an elephant
1:51:18 and they are unable to see it as if it
1:51:20 is
1:51:21 it's only uh uh the size of an ant and
1:51:25 it's as big as an elephant
1:51:26 because they're just just blind they
1:51:28 have them they're mentally handicapped
1:51:32 so learn from that that you read things
1:51:35 really back and forth and see is there
1:51:36 the context what does it mean is there's
1:51:38 some ends there there's some some some
1:51:41 some sweeteners some some
1:51:44 it is some something there which seems
1:51:46 to be odd there's an additional point
1:51:48 which why is this additional point
1:51:50 especially in the quran which you know
1:51:51 nowhere is not out of place
1:51:53 if you ask if you agree that's from
1:51:55 allah if it's not allah then we go to
1:51:56 square one and analyze the evidences for
1:51:58 prophethood
1:52:00 and then uh
1:52:04 and
1:52:07 and and
1:52:08 bring the evidences and balance them and
1:52:10 see that it must be from allah muhammad
1:52:12 is a messenger otherwise what is time
1:52:14 with the quran just go read the capital
1:52:17 and read read the books of john paul
1:52:20 forget about it
1:52:22 and that's the way to go
1:52:23 especially for the quran so now you may
1:52:25 say the the nato is sometimes narrated
1:52:27 by meaning that if that's true then you
1:52:29 have to if it's really a messenger or
1:52:31 then you have to put the effort to
1:52:32 collect all narratives in the same story
1:52:34 see if it is really the same story the
1:52:36 same context but what would be the
1:52:38 closest word possibly which was uttered
1:52:40 by the prophet for example in the case
1:52:42 of that uh what the foreign left should
1:52:44 be giving to the next mail
1:52:46 mail
1:52:52 the nearest meal uh the narration is
1:52:54 from us
1:52:56 is known to be so extreme in narrating
1:52:59 by word that he was counting word and
1:53:01 letters
1:53:02 so we can't trust that is the exact
1:53:04 wording as they were
1:53:06 for example and they were not everyone
1:53:07 exactly the same
1:53:11 so
1:53:13 put some effort there to get to get some
1:53:15 some some genuine result and then after
1:53:17 that we know it has been accepted
1:53:18 everyone and everyone agree on this
1:53:20 that's correct and it has been applied
1:53:23 as an inheritance consistently since
1:53:25 that time so we could say
1:53:27 all this is a single narration just one
1:53:29 channel of narration it's correct it's
1:53:31 not definitely we are implicable exactly
1:53:34 clear cleanness and exactness but
1:53:36 supported by this ishmael this thing it
1:53:38 is as scattering almost as quasi as the
1:53:40 quran although we cannot trust the
1:53:42 wedding as much as the word of the quran
1:53:44 but it is close and contains insertively
1:53:46 certitude and then you develop from
1:53:48 there bit by bit one by one that's the
1:53:50 way to go
1:53:52 this is just general comment about how
1:53:53 to deal with quran sunnah
1:53:55 not taking a part of the ayah and so on
1:53:58 like for example these governments
1:54:08 meaning
1:54:09 dispute with whom with each other but
1:54:11 also with the holy numbers with the one
1:54:13 in charge with authority
1:54:15 so they are their obedience to they
1:54:17 cannot be absolute and they can be
1:54:18 disputed and there may be reasons of
1:54:20 dispute to whom to refer that to allah
1:54:22 this messenger but the same apply also
1:54:24 not only
1:54:25 and so on and government's career
1:54:27 scholars it's obvious
1:54:29 they say this
1:54:30 meaning the imams
1:54:32 masha allah but read the rest of the
1:54:33 ayah it cannot be your imams according
1:54:35 to your definition of the imams
1:54:36 maybe something else maybe the imams
1:54:38 have another evidence but not this ayah
1:54:41 must be the imams because you have to
1:54:42 obey them no
1:54:44 you can dispute with them but your imam
1:54:46 is supposed to be invaluable with the
1:54:47 speaking with them is covered so what is
1:54:49 this nonsense how can you use that in
1:54:51 this context but the only way they use
1:54:52 it
1:54:54 exactly
1:54:58 brothers and listeners and so on
1:55:00 we are having really a major uphill
1:55:02 battle to clean the field from this
1:55:05 obvious
1:55:08 mental handicap which has infested most
1:55:10 brains of the umba
1:55:12 so that they they they benefit from the
1:55:14 quran if it's from allah if it's not
1:55:16 from allah then you think it's not for
1:55:17 allah then we go back to square one
1:55:19 first and settle that question then what
1:55:21 you have settled that and we have be
1:55:22 consistent and work with it in a
1:55:24 consistent way
1:55:26 there will go from there anyway i don't
1:55:28 want to give a big sermon
1:55:30 and disturb your afternoon but
1:55:32 that's that that that's the take that
1:55:34 that's part of the take out
1:55:36 principle take out from the issue of
1:55:38 unhealthy
1:55:39 important fundamental although the quran
1:55:41 would not have spent that details
1:55:44 and going through these complicated
1:55:45 fractions and so on it's a in such
1:55:47 excess if they're not of utmost
1:55:50 importance
1:55:51 and the injunctions are followed with a
1:55:53 great warning of violating them we did
1:55:55 not as we discussed after the ayahs of
1:55:57 the inheritance ayah number 11 and 12
1:55:59 the warning after that that is that the
1:56:01 divine injunction who violate them will
1:56:03 face the hellfire forever and so on so
1:56:04 they are very severe very important
1:56:07 but as important more important is
1:56:09 really treating quran and sunnah with
1:56:10 respect and with the methodology they
1:56:12 deserve and part of the mythology we
1:56:15 discussed today
1:56:17 don't ever do one ayah or a part of eye
1:56:20 or one eye with a without with
1:56:21 negligence with another eye and the
1:56:23 third eye and there and that evidence
1:56:26 and if you ponder about the quran you
1:56:28 want to analyze it and then ponder over
1:56:29 it as a tool because allah says
1:56:36 if it would have been from anybody
1:56:37 except allah they would have find plenty
1:56:39 of disagreement
1:56:41 but this can be only done if you point
1:56:42 out the whole quran from from beginning
1:56:44 to end from end to beginning and analyze
1:56:46 it and cause reverence
1:56:48 then you will see
1:56:49 then you can construct an
1:56:51 uh contradiction then it's not from
1:56:53 allah if you cannot construct and nobody
1:56:55 was able to construct and whatever
1:56:57 whoever constructed anything entire past
1:56:59 it has been refuted and completed
1:57:01 the disgraced and and undermined
1:57:04 but the door is open if someone is
1:57:06 arguing about that until today welcome
1:57:08 bring your construction we'll see
1:57:14 okay
1:57:17 and then inshaallah will continue with
1:57:20 next week
1:57:55 so
1:58:00 Music
1:58:36 my
1:58:37 Music
1:58:48 so
1:58:57 Music
1:59:07 you