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Tafseer-ul-Quran - Almassari - 015 - Al-Baqara - 09 - تفسير سورة البقرة (2021-05-08)


حلقات ودروس الشيخ الدكتور محمد بن عبدالله المسعري Study Circles of Professor Dr. Muhammad AL-MASSARI

Ayahs 8/9

Explanation of the reason of Nifaaq

  • Primarily due to allegiance with disbelievers under their banner
  • Detailed Explanations of types of nifaaq

Summary of Tafseer-ul-Quran - Almassari - 015 - Al-Baqara - 09 - تفسير سورة البقرة

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies. *


discusses practical hypocrisy among Muslims and how it can lead to them being deceived. It also discusses different readings of the Quran and how to deal with doubts about religious statements.

00:00:00 Discusses the issue of "practical hypocrisy" among Muslims, and how this can lead to them being deceived.

  • 00:05:00 discusses the meaning of the Arabic word "tafseer" which can mean "interpretation" or "explanation." goes on to discuss the meaning of the Arabic word "mufa" which can mean "father." explains that, in Arabic, the two words have different, but still valid, meanings. then goes on to say that, when speaking literally, it is important to use the correct Arabic word for each situation. also explains that, in poetry, the use of metaphors is often more eloquent than simply stating the facts.
  • 00:10:00 discusses various translations of the Quran, detailing the different approaches taken by Orientalists. One of the most popular translations is that of Muhammad Asad, which is characterized by its adherence to a literal interpretation. However, there are other translations which are seen as more accurate and which use verbs instead of nominal sentences. concludes by describing the importance of translating accurately and explaining how the Quran is an eloquent and special type of text.
  • 00:15:00 discusses the different readings of the Qur'an, and argues that the most persuasive reading is the one with money written in the atman style. He also discusses the different ways the alif can be written, and states that the Medina reading is the best because it is the first one to be written.
  • 00:20:00 discusses the various readings of the Quran and concludes that the "most desirable" (i.e. closest to the original meaning) is the half reading, which is done without the letter alifs in both places.
  • 00:25:00 Discusses the idea that all beings have a "soul," and that when a person is sick, their soul may be increased or their disease may be increased. It also discusses the idea that when a person does something bad, it is their own will and irrationality that leads to all of this, and that this is why all beings must suffer.
  • 00:30:00 provides a brief overview of the theory of qadhafi, which states that all events in the universe are subject to allah's will. If an event is not permitted by allah, it will not happen.
  • 00:35:00 explains that the disease of debauchery mentioned in the Quran refers to sexual desire, and that there are two, or three, better explanations for it. One explanation is that it is a result of society being open to zina, or sexual activity outside of marriage, at the time the Quran was being revealed. Another is that it is a result of people being unable to control their desire for alcohol. also mentions that this is not the only possible explanation, and that there are better ones.
  • 00:40:00 Discusses how to deal with doubts about religious statements. It mentions that doubt is a valid response to information that is uncertain, but that doubt should not be a rejection of the statement. It also discusses the importance of evidence in assessing the truthfulness of a statement.
  • 00:45:00 discusses how some Muslims interpret Qur'anic verses regarding fighting against racism and fighting for the rights of black people as being on the same level of logic and spirituality. He points out that this is not a sound interpretation, and that it is shaq (doubt) that is the root of the problem.
  • 00:50:00 Discusses the issue of homosexuality and its place in Islam. It points out that homosexuality is not a part of Darwinism or the "survival of the fittest" theory, and that it does not have a place in a logical system that accommodates for evidence and logical argument.
  • 00:55:00 The ayah discusses the concept of "the facade of argument," which refers to the idea that some people pretend to be Muslims while actually working against Islam. The ayah also discusses the concept of "corruption," which refers to the act of stealing or harming others. The ayah suggests that corruption will increase if Muslims do not take action to prevent it.


explains that Islam is the opposite of disbelief, and that this concept is central to understanding the true meaning of the religion. He goes on to discuss how this ayah can be applied to our daily lives in order to improve and correct our own behavior.

01:00:00 discusses the meaning of islam, which is the opposite of corrupting, improving, and correcting. He explains this concept in relation to the ayah "Islama 'ala 'inda 'l-kufr" (Islam is the opposite of disbelief).

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Music
0:00:28 faster inshallah this time because
0:00:30 at the beginning uh new concepts have to
0:00:34 be
0:00:35 more or less thoroughly discussed
0:00:36 although the meaning of the faq and
0:00:38 monavie
0:00:39 we did one halakhah but there are many
0:00:41 issues related
0:00:43 that's essentially mostly related to
0:00:46 to allegiance with the disbelievers and
0:00:48 fighting under the banner that's
0:00:49 the the majority of the quran addresses
0:00:52 this essentially
0:00:53 but there are other options like
0:00:57 some of the foreign pretend to muslim
0:00:59 deliberately and maliciously
0:01:01 and with various intentions one of them
0:01:04 is to penetrate in the muslim society
0:01:07 and get
0:01:08 secrets and another one is that to
0:01:10 pretend to be muslims in the morning and
0:01:12 then later
0:01:13 revert to judaism saying oh yeah we have
0:01:15 become muslims and we found
0:01:17 there's nothing there it's all nonsense
0:01:19 but also
0:01:20 so that other people could be influenced
0:01:22 and diverted
0:01:23 so various motivations but the majority
0:01:26 of the quranic said
0:01:28 texts and sentences about one of them is
0:01:30 essentially related to
0:01:31 the so the reason of the falcon though
0:01:33 the way they felt in fact is because of
0:01:36 uh allying with the kuffar and the
0:01:38 willingness to fight under the banana
0:01:40 would
0:01:40 join them in battlefield or to join them
0:01:42 in inspiring and politics against
0:01:44 muslims
0:01:44 that's the majority of sources to be
0:01:47 here
0:01:48 and they discussed the issue obviously
0:01:50 what they call if
0:01:52 uh practical hypocrisy
0:01:55 and you said this is a dangerous
0:01:57 approach because the
0:01:58 state the prophetic statements that
0:02:00 these four features whoever have these
0:02:02 four features
0:02:03 is a pure moon africa should be not
0:02:05 taken lightly
0:02:07 and there's a danger that some that
0:02:10 we will be deceived by by fake scholars
0:02:13 or by
0:02:15 simple-minded not probably thoroughly
0:02:18 educated and instructed scholars to
0:02:21 think that they can't be at liberty to
0:02:23 to break their covenants to to to stab
0:02:26 in the back to lie and so on and they're
0:02:28 still muslim because they're pronounced
0:02:29 shahadah and there's a very dangerous
0:02:31 approach
0:02:31 so i think it's it's more reasonable to
0:02:34 assume that who whoever have these four
0:02:35 features
0:02:36 as firm and solid in his character
0:02:40 he is he his whatever he has of iman
0:02:43 is not enough to be classified as the
0:02:45 shall he lay required ima
0:02:46 it may be some kind of abstract belief
0:02:49 or belief in certain statements
0:02:50 as a matter of mental mental statement
0:02:53 that they are true but
0:02:54 it has no effect whatever in
0:02:56 surrendering to allah
0:02:57 to accepting his instructions and law
0:03:00 which is not the iman which aliyah wants
0:03:02 the imaginary islam
0:03:11 minimal uh requirements otherwise it is
0:03:14 just maybe a philosophical discourse or
0:03:18 a thought experiment nothing to do with
0:03:21 the faith as required on iman as
0:03:23 required by sharia
0:03:24 anyway that will continue the next ayat
0:03:28 so there's ayah there are some people
0:03:30 who we discussed that last time
0:03:32 who believe i just translated roughly
0:03:35 who believe in allah
0:03:36 who claim to believe yes who say we
0:03:38 believe in allah the last day
0:03:40 but in reality they are not believers
0:03:42 and we discuss what that means
0:03:44 the next
0:03:54 to see if there are various interesting
0:03:56 translations
0:03:58 and see how the translator struggled
0:04:01 with the some intricacies of the arabic
0:04:03 language
0:04:04 and where it is it seems to be i have
0:04:08 closed it somehow by mistake
0:04:10 let me open it again okay
0:04:17 yeah must have been closed by mistake
0:04:21 so i can read through directly from the
0:04:26 page
0:04:28 okay it's iron number nine
0:04:35 it's easy to access directly either you
0:04:37 go to the main page and then
0:04:39 choose a sword number two iron number
0:04:40 nine or you after islamic dot com
0:04:43 forward slash quran for slash two four
0:04:46 slash nine
0:04:47 so forward slash default html anyway
0:04:50 going to the main page and then clicking
0:04:51 the number two one above
0:04:54 so
0:05:18 hitting someone who is hating you so
0:05:20 engage in a hand makes a bunny fight
0:05:22 essentially so there's a usually in that
0:05:25 form of
0:05:26 uh mostly is an interaction
0:05:30 the form of interaction now obviously in
0:05:32 the case of the
0:05:33 deceiving because the meaning of means
0:05:36 deceived
0:05:38 this could be interpreted as that they
0:05:40 they are engaged in a mutual
0:05:42 deception to allah meaning that they
0:05:43 think allah is also deceiving them or
0:05:45 they can't deceive him
0:05:46 so it's not my father in the general
0:05:48 sense is most likely in
0:05:50 expressing the attempt to receive
0:05:53 assuming the other side is deceiving
0:05:54 what are selling is
0:05:56 capable of being deceived or something
0:05:57 like that so
0:05:59 that's if we go to the literal
0:06:00 translation of the
0:06:02 area which is quite useful but still
0:06:06 sometimes the the other situation as
0:06:08 superior
0:06:09 but let's go through that they seek to
0:06:11 deceive so the this the literal
0:06:13 translation
0:06:14 they took care of this mufa from hada
0:06:17 instead of khada
0:06:19 by seek to deceive or attempt to deceive
0:06:22 that's good that's a good attempt
0:06:24 uh allah and those who believe anyway
0:06:28 always this is
0:06:30 those who believe it must take more more
0:06:33 accurate would be those who believed
0:06:35 that in the past
0:06:36 and they have believed that father i
0:06:38 believe and now they believe in the
0:06:39 future who have been breastfed already
0:06:41 those who already
0:06:41 become a believer already who those who
0:06:43 believed and that's the reason in and if
0:06:45 you check our website
0:06:46 you'll find this believe and then in
0:06:49 square
0:06:50 in square brackets believed so you can
0:06:53 choose believe or believe
0:06:54 i think believe it is more accurate
0:06:55 literally and not
0:06:57 they deceive except themselves
0:07:00 and not the universes of this like some
0:07:02 caribbean it looks like a shakespearean
0:07:04 english but this is a literal
0:07:06 order of the words in arabic and they
0:07:08 said when they
0:07:09 do the literal way sometimes they need
0:07:10 to insert like in in in
0:07:14 in in way
0:07:17 in brackets and usual brackets uh they
0:07:20 need to reset some expression he didn't
0:07:22 need because this
0:07:23 could be also written in english like
0:07:25 that especially in the old english the
0:07:27 sex field in english where you don't use
0:07:29 that well do for the
0:07:30 for negation and not they deceive what
0:07:33 is perfectly
0:07:33 acceptable in english is actually a
0:07:35 higher english than and they did not
0:07:38 instead of not they not they
0:07:41 deceive except themselves for some
0:07:44 and they are not they realize
0:07:48 also their suspicions they did not
0:07:50 realize not they realize also
0:07:52 acceptable more likes experience styling
0:07:54 a little bit alkie
0:07:55 but it's okay it's good it's not bad at
0:07:57 all and not they realize
0:07:59 in parenthesis it realize it so to have
0:08:02 the
0:08:03 the the uh what they are realizing not
0:08:05 what they realize it realizes this state
0:08:07 of affair
0:08:08 now the word realize here is is maybe
0:08:11 not the most
0:08:13 persuasive one because the means feel
0:08:16 sure isn't feeling if you say i have
0:08:19 i have a feeling i have sure i shall be
0:08:21 danica i perceive it i feel it
0:08:24 usually more often used now in modern
0:08:26 language but maybe in the old arabic it
0:08:27 was more like for us perceiving
0:08:29 generally
0:08:30 but in later times it indicates the
0:08:32 internal feelings and so on
0:08:34 as you say this man has no feeling he
0:08:36 has no no
0:08:37 empathy he has no show or he has no and
0:08:40 from that also the way
0:08:42 poetry called the poet expresses what
0:08:44 other people do not easily feel
0:08:46 so he is able to feel it and express it
0:08:48 in a more eloquent
0:08:49 language it has to be a point you have
0:08:52 to have
0:08:52 more capability of feeling and
0:08:55 expressing what the other people are
0:08:56 unable to express
0:08:57 and for that is based on feeling so they
0:09:00 say they don't
0:09:01 and not they realize it so they use
0:09:03 realize now
0:09:05 actually picture
0:09:08 shows the word perceive that's i think
0:09:11 it's better superior here to
0:09:12 realize the same one
0:09:16 muhammad assad
0:09:21 also viktor says that they they think to
0:09:23 the guy so he said
0:09:24 i don't make anything to
0:09:26 make it as thinking for
0:09:27 attempting to i'm thinking too and use
0:09:29 the word beguile i don't know if this
0:09:31 beguile is really
0:09:32 uh express really the guy seems to be a
0:09:35 little bit
0:09:36 milder than this evening i don't know i
0:09:38 the first time i see the word really
0:09:40 and they checked synonymous and so on um
0:09:43 it says entire things like that it could
0:09:45 be maybe
0:09:46 could be a subject that deceive i think
0:09:48 is that is
0:09:56 putting someone in the dark and that's
0:09:57 the reason the the bedroom is called
0:09:59 magda a place where you close the doors
0:10:01 and you have the darkness and you can go
0:10:03 to sleep uh
0:10:05 you are in seclusion and uh it's
0:10:08 very getting away from the others so you
0:10:10 can you can have your complete privacy
0:10:12 there later
0:10:12 in mata uh so i think this eve is better
0:10:16 so beguile is not very unless it is or
0:10:19 more eloquent or more ancient for for
0:10:21 this eve a pictorial is an englishman so
0:10:23 he may have
0:10:24 better taste for the english language
0:10:26 than muhammad assad who is a
0:10:28 austrian and others who are non-born
0:10:30 english like user values valley
0:10:33 use the uh fan would they deceive so
0:10:36 or anything they want to receive so it's
0:10:38 again they're expressing them
0:10:40 as an attempt and he was also perceived
0:10:47 maybe that's the reason they use their
0:10:49 realize from me because
0:10:50 this is the one of the first translation
0:10:52 which became like the reference
0:10:54 for future work uh that's
0:10:57 that's uh so the so that shows between
0:11:00 realize and perceive i would say
0:11:02 perceive is is is a better one but it is
0:11:05 mixed you find someone translator
0:11:07 like uh what do the using realize
0:11:16 are not aware of but uh this way
0:11:20 uh obviously he translated to the
0:11:23 nominal sentence is this
0:11:25 instead of having a verb but the quran
0:11:27 studio they don't perceive
0:11:29 so it's more closer to to the original
0:11:31 structure is to use to
0:11:33 have it in information if it's at all
0:11:35 possible to have a representing their
0:11:37 so do not they do not perceive it or not
0:11:40 or like the literal translation would
0:11:43 realize
0:11:44 it's always better to have a verb where
0:11:46 it is in the original quran it is a verb
0:11:50 for various reasons because quran used a
0:11:52 verb form
0:11:53 for for good reason and in the other
0:11:55 languages will be the same also because
0:11:57 language is in the matter of verb and
0:11:59 names and so on is have a fundamental
0:12:02 logical structure and they are very very
0:12:04 close to each other in that sense
0:12:07 all languages so when the quran uses
0:12:09 something in a verb form
0:12:10 it is advisable to but if at all
0:12:13 possible to find a verb
0:12:14 sometimes you cannot find an equivalent
0:12:16 verb then you have to construct a
0:12:17 sequence
0:12:18 a sentence and even if you consider a
0:12:21 sentence which is the verb which is the
0:12:23 main
0:12:23 main item then it is better than having
0:12:25 just a nominal sentence
0:12:28 so that's that's uh uh that's one way to
0:12:31 do it
0:12:32 and let us see what the most of the
0:12:33 orientalists have and their various
0:12:35 attempts and so on but they don't go
0:12:36 much
0:12:37 much more i that one would you say but
0:12:39 they are not aware of it but as i said
0:12:41 it is
0:12:43 the being our own aware is a matter of
0:12:45 perception or matter of
0:12:47 feeling or finding stuff so it's better
0:12:49 to use perceived than using a nominal
0:12:51 sentence than the sentence via
0:12:53 a verb or using a verb directly now
0:12:55 there are other translations which are
0:12:57 called
0:12:57 deprecated or controversial because
0:12:59 usually they indulge in an excessive
0:13:03 translation of meaning and inserting in
0:13:05 parenthesis so that it becomes like a
0:13:06 tab scale rather than a
0:13:08 translation uh which is a which is
0:13:11 definitely
0:13:12 it should not be the case an approach is
0:13:15 that you translate as literally as
0:13:16 possible as the whole hap this is
0:13:17 in bengali living in america he started
0:13:20 his translation in the late 90s
0:13:21 completed in the in the 18th century i
0:13:24 don't think it's available as pdf it's
0:13:26 available to print
0:13:27 was available 15 years ago in print i
0:13:29 don't think it has developed it into a
0:13:31 pdf version
0:13:32 and then uh after the literal
0:13:34 translation below that he
0:13:36 has an expanded translation by adding
0:13:38 things in parenthesis so
0:13:40 in such a way that it goes nicely
0:13:42 streamlined i
0:13:43 i love that that that style so beside
0:13:46 the
0:13:47 almost literal translation and he went
0:13:50 in some literal aspects as certain words
0:13:52 which he did not find in
0:13:54 exact english and he used arabic word
0:13:56 like for example lord ramp
0:13:57 he did not like using wrote his ramp my
0:14:00 rub or their
0:14:00 up instead of rule which is okay as long
0:14:04 as you explain maybe in the introduction
0:14:05 and so on to everyone
0:14:06 what what trump means under maybe in the
0:14:09 expanded
0:14:10 translation that have seen types of
0:14:12 translation put in parentheses lord
0:14:14 equivalent or some something of
0:14:16 equivalent sign of lord
0:14:18 but that's the that's that's a matter of
0:14:20 the art of translation and the
0:14:21 difficulty of translating
0:14:23 especially the quran is very difficult
0:14:25 to translate because of the special
0:14:26 eloquence
0:14:27 while for example the old testament and
0:14:29 the new testament this is a common
0:14:31 is a good obviously the prophet's
0:14:33 usually said that very quite eloquent
0:14:35 language but it's a human level of
0:14:37 request
0:14:37 so there's no real fundamental problem
0:14:40 in the translation in that sense
0:14:43 but the quran is is really another
0:14:44 category of eloquence and
0:14:46 extremely fine points which has to be
0:14:48 taken care of
0:14:50 uh not like the old testament and new
0:14:51 testament
0:14:53 and still in the old testament there are
0:14:54 various problems from translation as we
0:14:56 may know the various translations
0:14:57 available and the various ideas and so
0:14:59 on
0:15:00 so for example
0:15:04 we have uh orientalists non-muslims and
0:15:07 royalties
0:15:08 we have our very first tech albury
0:15:10 arthur john arbury
0:15:11 they would trick god he used our trick
0:15:13 they would trick god
0:15:15 and the believer so he uses here this
0:15:17 idiot but
0:15:20 it does he fails to have the like
0:15:22 attempted record or
0:15:25 intent to trigger there must be some
0:15:27 kind of intentional attempt this can be
0:15:29 just plain trick that is
0:15:30 if they are really trekking directly so
0:15:32 this this is a shortcoming here
0:15:34 uh and uh so use the way trick
0:15:38 i don't know if that's good for
0:15:39 deceiving is sufficiently
0:15:41 strong for it to request even or attempt
0:15:43 to deceive
0:15:45 trekking is attempting to receive yeah
0:15:47 someone could say this is not a bad way
0:15:49 of doing that
0:15:51 of translating
0:15:55 and then here's also are not aware
0:15:59 so it does not use a verb another
0:16:01 sentence preferably is to stick to
0:16:03 something which is like a verb
0:16:04 they like for example edward henry
0:16:07 palmer
0:16:08 say not perceive so use a verb
0:16:11 another one used also as a more
0:16:15 more like a a nominal sentence and are
0:16:17 they
0:16:18 not sensible thereof they don't feel it
0:16:21 there's another approach
0:16:22 but being sensible of something meaning
0:16:25 you have perceived it
0:16:26 or you have you have felt that you have
0:16:28 something like so it would have been
0:16:30 better they don't feel it i did not feel
0:16:32 it would have been better than being not
0:16:34 sensible
0:16:35 thereof but his director is best to
0:16:37 cover some aspects
0:16:38 and then he could not get any behavior
0:16:40 in this
0:16:41 sentence which is does not have a verb
0:16:45 except the verb to be which is authentic
0:16:47 redundant in arabic
0:16:59 because most european languages all of
0:17:02 them they require a verb in every
0:17:03 sentence arabic does not require
0:17:05 the verb to be in presence and in the
0:17:08 present form is not needed
0:17:10 any others you say don't need to say
0:17:12 muhammad
0:17:13 is a good teacher muhammad good teacher
0:17:15 that's enough in arabic
0:17:17 is is hidden only in the past can then
0:17:20 you have to obviously to express the
0:17:21 past through the verb
0:17:22 then you can will become is a is a a
0:17:25 circuit an incomplete oral that's his
0:17:26 accessory
0:17:29 so so this is the attempt uh more or
0:17:32 less successful so
0:17:34 express the fact that you had your own
0:17:37 now actually
0:17:38 in the quran it is written without
0:17:40 without the alif in the hadith
0:17:41 as far as you know was many i didn't
0:17:43 check that muslim with money
0:17:58 so all variations have been read but the
0:18:01 most common and the most persuasive is
0:18:04 you had your own
0:18:07 and as i said about the various readings
0:18:09 so all will will synchronize well with
0:18:11 the writing
0:18:12 because the quran is revealed originally
0:18:14 as the writing and the the permission of
0:18:16 various readings
0:18:17 uh obviously if we assume the quran from
0:18:19 allah muhammad is the messenger that
0:18:20 this permission is the divine permission
0:18:22 is deliberately unintended because allah
0:18:24 is capable obviously to indent many
0:18:26 things at the same time
0:18:27 we may be not able to focus mentally
0:18:30 except on one thing at a time
0:18:31 but he is able to focus and he sees the
0:18:33 whole universe at the same time
0:18:35 so there's no limitation to his his his
0:18:38 attention capability
0:18:40 so it's very well possible that every
0:18:42 reading it's having its own certain
0:18:43 mirrors and emirates
0:18:45 and the scholars may argue on this
0:18:46 argument half the reading are the most
0:18:48 common reading
0:18:49 uh uh for example let me see if
0:18:53 the medina reading is all the same one
0:18:55 because i regard the medina reading as
0:18:57 as the master reading which to which we
0:18:59 have to stick
0:19:01 where is it or dory or the sudanese
0:19:04 reading
0:19:05 dory which is similar to madina reading
0:19:07 in many other aspects
0:19:08 let me see what's the dory reading will
0:19:10 be
0:19:13 okay go to the next page
0:19:16 third page
0:19:19 it's written obviously with money and
0:19:21 then if the small alif is
0:19:22 is written as a small alif there but
0:19:25 it's written in the atman style so
0:19:27 um
0:19:31 there's a small aluminium also also the
0:19:33 uh
0:19:34 and the medina where you read
0:19:45 linguistically and meaning wise is
0:19:48 actually the first one you had
0:19:50 is better because it's an attempt
0:19:53 to do this
0:19:59 because they're attempting to but they
0:20:01 are really deceiving themselves they are
0:20:03 not attempting
0:20:04 there is no intention
0:20:19 so the house reading is superior over
0:20:22 durian
0:20:23 i could check the medina one quickly
0:20:25 just just for fun
0:20:27 it's good to have this specs sometimes
0:20:32 addressed
0:20:46 but still the other one is acceptable in
0:20:48 some sense someone could say it is
0:20:50 if you say you had your own they they in
0:20:53 reality that attempts are reflected on
0:20:54 themselves so you could give it that
0:20:56 that that but straightforward you had
0:20:59 your own in the first and yeah
0:21:01 seems to be that's the half reading
0:21:02 seems to be the uh
0:21:04 that was the most desirable but the
0:21:06 other ones are acceptable and have also
0:21:08 their own uh good aspects
0:21:12 and uh yeah
0:21:29 and in the writing as we said the quran
0:21:30 is revealed primarily as the writing and
0:21:32 the readings
0:21:33 and permission of a variation of reading
0:21:35 has been granted by allah for various
0:21:38 good reasons
0:21:39 one of them is to give various colors
0:21:41 and various aspects of the same
0:21:43 problem which uh or various
0:21:46 uh issues of lithoric and eloquence so
0:21:48 that's that's
0:21:49 that's i think that's we have we have i
0:21:51 think uh
0:21:52 addressed i think sufficiently so
0:21:55 whatever we read but
0:21:56 the fair reading for me at least is the
0:21:59 half reading
0:22:02 they attempt to save a lot of those who
0:22:03 believe they say the first level
0:22:05 the ground level of of meanings while
0:22:08 others may be a deeper meaning
0:22:11 entail certain evil meanings with what
0:22:12 we discussed the quran has beside the
0:22:14 apparent meaning
0:22:15 it has uh an internal meaning on this
0:22:18 one we have another internal meaning
0:22:20 all the eight to seven levels seven is
0:22:22 not a number in cell but you know
0:22:24 multiple meanings could be
0:22:26 various levels and some of the levels
0:22:27 are so far away they need some kind of
0:22:29 uh possibly like symbolic representation
0:22:32 and things like that but
0:22:33 we have examples coming in the future
0:22:35 about these things
0:22:37 more clearly here it seems to be
0:22:38 relatively trivial straightforward they
0:22:41 attempt to receive a lot of singing but
0:22:42 in reality they deceiving themselves but
0:22:44 someone say
0:22:45 uh they are in this attempt is really an
0:22:46 attempt to deliver himself for that
0:22:48 without they perceiving
0:22:49 that they are attempting to use that
0:22:50 let's also have a certain
0:22:53 flavor to it which is not bad but it's
0:22:55 not
0:22:56 an error to say that but uh the first
0:22:58 one is the definition
0:23:00 and i'll say the writing of the quran
0:23:03 without an alif in both places and with
0:23:05 the permission to read it either
0:23:17 i don't think anyone read that but all
0:23:20 the other three has been because you
0:23:21 have
0:23:22 actually four variations
0:23:32 then we have uh
0:23:44 there we can check all the readers and
0:23:46 see what happens
0:23:47 so and they don't perceive it that the
0:23:49 rest of the thing is
0:23:53 realize or perceive or perceive is more
0:23:57 closer to
0:23:58 uh because it's actually uh for the same
0:24:02 it comes from the same word like here
0:24:05 or a dress which is close to the body
0:24:07 like a internal
0:24:08 the what they call under underdress um
0:24:11 it's called fill in arabic like already
0:24:14 said
0:24:16 about
0:24:22 my internal clothing the one who touches
0:24:24 my ear this is my body
0:24:26 close to me as if it is like the your
0:24:29 internal like your
0:24:40 but anyway the closest one to the body
0:24:42 will test everybody directly
0:24:44 is
0:24:50 because it comes immediately from the
0:24:52 skin uh
0:24:53 it's close to it so it is more
0:24:57 uh so yes more
0:25:00 more uh saying have more that
0:25:04 perceiving is is more accurately
0:25:06 describing that
0:25:07 than than realize realization in a
0:25:10 clause
0:25:11 can close quarter by by almost by
0:25:13 touching by almost touching
0:25:14 they don't although they should touch
0:25:16 because they are not doing the action
0:25:17 they should perceive it
0:25:18 just because it's essentially an action
0:25:21 then
0:25:21 internally there is my internal decision
0:25:24 they really do externally
0:25:26 the they are different than what the
0:25:29 patient is
0:25:30 so internally they are doing the they
0:25:33 are intending for their external actions
0:25:35 something different than what that
0:25:37 action usually is taken for
0:25:38 so they should have felt that a new it
0:25:41 but they didn't do it
0:25:42 and that they are deceiving itself if
0:25:44 they would have the right
0:25:46 understanding of the relation to allah
0:25:47 and allah ability to know what they are
0:25:49 hiding they would and the quran says in
0:25:52 some places
0:25:54 rebuking some of type of kofal including
0:25:55 possum unafraid
0:25:57 see but you thought
0:26:00 you thought allah does not know plenty
0:26:01 of that what you are doing
0:26:04 this this thought about allah this bad
0:26:06 thought about allah this
0:26:07 misconception allah is that what
0:26:09 destroyed you so it's very well possible
0:26:11 that some of these people think that if
0:26:13 we hide that
0:26:14 allah is not going to see it will not
0:26:15 know it no to it
0:26:17 and you'll find many symbols minded
0:26:19 people they think
0:26:20 if they do something under the open sky
0:26:23 allah will see it if they do it inside
0:26:24 the house and hiding
0:26:25 allah will not see it actually
0:26:28 believe that they were discussing into
0:26:30 the kaaba and that does allah know
0:26:32 muhammad's claim that allah who knows
0:26:34 whether
0:26:34 and someone said no no if we are inside
0:26:36 a house or or hiding somewhere he will
0:26:38 not be able so allah's side
0:26:40 or vision capability does not penetrate
0:26:43 these feelings
0:26:44 but if you are directly under heaven so
0:26:45 if you need to do something not
0:26:46 something you should go inside the kaaba
0:26:48 or you know in the house
0:26:49 and flock though those shows how
0:26:52 deficient their understanding of allah
0:26:54 and his knowledge so so that's
0:26:57 uh so that's about this but there shall
0:27:00 be plenty in the quran
0:27:03 in every in every place it has its own
0:27:06 flavor and we will come to that
0:27:08 then
0:27:15 directly or literally translated will be
0:27:18 let's go to the death of translation
0:27:19 again it says so it's destructive it's
0:27:21 good
0:27:22 and that's iron number 10 let's go to i
0:27:24 number 10
0:27:34 then okay
0:27:37 here we are it says the literal
0:27:41 sensation
0:27:42 in their hearts is in parenthesis
0:27:44 because in arabic don't have this is
0:27:47 a disease in english you must have those
0:27:50 sources in and around around the
0:27:52 parentheses
0:27:54 is around brackets and their heart
0:27:57 is a disease so her soul
0:28:00 has increased so her soul has increased
0:28:03 them allah
0:28:05 in prison in disease and
0:28:09 for them in paradise is a punishment
0:28:13 painful because they used to
0:28:16 use to uh to lie because they used to
0:28:21 lie
0:28:21 okay so in moral symbol english
0:28:24 in their hearts there's a disease in
0:28:26 their heart so may allah increase their
0:28:28 heart this is a a form of you could
0:28:30 you you could you could say it is a
0:28:33 supplication against them there's a form
0:28:35 in arabic
0:28:37 or there was originally a disease and
0:28:40 allah increased their disease
0:28:42 did the action of increasing the disease
0:28:44 because they deserve it as a punishment
0:28:46 for that disease
0:28:47 this mean this disease is not something
0:28:49 which has fallen outside like a virus
0:28:51 which you have nothing to do no power to
0:28:54 prevent
0:28:55 and no uh it's not under your control
0:28:58 it is a disease pre-created by their own
0:29:00 will
0:29:01 and with their own misunderstanding and
0:29:03 with on uh
0:29:04 irrationality that's number one
0:29:06 otherwise allah will not respond to that
0:29:07 by increasing it
0:29:08 secondly as we said
0:29:31 an evil man who is sick who he is for
0:29:33 example this evil tyrant or even ruler
0:29:35 is sick may allah increases his disease
0:29:37 or may allah
0:29:38 break his back industries or something
0:29:40 like that that's just obligation
0:29:43 may be a supplication or maybe a report
0:29:47 there there's an initial decision they
0:29:49 have allah has increased in that case
0:29:52 we apply the same rule we said about
0:29:54 that allah's action in the universe
0:29:57 that the basic the basic rule about
0:30:00 actually
0:30:00 any entities except allah is that it's a
0:30:03 direct action
0:30:04 unless some reason necessity of reason
0:30:06 or another
0:30:09 thing things in the state and that
0:30:11 sentence uh dictate otherwise
0:30:14 that but it's a direct action so if you
0:30:16 say this
0:30:19 omar came to me then omar really came by
0:30:21 himself
0:30:23 unless they say uh uh his comma his
0:30:26 messenger bringing good news so we know
0:30:28 rama did not come but his messenger came
0:30:30 so he said omar came meaning his message
0:30:32 so that would be some kind of uh
0:30:47 but this is obviously just a rhetorical
0:30:48 way in the kids of allah
0:30:51 because allah is the dominant in the
0:30:53 universe nothing happened in the
0:30:54 universe with his permission
0:30:57 if we take it as a report not as a drama
0:31:00 then we have to apply the general rule
0:31:02 we have stressed at the beginning of
0:31:03 that most importance we should solve
0:31:05 many problems of qatar
0:31:06 many problems understanding of the quran
0:31:08 which common people for it and what
0:31:10 if scholars is that it's not to say that
0:31:14 by a miraculous action it may be
0:31:17 allah allowed the disease to increase
0:31:20 so allowance because in the system of
0:31:23 the universe
0:31:26 if you have a disease it may increase
0:31:29 or decrease but if you don't do anything
0:31:31 today to cure yourself with disease and
0:31:33 check yourself and control yourself and
0:31:35 get back into a healthy
0:31:36 intelligence then allah will let you
0:31:38 down and the disease will increase
0:31:40 by the way the universe is decide that's
0:31:43 what that's what weighs us for the
0:31:44 meaning permission of allah allah
0:31:46 permitted the disease to increase that's
0:31:47 one meaning another meaning that the
0:31:49 system
0:31:49 is as we fixed by the beginning of the
0:31:51 creation is so that
0:31:52 if someone has a disease which he is
0:31:56 guilty of
0:31:57 not a disease which have like like a
0:31:59 physical disease by
0:32:01 by by infection which you have no
0:32:02 control over or someone infected you
0:32:04 deliberately and you are
0:32:06 not guilty of it or because in that case
0:32:09 then the system reverses so that
0:32:15 you are the cause of the disease and you
0:32:17 did not do anything to
0:32:18 to to mitigate and identify the disease
0:32:21 then the system
0:32:22 is so that it will increase not decrease
0:32:25 it that's that's inevitable also if you
0:32:27 have if you have this disease which
0:32:29 initiated because of your
0:32:33 your your your doing
0:32:36 and your negligence of your based on or
0:32:39 wrong understanding or stubborn denial
0:32:42 of the correct way of
0:32:43 avoiding it and then you did not do
0:32:45 anything to remove it
0:32:47 then the nature of the universe it will
0:32:49 increase
0:32:50 and then you can attribute that to allah
0:32:52 more than because the system within
0:32:55 which has been decided at the beginning
0:32:57 at the moment zero of the universe
0:32:59 that qatar entails that the way the
0:33:01 universe is designed
0:33:02 is entailed like that it may apply or
0:33:04 even to physical disease
0:33:06 if for example a disease happens but
0:33:09 this is habit also because of negligence
0:33:11 and having a good diet or leakage insane
0:33:14 and consuming uh
0:33:15 harmful materials like alcohol and so on
0:33:17 and you insist on processing that
0:33:19 the disease will increase naturally it's
0:33:21 not going to go away
0:33:24 if you're getting a little cirrhosis
0:33:25 because of your
0:33:27 consumption of alcohol and persisting
0:33:29 with that and if using
0:33:30 all reasonable medical advice then don't
0:33:32 expect it to go away it will increase
0:33:34 and always going to decrease it's going
0:33:36 to increase unless you stop
0:33:38 consuming alcohol and start real
0:33:40 occurring process
0:33:41 so that's if it's a report
0:33:45 meaning allah increased has increased
0:33:47 already has increased their disease then
0:33:48 it is the meaning of the hazard
0:33:59 the system is so that it will develop
0:34:01 this way and it happens now
0:34:04 in this instant because this is this
0:34:08 there's the general there's the general
0:34:11 qatar
0:34:12 that's the general uh at the beginning
0:34:14 of the year just conti
0:34:15 contingency and potentiality now in the
0:34:18 actual situation
0:34:19 of our permitted problem because nothing
0:34:21 will happen in actual situation without
0:34:23 allah permission
0:34:24 it will go ahead if it does not permit
0:34:26 it do not go ahead
0:34:27 so the qatar is established the system
0:34:29 but the system is only
0:34:31 create potential potentialities and
0:34:33 possibilities
0:34:34 in a certain action a certain event an
0:34:37 event point in space and time
0:34:39 that event cannot just go by itself
0:34:42 without allah permitting it to happen
0:34:43 allah has to forget every event
0:34:45 in the race to happen if he doesn't
0:34:47 permit it
0:34:49 it will not happen because allah is
0:34:51 absolute has the absolute
0:34:52 sovereignty and dominance over the
0:34:54 universe so that's that's just to
0:34:56 clarify issues of the qadhafi
0:34:58 and if it's just obligation may allah
0:35:00 increase the disease
0:35:01 that's a supplication and usually
0:35:04 supplication if
0:35:05 is a if it's request from allah's side
0:35:08 it will be fulfilled
0:35:11 in that and again in the catholic sense
0:35:13 or in the emissions
0:35:16 or in a miraculous way for example the
0:35:18 case of what we mentioned that would
0:35:19 have been the case that
0:35:21 his disease was a clear cover and said
0:35:23 and stubborn denial
0:35:24 and allah sealed him completely that's
0:35:26 that's obviously a metaphysical act
0:35:30 supranational act and also sealed all
0:35:32 ways for him to get out and college to
0:35:34 use that
0:35:34 against the world as we discussed so
0:35:37 that is that's
0:35:38 that's to clarify that and hazardous
0:35:40 what what
0:35:41 everything will you read it is this
0:35:42 application supplication allah
0:35:43 sublicated against them
0:35:45 and or he will respond by acceptance
0:35:47 obviously or
0:35:49 uh what he also gives him to the
0:35:50 believer that you can sublicate against
0:35:52 disbeliever people with disease people
0:35:54 of saban denial that may allah increase
0:35:56 them in their coffer
0:35:57 although it's a better way is to ask
0:35:59 allah to guide them back to
0:36:00 guide guidance and and better behavior
0:36:03 but that's that's perfectly legitimate
0:36:05 to make such
0:36:06 applications
0:36:09 this is obvious they will have a
0:36:11 grievous tormentation or a
0:36:13 delirious final punishment torture adam
0:36:15 is usually tortured
0:36:16 and painful painful punishment or
0:36:19 painful torture because adam is really
0:36:21 originally tortured
0:36:22 yeah torture or punishment also
0:36:24 punishment is a punishment punishment
0:36:26 a usual type of torture but a legitimate
0:36:29 also in a certain law system while
0:36:31 generally adapting
0:36:32 is not legitimate except what what has
0:36:34 been
0:36:36 excluded by by the law system at the
0:36:38 approval system
0:36:46 for that what they have been lying for
0:36:48 their lying and for their
0:36:50 uh deception because deception is a form
0:36:52 of lying
0:36:53 in action so that's the
0:36:57 the next ayah now what is this now now
0:37:00 you have
0:37:01 various if you go to this
0:37:04 classical scholarship whatever now
0:37:06 usually sahaba have explained something
0:37:08 they may explain it sometimes
0:37:10 in giving and one example of
0:37:13 complete category what is this model
0:37:17 you you would be surprised to find you
0:37:19 shouldn't you should not be surprised to
0:37:21 find like a troubled emission actually
0:37:23 essentially two two or three uh
0:37:29 explanation for the sahaba and tabbing
0:37:30 about one explanation which
0:37:32 appears to be a little bit surprising
0:37:34 but it's not if you
0:37:35 look at this the type of society and the
0:37:37 people at that time
0:37:39 is he says zina the desire for
0:37:41 fornication the desire for sexual for
0:37:44 for debauchery and sexual
0:37:46 ludity that's disease
0:37:49 and the quran shall be used in other
0:37:51 places indicating a desire of
0:37:54 fosina a desire for for for for
0:37:58 extramarital sex
0:38:02 and this is that's that's one of the
0:38:03 possibilities of that of the disease
0:38:05 because one
0:38:06 in a society which was uh very open to
0:38:08 to
0:38:09 zina at least in a minimum form
0:38:12 in the minimum form which was available
0:38:14 everywhere in medina and in mecca and
0:38:16 life and so on they have prostitutes
0:38:19 they go and pay that so it was
0:38:22 standard so widespread and clearly this
0:38:25 this revelation will pro had already
0:38:27 prohibited that in mecca and
0:38:29 enforcing it in medina so many people
0:38:31 who are
0:38:32 cannot survive without this this had
0:38:35 this debauchery they regarded that as a
0:38:40 similar acceptable for example ancestor
0:38:44 or hated the coming of the brother and
0:38:48 and when when when the ies came about
0:38:52 about as far as i remember when it came
0:38:53 about the prohibition of alcohol he just
0:38:55 released medina he could not leave
0:38:57 alcohol for him alcohol
0:38:58 is essential for his living he cannot
0:39:00 just give up god so the disease of the
0:39:02 desire of drinking
0:39:04 and the things associated with it
0:39:05 possibly so
0:39:07 that's that's that's not about
0:39:08 explanation another
0:39:11 much better explanation is that for also
0:39:14 is that it is checked out
0:39:17 but this is the doubt not what happened
0:39:21 in a natural way you confront something
0:39:23 new or a new statement
0:39:25 which is at face seems to be amazing or
0:39:28 shocking like
0:39:28 someone comes to you i am a messenger of
0:39:30 allah then you will doubt that
0:39:32 it should you should doubt that instance
0:39:34 you should not accept that
0:39:35 it would be stupid it will accept
0:39:36 something extraordinary like that
0:39:38 without ever destroy
0:39:39 don't follow that but what will be the
0:39:41 response to that
0:39:42 show me your evidences give me my
0:39:44 evidences
0:39:46 it may be true it should not be
0:39:49 rejection rejection like foreign from
0:39:56 their books
0:40:00 don't believe them and don't reject it
0:40:03 because if you believe it it may be
0:40:05 false and you believe in something false
0:40:07 not accept it that's true and if you
0:40:09 rejected me object something was true
0:40:13 meaning you have to take the correct
0:40:19 epistemological stand statement from
0:40:22 someone who claims from his speech
0:40:23 scripture you have to to hold your
0:40:26 position it may be true if maybe not
0:40:28 first of all first step show me within
0:40:30 your scripture because not everyone
0:40:32 telling you what is in
0:40:33 scripture telling you the truth and
0:40:35 quoted it properly i'll give you an
0:40:37 example a modern example
0:40:39 one of the missionaries america say in
0:40:42 john
0:40:42 in the the epistle of john
0:40:46 he says whoever does not believe that
0:40:49 the messiah the son of god will be
0:40:50 cursed and here and all eternities
0:40:54 that's not true that's not an epistle of
0:40:56 john but in the prison of united states
0:40:57 who says that he said that jesus is not
0:41:00 the messiah
0:41:01 not the synagogue he's not the messiah
0:41:03 he will be killed in the iranian
0:41:04 that's true because he's the messiah but
0:41:07 there's no no mention that a messiah is
0:41:09 necessarily son of god or not
0:41:10 of god or adoptive son of god or
0:41:13 genetically the son of god whatever
0:41:14 nonsense it is
0:41:15 it's just a messiah and he used that
0:41:17 that statement that muslims do not say
0:41:19 that this is the son of god so they are
0:41:20 cursed
0:41:21 no it doesn't help him that they say he
0:41:24 is the messiah they agree with that with
0:41:25 the epistle of john they are not in
0:41:27 conflict with so he cannot use that for
0:41:28 casing them
0:41:30 so he's even quoting his own scripture
0:41:31 wrongly
0:41:33 like for example so show me from
0:41:34 scripture what you are quoting is
0:41:36 correct or not correct
0:41:37 obviously okay if it is even the code
0:41:40 correction
0:41:41 how reliable and transmitted this
0:41:43 remains this
0:41:44 this this epistle you see it is the
0:41:47 divinely inspired how do we notice
0:41:49 palette it's the nesian conference which
0:41:52 claimed
0:41:52 uh a world council which came to claim
0:41:55 that it's
0:41:56 inspired but what's the external
0:41:57 evidence and that these books they
0:41:59 showed that that day
0:42:01 well and the books they rejected are not
0:42:03 divinely inspired
0:42:07 because they are the community which
0:42:08 acts in earth in in behalf of god what's
0:42:11 the evidence for that
0:42:13 the evidence that the messiah said uh
0:42:17 peter you are my rock i'll build your
0:42:19 change on you but does not mean that is
0:42:21 unfallible
0:42:22 and philip he has to have a further
0:42:23 evidence is more is a more difficult
0:42:25 step
0:42:25 to proof there is an infallibility but
0:42:27 it has to it has to be
0:42:29 an irrefutable because unvalidates the
0:42:32 necessity of reason
0:42:33 that any entity except allah is fallible
0:42:36 by the system of reason
0:42:39 we have the energy because it's
0:42:42 contingent it is deficient it cannot be
0:42:44 perfect
0:42:44 so we have to bring out irrefutable
0:42:46 evidence that there is a certain
0:42:47 inferibity at least in a limited sense
0:42:49 and reporting and something like that
0:42:51 not in in in other human feelings and
0:42:54 infallibility of a prophet does not
0:42:56 seclude that he becomes sick that he ca
0:42:58 that he can fall ill that he can't be
0:43:00 killed by others that's happened to the
0:43:01 prophets all the time
0:43:03 infallibility but in the reporting from
0:43:07 allah
0:43:07 it's definitely the unifiable otherwise
0:43:10 the meaning of prophethood that
0:43:11 messenger hold will will be void
0:43:13 will make no sense and allah has took on
0:43:15 himself
0:43:16 or he sent a messenger to give him
0:43:18 enough evidence and refuse to believe
0:43:19 this
0:43:20 that his infidelity is established so
0:43:22 where is that is nothing i'm just
0:43:25 diverting a little bit but that is
0:43:28 uh that's the way the that's the way to
0:43:31 deal with with uh
0:43:32 with the issues of of
0:43:35 any any statement put in front of you
0:43:37 how to deal with it yes you have the
0:43:39 right to doubt
0:43:40 and you should doubt but the doubt
0:43:41 should not be a rejection
0:43:44 and you should not be gullible to accept
0:43:45 it without bring me the evidence
0:43:47 but maybe of course it'd be fully true
0:43:49 no doubt about that
0:43:50 i may be false so what's the evidence
0:43:53 for that
0:43:55 so their their their their doubt is they
0:43:57 are guilty of their own doubt if this if
0:43:59 they if they talk
0:44:00 calling the mother is the disease this
0:44:03 shock which is the best interpretation
0:44:05 then this is not a shack which is a
0:44:08 natural one
0:44:10 which is actually encouraged
0:44:13 by the quran when allah says i i call
0:44:16 you to one
0:44:17 one one one thing we stand one or two
0:44:20 discussing with each other that this man
0:44:22 muhammad is not
0:44:23 is not mentally deranged let us discuss
0:44:27 or another person
0:44:30 either we or you are guided or misguided
0:44:33 so let us verify
0:44:34 who is the misconduct let us see the
0:44:36 evidences and balances the evidences
0:44:39 this check is perfectly fine and this is
0:44:41 some even some other
0:44:43 uh scholars of theology said
0:44:47 the first duty of human being is shack
0:44:49 because
0:44:50 the answer for the view of hadith the
0:44:51 first duty is to to is
0:44:53 his belief but in reality the people who
0:44:56 can't even say the first duty is to shut
0:44:57 to ask understand and this is true
0:45:00 that's true it's really the first duty
0:45:02 is to ask
0:45:03 what is true what's wrong what's the
0:45:05 evidence and
0:45:06 if we muslim would even educate all the
0:45:08 children to start from beginning
0:45:09 to ask a question and show them the
0:45:11 evidence and the counter evidence
0:45:13 then we would have really getting the
0:45:15 muslim generations
0:45:16 instead of believing any nonsense they
0:45:19 have from mawlana and so on
0:45:20 they would have been a critical mind and
0:45:22 their belief would be on firm ground
0:45:24 but unfortunately most parents have been
0:45:26 also brought on this mentality of
0:45:28 believing the mawlana's the rubbish they
0:45:30 are they sometimes saying and so
0:45:32 on under the result at the moment they
0:45:33 come in the society which is
0:45:35 obviously disbelieving islamic in the
0:45:38 interaction
0:45:39 they most of them will fall and and and
0:45:41 waiver and become if
0:45:42 at least that careful sometimes or even
0:45:44 or just agnostically done where they are
0:45:46 going
0:45:47 because they have not been trained to
0:45:48 start with the prophet
0:45:50 with the healthy shack not the shackle
0:45:53 never kills that they are doubting and
0:45:54 we are not going to verify if we
0:45:56 doubting muhammad is the messenger we
0:45:57 are refusing to
0:45:58 to consider anything we will not talk to
0:46:00 his quran we'll do nothing about that
0:46:02 it cannot be he's an arab he's an arab
0:46:05 the final messenger
0:46:06 announced on the mount sinai is from
0:46:09 israel it can't be at all
0:46:10 no no it's not being from is out of
0:46:13 question
0:46:14 if finish game over game over
0:46:18 that's that's not the way shaq should be
0:46:19 that's the shaq which is
0:46:21 he's still in doubt he's continuously in
0:46:23 doubt but this is you are guilty of your
0:46:25 own doubt it's here this is the one
0:46:28 consuming alcohol despite being warned
0:46:30 that he is getting a little universal
0:46:31 roses that's not the shack which is
0:46:34 which is forgivable or a natural and
0:46:37 healthy check
0:46:38 so this when we read in this classical
0:46:41 scholarship
0:46:42 this disease is a shack meaning it means
0:46:44 this type of
0:46:45 not the healthy shack not the standing
0:46:48 neither affirming nor denying denying is
0:46:51 dangerous
0:46:52 affirming is very dangerous would be
0:46:54 gullibility denying will be dangerous
0:46:58 because you'll become a denial and you
0:47:00 will never find the truth because if you
0:47:01 deny
0:47:02 something which may be true just
0:47:03 outright because if you don't like it
0:47:05 at face this is that this will lead to a
0:47:07 catastrophic shock
0:47:08 or
0:47:16 so that's the the the meaning of this
0:47:20 this is one another interpretation they
0:47:24 it's essentially circular uh some some
0:47:26 of the salaf
0:47:27 i don't know how say in their house is
0:47:30 but
0:47:32 explaining something with something else
0:47:33 that we and we don't think any monavie
0:47:35 that they have disease in their health
0:47:37 so when african having this the heart
0:47:39 they have reflected their health
0:47:40 we did not reach anyway this is a circle
0:47:42 this is not a good explain this is a
0:47:44 circular
0:47:44 explanation they go to what no if they
0:47:48 if they said they they have the they
0:47:51 have
0:47:51 the desire to deceive and deceive in
0:47:53 their heart
0:47:55 they like deceiving a lot of messenger
0:47:56 they they want to harm the believer
0:47:59 that could be maybe an interpretation
0:48:01 this isn't something independent from
0:48:03 when is a part of the fact but it's not
0:48:05 independent because you can use it as a
0:48:07 definition but using
0:48:08 saying the model is circular
0:48:11 so that's that's the other the
0:48:13 integration that the model is
0:48:15 is good for nothing this is someone who
0:48:16 did not did not want to really
0:48:18 to trouble his head a little bit with
0:48:20 some thought and analysis
0:48:22 so the best one or this mod i would say
0:48:24 it is
0:48:26 it is shaq and then the shack which is
0:48:29 based on guilty action of the one who is
0:48:31 doubted doubt
0:48:32 based on a guilty action of the daughter
0:48:34 not the natural
0:48:36 epistemology seriously epistemologically
0:48:39 sound check
0:48:39 no not this one it is the the bad check
0:48:44 so this is the meaning of marathi
0:48:46 disease
0:48:49 keeping door open for other diseases for
0:48:51 example one of this this would be the
0:48:53 desire for
0:48:54 for for zina for free sex if you want to
0:48:56 have free sex that's no way
0:48:57 we are going to accept or for example
0:49:00 nowadays you will find many people say
0:49:01 oh
0:49:02 all these scriptures they condemn uh
0:49:05 man for man or woman from relation they
0:49:07 will condemn
0:49:09 lbg although they put i don't know how
0:49:11 they inserted black in between lbgt
0:49:13 or lb
0:49:23 what has will have to do with that
0:49:26 should be out of that but they
0:49:27 are joined that to take the poor blacks
0:49:29 on board
0:49:31 and declare fighting for the rights of
0:49:33 the black and so on and fighting racism
0:49:35 is the same same level of logic and
0:49:38 and the rationality and the same level
0:49:40 of spirituality
0:49:42 like uh lg t
0:49:46 so they added the b there and they
0:49:49 succeeded receiving the black and so on
0:49:51 many blacks were campaigning for that
0:49:52 and the and many on the involved in
0:49:54 their anticipation of these lg
0:49:56 lg three people but
0:50:00 but the reality is that this is a kind
0:50:02 of behavior
0:50:03 which is uh is not is not in reality is
0:50:07 not dictated by the gene so you cannot
0:50:09 otherwise and even if dictated by even
0:50:10 if it's
0:50:11 dictated by the gene for certain people
0:50:13 because not everyone is like that
0:50:14 by certain people it will be done a
0:50:16 genetic deficiency which is one of the
0:50:18 tests of allah in the universe like
0:50:20 someone
0:50:20 who's born with the or with the some
0:50:23 kind of
0:50:24 over the of a
0:50:27 high security of cancer nothing can be
0:50:29 that except you have to suffer through
0:50:31 it
0:50:31 and recognize that is how the way allah
0:50:33 works in the universe there will be some
0:50:35 deficiency but in reality it is not
0:50:37 it's not really genetically conditioned
0:50:40 while being black or being for marriage
0:50:42 is completely out of your choice it is
0:50:44 in the genes
0:50:46 sorry sorry to interrupt but um you've
0:50:49 got that wrong it's actually bisexual
0:50:50 not
0:50:51 not black the beast is bisexual
0:50:59 bisexual does not belong there oh yeah i
0:51:01 belong there yeah it's a blunt there
0:51:03 because it's uh
0:51:04 normal human beings are monosexual but
0:51:06 anyway
0:51:08 so even with these collections we'll
0:51:10 take the black out
0:51:11 in in any case they the advocate
0:51:16 advocate the one who loved that and
0:51:18 advocate for it
0:51:19 they would not accept any scripture it
0:51:21 prohibits that and it's our right
0:51:23 who said it's your right who said it's a
0:51:25 part of the same universe
0:51:27 why don't you sit and analyze it on its
0:51:30 own ground
0:51:31 on the base of scripture on the base of
0:51:33 physical reality you know
0:51:35 there was no any analysis they just
0:51:39 declared to be but actually this has
0:51:40 started by declaring that
0:51:42 extraordinary is a human right
0:51:46 the word fornication has disappeared and
0:51:48 adultery that's all has been aggregated
0:51:50 in the western culture
0:51:51 since maybe the 16th century and uh
0:51:53 conscientious sex is accepted
0:51:55 as a fact this is the national
0:51:57 development i'm going to accept that any
0:51:59 sexual intercourse between where man and
0:52:01 woman outside the proper structured and
0:52:04 well designed weblock
0:52:06 as defined by skip description i want
0:52:07 you to regard that as permissible
0:52:09 then the floodgate is over there's no
0:52:11 way you are going to
0:52:12 talk to the declare man man or woman
0:52:15 woman or
0:52:17 a man who's having both my men and woman
0:52:19 relations
0:52:20 you're not you're not never going to be
0:52:22 able to declare that to be a
0:52:24 morality or religious acceptable if you
0:52:27 accept that this will be
0:52:28 the necessary development of that
0:52:29 there's no way to to exclude that
0:52:32 think about it so that will be a type of
0:52:34 model so it's very well possible that
0:52:36 the desire for that
0:52:37 uh sexual desire one of the strongest
0:52:40 desire may blind someone
0:52:42 to the level that he is unable to to
0:52:45 do the episode logical where could
0:52:47 overcome his own doubt about the
0:52:48 scripture
0:52:50 and you see that many would argue one of
0:52:53 the arguments they bring against islam
0:52:55 and attack
0:52:55 is that it is it is clearly against
0:52:59 gay rights and so on what of us who say
0:53:02 there's gay rights
0:53:03 where did you get their eyes from did
0:53:05 you get it from from the biology
0:53:06 from survivor of the fittest from
0:53:08 darwinism there's no
0:53:10 no gay rights in darwinism it's the
0:53:12 survival of the fittest
0:53:13 and the survivor fetishes will in every
0:53:15 type of animal
0:53:16 depending upon the structure of this
0:53:18 animal and the way how the animal
0:53:20 society
0:53:21 of this animal specialist is is
0:53:23 organized
0:53:24 and there's nowhere in any animal
0:53:25 society there's any uh
0:53:28 homosexuality for example no way there
0:53:31 may be singular cases of diseases
0:53:33 animals but it's not nowhere
0:53:36 there will be multiple marriage for
0:53:37 example in the lion society the multiple
0:53:39 marriages
0:53:40 that's perfectly fitting for the
0:53:42 alliance society
0:53:44 we have for example in in leopards they
0:53:46 have
0:53:47 one one one leopard and one one one
0:53:49 female about one male but only one
0:53:51 one one and the male even function is
0:53:54 minimal the female level takes all the
0:53:56 responsibilities for the children for
0:53:58 example that benefits that fits the
0:54:00 the lifestyle and that's what made them
0:54:03 superior
0:54:04 species would survive for tens of
0:54:06 millions of years
0:54:08 suitable for the the way they are built
0:54:10 and the way they are hunted they where
0:54:11 they live
0:54:12 et cetera so there's nowhere indicating
0:54:15 that
0:54:15 but i'm just transgressing or they're
0:54:18 everything but
0:54:19 in reality they are not willing because
0:54:21 of that
0:54:22 of that that desire they are not willing
0:54:24 to overcome that desire and sit to the
0:54:26 table and discuss
0:54:27 things rationally and sensibly and go to
0:54:30 the
0:54:30 to the fundamental problems which we
0:54:32 should be really discussed last night
0:54:33 for them
0:54:34 where did the universe come from what is
0:54:36 about the nature of the reality
0:54:38 well well is it does it never has an end
0:54:40 it doesn't have any purpose or is just a
0:54:42 necessary
0:54:44 nature working for mentality to eternity
0:54:47 what the evidence is for and con etc
0:54:50 this is the fundamental
0:54:59 does not accommodate for uh for gay
0:55:01 rights so it cannot be true
0:55:03 that's that's the the deadly disease and
0:55:05 the doubt
0:55:06 and the doubt based on that this disease
0:55:09 of the heart
0:55:11 so then further about 115 i think we are
0:55:15 you know
0:55:16 we eat the eye and just have a touch on
0:55:17 it i'll continue next time
0:55:26 some people if someone talk to them or
0:55:27 people out there advising them
0:55:29 do not talk do corruption
0:55:33 in
0:55:46 are not corrupting we are accurate
0:55:49 reformers we are doing well
0:55:50 we are doing salah the opposite of
0:55:51 corruption would be
0:55:55 improvement or doing well or
0:55:59 yeah improvement we are improving we are
0:56:02 not corrupting we are improving
0:56:03 we are correcting we are improving we
0:56:06 are connecting yeah
0:56:08 we are connecting we are improving the
0:56:10 opposite of corruption
0:56:13 now what what is the facade of argument
0:56:14 in that case
0:56:16 and well what is the they claim to be
0:56:18 muslim
0:56:20 uh needs a little bit of discussion
0:56:23 just ahead because i think we are almost
0:56:25 at the we better stop there because it
0:56:26 has the lindy because the facade
0:56:28 is a word which is uh some people think
0:56:31 it's like a rubber
0:56:33 every corruption is not clear
0:56:39 what is the meaning of corruption yet
0:56:41 but
0:56:42 we take other quranic evidence like for
0:56:43 example
0:56:49 the punishment for those who fight
0:56:50 against allah's messenger
0:56:53 and the highway robot etc all those are
0:56:56 using weapon force to fight atlantis
0:56:59 mission minifighter society was
0:57:01 the facade this because corruption on
0:57:04 earth
0:57:05 is clearly here in this context that it
0:57:07 means killing
0:57:08 destroying properties robbing my robbing
0:57:11 wealth etc
0:57:12 so it is the facade here is is
0:57:14 definitely what can be the achieved
0:57:16 under
0:57:16 uh and reached by armed force
0:57:20 and also in the surah later we said in
0:57:22 the angel arguments
0:57:31 who will cause corruption on earth and
0:57:34 and
0:57:35 and shed blood clearly they don't mean
0:57:38 sexual impurity and things like this is
0:57:40 not facade rather in that sense
0:57:42 it might must be narrower than many
0:57:44 people think some people say facade
0:57:46 fraud
0:57:46 is very wide and make it like a rabble
0:57:48 but it's not like that
0:57:49 and we'll see what the classical scholar
0:57:51 said about in this ayah
0:57:58 it will summarize essentially in that
0:58:00 they were aligned with the kuffar
0:58:01 and helping the kuffar or trying to
0:58:03 protect the kofar from
0:58:05 the legitimate counter attacks of the
0:58:07 muslims
0:58:08 who are entitled to gain
0:58:12 the wealth which have been confiscated
0:58:14 by by military force which has been
0:58:16 taken them by force
0:58:17 and when they were expelled from mecca
0:58:19 or forced to immigrate and other issues
0:58:21 related
0:58:22 so it's again related relating to war
0:58:24 and peace relating to bloodshed
0:58:26 and and action of war and action of uh
0:58:29 of taking booty action of high robbery
0:58:31 things like
0:58:33 highway robbery is not as some people
0:58:36 like for example having like a like a
0:58:38 usurious contract
0:58:40 that's not that's not facade that's
0:58:41 something else etc
0:58:43 so it has to be made more precise but
0:58:46 is good in that to read what the what
0:58:48 this classical
0:58:50 sahaba and tango would have been said
0:58:51 about that and what has been the
0:58:53 classical school especially
0:58:54 of that next time inshallah and then we
0:58:57 see
0:58:58 that's really what but this is a hint
0:59:01 from for now
0:59:02 for those who would like to read and
0:59:04 prepare it is
0:59:05 related to that they were allowing with
0:59:07 the jews and the jews were
0:59:09 trying in secret to allah and protest
0:59:11 against muslims
0:59:13 or support correlation their fight
0:59:14 against muslims that's the facade
0:59:31 we are improving we are correcting
0:59:32 things by aligning with the jews we try
0:59:35 to
0:59:35 bring peace balance the true side
0:59:39 prevent them from attacking each other
0:59:40 and making bringing things nice in in
0:59:42 in putting things in and in a nice
0:59:45 balance and
0:59:47 and establish peace instead of letting
0:59:50 war continue a reality this way
0:59:51 they they will increase the war and
0:59:54 increase the confrontation and increase
0:59:55 the
0:59:56 the problems of the bloodshed and that
0:59:58 has been proven by history but that's
1:00:00 the next time insha'allah i think this
1:00:02 is it's good to stop here and then we
1:00:04 continue with the same ayah
1:00:05 um explaining more about this facade
1:00:11 and uh what is the
1:00:14 the meaning of islam which is opposite
1:00:16 of corrupting
1:00:17 improving and correcting which meant in
1:00:20 this ayah specifically and generally
1:00:26 okay
1:00:31 Music
1:00:53 you