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108 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI (2022-09-11)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

106 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI



المائدة ة

Summary of 108 Tafseer ul Quran Surat Al Ma'idah Professor Dr Muhammad AL MASSARI

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


Professor Muhammad Al Massari discusses the Surat Al-Ma'idah from the Quran. He explains that the People of the Book have no valid grounds for their beliefs unless they truly observe the Torah and Gospel. He also discusses how the final revelation abrogated previous instructions contained in the Torah. The presenter then discusses the difference between believing in Allah and doing good deeds, and how believing in Allah is not enough to be saved. concludes with a discussion of how some people have tried to discredit those who do not believe in Allah and His judgment by pointing to their good deeds.

00:00:00 In this episode, Professor Dr Muhammad al-Massari discusses Surat Al-Ma'idah, explaining that the People of the Book have no valid grounds for their beliefs unless they truly observe the Torah and Gospel. He also mentions that what has been sent down to the Prophet Muhammad is bound to make many of them more stubborn in their arrogance and denial of the truth.

  • 00:05:00 provides a detailed analysis of the differences between the book of Leviticus and the book of Deuteronomy, highlighting how these differences indicate that the latter is a later compilation. It also discusses how the final revelation abrogated previous instructions contained in the former.
  • 00:10:00 Discusses the difference between the Torah and the Quran, and how the former is a collection of myths and stories, while the Quran is a set of commandments from God. It also mentions how the disbelieving people will continue to rebel because of their various motivations, which were discussed in previous videos.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the difference between believing in Allah and doing good deeds, and how believing in Allah is not enough to be saved. Those who do good deeds will be rewarded, regardless of their faith in Allah.
  • 00:20:00 The presenter discusses a hadith in which a man who had spent a lifetime worshipping Allah was granted a chance to enter paradise by Allah's mercy. The man asks why his work during his life was in vain, to which Allah replies that his work was not in vain if it was for Allah. The presenter points out that doing good deeds without believing in Allah is not enough to merit rewards in this life, and that one's starting point and capabilities matter more in the eyes of Allah.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the history of how some people have tried to discredit those who do not believe in Allah and His judgment by pointing to their good deeds. also provides a translation of Qur'an verses about the covenant between Allah and the children of Israel. concludes by advising people to have a copy of the Bible if they want to understand the history of this issue.
  • 00:30:00 Discusses Surat Al Ma'idah, discussing how 108 verses are about genealogy and history. then goes on to discuss how some people misinterpret the prophets, leading to unrest and rebellion. God turned to these people in mercy, but many of them went back to disbelief.
  • 00:35:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the differences between the Nasara (i.e. Jews, Christians) and the Ahl al-Kitab (i.e. Muslims). He argues that the Ahl al-Kitab are not genuine nasara because they have deviated from the teachings of Muhammad. He also addresses the belief of the christians that Jesus is divine. Finally, he points out that the christians have been discriminated against historically because their beliefs contradict those of the Muslims.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the difference between the trinity belief of Christianity, Islam and Judaism, and how each religion presents it in different ways. It also covers Saint Augustine's monarchic point of view, which is that there is only one entity with three phases.
  • 00:45:00 Discusses the different interpretations of the Trinity, and argues that the concept is irrational and contradictory. It also points out that the belief in all three entities as one is required to be compatible with the principle of identity, which is a fundamental principle of logic.
  • 00:50:00 Discusses the Islamic concept of the trinity, which is found in many scriptures. The trinity is simply the idea that there is a deity referred to as "the father," "the son," and "the holy spirit." There is no evidence that this concept is necessary for understanding the scriptures, and there is no indication that it is related to the Christian concept of the trinity. The core of the trinity concept is that what is told to Musa (God's prophet) is true, and that this deity exists from eternity. The messiah, son of man, and mother of Jesus all have a human nature, and will eventually die and return.
  • 00:55:00 Professor Muhammad AL MASSARI discusses the various arguments against the divine suffering and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. He argues that these arguments are based on rational impossibility, and that they ultimately fail. He also discusses the various denominations of Christianity, and how they each claim to have the true teachings of Christ. He concludes the video by saying that the reality of Christ is simple and straightforward, and that the various theological speculation is ultimately fruitless.


Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari discusses the concept of good and evil, and how various religious groups have tried to solve the problem. He argues that these solutions are contradictory and impossible, and that the problem of good and evil can never be solved.

01:00:00 Discusses the issue of good and evil, and how religious secret societies emerged to try to solve the problem. It argues that these solutions are contradictory and impossible, and that the problem of good and evil can never be solved.

  • 01:05:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad Al Massari explains that there are many similar theories about good and evil and God's plan, which pre-date Christianity. He also discusses how people were misguided in the past, and how this affects us today.
  • 01:10:00 Discusses the theory that all of the prophets of the Abrahamic faiths were actually sent by the devil, and that Muhammad was one of these prophets. argues that this theory is based on contradictions and historical inaccuracies, and that it will ultimately lead to contradictions in religious beliefs.
  • 01:15:00 The professor discusses the various aspects of the concept of messiah in the Quran, emphasizing that the messiah is not simply anointed or appointed, but is the one who is anointed as a prophet or king. He goes on to mention that the count of messiahs in the Quran is 24, an example of which is found in the Metallica song "One." He also points out that some people who deny the truth of messiahship have been cut off from the mercy of Allah.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses how, in earlier times, believers would not ally themselves with disbelievers, but nowadays this is happening more and more. It argues that this is because disbelief is a fundamental belief that is wrong, and therefore believers cannot ally themselves with disbelievers.
  • 01:25:00 Discusses how the jews were hostile to the early Muslims, but later grew to be reasonable people willing to interact with the Muslims.
  • 01:30:00 is a lecture by a professor about Surat Al Ma'idah, in which he discusses how witnesses and samurai of Quraysh may have accompanied the Prophet Muhammad when he visited their city. He goes on to say that this delegation is not supposed to refute the man, but instead join him in believing in God and the truth that has been revealed to them. concludes by saying that those who embrace Islam later and repent will receive the same reward as those who were already rewarded for their faith.
  • 01:35:00 discusses the various obligations that Muslims have, including the obligation to make hijrah (emigration) to Medina if one is persecuted in their home country. He also discusses the various degrees of obligation, including the obligation to protect oneself when away from one's home country.
  • 01:40:00 The professor discusses the different types of "islamic entities" and how they are still subject to the law of Islam. He also mentions the example of a tribe being an "islamic entity."
  • 01:45:00 The professor discusses the importance of the ummah and how it applies to different issues such as victory in war and relations among different religions. He also mentions the need for further clarification of the concept of the ummah and why it is important.
  • 01:50:00 Professor Dr. Muhammad AL Massari discusses the difference between those who say that those who die without Islam are punished by Allah for not accepting Muhammad as their messenger, and those who believe that anyone who has heard of Islam but rejects it is still accountable to Allah. He also points out that this internal contradiction is attributed to Allah in contradiction to what he says in the Quran.
  • 01:55:00 Discusses how some people believe that if a messenger has not come to a person, then that person is not worthy of punishment. Muhammad Al Massari discussed the principle that a messenger must come with clear evidence for a person to be punished. If someone rejects the message after seeing evidence, that person may be punished in the hereafter.


in this video discusses the different types of contracts a Muslim may enter into, and how they are all okay as long as the conditions of salah are met. He also briefly explains how to trade stocks and borrow money from a broker. Finally, the speaker discusses the different sects of Christianity and their differences, with a focus on the Syrian church.

02:00:00 discusses the different types of contracts a Muslim may enter into, and how they are all okay as long as the conditions of salah are met.

  • 02:05:00 teaches viewers how to trade stocks using a market order. also explains how to borrow money from a broker and how to settle accounts.
  • 02:10:00 discusses the different sects of Christianity and their differences. He points out that the Syrian church, which is a Nestorian church, has had a large schism. However, there is a small minority of Syrians who are still Nestorian. also discusses the controversy surrounding the Syrian church's historicity.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:06 Music
0:00:30 okay
0:00:46 um
0:01:04 welcome dear brothers and sisters and
0:01:07 viewers to episode 108 of our tafsir
0:01:10 session of the nobel quran with
0:01:11 professor dr muhammad bin abdullah
0:01:14 al-masri
0:01:15 these episodes are broadcast live on the
0:01:17 study circles of professor dr mohammed
0:01:19 al-masri youtube channel every sunday at
0:01:23 2 pm british summer time
0:01:25 we invite you to subscribe to the
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0:01:30 please also note the link to the live
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0:01:36 the broadcast by participating in the
0:01:37 comments section and asking questions
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0:01:43 also do not forget to support our
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0:01:47 questions in the conversation or through
0:01:49 the thank you button under our video
0:01:51 today is september the 9th september
0:01:53 11th sorry
0:01:55 and dr muhammad al-masri will continue
0:01:57 this serious session on surat al-maidah
0:02:00 and we are currently on verse
0:02:03 68
0:02:05 68
0:02:11 in my counting we have finished uh we
0:02:13 discussed the issue that i said that you
0:02:15 broadcast already
0:02:17 communicate what you have received from
0:02:19 your lord and if you don't do that you
0:02:22 did not completely the the duty of the
0:02:24 messenger and allah will protect you
0:02:26 from the people allah does not guide
0:02:29 this believing people
0:02:31 i think we discuss that
0:02:32 and we
0:02:33 we
0:02:34 we
0:02:35 added a little bit of discussion about
0:02:37 uh uh how some shia claimed this is that
0:02:40 he has been ordered to broadcast and
0:02:42 that ali would be his follower and
0:02:43 things like that he was afraid i think
0:02:45 that and we said this is nonsense and
0:02:47 mentioned many cases where he
0:02:49 announced many things for ali
0:02:51 minor things and major things and did
0:02:53 not bother about anybody objecting or
0:02:54 not objecting that's not the issue
0:02:56 something else must have been meant by
0:02:58 that and we discarded already
0:03:00 i think we stopped there i said if i
0:03:02 remember
0:03:16 say oh you follow o followers of the
0:03:18 bible you have no valid ground for your
0:03:21 beliefs unless you truly observe the
0:03:23 torah and the gospel and all that has
0:03:25 been bestowed from on high upon you by
0:03:27 your sustainer
0:03:28 yet all that has been disturbed from on
0:03:30 high upon the oh prophet by thy
0:03:33 sustainer is bound to make many of them
0:03:35 yet more stubborn in their overweening
0:03:38 i think it's maybe overwhelming
0:03:39 arrogance and in their denial of the
0:03:41 truth
0:03:42 but sorrow not over the over people who
0:03:44 deny the truth next translation
0:03:47 say people of the book you have no valid
0:03:49 grounds for your beliefs unless you
0:03:51 truly observe the torah and the gospel
0:03:53 and all that has been sent down to you
0:03:54 from your lord yet all that has been
0:03:57 sent down to you prophet by your lord is
0:03:59 bound to make many of them more stubborn
0:04:01 in their arrogance and in their denial
0:04:03 of the truth do not worry about
0:04:05 unbelievers
0:04:07 yeah that's interesting the problem the
0:04:09 last part they do not be used do not
0:04:11 feel sorry for the disbelievers because
0:04:13 they have theirs not by their own choice
0:04:15 now it's suggesting the people of the
0:04:16 book that you are you are you are really
0:04:18 nothing you have no ground for your
0:04:19 claims to be the people of the book and
0:04:21 so on unless you really uh stand firm
0:04:24 and establish what have been revealed
0:04:26 upon high both in the torah and the
0:04:27 injeel
0:04:28 of the gospel
0:04:29 and whatever else has been distorted
0:04:32 down to your lord which include that
0:04:34 what has been revealed down to muhammad
0:04:36 because if
0:04:37 some people say this means they can't
0:04:39 even after islam they can't continue
0:04:40 observing the torah and injeel and
0:04:43 they will be fine if they are really
0:04:45 observing or they have never observed
0:04:46 after that anyway the reality they never
0:04:48 really observed probably and completely
0:04:50 but this is this is a misinterpretation
0:04:52 because it says not only autonomous
0:04:57 and to you if they have really observed
0:04:59 the total ninja
0:05:01 meticulously and thoroughly and not for
0:05:03 follow the
0:05:05 speculative
0:05:06 uh conjectures of certain men like
0:05:08 stanford for consenting his and his the
0:05:10 meaning of his message and so if they
0:05:12 would really gone back there and
0:05:15 took clearly the greatest common
0:05:17 denominator or whatever the core is
0:05:18 there they would have not declared isa
0:05:21 to be divine they would have understood
0:05:23 the prophecy of daniel
0:05:25 uh probably which does that indicate
0:05:28 anything of of
0:05:29 of atoning for the original sin they
0:05:32 would have understood that there was no
0:05:33 original sin there's a justification in
0:05:35 their mind all of these things so they
0:05:36 did not establish probably but it now
0:05:40 whatever has come from upon high an
0:05:42 injunction and so on has been abrogated
0:05:43 by the final message and also what have
0:05:46 been in the recordation as we said that
0:05:48 recordation is more or less generally
0:05:51 accurate but it is not complete so all
0:05:54 they have covered up certain books and
0:05:55 said books have been lost that's number
0:05:57 one
0:05:58 and this is they are that's admittedly
0:06:00 their own books their books and their
0:06:01 guarantee in their hand that's number
0:06:03 one
0:06:04 number two uh
0:06:06 they have obviously uh
0:06:08 written according to a testimony of the
0:06:10 quran in the books what is not revealed
0:06:12 according to their desire because of
0:06:14 partisanship because of
0:06:16 political dispute and exile and this is
0:06:18 clear uh by by little uh so-called
0:06:21 literary analysis and so on that just
0:06:24 just
0:06:24 is sufficient just to go to compare
0:06:27 the book of the device leviticus and
0:06:30 deuteronomy they contain similar
0:06:32 injunctions about the priesthood and so
0:06:34 on with the variations so
0:06:37 how come they are big
0:06:38 how come that they are given to moses at
0:06:40 the same time and which one obligates
0:06:42 which one what's it the reality is that
0:06:45 it seems to be the authority is a later
0:06:46 compilation trying to either things in
0:06:50 diverticus that's what the literary
0:06:52 critic shows obviously this is
0:06:53 speculative but it is quite persuasive
0:06:56 and various other things there obviously
0:06:59 which which is is quite disturbing
0:07:03 so
0:07:04 the final revelation or that's what have
0:07:06 we revealed to that view of the lord
0:07:08 upon high inc from high excluding this
0:07:10 one
0:07:11 it is
0:07:12 uh it is here it has abrogated the
0:07:14 previous injunction and that clarified
0:07:16 certain stories and history some of them
0:07:18 are the most relevant things the quran
0:07:20 says clearly
0:07:21 our messenger came to clarify many
0:07:23 things we have been out disputing about
0:07:25 the scripture and forgiving many things
0:07:27 he's not going to discuss every historic
0:07:29 point and every claim and
0:07:32 make you look bad more than you are
0:07:33 looking bad already it was just address
0:07:36 few issues like for example you remember
0:07:38 bakara
0:07:40 the issue that they came to the prophet
0:07:41 asking for a king so that they can fight
0:07:43 in the cause of allah the quran is only
0:07:45 that they fail to
0:07:46 they claim that they want to find the
0:07:48 kosovo he did not discuss that lengthy
0:07:50 discussion in the book of salman that
0:07:53 that actually they they wanted actually
0:07:55 to have a king so that they were they
0:07:57 don't want allah to be their king they
0:07:59 don't want to comply with the revelation
0:08:01 they want the king which will lose my
0:08:02 desire and they were warned
0:08:05 i advise everyone strongly to go to
0:08:07 to
0:08:09 to the book of samwell number one and
0:08:11 read the first few uh verses there a few
0:08:14 pages of the first chapter or two it
0:08:17 just described the whole discussion with
0:08:19 samuel and the pitfall of kingdom and
0:08:21 all of these things i did not discuss
0:08:23 that because final revelation
0:08:25 made clear that there is no king except
0:08:27 allah secondly that all affairs between
0:08:29 the believers will be settled by
0:08:30 consultation and by mutual agreement
0:08:33 that's sure in majority and it couldn't
0:08:35 enforce by the action of the bastard
0:08:37 medina and also by the fact that he did
0:08:39 not took more
0:08:41 state power not for the prophetic
0:08:42 parties is bestowed on upon high but by
0:08:45 state power
0:08:46 until he
0:08:48 wrote the sahiba
0:08:49 acceptable as a leader of muhajiroun
0:08:53 and they're sufficiently numerous to be
0:08:55 like like a like a tribe or like a state
0:08:57 entity so whether he was their head
0:09:00 was the leader of their party when they
0:09:01 were a party in makkah or or an
0:09:03 organization or a movement and they
0:09:05 thought when they are medina they have
0:09:07 to structure themselves somewhere like a
0:09:09 state like entity he was the head but he
0:09:11 was not the head of the onslaught we
0:09:13 discussed that in sahih
0:09:14 extensively
0:09:16 and is translated also
0:09:18 only after writing the sahih fatih
0:09:20 medina
0:09:34 federation has been established and the
0:09:35 confederation in gov
0:09:37 including the jews have been established
0:09:39 as the slave species so he was not even
0:09:41 head of state like many people or that
0:09:42 for example hezbollah claimed that he
0:09:44 established and he was looking for nusra
0:09:46 to establish the state no he was looking
0:09:48 to protect them themselves through the
0:09:50 canada well i think that's that we
0:09:51 discussed many times this issue casually
0:09:54 and uh it is thoroughly discussed in
0:09:56 both
0:09:57 the the paper which is called the nusra
0:09:59 mana and establishing the state i think
0:10:01 this is also translated yeah i think
0:10:03 it's translated
0:10:04 and also that we have the sahiba of
0:10:06 medina the medina constitution also
0:10:08 translated
0:10:10 so what are available it shows clearly
0:10:12 that that
0:10:14 kingship is completely abolished and not
0:10:15 accepted and there is no discussion
0:10:17 about that so there was no need in
0:10:18 social bakra to go up with a lengthy
0:10:20 discussion the boring discussion between
0:10:22 them and some will about
0:10:25 about
0:10:27 kingship and choosing a king and so on
0:10:29 and ultimately their requests were
0:10:31 granted with the with a warning that
0:10:34 these kings will be oppressive they will
0:10:36 be tyrannical and you will be
0:10:37 supplicating complaining about their
0:10:39 tyranny and they will not accept your
0:10:41 prayers that's all in some way but not
0:10:43 in the quran because i just
0:10:45 swept over that did not address that
0:10:48 you know that's only the issue that they
0:10:49 claimed they wanted the king for jihad
0:10:51 and then when jihad was obligated they
0:10:54 was not obligated on them they could do
0:10:56 jihad they could represent from jihad
0:11:00 they failed to fulfill the obligation so
0:11:02 they they didn't have really
0:11:04 clear intention that's in ancient times
0:11:07 so that's that's so that's what
0:11:09 concerning what what they call torah
0:11:11 which is really not the real torah the
0:11:12 law
0:11:13 the teaching delivered by musa and you
0:11:16 find in shrine and some of the five
0:11:17 books not all of them even even the
0:11:20 genesis is not written by musa is
0:11:21 nothing but
0:11:22 as a collection of maybe prophetic
0:11:25 statements and myths and stories and so
0:11:27 on of time past and half of it is
0:11:29 legendary or mythical only from time
0:11:32 abraham downroad it's more or less a
0:11:34 little bit historical
0:11:36 but anything earlier is just just
0:11:39 just
0:11:40 just
0:11:41 legendary etc so
0:11:44 but it's a challenge if you really claim
0:11:46 that you have something
0:11:47 then establish really what's good the
0:11:49 torah manager was to establish that go
0:11:51 to the common core of all of these what
0:11:53 is the unique thread over this is the
0:11:56 unity of allah his sovereignty has
0:11:58 absolutely tried to command and his
0:12:00 various injunctions you should not kill
0:12:02 you shall become a theft you shouldn't
0:12:03 commit adultery all of these things if
0:12:05 you look at that
0:12:07 then clearly what has come with the
0:12:08 messenger messenger confirms that and
0:12:10 improve it and advance it further then
0:12:13 you should have complied with that then
0:12:14 you are on something so this is not uh
0:12:17 calling them to establish what they have
0:12:19 and and continue with it no some people
0:12:21 interpret that some people who call
0:12:23 themselves called for the sort of
0:12:24 abrahamic faith and things like that
0:12:26 that's not that's not what they write
0:12:27 the quran say
0:12:29 and they'll say well they see then after
0:12:30 that
0:12:31 that's what has been revealed to him
0:12:34 they will make them increase in their
0:12:36 rebellion and disbelief
0:12:39 because of the various motivation which
0:12:41 we discussed many times some of this
0:12:43 envy some of these tribalism will not
0:12:45 accept any prophet except if he's not
0:12:47 from the children of israel otherwise
0:12:49 would not accept as if they are going to
0:12:51 dictate to allah
0:12:52 whom he is going to choose and send etc
0:12:55 that's all not acceptable it's not
0:12:57 acceptable people who believe and know
0:12:59 it have really have committed to the
0:13:00 torah and and the gospel as they have
0:13:02 come
0:13:03 that's not everything
0:13:05 so so don't worry about that don't be
0:13:08 grieving about them don't be grieving
0:13:09 about the disbelieving people
0:13:13 and then a confirmation
0:13:15 of a fundamental fact
0:13:17 next ayah in the levine
0:13:27 for very those who have attained to
0:13:29 faith in this divine writ as well as
0:13:30 those who follow the jewish phrase and
0:13:32 the sabians and the christians all who
0:13:34 believe in god and the last day and do
0:13:36 righteous deed deeds no fear need they
0:13:39 have and neither shall they grieve next
0:13:41 translation the believers as well as the
0:13:43 jews the sabians and the christians all
0:13:45 who believe in god and the last day and
0:13:47 do righteous deeds will have nothing to
0:13:50 fear and they will not grieve yeah so
0:13:52 that's that's the believers that they
0:13:54 believe meaning specifically those are
0:13:55 following muhammad those who judaised in
0:13:58 time past
0:13:59 not at the time muhammad when they were
0:14:01 addressed to leave that abrogated sharia
0:14:04 and follow the final sharia and the sabi
0:14:07 on is here
0:14:09 is here
0:14:10 some some orientalists are some
0:14:11 simple-minded idiots they think because
0:14:13 sabi on is
0:14:27 some people say this is a mistake in the
0:14:28 quran it's obviously a joke such a blood
0:14:31 and mistake will not be committed by an
0:14:32 idiot let alone by muhammad so this is
0:14:35 this is the joke no wasabi one is
0:14:37 actually and as uh by by
0:14:39 abridging a sentence that comes after
0:14:41 lavina had aladdin had with
0:15:06 special category of the jews and most
0:15:08 likely almost certainly it's the
0:15:10 follower of john the baptist
0:15:12 or mostly settled in iraq and so on
0:15:17 so those the jew those who ever followed
0:15:19 the jewish faith when it was validated
0:15:23 under christians
0:15:35 that was the original name but then
0:15:36 later on especially in the greek
0:15:38 speaking world they adopted the name
0:15:40 christian which is okay it's not a
0:15:42 problem it's not for them the problem
0:15:43 but there they were calling them in the
0:15:45 arabic realm until islam and
0:15:47 they were not calling himself if you ask
0:15:49 anyone if they say i'm not surrounded
0:15:52 that that's later that's the idea
0:15:54 ritalin stated back although they
0:15:56 claimed that
0:15:57 in antioch and so on they said they
0:15:59 started following the follower of isa uh
0:16:02 uh uh uh as as as christian but that's
0:16:06 obviously in the greek speaking uh realm
0:16:08 in in aramaic and so on it remained
0:16:11 nassari and before that they were they
0:16:13 were nicknamed or or slandered by the
0:16:16 term galilean because being a galilean
0:16:18 at the time is meaning being like a
0:16:20 hawaii or jihadi and people who use
0:16:23 knives and fight with with swords and
0:16:25 things like that but this is an
0:16:27 accusation of being terrorists secretary
0:16:29 galilean meaning terrorists so their
0:16:31 opponent called them galilean codos and
0:16:33 they didn't consider naziris the
0:16:47 has been almost like it has been written
0:16:49 on the cross
0:16:51 so that that's it so all of these when
0:16:53 the when when the the
0:16:55 when their their
0:16:57 the the the religion was still not
0:16:59 abrogated and valid so those who are
0:17:01 judaized but did not receive the mere
0:17:03 misery of visa those that have nemesis
0:17:04 and injected it became covered they are
0:17:06 no more accepted they are not included
0:17:08 there because if they are believed
0:17:10 really in allah and they have judgement
0:17:11 properly and follow the scripture as in
0:17:13 the previous i had discussed they would
0:17:15 have accepted lisa and
0:17:17 many jews
0:17:18 maybe a majority or a small strong
0:17:20 minority accepted israel
0:17:22 and this is the one and from jews the
0:17:24 branch of the sabi in the fall of john
0:17:26 the baptist they settled in iraq maybe
0:17:28 they did not receive the message of isa
0:17:29 maybe they received it they want
0:17:31 monotheists also they are included in
0:17:33 the ayah and also the christians
0:17:35 those
0:17:37 all of these are still the quran make a
0:17:40 precautionary mark who believes in allah
0:17:42 on the day of jeremiah so if someone
0:17:43 came i'm a believer following muhammad
0:17:45 it doesn't count and he really believes
0:17:47 in allah and day of judgment and
0:17:49 make good deeds
0:17:51 perform good deeds only those not just
0:17:53 by title not just recalling i am a
0:17:55 believer in muhammad i am a jew
0:17:57 in the time judaism was the accepted
0:17:59 religion i am a sabbath sabby i am
0:18:01 follower of john the baptist and
0:18:02 following of jesus christ that's all
0:18:04 does not count as a self it has to be
0:18:08 certified and qualified but those from
0:18:10 those who having this claim on this
0:18:12 label
0:18:13 they have the
0:18:14 fundamental content believing in allah
0:18:16 and the day of judgment and do good
0:18:18 deeds
0:18:20 they have nothing to fear and nothing to
0:18:21 grieve
0:18:23 these are the saved ones so the saved
0:18:25 one is not the
0:18:26 only the saving sex and the wahhabi and
0:18:28 all this nonsense no the saved one is
0:18:30 much larger all the followers muhammad
0:18:32 and the previous generations the it is
0:18:35 used previous generation the sabi in
0:18:37 previous generations
0:18:39 who believe really and allah dave
0:18:40 judgment and to do good deeds they have
0:18:43 nothing to fear or who have believed in
0:18:45 that
0:18:47 so that so this is the it is not
0:18:48 addressing that the current one who
0:18:50 claimed to be jews or they even the kind
0:18:52 of muslim with the graveyard believer in
0:18:53 islam as long as they don't if they
0:18:55 really do not believe in allah they have
0:18:57 judgment and do good deeds
0:18:59 if there is no good is completely nil
0:19:01 just for just about the label it's not
0:19:03 sufficient and there's not going to help
0:19:05 it's not going to help
0:19:08 even
0:19:23 well he is a believer so believing is a
0:19:25 condition but it's not sufficient it's a
0:19:27 condition but what what is sufficient is
0:19:29 good deeds if the condition is fulfilled
0:19:32 which is a good deal without it without
0:19:34 the condition of belief for what did you
0:19:36 do good deeds
0:19:37 people will be asked
0:19:39 who may have done this charity and good
0:19:41 to actually say
0:19:43 they will be asking the whole question
0:19:44 according to the hadith have you ever
0:19:46 one day in your life ever thought that
0:19:49 you may be coming here for accounting
0:19:51 and some people say no i have never
0:19:53 thought
0:19:54 i never believed in division i never
0:19:55 thought that i would become if i could
0:19:57 say okay then you have forgotten this
0:19:59 day we forgot you today
0:20:00 you got
0:20:02 for your good deeds if they are
0:20:03 classified as goodies like some
0:20:04 humanitarian works on the ocean we must
0:20:07 agree that's really good there's no
0:20:08 problem with it
0:20:10 but you did it either for
0:20:11 self-satisfaction for self-fulfillment
0:20:14 for praise for glory
0:20:17 for good reputation whatever it is and
0:20:18 you got that already that's all what you
0:20:20 get
0:20:22 allah may be graceful also reduce his
0:20:24 punishment because of that a little bit
0:20:25 better don't expect anything from us
0:20:28 because those who do it for knowing that
0:20:30 they will come to accounting they will
0:20:32 be able to put it on the table and argue
0:20:34 for it but you you didn't do it for
0:20:36 today so this is to answer the question
0:20:38 people say we may see many catholics
0:20:40 even atheists do good deeds and they're
0:20:42 humanitarian and so on yeah indeed
0:20:44 but they did not do for allah
0:20:48 this is a necessary condition to be
0:20:50 rewarded
0:20:51 maybe it will help easing the punishment
0:20:53 reduce the punishment maybe we don't
0:20:55 know blessed by allah's grace allah is
0:20:56 graceful he can't do that but
0:20:59 requesting a reward for that would the
0:21:02 answer be
0:21:03 why you're requesting reward
0:21:05 actually he will actually he would be he
0:21:07 will ask her okay you did all of that
0:21:10 you have done charity you deserve you
0:21:12 did that from what wealth and money
0:21:13 would you how did you gain that with the
0:21:15 money i gave you the wealth of money
0:21:17 with your bodily ability or helping
0:21:19 people because you are badly able i give
0:21:21 you this body did you pay back that's
0:21:23 get that by that body by acknowledging
0:21:25 that i'm your lord and you're coming for
0:21:26 account you know you did not pay back at
0:21:28 least you did not do this many more duty
0:21:32 so that's
0:21:33 like there's a hadith interesting funny
0:21:35 hadith uh a man comes from qiyamah
0:21:38 um he secluded him somewhere in a in a
0:21:41 place and then
0:21:42 just devoted himself with what he called
0:21:44 worship secretary and worship is just
0:21:46 ritual
0:21:47 and then
0:21:48 he asked allah to to make him
0:21:50 independent from human beings also allah
0:21:52 grows
0:21:54 grand three on top of him and every day
0:21:56 he has a pongal net winter and
0:21:59 through the year daily he has one
0:22:00 pomegranate he eats and he has a small
0:22:02 riverlet who will provide with water and
0:22:04 he stayed there worshipped so many years
0:22:06 and he died
0:22:07 and then he came in okay nothing no no
0:22:09 he got him he was shattered obviously
0:22:11 that he's in seclusion he did not do
0:22:12 anything for the society but then he
0:22:14 says okay go to the paradise by my mercy
0:22:17 and the one said
0:22:18 by your messiah what's up with my work
0:22:21 said okay let us see how much is your
0:22:23 work with let us count
0:22:25 all these sublication and all these
0:22:28 prayers and fasting and so on over and
0:22:30 then let us weigh them
0:22:32 when they fasting with giving you one
0:22:35 one pomegranate a day even out of season
0:22:38 see how which one is you know in the
0:22:40 scales of real things in the scale of
0:22:42 allah is more valuable and then the
0:22:43 scale obviously was against him
0:22:46 because having one grad out of season
0:22:49 given by allah azza gratis is much more
0:22:51 valuable in the scheme of the universe
0:22:53 if he moved the absolute reality of
0:22:54 allah than your
0:22:57 your prayer andrei of that day
0:22:59 and that obviously he was he was out of
0:23:01 all good deeds and outbalanced and allah
0:23:04 said take him to the hellfire said
0:23:06 my lord no no no i i accept i will go to
0:23:09 police by your grace all my work is in
0:23:11 vain is useless well i said i thought
0:23:13 you were winning go buy my grace you
0:23:14 will go only by your grace by my grace
0:23:16 not by your deed don't think you did is
0:23:18 is really your own doing you couldn't do
0:23:21 it except by wealth i gave to you my
0:23:23 muscles i gave to you by life and then
0:23:26 physiology and biochemistry i gave to
0:23:28 you so just acknowledge this fact
0:23:31 so this i mentioned that as casually so
0:23:33 nobody should think that that
0:23:35 that
0:23:36 doing some charitable work without any
0:23:38 beliefs is worthy of rewarding or camera
0:23:40 you will get the answer you never did
0:23:42 that for for this day and secondly how
0:23:45 come that you you become a billionaire
0:23:47 do you think that's my bible ingenuity
0:23:49 there are so many people are more
0:23:50 ingenious than you
0:23:52 and
0:23:53 have even better starting point but they
0:23:54 didn't become billionaires condition
0:23:56 will so made so right for you yes you
0:23:58 did you did some work indeed but
0:24:01 without without allah allowing that to
0:24:03 happen in the universe you could not
0:24:04 have made that what which you have spent
0:24:06 on charity for example
0:24:08 or you could not have that bodily
0:24:10 ability which made you help for example
0:24:12 the neither the one who cannot help
0:24:15 care for themselves they are caring for
0:24:16 them that's very good but you got the
0:24:18 satisfaction you got it and you did not
0:24:20 pay back what all the capabilities i
0:24:22 gave it to you for free to start with
0:24:25 so nobody should nobody should come with
0:24:26 this argument what's up what this
0:24:27 charitable be able to do so many good
0:24:29 things and so on yeah but the condition
0:24:31 of evan is necessary to be rewarded
0:24:34 will it maybe reduce the sins just to
0:24:37 allah and he can't reduce the essence
0:24:40 thus or he can forgive if he wants but
0:24:42 but they have no argument to claim we we
0:24:45 deserve something nobody deserves
0:24:46 anything
0:24:48 it's all by allah's grace ultimately
0:24:49 ultimately
0:24:51 even the reason you have even the eyes
0:24:53 and and the capability to hear and
0:24:55 listen you are it's only shall you give
0:24:57 him from allah for free without even
0:25:00 you're not there even to demand that and
0:25:02 it's given to you for you probably
0:25:03 absolutely free
0:25:07 next area so that's that's concerning
0:25:09 that so don't be some people came out
0:25:11 all of these even the jews and christian
0:25:14 but do they really believe in allah
0:25:16 their judgment and do good deeds
0:25:19 are there these really good if they are
0:25:21 based on the false belief no
0:25:25 if they reject the final messenger or
0:25:27 the user of after is rejecting elisa
0:25:30 that they are catholic by their but at
0:25:32 least statement the quran they did not
0:25:33 believe in william allah they have
0:25:35 judgment they prefer to be allied with
0:25:37 the roman and and having high position
0:25:39 like a high priest who styles the uh
0:25:42 stood trial when he saw that
0:25:45 the one who appeared to be like
0:25:46 and so on
0:25:48 they they were concerned about their
0:25:49 positions and power and big high priests
0:25:51 and so on they don't bother about allah
0:25:53 judgment it's just very clear from their
0:25:55 behavior but these are not even if they
0:25:57 claim to be jews they didn't genuinely
0:25:59 believe in a lot of their judgment or
0:26:01 they did good deeds no
0:26:04 they did bad deeds actually
0:26:08 so
0:26:09 keep that in mind that these these
0:26:12 arguments are arrogance of history
0:26:14 playing games with the people and making
0:26:15 the putting the people on the believers
0:26:17 attempt to put their believers on the
0:26:19 corner say oh you think you are the only
0:26:20 one who will get a reward others will
0:26:22 get no no even the believers will not
0:26:25 get rewarding by allah's grace but they
0:26:26 have fulfilled certain condition so
0:26:28 they're eligible for reward
0:26:30 you are not eligible those who did not
0:26:32 fulfill the condition
0:26:33 those will not believe in the allah day
0:26:35 of judgment
0:26:36 they they will have to fear and they
0:26:38 have to grieve definitely but there's
0:26:39 all believe in allah judgment as a
0:26:41 precondition under good deeds and follow
0:26:43 all the revelation without rejecting any
0:26:46 messenger disbelieving in anyone even
0:26:47 messenger and you remember sort of
0:26:49 or at the end of the start that the
0:26:51 judges the this believe in allah and his
0:26:53 messengers or make a distinction with
0:26:55 allah messenger or claim we believe in
0:26:57 some deep someone that's not acceptable
0:26:59 you are not believing in allah there yet
0:27:01 if you if you will
0:27:02 make make sure
0:27:04 what give you an authority to accept
0:27:05 musa and not accept isa and accept islam
0:27:08 muhammad what give you the authority
0:27:10 why what's the justification
0:27:14 after seeing the evidence of the other
0:27:16 it's just the same coming from the same
0:27:17 source the same say the same meaning
0:27:20 as a matter of fact all all these who
0:27:22 object for some muhammad are essentially
0:27:24 rejecting islam and
0:27:26 claiming otherwise but because they may
0:27:28 have grown in a society which accept isa
0:27:30 as a divine or not divine soul they
0:27:32 think they they have accepted these but
0:27:33 they have to have rejected all of them
0:27:35 that's just in really the
0:27:37 the rational conclusion anyway i think
0:27:39 we discussed that sufficiently so that
0:27:41 clarify that issues many people come
0:27:43 with that what's about to charitable
0:27:45 people this one have spent billions in
0:27:47 charity and things like that
0:27:49 etc etc and he has more effect on
0:27:52 humanity than than many believers who
0:27:54 may be
0:27:55 just plowing the ground behind the cow
0:27:57 in bangladesh yes but there is a
0:27:58 fundamental difference
0:28:00 what others there's fundamental
0:28:02 conditions and who said that the one uh
0:28:04 the the poor farmer in bangladesh behind
0:28:06 his car when they're doing not very much
0:28:08 except feeding his own kids is not
0:28:11 higher in allah's eye than this one
0:28:12 multi billionaire in america
0:28:18 and valuation of things are different
0:28:20 and the scriptures say that even the old
0:28:22 scripture and the new testament and the
0:28:24 quran says that
0:28:26 so this is all just just three
0:28:28 attempting to to uh
0:28:30 to exonerate those who just don't
0:28:32 believe in allah they judgment that
0:28:33 they're still good they're charitable
0:28:34 they have no nothing negative oh they
0:28:36 indeed have negatives fundamental
0:28:38 negatives
0:28:40 they did not put themselves in the place
0:28:43 the universe they belong
0:28:44 they do not acknowledge that they have
0:28:46 been created by
0:28:48 and they owe him uh
0:28:50 respect and divinity and their
0:28:51 submission
0:28:52 so
0:28:53 so all the life essentially in vain it's
0:28:55 just just visited
0:29:15 indeed we accepted a solemn pledge from
0:29:18 the children of israel and we sent
0:29:19 apostles unto them but every time an
0:29:22 apostle came unto them with anything
0:29:24 that was not to their liking they
0:29:25 rebelled
0:29:26 to some of them we gave the lie
0:29:29 while others they would slay next
0:29:32 translation we made a covenant with the
0:29:34 children of israel and we sent
0:29:35 messengers to them every time a
0:29:37 messenger came to them with anything
0:29:39 that was not to their liking they
0:29:41 rebelled they accused some of lying and
0:29:43 others kill and kill the others yeah
0:29:45 understand the history just go to the
0:29:47 others i advise everyone to have as i
0:29:49 said a copy of the bible
0:29:51 if you want to nudge one from a hotel a
0:29:53 place where the gideon is okay i think
0:29:55 that they're intended that the people
0:29:56 will take them home okay no problem or
0:29:58 buy one it's cheap
0:30:00 one of the latest and good editions and
0:30:03 they're very nice printed and so on and
0:30:05 just go through adjustment just to have
0:30:06 an idea what's on there
0:30:08 you'll find when sometimes pages long
0:30:10 genealogies which is boring either you
0:30:12 enjoy that or jump over it okay that's
0:30:14 no problem
0:30:16 that's just history
0:30:17 but you will see many things of that
0:30:19 many
0:30:21 many examples of barely any any uh
0:30:25 apostle or messenger who come after musa
0:30:28 barely anyone maybe yeshua the son of
0:30:30 noon maybe you shall be known maybe this
0:30:33 one was that either and they were 40
0:30:35 years and
0:30:37 tested and cleaned in in the wilderness
0:30:40 and they were following him with
0:30:41 submission there was no rebellion really
0:30:43 that's in the early time but later on
0:30:46 even the time of the judges
0:30:48 where they were managed by prophets
0:30:50 there are plenty of rebellions and
0:30:52 problems something with them
0:30:53 and then the the rebellion against
0:30:56 somewhere and demanding a king allegedly
0:30:58 they want to do jihad or the result that
0:31:00 they would have their dispute between
0:31:02 various kings and and they would accuse
0:31:05 some kings over the worst kind of crimes
0:31:07 like
0:31:08 the
0:31:09 david
0:31:10 david party accused
0:31:13 saul with the nasty things under the
0:31:16 soul party who or
0:31:18 descended who controlled the northern
0:31:20 kingdom they accused the other with all
0:31:22 kinds of negative things and then
0:31:24 obviously both sides accused sudaiman of
0:31:27 being
0:31:28 being a magician and being a catherine
0:31:30 being idol worshipper so
0:31:38 rejecting prophets and accusing them of
0:31:40 revised accusations or if whatever
0:31:43 if ashima will they kill them
0:31:59 them and so they became blind death of
0:32:01 heart
0:32:02 thereafter god accepted their repentance
0:32:04 and again many of them became blind and
0:32:06 deaf
0:32:07 god sees all that they do next
0:32:09 translation think that they themselves
0:32:11 would not be harmed they became deaf
0:32:14 blind in death god turned to them in
0:32:17 mercy yet many of them again became
0:32:19 blind and deaf god sees everything they
0:32:22 do yeah so that's it so they they
0:32:25 they
0:32:26 they were blinded and some of them
0:32:28 repented not all of them but majority
0:32:30 may be repented and then again they
0:32:32 became blind and they came rejecting the
0:32:34 prophets or falsifying with the brothers
0:32:36 or even sometimes after the babylonic
0:32:38 exile
0:32:40 they didn't have enough power to to be
0:32:42 exercising killing anyone
0:32:44 uh or
0:32:46 so they are accusing the prophets of
0:32:48 lying
0:32:48 and but this was not very feasible
0:32:50 because they were subdued and hammered
0:32:52 by
0:32:54 the babylonian empire so they would they
0:32:56 became a little bit more we meek and so
0:32:58 on so what they do whatever they hear of
0:33:01 injection they twisted according to
0:33:02 their like so
0:33:05 the procedure of of killing was not
0:33:07 working anymore because they have no
0:33:08 kingdom left that they were ordered to
0:33:10 submit to pagan kings that's that's a
0:33:12 part of dilla and mask
0:33:15 joined on them not only in a creative
0:33:17 since but also in legalistic things
0:33:18 since like this natural character and
0:33:21 they claim that they are not allowed to
0:33:22 have a kingdom until the messiah comes
0:33:24 they are right that's the injunction of
0:33:26 of hakki and and the career the first
0:33:29 after the babylonian excited that you
0:33:30 should not rule you should submit to
0:33:32 vegan kings that's part of the
0:33:33 punishment and continuation of post
0:33:36 excited was probably unique excited
0:33:39 but then the the art of twisting that
0:33:41 what the prophets are saying or taking
0:33:42 some of it or recording only bit of it
0:33:45 leaving the rest and so on became
0:33:46 prevalent under them
0:33:48 they became the master of twisting the
0:33:50 revelation and reinterpreted it in the
0:33:52 wrong way
0:33:53 the halifal kaliman were there
0:33:56 then ultimately the final messengers who
0:33:58 came to them is isabel mariam and many
0:34:01 of them who follow the days after that
0:34:02 and the one followed they've been phoned
0:34:04 out of the
0:34:05 jewish realm although they were not
0:34:07 supposed because he was not addressing
0:34:08 those he was sending as he said even in
0:34:10 the gospel clearly i have been sent to
0:34:13 the lost chief of the for children of
0:34:15 israel not outside and those who joined
0:34:17 him as jews
0:34:19 but because of historic situation we are
0:34:21 not going to discuss now and paul taking
0:34:24 uh taking an odd view about isa so that
0:34:26 the the majority of the follower
0:34:29 and the disciples who were in jerusalem
0:34:31 decided okay did that guy work with the
0:34:33 gentile so we get rid of him and with
0:34:35 his headache as a matter of fact that
0:34:37 caused the catastrophe it sp
0:34:39 became really the gentile leader and
0:34:42 propagated his philosophies but anyway
0:34:45 here and there and that
0:34:47 came back
0:34:48 to those who are from jewish origin and
0:34:50 were talking are americans and later on
0:34:52 and just contaminated them with the same
0:34:54 disbelief which is mentioned in the next
0:34:55 ayah
0:34:58 this is also correct the point of view
0:34:59 that because some people may mistake
0:35:01 anything that prevent the eye obviously
0:35:04 they addressed the christian or the
0:35:05 nasara over now no it is
0:35:08 when they were used you know they
0:35:09 followed gaza and the same with the jews
0:35:11 there so the jews had me clarified that
0:35:13 even their history they have been
0:35:14 committed so many atrocities that
0:35:16 committed copper and tawba and covalent
0:35:18 alba so understand that in the correct
0:35:20 sense as i have explained
0:35:22 now it comes to the christian
0:35:24 and how they deviated then so those have
0:35:26 divided and said that they are not
0:35:28 genuinely nasara
0:35:43 been addressed in other places in the
0:35:44 quran sufficiently often
0:35:46 now it's the time to address the issue
0:35:48 the belief issue
0:35:49 which shows that they don't believe
0:35:51 really in allah their judgment those
0:35:53 who believe in the divinity
0:35:56 so allah
0:36:11 translation indeed the truth
0:36:14 they the truth deny they who say
0:36:18 behold god is the christ son of mary
0:36:21 seeing that the christ himself said o
0:36:24 children of israel worship god alone who
0:36:26 is my sustainer as well as your
0:36:28 sustainer behold whoever ascribes
0:36:31 divinity to any beside god unto him will
0:36:34 god deny paradise and his goal shall be
0:36:36 the fire
0:36:38 and such evil doers will have none to
0:36:40 secure them next translation
0:36:42 those who say god is the messiah son of
0:36:44 mary have defied god
0:36:47 the messiah himself said children of
0:36:49 israel worship god he is my lord as well
0:36:51 as your lord if anyone associated others
0:36:54 with god he will not permit them to
0:36:57 enter heaven their destiny will be hell
0:37:00 no one will
0:37:02 help such unjust people yeah and this is
0:37:04 this very clearly what it says so
0:37:07 if someone come with a i appreciate
0:37:10 before the previous one that the nasara
0:37:13 uh are saved and they are nice and so on
0:37:15 but uh forgetting that the the the
0:37:18 qualification who believes in allah the
0:37:20 same apprenticeship for the muslim by
0:37:21 the way just the labor is irritable but
0:37:23 as we said we do not really believe in
0:37:25 allah in the day of judgment
0:37:27 and make this but they are in vain they
0:37:29 are fooling themselves
0:37:30 and now clearly those who said that god
0:37:33 is the messiah son of maryam
0:37:36 or son of god and so on became a very
0:37:37 complicated philosophy
0:37:39 there are various forms and of of this
0:37:42 disbelief it represents itself in some
0:37:44 philosophical sophistication in various
0:37:45 forms but ultimate is that the messiah
0:37:47 is god or an ocean of god or part of god
0:37:51 or son of god or something is a divine
0:37:53 it's a divinity besides god but since
0:37:55 they cannot
0:37:57 reject the oneness of god which is so
0:37:59 pervasive in the old testament the
0:38:01 jewish tradition and so on they made the
0:38:03 three one and one and three and all
0:38:05 these acrobatic philosophical and
0:38:07 entertaining contradictory acrobatics so
0:38:09 ultimately it's god is a messiah's
0:38:11 almighty
0:38:12 and that's what is the early authority
0:38:14 says ultimately
0:38:16 while in reality and mr i said as in
0:38:18 that scripture just go to the gospel of
0:38:21 luke which seems to be the one who is
0:38:23 best composed and seems to be reflecting
0:38:26 history the best there's nowhere
0:38:28 anything hinting divinity of christ but
0:38:31 the same with mark except the opening
0:38:33 the title which is obviously not part of
0:38:35 the gospel this is the gospel that the
0:38:37 marx i start this the gospel of jesus
0:38:39 christ the son of god this is not part
0:38:41 of the gospel this is just a headline
0:38:43 this is the title of the book the book
0:38:45 writer gave it this title and the start
0:38:47 if you go through it no where anything
0:38:49 smells like divinity
0:38:51 there are a few things maybe could be
0:38:52 interpreted like the divinity in in in
0:38:55 matthew
0:38:58 clearly the the fourth one john is is
0:39:00 written by someone who believes in the
0:39:01 divinity of christ and he started with
0:39:03 with the uh making him divine and
0:39:06 obviously it contains such publications
0:39:08 and and impossible narratives which
0:39:10 makes it that they are discriminated in
0:39:12 historical times
0:39:14 it's sufficient just to go for example
0:39:16 the discussion between a leisure
0:39:17 discussion between lisa and pontius
0:39:19 pilates about what's good about goodness
0:39:21 philosophical destruction what's good
0:39:23 and evil
0:39:25 and we know from the other gospels
0:39:27 that's all all what was claimed is that
0:39:29 pontius pilate is claimed and this
0:39:30 muslims also publication uh this man
0:39:32 seems to be innocent i wash my hand they
0:39:34 have nothing to do with that which is
0:39:35 most likely a lie because
0:39:37 he could not be crucified without a
0:39:39 roman or that because
0:39:40 because gratification is is a german
0:39:42 order and clearly the accusation on the
0:39:44 cross jesus
0:39:46 rex code
0:39:49 jesus of nazareth the king of the jew
0:39:51 the mocking me has accused that he is
0:39:53 trying to establish a kingdom without
0:39:55 the permission of the or the roman
0:39:57 overlords and this is a crime punishable
0:39:59 obviously by crucifixion for the romans
0:40:02 is rebellion
0:40:04 so we clearly could not have watched it
0:40:06 and numbers there was no discussion all
0:40:08 the three gospels except that i don't
0:40:09 see anything in the wrong with this man
0:40:11 allegedly
0:40:13 and uh almost like it is fabricated to
0:40:16 put all the blame instead of the romans
0:40:17 on the jews only one they blame on both
0:40:19 no not all that is the believer who are
0:40:21 we really one alliance and one front at
0:40:23 that time
0:40:24 but if you go to john there's a long
0:40:26 discussion about philosophy of good and
0:40:28 evil and what's good what's evil etc
0:40:30 which is just laughable and things like
0:40:33 that enjoy
0:40:34 but even there someone could argue
0:40:38 divinity is not really established in a
0:40:40 forceful way
0:40:42 but for the three other ones it's
0:40:44 clearly especially look
0:40:46 if you if you look at it is all he's
0:40:49 just a great prophet
0:40:51 that's it you just read it through the
0:40:52 open eyes
0:40:54 so he never said that that's clearly
0:40:56 that is the case
0:40:58 and he said worship my lord and rule and
0:41:00 he many people they say i want to enter
0:41:02 the kingdom of he said if you want to
0:41:03 enter the kingdom then comply with the
0:41:05 commandments the ten commandments
0:41:08 especially the first one
0:41:09 listen israel our lord is one our god is
0:41:12 one god this is the fundamental one
0:41:14 otherwise you never enter him that's
0:41:16 exactly what he said in luke
0:41:20 so that's why she said you know we
0:41:21 should get
0:41:22 otherwise you will not enter will not
0:41:23 enter the kingdom of heaven
0:41:26 and if you don't enter the kingdom
0:41:27 everywhere you're going to the hellfire
0:41:28 that's it
0:41:31 and there will be no support nobody will
0:41:32 give you support nobody nobody is able
0:41:35 to confront god in this issue that's a
0:41:36 disappointment so that's those who say
0:41:39 that i've definitely denied the truth
0:41:41 and committed committed blasphemy and
0:41:43 committed insult to allah
0:41:46 and it was fabricated and lied
0:41:49 uh against jesus attributing him things
0:41:51 which he did not say but he manifestly
0:41:53 said the opposite
0:41:54 in their books not only by the testimony
0:41:56 of the quran
0:41:59 and then this is another form of this
0:42:01 allah is the messiah it comes in another
0:42:04 sophisticated form more philosophically
0:42:07 obviously impossible it's internally
0:42:09 contradictory but it is but that it has
0:42:12 been the the way they they try to unify
0:42:17 pagan
0:42:18 attribution of divinity to isa with the
0:42:21 that was being got only one one entity
0:42:24 so they developed this confidentiality
0:42:26 now you actually address this
0:42:28 this also come from
0:42:42 indeed the truth they
0:42:44 the traits of them
0:42:46 indeed the truth deny they who say
0:42:49 behold god is the third of a trinity
0:42:52 saying that there is no deity whatever
0:42:54 save one let's say the one god and
0:42:56 unless they desist from their assertion
0:42:59 grievous suffering is bound to befall
0:43:01 such of them as our bent on denying the
0:43:03 truth next translation
0:43:05 those who say god is the third of a
0:43:07 trinity and denying the truth because
0:43:09 there is only one god
0:43:11 unless they stop saying this a painful
0:43:13 punishment will happen to those of them
0:43:15 who are determined to deny the truth
0:43:18 so the trinity is essentially elected
0:43:19 following impossible contradiction
0:43:22 it says
0:43:24 the sun
0:43:25 is not the father
0:43:27 and the father is not the holy spirit
0:43:30 none of them is equal to the other
0:43:33 but the son is god
0:43:35 allah
0:43:36 not the father but allah and the holy
0:43:38 spirit is allah so it's three in one one
0:43:41 one entity which has three faces that's
0:43:43 that's caused headache for their
0:43:44 philosophers the best attempt to
0:43:47 philosophize that was from saint
0:43:48 augustine and essentially it ends they
0:43:51 call it a monarchic point of view which
0:43:52 is really not a point of view that most
0:43:54 of them advocate monarchy point three
0:43:56 essentially monarchy is only actually
0:43:58 one entity but three phases
0:44:01 in the in in in in graphic depictions
0:44:03 and artwork sometimes they show three
0:44:05 persons sitting on a chair
0:44:08 that's one way of depiction another uh
0:44:11 that which means the three differences
0:44:13 so this is the father in the middle and
0:44:15 the son to the right
0:44:16 and from the one watching and the uh and
0:44:21 the holy spirit to the left
0:44:23 and if you go to some churches you find
0:44:25 for example in the stained glass in the
0:44:27 long window there you find in the middle
0:44:30 uh in the middle uh it's a little bit
0:44:32 higher because it has like a like a like
0:44:34 a paramedic shape in the top and there's
0:44:36 a crown that's uh
0:44:39 represented the father that's the crown
0:44:41 to its right on this left from you as
0:44:44 we're looking through it is right is a
0:44:46 lamb
0:44:47 lamb represent the sacrificial lamb
0:44:51 the sun not isa is actually a
0:44:53 composition of this and some kind of a
0:44:54 human entity and then to the left is a
0:44:57 is a is a white dope that's the holy
0:44:59 spirit the presentation of it and in
0:45:02 this the quran is a little bit above the
0:45:04 two so they are lower
0:45:07 so
0:45:08 the attempt even to represent that
0:45:10 graphically is rather impossible
0:45:12 because according to the
0:45:14 most accepted pronunciation of the
0:45:16 trinity is that the son is not the
0:45:18 father yes different than the father and
0:45:20 the father is not the son and the father
0:45:22 is not the holy spirit the holy spirit
0:45:23 is not about the holy spirit is not the
0:45:25 son the son is not the holy spirit but
0:45:27 all of them are god
0:45:28 and this is only one
0:45:31 so saint augustine was maybe the most
0:45:34 acceptable saying it's actually one
0:45:35 entity with different faces like a cube
0:45:38 or like a pyramid or something like that
0:45:42 or like a triangle with three edges
0:45:46 but this is also does not fit because
0:45:48 the triangle is consisting of three
0:45:50 edges is another entity that the edges
0:45:54 so you cannot say that that the
0:45:55 hypotenuse is there is the triangle no
0:45:57 it's part of the triangle this again is
0:45:59 no but they claim it's not about it is
0:46:01 him somehow so even the presentation of
0:46:03 south augustine did not save the day and
0:46:06 still they didn't accept that they
0:46:07 caught monarchic it's not really protein
0:46:09 that's probably trinity
0:46:12 so that's not that training which is
0:46:13 just an impossible construct which is
0:46:16 has
0:46:16 has
0:46:17 caused most christianity who are
0:46:20 starting to think to develop from
0:46:21 christianity because this is simply not
0:46:22 acceptable there's no way it works like
0:46:24 it can work it's originally impossible
0:46:26 others are
0:46:32 have been discussed uh all of them in in
0:46:35 uh in the stanford institute of
0:46:37 philosophy just write stanford explore
0:46:40 trinity then you get the article there
0:46:42 in google and you see that
0:46:45 they they mentioned i think 12 or 14 if
0:46:47 i'm not mistaken i think i think 14 14
0:46:49 various interpretation
0:46:51 13 of them are outright
0:46:53 manifestly and irrational and
0:46:55 contradicting fundamental principle of
0:46:57 logic the principle of identity
0:46:59 principle it is a equal b meaning a and
0:47:01 b are equal you cannot make a equal b
0:47:03 and b is different than a at the same
0:47:05 time equals that's impossible that will
0:47:06 undermine the basic things of reason
0:47:08 will it will mean contradiction are
0:47:10 possible and you could as well don't say
0:47:12 god does not exist and existed that was
0:47:14 just a complete absurdity
0:47:16 the for the one one seems to be not
0:47:19 contradicting god directly but can be
0:47:20 refuted i was planning to attend to that
0:47:23 in some time but i left it for for it's
0:47:26 a good time it's not a priority because
0:47:28 that other one must be also having some
0:47:30 another absolutely not necessarily on
0:47:31 the level of the principle of identity
0:47:33 but maybe a little bit deeper one step
0:47:35 further
0:47:37 so that's this one but that's that's a
0:47:39 matter of rationality but in the matter
0:47:41 of that claim attributing to allah is an
0:47:43 act of quran statement or quran allah
0:47:45 said those who say that they have
0:47:46 committed comfort they have committed
0:47:48 blasphemy they have been something
0:47:50 because they attribute to him something
0:47:51 which is impossible that does not fit
0:47:53 with his is his own
0:47:56 real nature and the real real uh
0:47:59 attributes
0:48:01 but necessary the existing eternal being
0:48:04 cannot be like this
0:48:07 and there's no no divine being except
0:48:08 one
0:48:10 one in one there's no three in one or
0:48:12 two and one says
0:48:14 and if they're none of that they are
0:48:16 threatened if they don't cease from that
0:48:18 and desist from this statement in time
0:48:20 past maybe they were excused by being
0:48:22 misled by being confused by being
0:48:24 following their scribes and so on but
0:48:27 now the clarification has come
0:48:29 then
0:48:30 they are genuinely clever who have
0:48:32 rejected the revelation and the
0:48:33 instruction coming from their
0:48:35 clarification and
0:48:37 these who commit cover and disbelieve
0:48:39 they will be facing severe punishment
0:48:43 and an invitation for them to repent and
0:48:45 leave this
0:48:55 Music
0:49:01 not then
0:49:03 turn towards god in repentance and ask
0:49:05 his forgiveness for god is much
0:49:07 forgiving a dispenser of grace next
0:49:09 translation
0:49:10 why do they never turn him towards god
0:49:12 in repentance and ask for his
0:49:14 forgiveness god is most forgiving and
0:49:16 merciful to all yeah that's that's this
0:49:18 if they really believe that allah they
0:49:20 have judgment and they want to have the
0:49:21 benefit of the ayah saying that their
0:49:23 good deeds will be counted for them then
0:49:25 they should just start step number one
0:49:27 repenting from these wrong statements
0:49:30 which by order the belief in allah
0:49:31 because i believe allah should be
0:49:33 allah as he is not as you imagine or he
0:49:35 is used some church councils are met by
0:49:38 by majority of one or two concluded
0:49:40 something no by what's dictated by the
0:49:42 assistive reason and what was what
0:49:43 dictated by scripture taking as a whole
0:49:46 the whole read in the scripture not one
0:49:48 statement here
0:49:50 even there's nothing about trendy except
0:49:52 the margin note which entered in one of
0:49:54 the books i don't remember each one
0:49:55 until i said that that baptized the
0:49:57 people in the name of the father and the
0:49:59 son of the holy spirit does not mean
0:50:00 even the trinity when this was even a
0:50:03 marginal note which is kept in the book
0:50:05 that's all what's there
0:50:06 which has anything smelling close to any
0:50:08 training or anything and has nothing to
0:50:10 do that god is that this deity it's just
0:50:12 in this name in the name of the father
0:50:14 yeah and the and the son the adopted son
0:50:17 isa and the holy spirit no problem
0:50:20 and the name of this trick that doesn't
0:50:22 seem to be indicating that these are
0:50:24 necessary
0:50:27 there's no issue there
0:50:30 there's not indicating that god is
0:50:31 trinity or something like that
0:50:33 but this is the only thing which you
0:50:35 have anything smelling like a trinity
0:50:37 from far away except this one which is
0:50:40 itself an original note creaming the
0:50:42 scripture imagine
0:50:44 so you should go scan the whole
0:50:46 scripture and see what is the core there
0:50:48 about the divine being the core is that
0:50:50 what has been told to musa i am the one
0:50:52 who i am the one who exists from
0:50:54 eternity
0:50:55 the necessarily existing
0:50:58 your ancient
0:50:59 name the the strong goddess
0:51:03 now i give myself a new name
0:51:06 jehovah
0:51:08 who is who or something like that most
0:51:10 likely that's the best translation for
0:51:11 it
0:51:13 that's it later on a name will develop
0:51:15 and construct which is named allah
0:51:17 coming from
0:51:18 and became
0:51:19 the
0:51:19 god and then was merged together in
0:51:21 allah and there's still many christians
0:51:26 the muslims believe in that and and
0:51:27 their god is called allah
0:51:29 if they go just to aramaic
0:51:32 that's that's that's exactly and it's
0:51:34 actually they don't need to go to
0:51:35 aramaic the alleged screaming of the
0:51:37 scholars
0:51:41 why did you forsaken me
0:51:43 understand that
0:51:45 these people are so so badly informed
0:51:48 about their own scriptures is
0:51:49 unbelievable so why they don't repent
0:51:51 and they just go to the common ground
0:51:53 and the core
0:51:55 of all these scriptures and then this
0:51:57 all this is gone all these three
0:51:58 individual this focus box is finished
0:52:00 and you don't need to worry about it
0:52:02 i don't need to worry about that but
0:52:04 unfortunately this is not happening
0:52:06 anytime soon
0:52:08 then what is what's the messiah the son
0:52:11 of man what is he is he's a divine being
0:52:13 is what is it it's a pure human being
0:52:15 he's a messenger of god the next
0:52:29 the christ son of mary was not an
0:52:31 apostle all other apostles had passed
0:52:34 away before him and his mother was one
0:52:37 who never deviated from the truth and
0:52:39 they both ate food like other mortals in
0:52:41 brackets behold now behold how clear we
0:52:44 make these messages onto them and then
0:52:46 behold how perverted are their minds
0:52:48 yeah next translation
0:52:51 the messiah son of mary was only a
0:52:53 messenger all other messengers had
0:52:55 passed away before him and his mother
0:52:58 was one who never deviated from the
0:52:59 truth they both ate food see how clear
0:53:02 we make these messages for them and how
0:53:05 deluded their minds are
0:53:07 yeah so
0:53:08 so the messiah son of man i will comment
0:53:10 on myself sometimes
0:53:12 i mess up
0:53:14 one of the reasons of that
0:53:16 he's just a messenger like enemies he's
0:53:18 definitely a very high ranking messenger
0:53:20 having extremely high rank one of the
0:53:22 biggest messengers in history of the
0:53:24 highest ranking minister university
0:53:26 but he is still a messenger human being
0:53:28 and messenger before him died and he
0:53:30 also died or lifted to heaven whatever
0:53:32 they will die in the future he comes
0:53:34 back and ultimately he's a human being
0:53:36 and his mother is translated that for
0:53:39 family
0:53:40 committed
0:53:44 uh
0:53:46 convention for what the ancient people
0:53:48 call holly she is a holy woman this is a
0:53:51 kadis and the previous scripture is
0:53:53 translated in quran and used
0:53:56 holy man of completely pure and above
0:53:59 reproach
0:54:01 and they both were eating waiting food
0:54:03 so they need food for cesareans their
0:54:05 physical bodies
0:54:07 see how they we show them the ayah the
0:54:09 signs and see how they are being
0:54:12 taken away because
0:54:14 how they are taken away they say ah
0:54:15 actually
0:54:17 you have two two theories about teresa
0:54:19 what is elisa
0:54:21 one one one is the reality that he is a
0:54:23 human being that's what's happened to
0:54:24 the people building sort of even your
0:54:27 claim that he was crucified and
0:54:28 screaming the cross show that he's
0:54:30 purely human now but they claim the
0:54:32 messiah is somehow divine so how to get
0:54:36 out of this fix there are two theories
0:54:37 there
0:54:38 one theory was with sub theories one
0:54:41 theory is that the divine
0:54:44 entity the the christ the heavenly
0:54:46 christ merged with the uh with the with
0:54:49 the
0:54:50 with the with the body uh of of uh human
0:54:54 elisa so they become one one nature one
0:54:57 entity one will
0:54:58 completely
0:55:00 or set it differently the divine entity
0:55:03 was called the messiah the heavenly
0:55:05 thing the sun or something like that
0:55:06 that oculum
0:55:08 turned into flesh which is rationally
0:55:10 impossible that's not possible this is
0:55:11 not even accessible to divine power
0:55:13 because it's impossibility if it's a
0:55:14 weather accessible non-good could exist
0:55:16 or not at the same time
0:55:18 but the the one thing that the church of
0:55:20 egypt was uh true to you to which belong
0:55:23 the
0:55:23 abyssinian also the indian churches
0:55:25 which were established in ancient times
0:55:27 through the abyssinian through the trade
0:55:29 routes and also i think that i think
0:55:31 they called monophysique
0:55:34 many physicists or something that they
0:55:36 also i think the armenian also belong to
0:55:38 this this and some also uh syrian
0:55:40 churches and so on they called
0:55:42 monophysical yakubi
0:55:44 the the argument for that said if it is
0:55:46 not so if the
0:55:48 pain and the suffering did not fill on
0:55:50 the divine also then the sacrifice does
0:55:53 not make any sense
0:55:55 that's what the jews who claim that
0:55:56 jesus has two nations and two and two
0:56:00 and and two wills uh and the one who's
0:56:03 screaming the cross and suffering is the
0:56:04 human one so the human who has suffered
0:56:06 the woman has been sacrificed the divine
0:56:08 is untouched so what of us
0:56:10 what of us
0:56:12 why the divine not come in the first
0:56:13 place if he didn't suffer anything it
0:56:15 must be the divine one somebody
0:56:16 otherwise the atonement does not make
0:56:18 any sense
0:56:20 they get they save the atonement
0:56:22 according to their faulty philosophy by
0:56:25 by uh
0:56:26 by
0:56:27 accepting an impossibility of the divine
0:56:30 becoming fresh and really suffering and
0:56:32 suffering pain
0:56:33 the other one that's the catholic church
0:56:35 and also protestant and so on
0:56:38 and also the russian orthodox that the
0:56:40 roman orthodoxy they're all three
0:56:42 italian and they have old two or two
0:56:44 natures
0:56:45 of christ they say no there's the human
0:56:48 there's the human
0:56:50 isa and there's the christ the heavenly
0:56:52 christ and the hebrew christ is entered
0:56:54 in the body of israel like the spirit in
0:56:56 the body or like or they say the other
0:56:58 example like putting oil in a bottle the
0:57:01 bottle is there that's the human racer
0:57:04 and the oil is the spirit but there's
0:57:06 two civil identities under with the
0:57:08 spirit has its own will and also what
0:57:10 mind and the body has its own will and
0:57:12 mind
0:57:13 because that impossibility of the
0:57:15 mergers is blatantly clear
0:57:18 but then question
0:57:20 who then who the one suffered on the
0:57:21 cross
0:57:22 and who claimed that god sacrificed his
0:57:24 son because the son was not sacrificed
0:57:26 only sacrificed and suffered pain and
0:57:28 was flogged and spread in his face
0:57:30 allegedly is the human one
0:57:32 the spirit was removed from that it was
0:57:34 not touched
0:57:36 so the issue of atonement makes no sense
0:57:38 that but this this because the rational
0:57:41 impossibility of the other one has has
0:57:43 become the more dominant point of view
0:57:45 and they are prosecuting they are kobe
0:57:48 and there are some categories of that
0:57:50 one subcutaneous secretary but it got
0:57:52 extinct
0:57:56 said i try to bring these two together
0:57:58 he said okay
0:57:59 actually i think what he said is that
0:58:02 is that uh
0:58:04 christ is actually
0:58:06 having two natures and one will or two
0:58:09 or one nature and two wheels i don't
0:58:10 remember which one it is and both sides
0:58:13 declared him through a catheter and
0:58:14 condemned him so he did not solve the
0:58:16 problem
0:58:17 under the trinitarian
0:58:19 one which is maybe not any i don't know
0:58:21 exactly what the historians say they say
0:58:24 actually
0:58:25 they objected to the claim that that
0:58:27 marijuan can be called mother of god
0:58:30 mother of god god's mother
0:58:33 because they say actually she did not
0:58:35 carry any any divine being in her belly
0:58:37 there was nothing was not born no no
0:58:40 divine being came down and
0:58:42 and immersed in the body of isa on the
0:58:44 baptism by beijing the baptist then
0:58:46 according to a scripture some kind of
0:58:48 white
0:58:50 white top came down and entered the race
0:58:52 and that's the one and that's adaptation
0:58:54 he became the christ before that he's
0:58:56 just a very human so his mother never
0:58:58 okay was never carrying a divine being
0:59:01 and she'll certainly be called the
0:59:02 mother of god and calling her mother of
0:59:04 god is actually paganism and obviously
0:59:06 he prosecuted him and iran and his
0:59:08 followers under the persian protection
0:59:10 that survived there and they think that
0:59:12 surely in church in an iraqi woman who
0:59:14 has taken his stimulant in that
0:59:16 sense so that's that's the all that
0:59:19 confusion because they they they they
0:59:22 over praised him taking him out of the
0:59:24 realm of the creation into the name of
0:59:26 the creator of the dividability and the
0:59:28 new ending never ending contradictions
0:59:30 and impossibilities the reality is very
0:59:32 simple he's a messenger like anybody
0:59:34 else
0:59:35 who died before him and his mother is a
0:59:37 holy woman sadika
0:59:39 they used to eat food that's all what is
0:59:42 there that's what you see is that what
0:59:43 you get
0:59:45 and see how simple things are we are
0:59:47 showing them and still they are
0:59:49 indulging in in
0:59:51 esoteric uh metaphysical speculation
0:59:54 which makes no sense whatever you turn
0:59:56 it it doesn't make any sense whatever
0:59:58 you do it is just absolutely no it's not
0:59:59 going to work
1:00:03 and then since that's his nature how can
1:00:06 you make him divine
1:00:08 because he is a human being he cannot
1:00:10 benefit you can have any
1:00:27 say would you worship beside god or that
1:00:30 has no power either to harm or to
1:00:32 benefit you when god alone is all
1:00:34 hearing all knowing next translation say
1:00:36 how can you worship something other than
1:00:38 god that has no power to harm or benefit
1:00:40 or to benefit you when god alone is all
1:00:42 hearing or knowing
1:00:44 obviously someone will answer oh no
1:00:46 we're not questioning anything beside
1:00:47 god there shall be god himself god
1:00:48 himself
1:00:49 we go back back to
1:00:51 the first one but then you get to the
1:00:54 same problem what what has appeared in
1:00:55 the world is obviously a human being so
1:00:58 let's combine that and we go again in
1:00:59 the issue of two natures and two wills
1:01:01 and all these issues again and then how
1:01:03 to fix it in in the metaphysical by the
1:01:05 trinity and we grow in every ending
1:01:07 never-ending
1:01:09 cycle because you have departed this
1:01:11 plane symbol straightforward facts and
1:01:14 entered into a metaphysical nonsense
1:01:16 which has no no reason whatsoever
1:01:19 and no grounding whatsoever
1:01:21 and thus all has become because
1:01:23 exaggerating and honoring him and
1:01:25 respecting him and loving him
1:01:26 excessively and taking him out of the
1:01:28 creation
1:01:29 into the creator or the dividing that's
1:01:32 the reason why it develops
1:01:34 and the whole theory of atonement has
1:01:36 been developed to make sense of how come
1:01:39 that the son of god or the such a divine
1:01:41 higher
1:01:42 high personality like that suffers on
1:01:44 the cross uh to save us from the
1:01:46 original sin
1:01:47 and then making allah is unable to
1:01:49 forgive the sins just on his own grounds
1:01:52 making and developing a theory of
1:01:53 justice by saint augustine which is
1:01:55 manifestly absurd
1:01:57 or
1:01:58 uh or an earlier theory was that to save
1:02:01 the world from the clashes of the devil
1:02:02 this way that they will become almost
1:02:04 equal to allah in power so allah has to
1:02:06 sacrifice his son to make a deal with
1:02:07 the devil so he has to make devil so the
1:02:09 devil is
1:02:10 equal in power to allah whatever you get
1:02:13 out of this situation you get yourself
1:02:15 in another contradiction and
1:02:16 possibilities and that's how paul said
1:02:18 works the moment you start with a
1:02:20 falsehood especially in fundamental
1:02:22 things that would be related to
1:02:23 necessity of reason assistive existence
1:02:26 you and the never ending nightmare
1:02:29 a never ending nightmare that's it
1:02:32 so then the destroy people don't
1:02:35 succeed in praising someone don't go
1:02:37 overboard with your with your devotion
1:02:39 and believe
1:02:41 it
1:02:46 or not
1:02:53 of the gospel do not overstep the bounds
1:02:55 of truth in your religious beliefs and
1:02:58 do not follow the errant views of
1:02:59 peoples who have gone a straight before
1:03:02 time
1:03:03 and have led many others astray and are
1:03:05 still straying from the right path next
1:03:07 translation say people of the book do
1:03:09 not overstep the bounds of truth in your
1:03:11 religious beliefs do not follow the
1:03:13 whims of people who went astray before
1:03:15 you they have led many others astray and
1:03:18 they continue to stray from the right
1:03:19 path yeah that's it so is it that
1:03:22 that's the exceeding the limit in
1:03:24 devotion and belief
1:03:27 devotion divorce devotion to issa and
1:03:29 feeling the pain that he
1:03:31 apparently was not successful and were
1:03:32 taken away from the people it be by
1:03:34 crucifixion or by death or resurrection
1:03:36 whatever it is
1:03:37 that motivates them to blow him out of
1:03:40 proportion
1:03:41 and as the roman record against them
1:03:44 which is obviously
1:03:45 a fallacy but that's that's what the
1:03:47 roman wave i'm thinking they sing on him
1:03:49 him as if he's a god etc
1:03:54 but in that they're following the
1:03:56 desires and the misconception of people
1:03:57 who have been misguided before and has
1:03:59 miscarried many people what is what is
1:04:01 really because at the time
1:04:03 the the
1:04:05 the
1:04:06 the zaroson
1:04:08 their social came and was maybe possibly
1:04:11 a true prophet we don't know is that a
1:04:13 prophet or
1:04:14 or a pretender prophethood
1:04:16 stressed the role of the devil
1:04:19 that's the illest assassin
1:04:20 later on the people developed that
1:04:23 try to understand the issue of evil and
1:04:25 and good and the issue of qadha and so
1:04:26 on and then
1:04:28 they constructed it as a fight between
1:04:30 god and the devil
1:04:32 some branch made the devil even almost a
1:04:34 divine being and the struggle goes from
1:04:36 eternity to
1:04:39 that's called enthusiasm
1:04:40 another say no no it is a created being
1:04:42 but somehow after creation he rebelled
1:04:44 and became equal to power in allah which
1:04:46 is also contradictory not possible so
1:04:48 all of these things
1:04:50 to solve the problem with good and evil
1:04:51 and then religious secret religions
1:04:54 emerged around the time of christ or
1:04:55 before like mithra isma's own who tried
1:04:58 to solve a problem by claiming that the
1:05:00 good god
1:05:01 the light
1:05:04 needed to sacrifice his son who appears
1:05:07 like a bull
1:05:09 the sacrificial bull
1:05:11 that one
1:05:12 to
1:05:13 get humanity in his side or save
1:05:15 humanity that's the original idea of
1:05:17 secretary that's
1:05:18 man the previous secret religions before
1:05:21 before christ like century or started
1:05:23 emerging essentially and became like
1:05:25 fashionable in the roman empire because
1:05:28 around the time christ or before it may
1:05:29 be 50 60 years the roman empire is
1:05:31 speaking
1:05:32 spreading it was in england it was yuri
1:05:35 says that came here
1:05:37 it was it was up to palestine and
1:05:39 nothing called slovak east except the
1:05:41 persian empire and that's it in africa
1:05:43 that does not stop them that's it so all
1:05:45 the populated relevant world was under
1:05:47 their
1:05:48 control and then
1:05:51 obviously
1:05:52 the civilization development and taxes
1:05:54 and so on
1:05:56 led to a great glory of romans on other
1:05:58 people were relaxed and they were
1:05:59 developing then obviously philosophical
1:06:01 thoughts and so on when the people are
1:06:03 sufficiently well fed and so on they
1:06:04 start speculating about philosophy and
1:06:06 good and evil things that and
1:06:08 starting at that time then this secret
1:06:10 religion emerged methodism et cetera et
1:06:12 cetera which has essentially a
1:06:14 sacrificial theory like that like the
1:06:16 atonement of the christian one and all
1:06:18 historic evidence show that is india
1:06:19 ahead is it is christianity and paul
1:06:22 importing that from matheraism not the
1:06:24 opposite and there are other similar
1:06:26 theories also with penetrating jew jews
1:06:28 before christ etc so all of that works
1:06:32 together
1:06:33 to present as for the many people like
1:06:35 relatively attractive theory
1:06:38 about good and evil
1:06:39 and how god is so kind and loving and
1:06:41 try to save them from that and so on
1:06:43 just just to make sense of the reality
1:06:46 because they don't have the genuine
1:06:48 theory of what it doesn't mean really
1:06:50 which we have discussed in other places
1:06:52 so
1:06:54 these are the falsehoods were followed
1:06:55 by the people so this together with the
1:06:57 extreme devotion to isa merged together
1:06:59 in all these trinity sacrificial lamb
1:07:02 the lamb who's sacrificed for the
1:07:04 foundation of the world all of these
1:07:06 things it is obviously a more structured
1:07:09 discussion if necessary but this is a
1:07:11 matter of like life studies arcade and
1:07:13 theology not here
1:07:15 but
1:07:16 suffice to go that
1:07:18 infinite system existing is there and
1:07:20 must be there because otherwise no no
1:07:22 existence would be whatsoever
1:07:26 and then this one is you one unique not
1:07:28 splittable not a trinity no and if it is
1:07:31 if he's acting by three by three would
1:07:33 which by says that he absolute freedom
1:07:35 otherwise he says it's just a nature a
1:07:37 dead thousand then his his choices are
1:07:40 ultimate and dictated by his own
1:07:42 rationale
1:07:43 and he shows a universe which is like
1:07:45 structured like this one because this
1:07:46 one is the four from his point of view
1:07:48 is the most perfect one which
1:07:51 brings beings who have a free will and
1:07:53 can make good and evil
1:07:55 purely and completely by their own will
1:07:58 and choice by power given by him and
1:08:00 this in entails necessarily that we have
1:08:03 what we see in the universe and this
1:08:04 cannot be otherwise it has to be like
1:08:06 that
1:08:07 if this choice is made shows of freedom
1:08:10 of free agent
1:08:11 create a free agent and the creator is
1:08:13 absolutely free agent that's the
1:08:15 explanation that's the other there's no
1:08:17 feather that's right that's absolutely
1:08:18 zero point
1:08:20 but the people were not developed at
1:08:21 that level yet at that level uh
1:08:24 to that level yet just fine no problem
1:08:26 but they instead of understanding what
1:08:29 the messenger is told them instead of
1:08:31 that they exaggerated things and make
1:08:32 him that the sacrificial lamp
1:08:34 so don't follow the desires of these
1:08:36 people who are misguided and that all
1:08:38 these claims are have been said before
1:08:39 it is it is not new it is not new even
1:08:42 if you can't find elements of that even
1:08:44 going to the ancient egyptian about
1:08:46 horus and jesus and others the elements
1:08:49 of that are still already there so it's
1:08:51 a it's not like some christian
1:08:52 philosophy claim this is unique to the
1:08:54 world there was never nobody thought
1:08:56 about that no it was somebody
1:08:58 similar theories were rampant i think
1:08:59 about about buddha even most likely
1:09:01 before christianity it is most likely
1:09:04 the divination of buddha precedes
1:09:06 christianity
1:09:08 also the divination of krishna and rama
1:09:11 precede christianity most likely
1:09:12 although we don't have irrefutable
1:09:14 evidence that they are not important
1:09:16 from clinical society but all indication
1:09:18 is that they are ancient more ancient
1:09:20 than christianity so christianity is
1:09:22 just education of pauline christian they
1:09:24 really adopted this idea from mithraism
1:09:27 from eastern mystery religions
1:09:29 and and possibly some import from
1:09:31 egyptian and so on so this is the desire
1:09:34 following the desires and the
1:09:36 speculations of people who have been
1:09:38 misguided in time past and misguided
1:09:40 peoples and they're still misguided
1:09:41 until today
1:09:44 so that's that's that's the clarifying
1:09:46 the situation so that's don't
1:09:48 go into extreme with your devotion and
1:09:50 love to esa and don't follow the claims
1:09:52 and desires of people who have been
1:09:54 misguided in time for us as well and
1:09:56 this is all important from outside
1:09:58 it's even to an extreme that like for
1:10:00 example
1:10:08 he believed he went to such an extreme
1:10:11 in in issue of divinity of christ and
1:10:13 the issue of good and evil and so on to
1:10:15 the extreme that even the old testament
1:10:17 and musa and so on they are sent by the
1:10:18 devil
1:10:20 all of these previous prophets are
1:10:21 satanic are the village only is the true
1:10:24 good god coming from the son of the
1:10:27 real god of lightning obviously the
1:10:29 electrician even the pauline could not
1:10:31 swallow that and the declarations were
1:10:33 alienating and condemned him and cursed
1:10:35 him because this means the whole old
1:10:37 testament is gone
1:10:38 if it is the revelation of the devil
1:10:40 then how can we then construct anything
1:10:42 about isa making any sense because all
1:10:44 his statements about that he's coming
1:10:46 from that island and he's confirming the
1:10:48 previous scripture and he's just doing a
1:10:51 little bit of obligations and so on so
1:10:53 this
1:10:54 this will contradict the scriptures so
1:10:55 blatantly and in an unbelievable way
1:10:58 but it was it emerged emerged at the end
1:11:01 of the first century i said because mark
1:11:03 lewin i think died hundred thirty so
1:11:05 most of us is developing this one must
1:11:07 have been the beginning of the second
1:11:09 century so quite close to a sister 100
1:11:11 years after we have already such a very
1:11:14 radical
1:11:15 satanic theory and it comes from time to
1:11:17 time like for example the grandfather of
1:11:19 bosh of bush
1:11:22 who is a missionary and so on he said
1:11:25 who said that muhammad is not a prophet
1:11:26 he's definitely a prophet that is a
1:11:28 prophet of the devil the devil has
1:11:29 inspired him to undermine the son of god
1:11:32 and so on
1:11:33 so the same thing though if the devil
1:11:36 hadn't said it then he should be also
1:11:38 with the old testament is a satanic
1:11:41 revelation
1:11:43 so he's coming close to makion
1:11:45 so the this theory is coming back again
1:11:47 and again and again
1:11:49 the moment you made that
1:11:50 you made the point that
1:11:53 the devotion and the praise of isa to
1:11:55 deliver that is a divine
1:11:57 and the real good god loving god then
1:12:00 you are done that you cannot get out of
1:12:02 this never-ending contradiction
1:12:04 but we don't know that we are not going
1:12:05 to discuss these philosophical issues
1:12:07 this maybe needs its own series of
1:12:09 discussion and so on the way to define
1:12:11 points but that's how it developed
1:12:13 historically
1:12:15 this this going into extreme and
1:12:17 devotion to isa
1:12:18 and adopting
1:12:20 theories and speculation of previous
1:12:22 misguided people who was indulged in the
1:12:25 issue of good and evil qatar this devil
1:12:28 god etc contradiction all of these
1:12:30 things
1:12:32 but also
1:12:33 not only the christians now with them he
1:12:35 comes the christian because it was the
1:12:36 elect like the prophet saws going back
1:12:38 to the bani israel
1:12:41 and and uh how their how how much
1:12:43 misguidance they were doing and so on so
1:12:45 they they should not claim up because we
1:12:46 are jews we are saved and so on no
1:12:48 that's not true that's not true
1:12:59 those of the children of israel who are
1:13:00 bent on denying the truth have already
1:13:02 been cursed by the tongue of david and
1:13:05 of jesus the son of mary
1:13:07 this because they rebelled against god
1:13:09 and persisted in transgressing the
1:13:11 bounds of what is right
1:13:13 as translation those of the children of
1:13:15 israel who defied god and denied the
1:13:16 truth have been cursed and rejected by
1:13:18 the words of david and jesus the son of
1:13:20 mary because they rebelled and
1:13:22 persistently overstepped the limits
1:13:25 so the the the cares of those
1:13:26 disbeliever and the under the bani
1:13:28 israel and those who judaised and
1:13:30 followed them and
1:13:32 followed the father because that is to
1:13:34 have been split in believing and
1:13:35 disbelieving factions various factions
1:13:38 and those who
1:13:39 embrace judaism on the faction of the
1:13:41 disbeliever became also jews but only
1:13:43 with with with the defective and and
1:13:46 then and and
1:13:48 and wrong creeds etc but this is ancient
1:13:51 it's the time of david when is david
1:13:52 david is before christ maybe a thousand
1:13:54 years yeah because all historic
1:13:57 synchronization and facts and so on
1:13:59 indicates that david was about
1:14:02 maybe a thousand before christ
1:14:04 because i think uh we have some
1:14:06 evidences that uh
1:14:08 sulaiman built a temple and died like
1:14:10 nine
1:14:11 is it 960 or 940 bc something like that
1:14:14 so david is before him uh a few decades
1:14:17 that says a thousand so thousand years
1:14:18 before christ ordered the rebellious
1:14:20 uncovered in bani israel
1:14:23 and at that time they did not spread the
1:14:24 sufficient in the earth and there's not
1:14:26 many people who are judaized from
1:14:28 outside banisteries so this the jews
1:14:30 were essentially banished
1:14:31 obviously some people cannot die and
1:14:33 people from iraq considered to join them
1:14:35 even when even coming from egypt they
1:14:37 said the family somebody is an iraqi man
1:14:40 who joined them and so on so there were
1:14:41 few non-listed non-israeli that none
1:14:43 descended from israel with them which
1:14:45 became jews and so on but overall
1:14:48 of israel
1:14:50 and the
1:14:51 number of factions of them rebelled and
1:14:53 became catholic and were condemned and
1:14:55 cursed and the trunk of the darwood
1:14:58 and there is important historic factor
1:15:00 to go back and check with the old
1:15:01 testament and all these things and see
1:15:03 what happens in that time with that
1:15:05 would and actually maybe there was a bit
1:15:07 of rebellion before that but the
1:15:09 manifest one and the major spirit
1:15:11 started in the time of dawood and then
1:15:13 continued with with all the killing of
1:15:15 the prophets and calling the liars and
1:15:17 so on until the time raised maria
1:15:22 that's they will curse because of their
1:15:23 disobedience and rebellion
1:15:27 before that
1:15:28 it doesn't say
1:15:31 why first of all there
1:15:34 in the discussion is the issue that is
1:15:35 the messiah the heavenly one the savior
1:15:38 one the word messiah means that
1:15:41 actually the messiah is actually the
1:15:42 anointed one but they the anointed one
1:15:45 as anointed as a prophet or are noted as
1:15:48 a king here
1:15:49 they added to the meaning messiah is
1:15:51 even a popular language now say they say
1:15:53 i am the messiah of this film me i am
1:15:55 the savior of them but actually the word
1:15:56 messiah does not even say is the one who
1:15:58 is anointed anointed as a king or as a
1:16:00 prophet
1:16:01 they have a procedure of announcement
1:16:04 with oil and touching in the forehead
1:16:06 and things like that uh symbolizing
1:16:08 appointment as a king or as a prophet
1:16:10 that's the original meaning the the
1:16:12 meaning of being a savior is that me
1:16:14 attached to that later it is not
1:16:16 linguistically messiah is the one who
1:16:18 has been anointed that's it nothing
1:16:19 nothing to do with saving or not saving
1:16:21 or or anything like that
1:16:23 and in the old testament with the
1:16:25 various people who have been anointed
1:16:27 for various things so that's that's
1:16:28 that's a misconception to think that but
1:16:31 because they call it
1:16:32 that's the conception related to being a
1:16:34 messiah and the difference between
1:16:35 messiah and israel messiah was used
1:16:37 there but also and testing point he has
1:16:39 used isabel maryam
1:16:42 and this point if you uh this is one of
1:16:44 the so-called numerical aspects of the
1:16:46 quran which which is a strong evidences
1:16:49 each one by itself but the totality of
1:16:51 them really very persuasive is that
1:16:54 there are safe certain american
1:16:55 synchronization the quran like for
1:16:57 example
1:16:58 because when i say that isa is similar
1:17:00 to in allah's side like adam created
1:17:03 from from the from dust and
1:17:05 said kun fire kun so isa is compared in
1:17:08 his creation to the creation of adam
1:17:13 and interestingly in this in that ayah
1:17:16 isa
1:17:17 is mentioned by his name isa and adam
1:17:19 his name adam but if you count how many
1:17:21 times adam is mentioned the quran it
1:17:22 turns out to be 24 and isa there is a
1:17:26 24. if in the other places where we have
1:17:28 almost
1:17:29 when isa was used in sydney the count
1:17:32 will go will go wrong so it's done also
1:17:34 deliberately to make the count correct
1:17:36 beside hinting the issue
1:17:39 thus is the messiah the anointed one
1:17:41 we're discussing the issues of creed and
1:17:43 being son of god or being god or the
1:17:45 authority and so on and when it is that
1:17:47 issue is not relevant then you have to
1:17:49 resize it so it is both befitting
1:17:52 uh meaning wise and not facing numerical
1:17:54 wise so elisa count
1:17:56 in the quran is 24 and adam 24 exactly
1:18:00 and the joining point is the ayah in the
1:18:02 metallica and the
1:18:04 example of isa in the sight of allah or
1:18:06 in the in the expression of allah is
1:18:08 like adam adam created from from
1:18:13 from dust and he said corn fire cone
1:18:15 obviously from mud to conveyor corn is a
1:18:17 process which they look for and have not
1:18:19 like something you think is a fashion
1:18:21 day can start you under and blow on life
1:18:23 in a second no this is a juicy and you
1:18:25 said the one who said that did not read
1:18:27 the quran read all the other eyes but
1:18:30 from
1:18:31 connecting him to his folder
1:18:33 atmos origin is like that and the same
1:18:35 way
1:18:36 connecting from the origin from the
1:18:38 belief of his mother
1:18:39 he's also confirmed but also he was very
1:18:41 carried to tell him he was developing
1:18:43 the womb or his
1:18:45 what he is was looking like in the
1:18:46 father and the confirmer couldn't
1:18:47 substitute him for that
1:18:49 that's the lackluster and because this
1:18:51 eye is the joining of adam and erisa
1:18:54 they have the same number in the quran
1:18:55 very interesting
1:18:57 but this is not our issue we win some of
1:18:59 these numeric synchronization at the
1:19:01 beginning of the holocaust yearly and
1:19:03 there are many others who need a waiter
1:19:05 to be detected most likely but if you
1:19:07 take all of them it shows that this is
1:19:09 this this this composition this work
1:19:11 cannot be because revealed over 23 years
1:19:14 and even with some obligation some eyes
1:19:16 along the way dropped and so on and
1:19:18 ultimately ending this form is cannot be
1:19:21 within a human reach or human
1:19:23 capabilities
1:19:25 so and the feather tranquilization and
1:19:29 characteristic of the evil doing the
1:19:30 bani israel from the time of the wood
1:19:32 ongoing and teresa of personally were
1:19:34 before
1:19:44 those of the children of israel who are
1:19:46 bent on denying the truth have already
1:19:47 been cut sorry
1:19:51 they were not enjoying good and
1:19:52 forbidding evil yeah
1:19:54 they would not prevent one another from
1:19:56 doing whatever hateful things they did
1:19:58 vial indeed was that with what they
1:20:02 was what they were want to do in
1:20:04 translation they did not prevent each
1:20:06 other from doing hateful things their
1:20:07 deeds were so evil
1:20:09 so they were not enjoying even
1:20:11 forbidding evil at least which
1:20:14 entails at least next time we'll be
1:20:15 joining god even even forbidding evil
1:20:21 rejecting evil advising everyone to
1:20:23 avoid evil that's the first step you
1:20:24 will not go to
1:20:26 to doing ma roof or do good things and
1:20:27 joining good and so on if you have if
1:20:29 you have not done the evil fest you have
1:20:31 to clean the field first you have to you
1:20:33 have to
1:20:35 forbid evil you have to deny evil you
1:20:36 have to reject evil fast and then you
1:20:38 build free and clean and clean around
1:20:41 not even that level there is
1:20:43 well how miserable they were behavior
1:20:46 but that's all through history but
1:20:47 nowadays you see other even worse things
1:20:50 which shows how most important is that
1:20:55 we see you see now for example in the
1:20:57 so-called christian world which is not
1:20:58 christian anymore actually
1:21:00 that all these evils of bestialities of
1:21:03 homosexuality and sodomy and so on and
1:21:05 now we're we're having animal sex being
1:21:07 put on the table so
1:21:09 feel what they call pedophilia ophelia
1:21:11 and so on coming on
1:21:15 and nobody is just the opposite if you
1:21:16 if you make any statement against that
1:21:18 oh you are a hate speech you are a head
1:21:20 creature and so on
1:21:22 so this is going along that way very
1:21:24 nicely down down to the abyss
1:21:26 anyway nowadays at the time of the
1:21:29 revelation
1:21:41 and now
1:21:42 valves can see many of them align
1:21:45 themselves with those who are bent on
1:21:46 denying truth so vile indeed is what
1:21:49 their passions make them do
1:21:50 that god has condemned them and in
1:21:53 suffering shall they abide next
1:21:55 translation yet yet profit
1:21:57 see many of them align themselves to the
1:21:59 unbelievers how evil is what their souls
1:22:02 make them do god has condemned them and
1:22:04 they shall remain in punishment forever
1:22:07 so that's that's further now at the time
1:22:09 of prophet it developed further that
1:22:11 they prefer to ally and cooperate with
1:22:13 the disbelievers of all type mushrikeen
1:22:15 over of mecca
1:22:17 and so on like probably of going there
1:22:19 and
1:22:20 hoping albany opening a lamentation
1:22:23 session about those who have been killed
1:22:25 in battle and instigating courage to
1:22:26 fight muhammad
1:22:28 uh all others
1:22:29 going around and trying to make like
1:22:32 the father of safiyah
1:22:34 peace be uh upon her the wife of the
1:22:36 prophet uh he was going around trying to
1:22:38 make an alliance against the person
1:22:40 coming in in the battle of the ditch
1:22:43 and obviously failing and being executed
1:22:45 after that and that's it yeah they
1:22:48 prefer to alive with this believer
1:22:51 and and just just just
1:22:54 get upfront against muhammad
1:22:56 and how miserable is this deed aligned
1:22:58 with the disbeliever
1:23:00 and fighting under their banner
1:23:02 just because of your
1:23:04 desires for power or desires for dunya
1:23:06 or or envy of whatever it is nationalism
1:23:09 tribalism whatever the reason is it they
1:23:11 will have that
1:23:12 wrath on allah on them and they will be
1:23:14 in in the punishment forever
1:23:18 if they were believer according there if
1:23:20 they because that's all answered someone
1:23:21 said oh they are they believe in their
1:23:24 gentleman doing good deeds no if they
1:23:25 were they wouldn't have done that and
1:23:27 then just
1:23:38 or if they truly believed in god and the
1:23:41 prophet and all that was bestowed upon
1:23:43 them from one high
1:23:44 they would not take those denies of the
1:23:46 truth for their allies but most of them
1:23:49 are iniquities
1:23:50 next translation if they believed in god
1:23:53 and their prophet and all that was sent
1:23:54 down to them they would not take the
1:23:56 unbelievers for their allies but most of
1:23:58 them are defined so so this is a
1:24:00 fundamental rule if someone believes
1:24:02 allah their judgment is not it's not
1:24:04 possible and not conceivable
1:24:07 ever that he will allow the disbeliever
1:24:09 who do not believe in allah and his
1:24:10 messengers and so on
1:24:12 against believers this it cannot happen
1:24:14 that's impossible that's that's cannot
1:24:16 be synchronized i believe
1:24:17 then the belief is fake this one is a
1:24:19 monafiq and he he is a kafir maleficent
1:24:22 and he is rebellious
1:24:24 so nobody should come and say oh you
1:24:26 can't because your benefit or do you
1:24:27 want to protect your kingdom or protect
1:24:30 actual border that's not that executes
1:24:32 or you are afraid that if you don't ally
1:24:34 with them you may have an enemy who
1:24:36 shall encroach against you that's all
1:24:38 this is not an excuse that's not that
1:24:40 quran refused that every year and we
1:24:41 discussed it in surat
1:24:43 very extensively allying with the
1:24:45 disbelievers of any kind against the
1:24:47 believer is an act of comfort
1:24:49 there's no way you can't take them out
1:24:51 allah
1:24:52 impossible while you are here they
1:24:54 really believe that this must be a fake
1:24:56 belief that must be fundamental
1:24:57 fundamentally something wrong in your
1:24:59 belief to the level that you are not
1:25:00 really a believer you are a catholic
1:25:05 and then a comment about the christian
1:25:07 some christian of the temple and their
1:25:09 good relation with muslims and
1:25:11 with the jews
1:25:13 and classifying this but it's only for
1:25:15 that time and for the reasons mentioned
1:25:17 and with the reason of revelation and we
1:25:18 maybe yeah we we still have some time
1:25:21 for this eye let us do it
1:25:52 hostile to those who believe in this
1:25:54 divine rhythm are the jews as well as
1:25:56 those who are bent on ascribing divinity
1:25:58 to ought beside god
1:26:00 and thou will surely find that of all
1:26:03 people who say they who say behold we
1:26:06 are christians
1:26:07 some come closest to feeling affection
1:26:09 for those who believe in this divine
1:26:11 writ
1:26:12 this is so because there are priests and
1:26:14 monks among them and because they these
1:26:17 are not given to arrogance
1:26:19 next translation you profit i'm sure you
1:26:21 find that most that the most hostile to
1:26:23 the believers are the jews as well as
1:26:25 those who are bent on describing
1:26:26 partners to go
1:26:28 while you will find that the nearest in
1:26:29 affection towards believers are those
1:26:31 who say we are christians because there
1:26:33 are priests and monks among them and
1:26:36 because these people are not given to
1:26:37 arrogance yeah so they said this is the
1:26:40 history during the time the prophet
1:26:42 the jews and the pagans they were
1:26:45 aligned with each other doing all kind
1:26:46 of campaigns to other islam out
1:26:49 while the christian would have
1:26:51 interaction with muslims in arabic they
1:26:52 were barely christian is in but nigerian
1:26:55 far away and they have no there's no
1:26:57 recorded history or anything except that
1:26:59 the israeli were allied they need the
1:27:01 protection of the romans against
1:27:05 against the persian who have been in
1:27:06 yemen and the pagans and so on the jews
1:27:08 there so they have an alliance that's
1:27:10 just for self-protection essentially and
1:27:13 nothing reported about them being
1:27:14 hostile anything there something like
1:27:16 that but the one with whom islam and
1:27:19 muslim have interaction are the
1:27:20 christians of abyssinian and for those
1:27:23 their attraction was very kind
1:27:25 especially
1:27:26 and the people around him some of his
1:27:28 central government and some priests and
1:27:29 so on
1:27:30 and uh and the reason that they are
1:27:32 there that the the interaction is is
1:27:35 not as hostile is that because they have
1:27:39 they have uh
1:27:41 priests
1:27:42 well-educated priests and they have also
1:27:44 monks who are devoted to worship and so
1:27:45 on and they are not known to be arrogant
1:27:48 while the jews at the time would be
1:27:49 elegant and very stiff-headed christians
1:27:52 are much softer and much more gentle
1:27:54 generally and especially the obsidian
1:27:56 one
1:27:57 and
1:27:58 and
1:27:59 to enforce that i'm mentioning how they
1:28:01 behaved when they hit what has been
1:28:02 revealed
1:28:04 and so the quran is accelerating them
1:28:06 and mentioning them in good terms next i
1:28:09 will clarify that further whether
1:28:11 someone is
1:28:27 thou can see their eyes overflow with
1:28:30 tears because they recognize something
1:28:32 of its truth
1:28:33 and they say oh our sustainer we do
1:28:36 believe make us one of them make us one
1:28:39 then we'll with all who bear witness to
1:28:41 the truth
1:28:42 yes translation when they understand
1:28:44 what has come down to this messenger you
1:28:47 can see their eyes tear up because they
1:28:49 recognize the truth in it and they say
1:28:51 lord we believe we do believe make us
1:28:54 one with all the who bear witness to the
1:28:57 truth so that's clear but i said but the
1:29:00 story goes like that
1:29:02 and that's beside the good reception
1:29:04 they found by abuja himself and few
1:29:06 around him in in abyssinian but not all
1:29:09 of them because there was a rebellion
1:29:10 against him or some people tried to
1:29:11 unseat him with the intention to kill
1:29:13 these muslims but they failed and jesus
1:29:15 stayed in power later on when the
1:29:17 prophet said in medina it seems to be
1:29:20 the opposing faction in in abyssinia or
1:29:22 something like that decided since
1:29:25 send a delegation to medina to argue
1:29:27 with the prophet about what he believes
1:29:29 in and so on
1:29:30 just to sort out with this man
1:29:32 who shows they are even before even they
1:29:35 became believer they
1:29:36 they they are reasonable they want to to
1:29:39 meet the guy want to discuss with him
1:29:41 see what's going on so when they came
1:29:43 and the president explained what he
1:29:45 believes in and recited the quran their
1:29:48 eyes were
1:29:49 flooded with tears and they breastfed
1:29:52 they recognized that this is the truth
1:29:53 and that's what isa has been announced
1:29:56 and they said we invite we believe in
1:29:58 that
1:29:59 and we ask allah to write us from the
1:30:01 witnesses
1:30:05 and samurai of quraysh maybe who gave
1:30:07 them company or if theirs is well guide
1:30:09 say what kind of a delegation you are
1:30:11 you are supposed to be refuting this man
1:30:13 and now you embrace
1:30:15 uh
1:30:16 embrace faith and join him you are a bad
1:30:18 delegation you do not do the job that
1:30:20 people send you back home for and they
1:30:22 said they didn't bother about this
1:30:23 accusations
1:30:32 so i foreign
1:30:34 and how could we fail to believe in god
1:30:36 and in whatever truth has come to us
1:30:38 when we so fervently desire that our
1:30:41 sustainer count us among the righteous
1:30:43 next translation how could we fail to
1:30:45 believe in god and in the truth that has
1:30:47 come to us when we long that our lord
1:30:49 include us in the company of the
1:30:50 righteous so so when they came from
1:30:52 abyssinian they came with the intention
1:30:54 to find the truth they do not
1:30:55 communicate just to refute this man and
1:30:57 they make him a liar so see what he has
1:30:59 because he has a as a case has a
1:31:01 reasonable point
1:31:02 and then when they recognize that they
1:31:04 embraced and then the keynote
1:31:07 what kind of delegation you are they're
1:31:09 supposed to come to refute him and then
1:31:10 you follow him tell him why shouldn't we
1:31:12 not follow him when he the truth has
1:31:15 come from our lord
1:31:16 and we have been always
1:31:18 wishing and wanting to be a joint to the
1:31:20 good people and to the right as people
1:31:22 and this is the occasion to to do that
1:31:24 and allah mentioned the reward
1:31:26 for that for the such statement such
1:31:28 attitude
1:31:41 and for this their belief god will
1:31:43 reward them with garden through which
1:31:45 running waters flow therein to mine for
1:31:47 such is a requital of the doers of good
1:31:49 in translation for saying this god will
1:31:51 reward them with heavenly gardens with
1:31:53 flowing rivers where they will
1:31:55 permanently abide or this is the reward
1:31:57 for those who do good
1:31:58 what's the second translation says at
1:32:00 the beginning repeat it
1:32:02 for saying this god will reward them
1:32:05 with good with heavenly gardens with
1:32:06 flowing rivers where they will
1:32:08 permanently abide for this is the reward
1:32:10 for those of you good
1:32:12 i would say both are mistranslating
1:32:14 because
1:32:15 allah rewarded them already this
1:32:17 delegation which did that
1:32:19 they already rewarded and they already
1:32:21 written in paradise and the business is
1:32:23 done so you could see these more sharing
1:32:25 but jannah these people are people who
1:32:27 paradise with certitude there's no
1:32:28 escape there's no change
1:32:31 allah rewarded them already for that
1:32:33 what they said
1:32:34 but the translator thought maybe he's
1:32:36 talking about this
1:32:40 will happen no there's no escape from it
1:32:42 so these are from those who are given
1:32:44 the glad tiding of paradise with
1:32:46 certainty
1:32:47 we don't know their names we don't know
1:32:49 how many there are maybe they're two or
1:32:51 three or five or 100 would not know that
1:32:52 delegation but these who said that
1:32:55 they have been already rewarded
1:33:00 and they will be attended there and this
1:33:02 is the reward for the world war so this
1:33:04 is these are sharing so if you ask about
1:33:06 unknown by name and unknown even by
1:33:09 nationality and also most likely the
1:33:10 abyssinian and that that's one of these
1:33:14 is not only the four or ten or twenty
1:33:16 years
1:33:18 you know these are
1:33:19 no this is all in the past
1:33:34 those who deny the truth yeah translate
1:33:37 whereas they who are denying the truth
1:33:40 and giving the light of our messengers
1:33:42 messages
1:33:43 they are destined for the blade and fire
1:33:45 next translation whereas those who
1:33:47 reject the truth and deny our messages
1:33:48 are destined for the blade empire
1:33:50 yeah that's that's for the future this
1:33:52 some of these mocks maybe maybe embrace
1:33:55 islam later and repent so this is
1:33:56 conditional if they die in that state
1:33:58 they will end in the hell fire but the
1:34:00 previous one is that the formulation and
1:34:02 the context clearly say it's already
1:34:04 done it is already sealed their destiny
1:34:06 is sealed exactly like
1:34:10 who embraced his name before by islam
1:34:12 before brother
1:34:13 and persisted on it until the ayah was
1:34:16 revealed in tawba which will come to his
1:34:18 inshallah later and also the people of
1:34:21 badr these are sealed the finish over
1:34:24 and we have some writing there in
1:34:25 details about the issue who of the
1:34:27 sahaba or those who make the prophet
1:34:29 i'll have the gratitude paradise it's
1:34:30 not it's not such a small number like
1:34:32 many people think no it's a huge number
1:34:35 but it was for general statements
1:34:38 however these are the
1:34:39 this is the companion of the hellfire
1:34:41 with the general prayer the the general
1:34:44 because he is not addressing only those
1:34:46 who mock them or they objected to them
1:34:49 generally they can follow and deny our
1:34:50 eyes whatever it is they are time of the
1:34:52 prophet until
1:34:53 they are the people they are fired with
1:34:55 the usual
1:34:57 caveat if they die in that state they
1:34:58 will received the truth rejected it et
1:35:00 cetera et cetera and died and that's it
1:35:02 some of those will repent and they would
1:35:04 not be proven able to help this is just
1:35:06 uh this is just a threat
1:35:08 just why eat redford what will happen
1:35:10 but the first one is a promise and it's
1:35:12 already done and and dusted
1:35:15 yeah next then another issue will start
1:35:19 start a a series of other issues which
1:35:22 we better start maybe next time with
1:35:24 another so we stop at this i think it's
1:35:25 number 88
1:35:28 this is yeah the next one is 87 by this
1:35:30 town
1:35:31 okay so for me will be 89 anyway that
1:35:34 doesn't matter
1:35:36 okay so there is somebody who who wants
1:35:39 to speak uh ask a question here in
1:35:41 charlotte yeah okay so we we we we
1:35:43 started so that's all the issues with
1:35:45 the jews christian and so on and this
1:35:47 delegation of abyssinian all the way
1:35:49 until conclusion we have finished today
1:35:51 so we can we can we have a nice rounded
1:35:54 uh
1:35:56 rounded portion of the of the soil
1:35:58 finished today it has to be done in
1:36:00 context like that in the stream and
1:36:01 there was that taking that eye out of
1:36:03 context which many people take so oh the
1:36:05 jews are christian and so on they all
1:36:07 believe in other judgment and they they
1:36:09 will do it they are saved it's not it's
1:36:10 not like that it is much more qualified
1:36:12 and much more
1:36:14 subtle and structured and the stream of
1:36:16 the eyes shows what's going on yeah
1:36:19 so keep that in mind taking one ayah
1:36:21 after context and our quran will will
1:36:23 get you will get to go astray that will
1:36:26 just it will get you into into falsehood
1:36:29 things have to be put especially complex
1:36:30 things are to put in the context
1:36:33 historic context textual context and so
1:36:35 on otherwise you will fall into into
1:36:38 into misguidance
1:36:39 okay question now
1:36:42 salaam alaikum
1:36:43 uh this is abu muhab speaking yeah uh i
1:36:46 have a question uh regarding is
1:36:50 someone who asked a question last week
1:36:52 about hijrah and taberiya
1:36:56 and
1:36:56 you said that
1:36:59 like making hijrah is not necessarily
1:37:03 a necessity for a muslim they can have
1:37:05 their own independent uh entity uh
1:37:08 that's essentially what you said but i
1:37:11 just want to clarify that what you what
1:37:14 you meant is
1:37:15 within the domain of islam right
1:37:19 not necessarily even even uh that that
1:37:22 there are various types of hijab one is
1:37:24 that
1:37:25 people embrace islam as an entity as a
1:37:27 tribe or a country like say for example
1:37:29 south africa is islam become majority
1:37:31 they are not obliged to join the islamic
1:37:33 union not even a confederation
1:37:35 but they became part of the islamic
1:37:37 domain and their relation with the
1:37:38 muslim world will be
1:37:39 of eternal peace there will be no war
1:37:41 there will be no conflict but what i
1:37:43 meant is that that people living in the
1:37:45 domain of kufr where they are safe from
1:37:47 prosecution so they can establish their
1:37:49 individual belief they can't pray they
1:37:51 can do their inheritance they can't do
1:37:53 their things without anyone enforcing
1:37:55 them or forcing them to leave their
1:37:57 belief
1:37:58 then these are not obliged to do israel
1:38:00 the
1:38:01 obligation for those who are prosecuted
1:38:04 and cannot cannot establish their own
1:38:06 individual deen
1:38:08 so it's more complex but the the work
1:38:10 about hijrah immigration and the
1:38:12 so-called
1:38:13 right of self-determination is almost
1:38:15 finished in charlotte will be finished
1:38:17 and we'll
1:38:18 make sure that we also translate it
1:38:20 because i think it contains
1:38:21 quite a number of shocking things which
1:38:23 have been overlooked by classical
1:38:24 scholars so hijra is only obligatory
1:38:27 those who cannot establish the deen and
1:38:29 are persecuted and forced to to commit
1:38:31 cover or pronounce cover
1:38:34 and so they have to if they are able
1:38:36 they have to do the hijrah otherwise
1:38:38 they are
1:38:39 there they are condemned but anyone who
1:38:42 will and the evidence for that is for
1:38:43 example when uh
1:38:47 after live in the ham one of the early
1:38:48 sahabi whenever embracing islam did not
1:38:51 omigrate because his his people say why
1:38:54 are immigrating with muhammad to medina
1:38:56 will protect you nobody will touch you
1:38:58 you can pray you can do whatever you
1:38:59 want and they gave protection
1:39:01 and uh he was allowed the president did
1:39:03 not condemn and after the conquest of
1:39:05 makkah said your people
1:39:07 have been better to you than my own
1:39:09 people your people protected you and
1:39:11 give you and you stayed home and you
1:39:12 were
1:39:13 safe and sound and my people forced me
1:39:16 to go out of mecca they were intended to
1:39:18 kill me but abdullah in him out of
1:39:20 politeness and god said he said you know
1:39:21 allah your people are better because
1:39:24 they for even if they had that have evil
1:39:26 act that act get you to go out of
1:39:28 mecca and establish islam and do jihad
1:39:31 at egypt i stayed in makkah i did not
1:39:33 participate in jihad yet and so on
1:39:35 that's after politeness but clearly the
1:39:37 prophet approved this thing because he
1:39:38 was protected the same happened with
1:39:40 ramayana wahab
1:39:42 nuh has some some son taken prisoners of
1:39:44 war in badr
1:39:46 and he sat in history
1:39:49 and say word and he has only daughters
1:39:52 and that son which is in say where it
1:39:54 not for these daughters
1:39:58 uh that who will take care of them and
1:40:00 who will get in there married and so on
1:40:02 i would sharpen my sword poison it and
1:40:05 go and kill mohammed safan
1:40:10 your daughters are my daughters i will
1:40:11 get them married i'll treat them like my
1:40:13 daughters there's a covenant between you
1:40:14 just go and do so he sharpened his soul
1:40:16 and went
1:40:18 omar says when he came
1:40:20 i hated him like a pig
1:40:22 i know this is an evil man and he was in
1:40:24 badr really encouraging everyone to
1:40:26 fight and so it was very evil but he
1:40:28 escaped
1:40:30 and he has his sword hanging on his neck
1:40:32 so armor went and told him his neck say
1:40:34 what's what you're doing here what's
1:40:35 what you want
1:40:36 sam came just to
1:40:38 to bargain for releasing that prisoner
1:40:40 with you up saying what is this sword
1:40:42 see how can i travel over this distance
1:40:44 without assault i have the protection
1:40:46 this is wilderness
1:40:48 messenger allah said let him lose omar
1:40:50 why you are holding the man from the
1:40:51 neck of him so he came close
1:40:53 and say
1:40:56 is it really that you came for for for
1:40:58 the studio to pay the
1:41:00 the ransom for your son and take him or
1:41:02 your cousin or something say yes they
1:41:04 say what's about when you were sitting
1:41:06 with safani
1:41:07 into the cab and saying so on so on and
1:41:09 so on
1:41:15 i will be witness that you are the
1:41:16 messenger allah
1:41:18 and
1:41:19 and we were always believing that you
1:41:22 are a liar but what ways between me and
1:41:24 sabwan
1:41:25 is certainly not known to anybody and
1:41:28 even according to our pagan belief even
1:41:29 allah does not know because we were i
1:41:31 think inside the kaaba or something
1:41:33 shielding us from allah even seeing it
1:41:35 so what you claim about allah and your
1:41:36 prophethood is correct what we claim is
1:41:38 the rank definitely
1:41:41 so
1:41:42 and then he asked the permission to go
1:41:44 to makkah and karidawa meanwhile safwan
1:41:47 just complete the story stafford was
1:41:48 telling the people you will get a great
1:41:50 news soon a great news so and then
1:41:53 the great news came back for him that
1:41:55 sophomore became a muslim so he swore he
1:41:57 would never benefit from he would never
1:41:59 talk to him anymore anything
1:42:01 and then safwan came back to makkah
1:42:02 because he was a very strong and very
1:42:04 nasty person in in his behavior with
1:42:06 others and he was torturing quraish and
1:42:08 inviting so many to islam
1:42:10 that he got hundreds becoming muslim
1:42:12 under his protection and his uh sub
1:42:14 tribe and then i think they immigrated
1:42:17 just little before the conquest of
1:42:18 makkah
1:42:20 in the hospital he did not forget his
1:42:21 good relation and friendship
1:42:26 when when the
1:42:29 with the intention to join the romans so
1:42:31 he followed him and got him say my
1:42:33 brother you know how i love you
1:42:35 for islam although you
1:42:37 cut all the delegation but you're still
1:42:38 my beloved one my old friend come the
1:42:41 messenger of allah is the best man for
1:42:44 you even if you don't believe in him is
1:42:45 better for you than the romans and the
1:42:47 abyssinian come
1:42:48 you will have refuge here you will have
1:42:50 safety and security it's better than
1:42:52 going to the foreign country so he came
1:42:54 back and later became muslim
1:42:56 oh my god anyway
1:42:58 so the prophet permitted him to go back
1:43:00 so even in the domain of gopher if you
1:43:01 are safe for your own and you know you
1:43:03 say from being forced into kuffar
1:43:06 then you are not obliged for hijrah and
1:43:07 the condemnation of those who do not
1:43:09 commit israel is
1:43:11 it does not apply only those who are
1:43:12 subject of persecution and and they have
1:43:15 to establish their deen or they're
1:43:16 forced out of their belief they are
1:43:18 sinful they don't immigrate yeah that's
1:43:20 right
1:43:21 other things than other other entities
1:43:23 and so on that will be in that research
1:43:25 with the fine points of statehood and
1:43:27 borders and all these things will be
1:43:29 discussed they shall indicate
1:43:30 yes i think the ayah is clear uh allah
1:43:33 says
1:43:37 yes
1:43:38 now going back to the independent
1:43:40 identity entities within the domain of
1:43:42 islam
1:43:44 those entities will still have to abide
1:43:47 by certain rules like for example not to
1:43:49 do usually not to do absolutely
1:43:51 absolutely
1:43:54 if you
1:43:55 meet your enemy of the muslim kingdom
1:43:56 invite them to embrace islam if they
1:43:58 accept that embrace islam then give them
1:44:00 the islam and give them the choice
1:44:02 either they stay in their own domain
1:44:03 either they mispreferably to immigrate
1:44:06 meaning not moving physically but
1:44:08 joining the islamic state as a as a
1:44:10 member of the union
1:44:12 if they don't want that they want to say
1:44:13 independent they called muslims
1:44:16 of the muslim
1:44:17 then they will be independent they will
1:44:20 land and all the rules of islam apply to
1:44:22 them internally and externally but they
1:44:24 don't have anything in the treasury of
1:44:26 the media the
1:44:28 central state which was in madina at
1:44:30 that time
1:44:33 and they have nothing in surgery and
1:44:34 nothing in the in the in the booty
1:44:36 unless they join in fight so if they
1:44:38 join in a fight against mushrikeen they
1:44:40 get a share of the body otherwise they
1:44:42 have nothing to do with the surgery they
1:44:43 have control of their own domain of
1:44:45 their resources
1:44:47 they tax themselves they have their own
1:44:49 zakat and things like that but they have
1:44:50 to comply completely with the law of
1:44:52 islam that's the example as a tribe
1:44:55 that's an islamic entity they are not a
1:44:57 dominant
1:44:58 prophet i think now it's clear because
1:45:00 last time i think
1:45:02 maybe i got the impression that you know
1:45:05 uh
1:45:05 what you meant maybe um
1:45:08 something different because you know
1:45:11 the model will end up like something
1:45:13 what we live today in a list no no no no
1:45:15 no no no no no no yes that's the one
1:45:16 that we have we have no islamic domain
1:45:18 these are the ones of course
1:45:20 anyway
1:45:21 and you know maybe maybe one muslim
1:45:23 country will declare war on another
1:45:25 country like for example
1:45:27 as a state as an entity all of these are
1:45:29 domain of cohort and they're systems of
1:45:30 government they have nothing to do with
1:45:32 this with this that's the ideal
1:45:33 situation which was enacted better and
1:45:35 the legal the legal framework is
1:45:38 established and will be written
1:45:39 inshallah is written almost out there
1:45:41 was only one issue to be clarified they
1:45:42 have clarified it now i have just to put
1:45:44 it down in writing and this will be
1:45:46 publicized soon and this will be all i
1:45:48 think will be in the queue for
1:45:49 translation because i think is it plus
1:45:51 the sake for the sahiba of medina are
1:45:55 utmost importance in these issues
1:45:57 right one last point professor uh i also
1:46:00 have written like a small draft i'm
1:46:02 still working on expanding it i told you
1:46:05 once about it is that you know
1:46:10 what i said today is uh i also written
1:46:12 down and i have the dalil from the quran
1:46:17 allah says
1:46:22 and this and this means two things on
1:46:25 the spiritual and
1:46:27 the level of iman
1:46:29 uh
1:46:30 means that we we are
1:46:32 we are brothers because the prophet says
1:47:07 no no permission for body if anyone
1:47:09 commits barry will be fought by the
1:47:10 others and forced to to go back to the
1:47:12 ruling of allah et cetera so absolutely
1:47:15 for example the mother believing
1:47:18 people who pass long away ibrahim is
1:47:20 part of the ummah he's the leader of the
1:47:22 ummah but he's not part of any alliance
1:47:24 because he's dead he's not he's not
1:47:26 active in the world so so there's
1:47:28 difference between
1:47:29 islamia and
1:47:31 their differences exactly and this will
1:47:33 be also discussed inshallah in
1:47:39 Music
1:47:42 what we just said is the spiritual
1:47:45 brotherhood exactly and and also the
1:47:48 political brotherhood because allah also
1:47:50 says
1:47:53 and allah says also but i said we have
1:47:56 to have to be fine there because being
1:47:58 ummah is not the main necessary one
1:48:00 it has i will develop that inshallah in
1:48:02 detail because the william is not a is
1:48:04 not a brotherhood it's something more
1:48:05 than that
1:48:07 it's absurd but it has but being an
1:48:09 ummah meaning between the islamic entity
1:48:11 if they exist like the muslim and
1:48:14 there can't be no confrontation there
1:48:16 can be no war there can be no hostility
1:48:18 and if anyone transgress against the
1:48:20 other all other muslims will rally and
1:48:21 force him to go back to peaceful
1:48:23 behavior and stop bari
1:48:25 according to bali it needs a little bit
1:48:28 of expansion but if you have some
1:48:29 writing provided to me shall and
1:48:31 telegram and we'll try to weave it under
1:48:33 and develop it further
1:48:35 inshallah i will send it to you i'm
1:48:36 still expanding expanding it because i'm
1:48:38 not satisfied but eventually i'll i'll
1:48:40 send it to you so you can have a look
1:48:42 thank you professor thank you so much
1:48:50 uh just to i have another question but
1:48:52 just to add on to uh what was discussed
1:48:55 uh you you're very right
1:48:57 that
1:48:58 when we mentioned that the ummah
1:49:00 is one um uh we are one ummah from the
1:49:04 time of khadijah
1:49:05 all the way to israel
1:49:08 victory and losses are one so the
1:49:11 victory in the brother and honda that's
1:49:14 the victory of the whole ummah that's
1:49:16 our victory as well and you know our uh
1:49:19 the victory in afghanistan against
1:49:20 crusaders that's the victory of the
1:49:22 whole ummah from before
1:49:24 from that concept my actual question
1:49:41 not the muslim king we are not talking
1:49:42 about the current christian bishop
1:49:45 we are referring to jehovah witnesses
1:49:46 for example or the jews now if they have
1:49:49 not heard of the message of rasulullah
1:49:51 there's a unanimous agreement that as
1:49:53 long as they follow their religion they
1:49:55 have not heard of issa like some jews or
1:49:57 the jehovah witnesses they have not
1:49:58 heard of rasulullah they do good they
1:50:01 die upon islam because their religion is
1:50:03 islam right however there are two camps
1:50:06 here one camp we say actually this ayah
1:50:08 is
1:50:09 and of course we disagree with them
1:50:12 obligation
1:50:14 is the way of of the weak one the the
1:50:16 allegations should not be said unless
1:50:18 you are forced to and you find no other
1:50:20 way out but
1:50:21 but there are some liberals and those
1:50:23 who for example say that
1:50:25 the point is that the point which must
1:50:27 be stressed i wouldn't say and
1:50:30 categorically that those are like
1:50:31 witnesses of jehovah for example on one
1:50:33 of this i would say anyone who is on on
1:50:37 or did not receive the message of islam
1:50:40 is is is not is not a catholic in the
1:50:42 sense of
1:50:44 independent of its in a good creed or
1:50:46 false creed even even pagans
1:50:48 so it's wider than that
1:50:50 that we have discussed that i think
1:50:52 several times maybe maybe some brothers
1:50:54 remember wish halaca we discussed that
1:50:56 more extensively and it can be given to
1:50:58 you you are not attending from illia
1:51:00 times we discussed that point i think
1:51:02 russia i think we discussed that
1:51:04 at this eye or elsewhere in very
1:51:06 extensive and several times actually so
1:51:11 i wouldn't say they died on islam or
1:51:13 they say they died without the with the
1:51:15 message and the and under the reason to
1:51:17 be punished
1:51:24 that they are on islam or not in islam
1:51:25 we don't know i would i wouldn't really
1:51:28 i wouldn't really uh
1:51:31 make such a statement
1:51:32 chef
1:51:38 what i'm saying is that anyone who did
1:51:40 not receive a message in such a way that
1:51:41 is persuasive
1:51:43 presented to him probably
1:51:45 or he had the opportunity but he
1:51:47 forgotten the opportunity to search for
1:51:49 the message and understand it anyone is
1:51:52 not liable or punishment
1:51:54 because
1:51:56 period full stop
1:51:58 independence witnesses jehovah or even
1:52:00 the parents of the amazon that's another
1:52:02 issue
1:52:03 those witnesses are in a previous
1:52:05 scripture which seems to be they are
1:52:06 monotheistic and so on
1:52:09 they
1:52:10 the
1:52:11 they who did not receive the message of
1:52:12 islam
1:52:14 they are part of that but claiming that
1:52:16 they are only islam
1:52:17 is a problem because after muhammad
1:52:19 islam is by definition the religion of
1:52:21 muhammad
1:52:22 they may be submitted to allah and maybe
1:52:24 there is some reward for that we is
1:52:26 going to that is not but the most
1:52:27 important they did not receive the
1:52:28 message so they are not liable of a
1:52:31 punishment what what what their status
1:52:33 and uh if that's sufficiently counted
1:52:36 for them i would i would not speculate
1:52:38 on that and just my general principle
1:52:40 answering these questions i would say
1:52:42 don't indulge in that that's question
1:52:43 usually it's present to many people
1:52:45 saying what do you say about this i say
1:52:47 my answers have same way don't worry
1:52:48 allah knows how to manage people better
1:52:50 than you and me prepare it for stop
1:52:52 that's the general answer which is
1:52:54 consistent and logically correct but the
1:52:56 fundamental principle we know is that
1:53:00 you could not conclude that the pagans
1:53:02 in amazon who did not save a message
1:53:03 they are going to uh like elect the
1:53:05 pagans of quraish who are fighting
1:53:07 muhammad in battle it's no way is
1:53:09 impossible that would be contradicted
1:53:10 the quran that's all that we can say
1:53:12 with certitude other things
1:53:14 someone may be speculate i wouldn't
1:53:16 speculate on that i wouldn't bother
1:53:17 about that tree very much
1:53:19 i wouldn't bother with it so the only
1:53:21 thing is the only question now remains
1:53:23 is that there are some amongst the
1:53:24 muslims who believe now
1:53:26 that even if they have heard of
1:53:28 rasulallah but they remain christian or
1:53:31 jews this is still applicable to them
1:53:33 and when we tell them if they say for
1:53:35 example stephen hawking they say how
1:53:37 much charitable he was how much good he
1:53:51 we ask these people the question if they
1:53:54 have heard from rasool allah
1:53:56 if they have still rejected them do you
1:53:58 consider that to be
1:54:00 of course you said this
1:54:04 meaning allah is the creator of the
1:54:06 universe
1:54:07 absolute severine he decide whom he sent
1:54:10 and we have to accept that if you don't
1:54:12 accept that then you are not believing
1:54:14 in allah you are building some kind of
1:54:15 idol in your mind
1:54:17 even the the
1:54:19 belief is fundamentally
1:54:21 for example he flipped
1:54:24 some jews claimed muhammad was with the
1:54:26 messenger for the for the for the arabs
1:54:29 but he himself said
1:54:31 that he is a messenger to all mankind
1:54:33 and
1:54:34 if he's a messenger if he's sent by
1:54:36 allah then allah must have made him a
1:54:38 this statement must be unfollowed it's
1:54:40 not his own statement otherwise the
1:54:42 claiming he's a messenger or sent
1:54:44 without a certain infallibility doesn't
1:54:46 make any sense
1:54:48 so this internal contradiction you are
1:54:49 attributing to allah said in
1:54:51 contradiction that he say something in
1:54:53 the quran and assume and accept that you
1:54:55 say now you actually in this point you
1:54:57 are lying with another point you are
1:54:58 correct so it is i think it is
1:55:01 contradictory fundamentally the meaning
1:55:03 of definition of allah
1:55:04 so they they believe in a certain
1:55:06 entity in their mind which is not the
1:55:08 entity which has revealed the scripture
1:55:10 not the one who said to muslims
1:55:13 i am i am who is who is
1:55:16 i am the one i am
1:55:18 you're leaving something else
1:55:24 so that's that's if it does but i say
1:55:26 the whole issue i think that i i'm
1:55:28 wondering why the whole issue is it
1:55:29 comes again and again and again i think
1:55:32 that's uh that's uh that's i think i
1:55:35 once discussed that several times really
1:55:37 and i once said i think this is some
1:55:39 kind of a satanic uh
1:55:41 inspiration or was wasa uh is trying to
1:55:44 get you uh off tangent in something
1:55:47 which you
1:55:48 should have seth had called clearly i
1:55:50 know that nobody would be punished if he
1:55:51 didn't receive a messenger
1:55:53 that's clear
1:55:55 said in the quran and the other people
1:55:56 allah will manage them the best way we i
1:55:58 don't need to second guess allah i do
1:56:00 not tell the people there because i
1:56:02 don't know how allah will manage them
1:56:05 i think that's the best that's the best
1:56:06 answer that's the thing you got on the
1:56:08 one extreme where someone think has the
1:56:10 impression that you whisper in someone's
1:56:12 aim here muhammad
1:56:14 that's enough okay that's it you're
1:56:15 going to help no no no that's that's
1:56:17 that's not that's nonsense
1:56:21 again again if someone says that say
1:56:23 listen
1:56:26 at which time their soul is brought the
1:56:30 message in such a way that the people
1:56:32 are guilty of denial
1:56:34 that that moment of denial is not only
1:56:36 to allah but in principle if they deny
1:56:39 after they see the evidence
1:56:41 like the people referral and say that
1:56:43 clearly
1:56:45 they were convinced this is but they
1:56:48 rejected because they are we're going to
1:56:49 follow two slaves
1:56:52 two men like us human beings and their
1:56:53 people are just live under us it's going
1:56:56 to follow slaves
1:56:57 we're too high for that
1:57:00 you see there is that level
1:57:03 then they are worthy of punishment
1:57:05 is exp hawking received that at least
1:57:07 that level we don't know
1:57:10 is the people and absolutely almost
1:57:12 certainly not
1:57:14 but
1:57:15 judging that needs someone who knows the
1:57:17 internal affairs of every human being
1:57:18 but the principle is clear
1:57:20 he received the message in such a way
1:57:22 that it is clear and evident and he
1:57:25 rejected it after it became apparent to
1:57:28 him that's the truth
1:57:29 if it is still confusing he may be still
1:57:32 punishment if he did not search further
1:57:34 for the truth
1:57:35 and during the search if he dies still
1:57:37 he is saved because he did not but he is
1:57:39 searching
1:57:40 i'm not going to say i don't bother i i
1:57:42 i know some people say i discuss with
1:57:44 him i say listen leave the paradise for
1:57:46 you i don't care about it
1:57:48 that's rejecting the truth it may be
1:57:50 true i'm rejecting it i'm not wondering
1:57:51 about that
1:57:53 that's another type of rejection
1:57:55 you may be telling the truth that's
1:57:57 irrelevant from me i don't care about it
1:57:58 to the hell with you and your paradise
1:58:00 for example people some people say that
1:58:03 so
1:58:04 indulging in that i think my feeling is
1:58:06 that the whole the whole studying of
1:58:08 that area is is is
1:58:10 is an attempt sometimes if you come from
1:58:12 non-muslim it says them say oh there's
1:58:14 so many good people doing good deeds and
1:58:15 so on i answered that i think it today
1:58:17 you listen that to again in the
1:58:19 recording but
1:58:20 if from the muslim camp i think they are
1:58:22 dragged in an area which they should
1:58:24 their answer should be we know the
1:58:25 fundamental principle one number one
1:58:27 only if a messenger has come and you
1:58:29 received the message you understood it
1:58:32 for example if you are deaf or you are
1:58:34 blind
1:58:35 even blind may be excused because you're
1:58:37 blindness because many things in the
1:58:38 message has to be seen has to be
1:58:40 verified by eyesight
1:58:43 if someone is mentally someone short of
1:58:46 mind someone's have down syndrome all of
1:58:48 these things we know that there's
1:58:49 a hadith about this
1:58:52 but this the principle is clear
1:58:55 if someone did not see what he's on a
1:58:56 previous revelation and seem to be doing
1:58:58 well under that we hope that
1:59:00 allah will know how to count his that
1:59:02 for him and what's for him what's
1:59:04 against him
1:59:06 and we know that allah will keep up with
1:59:08 that
1:59:09 the the settlement of the account today
1:59:12 will start from adam going downwards so
1:59:14 all accounts will be set to generation
1:59:16 by generation one by one
1:59:19 we cannot do that in dunya now because
1:59:21 some people who are rejecting the truth
1:59:22 now maybe may be the victim of their own
1:59:25 society and so on such indoctrination
1:59:27 that's impossible for them to to analyze
1:59:29 understand so they're excused but only
1:59:31 allah can know that
1:59:33 by tracing their history by
1:59:35 by starting with adam going down also
1:59:37 the current generation everything is
1:59:39 cleared stage by stage that's the way it
1:59:41 works
1:59:43 so i i would i would advise don't
1:59:45 indulge in that just isn't the principle
1:59:46 the only point of something are these
1:59:48 are doing good these are they are not
1:59:49 believers and so on why should they go
1:59:51 to a person that's that's not correct
1:59:53 that's that's the condition for the
1:59:55 reward is not there
1:59:57 maybe they will be commuting some of
1:59:59 their sentences we don't know that's
2:00:00 something
2:00:01 allah is at liberty to forgo
2:00:03 but what
2:00:05 the word is conditioned on on on doing
2:00:08 good deeds based on iman imam allah
2:00:21 they don't believe in allah
2:00:23 they believe in some entity which does
2:00:25 not exist realities it's rationally
2:00:27 impossible to exist
2:00:29 for example
2:00:30 but i would say that's it seems to be
2:00:32 there's like a fashion of that but
2:00:34 non-believers say oh actually you are a
2:00:36 muslim because you grow in islamic world
2:00:38 we are here there's really no evidences
2:00:40 nothing really persuasive that's that's
2:00:42 it goes around somehow in the background
2:00:44 around that although they don't express
2:00:46 it that directly and we have also a
2:00:48 moral code and people are complying
2:00:51 they're charitable and things like that
2:00:54 but the ultimate
2:00:56 we're not sat down and given a detailed
2:00:57 creed
2:00:58 we're born into a muslim family beaten
2:01:00 up in a masjid if you're lucky to learn
2:01:02 quran and that's it there's nothing
2:01:04 there's nothing so you can expect this
2:01:06 until a creed until the
2:01:08 material gets out there you know the the
2:01:10 good works
2:01:11 absolutely
2:01:13 the the classical scholar discuss if
2:01:15 someone just
2:01:16 become a believer by taklit
2:01:18 without really himself coming to the
2:01:20 truth bye bye bye bye evidence and so on
2:01:22 is that is that valuable or not valuable
2:01:26 that's another question
2:01:28 clearly
2:01:29 uh he may be tested down the road some
2:01:31 people are lucky they are not tested
2:01:33 then they are lucky there is a grace
2:01:34 from allah they got away
2:01:38 there would be things like that
2:01:40 sure there's a brother who's been asking
2:01:41 been asking about the contracts and
2:01:43 stuff i did send you some material yet
2:01:44 last week but he's here on this uh so am
2:01:47 do you wanna unmute and ask
2:01:49 yeah can you leave me now
2:01:51 yeah can anyone hear me
2:01:53 yeah yeah
2:01:54 yeah sorry
2:01:56 did i do it
2:01:58 yeah and chef i had that question i
2:02:01 actually sent you if
2:02:05 a little bit louder
2:02:10 okay
2:02:11 can you hear me now yeah
2:02:15 okay um i was asking that about that
2:02:18 contract thing
2:02:20 you know
2:02:22 i asked if can you hear me
2:02:25 we can hear you yeah but be louder try
2:02:27 to come too close to the television
2:02:29 point as much as possible yeah
2:02:32 yeah i think that's the best that i can
2:02:34 what is the question okay
2:02:36 the question is about the contract that
2:02:39 i would like to ask about that if you
2:02:41 think
2:02:43 um what i was saying is that generally
2:02:46 as far as i
2:02:48 researched and looked into
2:02:50 the cfds are generally
2:02:53 contracts that you cannot um
2:02:57 you cannot
2:02:58 receive
2:03:00 so
2:03:01 what i was asking is that you see if you
2:03:04 don't receive the
2:03:06 contract itself
2:03:08 meaning that if you for example
2:03:11 buy something but you don't receive it
2:03:14 but you only receive the difference
2:03:17 of that contract is that low in some
2:03:21 uh but give an example for example you
2:03:23 buy something from from amazon
2:03:25 okay
2:03:26 you said you're that's a
2:03:28 if you are in the shop you receive the
2:03:30 things and take them that's clear but if
2:03:32 you buy something on amazon they say
2:03:34 your your your payment is received and
2:03:36 the
2:03:37 people are packaging it and they will
2:03:39 send it
2:03:41 yeah but that it's not exactly like that
2:03:43 just i'm giving that and now i'll give
2:03:46 the example
2:03:47 for example in the case of forex for
2:03:50 example and those stuff
2:03:52 what you're actually what you are
2:03:54 actually doing is that when you
2:03:56 basically
2:03:57 go and open an order with the
2:04:00 mr broker
2:04:02 the broker for example goes to the
2:04:04 liquidity provider and
2:04:07 basically
2:04:08 buys the currency but you don't receive
2:04:12 that you can't remember
2:04:14 the broker when we buy that he received
2:04:16 it
2:04:17 in his broker account
2:04:20 he's your is your acting on your behalf
2:04:23 a sunny in fact
2:04:26 it's okay it's okay
2:04:28 that's no problem
2:04:31 and this is a future contract and
2:04:33 according to the contract specification
2:04:35 if it is in the future but with the with
2:04:37 the proper condition of sallam it's also
2:04:39 okay but this is more complex leave that
2:04:41 now even but this is okay it's perfectly
2:04:43 okay
2:04:44 the broker receives in the account the
2:04:47 same for example were thinking about a
2:04:49 short selling
2:04:50 selling short
2:04:53 let's say stocks shares
2:04:56 they think it's selling that what you
2:04:57 don't own but that's not true because
2:04:58 the broker will go there
2:05:00 get get the stocks
2:05:02 available in the market at the price you
2:05:04 specified or the price of the market if
2:05:06 you have a market order and put it in
2:05:08 your account
2:05:09 so it is you know you borrow it but when
2:05:11 you borrow something it you become your
2:05:13 ownership in your hand and you're
2:05:14 responsible for paying it back and then
2:05:16 you deal with it whatever you weigh sell
2:05:17 it and so on hoping that the price will
2:05:19 go down and then you buy from a bucket
2:05:21 and pay back
2:05:22 perfectly fine people think that you're
2:05:24 selling what you don't have it's not
2:05:25 true you're selling what you have
2:05:27 because the broker is is is getting it
2:05:30 and putting it in your account it's a
2:05:31 bit more complicated because settling
2:05:33 the accounts or somebody has done almost
2:05:35 momentarily and the broker has the
2:05:37 authority and he's accessing the
2:05:38 liquidity directly and he has a broker
2:05:41 account that's how it works so even the
2:05:43 short selling is correct what is selling
2:05:45 what you don't have is the example of
2:05:47 the classical scholar saying saying what
2:05:49 you have is said i said you a bird which
2:05:50 is flying in this in the sky i will sell
2:05:52 you that bird it's not possible shoot it
2:05:54 fast down and sell it to me or catch it
2:05:57 fast
2:05:58 because it's not under your control it's
2:06:00 not really abraham it's not in your hand
2:06:03 but that was a short selling it's in
2:06:05 your hand it's in the market the broker
2:06:07 get it for you according to your
2:06:08 instructions and and and
2:06:11 the only problem is that maybe
2:06:13 you may borrow from a broker with
2:06:14 interest that will be the problem of
2:06:16 borrowing but if you buy in cash you
2:06:18 have enough cash on your car it's no
2:06:20 problem
2:06:21 the only problem is you borrow and if
2:06:22 the if the if the
2:06:24 broker shows you interest which is usual
2:06:26 thing in the west no
2:06:28 broker will will lend you without
2:06:30 charging at rest so it will be haram
2:06:31 because of the borrowing not because of
2:06:33 the short selling
2:06:34 and i hate that some some brokerage
2:06:36 houses may give you like a
2:06:39 grace period of one week or something
2:06:41 like that and if you are a good trader i
2:06:43 know one uh if shahzad is present he
2:06:45 will mention one is like his name is
2:06:47 similar to his name uh he he has he has
2:06:50 he he can he can borrow interest free
2:06:53 for for a week and he says next day or
2:06:55 with within a week
2:06:56 so he's borrowing interest free and he
2:06:58 settles within a week so it's perfectly
2:07:00 fine
2:07:03 but the broker is receiving for you
2:07:04 that's that's just just to go to the
2:07:06 basic question he's receiving for you
2:07:08 it's in in the broker account in your
2:07:10 behalf
2:07:11 in a segregated account and it's it's
2:07:13 very clear that he has received it and
2:07:14 it is and he is your attorney in fact he
2:07:17 is representing you in the deal
2:07:20 and the reception has been has happened
2:07:23 okay yes but as far as i i asked those
2:07:27 brokers these questions i said
2:07:30 i actually owned the thing
2:07:33 as far as i know all of them said that
2:07:36 you don't actually own the thing but you
2:07:38 are only able to trade it
2:07:41 no you are able to trade that one when
2:07:42 your broker have received it
2:07:44 the moment is the deal is that it's
2:07:46 it is in your account or in the
2:07:47 segregated account of the of the broker
2:07:50 and you can deal with it so the people
2:07:51 who told you they don't understand the
2:07:53 meaning of receiving they think the only
2:07:55 thing they think of receiving that
2:07:56 you're going to the let's say that in
2:07:58 their imagination it's like in the in
2:08:00 the
2:08:01 in the sheep market you go and hand the
2:08:03 sheep and say here's the money and take
2:08:04 a sheep from the neck and take it for
2:08:06 slaughter that's that's that's their
2:08:09 mind work but their mind is faulty
2:08:11 that's not how we're receiving it
2:08:12 receiving can be done by someone in your
2:08:14 behalf receiving can be done
2:08:16 electronically by receiving a message
2:08:18 confirming it is a certain account
2:08:20 abstract account somewhere in the
2:08:22 blockchain all of that's receiving
2:08:24 but these people have have a deficient
2:08:26 way of understanding the meaning of
2:08:27 receiving and the meaning of language
2:08:31 uh chef uh i have a broker called axi
2:08:33 they have a show you compliant uh
2:08:36 accounts as well on forex all for forex
2:08:38 pairs including including cash cfd as
2:08:42 well as metro so that's gold uh silver
2:08:44 platinum call uh severe axis excellent
2:08:47 and they they charge you no interest no
2:08:49 commission no swap and you can borrow up
2:08:52 to 500 x uh
2:08:54 most likely they make money they make
2:08:56 money from the split between buy and
2:08:58 sell and buy so they make it some of the
2:09:00 money somewhere but anyway that's
2:09:02 perfectly permissible that's a
2:09:03 commission for the sales transaction and
2:09:05 the commission is enough for them some
2:09:07 some are happy with that that's fine
2:09:09 maybe you should give you should give
2:09:11 the address of this broker those who
2:09:13 would like to deal although i would
2:09:15 advise never buy one margin you will
2:09:17 kill yourself
2:09:19 because if the market goes against you
2:09:21 they will eliminate why they will force
2:09:23 you to eliminate and then you will end
2:09:24 the becoming
2:09:26 looking bad
2:09:27 and be running naked around
2:09:30 without your money but that's it it's a
2:09:32 matter of
2:09:34 management of the affairs not better
2:09:38 okay
2:09:40 but that's what the forex is perfect
2:09:42 receiving the broker is the healing in
2:09:43 your behalf is if it's a immediate cash
2:09:45 transaction if it's a future in the
2:09:47 interaction we have to see the
2:09:48 conditions of the future if it is the
2:09:50 so-called salam conditions and most
2:09:52 likely the conditions are the same
2:09:53 conditions they are fulfilled futures
2:09:55 are not a problem the problem mostly
2:09:57 futures again it is usually done on
2:09:59 margin and the loan is usually with
2:10:01 interest that's the main problem not
2:10:03 that it's for a data point
2:10:08 good
2:10:11 okay i think this is i think this
2:10:12 clarified this point so just continue
2:10:15 with your with your cash uh uh uh
2:10:18 what's his name uh forex and trades
2:10:22 with these conditions perfectly fine
2:10:23 there's no problem with nella
2:10:26 any other questions but with the
2:10:28 question are not related to today except
2:10:30 the matter of
2:10:32 people receiving
2:10:34 the witnesses of jehovah
2:10:37 related today to today's topic uh you've
2:10:40 mentioned that the uh
2:10:42 assyrian church
2:10:44 basically is uh the nestorian one could
2:10:47 i see that i think that's what i hear
2:10:49 somewhere
2:10:50 yes uh i just read something about that
2:10:53 uh a schism happened during the
2:10:56 16th century in the syrian church and
2:11:00 most of iraqi christians today identify
2:11:03 as uh chaldean
2:11:07 so they so they are the catholics who
2:11:10 has
2:11:11 gained the blessing of the
2:11:14 church yes
2:11:16 while there are
2:11:17 a small minority
2:11:19 still
2:11:20 who are identified as
2:11:22 assyrians uh syrians not nestorians okay
2:11:25 um because
2:11:26 there are a
2:11:28 big controversy within the church the
2:11:31 syrian church that uh whether they are
2:11:34 historians or not
2:11:36 so
2:11:38 so it's not very clear
2:11:41 time passes seem to be they were
2:11:43 nostalian at least yes
2:11:45 yes exactly
2:11:47 the same for example
2:11:48 the church of constantinople when they
2:11:50 split the thousand is not issued in
2:11:52 history and is the other issue about the
2:11:54 holy spirit is the equal rank to the sun
2:11:56 or not about the so-called the filocci
2:11:59 clause
2:12:00 that that the holy spirit proceeded from
2:12:02 the father and the son or just from the
2:12:04 father that's it
2:12:08 it's becoming to the level of of
2:12:11 of nonsensicality
2:12:16 starting with the contradictory entity
2:12:17 and then discussing even on this
2:12:19 contradiction how much more
2:12:20 contradiction you can develop
2:12:22 anyway
2:12:25 but i i know our christian listeners and
2:12:27 brothers may be upset about that but
2:12:29 that's that but that's the reality if
2:12:30 you start with the falsehood and
2:12:32 nintendo quarterly thing you can derive
2:12:34 anything any nonsense or any sense out
2:12:36 of it
2:12:38 okay yeah
2:12:41 okay
2:12:42 thank you
2:12:45 muhammad
2:12:57 Music
2:13:22 Music
2:13:27 Music
2:13:35 foreign
2:13:37 Music
2:13:46 so
2:13:50 Music
2:14:05 you