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106 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-08-21)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

106 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI



سورة _المائدة

Summary of 106 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the punishment for theft in Islam. He points out that the punishment is not only a deterrent, but also a punishment that is severe and usually lasts for life. He also notes that this punishment is not only for the purpose of deterring future theft, but also for external access, such as when someone steals from someone else without justification. Finally, he points out that this punishment is not only found in Islam, but is also found in other religions.

00:00:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the punishment for theft in Islam. He points out that the punishment is not only a deterrent, but also a punishment that is severe and usually lasts for life. He also notes that this punishment is not only for the purpose of deterring future theft, but also for external access, such as when someone steals from someone else without justification. Finally, he points out that this punishment is not only found in Islam, but is also found in other religions.

  • 00:05:00 advises against punishment, especially the prescribed punishment of cutting the hand of the thief or cutting or execution crucifixion and cutting hand and leg across. explains that this is a matter of certainty, not just reasonable doubt, and that it is important to establish this condition with absolute certainty before applying punishment. also discusses the story of a thief who was apprehended and released with the help of a respected Tabirn.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses the classification of theft, particularly in relation to the case of a woman who borrowed utensils from a friend, but later denied that she stole anything. According to the speaker, this woman's theft would be classified as theft by the actual taking of the item, rather than just the taking of something from a thief. This is because the woman's action of borrowing the utensils placed her in a position of trust, and therefore she is liable for theft if she does not return the items. This punishment should be administered as well as the punishment of exclusion from public office for life or a sufficiently long time.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the different punishments that can befall someone who commits theft, and clarifies that while the punishment of cutting off a hand may seem severe, it is not actually a theft because it is not punishable as such. It goes on to say that repentance is an important step in reducing the punishment an individual may receive, and that those who transgress often do so because they are unaware of the consequences of their actions.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the severe punishments that may be inflicted on those who commit a sin, including the possibility of death. It also points out that these punishments are enacted by God, the king of the heavens and earth, and that anyone who is tempted to evil will not be able to prevail against God in His own behalf.
  • 00:25:00
  • 00:30:00 discusses a story from the Old Testament in which two jews were punished for adultery by being carried on a donkey with black and face around. He says that this story is not correct, as it happened after Muhammad had come to Medina. He then goes on to say that the abbas who contacted Muhammad about the issue were not believers, but that most likely Muhammad would judge in their favor.
  • 00:35:00 Discusses the events that led up to the condemnation of ruling by Abdullah ibn Umar (may Allah be pleased with him). Abdullah ibn Umar thought that the reason for the revelation of Surat Al Ma'idah was because of the incident of the kamikaze, but he was wrong. The Ayah that he interpreted as referring to ruling is actually general and applies to all humans. Abdullah ibn Umar's misunderstanding led to him and others coming to false conclusions about their belief in the Torah and their belief in justice.
  • 00:40:00 provides a translation of Surah Al Ma'idah from Arabic to English and Professor Dr. Muhammad al Massari's commentary on the verses. al Massari notes that the verses speak about the holy scriptures, the Torah and the Gospel, and discusses how the prophets, rabbis, and scholars all used judgment to determine what was best for those who followed them. He points out that those who do not follow what has been revealed are "deniers of truth" and "catholic," and that they will be punished accordingly. al Massari then provides an introduction to the second part of the video, in which he discusses how the quran commands believers to judge fairly according to all that has been revealed. He notes that those who do not do so are "deniers of truth" and "mushriks," or unbelievers.
  • 00:45:00 Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the inconsistencies found in the Quran, specifically Surat Al Ma'idah. He notes that some verses contain guidance and light, while other verses are silly. He also points out that, although the Quran is the complete and final revelation from God, it may contain additions and fabrications due to the human nature of the prophets who were responsible for it. Ultimately, Professor Dr. MASSARI believes that what is in our hands now cannot be read in full, as it is outdated and unnecessary. He recommends that, if we are concerned about the validity of the Quran, we focus on its overall meaning and message, rather than analyzing individual verses.
  • 00:50:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the importance of the life for life principle in Islam, and how it applies to cases of murder and unintentional injury. He also discusses the abrogation of the life for life principle in later revelations, and how this has led to further development of the principle.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses the difference between the two ayahs in Surat Al Ma'idah, which some scholars claim are for different groups of people. The first ayah is for those who have rejected Allah, while the second is for those who have faith but misapply it. The streamlight of the quran does not warrant ruling in this way, as it is not an executive act.


discusses the various changes that took place in regards to Islamic law during the time of Muhammad, with a focus on the importance of accurate knowledge and understanding of the Quran and Sunnah. It also provides examples of how incorrect interpretations of the Quran can lead to trouble.

01:00:00 Discusses the various changes that took place in regards to Islamic law during the time of Muhammad. One of the most significant changes was the abolition of sacrifice, which freed the Jews from a practice that was seen as burdensome. Other changes included the easing of restrictions on circumcision, the removal of prohibitions on certain practices, and the confirmation of the Torah. The coming of Muhammad was also confirmed as the coming of the Kingdom of God, which would be dominated by Islamic law. This would be a time of peace and benevolence for all people, as opposed to the previous times of violence.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses the difference between the meanings of the Arabic word "fisk" (cover). Fisk can either mean "a minor cover" or "a rebellion." points out that the second meaning is more likely, as it is used to describe someone who is "rebellious and arrogant" in one place, and "knowing" that they are sacrificing a person "for a secondary meaning." concludes that those who do not judge according to what God has bestowed from on high are "rebellious" and "disobeying."
  • 01:10:00 Discusses the different concepts of kufr and mushrikeen (disbelievers and polytheists) in Islam and how they apply to individuals. It goes on to discuss the case of Adam al-Ibrahim, who the Quran says was disobedient but still deserving of forgiveness. argues that the first ayah (verse) of the Quran, which is about Adam, should be interpreted as rejecting rebellion and instead promoting obedience, while the second verse, about rejecting unjust rulers, should be interpreted as promoting justice. also points out that the idea of rebellion being a punishable sin is not found in the Quran, and instead is found in hadith collections.
  • 01:15:00 The professor discusses how the Qur'an deals with those who rebel against their own nations, and how those who do so deserve to be punished. He also discusses the idea that a ruler may have to make an injunction against rebellion in order to keep his people safe.
  • 01:20:00 explains that the majority of scholars in Islam are not in positions of power, and that this reality is the "bitter reality" that Muslims must live with. He goes on to say that the title of "alim" should be given only to those who have achieved true knowledge, and that most African scholars do not meet this criterion. advises Muslims to be careful about what they say, and to respect their own limitations.
  • 01:25:00 Muslims should not rely on outward appearances to judge a person's piety, and that a ruler who commits killikov (killing people without justification) is not fit to rule. also discusses the historical examples of people who have refused to submit to a ruler who commits killikov, and explains why they do so.
  • 01:30:00 provides an introduction to the scholar, Dr. Muhammad Al Massari, and his work on tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah. Dr. Al Massari explains that the revelation from God is hierarchical and that it confirms, controls, and overrules earlier revelations. He also points out that the translator of the Quran, Abbas, did not follow the teachings of Muhammad as closely as he should have, causing confusion among Muslims. ends with a discussion of the importance of following God's commandments, regardless of what earlier revelations one may adhere to.
  • 01:35:00 Discusses the obligation of Muslims to follow the Quran and Sunnah, and how different stages of life require different Shariah rulings. It also provides an example of how an overly soft approach to a ruler can lead to trouble.
  • 01:40:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the verse in Surat Al Ma'idah where Allah says that the punishment for theft is cutting off the hand of the thief. According to AL MASSARI, the meaning of the verse is that theft is a crime that deserves to be punished with physical punishment. However, he points out that this does not mean that the Prophet Muhammad actually enjoyed administering physical punishment, as he did it only when it was necessary.
  • 01:45:00 The professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the ayah "And He will tell you why disagree and how the agreement has happened and settled their scores." He explains that this agreement is based on honesty and that it is important to have knowledge and understanding of the revelation in order to be able to agree or disagree with it.
  • 01:50:00 Discusses the importance of judging between people according to what God has revealed to them, and warns against following the whims of non-Muslims. It argues that even if a Muslim ruler rules based on God's directives, they still have the right to turn away from them if they are unjust or sinful.
  • 01:55:00 Discusses the importance of following the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and how following these guidelines will protect Muslims from going astray. It also discusses the importance of having accurate knowledge of Islamic law, and how following it will protect Muslims from making wrong decisions.


Dr. Muhammad Ali Massari discusses his upcoming presentation on Quranic studies at a local mosque. He also mentions his plans to teach swordfighting, Hadith, and Islamic law at the mosque.

02:00:00 explains that there is a difference of opinion among scholars regarding the authenticity of a hadith which says "A Muslim is not allowed to divorce his wife except for marital reasons." points out that this hadith is not authentic and is not based on any reliable evidence.

  • 02:05:00 discusses how some scholars are too egocentric and stubborn in their beliefs, hindering their ability to be objective and lead effectively. He encourages others to be courageous and independent in their scholarship, and to use their knowledge to make changes in the world.
  • 02:10:00
  • 02:15:00 The professor discusses the Islamic State's treatment of illegal immigrants, as well as the role of revelation in understanding Muhammad's teachings. He believes that Muhammad was a true messenger of Allah, and that the Islamic State is wrong to consider him a warlord and highway robber.
  • 02:20:00 Discusses the Islamic concept of immigration and its relation to the Islamic state. It explains that, while the Islamic state is meant to be an immigration domain, it is not possible for all Muslims to be part of it due to ideological differences. It then goes on to discuss the current situation in Europe, where nationalism and racism have led to the rise of far-right groups. concludes with a discussion of the Islamic concept of immigration and its relation to the Islamic state.
  • 02:25:00 Discusses the difference between Islamic authorities and national governments, and how an illegal muslim entering an Islamic authority may have a better chance at salvation than a muslim who enters a national government.
  • 02:30:00 The professor discusses the Islamic ruling on immigration, focusing on Surat Al Ma'idah. He states that all Islamic rulings apply to immigrants who have entered into a covenant with Muslims, and that they have an obligation to accept them. He also notes that if someone is coming to the Muslim world in order to do jihad, they are exempt from immigration rules. If a Muslim is seeking to immigrate to a "civilized" country, they must first obey the laws of that country. However, if the country the Muslim is seeking to immigrate to is violating human rights, they are allowed to cross the border illegally. The professor goes on to say that the current wave of mass economic immigration to the West is a result of Western exploitation of the rest of the world, and that it is illegitimate in Islam. He concludes the video by saying that Muslims must be careful to distinguish between legitimate and illegitimate dawah (propagation of Islam).
  • 02:35:00 Dr. Muhammad Ali Massari discusses his upcoming presentation on Quranic studies at a local mosque. He also mentions his plans to teach swordfighting, Hadith, and Islamic law at the mosque.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 muscle
0:00:01 these episodes are broadcast
0:00:21 Music
0:00:49 Music
0:00:55 i think everyone should mute because i
0:00:56 think i was hearing something in the
0:00:57 background
0:00:59 some of the people were not muting
0:01:01 please mute
0:01:02 yeah
0:01:04 uh
0:01:05 i we start with the ayah we finished
0:01:08 yeah we finished the issue of people do
0:01:10 a waging war
0:01:29 Music
0:01:39 one and um
0:01:40 now as for the man who steals and the
0:01:42 woman who steals cut off the hand of
0:01:45 either of them requital for what they
0:01:46 have wrought as a deterrent
0:01:49 ordained by god for god is almighty wise
0:01:52 next translation as for the men and
0:01:54 women who still cut off their hands as
0:01:56 punishment for what they have done it is
0:01:58 a deterrent ordered by god god is
0:02:00 almighty and wise
0:02:04 it's not only a descent also a
0:02:05 punishment also severe punishment for
0:02:07 allah says not only for the terrorist
0:02:09 purposes but also other
0:02:12 external access so to say allah is
0:02:14 taking revenge on them because they have
0:02:15 trust against this limitation
0:02:17 of
0:02:19 the protection
0:02:20 of other people property who should not
0:02:22 be
0:02:23 stolen
0:02:24 and now this is very clear obviously i'm
0:02:27 not going to discuss
0:02:29 the with a western liberal point of view
0:02:32 about so-called
0:02:33 unusual and cruel punishment we just
0:02:35 discount that that's not worthy of
0:02:37 discussion because this is seems to be
0:02:39 clearly depending upon
0:02:41 upon development of taste and level of
0:02:44 civilization or level of the cadence of
0:02:46 certain nations or certain cultures
0:02:48 because for example a few centuries ago
0:02:51 they had punishment in europe for
0:02:53 example in england like quartering like
0:02:55 pulling someone between four horses and
0:02:57 dividing them in four pieces and they
0:02:59 regarded it as not unusual and not crude
0:03:02 so
0:03:03 if we go by taste and these things will
0:03:05 not get anywhere
0:03:06 and the best for this is to refer to the
0:03:08 revelation see someone may argue say
0:03:10 that cutting the hand of the thief make
0:03:12 him an unproductive person of the
0:03:13 society etc that's also like
0:03:16 i remember when i arrived here in
0:03:19 in the 90s some socialists wanted to
0:03:21 support our movement as one that said we
0:03:24 we are objecting to these punishments
0:03:25 islamic punishments
0:03:27 and we would like to support you in the
0:03:29 case you apologize thank you very much
0:03:31 no don't need your
0:03:32 support
0:03:33 first of all secondly if it's
0:03:35 conditional that is even further
0:03:37 and
0:03:38 the fact that you say if you cut the
0:03:39 hand of the thieves they become
0:03:40 unproductive mercer of society and
0:03:42 that's your your point of view and your
0:03:45 value of the situation based on maybe a
0:03:47 normal view of the reality but if this
0:03:49 is the revelation it's the same thing we
0:03:51 have assumed this quran is a revelation
0:03:53 then it's from the one who is the
0:03:54 complete and what is the view of the
0:03:55 real reality so this consideration must
0:03:58 have been obviously taken into
0:04:01 consideration and regarded as minor so
0:04:03 this punishment is the suitable one
0:04:05 which deters
0:04:06 uh from now obviously this punishment
0:04:09 has to be administered
0:04:10 according to um islamic law or necessary
0:04:13 witnesses the necessary evidences and
0:04:16 also the absence of any mitigating
0:04:19 condition like for example any doubt
0:04:20 that the one who committed the theft is
0:04:23 in need of sustenance for life or
0:04:25 something like that secondly they're not
0:04:28 existing they were famine some people
0:04:29 argue that omar abolished this had in uh
0:04:32 some abolishment uh people abolishment
0:04:35 of had told him now this had uh should
0:04:37 not be administered and everyone is fed
0:04:39 properly and so on and they rely on omar
0:04:42 that he they claim that these had are
0:04:44 not mandatory that omar did abolish this
0:04:47 had in the time of famine
0:04:49 uh because the conditions are not right
0:04:51 until that's not that islam would
0:04:53 abolish that most like we don't
0:05:07 avoid the punishment especially the
0:05:10 prescribed punishment like this cutting
0:05:11 the hand of the thief or cutting
0:05:14 or execution crucifixion and cutting
0:05:16 hand and leg across for the those wage
0:05:19 war and violent crimes
0:05:21 is
0:05:25 it must be the the issue must be
0:05:27 established with the with absolute
0:05:29 certainty not only that reasonable doubt
0:05:32 any doubt that the condition are fitting
0:05:34 to a person or that person is the one
0:05:36 who committed the crime or any reason
0:05:38 for example someone would be hungry and
0:05:40 things like that or any reason to not to
0:05:42 classify it as a theft like for example
0:05:44 if you if you if someone steals from
0:05:47 from a house or should the door is over
0:05:49 not locked then obviously that's not the
0:05:52 the theft
0:05:54 meant because you have to lock your
0:05:56 house to make it sufficiently protected
0:05:59 so that the the thief will have to to do
0:06:02 stealth method and pre-trade really
0:06:04 with skills to to steal so he has
0:06:06 sufficient time to think but if the
0:06:08 doors open someone come in and pick up
0:06:10 some luggage or pick up some some some
0:06:12 food or something like that
0:06:14 then if someone steals for for example
0:06:17 in a
0:06:18 stealing so-called stealing or taking
0:06:20 from open or open orchards and gardens
0:06:24 is not punishable by cutting the hand
0:06:25 because they are open and available and
0:06:27 there's also the doubt that their
0:06:29 motivation is is hunger for example and
0:06:32 things like that but it is all detailed
0:06:34 in the book of under various discussion
0:06:36 by various scholars or whatever what but
0:06:38 the fundamental principle is that israel
0:06:42 do not administer punishment and there
0:06:44 is any doubt any subha any even
0:06:47 point of possible consideration that the
0:06:49 hat doesn't should not be applied
0:06:51 applied if that's all done with the
0:06:53 proper safeguards
0:06:54 and the proper judicial system will
0:06:56 produce a problem for our government
0:06:58 system then it will be an extra
0:07:00 deterrent and it will uh it will
0:07:04 manage
0:07:05 to manage the the
0:07:08 the society much better than any other
0:07:10 system
0:07:12 but also
0:07:13 the one who has been stolen from uh if
0:07:16 we apprehend the thief that he has still
0:07:18 the opportunity before for filing it in
0:07:20 in in the authority uh to forgive and
0:07:23 let him go and that happened was the
0:07:24 type of sahaba but not after filing
0:07:27 after filing it become a record in
0:07:29 public record then there is no way to
0:07:31 forgive so there is also
0:07:33 another in the injunction
0:07:38 whatever had reached me
0:07:40 or forgive each other
0:07:42 in between yourself because anything
0:07:44 reached me as as as a public authority
0:07:48 than i am i am obliged to execute i
0:07:50 cannot forgive anymore that's finished
0:07:53 the moment is there any
0:07:55 any any application of forgiveness or
0:07:57 something like that or any intercession
0:07:59 is is a criminal act it's not allowed so
0:08:02 the people should do that between
0:08:04 themselves as much as possible forgive
0:08:06 these things and settle between
0:08:07 themselves society should be managing
0:08:09 itself on the principles of of
0:08:12 accommodation and mercy as much as
0:08:14 possible
0:08:15 and
0:08:17 there's an interesting story that uh
0:08:19 someone apprehended a thief
0:08:22 and uh
0:08:23 uh
0:08:27 quite difficult character and who was
0:08:29 known to be a lifebeater and so on and
0:08:31 even abbas they were standing and they
0:08:33 interceded for him and uh asked the man
0:08:35 to release him so no no i will first
0:08:37 reach the other side if you release
0:08:38 authority then you cannot intercede and
0:08:40 everyone who in this league will be
0:08:42 cursed and the man was persuaded to let
0:08:44 him go
0:08:45 and then one president
0:08:47 Music
0:08:49 one of the tabirin who did not have
0:08:51 really this high morality of the sahaba
0:08:53 despite of some of them of tough
0:08:55 character like azerbaijan he said you
0:08:57 did not do well
0:08:58 by by getting a thief released from the
0:09:00 punishment and you say
0:09:02 you may you may lose your mother if you
0:09:05 were in his place you would have loved
0:09:06 to be released so you are not thinking
0:09:08 the other one the same you would love
0:09:10 for yourself you would have relieved to
0:09:13 be released and the message of allah
0:09:15 said and they measured the story that
0:09:17 forgive the
0:09:19 punishment between yourself as much as
0:09:20 possible but the moment there is the
0:09:22 authority that's it
0:09:24 that's
0:09:28 gameplay marks about that but uh
0:09:32 that's clear when all the conditions are
0:09:34 fulfilled and there's no absolutely no
0:09:35 doubt that this one has committed the
0:09:37 theft order but this does not only only
0:09:39 for them because the only time a hand
0:09:40 was actually several times hands were
0:09:43 cut at a time for the couple of times
0:09:47 one
0:09:48 one of them is actually not not a
0:09:50 classical theft it is actually uh
0:09:52 breaking the trust further the woman was
0:09:55 under the famous hadith in bukhari oman
0:09:57 was borrowing utensils from the
0:09:59 neighbors
0:10:00 and then
0:10:02 denying that she has borrowed and yeah
0:10:04 this is jack says i have nothing to do
0:10:06 for you i did not and and uh and this is
0:10:09 also classified by theft by the actual
0:10:11 salam so theft is not only not only
0:10:13 taking from from uh like from like
0:10:16 pickpockets or stealing from a house
0:10:18 just distinguish with the theft and
0:10:20 robbery by force robbery by force is an
0:10:22 act of war that caused the previous iron
0:10:25 that would be then execution or
0:10:26 crucifixion or crossing or cutting hand
0:10:29 for a leg across
0:10:30 so this is done only steals if it's not
0:10:33 still done by under a gun point this is
0:10:36 an act of war that's the zombie gear you
0:10:37 know that's where but this one
0:10:40 is unfortunately ignored by many
0:10:42 scholars that because
0:10:44 somehow they they chose to close their
0:10:46 eyes about this because this woman did
0:10:47 not steal
0:10:49 although that had he said she said what
0:10:51 was her theft is that she borrowed
0:10:53 utensils like a pot or something like
0:10:55 that oh yeah there's a minimum amount so
0:10:56 if uh pretty things there's no cut and
0:10:59 pity things even if it's a theft
0:11:01 but uh like a friends like a pot luckily
0:11:04 like let's say as uh
0:11:05 as a steam pot a steamboat
0:11:08 or a
0:11:09 pressure cooker oh this is this is like
0:11:11 an expensive returns it goes in the
0:11:13 especially if it is of good quality it
0:11:15 goes in the hundreds of pounds and
0:11:17 that's definitely
0:11:18 above the quarter dinar which most
0:11:20 scholar agree that it is the minimum
0:11:22 under which it's regarded as pity and
0:11:24 not worth cutting
0:11:26 and she borrows and then denies that she
0:11:28 has more than anything so this was
0:11:30 classified as that theft and i think
0:11:32 also if you analyze that probably the
0:11:34 story of this uh
0:11:36 zombie woman in which
0:11:38 osama i mean uh which was very beloved
0:11:41 with the prophet
0:11:42 who tried to intercede that russia
0:11:44 rebuked him harshly for his intercession
0:11:46 saying if are you going to intercede in
0:11:48 the head of allah that will will destroy
0:11:51 nations if they intercede in ahad which
0:11:53 has reached the authority as you say it
0:11:54 has here before not after
0:11:57 and
0:11:58 this uh
0:12:00 this if it's applied probably it is also
0:12:02 because if the moment she received the
0:12:04 things she has the the item which
0:12:05 received in here and her
0:12:07 in her hand as a trust she is in trust
0:12:10 to keep that entertainment back
0:12:12 but if you look at that unless probably
0:12:14 the same apply for people who are taking
0:12:15 the public treasury although
0:12:18 unfortunately most scholars did not
0:12:20 apply that to that and
0:12:22 they they sneaked away but there is a
0:12:24 possibility that the one who takes the
0:12:26 public strategy maybe may think he is
0:12:28 entitled to take from it uh
0:12:31 because he is a public authority and he
0:12:33 has the right to spend from it to
0:12:34 whatever he thinks is about but it's
0:12:36 clear that you can't find cases or
0:12:38 someone taking public treasury in his
0:12:40 own pocket
0:12:41 he's not allowed to do that definitely
0:12:43 that's a theft because this is giving
0:12:45 him in trust that he can give other
0:12:46 people that he can maybe buy loyalty
0:12:49 over foreign governments by giving them
0:12:51 money or or
0:12:53 buying their bonds or something like
0:12:54 that just to keep them obey and protect
0:12:56 the islamic domain that's very clear
0:12:59 that this is within within his authority
0:13:01 but taking just plainly and put in his
0:13:03 pocket which kind of justification for
0:13:06 that what belongs to i think this should
0:13:08 be also classified as death as theft in
0:13:11 the future government isil islamic
0:13:13 government and anyone taking the public
0:13:15 surgery in his own pocket uh
0:13:17 whatever it is being entrusted to him
0:13:19 he's breaking the trust and taking from
0:13:21 a protected money because his hands is
0:13:24 the hand of trust he's supposed to be
0:13:25 the protector instead he is he become he
0:13:28 can become a thief so these are this is
0:13:31 really theft and also it should be this
0:13:33 punishment should be administered
0:13:34 obviously beside the punishment
0:13:37 of administering the punishment
0:13:38 exclusion from public office for life or
0:13:41 for
0:13:42 a sufficiently long time
0:13:44 i don't think someone who has been has
0:13:46 had been cut because he said he stole
0:13:48 from public treasury will be
0:13:50 will be uh would be they usually argue
0:13:53 that this is this taking from the
0:13:55 objectives
0:13:57 like taking from uh from the
0:13:59 from the bhuti before time is
0:14:01 distributed but taken from the bodhipod
0:14:03 has been distributed because you have a
0:14:05 certain chair in the booty you have a
0:14:07 certain shade in the body which is not
0:14:08 determined yet you are not allowed to
0:14:10 take
0:14:11 because it's not clear if you have taken
0:14:13 your share and has been divided properly
0:14:15 by the appropriate authority but this is
0:14:17 not what in the public system there will
0:14:18 be already the public treasury allocated
0:14:20 for example like a budget title archaic
0:14:23 devastation project definitely have no
0:14:25 sharing there because your sharing there
0:14:27 is
0:14:28 when the when the project is completed
0:14:30 you use the roads that's all you share
0:14:32 there or if there is any share from what
0:14:35 collected taxes that share is coming to
0:14:37 you as a salary in your pocket so that's
0:14:39 it that's not like in the case of uh
0:14:42 actual
0:14:43 case of wage war against the enemy and
0:14:44 having them having a booty which they
0:14:47 still have to be divided between the
0:14:48 warriors that's not the case so it's not
0:14:51 taking public figure is definitely a
0:14:52 rule because it's public money should be
0:14:55 divided by the bill probably but it
0:14:56 cannot be applying applying the ruling
0:14:59 that the one who does rule uh have no uh
0:15:02 no no punishment of theft
0:15:04 uh because it is not theft there because
0:15:06 definitely is not the fair because
0:15:08 there's the shuba there's the
0:15:09 possibility that he has a share there or
0:15:11 maybe he takes less than the share both
0:15:13 of his chair so this is enough to defray
0:15:15 the head
0:15:16 so the fact that the
0:15:18 from the from the from the booty
0:15:21 is not punishing by cutting the hand
0:15:23 does not undermine the issue that from
0:15:25 the public treasury when things have
0:15:27 collected already are allocated
0:15:29 according to the budget titles
0:15:31 cannot be punished as as someone taking
0:15:33 from that one
0:15:36 for his own account or his own
0:15:39 is of his own
0:15:41 pocket uh cannot be classified as theft
0:15:44 so this has to be studied
0:15:46 to be
0:15:48 studied and developed in the future
0:15:50 inshallah but these are fine points of
0:15:52 the law which we don't want to get stuck
0:15:53 in but i believe family that is taken
0:15:56 from the public treasury not lie is not
0:15:58 is it all definitely
0:16:00 but it is not
0:16:02 it is not a gulu like from the booty
0:16:03 which has is not punishable as theft
0:16:06 this one can be
0:16:07 very really scrutinized analyzed to be a
0:16:10 theft exactly like that
0:16:12 woman who
0:16:13 borrowed utensils and denied that she
0:16:15 has bought and claimed as my own my own
0:16:18 ownership so betraying the trust which
0:16:20 has been given here and so here her hand
0:16:22 is a hand of trust now and she should
0:16:23 protecting not sleeping the same apply
0:16:26 for the public treasury
0:16:28 not exactly for the bhuti because the
0:16:31 the
0:16:31 of that
0:16:33 the one the warrior who took from the
0:16:34 woody may have a share in it that's
0:16:37 enough to defray that the head of god
0:16:39 does not mean that he's not punishable
0:16:40 other punishment he can be punished he
0:16:42 can be deprived from his of the renima
0:16:44 he can be may be flogged and things like
0:16:46 that and there are various narrative
0:16:49 things about that but
0:16:51 uh
0:16:51 it is not technically a theft in the
0:16:53 sense that a hand can and should be cut
0:16:56 in this situation
0:16:58 so that's that's uh just a quick summary
0:17:00 about israel i said
0:17:02 are usually the panel code is a very
0:17:04 complex and very deep underneath three
0:17:06 has to do extensive scholarly but this
0:17:08 is the headlines the headlines are
0:17:10 enough for anyone any muslim the details
0:17:13 should be developed by the fukaha in a
0:17:14 sincere and proper way and adopted by
0:17:17 the state according to the best
0:17:18 evidences and the discussion of the
0:17:20 surah council and the
0:17:23 national assemblies and things like that
0:17:26 so
0:17:28 then we have then after that there's
0:17:30 opportunity of repentance by dalic
0:17:33 like this woman she repented after that
0:17:35 and then
0:17:36 she used to come to the prophet and ask
0:17:38 for everything and he used to be
0:17:39 treating her very nicely
0:17:52 to surrender before apprehended if you
0:17:54 are apprehended and the punishment is
0:17:56 administered
0:17:58 then this administration of punishment
0:18:00 there is not enough to remove the sin
0:18:02 that's that that's the situation because
0:18:04 the quran says they have severe
0:18:06 punishment
0:18:07 for these
0:18:09 that decision of punishment does not
0:18:11 purify you
0:18:12 and the the evidence is obviously that
0:18:14 all uh all punishments if they
0:18:16 administered they removed the sin they
0:18:18 removed the accounting
0:18:21 except for muhammad as we discussed last
0:18:23 time
0:18:30 but as for him who repents after having
0:18:32 dust done wrong and makes amends behold
0:18:35 god will accept his repentance verily
0:18:38 god is much bigger dispenser of grace
0:18:40 and translation as for him who repents
0:18:43 after having done wrong and makes
0:18:44 amendment it means god will accept his
0:18:47 repentance god is most forgiving and
0:18:49 most merciful to all yeah just
0:18:50 linguistically notice him or her
0:18:52 actually but him in arabic stand also
0:18:54 for hair if it's come in such general
0:18:56 form because it was talking about the
0:18:58 male the thief and the female thief both
0:19:01 of them are having the same punishment
0:19:02 exactly
0:19:04 not being a male or female will reduce
0:19:07 the punishment and the same for the
0:19:08 repentance but the
0:19:10 usually the the moscow because in arabic
0:19:12 we don't have a neutral term which would
0:19:14 have it or he or something like that we
0:19:16 don't have and not a neutral pronoun so
0:19:19 he will stand for he or she so no need
0:19:22 to be to be obsessed like the feminist
0:19:25 having him
0:19:26 or something like that this is a that's
0:19:28 a mental disease which has infested the
0:19:30 western mind in recent uh
0:19:32 decades
0:19:33 uh we don't need that that's very clear
0:19:35 from the quran evidently what's uh
0:19:38 well what
0:19:40 but the the previous are using the words
0:19:44 the male thief and the female typically
0:19:46 distinguished in arabic and the quran
0:19:47 mentioned both so there will be no doubt
0:19:49 that it applies for men and women
0:19:51 equally
0:19:53 now continuation after that was a party
0:19:55 after reviewing the people of the book
0:19:56 that they have transgressed especially
0:19:58 the limit of killing and uh despite the
0:19:59 injunction
0:20:01 that they should that they should
0:20:04 they they
0:20:05 should abstain from shedding blood
0:20:07 because shedding one blood is like
0:20:08 killing all humanity and saving one life
0:20:10 is like saving all humanity you
0:20:12 discovered previously and uh but the
0:20:15 transgression under there may various
0:20:16 translation i mean for them and these
0:20:18 punishments are really in stream of this
0:20:20 to address such punishment in time past
0:20:22 and also in the future
0:20:26 now
0:20:29 they are further rebuked
0:20:33 one second
0:20:36 i missed the page
0:20:42 which i remember we were at a second
0:21:00 this punishment these are in enacted by
0:21:03 the sovereign the king of msla so your
0:21:05 your objection is not acceptable
0:21:13 foreign
0:21:16 dost thou not know that god's dominion
0:21:18 is the dominion of the heavens and the
0:21:20 earth he chastises whom he wills and he
0:21:22 forgives whom he wills for god has a
0:21:24 power to will anything next translation
0:21:26 do you not know that control of the
0:21:28 heavens and the earth belongs to gods
0:21:31 god he punishes whomever he wills and he
0:21:33 forgives him and green wills god has the
0:21:35 power to direct him absolutely so this
0:21:37 is the comment on these previous
0:21:38 punishments i must say these punishments
0:21:40 are very severe i don't like them or
0:21:43 something else they are enacted by the
0:21:44 sovereign who owns heavens and earth and
0:21:46 he has the right to dictating his
0:21:48 ownership whatever he thinks appropriate
0:21:51 according to his
0:21:52 vision of the holy reality not according
0:21:55 to the vision of the people or their
0:21:56 liking
0:21:57 so you'll have to accept that's that's
0:21:58 the meaning of worship
0:22:00 the economy that he's the ultimate
0:22:01 supreme otherwise you have fallen out of
0:22:04 the realm of tahiti
0:22:24 foreign
0:22:39 oh foreign be not grieved by those who
0:22:41 fight with one another and denying the
0:22:43 truth such as those who say with their
0:22:45 mouths we believe
0:22:47 that while their hearts do not believe
0:22:48 and such of the jewish face and eagerly
0:22:51 listen to any falsehood
0:22:54 listen to other people without having
0:22:56 come to thee for enlightenment they
0:22:58 destroyed they distort the meaning of
0:23:00 the revealed words taking them out of
0:23:02 their context saying to themselves if
0:23:04 such and such teaching is about shaped
0:23:06 unto you accepted but if it is not
0:23:09 absolute front of you be on your guard
0:23:11 be not grieved by them for it is god's
0:23:14 will anyone
0:23:16 to be tempted to evil
0:23:18 for if anyone if god wills anyone to be
0:23:20 tempted to evil thou canst in no wise
0:23:23 prevail with god in his behalf
0:23:25 it is they whose hearts god is not
0:23:28 willing to cleanse there shall be
0:23:30 ignominy in this world and awesome
0:23:32 suffering in the life to come next
0:23:34 translation
0:23:35 messenger do not be saddened by those
0:23:37 who hurry to deny the truth such as
0:23:38 those who say we believe and do not have
0:23:41 any faith in their hearts and the jews
0:23:43 who eagerly listen to any lies and to
0:23:45 those who have never met you
0:23:47 they distort the meanings of the words
0:23:49 taking them out of their context saying
0:23:51 if you have already been given this in
0:23:52 your scriptures accept it but if you
0:23:55 have not then be on your guard
0:23:57 be not be saddened do not be saddened by
0:23:59 them for if god wills someone to be
0:24:01 tempted by evil you will not be able to
0:24:03 do anything for them
0:24:05 these are the ones whose hearts god when
0:24:07 god is not willing to cleanse they will
0:24:09 be disgraced in this world and will have
0:24:11 terrible suffering
0:24:14 so this is a category of people in
0:24:16 medina
0:24:18 categories but there's a reason for that
0:24:19 revelation
0:24:20 but the general address is that don't be
0:24:22 upset and grieved by those who claim
0:24:25 that they believe that they don't
0:24:26 believe like abdullah ibrahimovic
0:24:29 when it comes to we believe in you
0:24:31 even abdullah never used to be in his
0:24:33 earlier years at least standing in the
0:24:35 masjid after after any ceremony saying
0:24:37 encouraging the people to support the
0:24:39 prophet and
0:24:41 like like he's a politician he's playing
0:24:43 the politician game he gives he gives
0:24:45 his own speech after every sermon
0:24:47 because he regards
0:24:49 like part of that is just to to to show
0:24:51 the people that i'm still a leader i can
0:24:53 i can't recommend someone and secondly
0:24:56 to recommend himself as a believer and
0:24:58 so on and cover up for his disbelief
0:24:59 whatever his motivations obviously it's
0:25:02 a deep psychological issue because he
0:25:04 was almost uh
0:25:05 nominated to be a king before the
0:25:07 prophet arrived and then when he arrived
0:25:09 obviously the kingdom is gone and all
0:25:10 this is gone and
0:25:12 and clearly uh he could not overcome
0:25:15 that so he he was doing everything
0:25:17 possible to undermine the message
0:25:20 but then the jews they were they all the
0:25:22 time they say okay consult muhammad and
0:25:24 things and see if he
0:25:27 give you what you wish for to hear them
0:25:29 accept if not then don't accept it and
0:25:31 so that just to embarrass maybe other
0:25:33 people or balance another because the
0:25:35 jews have done they said do not agree on
0:25:37 everything like a story i will mention
0:25:39 in a few moments
0:25:41 so the person will be very upset about
0:25:43 us obviously and grieving ourselves
0:25:45 don't ignore that these people allah
0:25:47 they did not want to to cleanse they
0:25:49 they did not do any effort to create
0:25:51 over to to
0:25:52 study the truth or come close to the
0:25:54 truth
0:25:55 so allah left them down let them down
0:25:57 and did not cleanse their heart because
0:25:58 you allah were not going to cleanse your
0:26:00 heart if you are not doing any effort in
0:26:01 that direction because you have the free
0:26:03 choice we mentioned this issue that
0:26:04 whomever want to guide and misguide and
0:26:06 so on we mentioned that's the meaning of
0:26:08 that correct meaning without taking all
0:26:10 quranic evidences not only one ayah
0:26:12 so don't pray allah did not want to
0:26:15 purify their hearts because they did not
0:26:16 want any purification they are turning
0:26:18 away
0:26:20 they have disgrace in this dunya and
0:26:21 they have been
0:26:23 tremendous punishment now what's the
0:26:25 story behind that
0:26:27 uh
0:26:29 let's continue with the excited mention
0:26:30 of the story which led to the this
0:26:32 general condemnation
0:26:35 is
0:26:51 greedy swallow all that is evil
0:26:54 hence if they come to thee for judgment
0:26:56 thou must either judge between them or
0:26:59 leave them alone
0:27:00 for if they leave them alone they cannot
0:27:02 harm thee in any way
0:27:04 but if thou dost judge judge between
0:27:07 them with equity
0:27:08 rarely god knows those who are who act
0:27:11 equitable
0:27:13 next translation
0:27:14 they eagerly listen to lies that readily
0:27:16 profit from all that is evil
0:27:18 if they come to you profit for judgment
0:27:20 you can either judge between them or
0:27:22 decline or if you decline they cannot
0:27:24 harm you in any way if you judge judge
0:27:26 them fairly god loves the just
0:27:29 so that's that's that's gives us the the
0:27:32 introduction to production story so the
0:27:34 especially
0:27:35 both the jews and the hypocrites were
0:27:36 listening listening to any falsehood or
0:27:39 any questionable story and
0:27:42 they will come then sometimes for
0:27:44 judgment because the situation either
0:27:46 balance that or if they try to make a
0:27:48 trap set him up or something like that
0:27:50 then you have the option other person is
0:27:52 not obliged between them they they are
0:27:54 have their own independent community
0:27:56 they have their own judiciary they can't
0:27:57 refer to that if it happens as we
0:28:00 mentioned the story soon but if you turn
0:28:02 away from them
0:28:04 then they will not harm you anything so
0:28:05 don't think that turning away will harm
0:28:07 you anything
0:28:08 you are you are an independent community
0:28:10 you are in a confederation judge
0:28:12 according to your system but if you if
0:28:14 you choose to judge for whatever good
0:28:16 reason you think it's valid that one
0:28:19 then
0:28:20 just judge between them injustice
0:28:22 there's no escape being just is absolute
0:28:24 mandatory even for the prophet even he
0:28:27 should not because he he hates them or
0:28:29 does just like them for their falsehood
0:28:33 they deviate on it you remember we
0:28:35 discussed the story of the uh the sons
0:28:37 of oriept how they accused you and
0:28:39 throughout nissa and tried to put the
0:28:41 blame on him and their quran exposed
0:28:44 they brought the evidences the process
0:28:46 were inclined to accept that evidences
0:28:49 although he should have
0:28:52 accepted that the claim of the jew that
0:28:54 is absolutely innocent etc because all
0:28:56 was there is that some people who did
0:28:58 not witness the fact say we know this
0:29:00 jew he's a thief he must have been
0:29:02 stolen that but nobody saw this theft so
0:29:05 all with his name is that
0:29:06 someone
0:29:07 he said no these these goods remember
0:29:10 the story these goods have been dubbed
0:29:12 in my house i did not take them so this
0:29:14 well against where the other side did
0:29:15 not say we saw him again they say no we
0:29:17 know he's a bad jew uh he's a
0:29:19 disbeliever we can't expect anything bad
0:29:21 from him that was not enough
0:29:23 to to undermine it was a statement
0:29:25 against a statement he'll say against
0:29:27 usa the prophet should not have been
0:29:29 inclined toward believing them because
0:29:32 they are believer and the jew is a
0:29:33 disbeliever and may be hostile to islam
0:29:36 and that mere inclination was shaded in
0:29:38 the quran and
0:29:40 so this is enforced again here and
0:29:42 reminded again if you had written that
0:29:45 injustice flicked according to the
0:29:46 principles of evidence and justice
0:29:49 because allah loved the just one the one
0:29:51 who is
0:29:52 ruled by justice now we go to the story
0:29:55 there are two narrations but i will
0:29:56 mention the correct narration
0:29:59 that one of them normally mentions the
0:30:01 stories that's related to the issue of
0:30:02 the two adulthood
0:30:06 the two uh jews who committed adultery
0:30:09 and there were some saw them being
0:30:11 carried on a donkey with black and face
0:30:14 around so say what's happened there say
0:30:16 they committed zina and this is their
0:30:18 punishment say is that the punishment at
0:30:19 all they said yeah there's nobody
0:30:22 are you sure about that
0:30:23 they say yes no no that's not the only
0:30:25 torah let's go and see the torah he came
0:30:27 to the i think the house of madras and
0:30:29 us were told to be brought and read
0:30:32 and even they have the audacity because
0:30:34 to read uh to read the punishment and
0:30:37 jump over the the eye or the veils which
0:30:39 may make a clear injunction that they
0:30:41 should be stoned
0:30:43 and then uh one no one conveys a jew one
0:30:46 of theirs it's called the life in salaam
0:30:48 say let him lift his hand unless someone
0:30:50 double read after him and then they read
0:30:53 and that was clearly the ayah or the
0:30:55 verse in the torah about about stoning
0:30:57 that's it it's in the old testament no
0:30:59 you can't go and see it
0:31:01 so this abdullah ibn
0:31:03 story but this is not correct this is
0:31:05 clearly if you see what's going on at
0:31:06 the details of the discussion you see
0:31:08 that it cannot be that that
0:31:11 that these ayah this ayah and the next
0:31:13 ayah have come because of that what has
0:31:15 happened what brought that is that what
0:31:16 i've been abbas
0:31:20 came to madina only at the conquest of
0:31:22 makkah so he missed all these stories at
0:31:24 the time already most jews of medina
0:31:26 have at least the one in the
0:31:28 confederation by nikai nuclear by banana
0:31:39 not all of the same level of memory and
0:31:42 exactness and connected events correctly
0:31:44 so here
0:31:45 laughed about these narrations and
0:31:47 analyzed them more thoroughly
0:31:49 the 11 abbas obviously was not present
0:31:51 but he asked many people and
0:31:53 put the story correctly the story the
0:31:55 following
0:31:56 before islam
0:31:59 both of them claim to be descending from
0:32:00 heroin so all of them are
0:32:02 from levites from harold
0:32:05 from the kohinim uh
0:32:07 class the descendants of harlem
0:32:10 but for some reason in time past maybe
0:32:12 hundreds of years back but in the regard
0:32:15 themselves at the more noble and
0:32:16 superior
0:32:17 than banikolaiba
0:32:19 so they settled in jahri long ago before
0:32:21 islam
0:32:22 that if
0:32:24 if uh
0:32:26 they
0:32:30 tribe should pay hundred cabins for the
0:32:32 year for blood money but if an adidas
0:32:35 kills the quality
0:32:38 uh he pays only 50. so the quality is
0:32:41 half value
0:32:42 over nadiri
0:32:44 all of them descend from our own imagine
0:32:46 that
0:32:47 so
0:32:49 at that it happened when the russian was
0:32:51 in medina around this time that's maybe
0:32:54 fourth fifth year there's definitely
0:32:55 been a quality when they were still
0:32:56 there so that's must be before the
0:32:59 fourth year or something like that
0:33:00 because that that
0:33:02 later in the fourth year but now there
0:33:04 had a conflict and they were expected so
0:33:06 it must be in the fourth year or even
0:33:08 fourth year or late third year
0:33:11 they obviously were young at the time 13
0:33:14 years old or some 14 years old but still
0:33:16 the story should be going around that
0:33:18 should know it anyway
0:33:20 uh it's uh but it doesn't stuck in his
0:33:22 memory they
0:33:25 uh
0:33:27 killed the anaviri so now they went to
0:33:30 them
0:33:31 because they says they are independent
0:33:33 entities confederation
0:33:35 whether with the islamic state but then
0:33:36 himself themselves independent so when
0:33:38 they pay the deal
0:33:39 uh
0:33:40 pay a hundred camel and the qur'an they
0:33:43 say how come that we are going to pay a
0:33:45 hundred just few months few years ago
0:33:48 that must be a few years ago
0:33:51 one of you killed one of us and you
0:33:52 prayed only as 50 camel have you ever
0:33:54 heard ever
0:33:56 that two people whose grandfather is the
0:33:59 same they sent from the same grandfather
0:34:01 they have different ideas
0:34:03 they said this is all established
0:34:05 tradition you have to pay they said that
0:34:07 maybe have been established before
0:34:09 muhammad has come now but has come with
0:34:11 another
0:34:12 there's a prophet here in medina who
0:34:14 rules differently
0:34:18 let's
0:34:19 go to muhammad and success
0:34:21 ask his judgment if he is not a prophet
0:34:23 he's at least a wise one
0:34:25 now bananaville was stuck they knew that
0:34:28 they discussed with themselves saying
0:34:29 you know that we we were taking double
0:34:31 deer or taking the full diya for our
0:34:34 dead but giving the other guys only half
0:34:36 the year but just by fear by fear
0:34:39 exercise of force and oppression you
0:34:41 know this is not what's sanctioned in
0:34:42 the old testament or in the in the law
0:34:45 and if we go to muhammad
0:34:48 most likely he will judge in their favor
0:34:50 but let us check this they didn't
0:34:52 believe in him obviously but this man is
0:34:54 the symbol maybe you can persuade him to
0:34:56 a point of view so he contacted someone
0:34:57 affirmative and the other sheikh
0:34:59 muhammad about such an issue ask him
0:35:02 first what happens if something like
0:35:04 that happens what if we we can smell
0:35:06 what he is going to judge thus the
0:35:08 reason the quran the prophet was very
0:35:10 upset that the quran said don't be upset
0:35:12 about that that's the way they behave
0:35:16 ultimately
0:35:20 african did not get any answer
0:35:22 if any infinity something like that
0:35:24 happened let them come here for judgment
0:35:25 we'll see what happens so they came and
0:35:27 also judged them according to what allah
0:35:29 has revealed that it is all humans are
0:35:31 equally by blood and the blood and blood
0:35:34 money should be 100 comment for everyone
0:35:36 or 50
0:35:38 foreign established in arabia for islam
0:35:41 which islam has confirmed
0:35:45 so that's the that's the story which led
0:35:48 to this all these events and needed them
0:35:50 later to the to the condemnation of
0:35:52 ruling with that what allah has not
0:35:53 revealed etcetera which we read through
0:35:55 so that's the story not the story of the
0:35:58 stoning like what abdullah ibn umar
0:36:00 thought it is the reason for the
0:36:01 revelation of this coming especially the
0:36:03 kamikaze you don't see in the coming
0:36:05 that it relates to punishment related
0:36:08 relate to killing it's not related to
0:36:10 adulthood
0:36:14 is the correct one described at least
0:36:16 the reason for initial revelation maybe
0:36:19 later on the adultery case has happened
0:36:21 and the russian
0:36:23 read the ayah in the sense that we have
0:36:25 to rule you that allah is revealed in
0:36:26 general and abdullah
0:36:28 misunderstood that it has been revealed
0:36:30 now we know that something like that
0:36:32 happened because of shazam sometimes
0:36:34 invokes an ayah because a part of it is
0:36:36 relevant for that case but if all paths
0:36:38 are relevant as we discussed many times
0:36:40 before it must be the first revelation
0:36:42 or with high probability first
0:36:44 revolution so the first revelation is
0:36:46 the story about the blood money
0:36:50 which will come now
0:36:54 allah now rebukes them how they come to
0:36:56 you when they're claiming they have the
0:36:57 torah which are the judgment of allah
0:36:59 there must be something wrong with these
0:37:00 guys
0:37:01 they don't believe in you and they claim
0:37:03 they have the torah and they don't so
0:37:05 the ayah the next eye is the reputation
0:37:07 of the famous eyes of rulings the famous
0:37:09 three eyes of rulings which a lot of
0:37:11 discussion on going uh in the islamic
0:37:14 domain about how to apply them to the
0:37:16 rulers what will come firstly the eye
0:37:18 and see what's going on
0:37:19 okay
0:37:34 it is who bestowed upon
0:37:37 no there weren't before okay
0:37:42 how can they come to you for justice but
0:37:45 how is it that they seek that they ask
0:37:47 them for judgment seeing that they have
0:37:48 the torah containing god's injunctions
0:37:51 and thereafter turn away from thy
0:37:53 judgment such as these men such as thee
0:37:56 then are no true believers next
0:37:58 translation why do they come to you for
0:38:00 judgment seeing that they have the torah
0:38:02 with god's law
0:38:03 even then they will turn away from your
0:38:05 judgment they are not true believers
0:38:08 yeah
0:38:10 i i would say i would rather read it
0:38:12 different they would say they they have
0:38:14 they claim i think that is
0:38:18 they claim that they have the torah
0:38:19 which have got judgment individuals
0:38:21 that's true or not that they're claimed
0:38:24 and they're turning away from the
0:38:25 statement only before before even
0:38:27 because they have turned all the way by
0:38:28 by by making their blood money different
0:38:30 for different people already
0:38:34 these people can't be believable even
0:38:35 that's what they haven't had so i think
0:38:36 that implications that they claim of
0:38:38 their believing in the torah and they
0:38:39 have the god judgment is false they are
0:38:41 not a true believer and
0:38:44 the evidence for that they turned away
0:38:45 from that
0:38:46 yeah you see i don't think it's related
0:38:48 that after they come to you and you
0:38:50 judge between them according what's in
0:38:51 the torah or it's not in that horror
0:38:53 zone no nothing is before that how come
0:38:56 that they ever come to you
0:38:59 for judgment uh while they claim
0:39:02 eindhoven it's actually they have the
0:39:03 torah is good judgment it's in their
0:39:05 hand but they claim that at least that's
0:39:07 what they claim
0:39:09 and they have only turned away from that
0:39:10 before that i would say this is a better
0:39:12 interpretation of the threats in the
0:39:13 streaming and the in the context better
0:39:16 and this clearly shows that they are not
0:39:18 believable
0:39:19 the people are playing games even in
0:39:21 their own claim of belief of the torah
0:39:23 is false because they cannot be true
0:39:24 believer if they were a true believer
0:39:26 they would not have that that situation
0:39:28 the first place and they would not have
0:39:30 needed to come to you in the first place
0:39:32 and they would not have had the dispute
0:39:33 in the best place i think that's about
0:39:35 better understanding of the ayah
0:39:38 then allah firms after that the next
0:39:50 foreign
0:40:08 it is who bespoke from on high the torah
0:40:11 wherein there was guidance and light on
0:40:14 these strengths did the prophets who had
0:40:16 surrounded themselves unto god did it be
0:40:18 they did not be judgment unto those who
0:40:20 followed the jewish praise
0:40:22 and so did the early men of god
0:40:25 and the rabbis in as much as some of
0:40:27 god's writ have been entrusted to their
0:40:29 care and they all bear witness to its
0:40:32 truth
0:40:33 therefore therefore our children of
0:40:35 israel hold not men in war
0:40:37 but stand in awe of me and do not battle
0:40:40 away my messages for a traveling game
0:40:43 for they do for they who do not judge in
0:40:45 accordance with what god has been served
0:40:47 from on high are indeed denies the truth
0:40:50 next translation we've revealed the
0:40:52 program with guidance and enlightenment
0:40:54 the prophets who had submitted
0:40:56 themselves to god as well as the rabbis
0:40:58 and the scholars all judged according to
0:41:01 that
0:41:03 of god's work they were trusted
0:41:05 interested to preserve and to which they
0:41:07 were witnesses
0:41:08 so do not fear people only fear me do
0:41:11 not bother my verses for a small prophet
0:41:14 those who do not judge according to what
0:41:17 god has revealed are the our
0:41:20 so this is this shows that the previous
0:41:22 intervention i said is more likely so
0:41:24 he's addressing but israel if you
0:41:26 then truly the the torah has been
0:41:29 revealed by us
0:41:31 it contains guidance and light
0:41:33 and the previous prophets who surrender
0:41:35 to allah that's the character of the
0:41:36 priesthood they are all surrendered to
0:41:38 allah they will judge with it but also
0:41:41 for the jews for those who replace the
0:41:42 jewish faith not only by the israelites
0:41:44 anyone else should have were judged by
0:41:46 the prophets according to the revelation
0:41:48 and also the rabbani rabbani or a bonnie
0:41:51 or rabbi actually
0:41:53 or rabbani that's also in in hebrew the
0:41:56 words mean the people of god the one
0:41:58 devoted to allah and also the scholars
0:42:01 so the rambani will be people of piety
0:42:03 and righteousness and
0:42:06 people of scholarship
0:42:08 because they have been entrusted to keep
0:42:10 the book of allah took the protection
0:42:13 himself they were entrusted and they
0:42:14 were taking generation to generation
0:42:16 down down until at least before the body
0:42:18 of bolionic exile
0:42:20 and then mission also get the issue of
0:42:22 jeremiah project after that because
0:42:24 until that time we can really regard the
0:42:26 scripture has been more or less
0:42:27 preserved after the webinar exam we
0:42:29 don't know about how much editing and
0:42:30 change had been done there but anyway
0:42:34 and they were witnessing that is what
0:42:36 they have in android designation after
0:42:37 genesis that would have been originally
0:42:39 built under the general address to all
0:42:41 these who apply the word regulation do
0:42:43 not fear the people
0:42:45 and do not
0:42:46 bother my my revelation for
0:42:49 truthfully gain like for example uh
0:42:51 banning of the urbanita because of power
0:42:54 just their dominance
0:42:56 all these issues of dunya they were not
0:42:59 applying the law or sometimes for wealth
0:43:01 so much money someone to appease king
0:43:03 somebody to pay someone that's all not
0:43:05 worth
0:43:06 bartering the revelation
0:43:08 which has to be applied strictly
0:43:10 and then the general injection which is
0:43:12 the fair the famous which make this i
0:43:14 call that whoever does not roll without
0:43:16 what allah is revealed these are the
0:43:18 disbeliever
0:43:19 that's what obviously as usual the the
0:43:22 the the pure type the one who received
0:43:24 the revelation he knows the revelation
0:43:25 he received the hajjah then if he does
0:43:28 not rule you that allah revealed he's a
0:43:29 catholic
0:43:31 with the one who did not receive the
0:43:32 revelation or did not receive the
0:43:34 sufficient evidences he is a mushrik but
0:43:36 he is not there to cover in the sense of
0:43:38 worthy of punishment but this is we
0:43:40 discussed that many times about that
0:43:42 these who receive the man the message
0:43:44 and so on
0:43:44 but
0:43:46 the pure type those who have received
0:43:48 the revelation they know it's the
0:43:49 revelation and the battle and they don't
0:43:51 rule without it then they are capturing
0:43:52 so they are not they are not believers
0:43:54 they claim they are actually casual they
0:43:56 are denier of truth they are catholic
0:43:59 so that's that's the first eye of ruling
0:44:02 which declares those who do not rule
0:44:03 without allah is revealed as a catholic
0:44:06 and also an introduction which shows
0:44:08 really that the torah
0:44:10 uh has been uh has
0:44:12 did contain the guidance even if some
0:44:14 rulings are very harsh for time past but
0:44:17 that's what they're fitting for their
0:44:18 time and be fitting for israel and those
0:44:20 who are accepted jewish faiths are
0:44:21 joining them and shoot and they have to
0:44:23 apply there's no escape and the quran
0:44:25 says clearly they are they have yokes
0:44:27 and chains
0:44:29 and so on enacted by lefran on them for
0:44:31 various reasons historically and there
0:44:33 have been
0:44:34 sometimes later on some permissions
0:44:36 given like a permission to appoint a
0:44:38 king which led to their own destruction
0:44:40 despite although they have been warned
0:44:42 that this will
0:44:43 lead to their destruction and demise and
0:44:45 injustice and they assisted and accepted
0:44:47 and was allowed to them
0:44:48 allah he allows what he wants and he
0:44:50 commands whatever wants
0:44:52 so
0:44:54 so they should have been applying that
0:44:56 but they didn't were not applying it and
0:44:58 in it genuinely the torah the teaching
0:45:02 as revealed
0:45:03 is contained guidance and light and some
0:45:05 of it is silly there some of it is not
0:45:07 all of it is gone and that they're like
0:45:08 in the in in
0:45:10 the so-called five books of musa
0:45:13 the
0:45:13 leviticus and the telomeres do contain
0:45:15 some of these injections we cannot be
0:45:17 sure now what we have in hand it doesn't
0:45:19 contain some fabrication and what
0:45:22 because what we know is that it came
0:45:25 down
0:45:26 and they're witnessing which
0:45:27 continuation until the time of jeremiah
0:45:28 after the public exact side
0:45:32 that those scriptures essentially are
0:45:33 lost and they relied on fragments and
0:45:36 some people memorizing and they were
0:45:38 barely any prophet there may be one or
0:45:40 two prophets in the babylonic exile like
0:45:43 daniel and after that couple of prophets
0:45:46 uh
0:45:47 hakkai and another one zakaria the
0:45:49 career the person the career of the
0:45:50 father of john the baptist and so on
0:45:53 these these one were around the the end
0:45:55 of the world exactly after that is a god
0:45:57 of prophets a terrorist so in that time
0:45:59 we don't know how much uh
0:46:02 re-editing and combining and
0:46:04 abridging has been done in the and
0:46:07 and
0:46:08 if they have really genuine because
0:46:10 i seem to have not only destroyed the
0:46:12 temple but also then most of their
0:46:14 libraries and their literature we don't
0:46:15 know how much have survived and we have
0:46:17 no no prophetic witnesses for that
0:46:21 in a chain so that does not contradict
0:46:24 that until the time of the prophets
0:46:26 around the end of the
0:46:28 the babylonic exile that these things
0:46:30 have been
0:46:31 reserved reasonably and witnessed by the
0:46:33 prophets
0:46:34 and now i mentioned the session where i
0:46:35 mentioned it once that jeremy has seemed
0:46:37 to be according to the book of jeremiah
0:46:39 which is in our hand who seems to be
0:46:41 hopefully reasonably conserved
0:46:44 because jeremiah did not go into exile
0:46:46 and he was in egypt and established a
0:46:48 school of teaching and so on there
0:46:51 he clearly took a copy of all the
0:46:53 relevant literature and books and also
0:46:56 the ark of covenant and
0:46:58 hid them in a cave in mount nebu the
0:47:00 mount of uh prophet harold alice
0:47:04 islam is buried
0:47:05 and
0:47:06 it will be really a major historic break
0:47:08 if we can find that cave and find this
0:47:10 definition of sheridan even the old
0:47:12 script not the current hebrew script
0:47:14 which is which is adopted from uh
0:47:16 from aramaic no it is the old script
0:47:18 which is similar to the mood and the old
0:47:22 phoenician script and the old canaanites
0:47:24 script
0:47:27 uh but it's really known if people can
0:47:29 read it if it's found so that finding
0:47:31 that would be a major breakthrough but
0:47:32 this is not our issue today anyway
0:47:35 so
0:47:35 so there's no contradiction that what in
0:47:37 their hand may contain fabrication and
0:47:39 additions and so on a bridge but what
0:47:41 came down in the time of the prophets
0:47:43 witnessed by the prophets and and the
0:47:46 well established
0:47:48 god men of god under scholars
0:47:51 because they were entrusted to keep it
0:47:53 that's that can be relied upon but what
0:47:55 is in our hand now
0:47:57 cannot be readable in full anyway it's
0:47:59 not needed
0:48:01 because it's obligated when islam came
0:48:02 it obligated that completely finished
0:48:04 over game over finish so we don't need
0:48:06 to worry about this how much is is still
0:48:08 valid of the invalid because whatever it
0:48:10 is there is gone is appropriate
0:48:13 originally valid or invalid or
0:48:14 publication it's gone it's updated
0:48:19 so uh this is the first eye of hokum so
0:48:22 whatever there's no truly that with that
0:48:24 what allah has revealed
0:48:26 is a kafir
0:48:28 and
0:48:29 it is
0:48:32 it is anyone who does not rule with
0:48:34 allah even if he if anyone who is in a
0:48:37 ruling position or
0:48:39 in a judicial position and which he must
0:48:42 rule
0:48:43 and have to rule because of his position
0:48:46 has
0:48:49 he cannot forsake it and say no no i'm
0:48:51 i'm ruling with somebody else that's not
0:48:53 acceptable it has to rule what allah or
0:48:56 resign his position and say i'm not
0:48:58 going to be a ruler i will go in a
0:48:59 private life i'm not going to be a judge
0:49:02 go and look to someone else not to me
0:49:05 but if the monty accept the rule
0:49:08 other than an executive position or a
0:49:10 judicial position or even law making
0:49:12 position no making many drafting laws
0:49:15 and so on there that must be according
0:49:17 to what allah's evidence has to be
0:49:18 deduced from the scripture if it's not
0:49:20 reduced properly
0:49:22 with the best intention of deduction
0:49:24 then it is the rule that he is not
0:49:25 trolling with that allah has revealed so
0:49:27 all of these
0:49:29 members of extra branch and judges and
0:49:32 members of parliaments in any entity
0:49:33 which nor do not
0:49:35 rule with that allah is revealed
0:49:36 although they are there they are they
0:49:38 are
0:49:39 practicing ruling judiciary willing the
0:49:42 drafting laws of regulation
0:49:44 executing laws and regulation
0:49:47 they are all
0:49:48 the momented uh the evidence has come to
0:49:50 them
0:49:51 they are kafir both in dunya
0:49:53 but
0:49:54 formerly they are covered also in dunya
0:49:56 because they are denied the truth as it
0:49:58 at face if they are disposable they
0:50:00 don't care whether there's another issue
0:50:02 so that's that's the first eye of
0:50:07 of of ruling
0:50:09 famous irs so winning the three of them
0:50:14 second one
0:50:16 is continuing
0:50:18 mentioning that's what will connect to
0:50:20 the issue of killing and and and
0:50:22 compensation and so on who shows that
0:50:23 the national bastard
0:50:41 Music
0:50:53 a life for a life and an eye for an eye
0:50:56 and a nose for a nose and an ear for an
0:50:58 ear and a tooth for a tooth and a
0:51:00 similar retribution for wounds but
0:51:02 humans shall forego it out of charity
0:51:04 will have thrown thereby for some of his
0:51:06 past sins
0:51:07 they who do not judge in accordance with
0:51:09 what god has revealed
0:51:11 they they are the evildoers
0:51:13 or the unjust one of the body
0:51:16 yeah next location
0:51:18 in the torah we prescribe for them a
0:51:19 life for a life an eye for an eye a nose
0:51:22 for a nose
0:51:23 an ear for an ear a tooth for a tooth
0:51:25 and a similar attribution for wounds
0:51:27 however if anyone foregoes this out of
0:51:29 charity it will serve as a tendon for
0:51:32 them those who do not judge in
0:51:34 accordance with what god has revealed
0:51:35 are unjust yeah
0:51:37 so this is that that's what's the
0:51:38 connect to the story that's the life for
0:51:41 life so it'll be blood money for blood
0:51:43 money it cannot be blood and it cannot
0:51:45 be different because life is equal life
0:51:47 so blood money should be equal blood
0:51:48 money that's not no way to
0:51:50 to
0:51:51 distinguish
0:51:52 this language but that's in the torah is
0:51:54 that still believers most of it is valid
0:51:56 for us but we have further further
0:51:59 improvement on that
0:52:01 that's available for us by by
0:52:06 no doubt about that and uh
0:52:08 and uh but but we have what we have
0:52:10 but this financial yeah added a further
0:52:13 injunction either you have casas i for i
0:52:16 sold for soul etc or you have another
0:52:18 option which is compensation for for
0:52:21 for
0:52:22 so even even the conversation of right
0:52:25 handed account 50 common does not seem
0:52:27 to be befitting with the torah because
0:52:28 the torah does not allow i think
0:52:30 monetary compensation as far as i know
0:52:32 i'm not sure about that because the
0:52:34 quality is 20 minutes so even 50 or 100
0:52:37 it does not fit it has to be other life
0:52:39 for life or
0:52:40 or
0:52:41 that in the case of intentional murder
0:52:43 obviously that's all what goes there but
0:52:46 there's
0:52:47 and there's there's nothing else
0:52:49 and uh
0:52:51 no that's in the case obviously
0:52:53 intentional intentional injury i don't
0:52:55 know if there's by by mistake if there's
0:52:56 any conversation i'm not sure about at
0:52:58 all about that but in case of islam we
0:53:00 have also in the case of mistaken injury
0:53:01 and things like that we have we have
0:53:03 monetary compensation we don't have i
0:53:05 for i and so on if someone's eye is
0:53:07 plucked up by by error by mistake there
0:53:09 will be not i for i but will be
0:53:11 compensation half the et cetera that's
0:53:13 the details well in the book of rick but
0:53:15 anyway
0:53:17 uh they don't have the option of
0:53:20 monitoring conversation
0:53:21 obviously where the death penalty or the
0:53:24 the
0:53:26 the the the retribution is not mandatory
0:53:29 i will mention the case because many
0:53:30 focal have missed that except some
0:53:32 maliki
0:53:33 that uh there are there's sometimes a
0:53:35 mandatory dissenters that's in in the
0:53:37 case of murder which in the western law
0:53:40 is called
0:53:41 first degree murder by premeditated
0:53:44 well-planned murder and so on
0:53:46 uh
0:53:47 the the other type of second degree
0:53:49 that's a
0:53:50 matter of road rage for example your
0:53:52 anger mantra and anger you attack
0:53:54 someone with a weather with a pistol or
0:53:56 or whether without the heavy uh
0:53:58 killing bar or steel bar or something
0:54:00 like that like a spanner or something
0:54:02 like that that's a second degree murder
0:54:04 in that there's a possibility of for the
0:54:06 one or the guardian of the blood to
0:54:07 accept
0:54:09 monetary conversation instead and the
0:54:11 third level is forgive completely which
0:54:12 will be for will be expiration for the
0:54:14 sin also in this final revelation so so
0:54:17 this this is a stand is is not is not a
0:54:20 valid law yet
0:54:22 it is uh it is uh
0:54:24 it has been abrogated and improved and
0:54:27 developed further
0:54:29 and uh
0:54:32 made more precise by the actual
0:54:34 uh in that in that case but anyway that
0:54:36 was ordained the injection there that
0:54:38 was the injection there and clearly that
0:54:41 that
0:54:43 this injunction must be fulfilled and
0:54:45 whoever does not rule what allah has
0:54:47 revealed is
0:54:49 is in this time that another title is
0:54:51 given to him so it is the first title
0:54:53 was caferoon and the same apply for this
0:54:56 because it is isla moon unjust wrongdoer
0:54:59 so they deserve all the negative titles
0:55:01 the quran has for this believer and
0:55:03 capital so it is so his value moon and
0:55:06 there's a time also
0:55:07 so so it's the one in one cover so the
0:55:09 volume is not uh some scholars said the
0:55:12 first ayah is for
0:55:14 the uh deny that this is the law of
0:55:16 allah and rejected and the other
0:55:18 accepted the law allah but they they are
0:55:20 too weak to apply it and somewhere
0:55:22 that's not true that's it this is
0:55:23 deputation does not is not warranted
0:55:26 because uh
0:55:28 if if
0:55:30 the wedding is the same
0:55:32 what allah
0:55:39 and
0:55:40 that the mentioning of specific things
0:55:41 here specifically does not make it
0:55:43 different than anything else because all
0:55:45 the torah should be applied in their
0:55:47 time and also the quran shall be applied
0:55:49 so if you don't rule that what allah has
0:55:51 revealed you are a catholic and you have
0:55:53 a volume and then even a third title is
0:55:55 coming
0:55:57 uh for another category of people
0:56:03 so both titles apply this is not two
0:56:04 categories someone because the wording
0:56:06 of the quran is the same the claim that
0:56:08 the first one cafe rule is only for
0:56:10 uh for for those who rejected the knight
0:56:14 and the other one is for those who
0:56:16 misapplied no that's not correct that is
0:56:18 not correct
0:56:20 because ruling is is really pronouncing
0:56:22 a judgment it is it's like an expression
0:56:24 of faith ruling is not an executive act
0:56:27 we say it's not like zina zena you may
0:56:29 you may be driven by by by hot desire in
0:56:32 a moment of weakness if you commit zina
0:56:35 why do you know that it's haram we are
0:56:37 doing
0:56:38 but that's that's different acts of zina
0:56:40 is different than ruining but if you're
0:56:42 sitting in a cause of law and you're
0:56:44 ruling that
0:56:46 this one who admitted that he committed
0:56:48 zina and there is worth your punishment
0:56:49 and saying no no we're not going to
0:56:50 administer this punishment we're going
0:56:52 to miss another punishment
0:56:54 has nothing to do with them with a
0:56:55 moment of desire and will come and this
0:56:57 is the act of cover the same is act of
0:56:59 volume same like what the next exact
0:57:02 manifest rebellion
0:57:03 so the interpretation that one eye is
0:57:05 for the one who will reject
0:57:08 do not believe and the other one for the
0:57:09 belief but misapply is not correct
0:57:11 that's definitely not warranted by the
0:57:14 streamlight of the quran
0:57:18 and also that's what what some people
0:57:19 try to play madhya so we'll comment that
0:57:21 when we finish with the stream of the
0:57:23 eye so that i then in the
0:57:38 foreign this one first
0:57:45 and we cause jesus the son of mary to
0:57:47 follow the footsteps of those earlier
0:57:48 prophets confirming the truth of
0:57:50 whatever they still remain with the
0:57:52 troller and we vouch based safe unto him
0:57:54 the gospel wherein there was guidance
0:57:56 and light confirming this whatsoever to
0:57:58 their skill remain of the dora and the
0:58:01 guidance and
0:58:02 admonition unto the god conscious
0:58:05 in translation we sent jesus the son of
0:58:07 mary to following the footsteps of those
0:58:08 earlier prophets confirming what was
0:58:11 available of the torah we gave him the
0:58:13 gospel it has guidance and enlightenment
0:58:15 confirming that conferring what was
0:58:17 available of the torah it has guidance
0:58:19 and admonition for those who are mindful
0:58:21 of god
0:58:22 yeah so this is though we know that from
0:58:25 another place in quran that
0:58:26 that he confirmed that but he obligated
0:58:28 some of it explicitly
0:58:30 and uh i think the translation they say
0:58:33 from what was remaining from the torah
0:58:35 is a good is a good attempt although the
0:58:36 wedding is not there but as it was
0:58:39 he's confirmed what's
0:58:41 ahead of him from the torah and the read
0:58:43 of him is not a full torah most likely
0:58:45 some has been lost on so on because
0:58:46 there is a god over with 500 years for a
0:58:49 poster cabinet excited in which
0:58:52 scholarship may have mutilated and
0:58:54 updated and added fake books and so on
0:58:57 as we see from this existing
0:58:59 canon which we have in our hand that it
0:59:02 is some of its clearly is not ancient
0:59:05 and some of our questionable books
0:59:07 question of questionable books some of
0:59:09 them are accepted by certain jews some
0:59:10 are not accepted some are accepted
0:59:12 certainly christian like some are not
0:59:13 accepted we know for example that the
0:59:15 catholics do not accept all
0:59:17 old testament books some of them like
0:59:19 you find in some editions and so on so
0:59:22 in between there have been additions
0:59:24 obstruction abridgement etc like the
0:59:27 store the history of the history of
0:59:28 kings 1 kings 2 a definitely abridgement
0:59:31 they say clearly more details are in the
0:59:33 book of the kings of judea or the kings
0:59:35 of the side so there are plenty of
0:59:37 abridgement
0:59:39 possibly additions
0:59:41 subtraction we don't know what has
0:59:42 happened there exactly but still some of
0:59:44 it is dead in his hand
0:59:47 at a time where he saw some substantial
0:59:49 part of the torah still available and he
0:59:51 received the the the good news the
0:59:53 gospel which contains also the
0:59:55 announcement of the coming of muhammad
0:59:56 also but also contained some new
0:59:58 injunctions the major injunction there
1:00:01 essentially which meant uh easing some
1:00:04 of the burden is that the abolishment of
1:00:07 sacrifice sacrifice was fundamental
1:00:10 uh in for the jews before that it's
1:00:12 essentially
1:00:13 all the worship they have said
1:00:15 everything has to be sacrificed and so
1:00:16 on that has been abolished it became
1:00:19 just optional and also uh
1:00:22 i think the the injury the strict
1:00:23 injunction about circumcision has been
1:00:25 eased
1:00:27 few other things for example prohibition
1:00:29 had been used but we don't know even the
1:00:30 details because even what we have in
1:00:33 narratives about is deficient and not
1:00:35 reliable
1:00:37 and
1:00:37 clearly it was not entrusted to anybody
1:00:39 by allah so the protection is very
1:00:42 minimal or not no not available
1:00:46 so it cannot be trusted we have in our
1:00:48 hand that represents what has brought
1:00:50 but some of it is definitely not for me
1:00:51 so
1:00:52 some some statements are definitely
1:00:54 replicated there
1:00:55 so but but what what what has been in
1:00:57 his time is that
1:00:59 uh he received the uh he confirmed the
1:01:01 torah in essentially what's there and
1:01:04 got further guidance and in the gospel
1:01:06 which will be the good news which is
1:01:07 announcing the current coming uh the
1:01:09 good news of the announcement is the
1:01:10 coming of muhammadan coming so called
1:01:13 the coming of the kingdom which they
1:01:14 interpret as coming of qiyama or no the
1:01:17 kingdom is really the the
1:01:19 the time where the ruling with allah
1:01:22 what allah has revealed will become
1:01:23 dominant as muhammad
1:01:25 and his follower
1:01:27 so this is the kingdom the kingdom of
1:01:29 god the kingdom is that one yeah that's
1:01:31 the one which is that
1:01:33 and also the the palace leaders or
1:01:36 the comforter and so on is muhammad ali
1:01:39 that's that's still really conserved in
1:01:40 one of the current gospels and so on but
1:01:43 plenty is lost we cannot trust that
1:01:45 anyway what what has been revealed at
1:01:47 that time it has sufficient admiral
1:01:49 guidance light and admonishment for
1:01:51 those who are god conscious
1:01:54 and then an injunction that the people
1:01:55 of the uh
1:01:57 of the injeel of the gospel should rule
1:01:59 with that allah has revealed in it
1:02:03 allah
1:02:16 his daughter to not dress with hijab is
1:02:18 he also a catholic if not then how do
1:02:21 you do the clear on the ruler who
1:02:23 doesn't know by what allah has revealed
1:02:26 in parallel between someone
1:02:28 permitting his daughter hijab
1:02:30 or other similar things if it's if if
1:02:33 he's a force if he's like an authority
1:02:34 because she is it should not be after he
1:02:37 should not be obeying him and she'd just
1:02:38 be obeying him but if he if he made an
1:02:41 injunction if he judged like this way
1:02:44 then by by this and he believes hijab is
1:02:46 obligatory he has some people do because
1:02:48 hijab is not obligated is not necessary
1:02:50 in another domain but if it that would
1:02:53 be tawing that would be the fray but the
1:02:55 pure type he knows that this uh
1:02:58 obligatory he knows that he has cannot
1:03:00 give this injunction that is a kafir the
1:03:02 same like a ruler no difference
1:03:06 like
1:03:07 if you ask if you ask a scholar and give
1:03:08 you a fatwa he knows the fatwa is wrong
1:03:10 he becomes a catholic
1:03:12 yeah
1:03:13 because the fatwa is also is a type of
1:03:15 ruling
1:03:16 giving the point of view of the sharia
1:03:18 about an issue is a judgment
1:03:20 hukum is judgment hokum is making a
1:03:22 judgment
1:03:24 there are russian judgments there are
1:03:26 static judgments there are sharia
1:03:27 judgments
1:03:28 and what is mentioned here the issues of
1:03:30 cover and first government is relating
1:03:32 to sharia judgment
1:03:34 so anyone who has in a position of
1:03:35 ruling
1:03:37 giving a fatwa giving injunction giving
1:03:39 advice
1:03:40 and he knows that it's not
1:03:43 what allah has revealed you know what
1:03:45 when he become a kafir underwater
1:03:49 no it's very serious it's not it's not
1:03:50 that people think
1:03:52 it goes easy no but most people most
1:03:55 most people i i trust having tawi and
1:03:58 this will affect problems if we are in
1:04:00 britain
1:04:01 uh
1:04:02 life will will be difficult for us
1:04:05 we better not have committed to hijab
1:04:07 but we know this is kind of of what we
1:04:08 like and arguments
1:04:10 but in in in an area for example where
1:04:13 people are having no problem with hijab
1:04:15 like for example in pakistan afghanistan
1:04:16 and so on if someone made such a
1:04:18 rejection most likely
1:04:20 he is an apostate
1:04:22 almost certainly almost certainly except
1:04:24 a rare occasion which they believed that
1:04:26 this rest of the hijab is not obligatory
1:04:28 and the interpretation is wrong we i
1:04:31 know that some people have the
1:04:32 interpretation that that
1:04:34 is not obligatory i hate about his
1:04:35 interpretation
1:04:37 but they are wrong but there is a
1:04:39 facility
1:04:40 but if they but if we take the pure type
1:04:43 forget about and all these excuses as a
1:04:45 pure type
1:04:47 the pure type will be able to be a
1:04:48 covered by
1:04:51 the same with our owners
1:05:01 sometimes the attributable abbas hadith
1:05:03 uh that
1:05:05 that's the this discover and
1:05:07 in the case of muslim rulers it is uh it
1:05:10 is a minor cover but his the attribution
1:05:12 itself we have discussed in the book of
1:05:14 tahiti is wrong it's not even
1:05:17 actually not even
1:05:19 the son of tawa abdullah
1:05:47 commenting on his own words but this is
1:05:49 not like the cover of like cover of
1:05:51 rejecting
1:05:53 judgment
1:05:54 because they know that they are
1:05:55 committing haram i will say this even
1:05:58 worse
1:06:00 he wanted to to get the rulers of his
1:06:02 time until out of the drain of kufr but
1:06:04 but he's not going to get them out of
1:06:06 there
1:06:07 that's his his interpretation uh his
1:06:09 espresso or this statement the scope of
1:06:11 cover and so on is not a statement
1:06:14 nor of thomas is the is the thing
1:06:15 abdullah in
1:06:17 and only narrated by an intermediary who
1:06:19 is relatively weak all other strong
1:06:21 narration says cover is volume
1:06:24 etc without any doubt
1:06:28 so this but this is
1:06:29 the fine details of these things are in
1:06:32 in the chapter about hakumi and book of
1:06:33 the heat and they never stand alone book
1:06:35 media
1:06:37 and all the counter arguments and so the
1:06:39 only this one narration with covered
1:06:41 undercover volunteers
1:06:44 they falsely attribute of iran but even
1:06:46 if you say rabbi said it it must be a
1:06:48 mistaken if they had but it's not with
1:06:50 abbas not even thomas
1:06:52 was saying that and the listener this
1:06:54 week narrator lifted it the strong
1:06:56 narrations show clearly that after he
1:06:58 noticed what rabbi and then he comments
1:07:00 according to his point of view it is not
1:07:02 a cover like like rejecting allah the
1:07:05 day of judgment and the messages of the
1:07:06 angels
1:07:07 there are a big cover it's a minor cover
1:07:10 and this is the first time that this
1:07:12 this creation of minor cover and minor
1:07:15 volume and minor fisk
1:07:17 have been have been in this in this area
1:07:20 of it but
1:07:22 details is better to go to the book of
1:07:24 hakamiya and
1:07:25 and
1:07:26 and shake the fine details and the
1:07:28 refutation about showing their styles
1:07:30 and things like that
1:07:31 but the at the face of the quran says is
1:07:34 very clearly the quran we say
1:07:37 it's clear what the quran says and also
1:07:39 volume
1:07:40 could be maybe maybe unjust or just just
1:07:43 competitive translation it may have
1:07:45 and faster could be
1:07:47 the rebellious only and so on but
1:07:49 catherine does not have any other
1:07:51 interpretation
1:07:53 and cover uncovered in the quran is
1:07:55 clear
1:07:57 there is no other use of it except the
1:07:59 cover which is like rejecting allah his
1:08:01 messenger
1:08:04 okay translation
1:08:06 let's then the followers of the gospel
1:08:07 judge
1:08:08 in accordance with what god has revealed
1:08:10 for they who do not judge in the light
1:08:12 of what god has bestowed from on high it
1:08:14 is they who are truly iniquitous
1:08:16 next translation let the followers of
1:08:18 the gospel judge according to what god
1:08:20 has revealed in it those who do not
1:08:22 judge in light of what god has revealed
1:08:24 are deviations
1:08:28 the rebellious really the manifestatory
1:08:30 barriers but only
1:08:32 we should we should be also very
1:08:33 cautious of what we're called because um
1:08:36 most scholars use the word first and
1:08:37 meaning something less than cover but if
1:08:39 you look at the quran and go and go
1:08:42 through the quran you find the fisk is
1:08:44 usually
1:08:45 is your type of
1:08:48 mixed with rebellion and arrogance like
1:08:50 for example
1:08:52 in one place
1:08:58 against his lord command and i believe
1:09:00 kamilah caffeine so this is the
1:09:01 rebellion discovered and usually if you
1:09:03 see frisk in the quran if you go
1:09:06 everywhere you
1:09:08 one places may may well run the other
1:09:10 interpretation uh
1:09:12 that whenever we talk about what what's
1:09:14 to eating what's sacrificed for the
1:09:15 idols whether it is risk it could be if
1:09:18 someone deliberately it was sacrificed
1:09:20 for i will knowing it
1:09:21 i will maybe scoff
1:09:23 because this undermine you shall shall
1:09:25 delay
1:09:28 unless obviously you are forced to
1:09:29 either just to keep your life this is
1:09:30 excused by by benecicity but
1:09:34 it's unlikely that someone who is
1:09:35 something sacrificed unless he believes
1:09:37 halal and being sacrificed or either is
1:09:40 a secondary meaning he doesn't he
1:09:43 doesn't have a grudge really without and
1:09:45 with government so even in that
1:09:48 place it is it's questionable that it's
1:09:50 not really the level of oil so whether i
1:09:53 say ah this is not go for this just fisk
1:09:57 the whole mixed clear distinction
1:09:58 between between frisk and marcia in the
1:10:00 case of adam alibis
1:10:02 is rc
1:10:04 disobedient
1:10:06 that's that's the quranic soul should be
1:10:07 should be issued they should not be
1:10:09 saying there's only fisk they should say
1:10:11 there's only mars here that's that may
1:10:13 be okay this obedience while you believe
1:10:15 that you are disobedient they are sinful
1:10:17 but you have overcome by desire or
1:10:18 whatever reason
1:10:20 that was the one which doesn't take for
1:10:22 the islam but if you reject the command
1:10:23 like you said no no i'm not going to
1:10:25 accept the command this is comfort this
1:10:27 is fisk
1:10:28 so
1:10:29 we have to be very cautious about the
1:10:31 playing of the words some scholars are
1:10:32 playing with that which is extremely
1:10:34 dangerous because it opened the door it
1:10:36 opened the people the door of abyss
1:10:38 without knowing
1:10:39 people going through that way relying on
1:10:42 scholars are less guilty the guilt is
1:10:44 really on those colors
1:10:46 because
1:10:48 the same the same with the same one
1:10:56 so you've
1:11:07 the best thing is that some go through
1:11:09 all the quran and see where is the
1:11:10 volume
1:11:23 because of disobedience
1:11:25 and then his lord
1:11:27 accepted his repentance and and guided
1:11:29 him back
1:11:32 and became a catholic and was expelled
1:11:33 and cared for us
1:11:35 no way back
1:11:37 for example
1:11:59 and there's no reason that i think the
1:12:01 first ayah contains something rejecting
1:12:03 what allah has revealed and the second
1:12:04 one
1:12:05 accepting what has revealed but you are
1:12:07 transgressing because you have a desire
1:12:09 or you're just a tyrannical king or
1:12:10 something no there's no way like that in
1:12:12 the anything hinting that so the claim
1:12:15 that is the first one is for the jehovah
1:12:17 and the second one for it that's for
1:12:19 ejection the second one is for justice
1:12:20 obedience out and sinful behavior is is
1:12:24 not warranted neither by the text nor by
1:12:26 any other evidence
1:12:27 it's after contradicts the test text
1:12:30 the only thing is the escape they go
1:12:32 covered in a cover criminal
1:12:34 a major authority in the quran but it's
1:12:36 not true it's not from us not even from
1:12:38 traumas it's from the lab
1:12:41 what motivated them to say that maybe
1:12:43 weakness in front of the connection
1:12:45 attempt not to go all the way like
1:12:48 or something else but this is not a good
1:12:49 argument
1:12:51 the
1:12:52 mistake was was to declaring uh those
1:12:55 who are
1:12:56 not rebelling against the rule of common
1:12:58 muslim to be a kafir they stop you in
1:13:00 the streets what do you think about
1:13:01 about utman and ali if you don't give
1:13:03 the right answer they kill you
1:13:07 it's not that's what made them go
1:13:09 outside of the ummah not that they
1:13:12 the mere fact that they made a mistake
1:13:14 about the rulers and so although no
1:13:16 issue there are many hadith which which
1:13:18 showed there is a limitation when the
1:13:20 rule across them he has to be fought and
1:13:22 killed
1:13:24 including
1:13:25 commanding martial publicly
1:13:29 yeah so i think this this issue has been
1:13:32 missed by by
1:13:34 by by deviant governors starting from
1:13:36 how we are not until today and they
1:13:38 played that game and many scholars went
1:13:40 on board with them some of them
1:13:43 maybe innocently i have a question mark
1:13:45 about this innocence and some of them
1:13:47 just
1:13:48 due to betrayal some of these are just
1:13:50 laziness they don't want because if say
1:13:52 anything otherwise they will say why are
1:13:54 not confronting them then
1:13:56 so they escaped
1:13:58 this issue is very sore has to be
1:14:01 analyzed much better than that has been
1:14:03 done until now
1:14:04 but anyway
1:14:06 the eyes are very clear what does not do
1:14:08 with allah is revealed as kafir walim
1:14:11 if an individual person have all the
1:14:13 conditions or not essentially the
1:14:15 psychotic fear mayan declaring a
1:14:17 specific person to be
1:14:19 to be uh
1:14:20 uh to be a genuine cover in the sense of
1:14:23 ah he has no escape and the hellfire is
1:14:26 definitely for him etc that's
1:14:28 that's that that's a more fine study and
1:14:31 they usually go to that
1:14:33 avenue to get to try to accelerate the
1:14:35 ruler
1:14:37 but but it doesn't work
1:14:39 it should not work
1:14:41 but it works through history
1:14:42 unfortunately because they can't play
1:14:43 that game
1:14:46 and they can play in the card
1:14:50 that's not the quality
1:14:54 specifically that one whatever they're
1:14:56 saying is that other muslims who are not
1:14:58 rebellious
1:14:59 with them they are covered under all the
1:15:01 ummah is covered because they are not
1:15:04 in indulge in rebellion like themselves
1:15:05 that's definitely
1:15:07 going after the ummah
1:15:11 which make them
1:15:12 make them the real deviants
1:15:17 so there is this whole issue as you said
1:15:18 but
1:15:19 i think we in in hakimiya we have we
1:15:21 have analyzed that and gave it to give
1:15:23 at least the border lines are clear and
1:15:25 nobody can get away with that so when
1:15:27 those govern this governing with that
1:15:29 wasn't revealed
1:15:31 and
1:15:33 they are careful already they deserve
1:15:35 these titles are they covered in sins of
1:15:37 achara it doesn't matter
1:15:39 and it says how to account them and deal
1:15:41 with them in dunya
1:15:42 to allah the same thing the same this
1:15:44 indulgence and lengthy discussion about
1:15:46 they may have an excuse
1:15:48 is related only to muslims
1:15:58 should nobody's business may be anyway
1:16:01 this will be a purely philosophical and
1:16:03 a physical discussion which may be of
1:16:06 less value
1:16:07 the attempt may have some merit but it's
1:16:09 it's really having less merit
1:16:12 like for example let's say uh we have we
1:16:15 have a regime for example which which
1:16:17 which like first
1:16:27 anyone tell me fear allah i will kill
1:16:29 him
1:16:30 i will not accept for anybody
1:16:34 this is a statement of coffee
1:16:40 play
1:16:41 plenty
1:16:49 nothing nothing can't find an excuse
1:16:52 did he mean something else has in his
1:16:53 heart something else is irrelevant for
1:16:55 us
1:16:56 leave that for akira
1:17:03 so this is this is uh let's say this it
1:17:05 it should not have become like that
1:17:07 except because of the issues of the
1:17:08 hawaii and the fighting against ali and
1:17:10 malawi and so on that missed the issue a
1:17:12 little bit especially the camp of maurya
1:17:15 working day and night fabrication and
1:17:17 getting uh uh
1:17:20 all kind of excuses fabricating hadith
1:17:22 virtues and all of these things in the
1:17:24 attempt to get more external
1:17:26 after them as he got himself in
1:17:28 that's it
1:17:32 is history which also has to be cleaned
1:17:34 unfortunately this should not be but
1:17:36 that's that's exactly what happened
1:17:37 because human living takes raise and
1:17:39 time in history and they interact with
1:17:41 the events
1:17:42 and the people who
1:17:45 do the necessary
1:17:46 so-called scholar do necessary
1:17:48 interpretation some of them
1:17:49 simple-mindedness some of it
1:17:52 with intent
1:17:54 to please government and get position
1:17:56 and get wealth and get money so on all
1:17:58 of that is there all of that and all
1:17:59 this existed
1:18:03 okay
1:18:05 so
1:18:07 i would say here all these three is that
1:18:09 that's
1:18:11 is definitely according to the plain
1:18:13 text of the quran and even the
1:18:15 interpretation will happen the correct
1:18:16 one correctly narrated is the real
1:18:18 coffer and so on
1:18:20 with the fine points about what what if
1:18:22 someone is having a wheel or having
1:18:24 ignorance or being at the duress and
1:18:26 things like that
1:18:29 that's that's a separate issue
1:18:31 it may for example let's give an example
1:18:33 where someone is ruling or is forced to
1:18:35 not do all of the allah like for example
1:18:38 some ruler in south arabia when the
1:18:40 british occupied that life and had a
1:18:42 world for example
1:18:44 they may have forced them to although
1:18:46 they don't think they're british in
1:18:47 their feet and that's it honestly i
1:18:48 don't think they interfered and called
1:18:50 judicial system they were not but what
1:18:52 they wanted is to control the area and
1:18:54 control the pots and have stopped points
1:18:56 for their feet they weren't concerned
1:18:57 about the people applying any rules
1:19:00 but let's assume in some places or
1:19:02 something they they for example
1:19:04 they force the rule obviously not to
1:19:06 resist them and they regard them as a
1:19:07 legitimate authority and he has to make
1:19:09 an injunction to the people not to fight
1:19:11 against the british
1:19:12 he may under duress maybe he thinking
1:19:14 created the best intention that any
1:19:16 rebellion now will end with destruction
1:19:19 you don't have the sufficient capability
1:19:21 and strength to fight the british for
1:19:22 example
1:19:24 he'll have an excuse for her but doesn't
1:19:26 mean it doesn't mean that his regime is
1:19:28 legitimate and should not be removed no
1:19:30 and anyone has the capital who should
1:19:32 have moved against him
1:19:35 they stood there two different aspects
1:19:36 that you see but they mix they mix both
1:19:39 and then try to get away especially
1:19:41 government scholars or those who are
1:19:42 benefiting from being close to the
1:19:44 government and getting benefits and
1:19:45 money and things like the adwords
1:19:47 unfortunately
1:19:48 and for them plenty of those are in the
1:19:50 islamic camp
1:19:51 as the project have said the majority of
1:19:53 mayweather african-american other other
1:19:56 either other scholars that's and that
1:19:58 has
1:19:59 this narrated by two of the sahaba and
1:20:01 has history has has shown that really
1:20:04 the majority of nifa is in the scholars
1:20:06 not in the common symbol muslims
1:20:07 unfortunately
1:20:10 that's the reality
1:20:15 that's it this is the bitter reality
1:20:16 which we have to live but we have to we
1:20:18 have to interact with that and expose it
1:20:20 and not hesitate to tell the truth if it
1:20:22 is very bitter and offensive for many
1:20:25 people
1:20:26 can you verify though because you
1:20:27 mentioned before that this thing should
1:20:28 be
1:20:38 he reads in this subject meaning he
1:20:39 teaches something he's a scholar in this
1:20:41 subject so the same the english read is
1:20:43 the same like in arabic
1:20:55 is is becoming a part of his belief and
1:20:59 guiding his actions so he's conscious of
1:21:01 all of us
1:21:03 as such a person can be
1:21:06 but with his
1:21:07 achievement that he becomes
1:21:09 or is it is he actually
1:21:11 yeah naturally because
1:21:20 if you don't have if you don't have the
1:21:22 good feeling good
1:21:24 consciousness
1:21:26 is just a collection of data it is not
1:21:28 it's not a it's not part of your belief
1:21:31 which dictates your character and your
1:21:32 mindset
1:21:34 and you may become item with just few
1:21:36 few i as you you know and you apply
1:21:38 understand correctly you become islam in
1:21:40 this area and other areas if someone
1:21:42 asks you i'm not familiar go and ask
1:21:45 another scholar about it
1:21:52 but but giving the name adam to all of
1:21:54 these scholars is a mistake that
1:21:56 happened after the fair in the first
1:21:57 century they were not giving their name
1:21:59 adam except for few people like him
1:22:02 said about himself
1:22:05 i am firm in knowledge come ask me
1:22:07 about
1:22:08 allah allah conscious and that god
1:22:11 feeling and you know that he is a fairy
1:22:14 scholarship all the other scholars of
1:22:15 that time
1:22:18 they were called
1:22:20 even the rebellion
1:22:22 against the quran decided to rebel
1:22:25 against hajjaj quran although many of
1:22:27 them are really adam and god feeling but
1:22:29 they did not they are giving them that
1:22:31 title later on that has been
1:22:34 that has been done
1:22:36 spread widely and the people have
1:22:38 have been misled to believe that anyone
1:22:40 who has plenty of knowledge is
1:22:42 automatically
1:22:44 according to the definition of the quran
1:22:46 and they say
1:22:48 are the heirs of the prophets and the
1:22:50 prophets did not leave any money or
1:22:52 their their ham or dinner or money they
1:22:55 left knowledge
1:22:57 but the real knowledge which we would
1:22:59 comprehend and and believe in would
1:23:01 affect the uh
1:23:03 the action otherwise you're arming
1:23:04 harmonic like i said most african comedy
1:23:08 because they have plenty of knowledge
1:23:10 details knowledge data but they are not
1:23:12 knowledgeable
1:23:14 even even in modern computers are the
1:23:16 difference between data and and and
1:23:18 information
1:23:24 you could
1:23:25 have some rough comparison in that in
1:23:27 that regard data just bits of
1:23:29 information but
1:23:30 it's not connected into giving you any
1:23:32 any clear image of the reality or any
1:23:34 description of anything probably
1:23:40 okay so that's that's that's that's
1:23:42 unfortunately the situation and the
1:23:44 majority
1:23:46 currently barely anyone can be called
1:23:48 the island living now most of them are
1:23:50 quran and most of them are africa
1:23:52 unfortunately that's clearly from their
1:23:53 father
1:24:00 even the one who are not for the
1:24:01 governments
1:24:04 because you don't need to be the
1:24:05 government sometimes you you want to be
1:24:06 a leader of the people you want to uh
1:24:08 you want to have the respect of the
1:24:10 people that people come with you for
1:24:11 fatwa etc
1:24:13 this is this is not a good intention
1:24:14 this is not a good way of thinking
1:24:18 you know to appease the people don't
1:24:19 answer the government and maybe appease
1:24:20 the people giving them fatwa which makes
1:24:23 them feel happy and feel happy about
1:24:25 yourself don't tell the truth as it
1:24:26 should be
1:24:31 do not admit that issue i don't know
1:24:33 details about it i can't give you
1:24:34 anything about that go to someone else
1:24:37 most of them will not
1:24:38 let them open their mouth in areas
1:24:41 besides they don't know their own
1:24:42 limitations respect their own
1:24:43 limitations
1:24:52 this is not this that's all try to
1:24:54 escape which is not true
1:24:55 most of the syria is mutawata
1:25:00 the main events the essential core
1:25:03 about which really the main ruling rely
1:25:06 the technicality of washing the face or
1:25:08 blowing the nose who cares about that
1:25:10 the blowing of the nose three times a
1:25:11 desirable or five or one time
1:25:14 like this that's what they're stuck with
1:25:17 what's most of their hadith
1:25:19 you see the level of of i for example i
1:25:22 read about
1:25:24 in
1:25:27 one time he came home and was very
1:25:28 jubilant and so on
1:25:31 and why because he saw a man doing waldo
1:25:33 and uh and
1:25:36 the doing uh wiping between the the
1:25:39 what's the name of the the the foot
1:25:42 fingers what the name and the
1:25:47 toes between the toes here putting his
1:25:49 finger there and
1:25:50 cleaning between the toes
1:25:52 and that's the sunnah and he was very
1:25:54 jobless so this is the sun
1:25:56 is cleaning between the toes i know i'm
1:25:58 not the negative
1:25:59 but the sunnah which is pray praise that
1:26:02 is the one who was vibrating
1:26:04 as soon as you begin with the muslim
1:26:05 community the sunnah is
1:26:21 sunnah which the person who cares anyone
1:26:22 changing his or not
1:26:26 so that's the how sunnah degenerated
1:26:29 from the rank of muhammad humble
1:26:31 we don't want to rely on anybody but
1:26:34 he will find many things which will make
1:26:36 you really
1:26:38 feel shocked
1:26:40 how how
1:26:41 to wheel and playing with with the text
1:26:43 and trying to find excuses from
1:26:46 especially on the rulers after that to
1:26:48 keep them somehow in the form of islam
1:26:49 to extinct yourself that okay we can't
1:26:51 go over it we gotta do something
1:26:53 we should do it
1:26:57 very unfortunate but this is his islamic
1:26:59 history we are doing something in that
1:27:00 direction
1:27:01 but
1:27:02 beware of that don't don't take that at
1:27:04 face value
1:27:07 don't take that at face value
1:27:11 okay so this is we have volume
1:27:16 under ceremony ask him why why the one
1:27:19 not ruling with the with the where with
1:27:21 the injeel should be only five seconds
1:27:23 not clever of catherine it's the same
1:27:25 word thing exactly like this one which
1:27:27 shows you this is this is all all of
1:27:29 this catherine walimanfacial is
1:27:32 but given the various title showing that
1:27:34 all of them are having all these
1:27:36 negative attributes
1:27:38 they are unjust
1:27:40 on the level of cover they are kafir
1:27:42 rejection or rejection of the truth
1:27:44 their claim of belief is false cannot be
1:27:47 and they are rebellious definitely they
1:27:49 are but rebellious like a bliss
1:27:50 rebellion kafir also
1:27:53 rejecting allah command because if they
1:27:55 have accepted genuinely in the heart
1:27:58 then unless they have an excuse of a
1:28:00 mistake and address they had or or
1:28:03 they they would have applied it how come
1:28:04 that they do tablet
1:28:06 how could it be
1:28:08 explain someone who knows that allah has
1:28:10 made this injunction
1:28:12 and he's not applying it
1:28:15 unless he is having some mental problem
1:28:17 or he is a did not understand him
1:28:19 properly or he's under the urethra sword
1:28:21 is his neck
1:28:22 this is just not conceivable
1:28:25 think about it just feel this angle
1:28:27 let's not conceivable
1:28:29 and if it's here a ruler who has a sword
1:28:31 that has power and authority that is
1:28:33 doing that then you can very well know
1:28:35 that as even in his heart he has
1:28:36 rejected
1:28:38 even if he comes with all kind of
1:28:40 excuses publicly try to get to get away
1:28:43 because he know if he if he admits that
1:28:45 he is rebellious internally that he will
1:28:47 rebel against him because you know that
1:28:48 there will be no excuse anymore because
1:28:50 almost
1:28:51 one muslim through history agreed that
1:28:53 they will not accept a careful rule of
1:28:55 someone who commits killikov
1:28:57 they have to fight against him this is
1:28:58 the borderline which nobody will is
1:29:00 willing to uh to to step over
1:29:04 unless they're
1:29:05 forced to by the united
1:29:08 states so the world will come all kind
1:29:11 of excuses
1:29:16 they don't do that by
1:29:18 themselves that's what we see and
1:29:20 through history that's what we see
1:29:50 foreign
1:30:04 setting forth the truth confirming the
1:30:07 truth of whatever their still remains or
1:30:09 earlier revelations and determining what
1:30:11 is true therein
1:30:12 judge them between them between the
1:30:14 fathers of earlier revelation in
1:30:16 accordance with what god has dispersed
1:30:18 from on
1:30:19 and do not follow their arrogant views
1:30:21 forsaking the truth that has come unto
1:30:23 thee
1:30:24 unto every one of you we have appointed
1:30:26 a different law and way of life and if
1:30:29 god had wills had so willed he could
1:30:31 surely have made you all one single
1:30:33 community but he will live otherwise
1:30:36 in order to test you by means of what he
1:30:39 has
1:30:40 said unto you
1:30:42 by then with one another doing good
1:30:44 works unto god yours you all must return
1:30:47 and then he will make you truly
1:30:48 understand all that on which you would
1:30:51 want to differ this translation
1:30:54 prophet
1:30:55 we sent you the book setting forth the
1:30:58 truth confirm confirming what is
1:31:00 available of early revelations and with
1:31:02 final authority over them
1:31:04 judge between them in accordance with
1:31:06 what god has revealed and sent down
1:31:09 do not follow their whims which deviate
1:31:11 from the truth revealed to you
1:31:13 we have assigned to each of you a law
1:31:15 and a way of life
1:31:17 if god had wanted he could have made all
1:31:20 of you a single community but instead he
1:31:22 is testing you by means of what he has
1:31:24 revealed to you so compete in doing what
1:31:27 is good you will all return to god and
1:31:29 he will clarify these matters about
1:31:31 which you have desert
1:31:33 okay let me the meaning is clear but let
1:31:36 me make some comments about some wording
1:31:39 it says
1:31:40 uh this revelation is confirming what
1:31:42 has been before
1:31:56 dominant over it and controlling over it
1:31:59 meaning it's appropriating it that's
1:32:00 just this one one of the fundamental
1:32:03 points unfortunately the the
1:32:06 turjuman quran the translator of the
1:32:08 quran have been abbas despite of all his
1:32:11 greatness and
1:32:12 huge mind
1:32:13 interpreted muhammad as witness over it
1:32:15 now maybe he said witness is also
1:32:17 muhammad but actually muhammad is
1:32:19 meaning dominant
1:32:21 and this is this is the the meaning in
1:32:23 arabic word
1:32:25 meaning control
1:32:28 dominate
1:32:30 even by force if necessary so since
1:32:33 allah revelation
1:32:34 by penny says the olive equal rank
1:32:36 the meaning of that this final book is
1:32:38 on the field of final revelation which
1:32:40 is quran and sunnah is
1:32:42 dominant over the previous uh
1:32:45 confirming that it's true yes it's
1:32:47 confirmed let's confirm whatever through
1:32:50 edit but it's
1:32:51 meaning it's abrogating it it has to be
1:32:53 obligated there's no other way it can be
1:32:55 allah's command one being declared to be
1:32:58 muhammad over the other unless it is
1:33:00 abrogating that's the only the only way
1:33:02 to get confusion because allah
1:33:04 commandments and allah attributes are
1:33:05 all equal ranking that says there's no
1:33:08 in contradiction or or conflicts inside
1:33:10 the divine beings blessed be his name so
1:33:13 that's not possible so mohammed and i
1:33:14 mean so the word
1:33:15 the correct translation is not i see the
1:33:17 book the translator did not follow in
1:33:20 abbas and calling
1:33:24 that's it
1:33:26 although it mentioned some of the
1:33:27 previous ruling and we'll discuss some
1:33:28 of them and so on but even mentioning
1:33:31 them like when we measured the ayah that
1:33:33 eye for i sold for soul etc
1:33:36 is enacted upon them it does not prove
1:33:38 that it's enacted upon us because
1:33:40 muhammad the mayor mentioning that it
1:33:42 was like that is only telling you what
1:33:44 it was that's it does not mean this is a
1:33:46 junction we have to have a separate
1:33:48 evidence that these are also junction on
1:33:50 us and this have been
1:33:53 established by the prophet
1:33:55 with final and we say they find a finer
1:33:57 and more detailed
1:34:01 modification there
1:34:03 but this is a very complicated area but
1:34:05 of condemnance is the all previous
1:34:06 revelation with muhammad receiving the
1:34:08 message
1:34:10 and being appointed for all mankind as
1:34:11 we've discussed in the book
1:34:13 all previous
1:34:14 junctions and laws and so on have been
1:34:16 obligated to go and finish
1:34:19 nothing
1:34:20 and just confirm further
1:34:22 also
1:34:23 with that
1:34:29 don't follow their desires from that
1:34:30 objected because all that has been
1:34:32 obligated if they stick to it it's a
1:34:34 desire because if allah provides a
1:34:36 certain law in the time past
1:34:38 then when it is obligated it nobody
1:34:40 should keep it but if you stick to it
1:34:42 you are following your desire we are not
1:34:44 following the revelation anymore it is
1:34:45 your desire only to stick to the thing
1:34:48 which has abrogated
1:34:49 this is argue with allah why did you
1:34:51 obligate that which you should not have
1:34:53 obligated that's exactly what the police
1:34:54 have said
1:34:55 you should not have given me a command
1:34:57 to know adam i'm more honorable than him
1:34:59 mentality
1:35:00 what's obligated is becoming our
1:35:03 sticking to it is our
1:35:05 so don't stick to that for the
1:35:07 disregarding if it is really in the
1:35:09 scripture or that's not relevant
1:35:21 how to apply the sharia how to live
1:35:23 according to sharia because this is
1:35:26 it's part of the shariah but it's the
1:35:28 simulator has been hajj so only praise
1:35:30 the quran
1:35:32 has been simulated
1:35:33 which is
1:35:34 may make hezbollah a little jubilant
1:35:36 because it could be
1:35:38 between uh
1:35:39 fikra and tariqa
1:35:51 because it contains also uh certain
1:35:53 junctions are ruling certain part of
1:35:54 sharia but they're separated because
1:35:56 it's not not near not not meant for
1:35:59 itself but meant for the application of
1:36:01 the other sharia for the more like you
1:36:03 say
1:36:03 seizure ruling and then methodology
1:36:06 methodological ruling so the sharia
1:36:08 minhajj
1:36:19 was not done by jihad
1:36:21 for them
1:36:22 and defending the domain was not done by
1:36:24 jihad from time to time prophets called
1:36:26 them for jihad for certain situation but
1:36:28 it's not obligation they they are not
1:36:30 ordered to to uh to resist uh foreign
1:36:33 invaders no no there's no other so
1:36:36 that's the way their life their way of
1:36:38 life should have been managed
1:36:40 and they can manage under other rules
1:36:41 not a problem and they were managing at
1:36:43 the time of the judges humanitarian
1:36:45 situation except it was a singular
1:36:46 situation where they they performed
1:36:48 jihad optional jihad for example there's
1:36:51 a major there's a major issue but also
1:36:53 how to carry the tower what is the
1:36:55 methodology in islam is they're quite
1:36:58 different than from other uh other
1:37:00 sharia and other prophets etc
1:37:02 but anyway
1:37:04 for each one of these the previous
1:37:05 nation there is shira and min
1:37:07 for them separately
1:37:10 meaning we have our own sharia so the
1:37:13 previous three i cannot be or share our
1:37:14 roman heart so it's abrogated we have to
1:37:16 forget about it
1:37:18 i'll forget forget about it
1:37:20 like for example if someone refined many
1:37:22 of you said look at how they uh musa was
1:37:25 ordered to to call for on with gentle
1:37:27 language and
1:37:29 allah ordered him say it talk to him
1:37:32 softly maybe he will remember and become
1:37:35 become god-fearing and they say you are
1:37:38 criticizing the ruler harshly
1:37:41 even even
1:37:43 musa was ordered against pharaoh and our
1:37:46 rulers are not worse than for all but
1:37:48 this is the this is the wrong argument
1:37:49 because this and this is a mean
1:37:54 yes
1:37:59 with wisdom and
1:38:01 good good good admonishment good
1:38:03 animations good advice well structured
1:38:05 not abusive not insulting
1:38:08 but musa himself later on after
1:38:11 has rejected he he he attacked himself
1:38:20 to be destroyed because of your behavior
1:38:22 so it became harsh with him so this is
1:38:24 one stage the second stage so this
1:38:26 algorithm this argument is wrong
1:38:28 in our cases
1:38:35 don't have an injection go to your own
1:38:36 and be soft to him to start with no we
1:38:38 don't have that that's an injection
1:38:40 which has been obligated we have a
1:38:42 better one we have with wisdom and
1:38:48 hasan the beautiful admonishment
1:38:50 beautiful adolescent is the one which is
1:38:52 phrased in a good language in a in a
1:38:56 gentle way
1:38:57 not necessarily soft but good well
1:38:59 well-formed advancement well-formed
1:39:02 animation that's better than just soft
1:39:04 being soft
1:39:05 it's more comprehensive with good
1:39:07 content it could
1:39:08 entail softness when it is necessary and
1:39:11 other things when it is saying and all
1:39:13 of this provide will be right so tell
1:39:15 someone after you have administered them
1:39:16 you know introducing yourself with a
1:39:19 more inviting soft language and later
1:39:22 said listen your your rejection and your
1:39:24 stubbornness will get you in trouble you
1:39:26 will end in the hellfire that's also
1:39:28 well formed admonishment
1:39:31 so musa was complying with that
1:39:34 although he has been given two stages
1:39:36 for us all stages will be managed
1:39:38 now
1:39:46 so i'm just giving this is just an
1:39:48 example that that that they they have
1:39:50 their own sharia and hajj
1:39:52 the previous prophets so since this
1:39:54 final one is for all mankind by
1:39:56 necessity of reason all shira and hajj
1:39:59 believers have been obligated as that's
1:40:00 discussed extensively in the book
1:40:04 and then allah says
1:40:06 allah but he decided through the
1:40:09 creation we saw and humanity will
1:40:11 develop in stages so each stage needs a
1:40:14 more suitable sharia for them
1:40:17 and
1:40:18 because the sharia is not only
1:40:21 allah's injunction are not just coming
1:40:23 through to exercise pure sovereignty
1:40:25 purely without him it's also kindness to
1:40:28 the people gentleness to them benefiting
1:40:31 them get making their life better in
1:40:33 dunya and
1:40:35 because of compliance with the divine
1:40:36 commandments in addition to having a
1:40:38 good life in dunya and happiness with
1:40:40 dunya they will have their hard work and
1:40:42 open dunya but sometimes they need some
1:40:44 harsh disability like one israel and
1:40:46 they have yokes and chains etc
1:40:49 that's because of the way allah
1:40:50 structured the universe and so if allah
1:40:52 wanted otherwise he would have created
1:40:54 the world differently but it was not
1:40:56 necessary
1:40:58 and so this way would be you will test
1:41:00 it according to your level of
1:41:01 civilization level of progress and so on
1:41:03 for that what you have given yeah we
1:41:05 will convey we test you for that what we
1:41:07 have given you in the time of musa the
1:41:09 level of life and technology and and
1:41:11 human sophistication was not to the
1:41:13 level that they could receive the quran
1:41:15 you see if you're in the old testament
1:41:17 it's very simple by the language
1:41:19 i i remember
1:41:22 i saw the first bible because saudi
1:41:24 arabia they're prohibiting this because
1:41:25 they're stupid they're just idiots they
1:41:27 should have
1:41:28 been distributing the bible tell them
1:41:29 look at the bible look at the quran that
1:41:31 would have been a very good indication
1:41:32 of the people but unfortunately these
1:41:34 were
1:41:35 donkeys
1:41:36 and when i was in bio wrote for the
1:41:38 treatment for my brother in 1960 first
1:41:40 time i saw a new testament and there was
1:41:42 an american lady not that that will good
1:41:46 looking she was trying to convince me
1:41:47 that that uh show me a picture there and
1:41:50 there's the human beings here and the
1:41:52 world is here and the god is here and
1:41:54 there's a deep ditch
1:41:56 and
1:41:57 she said we need a bridge to go to allah
1:41:59 said okay yeah we need and say isa is
1:42:02 the say he says as a messenger to allah
1:42:05 not his basic
1:42:06 essential being he's not a british
1:42:08 physical bridge he invites to allah and
1:42:10 give us the way to go to
1:42:13 for us said allah no problem i'm not
1:42:15 going to i was about fifth 40 15 years
1:42:17 old at the time of or 14. i took a copy
1:42:19 of that of the gave me a copy free copy
1:42:22 like the one placed by the gideons
1:42:25 at that time it was the old version the
1:42:27 the the gideon wonder modern one the
1:42:30 edited one came only recently 20 years
1:42:32 ago
1:42:34 so i opened it i started reading i told
1:42:36 my father this looks like like like
1:42:40 language wise and so looked like uh like
1:42:43 written for kids
1:42:45 and there was 14 15 years why the quran
1:42:48 looks like more mature like for adults
1:42:50 and ismail said yes because human human
1:42:53 being were at the time in the kid level
1:42:56 so just naturally it's you know
1:42:59 kiddish level
1:43:00 the way i think formulated and so on
1:43:04 it's almost really kiddish
1:43:06 but what's that that's the level of
1:43:07 sophistication
1:43:10 was quite high or we have departed the
1:43:13 time of complete magical world of magic
1:43:16 with ibrahim roughly the king of
1:43:18 philosophical discourse but
1:43:20 was not yet progressed to the level
1:43:22 which we had when
1:43:33 because this one has come for adults and
1:43:35 these adults have to stay adults and see
1:43:37 that what's written for others they
1:43:39 cannot go now we are back to or we go
1:43:41 through the
1:43:42 musa because we have degenerated that
1:43:44 ever no this one this quran can get you
1:43:46 out of this generation up welcome to the
1:43:48 generation of uh
1:43:54 actually quite relates to this idea of
1:43:55 progression um
1:43:57 so a comment from youtube what do you
1:43:59 think of the about this modern
1:44:00 interpretation of some so-called
1:44:02 enlightened muslims
1:44:04 who claim that the verse stating that
1:44:06 the punishment for theft is actually
1:44:08 non-physical punishment
1:44:09 uh yes
1:44:11 the meaning of cutting as a metaphor or
1:44:13 stopping them from committing you know
1:44:15 because we have this
1:44:16 nation by tawatur that
1:44:19 it was physical cutting
1:44:21 and the prophet was did not like it
1:44:24 until one one time when a thief was cut
1:44:26 his face was like like as if he was
1:44:29 dusted with with with the
1:44:31 and then they said
1:44:32 why you are very upset and your face is
1:44:35 as dusted with with ashes say
1:44:39 i'm upset that
1:44:40 you are committing such crimes that
1:44:42 deserve to be cut while i between you
1:44:45 couldn't you wait until i'm gone then
1:44:47 you can't commit whatever crime you want
1:44:49 you do not respect even my pleasures
1:44:50 between you and you have said thieves
1:44:52 between you but he he did administer it
1:44:55 doesn't mean that he likes it and that's
1:44:57 the reason that i after that was
1:44:58 commenting that's
1:45:00 you have to accept it
1:45:02 no no i think this is repetition
1:45:05 if you interpret everything symbolically
1:45:07 in that sense especially something
1:45:09 physical we are not talking about divine
1:45:11 attributes or the throne or things like
1:45:12 that which you may think there's a good
1:45:15 reason rational reason to debate it
1:45:16 metabolically then the whole sharia
1:45:19 would evaporate
1:45:23 why why
1:45:24 what did they say about salah that's
1:45:26 what we know that with the raqqa and
1:45:28 so on or if it's just prayer
1:45:31 then then we know that some some uh i i
1:45:34 i believe i read like 50 years ago 40
1:45:37 years ago and some tunisian secrets
1:45:39 secular said actually
1:45:41 just sitting on the river side and
1:45:43 wondering about
1:45:45 dunya
1:45:46 is enough salah you don't need the five
1:45:47 salad
1:45:49 so
1:45:50 it it had it it's clearly this would be
1:45:53 the same way like some some jews and
1:45:55 christian they did did
1:45:57 10 words from their because words and
1:46:00 expressions in the quran and the sunnah
1:46:02 should be taken at literally according
1:46:04 to the habits of the arabic language and
1:46:06 so on you will go to the wheel and
1:46:08 metaphor only if you if you are forced
1:46:12 to by necessity of reason or
1:46:15 they don't bring anything to you they
1:46:17 say it is just it is a can prevent them
1:46:19 give give them a job so they don't they
1:46:22 cut their hand prevent their hand from
1:46:24 that actually the issue of cutting
1:46:27 has been used with a follicle by the
1:46:28 prophet but the condition showed that
1:46:29 it's metabolically there was one poet
1:46:31 who came who used to be insulting the
1:46:33 prophets and so on and then he repented
1:46:35 that came to allah
1:46:37 told bilal take him but that is is he go
1:46:40 in makkah but his origin is for
1:46:42 abyssinian and so is uh it's not that
1:46:44 eloquent in arabic he has still some
1:46:46 abyssinian
1:46:48 sounds what's he called
1:46:52 you feel from his the way he talks so he
1:46:53 must have come as a a sufficiently old
1:46:56 boy
1:46:56 uh
1:46:57 most likely by theft aloha he was came
1:47:00 to arabia and
1:47:02 never mastered the arabic language
1:47:03 neither pronunciation nor wrong so he
1:47:05 said that they tell it
1:47:27 give me enough so that i don't attack
1:47:28 him anymore
1:47:30 then he went back to the prophet
1:47:32 meaning
1:47:34 he cut his tongue away from me
1:47:36 meaning prevent him from using his
1:47:38 tongue against me
1:47:39 give him such a gift that is
1:47:41 that's it that's he's pleased tell him
1:47:43 do you take one ten ten comments fifteen
1:47:45 are you up enough yeah more etcetera and
1:47:47 zapier
1:47:51 instruction give him as much as he likes
1:47:56 so i did not meet him and there was
1:47:58 clarified but even the way they were
1:48:03 cut his prosecuted away from me
1:48:06 not cut his tongue without
1:48:08 alcohol
1:48:10 and punishment from allah because
1:48:12 it's very severe very painful no this is
1:48:15 all
1:48:16 but it has to be administered probably
1:48:17 as i said
1:48:19 that's been missed
1:48:21 there will be abuse there will be
1:48:22 misapplication there will be a ruler
1:48:24 misapplying it yes but there's not a
1:48:26 justification to abolish the rule is it
1:48:28 justification to account the rulers i'd
1:48:29 correct them
1:48:30 it doesn't work this is a whole deal you
1:48:32 cannot have one deal on the other one
1:48:34 and then the rule is coming so oh yeah
1:48:36 like this also we are cutting the hands
1:48:37 when they are the biggest thieves and
1:48:39 the one who are breaking the trusted
1:48:41 treasure even worse they are fighting
1:48:42 under the battle or the hostile kofa
1:48:44 against muslims committing after cover
1:48:46 for for which they should be decapitated
1:48:50 it's a whole package it doesn't work
1:48:52 this way no that's just nothing
1:48:54 that's someone who doesn't take the
1:48:55 package as it has it come
1:48:57 you know give it to give synchronizes
1:49:00 the proper sense anyway
1:49:02 so
1:49:04 then the ayah concludes here the testing
1:49:06 thing sir you will be all back to allah
1:49:09 and he will tell you
1:49:11 why disagree and how the reason the
1:49:13 agreement has happened and settled their
1:49:15 scores
1:49:17 even if this agreement is based on
1:49:19 honesty like for example
1:49:40 according to our command
1:49:42 why they became leader for the two
1:49:44 conditions of leadership beyond sabara
1:49:46 for their endurance for suffering that
1:49:49 you have to suffer you have to endure
1:49:51 the ending the hardship of persecution
1:49:53 all this what cannot
1:49:56 you have to have firm conviction and
1:49:57 knowledge and understanding of the
1:49:59 revelation
1:50:00 these two conditions make an error and
1:50:02 then after that despite all of this
1:50:08 judge between them
1:50:09 for that what they disagree so maybe
1:50:11 some of this agreement with the genuine
1:50:14 allah will clarify that
1:50:15 without even any one of them would be
1:50:17 punished for that maybe others would
1:50:18 disagree because of knowledge they had
1:50:20 because of the evil intentions they will
1:50:22 be shown that they have
1:50:24 the longest and the wrong intention they
1:50:26 will cast in the fire etcetera etcetera
1:50:28 oh that would be deceptive
1:50:30 so don't think that these issues even
1:50:32 this issue with these guys say it is
1:50:34 metaphorical or
1:50:37 did symbolic
1:50:37 disagree with that's what i said it
1:50:39 would be it will be discussing okay you
1:50:41 should think about that this would this
1:50:42 will not they will
1:50:44 it's not that you say get it from dunya
1:50:46 and you will not ask about it you have
1:50:47 to you have they have to ask about
1:50:49 themselves is really there's a reason in
1:50:51 the quran sunnah dictating that that we
1:50:54 should deviate from the clear text
1:50:57 in the arabic language related to
1:50:58 physical entities like human beings at
1:51:00 hands and so on
1:51:02 no
1:51:04 this is not even they will
1:51:06 they just say cut their hand from it
1:51:08 away or something then you could say ah
1:51:09 the meaning to prevent them from doing
1:51:11 theft again
1:51:13 and this is the word is that the word is
1:51:17 is called
1:51:19 meaning severe punishment from allah
1:51:21 just purely
1:51:23 not even
1:51:24 the one who translated with deterrence
1:51:25 and so on they are mistaken that's not
1:51:27 it
1:51:28 the tenants is also intended partly of
1:51:30 that but it is
1:51:33 is angry with them you want to punish
1:51:34 them now
1:51:36 beside the punishment later if they
1:51:37 don't repent
1:51:39 and possibly even purify them with that
1:51:42 so all of that is is not taken into
1:51:44 consideration and just because
1:51:47 they they they cannot confront the
1:51:50 western liberals with the cruel and an
1:51:52 unusual punishment i said just stick
1:51:55 this crony where they belong and that's
1:51:57 in the bin that's where they broke all
1:51:59 these theories
1:52:00 i think we are almost the end of this
1:52:02 series right let me see
1:52:16 yeah did we enter i have hookum
1:52:23 one second we are currently on
1:52:26 Music
1:52:27 we are currently on uh
1:52:30 49 so the one before
1:52:37 yeah it still said the final this is the
1:52:39 final one just reinforcing that
1:52:41 that
1:52:42 that the
1:52:55 foreign
1:53:10 in accordance with what god has bestowed
1:53:12 from on high and do not follow their
1:53:13 arab views and be aware of them unless
1:53:15 they tend to be away from all god has
1:53:17 bestowed
1:53:18 from on high upon thee and if they turn
1:53:20 away from his commandments they know
1:53:22 it's i think we might have done this but
1:53:24 that is god's will of us to affect them
1:53:26 for some of their sins for behold a
1:53:28 great many people are immigrants indeed
1:53:30 yes we need them
1:53:31 no we don't we did not we did not we
1:53:34 stopped
1:53:38 another translation also so if it's more
1:53:39 illuminating but it's very
1:53:41 straightforward
1:53:43 okay
1:53:43 prophet judge between them according to
1:53:45 what god has revealed to them and do not
1:53:47 follow their whims be cautious do not
1:53:49 let them tempt you away from what god
1:53:51 has revealed to you and if they turn
1:53:52 away remember it is god's will to repay
1:53:54 them for some of the things they have
1:53:56 committed a great many people are
1:53:58 deviating yeah so that's that's the
1:54:00 enforcer again if you're ruled
1:54:02 because he has the option to rule him
1:54:04 through but if he rules because till the
1:54:06 option is open some some some people
1:54:08 that says that we have to judge between
1:54:10 the people of the non-muslims in the
1:54:12 islamic domain we we must judge with the
1:54:15 we must judge between them with islam so
1:54:17 islamic ruling applies to them except
1:54:19 what has been accepted by sharia but
1:54:21 that's not correct
1:54:22 nothing applies to them except if they
1:54:25 are come to our judgment or if the
1:54:26 sharia clearly said junction that they
1:54:29 is applies to them so they have their
1:54:31 own com independent community it's
1:54:33 a multi-criminal society islamic society
1:54:36 islamic state
1:54:37 so because this
1:54:39 the injunction that should rule without
1:54:41 it does not negate that you can't rule
1:54:43 or you do it but if you will rule with
1:54:45 other and then again they are fair and
1:54:47 if you rule again so this is does not
1:54:49 obligate that that that
1:54:52 we still have the right to turn away
1:54:53 from them and which means essentially
1:54:55 they have their own ruling and their
1:54:56 system internally but if they come to us
1:55:00 and we decide to accept rudy then there
1:55:02 is no no choice we cannot rule with
1:55:04 their what they have or their desire or
1:55:06 their way of life we desire what allah
1:55:08 has revealed that's from the messenger
1:55:10 onward
1:55:11 everyone who is in a ruling position
1:55:16 don't follow their desires and be aware
1:55:18 that they maybe try to deviate you to
1:55:20 something else from that by all kinds of
1:55:22 arguments that you are independent if
1:55:24 you are independent stay away don't come
1:55:26 in the first place that's it not going
1:55:28 to apply your own your own misconception
1:55:31 or your beliefs or to that i'm going to
1:55:32 tell you exactly what i revealed and
1:55:34 some will submit you to that as much as
1:55:36 it applies to the case under
1:55:38 consideration
1:55:42 but if they turn away but most likely
1:55:43 they will not like that they will turn
1:55:45 away like these guys with their with
1:55:46 their with the
1:55:48 blood money as well then don't don't
1:55:50 grieve don't be upset like well already
1:55:53 mentioned earlier then know that allah
1:55:55 is wanting allah is allowing them to do
1:55:58 that by their own because of their own
1:55:59 choices because they will they they are
1:56:02 unable to overcome their their their
1:56:05 disbelief and their and their
1:56:07 misconception and they will be
1:56:09 ultimately continuing that until they
1:56:11 will be punished for their own sense
1:56:13 and they punish hamburger in dunya
1:56:15 because these who are disputing that all
1:56:17 of them later on became hostile and they
1:56:19 waged war and they were either expelled
1:56:21 like money bani of nadir in dunya at
1:56:24 least on allah
1:56:34 that they will be that will be forced
1:56:36 into exodus allah would have punished
1:56:38 them
1:56:39 by by being executed and killed and they
1:56:41 have the punishment of the hellfire in
1:56:43 your qiyamah that's bananaville the same
1:56:45 happened to one another
1:56:46 but they're not excellent they were
1:56:47 exterminated because of their alliance
1:56:50 and their treachery to to to the prophet
1:56:52 absolutely alliance with
1:56:54 cooperation
1:56:59 so
1:57:00 so don't don't worry about that this is
1:57:02 their choice
1:57:04 let them choose it so they will be
1:57:06 punished with their sins both in dunya
1:57:12 many
1:57:13 people are rebellious manifestations and
1:57:16 deviant noises so don't grief that's
1:57:18 that's the reality of the world and we
1:57:20 have to live with it as it is i think we
1:57:22 stop here this is
1:57:32 Music
1:57:34 uh recurring question about the finance
1:57:36 stuff i hope the brother would have
1:57:39 dialed in because anything that's
1:57:40 outstanding for me because i didn't send
1:57:42 you documents
1:57:43 yeah uh
1:57:44 but you you wanted more
1:57:46 detailed um yeah
1:57:48 you should get what the fca because
1:57:50 there's a filing there you get the
1:57:52 filing so only what's the structure of
1:57:53 the of the contract exactly there's
1:57:55 anything haram or something that's it
1:57:58 yeah
1:57:58 yeah i mean yeah i started because a lot
1:58:00 of this stuff is gibberish to me because
1:58:02 i for me i want to kebab i go and pay
1:58:15 a jurisdiction or something or maybe
1:58:16 whatever authority that it must be filed
1:58:18 by someone because no contract will be
1:58:21 available for sale or something and no
1:58:22 shares and so on unless the structure
1:58:24 the basic legal structure is well known
1:58:28 and approved by the fca already
1:58:30 financial conduct authority or something
1:58:32 like that or another authority yeah
1:58:36 so if he can guess that then we can take
1:58:38 a look to see what is entailed what is
1:58:40 the correct definition according to the
1:58:42 law
1:58:44 good
1:58:45 then we attend to that
1:58:47 concern today i think we don't have
1:58:48 anything remaining uh for today or
1:58:51 there's any question for this um
1:58:53 about writing history and how to take
1:58:54 the credentials there's been a there was
1:58:57 um
1:58:58 a bit of discussion in there most of
1:59:00 some
1:59:14 Music
1:59:15 pocus
1:59:18 is not translated yet but it's available
1:59:20 in arabic the the the i think it's the
1:59:22 ninth chapter and the book is the ninth
1:59:24 or the eighth or the eighth chapter of
1:59:26 the book of tau eight
1:59:27 at hakimiya and then we have a
1:59:28 standalone book with hackme i think it's
1:59:31 still a slave is it translated in the
1:59:32 book
1:59:33 before the first draft it needs to be
1:59:35 improved yeah okay so we have
1:59:37 we have it we have it in arabic and
1:59:39 english so in english soon so
1:59:42 many of these fine points are there and
1:59:44 discussion of islam and references
1:59:47 but the quran is there if you stick to
1:59:48 the quran as a guidance you will not go
1:59:50 astray
1:59:51 you don't need to do bother about the
1:59:53 question i would have had it even if it
1:59:54 even if the hadith is that with the
1:59:56 cover don't cover is narrated by tawata
1:59:59 from abbas it's one par one scholars
2:00:01 major definitely a major scholar and the
2:00:04 prime scholar one of the last king
2:00:06 without any doubt but is one man one man
2:00:09 point of view cannot cannot kind of
2:00:12 dictate sharia even many many would
2:00:14 review because there's a point of view
2:00:15 it's not even a narrative it's not even
2:00:17 a prophet
2:00:18 we could even attack it even though
2:00:20 there's one single narrative cannot be
2:00:21 relied upon
2:00:23 to undermine what the quran is clearly
2:00:25 saying and they not think so it's not
2:00:27 even an obvious point of view and as i
2:00:29 said it's proven in the book of hakamiya
2:00:32 that this hadith is not the statement
2:00:34 it's not even abbas not even taurus
2:00:36 himself he's
2:00:38 one of his master students first class
2:00:40 students
2:00:41 and but it is from um
2:00:44 it's from the the the son of a fraus who
2:00:47 has never seen it with abbas from
2:00:48 mediterranean this is a later generation
2:00:50 he lived even i think until i think even
2:00:53 the ilia basic time so is in the late
2:00:55 time
2:00:56 where people are just trying to escape
2:00:58 with their skin with whatever statement
2:01:00 they can't get
2:01:01 so that's is is completely to be
2:01:04 discounted completely it's completely
2:01:06 irrelevant
2:01:16 islamic history or human history who's
2:01:19 thought to twist the revelation in order
2:01:21 to protect the oppressive rulers right
2:01:23 yeah um the better thing to do because
2:01:25 what will happen there's a very good
2:01:27 reason why certains
2:01:30 selected this narration in order to
2:01:32 mislead the people because it requires
2:01:34 the tools of islam and to be honest it
2:01:36 requires a lot of work to to dig this
2:01:37 out right an army and a muslim will not
2:01:40 be able to refute the fact that brother
2:01:41 you say this but the sahaba said this
2:01:43 will have to follow the understanding
2:01:45 they can mislead the people very easily
2:01:46 and they did that they would believe
2:01:48 what i would advise brothers to do and
2:01:49 it's been successful when this objection
2:01:51 has been brought up is just bring up on
2:01:53 the eye of tashiriya now say okay fine
2:01:55 right whatever said that you can go into
2:01:57 the details so we disagree let's we'll
2:01:58 leave that for the scholars to be let's
2:02:00 be honest the ideologue is pushing it
2:02:02 unless he's a student of knowledge or a
2:02:03 big scholar himself he won't be able to
2:02:05 justify his opinion just give and it
2:02:07 happened for me as well with this but i
2:02:08 said okay what about in the ayah
2:02:11 in surah where allah says
2:02:16 or do they have
2:02:26 so the thing is unless they're going to
2:02:28 say okay because there's no athlete for
2:02:30 this you understand that's why they just
2:02:31 don't keep the people in but there's
2:02:33 plenty of other eyes you could see while
2:02:35 makes it
2:02:37 unless they're gonna say it is okay
2:02:39 yeah well they're banging around people
2:02:40 you know people talking about people
2:02:42 sniffing their graveship right so allah
2:02:44 is calling it what are you calling it
2:02:46 that's the bad way to deal with this
2:02:47 right but when it comes to the
2:02:48 scholastic discussion sheikh started
2:02:50 discussion martial
2:02:52 were aware of he did a thing from the
2:02:54 from the jummah um
2:02:58 he did an 86 page analysis of 130 i
2:03:01 think he pulled out 136 different
2:03:04 ascensions of this narration he said all
2:03:06 of them none of them reached the level
2:03:07 of sahih but
2:03:09 right the most closest to he are found
2:03:11 in
2:03:12 uh
2:03:39 is
2:04:05 is
2:04:23 to a couple of times i wanted to make
2:04:24 this point right
2:04:26 one cannot divorce because the tradition
2:04:28 is okay we have the the monthlies were
2:04:30 kind of near traditions they come and
2:04:31 their bizarre people in the sense that
2:04:33 they come from the santa fe uh movement
2:04:35 which is a new movement right and they
2:04:38 claim to be the people of the old people
2:04:40 and right but then they do new things
2:04:42 within their movements bizarre right but
2:04:44 now the people from the tradition is
2:04:45 they all come they can come with another
2:04:47 thing but the thing about
2:04:49 the old rulings this is the pure
2:04:50 preserved
2:05:19 most of the textbooks that they they
2:05:20 they hold almost uh
2:05:23 or written in periods where they were
2:05:25 oppressive rulers yeah so if a scholar
2:05:28 is in a position where he suppose he's
2:05:29 gonna be tortured or killed or earth
2:05:31 whatever or saying certain things is it
2:05:33 in his best interest for example that
2:05:35 would have been written about um
2:05:37 analogizing better in public office or
2:05:40 decency in public office which is just a
2:05:42 basic human thing more than anything
2:05:43 else right yeah which is the divine law
2:05:46 so even our standards should be higher
2:05:48 is he going to be a position to write is
2:05:49 he going to be in a position to write an
2:05:51 honest account of what leadership should
2:05:53 look like in that period in history
2:05:58 yeah so now we don't have that position
2:06:00 we're living in positions where okay for
2:06:02 the majority of men on the street or
2:06:03 muslims they're just living in a
2:06:05 post-colonial reality when they're
2:06:06 living in a country look
2:06:08 are not that worried about us
2:06:09 implementing upon the uk
2:06:11 the islamic party of california is not
2:06:13 going to be taking part in number
2:06:16 so we actually have an opportunity to
2:06:18 objectively look at the background no we
2:06:20 have an obligation
2:06:22 this is for the scholars who if we're
2:06:23 recording this thing for the people
2:06:26 or any of the traditional scholars out
2:06:28 there right we have a scholastic
2:06:30 obligation to look fittingly
2:06:32 and apply our school so if you have to
2:06:34 apply your soul to your books and
2:06:36 realize where mistakes were made because
2:06:38 even in our own school like
2:06:40 the happy school in particular you
2:06:42 haven't looked at us
2:07:10 own boat and actually do the work
2:07:14 um i think this is what we should call
2:07:15 the scholars to i'm not sure like you
2:07:17 said many scholars may be not being
2:07:19 reaching the level of scholars but
2:07:21 there are many great sincere scholars
2:07:23 out there in the world and what we need
2:07:24 to do is call those people to be
2:07:26 independent to be brave and to be
2:07:28 courageous and actually use the
2:07:30 knowledge that allah has blessed them
2:07:31 that they have studied their whole lives
2:07:32 for maybe sacrifice great people those
2:07:34 scholars
2:07:35 have probably given up much money wealth
2:07:37 and prestige in governments to preserve
2:07:39 their honesty and integrity
2:07:42 they need to be brave enough to oppose
2:07:44 rulings that are blatantly wrong
2:07:45 according to their own principles
2:07:48 yeah yeah yeah
2:07:49 that's that's how to cut it down to the
2:07:51 people and how to do tactic but uh but
2:07:54 uh
2:07:54 well
2:07:55 clearly we are doing that because we are
2:07:57 contacting them we are sending them our
2:07:58 literature
2:07:59 under undercover because many of them in
2:08:01 a position which contacting us would be
2:08:03 a problem etc uh and hopefully there's
2:08:06 some compliance even in secrecy but as
2:08:09 far as i have seen in the general domain
2:08:12 it's not very encouraging but let's
2:08:14 continue we're continuing
2:08:16 we are not stopping we are continuing
2:08:18 the other side is the owners and the
2:08:19 other side to do their duty if they are
2:08:22 really sincere that's it the ball is in
2:08:24 their corner
2:08:31 but but also something that will come
2:08:34 sometimes sometimes uh
2:08:36 your your uh your your
2:08:39 self image your nasty your regarding
2:08:41 yourself that you are the great one you
2:08:43 will be the leader one uh for example i
2:08:45 remember two two different guys abu
2:08:47 qatada palestinian
2:08:58 he was very upset and he was publishing
2:09:01 their work then he forsake them and stop
2:09:04 publishing for them abu hamza inherited
2:09:06 them
2:09:07 thinking they are good
2:09:08 but he never issued a communique that he
2:09:11 avowed them and things like that
2:09:13 his ego is too big
2:09:15 and they told him
2:09:17 you should as a sincere if you are
2:09:18 sincere i should that he did not until
2:09:20 now he did not
2:09:22 still he's still stubbornly stuck to his
2:09:24 side intellectually although he stopped
2:09:26 doing anything in there abu hamza took
2:09:28 them over he detected what how about
2:09:30 there he issued a communique saying
2:09:33 lamenting you have deceived us you are
2:09:35 criminals you are that you are that i
2:09:37 declare me innocent i my adoption time
2:09:40 password thinking that you are good
2:09:41 mujahideen and turn out your criminals
2:09:44 should definitely
2:09:47 there's a problem with the ego of some
2:09:49 scholars they are not willing to say ah
2:09:51 really your correction here has to be
2:09:53 taken on board
2:09:54 just give me the evidence they they
2:09:56 don't have that unfortunately most of
2:09:58 them
2:09:59 this is a major problem you have to
2:10:01 overcome your ego
2:10:03 you have that that's that's for the for
2:10:05 those who are
2:10:06 let's call it the answer andrew you're
2:10:08 supposed to be jihadist
2:10:10 is the opposite one day i was in the
2:10:11 three and then he would call for him
2:10:14 say what you are doing to us
2:10:15 you are hiding for us something to say
2:10:17 what i'm hiding see this book has a
2:10:19 little shortcut said what's about it see
2:10:21 this this is sufficient to start a whole
2:10:23 world movement a party
2:10:25 we must meet and discuss these issues
2:10:27 then few days later september ever
2:10:29 happened and then we got stuck with all
2:10:30 these problems and then you remember the
2:10:32 barchar and all these things then he got
2:10:34 detained and so on we could not go to
2:10:36 work but you say the difference between
2:10:37 someone who sees something really
2:10:40 can start something important and he
2:10:42 call you and admit you we should start
2:10:44 this one and someone who is arrogantly
2:10:46 sleeping at the corner saying oh
2:10:49 like
2:10:51 because someone asked you about the book
2:10:52 of tahiti oh
2:10:54 he is attacking abbas that this
2:10:55 narration is not correct and so on
2:10:57 that's all what he has
2:10:58 we have we are facing a severe problem
2:11:00 with him with the psychology of these
2:11:02 people
2:11:03 i think we don't have questions
2:11:05 i think i think we should we should not
2:11:06 pump by them but we should approach them
2:11:08 as gentle as we can but sometimes you
2:11:10 need that at the certain stage you need
2:11:12 to burn some of them
2:11:13 like like i'm doing now deliberately for
2:11:15 abu qatada not because he said the
2:11:17 masari's book is good but nothing and
2:11:19 that was because of his behavior with
2:11:21 jia in time past that's in the mid 90s
2:11:23 before the book of terror is out which
2:11:25 is well out announced in 2015.
2:11:29 so so this is this is a real disease
2:11:31 there
2:11:33 unfortunately
2:11:35 um it's got a couple questions one is
2:11:38 about about writing history and how to
2:11:40 take credentials without having a weak
2:11:42 methodology that the late scholars of
2:11:45 what happened
2:11:46 and surface are doing right now so
2:11:48 basically around methodology and
2:11:50 verified credentials and avoiding having
2:11:53 a weak mechanism for uh verification of
2:11:56 historical events you have to sit on
2:11:58 your
2:12:00 chair and study all narratives so the
2:12:03 old chinese one is dig all the hadith
2:12:05 right at the left center because good
2:12:07 history has been hidden by being
2:12:08 scattered
2:12:10 in various books you find some in tabari
2:12:12 some in muslim
2:12:14 and
2:12:15 especially hadith scholar were very
2:12:16 skilled unfortunately to hide some of it
2:12:19 by changing some name like fulan when
2:12:22 it's marawi is mentioned in a negative
2:12:23 way for example some by cutting the
2:12:26 hadith part which they don't like saying
2:12:28 it's a i have the right to narrate only
2:12:30 a part of the hadith bukhari does that
2:12:32 but as it was systematically because he
2:12:34 take only the path relevant to the
2:12:36 chapter but in another place he brings
2:12:37 the whole hadith so it is for good
2:12:40 reasons but others they cut sometimes
2:12:42 the hadith because it contains a part
2:12:43 which they don't like
2:12:45 and so on this is at least shania
2:12:47 baldwin sometimes on the treachery etc
2:12:51 so
2:12:53 if you don't believe that hajj is
2:12:54 authentic or these parts of authentic
2:12:55 say this part i don't believe it's
2:12:57 authentic it's maybe in the incentive by
2:12:58 some narrator but then we'll undermine
2:13:00 the front part of the hadith which you
2:13:02 have accepted so unless you are really
2:13:05 deeply going into scholarship but
2:13:07 muslims as a classical child did not do
2:13:10 that they just try to escape with their
2:13:11 skin
2:13:12 and their cover up so if you dig
2:13:15 everywhere
2:13:17 on this hard work until you find one
2:13:20 fact about one person or something like
2:13:22 that you'll have to dig east and west
2:13:24 and so on
2:13:25 and it is a hard work
2:13:28 to put things right hacking on material
2:13:31 in matter of the fitnah about utman he
2:13:34 was able to dig really the fact that
2:13:36 at the late stage for killing of uthman
2:13:41 uthman came to the conclusion that he
2:13:43 was mistaken he repented he met with the
2:13:45 people he praised them that's all the
2:13:47 good islands
2:13:49 and he listened to ali
2:13:50 at last and started correction
2:13:53 then some people fabricated that letter
2:13:56 and not only fabricated that little i'm
2:13:58 telling you i say some people just to be
2:13:59 cautious i know it is
2:14:02 and the one who carrying editor
2:14:05 most narrative will tell you
2:14:07 a messenger they saw a messenger going
2:14:09 in the horizon going sometimes faster
2:14:11 sometimes slower so they became
2:14:12 suspicious
2:14:14 i found the narration by arabian as heck
2:14:16 that this one who carried the message
2:14:19 the body of abuse
2:14:21 and it's clearly that he's in the
2:14:22 horizons accelerating and receding as
2:14:24 they say as if
2:14:26 he would catch me catch me so they
2:14:28 caught him
2:14:29 they saw the letter ordering the
2:14:31 governor of egypt to kill all these who
2:14:33 are coming back with the with the with
2:14:36 the certain instructions because i gave
2:14:37 them instruction to go and do this and
2:14:39 this and this don't accept that kill
2:14:41 them
2:14:42 so they came back and killed us
2:14:44 see that man and then it ended with his
2:14:46 some people uh able to penetrate and
2:14:48 kill him yeah
2:14:51 but that you have to you have to work
2:14:55 worked up to the issue that athman was
2:14:57 that these were with
2:14:58 uthman are really righteous people they
2:15:00 are not one african
2:15:02 which shows that many that have
2:15:03 fabricated narration about that are
2:15:05 really fabricated we don't know who
2:15:06 fabricated them and who is an associate
2:15:09 of the publication smiley again but that
2:15:11 for that you have to dig wide and cross
2:15:14 and try to focus in that area and get
2:15:15 everything and import and analyze the
2:15:17 various narratives and see who is the
2:15:19 reliable and this relative
2:15:23 we come to that picture then the picture
2:15:24 becomes clear in your mind now we have a
2:15:26 starting good starting point
2:15:28 the one who worked his ass off to
2:15:30 destroy khalafa rashidah is muawiyah and
2:15:32 the one who plotted through his
2:15:34 intermediary is maurya
2:15:38 and you see that from for example
2:15:40 in his
2:15:42 although he did not go to that step he's
2:15:43 still having the barrier of the of the
2:15:45 of the
2:15:47 western the idols of he could not
2:15:51 in in the final phases of man he took
2:15:54 advice from three persons
2:15:56 he took from abdullah inside him
2:15:59 who is usually regarded as people as
2:16:02 relatively despicable because he is the
2:16:03 one who was murdered and the prophet
2:16:05 ordered him to be killed but uthman
2:16:07 saved him in the conquest of makkah
2:16:09 the second one was
2:16:11 show you the mentality of the people and
2:16:13 you see from behind that
2:16:15 will
2:16:16 give the following
2:16:31 i suggest we go out and fight them i
2:16:33 can't fight show you an idiotic moon
2:16:35 africa
2:16:36 as i said i'm not going to be the first
2:16:38 one to pull that and we are
2:16:40 give you the the machiavellian
2:16:42 politicians say
2:16:44 the best thing is to announce some new
2:16:46 battlefields in areas and send them all
2:16:48 in the recruit them in the army then
2:16:50 they will be busy outside
2:16:53 huh
2:16:54 that's a hacking motori but he did not
2:16:56 take a conclusion from that
2:16:58 that this man is a boon africa
2:17:00 this is advice
2:17:01 he's sitting at the same place where the
2:17:03 labs animals are giving the good advice
2:17:06 giving another stupid advice but another
2:17:08 advice and he gives that advice it's the
2:17:10 best way to deal with the people just
2:17:12 get them busy outside with photo hat
2:17:15 then they will be get busy with the
2:17:16 razor
2:17:17 announce and accompany tomorrow
2:17:23 but hacking materials do not proceed
2:17:24 with these lines
2:17:27 he did not dig further around and see
2:17:29 what
2:17:33 i still believe that one time of wow is
2:17:36 still a time of revelation not time of
2:17:38 that wheel and deviation
2:17:40 because he got stuck he got
2:17:42 indoctrinated by tahawiyah that would
2:17:45 we don't dispute or don't discuss what
2:17:46 happened between the sahaba all of them
2:17:48 are which died all of them the moment
2:17:49 someone meet the prophet he becomes
2:17:51 suddenly an angel with wings flying in
2:17:53 the air and things like that he's not
2:17:55 able to get critical
2:17:56 i'm just mentioning that just as a side
2:17:58 note we have if you want you have to do
2:18:00 we have to do more work than what have
2:18:02 been done until now and to be more
2:18:04 critical
2:18:06 and more going back to really what who
2:18:08 is accelerated by the quran
2:18:10 fundamentally only sabotaging
2:18:12 the battery only
2:18:13 these are known as absolute excellence
2:18:15 absolutely in the sense that they end in
2:18:17 jannah does not mean that they commit
2:18:18 mistake and the program says
2:18:20 my whatever my my combination will do or
2:18:24 mistakes the killing will be their their
2:18:27 observation
2:18:30 that's what happened to the violence on
2:18:32 you need to put all of that in in a
2:18:34 genuine picture starting with the
2:18:36 fundamental assumption are we dealing
2:18:38 with the messenger of allah here in the
2:18:39 quran is the revelation or we're dealing
2:18:41 with the highway robber and the warlord
2:18:44 make a decision
2:18:46 the the
2:18:47 shia point of view is essentially making
2:18:49 muhammad absolutely
2:18:51 and highway robber
2:18:53 who then the moment he died he was
2:18:55 jumped on power and kicked kicked ali in
2:18:57 the butt and forced him in like a donkey
2:18:59 that's that's ultimately what the
2:19:01 sabbath is saying that does not reflect
2:19:03 the history in other words
2:19:04 the evidence is for the prophethood is
2:19:07 it true messenger and so then we have to
2:19:08 build from that step by step
2:19:11 recognizing that abu bakr had maybe one
2:19:13 or two mistakes or maybe have 10-15
2:19:15 mistakes othman had hundreds of mistakes
2:19:17 but ultimately he repented and came back
2:19:20 and we know what has happened and his
2:19:21 death has mattered them based on the on
2:19:24 that what what what's being said about
2:19:26 about those badly and who is sabotaging
2:19:28 our imagination etc and then
2:19:31 we can go from there
2:19:34 that's the right way of going but it's a
2:19:36 hard job it's not easy it it took for me
2:19:39 decades and we still have some i hope
2:19:41 not decades remaining maybe a few years
2:19:43 inshallah will completely work
2:19:46 okay i think we we
2:19:47 we went off tangent in these issues but
2:19:49 one of the questions somebody else saw
2:19:51 something slightly unrelated um
2:19:54 what does the professor think about
2:19:55 issue of illegal immigrants and how does
2:19:58 the islamic state deal with it so people
2:19:59 speaking in illegally
2:20:02 this would not would not rise in the
2:20:04 islamic state because if it's the
2:20:05 islamic state if it's the immigration
2:20:06 domain the daughter
2:20:10 then
2:20:11 it is an immigration domain by any
2:20:13 system but nobody need to sneak if
2:20:15 someone sneak he might possibly aspire
2:20:17 and he will face possibly a severe
2:20:19 punishment if someone if someone wants
2:20:21 to come and give baya
2:20:24 and become a citizen he must be accepted
2:20:26 if it's a hilar if you say the men of it
2:20:28 is
2:20:30 then it is based maybe on a on
2:20:32 geographic location or so on and they
2:20:34 have their own condition you comply with
2:20:36 the condition that's that's it
2:20:38 because not all islamic entity will be
2:20:40 will be a domain of mahjong because if
2:20:42 the president established the men of
2:20:44 muhajiroun in madina and allowed some
2:20:46 tribes and so on if they want to stay
2:20:48 independent entities
2:20:50 but this is the work will be completed
2:20:51 soon shall we given i think this is
2:20:54 having a high priority of translation
2:20:55 because there's issues of immigration
2:20:57 there
2:21:00 and there will be no need for anyone to
2:21:01 sneak except a spy
2:21:08 but this has to be sorted in in a based
2:21:11 on the evidences of quran and sunnah
2:21:13 which are plenty but unknown to the
2:21:14 people or have been not read correctly
2:21:17 most of it has not been read correctly
2:21:19 because after the war essentially those
2:21:21 independent states merged in the
2:21:23 khilafah either by by force because of
2:21:25 the
2:21:26 denial of zakat and things like that
2:21:28 when there's some
2:21:29 some complex complex historic issues
2:21:31 there but individual of that and then
2:21:34 the whole world becomes
2:21:37 islamic word and then this this domain
2:21:39 must be it must be an immigration domain
2:21:41 the moment the c to be america's domain
2:21:42 it is no more islamic domain it's a
2:21:44 cover domain
2:21:45 because this is essentially what it
2:21:46 defines it's the place where people
2:21:48 immigrate to live an islamic life and
2:21:50 establish themselves
2:21:52 the the
2:21:53 immigration domain
2:21:57 is by definition like that
2:21:59 it may discourage people from hijab say
2:22:00 stay away stay there
2:22:02 you you can be a good muslim there if
2:22:04 you have your independent entity but
2:22:06 if you immigrate this will come nobody
2:22:08 will
2:22:09 will block you from immigration so there
2:22:11 is no need for anybody to sneak
2:22:16 muslims no muslims are there they they
2:22:19 they are they are not that is an
2:22:20 ideological state why they should become
2:22:22 embrace islam maybe they come for a
2:22:24 visit to see islam and stay one year or
2:22:27 four months or six months
2:22:29 and under a covenant of security going
2:22:30 around and learning about islam they are
2:22:32 welcome this is a visa to be regulated
2:22:34 in a reasonable way in a reasonable
2:22:36 balanced way
2:22:37 other people are asking for security and
2:22:39 asylum this will be
2:22:42 here
2:22:43 give him asylum for until he has
2:22:45 sufficient security to go back in the
2:22:47 place of insecurity that's all the
2:22:50 headlines are regulated by islam
2:22:53 and can be regulated by by by enacting
2:22:55 proper laws which details the
2:22:57 administrative and other aspects as
2:23:01 but but beware that all of these issue
2:23:03 immigration really in the last two or
2:23:05 three centuries before that when nobody
2:23:06 had passport and everyone was crossing
2:23:08 everyone and going and settling i don't
2:23:09 know what he was thinking about anybody
2:23:11 everywhere even in europe
2:23:13 this is only a disease of the modern
2:23:15 time
2:23:16 the moment
2:23:17 the woman's secularism became dominant
2:23:19 and the nation state emerged
2:23:21 because they invented this passport and
2:23:23 so on and
2:23:24 originally a passport answer under these
2:23:26 things were invented and enforced to
2:23:28 counter counter the french revolution at
2:23:31 evolutionary ideas because the kings
2:23:33 also did not like these revolutionary
2:23:35 guys coming in their domain that's the
2:23:37 first original reason
2:23:39 or were using them for example to fight
2:23:41 other kings and things like that
2:23:43 that's all you european history european
2:23:45 nationalism european uh european racism
2:23:48 caribbean uh deep sea sitting minority
2:23:51 complexes request itself by the
2:23:54 supremacy white soviet university and
2:23:55 it's all this is a reaction and
2:23:57 expression of deep setting uh
2:24:00 minority complexes
2:24:02 trust me nobody's play believe he's
2:24:04 superior to the other unless he's deep
2:24:06 inside having a deep minority complex so
2:24:08 he's trying to cover up by
2:24:10 throwing himself
2:24:12 someone who knows himself inside that
2:24:14 i know my deficiencies have short him
2:24:16 and i recognize him human being i am a
2:24:17 humble human beings and there is only
2:24:19 one lord in the universe this one will
2:24:21 never become a white supremacist or
2:24:23 black sovereign israelis
2:24:26 only the one who did not understand his
2:24:27 place in the universe only a kafir or a
2:24:29 nationalist or a racist
2:24:32 that nobody believing in allah probably
2:24:34 understanding my place in the universe
2:24:36 what i am
2:24:38 will ever will they would ever become
2:24:40 become but that's what happened in
2:24:41 europe in the last two centuries
2:24:43 because uh obviously
2:24:45 previously it was allegiance to a king
2:24:47 and to view the lord and to the church
2:24:50 then those all gone and then they have
2:24:51 to construct something uh substitute
2:24:53 the substitute across the border to the
2:24:55 south islam is an enemy cannot be
2:24:57 accepted so the other substitute will be
2:25:01 nationalism
2:25:02 tribalism
2:25:04 racism
2:25:06 blow off
2:25:08 overcome your minority complexes by
2:25:10 covering it up by by self-aggrandization
2:25:13 they said that as care this is all the
2:25:15 disease of deep sitting com magnetic
2:25:18 complex due to wrong vision of the
2:25:20 reality and the universe you don't look
2:25:22 at yourself the way you should be
2:25:23 looking
2:25:25 as a created humble being and there's
2:25:27 only one sovereign lord allah if you if
2:25:30 you don't go from there you will end
2:25:32 having satanic inclination of arrogance
2:25:35 and i'm better i'm superior this is all
2:25:37 satanic
2:25:39 but this goes deeper really than people
2:25:41 think
2:25:43 and express it historically in these
2:25:45 forms which you see in europe in the
2:25:46 last
2:25:47 two three centuries i disinfected the
2:25:49 muslim well i would have problems within
2:25:51 afghanistan and pakistan because
2:25:54 politics are run by by these
2:25:56 nationalists and by these have secular
2:25:59 the same with saudi arabia and other
2:26:00 countries and so on just 100 years ago
2:26:03 i know a fellow who died few years ago
2:26:06 80 years old his father was in that was
2:26:08 in the in the
2:26:10 in the uthmani army and this is by way
2:26:12 in the lowest level of money history
2:26:15 around the first world war
2:26:17 and he used to have the same he was in a
2:26:20 before the world war i think the first
2:26:21 world war
2:26:22 he was somewhere in training in istanbul
2:26:25 and then hatch time came but it was
2:26:26 close and he said that i would he took
2:26:28 holiday
2:26:29 mounted his horse
2:26:31 i just
2:26:32 went all the way to makkah
2:26:35 i imagine
2:26:36 no nobody in the way no visas
2:26:39 performed his head came back on his
2:26:40 horse back stopping his ways to feed the
2:26:43 horse
2:26:44 and have a rest and continue
2:26:47 and his son asked him uh how was the way
2:26:49 what was the borders there was no border
2:26:51 you just get to walk up did i just came
2:26:53 back
2:26:56 one entity
2:26:58 all the people claimed that he's my
2:27:00 freemason or something afghani he is of
2:27:02 shia inclination
2:27:04 allegedly from afghanistan he crossed
2:27:06 through iran through what came to
2:27:08 istanbul came to egypt certain egyptian
2:27:10 time went back to istanbul although some
2:27:12 some of these do not belong even that
2:27:13 the khalafar is
2:27:16 was never checked in any border anybody
2:27:18 asking who are you what are you doing
2:27:20 and this is as recent as 150 years
2:27:23 that's in the 19th century now we have
2:27:24 to get out of them of the world of the
2:27:26 west and this passport and say
2:27:41 Music
2:27:43 so there's the following question about
2:27:45 is it haram for a muslim to come
2:27:47 illegally
2:27:48 to an islamic authority then
2:27:52 why should be coming
2:27:57 illegally
2:27:58 Music
2:28:00 i mean what means that so
2:28:02 for example you've got say i don't know
2:28:05 there's an authority there yeah just
2:28:07 you know you can't go through official
2:28:09 channels you just sneak in there and you
2:28:11 want to just join them or something as
2:28:12 an example
2:28:14 if that's his attention that's maybe but
2:28:16 this is an odd situation because we
2:28:18 don't have the alien immigration
2:28:19 information we have scattered
2:28:21 maybe taliban can be regarded islamic
2:28:23 authority with a question mark by the
2:28:25 way let's just be honest all others are
2:28:27 not islamic authorities anyway
2:28:29 the national states
2:28:32 the the the their immigration system
2:28:35 shows that they have nothing to do with
2:28:36 islam their nationality the relationship
2:28:38 that
2:28:44 because we don't recognize their
2:28:46 authority anyway
2:28:48 that's that's maybe the best thing if
2:28:49 you don't recognize this really others
2:28:51 as as
2:28:52 and you think you have you have the
2:28:54 right there before whatever good reason
2:28:56 but i i cannot envisage someone going
2:28:57 through islam and unless he is aspiring
2:28:59 for some foreign authority what he is
2:29:01 going for
2:29:06 i mean yeah
2:29:15 is outdated coming from from the
2:29:17 imperial time or from from non-islamic
2:29:20 time
2:29:21 you are not you are not obliged to
2:29:23 respect these procedures which you think
2:29:24 they are not derived from islamic law
2:29:26 probably
2:29:28 okay
2:29:28 then you can go
2:29:30 let us if this is
2:29:32 muddy situation like that you have to do
2:29:34 to do a particular specification in that
2:29:36 situation
2:29:38 you cannot put just a general statement
2:29:40 like an islamic because in islamic
2:29:41 authority like for example when people
2:29:43 are allowed to have their own entity
2:29:45 like
2:29:46 in the hadith
2:29:48 will come
2:29:48 Music
2:29:50 by the way well established anyway
2:29:52 they they say they all the ruling of
2:29:55 islam applies to them and they have the
2:29:57 same duties like muslim and obligation
2:29:59 but they don't have anything from the
2:30:01 treasury of darul muhajiroun unless they
2:30:03 participate in jihad and so that's all
2:30:05 they are separated from they have their
2:30:06 own treasury their own zakat their own
2:30:08 collection
2:30:10 but all islamic ruling applies to them
2:30:14 so what islamic ruling apply if someone
2:30:16 come and say i want to settle in this
2:30:17 domain
2:30:18 we have to see exactly what are the
2:30:19 exact details of these things under
2:30:21 obligation in the immigration domain you
2:30:23 have an obligation to accept them you
2:30:24 cannot send them back
2:30:26 the other one
2:30:27 they go
2:30:28 they are coming from the new covenant
2:30:29 have to accept me no we can't accept you
2:30:32 go to the islamic immigration the way
2:30:33 that's the place for you but there's no
2:30:35 immigration doing you must become an
2:30:36 immigration do it you can't say you can
2:30:38 argue with them this way
2:30:40 for the time being you are the only
2:30:41 authority islamic
2:30:43 or are you admitting are not islamic
2:30:45 then we deal with this differently
2:30:49 situation is messy i think this question
2:30:51 is loaded i don't know what the question
2:30:52 means
2:30:54 um
2:30:55 the thing is also for a muslim to go to
2:30:56 a normal country can he just go there
2:30:59 illegally
2:31:00 Music
2:31:01 yeah because you have the right to be
2:31:03 anywhere in the world
2:31:04 but you will be will be subject to the
2:31:06 prosecution the problem so that entity
2:31:08 if you are ready for that go ahead
2:31:11 because because affected me there's
2:31:13 nothing preventing you islamically from
2:31:14 going making learning no no no you don't
2:31:16 recognize the authority of this ruler in
2:31:19 this normal domain to oppose anything
2:31:22 the only engagement is don't hold the
2:31:23 piece if you have that certificate and
2:31:25 also the energy that you have obligation
2:31:28 to survive and if you are going for
2:31:30 economic reason you are starving
2:31:32 you are obliged to save yourself
2:31:34 whatever way of saving it is
2:31:38 there's another point to be made here
2:31:40 the reason why there's mass economic
2:31:42 immigration to the so-called civilized
2:31:44 west is because they have raped the rest
2:31:47 of the world yes so that that's that's
2:31:49 the philosophical ground of it's right
2:31:52 what individual anybody how it has
2:31:54 happened maybe it's just a famine coming
2:31:55 from heaven
2:31:56 it could happen that's true
2:31:59 you have the obligation to protect
2:32:01 yourself as much as you can and you feel
2:32:02 the only way to get in a place where you
2:32:04 can survive and that but what happened
2:32:06 yeah
2:32:07 i don't think there is
2:32:14 if someone argue say that country is
2:32:15 prohibiting you have to obey the law no
2:32:17 i don't have to be there i have to obey
2:32:19 the law of allah i have to survive and i
2:32:22 have to care for my kids and so on i'm
2:32:23 coming here if they prosecute me i know
2:32:26 either i will be confronting
2:32:27 tyrannically and there may be a labor
2:32:30 for you if you know that very well then
2:32:32 you are ready to take it and go through
2:32:34 it fine
2:32:35 um
2:32:50 he was killed by the warrior axel in
2:32:52 london
2:32:53 i i don't have the details of that if he
2:32:56 if he can get more information and
2:32:58 references about these things because
2:33:00 this will be part of islamic history
2:33:01 which will we have to we have to review
2:33:05 so to to clean islam because because i i
2:33:07 i think that's that's the the this the
2:33:10 this campaign of nafta which is usually
2:33:12 praised in the books as the one who
2:33:13 conquered north of uh uh africa and
2:33:16 fought against the
2:33:18 the
2:33:20 i think this campaign is as illegitimed
2:33:22 as the campaign of hajjaj against india
2:33:25 and also kutai will say against china
2:33:27 but is very revolutionary i ask some
2:33:29 historian to start working in that
2:33:31 and they seem to be starting but
2:33:34 until you stiff sift through all the
2:33:36 even the conquest of andalusia is most
2:33:38 likely not to it is maybe not an
2:33:40 aggression in their in a strict sense
2:33:43 but it is uh it is according to to
2:33:46 fights and and and agreements between
2:33:48 kings and one king invited the
2:33:51 father communist and that time the
2:33:53 governor was absent muslim
2:33:55 that
2:33:56 this other kingdom is oppressing us and
2:33:58 things like that let us do an alliance
2:34:00 and we we defeat this guy and split this
2:34:02 country between us and this is original
2:34:05 thing that's not islamic dawah it's not
2:34:06 islam jihad
2:34:08 and
2:34:10 short in islamic knowledge most likely i
2:34:12 think most likely thought this is a good
2:34:14 opportunity spread islam or maybe he's
2:34:16 just thinking in the in matter of power
2:34:18 and control and uh conquering new areas
2:34:21 just purely in the way kings and and
2:34:24 rulers and dunya people think
2:34:26 we don't know what is in his heart
2:34:28 and then he crossed over and the things
2:34:30 developed this way
2:34:32 aloha
2:34:33 but this has to be also scrutinized also
2:34:35 from there from the spanish side they
2:34:37 somehow consider was scrutiny that there
2:34:39 was no arabic conquest now that this it
2:34:41 is it is a normal development between
2:34:43 king's arrangement and things like that
2:34:46 but this you cannot call it aggression
2:34:48 per se but the one against india from
2:34:50 hajj is definitely aggression
2:34:53 the one in north africa the first time i
2:34:54 hear these details if he can give more
2:34:56 references and details and the names
2:34:58 write them in and give it to you and you
2:35:00 give it to me then i will start with
2:35:02 these names and these
2:35:04 battle
2:35:06 places etc
2:35:07 to see what was going on there really
2:35:22 just wait for five minutes i need to
2:35:23 talk to you in terms of updates with the
2:35:25 uh the physics project
2:35:27 um
2:35:28 leave it better but telegram yeah
2:35:30 yeah okay let's be content there and
2:35:32 just give me three minutes or should i
2:35:33 just need to um no problem
2:35:38 i will send you that also i'll send you
2:35:39 the contract the brother did send
2:35:40 something yes
2:35:42 uh actually rash i was gonna say and uh
2:35:44 uh also for you dr masri as well i spoke
2:35:46 to my local masjid al madani about doing
2:35:49 classes because i've had some students
2:35:50 here for hadith and various things
2:35:53 um i'm going to the what the chairman
2:35:55 who i'm on very good terms
2:35:57 uh types
2:35:59 but they're good martial
2:36:01 um they've asked me to do a presentation
2:36:03 just of what subjects i want to teach
2:36:04 all these kind of things
2:36:06 and they may give us a a room for halal
2:36:09 actually it's a big group masha allah
2:36:11 so we might have in the future
2:36:12 opportunities to do uh within the masjid
2:36:14 in sha allah
2:36:17 what i will do probably is use some
2:36:19 things on the sword and use i
2:36:34 the brothers and hannah actually what's
2:36:36 better his armor is i think open his
2:36:38 house
2:36:39 uh for us as well and we can do it there
2:36:41 i think what we'll try to do
2:36:44 let's take this off you've got my what's
2:36:45 up
2:37:08 anyway
2:37:24 Music
2:37:49 Music
2:37:54 Music
2:38:01 is
2:38:04 Music
2:38:12 Music
2:38:34 you