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Scholarly Christian Tries His Hardest To Prove Trinity (2017-06-13)


An very intelligent Christian attempts to make sense of the trinity by positing his ontological argument. This exchange brings to light that no matter how you frame it, the trinity is an impossible square to circle.


Summary of Scholarly Christian Tries His Hardest To Prove Trinity

*This summary is AI generated - there may be inaccuracies.

00:00:00 - 00:30:00

discusses the idea of the Trinity and how it is difficult to prove. argues that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are not equal, and that the Father's will is higher than the Son's. He also argues that if someone doesn't show what they have, they don't possess it. In conclusion, the speaker explains why he cannot accept the concept of the Trinity.

00:00:00 The scholar in the video tries to answer a question about the Trinity by explaining that there are three possible answers: the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit created the universe, or the Father created the universe and the Son and Holy Spirit co-created it. However, he eventually retracts his answer after realizing that it's a difficult question to answer.

  • *00:05:00 Discusses the idea of a compromise between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit regarding their wills. It argues that the Father cannot make a decision unless all three agree, and that the Son and Holy Spirit are always working together harmoniously.
  • *00:10:00 Discusses the idea of hierarchical subordination, and how it applies to the Trinity. It explains that the Father's will is higher than the Son's will, and the Son's will is higher than the Holy Spirit's will. However, the Father's will is still independent, and it can be put into effect.
  • 00:15:00 argues that the will of the Father is higher than that of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and that this is demonstrated by the fact that the Father can punish from day one and that the Son and Holy Spirit have abilities but are not essential for punishment or creation.
  • 00:20:00 in this video argues that, because God is perfect and good, he always had the ability to punish people. If this is the case, then God needs an object to be good and loving to people, which would mean that people are not equal to God.
  • 00:25:00 argues that if someone doesn't show what they have, they don't possess it. He then goes on to say that Mother Teresa is good, but we don't know this for sure because she is not a serial killer. He concludes by saying that he is more intelligent than the person he is debating, who he claims has low knowledge and no understanding.
  • 00:30:00 explains why he cannot accept the concept of the Trinity, based on its apparent contradiction. He believes he is already a Christian in the sense that he loves Jesus Christ and follows him, but he would like to be able to follow him better. If he can show the speaker why the Trinity concept is inconsistent, he would be willing to change his mind.

Full transcript with timestamps: CLICK TO EXPAND

0:00:00 frankly the morality of question I think
0:00:01 that question should be asked your
0:00:02 priests with themselves and understand
0:00:04 it that's all you had modeless and five
0:00:05 sizes and different it with the
0:00:08 approximate no no one disagreed also
0:00:10 hate no one realized you have sex to be
0:00:12 the owner to criticize you your primary
0:00:14 discreet as well but no one disagrees
0:00:16 there is no limitations of the Bible
0:00:18 because I listen this is why me you
0:00:20 supervise them I'm saying you've said
0:00:22 about a different sect of Islam
0:00:24 look at what your for suppose what you
0:00:27 my question to you was simple yeah and I
0:00:29 want you to answer my question I'm
0:00:30 saying to you look we've got three
0:00:33 possibilities
0:00:33 it was previously relieved and innocent
0:00:36 I don't feel impression is this is a
0:00:37 father quick serve either it since the
0:00:39 father the ultimate creates or both
0:00:41 exists yes or no
0:00:44 Yoshio defined you're making like it
0:00:46 doesn't run it is the father bill such a
0:00:49 solemn ask you this is our questioning
0:00:51 you it's a father frame of the question
0:00:53 yeah which you become confused by the
0:00:55 way you frame the question why argue it
0:00:57 we argue and you know answer my question
0:00:59 if your people are realizing that
0:01:00 nothing else your wife is because
0:01:05 philosophers and restricted line is the
0:01:11 crater crash is the father the creator
0:01:13 you know the question fundamentally
0:01:14 wrong really understand the Christian
0:01:17 constables go I'm just asking is a
0:01:19 fundraiser on chronic say that's a super
0:01:21 father come Holy Spirit that he's the
0:01:24 traitor who the father horizontal
0:01:26 between goes the grip now I'm just
0:01:28 asking you now let me let me with your
0:01:30 journey the Trinity has three different
0:01:32 part yeah not on okay three different
0:01:35 persons I saw it I apologize I put my my
0:01:37 mistake my mistake my mistake Monica
0:01:39 very promising research okay fine like
0:01:42 which is fine fine I retracted it I
0:01:45 retracted it I'm sorry I'm late okay you
0:01:49 must get it right all right now Peter
0:01:51 Fonda that's one person else did the
0:01:53 father
0:01:54 solely and ultimately create universes
0:01:56 on earth or creating the world
0:01:58 the father cylinder
0:02:01 laughing mr. popper this is becoming a
0:02:04 spectacle but you want to sail
0:02:07 especially with Genesis in Genesis 1:1
0:02:11 it's only we don't want let the public
0:02:13 see for yourself okay let's go by myself
0:02:15 according to the Bible here's a fully
0:02:17 holy search he's probably going to be a
0:02:19 bishop yes yes let us make man in our
0:02:22 image but my issue here is this Jesus
0:02:25 fine but we did Jesus Christ for crater
0:02:28 and I know you know you don't believe it
0:02:30 you can't you can't seriously listen
0:02:32 this and Roger I know you see the
0:02:34 contradiction you interrupted me yes I'm
0:02:37 sorry buddy I'm sorry I sick dog I think
0:02:40 the problem is what you're doing right
0:02:41 now you're going to pray for a frame of
0:02:43 honor and the way you want I'm asking up
0:02:44 some parsley and it's a fair question
0:02:47 I'm sure they'd all be honest with
0:02:49 yourself yes let the Bible speak
0:02:50 I'm being honest I'm asking is this a
0:02:53 fair question did the father create the
0:02:55 universe yes or no with a fellow with a
0:02:57 son Holy Spirit era there's a father so
0:02:59 neat no no no no no my question and the
0:03:02 holy supply power did the father create
0:03:12 the universe only harmonious our son
0:03:15 Holy Spirit create the universe I'm
0:03:16 asking you about the father once Oh Lord
0:03:19 father son Holy Spirit so no daughters
0:03:22 oh great so there are so your answer is
0:03:24 no then God in himself
0:03:26 now this for the father by himself is
0:03:28 not cleaning responsibility okay
0:03:30 the father is an entity is a person yeah
0:03:34 okay so I can research you the father
0:03:36 specifically yes okay I'm asking your
0:03:40 question just about the father I'm
0:03:42 asking did the father create the
0:03:45 universe yes or no it's such an easy
0:03:47 question I can't believe that we do this
0:03:49 the problem is getting on a species is
0:03:54 contrasting cause it's once you sound
0:03:56 like a politician my mind like a very
0:03:59 fancy
0:04:01 Julian tonight you want you want a
0:04:03 hooker you're right a question I'm
0:04:05 trying to teach you something I say look
0:04:06 don't try am I not allowed according to
0:04:10 the Trinity your understanding of the
0:04:11 Constitution - yeah
0:04:13 am I not allowed to make specific
0:04:15 references so I also have the three
0:04:18 entities of the tourney am I not allowed
0:04:20 to do that but you understand how the
0:04:21 Bible talks about Thor what is one okay
0:04:24 fine fine every first year hisses you
0:04:26 can't separate the father the father
0:04:28 make you puke on Wednesday we'll make
0:04:31 sure so I can talk about the fun one so
0:04:32 we can talk about I'm trying to say your
0:04:34 question is why do you need to
0:04:38 understand how project within the Bible
0:04:39 and why this report with this behavior
0:04:41 stops one yes I clearly see that Jesus
0:04:44 Christ is worship before him jealous God
0:04:46 the particle a master yes of course the
0:04:48 part is called for the sons of God it
0:04:51 said that the Sun for the world going
0:04:52 back to our previous open
0:04:53 nobody's various sports that we
0:04:55 apprentice well what about occupy you
0:04:57 see you're asking because they kind of
0:04:58 look at the understand in the Bible to
0:05:00 say an agreement abilities review
0:05:03 Keeley's Elohim prefer listen listen
0:05:05 listen listen listen my question is it's
0:05:07 a misdemeanor and real it can be look at
0:05:10 me
0:05:10 Andrew it says I'm not the Moblin mind
0:05:12 games I'm asking you straight forward
0:05:15 person now let me ask you a question did
0:05:17 the Holy Spirit clear the universe the
0:05:19 Jesus Prayer universe did the power pity
0:05:21 of us okay now if I say to you look if
0:05:25 they all clear the universe has the Holy
0:05:27 Spirit go on independent will it doesn't
0:05:30 have an independent will Jesus will have
0:05:32 an independent real the father of
0:05:33 non-violent offender will will okay all
0:05:38 right what so Jesus can't make decisions
0:05:41 one of us is when you but you see he
0:05:43 discussed our great teachers had praise
0:05:45 to the Father
0:05:46 it is my Lord and my god it says because
0:05:49 I'm very clearly when you buddy prayed
0:05:51 or have independent will explain yes
0:05:54 because if they have one one will do
0:05:57 knowledge they don't have a dependable
0:05:58 it's God's will you call it
0:06:00 okay now this is so good would you agree
0:06:03 decision sir would you agree that his
0:06:06 people power/power the PhD students to
0:06:09 come to earth ironically would you agree
0:06:10 with this way which means a little
0:06:12 awesome
0:06:13 has Jesus going independent will he said
0:06:16 no I said does the father have an
0:06:18 independent way to know such as always
0:06:20 to have an independent way to know is
0:06:21 that your understanding of the tree okay
0:06:23 so well you have to say when you're
0:06:24 talking about the will make sure not
0:06:26 human village Jesus not I'm talking look
0:06:29 for example here with the father that
0:06:31 I'm just ocular straightforward question
0:06:33 independent means that there's no other
0:06:35 into the interdependent agencies I'm
0:06:37 just saying as a father have an
0:06:38 independent will or an interdependent
0:06:41 world
0:06:41 that's what person I'm sorry so the
0:06:43 father does not have an independent rule
0:06:44 no okay so the father I cannot make a
0:06:47 decision
0:06:48 this is such a this is presently there
0:06:51 are other can I think the father cannot
0:06:52 make a decision unless you have a two
0:06:54 agencies agree yeah okay let's do this
0:06:57 it's we're going to go back to the
0:06:59 scripture when it's talking about the
0:07:00 winnable yeah and whatever son yes what
0:07:03 we normally understand what I price in
0:07:04 the human a cartoon so you have a bill
0:07:08 in this provide confidence up here yeah
0:07:10 so here in the to nature yeah this by
0:07:12 nature the atom one will be human nature
0:07:14 got another way okay now I want to ask
0:07:16 you for a question this is so important
0:07:18 it is on board so forth are you saying
0:07:22 independency means you're not
0:07:24 independent it's definitely the weather
0:07:26 in every Rosa my question here today is
0:07:29 so the father cannot make a decision
0:07:31 unless the Holy Spirit and Jesus
0:07:34 approves this decision yes whether from
0:07:37 under public using all the second okay
0:07:40 okay all right you have to then first be
0:07:45 same because the Father Son Holy Spirit
0:07:47 are perfectly good all right that means
0:07:49 that they will automatically follow the
0:07:51 same wills together no no okay so there
0:07:54 will never be a classroom Jake I know
0:07:56 your question is non-sensitive
0:07:58 you know it's not the same as complete
0:08:01 one second one second go ahead sir to
0:08:03 sing the Son and the spirit yes it's
0:08:05 through agree to something yes then you
0:08:07 are presupposing that they could
0:08:09 disagree
0:08:09 none of our because not presuppose that
0:08:11 let's ignore pieces I'm in agreement no
0:08:14 no no but that means that they have to
0:08:15 be the plan oh no no no no I'm saying it
0:08:17 no no no I want to share Bella it's one
0:08:20 thing you got the Father Son Holy Spirit
0:08:21 yeah you're saying that the father it's
0:08:25 not possible for the father to come to
0:08:26 an independent will that they have to be
0:08:28 independent interdependent with the Holy
0:08:30 Spirit and the son yeah
0:08:33 okay this suggests this suggests a
0:08:37 compromise between the three the three
0:08:39 different wheels so in other words all
0:08:41 three agencies all three entities have
0:08:44 come together and one of the two ways
0:08:47 and have come to basically they've
0:08:49 unified will I'll tell you one of the
0:08:51 two ways runway is that one will force
0:08:56 the other two wills to be subordinated
0:08:57 to them which obviously you don't agree
0:08:59 without considering yeah that's the
0:09:00 coordination isn't the other the other
0:09:03 possibility is that they were forced
0:09:05 into a democratic type compromise so
0:09:07 they came together the world came
0:09:09 together literally like in they're doing
0:09:10 the house of parliament and the settlers
0:09:12 okay let's make sure that we agree on
0:09:14 every single thing and therefore the
0:09:17 compromise was made between all three
0:09:19 wheels is that correct
0:09:20 okay so I'll say it depends what you
0:09:22 mean by subordination of them yes you
0:09:23 can hold two functional simulation okay
0:09:26 which is saying that there is
0:09:27 subordination in their relations okay
0:09:29 we're not in their essence so there is
0:09:31 not an ontological subordination
0:09:33 so our giving example arianism here
0:09:36 saying that the father and the son had
0:09:38 differences in their head yes in their
0:09:40 ontology yes so that's why the Sun was
0:09:42 I'm subordinate to the father and that
0:09:44 was a problem that was a half thousand
0:09:46 register while in the Trinity there's
0:09:48 always been understood that there is a
0:09:49 functionals of automation
0:09:50 okay so who's the fella doc yeah there
0:09:52 is a relational hierarchy in the Trinity
0:09:55 a relation while not one of essence
0:09:57 Western center because the father is the
0:09:59 one who generates your son the pergola
0:10:02 okay and the spirit is one who's spy
0:10:04 rated by the bar today Israel a nation I
0:10:07 rock we're not wanted okay the answer
0:10:11 was it I think I read that that's that's
0:10:15 what the learning yes just something
0:10:17 Joshua what people yes yeah sure Andrew
0:10:21 yep I've been going but I think I think
0:10:23 both of you don't understand what the
0:10:25 earlier thing no let me to go is so I
0:10:29 gave me an example so when you have an
0:10:32 ontological
0:10:33 okay differs between an SM betwee to
0:10:36 individualism okay you're saying that
0:10:37 one in their essence is less than the
0:10:39 other so a few minutes are forget it I
0:10:41 have an ontological difference with
0:10:43 another animal an animal is metal
0:10:46 simple okay or cat wasn't honest to suit
0:10:49 our agency so you're all your value is
0:10:51 higher than them you can't do that away
0:10:53 because that's why you don't going to
0:10:55 tell for you know very have to kill an
0:10:57 animal with something wrong okay but if
0:10:59 you look at a family that's right that's
0:11:01 based on like our religious respect it
0:11:02 was like eleven is the more the thing
0:11:04 okay what slice your dog on you and they
0:11:06 give argon yeah and I'm saying I'm
0:11:08 making a similar one so then if you're
0:11:10 looking at relational subordination yeah
0:11:12 you can see in less in a family family
0:11:15 unit yes okay I and my father are same
0:11:18 in essence there is no ontological you
0:11:20 know like the feminist I'm a human
0:11:22 either you are a human from that
0:11:24 perspective yes okay so when were you in
0:11:26 the dog are the same and essences or
0:11:27 then you want to I don't share the same
0:11:29 exercises or if you do I thought the
0:11:31 human no no no no no mmm no let me tell
0:11:34 me one another
0:11:35 yes so depends on which dog you're
0:11:37 talking about some humans are real those
0:11:39 are going back we're gonna say yeah
0:11:42 actually this is going back to this is
0:11:46 called taxonomy K all these are called
0:11:47 taxonomy or classification yeah they're
0:11:49 actually arbitrary someone has come
0:11:52 about and said look let us differentiate
0:11:55 between you and the dog on the basis we
0:11:59 need to go yell combat that's right
0:12:00 we'll carry on yes ma'am okay let's give
0:12:03 you and the dog are differentiated on
0:12:06 let's say all the species basis yeah
0:12:08 well if I came along and said you know
0:12:10 hold on I don't want you to be
0:12:12 differentiated from the dog let's say
0:12:14 any living creature any living creature
0:12:16 is one category anything that's
0:12:18 inanimate is another carry there for you
0:12:19 and the dog on the same category so so I
0:12:22 just am avoid you would still say that
0:12:24 that person is not a dog you can
0:12:27 distinguish because that's what I can
0:12:28 write because we label the dog in a
0:12:29 certain way I think because of the
0:12:31 properties of the human they say
0:12:32 rationality moral awareness the case
0:12:34 that dog does not have because the dog
0:12:36 does not have rationally I don't know we
0:12:38 will then say that there is a bigger
0:12:39 than ethic yeah it's just so much yeah I
0:12:41 answer so I can you see you out in
0:12:43 become like a here then when we go to
0:12:45 relational subordination here you can
0:12:47 then look to a family and say that a
0:12:49 father who will have the same properties
0:12:51 as another as their son or is a
0:12:53 population ality to make them a human
0:12:56 rocket to the real human being
0:12:58 okay yes but there is a relational
0:13:00 hierarchy in the family can unpack at
0:13:02 the father okay it's relationally some
0:13:05 superior to the Sun in or thing maybe
0:13:07 because they're the ones who pulled them
0:13:09 into being they're the source of every
0:13:10 so age the father bring Jesus into being
0:13:12 no I'm not talking about Trinity I'm
0:13:14 giving me I'm giving the example to Pam
0:13:15 oh yeah so you understand my time yes so
0:13:18 I'm saying that you can have relational
0:13:20 subordination a loop and you can have
0:13:22 ontological subordination in the Trinity
0:13:25 there is no ontological subordination
0:13:27 but there is one of a relational support
0:13:29 name okay so what are they so what that
0:13:30 relational sublimation is or entails is
0:13:33 that those in terms of functionality in
0:13:35 terms of functions and processes that
0:13:37 the father's is the highest Sofia yes
0:13:40 okay so then then then then it does make
0:13:43 sense for us to say the will is
0:13:44 independent what will its independent
0:13:47 while this was independent and it
0:13:49 trickles down why is it so you just said
0:13:51 they hit higher than do it yes so that
0:13:52 doesn't then presuppose that hackney it
0:13:55 will have the independent and not
0:13:56 incident no but his will is highest not
0:13:58 it depends how the Frog okay I'm a CEO
0:13:59 second is the Father's will them up so
0:14:01 is the father's will no illness well
0:14:06 let's just say is a more or less able to
0:14:10 be put into effect then the father the
0:14:13 Holy Spirit and the sons will she leave
0:14:15 us all I mean by that is that producing
0:14:17 is a hierarchical relationship relation
0:14:19 yeah Malaysia and you put the father at
0:14:21 the top of the hierarchy functional
0:14:22 functional yeah I'm not gonna buy it
0:14:24 biotin yes yes so from that perspective
0:14:26 that would suggest that we'll try put
0:14:29 hypothesizing here and saying in the
0:14:31 hypothesis under in the situation
0:14:33 whereby the world are different and
0:14:37 you're saying it's not possible what I'm
0:14:38 saying just for hypothesize wetherall's
0:14:40 are different the father's will would
0:14:41 would basically suppress yellow to us so
0:14:45 I'm saying they they all have three
0:14:47 wheels themselves but they are
0:14:49 interdependent there are three well it's
0:14:51 not one will that share they all have
0:14:53 free will
0:14:54 our interdependence now the father's one
0:14:57 unit up I'll give another example the
0:15:00 father we left yesterday audiences ideas
0:15:04 - well you said here they're
0:15:05 functionally the father's will is higher
0:15:07 than the other two that's what you said
0:15:09 no I said he I said you actually
0:15:12 relation I think I'm in the will of liar
0:15:15 okay so I guess okay this is coffee
0:15:19 after it's finished
0:15:19 why then we agree that's it so it's a
0:15:24 great way that suggestion the arc I
0:15:26 think I thought let me tell you the
0:15:27 implication on the application no no yes
0:15:29 no no no this is very it's not the
0:15:31 implication everything I was in this
0:15:33 plane is Pamela sorry I came in for my
0:15:35 argument I just want to put forward a
0:15:37 that this is not my argument as I own
0:15:39 the plan in chapter 23 verse night one
0:15:41 of the prime this is what expansion yeah
0:15:44 and look at the statute of that verse
0:15:46 it's a beautiful Lotus logically like
0:15:48 you like if you're saying that the will
0:15:51 of the Father
0:15:52 is higher than the other two will and he
0:15:54 functionally subordinates the other two
0:15:56 entities that suggest there is only one
0:15:59 true God why sure why because actually
0:16:01 the other two entities are not in fact
0:16:03 good they are subordinate to the other
0:16:05 entity so that's not true that's one God
0:16:08 there isn't - you have a problem then
0:16:09 the other two dollars and everything is
0:16:11 agent they're popping a point how it's
0:16:13 Lagos and groceries what makes some what
0:16:16 makes individual substance for its
0:16:18 possessing the divine property and as
0:16:20 there is no ontological subordination
0:16:21 ISM the father come notice there always
0:16:23 share the divine problem is okay nagging
0:16:25 layer the supposition
0:16:27 yes is also a portico so the father's
0:16:30 some of the Holy Spirit are not I'm
0:16:31 supposedly superbly okay can I'll go
0:16:34 second you know that means that the
0:16:36 father son no experience will have the
0:16:38 divine providence that makes them go
0:16:40 massive even if their relationship
0:16:41 doesn't like softly Josh awfully let me
0:16:44 also crush their cousin I'm learning
0:16:45 from you yes well let me complete look
0:16:47 because I'm trying to hopefully I'll
0:16:49 clear my doubt this is the most real
0:16:52 question right yes would you agree with
0:16:54 me that the fact that God is the
0:16:57 ultimate creator of the world and he's
0:16:59 also uh sustain and maintain of the
0:17:01 world our parties to divine attributes
0:17:03 and properties quit yet yes but it's a
0:17:05 non-essential
0:17:06 no no non essential I'm gonna know them
0:17:09 so your God doesn't need central al
0:17:12 rifai let me say it suburbia dig the
0:17:14 question of God create the universe
0:17:17 yes the fact I've got to God is the
0:17:20 ultimate creator of all that exists and
0:17:22 that God is the ultimate maintainable I
0:17:24 exist and I've got it's the ultimate
0:17:26 sustainer of all existence are these
0:17:28 divine attributes or not we are but and
0:17:30 non-essential so we must go so you need
0:17:33 to enjoy to have the minerals real good
0:17:34 yes okay then this is a problem arises
0:17:37 that's exactly the problem watchful yes
0:17:39 yes you contradict with your Testament
0:17:43 by the way okay I have to show you
0:17:44 sorry say no no no you project about
0:17:46 cakes let's just say let's forget by the
0:17:48 Old Testament yep now logically what
0:17:51 you've had to do and this is so amazing
0:17:53 well right it shows you a lie Lavinia
0:17:55 they show you the superiority of a sound
0:17:58 well I you should be able to prototype
0:18:00 you got a point
0:18:01 you know I'm telling you those anyway
0:18:03 Andrew Josh the imitator point just
0:18:09 listen to the play you have had to
0:18:12 resort you have had to resort to
0:18:16 redefining right means to be God in
0:18:20 order in order to get away from the fact
0:18:23 that there's one ultimate god that's
0:18:25 important that's all the other entities
0:18:26 have a limit in which explained why
0:18:29 meant by non-essential yes perfect so
0:18:31 there are certain attributes that make
0:18:33 God God
0:18:34 slacker like watches omnipotence
0:18:35 omniscience and perfect couldn't okay
0:18:37 hold on a second let me finish being the
0:18:39 creator Queen the creator sustainer of
0:18:41 the world is a non attention attribute
0:18:43 is there any case to by that I finished
0:18:45 my opinion you can technically huge
0:18:47 shipping logic I'm trying to show you
0:18:48 logic oh you do this vertically here
0:18:50 alright yes unless you are going to take
0:18:54 the creation itself has always existed
0:18:56 then that means that it must be a
0:18:58 non-essential action on a saucer tell me
0:19:01 wisely number two I decide to white you
0:19:03 agree with me that God has the ability
0:19:07 so for example forgive yes you'll agree
0:19:13 with me that God has the ability to get
0:19:15 sin yeah yeah yep to punish okay you to
0:19:19 love yes okay all right now were there
0:19:23 always people or entities that got to
0:19:26 punish well there always yes and NCS war
0:19:30 for all eternity
0:19:31 yeah all right so there was there was
0:19:34 not there was a time when it wasn't
0:19:36 something an object I've got to
0:19:39 basically punish her yes for the NCI
0:19:41 billing it he had the ability to punish
0:19:44 from day one so the fact that it's on
0:19:47 say no no I'm not saying it that how it
0:19:48 goes I'm just saying that there's a
0:19:51 there's a confusion here just because
0:19:53 further has the ability to do something
0:19:54 it doesn't mean the effect of that
0:19:56 ability has to be present now electrical
0:19:59 wire meant is a non-essential actually
0:20:01 because what the attribute you talk
0:20:02 about is omnipotence that's the ability
0:20:05 to perform an action so you'll see a
0:20:06 little more uninhibited is an essential
0:20:08 having that create and sustain of the
0:20:11 world was a knowledge center that really
0:20:12 yes really then you will have to say one
0:20:15 second being which is a present tense
0:20:17 thing being but create or sustain the
0:20:20 wire please living ability having we
0:20:21 looked in that significant part of my
0:20:24 heart
0:20:25 okay no problem woman oh no problem no
0:20:29 problem
0:20:29 but be here but being the creator
0:20:32 sustainer of the universe
0:20:33 yes is not on this okay wait open that
0:20:35 list let's come back there by the way
0:20:37 there's no text about yourself in the
0:20:38 Bible what's up my love you an
0:20:40 assignment it wasn't until another time
0:20:41 eight omnipotent damn yeah this is still
0:20:44 this is still part of the problem what
0:20:46 life omnipotent omnipotence here when
0:20:50 you have the ability and strength to
0:20:52 control everything operation yes
0:20:54 now according to your taxonomy according
0:20:57 to your classification according to your
0:20:59 categorization according to your word
0:21:01 you have said today that the basically
0:21:06 the father functionally
0:21:08 and there's a hierarchy it is a
0:21:09 functional hierarchy where the father's
0:21:11 disorder functional high road he said
0:21:13 that yeah okay that would suggest that
0:21:15 the other two entities are not equal
0:21:18 functionally to the Father
0:21:20 okay now in terms of omnipotence the
0:21:24 ability to do things this would rip and
0:21:27 still apply there so God's will God's
0:21:30 omnipotence or the fathers of the
0:21:32 paternity is higher the relative I could
0:21:35 you then conveyed reasons again by Chris
0:21:37 you're talking event ontological stages
0:21:39 which is their properties at the
0:21:41 gunrunner and the function function
0:21:42 those are functionally their relation to
0:21:45 each other
0:21:45 I'm a passionate know so don't explain
0:21:48 again why me
0:21:49 yes sir relationally they are different
0:21:52 ontologically they share the same
0:21:54 property the son sorry the father son
0:21:57 and spirit really on the problem
0:21:58 surprise they all say medicine no
0:22:01 because you're not understanding your
0:22:02 completeness you reach over I searched
0:22:03 what is this can you please be honest
0:22:05 with me otherwise you know I think I'm
0:22:07 pleased I like a good I know have you
0:22:09 studied philosophy really then your
0:22:10 London elevator
0:22:11 he's not even if I'm sure please be
0:22:13 honest with yourself as well and I'm
0:22:15 sorry to tell like that because I
0:22:16 believe that we're trying to square a
0:22:18 circle a Unitarian protocol if you
0:22:21 semaphore a Unitarian understanding of
0:22:24 God is in close here with Taha which is
0:22:28 fine and I mean being clear let me tell
0:22:30 you why because it's a powerful harpy's
0:22:31 one got just one gone but I think so
0:22:39 you'll understand one day
0:22:42 I'm the same so to answer our we said
0:22:45 are we doing it for the commoners
0:22:47 Mariana we cannot become traffic on
0:22:50 business so why I said it's in so here
0:22:52 for there to be one to one person is
0:22:54 because that one divine person would not
0:22:55 be perfectly good and perfect goodness
0:22:58 is an essential attributes of divinity
0:23:00 so it serves a Unitarian types of a
0:23:06 Unitarian process or unitary divine
0:23:08 partner yes okay we're not having
0:23:10 attributed couldn't you can only have
0:23:12 the attribute of or mystical omission
0:23:14 who will never have a confident okay -
0:23:17 I'll a okay okay unless there is enough
0:23:20 time to other the bundles that one thing
0:23:23 that perfume is interesting so it's a
0:23:28 buddy season no no no I'm not it I know
0:23:31 it's a have taken a Unitarian is
0:23:33 something polishing yes yes yes doesn't
0:23:35 mater Joshua Joshua can ask you what
0:23:37 Craig summarize what you're very correct
0:23:38 me okay is going to say where I'm
0:23:42 driving that's not like Andrew Andrew no
0:23:44 because you can't talk over them also so
0:23:47 just so doesn't confuse the situation
0:23:48 yes is what you're saying is I notice
0:23:51 about to be good
0:23:51 they need to be an object to which is
0:23:53 good too yes so we have a relation so
0:23:56 okay to say that's what your coachman is
0:23:58 yeah
0:23:58 so because God is good I understand
0:24:01 where he's coming from I understand one
0:24:02 thing he's saying and thought it's not
0:24:04 okay
0:24:05 sir tomorrow yes are exactly because the
0:24:07 exactly all right you know so we are
0:24:11 saying it in order for God to show
0:24:15 yes sir you're saying autofocus this is
0:24:19 the William Lane Craig argument no it's
0:24:21 actually comes yeah oh no no before it
0:24:23 starts which is tech vicked in the
0:24:24 levites California which is swim ban is
0:24:26 what actually the same again
0:24:28 all right not so much really think
0:24:29 that's do it be fired keep it on okay
0:24:31 okay good I know what you're saying
0:24:34 because this is important again logic
0:24:36 using logic now in order this person is
0:24:39 saying God is all good for those ages
0:24:41 not like you said there is love well so
0:24:43 perfectly clear perfectly good suffered
0:24:45 you laughing at
0:24:46 if that is the case he needs an object
0:24:48 to be good and loving to you have equal
0:24:49 safety tips okay so that's your little
0:24:51 contention let's say going back because
0:24:54 you admitted and you agreed with me
0:24:56 before that God has always had the
0:24:58 ability to punish people or mystical yes
0:25:00 yeah punished yeah he's being punishment
0:25:02 now is that's inclusive leader
0:25:04 omnipotent so was there any object that
0:25:07 he could punish you said no so there
0:25:09 you've contradicted yourself no you have
0:25:11 you definitely collage with yourself
0:25:13 like you have a hundred percent public
0:25:14 as you saw and if you say no I'm going
0:25:16 to start losing respect in I'll tell you
0:25:18 why okay so you know what because hey
0:25:22 show me show me why I wanted it yes of
0:25:24 course and then I'll show you an example
0:25:25 in are you've definitely contradicting
0:25:27 tell me why in the beginning you said
0:25:29 you have objects yeah you need you
0:25:32 agreed with the permits in order for you
0:25:33 to manifest for in order for you to have
0:25:35 the right of being labeled for example
0:25:39 is all rubbing or omnipotent you have to
0:25:42 have objects to which you are relevant
0:25:44 to of forget I equally about the motor
0:25:47 Allah but just just for the sake of
0:25:50 argument you have to have objects to
0:25:52 which your loving towards them you've
0:25:55 agreed with me that God has always had
0:25:56 the ability to punish I included before
0:25:59 ne creation existed
0:26:01 in order for you to maintain that
0:26:03 position you'd have to drop the fact
0:26:05 that they had to be an object there
0:26:06 because here they didn't have an object
0:26:09 to be did not have an object to punish
0:26:12 yeah you always had your ballot ability
0:26:14 to punish
0:26:15 so now either you're saying that God did
0:26:18 not have the ability to punish and they
0:26:21 only develop the ability later on or
0:26:23 you're saying that didn't need an object
0:26:25 to punish in order from Sam's ability
0:26:27 but that is how it is like it somehow is
0:26:29 what's making it before you conclude
0:26:30 yeah I give you two the two definitions
0:26:33 here family bitten all power power
0:26:36 unavailable a Muslim often are mainly
0:26:40 power does not have to be exercised for
0:26:43 being possessed goodness done
0:26:46 that's our now I one second I'll give
0:26:48 you an exam here okay I can be powerful
0:26:50 without ever exercising my power that's
0:26:52 false member logically it doesn't add
0:26:54 that has no medical that has been
0:26:56 terrific it wasn't erotic yes I can
0:26:59 possess a level of power without ever
0:27:01 utilizing my power
0:27:02 yes or hold on of course again yeah if
0:27:04 you're an area groom yes there are but
0:27:06 goodness is not the same right goodness
0:27:09 has the exercise I don't know don't
0:27:11 notice them how do you tell that person
0:27:12 is good there no no Metallica say that
0:27:14 person what no I'm taking on earth I'm
0:27:16 saying the New Orleans I want to take
0:27:18 you later
0:27:19 I think think you have a level four
0:27:21 quote I can tell why is that mean
0:27:23 and it's done now you fumble I can't say
0:27:27 he's good thing only unless an action
0:27:30 has been support that's alters why
0:27:32 that's also an amazing something they're
0:27:34 just like I just on I explained melanoma
0:27:37 Vitaly you make you've made something
0:27:38 you made a point let me make a racket
0:27:40 the point you've made is that this is
0:27:43 the work which is false dichotomy I've
0:27:45 seen in my life probably so long as I
0:27:47 think we're the Kings ahead of Maddux
0:27:48 was it well you're very good wasn't you
0:27:50 very good been the show man don't do
0:27:52 that I'm not analyze my arms oh just
0:27:54 what I really want you to cook analyze
0:27:55 then some are similar let me know you
0:27:58 all be sure I know it's slightly stop
0:27:59 okay
0:28:00 yes just okay fine okay if you feel like
0:28:04 I'm a bigger show man no but I'm sorry
0:28:08 and then you receive me a lemon lemon
0:28:11 lemon you put Mother Teresa in a room by
0:28:13 herself
0:28:14 yeah she's not good mouth ah how do you
0:28:18 know she liked his mother Teresa because
0:28:19 she took away her backside all of us no
0:28:22 no five now you can oh geez don't what I
0:28:25 just don't think that you can stop so
0:28:27 I'll let you finish something finish
0:28:28 something
0:28:28 okay then I'll say this is a ridiculous
0:28:31 argument say what you're saying that if
0:28:34 someone doesn't show what they have they
0:28:36 don't possess it that's what you're
0:28:37 saying so for example mother Teresa we
0:28:39 say Mother Teresa's good with proof
0:28:40 suppose English is good that she wasn't
0:28:42 a serial killer and her you know or
0:28:44 something either let's say mother Teresa
0:28:45 for hand a room by herself
0:28:46 yeah is she good you're saying we don't
0:28:49 know this is the most excuse me this is
0:28:52 the most advanced there's no ignorant of
0:28:54 logical fallacies now if you don't know
0:28:56 it's not a Google ignorance no it is we
0:28:58 stop so let me just finish my Gruen your
0:29:01 thing if you don't run something it
0:29:02 doesn't exist
0:29:03 no how exactly was a slam it what second
0:29:06 sock it means that you have an action
0:29:07 under my arms no defecate that's number
0:29:08 one that's what he said number one I
0:29:10 just wanted to make the point that this
0:29:12 man I've spoken to before right many
0:29:15 times before and to be honest with you
0:29:17 I've always seen him as more intelligent
0:29:19 than me I've also seen white I think the
0:29:22 truth he especially in matters of
0:29:24 Christianity he's a PhD almost a PhD
0:29:26 holder
0:29:27 he's very as you can see guys very
0:29:29 logically rounded trying his best I
0:29:32 promise you I apologies today what we
0:29:35 found is not that I'm a bad debate in
0:29:38 you that's no one we found yeah oh now
0:29:41 I'm more intelligent than you because
0:29:42 that's what something where sometimes
0:29:44 like accused often it you get people
0:29:46 that have low knowledge that have no
0:29:48 understanding and you're you're putting
0:29:50 them into the corner and you're asking
0:29:51 in what is different questions there
0:29:52 using all different jargon and they
0:29:54 don't know what you're talking about
0:29:55 here we've got someone who literally is
0:29:57 on the brink of being a Christian
0:29:59 scholar
0:29:59 okay and where I've been able to
0:30:02 hopefully show is that the concept of
0:30:05 the Trinity
0:30:06 biological perspective cannot be
0:30:08 justified its incoherent now I wanted to
0:30:11 end with this is because really I
0:30:12 respect you as a man and
0:30:14 conduct yourself is fantastic
0:30:16 competitive especially the date with
0:30:18 campus
0:30:19 you really are shining far yes listen
0:30:22 I'm saying if look from one welcome to a
0:30:24 Christian you're a shining star in terms
0:30:27 of Christian people promoting their
0:30:28 religion today I'm going to just cut to
0:30:31 the chase
0:30:31 okay listen you're a humble man goose
0:30:36 and simmer
0:30:37 I invite you directly now to the
0:30:40 religion of Islam I'm just doing it like
0:30:43 this right I'm just saying I'm going to
0:30:47 I want to be in communication with you I
0:30:48 want to talk to you I want to and then
0:30:51 just kind of like take you through what
0:30:53 we believe in our perspective for just a
0:30:55 few weeks I'm not saying convert now
0:30:56 since try a lot more things I'm saying
0:30:58 please I know you've looked into
0:31:00 Christianity in depth how we do
0:31:03 ourselves on humanity a service yeah we
0:31:06 exchanged numbers obviously we don't
0:31:07 want to give numbers and puzzle
0:31:09 private-public great intelligent if you
0:31:12 bring it now if you were me and i was
0:31:14 you i'd i wouldn't do as good as you're
0:31:16 doing actually to be honest I was not I
0:31:18 don't even know how you did it you made
0:31:21 it seem like you there was a nice but
0:31:22 I'm saying is if you are me now with my
0:31:25 arguments or what my religion I
0:31:27 personally believe that you will be one
0:31:30 of the most potent forces in theological
0:31:33 it is a place I must say finally
0:31:41 contract the see our place later three
0:31:44 all about your company policies will
0:31:47 change numbers how do you I'm you say
0:31:48 for educational process you can teach
0:31:50 the right for standing as well because I
0:31:51 learn a lot from you that sound alright
0:31:53 we can only speak air here we can't be
0:31:55 I'm a cop take one second one second is
0:31:58 the only reason reason one Christian
0:32:01 okay is because we can look at the
0:32:03 historical aspect here because the
0:32:05 resurrection for me grounds the failure
0:32:06 yeah so if you're able not now we don't
0:32:08 like over time I'm asleep
0:32:10 yes to show me why the resurrection okay
0:32:13 and not be accounted for historic yeah
0:32:15 then I can say a carnies question then
0:32:18 for me also philosophically I have
0:32:20 issues with the concept of God in the
0:32:22 slam pie but in Christianity in the
0:32:24 understand which are I literally so if
0:32:26 this thing's actually if these things
0:32:27 were solved if you'd reconsider your
0:32:29 position I was it
0:32:30 I'm always something I think it's so
0:32:31 important yet and whenever you are to
0:32:33 seek truth I like it I like it I like I
0:32:35 see it's a lesson but for me I'm
0:32:38 grounded on specific evidence that I
0:32:41 have I think you've got some respect
0:32:42 here with the Muslim okay and here's a
0:32:44 brilliant person sighs honestly I think
0:32:46 it's getting a lot respected with the
0:32:47 Muslim will definitely be in touch yes a
0:32:50 lot of course together what would you do
0:32:51 the same the thing is I'll be honest
0:32:54 with you yeah I'll be I want to be
0:32:55 totally honest with you the Trinity for
0:32:59 me okay I'm not talking about at the
0:33:01 philosophical level that we're talking
0:33:03 about it yes but at the base level it's
0:33:06 just something I can never accept why
0:33:09 it's just because of its apparent
0:33:11 contradiction now I personally believe
0:33:14 I'm already a Christian in the sense
0:33:16 that you know what's the sound like
0:33:17 what's his name zakir naik and we're
0:33:19 Christian in the Christian - and sighs
0:33:21 we love the Messiah we love Jesus Christ
0:33:24 until I mean we want to follow him
0:33:26 if you can help me follow Jesus better
0:33:29 I'm going to I'll do it
0:33:31 I thought I want to do so let's help
0:33:32 each other we can treat any I'll take
0:33:34 your number you take my number off
0:33:35 camera of course let's do this up oh you
0:33:39 know I I if I can show you why this
0:33:42 finishes what most reason I'd love you
0:33:44 I'd love you to me if I can show you why
0:33:46 project inconsistent yes then you know
0:33:49 what I'll jump up and down I'll throw
0:33:51 money around
0:33:52 oh yes there we are we have this
0:33:54 challenge three children okay why this
0:33:56 channel feel free to like you very local
0:33:57 make sure to get my number all right all
0:33:59 right make sure - yeah