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Tafseer-ul-Quran - Almassari - 013 - Al-Baqara - 07 - تفسير سورة البقرة (2021-04-17)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI Al Bakara Ayyah (Ayah 6) Description of the address of disbelievers

Summary of Tafseer-ul-Quran - Almassari - 013 - Al-Baqara - 07 - تفسير سورة البقرة

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the different ways that the Arabic word "kafir" can be translated, and explains how the word has come to refer to anyone who does not adhere to Islamic teachings. It also discusses the issue of whether or not someone who does not accept Muhammad as a prophet is a kafir, or an apostate.

00:00:00 Discusses the various types of believers in the Quran, and explains that even if disbelievers don't repent, they will still be punished in the afterlife.

  • 00:05:00 Discusses how the term "kafir" (disbeliever) is used differently in terms of meaning in different translations of the Quran. Alpha John Albary, a good translator, says that "the disbelievers who use the unbelievers exactly like we thought" are actually doing the same thing as "those who reject faith." Another translation, Farida Haqq, says that those who reject faith are called "kafirs."
  • 00:10:00 discusses the different meanings of the word "kaffir," which refers to a farmer, and provides a more accurate translation of the word into Arabic. He goes on to discuss how the different translations of the Bible led to the current word "kaffir" being used to refer to anyone who does not adhere to Islamic teachings.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the phenomenon of two different words merging together to form a new word, kantara. It says that this happens primarily when two different words come from different roots in Latin, but it can also happen when two words come from the same root but have different pronunciations.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the Arabic word "kaphara" and its meaning. The main meaning of "kaphara" is "denying," "rejecting," or "not appreciating." also discusses the Arabic word "kafir," which is used to describe someone who has rejected Islam or who is not convinced by its teachings.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the issue of whether or not someone who does not accept Muhammad as a prophet is a kafir, or an apostate. It points out that many people feel offended by this because they confuse the issues of the description in dunya (this world) and the description of a prophet in quran. It also discusses the issue of whether or not someone who genuinely does not accept Muhammad as a prophet is autistic, and whether or not this makes any difference to the validity of his message.
  • 00:30:00 discusses how some Qurayshi leaders requested that a certain person come and recite the Quran, but this person did not receive the same level of respect as other prophets. He points out that this does not mean that these leaders are not receiving the Quran, but that it is not clear if this person is actually receiving revelation from God.
  • 00:35:00 Discusses the meaning of the Arabic words "qadhafi" (خداعى) and "ta'sir" (تصير), which are both translated as "seal." It explains that qadhafi's theory of action being restricted to those actions that are attributed to Allah means that qadhafi's regime is an immediate action, while his other theory – that all actions attributed to Allah are immediate – is more accurate. It concludes by saying that the qadhafi regime's destruction is due to the people's rejection of faith, not his own actions.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the possible meaning of the creation of the universe, which is that it is designed so that a conscious being who has free will will inevitably be driven to reject the truth if they do not persist. This is the meaning of the system that is created, which is designed to keep people in a state of denial and self-justification. If someone accepts the truth and commits to it, their mental capability will improve, and they will be able to see more guidance and facts. This is also the meaning of the life of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
  • 00:45:00 discusses how, if a choice has already been made by God, it cannot be changed by humans. He goes on to say that, because of this, the quraishi (those who followed Muhammad) are not able to repent of their sin of following Muhammad instead, they will go to hellfire.
  • 00:50:00 Discusses a Hadith in which the Prophet Muhammad said that all people will be divided into two groups: those who will be saved by repentance and those who will be saved by faith. It also discusses the idea that some people may be saved by immediate action, while others may be saved in a more indirect way.
  • 00:55:00 discusses a number of reports on the life of Abu Sufyan, including one in which he was killed by a friend while watching the Battle of Yarmouk. He notes that the most accurate narration of Abu Sufyan's life is that of Abdullah ibn Zubair, who notes that despite his faults, he was a good leader and sahabi. He also says that it is clear that Abu Sufyan never embraced faith, and that this is a secondary issue.


discusses the different types of disbelievers and how to deal with them, according to the Quran. also warns against asking Muslims questions about their beliefs, as this can lead to dangerous misunderstandings. Finally, the video recommends focusing on the overall meaning of the Quran, rather than getting caught up in the details.

01:00:00 discusses the different types of disbelievers and what the Quran says about them. He also discusses the different types of women who are disbelievers, and the different types of Muslims who are disbelievers.

  • 01:05:00 discusses the various reasons why some people may reject Islam, and how to deal with them. He also mentions that some people might be in a misguided army, or may be spies.
  • 01:10:00 Discusses the ruling on an unknown person in darrel kuffar, or the domain of war. If the person is known to be Muslim and not engaged in any wrongdoing, then they are allowed to be buried in an Islamic funeral. If the person is not known to be Muslim, then the authorities will have to investigate before making a decision.
  • 01:15:00 discusses some of the problems with asking Muslims questions about their beliefs, and warns that the mentality behind these questions is dangerous and may lead to transgressions.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses a point made by Tafseer-ul-Quran commentator Almassari – that the details of salah can be overwhelming, and can ultimately undermine the enjoyment of the ayah. Almassari goes on to say that, although the details of salah are important, they should not be the focus of tafsir. Instead, he recommends focusing on the overall meaning of the ayah.
  • 01:25:00 The presenter discusses the misconception of confusion between the Quran and other texts, showing that they synchronized well and that Al-Baqara (7) discusses scientific aspects in a clear and cautious manner. He also points out that this is important so that people will know that the Quran is the truth and the witness of Allah.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:03 Music
0:00:44 so
0:00:44 after discussing the various types of
0:00:46 believers first of all that the quran is
0:00:48 a guidance
0:00:49 with all the aspects which we have
0:00:50 discussed will not go in more details in
0:00:52 the future we refer to that
0:00:55 at least in a summary then
0:00:58 the various types of believers if there
0:01:00 are two types of
0:01:02 the original one or the original
0:01:06 and those who were github or or both
0:01:09 anyway the same principles applied to
0:01:10 all of them after they have moving in
0:01:12 they will become one category and all
0:01:16 aspects apply to them iman rebel rape
0:01:19 leaving in the unseen establishing
0:01:21 players
0:01:22 spending from that what they have been
0:01:24 restored upon them
0:01:26 they believe and that's what has been
0:01:27 revealed before and what has revealed
0:01:29 now with muhammad also and they believe
0:01:32 the most importantly in the day of
0:01:33 resurrection
0:01:36 so that goes to the opposite of
0:01:38 believers
0:01:52 disbeliever because it says uh
0:01:56 i will go to the minimum the meaning of
0:01:59 the
0:01:59 detail but those who have committed
0:02:02 all those who have rejected faith
0:02:06 it is equal is either you want them or
0:02:08 you don't want them
0:02:09 they will not believe so it's speaking
0:02:11 with people at the time of islam who are
0:02:13 indulged in cover and became so stubborn
0:02:15 and in denial that there is no hope in
0:02:17 them
0:02:18 allah this is telling the prophet don't
0:02:21 bother your mind about them
0:02:22 that they may still become believers
0:02:24 some of them may becomes
0:02:25 but in general such as the leaders of
0:02:27 the disbelievers
0:02:29 like etc etc these are
0:02:33 uh allah
0:02:46 and on their eyes there is a shower
0:02:48 there is
0:02:54 when someone cannot see properly like
0:02:56 because of what they call it
0:02:58 uh yeah i would remember the name anyway
0:03:01 in english
0:03:02 or if you can have a cataract like a
0:03:04 cataract so
0:03:05 you you say things blood there's a
0:03:07 blurring on the eyes
0:03:09 and they will have a big punishment
0:03:13 so let's go to the various components or
0:03:15 maybe it's good to take a look to the
0:03:17 various translation how the translator
0:03:19 struggled with this
0:03:20 the usual place that is islamic awakened
0:03:23 dot com
0:03:25 quran slash two slash six two minutes
0:03:27 the number of
0:03:28 slash sixth rambovaya slash default.hcm
0:03:32 so it's the general structure so you
0:03:34 just put the remove the surah and then
0:03:36 the number of the ayah
0:03:39 and then you get there and they give you
0:03:40 a complete list of what's available in
0:03:42 various
0:03:44 translations and also things which have
0:03:46 been deprecated or
0:03:48 forsaken and
0:03:52 legit moralistic general consensus that
0:03:55 it's not proper and also give you the
0:03:57 non-muslim and orientalist translations
0:04:00 and so let us see how they did with the
0:04:03 word
0:04:04 for muhammad assad who was originally
0:04:06 originally european and blessed islam
0:04:09 obviously
0:04:09 in the earth and second were in the
0:04:11 first world war and died recently
0:04:14 the important islam personality of the
0:04:15 20th essentially not very easily but
0:04:17 late in the 20th century he said behold
0:04:20 as for those who are bent on denying the
0:04:24 truth so he's translating coverall
0:04:25 bent and deny the stubbornly denial
0:04:28 meant to deny the truth
0:04:30 it's quite a good translation but it's
0:04:32 translating it
0:04:33 into a sentence a couple of those who
0:04:36 committed cover he translated as
0:04:38 those who are bent to denying that on
0:04:40 the never been to underneath the truth
0:04:42 it is one to them whether you warn them
0:04:46 or you don't want them they will not
0:04:48 believe
0:04:50 so that's that's the that's this attempt
0:04:53 pictol
0:04:54 is having a lesser one because as for
0:04:56 though for the disbelievers he said this
0:04:58 make it like uh it is not very literal
0:05:01 because it says
0:05:02 in a couple of those who have committed
0:05:03 cover and he said that the catherine the
0:05:06 disbeliever so it's not very accurate in
0:05:07 that sense
0:05:09 uh those who committed cover are also
0:05:11 cavalry obviously but the
0:05:13 quran uses them for latina cover it
0:05:15 hints to something
0:05:16 a certain act not only a description
0:05:19 so assad is better in this one
0:05:23 normally pictorial is one of the most
0:05:24 circular translator but
0:05:26 there will be always places where
0:05:28 another one is more accurate than that
0:05:29 one
0:05:31 whether you want them or you don't want
0:05:34 them i'm reading it in
0:05:36 more than english she was wrote it
0:05:37 whether though
0:05:39 want them no i i'm not using this though
0:05:41 i'm using you
0:05:43 or you i think there's a version of it
0:05:45 more in the current english rather than
0:05:46 shakespearean english or something like
0:05:48 that
0:05:48 them not it is all whether you want them
0:05:51 or you don't know on them
0:05:53 uh it is all one for for them
0:05:56 says the same so on ali and there's no
0:05:58 difference
0:06:00 they believe not so that's that's okay
0:06:04 uh uh
0:06:07 for example we have uh
0:06:10 shackle is trying to do it differently
0:06:12 say surely those who disbelieve
0:06:14 disbelief so make it a verb rather than
0:06:17 description
0:06:18 so it's more more literal but uh
0:06:21 the rest is quite similar um
0:06:24 we have for example yusuf ali is this
0:06:27 value
0:06:29 is that have a better translation
0:06:31 actually for those
0:06:32 for those who reject faith
0:06:36 so making it's like the opposite of
0:06:38 faith is rejecting faith it's cover
0:06:40 which is in the meaning maybe
0:06:43 linguistically not
0:06:45 not but it it gives the meaning
0:06:49 quite the deeper meaning quite
0:06:50 reasonably those who reject faith reject
0:06:53 to accept
0:06:53 reject or denying the truth rejecting
0:06:55 faith so it's very similar but a little
0:06:57 bit shorter than
0:06:58 muhammad as it gives a little bit some
0:07:01 other flavor
0:07:02 and so it goes on let me see what the
0:07:03 most some of the orientalists have done
0:07:12 for example let us say
0:07:16 for example alpha john albary who is a
0:07:19 good translator generally
0:07:20 as for the for the and for the
0:07:22 unbelievers who use the unbelievers
0:07:23 exactly like we thought
0:07:25 i like it is to them whether thou hast
0:07:27 warned them
0:07:28 or there has not so again using screen
0:07:30 language on them
0:07:32 they do not believe so similar to victor
0:07:34 and similarly so there's not very much
0:07:36 of controversy
0:07:37 no so that's that's why
0:07:40 if you go to this translation site to
0:07:42 have a basic idea it's good to read all
0:07:44 translations for example one of the
0:07:46 self-controversial deprecated or said
0:07:48 let us take one of them for example
0:07:57 this one for example uh is farida haqq
0:08:01 as for those whose faith is disbelief
0:08:04 or that's the mistakes the faith is
0:08:06 disbelief so that says he made a mistake
0:08:08 connected to taking a theory
0:08:12 of faith which is like jabber compulsion
0:08:14 yeah there is no choice or something
0:08:15 like that
0:08:16 which is a blood and error obviously so
0:08:18 no wonder that this is
0:08:19 the gathered controversies not the faith
0:08:21 to believe no no because you want to
0:08:22 tweak any verse of all time that's not
0:08:25 there is nobody having faith to
0:08:26 disbelieve there's a mistake we
0:08:28 discussed a bit of qatar last time so
0:08:30 that's the reason this has been
0:08:31 controversial rejected which is a good
0:08:33 reason
0:08:40 you know some of them are similar to the
0:08:42 other ones anyway so that's
0:08:43 that's uh it's good to go to the site
0:08:46 and and prepare even for the next halaca
0:08:48 read maybe if you uh and get acquainted
0:08:51 with the various translations
0:08:53 and get the taste of various issues
0:08:56 there
0:08:57 so here we have the two new words of
0:09:01 importance
0:09:02 and concepts of importance first of all
0:09:06 those who have committed comfort who did
0:09:07 kavaroo
0:09:10 and he speaks about them but let's just
0:09:12 see what is with
0:09:13 the word kaphara now from a
0:09:17 beliefs point of view from quranic point
0:09:19 of view the kafir is the opposite of the
0:09:21 woman
0:09:22 covering visitors so that's the opposite
0:09:24 linguistically they have different rules
0:09:26 imagine
0:09:27 come from amina
0:09:30 meaning uh feeling confident
0:09:34 and trusting which means that really
0:09:36 really a
0:09:37 real conviction but also trusting and
0:09:40 made the act of acceptance and
0:09:42 witnessing and that's the reason
0:09:44 entering islam you have to witness assad
0:09:46 while they have to provide the shadow
0:09:47 it's not that they just believe without
0:09:49 any pronunciation it has to be an act on
0:09:50 acceptance and declaration sometimes
0:09:53 maybe not possible to declare publicly
0:09:55 for whatever reason good object
0:09:57 but reason valid or invalid reasons but
0:09:59 at least in the heart there is the
0:10:00 acceptance of pronunciation
0:10:02 if you cannot pronounce how the
0:10:03 pronounce it with the tongue
0:10:05 in the heart there must be otherwise not
0:10:07 iman just the mere
0:10:09 uh mental uh statement that this is true
0:10:12 is not enough i witness through and i'm
0:10:15 committing to the truth
0:10:16 because the issues about subjects were
0:10:19 iman said they are not like the
0:10:21 subject of mathematics like capital
0:10:22 gradient theory particular theorem
0:10:24 if you don't accept it and you are
0:10:26 mental you cannot do proper engineering
0:10:28 you cannot do probable physics or
0:10:29 chemistry you are stupid
0:10:31 nothing nothing with the way to be done
0:10:33 you will never be able to achieve
0:10:34 anything
0:10:35 it is related to the nature of
0:10:37 mathematics which is present in the mind
0:10:39 and the nature of the universe which is
0:10:40 obviously mathematically structured
0:10:42 but here it is not so it's a statement
0:10:45 will have effect on your
0:10:46 world view and affect your action so so
0:10:49 it is
0:10:50 there must be some extension just a mere
0:10:52 conviction and belief
0:10:54 there must be more this is this has a
0:10:56 component of will
0:10:57 acceptance and commitment and the cover
0:11:01 will be the opposite of the iman
0:11:04 but linguistically the word cover there
0:11:06 are the
0:11:08 interesting discussions uh going on
0:11:11 about
0:11:11 the word cover for example
0:11:25 something like that and they give
0:11:26 example for example that that another
0:11:28 name for we
0:11:29 discussed last time
0:11:32 and calling them in the common arabic
0:11:34 language nobody in
0:11:36 language since the early time of islam
0:11:38 only like arabic language
0:11:40 since
0:11:44 the common language of all that area
0:11:46 nobody used the term kuffar
0:11:47 for the for the far for the lahin but in
0:11:50 time path it was used so we have to
0:11:52 uh and they claim it is uh one of the
0:11:55 meaning of
0:11:56 kaffir or kaffar is that those who cover
0:11:58 the seeds
0:11:59 but actually is more accurate because
0:12:02 the main
0:12:03 the main action of the of the farmer or
0:12:05 the
0:12:06 the essential action is that they plow
0:12:08 the other flower the one who plow their
0:12:10 plow you have to cut the earth and plow
0:12:12 it
0:12:12 that's the essential product yes after
0:12:15 putting the seeds to protect it from
0:12:16 being picked up by the birds
0:12:18 it will be covered but this is a second
0:12:20 this is just a
0:12:21 the main action is really and that's the
0:12:23 reason why it says that
0:12:25 uh peace will will dominate the earth
0:12:27 after the coming of
0:12:28 isa and then the people will will will
0:12:30 break their swords and then literally to
0:12:32 plow
0:12:33 so flowering that's what they will turn
0:12:35 into agriculture and peaceful activities
0:12:37 rather than war
0:12:38 so so calling these the farmers
0:12:43 the one who split the earth and so on
0:12:45 their one who plow is
0:12:46 is obviously much more logical and
0:12:50 sensible
0:12:52 but still in obviously in some semitic
0:12:54 languages and
0:12:55 uh over most possibly also in in in
0:12:58 ancient arabic
0:12:59 uh kaver or kufar could be applied for
0:13:01 the farmer
0:13:03 and people compare that with that the
0:13:05 word kaffir
0:13:07 like many villages in palestine
0:13:09 specifically if you go to the old
0:13:10 testament they will cover
0:13:11 so and so on cover and so on and it's
0:13:14 still in egypt
0:13:16 the village a main village is a cafe
0:13:19 still used in egypt quite widely
0:13:21 so it has something to do with that it
0:13:23 appears to me
0:13:24 that really we are dealing with two
0:13:27 roots but they
0:13:28 became confluential in arabic one root
0:13:31 is related to farming and so on and
0:13:33 possibly it was an ancient and sometimes
0:13:35 same thing they alex in time passed
0:13:37 it was actually with the with the uh
0:13:40 pronounced and written with the
0:13:42 in in their writing because they don't
0:13:43 have the same writing in other words
0:13:45 now it was actually with the letter p
0:13:48 like in pole couple
0:13:52 and then in in in arabic which doesn't
0:13:55 have the p
0:13:56 for example it was translated into the
0:13:58 next sounding later and close in
0:14:01 in in in the in the tongue and mouthway
0:14:04 position
0:14:05 to the cafe this is also
0:14:08 strengthened by the by the fact that for
0:14:09 example the the
0:14:11 the various uh translations of the
0:14:14 name a famous village in the new
0:14:16 testament is a
0:14:18 couple nahum cover now cover gnome
0:14:21 it is
0:14:27 transl
0:14:29 but in arabic with in in in in
0:14:33 in greek when they translate to greek
0:14:35 they said kappar
0:14:36 so it means it hints strongly that the
0:14:38 original wording
0:14:40 must have been with a p but it's not
0:14:43 available in the current arabic the
0:14:44 quranic arabic so we were translated in
0:14:52 arabic with afar
0:14:53 but not viable not by widely spread so
0:14:55 this another different word
0:14:57 than kaphara which is from which is
0:14:59 available in arabic for
0:15:00 fear so the the torus became coincident
0:15:03 because one letter
0:15:05 is missing in the arabic quranic arabic
0:15:07 and was transferred
0:15:08 that's that's that's happens it's not as
0:15:11 rare as people think
0:15:12 it's really relatively rare but it it
0:15:14 can happen because certain letters have
0:15:16 been
0:15:17 transposed to another one's next one
0:15:19 because not every language has all
0:15:21 the consonants like the other language
0:15:22 arabic is missing the p
0:15:24 and missing the v they are not in the in
0:15:27 the current arabic
0:15:28 under especially missing the g as france
0:15:30 they go
0:15:32 but it is used in south arabia to uh
0:15:36 to express the regime it's good
0:15:53 originally classical in the books and
0:15:54 the people
0:15:56 turned into into into the various
0:15:59 dialects
0:16:00 the cough became heavy for many people
0:16:02 and they sailed into ga
0:16:04 cold gold i said to you gold clay so in
0:16:07 the
0:16:08 in northern arabia and most of of of uh
0:16:11 arabic countries iraq etc excluding
0:16:14 syria and egypt
0:16:15 if the cough has turned into ah
0:16:20 so this happens and it may happen
0:16:23 especially if it's coming from ancient
0:16:24 languages it may happen that
0:16:25 by accident two different routes
0:16:29 coincide than in one that i will
0:16:31 translate into arabic
0:16:33 let me give you an example which he
0:16:35 mentioned
0:16:36 did we mention that let me mention it
0:16:37 again maybe unexpected
0:16:39 is that the word
0:16:44 bridge in arabic they all if you go to
0:16:47 arabic tradition
0:16:48 it is coming from a root called kantar
0:16:52 but they actually two different words
0:16:54 coming from two different rules the
0:16:56 first one is kentar
0:16:57 which is a weight of measure is actually
0:17:00 coming from
0:17:01 the latin uh centenarium
0:17:06 centenarium meaning hundred hundred
0:17:08 weights hundreds something
0:17:09 and even in germans they say one hundred
0:17:11 weight i think it was
0:17:12 english they said hundred weight and is
0:17:14 either hundred pounds or hundred kilos
0:17:16 or hundreds of certain measures
0:17:17 depending upon the measure system they
0:17:19 are using but it's hundreds
0:17:20 is a quite a big measure uh just for uh
0:17:24 a aside information in the in the
0:17:27 fifth tradition and it seems arabic
0:17:29 tradition is is
0:17:31 200 ounces and these houses will have to
0:17:34 be a certain
0:17:35 how much are these ounces in our account
0:17:37 measures and many scholars claim
0:17:39 it is essentially either 149 point
0:17:42 something or 143 point something
0:17:44 kilogram from other so it is it seems to
0:17:47 be
0:17:48 related like a hundred of
0:17:51 another weight in time past which was
0:17:53 like like uh
0:17:55 double of the pound or something like
0:17:56 that something like that but this is
0:17:58 this is issue of measures and weights
0:18:00 historically which don't interest us
0:18:02 is this the word so it is from
0:18:04 centenarium
0:18:05 centenarium and and it has even imported
0:18:09 this kantar has been
0:18:10 in imported in french with the
0:18:13 pronunciation
0:18:15 still in french but kantara who seems to
0:18:17 be coming from the same root
0:18:22 is actually from a completely different
0:18:24 but again a latin word so this was from
0:18:26 latin
0:18:27 and waste and major the other one is
0:18:29 actually coming from the
0:18:32 form from root uh which is uh
0:18:35 uh originally means a hangar
0:18:38 where you hitting the cloud and then
0:18:40 later it was because the bridges
0:18:42 at the time of the roman the early
0:18:44 bridges could not be built accepted
0:18:46 in the ark form so that the rocks will
0:18:49 fit together and support each other and
0:18:50 carry the weight
0:18:51 to the world to the two sides of the
0:18:52 rivers so it has to be like an
0:18:54 arc like a hangar so that's what it came
0:18:57 and
0:18:58 it is actually coming from another route
0:19:00 which is let me see where i did write it
0:19:03 it is it's it's uh it is
0:19:07 written with the sea singtura and
0:19:10 actually pronounce it king torah
0:19:12 obviously the kaf or kafking torah and
0:19:14 then tantora and they become kantara
0:19:18 so it has completely different word than
0:19:21 the
0:19:22 centauri the one the centenarium
0:19:26 which means 100 weight or something is
0:19:27 from completely different world
0:19:29 in latin but when that one was
0:19:31 arbitraged
0:19:32 it was kampara and then
0:19:35 allegedly derived from camper
0:19:47 so so we have one root in arabic
0:19:50 it seems to be it's one root one word in
0:19:53 reality it is just by coincidence
0:19:55 two different words have merged together
0:19:57 in one root
0:19:58 so they may be that this kaphara is also
0:20:00 like that
0:20:01 the one side coming from covering up and
0:20:04 seeds covering amazon farming seems to
0:20:07 be
0:20:08 coming from copper which extended to
0:20:11 cover
0:20:11 and then we have the other one which
0:20:13 means denying and not appreciating
0:20:17 and this is the the other main meaning
0:20:19 of kaphara in arabic was
0:20:21 here so if i if i
0:20:24 if i give you some favor instead of you
0:20:27 are thankful
0:20:28 you are rejecting you don't say you are
0:20:29 not appreciating thank god
0:20:35 so they have the opposite of shocker's
0:20:36 cover that's one one one branch
0:20:39 and from that most likely it is related
0:20:42 to
0:20:42 uh rejecting the in the case of coffer
0:20:45 being the opposite of shocker of
0:20:47 thinking
0:20:49 and of the hadith about the woman they
0:20:52 like
0:20:53 here they reject the the husband because
0:20:56 you do all whatever you do but
0:20:58 when when something then you feel
0:21:00 something say i have never seen anything
0:21:01 good from you
0:21:02 that says it's not hard to do it
0:21:05 uncovered
0:21:05 in sharia essence but don't appreciate
0:21:08 it so between appreciating and thanking
0:21:10 and unappreciating
0:21:11 from that it's maybe closer to that one
0:21:14 not appreciating the messenger and his
0:21:16 message and rejecting it
0:21:17 because the message has has come asking
0:21:20 people invited to faith
0:21:22 they should appreciate this message and
0:21:24 accept it and be thankful by
0:21:25 by acceptance and and or embracing
0:21:28 rather
0:21:29 this believer rejected and diffuse it so
0:21:31 it may be closer from the throat so this
0:21:33 is the origin of kavanagh
0:21:34 and also the the invoke sometimes poetry
0:21:37 shows that the knight is called kafir
0:21:39 because it's it covers everything or
0:21:41 because it rejects it
0:21:43 it denies electronics deny it deny you
0:21:45 visibility
0:21:47 so it's more not because it covers but
0:21:49 because it denies visibility
0:21:51 it is called the kafir but it's very
0:21:54 rarely used in arabic poetry
0:21:56 pre-islamic poetry and rarely after
0:21:57 islam it has been used because after
0:21:59 islam
0:21:59 the word cover uncover has been almost
0:22:02 reserved for the
0:22:03 opposite of iman
0:22:06 and sometimes if it said kathryn binyama
0:22:09 then it
0:22:10 means he is not appreciating and not
0:22:12 thankful that anybody else is saying
0:22:15 he is rejecting the meaning he is not
0:22:17 appreciating a name
0:22:18 but otherwise if this careful uncover is
0:22:20 used after islam has invented it was
0:22:22 spread everywhere
0:22:23 it has been essentially uh restricted to
0:22:27 that
0:22:27 sharia meaning essentially unrelated so
0:22:30 nobody
0:22:30 in in the islamic poetry after islam
0:22:34 caused the night of kafir but in jail
0:22:37 they caused it it's a
0:22:38 little poetry
0:22:42 cover uh and i i think some scholars say
0:22:45 because it covers up
0:22:46 i don't think it's because covering i
0:22:48 think it's more closely because it
0:22:50 denies your visibility you don't see
0:22:52 anything you're unable to see anything
0:22:54 you are denied that but the day at the
0:22:57 daylight allows you to see everything
0:22:59 and and look around and appreciate where
0:23:02 you are but at night
0:23:03 you are denied this possibility so from
0:23:05 this is denial it's denied visibility
0:23:08 so that's that's the word kavala sharia
0:23:11 wise it is the opposite of iman
0:23:14 so if iman is
0:23:18 firm conviction and acceptance then
0:23:21 cover will be the object that either
0:23:22 rejection
0:23:24 or not being convinced and convert
0:23:28 convicted
0:23:30 question how can units be convinced and
0:23:34 persuaded to believe if you have seen
0:23:37 the evidences which are irrefutable
0:23:39 and rejectable meaning you are rejecting
0:23:40 libraries if it is real cover
0:23:43 but it could be happen happening that
0:23:45 you are not aware about some information
0:23:47 and rejected because you don't have
0:23:48 evidence then you are
0:23:52 still technically a calfer in in in
0:23:54 dunya sense because you did not even
0:23:56 breastfeed because
0:23:57 you are not convinced this is true you
0:23:59 have no no evidence
0:24:00 no not sufficient evidence for example
0:24:02 someone who did not receive enough
0:24:04 information about the warsaw islam
0:24:06 no doubt was carried to him in
0:24:07 sufficient explanation
0:24:09 maybe he has struggled to find the
0:24:11 foundation but he couldn't fight maybe
0:24:13 he is sincerely trying to find but he
0:24:15 could not find or he wants such faulty
0:24:17 information
0:24:18 controlling the information which led
0:24:21 him to believe
0:24:22 this is evidence is not enough but most
0:24:24 likely
0:24:25 he did not receive enough information
0:24:26 the dao was not carried to him in a
0:24:28 proper way in a clear way
0:24:29 the evidence was not put on the table
0:24:31 turn that actually away so he is
0:24:33 having no conviction so we cannot say
0:24:35 he's a rejectionist
0:24:36 they're taking concerns from those who
0:24:38 would expect greater punishment
0:24:39 but is all asian complicated is related
0:24:42 in who is the kafir for
0:24:44 allah knows that he has rejected after
0:24:46 the evidence have become
0:24:49 clear of him but he decided to reject
0:24:53 and decided like the people of our own
0:24:55 the genuine situation is the cover is
0:24:56 the court rejecting
0:24:58 not the cover of doubt you don't have
0:25:00 the evidence genuinely don't have the
0:25:02 evidence
0:25:04 but in any case technically it
0:25:07 it is it is a if you don't have the
0:25:09 evidence you don't believe in nothing
0:25:11 then
0:25:11 you have technically indonesia so
0:25:14 someone who does not
0:25:15 pronounce shahadah is a kafir many many
0:25:18 people feel offended about that
0:25:19 because they confuse the issues about
0:25:21 the description in dunya and description
0:25:23 of
0:25:23 description is based on someone who was
0:25:27 genuinely rejected after the evidence of
0:25:30 clear presented to him and he is
0:25:33 convinced that is true but he said no
0:25:34 i'm not going to accept it for whatever
0:25:36 reason this prophet is not from my tribe
0:25:38 like may jude's
0:25:39 he's not from bani israel he's not going
0:25:44 or this one is not from my race or this
0:25:47 one is not for my liking or that's what
0:25:48 he brings the commander brings i don't
0:25:50 like them
0:25:51 they make my life miserable or difficult
0:25:54 but
0:25:54 clearly he's a prophet i'm not going to
0:25:56 follow now i'm not going i'm going to
0:25:57 reject him
0:25:59 or it will endanger my power position i
0:26:01 have a choice i have to stay in power
0:26:02 like the people of your own
0:26:04 when they said are we going to follow or
0:26:06 believe two men
0:26:10 who are who and their people are slaves
0:26:13 of us
0:26:14 are we going to follow slaves after we
0:26:15 have been the masters and the kings and
0:26:17 the rulers
0:26:17 out of question we're not going to give
0:26:19 power just for two men who
0:26:21 uh for two human beings
0:26:24 who who belong to a nation of slaves
0:26:26 south of question
0:26:28 and the quran says about them
0:26:32 they were convinced until that's true
0:26:34 there's no doubt that
0:26:35 is true and it is not uh not
0:26:38 not magic and its definitions of some
0:26:41 supernatural
0:26:42 origin but they decided to reject
0:26:46 and remain stubborn to protect their
0:26:48 their
0:26:50 their way of life like they say in
0:26:51 another place say
0:26:53 these these two guys we must say they
0:26:55 are to a magician
0:26:56 they are they have come to take power
0:26:59 and get away with your idiot optimal way
0:27:02 of life our life is optimal
0:27:04 it has been going on for thousands of
0:27:06 years in egypt
0:27:07 and we are the the biggest power on
0:27:11 earth at the time especially the time of
0:27:12 musa if it has been the time of
0:27:14 some people ramsay's second is more
0:27:16 accurately more hot was the death
0:27:17 which is the peak of pharaoh power in
0:27:20 egypt history the
0:27:21 the greatest pharaoh in here in human
0:27:23 history is the hotness that head
0:27:25 and in that time someone from a slave
0:27:28 nation comes to us and wants to get our
0:27:30 way of life upside down no we were
0:27:34 well established way of life is going
0:27:35 for thousand years no way
0:27:37 so that's that's so in that sense the
0:27:40 genuine cover the real coffer in the
0:27:42 comfort of
0:27:43 which is having the repercussions in is
0:27:46 the cover of denial in dunya when
0:27:48 classifying people of muslim and kafir
0:27:51 not in the sight of allah no qiyamah is
0:27:55 the issue of of all sorts
0:27:58 is included someone who genuinely is not
0:28:02 autistic that muhammad message allah
0:28:03 because he did not see enough evidences
0:28:05 oh no he didn't do good evidence i have
0:28:06 previously told him and
0:28:08 generally many people oh no evidence him
0:28:11 maybe he's not aware of what the prophet
0:28:13 can we say is a believer who is
0:28:15 definitely not is he a catholic in the
0:28:16 sense yes
0:28:17 because he did not hear what he did
0:28:20 but is he a catholic that's another
0:28:23 issue
0:28:24 so this confusion of these attempts
0:28:27 between the issue of technicality in
0:28:29 dunya according to
0:28:30 the ruling of of sharia for example
0:28:33 certain issues which
0:28:34 cannot be like for example you cannot uh
0:28:36 marry a catholic woman for example etc
0:28:39 etc etc all of these are related to the
0:28:42 cover as in ruling of dunya
0:28:44 there's nothing like what's really in
0:28:46 the heart or it's issue
0:28:50 so that's that's that that's important
0:28:52 to keep uh
0:28:54 separately but let us see in this he
0:28:57 mentioned certain people who are
0:28:58 definitely genuinely catherine this is
0:29:01 and this is by rejecting faith and islam
0:29:04 of the night of truth
0:29:05 and this tower denier is so firm and
0:29:07 they bent on denial as
0:29:09 muhammad as i translated so it doesn't
0:29:12 make any difference either you warn them
0:29:14 or you don't want them
0:29:15 they will not believe so give up on them
0:29:18 don't waste
0:29:18 conversations worried about them most of
0:29:20 them were his cousins and
0:29:22 relatives in their correlation so on and
0:29:24 by by
0:29:25 natural under the the boy of the
0:29:28 boyhoods
0:29:29 or childhood friends and uh
0:29:32 and that like most of the quality
0:29:35 so you feel you feel you feel attraction
0:29:38 today you feel
0:29:38 caring for them those in mecca who
0:29:41 rejected father now
0:29:42 preparing for war and ready to fight
0:29:45 they
0:29:46 give up on them don't waste them doesn't
0:29:48 mean that he was not
0:29:50 sending messages of every quran which
0:29:52 comes in medina
0:29:53 they send someone
0:29:56 with the quran to makkah
0:30:00 and this someone contacts some of the
0:30:01 qurayshi leadership ask him for covenant
0:30:03 of security that he can come
0:30:05 stand on safa or some place and read the
0:30:07 quran and leave
0:30:09 so it's not that they don't they are not
0:30:11 receiving what quran comes down they are
0:30:13 receiving it regularly
0:30:14 but don't waste your mental energy and
0:30:17 uh
0:30:18 and and feelings on them because
0:30:22 and this does not mean it says that
0:30:24 every one of them will not become a
0:30:25 believer but in general
0:30:28 this is like if our mission a category
0:30:31 of people in generality does not mean
0:30:32 that it applies to every single one
0:30:34 but similar to majority of them and or
0:30:37 to the leadership of them
0:30:39 because you know some of these uh who
0:30:42 who did not embrace faith
0:30:44 and when the ayah came down the early
0:30:45 time of medina later on they became
0:30:47 muslims
0:30:48 and some of them their islam and their
0:30:50 their genuinity of islam and the
0:30:52 devotion is beyond doubt
0:30:54 and for example khalid the example
0:30:57 at the time he was one of these staunch
0:31:00 but
0:31:01 we know from the way he embarrassed
0:31:02 islam later that he is really
0:31:04 the ayah it is not fit to him i did not
0:31:07 fit him because he
0:31:09 did not have the evidences were not
0:31:11 present in his mind enough
0:31:12 to then that's the reason why he
0:31:14 immigrated before
0:31:16 uh before the conquest of mecca and he
0:31:18 was the leader one of the leader of the
0:31:20 of the uh army uh uh
0:31:25 brigades in the invasion of mecca and he
0:31:28 met with someone i think grammar blast
0:31:29 and said
0:31:30 it is now clear this man must be a
0:31:32 prophet it can't be
0:31:33 what we are claiming so he was he was
0:31:35 not convinced that he's a prophet so
0:31:37 he's not rejecting
0:31:38 after conviction he was not yet
0:31:40 convinced he did not see enough
0:31:41 evidences
0:31:42 and then when the evidences came clear
0:31:44 to him very late but
0:31:46 came so we could say khalid is one not
0:31:48 one of those
0:31:49 about others we cannot say that unless
0:31:51 we have a clear statement from
0:31:54 that they are true believer and they
0:31:56 will continue being true believer until
0:31:58 they die for example in the case of
0:31:59 khalid we have the statement that
0:32:01 holiday is the sword of allah
0:32:02 who allah sat down on the mushrikee and
0:32:05 this is uh
0:32:07 has been verified all of his life and
0:32:09 even even on his death
0:32:11 interestingly some people when he was
0:32:13 dying he say
0:32:14 i'm dying in my bed like a camel
0:32:18 although i have 80 injuries in my body i
0:32:20 still survived
0:32:21 and i die like a camel in my bed without
0:32:25 the enjoying or getting the rank of
0:32:28 shahada the reason for that so someone
0:32:31 i don't know who said that and i say he
0:32:34 could not have possibly died in battle
0:32:35 because if he the sword of allah
0:32:37 sat down on the muslim the sword of
0:32:39 allah cannot be broken in battle
0:32:41 but it can rest if it is in in its sheet
0:32:44 which is like normal death but dying in
0:32:47 battle is not
0:32:48 is not conceivable for him but khalid
0:32:50 did not recognize this aspect
0:32:52 so he was he was unhappy to die on the
0:32:56 on bed while all his companions died in
0:32:58 battle but that
0:32:59 does not mean that he has the reward
0:33:01 because he wanted she had the sincerely
0:33:02 he had the reward of
0:33:03 other almost certainly but he could not
0:33:06 get shahadah
0:33:06 because the fact that the said allah
0:33:08 cannot be
0:33:16 for example was called the lion of allah
0:33:19 and the lion of his messenger alliance
0:33:20 can be called
0:33:22 can we can be killed can be hunted and
0:33:24 so on but not a sword of allah
0:33:26 and allah can be no problem can be
0:33:29 hunted
0:33:30 he's the king of the forest but he can
0:33:32 be killed and hunted but not the sword
0:33:34 of allah cannot be broken
0:33:36 but this is just a side remarkable so
0:33:39 we could say he is not covered under
0:33:41 this because it hurt
0:33:42 later on we are sorry so only those who
0:33:45 really so we can't see the ayah
0:33:46 is really addressing those who in
0:33:49 stubborn denial
0:33:51 after they have convinced in the bottom
0:33:53 of their heart that this is a messenger
0:33:54 but you're not going like for example
0:33:56 abuja has said clearly to someone listen
0:33:58 we have committed to bani hashem in all
0:34:01 aspects of leadership
0:34:04 they cared for their pilgrims from their
0:34:07 money we did the same
0:34:08 they we they slaughtered and made big
0:34:12 big uh tables for the passers-by with
0:34:16 the same in every competition we
0:34:18 competed with them
0:34:19 until we became almost like two horses
0:34:21 one in the
0:34:22 in the front competing now they come say
0:34:26 we have someone getting
0:34:27 revelation from heaven it's impossible
0:34:29 to get something like that
0:34:31 there's no way if we accept that mean we
0:34:33 have accept that many hashem have
0:34:34 succeeded and they they became the
0:34:36 superior sub tribe of
0:34:39 quraish there's no way we can catch up
0:34:40 with them for all eternities
0:34:42 so we are not going to believe in him
0:34:44 whatever happens
0:34:45 so clearly he knows that that
0:34:48 this is the messenger receiving division
0:34:51 but
0:34:51 it's out of question i'm not going to
0:34:53 accept it i'm going to reject it
0:34:56 so this one was killed and as a cafe and
0:34:59 brother as a cafe
0:35:02 definitely was not of that type anyway
0:35:04 but this is one historical
0:35:06 so are these these who
0:35:09 uh understand when are they known
0:35:12 in their individuality maybe maybe not
0:35:14 it's not he said allah is not
0:35:16 obliged to tell him who are these
0:35:18 catholics who are will not
0:35:19 ever believe just this leadership and
0:35:22 these hostile covers
0:35:23 don't waste your energy on on warning
0:35:26 them on
0:35:27 or grieving that they are not accepting
0:35:28 the warning because whatever you do then
0:35:31 they are not going to become believer
0:35:32 they're not going to embrace faith
0:35:35 so that's there's no necessity that
0:35:38 russia knew also some of them by
0:35:40 by name one by one not necessarily the
0:35:42 same like the african medina would come
0:35:43 to the notification
0:35:44 he knew some of them and some of them
0:35:46 were unknown to him
0:35:49 so this next ayah we will get us back to
0:35:52 the issue of the actions
0:35:55 but we will discuss most of it so we'll
0:35:56 just
0:35:58 do a lesson just a hint in this again
0:36:00 because it's very important
0:36:03 and it also shows that the rejection of
0:36:05 this translation which they do is
0:36:07 destroyed to be unfaithful now there's
0:36:08 no destiny for that this is my choice
0:36:10 and so on
0:36:11 this is a faulty theory of qadhafi
0:36:14 next says
0:36:18 allah made the seal sealed
0:36:22 on their hearts sealed their hearts and
0:36:25 their
0:36:26 and their hearing in addition on their
0:36:29 eyes there is
0:36:30 cataract there's a shower there's a
0:36:32 there's a blurring
0:36:34 thin layer which is blood's division and
0:36:37 they will have as a
0:36:38 great
0:36:49 how to interpret this action which will
0:36:51 not which will protect us from falling
0:36:53 and misunderstanding
0:36:55 the way allah controls the universe and
0:36:57 how issues of qatar and qatar work out
0:37:01 we said as a general rule action
0:37:04 attributed to anybody except except
0:37:06 allah
0:37:06 means immediate action
0:37:10 because by necessity it must be his
0:37:12 action there is no reason to attribute i
0:37:14 can give the azalea
0:37:15 but actions attribute to allah are those
0:37:17 testified by the quran we shall examines
0:37:19 last time with that
0:37:21 could be meaning immediate action
0:37:24 like for example attaining this the
0:37:27 moses take it to a snake that's an
0:37:28 action immediately it's a supernatural
0:37:30 action by allah at that moment but the
0:37:34 snake could not
0:37:35 obtain by itself as impossible
0:37:36 destruction impossible
0:37:38 not only physically physically it's
0:37:40 physically impossible anyway but
0:37:41 rationally impossible by itself
0:37:45 so it must have recommended it to turn
0:37:47 into a snake
0:37:48 that stick that day that's immediate
0:37:50 action
0:37:51 at that moment but
0:37:55 it could mean by qatar and creative
0:37:59 action in the universe
0:38:01 so allah sealed their heart and their
0:38:04 and their eye
0:38:04 it could be also in this situation could
0:38:08 be also
0:38:09 as a immediate action of allah as a
0:38:12 punishment for previous
0:38:14 failing and rejection but i prefer the
0:38:17 first invitation
0:38:20 allah says their house and their the the
0:38:22 hearing meaning
0:38:24 the hearing not the physical healing the
0:38:26 the the hearing in the sense of hearing
0:38:28 and benefiting what you hear
0:38:29 the understanding what you hear so it's
0:38:31 part of the data issue of culp
0:38:33 the understanding what you hear
0:38:37 the same with the the blurring of diet
0:38:39 not the physical eyesight but
0:38:41 the that you don't see they don't have
0:38:43 the internal anxiety it's blood
0:38:45 so the internal power of insight which
0:38:47 is part of the heart
0:38:49 technically and the part of the of the
0:38:51 mind
0:38:52 which is expressed as heart in the in
0:38:54 the arabic and mostly the quran arabic
0:38:56 language
0:38:56 but sometimes expressed otherwise but
0:38:58 mostly as heart or quad
0:39:02 could be some people say that because
0:39:04 they rejected faith
0:39:05 became stubborn allah sealed the heart
0:39:07 and they were they
0:39:08 they they became unable to to benefit
0:39:11 from that what they hear
0:39:12 and unable to overcome the blurring of
0:39:15 the internal inside
0:39:16 that's a possibility i prefer the other
0:39:19 one said
0:39:21 their hearts and their uh
0:39:24 hearing in in the sense of understanding
0:39:26 the meaning of what is being heard and
0:39:28 their eyesight in the meaning
0:39:30 in the in the sense of and appreciating
0:39:32 the
0:39:33 in the inside of that what you see
0:39:35 inside behind what you see at besides
0:39:36 what
0:39:37 the internal uh eyesight internal inside
0:39:42 has been sealed because the system of
0:39:46 universe as allah created from the
0:39:47 beginning
0:39:50 is so that if a conscious being
0:39:53 who has a free will see the truth
0:39:57 is convinced that the truth and rejected
0:39:59 then
0:40:00 the national reaction of his mind and
0:40:02 soul is
0:40:03 being in denial and self-justification
0:40:06 he will not be able to overcome that
0:40:08 again
0:40:10 and that's the meaning he created the
0:40:12 system so
0:40:13 that by necessity a conscious being
0:40:18 who has free will if you see the truth
0:40:21 and decide to reject it
0:40:23 stabani and persist on that then there
0:40:26 is no way back for him from there
0:40:27 because
0:40:28 how you can go back from that there is
0:40:30 no way that's the meaning of
0:40:33 the creation of universe it is so that
0:40:36 the system works this way
0:40:38 while if you accept the truth and commit
0:40:40 to it
0:40:42 this will improve your mental capability
0:40:44 will improve your insight
0:40:47 and make you capable to see more
0:40:50 guidance
0:40:51 and to see more facts so you have have a
0:40:54 set of established
0:40:55 firm facts you accepted them
0:40:59 and they then you can build on them and
0:41:01 get more facts and more knowledge
0:41:02 the same like even with sciences yes
0:41:05 neutral cold
0:41:06 sciences which has no religious
0:41:08 connotation if you
0:41:10 do an experiment achieve a certain
0:41:12 result
0:41:14 verify it convince that is correct and
0:41:16 accept it and embrace it
0:41:18 then you build further experiments and
0:41:20 use that to interpret the new one then
0:41:22 you can add more to your knowledge and
0:41:23 your advance
0:41:25 if you don't do that reject that one
0:41:27 because it doesn't fit your
0:41:28 maybe on your inherited religious belief
0:41:30 or something right
0:41:31 you get stuck you will not be able to go
0:41:34 back
0:41:36 that's a general feature of the cuddle
0:41:39 and the way that
0:41:40 the finite minds and the finite will
0:41:43 works
0:41:45 obviously none of that applies to rashad
0:41:47 because his knowledge is unlimited
0:41:49 and he's the believer in his own
0:41:50 knowledge there is no way this could be
0:41:52 any denial
0:41:53 because he's the truth and clearly
0:41:56 he's embracing all the truths which he
0:41:58 known to him
0:41:59 as given so
0:42:03 this cannot kind of uh kind of
0:42:04 consequently happen to allah so this is
0:42:07 only for the finite
0:42:08 mindset so this one interpretation is
0:42:10 this is the color of the system
0:42:11 this is like that so the meaning in the
0:42:14 creation and the takadir
0:42:16 and the fashioning of the universe it is
0:42:18 so that this will happen
0:42:22 another interpretation is that because
0:42:24 of that allah acts
0:42:27 separately and and sealer
0:42:31 in certain situation or the race
0:42:33 situation there could be a
0:42:35 specific act from another let me give
0:42:36 you an example for that which had
0:42:38 mentioned once in the discussion of
0:42:39 qatar
0:42:40 and i think yeah or we can we can we
0:42:42 still have enough time for that
0:42:45 when our theory of qatar which is the
0:42:48 correct fear in sha allah according to
0:42:49 the quran
0:42:52 when we go along we have more evidences
0:42:54 accumulating it's refuting the theory of
0:42:56 jabber that everything
0:42:58 and all action has been pretty distant
0:43:00 uh the creation there is not all action
0:43:02 only the system of the universe
0:43:03 and the proportion and the tactic but
0:43:05 not the specific action species in
0:43:07 action
0:43:07 are potentiality they emerge according
0:43:10 to the situation at that moment
0:43:12 uh specifica uh and and the action of
0:43:15 the people at that time on their choices
0:43:17 but within the framework of a certain
0:43:20 universe
0:43:21 with certain features
0:43:25 and we're under the control and
0:43:26 dominance of allah so the the future is
0:43:30 is under allah dominance and control
0:43:33 not knowledge insane man of specific
0:43:35 events no but underwater
0:43:37 all possibilities are known to him and
0:43:39 all of them under complete control
0:43:41 and dominance so let's give me an
0:43:43 example of that we may be the under
0:43:45 reputation that allah
0:43:46 did certain action in certain situation
0:43:49 which is obviously not part of the it
0:43:52 needs some divine action immediately
0:43:55 this will be done essentially as a
0:43:57 specific sovereign nation
0:43:59 has miraculous aspect but it may be not
0:44:02 seen easily like that
0:44:03 that one is
0:44:07 what many old qadhari we were discussing
0:44:09 and objected to
0:44:10 that
0:44:18 is a loser and all what he has
0:44:22 uh accumulated of wealth and or our
0:44:25 earnings will not benefit him
0:44:27 he will join uh he will he will join a
0:44:30 burning hell
0:44:31 and his wife we don't
0:44:35 care about life let us concern about
0:44:38 because the wife is not promised hell in
0:44:40 that sense but
0:44:42 some people didn't adjoin to him but the
0:44:44 one who
0:44:45 says that some people have us will join
0:44:49 you know it's a condemnation of certain
0:44:52 behavior of his but let us know certain
0:44:54 one that the one who will join hellfire
0:44:56 for sure
0:44:59 question
0:45:02 definitely if that would have been
0:45:04 decided already and done
0:45:06 unknown at the creation of the universe
0:45:10 it's done before i'm even creative will
0:45:12 make any choice which is one of the
0:45:14 strongest uh
0:45:14 arguments i get through there so
0:45:20 it can't be i didn't have any choice
0:45:24 because it's already known to allah and
0:45:25 he decided it will happen there's no way
0:45:26 you can't have any shots the choice is
0:45:28 fake
0:45:30 so this is a very grievous objection
0:45:32 which is correct objection
0:45:33 in the proper analysis
0:45:37 but what has happened because of
0:45:41 rejection and at the insult of
0:45:43 hostilities is unclear
0:45:48 allah revealed this the moment allah
0:45:50 revealed that
0:45:52 it cannot be undermined
0:45:55 he has to join the hell fire so there is
0:45:57 no way for him
0:45:59 to step back and embrace faith
0:46:04 and that allah made it so by immediate
0:46:07 action that he sealed this
0:46:08 through the case he was sealed and
0:46:11 made unable to repent not only that he
0:46:15 made also unable
0:46:16 but only him also the rest of christ to
0:46:19 think about a trick like say okay now i
0:46:21 can
0:46:21 catch muhammad it's very easy i'll just
0:46:23 go to him i have repented get me out of
0:46:26 the hell fire
0:46:29 he would have refuted muhammad right
0:46:30 away
0:46:33 but no no provision for repentance there
0:46:36 he was going to jail answer even
0:46:38 immediate not selfishly
0:46:42 making it as if it's immediately
0:46:46 but also the quraishi they have some
0:46:49 some
0:46:50 some people of considerable intelligence
0:46:52 and and cunningly
0:46:54 allah ordered and sealed their mind from
0:46:57 recognizing this trick
0:46:59 to come to ourselves and put him on the
0:47:00 spot although they tried to put up with
0:47:02 certain many things
0:47:03 and try to catch and and find any falls
0:47:06 or counter arguments for almost
0:47:07 everything like for example
0:47:23 and do you those who worship beside
0:47:25 allah you are the the
0:47:27 the the the firewood of the hellfire
0:47:31 you will enter it forever
0:47:34 we call it what you are saying is the
0:47:37 prophet is not going to jihadism and the
0:47:39 people are washing here
0:47:42 so he must be
0:47:46 like they just
0:47:49 make those for pure jedi
0:48:01 because clearly he's not speaking about
0:48:04 the stones and the eye the stones why is
0:48:06 that irrelevant that's not what
0:48:07 they have no feeling and there's for
0:48:09 them hellfire no fellow there's no
0:48:11 difference the stones are being formed
0:48:12 even
0:48:13 by by something close to hell like them
0:48:16 deep in the earth
0:48:17 that's not the issue the issue that
0:48:18 those who are accepted to be like for
0:48:20 example
0:48:21 kings who believe attribute to them the
0:48:23 right of legislation
0:48:25 and that's what absolute validity and
0:48:28 the people worship them in the sense
0:48:29 they regard them as lord beside allah
0:48:31 they were there they
0:48:35 if they don't repent before that and
0:48:37 seize of them this
0:48:38 huge crime they will in the hellfire
0:48:42 so the quraysh are not at loss of trying
0:48:45 to find
0:48:46 faults and find the points of contention
0:48:48 and
0:48:49 points which may be questionable and and
0:48:51 and
0:48:52 uh you you can bring some objection to
0:48:54 it and so on
0:48:56 in the case of none of that has happened
0:48:59 neither he
0:49:00 he came to this idea nor any of the
0:49:03 quraishi the most cunning some of them
0:49:05 they're quite scanning and sophisticated
0:49:07 came to that idea which make us conclude
0:49:10 really this is one of the
0:49:11 of the science of the prophet
0:49:14 is a considerable sign if you look at it
0:49:19 analytically and very deeply that all
0:49:21 quraysh would
0:49:22 all their attempts to refute him or
0:49:25 attempts to to
0:49:26 kill his his queen and all tricks they
0:49:28 use for example with israel
0:49:30 grass and some others to to to najashi
0:49:34 try to get get
0:49:38 the the sahaba degree they're handed
0:49:40 over
0:49:41 they did not leave any trick and when
0:49:44 they felt that the najashi is declined
0:49:46 to accept them
0:49:47 they came next year allah said i am
0:49:49 going to tell the judge something which
0:49:50 will end that they will expel them and
0:49:52 destroy them
0:49:53 and the one the one with him said don't
0:49:55 do that they are still our cousins and
0:49:56 say
0:49:57 i'm going to do it and they told him
0:50:00 you are fooled by these people do you
0:50:02 know what they say about israel they say
0:50:03 he's a slave
0:50:04 he's a servant he's not a god he's not
0:50:06 the lord like you see
0:50:08 and then he invited them to come and
0:50:10 they read
0:50:14 that's the second music but there was a
0:50:16 first meeting a second if you
0:50:17 get the story many more details as it
0:50:20 has happened because sometimes the story
0:50:21 is mentioned in one summary as it's one
0:50:23 session
0:50:23 no it was two sessions and they were
0:50:25 worried that they would just
0:50:26 say we are going to tell him the truth
0:50:28 what we have received from our messenger
0:50:29 and they told him that's what believe in
0:50:31 that is what what's what baryam said is
0:50:35 created slave like anybody else's and
0:50:38 then
0:50:39 she approved that and obviously so his
0:50:41 his uh
0:50:42 bishops and priests were upset and they
0:50:45 started snorting like
0:50:46 like pigs and then slowly slowly then
0:50:50 spread
0:50:50 all of the country and there was a
0:50:51 revolution someone legally intervention
0:50:53 against this
0:50:54 this kafir najashi and heretic and
0:50:57 tried to trouble him but he did not
0:50:59 succeed but his relent is always known
0:51:02 so the house and ko and all these other
0:51:05 encourage
0:51:06 they then wrote like intelligent and
0:51:08 diplomatic skills and then
0:51:10 ignis they could but they all of them
0:51:12 such a simple trick they don't come in
0:51:14 their mind
0:51:15 we can't say here definitely allah
0:51:18 they're better than mine from thinking
0:51:19 this way
0:51:20 completely sealed the the their heads
0:51:24 from this one because it would have been
0:51:25 refuted the prophecy that says
0:51:29 so from that moment you could say for
0:51:30 for himself is he all he's living and
0:51:33 eating and drinking and going he's
0:51:34 essentially like someone who died
0:51:36 someone who died how's the door open
0:51:37 repentance has been closed there's no
0:51:39 dependence on him
0:51:40 he's dead he's alive physically and so
0:51:42 on but he's essentially
0:51:44 in a spirituality meaning he's like a
0:51:46 vegetable
0:51:47 like those who are in a coma until they
0:51:50 pass away
0:51:52 they may be still having biological
0:51:54 functions but they they kind of perceive
0:51:56 and they cannot
0:51:57 even have any possibility of repentance
0:51:59 the same obligation but he
0:52:00 looks like is he going left right center
0:52:03 and he can repent and can do things and
0:52:04 so on
0:52:05 but in reality he is not he is that
0:52:08 he's the living that the zombie is
0:52:10 moving in the world like a zombie
0:52:11 and the quraysh using this occasion to
0:52:14 put the prophet on the spot and defeat
0:52:16 him they were also
0:52:18 turned into zombie in disrespect only
0:52:20 but anything else
0:52:21 is going by the normal system of the
0:52:23 universe some of them are in istanbul
0:52:25 denial they will be killed in
0:52:27 a battle and some of them are still not
0:52:29 convinced like khalid lawyer as we
0:52:31 later for him that he will convince much
0:52:32 later and woke up to
0:52:34 to that to the reality woke up from life
0:52:37 from a slumber until he embraced islam
0:52:39 became the sword of allah who has been
0:52:41 put down under mushrikeen and the
0:52:43 disbeliever
0:52:43 until he died as a good believer and etc
0:52:47 so that's that's going by the system
0:52:50 diverse by choice and so on
0:52:51 so that's that's a a a nice point about
0:52:54 this
0:52:56 so it could be we cannot we cannot
0:52:59 exclude that some of them
0:53:00 after they have been stubborn denial
0:53:02 that allah sealed them by a by
0:53:04 sovereign national act but we cannot see
0:53:05 it outside we cannot see it outside
0:53:08 in the case of we we see it outside and
0:53:12 being denied the possibility of playing
0:53:14 that trick and refuting the
0:53:16 rasta we can we we see it and we can
0:53:19 conclude that this is really
0:53:20 supranatural and miraculous in the other
0:53:22 things it could be that it could be
0:53:23 otherwise
0:53:24 but the general interpretation for this
0:53:26 one is that
0:53:28 that's that that's the the way this is
0:53:30 the the ceiling of allah the action of
0:53:33 allah
0:53:33 relate to that allah allowed it to
0:53:35 happen according to that what he decided
0:53:38 of the system of the universe and the
0:53:39 nature of free will and the nature of
0:53:42 the
0:53:43 finite and minds at the creation of
0:53:45 universe
0:53:47 it has been decided and this attributed
0:53:49 that he sealed yes he sealed it because
0:53:50 he created the system
0:53:52 which leads to the ceiling and so it is
0:53:56 referring to qatar and creation not to
0:53:59 immediate action
0:54:01 so that's it so it's a that's that's one
0:54:03 example also that's the
0:54:04 where people waver when they think
0:54:07 that there must be some immediate action
0:54:09 of allah which was not no
0:54:11 it can be it has to be always considered
0:54:14 that it may be the
0:54:15 related to and creative action
0:54:20 in the universe but it could be
0:54:22 sometimes
0:54:23 if there are evidences for it in
0:54:25 specific situation could be by immediate
0:54:27 action
0:54:29 in the either within the system of the
0:54:31 universe
0:54:33 or in a supernatural way like in the
0:54:35 case of
0:54:36 i believe the case of abu lahab in the
0:54:38 case of the failure of courage
0:54:40 to benefit from this uh
0:54:44 really blatant and now because nobody
0:54:46 was promised held directly and clearly
0:54:48 except except
0:54:52 as far as i do in a very established way
0:54:54 there may be some stories about some
0:54:56 people etc as well
0:54:57 but none has been promised that you will
0:55:00 in the hellfire clearly
0:55:01 face it at his face acceptable and still
0:55:05 this unique situation college could not
0:55:07 benefit from it and
0:55:09 could not reverse it or benefit from it
0:55:11 so that's we could say this is
0:55:13 my my supra natural action velocity in
0:55:16 the universe so that's concerning
0:55:21 so far just uh getting the do not all
0:55:24 kuffar
0:55:25 only those who have really rejected
0:55:27 faith that's in stubborn denial
0:55:29 and most likely addressing the the
0:55:32 leadership
0:55:32 and the stubborn catholics
0:55:35 and some of these may have embraced
0:55:38 islam
0:55:39 openly in the conquest of makkah
0:55:42 but remained monafic secretly and were
0:55:44 plotted against islam
0:55:46 i don't want to miss a name so not to
0:55:47 offend anybody but i i'm firmly
0:55:49 convinced that abu sufyan
0:55:51 is one of them but this is another issue
0:55:52 we're not going through that this is
0:55:54 more analysis from the
0:55:55 various reports and narrations and so on
0:55:57 and balancing which one is the more
0:55:59 accurate because they have been able let
0:56:00 me give you a philosophy and just a
0:56:02 quick hint
0:56:02 of sofia there is a narration uh in a
0:56:05 about in your mooc
0:56:06 the narration is narrated by one of his
0:56:08 cronies who whose father was killed
0:56:11 uh as a sabbath and
0:56:14 gave certain names to be killed in any
0:56:16 case even if they're hanging on the
0:56:17 kaaba
0:56:18 the conquest for mecca and his father
0:56:20 was killed so we can assume this one is
0:56:21 full of hate of islam and the dangers
0:56:23 and he's a friend and his father was
0:56:26 close to obsolete and he's close to
0:56:27 observing and invented the story which
0:56:30 you find often that
0:56:30 was during the battle of
0:56:34 he was saying or victory will allah come
0:56:36 close or victory from allah come close
0:56:39 this is one narration and people
0:56:41 especially so-called salafi
0:56:42 idiots obviously take that as an
0:56:44 evidence that abu sufyan was a true
0:56:46 believer
0:56:47 but the better narration is the nation
0:56:48 related by abdullah ibn zubair
0:56:50 all it's despite all his faults and
0:56:52 what's criticism regarding
0:56:53 him for his character at the time when
0:56:55 he was khalifa
0:56:57 he did not have the best the best
0:56:59 policies and not the kindest behavior of
0:57:01 the people and so on whatever it is
0:57:03 definitely he is not a liar and
0:57:05 definitely he's not a disbeliever
0:57:07 and he's definitely a sahabi despite all
0:57:10 his faults
0:57:11 absolutely this way and we have this
0:57:13 correctness not and have all these
0:57:15 studies that
0:57:15 aside it should be at one day allah
0:57:18 said my father he was then too young he
0:57:22 was 13 or 14 years old told him you
0:57:23 don't
0:57:24 believe that stay here and order some of
0:57:27 his
0:57:28 of his slaves or mawali or three slaves
0:57:31 to watch for him and make sure of the
0:57:34 case that the muslims are retreating for
0:57:35 a reason to take him on a horse and run
0:57:37 away
0:57:37 until they come back because there was
0:57:40 various waves for road and backward
0:57:43 then he said that i i convinced them
0:57:45 that i'm not participating in a battle
0:57:46 i'm just going nearby
0:57:47 on a horse uh to see what's going on
0:57:51 so i came and said i on a hill there
0:57:54 on a hill that's in the yarmouk after
0:57:56 the process and died three years after
0:57:57 three and a half years or something like
0:57:59 that and they saw
0:58:01 sofia and some other people
0:58:04 and it was far away and there was too
0:58:05 young and too insignificant for them to
0:58:07 bother about me
0:58:08 and then anytime he sees the roman
0:58:10 attacking
0:58:11 he say he he even asked for or
0:58:14 good blunt people advance he's happy
0:58:17 with the advance of the
0:58:18 roman and and then he told
0:58:22 uh and and when the muslims are
0:58:24 prevailing he was
0:58:26 upset and say oh wow everybody asked for
0:58:29 they are defeated so he was obviously
0:58:30 his heart is with the
0:58:31 romans not to the muslims and then
0:58:34 abdullah is wearing a repository when my
0:58:36 father came back
0:58:37 i told him
0:58:41 are we not bitter for him we are his
0:58:43 cousins we are his own nation his own
0:58:45 at least he should be with us as an arab
0:58:48 not with the romans
0:58:49 what's he hereby
0:58:52 he cannot leave his cover and evac deep
0:58:54 in the heart
0:58:56 so maybe elsavian is one of those
0:58:59 we don't know but the narration of women
0:59:01 is stronger and better
0:59:03 and many other indications that abu
0:59:05 sufyan never really embraced faith but
0:59:06 this is a secondary issue
0:59:08 but he may be one of those are there
0:59:10 others maybe there are others we don't
0:59:12 know
0:59:12 allah is not obliged to tell their names
0:59:15 actually
0:59:16 some of those may have been
0:59:18 participating in the attempt to
0:59:19 assassinate the rasam coming back from
0:59:21 uh from trouble from the book and
0:59:24 abraham told their names
0:59:26 to their family and um both of them were
0:59:30 the prophet alone
0:59:33 otherwise i've said they wanted to to
0:59:35 squeeze the person in in a mountain
0:59:37 ridge and to push pull him down to get
0:59:39 rid of him
0:59:41 but but herself noticed them i say look
0:59:44 at these
0:59:44 people attacking their camels so ammar
0:59:47 stood in front of them with something
0:59:50 terrifying the camels so they veered out
0:59:52 and within the valley
0:59:56 did you recognize the people saying i
0:59:57 didn't forget i recognized their
0:59:59 comments i can't
1:00:00 identify their comments when we go back
1:00:01 down say it is so and so on so i
1:00:03 mentioned 14 peoples
1:00:10 do you know what the internet said no i
1:00:11 don't know because they were announced
1:00:13 nobody should take the mountain range
1:00:14 everyone should go through the valley
1:00:15 airport will take the reach with the
1:00:17 shorter
1:00:17 and can watch what other people are
1:00:19 going a big army is difficult to go
1:00:20 along the ridge
1:00:22 they say so and so on so on so on and on
1:00:29 no problem just when we reached down the
1:00:31 valley sent to their people
1:00:33 to strike their necks they are
1:00:35 assassinating the head of state and the
1:00:36 leader of the army
1:00:37 say no i'm not going to do that so the
1:00:41 people will not say muhammad is killing
1:00:42 his companions and
1:00:44 you don't tell their names keep it
1:00:45 secret
1:00:49 three of them were there by mistake
1:00:52 and they will they would be forgiven
1:00:55 and the rest i think 11 our enemy of
1:00:59 allah and his messenger in this life and
1:01:01 when the day of the resurrection come so
1:01:04 maybe one of them may be absolute maybe
1:01:06 someone else
1:01:07 from the quraishi we don't know we don't
1:01:10 know are these people
1:01:11 maybe some of these we don't know
1:01:17 and allah does not allow us to know
1:01:18 their names even for
1:01:20 us related to
1:01:24 the function of the head of state or the
1:01:26 commander army
1:01:27 uh not not not to dig people secretly
1:01:30 not spy on people etc and not rely on
1:01:33 why
1:01:33 these issues these issues have to be
1:01:35 relied on evidences in a court of law
1:01:37 probably
1:01:38 many wisdoms in that which will come
1:01:39 inshaallah when you when allah give us
1:01:41 enough life we get to sora tawba
1:01:43 we'll go to the issues related to what
1:01:45 the witnesses of the quran
1:01:47 how the revelation can can can
1:01:49 substitute for a court of law or not
1:01:51 sometimes it did in rare occasions
1:01:54 but normally it is not like that
1:01:56 normally it's not like that
1:02:00 so the disbeliever deserves these type
1:02:02 of disbeliever who are stubborn and who
1:02:04 will end in the hellfire
1:02:05 in adam and eve they just got two uh two
1:02:09 two eyes that's enough for them there's
1:02:11 not very much to talk about them
1:02:13 but what what comes after those people
1:02:15 who are
1:02:17 publicly appearing to be a believer and
1:02:19 the reality they are not believers
1:02:22 and the quran spends a considerable
1:02:24 number of eyes
1:02:25 describe them because of a very complex
1:02:27 phenomena
1:02:28 and the various types of graphic and
1:02:30 even here
1:02:31 these two types women african doesn't
1:02:33 exhaust all moon african that's only the
1:02:35 early ones in india medina
1:02:37 there's another type which image later
1:02:38 when fighting and qatar was ordained
1:02:42 those who prefer to alive the kuffar
1:02:44 this is like a third category
1:02:46 and that will will be discussed in surat
1:02:48 in saturn but we will hand them to
1:02:50 inshallah next so that one african will
1:02:53 take
1:02:54 a considerable number of eyes because
1:02:56 the phenomenon of the fact is very
1:02:58 complex
1:02:59 and needs some some deep thoughts and
1:03:02 some analysis what's going on there
1:03:04 we'll leave it shallow for next time and
1:03:06 we will cover it hopefully
1:03:08 all of it in one go but the one african
1:03:11 as a more complex well as even
1:03:13 said more like giving the covering two
1:03:16 eyes no more than that
1:03:17 i believe four eyes or something like
1:03:18 that that's all of it but i'm not afraid
1:03:20 got that big number of eyes because they
1:03:23 are
1:03:23 complex and very troublesome phenomena
1:03:26 in every society
1:03:27 every ideological society everywhere in
1:03:29 the world there will be
1:03:30 people who are living the society as if
1:03:32 they belong to it but their reality
1:03:34 their enemy
1:03:35 of that system in various types and with
1:03:38 various very
1:03:39 various forms
1:03:42 and then public appearances so
1:03:46 i think that's that's enough for today
1:03:48 and
1:03:50 yeah concerning um
1:03:55 concerning the question answer tomorrow
1:03:58 inshallah 630
1:04:00 is that agreed upon
1:04:04 yeah that sounds like a good time okay
1:04:06 sixth straight inshallah
1:04:07 and we'll see that there are many
1:04:10 complex issues related also to the early
1:04:12 islam and the revelation and embracement
1:04:15 of sahaba
1:04:16 islam and many there may be quite a
1:04:18 number of surprising things i himself
1:04:20 was surprised
1:04:22 it's not completed hundred percent but
1:04:24 the skeleton is complete
1:04:26 and i will maybe heavily i will post the
1:04:28 the draft
1:04:30 also and then with completed in due
1:04:32 course but it's
1:04:33 it brought quite a number of worrisome
1:04:36 narrations and issues of interesting
1:04:38 it's worth i think it's worth that we're
1:04:39 doing in that question answer even not
1:04:41 not only tomorrow's hanukkah but maybe
1:04:44 more harass of this type
1:04:46 okay
1:04:50 any question for today there was a one
1:04:52 question
1:04:53 uh but i think we've covered it anyways
1:04:55 it was with respect to uh six and seven
1:04:57 uh in reference to the disbeliever does
1:04:59 this include atheists agnostics as well
1:05:01 as mushriks
1:05:03 everything yeah everything everything or
1:05:05 for
1:05:06 everything accuracy everyone who has
1:05:09 seen the evidence that
1:05:10 there for example many atheists who say
1:05:13 if i embrace that and accept that
1:05:15 the evidence is overwhelming whatever i
1:05:17 do then my life will be restricted i
1:05:19 have to obey the messenger i have to
1:05:20 follow i don't want
1:05:22 i will just to be free whatever i want
1:05:25 although the majority
1:05:26 to be honest the majority of of atheists
1:05:30 and they they did not got
1:05:33 evidence on the table presented properly
1:05:36 in a persuaded way so they are in doubt
1:05:40 i don't think uh just the majority but
1:05:43 they
1:05:43 there there are many on and the general
1:05:46 current and
1:05:47 under especially atheist and and
1:05:50 secularists and so on the general
1:05:52 current
1:05:53 is that it is a psychological reaction
1:05:56 so they don't want you to say
1:05:57 one way of avoiding the evidence they
1:05:59 say here's the effort to say no i don't
1:06:01 want to see it i have already made
1:06:02 my mind this is rejecting faith because
1:06:05 if he's honestly want to see the truth
1:06:07 until to get the issue really under
1:06:09 control then he has to
1:06:12 then he has to at least take a look to
1:06:13 the evidence but if someone rejects him
1:06:15 don't know
1:06:16 it's clear this this this this muhammad
1:06:19 is
1:06:19 just mentally deranged us no need to
1:06:21 waste time with him
1:06:22 that's just rejecting of the evidence
1:06:24 because all history and all these
1:06:25 followers all this
1:06:26 victory there's something there so that
1:06:28 something is worth scrutinizing
1:06:30 if you're rejected scrutinized you're
1:06:31 rejecting the evidence
1:06:35 so by extension to that question what
1:06:36 are some people
1:06:39 sorry what about uh then people who
1:06:40 haven't received the message are they
1:06:42 classified as coffers too
1:06:44 in junior terms
1:06:50 and his is obviously pagan you cannot
1:06:52 eat a slaughtering
1:06:53 in that sense because it's only sort of
1:06:55 muslim for example that the slaughtering
1:06:57 of the mushrik
1:06:58 is the muslims and the people of the
1:07:00 book obviously is now
1:07:02 very offensive for our subcontinental
1:07:04 pakistani and
1:07:05 brothers but that's the truth so but
1:07:08 who's
1:07:10 this whole thing is not halal that
1:07:12 applies for them
1:07:14 because in a matter of slaughtering
1:07:15 you're not going to ask that people do
1:07:16 you really believe what was your
1:07:17 interest
1:07:18 that's not the way it works you just
1:07:20 follow what
1:07:21 is publicly declared for example the one
1:07:24 slaughtering is a christian
1:07:25 by name and by by society and we assume
1:07:28 that he is
1:07:29 a christian well i was going to ask him
1:07:31 are you troubled even if there's one
1:07:32 slaughtering isn't
1:07:33 the one who'll do this nothing is a
1:07:34 muslim by name he may be
1:07:36 maybe a head and calf internally but he
1:07:38 doesn't say i say publicly don't
1:07:40 eat it
1:07:52 make the decision to reject so this is
1:07:54 no good to ask that we shall not have it
1:07:56 into achara and some people indulge in
1:07:57 long discussion and fear some of it
1:08:00 looks like as if they are in doubt that
1:08:02 allah will be able to sort things
1:08:04 i think indulging in that is is a sign
1:08:06 of
1:08:08 misunderstanding of the universe and the
1:08:10 and allah
1:08:12 allah will be able to sort the people of
1:08:15 qiyamah completely
1:08:18 to the last atom weight of the iman and
1:08:20 comfort or the last atomic
1:08:22 action so there's no need to be but
1:08:23 otherwise
1:08:26 like that like for example if you meet
1:08:29 an army in the battlefield or army of
1:08:31 gofar
1:08:33 not every one of them is a genuine cover
1:08:35 some of them may be misguided somebody
1:08:36 they think they are on the truth
1:08:38 some of them may be hidden muslims who
1:08:40 are spying on them
1:08:42 are you going to say are you one of our
1:08:44 spies so we don't shoot you no you shoot
1:08:46 him
1:08:47 that's it in the battle you're not going
1:08:50 to decide
1:08:50 to question his belief and faith he is
1:08:52 carrying he is carrying
1:08:54 what's with disgusting how to deal with
1:08:56 the catholic army he is in the cover
1:08:58 army he's part of the kava army
1:09:01 you just you just get him get him
1:09:04 the same treatment like anyone the
1:09:06 individual is staunchly covered
1:09:08 misguided misled most likely the sword
1:09:11 soldier of cover armies are all
1:09:13 majority misled but they are fighting so
1:09:16 they have to be confronted by fighting
1:09:22 that he is sorted out but he has to
1:09:24 separate from if he is within the army
1:09:26 that
1:09:27 doesn't help what he pronounced
1:09:31 so not let us confuse the the ruling in
1:09:34 dunya how to behave unless the
1:09:35 interaction and the ruling
1:09:40 yeah so that's it but this will come
1:09:43 certain aspects that's usually related
1:09:45 mostly related to peace and
1:09:47 to peace and war and peace that's it
1:09:50 mostly
1:09:51 and few issues related for some
1:09:52 slaughtering food and things like that
1:09:54 and certain issues of of uh
1:09:58 food and drink prohibitions that's
1:10:00 essentially that
1:10:06 in dunya will sort out
1:10:09 you don't need to sr any internet just
1:10:11 we know the fundamental
1:10:12 fundamental definition it's very special
1:10:16 it's evidence from quran and sunnah and
1:10:17 that's then we just
1:10:19 referred that to one and even visual
1:10:21 persons will not there applying anything
1:10:23 of that
1:10:24 to any one of them and many issues like
1:10:28 for example
1:10:29 the minute should some jihadi answer
1:10:31 because they believe in this called
1:10:32 haddad
1:10:33 all these things apostasy and all these
1:10:35 things say what is the ruling about the
1:10:36 one who's
1:10:37 unknown unknown about his belief in
1:10:40 in daran kuffar say what do you mean in
1:10:43 darrel kuffar if you mean the domain of
1:10:44 war
1:10:46 then one who is with the cavalry in the
1:10:48 army is a warrior
1:10:49 10 that's finished if you are for
1:10:51 example walking the street in britain
1:10:54 which is clearly it's not a domain of
1:10:56 islam
1:10:57 and you see some on the street you see a
1:11:00 muslim is recovered irrelevant why are
1:11:01 you asking the question you have no
1:11:03 right to kill him you have not to do
1:11:04 anything right
1:11:05 he's protected so what's the what is the
1:11:07 benefit of that question
1:11:09 see what's the ruling about say sir
1:11:12 someone died suddenly in the street
1:11:13 and we want to bury him if we have no
1:11:15 indication that he will undercover
1:11:17 no indication that he is a muslim then
1:11:20 we
1:11:21 then his people will bury him his family
1:11:25 if he believes a clear message that he
1:11:27 is a muslim he ought to be
1:11:28 the muslim then we attend to his barrier
1:11:31 so it's not my journal
1:11:32 has become known and in our country are
1:11:34 not obliged to bury anyone yet and if
1:11:36 anyone has
1:11:36 died and nobody is there to do the
1:11:38 burial because we have to marry the dead
1:11:40 or
1:11:41 or cremated reference to get rid of the
1:11:42 body and as as a
1:11:44 a as a humanitarian act then we bury him
1:11:48 without islamic uh
1:11:50 funeral rights we don't represent we
1:11:54 that's it we just take care of the body
1:11:57 that the body is very respectfully or
1:11:59 or cremated what about is done that's it
1:12:03 no more than that so the question is
1:12:05 what is the ruling about the unknown
1:12:07 person in daran kuffar
1:12:08 is a mentally deraged question coming
1:12:10 from jihadi persuasion i think that's it
1:12:12 that recovery is the same like that'll
1:12:13 help no it's not
1:12:15 and even that herb if you have examined
1:12:17 english assuming england is in the
1:12:19 state of war with afghanistan you are
1:12:20 afghani and coming here
1:12:22 they're going to enter you have a
1:12:24 covenant of security you are not at war
1:12:26 so cease fire so the question
1:12:30 so the question is sometimes there are
1:12:32 certain questions
1:12:34 posted by some people who have extremism
1:12:37 inclination
1:12:37 or misunderstanding of islam which has
1:12:40 is has
1:12:41 no product does not produce any relevant
1:12:44 things
1:12:45 so it's got what's about marrying with
1:12:46 them
1:12:48 you are not going to marry someone who's
1:12:49 unknown if someone approaches you they
1:12:51 would
1:12:52 try to ask for your daughter of your
1:12:53 sister then you will have to check who
1:12:55 is he
1:12:55 what's his background and so on that
1:12:57 he's not unknown anymore
1:12:59 and if he's a catholic sorry we cannot
1:13:00 give a kafir
1:13:02 say i don't
1:13:05 and he's acceptable in manas and then
1:13:07 behavior and so on and he give it
1:13:09 then you agree after he agreed obviously
1:13:12 so
1:13:12 so he's not unknown that but someone on
1:13:15 the street you don't know about him
1:13:16 what is the purpose of the question
1:13:18 except in the real occasion that you
1:13:20 find a dead body
1:13:22 and mostly in most places in the world
1:13:24 the authorities will get involved and
1:13:26 check if this is the normal death or not
1:13:27 normal death and they will trace his
1:13:29 family and so on
1:13:30 and more in almost so
1:13:33 and even so even in that case it will be
1:13:35 clear if someone is having
1:13:36 some dress which looks like it's a
1:13:38 pakistani or something that they have
1:13:39 anything in him indicating that his
1:13:40 muslim because he is a muslim most
1:13:42 likely
1:13:43 the authorities were not able to educate
1:13:45 his family it looks like he looks like a
1:13:46 muslim
1:13:48 there are certain things which muslims
1:13:49 usually wear for example some people
1:13:51 hijab somebody who says a necklace with
1:13:53 allah namely most likely is a muslim
1:13:55 maybe he's just
1:13:56 one who likes that necklace he's not a
1:13:57 muslim actor but based on that
1:13:59 we bury him give him an islamic burial
1:14:01 and makes on him
1:14:03 this question are usually uh especially
1:14:06 by jihadis
1:14:08 are empty and stupid they don't have any
1:14:12 any effect on any situation where you
1:14:14 face this question
1:14:15 can be sorted out on its own merits like
1:14:18 someone says
1:14:18 you find someone dead in in
1:14:22 maybe he has a heart attack and he has
1:14:25 maybe some some kind of or a woman who
1:14:28 she's not having hijab
1:14:30 but she has for example the necklace
1:14:31 with allah on it
1:14:33 looks like she may be a muslim but maybe
1:14:34 she like the necklace
1:14:36 we don't know but we can't take the
1:14:37 sakurina say even if she is not
1:14:39 many muslim women
1:14:46 the family name could not be traced
1:14:48 there's nothing else to identify
1:14:50 nobody mentioned any any any any uh
1:14:54 any uh disappearance in in the family
1:14:57 and so on
1:14:57 so the muslim the next muslims or the
1:14:59 next mosque can say we claim that she's
1:15:01 a muslim and we'll give her a muslim
1:15:02 barrier
1:15:03 and finish that mother that's what we
1:15:04 all record they thought maybe some
1:15:06 people will come and they turn out that
1:15:07 she was in pakistan and she liked that
1:15:09 necklace and she's not a muslim
1:15:11 no no what's the harm no harm then
1:15:17 so many of these questions indicate some
1:15:20 kind of
1:15:21 either a mentality which someone does
1:15:23 not know what allah will do
1:15:25 this is very severe and dangerous
1:15:26 mentality or
1:15:29 not knowing what to deal with things in
1:15:31 dunya because they have a wrong
1:15:32 idea about what things that they like
1:15:36 what is the ruling what will happen to
1:15:39 the
1:15:39 unknown person he's walking the street
1:15:43 that's it
1:15:46 fight with him that's sometimes
1:15:50 these these kind of question is almost a
1:15:53 mockery but it's
1:15:54 it's widespread in some jihadi because
1:15:56 they have come from the wahhabi movement
1:15:57 which is the
1:15:58 movement they test the people in faith
1:16:00 and that's that's
1:16:02 a famous phenomenon of a
1:16:06 you test anyone passing by what do you
1:16:09 think about uthman
1:16:10 if you don't say what exactly what they
1:16:11 want they will kill you right away
1:16:15 shaking everyone passing what is your
1:16:17 faith what you believe
1:16:20 a severe uh transgression and
1:16:24 and uh for an external form of
1:16:28 and and fighting the the the
1:16:31 the ummah and those who have the
1:16:32 covenant of the ummah
1:16:34 it it even developed interesting
1:16:37 and that's what the famous that was one
1:16:40 of the
1:16:41 tesla was traveling from i think from
1:16:43 khalasan toward baghdad with some of his
1:16:45 students
1:16:45 and they saw a bunch of coming in horses
1:16:47 say don't say anything
1:16:49 let me talk to them we'll pretend to be
1:16:51 christian
1:16:53 when the college came to where are you
1:16:55 we are we are from that church there and
1:16:57 we are visiting a christian conference
1:16:59 in baghdad
1:17:00 but this area is very we are fearful
1:17:02 that we were attacked and we are people
1:17:04 of them
1:17:05 they say oh people with their protection
1:17:07 and they send the protection
1:17:08 uh platoon with them all the way to the
1:17:12 outskirts
1:17:14 but if they they noticed that they were
1:17:16 muslim they would have asked him what do
1:17:17 you think about hollywood
1:17:19 and they will kill them
1:17:22 so how things will become upside down
1:17:27 and the fundamental behavior is wrong
1:17:29 someone walking in the domain of islam
1:17:32 he's a muslim or people of them he
1:17:34 deserves all the protection he should
1:17:35 not be asked about his deen
1:17:36 or belief or anything
1:17:45 come on so that's that's it so okay
1:17:49 i i won from this kind of question
1:17:51 because these kind of questions are
1:17:52 like the question what happens with
1:17:54 babysitting what happens with this
1:17:56 don't worry about that they will be fine
1:17:58 allah will be able to do that
1:18:00 you don't need to secretary or dictate
1:18:02 him so we say we need the satisfaction
1:18:04 satisfaction
1:18:05 we know the suffering all those who
1:18:07 receive their sin and rejected it
1:18:08 deliberately and allah knows about them
1:18:10 that they are sinful and worthy of
1:18:12 punishment will be punished
1:18:13 anyone else allah will manage them in
1:18:14 the best possible way better than you on
1:18:16 your imagine that's enough enough
1:18:23 abdulbasa had a question next uh ab do
1:18:26 you wanna unmute
1:18:30 yeah uh uh okay just have a quick
1:18:33 question
1:18:34 uh whether you had any plans or actually
1:18:37 whether you have any written have seen
1:18:38 yourself anything you paint yourself or
1:18:40 have any plans to write it up here
1:18:42 maybe down the road if we we get
1:18:45 summarized all of these things that may
1:18:47 be in writing that gets a summary
1:18:48 inshallah
1:18:50 okay a second thing just about two
1:18:52 modern time series in arabic
1:18:54 whether you're familiar with czech
1:18:55 weapons
1:18:57 whether you've read or come across that
1:18:58 one at all
1:19:01 is uh quite having i didn't i didn't
1:19:04 read much of
1:19:05 it but knowing what is healing and his
1:19:07 capability i think is is
1:19:09 this will be a good move that i've seen
1:19:12 maybe we should take a look to it and go
1:19:13 through it yeah
1:19:15 and uh i thought it was an excellent one
1:19:18 it's
1:19:19 more about the literary aspect and so on
1:19:21 yeah
1:19:22 also on a nice tough season but uh when
1:19:24 i mentioned
1:19:25 i mean the old ones because they contain
1:19:27 the sources
1:19:29 narrations because it contains the
1:19:32 various philosophical
1:19:46 instead of just stressing that is not
1:19:48 just playing it's more
1:19:50 than that which the ayah which is the
1:19:52 one who owns the tabs here
1:19:53 he spend maybe 10 pages about all under
1:19:56 if someone's
1:19:57 they'll put a slim before the imam and
1:19:58 so on essentially the old fake of salah
1:20:00 i don't think this belongs in tafsir
1:20:02 that's
1:20:10 because it will undermine the taste of
1:20:13 the ayah
1:20:14 if you go 10 15 pages just the details
1:20:17 of
1:20:18 salah and what's what's the meaning of
1:20:20 completing salah is it
1:20:21 is it if you join the imam and there is
1:20:24 the third you will join him in the third
1:20:26 and the fourth
1:20:27 uh are you after the fourth you have to
1:20:29 obviously do that
1:20:45 third and fourth or it is actually it is
1:20:47 your third and fourth and then you are
1:20:49 doing the
1:20:50 first one and second one after depending
1:20:53 upon the hadith
1:20:55 things like that
1:20:58 such extremely fine points which are
1:21:00 sometimes i would say even
1:21:02 empty of sense it's really empty of
1:21:05 sense
1:21:10 it's just based on the two words of the
1:21:12 hadith more of
1:21:14 the most prevalent relationship will
1:21:16 complete you you so you started
1:21:18 you this number one number two for you
1:21:20 and then you committed your number three
1:21:21 and number four
1:21:22 independent question about was for the
1:21:24 imam you followed him definitely as an
1:21:26 email but it's your number one
1:21:28 number two it's more logical as well but
1:21:30 even even
1:21:31 that solution should not be even
1:21:33 mentioned tipsy that's what
1:21:35 maybe will go to be a little bit uh edgy
1:21:38 even kathie is good in the sense that
1:21:40 it's one one excellent aspect of it is
1:21:42 that when he mentioned narrations
1:21:44 like the one kortobi uh
1:21:47 he he add to it the one of course
1:21:50 or the best one in controversies because
1:21:53 some of them are faulty and disconnected
1:21:54 and not proper but they were the
1:21:56 solid ones of them but that he adds from
1:21:59 the
1:22:00 book references in fullness
1:22:03 and give you that this way sometimes
1:22:07 before that was printed and available
1:22:10 the people who are going to an ability
1:22:12 to find the narration of what we are the
1:22:13 many of nations we are over there into
1:22:15 with full island with with with even
1:22:18 with even
1:22:19 better better better uh
1:22:24 corrected writing without without
1:22:26 sometimes uh
1:22:27 misspelling also things like that you'll
1:22:29 find something in the old manuscript
1:22:30 so it's a clean version and sometimes
1:22:33 for example
1:22:34 there's a larger version a smaller
1:22:36 version there are hadith
1:22:38 from other collections which has not
1:22:40 found until now
1:22:41 they must have been in the larger
1:22:42 collection
1:22:44 and the biblical uh reported them uh
1:22:47 mythically accurately and sometimes he
1:22:50 has
1:22:51 good comments so quite solid and good
1:22:53 comments
1:22:56 so this is the throat when i say talk
1:22:57 about the classics in the modern
1:22:59 sideboard is unique because it's really
1:23:00 give you the artistic
1:23:02 aspect the the aspects
1:23:06 from another angle which has not been
1:23:07 addressed before
1:23:09 like what he called the swirl fanny the
1:23:11 the uh
1:23:13 the art of of drawing a picture with
1:23:16 words
1:23:16 in the quran this is because he's his
1:23:20 amount of literature himself he's a
1:23:21 literary man who masters the art of
1:23:23 of modern theater and things like that
1:23:25 before he became an islamist
1:23:27 so he can import these aspects which
1:23:29 obviously in history islamic history
1:23:31 were not really
1:23:32 given any special understanding or our
1:23:35 importance and don't say this about the
1:23:37 musicality of certain
1:23:39 phrases of the quran and things like
1:23:40 that which the ancient did not
1:23:43 really do that even the one who just
1:23:46 spoke about their jazz they
1:23:47 really mentioned that they're just
1:23:49 related to
1:23:51 to the internal rhythm of the quran
1:23:53 although the internal elements have
1:23:55 considerable amount of
1:23:56 of importance for example one the recent
1:24:01 christian in egypt compared to islam
1:24:03 because he was just listening here
1:24:04 he was his father was a musician and he
1:24:06 was taught from childhood music and
1:24:07 various
1:24:09 diverse complicated divisions of music
1:24:11 and so on and he was listening to some
1:24:12 neighbors
1:24:13 the quran from far away he could not
1:24:15 recognize the words
1:24:17 but he recognized them
1:24:21 and this was enough for him to
1:24:23 persuasive that him because this this
1:24:25 international rhythm and so on is not
1:24:28 cannot be made for cannot be the uh
1:24:30 coming from someone like muhammad
1:24:31 in mecca this is too high and too
1:24:34 sophisticated an antenna
1:24:35 to recommend and the musical harmony
1:24:39 to be from a human being at that time of
1:24:42 that
1:24:42 and he became because of that just over
1:24:44 there so this aspect nobody has studied
1:24:46 said quote mentioned some of these
1:24:48 things but mostly about the picture and
1:24:50 description
1:24:51 that's the reason the missions are but
1:24:53 from the moderns
1:24:54 few of the moderns are for example
1:25:08 the misconception of confusion the quran
1:25:10 or contradiction
1:25:12 showing that they synchronized very well
1:25:15 and many as in many many areas he did
1:25:17 quite a good amount of work
1:25:20 although he could not withdraw himself
1:25:22 from being classical and being maliki
1:25:24 and being ashari so he could not and
1:25:27 actually converted more to half salafi
1:25:29 or something
1:25:30 he has to take care of that the people
1:25:32 reading will will
1:25:34 will not be offended or something it is
1:25:36 not a revolutionary
1:25:40 and there's some one for example there's
1:25:42 that faridwaj in his uh
1:25:44 which try to to make the quran like
1:25:46 describe all these scientific aspects as
1:25:48 well this going to an extreme
1:25:50 this is this is a dangerous approach
1:25:54 and this is done very very meticulously
1:25:57 and clear cautiously
1:25:59 not literally so that things like that
1:26:03 but what was happening is his scholarly
1:26:06 scholarly standing is very high and i
1:26:08 think that tafsil munir is
1:26:10 a very good one but i did not indulge in
1:26:12 it very much maybe i should do more
1:26:14 take a look
1:26:18 but the series never it's never really
1:26:20 because because
1:26:21 you know quran the miracles of the quran
1:26:25 and and it's it's it's amazement never
1:26:28 ends
1:26:29 and it will never become old by
1:26:32 repeating and so on
1:26:33 so there would be always new aspects
1:26:36 which
1:26:36 you will detect day by day or generation
1:26:40 by generation
1:26:42 and the quran says we will show them
1:26:44 ayat
1:26:45 our eyes in the af and the horizons and
1:26:48 in themselves social media the aspects
1:26:51 of comparing that with scientific
1:26:52 developments and so on is of importance
1:26:54 which could not be neglected
1:26:57 so that they will know that this quran
1:26:59 is the truth
1:27:01 and the allah says your lord is with us
1:27:04 over things this is the witness of allah
1:27:06 this the more we go forward
1:27:08 the more we'll be will be detecting
1:27:10 things which are
1:27:11 surprising and never expected before
1:27:19 Music
1:27:30 so
1:27:41 you