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Andrew Tate vs Piers Morgan Reaction (2022-10-11)



Summary of Andrew Tate vs Piers Morgan Reaction

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:10:00

Andrew Tate cross-examines Piers Morgan about the supposed authority husbands have over their wives. Tate argues that there are certain circumstances where a man should be in charge of decision-making regarding his wife, and Piers Morgan does not seem to understand what he is talking about.

00:00:00 Piers Morgan cross-examines Andrew Tate about the supposed authority husbands have over their wives. Tate argues convincingly that there are certain circumstances where a man should be in charge of decision-making regarding his wife, and Piers Morgan does not seem to understand what he is talking about. There are legal consequences to a husband withholding support from a wife who has decided to withhold sexual favors from him.

  • 00:05:00 In Andrew Tate's YouTube video, he discusses how a woman can be working and the man still be spending money on her. Tate also discusses how Islamic principles differ from Western principles in regards to a woman keeping her own name and lineage. He then goes on to speak to Piers Morgan about his business interests, feminism, and libertarianism. Although some questions were asked and answered, Tate's overall presentation was seen as teary-eyed and disheveled.
  • 00:10:00 Andrew Tate discusses his beliefs in Islam and how it has helped him in difficult times. He also suggests that religion is the true path to success, and that followers of Muhammad should aspire to be the best leaders possible.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:02 how are you guys doing
0:00:05 I'm quickly going to do a review and
0:00:07 this is not really a planned review I
0:00:09 just watched this um
0:00:10 it was for me quite interesting and it
0:00:12 was a kind of call it cross-examination
0:00:16 from Piers Morgan and Andrew Tate and in
0:00:20 this uh
0:00:21 cross-examination I would say that Piers
0:00:24 Morgan really made a fool of himself
0:00:26 incessant Interruption uh embarrassing
0:00:30 insecurities on display I mean I
0:00:34 couldn't even hear the answers that
0:00:37 Andrew Tate was giving because Piers
0:00:40 Morgan was just so persistent
0:00:45 um persistent in his uh Interruption I I
0:00:49 have no idea how someone that is
0:00:51 involved in journalism for so long
0:00:54 can have such an amateurish approach
0:00:58 to
0:00:59 um cross-examination
0:01:01 but um there were some benefits that
0:01:04 came from it and the purpose of this
0:01:06 particular video is to go through some
0:01:09 of the discussions that took place
0:01:12 um which I found interesting not least
0:01:14 because actually some mention of Muslim
0:01:16 men and Islam and the Quran itself was
0:01:20 made in the video
0:01:23 I would say that the video was pretty
0:01:26 much
0:01:27 um cut down into three different
0:01:29 segments the first segment
0:01:31 they were talking about Authority
0:01:34 and Piers Morgan's position is that if
0:01:38 one says
0:01:39 that a man has or should have maybe some
0:01:44 level of authority over a woman
0:01:47 in a husband-wife relationship that this
0:01:50 is tantamount in his eyes to misogyny
0:01:54 to which I think uh Tay argued
0:01:58 impressively
0:02:00 though not impressively enough in my
0:02:03 opinion that actually there are
0:02:06 circumstances where in which a man is
0:02:08 expected to put forward Services of
0:02:10 protection
0:02:12 and if that is the case
0:02:14 and a man if he were to protect the
0:02:17 woman could put himself or his life in
0:02:20 danger then why he why shouldn't he be
0:02:24 uh if you like in charge of the decision
0:02:27 making uh regarding that particular
0:02:30 woman in these contexts and potentially
0:02:32 other contexts as well
0:02:35 um Piers Morgan seemed not to be able to
0:02:37 differentiate between two different
0:02:39 types of authority
0:02:40 uh what is referred to as moral
0:02:42 Authority and what is also referred to
0:02:45 as legal Authority
0:02:46 he keep he kept attempting to
0:02:50 conflate the two categories and in logic
0:02:53 this is all informal logic this is
0:02:55 referred to as a category mistake
0:02:57 fallacy this actually referred to as a
0:02:59 category mistake fallacy so both of them
0:03:02 were using the same words
0:03:04 but both of them were using it in
0:03:06 completely different ways
0:03:08 and when Tate was explaining to him what
0:03:11 he meant by the word Authority which is
0:03:13 a moral Authority
0:03:15 Piers Morgan didn't seem to actually
0:03:17 comprehend this point which is totally
0:03:20 embarrassing for someone of his age and
0:03:22 someone who's been in the industry as
0:03:24 long as him someone who we would assume
0:03:26 to be an educated man
0:03:28 secondly I think there's more to be said
0:03:31 in fact there can be consequences legal
0:03:35 consequences when I say legal here we're
0:03:37 speaking in the British context but we
0:03:39 might as well be speaking in any Western
0:03:41 context
0:03:42 that can be imposed on let's say a wife
0:03:46 if
0:03:48 obedience is inhibited or obscured
0:03:54 for example
0:03:55 if a woman is not fulfilling her sexual
0:04:00 rights in the I'm giving you an Islamic
0:04:02 paradigm from the Islamic Paradigm if
0:04:04 the woman doesn't fulfill her sexual
0:04:05 rights and she leaves a man
0:04:08 she withholds from the man sexually
0:04:11 the man is within his right not to
0:04:15 provide for that woman
0:04:16 and this is actually mentioned the books
0:04:18 of jurisprudence so in other words if
0:04:20 she is receiving a monthly stipend or if
0:04:24 she is getting money
0:04:26 from the man
0:04:28 that he doesn't need to provide that for
0:04:30 her anymore because
0:04:32 she has decided to withhold so he can
0:04:35 also decide to withhold
0:04:37 now this is legal because there's
0:04:40 nothing in the law that says that a man
0:04:43 has to give a woman money
0:04:45 there's nothing in the law at all this
0:04:47 doesn't include of course the children
0:04:48 the children are separate
0:04:51 uh unit of analysis
0:04:54 but what I am saying is that there are
0:04:55 consequences
0:04:56 so even from a legal Paradigm Authority
0:05:00 can be manifest from a man to a woman
0:05:05 um in ways which are monetary now one
0:05:08 can argue what about the woman is
0:05:09 working already
0:05:10 well in the Islamic Paradigm even if the
0:05:12 woman is working the man should be
0:05:14 spending for the woman in the household
0:05:17 and so she would still be losing her
0:05:20 monetarily for them so Authority can be
0:05:23 manifest
0:05:25 the example that Tate gave about you
0:05:28 know locking her in the room and so on
0:05:30 this is something which we don't believe
0:05:32 in anyway as Muslims
0:05:35 so that's the first thing I will say the
0:05:37 second conversation they had and I think
0:05:39 here
0:05:40 Tate should be a little bit more
0:05:41 introspective and self-reflective
0:05:44 is where he referred to women as
0:05:46 property
0:05:47 and then he actually invoked the Quran
0:05:49 and the Bible
0:05:51 and said that this is mentioned the
0:05:52 Quran you can go back to the Quran and
0:05:54 paraphrasing or go back to the Bible or
0:05:56 something like this
0:05:57 well is this is actually a
0:05:59 misrepresentation
0:06:00 especially of the Quran there is nothing
0:06:02 like that in the Quran at all
0:06:05 and giving the example of a woman taking
0:06:07 us the second name of the man
0:06:10 that's not actually an Islamic principle
0:06:13 for example and since Islam came into
0:06:15 the picture it's important that this
0:06:17 clarification is made a woman keeps her
0:06:19 own name on the Islamic Paradigm why
0:06:22 because Islam came to protect five
0:06:23 things and five things and lineage is
0:06:25 one of them and that is for men and for
0:06:27 women
0:06:28 so I thought I thought that that
0:06:30 particular segment uh wasn't well
0:06:33 presented and I think he should take
0:06:34 responsibility for that
0:06:37 and considering the facts and I think
0:06:39 Morgan should have mentioned this that
0:06:42 his his business interests takes
0:06:44 business interests has been providing
0:06:48 um you know I don't know what it is
0:06:49 website Services sexual Services
0:06:51 webcam sexual services and stuff like
0:06:54 that
0:06:55 uh the the idea of mentioning women as
0:06:58 property I think is person to be honest
0:07:00 with you I think it is objectifying and
0:07:03 it is problematic and I think his
0:07:05 invocation of religion is problematic as
0:07:07 well he has no right to mention the
0:07:09 Quran he has no right to mention the
0:07:11 Bible in these things
0:07:14 uh thirdly I think um so that that's
0:07:17 really the two main segments then there
0:07:18 was a discussion about depression
0:07:20 uh I think that appears in a very poor
0:07:22 job there as well
0:07:24 um he could have once again he could
0:07:26 have done it you know asked some more
0:07:28 pressing questions
0:07:29 but what I will say is that to be honest
0:07:33 this Aura of invincibility that Andrew
0:07:35 Tate wants to
0:07:37 to manifest in the public sphere now
0:07:39 that is the the mask the faux mask of
0:07:42 invincibility uh is is clearly starting
0:07:45 to drop and to be honest with you I
0:07:47 don't even know why Tate went and spoke
0:07:49 to Piers Morgan in the first place his
0:07:50 agenda is very clear his tactics are
0:07:53 very well known
0:07:54 um he actually is known to distort
0:07:56 information before he puts it on public
0:07:59 he never he never wants a structure
0:08:02 which is a balanced in other words where
0:08:04 he himself is being interrogated as well
0:08:07 as being the interrogator he he has
0:08:09 never engaged in a public debate
0:08:12 he would prefer this to be the
0:08:14 interrogator and so this individual
0:08:17 um going on to his program I think was a
0:08:19 mistake especially considering the fact
0:08:22 that you know usually take where's his
0:08:23 sunglasses and the fact that you know
0:08:26 the the light was bouncing off his eyes
0:08:28 it seemed like it was a little bit
0:08:29 teary-eyed it seemed like it was a
0:08:31 little bit disheveled at times there was
0:08:33 no need for it at all
0:08:35 ah
0:08:37 in Islam there is a saying which is
0:08:44 the prophetic saying is that the upper
0:08:46 hand is better than the lower hand in
0:08:48 other words don't put yourself in a
0:08:50 position where you know
0:08:52 that the odds are against you you're
0:08:55 putting yourself in a disadvantageous
0:08:57 position by letting a man who is known
0:09:00 for his
0:09:03 incessant interrogation not allowing you
0:09:06 to finish Distortion of material to
0:09:09 speak to you the way he did with no
0:09:11 respect at all
0:09:14 and I think it shows some weakness and
0:09:17 tight because there were questions that
0:09:19 he asked which I was shocked at the the
0:09:22 response that Tate provided when he
0:09:24 asked for example are you a feminist
0:09:26 why couldn't you just offer him a
0:09:28 response and say no
0:09:30 we saw a new kind of
0:09:33 apologetic side of you which is
0:09:36 completely off-brand something which we
0:09:38 don't expect number one number two
0:09:42 you actually declared I think for the I
0:09:45 don't know I haven't been watching your
0:09:46 videos but you declare that you're a
0:09:47 libertarian
0:09:48 and your whole from what I understand
0:09:51 your whole thing
0:09:53 is about coming outside of the Matrix
0:09:55 now mentioning libertarian
0:09:57 that you're a Libertarian which you know
0:10:00 was
0:10:01 predicated on the liberal ethic liberal
0:10:05 you know political liberalism or
0:10:07 philosophical philosophical liberalism
0:10:10 to mention that you're a Libertarian
0:10:12 you're telling us that you're well
0:10:14 within the Matrix here
0:10:15 so what I will say to Tate is that
0:10:19 the way to really come out of the Matrix
0:10:22 as it were is not to be a Libertarian in
0:10:25 fact that's the dominant ethic that's
0:10:27 exactly what everyone wants us to be
0:10:30 but it's to be
0:10:32 the religion which I think you know is
0:10:35 true deep down
0:10:37 which is a Muslim to believe in one God
0:10:39 and to Worship in one God
0:10:41 to
0:10:42 to do God's work and what I mean by that
0:10:46 is to follow God's laws his legislation
0:10:49 and so on
0:10:51 uh and and to follow the Prophet
0:10:54 Muhammad
0:10:57 because you know what it is and I'll say
0:10:59 this and it'll be the last thing I say
0:11:01 it's really interesting
0:11:04 that the prophet Muhammad he went
0:11:06 through what he went through in life
0:11:07 people don't know that all of his
0:11:09 children
0:11:10 save one child which is Fatima died in
0:11:12 his own time
0:11:14 he was the person his wife died he went
0:11:16 through heartbreak after heartbreak and
0:11:18 uh you know his uncles died his closest
0:11:21 the closest people to him died
0:11:23 uh he went through Wars over 20 Wars he
0:11:27 participated in himself he had nine
0:11:30 wives at one time he was running a state
0:11:32 doing wars managing nine wives at one
0:11:35 time all of these things are incredible
0:11:37 things about a prophet Muhammad the
0:11:40 final prophet and it's itself I would
0:11:42 say is an evidence for his prophethood
0:11:44 following a man like that okay
0:11:47 who in the most difficult times is able
0:11:50 to persevere is able to to direct people
0:11:54 to be a the best leader you know who
0:11:57 we're mentioning a thousand four hundred
0:11:59 years after his death which will is way
0:12:01 more than we're going to say about any
0:12:03 of us okay
0:12:05 that's
0:12:07 that is true
0:12:08 uh religion okay that is the true
0:12:11 religion and that is a true
0:12:13 you will really succeed from from doing
0:12:15 these things
0:12:16 so that's all I have to say about that
0:12:18 and um hopefully we'll see each other
0:12:22 soon and assalamu alaikum