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#NoDesign🙄 (2022-12-03)


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Summary of #NoDesign🙄

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This video discusses how trees are able to transport water to their topmost branches using xylem tubes. Xylem tubes are filled with water and do not contain air bubbles, which allows water to remain in the metastable liquid state. Trees use five percent of the water in photosynthesis, and the other 95 percent evaporates.

00:00:00 The video features the physicist Dr. Derek Muller explaining how trees are able to transport water up to their topmost branches, despite the fact that the pressure at the top is so negative. Trees use additional pressure to suck water into the tree and then transfer it to the xylem tubes, which are too wide at 20 to 200 micrometers in diameter.

  • 00:05:00 The video discusses the importance of xylem tubes in trees, which are filled with water from the start and do not contain air bubbles. This allows water to remain in the metastable liquid state, which is important for photosynthesis. Trees use five percent of the water in photosynthesis, and the other 95 percent evaporates. This video will change how viewers view trees.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 I love doing the no design posts the subject is virtually inexhaustible and infinite
0:00:14 God's design in creation is everywhere we look from the Apparently simple flower to complex DNA 0:00:22 we see evidence of design in the universe it's not just the irreducibly complex molecular machines or 0:00:31 how the laws of physics unexpectedly conspire in an extraordinary way to make the universe 0:00:38 habitable for life thanks to science we can now see design in unappreciated living things all 0:00:47 around us I want to share with you a fascinating video explaining how trees do the impossible 0:00:57 it features the physicist Dr Derek Muller who is a specialist in explaining science to the 0:01:03 General Public after watching this I promise you will never look at trees the same way again enjoy 0:01:14 sometimes the simplest questions have the most amazing answers like how can trees be so tall 0:01:20 it's a question that doesn't even seem like it needs an answer trees just are tall some of them 0:01:26 are over 100 meters why should there be a height limit I'll tell you why trees need to transport 0:01:32 water from their Roots up until their topmost branches in order to survive and that is no 0:01:36 trivial task there is a limit to the height that water can be sucked up a tube it's 10 meters if 0:01:42 you suck on a long vertical straw the water will go no higher than 10 meters at this point there 0:01:48 will be a perfect vacuum at the top of the straw and the water will start to boil spontaneously 0:01:53 for a tree to raise water 100 meters it would have to create a pressure difference of 10 0:01:57 atmospheres how would trees do that when I posed this conundrum a lot of people said the answer is 0:02:04 transpiration and that's when water evaporates from the leaf pulling up the water molecules 0:02:09 behind it now that's clearly a mechanism a tree can use to create suction but it doesn't help 0:02:14 us overcome this 10 meter limit the lowest the pressure can go is the pure vacuum which I imagine 0:02:18 is not happening inside of tree leaves right right Hank so you might suspect that a tree does 0:02:25 not contain continuous straw-like tubes the tree effectively has valves in it so you don't have a 0:02:32 column of water this big tube which you're saying needs to be filled with water is actually made up 0:02:37 of cells although these are good speculations they don't turn out to be correct scientists who study 0:02:42 trees find that the xylem tubes that transport water do contain a continuous water column so 0:02:48 how else could the tree transport water from the roots to the leaves they don't suck they don't use 0:02:52 a vacuum oh okay so how do they do it pleasing like a cow like you're squeezing the cowlitter 0:02:57 all the way up there's little tree muscles in there yeah besides being a giant waste of energy 0:03:02 all of the cells that make up the xylem tubes are dead what about osmotic pressure If there is more 0:03:08 solute in The Roots than in the surrounding soil water would be pushed up the tree but some trees 0:03:13 live in mangroves where the water is so salty that osmotic pressure actually acts in the other 0:03:18 direction so the tree needs additional pressure to suck water into the tree then it must be capillary 0:03:23 action the thinner the tube the higher the water can climb but the tubes in a tree are too wide at 0:03:30 20 to 200 micrometers in diameter water should rise less than a meter so how do trees do it 0:03:36 well one of the assumptions we made is wrong the lowest the pressure can go is the pure vacuum pure 0:03:42 vacuum your vacuum in a gas this is true when you eliminate all of the gas molecules the pressure is 0:03:47 zero and you have a perfect vacuum but in a liquid you can go lower than zero pressure and actually 0:03:54 get Negative pressures in a solid we would think of this as tension this means that the molecules 0:03:59 are pulling on each other and their surroundings as the water evaporates from the pores of the cell 0:04:05 wall they create immense negative pressures of -15 atmospheres in an average tree think about 0:04:12 the air water interface at the pore there is one atmosphere of pressure pushing in and negative 15 0:04:18 atmospheres of suction on the other side so why doesn't the meniscus break because the pores are 0:04:24 tiny only two to five nanometers in diameter at this scale water's high surface tension 0:04:30 ensures the air water boundary can withstand huge pressures without caving As you move down the tree 0:04:37 the pressure increases up to atmospheric at the roots so you can have a large pressure difference 0:04:42 between the top and the bottom of the tree because the pressure at the top is so negative but hang 0:04:47 on if the pressure at the top is negative 15 atmospheres shouldn't the water be boiling 0:04:52 yes yes it should but changing phase from liquid to gas requires activation energy and that can 0:05:00 come in the form of a nucleation site like a tiny air bubble that's why it's so important that the 0:05:04 xylem tubes contain no air bubbles and they can do this because unlike a straw they've been water 0:05:10 filled from the start this way water remains in the metastable liquid state when it really 0:05:15 should be boiling it's just like supercooled water remains liquid even though it should be 0:05:20 ice so you could say that the water in a tree is super sucked because it remains liquid at 0:05:25 such negative pressures and why are trees moving all this water up the tree I want you to make a 0:05:31 guess say it out loud for photosynthesis actually no less than one percent of the water is used in 0:05:37 photosynthetic reactions any other ideas okay what about growth well five percent of the water is 0:05:43 used to make new cells well so what happens to the other 95 percent of the water it just evaporates 0:05:50 for each molecule of carbon dioxide a tree takes in it loses hundreds of molecules of water whoa 0:05:56 can you believe how amazing this is trees create huge negative pressures of tens of atmospheres by 0:06:03 evaporating water through nanoscale pores sucking water up 100 meters in a state where it should 0:06:08 be boiling but can't because the perfect xylem tubes contain no air bubbles just so 0:06:12 that most of it can evaporate in the process of absorbing a couple molecules of carbon dioxide 0:06:19 I will never look at trees the same way again