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Is Science the Only Route to Truth? (2020-02-27)


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Summary of Is Science the Only Route to Truth?

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:15:00

discusses how people's beliefs about truth can be determined by whether or not they can provide evidence for those beliefs. then goes on to say that people who believe in evidence-based truths should also believe in the existence of other religions. discusses how there are other routes to knowledge, which are not based on observations or theories, and how belief is applied in science. He asks a simple question: does the speaker acknowledge testimony as a valid route to knowledge? answers that, if it is tested and proves accurate, then testimony is valid. However, if the testimony is not accurate, it is suspect.

*00:00:00 Discusses how people's beliefs about truth can be determined by whether or not they can provide evidence for those beliefs. then goes on to say that people who believe in evidence-based truths should also believe in the existence of other religions.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the concept of testimony, which is a form of evidence that can be observed and trusted. He goes on to say that, while belief in something can be based on evidence, belief in something based on something else (in this case, testimony) is not as reliable. He gives an example of how someone's belief in evolution can be based on evidence, but also points out that belief in something based on the mind of a scientist is not reliable.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses how there are other routes to knowledge, which are not based on observations or theories, and how belief is applied in science. He asks a simple question: does the speaker acknowledge testimony as a valid route to knowledge? answers that, if it is tested and proves accurate, then testimony is valid. However, if the testimony is not accurate, it is suspect.
  • 00:15:00 a person claiming to be a scientist discusses how testimony is a claim that must be challenged or buggy, and as a result, is not a route to knowledge based on the fact that it could be tested. The person also discusses how a scientist is engaged in science, and how they take observations and reason upon them in order to form conclusions.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 Mollie Kuramoto laborer kettle guys make
0:00:02 sure that you try these supplements out
0:00:05 there very very good very healthy
0:00:07 natural and you can check the link in
0:00:11 the description box that is nature's
0:00:13 blend black seed oil and they have other
0:00:15 things as well oh yeah no editor boy boy
0:00:21 boy
0:00:30 you
0:00:38 okay so this section will be a
0:00:40 discussion a bit of back and forth
0:00:42 between our two speakers I will be
0:00:44 moderating to try and keep things on
0:00:46 topic so forgive me for any mistakes I
0:00:49 make hopefully I don't make any and this
0:00:52 is a 15 minute section reminder that
0:00:54 after the closing remarks after this
0:00:56 there will be Q&A so please do send your
0:00:59 Q&A questions to that slider yeah so
0:01:03 without further ado whichever one of you
0:01:05 wants to hello John
0:01:11 yes so I think before we before we this
0:01:16 before we start this discussion session
0:01:18 it's very important to determine
0:01:20 something do you believe your opinions
0:01:23 matter or don't they matter they matter
0:01:25 to me
0:01:26 okay so okay don't matter to the
0:01:28 universe no no because if you if you
0:01:30 don't believe your own opinions matter
0:01:31 then I'm not going to take them
0:01:32 seriously is no point this discussion
0:01:33 becomes absurd from that perspective
0:01:35 then right so if the you might if you
0:01:37 believe your opinions matter then
0:01:39 obviously the Oh matter to us is work so
0:01:40 because we're having it until until
0:01:42 trying to have a discussion today
0:01:44 regarding a very important topic so you
0:01:47 do acknowledge your opinions matter
0:01:48 right well in the confines of this room
0:01:52 certainly yes so if we had this
0:01:54 discussion outside this room would you
0:01:56 think I mean it's a very simple question
0:02:00 I mean you wouldn't be here today
0:02:01 expressing your views if you didn't
0:02:02 believe your opinions mattered
0:02:03 well I was going to save my response to
0:02:07 your challenge that why do I do this why
0:02:11 don't why am I here debating for my
0:02:13 closing remarks but okay I can take your
0:02:16 question now I do it because I want to
0:02:19 secular world you want to say I want a
0:02:22 world in which religious opinions do not
0:02:27 control political or educational matters
0:02:33 okay so you just usually said you want a
0:02:36 secular world where religious opinions
0:02:38 do not have influence exactly so but to
0:02:41 do that wouldn't you say if you're gonna
0:02:43 be if we're gonna do this in in in a in
0:02:46 a academic way at least when you say you
0:02:48 would have to first understand and study
0:02:50 all religions or look
0:02:51 to them at least because which you
0:02:53 obviously haven't done when it comes to
0:02:54 Islam today right so why can't why have
0:02:56 the the outlook already that that's what
0:02:59 you want when you don't even know what
0:03:00 Islam has to say regarding life
0:03:02 regarding my life in the universe
0:03:04 regarding other fundamental things that
0:03:06 are relevant to us as human beings well
0:03:08 that's a good question
0:03:10 it's because without evidence for a god
0:03:14 it doesn't really matter what any of the
0:03:17 Scriptures of any religion do say so you
0:03:20 might as well say that my Loch Ness
0:03:25 monster is pink and like Nutella okay so
0:03:30 let's try to unravel this a bit so now
0:03:32 and I think it's important to highlight
0:03:33 this John you seem to have a underlying
0:03:36 premise which is evidence is what comes
0:03:39 from observation yes and something that
0:03:42 you can observe and study that way right
0:03:44 yes so in other words I want I wasn't
0:03:46 calling you someone who described the
0:03:47 scientism if you if you and I'm sure
0:03:49 everyone will acknowledge this I asked
0:03:51 you to describe to something similar to
0:03:52 scientism
0:03:53 I don't want to label you that's what I
0:03:54 said right it's just the correct you on
0:03:56 that right but the point being do you
0:03:58 acknowledge or is your view your outlook
0:04:00 that science is the only way to truth
0:04:03 yes okay good so do you not see the
0:04:06 issues with that outlook or the problems
0:04:09 of that outlook well you can try
0:04:11 explaining it okay so okay so let me
0:04:13 give you an example have you been
0:04:17 have you been to India have you been to
0:04:20 India no I haven't you haven't been to
0:04:22 India I'd love to okay do you believe in
0:04:23 the exists yes okay so you haven't been
0:04:27 there you haven't observed it yet you
0:04:29 believe it exists the effort is also
0:04:31 insane okay so what so what do you mean
0:04:33 by the evidence is very convincing
0:04:35 I've seen photographs taken from space
0:04:38 brilliant okay what else do we need more
0:04:42 okay so okay fine no I was just giving
0:04:44 you the benefit of the doubt that you
0:04:45 can give us a bit more second what I
0:04:46 know of people who have come from India
0:04:48 yeah who have visited I think mine is
0:04:51 there now okay and I I'm on messenger
0:04:54 and Facebook okay with him he's
0:04:56 currently where is he currently
0:05:00 Calcutta currently so here's a problem
0:05:03 Johnny you haven't observed India
0:05:06 yourself yet you believe it exists based
0:05:08 on photographs and people have been
0:05:10 there now how do you know those
0:05:12 photographs photographs are actually of
0:05:14 India and that you know just be told
0:05:16 they're of India well I think that you'd
0:05:24 have to you're on a loser there because
0:05:26 your hope you're having to try to
0:05:27 rubbish all of the photographs taken
0:05:31 from space by all of the space craft all
0:05:34 of them orbiting satellites and all of
0:05:38 the spacemen that have been in have you
0:05:40 seen okay have you seen yourself
0:05:41 satellites that are up there right now
0:05:44 yes you can observe satellite have you
0:05:47 observed them yourself through a
0:05:48 telescope I have yes you have okay so
0:05:50 here's the thing what I'm saying
0:05:51 regarding India is you haven't observed
0:05:53 it yourself so what I'm saying
0:05:55 essentially is your belief India exists
0:05:57 is based on something called testimony
0:05:59 right in the it's called in philosophy
0:06:01 this is known as authentic and valid
0:06:03 testimony right which is by the way John
0:06:05 an integral part of the scientific
0:06:06 method
0:06:07 well yes something you deny in your book
0:06:09 itself but the the testament can itself
0:06:14 be trusted I mean with the right
0:06:16 equipment I can go and investigate
0:06:19 sure that's a potential John but right
0:06:22 now you haven't done that yet you
0:06:23 believe in the exists right so your
0:06:26 belief is not based upon what you can do
0:06:28 as far as observing it it's based on
0:06:30 something else so what I'm trying to
0:06:32 highlight you John is that are you
0:06:34 willing to acknowledge that there are
0:06:35 other routes to knowledge other than
0:06:36 just science which you're demonstrating
0:06:38 right now by a highlighting that you
0:06:40 believe in the existent observed it
0:06:42 yourself pictures could be pictures are
0:06:44 testimonial someone is telling you those
0:06:46 pictures of India you're going by the
0:06:48 testimony of people let me give you
0:06:50 another example which may be closer to
0:06:52 home which may help you a bit there if
0:06:53 you don't mind right do you believe
0:06:55 evolution the Darwinian mechanism is
0:06:57 true yes okay I don't listen as a an X
0:07:03 I'm steeped I don't use terms like I
0:07:06 believe I use terms like the evidence
0:07:11 is Church the evidence show shows that
0:07:14 that evolution is a fact so you believe
0:07:17 the Darwinian mechanism particular well
0:07:20 now are you going to pin me down to a
0:07:22 man who died 150 years ago or are you
0:07:24 going to allow me to update us give us
0:07:27 your definition how do you want equality
0:07:30 on call it evolution just evolution
0:07:32 engine at its basic level all evolution
0:07:35 means is change and we can observe
0:07:39 change happening yesterday yeah and we
0:07:42 can see evidence which for which of a
0:07:47 progression of things that happened in
0:07:49 the past yep in the fossil record and so
0:07:51 on and so the best explanation is that
0:07:55 change happened in the past - okay good
0:07:58 so so so this week like this good you're
0:08:01 saying that so you so what I'm asking
0:08:02 you specifically is do you believe the
0:08:05 theory of evolution is true yes okay so
0:08:09 in you saying yes have you done all of
0:08:12 the observations which led to that
0:08:15 conclusion basically this is the were
0:08:18 you there that's coming from your own
0:08:21 perspective because you said evidence is
0:08:23 something which is observable yeah it's
0:08:25 something that's repeatable and
0:08:26 something that's sharable if anything
0:08:27 and you've said also in your book and
0:08:28 your videos that anything that comes
0:08:29 from the human mind can't be trusted
0:08:32 because it's tainted your words so the
0:08:35 theory that you believe in is coming
0:08:37 from the mind of a scientist no no the
0:08:40 theory that I subscribe to is that
0:08:45 change can be observed and potentially I
0:08:48 can go and observe change you know I
0:08:50 think have you seen the big petri dish
0:08:54 experiment no I have a fantastic
0:08:56 experiment they made a pet you know the
0:08:58 petri dishes mhm yeah it's a it's a
0:09:01 culture container which you put a
0:09:03 nutrient jelly in and then you can grow
0:09:05 bacteria okay they made a great big one
0:09:08 some meter long and they've put two
0:09:11 different bacteria no they put a
0:09:17 bacterium same culture of bacteria in
0:09:20 each end and in between them they've put
0:09:23 increasing string
0:09:25 of antibiotic okay 10% 20% 100% and
0:09:31 initially the bacteria spread in the
0:09:36 area where there's no antibiotic there's
0:09:39 a video of this because it speeded up
0:09:41 you know we use organisms that have a
0:09:44 short lifetime because we can't observe
0:09:47 yeah massive changes we don't live long
0:09:49 enough okay so bacteria are perfect they
0:09:52 reproduce every 20 minutes okay
0:09:54 so initially they stay confined yep in
0:09:59 the area where there's no antibiotic but
0:10:01 a few of them you take and they can
0:10:03 break out and pass into the area where
0:10:05 the antibiotic is 10% okay more time
0:10:08 goes by and an even smaller number
0:10:11 mutate and they pass into the 20% so on
0:10:14 and so forth you get a picture
0:10:15 eventually they can colonize the hundred
0:10:17 percent strength sure that's that's an
0:10:20 observation change being a plane yes
0:10:23 repeatedly sure and sherab lee yes you
0:10:26 can watch it sir I agree today so let's
0:10:28 make a distinction there there is a
0:10:30 difference between observations of
0:10:31 science and theories of science right
0:10:34 yes so what I'm trying to highlight to
0:10:36 you is that there are other routes to
0:10:38 knowledge which are involved even within
0:10:40 the scientific method itself which you
0:10:42 have to rely upon for you to believe the
0:10:44 conclusions of science well which you
0:10:46 reject by the way so I want to know
0:10:48 which way is it do you acknowledge that
0:10:49 there are other routes to knowledge such
0:10:51 as testimony well testimonial knowledge
0:10:53 or do well firm to that science is the
0:10:55 only way to truth where you are trying
0:10:56 to put words into my mouth I'm asking
0:10:58 you the question okay is trying to make
0:11:02 me you see the trouble is the word
0:11:03 belief has two meanings
0:11:07 it can mean merely accepting something
0:11:11 which we know to be true like you know
0:11:14 if I jump off a roof of very probably
0:11:17 for nobody would contest that so to all
0:11:22 intents and purposes it does not need
0:11:24 actively believing we can observe
0:11:27 believing now in what are they calling
0:11:31 give me a word for the the I'm lost
0:11:38 big machine you put a person in and you
0:11:40 watch his brain you put you give him
0:11:44 radioactive material thank you yeah yeah
0:11:50 medicals come on tell me the name that's
0:11:53 it thank you mr I've been in one MRI
0:11:55 scanner and the functional MRI scanner
0:11:59 is the one way you can put in a decaying
0:12:02 substance into the radioactivity
0:12:05 decaying harmless into the bloodstream
0:12:07 and watch where it congregates so if you
0:12:12 give somebody in an MRI scanner pictures
0:12:16 of things that need believing and
0:12:19 pictures of things which are known you
0:12:21 can see how actively thinking he is and
0:12:27 things that need believing attract a lot
0:12:32 of this activity things like my horse
0:12:37 will win the race you need to actively
0:12:40 believe that but things like yesterday
0:12:45 this horse won the race that's a
0:12:47 foregone conclusion we know that is now
0:12:49 a fact you don't need to believe that if
0:12:52 it was really interesting the science
0:12:55 lessons I'm sure is we got a lot to
0:12:57 learn from you because you asked me
0:12:59 about where I need to use belief in
0:13:02 science no I'm asking a very simple
0:13:04 question do you acknowledge that there
0:13:06 are other routes to knowledge which I'm
0:13:08 Ted go to the scientific method itself
0:13:09 such as testimony oh don't you
0:13:11 acknowledge that or you just think just
0:13:13 purely oh because according to your book
0:13:15 and you may want to change your opinion
0:13:16 the observations repeatable and a
0:13:19 shareable . according to that type of
0:13:21 definition you're pigeon holing yourself
0:13:23 in many ways because you're in a way
0:13:25 you're denying the scientific enterprise
0:13:27 you're denying science in itself right
0:13:29 because so just tell me this should you
0:13:32 do you believe in the theories of
0:13:34 science the theories of science do not
0:13:37 need believing I'm not saying the
0:13:39 absolute I'm just asking seduced right I
0:13:41 wouldn't claim they were absolute I
0:13:42 claim that they are the best explanation
0:13:45 currently and you do you acknowledge
0:13:46 that they are also it was incorporated
0:13:49 in the process of getting to the theory
0:13:51 there are other
0:13:51 elements such as testimony reasoning
0:13:54 which argumentation let done yes every
0:13:59 theory makes predictions yeah and at
0:14:02 that stage you can believe the
0:14:04 prediction or not it we've recorded a
0:14:06 hypothesis and there will be rival
0:14:09 hypotheses just like their arrival
0:14:11 runners in a horse race and you can
0:14:14 choose your favorite okay
0:14:16 and that is where belief is applied in
0:14:19 science so you'll acknowledge that at
0:14:20 the frontiers where we don't know okay
0:14:24 so in a simple way we've got one minute
0:14:26 of the about two minutes left
0:14:27 do you acknowledge testimony as a valid
0:14:31 route to knowledge it's a simple
0:14:34 question if you eye knowledge test to me
0:14:38 which can be tested I acknowledge if you
0:14:41 were to tell me that I can see a
0:14:45 particular satellite going past at this
0:14:48 moment then I know that if I get the
0:14:52 right equipment
0:14:53 I can check out your test you sure but
0:14:56 that's a potential John otherwise your
0:14:59 testimony is very suspect yeah I don't
0:15:02 think you understanding my point right
0:15:04 now because I could testify to you that
0:15:06 I have fairies at the bottom of my gun
0:15:09 and unless you go there in check for
0:15:11 yourself you should doubt me
0:15:13 sure but I'm not looking to get into the
0:15:16 epistemology of things I'm asking you a
0:15:17 very simple question do you consider
0:15:19 testimony as a fundamental root to
0:15:22 knowledge something that science is also
0:15:23 dependent upon only if it can be checked
0:15:28 but doesn't that is a testimony that you
0:15:32 don't you don't take testimony as a
0:15:34 route to knowledge based on the fact
0:15:35 that it could be tested that's just that
0:15:38 is so because the whole point of science
0:15:40 is to challenge claims yeah testimony is
0:15:44 a claim okay so it must be challenged or
0:15:48 buggy so in order to be scientific okay
0:15:51 so let me ask you this way do you
0:15:52 acknowledge that science in science and
0:15:55 you keep making it as simple as possible
0:15:56 when you're engaged in science a
0:15:58 scientist is doing the science
0:16:00 they take observations Bertrand Russell
0:16:02 for example highlighted that you as a
0:16:04 scientist
0:16:04 you take observations and you reason
0:16:06 upon the observation that is time we
0:16:09 fret we more time
0:16:27 you
0:16:30 Mollie Kuramoto liable careful guys make
0:16:33 sure that you try these supplements out
0:16:36 there very very good very healthy
0:16:39 natural and you can check the link in
0:16:42 the description box that is nature's
0:16:44 blend black seed oil and they have other
0:16:47 things as well oh yeah no editor boy boy
0:16:52 boy