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Liberal Muslim Re-interpreting The Qur'an (Response) (2022-12-29)



The Prophet ﷺ said: “𝙒𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝, 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝.”

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Summary of Liberal Muslim Re-interpreting The Qur'an (Response)

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

This Muslim woman re-interprets the Qur'an to show how it can be applied to modern life, including the issue of slavery. She argues that the Quran contains enough guidance to show that slavery is wrong, and that liberalism is not necessary to reach this conclusion.

00:00:00 The self-proclaimed liberal Muslims in the video state that the Quran needs to be re-interpreted for the 21st century, and that it should be done in a way that doesn't allow for slavery. They also mention that liberalism is another religion with its own set of presuppositions.

  • 00:05:00 argues that Islam has a clear emancipatory discourse from the very beginning, and that slavery that existed then is nothing like what we're used to in the West. They also say that the prophet of Islam is completely absolved from slavery, and that the Quran is completely absolved from it. They go on to say that liberalism isn't necessary to know that slavery is wrong, and that there is enough guidance within the Quran, Sunnah, and tradition to make this conclusion.
  • 00:10:00 This Muslim woman interprets the Qur'an to show how it can be applied to modern life. She argues that the Lord is great, and that generosity is a way to show devotion to Him.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 whoever builds a mosque for Allah Allah
0:00:05 will build for him a Sim at the house in
0:00:07 Jannah
0:00:09 and we know the great reward that will
0:00:11 not only be gained but rather will fill
0:00:14 your grave after your death
0:00:16 whenever someone prays there whenever
0:00:18 someone gives shahada in the Masjid
0:00:21 whenever someone learns something in the
0:00:23 Masjid yes that will be something that
0:00:26 you'll have on your scale
0:00:28 [Music]
0:00:30 thank you
0:00:35 how are you guys doing I came across a
0:00:38 video of some self-proclaimed liberal
0:00:40 Muslims talking about reinterpretation
0:00:42 of the Quran let's take a look at this
0:00:44 clip and come back and comment on this
0:00:46 clip the Quran must be re-interpreted
0:00:49 for the 21st century you always need to
0:00:51 reinterpret the Quran um whoever is
0:00:53 looking at the Quran whoever is reading
0:00:55 it needs to interpret it needs to
0:00:57 understand what Allah is telling that
0:00:59 person all the information everything
0:01:00 that we're learning is about getting us
0:01:02 closer to a just future and in the time
0:01:05 of the Prophet slavery was well and
0:01:07 Alive the Quran never outright abolished
0:01:10 slavery but people through their
0:01:12 interpretation decided that the Quran is
0:01:14 leading us to a future where slavery
0:01:17 shouldn't be allowed because it's unjust
0:01:18 yeah I agree I think the chronic attacks
0:01:21 is a holy text that should never be
0:01:23 changed or obviously written like that's
0:01:24 that's off the table but I think
0:01:27 interpretation kind of we talked about
0:01:28 the whole time matters but I've
0:01:29 consulted with different like mosque
0:01:31 leaders different people who actually
0:01:32 study Islam and not once it was like a
0:01:35 big overlap because they have their own
0:01:36 interpretation what the Quran is into
0:01:38 the modern world so I just think in
0:01:40 general there definitely should be a
0:01:41 more modern interpretation I think
0:01:43 what's going on here quite frankly is
0:01:44 that and this is the case with a lot of
0:01:46 Muslims in the west that they feel
0:01:48 pressured and maybe understandably so
0:01:51 because we're living in an age where the
0:01:54 dominant ethic of the world is the
0:01:56 liberal ethics not of the world I should
0:01:58 say I'm really the Western World and
0:02:00 being positioned in the western world as
0:02:02 Muslims is very difficult to escape the
0:02:05 claws of this ideology however what I
0:02:07 will say is this in fact
0:02:11 um really and truly you have to look at
0:02:12 liberalism as another religion it's
0:02:14 another religion in so much as it's a
0:02:16 transcendental idea with a set of
0:02:19 presuppositions which form their own
0:02:22 kind of morality and this in fact uh is
0:02:25 how some people like Charles Taylor and
0:02:28 other sociologists Define religion
0:02:30 itself
0:02:32 the example they gave though on the in
0:02:33 the video is not something which is as
0:02:36 controversial as one may think
0:02:38 it would be for example uh in the the
0:02:41 issue of slavery anyway Islamic slavery
0:02:45 which has nothing to do with the kind of
0:02:48 atrocious uh race-based transatlantic
0:02:52 slavery abuse that the Western white man
0:02:56 conducted for 400 years or older than
0:02:58 that in the transatlantic region not
0:03:01 we've got nothing to do with that so I
0:03:03 think first and foremost saying that
0:03:04 well the Quran allowed it but it didn't
0:03:06 allow that kind of slavery and that
0:03:08 needs to be very very clear because
0:03:10 quite frankly in the imagination of the
0:03:12 westerners this is when someone's a
0:03:14 slavery you imagine an innocent black
0:03:16 man being whipped or lynched or hurt and
0:03:20 racially abused now Islam does not and
0:03:22 has never allowed that kind of slavery
0:03:25 in fact there is a specific kind of
0:03:28 slavery which only we would say we are
0:03:31 allowed to have with Allah which is the
0:03:34 ultimate and unconditional obedience for
0:03:37 the prophet sallallahu alaihi told us
0:03:42 there is no obedience to the creation in
0:03:45 the Disobedience to the Creator so this
0:03:48 ultimate kind of slavery only exists
0:03:51 with Allah
0:03:52 with God Almighty as for indentured
0:03:55 servitude or selling and buying of
0:03:57 course this existed at the time of the
0:03:59 prophet and they're right to mention
0:04:00 that this was not something which was
0:04:02 abolished outright however well soles or
0:04:05 people who are Jewish Prudential experts
0:04:07 even before the formulation of
0:04:09 liberalism itself as a religion as an
0:04:12 ideology as a political ideology a
0:04:14 political philosophy
0:04:17 they made the same point as these
0:04:19 liberal Muslims are making which are
0:04:21 which is effectively that Islam is
0:04:25 attempting to move in the direction of
0:04:27 the abolition of slavery and of course
0:04:29 one of the eight categories of zakat is
0:04:32 for the freeing of slavery as is
0:04:35 mentioned
0:04:38 it's not the place or time to speak
0:04:40 about slavery here in great depth but
0:04:42 the point is the point they were making
0:04:44 was not specific or it's not um you
0:04:47 don't require to reinterpret the Quran
0:04:49 through liberalism in order to make this
0:04:51 point you could make the same point
0:04:53 which is that Islam effectively has an
0:04:57 emancipatory discourse as we would know
0:05:00 already if you read the total ballad and
0:05:01 just are memos of the people in chapter
0:05:03 91 and what I have memorized this
0:05:05 chapter young people in the Muslim World
0:05:08 um
0:05:10 is the good way freeing slaves is the
0:05:13 good way so in other words if one is
0:05:16 saying that because this seems to be the
0:05:18 thrust of the argument that in order for
0:05:20 us to do away with slavery we have to
0:05:21 embrace a new morality no because quite
0:05:24 frankly the Islamic or the quranic
0:05:26 message from the very beginning had a
0:05:28 very clear emancipatory discourse the
0:05:31 kind of so-called slavery that existed
0:05:33 then is nothing like what we're what
0:05:35 we're used to or you know in the West an
0:05:38 imagination or with racial slavery or
0:05:41 racism in general which is completely
0:05:43 outlawed in Islam you see because Islam
0:05:47 is the only ancient religion
0:05:49 that I know of which clearly
0:05:53 Outlaws racism
0:05:54 it's not in the Old Testament there's
0:05:56 not one verse in the Old Testament or in
0:05:59 the talmud or anything like that which
0:06:01 Outlaws racism effect to the contrary
0:06:03 there is you know this preferential
0:06:06 treatment that we're getting from the
0:06:07 tribe of Israel who God had to repent to
0:06:10 and lost to a wrestling match to the one
0:06:12 of the protagonists of and so on
0:06:14 Jacob no Islam as the the prophet told
0:06:19 us there is no superiority over a black
0:06:22 man over a white man or a white man or a
0:06:23 black man or an arable for a non-arab or
0:06:25 non-arable and Arab so I think it's very
0:06:27 important to make these points clear the
0:06:29 kind of slavery that people are talking
0:06:31 about which is morally uh totally
0:06:34 unacceptable is something that Islam had
0:06:37 nothing to do with in any time and the
0:06:39 prophet of Islam is completely absolved
0:06:41 from and the Quran is completely
0:06:43 absolved from we don't need the white
0:06:46 man who himself himself the white man
0:06:49 the liberal white man I'm not talking
0:06:51 about the color of your skin because
0:06:53 I've just said we don't believe in
0:06:54 racism we're talking about the
0:06:56 archetypal liberal white man
0:06:58 yes we don't need him to tell us what
0:07:00 morality is we don't need liberalism to
0:07:02 tell us that in fact we need you oh
0:07:05 liberalism you know torch bearers of
0:07:08 liberalism in order to know that slavery
0:07:10 is wrong because quite frankly slavery
0:07:12 coexisted with liberalism
0:07:15 think about when in America as a country
0:07:17 I think that woman was talking from when
0:07:20 it was outlawed as a constitutional
0:07:22 amendment I think the 13th Amendment in
0:07:24 America was in 1861 to 1865 when the
0:07:27 Civil War happened and as a result of it
0:07:30 slavery was outlawed but we know that
0:07:32 the founding fathers of America were
0:07:34 really
0:07:35 some of the main figures of liberalism
0:07:37 and all of them if not had slaves
0:07:39 themselves allowed it to happen
0:07:42 as you many of you will know that so
0:07:45 there's nothing intrinsic about
0:07:46 liberalism as an ideology
0:07:49 which for example to use this uh slavery
0:07:52 example that they gave without law or
0:07:54 without even Outlaw racism we know that
0:07:57 racism was something which existed uh in
0:08:00 fact justification was given uh Colonial
0:08:04 justification for racism even scientific
0:08:06 type Colonial justification so
0:08:09 this is a non-starter you have given us
0:08:11 no reason to switch Paradigm you've
0:08:14 given us no reason to go to liberalism
0:08:16 you have given us even your example was
0:08:18 a false example and unfortunately
0:08:21 unfortunately this is the pressure that
0:08:25 some people
0:08:26 you know have you know quite frankly in
0:08:29 the Muslim world have to go through but
0:08:30 because they came across very humbly I
0:08:32 don't want to put these people off I'll
0:08:34 say to this this lady young lady and to
0:08:36 the man uh
0:08:38 I'm saying to come back to
0:08:40 traditionalism come back to Quran come
0:08:42 back to the Sunnah come back to the
0:08:43 acquire of the salaf of the sayings of
0:08:46 the people of old come back to the
0:08:48 tradition come back because our
0:08:49 tradition as is not as rigid as you
0:08:52 think it is even the traditional
0:08:54 understanding of Islam is not as rigid
0:08:56 as you think it is I mentioned very
0:08:58 famously he said
0:09:02 if the situation gets very constrained
0:09:06 then the Sharia becomes very flexible
0:09:11 the opposite is true
0:09:13 when the situation becomes very flexible
0:09:15 then the share becomes more strict so we
0:09:18 have an inbuilt flexibility without the
0:09:20 within the credit scores this was
0:09:21 something understood with the early
0:09:23 people remember Shafi being one of them
0:09:25 so you don't need
0:09:27 you know white Colonial discourses or
0:09:29 dominant paradigms of the West in order
0:09:31 to really come to these conclusions we
0:09:34 don't need any anything outside of our
0:09:35 guidance you know
0:09:37 of the Quran Sunnah and hopefully this
0:09:39 convinces
0:09:41 hey you are you wasting your time on
0:09:44 social media again
0:09:52 establishing a Masjid to convey The
0:09:54 Message of Islam is one of the best
0:09:56 Deeds a Muslim can do there's a huge
0:09:59 need for it in Norway you know this and
0:10:01 I know this so that makes the Lord even
0:10:04 greater so give generously and Allah
0:10:06 azzawajal give you even more