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Muslim Men React to Andrew Tate (2022-07-30)



The Prophet ﷺ said: “𝙒𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙨 𝙖 𝙈𝙤𝙨𝙦𝙪𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝, 𝘼𝙡𝙡𝙖𝙝 𝙬𝙞𝙡𝙡 𝙗𝙪𝙞𝙡𝙙 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙝𝙞𝙢 𝙖 𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙞𝙡𝙖𝙧 𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖𝙝.”

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#andrewtate #redpill #muslim

Summary of Muslim Men React to Andrew Tate

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:25:00

discusses the reactions of Muslim men to Andrew Tate, a British figure known for his views on Islam and masculinity. The men discuss how Tate's views on Islam and masculinity affect their own lives, and discuss the importance of following the prophets instead.

*00:00:00 Discusses Muslim men's reactions to Andrew Tate, a controversial British figure known for his views on Islam and masculinity. The men discuss how Tate's views on Islam and masculinity affect their own lives, and discuss the importance of following the prophets instead.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the reasons why men are oppressed in modern society, citing examples such as restrictions on their freedom, control over their wives, and low survival rates in war. He goes on to say that men have to resist these controls and be determined to achieve success even in difficult times.
  • 00:10:00 Tate's video addresses the issue of men not being able to be "men" anymore, due to feminism and other factors. He argues that there is a "counterbalance to the feminist narrative" of an oppressive oppressor relationship, in which men are oppressed by women. He discusses how this discourse is entering Muslim households, and how brothers need to be prepared for it.
  • *00:15:00 Discusses the idea that there is a true nature of a man and that this nature includes things which are not in the feminine archetype, such as increased aggressivity. It also discusses the idea that many men feel like they have been starved of being able to manifest that reality, and that this is why they may self-defense or be in polygamous relationships. Pearson gets this information from a book called The Myth of Male Power, which he discusses in the context of how children's toys are affected by society's definition of what is masculine.
  • 00:20:00 Andrew Tate discusses a possible war between men and women, and suggests that the Quran teaches that both men and women have a "true nature" and should be complimented with each other. He also says that the red pool movement, which encourages men to become more masculine, is going too far.
  • 00:25:00 of the video discusses how men can be too focused on objects of women, and how this can lead to problems in marriages. He also discusses how Islam has a balance to help restore order in relationships.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 hey you are you wasting your time on
0:00:02 social media again your brothers and
0:00:04 sisters in islam net from norway are
0:00:06 establishing a masjid a tawa center
0:00:10 establishing a masjid to convey the
0:00:11 message of islam is one of the best
0:00:14 deeds a muslim can do there's a huge
0:00:17 need for it in norway you know this and
0:00:18 i know this so that makes the reward
0:00:21 even greater so give generously and
0:00:24 allah azzawajal will give you even more
0:00:35 i'm here joined with the main man
0:00:37 himself
0:00:39 the individual who's known
0:00:41 to be
0:00:42 a major influencer in the muslim world
0:00:46 as an individual where the young ones
0:00:48 and the children in the secondary
0:00:49 schools in the primary schools they all
0:00:51 know who he is
0:00:52 [Laughter]
0:00:54 we're talking about ali needs
0:00:59 it's a pleasure to be on this platform
0:01:00 after a long time on the same couch
0:01:03 absolutely and how what kind of an
0:01:05 honour must it be to be selling you've
0:01:06 been sitting with this
0:01:08 the man himself i mean it's some people
0:01:10 get lost for words some people like you
0:01:11 act ecstatically you know it changes
0:01:13 from person to person you know yeah but
0:01:15 i can see the joy in your eyes i can see
0:01:17 it when i look at your eyes absolutely
0:01:19 i'm here at your presence
0:01:20 [Laughter]
0:01:22 well i think that the enthralled
0:01:24 exuberance that you know that you're
0:01:27 manifesting and
0:01:29 the shiver the shivering excitement
0:01:32 that you that you just played when you
0:01:34 saw me i think that's a very typical
0:01:36 natural reaction timid
0:01:40 anyway so what do we have here what have
0:01:42 you got for us today so what we've got
0:01:43 today in charlotte i've um there's a
0:01:46 individual i don't know if it's calling
0:01:47 my brother now because i'm not sure if
0:01:48 he's become a muslim or if he's looking
0:01:50 into islam there's an individual called
0:01:51 andrew tate now this guy he's uh you
0:01:54 know who he is right he's notorious yes
0:01:56 i've been studying him very carefully
0:01:57 actually in fact i was going to be
0:01:59 speaking to him on a podcast and it fell
0:02:01 through
0:02:02 our schedules conflicted and stuff and i
0:02:04 think it was actually my fault to be
0:02:05 honest with you because i didn't um
0:02:07 you know okay
0:02:09 i'm sure you can rearrange that we can
0:02:11 rearrange but um i've actually been sent
0:02:13 some videos from brothers and muslim
0:02:16 people uh
0:02:17 that of his videos and this is what i
0:02:19 haven't watched so far so what i want to
0:02:21 do is actually watch it with you
0:02:22 and um
0:02:24 and then yes just to give it just just
0:02:26 just so people are aware we have been
0:02:28 studying this issue
0:02:29 very closely this issue of this whole
0:02:31 red pool movement you know would you
0:02:34 would you consider android take part of
0:02:35 the movement himself or
0:02:36 yeah definitely 100 he is uh and i think
0:02:39 it's we we are like i want people to be
0:02:41 aware that we are we are aware
0:02:44 we were just waiting for the right time
0:02:45 to come so this might be just like a
0:02:47 little taster yeah i'll be before you
0:02:49 continue with that i was going to say
0:02:50 that i did watch um his interaction with
0:02:53 eddie from the dean show yes and he came
0:02:55 across very humbly and respectfully but
0:02:57 then then i was also told that you know
0:02:59 this individual's um
0:03:01 you know he's he's on these kind of
0:03:02 platforms with uh women
0:03:05 who are low quality individual women you
0:03:08 know that you know dress in a certain
0:03:09 manner and they don't have much to offer
0:03:10 in life low-quality women
0:03:12 and um he lives is kind of like
0:03:15 what would seemingly from the outside of
0:03:17 a religious place it looked to be a
0:03:18 hedonistic lifestyle well exactly that's
0:03:20 nice so yes but on the other hand of
0:03:22 course he's uh you know established in
0:03:25 certain fields but then he's been
0:03:26 criticized from for for certain things
0:03:28 which i don't know much about yeah we we
0:03:30 need to touch up on this because there's
0:03:31 another extreme that's been you know
0:03:33 like the red pill movement yeah but the
0:03:34 thing is we will go into detail before
0:03:36 we get into detail the reason why i
0:03:38 bring this up is because as muslims it's
0:03:40 important for young men
0:03:41 to take inspiration
0:03:43 and to take as role models we believe
0:03:45 anywhere from the prophets yeah exactly
0:03:48 the prophet muhammad
0:03:50 is the final prophet we have prophet
0:03:52 moses and jesus and abraham all those
0:03:54 and how to be a man for example the
0:03:56 aspect of masculinity is to be derived
0:03:58 from the sacred texts to be derived from
0:04:00 the seerah naba from the from the
0:04:02 prophet muhammad's life
0:04:03 so i'm not saying this man doesn't
0:04:05 display a masculine so-called masculine
0:04:07 clearly he does to the point where some
0:04:09 muslim men are looking up to him
0:04:11 in some ways but if you want the full
0:04:13 package of masculinity of human
0:04:15 integrity then we believe that's from
0:04:17 the prophets and the companions and so
0:04:18 on so
0:04:19 this idea of trying to find role models
0:04:21 outside the community
0:04:23 and for andrew himself which i'm i'm
0:04:24 guessing is watching this video i'll say
0:04:26 to you that to be a complete man we
0:04:28 would say to be a complete man to be um
0:04:30 self-dignified in the fullest sense of
0:04:33 the word
0:04:35 spiritual future
0:04:37 you know uh perspective is to follow the
0:04:40 prophets uh and that will show you what
0:04:43 virtue is well let's let's watch this
0:04:45 let's let's push this
0:04:46 yeah let me tell you something
0:04:47 revolutions are nothing more than a
0:04:49 bunch of men in one place it's not women
0:04:51 it's men if you put enough men on a city
0:04:53 square pissed off a revolution happens
0:04:55 that's what the people in charge of the
0:04:57 world are afraid of so to make sure
0:04:58 there's no revolution what they do is
0:05:00 they construct as many
0:05:02 divisions amongst the peasants as
0:05:04 possible they make sure the blacks hate
0:05:05 the whites the men hate the women the
0:05:07 republicans hate the democrats and we're
0:05:09 all so busy fighting with each other
0:05:11 they can laugh from the top because
0:05:12 there's not very many of them and
0:05:13 there's a bunch of us i'm telling you
0:05:14 the reason in countries like america the
0:05:17 reason the law is so destructive against
0:05:19 men is very very purposeful they don't
0:05:21 want you to feel like a king they don't
0:05:23 want you to feel powerful you wake up
0:05:24 amongst three years if you have 10 sons
0:05:27 from 10 baby mamas you're gonna wake up
0:05:28 and feel like the man you ain't taking
0:05:30 [ __ ] easy if you wake up on your third
0:05:33 year of a sexless marriage paying taxes
0:05:35 and your kids don't even listen to you
0:05:37 you don't really feel like rebellion you
0:05:39 don't have it inside of you this is why
0:05:41 there's so much male suicide this is why
0:05:43 men are so depressed this is why
0:05:44 everyone's so unhappy because the life
0:05:46 they try and create for men the things
0:05:48 they try and purport the ideas they try
0:05:50 and make us subscribe to are depressing
0:05:53 they want you as a tax slave they want
0:05:55 you as a tax slave they want you in a
0:05:56 sexist marriage with some old fat who
0:05:58 hates you that's what they want afraid
0:06:00 to leave because they'll take your house
0:06:01 and destroy your life's work and now you
0:06:03 want you to sit there and pay your taxes
0:06:04 until you [ __ ] die this is all done
0:06:06 on purpose none of this is an accident
0:06:08 it's all very purposeful and in
0:06:10 countries and countries which are not
0:06:13 like this in countries where men still
0:06:14 have that masculine essence in countries
0:06:16 where they're still control of their own
0:06:17 household when the government tries to
0:06:18 become tyrannical it's far more
0:06:20 difficult to do because the men get
0:06:21 together and say you know what women
0:06:22 clean the house i'll be back in two
0:06:24 hours and tell these guys to get
0:06:25 and that's what that's that's the
0:06:26 reality of it this is a control
0:06:28 mechanism along with everything else
0:06:30 everything you see on tv this is my
0:06:31 final rant everything you see on tv is a
0:06:33 control mechanism all the [ __ ] they put
0:06:34 on netflix is a control mechanism
0:06:36 telling you that you have mental
0:06:37 problems you don't have as a control
0:06:38 mechanism telling you oh you oh yeah you
0:06:40 can't focus on anything for two minutes
0:06:42 because you have adhd or you're
0:06:43 depressed and you can never fix it
0:06:45 they're trying to control you they're
0:06:46 trying to dampen your life force making
0:06:49 sure your woman doesn't listen to you as
0:06:50 a control mechanism making sure you can
0:06:52 never leave her without being
0:06:52 financially destroyed as a control
0:06:54 mechanism it's all control mechanisms
0:06:55 all of it from head to toe you have to
0:06:57 resist the slave mind you have to look
0:06:59 at it all and understand they are trying
0:07:00 to make a slave of you and when i say
0:07:02 slave i do not mean slave likely i i
0:07:04 mean the word slave they are printing
0:07:06 money from the sky and you're giving up
0:07:08 your life for it if they can create
0:07:10 something in unlimited amounts anytime
0:07:12 they want and you'll give up your life
0:07:14 and time for that said thing you are
0:07:16 their slave they don't need to use power
0:07:18 and control and whips anymore they just
0:07:20 have the the money print button it's
0:07:22 slavery and they need to make sure that
0:07:24 even if you know that you don't feel
0:07:25 powerful enough to do anything about it
0:07:27 all of this every single thing about the
0:07:29 modern world was deliberately
0:07:31 constructed to get us to a point where
0:07:32 they can come along and lock you in your
0:07:34 house for something with a 99.9 survival
0:07:36 rate and you're gonna sit there and take
0:07:37 it
0:07:38 anyway that's what all this [ __ ] is
0:07:40 including being in a position where you
0:07:42 can't even tell your own woman she's not
0:07:43 allowed out with her friends to get
0:07:44 drunk with a bunch of dudes because
0:07:45 you're not allowed to do that if a wife
0:07:47 comes home and goes i want to go out
0:07:48 drinking tonight you're not going
0:07:49 nowhere oh i want to go out with my
0:07:51 friends from work you're not going out
0:07:53 with them men that's cohersive and
0:07:54 controlling behavior
0:07:56 bro you can't even tell you're not to go
0:07:58 get drunk with dudes
0:08:00 they'll call that abusive you're an
0:08:01 abusive misogynist you're andrew tate
0:08:04 cancel him it's insanity and it's all
0:08:06 done on purpose i don't want anyone to
0:08:08 sit here and think this is some accident
0:08:09 we've arrived at or that we're here now
0:08:11 and it's no big deal this is very very
0:08:13 purposeful because when you destroy the
0:08:15 warriors of a society that's how you
0:08:17 usher in slavery first thing the romans
0:08:19 did when they conquered the greeks is
0:08:20 kill all the warriors all the fighting
0:08:22 age males you leave the soyboys and
0:08:24 and then you can conquer it done
0:08:26 that's what they're doing to us they're
0:08:27 trying to destroy the warriors so my g's
0:08:29 the ones who are left
0:08:32 don't worry about
0:08:34 it we've got bigger fights coming up we
0:08:36 got bigger we got bigger wars coming
0:08:37 ahead of us so if you want to somebody
0:08:39 go [ __ ] because i really believe the
0:08:40 next 10 years are going to be difficult
0:08:41 for men of stature i really believe that
0:08:43 so like to me personally bro there is
0:08:45 there is truths
0:08:46 uh into what they say what he's saying
0:08:49 um but obviously we don't agree with
0:08:51 like
0:08:52 a lot of the stuff they forget the
0:08:53 delivery environments put that to a side
0:08:55 um there is there is an attack like for
0:08:57 example why is it that if i was to tell
0:08:59 my wife
0:09:00 um that she cannot go out with
0:09:03 we don't live that lifestyle but like
0:09:04 let's suppose you know i was a
0:09:05 non-muslim and i and i had a wife and i
0:09:07 told my wife you know i don't want to go
0:09:08 out with your friends
0:09:10 why is that abusive
0:09:11 why is and he's right bro like if you
0:09:13 look at war in history and the prophet
0:09:15 peace be upon him also this implemented
0:09:16 throughout history that when you go to
0:09:18 war with a specific nation who has
0:09:19 transgressed over and over again usually
0:09:21 the men are executed
0:09:23 period why and the why it's you can see
0:09:26 because at the end of the day a man
0:09:28 plays a pivotal role um in the future
0:09:31 and also when it comes up to our nature
0:09:33 we are going to be rebellious you know
0:09:34 what i'm trying to say so that's within
0:09:36 our nature but why is it seen as
0:09:39 oppressive or like for example when i
0:09:42 like i took more of the end a bit
0:09:43 towards what he said is that a man
0:09:46 cannot even tell his wife
0:09:48 i don't want you to do a
0:09:51 so how do we expect anything like i i
0:09:53 thought i was listening to what you said
0:09:55 and it seemed like there was
0:09:56 there was more than one kind of
0:09:57 commentary here it's almost like a
0:09:59 political commentary in there there was
0:10:00 and it was a social commentary and then
0:10:02 you had like a domestic gender yeah but
0:10:04 it went from macro to micro yeah yeah
0:10:06 yeah and
0:10:07 um because it's authority politically
0:10:08 it's authoritarianism
0:10:10 okay so these elites that he's talking
0:10:12 about right so
0:10:14 how do they benefit from there are
0:10:15 questions i have on this on these
0:10:17 theories like how would they how these
0:10:19 elites benefit from
0:10:21 uh the lack of a warrior class for
0:10:23 example if if america take that as an
0:10:25 example as a superpower would were to
0:10:27 have a weaker military force what would
0:10:29 that do for its hegemonic power and then
0:10:32 this idea of the divide and conquer like
0:10:34 put these people here and put these
0:10:35 people here that's more terrible i think
0:10:38 you can you can make an argument for
0:10:39 that
0:10:40 how that links to
0:10:42 like what red pill pillars like uh
0:10:45 tomati and others they're called like
0:10:46 the gynocentric order
0:10:48 and these kind of things is
0:10:49 more difficult for me to try and
0:10:51 understand but
0:10:52 what he's saying in terms of the gender
0:10:55 discussion is interesting why because
0:10:59 when moral farron was talking about in
0:11:01 his book the myth of male power he's
0:11:02 talking about the definition of power
0:11:05 and he said the definition of power
0:11:07 is
0:11:08 the ability of someone to take control
0:11:09 of their own lives yeah okay and what
0:11:11 he's doing is in effect he's taking that
0:11:13 definition of power knowingly
0:11:14 unknowingly right
0:11:16 and he's saying look you're not really
0:11:17 in control of your own life because a
0:11:18 man is not in control of his domestic
0:11:20 affairs he's not in control of xyz all
0:11:23 these things that historically he has
0:11:25 been in control of and this is causing a
0:11:27 psychological backlash for that man yes
0:11:30 now if if that's the way it's being
0:11:31 phrased then there's great truth
0:11:34 obviously in that notion right
0:11:35 um and it's a counterbalance to the
0:11:37 feministic narrative which says that
0:11:38 well
0:11:39 what we have is an oppressive oppressor
0:11:42 oppressed relationship you've got the
0:11:43 patriarchy you've got men being
0:11:44 oppressed by
0:11:45 women being impressed by men and that's
0:11:47 how it works well if you redefine what
0:11:48 power constitutes here power is
0:11:51 uh the ability of a man to take control
0:11:53 persons take control of their lives he's
0:11:55 outlining examples suicide and
0:11:58 lack of domestic control or
0:12:01 payments or the fact that a woman can
0:12:03 take half of the man's income even
0:12:04 though she hasn't contributed to it you
0:12:06 know this kind of thing which frankly
0:12:08 islamically from our perspective
0:12:10 completely we are against these things
0:12:12 in addition i'll add to it for example
0:12:14 to the things like custody of the
0:12:16 children or the fact that a woman can
0:12:17 take complete custody and just through
0:12:20 the power of accusing a man
0:12:22 stop and prevent a man from seeing his
0:12:24 own children okay exactly these things
0:12:25 are really
0:12:26 these these things in society are
0:12:29 are deep-rooted injustices we will see
0:12:31 from perspective unfortunately what
0:12:33 we're seeing in the muslim community is
0:12:34 that some women are actually jumping
0:12:36 onto the bandwagon and taking these
0:12:38 i rephrase that a lot of women yeah yeah
0:12:41 not some woman a lot of women and so so
0:12:43 this is where this this discourse is
0:12:45 actually legitimate yes but where it
0:12:47 comes together into some kind of grand
0:12:49 conspiracy i think we would need to
0:12:50 unpack it a little bit and clean it up a
0:12:52 little bit yeah but there's certainly
0:12:53 some grievances yeah which which need to
0:12:56 be redressed
0:12:57 who else would you say well i mean like
0:13:00 like you said before like the whole
0:13:01 thing of you know world order look i'm
0:13:04 not really concerned about that right
0:13:05 now do you get it like there's an
0:13:06 outright attack in my very household i
0:13:08 need to fix what's in my household bro i
0:13:09 don't like right now i'm not care about
0:13:10 like the jaws come in and the antichrist
0:13:12 and you know
0:13:14 right now i have to deal with what's
0:13:15 happening in my house and the thing is
0:13:17 like i said before is that we speak to a
0:13:19 lot of brothers you know and this issue
0:13:21 what we need to understand is that
0:13:22 there's another extreme happening now
0:13:23 because
0:13:24 because the nature of men and women have
0:13:27 been so corrupted um and men are not men
0:13:29 anymore and women are women anymore
0:13:30 we're seeing it entering our households
0:13:32 and we are seeing the ripple effects of
0:13:34 that and people like andrew t which have
0:13:35 been told that the muslim youth are
0:13:37 looking up to him and speaking to
0:13:38 listening to him why
0:13:40 why is that happening wherever there is
0:13:42 an action there is going to be a
0:13:43 reaction and that's exactly what we're
0:13:45 seeing bro because when men are filled
0:13:47 and that's why jordan peterson is this
0:13:49 becomes so popular why because he
0:13:50 listens and they say well why is it a
0:13:52 lot of men listening to you why because
0:13:54 we maybe it's the fact that we are being
0:13:55 starved of our true nature why can't i
0:13:57 not be yeah i think it's really
0:13:58 important this is this is this is the
0:14:00 crux of the mata bro and we are seeing
0:14:02 it slowly slowly poisoning our ummah so
0:14:06 much so that now we have our muslim
0:14:08 youth who are looking up to andrew tate
0:14:10 now this is the reason why you know and
0:14:12 we have these private discussions yeah
0:14:14 um
0:14:15 me and you and a lot of brothers that
0:14:16 we've talked to we can see this coming
0:14:18 and we're actually preparing for it
0:14:19 because we can see the family unit is
0:14:21 being destroyed in front of our very
0:14:22 eyes so the thing is either
0:14:25 we come with a portion of the quran and
0:14:26 the sunnah are not extremes because
0:14:27 there's a lot of extremes out there yeah
0:14:28 brothers are going again i'll be honest
0:14:30 with you i believe there are people out
0:14:32 there who are going to the extreme level
0:14:33 of trying to be the muslim and rotate
0:14:34 and we're looking at it no no let's be
0:14:36 real here they are genuinely doing and
0:14:37 the thing is is the more they're trying
0:14:39 to show that andrew can become the the
0:14:41 muslim entertainer himself he does but
0:14:42 there's a lot of things that he needs to
0:14:43 do
0:14:44 and i think if you have a discussion
0:14:45 with him and arrange it please i mean he
0:14:47 needs to understand that as this is a
0:14:48 muslim
0:14:49 when it comes to islam sure polygamy is
0:14:51 there it's a perfect solution it's
0:14:53 actually a better solution to what he
0:14:54 has because he believes that he can
0:14:56 sleep around and do what he likes and
0:14:57 you know he has to come to home and
0:14:58 there's one obedient wife
0:15:01 i saw him with eddie he said that
0:15:02 something about four is all you need or
0:15:04 something like okay good good
0:15:06 islam is a solution for you
0:15:07 but i think you made a series of very
0:15:09 very good points you know and what i
0:15:11 would want to add to that is the
0:15:12 following
0:15:13 this idea that you said that you know a
0:15:16 man is being started his true nature yes
0:15:18 first of all we have to admit that there
0:15:19 is a nature of a man of course obviously
0:15:21 now we're living in an age of
0:15:22 post-structuralism and social
0:15:23 constructionism so the idea is
0:15:25 there is no nature of man this is the
0:15:27 what we've been told this is a
0:15:28 social construct but then for me do you
0:15:30 know this whole transgender kind of
0:15:32 movement right well when we say i have
0:15:34 gender dysphoria i want to transition
0:15:36 from man to female because i've always
0:15:37 felt like a man
0:15:38 that presupposes the true nature of a
0:15:40 man in the first place so there's a
0:15:42 contradiction here that lies within the
0:15:43 social constructionist ideology which is
0:15:45 that they on the one hand
0:15:48 you can't actually transition let's put
0:15:50 it in in racial terms okay you can't
0:15:52 transition from being white to black
0:15:53 unless there's such a thing as being
0:15:55 black and such thing as being white
0:15:56 exactly likewise you can't transition
0:15:58 from being white or male to female yeah
0:16:00 unless there's such a thing as being a
0:16:01 man exactly such a thing as being a
0:16:02 woman exactly so
0:16:04 born
0:16:06 what you what you were saying what you
0:16:07 were saying about the true nature of man
0:16:09 a lot of people i know
0:16:11 especially in the left-wing inclination
0:16:13 like proclivities from that side are
0:16:15 going to say well actually it's all
0:16:16 gender gender constructs but then if
0:16:18 it's a gender construct
0:16:20 then the transitions from one construct
0:16:23 to another would be almost almost
0:16:24 meaningless almost completely it's
0:16:26 self-defeating
0:16:27 it makes no sense to me so that's the
0:16:29 first thing there is a true nature of a
0:16:31 man yes and there is there is a
0:16:33 masculine archetype out there and it can
0:16:36 be manifest and this is what our
0:16:37 religion teaches yeah yes and it does
0:16:39 include things which are not in the
0:16:41 feminine archetype which for example may
0:16:43 include
0:16:44 increased aggressivity it may include
0:16:46 but it's not limited to
0:16:48 increased kind of sexuality and it's
0:16:51 almost like as if many men today and i
0:16:54 think we would agree even within muslim
0:16:55 anomaly feel like they've been starved
0:16:58 of being able to manifest that reality
0:17:00 without being shamed by society exactly
0:17:02 and that's why you have this extreme if
0:17:04 they engage in some kind of self-defense
0:17:06 situation or if they engage if they want
0:17:08 to be in a polygamous reality whatever
0:17:11 it may be know you yeah because you want
0:17:13 those things are to be shamed how dare
0:17:15 you you should in fact feel guilty yes
0:17:18 now you should feel guilty for that and
0:17:19 in fact this this whole politionist
0:17:21 nature that you have is a construct and
0:17:24 you're and you're harming uh people from
0:17:26 feeling like and it's in nature let's
0:17:28 get this right yeah polygamy being
0:17:30 polygamous
0:17:44 even they looked at for example gay men
0:17:46 and they realized that when it comes to
0:17:47 um they are still visually stimulated
0:17:49 yeah gay men yeah yeah it's the same
0:17:51 like you don't see that with men like
0:17:52 with visual creatures
0:17:55 of studies yeah so the thing is it shows
0:17:57 that if that's the case then a gay man
0:17:58 could also still be politicians with
0:18:00 this nature wanting to be with different
0:18:01 men
0:18:02 the point is this though that's within
0:18:03 their nature and that's why it's it's
0:18:05 seeked into brothers bro i speak to
0:18:07 brothers and they're like oh no but i'm
0:18:08 happy
0:18:09 hold on a second where'd you get that
0:18:10 from i'm like
0:18:12 hold on a second because i have to look
0:18:13 at the brother in the eye
0:18:14 like and i said look bro like and i will
0:18:16 break it down and he'll be like oh no no
0:18:18 if my wife was okay this time i'm like
0:18:19 whoa hold on a second that's your nature
0:18:20 so what's stopping you is that the wife
0:18:22 is being upset now the thing another
0:18:24 thing that you mentioned is that gender
0:18:25 cannot be social constructs because
0:18:27 jordan peterson talks about this because
0:18:28 if you look at scandinavian scandinavian
0:18:29 countries which are egalitarian yeah
0:18:32 that you will see that usually he says
0:18:34 it says men are interested in things and
0:18:36 women are interested in um people
0:18:38 and when you see egalitarian countries
0:18:40 like these scandinavian countries you
0:18:42 see the disparity growing yeah so he's
0:18:44 saying well how can that be the case
0:18:46 because if it's socially constructed
0:18:47 yeah when you put these things and when
0:18:48 you let them be okay then how is it that
0:18:51 these women like women tend to go to
0:18:53 child care and men tend to be engineers
0:18:55 yeah exactly and this is and this is
0:18:57 exactly the point that i think i think
0:18:58 probably is where pearson got it from
0:19:00 yeah because he he has yosem is uh war
0:19:02 of farron's uh
0:19:04 magnum opus or his main book which is
0:19:06 the myth of male power which he was
0:19:07 talking about when you look at the
0:19:08 trends of what women are interested in
0:19:10 yeah by nature
0:19:12 romance novels romancing this is not
0:19:14 something which they're being forced to
0:19:15 buy yes you're not no one's forcing a
0:19:18 woman to do and it's cross-cultural like
0:19:19 if you see this the fact that it's
0:19:21 cross-cultural and it's historical yes
0:19:23 it's an extremely difficult and
0:19:24 problematic case to make say well
0:19:26 actually women don't like love stories
0:19:28 and they don't like romance and they
0:19:29 don't like novels this is a social
0:19:30 construct because if it's a social
0:19:32 construct it seems like there was an
0:19:34 interestingly uh immense collaborative
0:19:37 effort yes uh in
0:19:38 conspiracy it's a mess no not just a
0:19:40 mass conspiracy the the biggest mass
0:19:42 conspiracy known to man or actually a
0:19:44 woman as well which is that all
0:19:46 societies have come together and says oh
0:19:47 women do this yeah even though the ones
0:19:50 in the most desolate and derelict places
0:19:52 and men do this you know there was a
0:19:54 study that i remember looking at some
0:19:56 time ago called bandura ross and ross
0:19:57 yeah when they were looking at the
0:19:58 effects of children what kind of toys
0:20:00 they like you know the boys like guns
0:20:02 and these kinds of things and the girls
0:20:04 like you know dolls and yeah if you want
0:20:06 to try and eliminate that from the
0:20:07 nature right say there's no nature then
0:20:08 we have a problem here so the first
0:20:10 thing is we have to admit there is a
0:20:11 nature there is a fixed masculine
0:20:13 archetype and by not being that thing by
0:20:16 not being able to manifest that thing by
0:20:18 not being then this is gonna cause
0:20:20 resentment yes it's gonna cause hate
0:20:22 it's gonna cause and as you correctly
0:20:23 said i think yeah every action has an
0:20:25 equal and opposite reaction if if if
0:20:29 if there's a segment of our population
0:20:31 whether it's women or otherwise yes who
0:20:32 think that men are this is going to put
0:20:35 them in an order in check or they're
0:20:36 going to get the best out of life by
0:20:37 doing this all they're doing is it's
0:20:40 actually exactly there was a
0:20:42 pediatrician pediatrician
0:20:44 yes so he done a study so what he did is
0:20:46 he got to this um
0:20:48 young um girl so he got a young girl so
0:20:50 uh there was there was two parents so he
0:20:52 wanted to carry a study i don't know so
0:20:53 he did is he got this young girl and he
0:20:55 gave this girl from a very young age
0:20:57 trucks to play with so she would start
0:20:58 playing with trucks etc and then once
0:21:00 when they come at the study um what he
0:21:02 did is like they asked the parents to go
0:21:04 in the room and when they went to the
0:21:05 room they actually saw the young girl
0:21:07 hugging the truck and there was a little
0:21:09 truck and and the girl actually labeled
0:21:12 the big truck for daddy and the mummy
0:21:14 and the little truck the baby so you can
0:21:16 see even when you've given them a truck
0:21:18 which is a boy's toy yeah yeah she
0:21:20 turned it into a
0:21:22 a mother and turned a little truck into
0:21:24 the baby so you can see that it's
0:21:26 innately within their nature and to deny
0:21:28 this is to be stupid
0:21:30 i think you've done a good job in uh
0:21:32 putting to put in the case and we've
0:21:33 obviously answered one thing i would say
0:21:34 to understand is that like this whole
0:21:36 thing about there's going to be a war
0:21:36 coming in this i think is part of his
0:21:38 nature that he he's he's conflict
0:21:41 orientated and that's for good reason
0:21:42 like i think he was a fighter before or
0:21:44 something like that yeah
0:21:48 i think every man wants to do this part
0:21:49 of our nature is that we are conflict
0:21:51 orientated you know
0:21:56 my
0:21:58 someone more effective than others
0:22:04 but what i was going to say was that
0:22:08 but uh but this this war against i don't
0:22:11 know the government whoever he thinks is
0:22:12 going to be organized yeah i think this
0:22:13 is a fiction that he's create a
0:22:14 dramatized fiction that's created for
0:22:16 himself in order to fulfill his own
0:22:17 nature i said i say to him look you
0:22:19 don't need to rely on these kinds of
0:22:21 fictions we have the religious narrative
0:22:22 exactly and for us as muslims there's
0:22:24 always a kind of jihad going on whether
0:22:25 it's an inner struggle exactly or
0:22:27 there's going to be an ounce of defense
0:22:28 or something like that yeah so i think
0:22:30 that one and this is what i would say to
0:22:32 tate and others that follow him from
0:22:33 muslim and normal science is that look
0:22:35 at the religion of islam because it's
0:22:36 not just about gender you shouldn't come
0:22:37 into rajata about the gender issue or
0:22:39 through the gender issue
0:22:41 the origin of islam is fundamentally
0:22:42 about believing and worshiping one god
0:22:44 whether your worship the all-knowing or
0:22:46 wise god that tells all human beings how
0:22:47 to live their life in a way which
0:22:49 wouldn't make them cognitively dissonant
0:22:50 would make them upset make them
0:22:52 depressed make them feel like they're
0:22:53 not manifesting their nature and in a
0:22:55 way which is commensurate and congruent
0:22:57 with the spiritual right path which is
0:23:00 what we call this
0:23:01 so i would say look into the quran
0:23:03 properly read it read the biographies of
0:23:04 the prophets read the bibles of the
0:23:06 companions of the prophet you'll see
0:23:08 masculinity exemplified in the in the
0:23:11 most manifest way you've ever seen it in
0:23:13 your life and of course for femininity
0:23:15 women can look at the mothers of the
0:23:16 believers mary the story of mary in the
0:23:19 quran and so on and one thing i would
0:23:20 end this video with is the following
0:23:23 the quran says something really powerful
0:23:24 on this whole issue of gender issues
0:23:27 which is
0:23:31 that do not wish what
0:23:33 the other one has basically
0:23:42 two men is a portion of what they have
0:23:44 earned
0:23:45 and two women is a portion in other
0:23:46 words it's a comp we believe in a
0:23:48 complementarity between men and women
0:23:50 this is the system
0:23:52 there are roles and responsibilities
0:23:53 that men and women have and islam puts
0:23:55 it both together such in such a
0:23:57 beautiful way
0:23:58 it's a perfect way it's a symbiotically
0:24:01 perfect way which allows both to
0:24:03 manifest their natures in the best way
0:24:05 possible and in a way which both will
0:24:08 feel spiritually connected to the most
0:24:10 high and most familiarly and
0:24:12 domestically connected to each other
0:24:13 exactly and let me tell you something
0:24:14 just to end on this here that's what we
0:24:15 see that's where it's going okay
0:24:25 when you look at a lot of women who's
0:24:26 coming to islam it's because they truly
0:24:28 understand and they come into connection
0:24:30 with their true nature yeah now what's
0:24:32 happening with the red pool movement is
0:24:33 that a lot of these men that's what
0:24:34 andrew state said if i was to bet on
0:24:35 anything in the next five ten years it'd
0:24:37 be islam yeah why oh yeah that's what he
0:24:39 said why did he say that because at the
0:24:40 end of the day his
0:24:42 i'm not gonna say it's true manly
0:24:44 masculine nature because i believe they
0:24:45 are transgressing they they transgress
0:24:47 in a bit when it comes to islam islam
0:24:49 will balance that to what being a real
0:24:52 man is because i believe his likes and
0:24:54 the rapport movement are transgressing
0:24:55 those limits of being masculine i think
0:24:57 they're going to be overboard i believe
0:24:59 there's going to be a phenomenon of a
0:25:00 lot of men like objects
0:25:02 of women
0:25:03 yeah let's get that very straight yeah
0:25:04 this is this yeah yeah you're going
0:25:06 abroad
0:25:07 exactly
0:25:09 lack of compassion yeah yeah he's
0:25:10 allowed for us to you know you know he's
0:25:13 giving us like marry twos freeze fours
0:25:14 etcetera and those after that who
0:25:16 transgress because allah has allowed you
0:25:18 to do justice
0:25:19 exactly exactly but allah put things in
0:25:21 place yeah for as a man for me to have
0:25:23 intimacy in the right place but those
0:25:25 who go and commit zina you've congress
0:25:26 now because i was giving you options so
0:25:28 the same with the red bull movement you
0:25:30 guys are transgressing when you come to
0:25:31 islam you'll have a balanced way of
0:25:33 being a true man and not trying to go
0:25:35 extra miles by posting ridiculous
0:25:37 pathetic stuff um that you
0:25:40 do to your wife over
0:25:44 which i'm not going to get into detail
0:25:45 but that's it i think there's more to
0:25:46 come this is a this is just a tip of the
0:25:48 iceberg this is a phenomenon that's
0:25:50 affecting our ummah and be rest assured
0:25:53 that me mohammed jabs ishan we are
0:25:55 closely working on something that will
0:25:57 have a fine balance that we don't have
0:25:58 our brothers looking up to people like
0:25:59 andrew tate yeah um and our sisters um
0:26:02 who are going to maybe uh put suffering
0:26:05 but when i mean suffering is because at
0:26:07 the end of the day
0:26:08 we need to blame ourselves as well
0:26:09 because as a muslim woman if you don't
0:26:12 have your true nature and be being
0:26:14 yourself and respecting your husband
0:26:17 don't be surprised when you have many
0:26:19 andrew tates or many adults coming to
0:26:20 your household because you can't just
0:26:22 blame that for every action there's a
0:26:24 reaction our sisters are also causing a
0:26:27 lot of muslim men to turn to that
0:26:28 direction so inshallah we will have
0:26:30 something that will be balanced from the
0:26:32 quran and the sunnah that helps us to
0:26:34 re-establish the family union and that's
0:26:36 where it is in the quran the sunnah
0:26:38 and this is what we call everyone to you
0:26:40 know quran
0:26:44 the prophet
0:26:45 muhammad whoever builds a mosque for
0:26:48 allah allah will build for him a similar
0:26:51 house in jannah
0:26:53 and we know the great reward that will
0:26:55 not only be gained but rather will fill
0:26:58 your grave after your death
0:27:00 whenever someone prays there whenever
0:27:02 someone gives shahada in the masjid
0:27:05 whenever someone learns something in the
0:27:07 masjid
0:27:08 yes
0:27:09 that will be something that you'll have
0:27:11 on your scale
0:27:24 you