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If God is Merciful, Why Eternal Hell? (2019-04-18)


This video aims to answer the question relating to the compatibility of of the existence of a physical hell-fire and an all-merciful God.

Summary of If God is Merciful, Why Eternal Hell?

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

argues that if God is merciful, then eternal hell is unjust. He points out that shirk (the act of refusing to obey God) is the worst kind of oppression, and that it is the worst form of evil.

*00:00:00 Discusses the idea of contracts and why they are important. He goes on to say that if a person breaks a contract, there should be consequences. The consequences could range from jail time to death. argues that if God is so merciful, then why does hell exist? He says that this question can only be answered by looking at the concept of contracts from a worldly perspective. People who don't understand contracts are those who also don't understand the severity of them.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the idea of proportionality, which is a key issue in regards to determining how long someone should spend in Hell. They point to two examples - murder and rape - to illustrate the problems with equating time in Hell. In both cases, the actions taken are considered to be the most extreme forms of wrongdoing.
  • 00:10:00 argues that if God is merciful, then eternal hell is unjust. He points out that shirk (the act of refusing to obey God) is the worst kind of oppression, and that it is the worst form of evil.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 why am I talking about contract and why
0:00:02 why my dad made that up that version the
0:00:04 reason is this there is something which
0:00:07 unifies yes Western saw and Islamic
0:00:11 thought and it is the idea of contract
0:00:13 it is the idea of contract the Quran
0:00:17 says er you a lady named Oh Bulbul are
0:00:19 quotes o you who believe
0:00:22 to fill the contracts and in liberal
0:00:26 theory one of the underpinning things is
0:00:28 God make sure that you fulfill the
0:00:30 contract because it's so obvious that
0:00:35 chaos would ensue listen carefully chaos
0:00:39 would ensue if contracts are not abided
0:00:42 by imagine you have peace treaties
0:00:45 between countries and they're revoked
0:00:47 straight away because contracts are not
0:00:48 respected contracts are important on
0:00:53 everyone's world view on our world view
0:00:56 and on their world view why is that
0:00:59 important because imagine listen
0:01:04 carefully what is the consequence
0:01:07 according to them of rupturing a
0:01:12 contract yeah you can have anarchy but
0:01:16 usually the law has in place legal
0:01:19 consequences yes if the law hasn't quit
0:01:21 and place legal consequences which can
0:01:23 range from prison sentence to finding to
0:01:25 death in the case of treason the idea
0:01:28 that there should be a consequence
0:01:30 attached to a severing of a contract is
0:01:33 universally understood almost except
0:01:35 with anarchists and other people right I
0:01:38 imagine this imagine we as human beings
0:01:41 are severing a contract with the
0:01:48 ultimate source of protection wait a
0:01:51 minute stay that one more time I don't
0:01:54 know how you made that diversion and you
0:01:55 came back and what you're talking about
0:01:57 the ultimate source of protection we
0:02:00 believe is Allah he provides the
0:02:03 ultimate source of protection so isn't
0:02:08 it the same logic to suppose to
0:02:11 postulate to submit to say
0:02:13 if you break the contract that was
0:02:17 initially in place some it's up and that
0:02:21 you agreed upon and the prime model
0:02:23 sales if you sell that contract there
0:02:27 should be a consequence and it's within
0:02:32 the rights of the source of protection
0:02:37 to remove that protection from you
0:02:45 that's why the question that's usually
0:02:47 postulated in these discussions is if
0:02:51 God is so merciful then why does hell
0:02:55 exists why is he putting the people in
0:02:57 the Hellfire
0:02:59 what kind of merciful God is that he
0:03:01 putting their people in the Hellfire
0:03:02 what kind of Justice is that the
0:03:06 Hellfire is an ultimate manifestation of
0:03:12 the removal of a large protection from
0:03:17 humans see the whole time
0:03:20 the Hellfire is an ultimate
0:03:23 manifestation of the removal of a large
0:03:28 protection from human beings and since
0:03:34 we agree on the premise that's
0:03:40 consequentially justifiable to say that
0:03:46 protection should no longer be afforded
0:03:48 to those who serve Allah contracts then
0:03:52 what more contracts more problematic to
0:03:56 sever than the one who is providing for
0:03:58 you in all aspects and domains and
0:04:01 spheres of life the answer to that
0:04:05 question is the people that don't
0:04:10 understand the Hellfire and the
0:04:12 punishment therein are those same people
0:04:15 that don't understand the severity of
0:04:19 the contract and they have agreed to and
0:04:22 that they were reminded off
0:04:26 in this world so you see it all makes
0:04:33 sense now
0:04:34 but someone may argue someone may argue
0:04:38 and say but hold on no problem I
0:04:41 understand this concept I understand yes
0:04:46 that if you sever the contract there
0:04:49 should be consequences
0:04:51 yeah if you sever the contract there
0:04:54 should be consequences from this
0:04:56 perspective God is within his rights to
0:04:59 give you those consequences
0:05:03 so what then about proportionality for
0:05:08 instance if someone was a Kaffir for
0:05:11 this believer someone who severed the
0:05:13 contract because ways it is believer at
0:05:16 this believer if someone kasev literally
0:05:21 means kuffara from the farmer the farmer
0:05:25 because he's literally covering the
0:05:28 truth like the seeds you coat it with
0:05:32 soil and the truth you're covering it
0:05:35 with falsehood and that is the ultimate
0:05:37 manifestation of the severing of the
0:05:40 contract well the question of
0:05:43 proportionality will come into play
0:05:44 because they'll say ok if they were
0:05:46 disbelievers for three years or five
0:05:49 years or ten years or twenty years then
0:05:52 why should they be in the Hellfire
0:05:53 forever
0:05:54 and this is a lack of proportionality
0:05:59 yes this is a lack of proportionality
0:06:02 well we say to that who told you that
0:06:09 times did all be treated equally and
0:06:12 sins should be connected to time
0:06:15 inextricably let me give an example and
0:06:17 this brother of mine codable andalusi we
0:06:22 were discussing this he was giving me
0:06:23 these pointers was a really good example
0:06:25 he gave I like to give him credit for
0:06:28 that he said for example if someone
0:06:31 takes out a knife and he stabs someone
0:06:35 goes straight for the jugular and kills
0:06:38 the person in three
0:06:39 seconds yes if someone does that in
0:06:43 three seconds should they be punished
0:06:47 for three seconds on this logic they
0:06:52 should be why not three seconds the only
0:06:56 were transgressing for three seconds so
0:06:58 go into prison for three seconds or do
0:07:01 this we'll go to the Hellfire for three
0:07:02 seconds no clearly there's a problem
0:07:04 with equating time here so the idea is
0:07:09 or the association of partners with
0:07:14 Allah is valued so epistemic Lehi and
0:07:19 the ranking of crimes because is the
0:07:23 ultimate it is the ultimate rupturing of
0:07:28 the most important contracts by even
0:07:31 doing it for one second even believing
0:07:35 in that and doing it for one second it's
0:07:38 conceivable for one second two seconds
0:07:41 five seconds and you die upon it and
0:07:44 although your last five seconds that you
0:07:46 will be in eternal punishment in the
0:07:49 Hellfire and that is logically
0:07:51 rationally justifiable on both
0:07:55 worldviews because to understand Allah
0:08:03 and for hate we must understand shift
0:08:08 and how dark and horrible and evil and
0:08:14 grotesque and disgusting this crime is
0:08:22 out there someone redirects their
0:08:30 veneration
0:08:31 they love their or their hope their
0:08:38 faith
0:08:40 from the one who is offering all sorts
0:08:44 of health and also says a protection
0:08:46 from fear who is a loss of a Noah to
0:08:49 Allah this is the most problematic and
0:08:54 egregious and the most vile of crimes
0:08:59 any human being could do well success
0:09:02 was the murder was the rape there's
0:09:06 nothing worse than that
0:09:08 why is murder on because it's an
0:09:12 ultimate violation of someone's right to
0:09:16 life why is rape run because it's an
0:09:22 ultimate violation of a man or a woman's
0:09:26 right to dignity and to decision-making
0:09:29 in sexual intercourse so why is
0:09:36 wrong because it's an ultimate
0:09:39 redirection it's an ultimate redirection
0:09:46 of all of the attitudes the beliefs and
0:09:51 the actions that should be positions to
0:09:58 the one who allows them to be positioned
0:10:00 to anything in the first place to other
0:10:03 than him it's the worst kind of
0:10:07 oppression shirk is the worst kind of
0:10:11 oppression