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Appeal to Mystery = Appeal to Contradictions? | TAP #24 (2022-10-23) ​

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The Hosts: ----------------------| Jake Brancatella, The Muslim Metaphysician


Yusuf Ponders, The Pondering Soul







Riyad Gmail:

Summary of Appeal to Mystery = Appeal to Contradictions? | TAP #24 ​

This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 01:00:00 ​

discusses how appealing to mystery is not the same as appealing to contradictions. It argues that, when it comes to something that is at the core of a theory or belief, it is important to make sure that the appeal to mystery is justified. also discusses how Christians and Muslims have contradictory views on aspects of God's nature, and how this can be problematic if one is not clear about what the A and not a contradiction is.

00:00:00 , TAP presenter Hamza Den discusses the difference between appealing to mystery and trying to under the necessity or the need to explain a logical contradiction. They discuss how some people see apparent logical contradictions and jump to appealing to a mystery, while other times when people appeal to mystery it is assumed that they are appealing to something that is a contradiction when it is not. The first question is asked, and Jake responds that a logical contradiction is when two statements are in conflict with one another.

  • 00:05:00 A logical contradiction is a statement that has two opposite meanings that cannot both be true simultaneously. It is an error in reasoning, and can be difficult to understand.
  • 00:10:00 The person discussing logical fallacies says that there is not necessarily a contradiction between contradictions, but that if a person is claiming that their belief system is a contradiction, they are now obliged to show it.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the difference between appealing to mystery and appealing to contradictions, and how it can be problematic if the latter is used excessively. He goes on to say that, when it comes to something that is at the core of a theory or belief, it is important to make sure that the appeal to mystery is justified.
  • 00:20:00 argues that there is nothing contradictory about God, and that the appeal to mystery is just a fact of the matter for every theist. He goes on to say that if a belief relies on an unintelligible proposition, it will be difficult to assess it rationally.
  • *00:25:00 Discusses the issue of whether or not Muslims and Christians both have an appeal to mystery, with the Christian claiming that the Muslim has the same cost to fully comprehending God as a Christian does.
  • *00:30:00 Discusses how cost is a factor in whether or not a Muslim conception of God is problematic. They argue that, for the sake of simplifying the response, any appeal to mystery is a cost. They go on to say that, on the Christian side, there are different formulations of what God looks like, while on the Muslim side, there is only one. In terms of overall cost, the speaker does not see a difference.
  • 00:35:00 A Muslim may claim that there is a contradiction in the Trinity, arguing that since each member of the Trinity is fully God, they are not each other. To demonstrate this, the Christian must provide an explanation for how each member of the Trinity is fully God and not each other.
  • *00:40:00 Discusses how the concept of the Quran being the speech of Allah is contradictory, and that Christians do not have anything to support their claim. Sharif concludes that if Christians want to engage in a discussion about the contradictions, they need to be clear about what the A and not a contradiction is.
  • 00:45:00 talks about how Christians and Muslims have contradictory views on aspects of God's nature. They argue that if one cannot understand an attribute of God, they cannot talk about it meaningfully. then argues that if one is trying to make a comparison between God's attributes and creation, then that similarity would be a contradiction.
  • *00:50:00 Discusses how Christians often use adjectives to describe Allah, such as "mercy," "wrath," and "wisdom." However, this does not mean that these adjectives are applicable to Allah in the same way that they are applicable to creation. goes on to say that even beyond the differences that we know of, there are certain things about Allah's attributes that we do not know of. Nevertheless, using language that we are familiar with and that is given to us in the Quran and Sunnah is okay as long as we understand the correct parameters.
  • *00:55:00 Discusses the concept of logical contradictions, and how they are not things that God can or cannot do. It then goes on to ask a final question related to logical contradictions.

01:00:00 - 02:00:00 ​

the speaker discusses how people can be contradictory in their beliefs, and points to Muhammad Hanif's comments in the comments section of the video as an example. He argues that the apparent meaning of a word cannot be determined if it is not what is observed. Hanif then points out that if a word does not indicate the apparent meaning, then it must be metaphor. He concludes by saying that if a word does not indicate the apparent meaning, then it must be a physical organ.

01:00:00 talks about how, when one affirms the existence of Allah, it does not entail the same thing as being human. There can be multiple meanings to the word 'Allah,' and it would be a contradiction to say one meaning is true and another meaning is false.

  • 01:05:00 explores the idea that there may be an internal contradiction within Islam when Muslims try to criticize other beliefs while also upholding aspects of their own beliefs which, according to their theory of language, implicate a literal interpretation of the word "okay."
  • *01:10:00 Discusses how the literal and metaphorical meanings of certain words in the Quran can result in a logical contradiction. He also provides an example of a word that can be interpreted both literally and metaphorically.
  • 01:15:00 points out that if someone disagrees with an affirmation of an attribute, they should take all of that into consideration when critiquing the position. They should read the theory of language being applied to the theory of ontology, try to explain the problem, and then read all attempted solutions.
  • 01:20:00 The theologian discusses how people can be contradictory in their beliefs, and points to Muhammad Hanif's comments in the comments section of the video as an example. He argues that the apparent meaning of a word cannot be determined if it is not what is observed. Hanif then points out that if a word does not indicate the apparent meaning, then it must be metaphor. He concludes by saying that if a word does not indicate the apparent meaning, then it must be a physical organ.
  • 01:25:00 The presenter discusses how some notions of similarity but it's not literal, and then they agreed they came to an agreement. The presenter then tells the audience about a dispute between honey Fizz and themselves. The dispute is about to call the literal meaning and what not to call a literal meaning. The presenter asks the audience if they can do a discussion with atheists who just affirm true contradictions exist. Layman, the biggest fan of the presenter, enters and asks about the coffee. The presenter tells him that it's more rhetorical point. Layman asks if the Christian position on the Incarnation, Trinity, and contradictions arise from what is not known. The presenter responds that the contradiction arises from what they affirm. He then asks the audience if they can do a discussion with atheists who just affirm two contradictory things.
  • *01:30:00 Discusses Imam Attabadi's view that there is a difference between an appeal to mystery and a contradiction. Imam Attabadi states that an appeal to mystery is an affirmation of something without knowing the meaning, while a contradiction is an appeal to something that is known to be false. He goes on to say that there is a distinction between an appeal to mystery in the sense that there is something that you don't know the meaning of and a contradiction that you're appealing to mystery for the sake of getting out of a logical problem.
  • 01:35:00 tries to explain to his audience that there is no contradiction in affirming that Allah has a hand and that it is not physical at the same time.
  • 01:40:00 Brother Hanif discusses how different metaphors can have a level of similarity, but not be a true analogy. He cites the example of angels having wings, which is analogous in a way, but not necessarily in a way that is observable.
  • 01:45:00 Muhammad discusses the analogy between angels and creatures in our physical reality, and argues that angels cannot be physical because they are not in the universe. He then asks the viewer to defend his position.
  • 01:50:00 Abdulrahman argues that even though angels have wings, they are still physical beings in a similar way to things within the universe.
  • 01:55:00 Jake claims that there is similarity between the properties of Allah's knowledge and Mercy, despite the lack of a physical connection between the two. He suggests that this similarity is due to their abstract nature.

02:00:00 - 02:45:00 ​

Terry asks his opponent why he would use his arguments if he has his own, more delicious ones. His opponent responds that he has his own arguments for God, but Terry does not seem to be comfortable defending them. Terry argues that numbers don't apply to eternity and his opponent disagrees. discusses how it is important to understand logical contradictions in order to properly evaluate beliefs and arguments. He goes on to explain that when someone appeals to mystery, they have to demonstrate that the contradiction is not a logical one.

02:00:00 argues that there is a similarity between Allah's mercy and creation, but that there is a huge difference between Allah's Mercy and creation. He then goes on to say that there is a line to be drawn between what is said about Allah and what is said about creation, and that it is up to the individual to decide where that line is.

  • *02:05:00 Discusses how different interpretations of Allah's actions can result in an appeal to mystery. He points out that while some interpretations may seem contradictory, they are actually based on Arabic language and context at the time of the Qur'an's revelation.
  • *02:10:00 Discusses how certain metaphysical principles can influence how someone interprets the Quran. He points out that this is not always a rational process, as people may twist interpretations to fit their beliefs rather than looking at the apparent meaning of the text. He also mentions that one of Muhammad Isham's goals is to recite the third surah from the seventh ayah.
  • 02:15:00 Allah is all that there is, so discussions of Islam's teachings on free will and determinism are not necessary. Muslims take the general meaning of verses and ignore the deeper philosophical meanings in order to focus on their main goal of achieving salvation. Another question raised was about how people can appeal to mystery regarding free will and determinism.
  • 02:20:00 Brother Ed makes a point about the difficulty of demonstrating that something is a logical contradiction, and discusses how this might play out in a discussion about free will. He suggests that a compatibilist would argue that the "will" is just an illusion, and a libertarian would argue that there is no free will at all.
  • 02:25:00 The lpt only works if one follows the Orthodox position on the Trinity, which Jake does not agree with. The lpt cannot logically be applied to the Trinity because it does not apply to all three of the Persons of the Trinity equally.
  • 02:30:00 The creator argues that there is only one God in eternity, regardless of how humans describe Him using human language. He does not believe that numbers or mathematics apply to the Eternal reality.
  • 02:35:00 argues that using human standards to measure the existence of God is irrelevant and that it would be better to use the same consistency with the speaker in order to say that God himself does not believe in one God in eternity past. provides an example of someone saying that God has two right hands and argues that this is not the same thing as saying that God himself has hands.
  • 02:40:00 , Terry asks his opponent why he would use his arguments if he has his own, more delicious ones. His opponent responds that he has his own arguments for God, but Terry does not seem to be comfortable defending them. Terry argues that numbers don't apply to eternity and his opponent disagrees.
  • *02:45:00 Discusses how it is important to understand logical contradictions in order to properly evaluate beliefs and arguments. He goes on to explain that when someone appeals to mystery, they have to demonstrate that the contradiction is not a logical one.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:09 I'm here
0:00:31 too
0:00:36 for joining us I think there's maybe a
0:00:38 slight confusion because we had a uh we
0:00:40 had the comment pinned up saying uh you
0:00:43 know from last week and we couldn't do
0:00:45 the show so I'm a little worried that
0:00:47 everybody's gonna think we're still not
0:00:49 doing the show today but
0:00:51 for the brothers who are joining us and
0:00:55 yes man We've Got Jake
0:00:57 how's things
0:01:02 how's everything I'm the good man you've
0:01:05 uh you broke from the tradition no red
0:01:09 yeah man it's uh it's football season so
0:01:12 I'm wearing my jet stuff all right come
0:01:15 to that how's things been anyway because
0:01:17 we've constantly getting messages
0:01:19 where's Jake where's Jake how's
0:01:21 everything spinning yeah I've been good
0:01:23 Camden I've just been busy but uh
0:01:26 everything's good 100 now I'm doing
0:01:28 that's good we've also got abdulrahman
0:01:30 here uh on the show but uh I think he's
0:01:33 busy as well uh uh yusuf's actually in
0:01:37 uh turkey is with the sapience Institute
0:01:40 Retreat program that they're running
0:01:42 there at the moment
0:01:43 so I mean for the audience if you've
0:01:46 noticed there's not been as many streams
0:01:48 like hamza's den you're meant to be on
0:01:51 hamza's Den weren't you this Friday oh
0:01:52 last Friday gone
0:01:54 uh yeah but yeah I think he um he had to
0:01:58 cancel yeah because he's at the retreat
0:02:01 as well I texted him and said I thought
0:02:03 you guys were on today and he was like
0:02:04 uh no he's at the retreat so I think
0:02:06 there's a lot of brothers that are out
0:02:08 that Retreat who don't live in uh live
0:02:09 streams and so it's probably been in the
0:02:12 last uh uh you know a couple of weeks or
0:02:15 whatever is a week or so I got a few
0:02:17 streams that have not been on but we're
0:02:19 on that's the main thing and today's
0:02:21 topic that we're going to be discussing
0:02:23 about is about the appeal to mystery
0:02:27 now why do we talk about this particular
0:02:29 topic uh well number of things really
0:02:34 one a lot of people I sense don't
0:02:37 understand the difference between
0:02:38 appealing to mystery and trying to under
0:02:43 the necessity or the need to explain a
0:02:45 logical contradiction they conflate
0:02:47 these two things together so they
0:02:49 basically see that some things are is an
0:02:51 apparent logical contradiction and
0:02:53 they'll just jump to appealing to a
0:02:54 mystery yeah or maybe go into more
0:02:57 explanation in terms of what we mean by
0:02:58 this uh or on the other hand sometimes
0:03:02 when when people appeal to mystery it's
0:03:05 assumed that they're appealing to
0:03:08 something that's a contradiction when
0:03:10 it's not a contradiction if you
0:03:12 understand what we're saying uh
0:03:13 hopefully that's clear but we'll explain
0:03:15 it further so it's really important uh
0:03:17 and maybe um maybe just to give very
0:03:19 brief example isn't it some people like
0:03:21 for example Christians they will talk
0:03:23 about The Logical problem of Trinity and
0:03:26 one of the responses that some
0:03:28 Christians will have is to say well it's
0:03:30 a mystery it's you know we quite
0:03:32 understand it we can't understand the
0:03:34 nature of God therefore you know we're
0:03:37 warranted and justified in believing
0:03:39 something that might not necessarily
0:03:41 make sense because it's a mystery yeah
0:03:44 so that's the topic uh today uh Jake I
0:03:48 don't know if you've got any particular
0:03:49 I know I've got specific questions but
0:03:51 any general thoughts about this as an
0:03:53 introduction to help the audience
0:03:54 understand this particular topic and why
0:03:56 it's important
0:03:59 um not really other than um
0:04:02 yeah I mean just sort of repeating the
0:04:05 points you already made which are we
0:04:07 want to make a distinction between what
0:04:10 a mystery is and what a contradiction is
0:04:12 uh people need to understand the
0:04:14 difference between the two and when it
0:04:17 may be able to when it may be
0:04:19 appropriate to appeal to mystery quote
0:04:22 unquote and when it's not uh those are
0:04:24 the things that we want to look at
0:04:28 so let's go to the first question then
0:04:31 anyway because uh some of these
0:04:33 questions we've actually addressed in
0:04:34 other streams but I do think it's
0:04:36 important to
0:04:37 lay the foundation so we can understand
0:04:40 this and by the way for the audience as
0:04:41 well you will have opportunities uh to
0:04:44 come on the show so we will send out the
0:04:46 link uh later on inshallah but in terms
0:04:49 of the first question then Jake is uh
0:04:52 how do we Define these things called
0:04:54 logical contradiction how how do how do
0:04:56 we understand a logical contradiction
0:04:59 yeah so a logical contradiction in terms
0:05:03 of like um
0:05:04 formal logical contradiction is just the
0:05:07 affirmation of p and not P right
0:05:12 um or you can say a and not a
0:05:14 now if I were to give some examples of
0:05:16 that that would be like me saying that
0:05:19 there exists a married Bachelor well
0:05:22 that's a contradiction that's a logical
0:05:25 contradiction because the very meaning
0:05:27 of a bachelor is someone who's unmarried
0:05:31 so to say that there's an unmarried
0:05:33 married man is a contradiction doesn't
0:05:36 it doesn't make any sense because you're
0:05:38 affirming a and not a
0:05:41 likewise you can say the same thing of
0:05:44 things like a square circle
0:05:47 um you know a square triangle uh
0:05:50 numerous examples like that I'm just
0:05:52 trying to keep it basic so people
0:05:54 understand what a logical contradiction
0:05:56 is obviously we're going to go into a
0:05:59 bit more detail about
0:06:01 um maybe some examples of what isn't a
0:06:04 logical contradiction
0:06:06 um but just briefly I'll mention that
0:06:11 um
0:06:12 so there may be things that we don't
0:06:14 fully understand right like
0:06:17 um you cannot uh fully comprehend even
0:06:21 how your car works right at least I
0:06:24 don't anyway because I'm not very handy
0:06:25 but there's no contradiction because
0:06:27 when I get into when I get in it I start
0:06:30 it up and it starts moving even if I
0:06:31 don't know uh and fully comprehend all
0:06:34 the ways in which the parts of it are
0:06:36 operating and how it's running and how
0:06:38 it works right so that's there's no
0:06:40 contradiction with that a contradiction
0:06:43 like I said again to repeat is affirming
0:06:46 a and not a or affirming p and not p
0:06:50 in which case
0:06:52 um you have two opposites which are
0:06:54 being brought together and I gave some
0:06:57 examples like the square circle or
0:06:59 married Bachelor so I hope that's clear
0:07:01 enough I don't want to give too many
0:07:02 examples to complicate things yeah yeah
0:07:05 so I think the way I look at a logical
0:07:07 contradiction as a sort of the Bare
0:07:10 Bones of it is the proposition or the
0:07:12 statement or the particular beliefs that
0:07:14 are being appealed to
0:07:16 do not make uh they don't have a they
0:07:19 don't carry a meaning a semantical
0:07:21 meaning
0:07:23 um I don't know if you've got any
0:07:24 thoughts about that Jake but in terms of
0:07:27 because sometimes I can understand a
0:07:30 sentence but when I try to bring that
0:07:33 sentence to something that's meaningful
0:07:35 it doesn't have an actual meaning
0:07:38 would that be correct to understand it
0:07:40 that way
0:07:41 yeah I think like for example with
0:07:44 married Bachelor you can understand the
0:07:47 phrase and you can understand the
0:07:49 meaning of both words right but you
0:07:52 can't understand what that would mean
0:07:54 for the two to coexist together right
0:07:58 um what would that look like it's very
0:08:02 it's very strange so in that sense you
0:08:05 can understand the words and the meaning
0:08:08 of certain words
0:08:10 in a uh what's being expressed as a
0:08:13 formal contradiction and part of the
0:08:15 reason why and this is actually
0:08:17 something important part of the reason
0:08:19 why
0:08:20 um you know it's a contradiction is
0:08:23 because of the fact that you can
0:08:24 understand the meaning of the words that
0:08:27 are being represented however when
0:08:29 they're brought together then yeah of
0:08:31 course it has no meaning it's just uh
0:08:34 gobbledygook it's just like you know
0:08:36 just talking nonsense so um but I think
0:08:39 that is important because
0:08:41 something that's going to come up later
0:08:43 in order to demonstrate that something
0:08:46 is actually a contradiction
0:08:48 the two opposites that are being brought
0:08:50 together need to be clearly defined and
0:08:52 established in order to understand that
0:08:55 it's a contradiction right yeah so um
0:08:58 but yeah as to as for the meaning of the
0:09:00 contradiction itself and how they're
0:09:02 being brought together simultaneously no
0:09:05 that's just nonsense and so when we talk
0:09:08 about for instance
0:09:10 Uh something's a logical contradiction
0:09:13 when that's made as a claim now uh from
0:09:17 my understanding there's a burden of
0:09:19 proof
0:09:20 now both ways isn't there so for example
0:09:22 when when somebody's this particular
0:09:25 belief system is a logical contradiction
0:09:29 he has to prove that is that correct
0:09:33 yeah so I mean if somebody is saying
0:09:36 that let's say x is a contradiction
0:09:39 then he has to show what the A and not a
0:09:42 actually is just like I said a married
0:09:45 Bachelor is a contradiction I gave a
0:09:48 brief explanation why uh so somebody
0:09:51 who's claiming that something is a
0:09:52 contradiction especially in a debate or
0:09:55 discussion needs to establish what the A
0:09:59 and not a is and demonstrate that the
0:10:02 person is actually affirming those two
0:10:05 uh contrary things rather than just
0:10:08 asserting it and straw Manning or
0:10:09 misrepresenting the person when they're
0:10:11 not actually
0:10:13 um when they're not actually affirming
0:10:14 those two
0:10:16 um
0:10:16 opposites yeah yeah Patel just uh put a
0:10:21 comment on which I thought it might be a
0:10:22 good uh question to answer are logical
0:10:25 fallacies considered contradictions
0:10:30 now so a fallacy is not necessarily a
0:10:34 contradiction
0:10:36 um certainly not like um
0:10:39 you can have
0:10:40 what's an example like I mean you have
0:10:44 formal fallacies and you have informal
0:10:46 uh logical fallacies and no they're not
0:10:49 necessarily contradictions like for
0:10:51 example an appeal to Authority when it's
0:10:54 not justified right there's no
0:10:57 contradiction in it it's just that
0:10:59 you're not justified in appealing to
0:11:01 this authority to make a particular
0:11:03 argument there's no contradiction in
0:11:06 doing it
0:11:07 um you can you can do this with many
0:11:09 different examples like um
0:11:12 I don't know I don't want to give too
0:11:13 many logical fallacies and then people
0:11:15 get confused but but no
0:11:18 um logical fallacies uh have to do with
0:11:21 an improper way of reasoning but it
0:11:24 doesn't mean that it is necessarily
0:11:27 contradictory yeah so in essence I think
0:11:30 it's like saying that the conclusion is
0:11:32 not justified from the syllogism
0:11:35 the links between the premises so you
0:11:38 come to a particular conclusion based
0:11:40 upon some sort of premises to an
0:11:42 argument and they don't justify it uh in
0:11:45 in that sense that's probably and
0:11:46 they're probably different forms of
0:11:47 logical or different forms of fallacies
0:11:50 yeah I mean you have like affirming the
0:11:52 consequent fallacy right so you say
0:11:55 something like well if P then Q
0:11:58 Q therefore P right this is this is a
0:12:03 logical fallacy
0:12:04 um but the the idea that it's contrary
0:12:08 it's not contradictory right it's just
0:12:10 an improper inference that's being made
0:12:13 so uh it should be if P then q p
0:12:17 therefore Q right but you can't go from
0:12:20 uh if P then q q therefore P doesn't
0:12:24 work that way
0:12:26 um so that's that's the fallacy of of
0:12:28 affirming the consequence because you're
0:12:30 affirming the the second half of the
0:12:32 conditional statement
0:12:34 um when in order for it to be a proper
0:12:36 inference you'd have to either affirm uh
0:12:40 p in the second premise therefore Q or
0:12:43 uh not Q therefore not P
0:12:47 um so
0:12:49 yeah but anyway I don't want to get like
0:12:51 I said I don't want to get too
0:12:52 complicated but that's that's a a
0:12:54 fallacy and reasoning but it's not a
0:12:57 contradiction somebody's just making an
0:12:59 error making a mistake in terms of the
0:13:01 inference that they're making so so I
0:13:03 think just just before you mentioned
0:13:05 that point about the question that was
0:13:06 given by Yahoo for that but the issue
0:13:10 was oh the question that I asked
0:13:12 specifically is what is the person under
0:13:14 an obligation to demonstrate a logical
0:13:16 contradiction I think you said yes they
0:13:18 are under if they're if if they're
0:13:21 claiming that your belief system is a
0:13:23 contradiction a logical contradiction
0:13:25 they're now obliged to show it yeah it's
0:13:29 not the case you know maybe it's just
0:13:30 obvious in certain situations but where
0:13:34 it requires a bit of elaboration they
0:13:35 have to show it and then if they show it
0:13:39 then the person who is now obligated to
0:13:42 respond is not the case if somebody
0:13:44 turns around and says okay yeah your
0:13:46 belief is a contradiction here's the
0:13:48 reason why he spells it out the person
0:13:50 understands what he's saying he now has
0:13:53 to respond to that yeah he car appealed
0:13:55 to mystery in that situation can he well
0:13:57 he could do but
0:13:59 he's just accepting that there's a
0:14:02 contradiction that cannot be answered
0:14:05 yeah so uh I mean obviously we'll go
0:14:08 into examples later on but um
0:14:12 but yeah if he's present if the person
0:14:14 is claiming that there's a contradiction
0:14:16 the burden of proof is on him to
0:14:19 establish it otherwise he can just say
0:14:21 it and I say well I don't see what the
0:14:23 contradiction is well there's going to
0:14:25 be a point where he's got to present and
0:14:27 demonstrate what the A and not a or the
0:14:30 contradiction is otherwise I mean have a
0:14:33 nice day what can we say but when he
0:14:35 does present it
0:14:36 um then obviously if the person is is
0:14:39 concerned with truth and wants to be
0:14:41 consistent uh he'll respond by trying to
0:14:45 show at minimum how it's not
0:14:47 contradictory even if he doesn't fully
0:14:49 understand uh both Concepts involved so
0:14:53 um so yeah that's kind of how how the
0:14:55 dialectic would work person who makes
0:14:57 the claim of contradiction burden is on
0:15:00 him to demonstrate it and then the
0:15:02 person who is supposedly affirming those
0:15:04 two contradictory beliefs
0:15:06 um if he's concerned with consistency
0:15:09 he's going to attempt to respond to show
0:15:11 how not an actual contradiction yeah and
0:15:14 I think the reason why as I've asked
0:15:16 this question and we want to answer is
0:15:18 because
0:15:19 when people watch debates and
0:15:21 discussions that take place whether it's
0:15:23 between Muslims or Muslims and
0:15:24 non-muslims or even between non-muslims
0:15:26 themselves
0:15:27 you've got as an audience you've got to
0:15:30 be armed with some clear understandings
0:15:32 about how an a proper argument is
0:15:35 formulated just by claiming something's
0:15:38 a contradiction is not sufficient you
0:15:40 have to demonstrate it once you claim it
0:15:42 because you're now under burden of proof
0:15:44 in the same way once been claimed and
0:15:47 demonstrated then the other person now
0:15:49 is under a burden of proof to now
0:15:51 demonstrate how their belief system or
0:15:54 proposition whatever it is they hold
0:15:55 doesn't have a burden or doesn't fall
0:15:58 under a logical contradiction he has to
0:16:00 give some sort of explanation regards to
0:16:02 this so you know people need to be aware
0:16:04 of this because otherwise uh discussions
0:16:07 go nowhere and even if people are
0:16:10 engaging these types of discussions they
0:16:11 need to be aware of how to properly
0:16:13 engage in a intellectual discourse
0:16:16 abdulrahman assalamu alaikum
0:16:20 foreign
0:16:36 contradiction and then we talked a bit
0:16:39 about that uh so the other question that
0:16:41 I want to ask to lay the foundations of
0:16:43 this topic is does appealing to mystery
0:16:47 undermine rational justification for a
0:16:50 belief
0:16:52 so maybe you can talk about very briefly
0:16:54 what is it means when is it is it fine
0:16:57 to appeal to mystery and if you do does
0:17:01 that mean that therefore you're not
0:17:02 justified rationally holding the beliefs
0:17:04 that you hold because there's things
0:17:06 that you don't know
0:17:08 yeah well so I don't think
0:17:11 um like there's a there's a yes no
0:17:14 answer to that question so it depends in
0:17:16 what way you're appealing to mystery
0:17:19 um like for example you can say that um
0:17:23 the mystery you're appealing to might be
0:17:26 um incomplete information for example if
0:17:29 you say that there are attributes that
0:17:31 God has that we don't know of
0:17:35 um that's that's not the kind of appeal
0:17:38 to mystery that would be necessarily
0:17:40 problematic right
0:17:42 uh if you have an incomplete picture of
0:17:44 things where you shouldn't necessarily
0:17:47 expect yourself rationally to have a
0:17:49 complete picture it's not really the
0:17:51 kind of appeal to mystery that's that's
0:17:53 problematic but uh as I think you guys
0:17:56 were talking I was kind of listening in
0:17:57 in the case of contradictions
0:18:00 then it's it's a lot more serious right
0:18:03 because if there is an apparent
0:18:04 contradiction and uh um you appeal to
0:18:08 mystery then you want to make sure that
0:18:10 you're doing that in the right way so
0:18:12 you want to make sure that it is
0:18:13 actually an apparent contradiction in
0:18:15 that your appeal to mystery is somehow
0:18:17 uh
0:18:18 um Justified
0:18:20 uh and that that that's gonna come in
0:18:23 different forms uh
0:18:25 like um
0:18:27 so in in our everyday language right in
0:18:30 everyday communication I can hear
0:18:32 somebody say something that
0:18:34 appears to be contradictory right so I
0:18:36 can hear Sharif saying something that
0:18:38 appears to be contradictory but at the
0:18:42 same time I can appeal to mystery in the
0:18:44 sense that I know he's not really
0:18:46 contradicting himself he means something
0:18:47 else by that I mean so that that's
0:18:50 that's okay right uh but then when
0:18:54 you're specifically talking about
0:18:55 something that is at the core of
0:18:59 um let's say a theory that you hold to
0:19:00 or a belief system and something that is
0:19:03 Central to it
0:19:05 then you really want to avoid that then
0:19:07 that's this it gets more and more
0:19:09 serious so if the foundation if it
0:19:12 involves the foundations of your belief
0:19:14 or uh something upon which the truth or
0:19:18 falsehood of the belief is going to be
0:19:20 assessed and or determined
0:19:22 uh then in this case really your appeal
0:19:26 to mystery is definitely going to be
0:19:28 regarded as a cost uh for your theory
0:19:32 okay so uh what about then when we talk
0:19:36 about
0:19:37 uh knowing the exact nature of God
0:19:39 because
0:19:41 or theists well most years I'd assume
0:19:44 actually would appeal to some sort of
0:19:46 mystery about the the true nature of the
0:19:49 creator
0:19:52 yeah definitely so I mean there are
0:19:54 plenty of things about God uh that we
0:19:57 don't know that we don't fully
0:20:00 understand I mean the the list really is
0:20:03 is quite vast of what we don't know or
0:20:06 fully understand about God but that
0:20:08 doesn't mean that God is is
0:20:09 contradictory any more than there are
0:20:12 plenty of things that I don't know about
0:20:14 how my car works right
0:20:17 um and not to try to analogize a car
0:20:20 with god
0:20:21 um but I'm saying Even in our common
0:20:23 experiences
0:20:25 pointed out there's plenty of things we
0:20:27 don't fully grasp
0:20:29 um we don't even fully understand our
0:20:31 own selves probably but that doesn't
0:20:34 mean that there's there's some
0:20:35 contradiction involved
0:20:37 um so God for example
0:20:40 um can we fully comprehend how God can
0:20:45 know everything simultaneously with
0:20:48 everything that's happening in the world
0:20:49 well that's very difficult to imagine
0:20:52 right but we know the meaning of
0:20:55 omniscience we know what it means for
0:20:57 God to be omniscient it is for him to be
0:21:00 have knowledge of
0:21:02 um every you know everything that's
0:21:04 going on in the world but we can't
0:21:06 conceptualize it or fully grasp it
0:21:08 because we are such limited creatures
0:21:11 that we can't really even we can
0:21:14 understand the meaning of it and there's
0:21:16 no contradiction with it but can we can
0:21:19 we grasp it from a first person
0:21:20 perspective to understand what it's like
0:21:23 well no certainly not
0:21:25 um and no theist I mean
0:21:28 well I shouldn't say no but as I'm sure
0:21:31 there are some weird views out there but
0:21:33 the majority of theists will be humble
0:21:36 enough to say very simple that we don't
0:21:38 know God as he knows himself God has
0:21:41 perfect knowledge he has perfect
0:21:42 knowledge of himself and everything in
0:21:44 creation
0:21:45 and we don't have perfect knowledge of
0:21:48 ourselves or really anything in creation
0:21:50 uh let alone God right so this is this
0:21:53 is a clear difference where
0:21:55 um we're never going to know God fully
0:21:57 as he knows himself uh it's just not
0:22:00 possible because of the nature of
0:22:02 creation the fact that we're limited
0:22:04 finite creatures
0:22:06 um so yeah there's nothing contradictory
0:22:08 about this whatsoever
0:22:11 um and it's just a fact of the matter
0:22:12 that every theist is going to accept
0:22:14 it's nothing new it's nothing that's
0:22:16 been invented you know a year ago or 500
0:22:20 years ago it's it's always been this way
0:22:22 uh and this has always been the Islamic
0:22:25 position
0:22:26 hey Jason something after a month in
0:22:29 eastenda uh which is saying that that if
0:22:32 the foundations of a belief you're
0:22:34 having to appeal to mystery
0:22:36 then maybe I misunderstood what you said
0:22:39 after Rahman uh but he sounded like if
0:22:42 the foundations of your belief you have
0:22:44 to appeal to a mystery then it's
0:22:46 problematic but then the foundation of a
0:22:49 muslim's belief in God
0:22:51 uh and the you know the nature of God
0:22:54 would be wouldn't we wouldn't be able to
0:22:57 fully comprehend
0:22:59 foreign
0:23:01 was that if it's something that um
0:23:06 is required to be understood if it's
0:23:10 something that needs to be intelligible
0:23:12 in order for the belief to be rationally
0:23:14 assessed and if the truth or falsity of
0:23:16 the belief is going to be based on a uh
0:23:19 um a specific
0:23:22 belief or position or proposition that
0:23:25 seems to be internally inconsistent
0:23:28 and you appeal to mystery
0:23:31 well fine but then if I want to assess
0:23:33 the belief on the basis of what this uh
0:23:38 proposition means then that's going to
0:23:40 be a problem
0:23:41 so like in the case of the Trinity for
0:23:43 example right
0:23:45 um we we want to be we're concerned with
0:23:49 um
0:23:51 as monotheists were concerned with the
0:23:54 the the fact that God is one there's
0:23:56 only one Creator right and we want to
0:23:58 know what that means and we want to know
0:24:00 when we're assessing different religions
0:24:02 uh what their concept of God uh looks
0:24:06 like in relation to this you know
0:24:09 monotheistic uh background we're coming
0:24:11 with so um if at the core of that
0:24:15 religion lies a belief that makes
0:24:18 unintelligible the facts about God's
0:24:20 Oneness or lack thereof then that's
0:24:24 going to be a huge cost in terms of me
0:24:26 my capability of assessing whether or
0:24:28 not this is
0:24:29 the true religion that must be
0:24:33 monotheistic
0:24:34 okay well look an atheist might turn
0:24:37 around and say okay
0:24:38 because when an atheist hears a term
0:24:39 appeal to mystery what he's thinking of
0:24:42 is you don't have evidence you don't
0:24:44 have just fake justifications you can't
0:24:46 even understand it and yet you're just
0:24:48 saying it's mysterious and you're
0:24:50 appealing to that as a belief system how
0:24:52 could that ever be
0:24:54 rationally Justified can you say can you
0:24:58 mention that last part again just a
0:24:59 couple of seconds so I'm just saying in
0:25:01 terms of how can you be justified in
0:25:04 appealing to mystery you know because a
0:25:07 mystery for an atheist well I'm not
0:25:08 talking about all atheists but you know
0:25:10 your typical atheist is like you know
0:25:12 you don't have reasons you don't have
0:25:13 understanding you know you can't
0:25:15 comprehend this thing called God day are
0:25:18 you still believe in it why would you
0:25:20 believe in something that you know you
0:25:22 don't seem to have any sort of you know
0:25:24 it's mystery I mean what they would mean
0:25:27 there I think what they should mean is
0:25:30 like basically like an appeal to
0:25:31 ignorance or something that I don't know
0:25:35 therefore X right so based on something
0:25:39 you're ignorant of you form a belief
0:25:42 that that would be uh um wrong of course
0:25:45 but if it's an appeal to mystery in the
0:25:47 sense that we don't know everything that
0:25:49 will that just applies across the board
0:25:50 to everybody so so what about atheists
0:25:53 and do atheists appeal to mystery
0:25:57 okay I think quite clearly yeah I mean
0:26:01 everybody has to really yeah I think I
0:26:03 think they do and it's it's it would
0:26:05 almost be weird for an atheist to really
0:26:08 press this issue because in fact they at
0:26:12 least in the way that we're using the
0:26:13 word mystery
0:26:15 they're very happy with mystery and in
0:26:17 fact
0:26:18 um when you try to prod them to to give
0:26:21 an answer about something and they
0:26:23 constantly want to say well I don't know
0:26:25 I'm not sure we don't have the
0:26:27 information for this to really decide
0:26:29 and you know draw a conclusion on it
0:26:31 yada yada they they actually see that as
0:26:35 as something that is of of value and
0:26:38 something that is virtuous to actually
0:26:40 appeal to mystery when you don't fully
0:26:43 understand something right like maybe
0:26:45 the nature especially of the origins of
0:26:48 things the origin of
0:26:51 um existence the origin of Life uh the
0:26:56 origin of human species and so on I mean
0:26:59 they many times will say well we don't
0:27:02 have an answer to any of these things
0:27:03 and neither do you so so what just kind
0:27:05 of like be quiet and
0:27:08 um they actually get annoyed when
0:27:10 um theists will speak about those issues
0:27:13 in what they consider to be too much
0:27:16 details that they don't think we have
0:27:17 the information for right so they're
0:27:20 probably the last group that should be
0:27:22 uh complaining about appealing to
0:27:25 mystery in the sense that we're
0:27:26 describing it uh in the sense of having
0:27:29 a lack of information and not going into
0:27:31 further detail explaining things that we
0:27:34 don't have the information for because
0:27:37 they actually see it as uh from what I
0:27:40 can tell anyway virtuous thing yeah I
0:27:43 think a good example of that also is a
0:27:45 consciousness
0:27:46 so yeah that's another one originally
0:27:48 yeah everybody believes that we are
0:27:50 conscious beings but what you'll find is
0:27:52 that atheist theists whoever is there's
0:27:56 generally an appeal to mystery I the
0:27:58 fact that we don't really understand it
0:27:59 uh and certainly if you're like an
0:28:02 atheist and trying to explain
0:28:03 Consciousness under a materialistic
0:28:05 Paradigm then that is an appeal to
0:28:07 mystery they say they exist they believe
0:28:09 it exists in human beings but they can't
0:28:11 reduce it to the physical but it doesn't
0:28:13 mean that therefore they don't think it
0:28:14 is reduced to the physical so they're
0:28:17 still accepting it as in that case Okay
0:28:20 so let's let's move on so
0:28:22 um let's talk about so we talk about
0:28:24 about the atheist let's talk about uh
0:28:26 some Christians as well because this
0:28:29 tends to be sometimes an argument
0:28:32 against Muslims in defense of
0:28:34 Christianity which is that both Muslims
0:28:37 and Christians both are in the same boat
0:28:39 yeah as both religious beliefs have some
0:28:44 sort of in their theology you have some
0:28:46 sort of appeal or claim to an appeal to
0:28:49 mystery
0:28:50 it's just that we have for the
0:28:52 Christians they have their mystery and
0:28:54 for the Muslims we have our mystery how
0:28:56 is it that Muslim go and pick out
0:28:59 the Christian Mysteries while being
0:29:02 inconsistent epistemically according to
0:29:04 them
0:29:07 yeah so
0:29:09 um
0:29:09 I mean we'll get to it a little bit
0:29:12 later but it would be the Christian's
0:29:14 Duty uh to try to show what the Muslim
0:29:18 mystery supposedly are if they're just
0:29:21 talking about simple things like we just
0:29:23 discussed like um fully comprehending
0:29:26 God as he knows himself perfectly well
0:29:30 but let's say for the sake of argument
0:29:32 that that was a cost which I don't think
0:29:34 it is and I don't even think Christians
0:29:36 consider it a cost but let's say that it
0:29:38 was well in that case the Christian
0:29:40 would have the same cost and so they
0:29:42 would just cancel out right so many of
0:29:44 the the issues
0:29:47 um in which a Christian is actually
0:29:49 going to point to to say well a Muslim
0:29:52 has to appeal to mystery or the Muslim
0:29:54 can't fully understand God in that
0:29:56 situation they have the same thing that
0:30:00 they're claiming that we have right so
0:30:02 that's just going to cancel each other
0:30:04 out but then in terms of cost that they
0:30:07 have that we don't well I'm certainly
0:30:10 going to argue that there are there are
0:30:11 many more right and on the reverse I
0:30:13 don't think the Muslim really has very
0:30:15 many things that they need to appeal to
0:30:18 as a mystery that is unique to Islam
0:30:20 rather than unique to Christianity right
0:30:23 and that that's just for the sake of
0:30:25 argument but the first thing they really
0:30:28 need to do is they really need to point
0:30:30 out what actually the apparent problem
0:30:34 is that is unique to Islam that we need
0:30:37 to appeal to mystery about and I don't
0:30:40 think that there are very many things
0:30:41 that they can actually uh do with that
0:30:44 so I do see a fundamental difference
0:30:46 between Muslim or Islamic Theology and
0:30:49 Christian Theology and that the things
0:30:52 that they typically would appeal to to
0:30:54 try to say well you Muslims have to
0:30:56 appeal to mystery because you don't
0:30:57 fully understand how God is omniscient
0:31:00 or Eternal or yada yada they have all
0:31:03 those same things in which they don't
0:31:06 find problematic and even really
0:31:08 atheists for the most part don't find
0:31:10 those things very problematic right so
0:31:13 the way in which they're using the word
0:31:15 mystery and it's functioning when
0:31:18 criticizing Muslims is not really the
0:31:20 same as how it's functioning uh when
0:31:22 applied to their own positions
0:31:25 can you just expand on this point about
0:31:27 costs costs is it cost benefit analysis
0:31:30 type of thing guys could you just sort
0:31:33 of expect you in an argument in the
0:31:35 ability to evaluate belief systems why
0:31:38 do we look at costs in this situation
0:31:41 yeah well as Jake was just saying right
0:31:45 he's like if we grant for the sake of
0:31:47 argument right that um
0:31:49 uh our not comprehending
0:31:53 the the the the essence of God true
0:31:56 nature of God in the same way he knows
0:31:58 him on his own self perfectly
0:32:01 if we're going to for the sake of
0:32:03 argument assume that that's a
0:32:04 contradiction sorry that's a cost which
0:32:06 it obviously is not
0:32:09 then
0:32:11 um the question really is just to sum it
0:32:13 up really what cost does the Muslim
0:32:16 conception of God have
0:32:18 that uh a Christian concession of God
0:32:22 wouldn't
0:32:23 right uh so you just put the Trinity
0:32:26 Away really there really is no
0:32:28 difference like
0:32:30 um so so what costs in terms of uh
0:32:33 basically this topic can appeal to
0:32:35 mystery what missing information is
0:32:37 there going to be
0:32:39 that uh counts as a cost for our
0:32:44 theory that wouldn't equally apply to
0:32:47 theirs I honestly can't think of any so
0:32:50 yeah and the costs here are costs in not
0:32:54 having the ability to explain a certain
0:32:56 thing because we're limited creatures
0:32:58 and we're trying to talk about matters
0:33:00 of the Unseen so we're not talking about
0:33:02 human for the sake of argument that it's
0:33:04 a cost because because their response
0:33:06 would only be meaningful if they point
0:33:10 back to a cost within the uh an Islamic
0:33:14 formulation of to hit for example where
0:33:15 there is an appeal to mystery that is
0:33:18 problematic that counts as a cost in
0:33:22 terms of like you know Theory analysis
0:33:24 right yeah so or Theory evaluation so so
0:33:28 um so if we assume for the sake of
0:33:30 argument it's just to simplify the
0:33:32 response rate so let's just assume any
0:33:34 appeal to mystery or any kind of mystery
0:33:36 is a cost
0:33:37 so it doesn't necessarily have to be a
0:33:39 cost but you just say it does it does it
0:33:41 yeah so we're just assuming for the sake
0:33:43 of Simplicity if any kind of mystery is
0:33:44 a cost what mystery does the Muslim
0:33:47 conception of God have that wouldn't
0:33:49 apply to the Christian conception of God
0:33:52 minus the trinitarianism like just put
0:33:54 the trinitarianism aside
0:33:56 and really what uh what would the
0:33:59 difference be I just I'm not really
0:34:00 seeing it okay cool so
0:34:03 um
0:34:04 so yes I think that's an important point
0:34:06 is that you know what Christians are
0:34:09 pointing to regards to Muslim theology
0:34:10 they also have the same problems or not
0:34:13 the same problems they also lack in some
0:34:15 areas of being able to explain certain
0:34:16 things but it's just important to add
0:34:19 sorry yeah it's important to add that
0:34:20 clearly there are different like
0:34:23 formulations of what you know uh
0:34:25 Christian uh conception a God would look
0:34:28 like and the same as true on the Muslim
0:34:30 side yeah would you think all things
0:34:32 being equal right because
0:34:34 um you've got different schools here
0:34:35 different schools there uh and uh like
0:34:38 you've got Divine Simplicity here you've
0:34:39 got Divine Simplicity there you've got
0:34:41 uh uh
0:34:43 um uh complexity here complexity there
0:34:45 and you've got so different formulations
0:34:46 on both sides so just looking at it more
0:34:49 like holistically uh uh obviously it can
0:34:52 be more detailed but just to simplify
0:34:54 the answer I don't see a difference in
0:34:57 terms of the cost of mystery if we're
0:35:00 going to consider these Mysteries costs
0:35:02 okay so let's go into a specification
0:35:04 example which is like the
0:35:07 the main difference or the main example
0:35:09 so you know in terms of Christianity or
0:35:12 one of the key uh points that Muslims
0:35:14 point to so of course Muslims often
0:35:17 point to and say look this Trinity
0:35:18 doesn't make any sense yeah they all
0:35:21 turn around and say look it makes sense
0:35:23 because you've got one being and three
0:35:26 persons How can there be a contradiction
0:35:29 there you know and then they'll say to
0:35:32 understand and fully comprehend it is a
0:35:34 mystery you've got one being a multiple
0:35:37 attributes so how could you you know uh
0:35:41 you know claim that there's some sort of
0:35:44 uh logical contradiction so what is
0:35:46 what would be the burden of proof of the
0:35:49 Muslim now when he's talking to a
0:35:51 Christian about the trinity in order to
0:35:53 demonstrate that there's a unique issue
0:35:55 there Jake
0:35:57 yeah so it's just like what we said in
0:35:59 the beginning like if I claim that the
0:36:02 there's a contradiction inherent in the
0:36:04 Trinity it's my obligation to spell out
0:36:07 exactly what that is and
0:36:10 um thankfully enough the Christians
0:36:12 themselves have actually spelled it out
0:36:14 for us so we don't even really need to
0:36:16 do uh much work because they've they've
0:36:19 already done it for us so you have
0:36:21 things like in the case of the Trinity
0:36:23 The Logical problem of the Trinity which
0:36:25 people uh have heard me explain many
0:36:28 times
0:36:30 um which is basically the idea of
0:36:33 how you can have one God uh if you have
0:36:37 three individuals each which are fully
0:36:40 God and they're not each other so in the
0:36:42 case of the Trinity you have the father
0:36:43 is God the son is God the holy spirit is
0:36:46 God right but they're not each other and
0:36:49 yet there's only one God well the claim
0:36:52 is that if each one of them is
0:36:54 individually fully God and they're not
0:36:56 each other well then you would just
0:36:58 count as we normally count one two three
0:37:01 and there would be three Gods but yet
0:37:03 you're telling us there's only one God
0:37:04 so that's a contradiction because you're
0:37:07 saying there's what you actually claim
0:37:10 entails that there are three Gods but
0:37:12 yet you are actually claiming that
0:37:15 there's only one God so you're
0:37:16 simultaneously affirming three gods and
0:37:19 one God at the same time
0:37:21 um another sort of logical problem that
0:37:24 is related to that is explaining how you
0:37:27 can say that the father is God and the
0:37:30 son is God and yet they're not each
0:37:33 other because
0:37:34 in order for really for there to be one
0:37:36 God you're going to want to say that
0:37:38 there's an identity relation being made
0:37:41 there so if the father's God and there's
0:37:43 only one God well then he's going to
0:37:45 have to be identical to uh to God and if
0:37:48 the Sun is identical to God well then
0:37:50 it's just going to follow that the
0:37:52 father and the son are the same they're
0:37:54 identical to each other and that's
0:37:56 heretical that's that's modalism so
0:37:59 you're going to run into I mean I can go
0:38:03 on in a lot more detail about more so
0:38:05 what the problems are what all of the
0:38:07 different options are where they can go
0:38:09 and why you're going to run into any
0:38:10 problem anywhere you go but the reality
0:38:12 is is with the doctrine of the trinity
0:38:15 you're really either going to have
0:38:16 incoherence or you're going to have to
0:38:20 um take a heretical view
0:38:22 um that that's the reality
0:38:25 okay so I think in essence what you're
0:38:28 saying is that you we can demonstrate at
0:38:31 least as an apparent contradiction and
0:38:34 as soon as we demonstrate an apparent
0:38:35 contradiction then after a burden of
0:38:37 proof to demonstrate it's not an
0:38:39 apparent contradiction uh if they claim
0:38:42 it's not a contradiction uh they can't
0:38:45 at that situation now appeal to mystery
0:38:48 because appeal to mystery in that
0:38:49 situation would be just saying well it
0:38:52 is a contradiction we just don't have a
0:38:53 way of explaining it yeah so
0:38:57 you know and in that situation when
0:38:59 you're trying to assess belief systems
0:39:01 now you've got one belief system that
0:39:03 doesn't seem to have any of these types
0:39:05 of logical contradictions and another
0:39:07 belief system that has these apological
0:39:09 contradictions both may appeal to a
0:39:12 mystery and some aspects of their
0:39:14 theology but one is appealing to a
0:39:16 mystery when it comes to being able to
0:39:18 explain and demonstrate that their
0:39:20 belief is not a contradiction yeah and
0:39:22 that's a key difference uh between that
0:39:26 um so uh yeah so now I want to go into
0:39:31 the question
0:39:33 um
0:39:34 specifically
0:39:36 uh right one second one second
0:39:40 because uh now because what what they're
0:39:43 gonna point at they're gonna sit around
0:39:45 and say oh some people might turn around
0:39:46 and say uh is that they may turn around
0:39:50 and say
0:39:51 okay but you guys also believe in a
0:39:55 logical contradiction or they try to
0:39:57 claim it's a logical oh they gave me
0:39:59 some sort of mystery or whatever it is
0:40:00 or contradiction
0:40:02 uh when it comes to the Quran they say
0:40:04 the Quran is a speech of Allah
0:40:06 subhanallah
0:40:08 and that you know it's not created it
0:40:13 comes down to us so we have this
0:40:16 attribute this Divine attribute that
0:40:18 manifests in the created Realm
0:40:21 yeah
0:40:23 so I don't know if anybody wants to take
0:40:25 that question yeah so
0:40:29 um so part so part of the issue is
0:40:32 um
0:40:34 so the reason why it's okay I was going
0:40:36 to say the reason why I've not really
0:40:37 elaborated upon the question too much is
0:40:39 because Christians don't actually
0:40:40 elaborate upon what well is that's
0:40:43 exactly what I was gonna just say right
0:40:45 now so like me I can point out
0:40:49 systematically exactly what the
0:40:52 contradiction is with the Trinity right
0:40:54 like I can put it in seven premises show
0:40:58 you how those seven premises form an
0:41:00 inconsistent set I can show you that
0:41:03 Christian Scholars themselves admit this
0:41:06 they write about The Logical problem the
0:41:08 Trinity they try to respond to these
0:41:10 problems Etc we don't have anything like
0:41:13 that in our literature we don't have
0:41:15 anything like that even from the
0:41:17 literature of people critiquing our
0:41:19 views showing how the belief that the
0:41:22 Quran is the speech or the word of Allah
0:41:26 we don't have anything from that showing
0:41:29 precisely exactly how it's a
0:41:31 contradiction right so part of the
0:41:33 problem is is to try to reconstruct or
0:41:37 construct what we think they're trying
0:41:39 to say where the contradiction or
0:41:41 problem actually is and do the work for
0:41:43 them right but that's almost giving them
0:41:45 too much credit really if that's what
0:41:48 they want to do whether it be Christian
0:41:49 or atheists whoever they should explain
0:41:52 to us exactly in clear uh formal logic
0:41:56 exactly what the contradiction is
0:41:58 otherwise there is nothing maybe
0:42:00 something you don't understand or
0:42:02 something seems strange or whatever but
0:42:05 as far as I know there is no
0:42:06 contradiction I don't know anything
0:42:07 called The Logical problem of
0:42:12 um the speech of Allah and where it's
0:42:14 being written about uh classically and
0:42:17 today I don't see anything like that
0:42:18 right so people people need to uh if
0:42:23 they want to going back to what we
0:42:25 originally said Sharif is if they're the
0:42:27 one making the claim they need to very
0:42:30 clearly establish what the A and not a
0:42:33 contradiction is as far as I know there
0:42:35 isn't with the the Quran being the
0:42:37 speech of Allah now I mean we can
0:42:39 elaborate on
0:42:42 um you know what that means and the
0:42:44 different positions that have been given
0:42:46 in the tradition the one that I may take
0:42:49 and the ones that I would argue against
0:42:50 or disagree with we can do all of that
0:42:53 but I would say really none of those
0:42:56 positions are inherently contradictory
0:43:00 you could disagree with them
0:43:01 theologically but they're not
0:43:03 necessarily contradictory okay let me
0:43:05 ask let me ask them Jake do any of the
0:43:09 positions within the Islamic schools
0:43:10 believe that the actual Quran that we
0:43:13 physically hold and physically recite is
0:43:17 an incarnation of the Divine
0:43:21 no nobody believes that
0:43:24 yeah so just on that basis then there's
0:43:28 no I mean
0:43:29 just add to what Jake was saying
0:43:32 It Seems like by doing this what are you
0:43:36 know our Christian friends would be
0:43:37 doing
0:43:38 is that they'd be just adding
0:43:40 logical problems of you know fill in the
0:43:43 blank on their side too because so you
0:43:46 see it's not like God doesn't have
0:43:47 speech and God doesn't send Revelation
0:43:49 within the judeo-christian tradition
0:43:51 right
0:43:52 so so
0:43:54 um so well what's God's God's speech in
0:43:56 in in in there is it is it created is
0:43:59 that one created
0:44:01 um are you gonna have the same
0:44:03 discussion so um so if you're looking at
0:44:06 so so if you're looking at the the
0:44:08 attributes of God again so that's that's
0:44:10 what I meant earlier when I said well
0:44:12 let's look at the Christian conception
0:44:14 of God the Muslim conception of God and
0:44:15 tell me what kind of uh appealed to
0:44:18 mystery or logical problem there would
0:44:20 be that wouldn't also apply to
0:44:23 the Christian conception of God you know
0:44:25 just mine I think I think what they're
0:44:28 trying to do is they're trying to say
0:44:29 fire on all your houses yeah or play got
0:44:32 no houses effectively saying yeah we've
0:44:35 got the problem but everybody's got a
0:44:37 problem yeah you've got a problem I've
0:44:39 got a problem we've all got a problem so
0:44:41 that's what they're saying because I
0:44:43 because I don't think there's nothing in
0:44:45 their literature called You Know The
0:44:47 Logical problem of God's speech God's
0:44:50 word they don't they don't they don't
0:44:51 acknowledge that as a genuine problem
0:44:53 okay
0:44:55 so it's it's really whatever they throw
0:44:59 back at the Muslim
0:45:01 I just want to know how that couldn't
0:45:03 equally be applied to a
0:45:07 Christianity as well
0:45:09 God has these attributes and sends
0:45:11 Revelation and has speech and all that
0:45:13 stuff within the Christian traditional
0:45:18 yeah so uh so yeah so I think that's
0:45:22 really important point because let me
0:45:23 just sort of emphasize with the audience
0:45:25 what you're saying is that Christians
0:45:27 also have this idea that God speaks but
0:45:30 they don't have like Jake has mentioned
0:45:33 before their own literature that talks
0:45:35 about this as being a logical
0:45:37 contradiction that needs solving so now
0:45:39 when they're talking about the Muslims
0:45:41 and they misrepresent one they don't
0:45:43 present the argument as to why it's a
0:45:45 logical contradiction and therefore
0:45:47 equivalent to The Logical problem of the
0:45:49 Trinity secondly is that they try to
0:45:53 claim something that Muslims don't
0:45:54 believe so Muslims don't believe that
0:45:56 the Quran in the very schools of thought
0:45:58 on this particular issue that the Quran
0:46:00 is literally an incarnation of God or
0:46:03 the Divine into the Physical Realm
0:46:07 um and also the final point which is to
0:46:11 say well they don't even see it as a
0:46:12 problem in their own literature anyway
0:46:14 so you know why would uh why would they
0:46:17 be raising it against the Muslims in
0:46:19 that sense well okay there's another
0:46:20 thing that they'll raise uh that uh that
0:46:23 they may or they may raise which is the
0:46:26 claims of the attributes of Allah like
0:46:28 Mercy or justice of God they'll say look
0:46:32 we can't know this precisely and if we
0:46:34 don't isn't this an appeal to mystery
0:46:37 and we can thus say and thus say
0:46:40 anything about them in any can we thus
0:46:43 say anything about them in a meaningful
0:46:44 way can we really talk about the mercy
0:46:46 of God if we can't really understand
0:46:47 it's true reality yeah
0:46:51 something
0:46:53 the question
0:46:55 um
0:46:56 so we're saying we don't know the
0:46:57 attributes of God fully how can we if we
0:47:01 can't understand the attributes of
0:47:02 godfully how can we even talk about them
0:47:04 in any meaningful way if we can't talk
0:47:07 about them in any meaningful way then
0:47:09 you guys are in this mystery way like
0:47:11 we're talking about the persons of God
0:47:13 that's a mystery as well
0:47:15 yeah I mean um it goes back to what I
0:47:19 was saying earlier about knowledge right
0:47:21 and um
0:47:22 I think people should sort of keep this
0:47:25 principle in mind
0:47:27 um that pretty much anything that you
0:47:30 can say about God when when it comes to
0:47:32 a particular attribute or his essence
0:47:34 you should be able to say it about
0:47:37 another attribute right so just as I
0:47:40 can't fully comprehend or understand
0:47:43 um God's knowledge likewise it can't
0:47:45 fully comprehend or understand God's
0:47:48 mercy or Justice there's no
0:47:49 contradiction inherent within that so
0:47:51 again I mean it sounds like um we're
0:47:55 being a bit defensive but we're actually
0:47:57 not we're saying come on present what
0:47:59 exactly the contradiction is give us the
0:48:01 clear example of a and not a and we've
0:48:04 actually done this on on streams before
0:48:06 uh on things related to God uh and his
0:48:10 uh his goodness and evil in the world
0:48:13 and things like that right because it's
0:48:16 it's almost like saying well I don't
0:48:18 know why God allowed such and such to
0:48:22 occur therefore there's a contradiction
0:48:25 well no no there's no contradiction I
0:48:27 just don't know why that he willed that
0:48:30 event or why that he allowed that event
0:48:32 to occur
0:48:33 that there's nothing contradictory about
0:48:36 that it's just I don't have the full
0:48:38 information in order to make an
0:48:40 assessment on why something happened or
0:48:43 why God willed a particular thing
0:48:46 but there's nothing contradiction a
0:48:48 contradictory about that and that's
0:48:49 going to apply for things like God's
0:48:51 mercy and Justice so again I think we
0:48:54 just back to square one that we don't
0:48:57 really have a clear example of a
0:48:59 contradiction
0:49:01 okay what about in terms of the fact
0:49:03 that people turn around and say okay but
0:49:05 any explanation of God's mercy or
0:49:08 Justice or wrath would be in sort of
0:49:12 human terms would not make it some sort
0:49:15 of slitted in some sort of way that
0:49:17 you're trying to understand the
0:49:18 attributes of God these are these are
0:49:21 meant to be meaningful to us when we say
0:49:23 Allah
0:49:25 but then
0:49:27 to make it meaningful that would mean
0:49:30 that it would have to have some sort of
0:49:32 uh meaning that we can correspond with
0:49:35 and if we're corresponding to it we
0:49:38 think in limited context so therefore
0:49:40 wouldn't that mean that
0:49:42 you know we're contradicting
0:49:45 uh the nature of God who's not limited
0:49:48 but will be Unlimited
0:49:50 we're making tissue basically we're
0:49:52 making similarity between God's
0:49:54 attributes and creation
0:49:57 yeah that's right uh I don't know if you
0:49:59 want to respond to that abdirahman
0:50:02 or do you want me to a quick recapture
0:50:04 if just because I heard you but I was
0:50:07 kind of like in terms of saying in terms
0:50:09 of saying for example that
0:50:11 uh this may be moving away from
0:50:13 Christians now uh but maybe somebody
0:50:15 might turn around and say look you're
0:50:18 saying that God is merciful
0:50:20 uh the idea of God being merciful would
0:50:23 have to you would have to have a
0:50:25 comprehension of Mercy in your mind as a
0:50:28 human being the only thing that we know
0:50:29 of Mercy would be limited things things
0:50:32 that creatures do and so therefore to
0:50:36 correspond that to to Allah
0:50:38 yeah wouldn't that therefore mean that
0:50:41 we are limiting Allah by using these
0:50:44 types of adjectives like Mercy wrath or
0:50:47 Justice or wisdom
0:50:50 yeah I mean I mean first of all that
0:50:52 wouldn't really have anything to do with
0:50:54 mystery right because
0:50:56 um
0:50:57 uh it would actually be the opposite
0:50:58 right so so it'd be like um
0:51:01 if if the charge is that there is Tesh B
0:51:05 then it's it's not really a mystery it's
0:51:07 like you're you're saying something
0:51:09 about God that you know of creation so I
0:51:12 don't think that'll be a charge of like
0:51:14 an appear to appeal to mystery but uh
0:51:17 but again I mean just the claim in
0:51:19 itself is
0:51:20 um
0:51:20 is is strange it's uh what is what is
0:51:24 what they're trying to say is
0:51:26 uh because God is dissimilar to creation
0:51:30 and he is uh uh far above
0:51:34 uh you know being having any like the
0:51:37 deficiencies of creation and stuff like
0:51:38 that then we couldn't say anything about
0:51:41 him because all of our knowledge is
0:51:44 based in experience
0:51:46 uh and and that's just a whole other
0:51:49 discussion on its own because uh uh we
0:51:52 we talk about things that are not within
0:51:55 our experience all the time
0:51:57 and we have the capability to do that
0:52:01 and there are many examples that that
0:52:03 you know can be discussed with regard to
0:52:06 that uh and uh long story short in
0:52:09 predicating something of God right that
0:52:12 has a certain aspect that uh is
0:52:17 applicable to Creation like the word
0:52:19 would be applicable also to Creation uh
0:52:22 does not mean that there's some sense of
0:52:28 will be a whole discussion on its own
0:52:30 and then how every school sees there
0:52:33 should be so again this is as you said
0:52:36 it's moving away from Christianity but
0:52:38 um
0:52:39 I I don't think really anything anybody
0:52:42 uh regardless of their world we could
0:52:44 consistently uh make the claim that um
0:52:48 we can't use words that you know uh uh
0:52:52 um we've we've uh developed from within
0:52:55 our experience to talk about things that
0:52:57 are not in our experience and things
0:52:59 that are actually very dissimilar to our
0:53:02 experience uh that I think that would be
0:53:04 problematic on many many levels yeah I
0:53:07 think um I think the issue is this is
0:53:09 that when we talk about God's mercy and
0:53:11 we talk about human Mercy we're not
0:53:12 talking about them in an identical sense
0:53:14 I think that's the key issue uh Jake I
0:53:17 don't know if you wanted to add any
0:53:18 points to what uh Abrahim said in terms
0:53:20 of that specific question
0:53:24 um
0:53:25 not really other than uh just going off
0:53:28 of what you last said yeah we don't mean
0:53:30 it in an identical sense like God's
0:53:33 knowledge is not the same thing as as
0:53:35 Jake's knowledge there's obviously clear
0:53:37 differences that we can speak about uh
0:53:40 between them but uh even even besides
0:53:44 the differences that we know of there
0:53:46 are certain things about the specific
0:53:48 attributes that we don't know of that we
0:53:50 we know there's a difference but we
0:53:52 can't even say much more as to what some
0:53:54 of those differences are that we're not
0:53:56 aware of
0:53:58 um but yeah I don't I don't really see
0:54:00 any problem in that whatsoever because
0:54:03 we're going to use language that we are
0:54:06 familiar with and that is given to us in
0:54:09 the Revelation itself and apply it to
0:54:11 God as he's done it for himself he says
0:54:14 that he's he's knowledgeable that he has
0:54:17 power that he has will uh that he has
0:54:19 life ability et cetera Etc and so
0:54:22 there's no harm in using those terms so
0:54:24 long as we understand and we don't
0:54:26 anthropomorphize God which we're going
0:54:29 to get to in a second in a sense that we
0:54:31 try to make or liken him like creation
0:54:34 as if he's some type of human being or
0:54:37 anything uh similar to that no certainly
0:54:40 not but we are within our rights to use
0:54:43 the language that the Quran and the
0:54:45 Sunnah in our case in our tradition has
0:54:48 given us in which God speaks about
0:54:50 himself in that way so long as we
0:54:53 understand the correct parameters of
0:54:55 everything that we just discussed that
0:54:57 there are clear differences between
0:54:59 God's knowledge and our knowledge and
0:55:02 and all of the other other attributes
0:55:04 that are mentioned right there is a
0:55:06 comment here from free naturalist he
0:55:09 said if we can't fully understand the
0:55:12 knowledge of the necessary being
0:55:13 wouldn't that also mean we can't fully
0:55:16 understand God's capabilities I'm not
0:55:19 sure what he means by
0:55:21 um
0:55:22 God's capabilities
0:55:25 um
0:55:26 because typically when you say what is
0:55:29 God capable or able to do well you're
0:55:33 just going to understand that as
0:55:34 something like God's power meaning that
0:55:36 he can he can do anything logically or
0:55:38 or if you want metaphysically possible
0:55:41 um but I'm not sure what you mean by
0:55:44 not sure what you mean by his
0:55:45 capabilities
0:55:49 I think he might responding so how then
0:55:52 would you know if God or not God can
0:55:54 limited himself to a finite existence
0:55:57 okay that's a good career
0:55:58 it's a typical question
0:56:01 okay I mean well yeah that that's
0:56:03 basically saying something like well is
0:56:06 it possible for God to become a man or
0:56:08 for something like the Incarnation to be
0:56:10 true and
0:56:12 um we know that that's not the case
0:56:14 because it's a contradiction and if you
0:56:16 want to say that God is quote unquote
0:56:18 limited by contradictions
0:56:21 sure you can say that but we don't use
0:56:23 that terminology because we don't
0:56:25 believe that contradictions are actually
0:56:27 things that God can or cannot do it's
0:56:31 like saying well can can God be a rock
0:56:33 or can God create another God well no it
0:56:36 can't because God himself is cannot be
0:56:40 um finite or Limited in the sense of
0:56:43 becoming creation or becoming a man and
0:56:45 being you know all-knowing and at the
0:56:48 same time ignorant that's a
0:56:50 contradiction to say that a single being
0:56:52 at the same time is both you know
0:56:56 Eternal and created he is both
0:56:58 omniscient and ignorant he's both
0:57:01 all-powerful and lacks power
0:57:05 the that's why God cannot uh become a
0:57:09 man or limit himself in that way because
0:57:11 it results in affirming uh a
0:57:13 contradiction which at the outset we
0:57:15 said we're not you know in the business
0:57:18 of doing
0:57:19 yeah I think it goes back to the
0:57:21 beginning of the stream where we talked
0:57:22 about how what a logical contradiction
0:57:24 is is really some sort of propositional
0:57:27 belief or some sort of belief that
0:57:30 although the sentence might make sense I
0:57:33 might understand the individual
0:57:34 component words the actual sentence in a
0:57:38 grammatical sense uh is meaningless yeah
0:57:41 the semantics of the sentence is
0:57:43 meaningless there's no meaning you can
0:57:44 grab from that uh sentence so like you
0:57:47 said marriage Bachelor or a four-sided
0:57:50 triangle or squared circle on it you
0:57:54 know flat plane whatever it is yeah
0:57:55 those words that you're bringing
0:57:58 together I understand each individual
0:57:59 component word but as soon as I bring it
0:58:01 together I don't have a meaningful
0:58:02 sentence yeah so when we're saying can
0:58:06 God do X
0:58:07 what x has to be something that's
0:58:10 meaningful that's why when people say
0:58:12 God is all powerful has capabilities
0:58:15 what we're saying is God is capable of
0:58:18 all logical things or as some may say oh
0:58:21 metaphysically possible things yeah so
0:58:25 therefore anything that is not
0:58:27 considered logically possible logically
0:58:30 impossible is not a thing that can be
0:58:32 even conceived of yeah it doesn't it's
0:58:35 meaningless it's gibberish yeah she's
0:58:38 literally stringing words together in an
0:58:41 incoherent sentence and saying can God
0:58:43 do that and you're like well what does
0:58:44 that mean and like I don't know yeah so
0:58:47 it's just a meaningless Point yeah so I
0:58:49 think people need to understand and
0:58:51 think maybe it's an argument I love
0:58:52 atheists bring up about the they call it
0:58:54 the omnipotence Paradox and it's just uh
0:58:58 it's it's just
0:59:00 they don't understand some of the basic
0:59:01 points basically so anyways it's a good
0:59:04 question though for that asking that
0:59:06 question yeah somebody somebody asked in
0:59:08 the chat um uh Jake is wearing green so
0:59:11 logical contradictions may be possible
0:59:15 so so yeah that that's that's an example
0:59:18 of something that is um unlikely on the
0:59:21 tap streams but it's it's certainly not
0:59:24 a uh a logical contradiction right so
0:59:27 that's actually a good example to show
0:59:30 um
0:59:33 yeah it might be difficult to understand
0:59:35 why I'm wearing green right considering
0:59:38 I always usually wear red but there's
0:59:40 nothing contradictory about it it might
0:59:42 just be a little strange okay so I will
0:59:46 go to question and you know we're gonna
0:59:49 get send the link out so people can join
0:59:51 the link inshallah so don't worry guys
0:59:52 but there's one final question that I
0:59:55 want to ask here which is related to the
0:59:57 one buff that we've talked about and
0:59:59 this is really to do with what about
1:00:00 because again people might bring this up
1:00:02 what about the terms like the hand of
1:00:04 Allah
1:00:06 and other such attributes that some
1:00:09 claim uh sort of present an
1:00:12 anthropomorphic yeah picture of Allah
1:00:15 isn't claiming that we don't know his
1:00:17 houndness or total meaning akin to
1:00:20 appealing to mystery and like Christians
1:00:23 who affirm a logical contradiction I
1:00:27 hope that's clear to the audience that
1:00:29 question
1:00:30 yeah I think it's clear
1:00:33 um yeah I don't think it I don't think
1:00:35 it is a logical contradiction I don't
1:00:38 think it's affirm to uh or sorry akin to
1:00:42 Christians affirming a logical
1:00:44 contradiction like the Trinity or the
1:00:46 Incarnation that we just brought up only
1:00:48 because somebody asked a question that
1:00:50 seemed like it was related to it
1:00:53 um so again I mean it's kind of like a
1:00:56 broken record here where I'm just gonna
1:00:59 say Well it the burden of proof is on
1:01:02 the person who wants to claim that it is
1:01:05 a logical contradiction to show that
1:01:08 it's actually a contradiction and then
1:01:10 we can respond to it
1:01:12 um I can try to construct a couple ways
1:01:16 in which
1:01:18 um someone might claim that it's a lot a
1:01:20 contradiction uh so you might say
1:01:23 something like well Allah is
1:01:27 um he's not like his Creation in the
1:01:30 sense that uh he can't be ascribed with
1:01:32 these quote-unquote anthropomorphic
1:01:34 seemingly uh human-like qualities of a
1:01:39 hand or uh face or anything like that
1:01:42 and so on the one hand you're saying
1:01:45 that he's he's not like his creation uh
1:01:49 and on the other hand you you're
1:01:51 basically affirming that he has uh human
1:01:53 body parts right which which obviously
1:01:56 I'm not but I'm trying to explain how
1:01:59 maybe they they might see the
1:02:00 contradiction well I'm just going to
1:02:03 deny that when I affirm
1:02:09 that this is anything like a a human
1:02:13 hand or a human body part or anything
1:02:15 like that right so the contradiction
1:02:18 isn't even going to get off the ground
1:02:19 in this case because it's based on uh an
1:02:24 A or not a that I'm not affirming right
1:02:27 so I'm affirming yeah the law but I'm
1:02:29 not and I'm affirming that Allah is is
1:02:33 not like his creation he doesn't have
1:02:34 human body parts or human qualities
1:02:37 but on the other hand it's being said
1:02:39 that I am affirming that but I'm denying
1:02:42 that right so that apparent
1:02:45 contradiction is removed because it's
1:02:47 based on a straw man or a
1:02:48 misrepresentation of what it means when
1:02:51 I'm affirming something like uh the hand
1:02:53 or yet of Allah right but then somebody
1:02:57 could uh say something else right well
1:02:59 they can say something like
1:03:01 well
1:03:03 um yeah the law or uh hand hand in this
1:03:07 case uh Jake you're affirming it on its
1:03:10 apparent meaning and the apparent
1:03:12 meaning is something like a human hand
1:03:15 right
1:03:17 um and at the same time you're denying
1:03:20 it so what what you're affirming for a
1:03:23 law actually should entail this but then
1:03:26 you're denying it so that's a
1:03:29 contradiction because on the one hand
1:03:30 you're you're affirming it and it must
1:03:32 mean X and on the other hand you're
1:03:36 denying
1:03:38 um X even though you actually are
1:03:39 accepting it so now you're left with
1:03:41 another contradiction and I'm just going
1:03:44 to say the same thing that when I affirm
1:03:46 yet Allah or when I firm Allah has a
1:03:50 hand right I'm not affirming that that
1:03:54 means what you're claiming that it means
1:03:56 and therefore doesn't have all these
1:03:59 entailments of it being like such and
1:04:02 such and it looking like a human crit
1:04:05 something in creation or anything like
1:04:07 that right so again it's going to be
1:04:10 claims of contradiction which are based
1:04:13 on uh a misunderstanding of what I'm
1:04:17 actually affirming when I say that I
1:04:19 affirm yet Allah and part of the problem
1:04:22 with this is that it goes into
1:04:25 um a very intricate and uh sort of long
1:04:29 discussion about different theories of
1:04:32 language and what theory of language I'm
1:04:35 holding to when I affirm such and such
1:04:37 idea and so many other complicated
1:04:41 issues that um maybe eventually will do
1:04:44 a whole stream on talking about
1:04:46 different theories of language and what
1:04:48 theory of language
1:04:50 um we're holding to when we affirm such
1:04:52 things like this and why it doesn't
1:04:55 result in a contradiction because of
1:04:57 that
1:04:58 um you know maybe we can go into it a
1:05:00 little bit here but I think that really
1:05:01 needs an entire stream uh to go into a
1:05:05 lot more detail onto some of those
1:05:07 points
1:05:11 respond as well
1:05:13 yeah I have a feeling that like some of
1:05:16 the people who come up with these uh
1:05:19 like weird arguments just don't really
1:05:21 uh there's there's a lot they're missing
1:05:24 in terms of of how how you uh
1:05:27 um show that something's a contradiction
1:05:29 like if I
1:05:31 if I were to speak to a polytheist let's
1:05:32 say somebody believes in I don't know
1:05:34 seven gods or something right and and uh
1:05:38 if I tell him that hey uh
1:05:41 you you you
1:05:43 um your belief is is inconsistent and
1:05:45 there's a contradiction you're holding
1:05:47 to because well God is in fact one
1:05:49 there's one God you're so now you're
1:05:52 saying God is well like you know seven
1:05:54 and not seven or one and not one
1:05:57 I mean uh that would be a very
1:05:59 problematic way of arguing for it I mean
1:06:01 he's his his belief is false it's wrong
1:06:04 because there is only one God but if I
1:06:06 come to him and tell him
1:06:08 that you believe in the contradiction
1:06:10 because you know you believe that there
1:06:12 are seven gods but in fact there is only
1:06:14 one God so it can't be both one and not
1:06:16 one at the same time in the same way
1:06:18 it's a very strange way of arguing
1:06:19 because he doesn't hold to these two
1:06:21 propositions so he's just wrong
1:06:24 or somebody believes that water is not
1:06:26 H2O right tell them you believe in the
1:06:29 contradiction because water is H2O and
1:06:31 it can't be both H2O not H2O that's a
1:06:33 very strange way of arguing you have to
1:06:34 just show that he's wrong similarly
1:06:36 people who um
1:06:38 talk about a certain attributes that
1:06:41 from their perspective uh couldn't be
1:06:44 affirmed of God saying that it's a
1:06:46 contradiction it's going to come in many
1:06:48 forms but I mean this one's a bit
1:06:50 strange that you know if you if you say
1:06:52 because God is transcendent and you have
1:06:54 a specific understanding of transcendent
1:06:55 or because God is perfect and necessary
1:06:58 and you have a specific understanding of
1:07:00 that that I don't share and you say that
1:07:02 it conflicts with that well you're not
1:07:04 really arguing
1:07:06 um by contradiction here it's it's not
1:07:09 what you're doing
1:07:11 um that
1:07:12 fact that it or that that belief that it
1:07:15 contradicts needs to be something that's
1:07:17 shared between us for you to do that and
1:07:19 uh something else
1:07:21 um this whole idea about it you know
1:07:23 it's a hand but it's not a hand
1:07:26 it's exactly the same thing because you
1:07:28 see you you have a specific
1:07:29 understanding of what hand is based on
1:07:31 whatever theory of meaning you hold to
1:07:34 it's it's it's a it's a deep discussion
1:07:37 but uh you have that understanding and
1:07:40 you're saying that well you can't say
1:07:42 that it's a hand but it's not this
1:07:44 because if you do you're saying it's
1:07:46 both this and not this but that's your
1:07:49 understanding of what it is and you're
1:07:51 just skipping over a whole lot of uh um
1:07:54 you know philosophy that's necessary in
1:07:57 order to try to get a basic
1:08:00 understanding of the position you're
1:08:01 supposedly critiquing
1:08:03 uh so uh so yeah this is a very strange
1:08:06 way to look at contradictions to be
1:08:08 honest and uh
1:08:13 I'm just saying just for the audience
1:08:15 yeah I pinned the link
1:08:17 yeah in the chat so anybody who wants to
1:08:20 join
1:08:21 uh primarily we want to focus on this
1:08:23 topic here here which is here which is
1:08:26 about appeal to mystery equals appeal to
1:08:28 contradiction so you know this claim
1:08:31 that Muslims are epistemically
1:08:34 inconsistent when they come to criticize
1:08:36 other beliefs while at the same time
1:08:39 having certain aspects of their beliefs
1:08:41 where they're appealing to some sort of
1:08:43 mystery yeah
1:08:45 um so you know we want people to you
1:08:47 know if you have contentions or whatever
1:08:49 it is uh please uh you know come forward
1:08:53 yeah but going just going back to this
1:08:55 particular question where I'll wait for
1:08:56 people to join us so I think the issue
1:08:59 uh when we talk about appealing to
1:09:03 um
1:09:04 this is a big topic and I think maybe we
1:09:06 have to uh address this talk in uh uh in
1:09:11 in a number maybe on on its own yeah
1:09:15 um but
1:09:17 what different groups within the Islamic
1:09:20 Paradigm look at this is they're saying
1:09:23 is the word does the word okay
1:09:27 thing in a particular meaning that has
1:09:31 to be taken in its literal sense which
1:09:33 would contradict other aspects within
1:09:36 the Quran or the Sunnah yeah or even
1:09:38 some of the arguments rational arguments
1:09:40 for the existence of God is there an
1:09:42 internal contradiction in that sense
1:09:44 now some Scholars might look at the
1:09:46 wording and this is what Jake said and
1:09:48 say based upon their theory of language
1:09:50 say it implicates this particular
1:09:53 literal meaning which would contradict
1:09:55 the you know the nature of Allah or the
1:09:58 fact that Allah does not like creation
1:10:00 therefore it diverts it to a
1:10:02 metaphorical meaning and the metaphor is
1:10:04 accepted
1:10:06 um among some Scholars or a lot of
1:10:08 Scholars that you know certain words
1:10:11 certain attributes of Allah can be used
1:10:13 in a metaphorical sense yeah I think you
1:10:16 mentioned
1:10:18 he said that some of these terms uh that
1:10:22 people point to and say is potentially
1:10:24 anthropomorphic
1:10:26 over whether it can be used in a
1:10:29 metaphorical way anyway but the thing is
1:10:31 is that whether there's a necessity to
1:10:34 indicate to move from a literal to a
1:10:37 metaphor yeah and maybe
1:10:40 I was a bit wordy I'm trying to but let
1:10:43 me give it a big baseball it's like for
1:10:44 example people in the in the Quran it
1:10:46 talks about Mary Melissa Mary how when
1:10:49 she's informed about the birth of Jesus
1:10:51 that she's pregnant sorry that she's
1:10:53 going to be give birth to Jesus that
1:10:54 she's pregnant she said but no man has
1:10:57 touched me yeah the literal word touch
1:11:00 here here can be understood or is
1:11:03 understood as to mean physical touch
1:11:05 with intention
1:11:07 there are some other interpretations of
1:11:10 the word touch as well like touch with
1:11:12 desire Etc yeah but it can mean physical
1:11:15 touch now the hanafi scholars they use
1:11:19 this evidence to say that when it says
1:11:23 that if you touch a woman you break your
1:11:25 wudu they don't mean touching its
1:11:27 literal sense but they mean it in a
1:11:29 metaphorical sense because they're
1:11:30 saying that this word here cannot be
1:11:33 applied in its literal sense with
1:11:34 marimal Islam so it indicates
1:11:38 something else that she's been with the
1:11:40 man Etc yeah uh uh through uh any
1:11:43 intimate relations so it indicates that
1:11:46 so you divert it from its literal to its
1:11:48 metaphor so you do that if you cannot
1:11:52 apply its literal meaning now the issue
1:11:54 here is this is what is the literal
1:11:57 meaning and does it indicate something
1:11:59 which would result in a logical
1:12:01 contradiction or something incompatible
1:12:04 with the belief of Islam some Scholars
1:12:06 say no it doesn't but what they do is
1:12:09 they avoid affirming any aspect for this
1:12:11 tashbeer the only accusation that can be
1:12:14 made is to say no but it is has that
1:12:17 indication it's the entailment of that
1:12:20 but then they have to prove that it's an
1:12:23 entailment and they can't prove it if
1:12:26 you don't accept some of the parameters
1:12:28 of how they use language does that is
1:12:31 that correct about it just a minor
1:12:34 verification on uh I I think it was
1:12:36 enough I mean either him or
1:12:41 yeah maybe but the the point wasn't that
1:12:44 it's it's correct because clearly he um
1:12:47 doesn't see that as correct to do yeah
1:12:49 he's a literal is correct but he sees a
1:12:52 literal not Indica not having to move
1:12:55 from being the literal to the metaphor
1:12:56 because they don't see as indicating
1:12:59 something that's similar to Creation
1:13:03 yeah so what so so what I remember from
1:13:07 the from what he said was that so for
1:13:09 example you compare it to another
1:13:11 Islamic view he he would be that like so
1:13:14 basically it's not kufur as in it's not
1:13:16 it doesn't it's not you uh playing
1:13:19 around with the words of Allah making
1:13:20 things up when you interpret it as power
1:13:23 because the language can like handle
1:13:26 that it's it's within the the scope of
1:13:28 the language uh and it does come in that
1:13:31 form sometimes uh although he disagrees
1:13:33 that that's what's meant by it yeah as
1:13:36 opposed to somebody who just have some
1:13:38 weird funky interpretation of Quran and
1:13:40 and we know those
1:13:43 that's a different story like
1:13:46 so Jake so this is this sounds to me
1:13:49 similar to the discussion about the the
1:13:51 discussion around about the attributes
1:13:53 of Mercy where we would probably say
1:13:55 this is an analogical predication not
1:13:57 univitical yeah meaning it's not
1:14:00 identical so when we say the mercy of
1:14:02 Allah and the mercy of human beings
1:14:03 we're not saying that they're identical
1:14:05 but there's some similarity yeah or
1:14:07 something that we can correspond so when
1:14:09 we tell you the hand of Allah we're not
1:14:11 saying it in a universe univitical way
1:14:14 are we even saying analogical could we
1:14:16 say it could be equivocal
1:14:18 like the hand
1:14:20 as an example
1:14:23 um no I think it's I think it's um
1:14:25 analogical
1:14:27 but I want to give an example So like um
1:14:32 so take something like knowledge which
1:14:34 which most Muslims are going to agree on
1:14:36 that Allah has knowledge well
1:14:40 it seems like everything that we're
1:14:42 familiar with in creation that we
1:14:45 typically that we apply knowledge to
1:14:47 right is usually humans and well so that
1:14:52 means in order to have knowledge you
1:14:54 must have a physical brain so therefore
1:14:57 if we're applying knowledge to Allah you
1:15:01 know he must have a brain well of course
1:15:04 nobody believes that right so the the
1:15:08 basic idea and the basic claim that um
1:15:12 you know simply using a certain word in
1:15:16 in this manner and applying it to
1:15:18 Something in creation and then also
1:15:20 applying it to Allah that that
1:15:22 necessarily then is going to entail that
1:15:25 that aspect in which
1:15:27 that thing creation has in this case
1:15:29 knowledge well it's always associated
1:15:31 with brain so if Allah has knowledge and
1:15:33 he has to have a brain and you know some
1:15:35 atheists will actually use such
1:15:37 arguments right typically yeah and
1:15:41 typically typically theists will laugh
1:15:43 it off like come on dude that's just
1:15:44 stupid right but then in this case some
1:15:48 theists will forget that and and not
1:15:50 want to apply that consistently to our
1:15:54 affirmation of other attributes like
1:15:56 yeah the law but no we don't think it's
1:15:58 it's like this and you know it must be
1:16:01 this particular shape and it looks like
1:16:03 this and all these kind of uh claims
1:16:06 that it's Flesh and Bones and body no we
1:16:08 don't claim any of that right just as we
1:16:10 wouldn't to say that just because Allah
1:16:12 has knowledge that he has a brain
1:16:15 um we wouldn't say we wouldn't say
1:16:17 anything like that so
1:16:19 um so yeah this is something to keep in
1:16:21 mind and also like I said we really have
1:16:24 to do a whole sort of stream on it
1:16:26 because there's a lot of play uh things
1:16:29 in play not just to do with
1:16:32 um theory of language but also uh
1:16:35 ontology you know things like realist
1:16:38 ontology or this concept of real
1:16:40 universals that are instantiated in each
1:16:44 particular instance of things uh versus
1:16:47 an anti-realist approach to it and
1:16:49 saying well no there aren't these
1:16:51 universals that actually exist in the
1:16:54 particular that's all related to this
1:16:57 topic and it's related to our
1:16:59 affirmation of the these attributes and
1:17:02 language all of this is connected right
1:17:05 yeah um but so what what I'm saying is
1:17:07 when a if a Christian or an atheist or a
1:17:12 Muslim who may disagree with uh some of
1:17:15 our or some of my uh approaches to some
1:17:18 of these attributes if they actually
1:17:21 want to really be robust and provide a
1:17:23 proper criticism they they should take
1:17:26 in all of these things into
1:17:28 consideration
1:17:29 don't straw man or misrepresent actually
1:17:32 take into the theory of language being
1:17:34 applied the theory of ontology that's
1:17:37 being used though the way in which these
1:17:40 attributes are being affirmed and how
1:17:42 it's connected to
1:17:44 um the greater Theory that's or the
1:17:47 greater sort of theology that is being
1:17:50 employed and actually try to represent
1:17:52 it accurately and then say what you
1:17:55 think is wrong say well okay I think
1:17:57 that theory of language is actually
1:17:59 incorrect or I think
1:18:02 um that the meaning of the word is
1:18:04 something other than what you're saying
1:18:05 or I think that realism is true and
1:18:08 anti-realism about Universal is false
1:18:11 and it results in this problem you can
1:18:13 do all of those sort of things but you
1:18:15 have to take the whole package together
1:18:17 and then try to say well this is the
1:18:19 problem or this is the contradiction and
1:18:23 I just haven't seen anyone do it at most
1:18:25 of the time it's based on Mis purposeful
1:18:28 misrepresentation or you know genuine
1:18:32 ignorance on the person's part you have
1:18:33 to do a lot more uh studying than that
1:18:36 for example like with the lpt or when I
1:18:38 criticize the um the Christian positions
1:18:41 I read their sources I don't read
1:18:44 sources from Muslims contradicting the
1:18:47 Trinity I read Christian trinitarian
1:18:50 sources I try to give them their Fair
1:18:52 Shake of them explaining what the
1:18:54 problem is then I read all attempted
1:18:57 solutions to the problem and what this
1:18:59 person said and what that person said
1:19:01 and then I try to engage in it this is
1:19:04 if that's how that's how you should be
1:19:07 if you're serious and you want to
1:19:09 critique somebody's position instead of
1:19:11 misrepresenting them or giving sort of
1:19:13 cheap arguments that's the way in which
1:19:15 it should be done and I haven't seen
1:19:17 anyone do it with this um sort of ethidy
1:19:20 affirmationist position on these
1:19:22 attributes I mean I've got you know
1:19:24 plenty of Christian books here like for
1:19:27 example I can I can make the claim about
1:19:29 the lpt because I have a book here from
1:19:33 James Anderson and and called Paradox
1:19:37 and Christian theology in which at the
1:19:40 end of discussing the Trinity he says
1:19:42 this as the debate stands today no
1:19:45 writer from the first century to the
1:19:47 21st century has offered an ex
1:19:50 explication of the doctrine of the
1:19:52 Trinity that is both clearly Orthodox
1:19:55 and free from apparent contradiction it
1:19:58 seems that the careful Theologian
1:20:00 inevitably faces a dilemma that of
1:20:03 embracing either Paradox or heterodoxy
1:20:06 meaning basically heresy right so this
1:20:09 is a statement from a Christian
1:20:11 Theologian today who's saying after 2000
1:20:15 years and he does a survey he explains
1:20:17 what the problem is explains the various
1:20:20 attempted solutions to the problem and
1:20:22 his conclusion is look guys there is no
1:20:24 answer to it it looks like a
1:20:26 contradiction now he doesn't affirm that
1:20:28 it actually is one one and he tries to
1:20:30 justify it later on but I'm just
1:20:32 bringing this up to say I don't see
1:20:34 Christians or atheists or even other
1:20:36 Muslim groups who are contradicting
1:20:38 certain positions or or criticizing
1:20:41 certain positions that I or maybe
1:20:43 abdulrahman or Others May hold with the
1:20:46 same sort of rigor of actually going
1:20:48 into the text trying to understand what
1:20:50 people are saying represent them
1:20:52 accurately and then provide a criticism
1:20:54 there's just not that level of of
1:20:57 criticism and rigor that's it's being
1:21:00 um done from the other side
1:21:02 yeah just like that there's a there's a
1:21:04 good uh book uh by Imam razadi who talks
1:21:08 about
1:21:09 uh the he's about the reason why he
1:21:13 wrote the book was because there were
1:21:15 some he's obviously ashiri himself and
1:21:18 there was an ashiri scholar who was
1:21:19 being quite vociferous against the
1:21:21 humblies of his time and basically
1:21:24 saying that they have committed cover
1:21:26 the other folds of Islam they've
1:21:28 anthropomorphosized Allah and so he
1:21:31 wrote the book Al Faisal tafrica which
1:21:33 is the shortened version of the full
1:21:34 title I think Sherman Jackson has has it
1:21:37 uh translated really good book so he
1:21:40 explains about
1:21:42 uh where you in where a language is
1:21:45 indicated and how you move and why the
1:21:48 authories or the hamblies don't uh move
1:21:52 from literal to metaphorical it's not
1:21:54 because they're affirming that Allah is
1:21:57 like creation but rather they don't see
1:22:00 that there is a wording an indicator to
1:22:03 indicate that that's the only meaning
1:22:05 that you can take from it in its uh in
1:22:08 its apparent meaning yeah so but I think
1:22:12 we need to uh just uh we need to go to
1:22:14 some of our guests so ensure we're going
1:22:16 to bring them on just before I go one
1:22:17 second please
1:22:21 but I want you to bring up Muhammad
1:22:25 hanif's comments of our friend because
1:22:29 he's really the only one in the comments
1:22:31 from um yeah because he's really the
1:22:34 only one in the comments from like the
1:22:35 opposing position and by opposing I mean
1:22:38 like he probably agrees with us on a lot
1:22:39 of what we're saying but I mean about
1:22:40 this point about the attributes he's
1:22:42 probably the only one from those
1:22:44 opposing in the comments that's not
1:22:46 being a clown about it so so
1:22:50 um so so this is a comment about and
1:22:53 he's he's we have a good discussion with
1:22:55 him yesterday and we sort of came to the
1:22:58 common ground
1:22:59 but here so this this is a good
1:23:01 indicator of how
1:23:04 um certain misunderstandings happen so
1:23:06 he's saying the apparent meaning
1:23:09 is a physical organ
1:23:11 of grasping manipulation
1:23:14 and pointing now now this is denied by
1:23:19 everybody so so so nobody says like so
1:23:23 so so if that's what the apparent
1:23:25 meaning is
1:23:27 just really quickly it's really
1:23:29 important point
1:23:30 if the meaning of the word indicate this
1:23:34 and only this as a meaning
1:23:37 yeah
1:23:38 in its literal sense then no scholar
1:23:42 would adopt it
1:23:44 yeah nobody right yeah no one says that
1:23:47 the the God's hand is a physical
1:23:49 organization
1:23:52 yeah so that's what the apparent meaning
1:23:54 is I mean it's not affirmed and then his
1:23:58 second point is you can't say what the
1:24:00 apparent meaning is if it's not the
1:24:01 physical thing well fine because the
1:24:04 apparent meaning for you has to be that
1:24:07 physical thing it has to be what is
1:24:08 observed okay now what is uh you know
1:24:12 that you know using a word that doesn't
1:24:15 indicate the apparent meaning for hanif
1:24:17 would be metaphor so for example I asked
1:24:21 them a question yesterday about
1:24:23 you know the wings of angels
1:24:25 does he see the wing of an Angel as
1:24:28 something that is literal because his
1:24:30 definition of a wing was something
1:24:32 that's uh he gave a proper definition
1:24:34 like you know a feathered organ
1:24:37 something you know hanif with his with
1:24:39 his English uh and and uh and he said
1:24:42 that if it's not that which of course
1:24:45 the wing of the Angel is not then it's
1:24:48 it's metaphor and it's meant as
1:24:50 something that's similar to a literal
1:24:53 Wing in terms of something like its
1:24:55 functions that in in terms of its
1:24:58 entailments or whatever right there's
1:25:00 some notion of similarity but it's not
1:25:02 literal
1:25:03 and then we agreed we came to an
1:25:05 agreement I told them okay well but what
1:25:07 you're using for metaphor here is just
1:25:09 really what the setup here the Italian
1:25:11 means by a literal meaning applying to
1:25:15 both of those so so the dispute here
1:25:17 just take note of what the disputes here
1:25:20 with honey Fizz and we agreed on this
1:25:21 yesterday this view is not really about
1:25:24 the sifa and we're about to be the
1:25:27 dispute is what to call the literal
1:25:30 meaning and what not to call a literal
1:25:32 meaning right right it's not about
1:25:34 whether it's a physical organ or not
1:25:36 nobody disagrees on that and we came to
1:25:38 an agreement yesterday that okay so the
1:25:41 the this position the the this uh
1:25:44 affirmationist uh tiny salafi position
1:25:48 is
1:25:51 agreed with that because it couldn't be
1:25:53 if if if you're saying that second part
1:25:55 that metaphorical part which is for him
1:25:57 is metaphor right uh and then his other
1:26:00 problem with it would be uh you know the
1:26:02 problem composition which is a different
1:26:04 story right but then tashmi goes out the
1:26:06 window right so yeah so basically it's a
1:26:09 semantic problem with the word apparent
1:26:12 whereas you he would some people would
1:26:14 say it's better to use the word metaphor
1:26:16 as opposed to a parent so yeah okay
1:26:20 that's right I want to move on because I
1:26:21 know we've got guests uh and I just want
1:26:23 to quickly read this out so we've got a
1:26:25 uh uh Super Chat uh can you uh can you
1:26:28 do a discussion with atheists who just
1:26:30 atheists have a burden of proof maybe
1:26:32 Aaron raw I don't think Aaron raw wants
1:26:35 to come on but I don't know if he saw
1:26:37 that I don't know if Android phone saw
1:26:39 that but we already had on on our uh
1:26:46 but I don't I don't think
1:26:49 um I don't think he'd come back on
1:26:52 uh We've also got Layman which is our
1:26:54 Super Chat uh assalamu alaikum why are
1:26:57 they coming if you affirm true
1:26:59 contradictions exist like the
1:27:01 Incarnation what would absolute truth
1:27:04 mean then uh and then he says Abdul
1:27:07 where's your coffee
1:27:09 this is Layman he's our he's our biggest
1:27:12 fan you know ever since the yeah I think
1:27:15 it's more rhetorical point I think he's
1:27:17 just saying it's a rhetorical point if
1:27:18 you can't if you're affirming true
1:27:19 contradictions then what does truth mean
1:27:22 so I think there's a problem with us
1:27:24 yeah but but I want to move on quickly
1:27:26 now to uh Eamon uh who he came in sorry
1:27:30 apologies for you waiting for so long uh
1:27:32 salaam forever
1:27:36 [Music]
1:27:38 um just uh I just uh I'm looking forward
1:27:41 to that uh podcast that maybe you guys
1:27:44 can have in the future uh where you can
1:27:46 go into uh the details of what you
1:27:49 entered on here today but uh I was just
1:27:53 thinking about this from
1:27:55 a Muslim Christian Perspective where uh
1:28:00 you know how we say when when you say
1:28:02 that you know Jesus God became man and
1:28:06 that but we we won't go into the details
1:28:09 of what that is that seemed similar to
1:28:12 how uh you know we're not seeing uh you
1:28:16 know yet means this or it doesn't mean
1:28:19 this we just don't know I it kind of
1:28:22 seemed like that where we're saying
1:28:25 um we're not affirming or denying well
1:28:27 we're not even saying what what we're
1:28:29 affirming or denying just like uh they
1:28:32 you know wouldn't affirm or deny
1:28:35 um but how are they similar I mean but
1:28:37 they would have to say that Jesus is uh
1:28:41 you know man fully man they actually say
1:28:43 it quite literally straightforward they
1:28:44 said they don't mean it in some you know
1:28:46 analogical set so I don't see even if
1:28:48 even if we're gonna Grant your point for
1:28:49 the sake of argument about you know it
1:28:51 not having a meaning and thus you know
1:28:53 not knowing what we're saying really
1:28:55 it's still not the same because for them
1:28:57 they quite clearly know what they're
1:28:59 saying when they say God is Man right
1:29:01 okay okay
1:29:04 yeah so I mean at most uh at best I
1:29:08 think what somebody could try to say is
1:29:10 well you guys you guys are appealing to
1:29:12 mystery because you're using words and
1:29:15 you don't actually know the meaning
1:29:16 right but we we kind of went over that
1:29:18 but we could reiterate that again but
1:29:21 what you can't do is you can't say well
1:29:23 you're affirming a contradiction like uh
1:29:26 Jesus being fully God and fully man at
1:29:28 the same time because we're certainly
1:29:29 we're certainly not saying anything
1:29:31 close to them so they're they're
1:29:33 entirely different things the problem
1:29:35 with the Christian position on the
1:29:37 Incarnation the Trinity is not does not
1:29:40 come about and this is something
1:29:42 important that people need to take note
1:29:43 of the contradiction does not arise from
1:29:47 what is not known the contradiction
1:29:49 arises from what they affirm and then
1:29:52 they say we don't know how to resolve
1:29:54 this contradiction which is based on
1:29:56 what I just read out from uh from James
1:29:58 Anderson they affirmed two contradictory
1:30:01 things Jesus is both fully God and fully
1:30:04 man at the same time he knows everything
1:30:06 and is ignorant at the same time they're
1:30:10 literally affirming that and then
1:30:11 there's and then somebody says well
1:30:13 that's a contradiction and then they say
1:30:15 well it's a mystery we're not doing that
1:30:18 at best you can say that we're saying
1:30:21 that we're affirming something without
1:30:22 knowing the meaning but I don't even
1:30:24 think we're doing that but do you see
1:30:26 the difference between those two things
1:30:28 yeah that that makes sense
1:30:30 um
1:30:32 if uh well about you know something like
1:30:35 yadullah are we
1:30:37 um saying or are we
1:30:40 explicitly denying the you know the the
1:30:43 very literal meaning of you know an
1:30:45 organ hand with bones and stuff yeah so
1:30:48 we're seeing it definitely doesn't mean
1:30:49 that yeah we are for example uh Imam
1:30:53 y'all just uh read a quick quote from
1:30:55 him right he says uh and this is in his
1:30:59 um
1:31:00 uh tafsir you can read it he says we
1:31:02 affirm all of those meanings that were
1:31:04 mentioned in the scriptural reports of
1:31:07 the book in the Revelation as understood
1:31:09 through literal affirmation so he says
1:31:12 through literal affirmation but then see
1:31:14 what he means by this and we deny
1:31:16 assimilation so we say that he exalted
1:31:19 is his praise hears the sounds not with
1:31:23 an opening in the ear and not with an
1:31:25 organ like the children of Adam likewise
1:31:27 he sees objects with a vision that is
1:31:30 unlike the vision of the children of
1:31:31 Adam which is by their organs he has two
1:31:34 hands and then he goes on and say and
1:31:37 these are not appendages right but his
1:31:40 hands are outstretched with his favors
1:31:42 upon his creatures and then he says goes
1:31:45 on to say further
1:31:47 um these are not made of Flesh or blood
1:31:50 so he he affirms them and says it's a
1:31:52 literal affirmation so notice two things
1:31:55 and this is to show that this is not
1:31:57 just some theory of language that was
1:31:59 adopted later on in Imam attabadi's mind
1:32:03 he's saying we're affirming it on the
1:32:05 literal meaning
1:32:07 but then at the same time denying
1:32:10 appendages and Flesh and Blood and Bones
1:32:13 and all of that
1:32:14 right so it's very clear we everyone
1:32:17 denies whether you say it's a literal
1:32:19 meaning or you you affirm it but you say
1:32:22 that it's not literal nobody is saying
1:32:24 that it is anything like a Flesh and
1:32:26 Blood and Bones and anything like
1:32:28 creation
1:32:29 okay okay
1:32:31 guys
1:32:34 any final questions I say is that been
1:32:36 all sorted for you Eamon yeah
1:32:38 alhamdulillah um
1:32:40 yeah there's a very important
1:32:42 distinction and you'll hear it in the
1:32:44 beginning of the stream as well between
1:32:45 uh uh um I think Jake mentioned this
1:32:49 right
1:32:50 an appeal to mystery in the sense that
1:32:52 there is something that you don't know
1:32:55 the meaning of right or incomplete
1:32:57 information versus uh what seems to be a
1:33:01 contradiction that you're appealing to
1:33:04 mystery for the sake of getting out of
1:33:06 right and also the point about as well
1:33:09 like forget about contradictions and
1:33:11 Mysteries right so the points about you
1:33:12 know God uh having a hand in a way that
1:33:15 people picture in this way like a
1:33:18 physical way and and then they talk
1:33:20 about this
1:33:21 and relating that to what you said about
1:33:24 uh God being you know incarnating into
1:33:28 man for Christians just that point alone
1:33:31 I mean they affirm yeah it's man like
1:33:34 just as you know you would think a
1:33:36 normal man is right they're explicitly
1:33:38 saying that it must be a man like that
1:33:41 it's not it's not that it's a it's a man
1:33:43 and some you know un understood way if
1:33:45 those who you know uh accuse the timing
1:33:48 and position of being unintelligible or
1:33:50 in a way that's you know uh analogous no
1:33:52 it's man you know he must be fully man
1:33:54 so there's really uh no comparison
1:34:01 foreign sorry
1:34:11 okay uh assalamu alaikum brother
1:34:14 Muhammad
1:34:19 Muhammad
1:34:23 you there bro
1:34:26 I can't hear anything from him
1:34:28 uh neither can I
1:34:32 can hear me
1:34:34 yeah I can hear you a bit quiet though
1:34:36 okay let me see if I can turn that off
1:34:39 just one second
1:34:40 that's a bit better yeah is it better
1:34:43 yeah I'm doing that yeah someone like
1:34:46 them hurt you guys are good man good
1:34:49 all right
1:34:51 what's your comment or question uh no no
1:34:54 problem uh well thank you for for having
1:34:56 me on
1:34:57 um so I've been listening to
1:35:00 um what you guys were saying regarding
1:35:01 the safaricon the other Allah
1:35:05 and I do affirm the salafi position like
1:35:08 I don't
1:35:10 um like I would take
1:35:12 um I would accept certain metaphors in
1:35:14 terms of these thought of Allah but
1:35:16 generally speaking like the shin of
1:35:18 Allah or the hand of Allah I do
1:35:21 um affirm them um in the not in the
1:35:24 tashbihi way but in a literal sense
1:35:28 um but I guess the problem for me arises
1:35:30 when I actually begin to think about it
1:35:33 philosophically
1:35:34 [Music]
1:35:36 you mentioned an example earlier about
1:35:38 comparing Angels like the wings of
1:35:41 angels and the wings of
1:35:43 creatures that we know and I just find
1:35:46 that a little bit of a problematic
1:35:48 example because at the end of the day an
1:35:50 angel is not a Transcendent entity like
1:35:53 Allah so it you could still say that it
1:35:57 does have a physical wing but the wing
1:36:00 is not similar to the wings of the
1:36:03 creatures that we are familiar with and
1:36:05 likewise you know a lot of people cite
1:36:07 examples like okay is does Allah have a
1:36:10 life yes do you have a life yes are they
1:36:13 similar no but that's also problematic
1:36:16 because at the end of the day life and
1:36:18 Consciousness is a metaphysical concept
1:36:20 but when we start speaking of things
1:36:22 like a hand or a shin
1:36:24 um they have literal physical meanings
1:36:27 and we have no other conception of
1:36:30 understanding those ideas so it appears
1:36:34 to be a contradiction to me to say that
1:36:36 I affirm that Allah has a hand but it's
1:36:39 not like our hand because that is a
1:36:41 contradiction that is to say Allah has a
1:36:45 physical
1:36:46 um attribute or physical object or
1:36:49 whatever you want to call it but he does
1:36:51 not at the same time
1:36:52 do you understand myself I mean yeah if
1:36:54 you said that it would be a
1:36:56 contradiction based on what you just
1:36:57 said so so you're saying that hand must
1:37:01 be physical so if you in the same breath
1:37:03 said that God has a hand but it's not
1:37:06 physical
1:37:07 there will be a serious inconsistency
1:37:08 there yeah
1:37:10 but that's not the point so assume I'm
1:37:13 wrong the way I'm using hand is wrong
1:37:14 right so that's just it's meaningless
1:37:16 right
1:37:17 still not a contradiction because I
1:37:19 don't affirm what you're saying about
1:37:20 what the meaning of a hand must be even
1:37:22 even if you're right
1:37:25 still not a contradiction for me so
1:37:27 you're saying the the word hand is
1:37:29 meaningless
1:37:30 look I'm just making the first point I'm
1:37:32 not saying that I'm saying assume it is
1:37:34 for the sake of argument I assume it's
1:37:35 meaningless
1:37:37 for the sake of argument I'm trying to
1:37:39 make the point and explain to you that
1:37:41 just because the person is wrong it
1:37:43 doesn't mean
1:37:44 that
1:37:45 their position is contradictory right so
1:37:47 wrong I can be wrong in what I'm saying
1:37:49 about a hand not necessarily being
1:37:52 physical that doesn't mean that my
1:37:54 position is inconsistent
1:37:58 do you understand that point
1:38:00 I'm just trying to understand what
1:38:02 you're saying so a contradiction is
1:38:04 affirming a proposition is is affirming
1:38:07 a proposition and its negation at the
1:38:09 same time in the same way yep what are
1:38:12 those two propositions yeah those two
1:38:14 propositions so let's say
1:38:15 um let's use the hand example to say
1:38:18 Allah has a hand and of course I know
1:38:20 like obviously as Muslims we don't say
1:38:22 this right but I'm saying um
1:38:25 if you analyze the semantics or the
1:38:27 language when you say Allah has a hand
1:38:29 hand it's clearly defined as a physical
1:38:31 object it cannot mean any other thing a
1:38:34 lot of us to make it easy for you the
1:38:36 contradiction would be a hand is
1:38:38 physical and not physical at the same
1:38:40 time in the same way exactly yeah yeah
1:38:41 exactly
1:38:43 it's not a contradiction for other
1:38:45 things like life or knowledge because
1:38:48 those are non-physical they're
1:38:50 metaphysical properties we'll get to
1:38:52 that we'll get to that yeah but firstly
1:38:54 you need to understand that I need to
1:38:56 affirm both of those propositions for my
1:39:00 position to have a contradiction with it
1:39:01 do you get that part yeah yeah and I
1:39:03 don't affirm how a musicians cannot
1:39:05 affirm that yeah that's a different
1:39:07 question so I'm saying assume I'm wrong
1:39:10 about not affirming that the literal
1:39:13 meaning of hand entails physicality
1:39:15 right it necessitates physicality assume
1:39:17 I'm wrong about that right that's a
1:39:20 different point unless I affirm that
1:39:23 though
1:39:24 my position is not a contradiction
1:39:26 because I don't affirm a proposition and
1:39:28 it's negation my position can be wrong
1:39:31 yeah but it's not necessarily a
1:39:32 contradiction do you get that part yeah
1:39:34 I get that I get that I'm just trying to
1:39:36 insist on the fact that there it's
1:39:38 impossible yeah but that's a different
1:39:40 point that's a different point yeah so
1:39:41 insisting on the fact that the word hand
1:39:44 entails physicality is a different point
1:39:47 from saying that a person who says that
1:39:49 it doesn't is committing a contradiction
1:39:51 so just you just separate between those
1:39:53 two yeah yeah now to the point of like
1:39:55 the reason I'm trying to insist on that
1:39:57 is because I feel like if um it then you
1:40:00 can't distinguish between like an ashari
1:40:02 and an f30 perspective like it all
1:40:04 collapses into one in the same thing do
1:40:07 you see what I'm saying because if what
1:40:09 do you mean okay so
1:40:11 if you're saying I mean I mean what what
1:40:12 is what is the point that if we deny
1:40:15 uh you know we would lose the
1:40:17 distinction between the athletes
1:40:19 Okay so
1:40:22 actually say that and correct me if I'm
1:40:25 wrong or some of them are these uh
1:40:26 maturities as well is that these are
1:40:29 metaphors they are you know obviously
1:40:31 not literal
1:40:33 hands or shins or any of that and the
1:40:35 athletes say the same thing but the
1:40:37 distinguishment is maybe the asharis
1:40:39 would take it a step further and just
1:40:41 say okay that's a made-up metaphor of
1:40:43 power
1:40:45 but maybe the athletes just stop and and
1:40:48 just say that that's just a metaphor
1:40:50 period because we do not affirm that
1:40:53 it's a physical object do you understand
1:40:55 yeah those would be it's not about
1:40:57 physical objects it's not forget
1:40:59 physical object because nobody affirms I
1:41:01 know nobody affirms so because the
1:41:05 distinction would be that it has to mean
1:41:07 that you consider it a metaphor that's
1:41:08 what I'm saying okay so the the point is
1:41:10 you're making a distinction between
1:41:12 mufauluda who basically loots of weed of
1:41:16 the meaning they say they don't know
1:41:17 what the meaning is you know and they
1:41:19 can negate what it is and say well then
1:41:22 what it actually is is something that is
1:41:24 unknown and between the asharis who do
1:41:25 that will and say it is this specific
1:41:28 thing like let's say power I don't know
1:41:29 how that's related to anything you said
1:41:30 but let me answer your question because
1:41:32 sure because that first point is clear
1:41:34 right that it's not a contradiction
1:41:35 because I don't affirm those two
1:41:36 propositions that point is clear right
1:41:38 yeah that's clear okay now the second
1:41:40 point that it uh uh you're saying about
1:41:43 the angel right how the example is
1:41:46 Meaningful because I'm comparing it to
1:41:47 an angel an angel is a created thing
1:41:50 that can be physical yeah the point of
1:41:53 the example wasn't to say that God's
1:41:57 likeness is that of an angels the point
1:42:00 was
1:42:01 to clarify what it is like to
1:42:04 analogically predicate something
1:42:06 to make analogical predication or
1:42:10 metaphorical according to what brother
1:42:12 hanif was saying about what I was saying
1:42:14 so the point was that you can say
1:42:18 something
1:42:20 like the angel has a wing and the word
1:42:23 Wing here doesn't have to entail certain
1:42:27 aspects that some people regard or maybe
1:42:30 in you know certain as part of the
1:42:33 custom it is it is it is understood as
1:42:35 something that must have feathers right
1:42:38 so it doesn't have to have that thing
1:42:40 that you regard as an essential
1:42:43 attribute of the fact yeah but it's
1:42:45 still like a platonic Queen sense right
1:42:48 what it's like a platonic idea of a wink
1:42:51 like when you believe angels have wings
1:42:54 I'm sorry do you believe angels have
1:42:56 wings yes
1:42:58 do you believe that they are like the
1:43:00 wings of birds and have feathers it
1:43:02 depends what you mean by light if they
1:43:04 have feathers then I don't know if they
1:43:06 have feathers or not I mean I would
1:43:07 imagine that's the point so what is it
1:43:09 that they help but it's yeah one second
1:43:11 one second Muhammad one second what is
1:43:13 it that the angels have that makes your
1:43:17 attribution of you know wingness to them
1:43:20 correct so it's an attachment to their
1:43:23 body that allows them to fly
1:43:25 okay so it's what are their bodies like
1:43:28 what what
1:43:29 but we know that angels are physical
1:43:31 beings wait okay so you don't know you
1:43:34 so so you don't know what
1:43:37 these words entail no I don't have some
1:43:41 sense of analogy between what is
1:43:44 observable and what is unobservable
1:43:46 about angels so you're saying that there
1:43:49 is something about the wing of an angel
1:43:52 that is analogous too although not
1:43:55 necessarily in any way
1:43:59 where I disagree is it's a false analogy
1:44:02 because at the end of the day there is a
1:44:04 level of similarity between the the
1:44:05 wings of an angel I'm not saying there
1:44:07 is a greater thing I'm not saying there
1:44:09 isn't it I'm saying that that
1:44:10 similarities can be expressed in many
1:44:12 different ways for example what brother
1:44:14 hanif was saying yesterday is that it
1:44:15 has something that gives allows it like
1:44:18 the function of doing these tasks that
1:44:21 Allah gave it
1:44:22 that like will be ascending and
1:44:24 descending for example now what that is
1:44:26 yeah and that's Reliant no you can
1:44:30 picture because at the end of the day
1:44:31 it's related to
1:44:36 this is a very physical idea that we can
1:44:39 grasp well when it comes can you tell me
1:44:41 what an angel looks like
1:44:43 that has nothing to do with the idea
1:44:45 yeah it does because I'm saying you
1:44:46 can't picture in the sense that you
1:44:47 don't know what an angel looks like yet
1:44:48 you understand what these words mean no
1:44:50 I I don't know what the wink looks like
1:44:52 but I understand it has
1:44:54 an object on its body that allows it to
1:44:57 ascend and descend so you don't you
1:45:00 don't know what physicality for an angel
1:45:02 really means like so if you talk about
1:45:04 dimensions for example is an angel
1:45:06 necessarily three-dimensional
1:45:09 I mean the prophet is used to see jibril
1:45:12 Islam physically so yeah that's
1:45:14 regardless that's the point that's
1:45:15 that's the capability Allah gave him
1:45:16 that's not the point yes so Angels do
1:45:18 manifest physically
1:45:20 that's that's not the problem is right
1:45:22 now you're going to be equivocating on
1:45:24 physically here because you don't even
1:45:25 know what that means when it comes for
1:45:27 an aint to an angel so for example an
1:45:29 angel can be right in front of you here
1:45:30 right now with us yet we have no means
1:45:33 of detecting it yes that's true are you
1:45:36 certain that an angel is this
1:45:38 three-dimensional being that is I don't
1:45:40 know physical in the sense that it's
1:45:41 reducible to Adam atoms and particles or
1:45:44 that it's light in the city
1:45:46 let me finish my sentences and then I'll
1:45:49 let you finish yours no because
1:45:51 you understand that it has to be light
1:45:54 in the same way
1:45:55 we experienced light or that it is
1:45:57 physical in the sense that it's maybe
1:45:59 reducible to atoms and particles is any
1:46:01 of that necessary the answer has to be
1:46:03 no because you don't know yet you
1:46:05 understand that there's some kind of
1:46:07 analogy between things that fly having
1:46:11 wings and an angel having wings
1:46:15 okay so you don't agree with me so
1:46:18 because there is an analogy that an
1:46:19 angel can Ascend and descend
1:46:22 then it has wings in that sense just
1:46:24 like created things that we can observe
1:46:26 in our physical reality
1:46:28 if it's in that sense you're gonna have
1:46:30 to explain to me in what sense you mean
1:46:33 okay so do you agree with me that if an
1:46:35 angel has wings then we understand that
1:46:37 it has wings by virtue that it can fly
1:46:39 or Ascend and descent or it's just
1:46:41 winged like this yeah in a manner that
1:46:43 we don't know how an angel
1:46:46 I don't know how I don't because that's
1:46:49 the point man yeah I know it does I know
1:46:51 it does by virtue of its wings do you
1:46:54 see what yeah so that so so Muhammad
1:46:55 that is my point what I'm saying is you
1:46:58 are able to affirm these things of the
1:46:59 Angel like ascending and descending so
1:47:02 having any knowledge or making any
1:47:04 claims about the how-ness or the actual
1:47:07 reality of how this occurs so how in the
1:47:10 world are you going to say that
1:47:13 necessarily it must entail this visible
1:47:16 aspect of a thing I'm seeing you can't
1:47:18 say that because you understand it
1:47:20 without necessarily applying a mental
1:47:23 image to it that oh it must look like
1:47:25 this in order for me to say this word
1:47:27 about it you don't think you're
1:47:28 concentrating too much on the fact that
1:47:30 I can't physically see an angel but
1:47:32 please hear me out okay because I listen
1:47:34 to you but you don't listen sufficiently
1:47:36 to me but what I'm saying is
1:47:39 yeah I can't see an angel I don't know
1:47:43 if it's a three-dimensional creature I
1:47:44 don't know any of that but it's
1:47:46 irrelevant because I know that they can
1:47:48 physically Ascend and descend now what
1:47:51 do you mean by physically
1:47:53 within our universe even though I can't
1:47:55 what do you mean physical what is what
1:47:57 is what is what is a physical object
1:47:59 right
1:48:00 um by physically I mean within the
1:48:02 universe even like even if I can't see
1:48:04 them
1:48:05 than within our universe not
1:48:08 metaphysically not outside the universe
1:48:11 So Physical is a description of where
1:48:13 something is not what something is made
1:48:15 of
1:48:17 well then by that definition everybody
1:48:18 agrees that God is Not physical even as
1:48:21 per your accusations wouldn't make sense
1:48:22 because God is not in the in in the
1:48:24 universe God is Not physical yes
1:48:30 you're saying
1:48:32 Muhammad listen you are saying that what
1:48:34 it means is
1:48:35 to be in the universe
1:48:39 the reason the reason why I disagree
1:48:41 with that analogy is because at the end
1:48:44 of the day there is
1:48:46 um there is an analogous nature between
1:48:49 the Ascension and dissension of an Angel
1:48:51 and our created creatures that we are
1:48:53 familiar with now when it comes to a
1:48:56 hand it is impossible to even conceive
1:48:59 of any analogy whatsoever so so to
1:49:02 that's your claim that you're uncapable
1:49:04 of Defending right now because I'm
1:49:06 asking you questions I'm asking so this
1:49:08 question let's let's look at this
1:49:10 example right now the question I just
1:49:11 asked of what it means for something to
1:49:13 be physical you said it means for it to
1:49:16 be within the universe is that your
1:49:17 answer yes
1:49:19 well by that definition your your say so
1:49:22 you you telling let's say uh somebody
1:49:25 who affirms attributes in a specific way
1:49:27 that for them God would be physical is
1:49:29 meaningless because for them God is not
1:49:31 in the universe so any any uh accusation
1:49:35 of physicality doesn't make sense as per
1:49:37 your definition of what no I'm not
1:49:38 accusing them of physicality I'm I'm
1:49:40 saying that it's incoherent
1:49:43 no that's that's not the point
1:49:46 you're saying I'm saying it's incoherent
1:49:49 there's a difference
1:49:50 okay so so so so so so so so right now
1:49:54 just by the fact that something is
1:49:56 outside of the universe it cannot be
1:49:58 physical yes
1:50:00 regardless of anything else about its
1:50:03 actual like your ontology and nature now
1:50:05 yeah so what's your problem then yeah
1:50:08 when I'm my problem is like if I so if
1:50:11 something has a hand and it's outside of
1:50:13 the universe it's not a physical Hand by
1:50:15 your definition
1:50:16 then the word hand
1:50:19 um ceases to have meaning because that
1:50:21 doesn't make sense because right now you
1:50:23 have a different understanding of what
1:50:24 physical is that you're sneaking in here
1:50:26 you're you're basically saying that a
1:50:28 hand has to have a specific makeup and
1:50:30 that's what you mean by physicality not
1:50:33 the fact that it is located in a
1:50:34 specific place and not in another I mean
1:50:37 that doesn't make sense so if it's if if
1:50:40 if you're sticking to your definition
1:50:41 that physicality is basically that which
1:50:46 that that is which within the universe
1:50:48 then a hand outside of the universe is
1:50:51 not physical so
1:50:53 um I think it's your problem to have a
1:50:55 hand outside the Universe
1:50:57 um
1:50:59 because anything outside the set of the
1:51:02 universe must be different
1:51:05 yeah but then right now you're not just
1:51:07 defining physicality by being inside the
1:51:09 universe you're saying there's a feature
1:51:12 of things inside the universe that is
1:51:14 not just limited to it being inside the
1:51:17 universe and that feature cannot apply
1:51:19 to things outside the universe now what
1:51:21 is that feature so so right now you
1:51:22 can't use this whole thing about it
1:51:24 being in the universe anymore that just
1:51:25 doesn't make sense it doesn't apply
1:51:27 because just by definition something
1:51:28 being outside of it is automatically not
1:51:30 physical so your hand objection doesn't
1:51:32 work so you mean something else
1:51:34 okay like I I'm def I'm doing my best to
1:51:37 understand what you mean brother so you
1:51:39 might have to work a little bit with me
1:51:40 here um
1:51:42 we as human beings we we created words
1:51:45 and we have definitions of them so what
1:51:47 I mean by physical and within the
1:51:49 universe is like when we say hand hand
1:51:51 has a very explicit meaning in terms of
1:51:54 what we perceive
1:51:55 so by definition if anything outside the
1:51:58 universe has a hand and it sees us to be
1:52:00 a hand because the definition doesn't
1:52:03 apply anymore do you see what I mean
1:52:05 what's the definition
1:52:07 well I mean it's gonna obviously be very
1:52:10 hard to to pinpoint but there's a
1:52:12 general sentiment of what a hand is it's
1:52:15 you know an attachment to an arm that
1:52:17 you can grip and you can
1:52:20 um you know just do normal functions
1:52:22 with so when the angel flies out of the
1:52:24 universe does it cease to be physical
1:52:32 I mean I want to say yes
1:52:36 I want to say yes but how is that
1:52:37 relevant how is it relevant to just
1:52:40 displaying how incoherent no disrespect
1:52:43 your definition of physical is it's it's
1:52:46 not incoherent it's just unhelpful
1:52:48 you're just defining physical by
1:52:50 location it's just depending on whether
1:52:52 it's in the universe maybe this point
1:52:55 might help it's like for example the
1:52:57 angel of death
1:52:58 Angel of Death takes the souls of people
1:53:02 and there are multiple people keeps the
1:53:04 world who are going to be dying it
1:53:06 simultaneously
1:53:08 so how is it the angel of death is
1:53:10 physical and he's able to be temporal
1:53:13 temporal and spatially located at
1:53:16 multiple positions at the same time we
1:53:18 don't know
1:53:19 exactly it's a mystery because when we
1:53:22 talk about physicality in the sense of
1:53:24 angels it is something which is beyond
1:53:27 our comprehension and I think that's the
1:53:28 point that abdulrahman is trying to say
1:53:30 so when we say that it is a physical
1:53:32 being we're saying with a physical being
1:53:35 that is literally beyond our ability to
1:53:37 comprehend so when we apply terms like
1:53:40 wings to a physical being which is
1:53:42 beyond our comprehension it would by
1:53:45 default or entailment be something that
1:53:47 we wouldn't be able to comprehend either
1:53:49 in in a univitical way and the only
1:53:53 possible way that you could maybe
1:53:54 comprehend it is in terms of an
1:53:58 attribute of function
1:54:00 [Music]
1:54:04 yeah so I'm definitely
1:54:07 um you know doing this on the on the on
1:54:09 the fly so maybe my definitions are
1:54:11 problematic and maybe they are
1:54:13 um in a certain sense internally
1:54:15 um inconsistent I you know like I'm not
1:54:18 I'm not saying like I have some Grand
1:54:19 philosophical Theory or whatever but the
1:54:22 idea I'm trying to say is like even if
1:54:24 there is even if um you know something
1:54:27 is beyond the universe
1:54:29 that is incomparable to Allah because
1:54:31 the heaven is beyond the universe you
1:54:33 know um there's there's there's
1:54:36 an entire world beyond the universe but
1:54:39 that doesn't automatically
1:54:41 um put it on the same metaphysical level
1:54:43 as Allah so even if we do say I we're
1:54:46 all in agreement about that yeah yeah so
1:54:48 so that's what I'm appealing to is that
1:54:50 yes even if I do accept which I do that
1:54:53 Angels outside the universe have wings
1:54:55 there is still a level of similarity
1:54:58 between a wing outside the universe and
1:55:01 a wink inside the universe in the sense
1:55:03 that Allah could create things outside
1:55:05 the universe that are similar but Allah
1:55:08 is fundamentally dissimilar so so I
1:55:13 don't see how when we see yeah yeah so
1:55:15 look so the idea is the idea is is not
1:55:19 about the level of similarity or
1:55:21 dissimilarity here that's not the point
1:55:23 about the Angels the point that you're
1:55:25 supposed to understand from this is that
1:55:27 you are able to comprehend
1:55:30 what you predicate of angels despite you
1:55:34 having no clue
1:55:37 what necessary and sufficient conditions
1:55:39 must in reality apply in order for a
1:55:43 wing to be called a wing you don't know
1:55:44 you're not giving answers but then you
1:55:45 still understand what it means there's
1:55:48 some notion of similarity whether that's
1:55:50 it honestly disagree whatever what I
1:55:53 what I feel like is
1:55:55 um I could tell you explicitly what I
1:55:56 feel is the property that
1:55:58 um
1:55:59 that that uh Angels possess that makes
1:56:02 them have wings it's a property of
1:56:03 Ascension and dissension
1:56:05 okay
1:56:06 even Ascension Ascension the same thing
1:56:09 is going to apply however you're just
1:56:10 gonna be you know kicking the can down
1:56:12 the road the point is that you have no
1:56:15 idea of the kaifia of either the wing or
1:56:19 Ascension detention yet you predicate
1:56:22 these terms intelligently yes the angel
1:56:24 it's the fact that there is an Ascension
1:56:27 and dissension that makes it have a wink
1:56:31 there are things that Ascend and descend
1:56:33 that don't have wings right
1:56:36 yeah your soul yeah but but uh we don't
1:56:40 like Allah never told us that it has
1:56:42 wings in the first place yeah but there
1:56:44 are plenty of the point is any sort of
1:56:46 attribute or property that you can
1:56:49 ascribe that's that's the point of what
1:56:51 we're trying to say about uh the
1:56:53 ontology and the theory of language
1:56:55 that's being represented we reject that
1:56:58 there's this idea that there's this
1:57:00 shared property in my hand and Allah
1:57:03 without his hand we reject that yeah
1:57:06 yeah and I reject that too that's I mean
1:57:09 that's what I'm saying it's going to be
1:57:10 the same thing for any other attribute
1:57:12 it's going to be the same thing for any
1:57:14 other attribute what is a Allah's
1:57:16 knowledge
1:57:18 okay uh just a quick question if I if I
1:57:21 display Mercy
1:57:23 to somebody or something and Allah we
1:57:27 understand Allah is merciful can we say
1:57:28 that there is an infinitely small extent
1:57:31 to which my Mercy is similar to Allah's
1:57:34 Mercy well that's what I'm asking you
1:57:35 that's what I was asking with the
1:57:37 knowledge yeah well what I would say is
1:57:39 and I don't know if it's islamically
1:57:40 permissible to say this or not so you'd
1:57:42 have to probably let me know but I would
1:57:44 say yes there is a similarity in a sense
1:57:47 obviously my Mercy is nothing like
1:57:50 Allah's Mercy but the the two properties
1:57:55 um are similar yes yes so then you don't
1:57:57 have a problem with Tesh B you don't
1:57:59 have a problem with there being a level
1:58:01 of similarity between an attribute that
1:58:03 Allah
1:58:06 abstract ideas I don't have a problem
1:58:11 hand and foot and okay so you have you
1:58:14 don't have a problem with similarity you
1:58:17 have a problem with a specific type of
1:58:19 similarity which is and the interest of
1:58:22 in in the instance of yeb Allah for
1:58:24 example you think that that necessitates
1:58:27 a certain type of similarity which is
1:58:30 physicality and that is unacceptable
1:58:33 that's basically your claim yep yeah
1:58:35 well we're just denying that that's the
1:58:37 case
1:58:39 yeah I feel like uh and by the way an
1:58:42 important point to make about what
1:58:43 Jake's saying right now is that I mean
1:58:45 so many of like the self-proclaimed
1:58:48 rationalists who are really incapable of
1:58:51 dissecting these different positions and
1:58:53 actually analyzing them see what you're
1:58:55 saying right now Muhammad Islam uh so
1:58:58 many of those of of these schools that
1:59:00 you know uh some of the brothers that
1:59:02 we've been involved with see what you're
1:59:04 saying right now just as much
1:59:07 uh in terms of whatever will be as as as
1:59:10 predicating hand of God is in the sense
1:59:12 that they only focus on the whole hand
1:59:15 thing with the salafi because it just
1:59:16 sounds bad and right they just they just
1:59:18 do that but if they're genuine then
1:59:21 there's really no difference between
1:59:22 that and between you saying that there
1:59:26 is a notion of similarity between your
1:59:30 knowledge or your mercy and God's
1:59:32 knowledge or Gods because they would
1:59:33 attack the saint they would attack you
1:59:35 for the same reason it's just one
1:59:37 attribute instead of another yeah and
1:59:39 they actually won't do that explicitly
1:59:41 because
1:59:43 they would attack you for claim the
1:59:46 people that have a problem with their
1:59:47 being a supposed similarity between yeah
1:59:50 the law and some type of hand in
1:59:52 creation they're going if a person is
1:59:55 consistent they're going to attack you
1:59:57 for saying that there's a similarity
2:00:00 between the mercy of Allah and mercy and
2:00:03 creation yeah that's what they do those
2:00:04 who are actually consistent and I don't
2:00:07 have to name names but that that's their
2:00:10 position to the point where it becomes a
2:00:12 radical sort of agnosticism about God
2:00:15 now forget about yeah the law you can't
2:00:17 say that Allah has knowledge you can't
2:00:19 say that he has power why because
2:00:21 there's power and knowledge and creation
2:00:23 that's what it resorts to and it's just
2:00:25 a spiral all the way down
2:00:28 there is a similarity between our mercy
2:00:30 and Allah
2:00:33 yeah in terms in terms of in terms of
2:00:36 the meaning of the two words there's a
2:00:38 similarity yeah but in terms of the
2:00:41 meaning of hand there is no similarity
2:00:43 no no no no wait wait see just as you
2:00:46 said Muhammad Assam that there can be
2:00:48 this uh you know very
2:00:51 a tiny notion of similarity that just
2:00:54 allows for you to say you have mercy and
2:00:56 God has Mercy yet they're nothing alike
2:00:58 yeah exactly the same thing could be
2:01:00 said of hands no no I I didn't say
2:01:02 they're nothing alike I mean yeah Allah
2:01:04 shows Mercy to somebody like on oh he
2:01:08 said they were like he said they were
2:01:09 like in in small portion yeah okay
2:01:15 if if that one doesn't apply to me why
2:01:18 why would saying the same thing about
2:01:20 handling I would say is remember
2:01:21 nobody's saying anything about
2:01:23 physicality or you know it it looking in
2:01:27 any specific way or any of that stuff
2:01:29 because even those words they're they're
2:01:31 quite vague yeah especially in a
2:01:33 metaphysical discussion so if you can
2:01:35 say that and you don't fall into this B
2:01:37 yeah in the same breath you want to
2:01:39 understand
2:01:41 and maybe maybe I I
2:01:44 misunderstood touch B but um I'm kind of
2:01:47 understanding test b in a very like uh
2:01:50 the touch see me kind of way like if you
2:01:53 make yeah but that's the thing not
2:01:55 everybody does like you have the people
2:01:57 who believe in a radical notion of
2:01:59 divine Simplicity where they will say if
2:02:01 you say that Allah has any sifat
2:02:05 whatsoever right then you are in some
2:02:08 sense you are
2:02:10 um assimilating him to creation and then
2:02:13 you have a step down from that the the
2:02:16 people who affirm certain attributes
2:02:18 like power knowledge will Etc right and
2:02:23 they don't think that that's test B but
2:02:24 then they will say well if you affirm uh
2:02:27 yed then this is Tesh B yeah and then
2:02:29 you have the the the the next Group
2:02:31 which says well you can affirm that but
2:02:33 you can't affirm uh addition or you can
2:02:36 affirm so and so on it's just constantly
2:02:39 down the hill each person has a
2:02:42 different definition of teshby where
2:02:44 they say oh well we allow all the way
2:02:47 from we don't allow any similarity
2:02:49 whatsoever to oh we allow in this case
2:02:52 but not in others and constantly going
2:02:54 down yeah so that's reality everybody
2:02:57 accuses each other right no and that's a
2:03:00 good point but um do you believe that
2:03:02 the correct position is that there is a
2:03:04 line to be drawn somewhere someplace or
2:03:07 that
2:03:08 um you just
2:03:09 uh yes and say that is acceptable across
2:03:14 the board
2:03:15 no so so in our position so our position
2:03:18 is that the words that apply have have a
2:03:21 similar meaning otherwise we wouldn't
2:03:23 understand at all what's going on but
2:03:26 like you said it's going to be
2:03:28 infinitesimal like the point and this is
2:03:30 where people get confused because they
2:03:32 think well you're comparing physical
2:03:33 Creations it's just to get you to
2:03:35 understand something like the example
2:03:37 that abdulrahman is is using about the
2:03:40 wings of an Angel there's a radical
2:03:42 difference between that and uh wings of
2:03:46 a bird for example so what we would say
2:03:48 is Allah because he is greater than that
2:03:52 it's going to be infinitely more the gap
2:03:55 between any word that we apply to him
2:03:57 and things in creation that's all that
2:04:00 it's meant to establish that the same
2:04:02 way that you can use the same word for
2:04:05 two things in creation and yet as you
2:04:07 saw here and I'm not saying it as
2:04:09 anything bad but sometimes it's
2:04:11 generally hard to struggle to say well I
2:04:14 use the same word for this thing and I
2:04:17 use the same word for this thing but
2:04:18 then when you actually think about it
2:04:20 it's like well what do they actually
2:04:21 have in common some things that you use
2:04:24 the same word for what they actually
2:04:26 have in common is very very small so
2:04:28 imagine the difference between something
2:04:31 in creation that has the same name or
2:04:33 uses the same name and Allah we say it's
2:04:38 even way greater than that and then
2:04:39 that's when we say when you ask us how
2:04:42 it is or the exact function of it is we
2:04:45 can't explain anything like that we can
2:04:46 explain to you what the meaning is and
2:04:49 the very small notion that we want to
2:04:52 apply but besides that we don't go
2:04:55 further than that and when you say well
2:04:57 what's what's the drawing line we want
2:04:59 to stick to the Quran and the Sunnah the
2:05:01 Revelation Allah spoke about himself in
2:05:04 the way that he did and we believe it is
2:05:06 appropriate
2:05:08 right like I'm asking for what you
2:05:11 believe the interpretation is obviously
2:05:13 I mean on over the interpretation right
2:05:17 yeah we've been going over the
2:05:18 interpretation of course of course there
2:05:20 are going to be uh certain things that
2:05:23 if you claim about Allah
2:05:26 um well first of all you have to ask the
2:05:28 person right because just like you had
2:05:30 an idea of what something means and then
2:05:32 you ask us if we have a different
2:05:33 meaning then well you could say oh Jake
2:05:36 I think you're wrong about what that
2:05:38 word means fine but you wouldn't say
2:05:41 it's a contradiction likewise if someone
2:05:44 is using a word and applying it to Allah
2:05:46 the first thing we have to do is ask
2:05:49 them what do they mean by this this is
2:05:51 what all the scholars do regardless
2:05:53 right and then based on that they're
2:05:56 going to come up with some type of
2:05:57 judgment they're going to say well that
2:05:59 term is not mentioned in Quran and
2:06:01 Sunnah so you probably shouldn't use it
2:06:03 but the meaning of it is fine there's
2:06:06 nothing wrong with it or something might
2:06:08 be well it is mentioned but it's not the
2:06:11 meaning that you think it is there's
2:06:13 there's so many different options okay
2:06:16 brother I have one question maybe
2:06:18 that'll uh um
2:06:23 I was gonna say I think what what it is
2:06:25 the problem is we're gonna have to move
2:06:26 on because we've got two more guests so
2:06:28 but just uh just ask you just one more
2:06:31 question
2:06:32 because I I do feel like it's actually
2:06:34 very significant to the topic at hand
2:06:35 which is the topic of uh of mystery
2:06:37 because this is all very mysterious
2:06:40 um not in the not in the sense that it's
2:06:42 confusing but in the sense that we're
2:06:43 talking about metaphysical properties of
2:06:45 Allah and
2:06:47 um you know and its interpretations can
2:06:49 sound like an appeal to mystery to a lot
2:06:51 of people
2:06:53 um so if you have time maybe just one
2:06:55 more question
2:06:57 uh yeah but I think that's the whole
2:06:59 point of raising this as an example
2:07:01 because the point here is saying
2:07:04 if a person appeals to mystery on these
2:07:06 types of topics and somebody claims it's
2:07:08 a contradiction then they're under the
2:07:10 burden of proof to demonstrate the
2:07:11 contradiction if they cannot demonstrate
2:07:14 it's a contradiction and somebody's
2:07:15 saying they're appealing to mystery then
2:07:18 there's there's no uh there's no uh I
2:07:22 mean what how do you say there's no
2:07:23 issues with regards to that in in uh you
2:07:26 know it doesn't make something true or
2:07:28 false per se just by opinion well
2:07:30 there's no there's not
2:07:32 unless there's a contradiction
2:07:35 yeah and if you're justified by the text
2:07:38 to adopt this language then that's fine
2:07:41 we you know so you know like like I
2:07:44 think brother abdulrahman gave the
2:07:46 example of the angels of a wing and
2:07:47 angels of creation other than uh say
2:07:51 wings of angels and wings of of other
2:07:55 creation how they're so radically
2:07:57 different that we can't even comprehend
2:07:59 it yes we can think about attribute and
2:08:01 we can think about function but that's
2:08:03 about it we can't conceptualize it or
2:08:05 visualize it in our minds yeah so
2:08:08 um maybe another example is a very basic
2:08:10 example is like you've got a person
2:08:11 who's blind from birth and you say this
2:08:14 sulfur is red
2:08:16 now he may have a conception of color
2:08:18 potentially I don't think you would even
2:08:20 have that actually but you know he
2:08:22 wouldn't be able to conceive what the
2:08:24 color red is yeah so yeah
2:08:27 um there are going to be appeals to
2:08:29 mystery because we're talking about the
2:08:30 metaphysical talking about the Rabe
2:08:32 isn't it the Unseen yeah you're not for
2:08:34 example like we obviously we believe
2:08:36 that Allah has two right hands and we
2:08:39 affirm that but we we understand that
2:08:42 Allah says he has two right hands in the
2:08:44 sense that he his hands are blessed now
2:08:46 for example yeah that one is understood
2:08:49 in that way Muhammad it's not a good
2:08:50 example I mean
2:08:52 imagine
2:09:00 um you know a different context or so or
2:09:03 society that considered left hands as
2:09:05 blessed
2:09:07 so
2:09:09 what and of course I I know that you
2:09:11 can't say for sure what Allah would say
2:09:13 but I I'm just raising the idea that
2:09:16 would you say that Allah if he said in
2:09:19 that context he has two left hands that
2:09:21 would fundamentally be the same
2:09:23 thing
2:09:25 yeah because it means blessings I mean
2:09:28 yeah because you have to understand part
2:09:31 part of how the the texts are
2:09:33 interpreted is based on the Arabic
2:09:35 language as understood at that time so
2:09:38 of course it's not like Chinese version
2:09:40 of left or right so yeah yeah of course
2:09:42 it's going to be based on that
2:09:44 Muhammad one thing last thing I'm going
2:09:46 to say and maybe Sharif Muhammad could
2:09:49 leave but you can listen to it to what I
2:09:50 have to say here is about you know the
2:09:52 different interpretations thing they're
2:09:54 going to be different interpretations
2:09:55 but that's not really uh you know the
2:09:58 core issue at play in most of these
2:10:00 questions the core issue is that you
2:10:03 have certain you know metaphysical uh
2:10:05 principles that you hold to and on that
2:10:08 basis you're concerned with specific
2:10:10 interpretations of the Quran now if we
2:10:13 look at those metaphysical commitments
2:10:16 for examples or ones that uh try to say
2:10:20 that you couldn't attribute this or that
2:10:23 of God or ones that talk about
2:10:25 composition and multiplicity if we look
2:10:27 at them all on their own grounds our
2:10:29 claim is that they never you know
2:10:32 indicate any type of rational necessity
2:10:36 in the sense that you must hold to this
2:10:37 principle otherwise you're irrational no
2:10:40 I don't think anyone agrees with that at
2:10:42 least people who like you know know this
2:10:44 topic really well uh and uh and and in
2:10:48 that sense it's going to depend on what
2:10:51 your metaphysical principles are going
2:10:52 to the text if you don't see a problem
2:10:55 with specific things that certain
2:10:57 schools do see a problem with like for
2:10:59 example composition and mult what they
2:11:01 call composition or multiplicity then
2:11:03 your it's it's going to be irrelevant
2:11:05 what the actual reading of the text is
2:11:07 you'll say okay let's look at the Arabic
2:11:08 language let's look at the seed let's
2:11:10 look at what the sahaba understood what
2:11:12 the prophet understood what is uh you
2:11:15 know the most likely interpretation
2:11:16 given the rules of the language and the
2:11:19 interpretations of the time and we'll
2:11:22 accept that because you don't have any
2:11:23 kind of metaphysical import that you're
2:11:25 bringing in that forces you to twist the
2:11:28 interpretation possible to have a
2:11:29 metaphysical Imports yeah yeah and what
2:11:31 I mean is yeah of course you're right
2:11:33 you're right but in the sense I mean in
2:11:35 that sense about those specific aspects
2:11:37 that certain people hold to and on the
2:11:39 basis of those aspects they sort of
2:11:42 interpret the Quran in a specific way
2:11:44 that is not the and the or the apparent
2:11:48 as in that they'd see the apparent
2:11:49 meaning and be like oh this is
2:11:50 problematic now let's reinterpret it
2:11:53 into another meaning now I find it very
2:11:55 problematic that Allah would speak in a
2:11:57 language or would reveal his Revelation
2:11:59 in a language that you know be a parent
2:12:01 of which
2:12:03 is actually problematic and
2:12:04 anthropomorphic I'd find that as a
2:12:07 problem but that that's just the point I
2:12:09 wanted to make about you know the
2:12:10 metaphysical principles actually
2:12:11 influencing what you or how you're going
2:12:14 to look at the interpretations yeah I
2:12:16 guess that was how much
2:12:18 I really apologize
2:12:21 for your time right before I leave
2:12:24 actually I just got a quick question for
2:12:26 you did you happen to go to IIs back in
2:12:29 Malaysia
2:12:30 yeah yeah yeah
2:12:33 good to see you again brother good to
2:12:34 see you okay
2:12:40 is that stalker observed man
2:12:43 uh the name doesn't look familiar but
2:12:46 yeah maybe maybe uh maybe an old friend
2:12:48 or something
2:12:50 I'll do that good okay so I was gonna
2:12:53 add the wrong person then uh
2:12:55 salaam which is okay for waiting
2:12:59 I know you you commented in the private
2:13:02 chat that you want to come on to answer
2:13:03 his question as well
2:13:10 so you're gonna ask it make a comment or
2:13:12 question
2:13:14 no I just wanted to make a comment uh
2:13:16 about uh I'm I'm hoping that brother
2:13:19 Muhammad Isham if I'm not mistaking he's
2:13:24 still watching because
2:13:25 there's few points that we need uh to
2:13:29 talk about and not to ignore because our
2:13:33 primary source
2:13:35 from our religion is Quran
2:13:39 you know and for example he's he's
2:13:43 talking about the hand of God before we
2:13:46 talk about this because this is beyond
2:13:48 our understanding according
2:13:51 what Allah
2:13:54 says about this before this for example
2:13:58 Allah talks about thank you the fruits
2:14:01 in heaven
2:14:03 you know can you can you like say that
2:14:07 the fruit that Allah is talking about is
2:14:10 the same fruit that we eat today
2:14:12 of course not and saying extra
2:14:16 things about Allah it's not allowed
2:14:18 because we are as Muslims we are not
2:14:21 allowed to say anything about Allah that
2:14:24 Allah himself didn't say say them about
2:14:27 them about himself
2:14:29 you know
2:14:31 and for
2:14:33 one one last thing I want to mention for
2:14:36 brother Muhammad he I hope that he can
2:14:40 read
2:14:41 aerobic and he can recite the
2:14:46 third
2:14:48 Surah from the seventh Ayah
2:14:52 and Allah specifically is talking about
2:14:55 this issue which people are making like
2:14:58 assumptions and stuff like that about
2:15:00 Allah that's all nothing else
2:15:03 so we have we don't have to make it so
2:15:05 complicated it's very easy to understand
2:15:07 the Quran and whoever wants to
2:15:11 understand it he will he will do that
2:15:13 and whoever wants to doubt it
2:15:17 I think he would he will be
2:15:20 in he will be living in doubt nothing
2:15:23 else
2:15:25 you make a very good point in terms of
2:15:28 the fact that
2:15:29 um some of these types of discussions
2:15:31 might come across quite complex and
2:15:33 philosophical but they they became
2:15:35 philosophical or complex because of the
2:15:38 way people or different sex or even
2:15:41 externally from Christians how they try
2:15:43 to undermine Islam uh on some of these
2:15:46 types of points whether it's the hand of
2:15:48 Allah whether it's to do with the speech
2:15:50 of Allah the Quran Etc and how they you
2:15:53 know it sort of multiplied into lots of
2:15:55 debates and discussions but you know
2:15:57 from an from an ordinary Muslim point of
2:16:00 view these types of discussions and
2:16:01 these types of you know in this type of
2:16:04 a way of discussing it as the brothers
2:16:06 have discussed it here is not necessary
2:16:08 anyway in terms of achieving starvation
2:16:11 um as Muslims when we look at these
2:16:13 verses we take the general apparent
2:16:15 meaning that just comes to our head and
2:16:16 that's about it really you know when
2:16:18 when we talk about these things we don't
2:16:20 really go into the depth of talking
2:16:22 about the sifata for Allah and how it is
2:16:24 a literal metaphorical how is it taken
2:16:26 literally this another there are certain
2:16:28 fundamental things uh that we accept as
2:16:31 you mentioned the verse about how we
2:16:33 view the Quran through the Muslim or
2:16:36 these aspects through the clear cut and
2:16:38 that the mother shall be heard those
2:16:40 things which are maybe not readily
2:16:41 acceptable we look at it from that
2:16:43 perspective and I mean that's that's a
2:16:46 general perspective that we look at and
2:16:48 then the mothership that cannot be fully
2:16:50 comprehended from the mind this is where
2:16:52 you know uh it's because human beings
2:16:55 are limited and maybe the text is
2:16:57 understanding in terms of explaining
2:16:59 fully the reality of the rape
2:17:01 on these matters and so we're uh
2:17:05 justified in appealing to a mystery in
2:17:07 that sense or in the justified in terms
2:17:09 of not being able to fully comprehend
2:17:11 these matters of the rape which we're
2:17:13 not necessitated to know anyway for our
2:17:16 salvation
2:17:18 exactly that's not a part of our
2:17:20 salvation and uh one more thing for
2:17:22 example uh Allah names our Prophet Allah
2:17:29 like the illiterate Prophet but if we
2:17:34 talk about this illiterate Prophet
2:17:35 actually he knows way way more about
2:17:40 or way way more than
2:17:44 the the philosophers and the most uh
2:17:48 intelligent people that we know in from
2:17:51 throughout the history so like our this
2:17:55 on me is in in Arabic uh actually it's
2:18:00 on me about the religion it's it's like
2:18:03 you have to just to follow not a blind
2:18:07 uh like we're not blind followers but
2:18:12 as Muslims we have to accept that that
2:18:15 what Allah says is true and just like I
2:18:18 said if Allah didn't say something about
2:18:20 himself we cannot explain that it
2:18:23 doesn't matter what it is
2:18:25 you know what I mean
2:18:27 yeah no just okay for your comment we're
2:18:30 going to move on to the other guest but
2:18:32 I appreciate you coming on uh okay I
2:18:35 don't know yeah just off okay I just
2:18:37 tastes stay tuned I think the other
2:18:38 brothers might want to comment as well
2:18:40 put yourself okay sorry okay
2:18:44 uh it's got uh so I need to go through
2:18:47 these quickly because we've been on for
2:18:48 a while so apologies if you feel uh
2:18:51 rushed but uh yeah it was a assalamu
2:18:55 alaikum how are you brother
2:18:59 are you there was there
2:19:01 yes Arkansas
2:19:05 uh so
2:19:08 sorry
2:19:10 have you got a comment or question
2:19:13 yeah um so it was kind of leading up
2:19:16 from the discussion that you had before
2:19:19 um
2:19:21 well uh so I don't want to rehash any of
2:19:23 the like the old arguments
2:19:26 um because you guys have been talking
2:19:27 for a while
2:19:29 um let's just uh I actually want to just
2:19:31 talk about uh the concept of uh
2:19:34 just determinism and free will uh so how
2:19:38 exactly are you know people often appeal
2:19:40 to mystery regarding those two
2:19:43 um I I'm not sure how that's not seen as
2:19:46 a contradiction how you can have both
2:19:48 Free Will and uh you know a
2:19:49 deterministic set of Affairs
2:19:53 um I don't know what are you guys
2:19:54 thoughts on that
2:19:55 okay that's a good question actually
2:19:57 just about a link to the topic
2:20:00 so that's another aspect of mystery we
2:20:03 didn't talk about
2:20:06 um yeah I mean I remember brother Ed mod
2:20:09 I think you guys know him he he I
2:20:11 remember a status here or it was a
2:20:13 comment that was very nice about
2:20:15 um the paradoxes and and you know
2:20:19 um when it is valid to filter mystery
2:20:21 and when it isn't and one of the aspects
2:20:22 he mentioned in that comment that I
2:20:24 still remember was that um if if you
2:20:27 arrive at the truth of uh you know both
2:20:31 horns of the apparent contradiction or
2:20:34 the Paradox through necessary and sound
2:20:36 reasoning then you have a much better
2:20:38 case to appeal to mystery than if you
2:20:41 don't right as in if um
2:20:44 I arrive at free will
2:20:47 through a sound method and I arrive at
2:20:50 uh you know I don't know what you want
2:20:53 to call it determinism or
2:20:55 because not everybody's gonna agree with
2:20:56 it but not hard determinism but
2:20:58 determinism uh soundly as well then
2:21:01 that's not a contradiction but then
2:21:03 there's apparent Paradox here that uh
2:21:05 you know it's you could just leave it at
2:21:07 that or you could try to work it out but
2:21:09 then the reason it's different as well
2:21:11 is that there's no real explicit
2:21:13 contradiction because there are
2:21:14 different accounts of what free will is
2:21:16 and there are different accounts of what
2:21:20 determinism entails right uh so that's
2:21:24 that's going to be a whole discussion on
2:21:25 its own I mean so you're going to have
2:21:27 the incompatible lists who you know if
2:21:30 they do see determinism and Free Will as
2:21:33 uh incompatible they will say that well
2:21:36 either you know they'll either take a
2:21:38 hard determinist stance where there's no
2:21:39 free will or they'll be like
2:21:41 Libertarians about free will or
2:21:44 compatibilists have ways to say that
2:21:46 it's not
2:21:48 uh you know inconsistent to hold to both
2:21:51 of these Notions at the same time and
2:21:52 they have different explanations for
2:21:53 that uh that's very different from like
2:21:56 questions of like identity and you know
2:21:59 you being a thing and it's negation at
2:22:02 the same time and same way so it's not
2:22:04 really as straightforward as that
2:22:07 um just just to like uh ask for
2:22:09 clarification
2:22:11 um like the Inc like the compatibilistic
2:22:13 approach to the to this discussion
2:22:16 um isn't it often just that the uh the
2:22:19 will is just reduced oh it's like it's
2:22:21 illusionary
2:22:22 um like even from the intuitive
2:22:24 perspective if you uh try identifying a
2:22:27 will
2:22:28 um I I guess that's more of like an
2:22:30 epistemological thing to do but uh if
2:22:32 you just looked at what really is a will
2:22:34 wouldn't it kind of uh uh wouldn't it
2:22:39 kind of just be like an illusion like
2:22:42 even the compatibilists would be arguing
2:22:43 that the wheel is actually Just an
2:22:45 Illusion here
2:22:46 um so my question is compatibles would
2:22:48 argue that they just wouldn't be
2:22:50 Libertarians about Free Will I mean
2:22:52 they'd have a different understanding of
2:22:53 what free will is
2:22:55 but it so if it's not libertarian Free
2:22:58 Will
2:22:59 um and to be fair I'm not really read up
2:23:01 on the literature so I wouldn't know but
2:23:03 my only thing is like if it's not
2:23:05 libertarian free will uh then is it even
2:23:07 like a will at all because at that point
2:23:09 it's it's kind of just
2:23:12 um like it's it seems very illusionary
2:23:16 but your brother your question kind of
2:23:18 begs the question for the libertarian's
2:23:20 position so yeah clearly if you're a
2:23:22 Libertarian that's how you're going to
2:23:23 see it but it kind of begs the question
2:23:25 if you're talking to a compatibleist and
2:23:27 you say well if libertarian Free Will is
2:23:29 not true then there is no free will but
2:23:32 that's kind of the point of dispute so
2:23:34 it's understandable that you say that
2:23:36 provided you're a Libertarian but it's
2:23:38 not going to really do any work in your
2:23:40 discussion with the compatibleist
2:23:42 because that is the very point that
2:23:45 needs to be discussed
2:23:46 foreign
2:23:54 I mean we can give a more detailed
2:23:56 answer but maybe we need a whole stream
2:23:57 about this but I think if we if we delve
2:24:00 deeper into it it's going to take us a
2:24:02 bit far off uh you know yeah that makes
2:24:05 sense although to be fair in the past
2:24:07 discussion did as well uh but I don't
2:24:11 know I mean I'm happy to talk about it
2:24:12 if uh Sharif I don't know what you think
2:24:15 no I think we're gonna move we can't
2:24:18 talk about it but I think it might be
2:24:20 best to move on yeah
2:24:24 yeah because otherwise we won't do it
2:24:27 justice to be honest
2:24:29 um but yeah I think I think uh the issue
2:24:31 then becomes what's the definition of
2:24:33 will yeah who's who's an agent in that
2:24:36 situation and there's going to be
2:24:38 different uh understandings of that but
2:24:40 I think the main main point that maybe
2:24:42 to understand is when somebody argues
2:24:46 something is a logical contradiction
2:24:49 the bar is incredibly High to
2:24:51 demonstrate that it is a logical
2:24:52 contradiction it's not easy to
2:24:54 demonstrate something is a logical
2:24:56 contradiction because he just needs one
2:24:58 little way out uh in order to sort of
2:25:01 give a possible meaning to the words
2:25:04 that he's saying in order to avoid a
2:25:07 logical contradiction so
2:25:10 um like I said this idea of Free Will
2:25:12 and determinism if there's one way out
2:25:15 in terms of the way they Define their
2:25:17 terms then you know you can't really
2:25:20 apply it as a logical contradiction in
2:25:22 that sense does that make sense as a
2:25:24 yeah yeah
2:25:26 um I I see 100 what you're saying again
2:25:28 I don't want to take up any of your time
2:25:29 so no because that makes sense
2:25:32 appreciate it yeah cool thank you okay
2:25:35 what's up
2:25:38 right uh so we have uh we have uh lpt
2:25:43 sucks I assume that's logical problem of
2:25:47 the trinity
2:25:49 yeah
2:25:51 I'm doing okay
2:25:53 uh I would like you guys to do a favor
2:25:56 for me uh can you please tell because
2:25:58 I'm gonna be clipping this can you tell
2:26:00 my Christian brothers and sisters that
2:26:02 uh the lpt only works if you hold to the
2:26:05 so-called Orthodox position especially
2:26:07 as it relates to the Incarnation
2:26:13 very familiar
2:26:17 yeah
2:26:18 can you can you can you just tell my
2:26:20 friends that the lpt only works as it
2:26:23 relates to uh uh the Orthodox positions
2:26:26 because um this is Jake's discussion
2:26:28 Jake where'd you go man come back for
2:26:30 this no because I think I already
2:26:31 discussed this with Jake and he couldn't
2:26:33 find any logical problems what he did is
2:26:35 try to show me scripturally that I was
2:26:37 wrong
2:26:39 that didn't work you either but I don't
2:26:41 know
2:26:43 um I don't think you really believe in
2:26:45 the Trinity do you Terry I do I I came
2:26:48 with the the sun analogy which is again
2:26:49 infallible and has yet to be refuted by
2:26:52 anybody you uh Mansour it's all in my
2:26:56 channel
2:26:57 father's God son is God holy spirit's
2:27:00 God you have three gods
2:27:02 uh well yeah see the problem with the
2:27:05 lpt I didn't want to go to the Trinity
2:27:06 because I already did this with you I
2:27:07 wanted to do this for the Incarnation
2:27:09 because I did a debate with Matt slick
2:27:10 and you're going to be debating him soon
2:27:12 so I debated this specific issue and I
2:27:14 wanted to add layers to it but as far as
2:27:17 your uh the father's God the son's God
2:27:19 the holy spirit is God Scripture doesn't
2:27:21 reveal
2:27:22 um these this model that you're trying
2:27:24 to present the father is called Theon
2:27:26 God an exclusive title to him so unless
2:27:29 you address that or uh apply that to
2:27:32 your question
2:27:35 yes is he God
2:27:38 they are as per his uh if you want to
2:27:42 identify him when he says God in the
2:27:44 Greek is chaos when it says father is
2:27:46 teon so there's a different
2:27:47 qualification as it relates to the
2:27:49 person so you're gonna have to add this
2:27:51 here are they different are they
2:27:52 different gods
2:27:55 I just gauge I just gave you an
2:27:57 application of the word God in the Greek
2:28:00 stay on for the father they ask for the
2:28:02 son they ask for the holy spirit so you
2:28:05 have to yeah are they God in the same
2:28:07 way or not are you how are you applying
2:28:09 the word God in this sense I'm asking
2:28:12 you are they God in the same way or not
2:28:14 uh not as it relates to a person no
2:28:18 okay so then they're not the same God
2:28:21 not as it relates to person to share the
2:28:24 same qualities though the sun analogy to
2:28:26 raise the heat
2:28:27 what makes them God the fact that they
2:28:30 share the same qualities yeah that's
2:28:32 good enough okay and each one of them
2:28:34 have those qualities so they each have
2:28:37 fully what it takes to be God so each
2:28:39 one of them is a God not not okay I
2:28:41 understand what you're saying not unless
2:28:42 because the sun is within the father you
2:28:45 cannot remove the Sun from the father or
2:28:47 the Holy Spirit from the father so when
2:28:49 you speak into the father your the son
2:28:50 is within and the Holy Spirit is with
2:28:52 him the same thing I said about the sun
2:28:54 analogy the raising the heat at the
2:28:55 point of urgent is the Sun s-u-n so I as
2:28:58 it relates to the operational
2:28:59 relationship between the person of the
2:29:01 godhead the sun s-o-n is within the
2:29:03 bosom of the father and he projects from
2:29:05 the father he is the race the humility
2:29:06 of the Father by which we can engage he
2:29:09 can engage with his creation his abstain
2:29:11 his creation which is problematic for
2:29:12 the Islamic God but that's a whole
2:29:14 different issue I'm willing to defend my
2:29:16 God the fact Still Remains he is the son
2:29:18 the son is when is the Sun as you went
2:29:20 at the point of urgent and he is the
2:29:22 race the humility of the father so he
2:29:24 holds both uh positions uh
2:29:26 simultaneously so as it relates to the
2:29:29 operational relation relationship of uh
2:29:31 the persons of the guided we see Father
2:29:33 the s-u-n Son is the race the holy
2:29:36 spirit is the heat but as it relates to
2:29:38 the nature
2:29:40 all three of them are at the point
2:29:41 origin is the su-1 uh son so they share
2:29:45 the same nature in that way
2:29:47 can you argue against that yeah then you
2:29:50 still have three Gods because you have
2:29:51 three individuals you have three
2:29:53 individuals which are each fully God and
2:29:56 they're not each other it's three Gods
2:29:58 it doesn't matter the fact that they're
2:29:59 Inseparable in terms of spatial location
2:30:02 or anything like that the way in which
2:30:04 we count objects as we count objects by
2:30:07 the amount of individuals that possess a
2:30:10 certain quality and in this case we have
2:30:12 three individuals which are not
2:30:14 identical to each other and they're each
2:30:16 called God there's three Gods okay so
2:30:19 you so I'm gonna address your point I'm
2:30:21 just gonna clearly stipulate that you
2:30:24 you did not address the fact that
2:30:25 there's a distinction of the Greek word
2:30:27 God as it relates for the father or son
2:30:29 you didn't adjust that you didn't adjust
2:30:31 the sun analogy that he at this point of
2:30:33 origin the Son and the Holy Spirit is
2:30:35 the Sun as you went same nature analogy
2:30:37 doesn't work
2:30:39 the same nature
2:30:42 no problem I'm gonna address your point
2:30:44 I'm gonna address your your latest point
2:30:45 I I totally disagree with you Terry this
2:30:47 is largely irrelevant to the stream this
2:30:49 is way off track you're talking about
2:30:51 the lpt I'm going to address your last
2:30:53 point and I'm going to show again how
2:30:54 illogical your position is because you
2:30:57 suggested that somehow uh because there
2:31:00 are three persons in eternality sharing
2:31:02 the same Eternal Essence somehow that's
2:31:05 three Gods can you explain to me how you
2:31:07 can have three units in eternality
2:31:12 because you're talking about I don't
2:31:13 know what that question means three
2:31:15 units okay can you have a unit can you
2:31:17 have a unit in Eternal reality can you
2:31:20 have a unit can you can you say one two
2:31:22 three four five six since one two three
2:31:25 relates to temporal
2:31:30 you're you're a popular guy
2:31:38 how can you have units one two three
2:31:40 four five six in eternality please just
2:31:42 for my people my questions because
2:31:43 because the way in which we count is by
2:31:46 identity so if you have two things the
2:31:49 way in which you know and you count two
2:31:51 things is by the fact that they have
2:31:53 different properties so you counting has
2:31:55 nothing to do with time or temporality
2:31:58 or things changing or anything like that
2:32:01 we can count individuals based on the
2:32:04 fact that there are things which do not
2:32:06 possess all the same properties so I
2:32:09 want to make sure to all your people
2:32:10 that's listening to you're saying
2:32:12 numbers like one two three four five six
2:32:14 can exist in eternality
2:32:15 and eternal reality correct because in
2:32:19 eternality don't you have three persons
2:32:21 or do you only have one person no no I'm
2:32:23 using my language in temporal space to
2:32:25 describe it but the end of course
2:32:27 there's an eternality uh and and all
2:32:30 seriousness I'm just using in human
2:32:33 languages no I'm trying to try to
2:32:35 finalize the statement it's okay it's
2:32:37 like it's like me saying your God has
2:32:39 two right hands you're gonna give me an
2:32:40 explanation too you have three persons
2:32:42 in eternality or not does it only become
2:32:45 three words into human language
2:32:46 according to human language yes but the
2:32:49 reality of it is that the father Son and
2:32:51 Holy Spirit and the god United that's it
2:32:54 so in reality there's only one person
2:32:57 I'm going to repeat and eternality if
2:32:59 you're using a break uh uh uh the hip
2:33:02 break if you're holding to the hebraic
2:33:04 narrative this father-son and holy
2:33:06 spirit does not one two three persons
2:33:08 that's nowhere in scripture this
2:33:10 father-son and Holy Spirit and their
2:33:11 ecard United that's it that's that's
2:33:14 what that's right I'm using human
2:33:16 language to entertain to entertain are
2:33:20 they can you count father is one son is
2:33:23 two and spirit is three
2:33:26 uh using human language but the reality
2:33:29 of the fact is there's no numbers or
2:33:32 mathematics or numbers do not apply to
2:33:35 the Eternal reality
2:33:38 God one is there one God in eternality
2:33:42 does a unified God there's not one one
2:33:46 there's not one God in eternality if
2:33:48 you're using human language yes okay so
2:33:51 in the same way that there's one God in
2:33:54 eternality there's three persons in
2:33:57 eternality here's a human language yeah
2:33:59 using human language yes so why were you
2:34:01 averse to doing that before it's because
2:34:03 it results in there being three Gods but
2:34:06 you didn't want to do it you were
2:34:07 willing to do it when it came to saying
2:34:09 that there's one God maybe I don't
2:34:11 express myself too well I'm gonna repeat
2:34:13 my position
2:34:14 I thought I made myself very clear I
2:34:17 said if I'm going to use human language
2:34:18 from my perspective I could say one God
2:34:21 with three persons the reality of the
2:34:23 fact is not different reality okay the
2:34:26 true reality of the Eternal reality
2:34:28 there's nothing there's not three
2:34:30 persons because three does not exist in
2:34:32 internality the reality is if numbers
2:34:34 don't exist in re in in eternality in
2:34:37 reality then there's not three persons
2:34:40 in reality in eternality and there's
2:34:42 also not not one God
2:34:44 no I I I thought I said human
2:34:46 perspective and reality there's two
2:34:49 different reality in reality and
2:34:52 eternality from God's perspective
2:34:53 there's not three persons okay and
2:34:55 there's not one God okay no problem so
2:34:57 from your God's perspective he has he
2:35:00 doesn't have two right hands
2:35:02 no he said he said you're you're arguing
2:35:06 goes against you it goes against
2:35:09 you just said from God's perspective in
2:35:12 eternality and reality there is not one
2:35:15 God
2:35:16 they said unified God a card guard yes
2:35:18 okay there's an ichab God but there's
2:35:20 not a one God there's no one God or
2:35:22 distinguished as Father Son and Holy
2:35:24 Spirit okay thank you very much make
2:35:26 sure you clip this out and put down the
2:35:28 part where you said no no but in reality
2:35:32 there is not one God according to God
2:35:35 himself
2:35:36 from Human perspective I could say one
2:35:38 God three persons from God's perspective
2:35:40 there's only father Son and Holy Spirit
2:35:42 the number one doesn't doesn't matter
2:35:44 God's perspective is not one number one
2:35:46 number two number three numbers do not
2:35:48 apply to the Eternal reality and if I'm
2:35:50 gonna apply the same consistency with
2:35:52 you then you're God having two right
2:35:53 hand makes
2:35:55 I have to use human standards eternality
2:35:58 so describe what that means god
2:36:00 according to you sir I'm sorry what did
2:36:01 you say according to you God himself
2:36:05 does not believe that there is one God
2:36:07 in eternity past no he he doesn't say
2:36:09 hey
2:36:12 guys
2:36:13 no one God exists huh
2:36:17 no one God exists no one because he
2:36:20 doesn't use numbers doesn't he denies
2:36:23 his self-existence are you serious
2:36:25 [Music]
2:36:32 is not one God according to God in
2:36:36 eternity past no he doesn't say he
2:36:38 doesn't let me make it clear he doesn't
2:36:40 say he doesn't say hey guys there's one
2:36:42 God and three persons he doesn't say no
2:36:44 you said he recognizes himself he he
2:36:47 does not say or recognize you said he
2:36:50 doesn't even recognize because there's
2:36:52 no counting there's no numbers so
2:36:54 there's not one God no again one you're
2:36:57 using the word one as it relates to
2:37:00 human standards I'm saying he recognized
2:37:02 his his existence and he recognizes the
2:37:06 distinguishing between the person's
2:37:07 father
2:37:08 using human standards number one is
2:37:11 their number one in God's standards
2:37:14 that's different than human standards
2:37:15 yes because number one doesn't uh number
2:37:18 one doesn't apply to him it applies to
2:37:20 us okay so so numbers apply to Creation
2:37:23 but numbers don't apply to God so we
2:37:26 can't say there's one God according to
2:37:28 God no you could say it he won't say it
2:37:30 that's the point
2:37:33 so God does not know that there's only
2:37:36 one God okay I'm gonna try to maybe it's
2:37:39 me who's uh I have a problem explaining
2:37:41 myself when you had a guy just not too
2:37:44 long ago said you your God has two right
2:37:46 hands that's
2:37:48 not even two right hands a hand does it
2:37:50 does the hand the word hand apply the
2:37:53 same way for God yes or no be consistent
2:37:56 because if you're going to say one two
2:37:57 three this has to apply to me there's
2:37:59 nothing to do with it we're talking it's
2:38:00 the same thing if if we said does God
2:38:03 have the same thing attribute if God has
2:38:04 an attribute one attribute which is
2:38:06 knowledge yes that's one attribute a
2:38:09 second attribute which is power yes we
2:38:11 can talk about one actually I'm talking
2:38:13 about hands
2:38:14 one hand one attribute
2:38:18 no no no no listen to clearly to the
2:38:21 point I'm making you're using that word
2:38:23 hand your God has hands so this is
2:38:26 counting how is it irrelevant you're
2:38:29 telling me I have to apply count one
2:38:31 hand two hands one knowledge one power
2:38:34 one will be an argument I'm making
2:38:37 that's not even an argument I'm making
2:38:38 I'm saying said numbers you're using
2:38:40 human standards for number one two and
2:38:43 three human status and you're trying to
2:38:44 apply that to the Eternal reality I'm
2:38:45 saying okay if you're gonna do that if
2:38:47 you're gonna do that you say nothing
2:38:49 you're not letting me finish because you
2:38:50 see you got caught again let me finish
2:38:52 my statement if you're going to use
2:38:53 human standards as it relates to numbers
2:38:55 I'm done with this guy I'm I'm just
2:38:57 gonna find it this is going to finalize
2:38:59 this statement if you if you're going to
2:39:01 use human standards okay okay no problem
2:39:03 I mean come on like what did you say
2:39:07 they say give up while you're ahead but
2:39:10 you're not even ahead I mean just give
2:39:12 up while you're still breathing I mean
2:39:13 okay
2:39:14 what's the point what's the point of
2:39:16 everything you said is just refuting its
2:39:19 own self and he just demonstrates can
2:39:20 you give me an example five times in a
2:39:22 row yeah give me an example unaffected
2:39:24 um no no but give me an example forever
2:39:27 your confidence is increasing like I
2:39:29 know I know I know I know but that's
2:39:31 that's a that's a claim can you give me
2:39:33 an example explain to me how me saying
2:39:36 using human standards can can I just
2:39:39 find this is the reason why you're
2:39:41 you're interrupting me because you know
2:39:42 I made a point how the fact that me
2:39:45 using human standards I say there's one
2:39:47 God but it doesn't apply to God in his
2:39:50 eternal
2:39:50 Eternal reality it's not synonymous to
2:39:52 the fact that me saying your God have
2:39:54 hands doesn't mean he has hands like us
2:39:56 that's not the same thing human
2:39:59 standards in both both of them are using
2:40:01 human standards human standards for
2:40:03 hands human standards for numbers humans
2:40:05 standing for hands human standard human
2:40:08 standard first something
2:40:10 yeah
2:40:12 did you use the lpt on Max lick did you
2:40:15 use it on him did you let's see I said I
2:40:17 served you this year I sent it to you I
2:40:20 asked you a question did you use the lpt
2:40:23 on Matt slick whatever why would I use
2:40:26 the argument I got my own delicious
2:40:27 arguments why would I use the arguments
2:40:29 [Music]
2:40:31 hey hey why would I use your arguments
2:40:34 hey I have my own argument that guys
2:40:37 watch this well you can watch this
2:40:40 Friday and see what happens with Matt
2:40:41 slick I know you're probably gonna win
2:40:43 against that you're probably but the
2:40:44 thing is is that he's gonna be on the
2:40:47 hot seat you don't seem to like to
2:40:49 defend your own religion you think so
2:40:51 you don't like you don't like to defend
2:40:53 your own religion you're always on the
2:40:54 attack
2:40:55 how do you figure that
2:40:58 um every time I see you trying to defend
2:40:59 your God how many videos If masslick
2:41:03 wants to debate me on Islam he can
2:41:05 debate me I saw you you know that every
2:41:08 every single every single debate almost
2:41:11 that I've ever had was the other person
2:41:13 challenging me I don't ask them for
2:41:15 debates they ask me no no no no I'm
2:41:18 gonna say that I'm saying I'm saying
2:41:19 you're willing to debate uh
2:41:20 Christianity they are asking me for it I
2:41:24 understand I understand but just those
2:41:25 same problems you're not comfortable to
2:41:27 try to defend your own God that's that's
2:41:28 the point I was making how long have I
2:41:30 been on here for two hours talking about
2:41:32 my God no I saw your debate with Dr
2:41:34 Khalil it didn't look good it didn't
2:41:36 look good you look good against
2:41:38 something no no problem
2:41:40 Terry this conversation is not looking
2:41:43 too good for yourself yeah yeah there's
2:41:45 numbers
2:41:49 What God Says in the Quran or even in
2:41:52 the Bible that God is one yeah you're
2:41:56 basically saying you're basically saying
2:41:58 that it doesn't say one
2:42:00 like a unit it doesn't say that
2:42:02 you're inventing things
2:42:04 in the Quran it does yeah yeah I know
2:42:06 that's a problem for you guys because
2:42:08 you don't even know what your God is
2:42:09 it's not a problem for us Terry because
2:42:11 Terry we don't accept your positions and
2:42:13 premises in this conversation is that
2:42:15 your argument what is that supposed to
2:42:18 mean you didn't say nothing serious
2:42:19 right there
2:42:21 eternality because that's what they're
2:42:22 saying because Terry what you're what
2:42:25 you're trying to do is you're trying to
2:42:26 say based on how I understand numbers
2:42:28 and how I understand counting takes
2:42:31 place this is how I'm going to apply it
2:42:33 to your religion yeah no I said I I
2:42:36 didn't say my religion I said eternality
2:42:38 don't put my religion eternality okay so
2:42:42 don't don't misrepresent me because
2:42:44 you're misrepresenting my argument
2:42:47 numbers does not apply to eternality I
2:42:50 think that's logical thank you take care
2:42:53 Terry
2:42:55 foreign
2:43:26 thank you very much
2:43:30 he's a nice guy
2:43:32 uh well
2:43:34 I think he needs to he needs to he needs
2:43:36 to slow down reflect and sort of apply
2:43:38 the criteria upon himself you know in
2:43:41 terms of trying to think these things
2:43:42 through before he starts
2:43:45 you know roll it out oh yeah well he
2:43:48 actually has I mean he he changed some
2:43:50 of his views and the language he was
2:43:52 using uh due to having discussions and
2:43:55 conversations with me which he's
2:43:57 admitted and then yet he's coming on
2:44:00 here acting like you know he's some big
2:44:02 shot I mean
2:44:04 I don't know he's just strange guy
2:44:08 I don't know why is he saying numbers
2:44:10 don't apply to eternality
2:44:13 you can't apparently you can't count in
2:44:15 eternity past like there's no one God
2:44:19 yeah God doesn't know he's one God and
2:44:22 Eternity fast it's just bizarre yeah
2:44:25 okay cool right okay guys uh we've got
2:44:29 nobody else
2:44:31 uh and uh so I don't know if Brothers
2:44:34 wanna
2:44:35 uh say anything last or
2:44:39 any points that we're going to say
2:44:45 um well let's be clear there was one
2:44:47 guard and still is one God from eternity
2:44:50 pass so let's just clear that out
2:44:54 but um no I think it was a it was a good
2:44:57 stream I think uh there's clearly a
2:44:59 difference between uh mystery and
2:45:02 contradiction it went over the various
2:45:04 points of when it's okay to quote
2:45:07 unquote accept a mystery in some sense
2:45:09 and that you can't fully understand
2:45:10 something there's no problem with that
2:45:13 um obviously you can't accept a
2:45:14 contradiction or appeal to mystery in
2:45:17 light of being shown that your view is
2:45:19 contradictory and we explained that
2:45:22 people for the most part when they're
2:45:24 criticizing Islamic Theology and
2:45:25 claiming it's contradictory they're not
2:45:27 actually showing an example of the
2:45:29 contradiction and a and not a so this is
2:45:32 some advice to the people who are
2:45:33 listening now and later on because I
2:45:35 know there'll be people who are who are
2:45:38 trying to do that especially with me
2:45:40 anyway do some homework actually
2:45:42 accurately represent our position
2:45:46 um and then come and bring a clear
2:45:48 contradiction and show The Logical
2:45:50 problem of tawheed like we do but the
2:45:52 logical problem of the Trinity but till
2:45:54 then
2:45:55 um really I think it's pointless to even
2:45:59 consider because you guys cannot even
2:46:01 show a a logical contradiction I don't
2:46:05 even know maybe if they don't know what
2:46:07 it is but that's a whole other story and
2:46:09 how you should watch our stream we
2:46:11 actually did a whole stream on what is I
2:46:14 think a logical yeah we did we did
2:46:16 people should check that out we actually
2:46:19 did a whole stream I think on uh logical
2:46:23 contradiction and I think we did a whole
2:46:25 stream on um is the Trinity of mystery I
2:46:27 think we did both so if you combine
2:46:29 those two together with this one then
2:46:32 that should help you out inshallah
2:46:36 comments points things that you're doing
2:46:40 no thank you everybody for joining and
2:46:44 thanks yeah
2:46:45 okay I'm gonna try and do this properly
2:46:48 so I'm gonna have to do the outro and
2:46:50 then end the stream but to everybody
2:46:53 who's listening hopefully inshallah you
2:46:55 find it beneficial you know we started
2:46:57 off relatively you know basic and we
2:47:00 start building layers upon these types
2:47:01 of discussions but as Jake mentioned to
2:47:04 reiterate that point which is it's
2:47:06 really important because in order to
2:47:08 understand and evaluate beliefs and also
2:47:10 in order to understand and evaluate
2:47:11 people's arguments you need to have
2:47:13 these types of understandings about what
2:47:14 a logical contradiction is when
2:47:16 appealing to mystery when you accuse
2:47:18 somebody of a logical contradiction you
2:47:19 have to demonstrate it when somebody has
2:47:22 been accused and shown a demonstration
2:47:24 he's now under a burden of proof in
2:47:26 order to
2:47:27 argue against uh demonstrate that it
2:47:29 isn't a logical contradiction so
2:47:31 hopefully people are aware of these
2:47:33 types of things so that they can better
2:47:34 understand and evaluate uh belief
2:47:37 systems for themselves
2:47:40 we will see you hopefully in a couple of
2:47:43 weeks time uh hopefully Joseph will be
2:47:45 with us uh back then
2:47:48 um and I you know Jacob and really
2:47:51 quickly but you know a lot of people
2:47:53 have been requesting us to do open q and
2:47:55 A's
2:47:56 yeah so maybe next stream we might
2:48:00 rather than just doing a topic we might
2:48:02 just do an open q a because I know a lot
2:48:03 of people want to got loads of questions
2:48:05 and they just want to ask us questions
2:48:07 so hopefully you guys will be free for
2:48:09 that and show them we'll we'll do
2:48:10 something regardless of that okay
2:48:18 hahaha
2:48:22 [Music]