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What is the true teaching of Jesus about the Old Testament Law? (2021-01-02)


Matthew 5: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one letter, not one stroke of a letter, will pass from the law until all is accomplished. 19 Therefore, whoever breaks one of the least of these commandments, and teaches others to do the same, will be called least in the kingdom of heaven; but whoever does them and teaches them will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. 20 For I tell you, unless your righteousness exceeds that of the scribes and Pharisees, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."

Ephesians 2:15 "He Jesus has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace."

I quote from 'The New Jerome Biblical Commentary' by Raymond E. Brown, page 641.

Summary of What is the true teaching of Jesus about the Old Testament Law?

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the different interpretations of what Jesus said regarding the Old Testament law. Some scholars say that Jesus abolished the law while others say that he renewed it. The video argues that Islam is closer to the original teaching of Jesus.

00:00:00 In Matthew 5-7, Jesus teaches that the law in the kingdom of God is to be followed with renewed intensity, even your righteousness must exceed that of the Pharisees and the Scribes. In Ephesians 2:15, Paul says that Jesus abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances so that he could create a new humanity in its place.

  • 00:05:00 These biblical scholars say that the teaching in Matthew 5:17-19 that "do not think I have come to abolish the law or the prophets" contradicts Paul's teaching in Ephesians 2:15-16 that "the law has been abolished." They also say that there is a gap between the teaching in this passage and the practice of Christians today, who follow just a handful of Old Testament laws.
  • 00:10:00 discusses the difference between the original teaching of Jesus and the later teachings of Paul, which resulted in the death of true Christianity. Islam, which takes a middle path between the two extremes, is said to be closer to the original teaching of Jesus.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:01 hello and in this episode i want to ask
0:00:04 what is the true teaching of jesus
0:00:07 about the law the jewish lord this
0:00:10 is also called the torah which
0:00:14 was revealed to moses on mount sinai
0:00:17 containing
0:00:18 613 commandments of the law
0:00:21 and of course jews have looked to to
0:00:23 this uh to obey these commandments
0:00:25 ever since then and what did jesus teach
0:00:28 about
0:00:28 obedience to the the laws because
0:00:31 today's christians
0:00:32 uh obey very few if any of them perhaps
0:00:35 the ten commandments maybe
0:00:36 uh but certainly not all 613
0:00:40 and also uh after looking at what jesus
0:00:42 taught i want to look at what paul
0:00:44 taught in the new testament
0:00:46 and then briefly consider what the quran
0:00:48 has to say
0:00:49 about the matter so if we look at the
0:00:51 gospel of matthew
0:00:53 chapter 5 jesus is presented
0:00:56 as teaching the following verse 17
0:00:59 onwards
0:01:01 do not think that i have come to abolish
0:01:03 the law
0:01:04 or the prophets i have not come to
0:01:06 abolish but to fulfill
0:01:09 for i for truly i tell you until heaven
0:01:11 and earth pass away
0:01:13 not one letter not one stroke of a
0:01:16 letter
0:01:16 will pass from the law until all is
0:01:19 accomplished
0:01:20 therefore whoever breaks one of the
0:01:23 least of these commandments
0:01:24 and teaches others to do the same will
0:01:27 be called
0:01:28 least in the kingdom of heaven but
0:01:31 whoever does them
0:01:32 and teaches them will be called great in
0:01:34 the kingdom of heaven
0:01:36 for i tell you unless your righteousness
0:01:39 exceeds that of the scribes
0:01:41 and pharisees you will never enter the
0:01:44 kingdom of heaven
0:01:46 now this passage is in the famous sermon
0:01:50 on the mount in matthew's gospel that's
0:01:52 matthew 5 through
0:01:53 to 7. so it seems pretty clear there
0:01:55 that the law
0:01:56 in the kingdom of god is to be followed
0:01:59 with a renewed intensity
0:02:01 even your righteousness must exceed that
0:02:02 of the pharisees and the scribes
0:02:05 and until heaven until the physical
0:02:07 passing away of the universe
0:02:09 itself not one jot or tittle
0:02:12 uh in the uh more more literal english
0:02:15 will pass
0:02:16 from the law itself so this means you
0:02:19 know for christians
0:02:20 or disciples of jesus you must obey the
0:02:22 law
0:02:24 now at the end of jesus ministry uh in
0:02:26 his last
0:02:27 uh recorded sermon to the crowds
0:02:30 according to matthew's gospel
0:02:32 this is matthew 23
0:02:35 jesus had this to say as well about the
0:02:37 law
0:02:39 jesus said to the said to the crowds and
0:02:42 to his disciples
0:02:43 the scribes and the pharisees sit on
0:02:46 moses's seat
0:02:48 that means they um they teach the law
0:02:52 therefore do whatever they teach you
0:02:55 and follow it but do not do as they do
0:02:58 for they do not practice what they
0:03:00 preach so here jesus is endorsing the
0:03:02 pharisees interpretation of the torah
0:03:05 and his disciples should follow their
0:03:07 teaching but of course their practice is
0:03:09 hypocritical they they're double
0:03:10 standard
0:03:11 so you don't do that but you practice
0:03:13 and follow what they teach
0:03:15 and then later in the same sermon in
0:03:17 verse 23 jesus
0:03:19 says woe to you scribes and pharisees
0:03:22 hypocrites for you tithe mint dil and
0:03:25 cumin
0:03:26 and have neglected the weightier matters
0:03:29 of the law
0:03:29 justice mercy and faith it is these
0:03:33 you ought to have practiced without
0:03:36 neglecting
0:03:37 the others so here we have the law is
0:03:40 interpreted by in a typical rabbinic
0:03:41 fashion jesus emphasizing some
0:03:43 principles of the torah
0:03:45 over others but he does say don't
0:03:48 neglect the others
0:03:49 so there's no sense here that anything
0:03:51 in the law has been abolished or in any
0:03:53 way
0:03:54 nullified or abrogated at all
0:03:57 um so that's jesus
0:04:00 so let's turn now to paul and see what
0:04:04 he has to say
0:04:05 about the law now paul has a lot to say
0:04:07 on the law in romans particularly in
0:04:09 galatians and
0:04:10 here and there everywhere and there's a
0:04:12 lot of scholarly
0:04:13 argument and controversy about how to
0:04:15 interpret what he means
0:04:17 but i i want to focus on a particular
0:04:19 passage which i think is unambiguous
0:04:22 in paul's letter to the ephesians
0:04:24 chapter 2
0:04:25 verse 15.
0:04:28 where he says about jesus he has
0:04:31 abolished the law
0:04:32 with its commandments and ordinances so
0:04:35 that he might
0:04:36 create in himself one new humanity in
0:04:39 place of the two
0:04:40 thus making peace and so on he's talking
0:04:43 here about how
0:04:45 the the dividing war as you would see it
0:04:47 between jew and gentile has been broken
0:04:49 down or destroyed this barrier has gone
0:04:52 but the point here
0:04:53 for our purposes he has abolished the
0:04:56 law with its commandment and ordinances
0:04:59 this is the mirror image the polar
0:05:01 opposite of what jesus says do not think
0:05:03 i have come to abolish the law
0:05:05 paul says he has come to abolish the law
0:05:07 you you couldn't get it as
0:05:09 uh contrast and contradiction between
0:05:13 matthews jesus um what paul teaches in
0:05:16 ephesians before i come to uh what the
0:05:20 quran
0:05:21 might say on this i just want to share
0:05:23 with you what
0:05:25 um top biblical scholars uh have said or
0:05:28 some top biblical scholars have said
0:05:29 about this very problem
0:05:31 and i want to reference this huge tome
0:05:34 it's called the new jerome biblical
0:05:36 commentary
0:05:37 edited by raymond brown and others this
0:05:39 is actually from my student days at
0:05:41 university
0:05:43 this is a text that i used now this is
0:05:45 not any old commentary
0:05:48 this is a roman catholic commentary and
0:05:50 it contains uh
0:05:52 on the uh inside cover the imprimiter
0:05:55 and primitive is an official declaration
0:05:57 by the roman catholic church
0:05:59 that this is a prude for publication so
0:06:01 this is an official roman catholic
0:06:03 doctrine uh document and on the uh in
0:06:06 the contents page
0:06:08 it has a forward two forwards by two
0:06:11 cardinals of the church so they're the
0:06:13 highest authorities in the church
0:06:15 under the pope cardinal uh martini
0:06:18 and cardinal beer have both written
0:06:20 forwards or introductions
0:06:22 to this so this is a kind of official
0:06:25 roman catholic
0:06:26 text and uh the people on it
0:06:30 uh who are edited raymond brown joseph
0:06:32 it's meyer
0:06:34 are both um catholic priests and raymond
0:06:37 brown i heard lecture
0:06:38 at oxford university once so on this
0:06:41 passage
0:06:42 in matthew's gospel chapter 5
0:06:45 verse 17 onwards i'll just read to you
0:06:48 what
0:06:48 they say because it actually makes
0:06:51 reference to islam as well
0:06:52 fascinating so remember jesus says in
0:06:55 matthew 5
0:06:56 do not think i have come to abolish the
0:06:58 law or the prophets
0:07:00 and these official catholic
0:07:03 biblical scholars say these verses give
0:07:06 the basic
0:07:07 legal principles of the sermon the
0:07:09 sermon on the mount
0:07:11 they are the most controversial verses
0:07:13 in matthew and there is no consensus on
0:07:16 their interpretation
0:07:17 the interpreter must try to state the
0:07:19 problem clearly
0:07:20 and to provide a historically honest
0:07:22 judgment even at the price
0:07:24 of theological tidiness see this is what
0:07:27 i like about these scholars
0:07:29 even though they're committed christians
0:07:30 they're priests they're speaking on
0:07:31 behalf of the church at the highest
0:07:33 levels
0:07:34 they want to be honest okay they're not
0:07:36 trying to cover over or pretend
0:07:39 uh that jesus said something other than
0:07:40 he does and typically in my view
0:07:42 christians tend to
0:07:44 be very try to cover over this passage
0:07:47 and pretend it doesn't say what it
0:07:48 obviously does say
0:07:50 and so let's continue the problem arises
0:07:52 because the plain sense of the words
0:07:55 is that jesus affirms the abiding
0:07:58 validity of the torah
0:08:00 but this contradicts paul e.g
0:08:04 galatians 2 15 16 romans 3 21-31
0:08:09 moreover no major christian church
0:08:12 requires observance of
0:08:13 all 613 precepts of the old testament
0:08:17 law
0:08:18 ethical and ceremonial but only the
0:08:21 ethical commandments such as the
0:08:22 decalogue that's the ten commandments
0:08:25 and the commandments to love god and
0:08:27 neighbor which is in leviticus and
0:08:28 deuteronomy
0:08:30 thus there is a gap between the teaching
0:08:32 here
0:08:33 in this passage in matthew and the
0:08:35 teaching and practice of the churches
0:08:38 the position adopted here is the
0:08:40 following there are
0:08:41 there are contradictions within the new
0:08:44 testament on penultimate matters
0:08:47 by penalty matters they mean on things
0:08:49 that are just not ultimate
0:08:50 importance but just short of that of
0:08:52 secondary ultimate importance
0:08:54 so it's frankly acknowledging that there
0:08:56 are contradictions
0:08:58 and that jesus teaching
0:09:01 in this passage contradicts paul
0:09:06 then just to continue this whole passage
0:09:08 is extraordinary
0:09:10 um and then it says
0:09:13 that the uh the verses in this passage
0:09:17 reflect the outlook of jewish
0:09:19 christianity
0:09:21 which as a separate movement was
0:09:23 eventually defeated
0:09:24 by paulinism paulism is paul's own views
0:09:28 and died out perhaps to be reborn in a
0:09:32 different form
0:09:32 as islam wow that that's quite
0:09:36 quite a confession that the jewish jesus
0:09:38 is teaching
0:09:39 in matthew's gospel uh was ultimately
0:09:42 defeated by paul's teaching in ephesians
0:09:44 the law has been up that's why
0:09:45 christians don't follow the law
0:09:46 uh today they followed just perhaps a
0:09:48 handful of laws from the ten
0:09:50 commandments and ignore all the others
0:09:52 the laws about not eating pork uh the
0:09:54 laws about circumcision
0:09:56 uh the laws about a whole range of
0:09:58 things that they they they consider
0:09:59 this abolish because paul says so
0:10:02 but this original jewish christianity
0:10:06 was eventually defeated by paul's views
0:10:09 and died out
0:10:10 as we know it did perhaps to be reborn
0:10:13 in a different form as islam isn't it
0:10:16 interesting
0:10:17 so they say there's in a sense you one
0:10:19 could say to simplify
0:10:21 that the teaching of jesus here finds
0:10:23 its ultimate uh
0:10:25 presence in today's world in islam
0:10:28 not in the churches isn't that
0:10:30 interesting remember this is an official
0:10:31 roman catholic doctrine
0:10:33 endorsed at the highest levels
0:10:36 um so what does the quran say so
0:10:40 we have two extreme but we have two
0:10:42 extreme views here
0:10:43 at the extremes we have the view on the
0:10:45 one hand of jesus in matthew
0:10:48 that in the kingdom of god which jesus
0:10:50 was calling people to enter remember
0:10:53 this wasn't the old covenant this was
0:10:56 what jesus was preaching if you look at
0:10:57 matthew mark and luke this was the
0:10:59 substance of his message calling people
0:11:01 to believe in the god is bringing a new
0:11:03 thing into being
0:11:05 through the kingdom of god and in that
0:11:08 kingdom
0:11:09 there is an intensified renewed
0:11:11 obedience to the torah
0:11:13 which of course christians don't follow
0:11:15 anymore
0:11:16 paul says the opposite that he has
0:11:19 abolished he
0:11:20 jesus has abolished the law with its
0:11:22 commandments
0:11:23 and what does the quran say well
0:11:26 strangely
0:11:27 it takes a middle path in chapter
0:11:31 3 verse 50 it has jesus say i have come
0:11:35 to confirm the truth of the torah which
0:11:38 preceded me
0:11:40 and to make some things lawful to you
0:11:42 which used to be
0:11:43 forbidden interesting
0:11:47 so jesus affirms the torah continuing
0:11:49 validity of it
0:11:50 but there are some things which
0:11:54 used to be forbidden that he makes
0:11:57 lawful very interesting so it's neither
0:12:00 the extreme of matthew who says that you
0:12:03 obey all of the law if you're a disciple
0:12:05 of jesus nor paul says you don't obey
0:12:06 any of it
0:12:07 in effect has been abolished but you the
0:12:09 law
0:12:10 is invalid it is still uh in force
0:12:13 some bits and pieces of the law have
0:12:15 been made lawful
0:12:17 to you as to what those uh elements are
0:12:20 that's another subject it seems to be
0:12:24 um a fascinating middle path between the
0:12:27 two
0:12:27 extremes and um i'll leave you
0:12:30 uh to decide what the truth of the
0:12:33 matter is
0:12:35 but what it does show i think quite
0:12:37 clearly is and as the catholic
0:12:39 um commentary admits that christians
0:12:41 today
0:12:42 the churches today overwhelmingly do not
0:12:45 follow
0:12:45 the teaching of the plain teaching of
0:12:47 jesus in matthew's gospel in matthew 5
0:12:49 and matthew 23
0:12:51 they follow the teaching of paul which
0:12:53 basically has
0:12:54 has abolished the law in its and it's in
0:12:56 its entirety
0:12:58 um and and that is a problem for
0:13:01 christianity
0:13:02 islam comes well the quran comes quite
0:13:05 close i think closer to the teaching of
0:13:06 jesus
0:13:08 than christians do they christianity
0:13:11 sorry islam still requires circumcision
0:13:14 it still upholds the law on
0:13:18 the prohibition of eating certain kinds
0:13:20 of food eating blood
0:13:21 eating uh pork and so on that's uh also
0:13:24 taught by james
0:13:25 in the book of acts he upholds that law
0:13:28 uh at the council in acts 15
0:13:30 again christians have ignored that so um
0:13:33 we have a
0:13:34 pretty mess here about what's going on i
0:13:37 think
0:13:37 typically christians ignore the teaching
0:13:39 of matthew and they follow
0:13:41 paul um and the quran interestingly
0:13:44 stands closer to matthew uh and some may
0:13:48 think
0:13:48 closer to the historical jesus but i'll
0:13:50 leave that for you to decide
0:13:52 until next time