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The Quran's Version of the Christmas Story (2022-01-27)


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Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI The Quran's Version of the Christmas Story

Summary of The Quran's Version of the Christmas Story

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses the different versions of the Christmas story found in the Quran. highlights how the Quran's version of the story stresses the importance of good news being brought to those who are in need.

00:00:00 The Quran's version of the Christmas story is different from the traditional stories told by missionaries. In particular, there is no mention of Mary's sister, Harun, or her brother, Musa. Muhammad apparently borrowed this story from a Syriac document written centuries before he founded Islam.

  • 00:05:00 Discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story. According to the Quran, Maryam (a.k.a. Mary) was chosen over Adam and Abraham.
  • 00:10:00 a discussion is presented about the Quran's version of the Christmas story. notes that the story of Adam and the creation is probably not a literal account, and that the story of Noah and the flood is also likely not a literal account. goes on to discuss the story of Imran, which is the ancestor of Maryam (the mother of Jesus). notes that Imran's wife dedicated her baby to God upon delivery, and that this is an example of how the Quran stresses that families of Imran are chosen over all other families at that time. concludes by stating that the story of Maryam and Jesus is not a story about a sisterhood, but rather about a father and daughter.
  • 00:15:00 Discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story, which differs from the traditional story told in Christianity. The mother of the child Jesus is not a female as in the traditional story, but a man. The mother makes a vow to God that she will grant her baby to Him if He brings her a boy. God accepts the baby, and the mother nurses her son until he is three years old. At that point, she brings her son back to her parents, who raise him as their own. The mother does not mention breastfeeding in the Quran, which may be because it was not a customary practice at the time.
  • 00:20:00 Discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story in which a virgin girl is given to a prophet by God to care for. The girl grows up and is given to a career chair to live with. The prophet finds out that she has supplies and food provided by God and prays to the Lord.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story, in which a prophet is called to help a needy family. The prophet is surprised by God and is told to stay silent for three days and three nights. When he goes out, the people think he is mute, but he miraculously communicates with them through symbols and gestures. The prophet is ultimately successful in helping the family and is glorified by his followers.
  • 00:30:00 Discusses the contradictions in the Bible's account of the birth of Mary. It points out that the story of Mary in the Quran is more logical and consistent, and that it further emphasizes her miraculous nature. It argues that the Bible's account of Mary's birth is not historically accurate, and that the discrepancies in her name and father prove this.
  • 00:35:00 examines the Quran's version of the Christmas story, which differs significantly from the stories found in the Bible. The Quran claims that Jesus was born in Mecca and that he was conceived by the Angel Gabriel. This version of the story is more in line with Gnostic beliefs about the dual nature of God.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses the story of Muhammad's journey to heaven and his meeting with God. Muhammad recounts that when he was praying alone, he feared that his enemies would steal his chance to pray before he died. God answered his prayer and gave him a sign that his enemies would not be able to catch him. Muhammad then explains that because he had been obedient to God throughout his life, he was granted a career in which he could continue the traditions of his family.
  • 00:45:00 Discusses how Muhammad, the founder of Islam, received a revelation that Jesus was not the only son of God. Muhammad was surprised when he saw a girl who matched the description of Jesus in this revelation. Muhammad asked the Lord for a sign, and was given wisdom and affection.
  • 00:50:00 Discusses the different versions of the Christmas story found in the Quran. highlights how the Quran's version of the story stresses the importance of good news being brought to those who are in need.
  • 00:55:00 Discusses the story of the virgin birth, which is a topic of contention for many people who study the Old Testament and refute its aspects. It cites a verse from the Quran which supports the story. However, the video argues that even if one part of the story is false, the whole thing is still false.


explains how the Quran's version of the Christmas story differs from the traditional story. The traditional story involves Jesus traveling to Bethlehem, being born, and then returning to Galilee. The Quran's version involves Jesus traveling to a high plain in Jordan, being born, and then returning to Palestine. argues that this version makes more sense and is more reasonable.

01:00:00 The Quran discusses the different meanings of the word "torah" (teaching). It states that Musa (Moses) was given the teaching of wisdom, as well as the tablets of the law, by God. Musa is infallible as a prophet, and his teachings are binding on humanity.

  • 01:05:00 Discusses the different versions of the Christmas story found in the Quran. It points out that the Quran's version is different from the traditional Christian story in that it emphasizes the coming of the kingdom of God and the role of prophets. It also mentions that Jesus is referred to as "the advocate" and "the comforter."
  • 01:10:00 In the Quran, Jesus is referred to as "Isa," meaning "God is my Lord." The Prophet Muhammad received a revelation summarizing the message of Jesus in a few short verses. These verses affirm that Jesus is a merciful and righteous person, and that obedience to God is the only path to salvation. Finally, the Quran confirms that Jesus will speak to Maryam (peace be upon her) before he is even conceived.
  • 01:15:00 explains the Quran's version of the Christmas story, in which Maryam (عمران) withdraws herself from her family and friends to follow God. She is eventually married to Joseph and has a child, Jesus.
  • 01:20:00 Discusses the differences between the Christmas story in the Bible and the Quran. The Bible says that Jesus was born in Bethlehem, while the Quran says that he was born in the east, near the end of the Jordan River. The narrator explains that this location makes sense because it is close to water and has facilities for temple worship. She then says that, after withdrawing from temple worship, the woman secluded herself in a monastery in the east.
  • 01:25:00 The Quran's version of the Christmas story involves a woman who is secluded in a monastery and hears a voice telling her that she will be given a son who will be pure and a very bright sun. The voice also tells her that she will not be able to believe it when this happens, but she is to obey. The woman then becomes pregnant as a result of this voice, but is not able to conceive naturally. The voice then tells her that she is to marry Joseph and that nothing will be impossible for them as long as they obey Allah.
  • 01:30:00 according to the video, Muhammad's revelation specified that Jesus was conceived in a remote place by the instruction of angels.
  • 01:35:00 According to the video, the Quran's version of the Christmas story involves a woman who is suffering from childbirth pain and wishes she had been dead. She is instructed by an angel or the child himself to sell goods from her home in order to provide for herself and her child. When she arrives home after traveling for a long time, the people are in shock to see her and her baby. Because of the scandal it causes, she is shunned by her community and eventually dies in poverty.
  • 01:40:00 Discusses the different expressions of "sister of harun" in the Quran. It explains that the term refers to a woman who is from the tribe of Aaron, and her father was a good man. Her mother was not known to be a loser woman, and she pointed to him when she escaped from home with her child. also discusses the concept of "servant of god" in the Quran, and how Muhammad was described as such.
  • 01:45:00 an Islamic scholar discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story. He points out that while the Christmas story in the Bible is pagan, the Quran's version is actually quite miraculous. The Quran's version of the Christmas story features a pregnant woman who sees a sign from God, and she and her husband go away to a remote place to hide. After some years, they return and bring their child with them, and nobody is surprised or even knows who the child is.
  • **01:50:00 Discusses how the Quran's version of the Christmas story differs from the traditional story. The traditional story involves Jesus traveling to Bethlehem, being born, and then returning to Galilee. The Quran's version involves Jesus traveling to a high plain in Jordan, being born, and then returning to Palestine. argues that this version makes more sense and is more reasonable.
  • 01:55:00 Discusses the different Christmas stories, noting that the Quran's version is far more historically accurate. The narrator argues that the story of the virgin birth is most likely a revelation from God, and that the Christmas story was created to deceive people.


"The Quran's Version of the Christmas Story" discusses the differences between the Quran's version of the story and the traditional Christian version. argues that the Quran's version is more rational and allows for a better understanding of spirituality and the meaning of life.

02:00:00 Discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story, which is different from the traditional story told in the Bible. argues that the differences between the Quran's version and the traditional story cannot be explained by the assumption that Muhammad created the story. also argues that the idea that Muhammad is an imaginary figure is refuted by evidence that he mentioned the name Muhammad and referred to people in the Old Testament as prophets of God.

  • 02:05:00 Discusses how the Quran's version of the Christmas story differs from that found in the Christian Bible. The Quran states that Jesus was announced as the Messiah from birth, and that the Jews wereimagining a messiah who will fight and get them their old kingdom. This is a challenge for anyone claiming that the Quran is not a revelation, as it must have been received by previous people from Jesus' witnesses.
  • 02:10:00 of the video discusses the similarities between the Quran's version of the Christmas story and that of other religions, including Christianity. He also points out that there is no mention of Jesus in the Quran, and that the story of Bethlehem is not mentioned at all.
  • 02:15:00 Discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story, which is different from the traditional Christmas story. There is no evidence that the Quran was inspired by any other stories, and it was not written in order to promote Christianity. The story of Maryam (Mary) is different from other Marys in the Bible and apocrypha, and there is no evidence that it was inspired by Muhammad.
  • 02:20:00 Discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story, which differs significantly from the Christian version. The Quran mentions angels and a "gateway to see," which some might see as evidence of a divine source behind the Quran. However, the video points out that the Quran's version of the story is also historically impossible, and therefore cannot be trusted as a true account of events.
  • 02:25:00 presents evidence that the Quran does not support the idea that Jesus was born as a miraculously escaped "salami" from the "ban" of heaven. also discusses other apocrypha, which agree on the central idea that it is impossible for anyone to create a completely cleaned version of the story of Jesus.
  • 02:30:00 Discusses the inconsistency between the canonical Bible's account of Joseph and the Quran's version. argues that Joseph was a historical figure and that he was not around during the time of many, which would make his lineage shorter from the time of David. also argues that there was strife within the family of Imran, David because he believed differently than other members of his family fought against them. also mentions that the prophecies established by those who followed it did not establish a temple in Jerusalem.
  • 02:35:00 The Quran's version of the Christmas story differs from the Bible's in several important ways. For instance, the Quran says that Jesus was from Nazareth, not Bethlehem, and that he opposed the materialism and greed of the people of Jerusalem. Miriam, Jesus's mother, also played a significant role in the Quran's version of the Christmas story.
  • 02:40:00 Discusses the differences between the Quran's version of the Christmas story and the version in the Bible. The Quran emphasizes that Jesus is only one of many prophets and that he is not the only way to salvation. also discusses the importance of looking at the story from a Vegas angle, as it is important to remember that this is only a partial story.
  • 02:45:00 Discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story, which differs from those found in the Bible and other traditional religious narratives. It argues that because there are inconsistencies and contradictions within the Quran's version of the story, it must be scrutinized more closely. If this is done, it may be possible to identify the errors and potential mistakes in the Quran's teachings.
  • 02:50:00 discusses the difference between canonical and apocryphal gospels, and how the quran falls closer to the former. He argues that by becoming humble and understanding the struggle of the people who created the canonic gospels, we can come closer to understanding the meaning of life.
  • 02:55:00 discusses the Quran's version of the Christmas story, which is different from the traditional story. They explain that this version is more rational and allows for a better understanding of spirituality and the meaning of life.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:28 okay let's go to
0:00:32 ancient books
0:00:35 okay
0:00:39 today i thought because if there's
0:00:41 something interesting i have came across
0:00:44 it really several times in the past
0:00:47 but
0:00:48 never gave it much thorough thought
0:00:51 about it
0:00:54 but recently i decided to go to the
0:00:56 various so-called nativity gospels and
0:00:59 and see what
0:01:03 because
0:01:04 usually you find sometimes a very short
0:01:06 statement in various missionaries and
0:01:09 western scholarship so-called
0:01:10 scholarship in quote unquote about the
0:01:12 quranic version of the nativity and the
0:01:15 birth of christ and so on which is
0:01:17 similar to that what we have narrated
0:01:20 and and there's even there's a claim
0:01:22 there's so called an arabic nativity
0:01:24 gospel which contains most of these
0:01:26 things and most likely muhammad must
0:01:28 have taken that from that
0:01:29 although they they have problem with one
0:01:32 point which uh
0:01:34 let me mention it quickly without going
0:01:35 into much discussion
0:01:37 that the quran insists stubbornly
0:01:41 maria the daughter of imran
0:01:44 and
0:01:45 but all available
0:01:48 texts in the hand of christian
0:01:51 before
0:01:52 obviously for
0:01:54 for the inception of islam and after
0:01:56 that and all of them are actually before
0:01:57 islam anyway even the one who was
0:01:59 allegedly allegedly supposed to be an an
0:02:02 arabic translation an early transition
0:02:04 to arabic with my syriac document we'll
0:02:07 come to that yesterday the headlights
0:02:09 are there and how much reliable is that
0:02:11 uh that uh all of them that don't
0:02:13 mention mariam in tamil i told him the
0:02:15 daughter of
0:02:16 someone called him so the ramrod is not
0:02:18 mentioned then the usual stun an
0:02:21 explanation which i think
0:02:23 uh nobody is doing it now because it is
0:02:25 just
0:02:26 it's a if someone claimed that will make
0:02:28 himself disgraceful that it's actually
0:02:31 muhammad is so stupid let me use these
0:02:33 words
0:02:34 liberally and they will use try to be
0:02:37 neutral not saying messenger or
0:02:39 revelation or no revelation just mention
0:02:41 the various point of view as neutral as
0:02:42 possible that is associated with that he
0:02:45 confused maryam the sister of
0:02:47 of haroon and the sister of musa
0:02:50 which is obviously as you know 1500
0:02:52 years roughly that's the best estimate
0:02:54 some people say it's only 1200 years but
0:02:56 over millennium before the time of
0:02:58 christ
0:03:00 uh with with maryam
0:03:02 the model of christ
0:03:04 and
0:03:05 this is this could be only assumed
0:03:08 really nobody will will
0:03:10 will make such a blunder except someone
0:03:12 who is utmost stupidity and ignorance
0:03:14 about the scripture but
0:03:16 just a casual scanning through the quran
0:03:18 the story of musa is expanded very in
0:03:20 very details with never anywhere
0:03:23 his sister or the
0:03:25 small family conflict which has been
0:03:27 recorded in in the in the constitution
0:03:29 the so-called torah
0:03:31 there were some conflicts and issues
0:03:32 with the with maryam and her and her own
0:03:36 and wives of
0:03:37 musa the quran
0:03:39 do not bother about that
0:03:41 there's some casual mentioning of that
0:03:43 people who who helped musa and allah
0:03:46 made
0:03:47 showed his innocence as well with that
0:03:49 mission what is that show and so on and
0:03:51 there's some hadith which
0:03:53 i think they are maybe questionable
0:03:55 about that issue is there's no mention
0:03:57 of the
0:03:58 sister of uh harun and musa etc anyway
0:04:01 and then after that it says after musa
0:04:03 there have been messengers one after one
0:04:05 until they ultimately ended with isa and
0:04:08 rebuking the jews say how come that when
0:04:11 every messenger comes to you either you
0:04:12 declare them to be a liar or you kill
0:04:14 them so it's clearly the one who wrote
0:04:16 the quran whoever he may be
0:04:18 is very aware that between musa and and
0:04:21 he said there are various messengers and
0:04:23 generations and so on
0:04:25 and also various hints in the quran that
0:04:27 they have been uh punished by invasion
0:04:30 and extreme and the destruction of their
0:04:32 temple and so on so it just simply you
0:04:35 need to be really a donkey let's let's
0:04:37 say it in non-academic language to make
0:04:39 such a blunder
0:04:41 so the question now how come that is the
0:04:43 quran or the light of insist on maryam
0:04:46 bin tamra is number one
0:04:48 just keep this point in mind
0:04:51 uh
0:04:53 that's that's the first one but this is
0:04:54 small relatively that
0:04:58 it's a fundamental point and at the same
0:05:01 time it's a shocking point
0:05:03 secondly now we go to the story of
0:05:04 maryam quran it is expanded actually in
0:05:06 two places
0:05:07 first one is the nativity and they
0:05:09 showed the career that's in surat
0:05:10 al-imran
0:05:11 and the other one in surat maryam let us
0:05:13 start with
0:05:14 according to the order of the quran
0:05:16 although the the because this is one
0:05:19 coronerically chronologically it should
0:05:21 be earlier than the one in in in surat
0:05:24 maryam
0:05:25 but obviously in the order of the quran
0:05:27 and even also in the other revelations
0:05:28 thought mariam is amaki with certitude
0:05:30 that's there's no doubt about that so
0:05:32 many narration
0:05:34 even it has been recited to the negos
0:05:36 jashi the king of
0:05:38 abyssinian there were discussion about
0:05:40 jesus and his nature and so on
0:05:42 uh
0:05:44 there are various famous narrations in
0:05:45 islamic history
0:05:47 so it is a maki while al imran is a dis
0:05:49 portion
0:05:51 specifically is related to a debate
0:05:53 under uh
0:05:55 and and the challenge to a mutual
0:05:56 conversation with the
0:05:57 christian
0:05:59 delegation coming from azeroth that is
0:06:00 in the tenth year the last year of the
0:06:02 prophet century so
0:06:05 revelation wise even the maryam part is
0:06:07 earlier
0:06:08 but in the order of the quran this is
0:06:10 india in the order so let's go the other
0:06:12 quran because this is also the part of
0:06:14 the story is before
0:06:16 getting pregnant and giving birth
0:06:19 so let me read the i as in in arabic and
0:06:21 then one translation i talked just there
0:06:24 there is a site called
0:06:28 it lists about 1520 translations
0:06:31 and
0:06:32 one of them kaskar seems to be uh
0:06:35 familiar with the new and old testament
0:06:36 and he's trying his translation to uh to
0:06:39 synchronize things with these a little
0:06:41 bit i will criticize some one or two
0:06:43 points but this seems to be the
0:06:45 smoothest and easy to read
0:06:47 this one and linguistically it is
0:06:49 relatively i will make some comments in
0:06:51 some places but let us let us stick to
0:06:53 one translation as a to have because it
0:06:55 will give us the the main structure the
0:06:57 gist what's going on
0:06:59 so the the verses
0:08:24 this is imran that's chapter three surah
0:08:27 said surah from i 33 to 44 let me read
0:08:30 the translation and maybe i will make
0:08:32 small comments on the translation so let
0:08:34 me
0:08:35 rearrange it from right to left
0:08:42 anyway
0:08:44 sometimes the system becomes stubborn
0:08:47 and doesn't
0:08:48 respond easily
0:08:51 when we don't want it it tends the right
0:08:54 to lift so i quite easily
0:08:57 okay now it is stand right right to left
0:08:59 so i can't eat the english more
0:09:01 conveniently this way because i have the
0:09:02 arabic and in english
0:09:04 so
0:09:06 these various ice transits in the
0:09:08 following way
0:09:09 that's roughly translated this is uh
0:09:11 safety kaskar as in https
0:09:19 so 33 until the last one which is was 44
0:09:23 i read ayaabaya
0:09:25 33 god shows adam noah abraham
0:09:30 abraham's family and imran's family over
0:09:33 all people
0:09:34 sometimes translate of their time but
0:09:37 there's no need for such because
0:09:39 obviously this show is is essentially to
0:09:42 start with the people of all time and
0:09:44 maybe over all creation
0:09:46 that's possible or all mankind
0:09:49 a small remark is quite quickly markets
0:09:50 it's not on our topic but the mentioning
0:09:52 of adam specifically as chosen over over
0:09:55 uh uh uh
0:09:57 it says actually currency over over the
0:10:00 worlds not over uh people so the of
0:10:03 people is not accurate in the sense
0:10:05 because there's the alameda mean the
0:10:06 worlds so adam is chosen over the worlds
0:10:09 the words that this is time there may
0:10:11 have been people we discussed life i
0:10:12 think once about the issue of evolution
0:10:15 etc but
0:10:17 most likely has been elevated over the
0:10:19 creation of the earth of his time
0:10:22 and
0:10:23 a dimension of adam by name indicate
0:10:25 that this is a real person is not a
0:10:26 metaphor for human beings so the story
0:10:28 of adam and the creation
0:10:30 if even if some aspects may be
0:10:31 metaphorical but a person called other
0:10:33 must have existed so this is one place
0:10:35 which you have really to say it is is
0:10:38 rather unconceivable that adam is just a
0:10:41 metaphor for human being while noah is a
0:10:43 historic person supposedly abraham is a
0:10:46 historic person according to old
0:10:47 testament and so on and his family and
0:10:50 the family of imran who is first time
0:10:52 mentioned in detail in the quran here
0:10:54 next ayah
0:10:56 a common line of descent
0:10:59 one when descending from other one from
0:11:01 following the other so the imran are
0:11:03 destroying from abraham and abraham is
0:11:05 descending from noah and noah is
0:11:06 descending from adam over long genealogy
0:11:09 this quran does not bother our
0:11:10 generation and details and also the
0:11:12 sunnah stressed that these geologists
0:11:14 which people are usually talk about and
0:11:16 mention them mostly are fabricated and
0:11:19 lies
0:11:20 let me just mention quickly that when
0:11:21 the brotherhood
0:11:22 mentions his geology he goes all the way
0:11:24 with names until adnan and they say adan
0:11:27 descends from ismail cadaver
0:11:29 those generalists are liars so their
0:11:31 names the usually mentions of that they
0:11:33 mention 40 names sometimes 70 names
0:11:35 sometimes names which do not sound
0:11:37 arabic and so on although that's usually
0:11:39 fabrication of their imagination most
0:11:41 likely maybe one or two persons may be
0:11:43 historical and the rest is just they
0:11:44 filled with their imagination depending
0:11:47 upon even their guests about what's the
0:11:49 time span and so on and they try to fail
0:11:51 because the average distance of the
0:11:52 nation is 25 to 30 years so they fell
0:11:54 according to their what they know about
0:11:56 the time distance which
0:11:58 more often than not very faulty are not
0:12:00 correct anyway
0:12:01 so but these are descending from here so
0:12:03 they have been chosen over all
0:12:05 worlds at that time
0:12:09 third ayah imran's wife now jumps
0:12:11 immediately to their wife everyone this
0:12:13 is just introduction that this family of
0:12:14 imran who is the father of maryam with
0:12:16 the maryam the mother of christ is not a
0:12:18 mariam's sister because they said such a
0:12:20 blunder can be attributed only to really
0:12:22 almost someone who is almost mentally
0:12:25 impaired or a donkey to use a very harsh
0:12:28 word it's not academic but we are here
0:12:30 more more uh
0:12:32 we are trying to to be
0:12:34 smooth with using a smooth language as
0:12:36 possible but i i don't care very much
0:12:38 about being politically or theologically
0:12:40 correct in wedding
0:12:42 so
0:12:43 so they descend from each other
0:12:46 and
0:12:49 and the allah is aware about them then
0:12:51 the wife of the jumps all through that
0:12:54 history directed as the usual quran
0:12:55 junction only highlights and main points
0:12:58 of the heart of the quran
0:13:01 imran's wife said
0:13:03 mentioned this event was elect behold
0:13:07 lord
0:13:08 i have vowed to you what is what what is
0:13:11 in my womb
0:13:12 to be holy is dedicated to you
0:13:15 accepted from me
0:13:17 you you hear and know all things
0:13:20 so she devoted the baby
0:13:23 uh to uh completely to god meaning it
0:13:26 should be served possibly in the temple
0:13:28 it comes later to clear that's what she
0:13:29 meant in her mind
0:13:31 how come that she devoted maybe he she
0:13:33 expected a boy maybe that's a
0:13:35 possibility maybe she had a vision we
0:13:37 don't know
0:13:38 normally there is no dedication for
0:13:41 girls for the for the temple because if
0:13:42 you dedicate a boy to the temple he will
0:13:44 be saving the temple until it's the end
0:13:45 of his life become like something like
0:13:47 like a monk most likely i'm not very
0:13:49 familiar with exactly the devotion or to
0:13:52 the temple in the time of of the temple
0:13:54 time which ended by the structure of the
0:13:56 temple in the year 70 a.d
0:13:58 but it's most likely like that
0:14:00 so it will be
0:14:02 exclusively for boys for men because
0:14:04 women would have when they come out of
0:14:07 age they will have menstruations and
0:14:08 this is a problem because men's is
0:14:10 regarded in the jewish law as a curse
0:14:13 and
0:14:14 misreading women are so unclean or
0:14:17 impure that they sometimes secluded in a
0:14:19 special room outside the house
0:14:22 and the studies and woman was a jewish
0:14:24 woman when they talked to each other
0:14:25 about the diet
0:14:27 i have the instead of a woman saying to
0:14:29 her friend i have now a period i cannot
0:14:31 do that i have the cares it has
0:14:33 become the second name for the menses
0:14:35 the caps
0:14:36 but anyway whatever she devoted that or
0:14:38 maybe she was hopeful we don't know she
0:14:41 devoted it
0:14:45 when she gave birth
0:14:47 she said she recognized this again lord
0:14:50 i have delivered a female
0:14:54 i'm stuck meaning with the oath
0:14:58 god knows
0:14:59 well what she has delivered this this
0:15:01 sentence opens certain doors
0:15:03 about the natural israeli marijuana
0:15:05 complete female or part female and so on
0:15:07 we could speculate about about
0:15:10 maybe multiple chromosomes i think that
0:15:12 that's when we come to the virgin birth
0:15:14 i will not speculate that but it may be
0:15:16 an interesting point so why this
0:15:17 incentive we know that god knows better
0:15:19 than about yourself and your children
0:15:21 more than you know yourself so this
0:15:23 sentence may be a hint think about it
0:15:25 there may be maybe she is not a female
0:15:27 as the usual female maybe she has x x y
0:15:29 we don't know anyway i'm just
0:15:31 speculating that's not in the quran
0:15:33 nobody said that before just keep it in
0:15:35 your mind just just an idea just a
0:15:37 speculative idea keep it open be keep an
0:15:40 open-minded but the hint must be taken
0:15:42 seriously especially if someone believes
0:15:44 revelation from the divine then every
0:15:47 word and every letter should be given
0:15:49 due consideration
0:15:53 and she continues so the sentence was in
0:15:55 between allah made quickly this this
0:15:58 intervening sentence and even
0:16:00 interrupting her statement and she
0:16:02 continued that's her statement that a
0:16:04 man is not like a female
0:16:06 obviously they are different but humans
0:16:08 cannot be devoted to the temple or
0:16:10 cannot do the service like like a female
0:16:12 so what to be done there
0:16:14 whatever i have named her mary mariam
0:16:17 the translator used mary should we it
0:16:19 was miriam the original name as in the
0:16:21 quran also in the jewish
0:16:23 obviously history it's maryam it's not
0:16:24 me mary maria
0:16:26 i seek you your protection for her and
0:16:29 her children
0:16:31 from the accursed satan
0:16:34 now
0:16:38 that's obvious completion of his
0:16:39 application whatever she is please
0:16:41 protect her and hear offsprings from the
0:16:43 devil
0:16:46 then allah make a comment from her quran
0:16:49 the light of the quran
0:16:50 usually in the habit to say allah made
0:16:52 because they believe it is from allah
0:16:53 and i think at the end we will maybe all
0:16:56 of us will come to a collusion this is a
0:16:58 very extremely high probability you have
0:16:59 to make such a conclusion just on this
0:17:01 story by september leave
0:17:05 accepted here
0:17:07 the that female baby
0:17:09 favorably
0:17:11 and because there or the white female
0:17:13 baby is actually translated from the
0:17:15 translator from his own imagination but
0:17:16 they say but
0:17:19 her lord accepted here favorably and
0:17:22 caused her
0:17:24 to to be brought up in a good upbringing
0:17:27 and place her in the careers care
0:17:31 let's stop here and go a little bit
0:17:33 now
0:17:34 quran does not tell us what happened
0:17:36 after that if she says the female itself
0:17:38 most likely she consulted a husband or
0:17:41 whoever local local priest what to do in
0:17:43 this situation have a vow
0:17:46 maybe she had a vision that she has a
0:17:48 boy and that's the reason she made the
0:17:49 vow now we are stuck and vows especially
0:17:51 in the jewish law are very binding and
0:17:53 very heavy so what to do
0:17:55 maybe have decided this is so there's
0:17:57 something new and
0:17:58 and uh and surprising let us go to the
0:18:01 temple where we have the high priests
0:18:03 and and the sanhedrin they may be able
0:18:05 to give a more structured judgment
0:18:08 possibly they went there
0:18:10 and the present people
0:18:12 concluded that there's no problem
0:18:16 at least we cannot take her until she
0:18:17 becomes 12 years or something until the
0:18:19 administration is at least that's as
0:18:20 possible
0:18:22 but according to some apocryphal
0:18:24 governors recently the
0:18:26 evangelion of of uh jacob of james james
0:18:30 said james is just a mutilation the
0:18:32 greek mutilation of the name jacob
0:18:34 supposed to be the brother of christ
0:18:36 will come that later he shall
0:18:39 say they they
0:18:41 told the family go back and nurse her
0:18:43 until she
0:18:44 can't take care of herself and can go to
0:18:46 their bathrooms and they claim until
0:18:48 three years is three year enough is not
0:18:50 relevant three four five doesn't make
0:18:52 any difference for me or for anybody
0:18:54 else anyway and bring her back
0:18:57 so continue
0:18:58 breastfeeding etc so it seems to be such
0:19:00 a concession whatever and this part of
0:19:02 the story as in the apocrypha makes good
0:19:04 sense
0:19:05 in some form or level they would not
0:19:07 have made such a decision they are not
0:19:09 scholarships they are pious people but
0:19:10 they are definitely not scholarly and
0:19:13 in in the jewish system at that time
0:19:15 with the sanhedrin as on they would in
0:19:17 some such a meeting issue they should go
0:19:19 and consult the city the chief priest
0:19:22 the quran losses overload that because
0:19:24 it's understanding understandable by by
0:19:26 its own necessity and no need to go
0:19:28 these fine details because they are not
0:19:30 relevant for this main main structure of
0:19:32 the story
0:19:33 and
0:19:34 how the adoption have happened it is
0:19:36 mentioned later how it is done but
0:19:38 obviously there was a competition
0:19:39 because this unique situation which
0:19:42 denies what what most of our apocrypha
0:19:45 claimed that the virgins were devoted to
0:19:47 the temple and so on and she was over
0:19:49 them or the best of them it seems to be
0:19:51 this is from the imagination of the
0:19:52 writer that i don't think there is but i
0:19:55 still be corrected if someone is
0:19:56 familiar with the jewish
0:19:58 priesthood and and late temple history
0:20:02 if they have accepted
0:20:03 such devoted girls
0:20:05 virgin girls i doubt that is the case
0:20:09 understanding the mentality and the
0:20:10 philosophy of judaism and the
0:20:12 patriarchic system does not seem to be
0:20:14 very reasonable but it may be maybe
0:20:17 that's history
0:20:18 we have to check with history not
0:20:20 project our imagination
0:20:23 and conception in history so it seems to
0:20:25 have been a concern a competition which
0:20:27 had mentioned later and they even casted
0:20:29 lots and lots came in favor of the
0:20:31 career by divine design according to the
0:20:33 story here in the quran
0:20:35 there is custom lord there in india but
0:20:37 it never related to zakaria in the
0:20:38 apocrypha so there's a this is a
0:20:40 significant variation
0:20:43 here but we'll come to that
0:20:46 so
0:20:47 obviously that's done she's accepted
0:20:49 she's weaned she'll grow up obviously to
0:20:52 an a she can attend to her own purity
0:20:54 and so on go to the bathroom etc we
0:20:56 assume that naturally
0:20:58 things like that the quran is not
0:20:59 mentioned because they are that's
0:21:01 natural development nothing
0:21:02 subra national or special there so we
0:21:04 can assume she has been weaned etc and
0:21:06 then
0:21:07 she was given to the careers chair
0:21:09 uh who is this apparently seemed to be
0:21:12 the chief priest at that time
0:21:14 and in the in the old historic records
0:21:16 he's not mentioned as as a prophet but
0:21:18 the quran make him clearly a prophet
0:21:20 because of this event here but that's
0:21:22 again another variation we have to
0:21:24 discuss and see
0:21:25 in the balance of evidences what makes
0:21:27 better sense
0:21:29 in in the context of history and time
0:21:32 uh and the quran continues
0:21:34 as often as the career visits here in
0:21:36 the in in in the inner sanctuary in the
0:21:38 maharab in the altar near secretary
0:21:41 he found she had
0:21:46 she had sustenance
0:21:48 food sisters
0:21:50 he said mary mariam how did you get this
0:21:54 she said it is from god god provides
0:21:57 bounty for whom he
0:21:59 wills
0:22:01 so the career obviously checking on here
0:22:03 from time to time
0:22:05 not necessarily daily but he enters the
0:22:08 sanctuary from time to time maybe daily
0:22:10 and she is having maybe a special room
0:22:12 there next to the sanctuary
0:22:14 and he finds surprising that she has
0:22:16 supplies and food
0:22:18 not that what usually provided because
0:22:20 the temple has its own organization that
0:22:22 is not this is not the marketplace this
0:22:24 is the temple as organization it has if
0:22:26 there are monks and nuns and so on they
0:22:29 have supply etc and she did not get from
0:22:31 that she had supplies outside that
0:22:34 and she said it's from god
0:22:36 god provides bounty for whom
0:22:39 he wills
0:22:41 some people uh or some stories say that
0:22:44 she was provided by the angels but at
0:22:46 the wedding he does not provide how it
0:22:48 has come is it well it doesn't provide
0:22:50 was the mechanism is it by a from angels
0:22:52 or it is maybe uh another example is
0:22:55 that maybe people have heard about this
0:22:57 exceptionally high scale and they
0:22:59 decided to bring gifts another maybe
0:23:02 other people shows have seen visions go
0:23:04 and supply that gear etc so the way god
0:23:07 provides not only mechanisms but is is
0:23:11 is
0:23:13 just angels bringing it like in some
0:23:15 some apocrypha does not need to be
0:23:17 injured it can be otherwise i'll give
0:23:19 you another mechanism also it doesn't
0:23:20 exist at the moment but exists at least
0:23:22 in in in star trek and star wars movie
0:23:25 maybe it's by territory teleportation
0:23:28 according to uh to the star trek famous
0:23:31 recall
0:23:32 scotty beam me up maybe
0:23:34 so i think speculating about that is is
0:23:37 futile and user but it's it's from god
0:23:39 somehow it is not from the temple it is
0:23:41 direct provision for god with certain
0:23:44 through certain mechanisms you don't
0:23:45 need to be bothered because it's
0:23:46 irrelevant a god can provide in many
0:23:48 ways some of them look natural and it
0:23:51 does not look look to be supernatural
0:23:52 enemy at all the one of them is for
0:23:55 example that people have heard about
0:23:57 this exceptional girl and they decide
0:23:59 that they should bring gifts to her
0:24:01 and there may be a whole neighborhood
0:24:03 and the whole people say okay you bring
0:24:04 this day i bring the other day and so on
0:24:06 maybe maybe seven eight ten people have
0:24:08 decided we'll do that we exchange
0:24:10 between us day by day until one month
0:24:12 and you go back that's very feasible
0:24:14 many things like that can be up and we
0:24:16 are talking about jerusalem in uh just
0:24:19 around the time of
0:24:20 of the birth so-called so-called bear of
0:24:22 christ bc ac and it's very sophisticated
0:24:25 that quite cool advanced society with
0:24:27 organizations with organized temple and
0:24:29 so on so we're not talking about
0:24:30 wilderness or you say wonder how could
0:24:32 this be organized it's it's quite
0:24:34 reasonable and the temple is
0:24:36 continuously frequented there are always
0:24:38 pilgrims there was sacrifice
0:24:41 there when so that
0:24:44 then
0:24:44 his feeling of that
0:24:47 there are such pairs kids
0:24:49 around and he himself
0:24:52 doesn't have any
0:24:53 so
0:24:55 based on that what he have seen he
0:24:56 prayed to the lord
0:24:58 he said lord
0:24:59 be gracious to me and give me such
0:25:02 blessed blessed child
0:25:05 you certainly hear prayers so let me see
0:25:07 the arab because he asked for a child
0:25:09 specifically i will ask for someone who
0:25:11 will take over the priesthood after him
0:25:14 yeah yeah he said he offspring so he
0:25:16 asked for the ali for offspring so he
0:25:19 wanted himself strings most likely in
0:25:21 his mind maybe from relative from
0:25:23 cousins from himself not necessarily for
0:25:24 himself god also the sons of your
0:25:26 brothers are regarded your offspring in
0:25:28 the general sense especially in a in in
0:25:30 the semitic foundation arabic islam and
0:25:33 jewish tradition it is it is
0:25:35 the the children of your
0:25:36 your cousins etc are regarded like your
0:25:39 children and sometimes even the
0:25:41 prohibited prohibition of marriage of
0:25:43 close cousins hassan was enforced so
0:25:46 maybe he has not in his mind even
0:25:48 imagined that he will himself and his
0:25:50 wife will get because it seemed to be
0:25:51 impossible for them
0:25:54 so
0:26:00 then
0:26:01 surprisingly he was called by angels
0:26:03 when he was in the in a sanctuary
0:26:05 praying
0:26:06 in the in the
0:26:08 inner sanctuary
0:26:11 god gives you the good news that's the
0:26:13 reason why people say that he's a
0:26:14 prophet and also other personal quran
0:26:16 stressed that he's a prophet not only a
0:26:18 high priest
0:26:19 or although many other high priests were
0:26:21 almost closer to satan than to god with
0:26:23 their behaviors one of them is kaifas
0:26:25 the one who was standing on the trial of
0:26:27 christ et cetera
0:26:29 person who has presumed to be the
0:26:31 christ but let's let's continue
0:26:33 god gives you good news of john of
0:26:36 johannes
0:26:41 confirm a word from god that's that's a
0:26:44 significant word who will be
0:26:45 confirming a word from god and this word
0:26:48 from god is supposed to be isolated
0:26:50 but so giving the title word from god is
0:26:55 obviously ancient if the if that's a
0:26:57 revelation the quran says that reality
0:27:00 was called the word from god is correct
0:27:02 and seem to we have historic root but
0:27:04 that's provided we claim the quran is
0:27:06 for a divine revelation this is the
0:27:08 truth but keep that at the side then as
0:27:11 a question mark
0:27:13 he will be noble
0:27:15 and chaste
0:27:16 actually has
0:27:18 hustled is
0:27:21 with sexual intercourse it's more than
0:27:22 that he is he is really in that case
0:27:26 which for most men will be deficient for
0:27:28 him it is a speciality and there is a
0:27:30 hadith
0:27:31 whose reference chain is not bad had he
0:27:34 said essentially
0:27:36 no human there is no human who did not
0:27:38 commit a sin sexual sin
0:27:41 or
0:27:42 had the feeling that he want to do it
0:27:45 so either commit or incline to do it
0:27:48 because this is so well built in in our
0:27:52 physiology and and biochemistry and
0:27:54 hormones that even if you're in
0:27:57 recommendation you may have sometimes
0:27:59 felt a desire for a woman passing or
0:28:02 have a some sexual attraction
0:28:04 except he has a career
0:28:06 because he had not and the prophet
0:28:08 allegedly took uh something from the
0:28:10 from the floor maybe a twig a soft twig
0:28:13 or maybe a straw or something i say it
0:28:16 has nothing more than that meaning his
0:28:18 his
0:28:19 his manhood is penis is like that he has
0:28:22 no desire possibly he has even no uh no
0:28:24 testicles so it doesn't happen the whole
0:28:26 world has set them to have any feeling
0:28:28 for woman so it's not only chest is more
0:28:30 hassle
0:28:32 according to this hadith but whatever it
0:28:34 is
0:28:35 completely controlling himself in
0:28:37 a matter of sexuality and never getting
0:28:39 married
0:28:40 and yeah
0:28:44 so he will be noble and chester
0:28:47 a prophet prophet
0:28:49 and one of the righteous
0:28:53 then the career was surprised by the
0:28:54 lord
0:28:56 give me a sign obviously what i would
0:28:58 sign for himself because he you hear
0:29:00 something
0:29:04 supposed to be angels but you have no
0:29:06 substitute if he is something like
0:29:07 especially something like that which
0:29:08 seems to be out of the ordinary so he
0:29:11 asked for a sign so that he convinced
0:29:13 that's true give me a sign
0:29:17 and then he is
0:29:19 told to him your sign b that you will
0:29:22 not be able to talk the people for three
0:29:23 days and three nights
0:29:25 except giving symbols and gestures
0:29:27 and remember your lord
0:29:29 morning and evening
0:29:31 so that's the sign for him it's a
0:29:33 private miracle
0:29:34 because
0:29:36 if he goes out and does not talk the
0:29:38 people may think he's not talking
0:29:39 deliberately and he's pretending that
0:29:40 he's mute by my miraculous action
0:29:44 everyone can pretend that so he said the
0:29:46 sign is for him not very advised
0:29:48 and remove your lord there frequently
0:29:51 and glorify him in the evening and in
0:29:53 the morning
0:29:55 and the other part of the story will
0:29:56 come later
0:29:58 he comes to the people and give them
0:30:00 signs that he
0:30:01 that he cannot talk and then order them
0:30:03 with signs that praise the lord morning
0:30:06 and evening that's easy to
0:30:07 praise the lord you point to the heaven
0:30:09 and down to the mouth we praise the lord
0:30:11 and the east and west
0:30:12 by sunrise and sunset people under
0:30:14 success such standard gestures are known
0:30:16 to people so the people understood
0:30:19 here the story stops and then it shifts
0:30:22 to maryam
0:30:25 we are not yet at the nativity and then
0:30:27 and that conception story
0:30:29 while she's still in the temple under
0:30:31 the the the guardianship and the and and
0:30:34 the fosters of zakaria the industry to
0:30:37 marry just preparing headers lifting his
0:30:40 spirit and preparing him for things in
0:30:41 the future which is not happening yet
0:30:43 that's not in this world
0:30:45 they said to mary
0:30:46 god has chosen you purified you and
0:30:49 shows you above the woman of the world
0:30:53 so mary bottle down to your lord kneeled
0:30:56 for him and
0:30:58 continue praying
0:31:01 and the quran comment of that all over
0:31:03 that before going to continue with with
0:31:05 the story of isa and so on other issues
0:31:07 which are not related to nativity i will
0:31:09 not address them now unless we are not
0:31:11 necessarily you need to judge them this
0:31:13 is hidden knowledge what i want to say
0:31:14 this is the knowledge
0:31:16 that we reveal to you muhammad
0:31:19 you were not with them now the story of
0:31:21 the casting the lord's submission you
0:31:23 were not with them definitely was not
0:31:26 with them when they were casting lots
0:31:28 using their pens
0:31:30 when they were casting lots for which of
0:31:33 them
0:31:34 the priests and high priest would take
0:31:36 care of mary or maryam
0:31:38 or when they were quarantined obviously
0:31:40 there was a dispute between them because
0:31:42 they regard that as a great horror or an
0:31:44 issue which have to be said that somehow
0:31:46 very difficult issue
0:31:48 so that's it that's a so here this is
0:31:51 the phase now in the apocrypha
0:31:54 they mentioned that she's the daughter
0:31:55 of him so she's contradictory samurai
0:31:58 completely
0:32:04 only the father's name so she could be
0:32:06 anna could be whatever she would have
0:32:07 been and her sister elizabeth
0:32:10 may be true we don't know could be could
0:32:12 be otherwise that could have doesn't
0:32:14 mention no motivation that
0:32:16 no other under existing records
0:32:18 are essentially always talking about an
0:32:20 idealism that has sister maybe that's
0:32:22 true seems to be some some historic what
0:32:24 is there for that that piece and then uh
0:32:27 talk about uh uh actually that that uh
0:32:30 that the the birth of mariam would have
0:32:32 been also somehow miraculous
0:32:34 that her parents were unable to conceive
0:32:36 etc so the the miracle of the career is
0:32:39 transported to them if we assume the
0:32:41 story of the quran to be the valid one
0:32:43 which is more logical
0:32:45 and
0:32:46 and
0:32:48 construct a complex story about that
0:32:50 that iwahim was insulted by the high
0:32:52 priest which is not zakaria someone else
0:32:54 the names are there i give the documents
0:32:55 too to lacks so you can give it to
0:32:57 everyone if you can read it and then if
0:32:58 you have questions and so on and analyze
0:33:00 things and find their sites and odd
0:33:02 points we can discuss it next time
0:33:03 inshallah
0:33:05 and
0:33:06 so
0:33:08 but and then she was then she was then
0:33:10 uh uh sent back to the family for until
0:33:13 winning and then with three years they
0:33:15 went back and then three years also is
0:33:18 stressed
0:33:18 to be like miraculous because nobody's
0:33:21 at three years is really mature enough
0:33:22 to be to be serving in the temple but
0:33:24 this one was mature enough and even one
0:33:27 story when they reach the temple stairs
0:33:29 that girls walk up the stairs as if
0:33:31 she's an adult and went directly where
0:33:33 she is supposed to go and things like
0:33:35 that that's obviously
0:33:36 things almost certainly added from
0:33:39 imagination if that's theory is
0:33:41 or maybe it's true it has it is nothing
0:33:44 significant that's clearly an attempt to
0:33:46 give
0:33:47 maryam more miraculous aspect than what
0:33:50 she may have or what the destiny is
0:33:53 sequence of quran uh warrants really
0:33:58 so that's this part that's all
0:34:00 the time bringing in the temple the time
0:34:03 that's thus you find in puerto rico
0:34:06 of of james of jacob and other
0:34:09 essentially essentially in that in that
0:34:11 direction with variation over the story
0:34:13 of the parents
0:34:14 of no variation in the name
0:34:16 the name is consistently
0:34:18 anna
0:34:20 and the variation of the name of the
0:34:22 high priest different high priest names
0:34:24 are used which put doubt on the
0:34:26 historicity of this situation
0:34:28 and also the previous story that the
0:34:30 father yuahim was insulted by the high
0:34:32 priest that you don't have offspring in
0:34:35 israel and this means that you are not
0:34:37 that you are not a pure man or not
0:34:39 another man elected by god and once to
0:34:41 one even one of the gospels i don't
0:34:43 think it's the protest vengeance another
0:34:45 one of your cup another one jacob
0:34:47 another one claims that he went to the
0:34:50 records of bani israel and found that
0:34:52 oral records from the time of the of of
0:34:54 the ancient until his time all righteous
0:34:57 men and famous men have offspring so
0:35:00 he's the high priest is right or an old
0:35:02 man
0:35:03 there must be some cares on you or
0:35:04 something like that and then he went
0:35:06 into wilderness etc so stories which are
0:35:09 uh
0:35:10 most likely questionable to say the
0:35:12 least but anyway
0:35:14 there's no absolute reason to reject
0:35:16 them but they don't they don't seem to
0:35:18 be in within the ordinary of
0:35:20 and i doubt really that any high priest
0:35:21 would insult a pious man who is a rich
0:35:24 man a devotee and brings offering to the
0:35:26 temple continuously that you don't have
0:35:28 children in such a way that he's so
0:35:30 insulted that he goes for 40 days
0:35:32 fasting in the wilderness and his wife
0:35:34 go
0:35:36 running around like crazy trying to find
0:35:37 him i don't think that it comes to that
0:35:39 but
0:35:40 things like the audit is like that may
0:35:42 happen in history we have we have to
0:35:44 find historical verification of that we
0:35:46 don't have anywhere except those
0:35:47 narratives which are having fundamental
0:35:50 faults elsewhere which shows that they
0:35:51 are fabricated
0:35:54 now the
0:35:56 important part of the conception of isa
0:35:58 there's exception essentially is at odd
0:36:02 completely
0:36:03 with whatever we have in any of the
0:36:06 gospels of nativity we have various i
0:36:09 gave various copies to relax to give to
0:36:10 everyone we have the most important is
0:36:13 the proto-porter evangelion of jacob
0:36:16 james that's the one the most important
0:36:18 then we have one which is essentially
0:36:20 based on that and adding a lot of
0:36:21 imaginary stories like called the
0:36:24 armenian one then we have a syriac one
0:36:27 and one which was easily translated to
0:36:29 arabic which has one additional story
0:36:31 which is not elsewhere but that one is
0:36:34 the whole story is it
0:36:36 just simply does not fit any reasonably
0:36:38 because it claim
0:36:39 that story goes back to the
0:36:41 from the book of kaifas god kaifa's the
0:36:44 same man who was trying christ and
0:36:46 condemned him to death so how come it is
0:36:49 and nobody have seen that book of kavas
0:36:50 ever it's just a claim it seems to be
0:36:53 the one who fabricated the story or
0:36:54 fabricated this reference wanted to show
0:36:57 that even caiphus who condemned christ
0:36:58 was aware about that
0:37:00 that could that could have a possible
0:37:03 interpretation is that kaifas may be
0:37:04 part of the plot because there was a
0:37:06 there was a current in early
0:37:08 christianity believing that
0:37:10 that judas is the only one who
0:37:12 understood christ properly and that
0:37:15 that the that the god of the old
0:37:17 testament and the old testament a
0:37:18 revelation of the devil and even the
0:37:19 creator of this world is the devil
0:37:22 and we find the seeds of this evil idea
0:37:25 in in or this idea withdraw the words
0:37:28 here because this is that's now a
0:37:29 judgment or idea which we have to prove
0:37:31 actually that is an evil idea we find
0:37:34 seeds of that in in in in paul because
0:37:37 only as he'd say the lord of this world
0:37:39 meaning the devil
0:37:41 the the laws of this word the lord of
0:37:42 the world so simply the lord this word
0:37:44 is the devil the control of this world
0:37:46 and the devil although
0:37:49 not even in the world's dream would
0:37:50 would paul think that the old testament
0:37:52 and the god of the old estimated the
0:37:53 devil no way but marcion or mark leon or
0:37:57 marcion
0:37:58 came with this energy
0:38:00 and was condemned obviously and declared
0:38:02 heretic and disbelieved
0:38:04 but there was this branch which also
0:38:06 produced the so-called gospel of judas
0:38:08 which judah is cooperating with christ
0:38:10 to save the world by that he should be
0:38:13 crucified this way the world will be
0:38:15 saved so judas is the only one who
0:38:17 understood him and all other disciples
0:38:18 are idiots you know
0:38:20 anything and this is smell in that
0:38:22 direction so someone could say actually
0:38:24 attributing it to gravis maybe
0:38:26 giving some some hints that the writer
0:38:29 is coming from this background
0:38:31 skyphus is cooperating with this because
0:38:33 he understood that this excluding this
0:38:35 man is the one who shall leave the world
0:38:37 from the sin and get it out of the
0:38:39 control of the devil so it goes in this
0:38:41 gnostic
0:38:42 marque
0:38:45 line of total philosophy which is
0:38:47 extreme dualism obviously not what the
0:38:49 scripture old scripture or any
0:38:51 description mandates is completely
0:38:52 another philosophy more closer to uh
0:38:55 absolute dualism and methodism but
0:38:57 anyway that's not over today
0:39:00 so
0:39:02 but what's come now that has come that
0:39:04 these here and nowhere in any as far as
0:39:07 i checked all the available ones like
0:39:08 the the prototyping room over and this
0:39:10 is called
0:39:12 the
0:39:13 nativity about by thomas and there's
0:39:16 also this this armenian version and
0:39:18 there's the syriac document and various
0:39:20 things all of them
0:39:22 may have
0:39:25 concerning that the child birth and the
0:39:27 conception another story this one is
0:39:29 blatantly in complete disagreement with
0:39:31 them which deserve really considerable
0:39:37 scrutiny
0:39:40 so that's what maryam which is earlier
0:39:42 revealed which is in mecca which was
0:39:43 decided to then the negotiator christian
0:39:46 in in ethiopia and abyssinian
0:39:49 so there's another the story is in
0:39:52 another
0:39:53 it focuses on the part after
0:39:55 the upbringing in the temple evidently
0:39:58 but it starts with the career story
0:40:00 first and then jumps toward
0:40:02 so it is the bismillah
0:40:03 that's the beginning of the surah sword
0:40:05 maryam this is surah number 19 the
0:40:34 foreign
0:41:13 we'll go quickly through that it is
0:41:15 essentially what happened there but from
0:41:16 another angle
0:41:18 for the career only
0:41:22 so
0:41:23 recount your lord's mercy on his
0:41:26 servant's career that's what i say
0:41:29 when he called to his lord
0:41:32 silently and very silent prayer nobody's
0:41:34 hearing him but just with him and his
0:41:36 lord whispering essentially
0:41:39 he said my lord
0:41:41 my bones have weakened he's an old man
0:41:44 now and my my head
0:41:46 shimmers with gray hair as actually you
0:41:49 said it's banned this burning would grab
0:41:51 gray it's becoming white as it has been
0:41:54 out
0:41:55 but never lord have i failed to be
0:41:58 blessed
0:41:59 in and praying to you and i have been
0:42:01 always in my prayer responded favorably
0:42:04 this is the way when you pray you make
0:42:06 an introduction so he's making an
0:42:08 introduction
0:42:10 people get that habit although god knows
0:42:12 what they are in their heart but still
0:42:13 it is the human nature to make an
0:42:15 introduction i am weak i'm ready help me
0:42:19 and i fear now is that given the
0:42:21 justifications may not mention in ali
0:42:23 ibrahim i fear
0:42:25 what the king's folk
0:42:27 and the priesthood will do after me
0:42:29 because he knows the priest around him
0:42:31 and the priesthood is mostly corrupt
0:42:34 and there's a danger
0:42:36 and
0:42:38 he has no offspring
0:42:40 nobody or from from from from the
0:42:43 relatives who could as a support as a
0:42:45 continued this this this mission like in
0:42:48 the ancient prophets usually the the
0:42:49 children or the conscience of the
0:42:51 continuous tradition
0:42:53 and then
0:42:54 the the management of the temple in the
0:42:56 proper way and and to add to other
0:42:59 problems his wife is barren
0:43:02 he's married for so many decades no
0:43:04 children she was clearly born and now
0:43:06 maybe most likely she's out of age any
0:43:08 way of of giving children so barren and
0:43:11 old out of christian no hope
0:43:14 so give me
0:43:17 a hair as a gift or an ally actually for
0:43:20 where where the world says
0:43:24 next of kin someone
0:43:26 as a gift from you
0:43:28 and i am not saying offspring he said
0:43:30 allah obviously what is he has his mind
0:43:33 is that
0:43:34 he don't know is not anything about
0:43:35 miracle is
0:43:37 as maybe a cousin or someone from the
0:43:39 family
0:43:40 should be adopted by god and brought up
0:43:42 obviously the al-imran explained how he
0:43:45 was motivated to pray this way by saying
0:43:47 maryam if such righteous girls existed
0:43:49 people maybe
0:43:52 maybe
0:43:53 some people from my family and next of
0:43:56 kin will be able to uh to produce
0:43:58 someone who i can i can train before i
0:44:00 die and and he will be a suitable chief
0:44:03 priest or a priest which can keep the
0:44:05 tradition from jacob and at least stem
0:44:09 some of the corruption which is becoming
0:44:10 more and more prevalent in
0:44:13 in the temple at that time
0:44:22 that's a
0:44:23 one who will will receive his the
0:44:26 inheritance of of the career because he
0:44:28 has no other hairs
0:44:29 uh
0:44:31 and and and will be will be on uh will
0:44:34 be will be continuing the the tradition
0:44:37 of the house of jacob
0:44:40 and make him a good pleasing
0:44:43 offspring or gives you a lie or or a
0:44:45 next of kin because not all nations are
0:44:47 pleasing sometimes they are the worst
0:44:49 for you then he has responded
0:44:51 immediately he's not mentioned who
0:44:53 responded to him is this his lord or the
0:44:54 angels or normally stages uh reporting
0:44:58 what the lord
0:44:59 because generally it's clear if allah is
0:45:01 directly talking
0:45:02 to someone that this is clearly spelled
0:45:04 otherwise that talking is usually for
0:45:06 the injured or the career
0:45:08 we bring you a good news of a son
0:45:11 whose name will be john
0:45:15 a name we have never given to anybody
0:45:18 actually this is a this is the first
0:45:20 translation because the quran says
0:45:23 we didn't make any
0:45:25 similar equal to him in name or in in in
0:45:28 the attributes
0:45:29 the evidence for that that the word
0:45:31 samia does not mean the same name
0:45:33 because if you check the name
0:45:34 john it has been given to many people
0:45:36 before
0:45:37 uh for it's not the first time ever some
0:45:40 people get confused by that but if you
0:45:42 if you if you if you check the quran in
0:45:44 other places where the word samia is
0:45:46 used to due to another place when
0:45:48 he talks about god's
0:45:49 the beneficent
0:45:51 of utmost merciful word
0:45:54 do you know any some someone who is
0:45:56 similar to his name some of his quality
0:45:58 similar tribute mercifulness that's the
0:46:00 meaning of it so this is not meaning
0:46:02 that there is nobody with the name uh as
0:46:04 if someone may be in a simple mind you
0:46:06 think uh
0:46:08 the name of the first time ever invented
0:46:11 at the time no there have been a year
0:46:12 before that
0:46:13 but this one has no equal
0:46:16 in a similarly and obviously has no
0:46:18 equal before that in human history or in
0:46:20 israel history
0:46:22 that a righteous man who has complete no
0:46:24 sexuality because all prophets before
0:46:26 and all messengers have normal sexuality
0:46:29 they have multiple wives they have
0:46:30 concubines like ibraheem etc and some of
0:46:34 them have plenty of wives and plenty of
0:46:36 children
0:46:37 almost with no limitation no one is
0:46:39 known to have no children whatsoever all
0:46:41 of them accept this
0:46:43 nobody is having hasor
0:46:46 completely completely sexually
0:46:48 incapacitated
0:46:50 like this so there's no summary for him
0:46:52 in addition to righteousness and also
0:46:55 let us say more strictness religion and
0:46:57 devotion than the majority of others
0:47:00 because if you don't have a wife for
0:47:01 children and they're just devoted to
0:47:04 to carrying a message and the water to
0:47:06 worship the water to
0:47:08 ritual acts the water to ascetism and as
0:47:10 the reports about here that he was
0:47:12 living in the wilderness eating honey
0:47:14 and eating things from the wilderness
0:47:16 exclusively
0:47:18 channing the the corrupt society that's
0:47:20 that's we don't have an example like
0:47:22 that in previous history all the the
0:47:24 prophets in the past they have many of
0:47:27 them have even a lavish life like
0:47:28 ibrahim who's rich
0:47:30 having
0:47:31 considerable lavish life
0:47:34 isaiah
0:47:35 many have
0:47:37 almost royal life
0:47:38 but nobody like this so this semi is not
0:47:41 the same name okay so we continue
0:47:47 and then it continues essentially with
0:47:49 similar things then he then
0:47:52 then he is surprised because what he is
0:47:55 in mind was really a cousin or someone
0:47:57 from the family which would be like
0:47:59 maryam the surah does not mention maryam
0:48:02 here but in ali imran clarified that's
0:48:04 that's what motivated him when he saw
0:48:05 this marvelous girl with her devotion
0:48:08 and had natural behavior and so on he
0:48:10 was moved to ask for someone like that
0:48:12 not thinking that will be from his own
0:48:14 child's offspring
0:48:20 so
0:48:21 surprised by that he asked the lord so
0:48:23 is my lord give me a sign
0:48:25 like in the previous eyes in al-imran he
0:48:27 said your sign is that you will not be
0:48:29 able to speak to the people for three
0:48:31 four nights or days
0:48:33 three four nights many nights with the
0:48:35 day okay
0:48:36 so he came out from the sanctuary and
0:48:39 this assigned to his people glorified
0:48:42 the lord morning and evening similar to
0:48:44 another imran
0:48:46 then suddenly the quran make a jump
0:48:47 that's like changing the scene this is
0:48:49 one of the cinematic way of the quran
0:48:51 representing stories yeah this john
0:48:53 directly we jump from the time john is
0:48:55 not yet conceived
0:48:56 to an adult
0:49:01 take hold of the book with a
0:49:03 steadfastness
0:49:04 all to the scripture but in a tough way
0:49:07 an excessively tough way not like what
0:49:09 most people
0:49:10 will be able uh
0:49:12 to comply in a normal way soft way no in
0:49:16 a tough way taking from every injunction
0:49:18 the harshest and the strictest
0:49:23 and
0:49:24 we gave him wisdom
0:49:27 while he was still a boy
0:49:28 right what i have so here
0:49:30 already
0:49:32 when he's still a boy
0:49:34 obviously a boy of reasonable age of
0:49:35 like 7 10 or something else he got
0:49:37 wisdom and get to get that the initial
0:49:41 sickness of prophethood
0:49:46 then we gave him also affection
0:49:51 so
0:49:53 he was given softness and
0:49:55 kindness of the heart
0:49:57 and purity
0:49:58 and
0:49:59 god awareness
0:50:02 and he was not maybe obviously to refute
0:50:04 some stories that that because he was
0:50:06 living in the wilderness he may have
0:50:07 been rough to his parents or to his
0:50:09 mother or his father like sometimes
0:50:11 narrated about even isa that he was
0:50:14 harsh to his mother is not true he's not
0:50:16 harsh he's gentle and can fall of
0:50:18 kindness to his to the people despite of
0:50:21 committing himself to harsh discipline
0:50:23 living in the wilderness fasting almost
0:50:25 continuously
0:50:27 observing abstaining from from sex and
0:50:29 woman is very clear because it doesn't
0:50:30 have possibly the capability possibly we
0:50:33 don't know according to that hadith
0:50:34 which we may almost rely on but in any
0:50:37 case
0:50:38 despite all the external thickness the
0:50:40 heart is completely soft and full of
0:50:42 kindness
0:50:47 and also it is stressed and full of
0:50:48 kindness towards his parents
0:50:50 and he was not to do the
0:50:53 dominant uh or
0:50:55 domineering or rebellious he was not
0:50:57 definitely not and then
0:51:00 and then there's an invocation of peace
0:51:02 on him and in
0:51:04 in the day he was born
0:51:06 god made peace on him and then
0:51:09 invoked peace on him and the day he died
0:51:13 god peacefully with him despite he was
0:51:15 decapitated and peace god's peace with
0:51:17 him in the day of resurrection so his
0:51:19 peace from the beginning to the end to
0:51:21 the resurrection
0:51:28 so
0:51:30 this is essentially the part in ali
0:51:32 imran concerning zakaria
0:51:35 but then
0:51:36 in surat maryam it jumps to the second
0:51:39 part of the surrounding that's the spot
0:51:41 which is extremely significant we focus
0:51:43 on it maybe we spend too much time with
0:51:45 the ilion but to have the general
0:51:47 atmosphere how it looks like
0:52:02 sorry we go back to swat al imran
0:52:05 when there's a jump after the story of
0:52:07 zakaria i jump to mariam but doesn't
0:52:09 show us is that
0:52:12 good news brought to her where she is in
0:52:14 the temple or after the time gap in
0:52:16 swarthmore the clarification comes
0:52:19 so insulin iran the aegis
0:52:21 the same collection in surat maryam but
0:52:25 in sweden the significant peace will
0:52:26 show importance
0:52:28 the india state is
0:53:11 foreign
0:53:26 the good news after the story which you
0:53:28 just read initially
0:53:31 and we were corroborated and founded by
0:53:35 maryam with small bits and pieces about
0:53:37 the career but now back to maryam it was
0:53:39 the story of maryam in arya imran
0:53:42 in which is not clear is it happening to
0:53:44 her in the temple or elsewhere that's
0:53:46 the only part is there but otherwise the
0:53:48 the whole message is clear so roughly
0:53:50 translate it says
0:53:52 when the ages say to maryam to mary
0:53:56 god give you the good news the gladiator
0:53:58 the gospel that's the god gospel is good
0:54:00 news evangelion this is good news
0:54:02 so the good news of the birth of isa is
0:54:04 itself an evangelion and the revelation
0:54:06 that he says
0:54:07 but i'll comment on that later
0:54:09 good news
0:54:10 of a word from him
0:54:13 whose name will be the messiah jesus son
0:54:16 of mary in arabic
0:54:18 within at the beginning i will also
0:54:20 point an issue with diana at the
0:54:21 beginning of the end
0:54:24 and this clearly when she was addressed
0:54:26 it would be your son it will be called
0:54:28 the messiah son of mary
0:54:30 he will be
0:54:32 highly distinguished
0:54:34 in this world and in the hereafter
0:54:37 and
0:54:44 and close to
0:54:45 allah very close
0:54:48 essentially the arabic equivalent of
0:54:49 that what used in here
0:54:51 used to to be to be given as a tribute
0:54:53 to the very close high angels they're
0:54:55 called cherubim
0:54:57 carabin carabin
0:54:59 the coral beam the cherubim is one of
0:55:01 these high ranking as crows as gabriel
0:55:04 michael etcetera that's that is usually
0:55:06 the word qarabin the very high ranking
0:55:08 close to god in that sense
0:55:11 he will speak to people from the cradle
0:55:15 that's the cradle speaking the crowd
0:55:16 there's a point keep that in mind and
0:55:18 when he is an old man
0:55:21 in arabic is not an extremely old man
0:55:23 it's not really because we have in
0:55:24 arabic they they divide the ages a
0:55:27 little bit like for example
0:55:31 then we have young man chap then we have
0:55:33 a man man is usually from 30 to 40 and
0:55:36 then
0:55:37 after 40 45 50 you are killed
0:55:40 starting to have few maybe one of your
0:55:42 gray hairs
0:55:43 and then when you are older than like 60
0:55:46 or more that's a shaykh
0:55:49 there's a hint there
0:55:50 why is mentioning that you're talking
0:55:52 that's miraculous
0:55:53 talking
0:55:56 is most likely like 50 years old
0:55:59 maybe a hint that he will stay until 50
0:56:00 years old which gives us a hint about
0:56:03 his birthday than the organization with
0:56:05 these stories about him maybe anyway
0:56:07 keep that if it's a divine revelation it
0:56:09 must have given me more weight than just
0:56:11 casually but mentioning
0:56:13 another place with the quran
0:56:16 means there's something significant that
0:56:17 he will be able to be working and making
0:56:20 a message and refuse the claims that
0:56:22 that he was crucified or will if or
0:56:24 ascended to the heaven or whatever has
0:56:26 happened to him when he was in his early
0:56:28 30s it does not seem to be like that it
0:56:30 seems to be much older than that
0:56:34 but this is a secondary point
0:56:36 not such a fundamental point that's of
0:56:38 interest
0:56:41 and
0:56:42 in addition to that
0:56:43 that he speaks in the claddle
0:56:50 and therefore
0:56:51 yeah
0:56:53 so this is the this is uh an old mania
0:56:56 and he will be one of the writers also
0:56:59 not only very close to god but also
0:57:00 writers full writers
0:57:03 she said she was a state of shock lord
0:57:05 how can i have a boy actually is wrong
0:57:08 because
0:57:09 it is what she said how can i have an
0:57:11 offspring wallet is not boy
0:57:14 notice that in arabic where it is eben
0:57:16 and daughter bint wallet could be a boy
0:57:18 or many people make that mistake wallet
0:57:20 has been
0:57:21 born or offspring
0:57:24 how can i have
0:57:25 any offspring
0:57:28 it's it's told to hear that's a boy it's
0:57:30 no problem but she was impossible to
0:57:32 have any of springs how can i have a an
0:57:35 offspring a boy or an offspring is
0:57:37 better translated when no man has ever
0:57:40 touched me
0:57:42 she knows very well that we don't get to
0:57:44 a pregnant just by
0:57:46 by sniffing in the air you have to have
0:57:48 intercourse that's the normal cause of
0:57:49 things or artificial insemination in
0:57:51 modern times but it has to be much more
0:57:53 than just just just just someone telling
0:57:56 you you're going to get a child
0:57:59 he said
0:58:00 god creates whatever he wills
0:58:03 when he decides something all what he
0:58:05 needs to say is it happens b it happens
0:58:07 that's what is god power
0:58:09 now let me
0:58:10 that this virgin birth
0:58:12 is a very sore point for the modern and
0:58:14 analysts of this people discussing the
0:58:16 the old testament and refuting many
0:58:18 aspects then you would stem it refuting
0:58:20 many aspects of it with good reasons
0:58:22 like our video i gave it to lux
0:58:24 hopefully in fdu they discussed about
0:58:26 the story of the birth and obviously the
0:58:28 attack also the virgin path
0:58:30 and they mentioned islam also approved
0:58:32 believes the very verse and they think
0:58:33 the best has been disproved what has
0:58:36 been disproved is the story about
0:58:38 bethlehem and so on and the evidence
0:58:40 they brought is devastating no doubt
0:58:42 about that
0:58:43 but does not mean necessarily
0:58:45 that if that part of the story is false
0:58:48 that whole destroyer they fall in the
0:58:49 so-called generalization of categoric
0:58:51 fallacy
0:58:53 if i get a story and then a substantial
0:58:55 part of it is false
0:58:58 does not mean that every part of it's
0:58:59 false
0:59:01 i have to be more scrutinizing
0:59:04 and
0:59:06 but they fall in this fallacy since we
0:59:07 have proven that
0:59:09 the whole story of the birth and going
0:59:11 to bethlehem is fake and fabricated
0:59:16 we'll see you soon and a rational
0:59:19 impossible and also historical you know
0:59:21 can be refuted
0:59:23 as discussed in this video
0:59:25 look at that video it's very interesting
0:59:26 although they go off tangent they have
0:59:28 some one or two places they have this
0:59:30 generalization of this categoric fallacy
0:59:33 but still the the point which at hand
0:59:35 they are discussing you can you can
0:59:37 really
0:59:39 rely on that and analyze it and come to
0:59:41 the conclusion it's impossible that this
0:59:43 distributed by betraying has happened
0:59:45 and all of this is just just just fake
0:59:47 the question is that how come it has
0:59:50 why this fake has been created and how
0:59:51 it has can be done anyway so
0:59:59 well in in that video they also mock the
1:00:02 issue of uh
1:00:03 of persian path obviously because the
1:00:05 refutation they have brought for that
1:00:07 story in its parts
1:00:10 then they believe that they have refuted
1:00:11 that there was a vegetable they have not
1:00:13 reviewed it they always made it
1:00:14 obviously became highly improbable
1:00:16 because for virgin birth you have to
1:00:18 have a miraculous
1:00:19 uh
1:00:20 assumption of miraculous the divine
1:00:22 intervention although they address them
1:00:24 issues biology and so on there which i
1:00:25 may address now quickly you know you
1:00:27 know
1:00:28 when i finish with the eyes in a few
1:00:30 sentence shows that said this is
1:00:32 nonsensical what they are discussing in
1:00:33 the way they're discussing but the
1:00:36 the background assumption these people
1:00:38 are coming from is that essentially
1:00:40 either god does not exist so they are
1:00:42 coming from atheists background without
1:00:44 having bringing an absolute evidence for
1:00:46 atheism all that they bring is that the
1:00:48 believer in god cannot bring in evidence
1:00:50 which is not true we can bring evidence
1:00:52 but we will come to that in various
1:00:54 forms later but leave that keep it open
1:00:57 at least and secondly or if god exists
1:00:59 he's unable to to do miracles so he's
1:01:01 bound by that by by the by by
1:01:04 by the natural
1:01:06 law of nature which is impossible
1:01:07 because if nature is created then it is
1:01:10 a contingent entity and its laws are
1:01:12 contingent
1:01:14 the easiest things for for god to break
1:01:16 them if he wants
1:01:18 oh there's no doubt about that so this
1:01:20 is also another rational fallacy but
1:01:23 obviously they don't spell out clearly
1:01:25 that
1:01:26 we don't believe in existence for the
1:01:27 divine being
1:01:29 we don't believe in uh or in a divine
1:01:31 being who is which is having
1:01:33 supernatural powers essentially meaning
1:01:37 the divine being or the recessive
1:01:39 existent being which is the source of
1:01:40 all contingent reality must be like a
1:01:44 nature which is dead blind and so on so
1:01:46 it's not a god it's just that nature
1:01:47 just a cosmos that's all that's there in
1:01:50 that case you could really argue there's
1:01:52 no way you have a
1:01:54 uh
1:01:56 version of a virgin path
1:01:58 and that is but that has to be proven
1:02:00 fast and from but they make that as like
1:02:03 a footnote or a result or indirectly of
1:02:06 the story but this is again the
1:02:08 generalization fallacy we have to be
1:02:09 cautious about such fallacies
1:02:11 anyway i will make small comments here
1:02:18 and then he she is pacified by saying
1:02:20 hey
1:02:21 uh
1:02:23 and when our god says something b it
1:02:26 happens immediately so
1:02:28 or as as designed by god that happens
1:02:30 maybe it happens in a billion of years
1:02:31 but it happens it is inevitable state b
1:02:33 it's there's no way any any force can't
1:02:36 stand in front of him being necessarily
1:02:38 existing with absolute power that's it
1:02:42 and then
1:02:43 to pacify her and he will be taught by
1:02:45 god directly he will be brought forward
1:02:47 so that he he will be taught uh the he
1:02:50 will be taught
1:02:51 the book
1:02:52 now the weather book some people
1:02:55 should hit up kitab some people in the
1:02:57 beta will be taught how to to write and
1:02:59 read i i don't think there is a poor
1:03:01 point of view get up meaning revelation
1:03:04 or revelation past and
1:03:06 and present and so generally as a
1:03:08 general title of revelation but also
1:03:10 kitab could be total commandments
1:03:13 because in arabic the word kitab could
1:03:15 mean the obligation the commandments it
1:03:16 has various meaning so he'll be taught
1:03:18 that
1:03:19 not that he would to be to be taught
1:03:21 what to read and to write
1:03:23 the wisdom usually the wisdom that was
1:03:25 given to the office which is expressed
1:03:27 in their actions and their approvals etc
1:03:29 which is essentially their sunnah
1:03:32 their tradition
1:03:34 and then he will be taught the torah the
1:03:36 torah here in the meaning of the
1:03:37 teaching now the teaching the torah let
1:03:38 me just make us a quick note because
1:03:41 many people get confused how the quran
1:03:42 used the word torah and there's actually
1:03:44 a video i will give it to likes
1:03:45 inshallah
1:03:46 he will give to you about the use of
1:03:48 torah because it gets confusing for many
1:03:51 people that the quran used the torah in
1:03:53 two differences one the standard
1:03:55 sentence is that what has revealed to
1:03:56 musa which is
1:03:58 slimmed down the water has built in the
1:04:00 tablets
1:04:02 plus what has been evil to musa of
1:04:04 wisdom and he expressed in his own
1:04:05 actions words and judgments
1:04:07 that's the torah teaching
1:04:09 so not only the tablets which is
1:04:11 supposed to be written by the divine
1:04:12 finger but also what musa uttered of
1:04:15 rulings and injunctions and so on by
1:04:18 divine inspiration
1:04:19 and because he is a prophet
1:04:22 he is obviously in deporting from the
1:04:24 divine is infallible otherwise the
1:04:26 prophethood will lose its meaning
1:04:28 if it is a fallibility then
1:04:31 then it will not be binding to the
1:04:32 people that people could say on the day
1:04:34 of judgement to god
1:04:36 this man commits mistakes he is not
1:04:39 infallible
1:04:41 how do we know that he is reporting from
1:04:43 you correctly
1:04:44 so it's if allah sends messenger allah
1:04:47 exists and he sends messengers to bring
1:04:49 his message then he's upon him to make
1:04:52 them infallible a reporting from him at
1:04:54 least and reporting from him in a
1:04:56 binding way so nobody can defeat him
1:04:58 nobody can argue with him in the
1:05:00 judgment and get away there's the
1:05:01 russian necessity so this is the torah
1:05:04 sometimes in the quran say
1:05:06 challenging the you the jews bring the
1:05:08 torah and read it
1:05:10 that's meaning the books they have in
1:05:11 their hand they call the torah they call
1:05:12 the torah these five test books that's
1:05:14 not the torah which is revealed
1:05:16 it contains some of the torah not all of
1:05:18 it because some of it has been lost
1:05:20 almost certainly but it can't it
1:05:22 contains that but it contains myths
1:05:24 stories and imagination and fabrications
1:05:28 as we have discussed in the creation of
1:05:29 adam so that's the truth
1:05:31 and the gospel the good news what is the
1:05:34 good news which is taught to isa
1:05:36 again it's used also the revelation to
1:05:38 essa we shall mostly we were not aware
1:05:42 of the tablets or some scroll coming
1:05:43 from heaven so he said that it doesn't
1:05:45 have something similar to the quran so
1:05:47 it's something different as as is is
1:05:50 that what he given to him which he gives
1:05:52 in parables and expressions on
1:05:54 what is the good news it's called the
1:05:55 good news why it's called the good news
1:05:57 because it says that the good news of he
1:05:59 himself is a good news i am the
1:06:00 messenger to you
1:06:02 to give you the last chance the children
1:06:03 of israel to get out of the historic
1:06:05 mess and correct your way which
1:06:07 obviously they failed and the studies
1:06:09 historically they finished and the game
1:06:11 is over this game over definitely
1:06:13 whatever they argue whatever talk about
1:06:15 semitism anti-semitism is not going to
1:06:17 change the reality history has with that
1:06:19 time
1:06:20 after after isa and destruction of
1:06:22 second temple scott alas they are the
1:06:24 footnote of history that's clearly
1:06:27 after there being the lead
1:06:29 leading nation of history which was
1:06:31 carried monotheism and carried the
1:06:33 beginning by the way the beginnings of
1:06:34 philosophy and so on started israel and
1:06:37 then and then in the during the
1:06:39 babylonian exiles some prophets and some
1:06:41 israelite scholars and then greece
1:06:43 escaped to egypt and they founded
1:06:45 schools of sophisticated knowledge and
1:06:47 so on and in which then plato and and
1:06:50 others have studied and socrates
1:06:53 so i don't think that's that's a
1:06:55 genuinely european creation it is really
1:06:57 coming from from egypt and the egypt
1:07:00 that has come by by fertilized by by
1:07:02 what came through the prophet israel so
1:07:04 that's that from that leading nation in
1:07:06 official intellectualism and fundamental
1:07:09 vision of the reality
1:07:10 they became a footnote of history so he
1:07:12 himself is amazing
1:07:14 gospel in that sense
1:07:18 he embodied this this good news this
1:07:20 final message but the good news
1:07:22 specifically he brought is the good news
1:07:24 of the kingdom the coming of the kingdom
1:07:26 which is miss or integrated miserable by
1:07:29 the christian as being the the life to
1:07:31 come after this world is not true the
1:07:32 kingdom who israel is announcing is the
1:07:35 one which will be uh propagated
1:07:38 established by a prophet come after him
1:07:40 which there was a mistrust in his name
1:07:41 as the comforter of the advocate
1:07:43 that's the that's the fire mr muhammad
1:07:45 that's the muslim interpretation and
1:07:47 that's what obviously can be from the
1:07:48 quran but that's for you to accept or
1:07:51 deny after all these evidences are
1:07:53 putting together and so do they together
1:07:55 or do not fit
1:07:57 and then further and he will let's talk
1:08:00 to mary he will be a messenger to the
1:08:03 people of israel to the children of
1:08:04 israel
1:08:05 saying this is telling him what you will
1:08:08 he will be saying
1:08:09 or
1:08:11 it is we have like a flash forward and
1:08:13 mentioning whatever but this could be
1:08:15 very well that because that's what will
1:08:16 be taught to him and that's what he
1:08:18 specifically has been created this way
1:08:20 and specifically how he appointed to be
1:08:23 the final messenger to the children of
1:08:25 israel
1:08:26 he will tell to them
1:08:27 and this is done talking in the eye in
1:08:29 the
1:08:30 first person i have come to you
1:08:33 with a sign from your lord
1:08:36 and
1:08:37 various signs are given it's interesting
1:08:38 to you one of them is nowhere to be
1:08:40 found except in some nativity goes well
1:08:42 i will
1:08:43 uh i will create a bed
1:08:46 like for you from mud or from clay and
1:08:49 then breathe in it and it will become
1:08:50 wet and fly away by god's permission
1:08:53 everywhere say god's permission is
1:08:54 invoked there it is not it's not by his
1:08:57 own aesthetic war is by god permission
1:08:58 and power given by god
1:09:04 and by god's permission heal men born
1:09:07 blind
1:09:09 and liberal livers
1:09:12 early pastors may be not a good
1:09:13 translations and other disease but
1:09:14 anyway also lepas were healed no doubt
1:09:16 about that
1:09:18 people who the skins can lay lesions and
1:09:20 mutilation
1:09:21 and give life to the dead and at least
1:09:24 in the in the current gospels we have at
1:09:26 least one resurrection story that famous
1:09:30 i will tell you
1:09:31 and this is also we don't find that
1:09:33 anywhere i think if i'm not mistaken we
1:09:35 have to check it in the various
1:09:37 canonical non-canonical gospels and
1:09:39 nativity and non-nativity i will tell
1:09:41 you what you eat and what you should
1:09:45 what you store in your homes not you
1:09:47 should what what you are stoning really
1:09:50 in your homes
1:09:52 for all of these is a sign for you
1:09:56 if you believe
1:10:00 i will be confirming he will talk during
1:10:02 the i would because it's essentially
1:10:04 summarizing the whole message of isa in
1:10:06 a few sentences and supposedly been
1:10:09 given this all this news given to maryam
1:10:12 before even he's conceived i will
1:10:14 confirm to what what has been available
1:10:16 or also revealed before me in the torah
1:10:19 in the teaching
1:10:20 but i will make certain permissions
1:10:22 which things shall be prohibited for you
1:10:25 i'll make them
1:10:26 permissible permissible
1:10:29 so he will ease some of the forbidden
1:10:31 of for prohibitions
1:10:33 so many people misunderstand he said the
1:10:36 prohibitions of the torah is not
1:10:37 necessary it could be prohibition made
1:10:40 by letter prophets or made by scribes by
1:10:43 their own creative
1:10:45 imagination because the quran uses the
1:10:48 passive term what has been prohibited in
1:10:50 you who prohibited
1:10:51 maybe it's good maybe in the torah maybe
1:10:53 other prophets maybe it's not gods maybe
1:10:55 just priests and so on inventing things
1:10:57 by head splitting as possible so few of
1:11:00 these things he will declare to be
1:11:02 lawful and permissible which has been
1:11:04 regarded as forbidden before
1:11:07 and i hope and then he
1:11:09 affirms i am i have brought you so many
1:11:11 signs from your lord
1:11:14 so be mindful of god and obey me
1:11:17 that's what we hear so in this already
1:11:20 seems to be true to maryam according to
1:11:21 the quran the whole message of isa is
1:11:24 summarized and given a given to it
1:11:26 otherwise he would be saying this and
1:11:27 this and this that's essentially if
1:11:29 we'll be saying and few main lines
1:11:31 without going into never ending details
1:11:33 and parables or that's all to expand
1:11:35 this fundamental message so two or three
1:11:37 lines there's no more than that it's not
1:11:39 you don't need more than that that's all
1:11:41 always there
1:11:43 god and that concluding god is my lord
1:11:45 and your lord
1:11:46 so worship him
1:11:48 this is a straight path
1:11:50 which obviously clearly refuting the
1:11:51 claim of the christian that he claims to
1:11:53 be divine anywhere or condone someone
1:11:55 claiming to be his divine no
1:11:58 although the canonical gospel really if
1:11:59 he looks cortana as clearly there's no
1:12:01 way he claiming to be divine or ask
1:12:04 people to worship him or declare himself
1:12:06 to be absolutely good and interact so
1:12:08 but he says god is my lord and your lord
1:12:12 so worship him alone this is the
1:12:14 straight path
1:12:17 so that's what
1:12:18 that's in surat ali imran but in this
1:12:21 it's not clear is that because it's
1:12:24 imran it was after the mission of
1:12:26 the zakaria and his foster and
1:12:29 guardianship were here and so on and
1:12:31 zacharias application for for a child
1:12:33 etc and they are mentioned in sequence
1:12:36 so you don't know did that happen in the
1:12:38 temple or did that happen it's happened
1:12:40 now in maryam we have a very significant
1:12:43 and interesting gratification
1:12:48 so
1:12:51 what happened really when was this this
1:12:53 this good news given to uh to maryam
1:12:57 when his circumstances
1:12:59 it's what
1:13:00 you may think it was in the temple
1:13:02 and it was the the quran or the writer
1:13:05 did not bother giving the details there
1:13:07 because there was a discussion of the
1:13:08 with the christian about the nature of
1:13:10 christ and the the challenge of the
1:13:12 mutual causation etc that that is not
1:13:15 divine that's the essential point not
1:13:18 what really did that but in surat maryam
1:13:20 there's a clarification which put really
1:13:22 the existing
1:13:24 gospels of nativity on a on a very
1:13:26 difficult spot or the quran very
1:13:28 difficult either one of them is an in
1:13:31 reconciliable what does it say for maria
1:13:35 after the this this part of what's the
1:13:37 career which we mentioned earlier as i
1:13:38 saw at maryam we mentioned the career
1:13:40 within two portions
1:13:42 then we went to maryam
1:13:43 and so on so that we have the sequence
1:13:46 maybe i should have it differently but i
1:13:47 think this way we will go back now to
1:13:50 maryam
1:13:51 after mentioning the career and yahya
1:13:53 and
1:13:54 invoking peace on him you know he's born
1:13:56 and
1:13:57 dies and when he's resurrected
1:14:12 foreign
1:14:36 foreign
1:15:03 foreign
1:15:49 let me translate and comment a bit but
1:15:52 maybe i'll translate it and then make
1:15:54 some comments
1:15:57 so mention in the book
1:15:58 the story of maryam
1:16:01 when she would draw from her
1:16:03 family
1:16:04 to a place toward the east
1:16:08 so this is not in the temple
1:16:10 yeah
1:16:12 she would draw from her family
1:16:14 and said in taberna that and tablet she
1:16:16 extracted herself
1:16:17 so it looks like she it was like a
1:16:19 little struggle
1:16:21 because
1:16:24 this was for example the untouchable
1:16:27 india called mahmoud the untouchable the
1:16:29 rejected one so she instructed herself
1:16:31 she rejected herself so they maybe have
1:16:33 some discussion and things like that and
1:16:35 she
1:16:36 pulled herself out from them maybe they
1:16:39 were not very happy about this
1:16:41 so how to understand that
1:16:48 i would understand that i feel for my
1:16:50 imagination but
1:16:51 following the story consistently
1:16:53 assuming the first part of the temple
1:16:55 thus essentially the apocrypha agree in
1:16:57 the essential core leave the story of
1:16:59 three years and twelve years and men's
1:17:01 emails and etc and
1:17:03 there they claim they got her married to
1:17:05 uh to joseph and so on uh to take care
1:17:08 of her etc etc because there's a
1:17:10 responsibility all of that we don't need
1:17:11 to bother if that's all in detail but
1:17:13 she was in the temple and she was an
1:17:16 exceptional personality that's it
1:17:18 clearly that was over quran does not
1:17:21 address how that was over
1:17:24 but from the language i would conclude
1:17:26 that
1:17:27 the
1:17:28 she is back to home most likely it's not
1:17:30 sad because there is no reason to
1:17:32 believe that there was any other place
1:17:33 because jesus
1:17:35 all everything starts from nazareth and
1:17:37 the name of the nazarene all of that
1:17:39 really
1:17:42 everything works together they said
1:17:44 that's that's where their home will have
1:17:46 been
1:17:47 it could have been that they have it at
1:17:48 the time she was in the temple that they
1:17:49 were in in jerusalem nearby so they can
1:17:52 visit and so on maybe but they moved
1:17:54 back maybe the original format senate
1:17:55 moved to because of the tumble to be
1:17:58 a temple being in jerusalem so to be
1:18:00 close to her daughter and they're
1:18:01 supposed to be according to all these
1:18:03 apocrypha the parents the father was
1:18:05 rich that's fine all of this is this is
1:18:06 not essential for me it's not as what's
1:18:08 essential is that they're back home and
1:18:10 most likely it is
1:18:13 nazareth
1:18:15 which is in galilee at the south end of
1:18:17 the
1:18:18 of the galilee lake of the legality of
1:18:20 the galaxy
1:18:23 she will draw the inhabitant it may be
1:18:26 she needed to extract herself by force
1:18:28 or something like that a little bit
1:18:31 it seemed to be maybe at that time she
1:18:33 got she got engaged or actually
1:18:35 withdrawed
1:18:36 a massive contract was that was made
1:18:39 with the with the joseph carpenter the
1:18:42 carpenter
1:18:43 and
1:18:44 it's a very common habit in arabia but
1:18:46 also in in in jews is that they make a
1:18:49 contract so the uh the future husband
1:18:52 and wife their husband and wife
1:18:53 illegally but they don't cohabit yet
1:18:55 they don't live together until the
1:18:56 husband establish a house and fill these
1:18:58 things up it takes or sometimes they do
1:19:01 it because the the daughter is busy with
1:19:03 with with some
1:19:05 with some study or something like that
1:19:07 so they postponed the consummation
1:19:09 with the usual consummation will end
1:19:11 with them with with with pregnancy and
1:19:13 so on and then obviously other
1:19:15 activities of the woman will be
1:19:17 undermined so she can't complete her
1:19:19 studies or complete their
1:19:21 attendance to temple or anything like
1:19:23 that
1:19:25 it has to be
1:19:26 a
1:19:27 a time like a year or two years are
1:19:29 agreed upon and this time that the
1:19:30 prevention of the house and so like that
1:19:32 maybe something like that
1:19:34 possibly she was not very happy with
1:19:36 that or happy that the marriage would be
1:19:38 immediately consummated and she insisted
1:19:40 on a separation in a time when she goes
1:19:42 for devotion
1:19:43 goes for something like
1:19:45 a monastery or
1:19:46 or none life
1:19:48 how do we know that
1:19:50 because
1:19:52 first of all she would drew and took a
1:19:54 place in the east
1:19:56 and then she was a have a veil between
1:19:58 her and them the she was in a seclusion
1:20:00 veil is a complete veil like a character
1:20:02 like a wall
1:20:03 why the east that's all there is
1:20:05 significance nowhere in in the apocrypha
1:20:07 or the
1:20:08 guesswork there gospel anything we're
1:20:10 talking about the east here going to the
1:20:12 east if there's anything going to be
1:20:13 about that and giving birth is going to
1:20:15 bethlehem and so on
1:20:17 is completely different there's nothing
1:20:18 of that
1:20:20 why the east if they were at the time
1:20:22 jerusalem then the east
1:20:24 is
1:20:24 at the tip of the dead sea at the end of
1:20:26 the river jordan there's a
1:20:28 well-established community with
1:20:30 monastery which is we know that from the
1:20:32 dead scrolls and also some ancient
1:20:34 jewish writing was what was was occupied
1:20:37 by the so-called essence or like an
1:20:39 escaped jewish sect which tend to be
1:20:41 having uh inclination to have more
1:20:44 monasteries and things like that they
1:20:45 all secluded that and they have villages
1:20:48 there and they are the one who buried
1:20:50 these literatures in the caves which are
1:20:52 called the dead sea scrolls
1:20:55 that's one option another option they
1:20:56 have been india which i prefer here is
1:20:58 what
1:21:09 somewhere there
1:21:10 east will be toward the the
1:21:14 the starting point of the jordan and
1:21:16 there's
1:21:17 and that place may have been also
1:21:19 because it's close to water and water
1:21:21 facility and that's very important water
1:21:23 and daily bad thing
1:21:24 and and and purification is very
1:21:26 important for us kids so if there's any
1:21:28 asceticism really there
1:21:30 i don't know if there have been someone
1:21:32 can check that or someone of you who is
1:21:33 interested in archaeology may go and
1:21:35 check that about
1:21:37 that area if it has some archaeological
1:21:39 artifacts showing that there have been
1:21:40 some villagers and they almost like they
1:21:42 might have been but but maybe special
1:21:44 villages which look like the one in
1:21:45 qumran near the east of jerusalem maybe
1:21:49 maybe not but this is not important
1:21:50 because you could have have some kind of
1:21:53 a temporary monastery there by having
1:21:55 tents and the water is nearby and so on
1:21:57 and you can seclude yourself in a tent
1:21:59 as well as in a structure but it
1:22:01 possibly structured
1:22:02 so she would draw to the east obviously
1:22:05 to finish at time let's say for one year
1:22:07 since i will go for one year into
1:22:09 a sceptic life while this husband
1:22:13 is
1:22:14 preparing for that
1:22:16 it does not mean that she's rejecting
1:22:17 the marriage but she felt that she has
1:22:19 to have like a year of preparation
1:22:21 spiritual preparation for the marital
1:22:22 life coming from the obviously and the
1:22:25 youthful development as a temple deva
1:22:28 devotee
1:22:29 going to malaysia life immediately is
1:22:31 like
1:22:32 feels like a shock or a major change
1:22:34 and she decided then to extract her
1:22:36 obviously family was not
1:22:38 clearly not extremely happy with that
1:22:40 with this arrangement but she
1:22:42 was able to persuade them and she
1:22:44 extracted herself that's the word
1:22:46 intimidate intimate she does not
1:22:48 withdraw in sahaba or she she won't know
1:22:51 she covered that she discarded herself
1:22:53 she became black and she outcasted
1:22:55 herself not without going to the extreme
1:22:57 or being outcast or being untouchable
1:23:00 but something like that
1:23:01 it's more than just withdrawing from
1:23:03 temple mechanics toward the east
1:23:05 northern east and this fits logically in
1:23:08 the location either in jerusalem to
1:23:10 qumran in the east at the tip of the
1:23:12 dead sea and where the jordan ends there
1:23:15 roughly that area
1:23:16 or a little bit north pakistan is not
1:23:19 very big by the way if you look at the
1:23:20 map you will be surprised it's a very
1:23:22 small country
1:23:23 or go to north maybe 100 kilometer 100
1:23:26 something maybe 200 i don't know i
1:23:28 didn't measure it take a look to google
1:23:30 map you will find it easily
1:23:32 that's
1:23:32 it go east
1:23:35 then you will enter the jordan and this
1:23:37 is the essentially the jordan when it's
1:23:38 emerged from the galilee sea or the lake
1:23:41 of galilee
1:23:42 with fresh water and facilities of our
1:23:44 vasquez
1:23:46 so she will draw there this seems
1:23:48 logical the quran does not i see she
1:23:50 extracted herself
1:23:52 to the east
1:23:54 and secluded here from there fall from
1:23:56 that
1:23:59 fatherhood
1:24:12 so even if they visit they would visit
1:24:14 obviously from time to time if if the
1:24:16 agreements were one year then they will
1:24:18 be visit from some time to time but even
1:24:20 if they visit she's behind the wheel
1:24:23 complete seclusion devotion
1:24:29 so that fits the idea that she went
1:24:31 maybe in something like a monastery
1:24:33 either either a well structured
1:24:35 well-developed monastery like the one in
1:24:37 qumran which is well established by
1:24:39 archaeological founds and also
1:24:41 fines and also by by the disease cross
1:24:43 or something similar maybe less
1:24:45 sophisticated at uh at uh uh uh
1:24:49 maybe as sophisticated i don't know i'm
1:24:50 not i'm not familiar with that with uh
1:24:53 with the archaeology of that area around
1:24:55 the beginning of the river jordan
1:24:57 starting from the glacier of galilee
1:25:00 there so that's that's that situation
1:25:02 there
1:25:03 most likely
1:25:05 and when israel are secluded here from
1:25:07 from them it does not take give give
1:25:09 really credit to the word hijab vail she
1:25:11 took away between her she's not a
1:25:13 secular but even behind the veil so even
1:25:15 if they visit she's behind the veil
1:25:19 okay
1:25:24 the moment she was there and she settled
1:25:26 and the bear is there
1:25:27 maybe after one visit of them
1:25:32 we sent to hear our spirit
1:25:36 who appeared to her
1:25:38 in the shape of a perfect man human
1:25:42 our spirit
1:25:44 usually when the holy ghost the word
1:25:46 spirit
1:25:47 or our spirit
1:25:49 it means one of the main angels usually
1:25:51 gabriel is regarded as spirit but it is
1:25:53 not absolutely system most likely
1:25:55 some of the apocrypha
1:25:57 is very clearly about gabriel
1:26:01 so it's gabriel this the under quran
1:26:03 conventions with
1:26:04 us
1:26:14 which is gabriel
1:26:16 clearly doesn't mean that allah has a
1:26:18 spirit and a body and the spirituality
1:26:19 this is obviously nonsensical that's
1:26:21 very clear even even the classics even
1:26:23 the people most simple-minded people
1:26:24 never nobody ever said something like
1:26:26 that anyway so that's after we send our
1:26:28 spirit
1:26:30 who appeared to hear
1:26:32 in the shape of a perfect man
1:26:35 took the shape of help as appearing to
1:26:37 her
1:26:40 she said
1:26:41 she was a state of shock imagine or
1:26:43 behind the veil
1:26:44 devoted completely for his ascetism
1:27:01 my seclusion because it seems to be
1:27:04 under she's right to say that because if
1:27:05 that's really a monastery area then
1:27:07 everyone in the area and everyone
1:27:09 passing there no these are people
1:27:11 seclusion for worship and for for more
1:27:13 for
1:27:14 for uh
1:27:15 for devotion and ascetism
1:27:18 nobody will enter in their seclusion
1:27:20 disturb their peace
1:27:22 someone doing that is extraordinary is
1:27:25 not to be expected it's shocking
1:27:31 he said
1:27:34 i am a messenger from your lord
1:27:39 your lord is saying i will give you an
1:27:41 order to give you a son
1:27:43 endowed with purity
1:27:45 a very pure sun
1:27:47 this is a tall order
1:27:50 naturally you will not believe that but
1:27:51 obviously that's the quran is usually
1:27:53 abbreviating these things
1:27:55 and
1:27:57 clearly say no no i am from your lord
1:27:58 and this is the evidence fraud here
1:28:00 maybe some angelic aspects or remind her
1:28:02 of his voice when he was addressing here
1:28:05 in the temple because in the temple she
1:28:06 was addressed by the angels possibly one
1:28:08 of them is gabriel
1:28:10 don't know so she he made her remember
1:28:12 me on research i appeared in that form
1:28:15 let me go into that form or something
1:28:16 because at the time she was hearing
1:28:18 maybe i'm not seeing very much or seeing
1:28:20 maybe just a light on the wall or
1:28:21 something or there's something like a
1:28:23 cloud we don't know what she was seeing
1:28:24 in the temple but not in a form of a man
1:28:26 or something like that but now in this
1:28:28 shocking form
1:28:30 which is sheikh well may have made here
1:28:33 being shaking but obviously he
1:28:34 introduced herself i came to on the
1:28:37 divine order to give you a purified son
1:28:41 and
1:28:43 almost certainly he
1:28:46 brought some evidences and made certain
1:28:48 correspondence with her pastor she but
1:28:49 when we conclude now safely and she felt
1:28:52 now
1:28:53 now she's relieved
1:28:55 but still she is
1:28:57 some of the question she said how can i
1:28:59 have a son
1:29:01 now in this here the the word son
1:29:05 although
1:29:07 i mean meaning meaning a
1:29:09 very young boy or a boy who's about
1:29:11 poverty but the word ghalam is used how
1:29:13 can i have a ghoul or kind of a son or a
1:29:16 boy
1:29:21 when no man has touched me yet because
1:29:24 if we assume that she was really
1:29:25 betrayed but no there was no
1:29:26 conservation so it was not touched and i
1:29:29 have not been a promiscuous woman
1:29:33 i'm not a lose woman i lose woman
1:29:35 expected to to be easily conceiving
1:29:40 but not neither the case nor have been
1:29:42 touched in a legitimate way by marriage
1:29:44 not yet at least if she has already be
1:29:46 thrown by to joseph
1:29:51 and then you say
1:29:53 do your lord say that nothing
1:29:55 i'm just bringing you the message that's
1:29:56 his command
1:29:57 it is easy for me the lord says it's
1:30:00 easy for me and we will make him a sign
1:30:03 to people and the mercy from us
1:30:07 the matter is really determined we are
1:30:08 not discussing with you i'm just telling
1:30:10 you what has been determined that's it
1:30:11 but be be at least pacified you will be
1:30:14 assigned to the people and the mercy
1:30:16 without going into the details which was
1:30:18 done in ali imran what he would be doing
1:30:20 what would be his message obviously
1:30:22 if that's for divine revelation then
1:30:24 this is just a very short version of the
1:30:26 expansion there
1:30:29 so
1:30:38 conceived him
1:30:40 now in some apocrypha he blew in his ear
1:30:43 we find some
1:30:45 some
1:30:46 islamic exegesis he lifted up her dress
1:30:49 and blew there
1:30:50 we don't need really to indulge in that
1:30:52 if you indulge in that to make you a
1:30:54 little bit uh appear a little bit
1:30:56 simple-minded as stupid
1:30:59 if this is a miraculous conception by
1:31:01 any sense
1:31:02 then though the mechanism of the code
1:31:04 there are tons of mechanisms who can do
1:31:06 that you don't need to whisper in the
1:31:08 ear
1:31:09 or blow under the dress or something
1:31:11 even lifted this
1:31:12 this but people imagination sometimes go
1:31:15 runs wild or they be influenced by some
1:31:18 stories or sometimes they invent things
1:31:20 like that to assert that is no there's
1:31:23 no sexuality no touching of the private
1:31:25 one
1:31:26 only on the ear something like that okay
1:31:28 it may be forgiven if someone thinks
1:31:30 like that and added the story but it's
1:31:32 irrelevant
1:31:34 so she conceived him
1:31:37 and then after conception
1:31:39 she cons she would drew even to a remote
1:31:42 place
1:31:43 that place is maybe
1:31:45 there's too much traffic so much for you
1:31:47 going back and forth
1:31:49 my guess my best guess
1:31:51 in a place where still it's like a
1:31:54 monastery
1:31:55 but it's still far away because in that
1:31:57 area it is in that side of the jordan
1:31:59 the west side of jordan not far away
1:32:01 from nazareth maybe how far away
1:32:03 20 kilometers 15 someone you could pick
1:32:06 the google map and i will pick it for
1:32:08 next time michelle i forgot to measure
1:32:09 it really a short distance maybe just
1:32:12 one day traveling from the family so
1:32:14 this distance there's a very good
1:32:16 probability that someone from the
1:32:17 village who knows here or her family may
1:32:20 come past and see uh see her a sign of
1:32:23 pregnancy at least down the road and
1:32:25 this will be a major issue for the time
1:32:27 being at least
1:32:29 so my guess is that she crossed over to
1:32:31 the other side of the jordan went a
1:32:33 little bit deeper there and usually the
1:32:35 jordan is like a separation between the
1:32:37 the israeli israel and the arabs and the
1:32:39 other side if you went there but it does
1:32:41 not mean that there is no israelite
1:32:42 there because we are now talking about
1:32:44 that uh
1:32:45 about palestine and the arabian roman
1:32:48 occupation we have pakistan we have the
1:32:50 control we have everyone there and
1:32:52 ultimately under the under the ultimate
1:32:55 command and rulership of the syrian the
1:32:58 syrian governor in behalf of the empire
1:33:00 etc although there are local governments
1:33:01 and procreators etc but that is the one
1:33:04 in syria which is control of that area
1:33:06 so
1:33:07 you could see the the that that the
1:33:09 division line of the time passed which
1:33:11 was very harsh is now very soft people
1:33:13 can go over and so on not that
1:33:15 frequently but usually and they don't
1:33:17 have very much livelihood there so
1:33:19 unlikely that someone will cross the
1:33:20 jordan and go there maybe some villages
1:33:23 there she can be that's where there's a
1:33:25 remote place
1:33:26 to ride a remote place across the river
1:33:29 that's extremely unlikely anyone
1:33:32 anyone will be will be uh will be going
1:33:35 there and see here with obviously with
1:33:37 the sign of pregnancy which is very
1:33:38 difficult to answer what would be the
1:33:40 question what's going on
1:33:41 and possibly this is happened by the
1:33:43 instruction of the angels so go there
1:33:45 nobody will see you until the due time
1:33:52 so
1:33:58 so she conceived and she moved to a
1:34:01 remote place further east vs the only
1:34:03 place we
1:34:04 it will be nonsensical to go west that
1:34:06 will be closer to her place north is
1:34:08 also still in the in the in the
1:34:10 palestinian side not in the area and
1:34:13 this is so close to her under the desert
1:34:15 the sea of galileo combine most of the
1:34:16 race south or closer to even more busy
1:34:19 area toward jerusalem does not make any
1:34:21 sense that these things will be further
1:34:22 east a remote place east continues
1:34:26 so
1:34:33 to enforce that it is east really in the
1:34:35 other side is that later with the talk
1:34:37 about a palm tree and usually in the in
1:34:40 the palestinian side i don't think there
1:34:42 is any relevant countries the countries
1:34:45 there may be some are planted recently
1:34:47 and so on but at that time it was not
1:34:49 not really a palm tree country says that
1:34:50 or leave country the country is in the
1:34:52 other side and still now the best palm
1:34:54 trees are the other side
1:34:56 so she went there in a parliament maybe
1:34:58 maybe you know all shots of palms and
1:35:00 things like that which you can hide and
1:35:01 easily and then have a seclusion and
1:35:03 possibly there's also a sketchman and
1:35:05 arrangement for that at that time
1:35:11 then
1:35:12 childbirth came and the pain of a child
1:35:15 birth
1:35:16 possible she was in an open space maybe
1:35:18 like like a like a like a wonder word
1:35:21 space they should drove here to a trunk
1:35:24 over palm tree nearby
1:35:28 and then because of the pain and the
1:35:30 fear and the suffering and the whole
1:35:31 situation she said
1:35:33 oh i wish i had been dead
1:35:36 and forgotten
1:35:38 before
1:35:39 all of this i wish i would have been
1:35:40 dead and never even created quran with
1:35:42 this calamity pain of shall birth the
1:35:46 fear of what will be the scandal what
1:35:48 will be what i am going to manage the
1:35:49 situation she knows it's by divine
1:35:51 injustice something divinely prepared
1:35:53 but still human nature what it is now
1:35:55 you are suffering and now you don't know
1:35:57 what will happen what would be the
1:35:58 solution not maybe she definitely she
1:36:01 was not instructed about that and she
1:36:03 wished that she would have died long ago
1:36:06 but then
1:36:08 or his child birth will complete and the
1:36:10 born child
1:36:13 called her from below
1:36:22 childhood
1:36:29 some people say an angel but it's most
1:36:30 likely himself
1:36:32 do not grief
1:36:34 your lord have provided a stream
1:36:37 beneath you
1:36:38 and then you just shake the volume tree
1:36:40 a little bit and then it will fall
1:36:42 uh mature
1:36:43 uh
1:36:44 uh
1:36:45 dates
1:36:47 and from rotom soft is not you know they
1:36:50 start being either red or yellow
1:36:52 fab
1:36:53 and then they in the late summer like
1:36:55 around september
1:36:57 because of the summer heat and so on
1:36:59 they become soft and become like dates
1:37:01 not like whatever what they have the
1:37:03 like like the which
1:37:10 very good first class state and we know
1:37:12 that area has one of the best states in
1:37:13 the world anyway we know from now it
1:37:15 must be from that time also
1:37:17 so shake the trunk and then so so eat
1:37:19 and drink
1:37:21 and relax and be happy
1:37:24 and don't bother about what will happen
1:37:25 with the people
1:37:29 so if you meet anybody some any anybody
1:37:32 and they ask or something like that
1:37:34 point that you have a vowel of silence
1:37:35 meaning power to your mouth into the
1:37:37 heaven i cannot talk i have a vowel of
1:37:39 sinus
1:37:52 okay so
1:37:55 what we ended
1:38:02 is that uh is that it yeah no no still
1:38:05 you know so we we we got we finished
1:38:08 that part and then we would have started
1:38:10 maybe some discussion
1:38:12 so she said she's supposed to be selling
1:38:14 from by instruction of the angel or the
1:38:16 child it's most like the child himself
1:38:21 giving you that instruction according to
1:38:22 the secrets of that
1:38:28 then based on that now she is encouraged
1:38:32 and then she carries him and go back to
1:38:33 her people
1:38:35 now let us imagine her situation
1:38:42 she carries the baby crosses the jaw if
1:38:45 she has on the east side which is most
1:38:46 likely crossing over
1:38:50 the distance maybe one day travel or
1:38:51 something like that
1:38:53 like any reasonable sensible woman she
1:38:55 would not be traveling by day so that if
1:38:56 you can see here carrying a baby maybe
1:38:58 someone she knows her will meet her so
1:39:00 we can assume just by rational
1:39:02 consideration that she was traveling
1:39:05 most of the time
1:39:06 if she is moving especially when she
1:39:08 came close to her village
1:39:10 not sorry she was traveling late in the
1:39:12 evening by night so when she arrived in
1:39:14 the village it's dark at night
1:39:16 nobody sees her essentially
1:39:18 it's not public travel it's a hidden
1:39:20 trouble
1:39:21 that's what we could we may visit so
1:39:23 after she travels until she gets home
1:39:26 knocks the door and enter
1:39:28 and the people everyone is in shock
1:39:30 to see her coming with a baby
1:39:32 most likely the shock is even compound
1:39:34 because the poor's joseph possibly if
1:39:36 she was already betrothed to him but to
1:39:38 him is preparing the household as well
1:39:40 and she comes with a baby massive shock
1:39:42 massive scrandal in a very conservative
1:39:44 extremely conservative society
1:39:48 even in non-conservative it will be a
1:39:49 shock but because it will be a double
1:39:51 shock
1:39:52 on this out of their mind
1:39:55 i'll say sister of harold then so many
1:39:58 people misunderstood the sister of
1:39:59 heroin they think our own of the
1:40:01 brotherhood yeah she's sister of our own
1:40:02 because she is she is aronite this is
1:40:05 the indication that she from tribal iron
1:40:07 the arabic expression sister of harun
1:40:09 when for example people tell me
1:40:11 was the sister of the wasser or brother
1:40:13 of the wasser because i am from the
1:40:15 tribe of the wasser this is an arabic
1:40:16 expression exactly a dramatic expression
1:40:19 exactly like the expression which is
1:40:20 also arabs and jews share this one
1:40:23 hebrew
1:40:24 is like for example son of 50 years
1:40:27 meaning he his age is 50 years we we say
1:40:30 he is a son of 50 years obviously 50
1:40:32 years are not are not your mother nor if
1:40:34 you are their son but it's the divine
1:40:36 expression the son of 50 years of son of
1:40:38 60 years meeting a man or a woman of the
1:40:41 age of 60 years so this amid you from
1:40:44 talib a tribe of aaron and the tribal
1:40:46 islands the levites or who are mostly
1:40:48 priests and people are supposed to be
1:40:50 people of god
1:40:51 and your father was a was a
1:40:54 was a good man a man of good invitation
1:40:56 and your mother was was not known to be
1:40:58 a loser woman who come home with her
1:40:59 with a child
1:41:01 then she points to him she doesn't talk
1:41:05 to her
1:41:06 we can assume along the way nobody
1:41:08 intercepted her nobody will recognize
1:41:10 her because traveling at night most
1:41:11 likely like any sensible woman will do
1:41:13 in such a critical situation
1:41:17 so she points to him
1:41:19 and they say
1:41:20 we must be out of mind how can we talk
1:41:22 to our baby in the cradle
1:41:25 now the shock of all history comes for
1:41:27 them at the moment
1:41:29 he said to them
1:41:31 i am the servant of god again the quran
1:41:33 stresses that he has servant of god not
1:41:34 the son of god not that when you say
1:41:35 what a messiah
1:41:37 seventh for the moment he's the messiah
1:41:39 is announced to his mother but he's the
1:41:40 servant god
1:41:42 he has given me the book
1:41:44 and made me a prophet
1:41:48 now this is obviously a situation where
1:41:50 you become a believer if you're
1:41:52 disbeliever that's very clear this is a
1:41:54 miracle worship
1:41:56 but he describes himself father that
1:41:58 description here
1:42:00 is is obviously to stress various
1:42:03 attributes and reject various other
1:42:05 attributes attributed to him in the
1:42:06 carnotinal gospel and he has made me a
1:42:10 blessed a blessed person wherever i i am
1:42:13 directed
1:42:15 and
1:42:16 and he ordered me to to establish prayer
1:42:19 and to give charity
1:42:21 all my life
1:42:23 and be full of kindness toward my mother
1:42:27 this is also an answer the republican
1:42:30 republication of certain parts even in
1:42:32 the in the canonical gospels in which he
1:42:34 is addressing his mother harshly can't
1:42:36 be this says no that's not true that's a
1:42:39 publication and he had if that's true
1:42:41 obviously yeah that's what assume it is
1:42:43 true that's a publication and he has not
1:42:46 made me domineering or rebellious
1:42:48 exactly the same what he said by very
1:42:50 soft very gentle full of kindness
1:42:53 despite yeah he was very strict in his
1:42:55 own self-control and he was harshly even
1:42:58 he is not necessarily like that but in
1:43:00 both i'll share that
1:43:02 and then
1:43:04 and then he invokes god peace on himself
1:43:06 when he's born and when he
1:43:08 he dies and who is resurrected
1:43:11 and here the form used similar to the
1:43:13 unusual but is more more forceful
1:43:16 because we have salam peace on him
1:43:19 here it is the peace all the peace so
1:43:21 it's more more higher ranking
1:43:24 or more all god's peace on him when he
1:43:26 is born when he dies and he was
1:43:28 resurrected for for
1:43:30 it was peace on him
1:43:32 and usually a tariff the same with that
1:43:34 is more more more more forceful more
1:43:37 stronger than without that
1:43:39 all possible peace
1:43:42 and the quran the comments quickly such
1:43:44 as jesus the son of maryam the word of
1:43:46 truth about which they are disputing
1:43:49 that's actually
1:43:50 quran is not a discussion in medina
1:43:52 later but already in mecca there was
1:43:53 some dispute with some people mostly and
1:43:56 then and uh
1:43:57 about this issue and the dispute was
1:43:58 ongoing for centuries before that
1:44:01 it doesn't
1:44:02 then denies completely any issues of
1:44:03 god's son it doesn't be fit for god to
1:44:06 have a son it's impossible it's actually
1:44:08 rationally impossible that is the issue
1:44:09 of the eu philosophy which will come one
1:44:11 day in allah possibly to discuss that
1:44:13 from a purely philosophical and and
1:44:15 ontological and epistemological point of
1:44:17 view
1:44:18 and we discuss also the trinity in some
1:44:20 aspects and this show where where the
1:44:22 problem has come
1:44:25 so god is allah is excited about having
1:44:28 a son or having offspring because
1:44:30 foreign existing being this is
1:44:31 impossible
1:44:33 but that but but the people attributed
1:44:36 that because with this miraculous breath
1:44:37 which they have received the information
1:44:39 at least bits of information about they
1:44:41 thought the only way to understand is
1:44:42 the pagan way the pagan way of
1:44:45 if
1:44:46 if a woman is pregnant
1:44:48 and no human
1:44:50 traces it then people assume or claim or
1:44:53 cover up by claiming one of the gods
1:44:55 took a human shape and slept with her
1:44:58 usual sleeping
1:44:59 with with ejaculation and semen and so
1:45:01 on this is obviously all pagan way of
1:45:03 thinking about god and and
1:45:06 divinity is completely out of the
1:45:08 ordinary has nothing to do with the
1:45:09 scripture or the revelation which god is
1:45:12 obviously the one services in the old
1:45:14 testament say
1:45:16 his name when the most asked what what
1:45:18 which name should i give tell the people
1:45:19 your name say tell them the ones in me
1:45:21 who said he is or i am i am the one who
1:45:24 exists eternally i am that's all that he
1:45:27 is
1:45:28 there's nobody no no no no no no no
1:45:31 further attributes the stuff that
1:45:32 they'll externally necessarily existing
1:45:35 so such an entity is impossible to split
1:45:37 impossible to to procreate that does not
1:45:40 make any sense whatsoever
1:45:42 manifestly absolute
1:45:45 whatever allah wants we say b and it
1:45:48 happens so this miraculous breath does
1:45:50 not indicate in a divine origin it is
1:45:52 just b and it happens
1:45:55 and then
1:45:56 he himself saying attributed to you say
1:45:58 the god is my lord and your lord
1:46:01 worship him that's the straight path
1:46:03 again repeated so i think
1:46:10 there's one small one ayah in sort of
1:46:14 which
1:46:15 it gives an interesting twist so if my
1:46:18 explanation like that
1:46:20 with what i added from my
1:46:22 regard to my reasonable try to fill the
1:46:24 story to make it fits in space and time
1:46:27 of that time reasonably she so she comes
1:46:29 home
1:46:30 it's evening
1:46:31 only the family sees that so it's a
1:46:33 private miracle only the family knows
1:46:35 that there's no wonder that is not known
1:46:37 widely for anyone include the discussion
1:46:39 through the other claims of the other
1:46:41 fake stories which have been refuted
1:46:43 with historical grounds and other
1:46:45 grounds
1:46:46 secondly and that that course on that
1:46:48 easter side going to the east and uh
1:46:51 giving birth under palm tree is unique
1:46:53 to the quran it's nowhere in any of the
1:46:55 nativity stories neither in the
1:46:58 uh
1:46:58 evangelion but proto-evangelion of
1:47:01 of jacob nor in the nativity story of
1:47:04 thomas nor in the one that one allegedly
1:47:08 the the one who is earliest to be
1:47:09 translated in arabic nor in the armenian
1:47:12 version none of them have exist
1:47:14 absolutely none whatsoever that's number
1:47:16 one but there's a small bit which may be
1:47:19 affirmed that what i have
1:47:21 suggested suggestions
1:47:23 don't say that just give us the the main
1:47:25 steps
1:47:26 is that in
1:47:27 surat uh
1:47:30 and mommy noon we have the following
1:47:32 interesting after mentioning various
1:47:33 messengers i will just quickly go
1:47:34 through that without translation after
1:47:37 version of various messengers and what
1:47:39 happened to their the people rejecting
1:47:41 them and then musa and harun have been
1:47:43 saying that happened to them etc and
1:47:46 and what happened to
1:47:48 to pharaoh and his people and how they
1:47:49 were destructed and the musa had been
1:47:51 given the scripture so that
1:47:54 his people and mankind can be guided
1:48:01 what
1:48:02 is and we made the son of mary and his
1:48:05 mother assad
1:48:09 in that economy and then we sheltered
1:48:11 them
1:48:12 we
1:48:14 gave them dwelling in
1:48:16 a high plain or
1:48:18 a hill
1:48:19 the translator translated the hill but
1:48:21 it's really hell is tall
1:48:23 rubble is much larger than a hill it's
1:48:25 like a flat hill or the top is very wide
1:48:28 maybe going up to the horizon is a high
1:48:30 plane
1:48:31 which has
1:48:32 in the translation here the marine is
1:48:35 water supply and
1:48:37 is like orchard and grazing land let me
1:48:40 see
1:48:44 you see and we made the the son of mary
1:48:47 and his mother assigned
1:48:50 for whom is not just aside and sheltered
1:48:52 them
1:48:53 within a hill i say it's really a high
1:48:56 plane not a hill but okay
1:48:58 where there is
1:49:00 a middle and the flowing spring that's
1:49:03 the magnaflow spring and the middle is
1:49:05 the color
1:49:07 so my my my visualization is that
1:49:11 mary and her son made a sign for mankind
1:49:14 for us later when we get the news but
1:49:15 before that
1:49:17 when she surprised her family
1:49:19 saw that sign
1:49:21 but now
1:49:24 we face a problem this miracle is
1:49:26 happening specifically for them
1:49:28 obviously they have discussed that
1:49:30 consulted
1:49:31 and joseph has been
1:49:32 drawn in in this discussion most likely
1:49:34 if it is already
1:49:36 without which fits with the other parts
1:49:38 of canonical non-canonical and then
1:49:42 maybe a decision made
1:49:44 is the best that you take your wife
1:49:46 and go to some remote place settle for
1:49:49 some time and come after some years with
1:49:51 the child and nobody will know that the
1:49:53 child will appeal to everyone as if it's
1:49:55 your own son because we cannot confront
1:49:57 the people with that and maybe the child
1:50:00 told them i not speak to anybody else
1:50:02 manage the situation or even give him
1:50:04 his instructions
1:50:06 by by divine if i divine revelation to
1:50:08 him so i would say this is very logical
1:50:10 too that they've been harboured or
1:50:12 sheltered
1:50:13 to this meadow with in a high plain with
1:50:16 with their with the with flowing water
1:50:19 they're in their in palestine maybe
1:50:21 hills and middles like that in higher
1:50:23 planes but it's too close
1:50:25 so the only place which makes sense is
1:50:27 again across the jordan like the high
1:50:30 plain near yarmouk where the battlefield
1:50:32 was happened and there are running small
1:50:34 riverlets and there are meadows
1:50:37 or the high plains of syria
1:50:40 behind the
1:50:41 golan heights or even the vasculars
1:50:43 these areas are higher planes which have
1:50:45 small rivers waters is plenty and
1:50:47 meadows
1:50:48 and grazing land
1:50:51 so if they if they've gone anywhere and
1:50:53 this to be assumed that okay
1:50:56 choose a represent you see the miracles
1:50:58 they understand that
1:51:00 and then
1:51:01 going out
1:51:03 over the over the high plains uh the
1:51:06 into the east or the northeast
1:51:08 settling there for a few years and
1:51:10 coming back when the child is grown up
1:51:12 and they think is joseph's child she
1:51:14 gave birth there nobody knows about this
1:51:16 situation so i would say from that
1:51:19 if we understand that and and and fill
1:51:21 the story with some reasonable bits as i
1:51:24 feel that's as i said this is only my my
1:51:26 filling based on the main highlights
1:51:29 what what could have happened in between
1:51:31 in a reasonable rational way without
1:51:34 adding too much miracles and
1:51:35 supernatural things unless necessary
1:51:38 assuming that quranic
1:51:39 uh
1:51:41 story is valid
1:51:43 then the high plane would that has
1:51:45 nothing to do with egypt or the flight
1:51:46 to egypt only all of this is nothing
1:51:48 what is it what this could be is
1:51:50 crossing over to jordan or north east
1:51:52 toward the high plains of golan and
1:51:54 syria that's also the possibility and
1:51:56 they stayed there several years and came
1:51:57 with a child which is for publicly for
1:52:00 everyone they shall so this
1:52:02 this is like let's say a family
1:52:04 miraculous private paradise was not
1:52:07 widespread nobody knew about that and if
1:52:10 you go to that that video later maybe
1:52:12 you know if you don't if you haven't
1:52:13 seen it about the christmas story this
1:52:16 never happened as we discussed in that
1:52:17 video which is true the discussion is i
1:52:19 think is very penetrating although i
1:52:21 said in some points they fall into this
1:52:24 generalization or categoric
1:52:26 fallacy but generally discussion and the
1:52:28 historic evidences and the course
1:52:29 referencing with with whatever known
1:52:31 from roman history or jesus and things
1:52:33 like that prove with certitude that the
1:52:35 story of going to bethlehem the story of
1:52:39 of the census and they needed to travel
1:52:41 to their ancestral cities all of these
1:52:43 attachments is absurd is manifestly
1:52:45 absorbed
1:52:48 so that story is definitely did not
1:52:49 happen what happened nobody knows
1:52:52 if it ever happened
1:52:53 if anything happened which makes sense
1:52:55 fits in the landscape and the time
1:52:58 is this but provided this
1:53:01 it demands miraculous uh conception
1:53:05 or supra by civil initial intervention
1:53:07 and there is various uh so it will not
1:53:10 be pleasing for the atheists obviously
1:53:12 and so on but but the question which we
1:53:15 the reason i'm
1:53:16 displaying that is to discuss first of
1:53:18 all that last bit
1:53:21 from the palm tree before that from the
1:53:23 seclusion to the east or from the
1:53:25 withdrawal to the east or the or the uh
1:53:29 self-extracting to the eastwood with a
1:53:30 bit of difficulties whatever it is
1:53:32 withdrawal of self-extracting
1:53:35 and then the pregnancy there everything
1:53:38 behind vail everything far away from
1:53:40 everyone eyesight nobody knows about air
1:53:43 there coming back maybe most likely by
1:53:45 fog at night which is dictated by
1:53:47 rationality
1:53:48 and only the family being surprised
1:53:51 maybe after after that surprise that
1:53:53 maybe they they just discussed the whole
1:53:55 situation possibly the child is involved
1:53:57 with construction we don't know or the
1:53:59 interest involved we don't know
1:54:01 and then they go to the high plain to
1:54:03 the east or the south east that's jordan
1:54:05 or syria norway egypt egypt is far away
1:54:07 the opposite direction doesn't make any
1:54:09 sense whatsoever
1:54:11 i thought that explained why
1:54:13 all of that is highly private and only
1:54:16 just a child the
1:54:18 the miraculous birth is is known only to
1:54:21 family members and few people and even
1:54:23 isa later in his message never addressed
1:54:25 that or regarded as an issue which is
1:54:27 that to be addressed to the people is
1:54:28 only private for his mother and the
1:54:30 family what's the listening to the
1:54:32 miracles for the people to be presented
1:54:34 is
1:54:35 making uh birds out of clay and blowing
1:54:37 in them and this is interestingly is not
1:54:40 in the in the in the canonical but it's
1:54:42 in one of the apocrypha
1:54:43 only one i think the gospel of thomas of
1:54:45 the infancy and is made only is supposed
1:54:48 to be in the infancy only
1:54:50 that's that's that's a
1:54:52 clear variation with that with the quran
1:54:54 and also
1:54:55 also secondary that he tells the people
1:54:57 what day when they stole their house and
1:54:59 so on it's no whole nation i think as
1:55:00 far as you know and neither the
1:55:02 canonical nor relationship so the
1:55:04 question we should have to ask ourselves
1:55:07 which story seems to be making better
1:55:08 sense historically clearly this one not
1:55:11 our one in the canonical and the
1:55:13 non-canonical because the canonical is
1:55:14 having the catastrophic problem and all
1:55:17 that known canonical without exception
1:55:19 old apocrypha proto evangelion of
1:55:22 jacob james
1:55:24 uh
1:55:26 nativity gospel of thomas the armenian
1:55:29 one
1:55:30 the syriac one the allegedly arab
1:55:33 translation
1:55:34 attributed allegedly to kaifas all of
1:55:36 these they all
1:55:39 they may have the the issue of the
1:55:41 temple and the maryam being being
1:55:43 adopted by the temple for some time
1:55:45 maybe but in the
1:55:46 in essential differences but they all
1:55:49 insist on that the the
1:55:52 the fallacy that maryam and husband have
1:55:54 to move to
1:55:55 to bethlehem as opposed to the ancestral
1:55:58 home of joseph
1:56:01 and
1:56:02 from there then one one one of the
1:56:03 gospels matthew claimed that there was
1:56:05 even a slaughter of babies when
1:56:07 herodotus came to know what's going on
1:56:09 and was pursuing the messiah to kill him
1:56:12 and all of these things all of that is
1:56:13 completely non-historical false and
1:56:16 purely fabricated with the proof just
1:56:19 with
1:56:20 the attempt to prove to the jews and
1:56:22 others
1:56:24 mostly because matthew's addressing
1:56:25 mostly jews although the greek speaker
1:56:27 but what the jews of antioch and around
1:56:30 is that this is the messiah from the
1:56:32 from from uh
1:56:34 from david the messiah of david and he
1:56:37 must be from the david stock and to do
1:56:39 that we have this genealogy of uh
1:56:42 of uh
1:56:43 of all of but but he's supposed to be
1:56:46 the son of god oh no no anyway you know
1:56:48 human father so they make they fix this
1:56:51 theology uh through joseph joseph is not
1:56:54 his father so what's the meaning of this
1:56:56 genealogy secondly the generality itself
1:56:58 is quite faulty
1:56:59 we have we have the genealogy at luke
1:57:02 which is about 41 or 42 people there
1:57:05 that may fit until the time of david
1:57:07 that's about a thousand years but the
1:57:09 genealogy at uh
1:57:11 matthew
1:57:12 which is supposed to be written under
1:57:14 the auspices of the holy spirit
1:57:16 is 77 people it's impossible to get that
1:57:19 for a thousand years that's two thousand
1:57:21 years so
1:57:22 that's called completely atlas so this
1:57:25 so-called christmas story and the birth
1:57:27 in a in a in or in a in a barn or in a
1:57:31 cave or something all fabricated but
1:57:33 these magi
1:57:36 okay
1:57:37 maggie or king's coming from the east is
1:57:39 fabricated
1:57:40 the the shebang singer clouds is all
1:57:42 fabricated uh the
1:57:45 midwife which comes and tried to test
1:57:47 maryam's uh
1:57:48 virginity after birth because it's
1:57:50 supposed to be eternally virgin is
1:57:52 fabricated all of this has
1:57:54 has never happened it's impossible that
1:57:56 it could have possibly happened
1:57:59 but the virgin birth according to quran
1:58:00 has happened
1:58:02 and the only way we for the world follow
1:58:04 the quran will accept that it's just by
1:58:06 relying on the revelation because the
1:58:08 historic record is miserable and
1:58:10 contradicting and there's no compelling
1:58:13 evidence for anything else question now
1:58:15 it is arrived okay
1:58:17 that's if it's a revelation what's about
1:58:19 it or what else it could be
1:58:22 muhammad inventing it okay so he's he's
1:58:24 such an
1:58:25 mentally
1:58:26 that he confuses maryam uh the
1:58:30 mother of christ with maryam the sister
1:58:32 of arun and musa
1:58:33 and confusing two persons personally
1:58:36 separated a thousand five hundred years
1:58:38 okay uh assuming maybe he's his adult
1:58:41 okay fine
1:58:42 so how come that he is so skilled
1:58:47 to mention the story of the of the
1:58:49 temple adoption clean from all these
1:58:51 questionable issues in such a precision
1:58:54 okay he's a very good story writer
1:58:56 okay all this is very difficult to
1:58:58 combine with but where this other story
1:59:01 came from
1:59:02 we must have got it from somewhere
1:59:05 from some apocrypha sometimes going
1:59:06 around some translation
1:59:09 they could not have created it excellent
1:59:11 heal you
1:59:12 does it work this way
1:59:15 absolutely doesn't get this way
1:59:17 and this story
1:59:19 clarifies obviously the impossibility of
1:59:21 the story of the uh of
1:59:24 going to bethlehem and and
1:59:27 and having uh and that having all the
1:59:29 stories especially with the with the
1:59:31 weather with the addition of matthew
1:59:33 claiming the of the thus rotors of
1:59:36 herod's all of this is
1:59:38 clearly all
1:59:40 all historic research all analytical uh
1:59:42 comparison of the various gospels and
1:59:44 comparison with with the apocrypha and
1:59:46 so on
1:59:47 cries this is it could not have ever
1:59:49 happened it's good it's impossible just
1:59:52 it's just it's ridiculous
1:59:54 it's just embarrassing actually
1:59:56 it's embarrassing even to to think that
1:59:58 that the roman empire cares about
2:00:02 people's genealogy and the way they go
2:00:03 for you if you want to live with taxes
2:00:06 joseph lives in nazareth he will pay
2:00:08 taxes in nazareth the count will be if
2:00:10 any count ever happened which is
2:00:12 unlikely
2:00:13 uh they'll have our accounts or
2:00:14 definitely the accounts which are on
2:00:16 record are not in the time we should
2:00:18 expect asa to be born anyway so
2:00:21 just just just blatantly absorbed
2:00:24 but that
2:00:27 it is a time of augustus octavius
2:00:29 renamed augustus
2:00:31 when it was established and so on so
2:00:32 maybe 20 years before bees bc
2:00:35 okay there may be essentials but
2:00:37 everyone will be they they are
2:00:38 interested in which position you have in
2:00:40 nature which what you have in asset how
2:00:42 much you can pay that's what
2:00:44 being for david stock or from chinese
2:00:45 stock is irrelevant for the emperor he's
2:00:48 not scared about that it's the roman
2:00:49 empire they care about taxes living
2:00:51 taxes and controlling the population and
2:00:54 establishing the roman peace that's it
2:00:57 that's
2:00:59 imagine the people in in palestine like
2:01:02 in the video which i give to lax imagine
2:01:05 the people in palestine everyone go to
2:01:06 his ancestral city
2:01:09 the whole country will crisscross
2:01:12 also
2:01:14 joseph traveling with his wife either
2:01:16 walking or a donkey back
2:01:18 all the way from la cereto while she's a
2:01:20 nine-month pregnant
2:01:23 it's just a mockery of saying human
2:01:25 beings
2:01:26 question okay if that's one example this
2:01:29 one does not seem to be
2:01:30 where it has come because uh according
2:01:32 to the usually a christian and then on
2:01:35 the orientalist claim muhammad has must
2:01:38 have cleaned part of this story from
2:01:40 here and their bits and basil from from
2:01:42 apocrypha from here and there okay maybe
2:01:44 that would with the temple and with
2:01:46 zakaria and he were
2:01:50 it nice and polished it a little bit
2:01:51 fine that's that's maybe although he's
2:01:53 so dumb that he calls here the daughter
2:01:55 of amran and all apocrypha call her the
2:01:57 daughter of him her father
2:02:00 why he should carry the survivor
2:02:02 and will our time here
2:02:04 all of these things nothing fits
2:02:05 together
2:02:06 the claim that this is from muhammad
2:02:09 from that what he got around
2:02:11 is either extremely stupid here and
2:02:13 suddenly become ingenious and invent
2:02:14 this story there completely
2:02:16 extremely
2:02:18 that's not the way the uh people
2:02:21 even joseph smith the famous founder of
2:02:24 marmos the stories he wrote and so on
2:02:26 there are stories similar before that
2:02:29 like like like fiction and things like
2:02:31 that and those are bits and pieces in
2:02:32 the old testament where she could weave
2:02:35 together
2:02:36 but he had nothing no no where anything
2:02:38 of this of this type
2:02:41 none of this type can come beweaved to
2:02:43 bring that bad especially that big story
2:02:45 from the extraction of herself exactly
2:02:47 toward the east and and all the story of
2:02:50 getting pregnant one this this is
2:02:52 impossible
2:02:54 so
2:02:55 maybe it's maybe the arabs have that
2:02:57 somehow and they actually constructed
2:02:58 that muhammad is an imaginary
2:03:01 historic figure but it's that's that's
2:03:02 refuted by overwhelming other evidence
2:03:05 including his mentioning of the name and
2:03:06 some in some ethiopian documents
2:03:08 obviously negative way calling the
2:03:10 infidel muhammad who defeated everyone
2:03:12 but not they're touching abyssinian for
2:03:14 example we have documents like that we
2:03:16 have documents of egyptian talking about
2:03:18 muhammad and
2:03:20 with some mistake here and there but
2:03:21 it's clear contemporary we have many
2:03:23 other extra extra islamic documents
2:03:26 about it so did the arab make a
2:03:28 confidence there and do it so how could
2:03:30 the arab make it make this story like
2:03:31 that in this sophistication this part
2:03:35 another alternative we'll see what the
2:03:37 what the what uh what are the people who
2:03:39 believe that the creator of the world
2:03:41 and the reveal of the old testament is
2:03:42 the devil or people in that in that
2:03:44 general direction of thinking one of
2:03:46 them is the bush grandfather who is a
2:03:48 famous orientalist missionary he said
2:03:50 muhammad is really a prophet he received
2:03:52 revelation it's impossible to say
2:03:54 otherwise but he's leaving revelation
2:03:56 for the devil so this man seems to be
2:03:58 following the same line of marcion
2:04:01 he's a martyrist or marquianist
2:04:04 okay
2:04:06 then we have to study this table and
2:04:07 analyze what's his motivation and so on
2:04:14 and the devil succeeded excellently in
2:04:16 undermining the
2:04:17 the canonical gospels which are supposed
2:04:19 to be reporting us the real news about
2:04:22 the son of god this is all there's no to
2:04:24 it that all of that does not fit
2:04:25 together i will say this story in this
2:04:27 way
2:04:28 if it's read carefully
2:04:32 just in the highlights yes i added
2:04:34 something is in between i said it must
2:04:36 be like that and so on because the story
2:04:38 is just giving us like stations
2:04:40 but in between there are human beings
2:04:42 they're eating they're drinking they're
2:04:43 traveling they're traveling by day by
2:04:45 night
2:04:46 i don't think i added anything which is
2:04:48 which is require any miracle or anything
2:04:50 okay so especially that
2:04:52 mariam after giving birth and so on
2:04:54 after being pacified by the baby
2:04:55 assuming that's true
2:04:57 would have walked or walked back home or
2:04:59 traveled back home quite cautiously not
2:05:02 to meet anybody so traveling by night
2:05:05 staying by day somewhere hide by day
2:05:08 and some hide out or somewhere
2:05:11 and then
2:05:12 and if accidentally someone meet her she
2:05:14 will point to the child but nobody
2:05:15 actually met her until she gets to her
2:05:17 people
2:05:18 safely and civilized them so private
2:05:20 miracles show that that all all this
2:05:23 mess have been in the canonical gospels
2:05:25 because they received contradicting
2:05:27 stories and tried to construct something
2:05:29 to make him the messiah of david
2:05:31 according to certain jewish myth also
2:05:33 because they misunderstood even the old
2:05:35 testament or
2:05:36 what is called in the old jewish
2:05:38 documents and regarded them clearly as
2:05:40 revelation and here is authentic most of
2:05:43 these stories about the messiah and the
2:05:44 jewish
2:05:45 literature and tradition before that is
2:05:48 is a big mess they have to play two
2:05:49 different messiahs they have a messiah
2:05:51 from aaron and the messiah from
2:05:53 uh from uh from david and one is a
2:05:56 warrior one is a priest it's a big mess
2:05:59 and they were and they believed in that
2:06:01 big mess and and fixed some of these
2:06:03 stories to make him
2:06:05 by hook or crook the messiah he said he
2:06:07 may have announced that he's the messiah
2:06:08 but clearly the quran he did announce
2:06:10 even at birth he was announced our
2:06:12 messiah but is neither the one of david
2:06:14 nor the one of aaron
2:06:16 is something it's the one anointed by
2:06:18 god appointed to be the final messenger
2:06:19 bani israel that's it
2:06:21 that's it all but the jews were
2:06:23 imagining a messiah who will fight and
2:06:24 get them their old kingdom is just their
2:06:27 imagination running wild
2:06:32 so i would say this that story but in
2:06:34 this way
2:06:38 read carefully
2:06:40 is by itself is a challenge for anyone
2:06:42 claiming that the quran is not a
2:06:43 revelation
2:06:46 it's a challenge
2:06:47 because if you say it's not a revelation
2:06:50 it must have been by muhammad or by the
2:06:52 arabs muhammad he made a conference
2:06:54 there and called
2:06:56 the scholarly conference today let us
2:06:58 fix a good story about ether so that we
2:07:00 can undermine those christians okay fine
2:07:02 but even they must have some some
2:07:05 and they will have to go to some sources
2:07:07 in the back even if they drop as much
2:07:08 they regard as
2:07:11 that's still the story of all of them
2:07:13 agreeing on going to
2:07:15 and at that time there was no no way no
2:07:17 possibility at the time of muhammad uh
2:07:19 like like 600 to 630 40
2:07:23 all the information about qumran about
2:07:25 ascetic
2:07:26 was lost
2:07:27 nobody has that even the jews at the
2:07:29 time were unaware about their all jewish
2:07:32 documents are muslims jesus are
2:07:33 mentioning them in his writing as a as
2:07:36 a roman roman writer not as a jew and
2:07:39 it's all written in greek and and and
2:07:42 latin
2:07:43 not in another language so even the jews
2:07:45 are not away about all of these things
2:07:47 this is completely digging things out of
2:07:49 history which at that time was
2:07:51 completely unavailable it's nobody
2:07:52 having put it can put his hand on it
2:07:56 nobody can can uh can
2:07:58 make any conclusion only recently with
2:08:00 all these documents and all these
2:08:01 historical uh dug out results and
2:08:04 archaeologically all combining all of
2:08:06 that lead to complete annihilation of
2:08:10 the so-called
2:08:11 christmas story as as
2:08:13 as narrated by uh
2:08:15 matthew and by look
2:08:18 it's impossible this is definitely
2:08:20 impossible
2:08:21 can't be history
2:08:23 god it is
2:08:25 straightforward as they say in the
2:08:28 video they use a nice language say this
2:08:29 is theological it's not historical
2:08:32 but this is this is like being
2:08:33 politically theologically correct or
2:08:35 religiously correct i i would really
2:08:38 avoid such language say this is the
2:08:39 fabrication
2:08:40 maybe the fabricator have a motivation
2:08:42 there is motivation believe that's what
2:08:44 has happened
2:08:45 or could have happened like that maybe
2:08:47 but this is still does not give an
2:08:49 excuse for publication
2:08:51 because he's supposed to be received
2:08:53 that from previous people from his
2:08:55 witnesses or maybe he received from
2:08:57 previous witnesses who are liars and
2:08:59 fabricators but definitely
2:09:02 and these stories must have been going
2:09:03 around like around
2:09:05 uh
2:09:06 like the year 50 60 70 where these these
2:09:09 so-called canonical gospels have been
2:09:11 written or after that
2:09:13 or really at that time people were
2:09:15 completely confused
2:09:17 and unaware about
2:09:19 about what was what was has been going
2:09:21 on maybe like 70 80 years before
2:09:24 has been lost
2:09:26 completely but they showed virgin birth
2:09:29 on the issue of speaking the cloud and
2:09:31 so on this is definitely highly private
2:09:35 highly private it may have been uttered
2:09:37 by by some of uh
2:09:39 asa's brothers or cousins or some of
2:09:42 these disabilities you know some few
2:09:43 things like that just few bits and then
2:09:45 people then weaved complete
2:09:47 fantastic stories out of that
2:09:52 i would say that's by itself
2:09:54 unfortunately worcester scholarship is
2:09:56 is
2:09:57 very very dishonest like for example let
2:09:59 me give triggers an example for this
2:10:01 honesty
2:10:02 it is i took one
2:10:04 so i said it is a small comment in my
2:10:06 file in my hand maybe you have it also
2:10:08 in the file because i added more
2:10:10 footnotes i said most orientalist
2:10:13 studies in this area are deficient an
2:10:15 example is that
2:10:17 the gospel of james https etcetera we
2:10:20 have
2:10:21 that's that's that's the wikipedia
2:10:24 wikipedia is not really a very big
2:10:26 important source but it gives sometimes
2:10:28 highlight it says islam under the title
2:10:30 islam uh the quranic story of the virgin
2:10:33 mary and the birth of jesus are similar
2:10:36 look at these people how how they cheat
2:10:39 to those of the
2:10:40 proto-william revolution evangelion
2:10:43 that's the one of jacob which was widely
2:10:46 known
2:10:48 muhammad must have been coming from it
2:10:51 let's look at that
2:10:53 in the near east in the nearest okay
2:10:56 these includes
2:10:58 its mention of mary fed by
2:11:00 uh by by angels he never mentioned the
2:11:04 ancient jesus he survived from allah
2:11:06 what is this application what's it with
2:11:07 her is there a mission ages but she was
2:11:09 addressed by angels
2:11:11 so
2:11:13 the show is
2:11:14 of her guardian
2:11:16 now the catastrophe comes in the palaces
2:11:18 joseph
2:11:20 through the casting of lots
2:11:23 whether we have mentioned joseph ever
2:11:25 here in the casting of the lord it's a
2:11:26 career the customs so even they are
2:11:28 dishonest now i think this blender may
2:11:31 be from the writer of the comedian
2:11:32 because he referred to some some some
2:11:35 some academician who wrote a complete
2:11:38 book about the bits of the quran and so
2:11:40 on
2:11:41 and they don't think this man made such
2:11:43 a blunder but it could be if it could be
2:11:45 then his book should be banned it's not
2:11:46 worth anything the book referred to
2:11:49 in that with the number number 33 is the
2:11:51 following book
2:11:53 uh this reference number 33 refers to
2:11:56 uh achieves booklets google i give you
2:11:58 that it says
2:11:59 christ in islam and christianity a guy
2:12:02 called neil
2:12:05 robinson
2:12:06 and from uh
2:12:08 state university of new york sunni
2:12:10 press that's the press first january
2:12:13 1991 so it's recent religion number two
2:12:16 three five pages etc so it's most likely
2:12:18 this is uh this is referring it's maybe
2:12:21 it's maybe it's not a book it's an
2:12:23 article whatever it is the reference is
2:12:25 here in full uh and it is also i think
2:12:27 the in the text file called
2:12:29 mary.mariam.ct
2:12:34 so
2:12:35 so the the the description of the book i
2:12:37 think the book is available over in
2:12:38 amazon maybe christ in islam and
2:12:41 christianity is an
2:12:43 a is an analysis that's the analysis of
2:12:45 the book of the different christian
2:12:48 approaches to jesus and the
2:12:51 in the quran and in the classic muslim
2:12:54 commentaries okay
2:12:57 the author
2:12:58 presents controversial
2:13:01 suggestions about the
2:13:04 relevant
2:13:05 the relevance of the quranic
2:13:07 representation of jesus and mary
2:13:11 to muhammad and his
2:13:15 manage
2:13:16 include uh next to include the book
2:13:19 include an extensive translations of
2:13:21 extracts from classical muslim
2:13:24 commentaries okay
2:13:25 including sunni
2:13:33 who
2:13:34 who approach or accept the story of
2:13:37 bethlehem
2:13:39 or anyone claiming that the quran was
2:13:41 done by joseph or it does the joseph
2:13:43 mentioned anywhere in islamic
2:13:45 original sources
2:13:48 it is not to extrude that some comment
2:13:50 people writing commentaries went back to
2:13:52 those gospels that are available at that
2:13:55 time which is the canonical ones because
2:13:57 islam came after 19 and constantinople
2:14:00 and so on these world councils and the
2:14:02 books were already chosen and most
2:14:04 apocrypha were banned or kept away from
2:14:07 the public so muslims did not have
2:14:09 access to them so they have access to
2:14:10 the main one but none of them as far as
2:14:12 they know ever claimed that they can't
2:14:15 accept the story of
2:14:17 unless someone who is
2:14:19 who has a problem in his head
2:14:21 claiming that it will be any appropriate
2:14:23 expansion whatever
2:14:34 there's no donkey carrying here or two
2:14:36 donkeys there's no shepherds there's no
2:14:39 barn or or
2:14:41 or barn or cave
2:14:43 there is no no escape to egypt nothing
2:14:46 none of that whatsoever at all
2:14:48 absolutely
2:14:49 completely
2:14:52 it's a completely different story
2:14:53 completely there's no way to breed this
2:14:56 one from this one or detect this one
2:14:58 from this one
2:14:59 completely and unrelated
2:15:02 and complete
2:15:04 philosophically and historically and
2:15:08 and even even even story-wise and of
2:15:11 story gender if you wish completely
2:15:13 different
2:15:18 so i thought this is this is very
2:15:19 interesting layer tool to have this and
2:15:22 just just a question to uh
2:15:24 to scholarship here in the western uh
2:15:26 even muslims for everyone
2:15:29 maybe the the part of the career and so
2:15:31 on we can glean it a bit from a bit from
2:15:35 here and there from some of our
2:15:36 apocrypha things like that although they
2:15:38 all insist that that is her father is
2:15:40 called you are him so if someone is
2:15:42 aware about that
2:15:43 and got something from that that he
2:15:45 could not have been possibly called
2:15:46 maryam the daughter of
2:16:02 as if he's saying what you say where you
2:16:04 have ever say wherever you are saying
2:16:06 mariam the daughter of him is wrong my
2:16:09 daughter him is wrong maryam the
2:16:11 daughter of him is wrong
2:16:12 and then still he goes to the story and
2:16:14 pick up a bit of pieces and put the
2:16:16 story of zakaria and the ili temple
2:16:19 devotion then when this comes to the
2:16:20 child birth we're completely in another
2:16:22 world
2:16:25 there's no more temples the career is
2:16:26 gone all of that is gone
2:16:28 the core of the story i just read that
2:16:30 to you sword maryam
2:16:34 completely and utterly different than
2:16:36 what we call him and there's nowhere
2:16:37 anything like that or similar or
2:16:40 remotely related in any one of the epic
2:16:42 all the apocalypse i mentioned
2:16:45 and i have i think scanned all of them
2:16:46 quickly
2:16:48 i don't claim that i have studied
2:16:49 scholarly and every word and so on but
2:16:52 there's nothing like that
2:16:53 absolutely nothing
2:16:57 and the story is not similar to anything
2:16:59 like for some story of musa nor to the
2:17:01 story of buddha know the story of
2:17:04 whatever it is whatever you wish you can
2:17:07 think about any story you wish in the
2:17:08 universe it's not similar to anyone
2:17:10 anywhere in any culture so from where
2:17:12 this one came
2:17:14 this is just a simple question just a
2:17:17 uh a simple-minded question but it's a
2:17:19 very loaded question
2:17:22 for muhammad is not possible because he
2:17:23 is obviously dum-dum
2:17:25 clear
2:17:26 otherwise how can he say maryambitemra
2:17:28 with all these apocrypha all everything
2:17:30 and i was saying that
2:17:35 it can't be from from the arabs because
2:17:37 they also did not have more culture than
2:17:38 muhammad supposed to be the most
2:17:40 sophisticated under them who misled them
2:17:42 and
2:17:43 teach them the quran and they believed
2:17:45 him okay so
2:17:47 under the there is no known scholar or a
2:17:50 church man over any reputation in arabia
2:17:52 a history records
2:17:54 all judgment of words are in egypt in
2:17:57 abyssinian in in syria
2:18:00 and even in iraq under the persian
2:18:02 empire and historians etc no not there
2:18:06 the devil we have to describe this issue
2:18:08 of the devil and see how how we can sort
2:18:10 this devil out and how we can solve the
2:18:12 mark you and heresy and the whole story
2:18:14 of the universe then
2:18:17 and then the remaining is done from god
2:18:19 so
2:18:20 leave it through your own judgment just
2:18:21 use your your brain and try to to
2:18:24 synchronize because if someone if
2:18:26 someone comes like
2:18:28 they got these from the ancient books
2:18:30 fine
2:18:31 but he made reason these blunders to
2:18:33 show that he's a dum dum okay fine but
2:18:35 if you see a dum dum here he suddenly is
2:18:37 an engineer this year he's suddenly here
2:18:40 going ballistic with something
2:18:41 unimaginable story which has no source
2:18:43 anywhere in the world
2:18:47 it doesn't work this way you have to
2:18:49 have
2:18:50 a consistent and well scrutinized story
2:18:55 will will harmonize fitting together
2:18:58 you cannot use the for this this this
2:19:01 difference from the old testament and
2:19:02 new testament or the apocrypha for this
2:19:04 difference that he's stupid he did not
2:19:06 notice that okay that's a possible
2:19:08 examination that if he's stupid he'll be
2:19:10 stupid everywhere generally
2:19:14 or he has overlooked that
2:19:16 but he picked up these these they have
2:19:18 very nice details and checked other
2:19:20 details we said what's the motivation to
2:19:22 call her mariam bitterbrad and she's
2:19:24 everywhere mariam the daughter of
2:19:25 joachim
2:19:27 most motivation why what's the reason
2:19:29 for that
2:19:31 must be some reason
2:19:33 things cannot come actually heal you
2:19:36 if you want to explain something
2:19:37 especially some something which
2:19:39 historically
2:19:40 really changed history upside down like
2:19:42 the advent of islam you have to get
2:19:44 something better than that
2:19:45 i argue you have to get something better
2:19:47 than that
2:19:48 i would say this one this this one story
2:19:50 alone is sufficient to put
2:19:53 historian and analyst on the spot but
2:19:55 for why they do the work honestly work
2:19:57 through that
2:20:02 honestly
2:20:04 thoroughly
2:20:05 and have something which makes good
2:20:07 sense
2:20:09 which fits reasonably together
2:20:11 i don't say fit perfectly but reasonably
2:20:13 at least some fitting it doesn't nothing
2:20:15 fit together especially that's part of
2:20:18 the of the
2:20:19 uh
2:20:20 going east and giving birth and
2:20:22 seclusion behind the veil nobody's aware
2:20:24 about that and family is a state of
2:20:26 shock all of that this has come nowhere
2:20:28 anywhere neither the canonical nor in
2:20:31 the non-canonical nor the
2:20:34 uh
2:20:36 in the apocrypha nowhere
2:20:39 if someone digs someone they're fine
2:20:43 but couldn't it be possible because all
2:20:45 what has been from earliest time is the
2:20:47 essential portal evangelion of
2:20:49 jacob seems to be the earliest and
2:20:52 everyone built on that and developed
2:20:53 further added imagination that it seems
2:20:55 to me
2:20:56 and possibly maybe an independent source
2:20:58 attributed to caiaphas
2:21:01 the one who tried was hitting the trial
2:21:03 against jesus
2:21:04 and the only one addition there is that
2:21:06 the issue of the talking the cradle but
2:21:08 the rest is the same same jerusalem the
2:21:10 same the same running away to egypt
2:21:13 essentially the same thing with added
2:21:15 flavor in a bunch of angels and
2:21:17 and like
2:21:18 uh when when the moment of birth the
2:21:21 whole universe stands still even birds
2:21:23 stood in the sky will appear to joseph
2:21:26 at least that the time have stopped
2:21:28 something like that
2:21:30 under such americans okay
2:21:31 i don't mind that
2:21:33 muhammad is intelligent enough at least
2:21:35 even if he's a dum-dum to
2:21:36 weed that out yeah but still
2:21:40 is
2:21:42 rationally inconceivable that with all
2:21:44 the available documents everywhere in
2:21:46 the world even the one who translated
2:21:47 the one is called the arabic one was
2:21:49 supposed to be really translated before
2:21:51 his time okay although i doubt that is
2:21:53 fascinated before his time we have to
2:21:55 have evidence for that but let's assume
2:21:57 it's just for
2:21:58 for for assumption just for for
2:22:01 just to be to be uh to be fair okay that
2:22:04 one is called the arabic one
2:22:06 i think i gave i gave a copy of it to to
2:22:09 the arabic and fashion if not i will
2:22:11 give it to lax i will give it to you
2:22:12 i'll cover with this i it's actually uh
2:22:15 the pdf i was difficult to to breathe as
2:22:18 we live so i copied it and put it in the
2:22:20 docs which is easy and i underlined few
2:22:22 things there
2:22:24 but this is it
2:22:25 and
2:22:26 it is a it's a comparison with other
2:22:28 things it's not the full text i didn't
2:22:30 find the full text anywhere but it's
2:22:31 clearly that it's that has it doesn't
2:22:33 have anything from a palm tree only it
2:22:35 has only the
2:22:36 standard bethlehem one understand and
2:22:39 understand with additionally uh
2:22:42 additions and fantastic other extra
2:22:44 stories with all around bethlehem the
2:22:46 barn or the cave
2:22:47 because there's no place in the inn etc
2:22:50 shepherds et cetera and the maggies and
2:22:51 some of them were the maggies and some
2:22:53 of their own maggies
2:22:55 and some of them the magazine kings from
2:22:56 arabia and persia etc more details and
2:22:59 one but the main one story that which is
2:23:02 definitely for historical reasons and a
2:23:04 wireless documentation available one is
2:23:06 it is completely refutable
2:23:08 and can proven to be impossible
2:23:10 historically
2:23:12 that uh
2:23:13 that that video which i gave to lax uh
2:23:18 stressed out although the other side
2:23:19 they made sure they go because they are
2:23:22 they coming they think by their
2:23:23 refutation of the story of of of their
2:23:25 christmas they refuted the the the
2:23:28 virgin birth obviously they add also
2:23:30 arguments from from biology and
2:23:32 physiology and so on which is which
2:23:35 doesn't help them
2:23:36 because nobody said this is biologically
2:23:39 the standard way of doing things
2:23:41 it's supposed to be miraculous if they
2:23:43 deny miracles altogether in the
2:23:44 existence of god that's something else
2:23:47 or deny that god is is above nature and
2:23:49 the creator of nature nature is
2:23:51 contingent then if this nature is
2:23:53 necessarily existing there's no need no
2:23:55 no need to assume a god
2:23:58 but still even if the this assumption if
2:24:00 we go to the correct extent they have to
2:24:02 explain house where the story has been
2:24:04 called
2:24:05 because because their discussion is
2:24:07 based on that this bit of story is taken
2:24:09 from this
2:24:11 pagan myth this is
2:24:12 an attempt to reconstruct
2:24:14 moses story this is impossible because
2:24:16 historically
2:24:18 so show us this
2:24:19 do the same here
2:24:21 if you are honest
2:24:24 they will get stuck
2:24:28 the definitely will get stuck
2:24:31 so i think this is by itself
2:24:34 although it's quite odd
2:24:37 has considerable oddity
2:24:40 it is by itself
2:24:42 could could be really an an an and
2:24:45 gateway to see
2:24:47 let us check this quran
2:24:49 there's something more than what means
2:24:50 the eye
2:24:52 the eye which is not scrutinizing the
2:24:53 blind eye if you read with blind eyes
2:24:55 there's no help
2:24:58 if
2:24:59 if it's true that that
2:25:01 this this one who who
2:25:03 translated so many uh uh
2:25:06 islamic sources
2:25:08 exegesis and things like that even sunni
2:25:11 shia more tesla and so on made such a
2:25:14 such a blunder
2:25:15 that
2:25:16 that the casting lot is done for joseph
2:25:18 then you have to
2:25:21 to ask ourselves what kind of
2:25:22 scholarship is that other people are
2:25:24 blind or they deliberately see the
2:25:25 things there which are not there
2:25:30 because nowhere in the quran i don't
2:25:32 think even in any exercises or anywhere
2:25:35 it may be someone is quoting the story
2:25:38 as as as narrated by by some
2:25:41 canonical non-canonical documents or
2:25:43 something like that uh just quoting it
2:25:45 does not mean that he believes that to
2:25:46 say that's what a christian
2:25:48 but this is not what the quran says
2:25:50 maybe maybe you'll find that although i
2:25:52 doubt that very strongly
2:25:54 yes the people of gaza is they took
2:25:56 liberty and taking some stories from the
2:25:58 old testament and new testament and
2:25:59 thought they may be helping in
2:26:01 understanding some historical structure
2:26:02 in the quran but i i as far as i
2:26:05 remember nobody ever
2:26:07 uh
2:26:09 bothered really
2:26:10 or make make any any any credence to the
2:26:13 story of the ban and all these things
2:26:18 or gave it to any value
2:26:20 unless in the moment he is when he is
2:26:22 writing he is not aware about surat
2:26:24 maryam that is to tell his mind it can't
2:26:26 happen but this is not that's not what
2:26:28 what what what what should bother us
2:26:30 even the best scholar in the world could
2:26:31 be my reading maybe imran and he forgets
2:26:33 about maryam completely and he thinks
2:26:36 this is similar to brother evangelion
2:26:38 and he make a mistake
2:26:39 but the quran is a consistent document
2:26:41 attributed to the one source
2:26:47 so this one called muhammad
2:26:50 says it's not escape
2:26:55 salami
2:26:57 yeah so i think i think i i thought this
2:27:00 is interesting because because these uh
2:27:04 recent uh
2:27:05 flood of videos about the nativity and
2:27:07 things like that and
2:27:09 books which are discussed also in videos
2:27:12 i think they are very illuminating
2:27:14 although they say they made some
2:27:15 mistakes like this generalization
2:27:18 fallacy and and so on and they they
2:27:22 they
2:27:23 uh
2:27:25 they also
2:27:27 they seem to thinking that that
2:27:30 what biology dictates that's
2:27:32 such a miraculous path is impossible but
2:27:35 biology does not dictate does not is
2:27:37 that bill does not dictate the system of
2:27:39 the universe the biology is derived from
2:27:41 system universe which is initially a
2:27:43 contingent solution chosen by god
2:27:46 all the universities think there's no
2:27:48 god
2:27:50 then they have to also answer this issue
2:27:52 with the quran and other issues of
2:27:55 of americans and so on she will come by
2:27:56 the way to it other miracles not only
2:27:58 that extra miracles from that one but
2:28:00 this one
2:28:02 has to be explained because they they
2:28:03 claim to be nationalist and rationalist
2:28:06 at the same time
2:28:07 and we have now a document who claims
2:28:09 this
2:28:10 and which is much later like in the year
2:28:12 6430 or 620 was completed and by the
2:28:16 evidence of an even carbon dating of the
2:28:18 birmingham fragments and other things
2:28:20 and that document has been written
2:28:23 given by a man who claimed hearing from
2:28:25 god okay
2:28:26 and it contains things which
2:28:30 partly synchronize with them history
2:28:31 partly deviates from recorded documents
2:28:34 and is supposed to be have taken that
2:28:36 from the previous people
2:28:39 he couldn't have been dreamed these
2:28:41 stories by himself completely
2:28:43 and there's no motivation for him to do
2:28:44 that
2:28:45 because he's addressing people in space
2:28:47 around his in space and time who
2:28:49 believed these stories
2:28:51 he could have pruned them maybe clean
2:28:52 them remove the word son of god here and
2:28:54 there that's fine that's understood
2:28:56 that's his ideology but
2:28:59 but not completely of only
2:29:02 the christmas story
2:29:04 the ban or cave story and bethlehem and
2:29:06 all of this which is essential
2:29:08 fundamental
2:29:10 in luke and and
2:29:12 and matthew
2:29:14 and in terms of other
2:29:16 apocrypha all of them agree on that with
2:29:18 variations
2:29:20 vast variations but the core is that
2:29:24 it's impossible
2:29:25 for anyone
2:29:27 who is going back and trying to fix a uh
2:29:30 a cleaned version
2:29:32 to deviate that to
2:29:34 get that story completely put it at uh
2:29:37 completely to zero as it should be
2:29:40 as riches
2:29:41 i've shown now that
2:29:45 anyway i i put that as just a matter of
2:29:47 like
2:29:48 let's say homework for for those who
2:29:50 think they are they are doing some
2:29:53 historic and philosophical and
2:29:54 theological research of value
2:29:58 to analyze that give a give us a
2:30:00 consistent and respectable explanation
2:30:03 which is uh sufficiently uh
2:30:08 consistent at least at least that's the
2:30:11 minimum
2:30:14 but also
2:30:15 yeah go
2:30:17 thank you i listened to um
2:30:20 almost all of what you said i missed i
2:30:22 think the first 15 or so minutes of it
2:30:25 um and you raised some interesting
2:30:27 points so
2:30:28 i'm um a revert to islam and prior to
2:30:31 that i was
2:30:33 a fervent believer
2:30:36 in christianity and
2:30:39 i was a person who
2:30:42 was part of a lay ministry and i read a
2:30:44 lot because there were many things i
2:30:45 didn't understand so have to read the
2:30:47 bible and then go outside of it to try
2:30:49 to find some answers
2:30:51 and then i asked allah i asked allah to
2:30:54 tell me some truth and i honestly
2:30:56 believe that some things
2:30:58 had been um revealed to me um and i just
2:31:02 like to share them and um
2:31:05 and i it's gonna take maybe about three
2:31:07 or four minutes and then i'll ask um
2:31:09 good i hope that's okay
2:31:11 so the first one was
2:31:13 your discussion on um joseph and it was
2:31:16 right so
2:31:17 um
2:31:18 this is coming now from a person who
2:31:20 looked at it from the christian
2:31:21 perspective
2:31:23 um if one were to take a look at the
2:31:24 lineage of joseph he would have lived
2:31:28 hundreds of years before
2:31:29 media and this is according to their own
2:31:32 bible so he would have had he would have
2:31:34 died unless he lived unlike the the age
2:31:38 of madusa or noah something like that um
2:31:42 but at any rate it's
2:31:44 likely he was a historic figure who they
2:31:46 sort of grafted to the time of midian
2:31:49 but i won't
2:31:51 that's my idea but what i do know is
2:31:52 that
2:31:53 chronologically he was not around alive
2:31:56 during the time of many he could not
2:31:58 have been his
2:32:00 lineage is a lot shorter uh from the
2:32:02 time of um
2:32:04 when they took records on chronologies
2:32:07 it was it's just a hundreds of years
2:32:09 difference
2:32:10 um the second has to do with the family
2:32:12 imran so
2:32:16 according to um the scriptures this is
2:32:19 uh the christian scriptures um
2:32:22 there was this
2:32:24 person who was named david
2:32:27 and david had a son
2:32:29 um
2:32:30 solomon
2:32:31 taking a look at their own scriptures
2:32:34 their scriptures show something that's
2:32:36 really different if if people care to
2:32:38 read
2:32:40 their scriptures show that
2:32:43 doubt fought
2:32:44 against other jews and the
2:32:46 clearest example that everyone always
2:32:48 misses is
2:32:50 the 23rd psalm which is the most famous
2:32:53 of all the things that it's quoted in
2:32:54 the bible though i walk to the valley of
2:32:57 the shadow of death i fear no evil so
2:32:59 this is a story
2:33:01 of dalut talking about warfare this is
2:33:04 what he's describing um against other
2:33:07 jews
2:33:08 so for people who believe that there was
2:33:12 these
2:33:13 sons of
2:33:14 one progenitor and all of them got along
2:33:17 it's not true they fought against each
2:33:19 other his book also the same book also
2:33:22 says that the david killed his brother
2:33:25 now they they said he did it because his
2:33:27 brother raped his sister but at any rate
2:33:30 um it showed
2:33:32 warring within a family and likely um
2:33:36 david because he believed differently
2:33:39 than other members of his family fought
2:33:41 against them not because
2:33:43 his brother killed
2:33:45 uh raped his sister but because of
2:33:48 different ideas of what god was and how
2:33:50 he would be practiced
2:33:51 so the thurgood goes to um
2:33:56 where these people settled so
2:33:58 the prophecies were given through the
2:34:00 line of dao
2:34:02 this would end up being the family of
2:34:04 imran
2:34:06 so these people settled
2:34:07 away from
2:34:09 jerusalem so the place that they settled
2:34:12 was near
2:34:14 bethlehem but it was not bethlehem
2:34:17 and the settlement itself wasn't very
2:34:20 big
2:34:21 it did include some relics from um the
2:34:25 histories that had been carried on but
2:34:27 the the establishment of this grand
2:34:29 temple and all these things it's not
2:34:32 even according to their own books
2:34:34 was not even permissive it permissible
2:34:37 so
2:34:38 a grand
2:34:40 temple wasn't permitted and
2:34:43 in in in this context it's important
2:34:45 because
2:34:47 the the prophecies
2:34:50 that were established and those who
2:34:52 followed it did not establish a temple
2:34:55 in jerusalem
2:34:57 um this is not or outputs it's not to
2:34:59 suggest that
2:35:01 temples didn't exist there but they
2:35:03 existed among jews who practiced
2:35:06 differently than did
2:35:07 the the family um
2:35:10 it's it's also interesting to take note
2:35:13 of
2:35:14 of
2:35:16 of um
2:35:18 places outside of
2:35:19 bethlehem
2:35:20 so these were inhabited by people who
2:35:22 were jewish and non-jewish just as we
2:35:25 had in the case of our prophet peace be
2:35:27 upon him
2:35:28 where um
2:35:29 he left
2:35:30 and went to medina which was in
2:35:34 established
2:35:35 practices there among people who were
2:35:38 from his tribe and outside of his tribe
2:35:41 so this is this is
2:35:43 significant because
2:35:45 likely the the gospels that were
2:35:48 preached there were were a truth
2:35:51 about um giving a truth to the humanity
2:35:54 and not keeping it within
2:35:57 um
2:35:57 a jewish tribe
2:35:59 that's distinguishable from
2:36:02 jews who settled in jerusalem
2:36:05 now
2:36:06 jews who settled in jerusalem
2:36:08 did so in contradiction to
2:36:11 god himself
2:36:13 so
2:36:14 we talked about the the establishment of
2:36:16 people who were
2:36:18 um outside of um
2:36:20 bethlehem this this lineage that the the
2:36:23 family of imran
2:36:25 the people who established
2:36:27 who were established in jerusalem
2:36:30 were people who practiced
2:36:32 their own version
2:36:34 of judaism which was in contradiction to
2:36:37 those who were in
2:36:39 uh places like
2:36:41 bethlehem outside of bethlehem in egypt
2:36:44 and even
2:36:45 as far north as nazareth so different
2:36:48 jews different tribes different people
2:36:50 practice this religion of god
2:36:52 differently
2:36:56 that's right
2:36:57 okay so we have um
2:37:01 the idea of the birth of millennium
2:37:04 so
2:37:08 according to
2:37:09 their scriptures
2:37:11 according to the scriptures of um
2:37:15 these are jews and christians to the
2:37:18 extent that
2:37:19 the scriptures exist
2:37:21 they said that those there were people
2:37:23 who went looking for issa to kill him
2:37:26 there are different people who went
2:37:28 there for different reasons the three
2:37:29 wise men went to bring gifts there were
2:37:31 other people who went to kill him
2:37:34 um
2:37:35 what it said was that miriam according
2:37:37 to their book
2:37:39 secreted herself away
2:37:41 now the this is consistent with the
2:37:43 quran the quran said she went east the
2:37:46 quran does not mention the reason why
2:37:48 now this is me speaking now because i
2:37:50 i'm probably wrong so take this with the
2:37:52 grain of salt but i think she went to a
2:37:55 place where she would be safe
2:37:58 where that boy could be raised isa peace
2:38:00 be upon him where he could be raised in
2:38:03 safety in office and also in obscurity
2:38:06 where people would not know him to find
2:38:08 him to kill him
2:38:09 now if you take a look at what um their
2:38:13 bibles say
2:38:14 the bible says that
2:38:17 jesus as you mentioned was from nazareth
2:38:20 now he may have been
2:38:22 he may have um grown up there but that
2:38:25 likely wasn't the place of his birth you
2:38:27 gave examples of
2:38:29 a medium being in pain and these places
2:38:31 we don't know
2:38:33 um we do know that that um
2:38:37 that jerusalem was southeast
2:38:40 of
2:38:41 southeast
2:38:42 of alkuts and then she went east
2:38:46 so
2:38:47 however she ended up in in nazareth
2:38:50 which is north we don't know but
2:38:53 if she ended up in nazareth with her
2:38:56 child um
2:38:58 likely nothing happened uh with respect
2:39:01 to him being in jerusalem until he was
2:39:03 older
2:39:04 so their scriptures talk about
2:39:07 when he went to jerusalem so this is he
2:39:10 traveled to jerusalem for the first time
2:39:12 when in in the scriptures say that when
2:39:14 he was young
2:39:15 and he preached there
2:39:17 he called the place um a den of vipers
2:39:21 and vipers translates to mean snakes and
2:39:24 he also
2:39:25 also talked about how religion wasn't
2:39:28 practiced there rather money trading
2:39:30 yeah and he turned he said he turned
2:39:33 over
2:39:34 um
2:39:35 the tables that they used for
2:39:37 measurements and unfair measurements and
2:39:39 in trading he he
2:39:41 materially opposed it so we see now that
2:39:44 there is a difference between these two
2:39:47 peoples or these two tribes their ideas
2:39:50 about the religion in their entirety
2:39:53 um so just two other points that i want
2:39:56 to make and
2:39:57 and then i'll finish
2:39:59 so the first in them is about the gospel
2:40:02 of jesus so we don't know
2:40:05 what that gospel is only certain aspects
2:40:08 of it
2:40:09 uh persist well we do
2:40:12 have indication to believe that it was a
2:40:14 gospel that was open to the humanity
2:40:17 not just the tribe of jews um what may
2:40:21 have happened is because he had a
2:40:23 different gospel about
2:40:25 a tribe of
2:40:27 like
2:40:28 away from the tribes but to the humanity
2:40:30 this may have been something that was um
2:40:33 in contradiction to how the jews in
2:40:36 jerusalem practice
2:40:38 so and it goes to things that are pretty
2:40:40 fundamental
2:40:42 so one of them uh goes to
2:40:45 you mentioned earlier you mentioned
2:40:47 things like food he taught the people
2:40:50 the food so the rabbis established
2:40:53 in
2:40:54 among certain tribes especially tribes
2:40:56 that settled in jerusalem
2:40:58 that the food that was ordained had to
2:41:00 be ordained by them
2:41:02 they said that their blessings on the
2:41:05 food
2:41:06 and the choices that they their food was
2:41:08 higher than that of god that god had
2:41:10 given to the humanity so that was
2:41:13 uh one of the things that he challenged
2:41:16 one of the other things he challenged
2:41:17 was
2:41:18 the sacrifice of both
2:41:21 human humans and animals and these were
2:41:24 both being practiced within the temples
2:41:26 themselves
2:41:28 what those things did do was they
2:41:30 established the power of these rabbis
2:41:34 over everyone else
2:41:36 so he is absolutely challenging the idea
2:41:39 of that
2:41:40 and the third one has to do with the
2:41:42 temple itself
2:41:43 so if if anyone reads
2:41:47 if anyone reads the gospels this is the
2:41:49 last point if anyone read the gospels
2:41:51 themselves closely
2:41:53 read them closely
2:41:55 um issa gives indication that the that
2:41:58 the temple
2:42:00 isn't a place
2:42:02 rather the temple has to do with the
2:42:04 body of man and how it's kept sacred
2:42:08 this is what he talks about so people
2:42:12 even when discussions having to do with
2:42:13 like the temple being rebuilt and stuff
2:42:15 like that it this goes to the
2:42:17 purification of the man's
2:42:20 ways in his heart
2:42:22 um so i think all of these things were
2:42:24 challenged to um for lack of a better
2:42:27 term the establishment of this or the
2:42:29 status quo of what judaism was
2:42:33 meant in exclusivity of religion to a
2:42:36 people and if you just follow what
2:42:39 people who came after him said
2:42:41 the sumerians
2:42:43 how isa took these people in and um like
2:42:47 they were he made no distinction between
2:42:48 them and the jews and stuff like that
2:42:50 one starts to see that the gospel that
2:42:52 he preached which he said was no
2:42:54 different than the other ones was a
2:42:56 gospel that was intended for the
2:42:58 humanity and not for the jews
2:43:00 so i'll leave it at that yeah and the
2:43:02 kingdom announced this although
2:43:04 obviously at that time it was maybe the
2:43:07 conditions were not right but
2:43:09 the announcement of the kingdom and the
2:43:11 and the comforter of the palace leaders
2:43:13 and so on is saying the job will have to
2:43:16 be completed but this generation is not
2:43:18 yet
2:43:19 to that level especially wall street
2:43:21 that's jerusalem at that time
2:43:24 that's right that's germany
2:43:26 and
2:43:26 the empire in rome washington
2:43:32 they were too powerful
2:43:35 uh and therefore it could have been
2:43:37 challenged if
2:43:38 many if more people have followed him
2:43:40 but unfortunately
2:43:42 most of the nation have uh has uh has
2:43:45 let him down and the few followers were
2:43:47 not sufficient for the historic moment
2:43:49 to change the tide but later on someone
2:43:51 came
2:43:52 who
2:43:53 changed the tide to a good good degree
2:43:55 okay
2:43:56 very good very good but
2:43:58 write these things under
2:44:00 get all these information let's just
2:44:02 arrive them slowly it may take years
2:44:04 until you have some structured thing but
2:44:05 it's good it's good
2:44:07 looking from vegas angles is very
2:44:09 important
2:44:18 so inshallah we will
2:44:19 will have that recorded inshallah it's
2:44:21 recorded on initial i hope our recording
2:44:23 is working well
2:44:24 and it will be available so the brother
2:44:26 can hear it from the beginning
2:44:28 but i i think it's a we should we should
2:44:30 really uh
2:44:32 look at that also from the angle that it
2:44:34 is this what the quran gives you it's
2:44:35 only just main highlights main bits and
2:44:38 pieces without going in details is
2:44:40 already challenging so that
2:44:43 tell me where these these
2:44:52 this is the real narrative this is the
2:44:53 true narrative
2:44:54 and there's only one deity
2:44:58 this is a real narrative that all other
2:45:00 narratives are questionable but
2:45:02 this must be scrutinized because of
2:45:04 course there's another place this is
2:45:05 general command saying
2:45:07 uh
2:45:27 the national manager of khan that
2:45:28 country so what i mean if the if they
2:45:30 don't uh wouldn't they
2:45:32 manage the quran meaning study it and
2:45:35 try to fit things together analyze them
2:45:38 so they relate to each other and so on
2:45:39 it's not just pondering it's just more
2:45:41 than that in a way like what you do when
2:45:43 you manage your house when you manage
2:45:45 your company you imagine that's that's a
2:45:47 that's a streamlined procedure this side
2:45:50 must result this this person must report
2:45:53 to this one and this one report this one
2:45:55 and this one corrects this one otherwise
2:45:57 they will not be able to do to be an
2:45:58 enterprise
2:46:00 or the family would not be able to
2:46:01 function without this management or
2:46:03 father or mother even
2:46:04 each one synchronizing with the other
2:46:06 and doing the work properly together so
2:46:12 if it's had been from anybody else
2:46:13 except allah there will be contradiction
2:46:16 so this is a call for rationalism look
2:46:19 at that get get that contradiction if
2:46:21 any maybe you think it's a contradictory
2:46:23 at the moment but if you go deeper you
2:46:24 will recognize no actually your
2:46:27 perception or your previous education or
2:46:29 previous bias is projecting
2:46:31 conventionally doesn't clear the moment
2:46:33 you jump over that you will see how it
2:46:35 fits snugly and so on bit by bit
2:46:39 at the other point
2:46:44 they manage the quran
2:46:47 or are the hearts that's the problem
2:46:50 the ceiling of the heart happens because
2:46:52 you have already set in bias and you are
2:46:54 not willing to break it i try to when i
2:46:56 say that is very difficult obviously i
2:46:58 try to say the writer of the quran sir
2:47:00 reveal allah says so to keep it as
2:47:02 neutral as possible let's make me a
2:47:04 neutral on another place we'll say
2:47:10 either we or you are in guidance or
2:47:12 misguided or we or you it's still open
2:47:15 50 50. let's put in the table until i
2:47:17 scrutinize to see
2:47:19 how much whether the evidence is
2:47:21 balanced one side to another who is
2:47:23 guided who is less guided or misguided
2:47:25 especially fundamental issues you cannot
2:47:28 surmise and more you either have it in
2:47:30 full in the fundamental issues or not
2:47:32 does god exist yes or no if he exists
2:47:35 does he care about the universe which he
2:47:36 created
2:47:38 the city of region dictate he would not
2:47:40 have created invest just just just for
2:47:42 like like a
2:47:43 a game or something pure game does not
2:47:45 sound
2:47:46 befitting for necessarily existing
2:47:48 supreme reason and on mind so for some
2:47:51 purposes and so on some objectives
2:47:54 what are they
2:47:57 obviously we we as being conscious we
2:48:00 are being and able to think about god
2:48:02 and we think
2:48:03 look up to the stars animals cannot the
2:48:05 poor guys but we can't we can look at
2:48:07 the star and think about where they come
2:48:08 what's happening there how they develop
2:48:10 and all these things mean that there's
2:48:12 something
2:48:13 something odd there how come this being
2:48:15 are you there and thinking about the
2:48:16 universe about god and so on is that
2:48:19 part of the plan
2:48:20 does he want us to know something does
2:48:22 he want to address us something let's
2:48:24 check if there's a possibility of
2:48:25 prophethood or it's impossible and so on
2:48:28 that's the way to go if you go this way
2:48:31 then you remove the the seals on the
2:48:34 heart
2:48:34 let's put everything on the table it
2:48:36 opens otherwise the heart is sealed if
2:48:37 you come from three preconceived
2:48:39 concepts and you are not willing to over
2:48:41 jump over them then you are in then you
2:48:44 are in trouble you will never be able to
2:48:45 get anywhere
2:48:47 anyway i think i'm preaching too much
2:48:48 today
2:48:50 i hope it's beneficial and it will i
2:48:53 will put more
2:48:54 as many copies as you get of these
2:48:55 various gospels just for enjoyment you
2:48:57 read it and try to read between the
2:48:59 lines to see
2:49:01 the what because i think we i think if
2:49:04 we assume and i think this is a good
2:49:05 assumption good solid assumption that
2:49:06 the quran is a revelation and the story
2:49:08 as a
2:49:10 rundown
2:49:12 even if some of it is obviously added
2:49:14 from my expectation and so on and the
2:49:16 brother made another run which he may
2:49:18 one day write down to be another way of
2:49:21 angle of looking
2:49:23 if we summarize all of that
2:49:25 we could say that's bad story by itself
2:49:27 and this is completely
2:49:30 in contradiction with what has been uh
2:49:33 in the canonical and non-canonical
2:49:34 gospels
2:49:36 and the evidence from history from jesus
2:49:39 from even the internal contradiction
2:49:41 between the various genealogies etc who
2:49:43 showed that these
2:49:44 these
2:49:45 writings are definitely not under divine
2:49:47 protection and definitely not inferible
2:49:50 that's the first step then we have them
2:49:52 if they're not
2:49:53 where could be a mistake have crimped
2:49:55 what could be the issue and then we
2:49:56 built from there
2:49:57 and this will be a good really
2:49:59 invitation to for for uh really taking
2:50:03 matter in our own hand not letting the
2:50:05 something for priests or scribes or
2:50:07 anybody dictating us we have to
2:50:10 to
2:50:10 stand as allah says
2:50:12 stand alone and stand with other one
2:50:14 discuss with him that we analyze is this
2:50:17 man a messenger or not is that a message
2:50:20 or
2:50:20 not ok
2:50:23 for your listening i think
2:50:25 maybe i
2:50:26 overloaded and they will give relax more
2:50:28 of these
2:50:30 gospels some of them i go to full text
2:50:32 like the
2:50:33 proto evangelium of thomas of of jacob
2:50:37 and also thomas and some only just
2:50:40 an article which compares it with other
2:50:42 things and
2:50:43 would put put points on certain
2:50:45 highlights but it's very useful i think
2:50:48 it's a very it's a very important
2:50:49 interesting issue
2:50:51 because thank you so very much thanks um
2:50:54 i wish more people could hear it because
2:50:56 it
2:50:57 even for the christian it's one of your
2:51:00 your
2:51:01 discussions and talks or things that
2:51:03 would give to bring them closer to the
2:51:06 truth of their own book if they were
2:51:08 only open their hearts
2:51:11 will try to dispute that also it's
2:51:13 recorded so it will be
2:51:14 available
2:51:15 and if anyone must put the link to
2:51:18 anywhere in the discussion boards and
2:51:20 things like that
2:51:21 not because i think i think it's i am
2:51:23 worth but i think the issue itself is
2:51:24 worth really uh addressing and
2:51:27 propagating that it happens that by
2:51:29 accident that i am on addressing it a
2:51:30 little bit from another angle which is
2:51:32 you don't find rarely elsewhere it's by
2:51:35 grace wallace but it is good to have it
2:51:37 here and there
2:51:38 and broadcast it widely and then try to
2:51:40 propagate it so the people can can have
2:51:44 really comfort for themselves it's it's
2:51:46 for their own benefit
2:51:48 i don't think we'll uh
2:51:50 also for our own benefit because if we
2:51:52 we if we can succeed getting someone to
2:51:54 to
2:51:55 get
2:51:56 more sense to his life and where he fits
2:51:59 in the universe and how these scriptures
2:52:01 have been created
2:52:03 by by sometimes honest narratives
2:52:05 sometimes mixed mixed up stories
2:52:07 sometimes like that and then understand
2:52:10 the struggle of the people who are the
2:52:11 quality of the canonic and the four
2:52:13 canola for example
2:52:14 chosen by naic some people claim it's
2:52:16 chosen because they were adopted by
2:52:18 major churches but even the issue that
2:52:20 they adopted by major churches meaning
2:52:22 that the adoption of a wide number of
2:52:25 people
2:52:26 indicates something of like more common
2:52:28 sense than the others which are adopted
2:52:30 only by the small minority because
2:52:32 usually the majority usually uh
2:52:34 is more right than the minority usually
2:52:37 but not always so so it's not only a
2:52:39 matter of power of the churches but also
2:52:41 i think the scholars at that time and
2:52:43 before did some honest work to try of
2:52:45 the
2:52:46 wilderness
2:52:48 number of gospels and documents there to
2:52:51 choose
2:52:52 something which the cleanest and if you
2:52:54 compare the some of these uh canonical
2:52:57 with the apocrypha you cannot escape the
2:53:00 the the fact that it is they are much
2:53:02 cleaner and much closer to history
2:53:04 despite all the blunders and mistakes so
2:53:07 our job now is that to clean further
2:53:09 and get everyone on board and show that
2:53:11 there's also a good alternative in the
2:53:12 quran and so on
2:53:14 so the so that the people can give their
2:53:16 life more sense instead of being
2:53:18 essentially
2:53:19 almost agnostic and just just wandering
2:53:22 in life would not know where to go
2:53:24 especially under in the last two
2:53:25 centuries with science claiming that we
2:53:27 have solution for everything i think
2:53:29 this pandemic is also good because even
2:53:32 the people started out science
2:53:34 they are going to another extreme
2:53:36 from one extreme science is almost like
2:53:38 like a church and and and and uh
2:53:42 now to the extreme that we have people
2:53:44 even doubting that the earth the earth
2:53:46 is around this is for them it's flat or
2:53:48 they were doubting that there was a moon
2:53:50 landing they went to the other extreme
2:53:52 that it becomes irrational but this is
2:53:55 how extremes go if you go in one extreme
2:53:58 science cannot explain anything explain
2:54:00 how the universe work explain how
2:54:02 machine work it can produce nice
2:54:03 machines it produces new technologies
2:54:06 maybe better plantation methods but
2:54:08 cannot explain the meaning of existence
2:54:10 this has to be done in another level
2:54:12 a science must become humble they should
2:54:14 stop dictating the people that we have
2:54:16 all ourselves no you don't have all of
2:54:18 us just be humble you have good answers
2:54:21 you cover this area if you know that
2:54:22 that's fine
2:54:24 other areas they have answer don't
2:54:26 expect the quran to tell you an answer
2:54:27 about about a immunization and
2:54:30 we'll give you
2:54:32 fundamental principles but
2:54:34 you have to ask that that you have to
2:54:36 dig it you have to work out
2:54:38 you have to learn how how to till tell
2:54:40 the ground to do it by exploitation
2:54:42 revelation will not get you that you are
2:54:44 able to do it by certification give you
2:54:46 a direction in life give you how how how
2:54:49 to defeat the the the plotting of the
2:54:51 devil who promised that i'm going to get
2:54:54 a majority of mankind with me to the
2:54:55 hell no no we are going to try to block
2:54:58 you from that hopefully we can succeed
2:55:02 anyway
2:55:04 it sounds like preaching but uh i hope
2:55:06 it's some a bit of a rational discourse
2:55:09 which is the national discourse is
2:55:11 really the right way to get to
2:55:12 spirituality it's the best response for
2:55:14 20
2:55:15 rationalization not obvious feeling and
2:55:18 confused ideas no must be clears and
2:55:21 clear and precise ideas especially these
2:55:23 fundamental things
2:55:25 then we can see clearly the meaning of
2:55:27 everyone's life and the meaning medical
2:55:29 society and even state and organizations
2:55:32 okay
2:55:34 should we say to each one a good night i
2:55:36 think we have taken plenty of time
2:55:38 everyone
2:55:39 no luck with her um
2:55:42 there's an honor to
2:55:45 if there's any bits and pieces about
2:55:47 that i will see for next week if there
2:55:48 are certain aspects and bits but i think
2:55:50 the main lines are clear and everyone
2:55:52 can i will put more relax i will put you
2:55:54 more of
2:55:56 of these documents either the pdfs or if
2:55:59 i extracted the uh word document i would
2:56:01 put it and also that what i was reading
2:56:03 from that that one i would try to flush
2:56:05 it a little bit out all this only a text
2:56:08 file
2:56:09 maybe i should do it a word document
2:56:10 that comment is better to read i would
2:56:12 see
2:56:12 it's easy inshallah and then we'll you
2:56:15 will have more material and you can
2:56:16 discuss further
2:56:18 if needed
2:56:20 okay
2:56:26 fine
2:56:31 Music
2:57:08 is
2:57:11 Music
2:57:31 Music
2:57:40 you